dancingmusique · 2 months
Regarding The Acolyte finale scene when Qimir struggles to remove his helmet, Danielle Culpepper had this to say:
"There aren't any other variations. We always land with that, and when he touches that, it brings him to his knees, and he is lower than her because she has more power, and really struggling to take that off. What we did play with is what he is experiencing when he is inside of that space, and he did several different things. All felt right and all were motivated by something genuine with what his character is going through, what Manny [Jacinto] is bringing to it, and so it was an abundance of riches..."
Just a little reminder that Osha's that girl!
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rey-jake-therapist · 2 months
So I'm quite obsessed...
Disney Star Wars really said "We're gonna strip the villain off his clothes and make him vulnerable, make the female protagonist who holds the power look at his d*ck, not just once but several times, hen she'll attack him in anger and it'll be the most sexually charged scene there ever was in Star Wars"
I mean, was this inspired by Reylo, yeah, definitely.... But this episode was directed AND written by women and it SHOWS.
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Hanelle also directed episode 8 yesssss.... Can't wait.
(I see many former Reylos fear that it won't be a happy ending.... yeah of course it probably won't have a happy ending, unless Osha turns and runs with the Stranger. We know what happened to the Jedi Order, they didn't get more flexible, quite the opposite actually lol I'm worried for Mae and Osha... )
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wunderkammerett · 1 year
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womenofnoise · 1 year
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Sue Hanel - original guitarist of Swans
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windstir · 1 year
i like to think ciel and alois have experimented with makeup at some point, probably grell's, hannah doesn't seem to wear much other than the occasional purple lipstick (hideous, but i will spare her because she's kinda cute)
ciel enjoys more of a natural look, while alois loves glam looks (but in his day to day he would def wear a more natural one because he thinks he's gorgeous already, he just wants to enhance that beauty)
also they broke one of grell's blushes and ciel was banned from the house for 2 days (weekend)
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endless-oc-creations · 8 months
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💕Oc Valentines Day Challenge 2024 💕 Day Two: Second Chance Romance
For day two, we're looking at the one who got away but came back. This is a ship that was together at one point, broke up for some reason, and then decided to give their relationship another try.
"True love has a habit of coming back."
Hank and Joel were together for years, in secret despite certain family members knowing, and raising their daughter, Sarah, together. They, of course like other couples, had their share of couple problems but they always got through it together. But then everything changed, an outbreak happened, but worse of all they lost their daughter. Surviving the outbreak was nothing compared to trying to heal from the loss of their daughter. It was too much for the couple and they ended up leaving each other. But then, years later, Hank ends up reuniting with Joel, and the two end up getting back together thanks to a young girl named Ellie.
💕 Everything Taglist: @bravelittleflower @sunlitscribe​​​ @eddysocs @raith-way​​ @waterloou @decennia​​ @hiddenqveendom @aaronhotchstuff @foxesandmagic @nejires-hado  @asirensrage  @lucys-chen @arrthurpendragon @daughter-of-melpomene @thatmagickjuju @ginevrastilinski  @oneirataxia-girl @ginger-grimm💕
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the acolyte season 1 episode 6 "teach / corrupt" (2024) dir. hanelle culpepper
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turangalila · 9 months
Jean Hanelle of Cambrai (c.1380 - c.1436)
_ O Adonai (plainchant)
_ O Adonai domus Israel / Pictor eterne syderum
[I-Tn MS J.II.9 Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Torino, Italy]
_ O Adonay, et Dux domus Israel, / qui Moysi in igne flammae rubi apparuisti, / et ei in Sina legem dedisti: / veni ad redimendum nos in brachio extento.
_ O Adonay, domus Israel, / O dux, vere deus, Emanuel, / O tu creator cui Michael, / Assunt eque pius et Raphael, / In Syna fulvum qui transformasti / Candentem rubum, quem ostendisti / Esse te verum, atque dedisti / Moysi legem quem docuisti, / Brachium potens, fortis, ostende / Redime, fervens, firmus, intende / Ut liberemur igne gehenne, / Ne teneamur inde perenne. / O future libris propheticis, / Expectate dictis veridicis, Affirmate signis mirificis, / Tu sperate bonis almificis, / Iam tandem veni, manus extendens / Ad redimendum nos miserascens, / Aridam sitim undis extinguens, / Eleos guttis rite perungens.
Pictor eterne syderum, / Via, salus et veritas, / Qui prebes iter prosperum / His qui que vera trinitas / Rite fatentur, lilium, / Viola, rosa, probitas, / Ros, fides, spes, subsidium, / Cedrus, ignis et caritas, / Veni, succurre propere / In brachii potentia, / Fias redemtor libere / In promissi iusticia: / Nos liberabis onere / Quo gravamur astucia / Hostis antiqui colere; / Intendemus leticia. / O Israel Adonay / Te clamamus humiliter: / Veni de monte Sinay, / Leva luctantes iugiter.
Jean Hanelle – Cypriot Vespers. Maronite and Byzantine Chants, Motets and Plainchant
Graindelavoix. Björn Schmelzer
(Glossa – GCD P32112)
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excuteintruders · 1 year
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They are flirting <3
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grimesapologist · 4 months
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Sue Hanel of SWANS
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Margaret: Traveler, can you bring us back to Earth?
The Traveler, who just created a whole ass jungle paradise on this brick satellite, complete with sunlight and a lake and birds and stuff: Oh. Yes, of course. I can do that, if that's what you want. That's fine. No problem.
Anna: Y'all can go back if you want, this place rocks and I live here now. Look at all these PLANTS!!! I am going to study ALL OF THEM.
The Traveler: ...
The Traveler: 😊❤
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Finished The Acolyte
This is a solid series that presents a distinct and exciting take on the Star Wars universe. The story starts as Jedi procedural murder mystery and slowly shifts into a look at contrasting belief systems and how they affect their followers. The story uses a distinct point in the Star Wars timeline to do its own thing while still connecting to the wider universe when appropriate. The characters are given distinct personalities and they give an emotional weight to the series' twists.
The performances are very good and help establish the series' settings. Amandla Stenberg handles the dual leads well as she gives each role a distinct personality while showing the sisters' evolving relationship. Lee Jung-jae gives gravitas to the conflicted Jedi master and helps with the important twists. Charlie Barnett and Dafne Keen are fun as the two apprentices that join the investigation and each of them has some standout moment. Manny Jacinto has some great comedic moments but shows the character's added depths in unexpected and compelling ways. The supporting cast is very good, including nice turns from Jodie Turner-Smith, Rebecca Henderson, Dean-Charles Chaplin, Margarita Levieva, Abigail Thorn, and Carrie-Ann Moss.
The direction works with the series' larger scope and gives the character moments some intensity. The action scenes are excellent with the fight choreography and use of the various sci-fi weapons being inventive and building on other Star Wars elements. The series has some nice visuals that make the new planets standout while putting a fresh spin on familiar locations like Coruscant. The score makes great use of Star Wars' distinct sound and adds to the action scenes. This is a good show and among the better Star Wars Disney+ series.
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Max is on rbb 88.8 radio 100% Promi programme today (also a podcast), talking to Marion Hanel ❤️
*from rbb/marionhanel IG
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nerds-yearbook · 8 months
The Star Trek the Next Generation tv and movie franchise was continued when the first episode of Picard was aired on January 23, 2020. Chronologically the first episode was set in 2399 (29 years after the events of the end of STNG tv series, 20 years after the events in STNG Nemesis movie, and 14 years after Picard retired from Star Fleet). ("Remembrance", Star Trek Picard, TV Event)
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hanel9 · 1 year
مَنْ منّا مْتأكد من قابلية تحقيق حُلمهِ، مَنّ سيعوض هذا الامل الزائف اذا لم يتحقق ؟ "خيرة" تنجح دائماً في ذلك.
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monstersofsilence · 1 year
The Novice
"Oh no! Oh no! I'm late!" Lidian kept saying to herself, running through the city to get to her destination. Wanting to become the best upcoming mage as can be though, unfortunately, she tends to wake up late. Sometimes happens for her but she is determined. Maneuvering through crowds of people to get where she needs to be. She may sometimes be late, it doesn't stop her from wanting to learn.
She finally makes it to her destination, opening the door but noticed the lights have not turned on. "Uh... hello!" She called out. "Teach? Mister Grelotta?" Lidian walked around and noticed that it felt empty. Almost as if the person packed everything and left in a hurry. She remembered coming across the dusty knick knacks that would cause her to sneeze but her teacher insisting that they are magically imbued and not to touch them. She eventually sees a piece of paper taped onto the wall. She went to it, grabbing it off the wall and read it aloud.
"I know that you will come here and see this place is empty. Just coming out to say that I have scammed you along with countless others. However much money you gave me is long gone for I have skipped town. You idiots were easy to fool believing that magic is real..." The last sentence hurt Lidian to the core. "So... he was a fake?"
Tears were forming but she took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "N-No... No crying!" She says to herself. Lidian used the tape left on the wall, hanging the paper for whoever else comes by to see it and marched out of the building. "I am not giving up that easily! Magic is real... I just know it is! And I won't stop until I learn whatever I need to learn to make my ancestor proud!"
Lidian walked aimlessly through the city, lost in thought but more so speaking outloud, getting a few stares and raised eyebrows overhearing a girl talking to herself. "Okay... the guy turned out to be a fraud. Meaning all the money I gave him every week was... kinda my fault. That is okay. So if he is fraud, doesn't mean what he said about magic could be the truth. Right? Magic is definitely real! My ancestor was titled The Arch-Mage for a reason! Judt have to... start all over again finding another, and legit, teacher... And possibly convince them with however much sum of money to teach me... but... where can I find that kind of person..."
She stopped her self rambling and halted her aimless walk to see she had come across a cafe. Lidian had never been in one of these before. "Mystikal Cafe... huh. I guess I can try it out." Walking inside, she sees the lively scene of people talking amongst each other at their respective tables. The wallpaper colors of bright blues snd pinks made the place pop, feels welcoming.
The place seems to be mostly an all-female staff with waitresses garnering a maid outfit with one standing out to being more "out of uniform" with theirs not fully proper and gliding around on rollerblades. Lidian walks to one of the empty tables, taking a seat as the one waitress that stuck out like a sore thumb glided to her table. "Well, haaaaaylooo!" She says with a cheery voice. Up close she can see her hair blocking her left eye and notices some orange dye streaks on it which makes a lot of sense to her sticking out more. Possibly more of a punk style troll. "Welcome to the Mystikal Cafe and I will be your lovely waitress for today. Name's Anyssa Hanell and what might ya be getting today, missy? Might I recommend an espresso shot along with a velvet cake slice topped with some strawberry frostinng."
"U-Um... oh wow..." Lidian didn't expect to be put on the spot. She doesn't even know what wants nor what they have. What if she says a certain item and they don't actually have it? "Uh... d...- Um... Donut!" She finally made her decision.
"Just a donut?" Anyssa raised a brow, taking her notepad out and pen. "What kind? And do you want a drink? Latte? Hot coffee? Cappuccino?"
"Um... u-uh..." This girl is trying to test her. Lidian feels like she might explode. What kind of donuts do they have? This Anyssa girl didn't list them. Do they have chocolate? Powdered? Plain? They gotta have plain, right? A place that have donuts should always have plain donuts. " P... P-Plain! And just regular coffee!"
Anyssa raised s brow but eventually smiled. She can see that might've almost given the girl a panic attack by putting them on the spot. "Gotcha. Plain donut and a regular coffee coming right up." She wrote down the items along with the table number and was about glide to the front counter until she heard the girl to not go yet.
"Wait, please! I... wanted to ask some questions."
Anyssa stood where she was and slowly glided back to the their table. "Something wrong?"
"Well... okay... I am trying to learn magic. I went to a peraon that, who I thought, knew magic but uh... I just found out that he conned me... along with my money that I gave him... and I am looking for anyone... SOMEONE! I know it sounds crazy and stupid that magic might not be real or whatever but... I think it's real. My ancestor was a mage and I want to make her proud to be the best there is just like her. So... do you know anyone or have some leads that I can search out for?"
Anyssa carefully listened and smiled. "Pretty determined to wanting to learn this whole magic thing, huh? I'll be right back."
Lidian watches the girl glide away and see them talking to one of the other girls behind the counter, handing them her order and then seeing her going in the back. From there she merely looks down at the table, tapping her finger on it until she heard someone clearing their throat. Looking up, she sees a girl wearing the same maid uniform and having a side haircut. She was smiling at them. "I heard you are searching for teacher of magic?" She says. "Name's Merlee. Merlee Zodius."
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