privatejoker · 3 months
being a bookseller is all about doing a lot of unpaid labor and getting praised for it because you're doing something "good for humanity" and that will always be leveraged against you if you want to be paid fairly. because if you are doing something good for humanity it is easy for an evasive owner to make you feel like a selfish asshole for wanting to "do it for money" if ever you bring up the fact that booksellers are not paid enough to live. not being able to afford to pay your booksellers is not an excuse for a complete lack of transparency and communication. actually, resorting to emotional manipulation and stonewalling instead of being honest and letting a discussion happen about how we can make bookselling more *mutually* livable makes us feel like you'd rather squeeze profit out of us and protect whatever slice of the pie you have. almost like you fear we're just trying to take your money or something. this could be avoided, but you'd rather perpetuate what you fear.
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maypoleman1 · 9 months
1st January
New Year’s Day
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Source: The Book of Christmas, The Enchanted World, Time-Life Books
Today is New Year’s Day. There are many traditions associated with the bringing of good luck on 1st January, in the belief if good fortune greets you at the start of the year, it will stay with you for the full twelve months. The most well-known of these is first-footing, in which a tall dark male outsider enters the home soon after midnight, bearing coal, salt and cake, symbolising the warmth, wealth and food that the custom is supposed to bestow on the house. These gifts collectively were known as handsel. The first footer should always be well entertained by the household after having completed his task. Sometimes of course first-footing is not pre-planned. If a friendly neighbour wanders in to wish you a Happy New Year, and he or she is bearing nothing, a miserable year is in prospect.
In addition to customs bringing good fortune, there were others designed to drive out ill luck. In medieval times a ritual known as “rattling the town” took place in which a group of townsfolk, elaborately dressed and masked, would run through the streets, striking walls and doors with staves, so as to drive out the bad spirits of the old year and enable the community to start anew.
Another tradition that takes place today at Kirkwall, on Orkney, is a rough and tumble football match (the Ba’ Game) that takes place in front of the cathedral at Mercat Cross. It starts at 1pm but can last up to seven hours. The teams are divided into Uppies and Downies, signifying uptown and downtown, and the object of the game is to kick a cork-filled ball across one of the town boundaries by any means necessary. 120 players take part and Association Football rules are non-existent.
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ami-ven · 9 months
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Happy Handsel Monday!
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neilgaimansbff · 11 months
Roast Granny
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mask131 · 9 months
When talking about the French Père Noël, one has to evoke a variation of his that is NOT Saint Nicolas. I already evoked several times the various names of the Christmas gift-giver (Père Noël, Bonhomme Noël) and how he was tied to the gift-giver of the beginning of December (Saint Nicolas). But there was also a gift-giver at the end of the year... A gift giver of New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. Remember when I talked before of "Père Etrennes" or "Bonhomme Etrennes"? The "étrennes" are a French tradition whose closer English equivalent would be the word "handsel/hansel".
The étrennes were originally gifts that were given to friends, family and other next of kind at the beginning of January to celebrate New Year. Today the tradition has massively evolved - étrennes are given at the end of December rather than early January, it is money rather than gifts, and they are now a gesture of kindness destined to those employed by you or that work for the community (the fireman, the mailman, the housekeeper, the garbage collector...). But despite this evolution, "étrennes" stayed associated with an appreciative and kind giving gesture around New Year. And where there's gifts, there's a gift-giver...
This website presents us with this picture, a 1930s postcard, and says it could be the Père Fouettard... or the Père Janvier (Father January).
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In the French region of Bourgogne, there was no "Père Noël" or Father Christmas in the early 20th century: rather there was Father January, Père Janvier, who came around New Year to give the étrennes - the gifts. By the 1930s the tradition was still very strong, especially in the Morvan and the Nivernais - as well as in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais (Father January had moved to the North of France when in the mid 19th century a lot of people from the Morvan went to work in the mines there). And from the 1930s to the 1960s, in all those areas, there was a transition from Père Janvier to Père Noël, resulting in the children of those three decades to have the benefit of two mysterious supernatural benefactors coming at the end of the year... Before Père Janvier stopped coming by the 60s, definitively replaced by Père Noël (the Americanized one of course, remember post-50s Père Noël is just Santa Claus with a different name).
This other website goes into more details about the world of Père Janvier - or rather of Bonhomme Janvier (Old Man January/The January Man).
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Le Père Janvier, or Bonhomme Janvier, existed for a very long time in the tradition of the Berry region, before the Père Noël was even introduced. Not just in the Berry, but also in the Morvan and in all of Bourgogne - and even in many others areas of France! Lyon knew of him, the Haute Marne, Saône-et-Loire, Ardèche - they all had records of Father January, this white-bearded old man that brought gifts to children on the 1st of January. In the Berry region, the Père Janvier usually left sweets inside in their slippers for New Years Day, and on New Years Eve chimneys were carefully cleaned up so he could enter the house unsoiled.
And just like Saint Nicolas or Père Noël, Bonhomme Janvier ALSO was followed by Père Fouettard, with his wicker basket filled with "martinets" (beating/whipping tools for naughty children):
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While sometimes Bonhomme Janvier brought many toys or sweets (found in the children's shoes or "sabots" placed by the chimney), there was one tradition according to which Janvier only ever brought one item per person, not more - with sometimes a sweet or candy to accompany it (often it was a pipe made of sugar). Tradition claimed it was because Père Janvier hated greedy or gluttonous children - but more realistically, it was probably just a tale invented by poor families to justify the lack of gifts...
And of course, as Père Noël arrived in the 20th century, Bonhomme Janvier slowly faded away...
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yanderegrizzsworld · 1 year
Hi! Can you do a romantic Starline with a reader that enjoys randomly giving him gifts? Like flowers or random shiny stuff they have/find.
By the way, I really like the way you write <3
Imagine: Romantic Yandere Dr. Starline with a reader whose Love Language is Gift Giving
TW/CW: Implied Manipulation
You decide to bless him with a gift? Dr. Starline is almost always seen either studying arcane powers or conspiring on either Sonic or a random town/village, he'd probably seem to take pride in this fact as if the idea fuels this image of himself of a genius who only has time for his studies & progress. Yet all of that is thrown out the window the moment you present a bestowal in front of him, for him.
Whether the gift itself is either bought from a store or hand-made or something you've randomly found matters little to the platypus, what matters most to him is that you thought of him out on your daily routine & that thought alone raises his ego.
Dr. Starline makes it his personal mission to get you a gift in return, preferably hand-made & robotic, with a small touch of arcane powers in there to boost. He doesn't care if his gift can fit in your hand or can barely fit in your home, he'll explain the every single detail on it with such enthusiasm that it's to an almost contagious level.
He displays every gift you've given him in a room for his eyes only. The platypus sees no reason to show others what you've given him, the gifts were for him & therefore, are to only be seen by him. Though don't worry, he does take great care of the handsels, making sure they're cleaned/polished/dusted, especially if he knows you're coming over!
Dr. Starline doesn't get why you bestow others with your gifts, well- he does know why— he is a genius after all— but he regards your benevolence in gifts as a deed exclusive for him & him only. While he usually isn't one to be quiet about his likes & dislikes, he's intelligent enough to know that keeping his cool will give him the higher ground & so would wait until the individual(s) left & converse with you.
While the scientist values honesty & clear communications in your relationship with him, Starline is no stranger to withholding information to you as, in his eyes, it is beneficial to him the both of you. Sure, exhibits your courtesy can be a good thing & useful, but wouldn't it be better if you only sport your handsels to a singular person, like the Dr. Starline himself? With either guilt-tripping or with his charisma, Starline is sure to ensure that any future gifts come in only one direction & that's his.
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therehavebeenstranger · 10 months
i feel bad for people who dont feel welcome at their local comic book store but also idk what to tell them. me and my guy always yenta for half an hour. he handsells me weird indie shit. today he reminded me to follow my dreams. sorry you guys arent me i guess
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steinwayandhissons · 11 months
classical pieces with the car energy (shamelessly stealing this wonderful idea from @depressedraisin)
and yes these will the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking pieces of music so brace yourselves
gustav mahler - symphony no.3: finale (berlin philharmoniker, orchestra) -> (this literally makes me cry every time i listen to it without fail)
gabriel fauré - piano trio in d minor op.120: mvmt 1 (beaux arts trio, piano, violin, cello)
edvard grieg - piano sonata in e minor op.7: mvmt 2 (mikhail pletnev, piano)
maurice ravel - sonata for violin and cello: mvmt 3 (nigel kennedy, lynn harrell, violin, cello)
amy woodeford-finden - 4 indian love lyrics no.4: till i wake (ben johnson, voice, piano)
arnold schoenberg - verklärte nacht op.4 (ensemble intercontemporain, string sextet)
frank bridge - cello sonata: mvmt 1 (actually just the whole thing) (steven isserlis, connie shih, cello, piano)
ralph vaughan williams - on wenlock edge: clun (anthony rolfe johnson - tenor, graham johnson - piano, duke quartet - string quartet) -> (literally part of the lyrics - ‘tis sure small matter for wonder if sorrow is with one still. and if as a lad grows older the troubles he bears are more, he carries his griefs on a shoulder that handselled them long before. )
ignacy jan paderewski - miscellanea op.16 no.4: nocturne in b flat major (stephen hough, piano)
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tjalexandernyc · 1 year
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Obligatory B&N Preorder alert!!!!
Members get 25% off on preorders today thru Sept. 8. That's a big percent! And since SECOND CHANCES IN NEW PORT STEPHEN is coming out in December, it's part of the sale.
I didn't even know you could preorder books before I became an author, but NOW I'm very smart and attractive and understand that preorders are The Thing that helps authors the most. Wherever you preorder from, it sends a message both algorithmically and humanly to the bookstore that says "there are people in the world who literally cannot wait to give you money for this book that isn't even out yet."
That's a powerful message! That's the difference between my books being put on a high shelf where only 7ft tall readers can find them and being put on a sweet, sweet display table. It's the difference between my books being simply posted on a website and being featured in a Best Of list. It's the difference between a bookseller being aware of my books and handselling them like mad. So if you can, PLEASE PREORDER from wherever you buy books. And if you're a B&N girlie gender neutral, this promotion is a great excuse to get started.
You just have to be a B&N member (membership is free) and use code PREORDER25. If you're a Premium Member, which sounds fancy therefore I have no idea what it means, you get an extra 10% off.
Let me know what you've preordered for the fall season!!! I'd love to know.
[Image ID: slide one: me, a white nonbinary person with glasses, visible from the eyes up behind a stack of arcs.
slide two: a graphic with the B&N sale info, 25% off starts 9/6, ends on 9/8]
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offender42085 · 2 years
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Post 0487
Justyn Pennell, Florida inmate F21474, born 1998, incarceration intake in 2022 at age 24, sentenced to life without parole
Authorities say then 21-year-old Pennell was driving his PT Cruiser on Jan. 9, 2019 when he saw the victim walking alone on the side of the road. He passed the victim, then made a U-turn and intentionally drove his car toward 75-year-old Michael Pratt, according to investigators. The victim was an Army veteran and grandfather.
In an interview with police, Pennell said that the victim’s body stayed on the hood of his car following impact. After the victim fell off the vehicle, Pennell said he realized his brakes were not working. He maneuvered onto a street then came to rest against a pole. The 911 call originated only because his vehicle stopped working so close to the scene.
Pennell allegedly told authorities he planned to killed someone for months. He was charged with premeditated murder.
In March 2022, two years and two months after the killing, Pennell changed his plea to no contest to the charge against him, just as potential jurors gathered for jury selection. Judge Mary Handsel questioned him on whether the decision was voluntary and done with a clear head.
In response to if he has any mental or emotional illnesses, Pennell told the court he’s been diagnosed with Asperger’s, depression, and PTSD. He said he’d been recommended medication but was not taking any while at the jail. Despite the reported condition, he agreed not being medicated did not prohibit him from making a sound plea.
First-degree homicide in Florida carries a mandatory sentence of life. There is no parole opportunity for murder in Florida.
A critical motion filed by the defense requesting that Pennell’s autism and Asperger’s diagnoses be admitted at trial was denied, observers believe prompting the decision to plead out.
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creativewriting101 · 1 year
One-Word Prompts
Recently, I’ve been really liking the idea of one-word prompts, so here are some that I’ve seen and/or thought of that I liked:
Alembic - anything that transforms, purifies, or refines.
​​Alluvion - a gradual increase of land on a shore or a river bank by the action of water, whether from natural or artificial causes.
Arboreal - Of or relating to trees; treelike
Bel-esprit - a person of great wit or intellect.
Cause celebre - any controversy that attracts great public attention.
Cordate - heart-shaped.
Eidetic - of, relating to, or constituting visual imagery vividly experienced and readily reproducible with great accuracy and in great detail.
Fantast - A visionary or dreamer
Flocculent - like a clump or tuft of wool.
Paraselene - a bright moonlike spot on a lunar halo; a mock moon.
Lethologica - When you can’t think of the word for something
Mellifluous - A sound that’s pleasing and sweet to hear
Apricity - The warmth of the sun in winter
Retrouvailles - The happiness of meeting again after a long time of being apart
Antediluvian - very old, old-fashioned, or out of date; antiquated
Beneficence - the doing of good; active goodness or kindness; charity
Cryptomnesia - the phenomenon of not recognizing the return of an old memory as a product of memory, but instead regarding it as a new or original thought or idea.
Cupidity - Eager or excessive desire, especially to possess something; greed.
Foible - A minor weakness or failing of character; slight flaw or defect
Girandole - A rotating and radiating firework
Gul - a large octagonal design derived from the shape of a rose, a motif on rugs.
Handsel - a gift or token fore good luck or as an expression of good wishes, as at the beginning of the new year or when entering upon a new situation or enterprise
Humicolous - of or relating to organisms that live in or on soil.
Hydra - A persistent or many-sided problem that presents new obstacles as soon as one aspect is solved.
Infodemic - a massive amount of widely and rapidly circulating information about a particular crisis or controversial issue, consisting of a confusing combination of fact, falsehood, rumor, and opinion.
Integument - A natural covering, as a skin, shell, or rind
Jocular - given to, characterized by, intended for, or suited to be joking or jesting
Lachrymose - suggestive of or tending to cause tears; mournful
Limerence - the state of being obsessively infatuated with someone, usually accompanied by delusions of or a desire for an intense romantic relationship with that person.
Lunisolar - Pertaining to or based upon the relations or joint action of the moon and the sun
Meritocracy - A system in which a person’s progress is based on ability and talent rather than class privilege and wealth.
Neophyte - A beginner of novice
Nescience - Lack of knowledge; ignorance
Proceleusmatic - Inciting, animating, or inspiring
Pulchritudinous - Physically beautiful; comely
Qiviut - the soft, dense, light-brown woolly undercoat of the musk ox, used in making fabrics.
Sartorial - Of or relating to clothing or style or manner of dress
Satori - Sudden enlightenment
Saudade - A deep emotional state of melancholic longing for a person or thing that is absent
Sumpsimus - Adherence to or persistent in using a strictly correct term, holding to a precise practice, etc., as a rejection of an erroneous but more common form.
Sweven - A vision; dream
Tohubohu - Chaos, disorder, confusion
Uitwaaien - the Dutch practice of jogging or walking into the wind, especially in the winter, for the purpose of feeling invigorated while relieving stress and boosting one’s general health.
Vernal - Of or relating to Spring
Vibrissa - one of the stiff, bristly hairs growing about the mouth of certain animals, as a whisker of a cat.
Zeitgeist - The spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time
Amity - friendship; peaceful harmony.
Gazeetter - a geographical dictionary
Anamnesis - the recollection or remembrance of the past; reminiscence.
Ginkgo - a large shade tree native to China, having fan-shaped leaves and fleshy seeds with edible kernels.
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy Handsel Monday!
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“He who has a penny
Does surely have good luck
But, he who has a three penny
Is surely lucky enough”
My Lucky Irish 3 Penny with an Irish hare inside.
🍂Today, it be Handsel Monday. The first Monday of the year. They say Tis good luck to put a Penny or two in a child’s hand, they do say it brings the child good luck for the coming year..
Thoughts Written by Athey Thompson
Picture taken by Athey.🍂
Tales of the old Forest Faeries
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dykeiero · 2 years
btw if you ever see not the life it seems at a bookstore it means there is an absolute freak of an employee there. because that shit is only in one warehouse and you have to special order and handsell enough copies to keep it on the shelf
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bookandcantina · 2 years
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge // Feb 20 // LGBTQIA+
Patience & Esther by S.W. Searle - Copies of these showed up at work one day (I do the ordering, I don't know how they got there) and I'm glad they did because it's been a good handsell and easy to add with Romance buyers (which is across the same aisle)
Gender Queer: A Memoir by Maia Kobabe - I was only vaguely aware of this title before it made the news for banning and challenges, it flew off the shelves after that. Always happens.
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literaticat · 1 year
In using comps, does it matter if my protag is a boy and both my comps star female protags or vice versa??
I guess it depends if it makes sense or not. Bear in mind, comps are meant to give a hint as to the type of reader to whom this might appeal. So think about it like you are handselling in a bookstore.
If somebody came up to you, a bookseller, and said they were looking for a book with the vibes of THE HANDMAID'S TALE and THE POWER, a book that might make sense to give to them would be WHEN WOMEN WERE DRAGONS -- ALL those books are speculativeish/dystopianish alternate history stories (ie, set in a world much like our own but with a MAJOR difference in the timeline that has had repercussions) and are highly focused on women/patriarchy/rage. It would be kinda weird to give them a book about a dude -- because books about men+patriarchy+rage would probably be, I don't know, like FIGHT CLUB or something, which is clearly not the vibe.
If you were like, oh, well, you like things that are sorta SF-ish, so how about this, and handed them GOOD OMENS and THE HOUSE IN THE CERULEAN SEA or something, it also just wouldn't make sense.
(That person might also like GOOD OMENS -- but if they are in the mood for Women+Rage, it would be a jarring and inappropriate comparison and might even make them a bit annoyed - like READ THE ROOM, PAL, I WANTED AN ENRAGED WOMAN BOOK!!!)
So IF it makes sense and wouldn't be a jarring comparison, by all means, but I'd just go ahead and specify WHY it is a comp. Like if your book is heartwarming and queer science fiction, it would make sense to say "MYBOOK has the cozy feel and whimsical found family aspect of THE HOUSE IN THE CERULEAN SEA" -- that makes me immediately understand the tone -- I wouldn't think "but wait, this one has a girl protagonist, what the hell?" -- because you specified that it was the TONE you were comping, not the main character or the storyline or whatever.
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