hanniebaeee · 2 months
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Boyfriend Jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: kissing
Genre: fluff
Summary: You wipe off his kiss absent mindedly, and he needs his revenge.
a/n: I'm a mess. I am crying, I have a headache and I'm panicking 😭
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Jeonghan was pouting. Seungcheol glanced at his best friend with narrowed eyes as they practiced. He seemed to get his moves wrong and his sour mood was actually irritating him. You on the other hand sat at one corner of the practice room, eyes fixed on your phone.
'Hannie, what happened?' Seungcheol asked as they took a break.
You heard this, and looked up, hoping to catch Jeonghan's eye, but he was stubbornly avoiding your gaze. Sighing you look back at your phone again.
This was just so stupid! All over something you did unintentionally that morning. You and Jeonghan were just leaving home and you were on the phone with your best friend, Jisoo. As you were talking, Jeonghan had leaned in and kissed you - and you, absent mindedly wiped it off. You really didn't mean to, this has never happened before.
But you froze right after you did it, seeing your boyfriend's face. He looked so hurt, you quickly hung up on your call and grabbed his hand.
'Hannie, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!' You said.
'Let go. I'm late for practice.' Jeonghan said, his voice firm, but sad.
'Baby, please don't be mad!' You pleaded. 'You know I won't ever-'
'But you did.' He said, getting into the car and waiting for you to get in.
You felt bad about it, but you apologized, and yet, he held on with his grudge.
'Hannie, baby, come on-'
'Leave it.'
'You're the one not letting go.'
'You keep bringing it up!'
'Because you're mad at me! You won't even talk to me!'
'I don't want to talk to someone who just wiped off my kiss like you don't like it!'
'Oh my God, Hannie! I said I was sorry!' You said, with a tinge of anger.
'Right. That fixes everything.' Jeonghan said, rolling his eyes.
'You know what. Fine. I did it on purpose. Ok? Are you happy?'
He just glared at you and remained silent, driving. You actually feel bad about getting mad at him. Jeonghan was sensitive about things like that.
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'Y/N! Do you want a donut?!' Vernon called from across the room and you nod, walking over to him.
'Dude, what happened? Why is he so upset?' Vernon asked, handing you a jammy donut.
'Nothing, just tired, I guess.' You say with a shrug, licking some jam off your fingers.
Meanwhile, Seungcheol tried his best to get his best friend to talk.
'Since when do you keep secrets from me?' He asked. 'Is it about Y/N? Did you two fight?'
'Hm.' Jeonghan said, his eyes set on you and Vernon. Why were you standing so close to Vernon?!
'Ok, be like that then. Don't tell me. At least don't let it mess up the practice, ok?' Seungcheol sighed, his eyes following Jeonghan's line of vision.
You were shaking your heading at Vernon.
'Seriously, it's nothing.' You said, feeling worse now.
Your heart pounded as you moved across the room, avoiding Jeonghan's glare. But you could feel his eyes drilling holes in the back of your head. You chewed on your donut, avoiding everyone's looks now.
Shouldn't have come today, you thought.
Practice continued for another hour and as soon as Seungcheol said they could stop, all the boys began preparations to leave. You were on your feet quickly, planning to slip away unnoticed. You could just wait for Jeonghan in the car.
Just as you passed Jeonghan, he grabbed the back of your t-shirt, spinning you around to face him. His eyes blazed with anger and it genuinely frightened you.
'Hannie, what are you-' You didn't finish that sentence because he just pulled you closer and kissed you. His lips catching your bottom lip and sucking on it. You just held on to his arms, eyes wide and completely shocked.
Everyone stood watching, surprised for a moment, then came the laughter and the whistling.
When he finally pulled away, he kept his face just inches away, his eyes locked with yours.
'Go ahead, wipe it off.' he dared you, breathing heavily.
You just stood there, stunned and speechless, unable to move. Your cheeks and neck and ears were all flaming hot and you just buried your head in his chest, embarrassed.
'Hannieee!' You whined, and he wrapped his arms around you, a little chuckle escaping his lips.
'I knew something was up with you two!' Mingyu teased, grinning from ear to ear.
Joshua just laughed, shaking his head.
Your cheeks were burning and your heart racing, as you look up at Jeonghan.
'Hannie, I really didn't mean to-' you began, but he just shook his head.
'I know baby, I'm sorry I overreacted.' Jeonghan said, smiling softly at you.
You hugged him and he held you tightly against his chest, shooing away the boys who were having a great show.
Seungcheol just rolled his eyes at you two, smiling as he made everyone leave.
'Let's go home ok?' Jeonghan said with a mischievous glint in his eyes. 'You have a lot of making up to do'.
You just laugh.
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aeracho · 6 months
Imagine hearing Jeonghan’s beautiful moan while you are fucking him because of how slut he is and how he can’t keep his hand on his side. He’s been flirting with this unknown girl while you are out of his side because you are talking privately with your friends, you noticed that Jeonghan has been touchy with the girl but she didn’t mind it…You ignore them thinking they will stop somehow but you are so done with the slutty giggle coming from the girl, you excuse yourself from your friends and went back to the two, you scoff trying to get their attention before raising one of your eyebrows “Having fun??” You asked but before Jeonghan could talk the girl replied with a confident “We are, why?? Are you jealous??”…You ignore the girl's reply and pull Jeonghan's wrist before walking outside the club and pushing him inside the car…Afterward, you can see and hear Jeonghan’s loud moan and squirming because you have been teasing him since you got inside the bedroom
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sk-soku · 5 months
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jeonghan bf imagines
pairing: jeonghan x fem! reader
warnings: fluff, kisses !!
• jeonghan who takes you on a sunset picnic
• jeonghan who sometimes take you to explore cafe's and stores
• jeonghan who is mostly lazy, so your dates are basically you and him cuddling and binge watching
• jeonghan who pays for everything you buy; touch something from the store. paid.
• jeonghan who took you to one of the most expensive restaurants for your anniversary
• jeonghan who his a menace when playing games w/ you
• jeonghan who teases you when with the members
• jeonghan who doesn't cheat on games when you play w/ him
• jeonghan who stares at your lips while talking
• jeonghan who lets you style his hair
• jeonghan who rants to you about work
• jeonghan who calls you before his performances
• jeonghan who kisses you every chance he gets
• jeonghan who tricks you to whistling so he can kiss you.
• jeonghan who loves you so much he bought 2 rings for you both handa for some reason.
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lilydaisylily · 5 months
I Love you (part 3)
Pairing: Choi Seungcheol x Y/N (reader)
Hi lovely readers! Here comes part 3 for this series and I really hope you'll enjoy it! If you have some spare time, would really appreciate it if you can hit like and repost this post so other reader can read it too! Love you lots!✨️
Do not copy. All right reserved.
Happy reading!✨️
🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋
Jessica fucking Thompson.
You knew that voice anywhere. The very voice that always there to take whatever it is that belongs to you, but always so fucking unlucky for every second of the time. Thank heavens for that.
"Y/N! What a coincident! What are you doing here?" Jessica ask you with a very annoying high pitch voice.
"Do I look like I'm here to cook, Jessica?" You swear she'll annoys you to death by just breathing.
"Aww, don't be like that! Looks like you hurt your hand with, let me think, umm like some kind of an acid accident? How unfortunate." A wicked glint flashes in Jessica's eyes as she eyeing your injury, gloating for your bad luck.
So she's the mastermind here. How predictable.
Sometimes you wonder how on earth does this stupid human being can live and kicking until today, unscattered and happy? Who in their right mind will casually admitting to their crime in broad daylight? You really don't know what kind of good deed she did in her past life to be blessed with this life that she have today.
On the other hand, being a sharp person that she is, Rebecca swiftly turn on her phone recording rightly after she noticed Jessica coming towards you a few second ago. She have this hunch that it will be worth it to record your conversation. Hence, the unofficial confession from the villain has been recorded successfully.
Taking your silent as a yes, Jessica continues to provoke your emotion, "Looks like I'm right, 'ey? Aww poor Y/N! Have you cried to Cheollie about this yet? Oh, wait! You guys are not together anymore, right? Oh my god, I am so sorry! Double boohoo for you, Y/N!"
Before you can even retort her, Jessica continue, "You know what Y/N, you better stop pestering Cheollie from now on because," she paused her word for a second as she look down on her stomach and caressing it gently before she carry on, "Well, because he's going to be the father to our child! I'm pregnant with Cheollie's child, Y/N! It's wonderful, isn't?" Armed with a lovely and gentle smile as her disguise, the bomb of a news that she throws at you makes your heart shattered completely, making you feel empty inside like a broken doll.
"What did you just say?" You can't help it but to question her again, as you're unwilling to believe the news you just heard.
"I'm pregnant with Cheollie's child, silly Y/N! Well, it's just been for like, 3 weeks old, but-" you cannot bring yourself to listen to the rest of her words as you cut her off with an emotionless 'congratulation' and make a bee-line towards your car outside the ER. Rebecca silently followed you out, not missing the evil, psycho grin from Jessica after you left.
"You've got the recording, right?" You asked Rebecca once you both boarding the car. "Yes, President. I'll settle this matter as soon as possible."
"Good. Make sure she reap a dozen of what she sow this time. I think I had enough of her antics in this life." You gave her your final sentence grudgingly while holding onto your injured hand.
"Boss, we found her. She just came out from AV Hospital after her appointment with an O&G specialist. We've looked into the system and found out that," a little hesitation coming from the other side of the line before gathering their courage to continue the report, "well, we discovered that Jessica is currently bearing a child, about 3 weeks old."
There you have it. The deathly report has been conveyed to the hell king and its only a matter of time for the hell to break loose.
"Find out who's the father is no matter the method and don't let this news spread, especially not to Y/N. If she come to realize this because of your incompetant, you know whats coming for you." Before Seungcheol got their acknowledgement on their new mission, his henchmen disclose the information he dreaded the most where you already knew the pregnancy news from none other than Jessica herself.
An eerie silence from Seungcheol's side makes them break into a very cold sweat.
All hell will break loose soon indeed.
"I can work anywhere I want, right? Right Becca?" Your ride from the hospital has been masked with a serene silence until you broke it by asking the question out of the blue.
"Of course, President. Wherever you are, I'll tag along and do my best to assist you." Determined to stay by your side, Rebecca will go anywhere with you as long as you bring her along. That's her promise when she started her service in your company.
"No, Becca. I need you to stay here, to keep all the staff in check for me. I won't be out for long, maybe a couple of months, or maybe a year, top." Smiling, you carry on with your words, "I think my heart needs some healing I never knew I needed, Becca. And its definitely not here." A stream of tears gushing out from your eyes as you can't seem to hold back your sadness any longer. Rebecca can't help it but to engulfed you into the tighest hug ever as a way to console you, even for a little while.
You asked the driver to drop you off at Mingyu's house and once again, you can't keep your tears in when he's already standing tall on his yard, barefoot and looking anxious while waiting for you. He streched his long legs towards your side and give you a big bear hug that you deserve. Rebecca bow respectfully to you both and quietly leave you with Mingyu as she knew you are in good hands.
After Mingyu heard the shocking revelation from you, he can't help but to narrated a long, colourful curses to both Seungcheol and Jessica for doing this to you.
"I swear I'll give them a piece of my mind when we meet up. Gosh, this is so frustrating! What's in his mind that he have the heart to treat you like this?!" Said Mingyu while angrily chopping poor potatoes and tomatoes to make you some of your favourite hot soup of his. His cooking has never ceased to amaze you and you love every single thing about it.
You both take your seat at the dining table once Mingyu finished his cooking. Gosh, his cooking definitely a precious gift from the heaven. "Gyu, may I ask you a favour?" You meekly asked Mingyu about the decision you've made this afternoon. Mingyu put down his spoon to give you his full attention and motioning you to continue.
"I want to go somewhere far away from here. A place where Seungcheol can't find me eventhough he might not and I know you're the only one who can outsmart him on this, well maybe Jeonghan too. Will you help me?" Taking your uninjured hand in his, he agreed readily to your request and he already got some place in mind that he'll share with you later. You thank him for always be there for you before you both heard the door bell ringing.
Bethany and Wonwoo both engulfed you in a tight group hug, well, with a carefully hugging session of course, to avoid any more injury there is.
"I wish I could just chop both of that bitch's hand! Why is she not changing at all? After all these years and she's still playing this snatching game? What a loser!" Bethany can't contain her anger as she stabbed the poor potato in her soup bowl.
"Actually, I just have this one speculation on my mind after the day we found out about your breakup with Seungcheol hyung." All eyes and ears are on Wonwoo and he continue his theory after he got the attention he need.
"I just don't understand why Seungcheol hyung suddenly acted this way. Like, we all knew him for a long time even before you two started dating, right? He's not someone whom will cheat on his partner no matter how short the relationship last between them. Look, I know people can change anytime but old habit die hard, right? So my conclusion here is, I think what is currently going on between the two of you and that bitch Jessica might not be 100% of Seungcheol hyung's fault. Something more might be behind it than the one that meets the eye."
Quietness engulfed everyone in the dining room with all eyes on Wonwoo, feeling both amazed and shocked. Hence, Bethany decided to fill it with her witty remark.
"Wow. I never knew you can speak that long, Wonu-ya. That's a very suprising fact about you that I've learn today. Maybe we can give you some more brain exercise for you to think rather than letting your brain to rot with all those games that you played."
Loud laughter erupted throughout the house and Wonwoo just smile shyly while eating his soup.
"Well, Wonu does have a point there. But no worries. I'll help you investigate this matter while you're resting, love. I might also deliver Seungcheol hyung a punch or two as an early payment." Another laughter erupted and it's caused by Mingyu this time.
After some movie marathon and a few bowl of popcorn, you all decided to retire for the night and retreat to Mingyu's guest room upstairs.
"Have you inform your parents about your upcoming departure?" Beth cuddles you on the bed.
"Not yet. Maybe tomorrow. I guess they'll be cool about it, right?" Your parents is not strict, but they do appreciate it if you and your brother update them about your life every now and then. They did sent their own men to guard you from afar but, hearing from you personally is much better.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/N. Seungcheol has been comfortable long enough that he forgot to cherish you the way you should be. For now, just focus on your own healing and let the past stays in the past. The truth will come out eventually and all we have to do now is to wait." Bethany stroke your hair gently and soon you both slowly drift into your own dreamland, feeling safe and sound in each others arm.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
That is all for part 3 of I Love You.
I don't know if you like them but feel free to your two cent in the comment so I can improve my future writing🫶
Thank you for reading, my lovelies and we'll see each other in the next chapter!^^
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the8ofstars · 2 months
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im dead.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
will you know what these words mean and without using google translate and without asking someone?
Avant toi, je n'avais rien Avant toi, on n'm'a pas montré le chemin Je sais, le ciel ne m'en veut pas D'avoir posé les yeux sur toi Avant toi, on n'm'a pas montré le chemin
little extra, I like to slip song lyrics into my friends' inboxes ;)
before you, i had nothing
before you, one did not show me the [chemin]
i know, the sky does not want me there
to have (posed??) eyes on you
before you, one did not show me the [chemin]
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wqnwoos · 1 year
hana, just checking you out. how are you?
HIII i’m doing good!! v busy today and v upset that i am not at the seventeen concert (or able to watch it online) </3
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wheeboo · 1 year
"Just leave them there, I'll take a look later. You can take your leave." Jeonghan doesn't bother to look at you while he talks to you, too focused on his work.
You let out a long sigh while slumping dramatically on the couch placed against the wall to the left of his office. The workload that awaits you at your studio is gigantic with the new project that you plan to launch in five months but you don't want to leave empty-handed, you want to be sure that he has signed those papers.
"To be completely honest, I'm not leaving here until you sign those contracts." you declare, crossing your arms and legs, staring him defiantly.
it's just a little dialogue, a small part of the big fic i'm preparing, probably the longest oneshot i'll write so far. But I don't know what to write for what Jeonghan is going to say, knowing that he doesn't like mc. I'd like to keep the conversation catchy but the answers my mind offers me are all ridiculous or even totally rubbish.
hi ylli!
honestly what you have so far is rlly interesting! i love a good enemies to lovers if that's what you are going for. i'm not sure what the relationship between the mc and jeonghan is here, but it seems like jeonghan is some type of ceo perhaps?
anyway for the dialogue, i think it'd be cool to incorporate some of details of jeonghan's personality! like how he likes to tease or like "test" out people around him?
so after the mc says, "To be completely honest, I'm not leaving until you sign those contracts."
Jeonghan can be like, "Oh, yeah? Are you planning to hold me hostage here until I do so?" and basically getting under the mc's skin and making them pissed off and annoyed yk
then again it's your choice what you want to write! also i'm interested in this plot i hope you don't mind maybe sharing a bit of spoilers in the pms 👀 but if not its okay hehe :) lmk if you need any suggestions <3
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97-liners · 9 months
did you see the way coups said hanniehae and then giggled and slapped josh like some kind of high school boy asking his date to prom
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etherealyoungk · 1 year
I present to you...
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i'll come to you to say hello hehe
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ylliris HELLO!! thank you for coming and relieving me of my boredom haha. how are you, how is your day going??
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hannyoontify · 1 year
kie! how are you? I haven't heard from you for several days
hi ylli!! sorry, i've been kinda busy and i'm rlly slow with asks and dms 😭
i'm a bit busy but i'm doing good! (hence my absence the past couple days/weeks) i got a job recently so i've been a bit busy with that and summer workshops for band also started so my schedule's been a bit more busy that usual but it's good! and how abt you??
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hanniebaeee · 4 months
This man
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Best friend Jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: maybe a little swearing, kissing
Genre: idiots to lovers, fluff/suggestive MDNI
Summary: You've loved your best friend, Jeonghan, since forever. You're so obvious, but he's an idiot. The question is, are you an idiot too?
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You spot Jeonghan as soon as you step into the cafe. This was one of your most favorite cafes, so many good memories here. He was with Joshua (as usual). You and Jeonghan were best friends since primary school, and he found Joshua during his University years. Two best friends from two different times.
You wave hi and take off your coat, hanging it on the back of your chair before sitting down. Jeonghan looked at what you were wearing and smiled. Somehow you two had managed to dress similarly on one too many occasions. Today he wore a pastel green and white chequered shirt with light blue jeans, while you were dressed in a pastel green dress with little white daisies sprinkled on it.
'So, what was so important that I had to get here asap?' You ask.
'Were you busy?' Joshua asked. 'We could have met later.'
'I was working on something with Ver-' You were cut off by Jeonghan who was placing your order all of a sudden, very loudly.
He knew your regular order from here, so he ordered without even asking you. And you just stare at him (a little starstruck every time, but also with a stab of annoyance this time). Communication wasn't one of Jeonghan's strongest points and miscommunication, on the other hand, his natural self. You knew he was mad about something.
'So you were saying?' Joshua said, taking a sip of his coffee.
'Right. I was with VERNON.' You said, emphasising on your friend's name because you knew this made Jeonghan very jealous.
You didn't even know what it was about Vernon that got to Jeonghan so much. Vernon was one of the coolest people you've ever met. You felt lucky to be working with him since he always had the most creative ideas (and best snacks and the bestest cats!).
'Oh right, how's that new project going?' Joshua asked, ignoring Jeonghan's annoyed sighs.
'Really well!' You reply with a smile and you could sense Jeonghan's eyes bore holes into your head.
'What's the matter Jeonghan?' You ask, giving him an irritated look. 'What are you looking at me like that for?!'
'I'm waiting for you to stop gushing over Vernon for a minute' Jeonghan retorted.
'Yah! I wasn't gushing!' You snap, kicking him under the table.
'Oh real mature, Y/N' he grumbled kicking you back. But his shoe landed on your bare calf, making you gasp.
'That's my leg you idiot!' You say, glaring at him.
He looked to the side as you lift your leg from under the table. His expression changed immediately.
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' he cooed suddenly, bending down to run his hand over the skin. You feel butterflies in your tummy as his fingers touch your skin.
'It's alright.' You said, feeling the heat creep up your neck.
You sit up straight, only to see Joshua giving you a look.
'What?!' I mouthed to him and he just shook his head with a grin.
Jeonghan straightened as well and said 'You obviously enjoy spending time with him more than with me now.'
'Like you enjoy spending time with Joshua more than with me?' You tease back.
'I don't!' Jeonghan whined.
'Yah!' Joshua had a funny frown on his face.
'Stop bullying me now!' Jeonghan said, taking a bite of his cake.
'Ok ok, so what's the 'thing' you had to tell me?' You ask, digging your fork into Jeonghan's cake.
'So we're having a party at ours this weekend to celebrate the release of my first single album!' Joshua said with a big grin. 'It's doing really well, so we thought we should celebrate. Just some close friends.'
'Oh great!' You said with a smile. 'It's all I see every time I open social media!'
Joshua blushed and said, 'You should bring Vernon too.'
'Of course I will.' You said and you could see Jeonghan rolling his eyes at that.
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Jeonghan was mad at you all day. He ignored you and backed out of any conversation you were part of. It made you so mad!.
'Whats the matter babe?' Vernon asked.
'Hannie's being a bitch and I don't even know why!' You muttered, taking his cup from him and sipping his drink.
'Go talk to him' Vernon said with a shrug.
'Right, he runs away every time I try.' You said sadly, sitting next to him, and placing you head on his shoulder. He rested his head on yours and said, 'You two are the biggest idiots I know.'
'What? Why?!' You asked sitting up and looking at him.
'Because, Jeonghan is whipped for you. And you are for him. Two idiots.'
'He's my best friend.' You said with a pout.
'So? Can't best friends love each other? Can't they be a couple?' Vernon asked.
'Yah, don't be loud!' You whispered, touching his hand.
'Well?' He asked. 'I know you love him. Not as a best friend, but as something more.'
'I can't risk it, Vernon. He's not just my friend, he's literally my whole life.' You said sadly. 'I would rather be his friend than going and ruining it all for more.'
'Darling, he feels the same way' he said. 'You should see the way he looks at you and the way he's glaring at me right now' Vernon laughed.
'Stop it!' You said, slapping his hand. 'Oh God, help me!'
'Go for it!' Vernon hyped you up. 'Please, so that he would stop giving me those death stares'.
'He does not!' You said, not believing your own words since you knew how he felt about your friendship with Vernon.
'Please turn around' Vernon said, and you did slowly.
Jeonghan had a drink in hand and he leaned against the door to the kitchen. He WAS actually glaring at you both. You have never seen such a look on Jeonghan. He wasn't a hot head. He actually never got that mad - he was more into solving his problems strategically than with his fists.
'You should go.' Vernon said again, nudging you with his elbow.
'I think I should' You agree and stand up. Taking a deep breath, you walk towards Jeonghan. Seeing you, he pushed himself off the door and started walking away. You run, blocking his way.
'Hey!' You said, 'I want to talk.'
'I don't' he said, trying to step away. He was way taller than you, so it wasn't that hard for him to escape.
'Hannie please!', You said in a small voice, head hung. The only voice you knew would get him. You were right because he froze and turned to look at you. Taking your chin between his index finger and thumb, he raised your face up.
'What's wrong?' He asked, his voice laced with worry.
'We have to talk' You said, and he nodded, taking your hand and leading you to his bedroom. He shut the door behind you. Folding his hands against his chest, he said 'Go on'
You squirmed under his gaze. He was just looking and you were falling apart.
'Um' Your voice and vocabulary decided to say goodbye at the very moment and you stood gaping at the gorgeous man in front of you. His beautiful brown eyes set on you and his dark hair falling over his forehead, almost over his eyes. His black round neck T-shirt and light blue jeans looked perfect on him. You thought he was way too beautiful for someone like you.
You felt the soft material of your navy blue dress crumble under your tight grip.
'What's it sweetheart?' He asked softly. 'Since when do you need all this time and formality to tell me anything, hm?
'Since I'm an idiot and a little bit greedy at this point.' You said, blushing.
'What do you mean?' He asked.
You couldn't look at him. You were embarrassed of yourself, and your pathetic attempt to tell this gorgeous human being that you have been in love with him for a good 10 years. You wanted to cry and you wanted him to just understand already. But Hannie's a tease. Even if he knew he wouldn't say anything.
You sigh and said, 'Sorry I wasted your time, Hannie. You should get back to your party.'
He looked way too shocked to even move. And the look on his face scared you to death.
'You've gotta be kidding me!' He said, his eyes wide.
'Whaat?!' You whine.
'You should try not to tease a man like that!' He growled. 'I just want to spank you for all the times you bring it this far and brush me off!'
'Oh woah woah woah!' You say, holding your hands up. 'Me?! I AM THE TEASE NOW?!'
'Of course you are!! Every single time I think that it's about to happen you pull away! You FUCKING pull away and leave me hanging!'
'I've NEVER brushed you off!' You said, your body shaking. 'Why would I ?!'
'Why don't you tell me that?' Jeonghan snapped.
'Why don't you?'
'You first'
'Jeonghan!' You let out a frustrated sigh.
'I won't let you out of this room until you give me an honest answer.' Jeonghan said, shaking his head.
'Oh right, we'll see about that!' You snap and walk towards the door.
He was there first with his bloody long legs. He blocked your way, locked the door and pressed his back to it.
'Move.' You said as seriously as youbcould. 'Now.'
'I'm sorry, can't do that'
'Why Jeonghan, pray tell!' You said, trying to pry him off the door.
'You know why sweetheart' he said, his voice low and menacing.
'I don't! I can't think why, ok?' You lied, even though could see it now. Vernon was right. THIS MAN!
'Oh you know.' jeonghan teased. 'I can see it on your face.'
'I could just kill you right now!' You mutter, taking your hands off him.
'You naughty girl. Brining Vernon here even though you know that it makes me so mad.' He said, taking a step towards you.
'Hannie. Stop.' You said, putting your hands against his chest to hold him back. 'Vernon is my friend. You know that.'
'Really? Just a friend?' Jeonghan asked, his voice anything but innocent.
'Yes' You said.
'Doesn't feel like it'
'Wow, sounds like a you problem!'
He took another step forward, you took one back. The back of your legs hit his bed and you lost balance. You plopped down at the edge of the bed, looking up at him. Your heart raced and the butterflies in your tummy did you no good. He just looked at you and he looked absolutely ravishing.
'Jeonghan, stop looking at me like that!' You whine, covering your warm face with your cold hands.
You hear a chuckle before he kneels down in front of you.
'What's wrong baby?' He teased, his hands on your wrists, pulling your hands off your face. 'Don't hide from me.'
'Oh my God!' You were absolutely melting under his gaze.
He laughed, not his usual gremlin laugh, but a more sweeter one.
'Are you shy?' He asked. 'Really? For me?'
'I won't shy away from slapping you if you don't stop teasing me!' You warn him.
'Go on then.' He said, turning his face a bit, showing you his right cheek. 'I don't think I can ever stop.'
And you shocked yourself by pressing a kiss on his soft cheek. And before you could pull back, you felt his hand at the nape of your neck. And his lips against yours. You think you died for a moment there, before he pulled you back to life.
Biting his lip, he watched you. Then he kissed you again. And again. And again.
'Baby why are you crying?' He asked, his forehead pressed to yours.
You didn't even realize that you were crying until he asked that question. Wiping your face quickly with the back of your hands, you said 'I've wanted to do that for so long, Hannie'
'How long?' He asked, tilting his head.
'Um... 10 years?' You said, shy and embarrassed.
'What?!' That incredulous look came back to his face. 'You kept this from me for 10 years?!'
'I was scared!' You said. 'I didn't want to lose you!'
'Did you ever stop to think that maybe I felt it too? Why do you think I never had a girlfriend? Why did I put you first all the time?'
'I thought you had a secret girlfriend because you used to giggle into your phone all the time after you started uni!' You said with a shrug.
'What?! I don't giggle!' He said, squeezing your thigh.
'That's not the point. The point is that I thought you met someone at uni. Until I knew that it was just Joshua. Then I thought you were with Joshua!'
'You DID NOT!' he said, turning beet red.
'I'm sorry, Hannie. I knew that when you brought him home' I said giving him a sheepish smile. 'He wouldn't stop flirting with me, haha'
'Mhm' he said with a smile. 'And?'
'You wanted to say something?' He asked, his hand still on your thigh.
'Maybe' you muttered. 'Since you're being a big baby and you won't say it first.'
He didn't say anything, just grinned.
'I love you, Hannie. I'm so in love with you.' You said, your insides feeling warm and fuzzy. 'So so much.'
'Yeah?' He asked, cupping your face with his hands. 'That's good, because I'm in love with you too.'
You squeal like a little girl and throw your arms around him, giggling and kissing his cheek.
'Say it again' you say, holding him close.
'I love you. I love you. I love you.' He said, hugging you tight. He kissed you again, long and deep. His lips are wet and warm on yours. This is simply the bestest kiss ever. Then with one arm around you, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone.
'Shua's looking for us' he said, putting it back.
'Come on, let's get back to the party. Poor Shua.' You said, standing up.
On your way to the door, you stopped still as you felt his hand land a slap on your butt. Face red and voice shaky, you asked, 'What was that for?!'
'For cuddling up to Vernon before' Jeonghan replied simply.
'I thought we were over that'
'You deserve it for teasing me all day!'
'Says the tease!' You retort and move back quickly as he took big steps towards you, caging you between his body and the door, his arms on either side of you. You grin even though this made your legs go all wobbly.
'You are so hot, oh my god!' You said, hands covering your face again.
He laughed and said 'I'm trying to look intimidating here!'
'Ok, hot and intimidating' You said, as he pulled your hands off your face. Again.
He just leaned forward and delivered another mind blowing kiss. 'And, just so you know, you're hot as fuck too'
You laughed and said, 'I love you Hannie'
'I love more, baby.' he said with a wink.
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Joshua and Vernon grinned like idiots as they saw you, but were kind enough to keep the teasing for later. But you knew that you wouldn't hear the end of it for a very long time.
When Jeonghan drove you back home, you asked him if he wanted to go up to your apartment with you.
'And do what?' He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
'Shut up!' You said, turning away to hide your burning cheeks.
He laughed, parking the car and coming up with you. Your roommate was spending the weekend with her boyfriend so you had the house to yourself. Keeping your shoes on the rack near the door, you walked in, for the first time as a couple.
Jeonghan followed you into your bedroom and climbed into your bed. He patted the spot next to him and held out his hand for you. Heart fluttering and legs shaking, you were way too nervous.
Though you have had way too many naughty dreams and fantasies about Jeonghan, seeing him on your bed was a bit scary. You've slept on the same bed so many times over the years, but things are so different and easy when you're just friends.
You put your hand in his, letting him pull you into his arms. Placing your head in his chest and listening to his heartbeats felt surreal. He may have noticed how tense your body was because he kissed your forehead and said 'We don't have to do anything today, ok? I just want to cuddle with you and kiss you for now. We can take it slow.'
'Thank you Hannie' You said, feeling relieved.
You place a soft kiss on his chest. Jeonghan smiled and pulled you closer, if that was even possible. Flush against his toned body, you were trembling a bit.
'I've only ever dreamed of this...I can't believe you're really here, like this-' You didn't even know what you were saying.
'Yeah? What other dreams do you have? We'll make them all true!' Jeonghan whispered, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
'Don't be so cute!' You said, burying your face in his chest again.
His breathy laughs were the best. Everything about him was just more beautiful now. He's your boyfriend after all.
a/n: I'm in love with these cute dividers by @saradika ❤
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aeracho · 5 months
Jeonghan looks so freaking good in Maestro like I want to fuck that face!! I want to see him all wreck beneath me and still begging me to fuck his hole, He will moan loudly as I give his body some pleasure to feel and don’t forget that he will still be naughty and a teased while you are fucking just for you to punish him
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ashmp3 · 1 year
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mercif4l · 18 days
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i don’t want to talk about it at ALL.
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fairyhaos · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
thanku ylli!
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