#hanseo baby nO-
Hanseo: Pros and cons of dating me.
Hanseo: Pros. You'll be the cute one.
Hanseo: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
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strelliata · 8 months
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jang bros face study... why is drawing so hard 😭😭😭 hanseo looks fine but hanseok looks cursed for some reason skdhkdkdjdk HELP
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dongyeonsimp · 1 year
Mr Han: We should maybe stop killing all our enemies! When they go low, we should go high!
Han Seo trying to impress Han Seok once again: Exactly! Aim for the neck.
Han Seok: Dongsaeng, isn't that a bit unrealistic for you? Can you even reach your enemies necks with your height?
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helianthus21 · 3 months
i just know that Lee brothers growing up = early adoption au Vincenzo & Han-seo
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zzh3 · 4 months
I have a lot of thoughts about how Hanseo died at the hands of his abuser, and in the arms of his newly found brother. I think about it every day, it depresses me and angers me a lot
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chicken-fifi · 7 months
Jang Hanseok (Vincenzo) A-Z | SFW
Pairing: Jang Hanseok x Fem!Reader
Requested by anon: Hello 👋👋 If it's not a bother for you can I pls request a-z alphabet for Jang Han Seo and Jang Han Seok from Vincenzo with female reader? You don't have to if you can't. Thank you anyways ❤️❤️
A/n: the pain of having to write hanseo's right before this one at 12am. this gonna be interesting af. man's a psychopath.
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A - Attractive: What do they find attractive about each other?
He is physically attracted to you. Def has some fixation on your breasts/ass, mainly ass since he can smack and grope it as he likes. For you, physically as well, and against my better judgment, you’re attracted to his more dominant nature. He gets very protective (possessive) over you.
B - Baby: Do they want a family?
Not of his own accord, at least in my mind. I think Hanseok would probably indulge in the idea if it meant keeping you by his side and as some sort of leverage against you, preventing you from leaving. But I personally don’t think it would go any deeper than that.
C - Comfort: How would they help their s/o when they feel down/have a panic attack etc.?
Jang Hanseok and comfort are not things that go together. The inability to empathize is huge. You’re lucky if you can get away with it without him making a comment about how at least you’re lucky you weren’t treated in x way by your parents.
D - Dates: What are dates with him like?
I feel like the biggest bitch for this whole A-Z because he is not a good man. Dates are mainly just to keep you pleased and content. I do think he has the ability to be this sweet guy very early when pursuing you, but the minute he knows that he has you in his trap, it’s done. I’m sorry.
E - Equal: Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Dom. Hardcore dom. You can not convince me otherwise. There’s no way he’s anything else. But he does have you fooled a bit in the beginning.
F - Feelings: When did they know they were in love?
I don’t know if it’s as much love as it is obsession over you, but the first time you managed to calm him down during a very stressful and raging moment. You didn’t know how dangerous that was at the time chalking it up to stress, but no one had ever done that to him before. No one had managed to get him to calm down like that before. And then you came along. For I don’t want to say it’s like a Stockholm Syndrome case, but I think he just in some way planted it in your brain that he’s the one for you. Manipulation is you will.  
G - Gratitude: How grateful are they in general? Are they aware of what their s/o is doing for them?
*sigh* I hate to be the one to say this, but no. He doesn’t realize nor, quite frankly, does he care. He takes and he takes without a second thought. Does he purposefully force himself to notice when you express some form of dissatisfaction with his actions to prevent you from leaving, yes. But that’s about it.
H - Honesty: Do they have secrets they hide from their s/o? Or do they share everything?
Sooooo secretive. You can count the ‘secrets’ he’s told you in one hand, but you could write an entire book series about the ones he keeps. If the risk of you leaving is high, he’s not telling you. If it means nothing to him and he knows it won’t end with you leaving he’ll tell you. Sometimes he says thing so nonchalantly that you just think he’s joking honestly.
I - Inspiration: Did their s/o change them somehow, or the other way around? Like trying out new things or helped them overcome personal problems?
I guess he tries, key word in tries, to be softer and more caring in nature, but that doesn’t really stick. He’s really caught up in his ways and…oh for fucks sake, he’s a fucking psychopath. I think he changes you. You become meek and submissive. You’re a shell of the person you once were before meeting him. Not to mention all the friends you’ve lost and the ties cut with your family solely from his manipulation. The literal definition of a toxic relationship right here.
J - Jealousy: Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
He gets so jealous very easily. If the person ends up walking away and not being placed in a body bag after a suspicious death, consider it a win honestly.
K - Kiss: Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Yes. He knows exactly what he’s doing. The first kiss was initially very innocent and quickly escalated. He got a taste and he wanted more immediately, breaking the meek facade he’s built momentarily.
L - Love Confession: How would they confess to their s/o?
He doesn’t explicitly say anything to you. He lets his planned and curated actions do the talking. From time to time he’ll use the ‘l’ word just to butter you up and really sell the fact that he cares, and keep you happy.
M - Marriage: Do they want to get married? How do they propose? What would the marriage be like?
Yes. Solely because it keeps you tied to him and he would never allow you to get a divorce without there being some dire consequences for you. He just tells you to marry him. Not a question or a statement, more of a command. You become a housewife for him, more like a trophy wife honestly. You are at his beck and call and he uses you to no end. He does add in sweet moments to keep you satisfied.
N - Nicknames: What do they call their s/o?
Him: pet, doll, baby, brat
You: sweetheart, love, baby, hon
O - On Cloud Nine: What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
If by in love you mean obsessed, then it’s obvious. He glares bullets into anyone who even dares look at you like you’re a single woman because you aren’t. You are his. Any feelings are incredibly nuanced and nonchalant that sometimes you don’t even catch them. The obsession is obvious though.
P - PDA: Are they upfront about their relationship? Do they brag with their s/o in front of others? Or are they rather shy to kiss etc. when others are watching?
Upfront and brags a ton. He will let the world know you are off limits. If it sends a message to someone, he kisses you until you can’t breathe in public without hesitation. Might even get close to doing more…
Q - Quirks: Something you do that he loves
Doesn’t necessarily love this, but he’s grown fond of it. It’s the way you play with the very first necklace he gave you when you’re lost in thought. You look so innocent and beautiful. If there were to be one moment where he felt human and like he truly had a chance at a normal life, it’d be in those moments when he’s watching you without any other thoughts.
R - Romance: How romantic are they? What would they do to make their s/o happy? Cliché or rather creative?
Not very romantic, unless of course you beg for it would win him a favor. And when he is, it’s not cliche or rather creative either. If it makes you happy or keeps you (say it with me everybody) by his side then he’d do just about anything. He has the money and it takes something off his plate.
S - Support: Are they helping their s/o achieve their goals? Do they believe in them?
Not really. In all honesty, I think he’s impeding you achieving them so you have to rely on him for everything. He doesn’t want you to have a way out, but he won’t directly make that known.
T - Thrill: Do they need to try out new things to spice up your relationship? Or do they prefer a certain routine?
Routine is most likely, but he does spice things up every so often, more so in your sex life than anything else, but on the rare occasion he plans a little get away to please you.
U - Understanding: How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
He knows you well (man’s obsessed with you and probably stalked you for a while too), but he has no empathy. He can fake some sympathy, but zero empathy.
V - Value: How important is the relationship to them? What is it worth in comparison to other things in their life?
It is not the most important thing, but he won’t let you leave. He has bigger fish to fry, but you have to be there even if he doesn’t put in any of the work.
W - Whole: How do they feel about you being in their life?
Rather indifferent, but at the same time, he feels good. It’s a strange feeling for him to describe. Normal maybe?
X - Xylophone: What is your song?
The Night We Met by Lord Huron (for all the wrong reasons)
Y - Yearning: How will they cope when they’re missing their partner?
Not good at all. He doesn’t have to worry about that though because more than likely you are always by his side.
Z - Zeal: Are they willing to go to great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind of?
If it keeps you by his side absolutely. But you have to do a lot of the work in the relationship. He’ll throw a bone every now and then.
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panjakes · 2 years
Hard good byes PRT 2
Part 1. Here
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“Chairman jang…beat him to death and I’ll spare you”
What Hanseok said shocked everybody but vincenzo. Vincenzo knew hanseoks game and he knew how he played. It didn’t surprise him one bit
“What?” Hanseo asks in a shaking voice
“Not only will I spare your life, you can have all of babel and I’ll leave Yn alone” he says eyes going wide
Hanseo looks over at his pregnant wife(who’s also in labor) who had a very uncomfortable look on her face.
“You crazy asshole! You really are mad aren’t you?!” Chaeyoung shouts
Hanseok rolls his eyes before delivering a slap to Chaeyoungs face causing vincenzo to move from his spot only for Hanseok to point the gun right back at him.
Chaeyoung groans out of breath
“Wh-what the hell! Hanseok what is your problem? Yn asks sitting up on the couch
“Yn… Chaeyoung be quiet” Hanseok says gripping Chaeyoungs hair
“If you keep talking I’ll really have to kill you” Hanseok says pointing the gun at the women
“Then do it stop this ridiculous joke” she says
Before he could say anything else Yn let’s out a loud blood curling scream. Hanseo didn’t care what happened he ran straight over to the couch
“Yn? Baby are you okay?” He asks
“N-no it hurts! I thi-think I need to start pushing or something” Yn says, face contorted with pain
“Oh I’m sorry baby! I’ll get you both out of here I promise” Hanseo says kissing her sweaty forehead
“For right now just lay down please” Hanseo says grabbing her hand squeezing it
Vincenzo watched with painfully eyes. The women he loved had sat with a gun to her head, while his bestfriend who was in labor laid on the couch in all types of pain and discomfort. What was he suppose to do?
He then dropped down to his knees. As of right now, this was the only way.
Hanseok looks over at vincenzo confusedly
“Do as he says” vincenzo says to Hanseo who also held a pain expression on his face
“If I kill vincenzo, will you really let me live? Will you leave my family alone?” Hanseo asks Hanseok
“Of course. Your my brother after all”
“B-baby no!” Yn says grabbing his arm
Hanseo stands up weakly, walking over to the stick picking it up
“I’m sorry, mr.Cassano” Hanseo says
“It’s okay,protect your family” vincenzo says
“No!No!” Yn says slowly sitting up trying her best to walk in front of vincenzo
“Yn move” Hanseo says
“No! I won’t let you kill him!” Yn says
Hanseok stood back with a smirk on his face. This was pretty amusing to him.
“Yn I have too! Your in labor! Your about to give birth! I’m doing this for you! For us!” Hanseo says
“No! You know vincenzo is all I have! You know this! He practically raised me! I won’t let you do this!” Yn says putting a hand over her stomach
“Baby I don’t want to do this either but look at this… it’s spiraling out of control!” Hanseo says
“It’s okay Yn…I promise. Move out the way” vincenzo says
“No!” Yn says looking at him
“I’ll be fine. I promise. Take care for me okay?” Vincenzo says with a weak smile
He slowly pushes Yn out the way being careful of her big stomach.
“Hanseo no” Yn begs
“I’ll make a decision I’ll regret”Hanseo says clutching the hockey stick
He slowly walks over to vincenzo before taking a swing at his brother. The first swing he missed. The second time he landed a hit. From there he was just swinging the stick as Hanseok tries to dodge the stick.
Hanseok falls to the other side of the room firing the gun shooting Hanseo in the arm. Hanseo rushes at the man as they start to fight.
Everybody in the room watches the fight with worry looks, especially Yn.
“Ahh!” She groans in pain
“Yn? Are you okay?” Chaeyoung asks as vincenzo runs over to her untying her hands
“N-no it h-hurts! The baby is coming” Yn says
“Okay Uh! Shit! Uh spread your legs!” Chaeyoung says
“Huh?” Yn asks
“Yn spread your legs! If I can see the baby’s head that means you have to start pushing!” Chaeyoung says to the women
Chaeyoung takes a peak sighing in relief
“I don’t see the head just yet, your good“ Chaeyoung says picking up the women
“Come on we’re getting you out of here” vincenzo says
“No I’m not leaving Hanseo” Yn says out of breath
“Yn let’s go!” Vincenzo says
“I’m not leaving my husband!” Yn says
“Let’s go Yn now! That’s an order!” Vincenzo says making the women sigh. She stand up from the couch with their help and they walk to the door
“Please stop!” Was the last thing Yn heard Just as they hit the door All of their heads whip into the direction behind them.
It was like everything was in slow motion.
Hanseok had pushed Hanseo too the ground firing the gun once again.
The only thing Yn could hear was a ringing in her ear. She let out a high pitch scream watching as Hanseo fell to the floor clutching his chest.
“No!” Yn shouts somehow getting out the grip of vincenzo and Chaeyoung rushing over to her husband
“Hanseo? Your okay! Okay? Your fine! You’ll be fine” Yn says putting pressure on the bullet wound
Hanseo shakes his head slowly closing his eyes
“I-I’m not fi-fine Yn. I love you alright. I love our babygirl. Make sure you tell her that everyday” Hanseo says as blood slips from his lips
“N-no! Your going to tell her” Yn says
“Face it Yn. I’m d-done fo-for. I love you so much yn” Hanseo says hand growing colder by the second
“I-I love you too” Yn mumbles with tears streaming down her face. Just then another sharp pain was felt causing her to scream.
Hanseok immediately pointed the gun at Chaeyoung causing vincenzo to shield her. Nothing happened. Hanseok was now out of bullets.
Hanseok grabs Yn’s hand dragging her to the balcony.
“Ah stop! Let me go!” Yn says
Vincenzo quickly runs towards the balcony quick enough to grab Yn but not quick enough to get Hanseok who jumped off the ledge
Vincenzo rushes over picking up Yn running out the room to his car as fast as he could. His main priority was getting Yn to the hospital. He’ll worry about Hanseok later.Chaeyoung got into the back seat with her holding her hand
Yn sobs holding her stomach
“Hanseo. Please grab him” she mumbles
“Yn I have to get you to a hospital” vincenzo says starting the car. Yn places her hand on his shoulder
“I haven’t asked you for anything in my life, vincenzo please go get my husband” Yn begs. Vincenzo looks over at with a sigh. He rushes back into the home grabbing Hanseo who, was still slowly breathing.
The car was quiet. The other two people In the car knew there was nothing they could say to make her feel better.
Vincenzo just drove to the hospital as Chaeyoung rubbed Yn’s hand and stomach to soothe her
After about an hour, Yn gave birth to her babygirl. She looked down at the baby on her chest shedding tears. Hanseo should have been here.
“How are you?” Vincenzo asks genuinely concerned for his friend
“I’m sad but I’m so happy that my baby is finally here” Yn says wiping the tears from her face
“She’s beautiful Yn, Hanseo will love her” vincenzo says making the women nod
“What’s her name?” He asks
“I-I don’t know. Me and Hanseo never got the chance to discuss names” Yn says
“Could I give a suggestion?” vincenzo asks with a small smile
“Please?” Yn whispers
“Hollin. Hollin it means joy in some language” vincenzo says making the women laugh
“There it is. Jang Hollin”
Just as Yn says that the tiny Humen opened her eyes immediately staring at vincenzo
“Aw your awake” Yn says
Vincenzo stares down at the tiny baby smiling. He saw a lot of Hanseo in the babygirl
“That’s uncle vincenzo! He’s going to buy you whatever you want” Yn says making vincenzo laugh
Before he could respond a doctor comes in with a smile
“Hello Mrs.Jang?” He asks
“Yes?” Yn responded
“Your husband is Jang Hanseo correct?” He asks
“Uh yes why?” Yn asks
“Well he just got out is surgery. We’ve managed to remove the bullet. He was lucky the bullet was an inch away from his spine. Any closer he could have been paralyzed” the doctor says making vincenzo and Yn sigh in relief
“Oh thank god! Is he okay?! Will he live?!l Yn asks
“Yes he will. We got to him in enough time. Any later he’d be gone. But yes he will live he’s just lost a lot of blood” the doctor says
“How much does he need?” Vincenzo asks
“Oh! Your willing to give some of your blood?” The doctor asks making vincenzo nod
“Okay let’s see if your the same blood type and get a move on” the doctor says motioning for vincenzo to follow him
Before he could Yn grabbed his hand stopping him
“Thank you…thank you so much” Yn says
“It’s no problem” vincenzo says with a smile before leaving the room
“Looks like we are going to see daddy again” Yn whispers down to her daughter kissing her on her tiny forehead
After about an hour they rolled in Hanseo and vincenzo walked in behind with a bandaid on his arm. Yn peeks over at the bed noticing he was still sleep. She sighed in relief
“When will he wake up?” Yn asks
“When’s he ready. We gave him some medication that’s gonna knock him out. He’ll wake up soon” the doctor says making Yn nod
“Thank you”
“No problem congratulations”
“Thank you. Vincenzo where’s chae?” Yn asks
“Uh she’s okay” vincenzo says
“I asked where she was” Yn says vincenzo sighs
“She’s getting her wound dressed” vincenzo says
“Wound? What wound?” Yn asks
“A bullet grazed her when we were escaping. She’s okay I promise” vincenzo says
The two turned to look at Hanseo as they heard him groan.
“Ugh, where am I?” He asks looking around
Yn tries her best to get out the bed to go over to Hanseo’s side. Vincenzo notices her struggles and help her
She puts the baby down in the carrier and walks over to his side
“Baby?! How do you feel?” Yn asks
“I feel like shit…YOU! THE BABY! Are you okay!” The man says sitting up hissing in pain
Yn pushes him back down
“I’m okay…and so is the baby” Yn says and on cue vincenzo rolls the baby carrier over to the bed. Hanseo gasps with wide eyes as he lays eyes on his baby.
“Oh my gosh baby…she’s so beautiful” Hanseo says as he starts sobbing
“She is isn’t she” Yn says smiling
“Can I please hold her?” Hanseo asks
Yn picks up the baby carefully laying her small body on the chest of her father. Hanseo sobs get quieter as she rubs the babygirl on the back.
“I’m alive to hold my daughter” Hanseo whisper kissing the baby on her curly head
“I made vincenzo go back and save you” Yn says
“I’m glad I did.This is an amazing sight to see…I’m proud of you Hanseo” vincenzo says patting his shoulder
Another tear slips out of his eye at the words vincenzo said to him. Nobody had ever been proud of him. And that is why it’s his new mission was to make his daughter proud of him.
“T-thank you…but what about Hanseok ” Hanseo says
“I’ll handle him don’t worry. You just take care of your family.” Vincenzo says making Hanseo nod
Vincenzo left the room to give the couple some privacy. Yn got into the bed with Hanseo being careful to his wounds and the baby
Hanseo chuckles as he looks down at the ring on Yn’s finger
“You couldn’t let me go huh?” Hanseo asks
“Of course not. That would be to hard of a goodbye” Yn says
“I love you Yn. So much. I’m sorry you had to go through this. I’m sorry for everything my brother put you through but thank you for loving me and sticking with me through all this mess. Thank you for giving me a gift so special” Hanseo says placing a hand on Hollin’s head.
“Don’t thank me baby. I love you just as much” Yn says leaning down to connect their lips for a very long awaited kiss
“I’m sorry but did you name the baby yet?” Hanseo asks
“No, vincenzo did actually. Her name Is Jang Hollin” Yn says smiling
“Perfect. She’s so pretty gosh” Hanseo says looking down and on cue the baby opened her eyes again blinking up at Hanseo
“Babe! Look she opened her eyes!” Hanseo says excitedly
“She’s pretty isn’t she” Yn says
“Just beautiful” Hanseo says. He takes his finger poking her cheek a couple of times. She got tired of him doing it so she grabbed his finger stopping him. Then she yawned before closing her eyes again
“Aww she’s holding my hand oh my gosh I’m a father” Hanseo says laying down on Yn’s shoulder
“You’ll be an amazing father Hanseo. Hollin will love you” Yn says smiling
“Thank you baby. I love you” he says
“I love you too”
Two months later
Hanseo groaned at the sound of a baby crying. He gets up from the bed walking to the babies room. He walked over to the crib scooping Hollin up into his arms.
“It’s okay princess, daddy’s here. Are you hungry?” He asks patting her back. She instantly stops crying making Hanseo smile
He walks back into his shared bedroom patting Yn
“Babe…babe…Hollin needs the boob” Hanseo says making Yn giggle a lil bit. She sits up taking the baby from him lifting her shirt to feed her
Hanseo gets Into the bed laying down watching the sight of his wife and daughter
“Babe we’re parents” Hanseo says making Yn giggle
“Go to bed Hanseo” Yn says making the man chuckle
“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe it. I have my own family who loves and cares about me the way I love and care about them” Hanseo says taking one of Yn’s hand
“I love you Yn” Hanseo says placing a kiss on her hand
“I love you to” Yn says. She removes the baby from her chest wigging her little body side to side slighting making a funny voice
“I love you too daddy” Yn says making Hanseo laugh. He grabs the baby who laughed at her mothers antics. He placed her over his shoulder and started patting her back
“Go back to sleep love, I got her” Hanseo says
“You sure?” Yn asks
“Positive. We can have daddy and daughter bonding time” Hanseo says making Yn smile
“Oh she loves those I don’t want to get in the way” Yn says laying down under the covers
“Have sweet dreams Yn” Hanseo says kissing her forehead
“I will brush my baby hair and don’t forget to put her bonnet back on” Yn says
“She doesn’t need the bonnet babe!” Hanseo says
“I said put it on her” Yn says making the man nod
“Yes ma’am” Hanseo says leaving the room
“Let’s go brush your hair and put on your bonnet before you mother kills me” Hanseo says brushing Hollis soft black curls.
He did it just like how Yn taught him. He but the oil in it before brushing it. For the baby to be about two months old she had a lot of hair and took after Yn in that department.
After brushing it he slipped the little bonnet onto her head.
She was so adorable. She look just like Yn with her brown skin, curly hair , and brown eyes. All the features he loved about Yn.
“Aw your so pretty princess daddy loves you” Hanseo says kissing all over her face causing her to smile and make baby noises
after turning on the tv for Hollin and putting her in her swing, Hanseo went into the kitchen to make coffee. Soon Yn was walking into the kitchen with curlers sticking out her bonnet
Hanseo chuckles before handing her a cup. He knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep so he made her one too
“You know me so well” Yn says making him chuckle
“As I should” he says making the women nod
“Have you heard anything from vincenzo?” Yn asks
“No I haven’t I’m sorry love” Hanseo says rubbing her shoulder
After vincenzo ended Jang Hanseok, for obvious reasons, he had to flee Korea and stay low. But Yn didn’t under how low.
“I know he’s like your brother but when he can, he’ll contact you” Hanseo says
“I know…I just miss him” Yn says
“I know” Hanseo says
Just then Hollin starts to whine causing Hanseok to run over to the swing picking her up. The baby could whine,cry, or move without thinking something was wrong.
Yn chuckles finishing her coffee before joining the two on the couch. Yn cuddles into Hanseo’s side while Hollin laid in his opposite arm
“It’s 2:34…are we gonna get any sleep?” Yn asks
“Probably not” Hanseo says chuckling
Yn joins in.
This is all Hanseo ever wanted. And now he has it.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
Also this break i decided to force my wife to watch Vincenzo and went to my Hanseo lover roots so thats that. Baby deserved so much better and i dont care what anyone says and i, like a true Jang Hanseo Advocate refuse to acknowledge…. That
Leaving it vague so that i dont spoil it for anyone who hasnt seen it anyway yes jacob me too buddy, me too.
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yesdramas · 3 years
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Villains never break up because they're tenacious even when they love.
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cocojqr · 3 years
no but CY and Vincenzo's love transcends all barriers. before vincenzo even knew she was in danger she straight up tells hanseok to kill her and not drag him into it
his eyes were glued on to her the entire time, he also literally fell on his knees and was ready to get beat to death if it meant CY would be okay
when she gets shot you can also see his terror, like his soul just leaves his body, but the fact he didn't even realize she took the bullet shows how CY did not hesitate to make that decision even for a second
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darthstitch · 3 years
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Vincenzo: All of your existences are confusing.
The Plaza members + Hanseo: How so?
Vincenzo: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
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sarah-yyy · 3 years
listen i can appreciate the Drama of it all but honestly was untying chayoung and getting her out more fucking important than helping hanseo stop jang hanseok WHAT IN THE FUCK VINCENZO
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dongyeonsimp · 2 years
Han Seo in the mirror every day to himself: It'll stop any day now... Any day now :(
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choicescreen · 2 years
“ fifth position. “ he snaps, but only to be heard over the music. “ remember what i showed you, han-seo! feet like this-- “ he quickly strikes the proper pose, poised and practiced. “ not like this! “ here, he mimics his reluctant student. he’s been a good sport, though, and that’s enough. 
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chayenzovsevil · 3 years
For real tho, Episode 19 was so fucking good I need 20 more desperately than I've needed the other episodes.
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