cristianemagalhaes · 7 months
Ritos de Adeus – Hannah Kent
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Um ótimo livro que conta a história de uma mulher que foi a última a ser executada na Islândia, ou seja, é baseado em fatos reais, pesquisados pela autora profundamente, mas com toques de ficção, numa história muito bem contada sobre os dias em que a moça aguarda a sua execução numa fazenda da região onde foi criada. Seu contato com a família, que de início a encara como mera assassina, com o assessor espiritual que escolheu – um jovem reverendo assistente e como a história é contada para essas pessoas o transformam no livro emocionante e encantador.
“Quando o reverendo viu meu nome e a data de nascimento no livro da igreja, viu apenas a escrita e compreendeu apenas a data? Ou viu a névoa daquele dia e ouviu os corvos crocitando pelo cheiro de sangue? Ele imaginou meu nascimento como eu o imaginei? Minha mãe chorando, me apertando contra o calor grudento de sua pele. Evitando os olhares das mulheres de Flaga para as quais trabalhava, já sabendo que teria de partir e encontrar trabalho em outro lugar. Sabendo que nenhum fazendeiro iria contratar uma criada com um recém-nascido.”
“Ele (o reverendo) é tão gentil; estende os braços ao redor de mim, puxa meu corpo para perto dele, mas eu não o quero perto. Sua boca abre e fecha como um peixe, os ossos de seu rosto como facas sob a pele, mas não posso ajuda-lo, não sei o que ele quer. Aqueles que não estão sendo arrastados para a morte não podem entender como o coração fica duro e afiado, até se tornar um ninho de pedras, com apenas um ovo vazio dentro. Sou estéril, nada brotará mais de mim. Sou um peixe morto secando ao ar frio. Sou um pássaro morto na praia. Estou seca, não estou certa se vou sangrar quando eles me arrastarem para fora ao encontro do machado. Não, ainda estou quente, meu sangue ainda corre em minhas veias como o próprio vento, e sacode o ninho vazio e pergunta para onde todos os pássaros foram, para onde foram?
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steamylite · 6 months
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That HannaK bubbline drawing, but I redrew it differently :)
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minideathmagnet · 2 years
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Detective Conan Volume 16 Redraw { Hannak edition }
This is technically the second redraw of this cover because I wasn’t satisfied with the first
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videkma · 1 year
Ajjaj! Ezt jósolta Orbán jövőjéről a látnok új Baba Vanga
Ezt jósolja az új Baba Vanga 2023-ra – Tavaly Erzsébet királynő halálát is előre megmondta Az új Baba Vangaként beszélnek arról a 20 éves lányról, akinek tavaly 12 jóslat vált valóra, köztük Erzsébet királynő halála is. Hannak elárulta, mi minden történik 2023-ban. A TWN.hu tavaly augusztus közepén mutatta be azt a lányt, akit a világ akkorra már a több mint 20 éve elhunyt Baba Vanga-hoz…
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algofacomics · 4 years
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EX MAGAZINE, a curated @peowstudio project by Patrick Crotty, @olleforsslof and @wrenmcdonald !
3 issues, CyberPunk, Paranormal Romance and Dark Fantasy, with the most exciting artists doing comics right now. Literally all my favorite artists are in these.
Featuring work by: Al Gofa ☆ Choo ☆ Connor Willumsen ☆ Delfina Pérez Adán ☆ Freddy Carrasco ☆ Geov Chouteau ☆ Giannis Milonogiannis ☆ Hanna K ☆ Jake Terrell ☆ Jane Mai ☆ Jonathan Djob Nkondo ☆ Kelly K ☆ Leslie Hung ☆ Linnea Sterte ☆ Loïc Locatelli ☆ Luis Yang ☆ Michelle Kwon ☆ Mikkel Sommer ☆ Mushbuh ☆ Natasha Allegri ☆ Patrick Crotty ☆ Sophia Foster-Dimino ☆ Tarmasz ☆ Tonči Zonjić ☆ Valentin Seiche ☆ Wren McDonald ☆ Yon Lee
Go see the Kickstarter and contribute to the rise of a new genre of comic books!!! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/116981600/exmag-2020-subscription-from-peow
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dennispartridge · 6 years
Biography of Walter S. Tomlinson of Williams Center, Ohio
Biography of Walter S. Tomlinson of Williams Center, Ohio
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Walter S. Tomlinson, breeder of Holstein Friesians and a farmer upon an extensive scale, owns one of the best stock farms in Defiance County, which is located three-fourths of a mile southeast of Williams Center, Defiance County, Ohio. He was born at Bryan, Ohio, on June 16, 1843, a son of Giles…
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hoodwinkme · 5 years
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tumbacroft · 4 years
Roupas da Lara Croft para o dia a dia.
Já faz algum tempo que foram lançadas as roupas inspirada no jogo da nossa musa. Essa coleção foi feita lançada Her Universe, baseada em Shadow of Tomb Raider. 
Ela foi desenhada pela Hanna Kent, uma das vencendoras do Her Universe Fashion Show de 2016.
E ainda  está está na promoção no sites HerUniverse.com e HotTopic.com.
Vamos ficar em casa, mas com estilo.
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controlaria · 6 years
Clay: Eu tentei te esquecer, Hannah. Eu tentei tanto. E aí, eu penso em sentar na cobertura do Crestmont ou construir torres com caixas de doces...
Hannah: Ou divagar sobre zumbis, ou falar sobre Star Trek.
Clay: Mais Star Wars mas, às vezes, sobre Star Trek.
Hannah: Me acompanhar depois do trabalho ou almoçar juntos.
Clay: Ou te beijar. Não esqueço do nosso beijo. Acho que nunca fui tão feliz... Por uns 15 segundos... Eu daria tudo pra te beijar de novo.
Hannah: Mas você não pode. Nunca mais.
Clay: Então, por que você está aqui?
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askrossiel · 3 years
(Continued from here because gosh heck did I get carried away with that starter)
Aradir was so relieved to see her move and wake up that he could have cried. Instead, he was leaning over her, his hands shaking.
"Rossiel?" He asked, "e-Annen? L-look at me. Do- do you remember me?" She was wrapped in what seemed like hundreds of bandages; he had carried her over to the healers himself and demanded they tend to her first to the point where Uncle had had to almost drag him away to let them work.
“H... hannake,” she rasped.  Her throat was bitterly sore, as it always was if her voice drew upon an effort of spirit.  “It... it really is you.  I thought--” the threat of tears stung her eyes, “--I thought maybe I imagined you.  As a gift, perhaps, so Sneer-Face wouldn’t be my last sight.  But you’re here, and you’re real and I think I hurt too much to be dead.”
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veraliosa · 7 years
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fundgruber · 2 years
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Herbert Bergmann-Hannak: Deutsch-Sowjetische Freundschaft. 1985
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natebarros · 3 years
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Metamorfose ambulante; por chungha
crédito: pngs por Hannak do DeviantArt
Faça uma capa baseada em um plot de filme/série/anime/dorama que você considere péssimo e o torne interessante. // já me explicando kkk eu não acho péssimo essa música e muito menos o Raul Seixas, contudo me veio a ideia dessa capa e como eu não sou muito fã do artista, aproveitei para colocá-la no desafio, é isto rs.
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youhearstatic · 4 years
After her escape from Wonderland, Lucretia had drastically ramped up the creation of her organization. What had, before her foray into the Felicity Wilds, been an almost tongue in cheek ‘bureau’ was now precisely that. And after a construction phase faster than any would have thought possible, she’d assembled more than two dozen employees on the faux moon.
One of her newly named Seekers had been with the bureau for about a year now. He’d found two relics so far, not that either of them had been successfully retrieved before they ‘went off’ and another new cycle of travel and thrall had begun. He was, in fact, the one who’d predicted that cycle most accurately. By studying past relic related events and working backwards, he’d been able to build a sort of fingerprint for a few of the relics. 
The Gaia Sash, for example. When it decimated the Archipelago of Moonshae, two thousand, five hundred and twelve people had died. One of those, a young man named Shae Cordyne, had recently fled Korinn - a loose collective made up of hundreds of small islands that stretched north into the Trackless Sea. That area had been subject to pirate attacks for hundreds of years. But over the course of his studies, he was relatively certain that Shae Cordyne had come into possession of the sash after somehow acquiring it from a pirate who had shortly held claim on the thing after raiding a ship that had, he further believed, brought it from the site of the last devastation the relic had caused: the sinking of a large pleasure ship that had gone down in a freak storm that dozens of other nearby vessels had witnessed and been unaffected by.
He’d plotted the cyclic nature of the Gaia Sash backwards from there and felt he could trace it from it’s first known appearance on one of the Ruined Kingdoms of east Zakhara, where the island of Sahu was destroyed years earlier. Sahu had once been a central point in a major shipping lane, widely noted for the Colossus of Uruk that served as a sort of lighthouse. Now the only thing at all recognizable on the completely overgrown location was the looming, vegetation covered shape of that once great statue.
The Gaia Sash had the most regularly occurring activity of any of the things. Or at least of the ones he’d been told about. He knew about the Gaia Sash, the Oculus, and the Philosopher’s Stone but he was certain there were more. There was one that hadn’t been active in a long time and awaited the resurfacing of that one with perhaps a bit too much eagerness. Simply because he was interested in the movements and transference of it, he’d quickly explain if anyone asked. All of the relics traveled and triggered in fascinating patterns, he thought.
The sash, though. That one had almost without exception had an ‘active phase’ as he called it within a few days of a solstice every time it had ‘activated.’
Which meant it was due for one soon. So he’d been following threads from its last use, which he believed was a blizzard that had wiped out the gold rush town of Hannak on the day after the summer solstice. It was hard to be sure what catastrophes were caused by the sash, of course. But the fact that a blizzard had happened in the middle of the desert during summer seemed to point to the relic.
So he was underslept and over caffeinated as he took a break to walk around and get some perspective after another dead end when he saw the sparkle of light near the doorway of the main administration building. He might have shrugged it off as something that Fantasy CostCo warlock was up to but sparkles didn’t seem Garfield’s style.
‘Magic’ Brian followed, his dark robes helping him blend into the shadows and his magic enhancing the fact, delighted by a mystery that didn’t require hours in the library going cross eyed reading some boring list of shipping manifests or immigration documents.
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ddr-reklame · 3 years
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Die Firma „Turn- und Sportgeräte Dietrich & Hannak" wurde 1834 gegründet und war unter anderem alleiniger Ausstatter der Olympischen Sommerspiele 1912 in Schweden. . Nach dem 2. Weltkrieg wurde die Firma im März 1950 zum "VEB Turn- und Sportgerätewerk Karl-Marx-Stadt“. Ab 1956 war das Unternehmen ständiger Ausstatter der seitdem regelmäßig stattfindenden Kinder- und Jugendspartakiaden, sowie der Turn- und Sportfeste in Leipzig. . Ende der 50er Jahre kam es durch Materialmangel zum immer stärkeren Rückgang der Produktion von Lederbällen und Boxhandschuhen. Auch die Produktion anderer Geräte war vom Mangel bestimmter Rohstoffe betroffen. So wurde die Produktpalette nicht nur nach der Entwicklung des Sports, sondern auch nach der jeweiligen Materialsituation umgestaltet. Ebenso wurden die verwendeten Materialien (z. B. Holz) durch Ersatzmaterialien (z. B. Metall) ausgetauscht. . Da es in den 50er Jahren zum Rechtsstreit über die Marke “Blizzard“ kam, stellte das Werk ab 1961 die Produkte unter der Marke „Fanal“ her. Der Betrieb nannte sich nun Sportgerätewerk Karl-Marx-Stadt „Fanal“. Dieser produzierte nun nicht mehr nur Turn- und Sportgeräte, sondern ab 1963 auch Kinderspielplatzgeräte. . 1966 kam es zur Umbenennung des Betriebes in „VEB Sportgerätewerk Karl-Marx-Stadt“ und die Produkte wurden bis 1970 unter der Marke „Turntex“ vertrieben. Ab 1970 produzierte man unter der Marke „Germina“, die nun wieder weltbekannt werden sollte, wie die ehemalige Marke „Blizzard“. Das Werk expandierte wieder und hatte 1977 nunmehr 14 Betriebe mit ca. 1000 Beschäftigten. . Ausgestattet wurden neben Turnhallen auch viele Einrichtungen des Leistungssports der DDR, wie das Zentralstadion in Leipzig, das Dynamozentrum in Schönhausen und weitere verschiedene Sportleistungszentren, Sportschulen und Trainingsstätten. Ebenso wurden die Europameisterschaften im Geräteturnen in Cottbus komplett mit Geräten der Marke „Germina“ ausgestattet. (via http://www.ag-sonnenberg-geschichte-in-chemnitz.de/Wissenswertes/Dietrich_und_Hannak.htm) . #Drehkalender #ewigerKalender #Turngeräte #Sportgeräte #KarlMarxStadt #turnen #Fanal #Germina #Turntex #Blizzard #Chemnitz #DDR #GDR #Ostalgie #EastGermany (hier: Chemnitz, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_rsZRBigjs/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hoodwinkme · 5 years
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