#hansol x song ah
Hansol: Minho completes me.
Song Ah: Um, hello?
Hansol: You're nice too, Noona.
Song Ah: I'm your wife.
Hansol: Ah, but he's my soulmate.
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gamerwoo · 2 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader
genre/warnings: idol au, best friends to possibly lovers?, kind of angst???
word count: 923
summary: do you ever think, when you’re all alone; all that we could be, where this thing could go? am i crazy or falling in love? is this more than just another crush? 
a/n: things in bold are in english
previous song | next song | back to playlist
Was this revelation really so important that you had to panic-text your group chat? To you, yeah. Your members already figured that was the case, but now you had finally realized it, so that was big. However, they didn’t understand why you were so stressed out.
Three of the girls had decided to visit your house. Your parents were going to be having everyone over for dinner that night anyway, so they figured going over a little early to talk to you wouldn’t be a big deal. After saying their hellos to your parents, Mira led the two other girls – Ayako and June – up the stairs where you father had directed them. From outside your door, Mira could hear a song playing from your speakers that she hadn’t heard since middle school. 
All you could do lately was listen to love songs. You’d gone through every single love-themed playlist you’d made, but once you heard this song again, it was on repeat. There was just something about it that made it so you couldn’t stop thinking about Hansol. It made you feel like you were in an early 2000’s movie as you laid face-up on your bed, staring at the ceiling as you listened to the song and thought about how Hansol might feel toward you.
‘Do you ever think, when you're all alone, all that we could be, where this thing could go? Am I crazy or falling in love? Is it real or just another crush?’
Knock, knock, knock.
Your Hansol-filled thoughts were interrupted, and you lifted your head slightly to look at your door. You knew Mira, Jun, and Ayako said they’d come over to talk to you, but you weren’t sure if your parents were waiting outside with them or wanting to tell you they were downstairs or if they wanted to talk to you. They knew you were going through something from the way you’d been acting – spacey, keeping to yourself, and staying in your room a lot – but you wouldn’t tell them what. It was weird to tell your parents you were in love with your best friend who was another idol under your company, right?
“Come in,” you called.
The door opened, and you saw Ayako poke her head in first, peering around curiously. The door continued to open, showing Mira with her hand on the doorknob, and June standing behind her with her hands folded together.
“You figure out you’re in love like, a day ago, and you just go all out, huh?” Mira chuckled.
You frowned, “Don’t make fun of me, I’m in a fragile state.”
“So what’s wrong?” June asked as the three girls entered and she closed the door behind them. “Why are you so panicky?”
“Just because I have feelings for him doesn’t mean they’re reciprocated!” you burst. “That’s scary! Being in love but them not feeling the same way? What if that’s what this is?”
“Ah, so that’s why you’re listening to David Archuleta,” Mira nodded with a chuckle. “I haven’t heard of this dude since whenever this song came out.”
Ayako furrowed her eyebrows as she examined your shelf of tapes, “I’ve never even heard this song. What’s it about?”
“Wondering if the other person feels the same. ‘Has it ever crossed your mind when we’re hangin’, spendin’ time, girl, are we friends, is there more?’ Basically like, do you think our friendship is something more and we’re hanging out just to be close to each other.”
“Oh. That’s…very fitting.”
“It’s a little cliché, isn’t it?” June offered.
You let out a huff and pushed yourself to sit up, “I love how none of you are helping.”
“_____, there’s no reason to be so scared,” June chuckled. “It’s not like Hansol’s here right now and you have to talk to him about it.”
“But I will have to eventually,” you whined. “I just… I know I could ignore it and maybe the feelings will go away but…”
“Like you said,” Ayako came over to sit beside you on your bed, “if you do talk to him, it’ll have to happen eventually. You have time to think about your feelings and if you think things could grow from here.”
“Yeah, you have time,” Mira shrugged. “There’s no rush. Don’t stress over this. You’re back home and we’re promoting, and you should be enjoying it.”
You inhaled deeply before letting it out slowly to try to calm your nerves, heart, and brain, “Yeah, I guess you’re right…”
“But this song is still pretty catchy,” Mira grinned before she began singing along with the song. “‘Do you ever think, when you're all alone…’”
As Mira began going off into some over exaggerated karaoke of the song, your phone vibrated by your thigh. You looked down and saw a notification from kakao. Holding your phone up to see what it was, you saw it was Hansol.
‘Do you catch your breath when I look at you? Are you holding back, like the way I do? 'Cause I've tried and tried to walk away, but I know this crush ain't goin' away, yeah, yeah, yeah.’
You could ignore the feelings. You could pretend he didn’t make your heart flutter, and maybe these feelings would die off. Maybe if this just didn’t go anywhere, you’d get over it. But man, you really didn’t think so. You had only felt this strongly one or two times before, so it must be–
“What’re your parents making for dinner, by the way?” Mira asked.
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excelsi-or · 3 years
welcome to svt (pt. 15)
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w.c. 1.4k (fluffity fluff fluff)
pairing: lee jihoon x OC/fem reader
ch. 1 | ch. 2 | ch. 3 | ch. 4 | ch. 5 | ch. 6 | ch. 7 | ch. 8 | ch. 9 | ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12 | ch. 13 | ch. 14 | ch. 15
Jihoon comes almost every day for a week and a half. The others make up excuses, most of which include her being away. Once, Seungkwan said she had a stomach-ache.
Until one day, she’s hidden in Seungcheol’s office, listening in as Jihoon greets everyone. She stares at the ceiling as she listens to the cacophonous piling of voices in conversation. They move to the living room, which makes it a bit harder to hear, but she can still make out Jihoon’s voice.
He sounds happy and that soothes the churning in her stomach.
For hours, the boys laugh and play games and drink from the sounds of it. As the boys get drunker, Jihoon’s voice gets drowned out by louder ones. When it gets to that point, she heads for the door to go upstairs.
But the door opens before she can get to it.
Standing on the other side is Jihoon. He’s dressed in a hoodie and jeans. He looks a bit tired, but otherwise, the glow she could hear in his voice emanates off him now. He has his laptop in hand.
‘Hi…’ She takes a step back. ‘What are you doing here?’
Jihoon’s eyes take in the slight defensive stance she’s taken. Whether that’s to protect herself or Seungcheol’s secrets, it still pains him to see her defences up.
‘To see you.’
She frowns. ‘How did you know I was here?’
‘They’re drunk. I asked where you were. Most of them said you were on a mission, but I know Cheol wouldn’t send you alone and Hansol’s the only one sober.’
She shakes her head a bit, not understanding the non-sequitur.
‘He told me where you were.’
They stand in silence for a moment.
‘You can see my school from the window,’ he says, motioning with his shoulder towards the door.
Her nod is slow. ‘You got in. I heard.’
Jihoon nods. ‘It’s nice. First month just finished today.’
‘Wow. That’s… fast.’
Jihoon shrugs. ‘It’s more like mentoring instead of school, school. The guy who interviewed me said that I was using equipment beyond what the school was offering. So, he said he would mentor me if I wanted. I wouldn’t get paid, but he said I could see what working in a real studio is like.’
‘Wow, Hoonie, that’s great.’ She shifts her weight. ‘So, why are you here?’
‘Like I said, to see you.’ He looks to her with a sweet expression and she wants to dive right back into him.
She takes another step back as soon as that feeling washes over her. ‘Please don’t make this hard, Jihoon,’ she whispers. Her hands interlock behind her back, because she feels the urge to reach out for him. ‘At least let me… I don’t know, let me get over you. Properly this time.’
Jihoon takes a step towards her, treating her like a skittish animal. When she doesn’t run away, he gets as close as she’ll let him. ‘I came to see you. I wanted to see you.’
Her breathing picks up under his gaze. For some reason, her entire mouth feels dry, and her tongue flicks out to wet her bottom lip. It’s easier for her to hide her feelings in front of other people, but as soon as Jihoon walked in, her ability to hold it together dissipated.
He takes a deep breath. ‘To tell you I want to be with you. And that I’m sorry.’
She blinks in surprise. ‘What?’
‘I want to be with you and I’m sorry.’
It seems shock has taken over.
‘I was writing love songs and I found it really difficult because…’ Jihoon pushes through his fear. ‘Because I felt heartbroken. Bumzu hyung was asking me about it, because when I first got there, I had all these love songs to give him. And when he asked me what had changed, I told him I’d probably really hurt you. Not just the other way around.’
Her entire body tenses at his words.
‘I promised myself I would work up the courage to come back here.’
She feels herself sway towards him before quickly stepping back. The desk is a lot closer than she realized. ‘I can’t be with someone who feels like he has to have his walls up around me.’
‘It’s why I’m also here to show you something.’
Her brow furrows.
Jihoon looks around for somewhere for them to set up. In the end, he sets his laptop on the desk and drags the extra chairs in Seungcheol’s office over. Standing behind the chair he’d like her to sit in, Jihoon suddenly worries that she’ll leave.
But she slips into the chair, her eyes trained on the laptop screen.
‘I realize that I’m horrible with words, but lyrics seem to make more sense. I just want you to listen before either of us make any decisions.’
Slouching into her seat, her mind runs in three million directions. Jihoon opens a file and lets it play.
It’s been a while since she’s heard anything new from Jihoon. Most of his music was private before. She’d found his SoundCloud a year ago, but he hadn’t posted in ages due to all the work they were doing. But she’d still listened to his music on repeat, learning the nuances of his voice and the melodies he enjoyed singing along to. Now, it’s been so long that her ears aren’t as trained to pick out every little detail. Despite that, she does catch the words, and these ones are words she’s never heard Jihoon say.
As four songs bleed into five, Jihoon has found her hand.
As six bleeds into seven, her lips press against Jihoon’s hand.
By song ten, she’s straddling Jihoon in his chair, kisses moving up the side of his neck. Before she reaches his lips, she pulls away. Her forehead rests against his, as she listens to the full album that Jihoon has written for her.
Gently, he presses kisses along her jaw, avoiding her lips.
When the album repeats after song twelve, she pushes away from him. His hands intertwine with hers, settling in her lap. His hair is a slight mess, and his cheeks are flushed. Jihoon stares up at her, his thumbs rubbing back and forth against her skin as he waits for what she’ll say.
‘You wrote a whole album’s worth,’ she breathes.
Jihoon nods. ‘Half of it is my portfolio. Half of it is from the last month with Bumzu hyung.’
The soft glow of the lamps in Seungcheol’s office gives everything an orange hue. His skin soaks up the warm colour and his voice croons his love for her over and over again. As her favourite song plays again, she slips off his lap and tugs him to standing.
He trails after her and relishes the feeling of her hand in his for the first time. Jihoon’s eyes widen as they move up the back stairwell, but he doesn’t question.
He’ll follow her anywhere.
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Seungcheol (09:37)
I’m assuming since you guys didn’t come down for food all day yesterday means all’s been forgiven?
Jihoon (09:38)
You’re lucky that we’ve been up since 7, because our text tones are LOUD.
Seungcheol (09:38)
Don’t want to know why you haven’t come down for breakfast yet.
Whenever you two can make it, I have a job for you.
She rolls off Jihoon and onto her stomach as she reads the text message. ‘You’re coming back? You didn’t say that last night.’
Jihoon kisses her bare shoulder. ‘We didn’t really have time to work that into the conversation.’
‘You said you got into school.’
‘Cheol and I talked about it. I can go there and still be mentored, but this job and you are my priority.’
She props herself onto her elbows to look down at him. His fingers tuck stray strands of hair behind her ear, as she studies him.
‘Thank you for waiting so long,’ he murmurs.
A small smile grows on her face as he leans up to catch her lips. The kiss is slow, significantly less fevered than last night. Her lips already feel so familiar; and he can’t help but smile when she nips at his bottom lip.
‘Surprisingly enough, Hoonie, you were worth the wait.’
Their phones ping loudly, and she chuckles as she pushes herself onto her knees. ‘We should get going then. Before Cheol sends someone to get us.’
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svtshine · 4 years
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Meeting Vernon for the first time
title: A meeting by chance
pairing: Hansol x reader
genre: oneshot, scenario
about: fluff, fansign!au
summary: you weren’t actually a fan of seventeen however your roommate was a big fan of their band. She was supposed to attend their fansign but she unfortunately fell sick that day and begged you to go in her place, to get their signatures.
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“please Y/n, please you have to go in my place. i’m BEGGING you.” your roommate pleaded you, sniffing, while hugging your arm. You rolled your eyes and continued playing your game. “F/n, you need to stay away from me. i don’t need your flu germs as much as i love you” your roommate sighed, adjusting the surgical mask she was wearing and wrapped the fluffy blankets closer to her.
“Y/n, this is a chance of a lifetime. if i can’t go YOU have to go FOR me. please” she begged you again and showing you her puppy eyes. “I’ll uh do your laundry for one and a half month” you hummed and shrugged your shoulders, showing that you weren’t interested in her deal.
“Fine, i’ll fix you your meals and always restock the snack basket for you” you blinked at her and gave her a look saying, you know better than that. “FINE a new skateb-“
“deal.” you said, eyes still focused on your game
your roommate jumped and hugged you while squealing. “thank you sooo much, okay i definitely owe you”
“yes F/n, you do”
“i can’t believe i got sick....this is horrible. But at least i have you, now get off your game. i need to teach you some stuff you have to do for me at the fansign”
“i’m finishing, go eat your meds and then we’ll talk”
your roommate nodded, couldn’t fight with you anyways.
After finishing up your match, you stretched your arms and neck finding them a little stiff after playing too long. You walked out of your little apartment to where you found your roommate finishing up her soup that you made earlier in the morning. you pulled out a chair and joining her at the dining table. you placed your chin on your hand and looked to the right, looking at the bag of stuff on the couch
“ok Y/n, there’s 13 members. And i have a newer album for them to sign on. i’ve packed goodies and specific items to give each member. so just try to listen out for their name and you’d be able to give it to them” you nodded. 13 members, that’s a lot, you thought.
“Anyways you gotta reach there early and start queuing. Thank you so much again, try not to get lost babe” You sighed, and watched her finish eating and then helped her wash the dishes and made sure she went to bed.
you looked through the bag of goodies and you also found pictures next to each members name. Vernon, you found. You carefully picked up his item and brushed your fingertips at his picture so as to not crumple anything. He’s gorgeous i should also probably learn abit more about them for tomorrow
you just wanted to learn about vernon.
American-South Korean rapper. real name is Hansol, 1.78 metres, 22 years old. He’s older than you. positioned as main rapper and in the Hip-hop unit
hmm not bad, pretty muscular too. you thought to yourself, looking at his form and couldn’t help but stare into his mesmerising eyes, even if it was a photograph.
you even watched their HOME;RUN MV since you were curious as to the music they produce. You couldn’t help it when your eyes continued following vernon dancing and rapping the whole times
for some reason you just couldn’t look away.
Anyways you shook your head and checked the time before deciding it was better for you to turn in for tomorrow’s event.
When the next morning came, you woke up early, washed up, and had breakfast before checking your roommate if she needed anything. F/n was still asleep so you took abit longer in choosing your outfit, a simple cropped sweater set and jeans. Clipping your hand in a claw clip before carrying the bag filled with seventeen items and your ticket and heading out.
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You were definitely slightly shocked at the amount of people who were already waiting patiently for the even to start, but your roommate did warn you about being early beforehand. You read the signs and went to queue for your turn. You waited almost an hour or two, waiting for the time your name would finally be called to lineup front
Now you could see the boys lined up in a row. Your roommate was right when she said that these boys, they literally sparkled. You turned to look at every one of them, your gaze lingering on one specific member. you got ready your things as you started off with the first member in the row, Seungcheol. The boys were actually very friendly and warm towards their fans, and although you had explained why sometimes you needed to ask for their name because you were only helping out a friend, they still treated you with respect and asked about you.
it was nice to see how the boys kindly treat their supporters. You finally got to Joshua, your palms were getting a bit sweaty since the next member was vernon.
Joshua flashed you a warm smile, which reminded you of sunshine and teddy bears.
“What’s your name.” joshua said getting ready to sign on the album. “oh uh, i’m Y/n, but could you help me sign off with F/n.” you replied.
Joshua looked at you kind of curious as to how you were abit more calm as compared to previous fans when meeting him and the rest.
“i’m here for a friend, she was supposed to come but she fell sick yesterday and didn’t want to risk spreading her awful germs to anyone. i didn’t really know you guys, but my friend really complimented all of you” you smiled awkwardly.
joshua gave you a nod and a look saying he understood what you were saying. “Wow your roommate must be lucky to have a friend who would do so much for her, even when she doesn’t know the band. tell her to get well soon for me.” he smiled and signed on the album while initiating a conversation with you. Joshua was very welcoming, and he made the conversation very comfortable so you were pretty immersed in it.
Vernon finished signing the album of the fan infront of him when he looked up and his eyes landed on you. his heart unconsciously skipped a beat and he didn’t understand why he felt a pull towards you. Of course you were one of the prettiest girls he has ever met, but he just felt attracted to you. when Joshua raised his hand to give you a high five and the both of you locked hands for a while. Vernon felt a need to pull you away from him. the sight of you smiling towards Joshua and not him, slightly bummed him.
it was so weird how fast he felt a connection with you. it was like he couldn’t take his eyes off you. But he had to, focusing on the fan infront of him and waving her off, knowing you were next.
you bid goodbye to Joshua as the staff requested that you moved to the next member. Your heart started beating faster as you placed the album infront of vernon and picked up his item from the bag to pass it to him. He smiled and thanked you for the gift. Vernon’s smile left you mesmerised and for a while you stared at him
“What’s your name” Vernon said in a voice that left you nervous
“Y/n, ah but this album is for a friend so if you don’t mind, could you use F/n. i watched an MV of your song for the first time yesterday and you were probably the most amazing i felt. but don’t tell the rest, they were awesome too.” the last part you sort of whispered
but vernon heard every word you and his cheeks started blushing slightly.
“Thank you Y/n, you know i don’t say this a lot but i think, in this hall, you shine the brightest.” Vernon gave you a bigger smile and reached for your hand, interlocking them with his. you were amazed and shocked by how much your smaller hand fit inside his way bigger hand. he swayed your hands side to side as he continued writing on the album while engaging a conversation with you.
Vernon made you feel like the only two people in this room were the two of you. you felt an attraction for him that you’ve never felt for anyone before.
however, soon it was time to move on to the next member. Vernon gave you a slight pout and wrote something swiftly on a piece of paper and sliding in into the album. He winked at you and you knew that message was for you.
He was the third last member thus you soon reached the end of the line and you bid goodbye to DK, the last member.
You stayed a little while afterwards for one performance. It was definitely dazzling, watching them dance in tune to each other, smiling to the audience and engaging with their fans. You wanted to learn more about them.
Unknowingly, Vernon was always looking at you. The whole time. Even when he was rapping or just standing and waiting for another member to give a speech, his eyes never moved away from you. He rapped his heart out for you. Maybe it was because he loved how excited you looked whenever his part came on, or the smile that grew wider when they danced to the song.
You breathed out a sigh and stretched out your arms when you left the building, sadly you had to check on your roommate and leave for your part time job.
your hand touched your chest where your heart laid. It was a wonderful time, meeting the boys and watching them perform in real life.
oh! you remembered the note that vernon left you. you quickly dugged out the album from your bag and flipped to the pages. The small piece of paper fell and it looked like a napkin.
written in scribbled handwriting,
This is the first time i’m doing this for a girl i just met. but something about you, just made me want to know you better. Please call or text me!
your eyes widened at the sight of his message, you fumbled slightly and quickly found your found and typed in his number.
You stared at his contact, and a big smile grew on your face.
You were definitely going to thank your friend for this meeting by chance
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sweetcheol · 4 years
college boyfriend!seungkwan
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—genre: fluff
—au: college, neighbors 
—pairing: boo seungkwan x reader
—song to listen to while reading: the sound — the 1975
—word count: 2.4k
—warning(s): mentions of sex, a bit of cursing.
you really, really liked your apartment sometimes.
the complex was located only a street down from university, which meant that no matter how many times your alarm had not gone off, you still hadn’t been late to as many classes as one would expect.
you also had a pretty spacious kitchen, which didn’t amount to much to be honest, considering you barely had time to cook an actual meal and almost always opted for take out or instant noodles instead.
you had massive windows in the living room, which was extremely nice during the day and almost just as nice during the night (considering you actually got a nice view of the city from the fifth floor).
but you also really, really hated your apartment sometimes.
the elevator almost never worked, which was good for your health but was also pretty annoying considering the amount of stairs you had to climb to get to your floor.
the windows got stuck frequently, and no matter how many times you had tried to get it fixed, they just didn’t bulge.
and well, the walls. they were nice and in good condition, but they were annoyingly thin.
and, to be fair, it didn’t seem to be such a big problem at first.
because well, you liked your neighbors.
sure, you’d hear the music coming from the apartment next door and occasional stupid arguments, but it was nothing you couldn’t handle.
hansol and chan were fun neighbors.
you once had coffee with hansol when the rain had trapped you both in the same coffee shop, and discovered you had a lot in common.
and chan had once helped you carry your stuff home after you had ran into each other on the street.
they were pretty nice.
and living next to them was well, pretty nice.
but then the third one moved in.
and boy.
oh boy.
you never saw him.
but your new neighbor, named seungkwan, had the most beautiful (and more importantly, loudest) voice you had ever heard.
which you would have appreciated under other circumstances, you were sure.
after all, well, he was a pretty good singer.
one that had the annoying habit of showering almost exclusively at midnight (or so it seemed), while singing at the top of his lungs.
the songs he almost always chose were ones that pretty much showed off his amazingly extensive vocal range.
you were impressed.
but most of all, you were impressed at how much you managed to keep your frustration to yourself.
because well, as a college student, midnight was a time you either spend studying, sleeping, or watching your drama as an attempt to relax from your day.
activities that didn’t need seungkwan’s singing as a background noise.
most of the times you didn’t actually mind.
like sure, you once told hansol about it and received an equally annoyed “dude but i’m the one that gets to live with him” in return.
which, like everything else, you just let pass.
until one night you had gone home from having one of those days, that left you practically breaking down the moment you walked past the door.
and it had been the night seungkwan had decided to bless your entire floor with his rendition of opera.
so you did the only thing you could think about.
you waited until the water stopped, made your way to your neighbor’s apartment, and banged on the door.
and to your surprise, it wasn’t hansol or chan who opened the door, but the one person you wanted to see.
“hi,” he greeted you, a smile on his lips.
“hi,” you answered back. “i uh, live next door,”
“oh yeah, hansol has told me about you,”
“yeah. said you once dropped coffee on his lap.”
“it was an accident, jesus,”
“hehe yeah. anyways, i’m seungkwan.”
you ended up seeing seungkwan a lot after that.
more like, he had asked for your number and had begun to talk a lot after that.
and no matter how much hanson and chan, along with your roomates minghao ane jun, started bugging the two of you about it, you insisted you were just friends.
you were, weren’t you? seungkwan was a friendly person. it mafe sense you guys were just friends.
on his end, at least. because, well. maybe you did end up blushing a lil when you saw his name flash up on your screen.
and maybe you did look forward to when you’d go out for coffee, or for a walk, or literally whatever, no matter how many times you told yourself it was not a date.
only, seungkwan felt the exact same way you did.
and it was painfully obvious to everyone else.
minghao and jun actually had a bet going with hansol and chan on who would ask the other one out first (the loser would have to put their flat up for a party).
but well, seungkwan and you were fairly oblivious.
and then one day he saw you walking home from uni.
but you weren’t alone, and seungkwan noticed the way the blonde boy you were walking with kept on looking at you with a huge smile on his face.
and then you and your friend had finally parted ways and you met with seungkwan on the stairs.
“i didn’t know you were friends with jeonghan.”
“uh, he’s in my lit class. you know him?”
“a bit. we have some friends in common. are you... good friends?”
“you could say that, i guess. we’re going on a date tonight.”
seungkwan swore his heart broke a bit at your words.
because hell, he’d been too late. he had just wanted to take his time, see if maybe you liked him back, but he had made a mistake.
and it’s not like he was spying you or anything, but he had walked out of his flat to pick up his mail when you were leaving for your date... and wow.
you had turned and waved at him, and he had just stared at you as you left the building, a blush on his cheeks and a bitter taste in his mouth.
because you looked absolutely gorgeous.
but you were on a date with another guy.
or you were supposed to go on a date with another guy, at least.
because jeonghan’s car had broken down before he got to the restaurant you were supposed to meet.
it wasn’t his fault, and you weren’t angry at him, but it still upset you a little bit. 
but what upset you the most was the way you couldn’t stop thinking about seungkwan, not even when you were supposed to go an a date with your very attractive classmate.
so you assured jeonghan it was okay, asked if he needed any help and he told you he didn’t, ordered a bit of food to go (it was your favorite restaurant anyways). 
you were practically sweating the entire way back to your complex.
and the small blush on your cheeks was still there.
even when you knocked on seungkwan’s door and not on yours, the blush on your cheeks was still there.
“is seungkwan home?” you had asked chan he opened the door.
he couldn’t get his eyes off the plastic bags on your hand, so you gave him your box of fries when he nodded and let you in.
“it’s the door on the right! next to the bathroom!” chan had told you, smiling wide and starting to eat his way through his fries.
you didn’t want to intrude, and didn’t have to, because seungkwan’s door opened a bit when he heard chan’s indication to his room.
“oh... hey (y/n),”
“hope you haven’t had dinner yet, ‘cause i got a lot of food for us to go through,”
“i could always help you out if you don’t finish it all you know”
“shut uP chan”
and you noticed, with seungkwan wearing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie and hair still damp from the shower, that you liked him.
you really liked him.
“so, how was the date?” he asked while sitting down on his bed, trying his best to not let out just how jealous he was. 
“we didn’t actually - he didn’t go,”
“he stood you up? i might punch him the next time i see him at seungcheol’s. no, i will punch him.”
“no, he uh - had car problems. it’s alright, he let me know early.”
“i thought - the food...”
“i got it for us”
and if seungkwan liked you before, he liked you even more now.
hell, he really liked you.
it all went down from there.
and just like it had been before, it was fairly obvious to everyone around you that you two were not just friends anymore. 
no matter how much he had blushed that night in his room after you’d shared a slice of your favorite strawberry cheesecake and he had kissed your lips so softly you thought he didn’t, seungkwan does NOT fear pda.
he sees you at uni? he kisses you.
the two of you meet at your apartment’s lobby? he kisses you.
the two of you go out for dinner? he kisses you.
you two are hanging out with your friends and jeonghan appears? he kisses you.
his arm is always around your shoulder anyways, and he’s a bit taller than you, so kissing you when you walk through the city is fairly easy for him.
he is actually. the clingiest boyfriend. in the history of boyfriends.
texts you 24/7.
half of the time he’s talking about how much he loves being with you so it’s okay.
does super corny things sometimes like sending you flowers with cute little notes on them.
he just really wants you to know how much he appreciates you. 
you know those free concerts you got before you got together? yes, you get them even more often now.
he calls them serenades now though.
you’re making breakfast together after sleeping at his place? he “serenades” you.
you’re studying together for an upcoming test of yours? he “serenades” you.
you’re out shopping? he “serenades” you.
“seungkwan this is literally the middle of zara.”
“ah, you love my voice.”
and you do. just maybe not when you’re literally in the middle of zara.
but he is also the sweetest.
he cares so much about you.
kinda nags at you sometimes, but it’s always for the best.
“have you eaten yet? should i order a pizza or something?”
“we had pizza last night.”
“yeah but we can have pizza tonight as well. i don’t think you’ve eaten yet, did you?”
thanks to him you’ve never gone to bed after 2 a.m. on your free nights anyways.
the only times you do is when you watch a drama together though.
and does he loooove drama nights.
he sings along to every. single. ost.
kind of serves since he’s a drama major anyways (and seem to only ever do musicals).
you two rehearse a lot together.
or well, he rehearses with you watching him intently and clapping at every single scene (because you can’t sing for life).
you’re always front row and centre at every single production he’s in.
smiles wiiiiiide when he sees you cheering for him.
he’s the exact same way for you though.
he’s always there for you. 
literally the most supportive boyfriend.
gets super flustered when anyone asks if you’re together.
but somehow always makes sure he tells everyone else you’re together.
it’s the duality.
and you find it adorable so you probably end up kissing his cheek, which makes him even more flustered.
and even happier because well, now everyone knows you’re together. 
took things super slow for the first months of your relationship.
but he grew out of it as time flew by.
sweet and slow make-out sessions are a must after a long day.
low-key said he loved you during one of those.
your lips were plump, and your hair a mess, and he had never seen such a beautiful sight.
“i love you,”
“i love you too,”
you guys make love much more than you have sex.
he’s just a big romantic.
lots of hand holding too.
kisses you the whole. time. 
the kind of moans that are muffled by kissing and mixed with a lot of sweet little nothings.
a pretty vanilla kind of lover.
still a veryyyy passionate lover though.
your pleasure comes first don’t even try to argue with him.
amazing ! at oral.
and loves it.
both to give it and to receive it (but likes giving more).
especially when it’s you praising him.
loves missionary because it grants him a lot of kisses.
is a huge fan of having you riding him too as well (esp when you bend down and kiss him right in the middle of it).
he just reallyyyyyy likes kissing you, okay?
anyways. seungkwan loves showing you off.
and will show you off when he gets the chance. 
gets super sassy about it though.
“kwannie it’s okay, everyone knows we’re a couple anyways.”
“a couple? baby, we’re the couple.”
ever heard of (y/n)? your name is baby now. sometimes it’s love, or honey, but mostly baby.
low-key got u matching sweatshirts or something.
they’re probs just pain black sweatshirts.
but they’re the same !!!
matching lockscreens.
it was probably his idea but it’s super cute.
probably has you saved as my love or something of the sort.
a lot karaoke dates.
you drag minghao, jun, chan and hansol with you, too.
seungkwan always ends up showing off though.
“this one’s for my baby!”
“dude, literally every single one has been for your baby”
“shut uP chan”
would, will, and have fought people for you.
like that time you were having dinner with the boys and hansol winked at you over the table as a joke.
seungkwan literally went ノಠ_ಠノ the moment he noticed.
“don’t even try me hansol chwe, i know where you live.”
“you live there.”
then you kiss him and he’s like (◠‿◠✿)
he really, really loves you. 
the sweetest, sassiest, most caring boyfriend.
i want to date college bf!seungkwan :( 
227 notes · View notes
arckook · 5 years
around and around - five
Tumblr media
pairing: cho seungyoun x reader, kim wooseok x reader
au: idolverse
warnings: none
wordcount: 4.6k
description: you’ve had a one-sided crush on your close friend seungyoun for who knows how long, but things don’t stay so black and white when he introduces you to his new groupmate kim wooseok.
*sent image*
everyone look at our baby seungyoun at this photoshoot manz looks a fool
I think hyung looks good though?
Hansol can you read the mood. She’s trashing Seungyoun-hyung because he actually looks good
Oh ya I see it now
y/n y/n y/n where are you 
dont leave me alone here with these boring men
You sigh, reading over the recent messages in your friends’ group chat. Shaking your head slightly, you set your phone down in your lap, watching through the large mirror in front of you as your hairdresser lays the bleach onto your hair.
“I’m surprised you finally agreed to going blonde!” she says, looking excited to do something more interesting with your head. You tend to stick with a darker look, because it’s easier to take care of.
“I just want a change,” you tell her, smiling. 
And it’s true.
You almost feel like one of those girls who has gone through a crazy breakup, and does something drastic to her hair to try and cope emotionally. 
You’re just not going through a breakup, and also not doing it yourself so you don’t piss off your management.
You glance down at your phone again and see a few more texts.
Boring? BORING?
boring boys can you tell me if it’s just me who thinks seungyoun and y/n are acting weird
this is a necessary callout bc its making me feel uncomfy
Do you have to make them feel awkward…
so you DO agree
I never said that
I agree
They keep ignoring us in the gc 
Whichever one of you shows up here first is not a loser
boy are you 12? tf kind of tactic is that
There’s nothing wrong. Sorry I haven’t kept up much with you guys the past couple of weeks!
“tF kInD oF tAcTiC iS tHaT”
You read over Seungyoun’s message a few times, your eyes drawn to his name, to his contact image. It’s one of the only pictures of him that you’ve taken yourself- from one of the first times you’d even met him. He put on these dumb sunglasses and pushed his hair all the way back and flat against his head. It looked stupid, but at the time you thought it was funny and endearing enough to set at his photo.
There’s nothing wrong.
For some reason, you can’t bring yourself to believe that he actually feels that way.
You still feel sick to your stomach when you think back to his expression that night, when you told him you didn’t want him to take you home. Not that you didn’t want to be taken home… that it was him that was the problem.
He’s probably confused.
But you can’t explain it. You can’t. 
“I think a more silvery blonde will look good on you,” your hairdresser chirps, cutting into your thoughts. “Would you be open to that?”
“Oh, sure,” you answer, knowing your voice sounds a little half-hearted. “Can you cut some layers too? I’m curious what that would look like on me.”
“Totally!” she says, folding up a foil. “It’s going to look so good!”
A few hours later, when your new hair is completely bleached, toned, colored, cut, and blow-dried into a flowy and shiny curtain of silver-blonde, you post a picture of the new look on your instagram, feeling a little better from seeing yourself look so different.
You turn to see your group members, who all came from the dorm to get you from the salon so you can all get lunch together. 
Eunmi oohs and ahhs at your hair, running her fingers through it. “It actually looks soft!”
“That’s what happens when you don’t bleach the shit out of it like me,” Jiseo says, pinching a piece of her own hair, currently a faded minty green color, and cringing at it.
“Yeah, you should cut it, Unnie. Your ends look bad.” Soohyun says to the oldest, who sticks out her tongue. 
“Now three of us are basically blondes,” Eunmi pats your head. “I’m the only brunette left.”
“Don’t worry, Y/N won’t last long,” Jiseo jokes as she takes your hand, slotting her fingers in the spaces between yours. “She’s just going through emotional turmoil.”
“I am so not,” you mutter as the four of you start walking through the building towards the parking garage. 
“Y/N-unnie isn’t going through emotional turmoil, she’s just trying to look good for her new man,” Soohyun says, snickering even before Eunmi and Jiseo snap towards you, eyes wide.
“What?” Jiseo exclaims, and all you can do is glare intensely at Soohyun.
“That is also not accurate,” you grit your teeth as you talk.
“It so is,” she sing-songs, swinging her bag in front of her as you all keep walking. “His name is Kim Wooseok. Don’t worry, he’s handsomer than Cho Seungyoun.”
“Don’t say that about Seungyoun,” you tell her with a frown, but she just shrugs.
“It’s not like I called him ugly.”
“Isn’t Kim Wooseok his groupmate?” Eunmi wonders aloud, seemingly over the fact that Soohyun referred to him as your man. 
“Yeah,” you answer simply.
“Is that who you’ve been meeting up with the past few weeks?” Jiseo asks, which nearly makes you jump out of your skin, stopping in your tracks with wide eyes. Your leader glances over at you, a knowing smile on her face. “Y/N, did you think I didn’t notice you sneaking out whenever we had time?”
“I…” you trail off, a little embarrassed. “Um… yeah… I thought that.”
“Ooo-hoo-hoo!” Eunmi grins, and shoves you gently. “So it is like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like that,” she says suggestively, and you smack her arm.
“No, it’s-”
“Y/N-unnie sends him selfies,” Soohyun adds, making you groan and the other girls ooh and ahh even more.
“Yah, L/N Y/N!” Jiseo physically grabs and shakes you, her lips pulled into a wide smile. “I know as a leader I should scold you, but this is great news. You can finally get over Seungyoun.”
“Why does everyone keep saying that?” you whine, throwing your head back in frustration. “We are just friends!”
“Oooookay,” Jiseo hums, as you all exit the building into the parking garage. “Anyway, check out this spot I got. Someone was leaving right as we came in.”
“Lucky,” you comment as the car comes into view, glad of the change of topic.
The four of you get into the car, you and Soohyun automatically going to the backseat as you have done since the very first time you all went somewhere together. 
You glance down at your phone as the girls start discussing where you should go to eat, and are surprised to see another notification from your groupchat.
*sent image*
so y/n can post on insta but not respond to her best friends i see how it is😔
Woahhhh Y/N your hair
you can compliment but she’s not gonna respond😭😤
You sigh, your front teeth latching onto your bottom lip. 
You feel bad, to put it plainly. 
It’s not like you’re intentionally trying to ignore all of your friends… you just feel uncomfortable talking when you know Seungyoun will read it.
thanks vernon :)
sorry weve had a lot of shoots and stuff recently i dont have much time to be on my phone
She’s alive
wait y/n are you sleeping and eating :(
you were sick
im ok
take care of urself and ur new awesome hair girlie
sure thing
You turn your head to see Soohyun looking over at you, her brows furrowed. “You look stressed.”
“...No,” you smile, shaking your head. You reach over and take her hand, squeezing it. “I’m totally fine.”
“And then they made me wear this,” you find the picture you’d been looking for in your camera roll and turn your phone around, displaying the bizarre outfit you’d had to wear for a recent magazine spread. “Like, what is that? I’m embarrassed that documentation of this even exists.”
“It’s not that bad,” Wooseok hums, taking a bite of his cake. He does it delicately, and with a degree of elegance, like he does pretty much everything.
You huff, turning your phone off and setting it down on the table. “Well, thanks, I guess. I’m still in shock though.”
“By the way, Y/N,” Wooseok starts as you dig your fork into your own dessert, lifting a sizable chunk of the cheesecake to your mouth. “Why do you keep asking for me to meet up with you?”
You frown as soon as the words leave his mouth, setting the fork with your cake back down on the plate. “What?”
He shrugs, but it almost looks tense. Wooseok avoids meeting your eyes as he talks, instead trailing his fork around on the plate in front of him. “We agreed on me not spying on Seungyoun for you anymore. That was the whole reason we met up and ate together, but you’ve still been contacting me.”
You lean back in your chair, regarding him with furrowed brows and teeth latching onto your lower lip. “I don’t… are you saying it’s bothersome to meet up with me?”
Wooseok’s eyes flash up. “I didn’t say that. I’m just-”
“Well it feels like you’re saying that.” you cut him off, grip on your fork tightening as you look down at the table. “You could have just turned me down if you don’t like seeing me.”
“You’re not a bother, Y/N,” Wooseok says, and since you can practically hear the apology in his voice, you glance up to meet his gaze. It’s one of the few times you’ve seen him truly frown. “I shouldn’t have said it that way. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t really know what you’re trying to say,” you mutter, looking away again. “I didn’t just cut you off after the ‘no more Seungyoun updates’ thing because I like you and I want to be friends with you. Sorry if you didn’t feel that way.”
“Y/N-ah,” Wooseok says, clearly trying to get your attention, but you ignore him, because you feel a little hurt. “Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.”
“Okay, then what did you mean?” you ask, knowing bitterness is seeping into your tone. 
“I just thought that… you might be trying to make up for asking me that favor in the first place.” at this, you look up, confused. Wooseok fidgets a little, which is uncharacteristic for him. “I could tell that you were feeling uncomfortable about it that day that I came to get you from Jimin-ssi’s place. I thought you might be feeling guilty, so I was going to tell you that you didn’t have to be.”
“...Oh.” you say. 
It’s quiet for a second, because as a somewhat emotional person, you need a moment to recover from what you thought was about to become a total betrayal of your friendship with Wooseok, and you think he might feel a little awkward.
After you’ve had a minute to contemplate what he just told you, you sit up and take that bite of cheesecake you’d been preparing before, looking at Wooseok with all (probably not all, realistically… but most) of the distress wiped from your face. “You’re kind of right. I did feel guilty about it due to certain circumstances, but that’s not why I keep in touch with you. I just like you. And it’s fun having a friend that isn’t friends with the rest of my friends.”
One corner of Wooseok’s lips turns up, in that almost smirky way that he often does. Subconsciously, you think. “I’m glad to hear that.”
“...Can you apologize one more time though? Because that kind of upset me for a second.”
At this, he chuckles quietly. “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
About twenty minutes later, after Wooseok has documented the outing with a picture of you and the food (he says he likes doing that because he can’t post pictures of most of his idol friends on social media) you leave the dessert cafe and head out onto the streets of Seoul together. You’re in a quieter area with a lot of parks, but since it’s nighttime, there’s not many people around aside from the occasional group of teenagers or drunk couple.
Eunmi is currently covering for you by having told your manager that the two of you went out for dinner together even though she’s actually just at her brother’s house, so you’ll have to meet up with her soon and go home. But for now, you’re enjoying walking around in the cold air with Wooseok.
He’s been quiet for a few minutes, though, and you’re considering questioning it when he finally speaks up.
“I know you said that day that you didn’t want to talk about it,” Wooseok starts, looking straight ahead as you two walk through a park. “But I can’t lie that I’m not curious. What made you not want to hear about Seungyoun anymore?”
You glance over at Wooseok, biting hard on your lower lip. You’re not sure if you really want to say.
He looks to the side to meet your gaze, and holds it. “He’s seemed uncomfortable too, the past couple of weeks. He was in his room when I got back after taking you home that night, and Seungwoo-hyung said he went straight there when he came back to the dorm. Did something happen between you two?”
You tug on your fingers, pulling at the fabric of your gloves, and look away from Wooseok, coming to a stop. “Not really. I mean, a little bit, but it wasn’t like…” 
You sigh, feeling without being able to see the judgemental look Wooseok is definitely giving you right now. “Basically, Seungyoun-oppa brought a girl with him to this get-together thing. I didn’t even know he was coming so it was kinda a shock, but she seemed nice and Jimin-unnie even said they were friends so I went with it. But this girl got me alone with her at one point and asked…” you sigh again, clasping your hands together. “She wanted me to pretty much do what you were doing for me. See what Seungyoun was saying about her, get him to like her and make her look good to him. I guess that… it just made me regret having asked that of you. Maybe it’s also because I was kind of drunk, but I almost threw up, too.”
“...Oh. I see.” Wooseok says plainly. You glance up to see his expression, expecting the judgemental look, but he just looks… concerned? “You never asked me to make you look good to Seungyoun, though. You just asked me to tell you what he says about you. Those are different.”
You shrug. “I guess. It felt the same, though. That’s why I wanted to tell you that you don’t have to anymore right away. And I really wanted to leave. There was no way I was going to be able to hang out with this girl after she told me that she’s in love with him.”
“In love with him?” Wooseok scoffs. “What’s her name? That seems dramatic to me.”
You crack a smile. “Her name was Sahee.”
Wooseok gives an unimpressed look. “Well he’s never even mentioned her, so I doubt that she’s that important to him.”
You shrug again.
After a moment, Wooseok continues. “So nothing happened at all between you and Seungyoun?”
You rub your arm, sending a grim smile his way. “Geez, you really want to know, don’t you?”
He tucks his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that I can tell something is weird between you two, and I don’t even see you at the same time.”
“Well, it wasn’t much,” you say, accepting your fate and just deciding to tell him. “Sahee must have told him I was feeling sick, so he came to check on me, and wanted to take me home. I told him I’d take a taxi… that was after I texted you. He was insisting at least on taking me downstairs but I didn’t really want to see him in that moment, plus it’s not like I was actually planning on a taxi, so…” you shake your head, sighing once again. “I don’t know. I guess I kind of hurt his feelings in the process.”
“If you were rude to him you should think about apologizing,” Wooseok says bluntly.
Wow. Absolutely no mercy.
“Yeah, I mean… I figured…” you mumble, crossing your arms. “I don’t really know if it was rude though. It was more like… uncalled for.”
“That means rude in most people’s vocabulary,” Wooseok says with a sigh, then starts walking again, which means you have to as well to keep up. “Anyway, he keeps being mopey so even if you don’t apologize, text him or something.”
“Can’t you tell him to text me first?” you mutter, not intending for Wooseok to hear, but you guess that he does by the glare you see him shoot you from your peripherals.
You groan. “Okay, maybe tomorrow. No promises though.”
“You’re such a kid,” Wooseok says, but when you look over, he’s smiling. “Want a ride home?”
“You don’t have to,” you say, but he shakes his head. 
“Just accept. I’m avoiding going back to the dorm for as long as possible because Eunsang and Dohyon decided they wanted to host a ‘video game night’, and I don’t want my ears to bleed from the inevitable noise.”
You laugh loudly, already being able to imagine how much that would get on a lowkey person like Wooseok’s nerves. “Alright then. I’ll accept the ride home.”
You have a preliminary recording session the next day for your group’s next album, which is set to come out in March. Jiseo wanted you all to come in just to check out the current tracklist the company has agreed on and maybe start recording some vocals to see if it feels right.
You’ve been at it since the morning, and now that it’s lunchtime, you’re sitting in the room connected to the studio with the girls, who are all on their phones like you. You finished eating a while ago, and now you’re just staring at the messages you have with Seungyoun. You’ve never deleted his tab on your phone, so if you scroll up far enough, you’d be able to read the first ever text you sent him. Which was, if you remember correctly: “Hi Seungyoun-sunbaenim! It was nice to meet you :)”. That was the day after you were first introduced.
You sigh, setting your phone down and dropping your forehead to the table.
“What’s up with her?” Jiseo says with her mouth full. 
“Maybe you were right about emotional turmoil,” Eunmi muses. 
You lift your head up. “Do you have to gossip about me when I’m right here?”
“Duh.” Soohyun says, so you reach over and smack her arm (gently, you may add), which she whines dramatically at. 
“What? Did something happen with Kim Wooseok yesterday night?” Eunmi asks, and you groan.
“No, unnie. Can you stop trying to act like he’s my boyfriend?”
“No, I cannot,” she responds, sticking out her tongue.
“Leave her to her emotional issues,” Jiseo says, once again through her chewing. “Eunmi-yah, Soohyun-ah, let’s go back in since you’re done eating. Y/N-ah, just come when you’re ready.”
“Thanks, unnie,” you tell her honestly as she leads the other girls out of the room, Soohyun scrunching up her nose at you before she closes the door.
You grab your phone again and look at the screen.
It’s been a while since you last texted Seungyoun. Not since November. It hits you that it’s been months since you had a real conversation with him, and you feel bad all over again.
Hey :) I just wanted to say sorry if I was acting weird at Jimin-unnie’s house that one time. I felt really sick and I think the alcohol was getting to me.
You type out the message, but your thumb hovers hesitantly over the send button. You end up pressing and holding on delete until the whole thing is gone.
Oppa, sorry for being rude that night. I wasn’t feeling well. 
You read that one over a few times, and delete it too. 
Seungyoun-oppa, I can’t remember well, but I think I was kind of rude to you that day at Jimin-unnie’s house. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it
You bite your lip, and then in a sudden moment of “who gives a fuck”, just hit send.
And then immediately groan at what you’ve done. 
“Dumbass,” you mutter to yourself. “You remember everything.”
With a shake of your head, you get up and start gathering the takeout your group members had left on the table, probably thinking they’d just clean it up after. You throw everything that’s empty away, and then close up the containers of what isn’t done, stacking it in the middle of the table.
And then your phone starts ringing.
You nearly knock over the stack of styrofoam boxes it surprises you so much. You hurriedly walk back to where you were sitting, and pick up your phone, going cold when you see who’s calling.
“Fuck,” you whisper, your screen enveloped by that dumb picture of Seungyoun in the glasses. At least he’s just calling and it’s not Facetime.
You hit answer, unable to actually miss his call on purpose, and bring the phone up to your ear. “Hello?”
“Y/N-ah?” Seungyoun’s voice sounds out immediately, and the tension in your body skyrockets as you sit back down in your chair. “Is this a bad time?”
“No, I have a few minutes,” you answer, glancing through the window in the door to the recording studio, where you can barely see Jiseo and Soohyun with headphones on, Eunmi most likely recording some background vocals.
“Oh, good,” he breathes. “You… you got home okay that night?”
“Yeah, um, there were tons of taxis around,” you nod even though he can’t see you.
“Good,” Seungyoun repeats. “Were you really sick? Or did it pass the next day?”
“I think it was just the alcohol,” you try to reassure him. “I hadn’t drank for at least a month before that.”
“You don’t always drink like that, right?” he asks, then sighs, almost sounding a little strained. “It kind of worries me.”
“Why would you worry about that kind of stuff?” you ask, frowning. “You know I don’t get drunk easily.”
“Yeah, but look at what happened,” Seungyoun retorts. “You looked like you were about to pass out but you didn’t even want me to take you home. Someone in their right mind doesn’t act like that if they’re not totally wasted.”
You nearly let the words slip out: “There was more to it than that”.
But you snap your mouth shut before they do.
“I just feel like…” Seungyoun sighs again, sharper this time. “You never let me be worried about you. You brush it off every single time. It’s frustrating, Y/N.”
You’re at a loss for words.
Just... what?
“That’s not-” you start, then let out your own sharp sigh. “I don’t see how that’s a bad thing, though. You already have so many things going on, and I don’t want to be a burden, so-”
“When did I ever say that you’re a burden?” Seungyoun exclaims, interrupting. “You just assumed that! It’s like you want to be friends, but you don’t want me to actually care about you or be there for you!”
“That is not true,” you snap, your grip on your phone tightening. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, Seungyoun.”
“I know exactly what I’m talking about,” he responds, note of frustration evident in his voice. “You haven’t been the same the past few months. You just haven’t.”
“Whatever,” you say, knowing it’s bratty. “You think you know everything but you can’t even see how oblivious you are.”
You know you’re edging on dangerous territory here, but the way he’s talking to you is making a frustration at him swell up that you’ve never felt before.
“Oblivious?” Seungyoun scoffs, a sharp laugh following. “Come on, Y/N.”
“What, you think it’s funny?” you question, hearing the hostility in your voice. “Did you stop to wonder what your friend Sahee was saying to me on the balcony? Did you even notice we were out there together before she went to tell you I was sick?”
“What are you even talking about?” he asks. “This isn’t the point right now-”
“It’s exactly the point, you don’t think you’re oblivious, but you were friends with her for years and never noticed that she’s in love with you!” you snap, your voice rising in volume over the sentence. 
Seungyoun is silent after that, and the sense of regret starts to seep in instantly as you realize what you’ve done.
“...What did you say?” he asks, his voice quiet this time. “Sahee told you that she’s in love with me?”
You don’t answer, but he must take it as a yes.
Seungyoun is quiet still, but you can picture him, wherever he is, throwing his head back, pushing his hair through his fingers in agitation.
“Fuck,” he finally mumbles.
“I’m sorry,” you say, your voice small as your throat starts to close up. “I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No fucking kidding, Y/N,” Seungyoun says sharply. You can hear his grit teeth through the closed sound of his words.
You breathe in a heavy breath, trying not to start crying even though you can feel the tears welling up. “I’m sorry. Oppa, just pretend I didn’t say that-”
“L/N F/N,” he says, and you stop immediately. “Just don’t.”
You sniffle, holding the phone away from you so he can’t hear you as the tears start rolling down your cheeks. 
“Fuck,” you hear Seungyoun repeat. “Fuck, I can’t believe this… all that time and she never told me?”
You hold back a sob, almost choking on it.
It almost sounds like he’s talking about you.
This is why he can never find out.
This is why you’ll never be able to tell him.
You let out just the first broken part of the kind of shuddering breath you take when you’re crying, and Seungyoun’s mumbling stops.
“Shit, Y/N-ah? Are you crying?”
You can’t find the voice to answer him, just trying hard not to openly cry.
“Y/N-ah,” he repeats. You hear Wooseok’s voice in your head from yesterday. Y/N-ah. That’s not what I meant.
“Y/N-ah, please don’t cry. Fuck, fuck.”
“I’m sorry,” you manage to get out, your voice tight and thin. 
“No, it’s okay,” Seungyoun says quickly. “Don’t cry. I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you, I’m just shocked, listen, it’s okay, okay? Y/N-ah, don’t cry. I swear I’m not mad.”
“I’ll hang up now,” you say, taking another shuddering breath. “Please don’t tell Sahee I told you.”
“Don’t hang up,” Seungyoun scrambles to tell you. “L/N F/N, please don’t hang up right now-”
You pull the phone away from your face and tap the red button, and set it facedown on the table. It starts ringing again right away.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Jiseo’s voice sounds out from the doorway to the recording studio. You look up, and she gasps. “Yah, Y/N! Why are you crying?”
“Unnie,” you whimper, wiping at your eyes. “My heart really hurts right now.”
“Hey!” Jiseo shouts into the other room. “Everyone get in here!”
She walks over to your, pulling another chair up and quickly wrapping her arms around you, the ringing of your phone becoming background noise. “It’s okay. Whatever it is, it’s okay.”
It doesn’t feel okay to you.
You are still in love with Cho Seungyoun.
And he will never know.
233 notes · View notes
2019 favorite songs (male version)
A/N: This is all my personal opinions and these are the songs that stood out to me this year and are the most memorable for me. Also this post will be long 
Here is my top 10 for those who don’t want to see the rest
1. Rooftop - N.Flying
2. Soso - Winner
3. Wonderland - Ateez
4. Highway to Heaven - NCT 127
5. Undercover - A.C.E
7. Lit - Oneus
8. Sweet Chaos- Day6
9. Savage - A.C.E
10. Fuego - U-Kwon
“Lonely Night” - KNK 
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I was anticipating KNK’s return. I was very curious as to what they would do after leaving their company and having Youjin leave and Dongwon join. But they did not disappoint at all. Dongwon proved himself very much and it’s one of my favs this year. 
“I’m OK” - iKon
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I was so ready for this song. I love it so much. I was so ready for this song I was at school ready for it. iKon have never disappointed me with a song and this one is no exception. I adore it and listening to it makes me miss B.I. 
“Say My Name” & “Hala Hala” - Ateez
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Ateez was always on my radar. But these songs really made me notice them you know. I still bop to them both daily and like this is peak Kpop to me. This is the standard I expect from groups. Ateez really is out here to kill
“Rooftop” - N.flying
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This song might be favorite this year. I’m not the biggest N.Flying stan (Really getting into them tho) and I love this song. This song might be my number 1 this year. I love it so much. 
“Want” - Taemin
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Taemin is a god. That’s all I really have to say. Like Taemin really is on another level. This whole album is a blessing. 
“Enough” - SF9 
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SF9 are a group to look out for in my opinion. They really have their own sound and I can appreciate that. I have all of their albums in my playlist. I listen to this one frequently. 
“Tuxedo” - Ravi
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If you want to be happy. Listen to this song. It just puts a smile on my face. I genuinely like all of Ravi’s albums and think he is really promising as a musician. 
“Thrilla Killa” - VAV
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Still kinda sad Jacob isn’t in this one because wow. But VAV are underrated kings of the year. Thrilla Killa is such a fun song. I really have been enjoying VAV’s releases. 
“Miroh”- Stray Kids 
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I will be jamming to Miroh until the day i die. I will be doing the Haka part of the choreo to this dance, until the day I die. 
“Vibe” - 1Team
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This might possibly one of my favorite debuts of all time. The song is so chill and mature yet still fun and I feel like you got to hear every member’s strengths and I adore it to bits and pieces. 
“Doves” - Gree
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(Couldn’t find a gif for the mv)
I really fell in love with this song after stumbling on it accidentally. The song is really different and I really really like it. 
“Tu Eres” - Newkidd
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It makes me so happy to see Hansol find his place somewhere. After he left SM and the SMrookies, he joined The Unit and I was just kind of like when is he going to find his place, is he going to go solo? I’m just happy he found his place. All around this is a solid debut. 
“Bloom Bloom” - The Boyz
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I have had a hard time getting into the The Boyz, I still don’t know any names or anything but this is the first song that really peaked my interest. I really love songs like this. It’s so fun and fresh to listen to and it puts me in a good mood. 
“Bet Bet” - Nu’est
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Nu’est is really coming for me. I love every release they have brought out over the years. They are just so good. Baekho’s vocals are god tier and I adore this song. The album is amazing as well. 
“Ah Yeah” - Winner
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Winner have been so refreshing and just lovely lately. Their recent comebacks have really made me adore them even more. “Ah Yeah” is a song I have been listening to a lot lately and it just makes me really happy. 
“Undercover” - A.C.E
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We all know how I feel about A.C.E. This song is in my top 10 this year, maybe even top 5. A.C.E have so much talent and the video and the styling are amazing. But like the rap is God tier. 
“Highway to Heaven” - NCT 127
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I chose this song over “Superhuman” because it’s superior to me. Highway to Heaven makes me feel like a college student, going on a spring break roadtrip with my friends. Also in my top 10 this year. 
“Twilight” - Oneus
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I didn’t put their debut in this, even though it was amazing because Twilight is superior. I love this concept, this song and these boys. Oneus are proving themselves to be monster rookies and I am here for it. “Now” is a really good b-side. 
“Wave” & “Illusion” - Ateez
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It’s not surprise that Ateez makes the list again. This album was the one I bopped too all summer and I will never not “HAKUNA MATATA YAAAA” 
“RPM” - SF9
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I LOVE SF9. Look RPM is superior in everyway and form. The choreo, the styling, the song, the mv, JUST EVERYTHING. I was so shook when this song came out omg. 
“Side Effects” - Stray Kids
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Boy my head hurts. I love Stray Kids, I love their songs. This song totally caught me off guard and as much as I prefer it when Stray Kids isn’t as angry, this song is amazing and no one can change my mind. 
“Questions” - Zelo
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I missed my baby. It’s nice to hear his voice again. I love this track it’s really nice and summery. Looking forward to more things by my baby. 
“Rolling Rolling” - 1team 
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1Team are rookies I didn’t know what to expect from. But their songs are so chill omg. I love every single one of them and like I just feel hanging out at the beach when i listen to them. 
“Time of our life” - Day6
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Day6. I love this song. They had so much fun with it and it’s just so good omg. Day6 for the win. K-Bands for the win. 
“Sunset” - KNK
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Oh lord. KNK came for my throat. I want more KNK in 2020 because I need it. This song reminds me of a fashion show. 
“Give me more (ft. De La Ghetto, Play n Skillz)” - VAV
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Fun summer songs always win for me. Also VAV always win for me. I really like the dance and just the vibe of the song. It is kinda generic but I still really like it and listen to it alot. 
“Boom” NCT Dream
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Boy these boys have grown up so much. It warms my heart and makes me sad at the same time. I still listen to this daily. 
“Face” - Woosung/Sammy 
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I love this song so much. It’s so refreshing and nice to listen to. Sammy’s voice is like butter. 
“Come back home” - Target
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This song surprised me. I generally don’t go into groups I don’t know with high hopes, but I really like this song and the choreography. 
“Final Kiss” - IZ
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This is a band I have been getting into too. Final Kiss is a great way to end the summer and it’s a really nice refreshing and fun. The drummer really caught my eye, because he’s hella cute and the main vocalist is so talented. 
“Hit” and “Fear” - Seventeen 
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Fear made me nearly crap myself at the beginning of the song. It caught me so off guard but in the best way. Hit is just such a fun song and a hype song. I yell along to it in the shower almost every time. 
“Lit” - Oneus
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I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH. How they made such a fun song that I willbe listening to 10 years later is besides me. Oneus really out proving themselves. Another one for in my top 10. 
“Human” and “Daredevil” - Zico
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I have mentioned in the past how much I love Zico and his music and this was the return I wanted. The Thinking album is just amazing. Zico manages to put every emotion there is into an album. 
October (A lot of great releases here)
“Jopping” - SuperM
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I will be jopping to the end of time. Look a lot of people hate the thought of SuperM and stuff. But like, to me SuperM is just alot of amazing in one group and the songs are really cool. So yeah and they created their own verb. 
“Why” - ONF
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(not the right mv but yeah)
This song really put ONF on the map for me. It’s so different and nice. I love it. The mv is also incredibly and the vocals are too. 
“Wonderland” - Ateez
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Again, no surprise. This song is still on repeat for me. I love it, I want to tattoo it on my forehead. i want Yunho to “Kajaaaa” all over me. I love it, love it, love it. Can’t wait to see them live in 2020. Also in my top 10 this year. 
“Good Bam” - N.Flying
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A chill feel good song that I adore. Me and my friend talk alot on voice chat on discord and at the end of the night we say ‘Good Bam’ because of this song. It’s just so fun. 
“Runaway” - TXT 
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I am not the biggest TXT stan, I like some songs and that’s about it but, Run away is an amazing song. The mv is lovely, the song is great and I really like the choreography. 
“Poison” - VAV
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VAV came for my throat and they didn’t have to. Also in my top 10 this year. 
“Sweet Chaos” - Day6
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I listen to this and i want to scream along. We got a lot this comeback, Young K’s forehead, a full album and all of Day6 in suits. Another one for in my top 10. 
“So So” - Winner
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SoSo came out after I broke up with my boyfriend and let me tell you, perfect timing. This mv is one of the best I have seen ever and the song is amazing. Winner really stepped up their game this year. Another top 10. 
“Follow” - Monsta X
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This will be a Monsta X era I will cherish forever. Enough said. 
“Savage” - A.C.E
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We all know my A.C.E tangent I went on and I will not apologize. Another one for the top 10. No one does it like A.C.E. MORE A.C.E IN 2020. Also Wow’s rap in this song needs to be 10 verses longer, for my health. 
“Calling my name” - GOT7
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Got7′s best title track yet? IDK but to me it is. I also love all the b-sides and I feel like everyone got to show off their strengths. 
“Make this” - 1Team
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The beat drop in this song is something I haven’t quite heard before. I really like it and the video reminds of like a 90′s video game which is pretty cool. 1Team really are my favorite group out of boygroups who debuted this year. 
“Balloon” - Zico
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Zico man, I love this video and song so much. It encapsulates alot of my own emotions and it’s beautiful. 
“Blue Flame” - Astro
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This song had me so shook. I have really been getting into Astro and this is my first comeback with them and I am not at all disappointed. Astro man...
“Fuego” - U Kwon
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I love this song so much. I want people to cover dance it, the choreography is so fun and I’d do it myself but I can’t dance. I love the song and it was like the last thing I expected in December and it is in my top 10. 
“Levanter” Stray Kids
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a bittersweet comeback. But still beautiful, I’m proud of how far they have come and Stray Kids have never disappointed me. The choreo is lovely and Seungmin’s vocals are beautiful. 
68 notes · View notes
fxluna · 5 years
Korean Female Releases - January 2020
This list was created with the intention of exposing in a easy and neat way female releases from January 2020, including all genres and projects. I hope that here you can find talented artists and amazing songs and give them the love, attention and recognition they deserve.  
If you see any errors or releases missing, please let me know!
YEOJEONG (여정) - Jackson, The Talkative Cat (수다쟁이 잭슨)
Lee Young Ji (이영지) - WALGA (왈가)
Fil (필), Kim Dae yeon (김대연) - 선물 
LUNCH (런치) - 나의 이름을 (Love Forever)
AIRY (애리) - 신세계 (New Universe)
knockinon (노킹온) feat. RIPLEY - Door (문)
msftz (미스피츠) - 2080
Brown Eyed Girls (브라운 아이드 걸스) - Snowman
이기리 - Make Me Sing
NARA - Dirty Street
일상밴드 (Band daily) - 사랑은 머그잔에 (A Mug in Love)
LUCY (루씨) feat. 오세진 - 너를, 봄 
Vanishing Point (소실점) - Fake (척)
Lubless (러블레스) - Bluebird (파랑새)
Lee Yong Shin (이용신) - Smile
Dopein (도핀) Feat. Horim - 나 원하는 대로 (How I want it)
Elli K (엘리케이) - Love
Park se ho (박세호) - Beside her (그대곁에서)
OHLYNN (올린) - 우리의 헤어짐이 (Lisianthus) 
Jisugongzu (유지수) - 호수
Newzz (뉴즈) - BLIND LOVE 
Linhee (린희) - 얼룩진 밤 (stained night)
Sumerlee (이연호) - 지나갈 것들 
Nooma Feat. Hippie Kunda - Pathos
Joodan (주단) - 너만 자꾸 생각나
Youngji (영지) - 사랑이 날 떠나가 
FIXED FOCUS Feat. chohee (초희) - 그대는 모르죠 (You Don't Know) 
siha (시하) - Inside the Room (방안)
LoveSong - Windletter (바람편지)
Prin (프린) - 안녕, 내 사랑 Hello, My Love 
Yerim Sohn (손예림) - PALE BLUE
Yerim Sohn (손예림) - PROBLEM
YOUNHA (윤하) - Dark Cloud (먹구름)
Jeong Hyo Bean (정효빈) - sometimes (가끔은)
Peanut Butter (피넛버터) - 마음방 Dear daddy   
WooAhan (우아한) - 나만 너 (Only Me Only You)
프루츠 버니 (Feat. 윤혜린) - 감귤나무
kimneul (김늘) - 너에게 전하는 밤
Sýn Hjang (신향) - Shoulder Line (어깨선)
KissN (키스엔) - Hope you
Naseul (나슬) - 나에게
Seol Dal Dal (서달달) - It just happened 어쩌다 보니
Hongsi (홍시) - TinT
LUNNE (루네) - 눈꽃
Kim sin ah (김신아) - 이별 그 후 (After Parting)  
SEOY - Lazy Sunday    
DreamNote (드림노트) - WISH (바라다)
me and you (미앤유) With Jung Soan (정소안) - 사랑이 뭐였더라  What Is Love?
Elaine Kim (일레인) - Deep Breath
Joo Yeahin (주예인) - 네가 없는 하루
Lionclad (라이언클레드) - My Love 
Pyun Sun Hee (편선희) - 퇴근길 (Routine) 
Yunsae (윤새) - Stay with Me
신디 (Sindy) (Vocal. 비터스윗) - 다시 우린
안성옥 - 시작
강다나 - 안아줄게 
란 (Ran) - 너를 많이 좋아했어  
pH-1 Feat. Yerin Baek (백예린) - Nerdy Love (Prod. Mokyo)
Jung So An (정소안) - 궁금해 I'm Curious 
그녀 (Vocal. 지하이) - 돌아간다면..  
Woo YeRin (우예린) - 전하지 못한 편지
멜로우카페 (Vocal 이예린) - 지나고 나면
Nathania Feat. Nason - Lost Treasure (Prod. By Coral J)
J.MEE (제이미) - 알아  
Hong Soo Jung (홍수정) feat. Ko eun hye (고은혜) - Love (사랑을)   
GRACY (그레씨) - 그냥지금만생각하고싶어  
 Amber Liu - Stay Calm   
SUZANNE (수젠) - Can't Hang
ANS - Say My Name
HAERAN HONG (홍혜란) - 산촌
오아이 - No Thanks 
K. Flower (케이플라워) feat. Gawon (가원) - I Love You (널 사랑한 기억)   
Hailey Jeong (헤일리정) - promise you  
Subok - Can You Save Me?
Ruby Star (루비스타) - 결국은, 사랑 
LYn (린) - Three Wishes 세 가지 소원
Love Statue (사랑의 단상) - 겨울꽃 (Winter Flower)  
PARANG JAMONG (파랑자몽) - 부탁이야 (Please) 
12DAL (열두달) - 사랑아 아픈 사랑아 (Sick Love)
Roomy (루미) - Because it's you 그대라서 
2NB (투앤비) - How Can I Love You (왜 연락 안 되는 거니)
Banni (반니) - 나쁜놈 Bad Guy
Yerin Baek (백예린) - 다시 난, 여기 (Here I Am Again)
SUDI (With LAYN, iMos) - Cinema
SUDI (With Hauzee, Holmsted) - LP bar
 송민경 - 가르쳐줘요 
MISA (미사) - 밤드라이브 Night Drive
이예준 - 미친 소리
Stella Jang (스텔라 장) - Right Time and Right Place  
Daji (다지) - Before Sunrise (흩어지는 새벽)
MAYDONI (메이다니) - Black Snow
Hansol (한솔) - 그리워서 I Miss You
KLANG (클랑) - Horizon 
seoninjang (선인장) - 영원한 바다 (Eternal Sea)
MOONBOW - Your Last Day 
meenoi (미노이) - 3M
MIGEUM (미금) - This Night
Gummy (거미) - Your Day (너의 하루는 좀 어때)  
 Sophiya (소피야 ) - Ripple
Im DAI (임다이) - RIPLEY  
OVCOCO (오브코코) feat. TAEK - 밤 (Night)
nov (노브) - 겨울꽃 (冬花)   
Jueun Lim (임주은) - 디저트송
MosPick Feat. WOOSEOK (우석) of PENTAGON (펜타곤) - FINE DAY
Seongju (한성주) feat. Boyoon (보윤) - 너를 보며    
Baek Sunnyeo (백선녀) - 널 지켜주지 못해 미안해 Protect you 
볼빨간사춘기, 바닐라 어쿠스틱, 스웨덴세탁소, 스무살, 레터플로우, 김지수, WH3N(웬), 보라미유, 최유리 - Awkward(어색한 사이)
TAEYEON (태연) - 내게 들려주고 싶은 말 (Dear Me)
Sorae (소래) - 비 Rain (Vocal 기다온)
Sorae (소래) - 그대에게 To you
KIMHEEJIN (김희진) - 차마 I Can't Forget You
Anne (빨간머리앤) - 작가처럼  
크레파스 - 못난이
ALE (에일) With D2ear - 고마워 (I love you)
CARLA (칼라) - Dan Da La
Cafemocha (카페모카) feat. 모닝커피 - 좋은 날이 올 거에요  
양팡 Feat. 태리 - On air
Hyunsun Park (박현선) - Shall We Dance?
Yeram (예람) - HOLD TIGHT 
Beige (베이지) - 이별 첫날   
Lilynote (릴리노트) - 행복  
Solar (솔라), Kassy (케이시) - A song from the past (이 노랜 꽤 오래된 거야)
PARK KI YOUNG (박기영) - Tough girl  
Jan Di Kum (금잔디) - BANANA CHACHA Trot (바나나차차 트로트)
sogak sogak (소각소각) Feat. jae hee of MIND U - 내가 다 미안해 It’s all my fault
REDCHAIR (빨간 의자) - 한강 둔치 (Riverside of The Han River)
수연 - 별이 지는 순간  
Moonsound (문사운드) Feat. flowER - winter film  
KO A JUNG (고아정) - 미안해    
Iony (아이오니) (Vocal. Jungmi (정미)) - 예쁘게만 보여 Day by day
gahee (가희) - 서울도시, 달빛야경
릴리모닝스타 - 오늘부터 리셋  
달지X로옐 - 레벨업 (메이플스토리)
가나그네 프로젝트 (feat. 임성희 Of 한살차이) - 마취
Ha.E.D (하이디) - Liar (라이어)  
meeuz - 더 깊      
U SUNG EUN (유성은) - 도망가요 (Runaway)
KIARA (키아라) - 보스 (BOSS)
J-Cera (제이세라) - 사랑이 저만치 가네
verycoybunny - Love Is Giving
Wanee Jung (정희경) - 틈 CREVASSE (Sitar & Tabla)
Meaningful Stone (김뜻돌) - 어른이 된다면 (If I Grow Up)
HONG JIN YOUNG (홍진영) - 그대 오는 날  Love is Coming  
MiGyo (미교) - 미칠 듯 사랑을 하고 Love like crazy
Ever-New (에버 뉴) Feat. Violinist 박진희 - 운명  
Hyunhee Seen (신현희) - 독백 [Monologue]  
찬열 (CHANYEOL), 펀치 (Punch) - Go away go away
Lydia (리디아) x Ryhee (리희) - 내 사랑이 떠난다 (My love is leaving)
AIR - 돌아와
프린 (Prin) - 함께라면 (Together) 
Paul Kim (폴킴), CHUNG HA (청하) - Loveship
오소연 - 잊고싶어요  
Im Som (임솜) with 성영주 - 그래, 참 바보 같다 Yeah, that's stupid  
Heize (헤이즈) - That's All (다 그렇지 뭐)  
Gawon (가원) - 우리 헤어진 게 맞니  
BBAhn (비비안) - 하나뿐인 그대여
4& (포엔) - Starry Night
Syn (씬) - Selp Cure Tape. 자가치유.  
zytpk - 겨울 다음 겨울 (Winter After Winter)     
윤보라 - 이렇게 끝내서 미안해  
Bandgirin (밴드기린) - Beautiful days
ONZ feat. 미누 - Do You
City Nature (Vocal by 오선미) - 흰눈 Snow   
Baek A (백아) - Time Slip (시간을 되돌리면)
이소현 - 우리를 우리로 만들었던 날  
MAY&SEOK (메이앤석) - 어렸던 왕자  A Little Prince
SUDI With. Hauzee, 개미친구, 김비노 - 그날 우리는
HAILEY (헤일리) - Farewell Vlog (이별Vlog) (loves. 베이식)
Poetic Narrator (시적화자) - Sometimes I Desperately Want To Be Sick (가끔은 미치도록 아프고 싶어요)
JHWA (제이화) - I Met You (너를 만나)
Moongarden (달빛정원) - 집으로 가는 길에  On My Way Back Home
 GRACY (그레씨) - 아무도 모르게
Maiello (메이엘로) - 비밀 (Secret)
youbeyou (유비유) - 널 바라볼 때
An Ji Yeon (안지연) - 비야  
SOYOUNG UM (엄소영) - 그리울거야 Missing you 
Appetizer (에피타이저) feat. MYO SOO (묘수) - 잠도안오는 이런 밤이면 Sleep At Night  
이예린 - 사람은 이상하고 사랑은 모르겠어
hyeon seo park (박현서) - 밤 중 (midnight) 
Mandy (맨디) - anyway
Mandy (맨디) - 파이달 BlueMoonLight (prod. oe)
Machiato (마끼아또) - 그대만 내 사랑입니다 (You are my love)       
Sung Dam (성담) - 보고싶어요 Still
Oh Jieun (오지은) - 지나가요 pass by 
Seiren 8 - FLEX
반설희 - 숨바꼭질
OYEON (오연) - Want to say (하고 싶은 말) 
Michelle (이미쉘) - 이별은 너 혼자 하니
TERA (태라) - 이제 와서야  
Recordbell (레코드벨) - 모든 땅 위의 빛은 저 하늘 누군가의 별 (Constellation)
LEEVIAN (리비안) - 내 머리속엔 너만 상영하는 작은 영화관 하나 있나 봐
Sosohan Project (소소한 프로젝트) - 도시, 별  
Ran (란) - 결국 이별     
Kana Bathe (카나베잇) - When I Feel Love
YOYOMI (요요미) - 알고 싶어 니 마음을 (I Wanna Know Your Feeling)
MINSEO (민서) - Love Yourself (너에게 말해줘)
 DJ 캐시 - Cash Gun
MAMAMOO (마마무) - I miss You (자꾸 더 보고싶은 사람)
Cheon Soa (천소아) - 너를 처음 보았던 그날  
the Night of Seokyo (서교동의 밤) feat. BiNi (비니) - Diving
예나비 - 한 편의 시(詩)
Vivivavy (비비베이비) - Ready For Love
Rorin (로린) - 가지않는 시계  Miss You   
SIYEON (시연) (Dreamcatcher(드림캐쳐)) - Paradise
Ha Jin (하진) - Dawn (새벽)  
LEE HAE RI (이해리) - 우는 법을 잊어버렸나요 (Just Cry) 
Singil Station Romance (신길역 로망스) feat. Jeon chul min (전철민) - Our temperature 우리의 온도 
Myown (마이온) - 결코 평범하지 않았다고  
yerieL (예리엘) - LINE
I:magine (이매진) - 걱정을 해서 걱정이 없으면 걱정이 없겠네
METP (멧피) - 세레나데 
Moestone (feat. Momoko) - 어떡해
Hye Lim (혜림) - take it slow      
LEE YEON JU (이연주) - 하루종일 (All Day Long)  
Yezi (예지) - My Gravity
전기장판 - 신호
Lee Jihye (이지혜) - 긴가민가 (Puzzle me)   
HYOLYN (효린) feat. Crucial Star - 말 없이 안아줘 (Hug Me Silently)
Espresso (에스프레소) Feat. 가원 - 집에 가기 싫어 I don't want to go home
JANG HYEJIN (장혜진) - 이별에게 졌나 봐 (Lost to farewell)
Savina & Drones (사비나앤드론즈) - DOWN
SingSongLa (싱송라) - Real Dreams
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dvoz-alternate · 5 years
Surprise Visit
Joshua x older sibling! fem reader
Summary: you were also born in LA and a few years older than Joshua, so ~28. When he decide become an idol you enlisted in the Navy band, and have become a Navy captain. You are a first trumpet player as well as singer. Being on leave you decided to surprise your brother.
AN: I know that most navy now have changed their blues to a green color but I find their new enlistment uniforms to not be as attractive as the old ones... so I decided to use the old! The pictures I have uploaded do not belong to me, but their original owners that I found on google! The video posted also does not belong to me but the original owner!!! I apologize if the pictures are blurry on mobile they look fine on the computer though.
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This next photo is what you will dress like most of the time except that the uniform color is like the first picture. 
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“See you in a few months,” you told your band members as you walked into the airport with your trumpet case and bag. You had packed your casual clothes along with your dress, service, and enlistment uniforms before heading to the airport. 
Adjusting your blue enlistment uniform you checked the flight boarding times to find your gate before moving towards the security check line. Security checked your trumpet case even after scanning it just to be sure that there wasn’t anything in there before allowing you to move along. You understood and waited penitently off to the side before the attendant closed up your case and returned it to you with a smile and a ‘Thank you’. Nodding your head you returned the smile before moving toward your gate that would take you to finally see your little brother. 
You had sent him and your family updates through letters when you could, and your parents had updated you on his career. You also knew that he wasn’t always going to be able to reply, but when he did it warmed your heart seeing all of the funny photos he would send with them. Your favorite was the larger group photo of them in onesies so you kept that one in the pocket of your uniform with you all the time. They reminded you of a bunch of energized children.
Before taking the flight back to Seoul you checked in with your parents to see if they could find out from Pledis if they would allow you to visit the dorms and give you the address. You weren’t sure how visiting your brother would work, but you also wanted to surprise him.
“Now boarding gate XX,” the flight attendant called over the speaker. Standing you pulled yourself from your thoughts and grabbed your belongings making your way to stand in the forming line. Boarding the plane you looked for your seat happy that it was by a window. Storing your belongings in the overhead compartments you pulled out your phone shooting your parents a quick final text that you were finally on your way before tucking it away again.
“At this time we would like you to refasten your seat belts as we prepare for descent,” was heard from the speakers in the cabin along with the familiar ding. Roughly half an hour later you were back on the ground in Seoul. You waited for the majority of the plane to exit before collecting your gear and making your way out. Looking at the familiar lettering on the signs you made your way to the front of the airport to look for a taxis. 
Stepping outside it was raining heavily, so you stayed under the awning to hail a cab. Finally hailing a taxis you gave him the directions to the dorms your brother lived at. 
Arriving outside of SEVENTEEN’s dorms you paid your cab fare and the taxis driver helped unload your bags before nodding and driving away. Double checking the address you walked up to the front door praying that anyone but Joshua would answer. Knocking you stepped back from the door and pulled your hat down a little farther down your head to block the rain. Hearing the front door open you looked up.
Hansol was heading into the living room when he heard a soft knock at the front door. Not expecting company or if anyone was he went to answer it. Only was shocked to see someone from the US Navy at the door. It clicked who this person was when he read the name tag, ‘Hong’. His eyes widened and the largest grin split his face. He had heard so much about you and how Joshua would share the letters you would send him. 
“It’s you!” Hansol almost shouted in English until you quickly waved your hands in front of his face and peered around him. “Shhh, you’re Hansol right?” you asked pulling out your photo and pointing at a boy in it. Thank God Joshua labeled all the members on the back, you thought when Hansol nodded. Letting out a sigh of relief you put the photo away and then looked at the boy in front of you. It dawned on you that you hadn’t properly introduced yourself so you introduced yourself in Korean (you were stationed in a different part far awhile). “How rude of me, I haven’t even made a proper introduction,” standing up straight you held out your hand, “I’m (Y/N) Hong, US Navy Captain and first trumpet of the Navy Cruiser band as well as vocalist.” Releasing his hand you did a small bow. Smiling down at you Hansol introduced himself as well, and let you inside out of the rain.
“Hansol can you help me?” you looked up at him with large puppy dog eyes. “Sure what with?” he asked before seeing your face. AH! She really is Joshua’s sister! Sighing you stood up straight, “I haven’t told Joshua I was coming. I wanted to surprise him since I’m on leave for a few months.” The mischievous smile Hansol gave you was both alarming but at the same time welcomed since you knew you weren’t on the receiving end when this was all over. “I think I have the perfect plan.”
Hansol left you in the living room, and went to collect everyone who wasn’t in the vocal unit. Luckily they just barely started their practice before you got there. 
“Alright Hansol, who is this?” Seungchoel asked looking at your uniform. Standing you walked up to the man that spoke. “I’m (Y/N) Hong, Joshua’s older sister,” you said giving the man a bow. Everyone’s eyes, other than Hansol’s, were the size of dinner plates. “You’re Joshua’s sister?!” was chorused around the room before you and Hansol shushed everyone. “Why are we being shushed?” Hoshi asked from his spot on the floor. “I want to surprise Joshua with the visit. He doesn’t even know about this,” you said looking at the boy on the ground. “Also I have only been introduced to Hansol, and you now know who I am...” you teased the seven others boys in front of you as you glanced over at Hansol. That got everyone standing with a bow quickly, and you did not expect them to move that quickly.
“Okay, Hansol you said you had a plan?” You looked over at him. “That’s right,” he turned his focus to Minghao, “do you know what song they are currently learning the dance for?” Thinking for a minute Minghao modded, “I think they are working on Come to me.” Hansol looked back at you, “How quickly can you learn a song?” Smirking you replied confidently, “I’m a professional in the Navy Cruiser band.” Liking your confidence everyone lead you to an empty practice room. Minghao handed you a copy of the lyrics for the song and you read it over a few times. “Alright I think I understand, just point out things that I get wrong so I can correct it,” you said glancing at the boys in the room. You stared at eight heads vigorously shaking ‘yes’ and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
Forming a u-shape around you and sitting on the floor looking at you with anticipation. Removing your blue enlistment uniform over-shirt you were left with a tucked in black shirt and rolled your neck before starting the practice.
After nailing it a few times you were told you did good. Seungcheol check the time, “Guys we need to hurry there practice is almost done.” Sliding your over-shirt back on you followed the group out. “The next part of the plan is for you to be in the back as we go into the dance studio (Y/N), then when the music starts you will start singing along and we will slowly reveal you. Sound good?” Hansol said walking beside you. The grin on your face spoke for you.
Wonwoo opened the studio door and everyone filed in with you sneaking behind some bodies to stayed pressed against the wall. The guys new that they interrupted practice, but this gave them the excuse for them to start over. You on the other hand were almost bouncing in anticipation finally going to see your brother for the first time in several years. 
Confused the vocal unit turned around to look at the rest of the guys. “What are you guys doing?” Seungkwan asked eyeing them. “We were in the middle of practice,” Jihoon said crossing his arms. 
“Well we came to watch so I guess you’ll just have to start again,” Hansol said with a small shrug. Rolling their eyes they just moved back to their starting positions. Chan shot you a wink and thumbs up while their backs were turned and you returned it with a smile. Letting out the breath you prepared yourself for the music to start. 
As the music started you started to sing. You couldn’t see the reactions of the vocal unit, more specifically Joshua’s but you had heard the fumbled steps before they stopped. Slowly the mass of bodies in front of you began to move in time with the music before you were revealed. Smiling while you continued to sing the music you saw Joshua’s face turn from confused to shocked when he saw you standing their singing their song. The other’s in the group turned to look at Joshua since he had the strongest reaction with tears brimming in his eyes. 
“... to me,” you sand the last part and extended your arms to your younger brother who ran and jumped into your arms causing the both of you to tumble to the floor. The tears were mixed with laughter at your reunion both of you holding onto each other tightly. Wiping away his tears as he was koala-d around your torso you couldn’t help but laugh before turning to the eight guys behind you. “Thank you guys for helping me.” 
Finally releasing you and helping you up Joshua asked, “Wait what? How are you here right now?” Taking your hat off you placed it on his head, “I’m on leave for a few months right now and I wanted to surprise you.” Someone cleared their throat from behind Joshua so you both pulled away from your reunion and Joshua’s cheeks flushed forgetting for a minute that everyone else was there to witness his scene. 
“So... Joshua who is the lady in uniform?” Seungkwan asked. Laughing with a shake of his head Joshua brought you to the four members of the vocal unit, “Guys, this is my older sister (Y/N). She is a captain the US Navy and a part of the Cruiser band.” Bowing to them you smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet everyone,” you smiled. 
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lililiyababe · 6 years
sweet like syrup || h.v.c
→ paring: hansol vernon chwe x reader
→ genre: suggestive fluff
→ warnings: suggestive/sexual themes; steamy make-out sesh
→ word count: 1.5k
→ summary: as a birthday treat, you make vernon breakfast in bed.
→ a/n: ahhhh i can’t believe it’s already my baby’s birthday!! vernonie, i sincerely hope that you had a birthday full of love and laughter; it’s what you deserve! i love you to pieces.
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The sizzling sound of the skillet and the chirping of songbirds filled your small kitchen that morning when you decided to make breakfast. Slipping around on the tile floor with knee socks covering your feet and an excited grin plastered onto your face, you flipped pancakes and munched on a piece of buttered toast all while humming along to the tune that played quietly through your phone speaker—a light, upbeat ukulele song that helped energize and prepare you for the special day ahead. You already knew that Vernon would more than likely want to see a movie or visit the town today, and while you hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before, the prospect of celebrating and spending the day with him and his friends invigorated you. That same enthusiastic energy, coupled with a cup of coffee, was what propelled you forward that morning, even though you were awake much earlier than you were used to. Still, as you slid the last of the pancakes off of the pan and tended to the bacon, your exuberant smile only widened. For someone who typically poured themselves a cup of orange juice, grabbed a granola bar, and called it breakfast, the array of food that laid before you was an impressive feat. Placing a few banana slices on top of the pancakes as a “finishing touch”, you slowly picked up the two plates and began creeping toward your shared bedroom.
Glimpses of the sun’s rays painted the cream-colored walls of your bedroom a soft yellow as they began to peak over the horizon. You had left the blinds open last night, you released much to your delight, for now you had the pleasure of witnessing the sunrise streak the sky with purples and oranges. The quiet hum of the oscillating ceiling fan and Vernon’s even breaths acted as the only sounds in the room, the atmosphere of sleep weighing heavily on your chest as you glided the bedroom door closed. A tinge of guilt grappled at your heart when your eyes landed on your boyfriend’s sleeping figure; he was on his back with his arm draped across your side of the bed, his fingers curled and dipping past the edge of the mattress ever so slightly, and you truly contemplated not disturbing his state of slumber. He stirred, however, somehow sensing your presence before you could decide whether you wanted to make it known or tip-toe out of the room and allow him to rest. Instead, you set the plates down on the bedside table and opted to place small kisses on his outstretched fingers until his eyes fluttered open and you were met with a luminous smile. 
He inhaled deeply before speaking, stretching his torso slightly with the action. “Hi,” his hoarse voice and heavy eyelids, a result of his deep sleep, tugged your cheeks into a smile, and the desire to slip back into bed with him for a couple moments was overwhelming. However, you had a goal to complete, and you weren’t going to allow yourself to be tempted by Vernon’s sleepy afterglow. 
“Happy birthday,” you whispered in a sing-songy tone, afterwards pulling the plate off of the table and onto the bed in front of him. “I made you something.”
He sat up only somewhat and rubbed his eyes. “Are those...pancakes?” He squinted, shuffling toward your end of the bed to get a better glimpse of your surprise. “Everything still looks fuzzy right now,” he admitted with a chuckle.
“Oh!” you reached for his wire glasses, which he slipped on with practiced ease. There was something incredibly endearing about Vernon’s glasses, particularly because you were about the only person who ever saw them frame his lovely features. He much preferred his contacts, he would often explain to you, but, in your eyes, he looked beautiful regardless, particularly whenever his entire face lit up with childlike delight whenever he saw the food stacked on the plate. 
“Ah, really? You made this for me?” He was touched, almost incredulously so, as he stared up at you with dancing irises and a wide grin that only brightened as you proudly nodded in response. Carefully and much to your confusion, Vernon slipped the plate back onto the table, only to grab ahold of your arm and pull you onto the bed instead. You allowed yourself to climb on top of him, amused laughter illuminating your features as his arms snaked around you.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you.” He peppered your skin with kisses, his drowsy lips pecking your cheek, neck, and shoulder while you continued to chuckle in adoration. 
“It wasn’t that difficult, really...” You were blushing slightly at all the attention and gratitude you were receiving because, to you, this mini-birthday present was only the beginning of a wonderful day of spoiling your boyfriend. Nevertheless, he kissed your skin tenderly, his long eyelashes brushing and tickling your neck with the action. 
“Nuh uh,” he hummed, “I think...I have the best girlfriend in the whole world.” His lips continued to graze your neck as he muttered with a sleepy drawl. You merely shook your head with a sheepish smile, but as you began to protest with a small “no, you’re the best,” you were interrupted by a kiss. Slow and sensual, Vernon chased your lips with his own, and you could feel the smile tugging at their corners as he did so. 
“You’re the best,” you whispered against his lips, only pulling away for long enough to finish your statement before slipping into another gentle kiss. His chest rumbled with a small chuckle, for he was endeared by your determination to compliment him back. With a small shiver, you curled even further into Vernon’s chest; goosebumps were starting to rise on your arms due to the draft from the spinning overhead fan, and your pajama shorts and old t-shirt were doing practically nothing to shield you from the cool air.
Vernon must have noticed because, as his hands ran up your arms and felt the chills that harrowed your body, he pulled away and placed his forehead against yours. “Cold, babe?” His eyebrows were raised in concern, but there was something in his gaze that made your stomach flip as you nodded in response. With a sudden depth to his voice, Vernon simply leaned forward into the shell of your ear, his heavy breathing causing yet another shiver to run through your bones. “Can I help you with that?” 
You didn’t quite know what you were agreeing to, for your boyfriend had his unpredictable moments, but you were also left slightly drunk off of the feeling of Vernon’s lips against yours—you craved more. “Mhm,” you didn’t even bother to give a coherent answer, instead allowing your eyes to flutter shut as Vernon’s lips connected with the delicate skin of your neck once more with the intent of leaving more marks this time. A shaky sigh escaped your lips almost immediately, and your head rolled back so as to allow him easier access as if it were second nature. “N-not that I’m complaining or anything, but how is this gonna help, exactly?” Your speech was playful, but even you could detect the needy, unstable undertone that was hidden within it. 
“Your face is red,” he replied cheekily while his thumb ran over the blush that dusted your cheeks. “Unless it isn’t working and you want me to stop?”
Again, you didn’t know whether it was your pride or the fact that Vernon’s lips sent you to your own personal heaven that prevented you from providing him with a response, but you found that you could only shake your head and pout at the proposition. With a satisfied hum, Vernon quickly went back to work, making use of his tongue and teeth on your collarbone while his hands slid back down your body, starting from the base of your neck until his fingertips were gently massaging your hip bones. And when you believed your sweet, loving boyfriend couldn’t get more brazen, he placed a soft, affectionate kiss on the hallowed-out part in the center of your collarbone before licking a slow, long stripe up your neck and catching your lips in a sloppy kiss. 
“’Nonnie,” the nickname rolled of your tongue as a whine with a sense of urgency behind it. “Your food is getting cold.”
He simply pouted in response, his hands never halting in their teasing of your hips as he smirked at you, “But now I have something else that I wanna do...”
You scoffed at him playfully, “After all that work I put into making you breakfast?”
“Please?...” If you didn’t know any better, you would have said he was begging with his big, brown puppy-dog eyes, but his facade was instantly ruined by the roguish grin that decorated his slick lips. “It’s my birthday.”
“Okay” you allowed with an embellished sigh because, truly, his insinuation only made your heart pound. “But only because pancakes are microwavable.”
He shrugged nonchalantly, starkly contrasting his actions that were anything but casual. “Fine by me,” he muttered as he pulled you toward his mouth, arranging you so you were practically sitting on his neck so he could leave small kisses on your inner thigh as he spoke. “You taste much sweeter anyways...”
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rkyeji · 5 years
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                  #5011 hwang yeji w/ #5002 - choi minho, #5018 - kang hyunggu,                   #5028 - lee chaeryeong & #5040 shin ryujin                       outfit (w/o cap) / hair style / nct - whiplash ( distribution ) mentioned: @rkmason, @rkkhg, @rkchaeryeong, @ryujinrk, @jinsoulrk, @rkpjy, @rktaeyang, @danielxrk, @rkdoyexn, @rksxna
there were many things that shocked her, the first thing was jinyoung's elimination and in her eyes it was not justified at all. why was she more worthy of staying? why was daniel more worthy? she didn't understand the logic at all-- why bring someone back only to eliminate them the next week. the female didn't approve of it not at all-- she looked over at her cousin and knew that the older male most likely felt horrible. in the end, she hoped that daniel wouldn't blame himself.
one thing she could say that she was excited about-- was her group for this week, they were all dancers and ryujin and her were finally in the same group. yeji felt excited-- she couldn't help but wonder how things would turn out this week, with minho in their group. the golden child of the mgas this season-- either way yeji wanted to put on a better performance this week now that she was with dancers, she couldn't helå but feel a little more relaxed compared to the previous two weeks. it had been fun in hindsight but while the week was going on, yeii had never been more frustrated with anything in her entire life.
when the coaches were announced yeji felt excited-- k.arma members but no kil. then again she liked doyeon and sana as well, jinsoul she remembered from the mgas last year but right now. yeji needed to focus but before that, minho took them out for something to eat which was nice. it was a first usually she would drop by hansol's apartment, things were slowly getting more and more serious. she was in the semis and needed to do well, yeji hoped she would do well.
they were sitting on the floor, contemplating what song they should do and what kind of performance they should present to the live audience and judges. it needed to be a performance that they were proud of and liked if they didn't like it was useless. yeji did find it weird to have 5 dancers in a group-- in a company that wasn't centered around dance. it had puzzled her mind a little but yeji was ready to adjust whatever she needed to adjust.
many songs left their lips, bts's not today, ikon's killing me, monsta x's shoot out and alligator. in the end they settled for whiplash. chaeryeong had expressed her concerns, this would be the third nct song that she performs but they all rallied around her and encouraged her. they would be mixing things up, making their own chores and writing raps-- even if the song was by them it would show a different side of them all.
yeji and hyunggu were responsible for the choreo while the other three worked on their raps-- she found herself intrigued by the creativity the other had. nodding to herself as they shot ideas at each other. having the music on in the background yeji tried out different moves along with hyunggu. minho and ryujin also have their feedback on the dance and came with ideas, ryujin suggested that they have somewhat of a dance battle with the choreo and then they decided to incorporate the fact that chaeryeong had been insecure in the start but now was confident.
during the week, yeji felt ryujin's presence and after last week when she had seen the younger get sick she felt worried about her. yeji didn't want ryujin to go to hard, in case she would get sick again.
"ryujin ah, you should rest," she told the younger and urged her to sit down and take her time. they were on good way and this week, was not half as stressful for either of them, "we can do this ok?" she nodded, smiling at the younger. she reached out her hand and petted the youngers head. yeji and ryujin had gone to the same high school-- yeji was a year older and had graduated before her but in the end and now-- they were finally grouped. yeji was honestly excited but at the same time worried about ryujin's health. so she urged the female to rest multiple times. giving her a water bottle so that she would stay hydrated.
one person yeji was grateful for this week was jinsoul, when the trainee approached yeji she wondered if the older would tell her not to sing but instead, she was encouraged and given advice. jinsoul gave her advice on how to take care of her voice and keep it in good shape, at first yeji was surprised that she would have to take care of it but it made sense. just like a dancer has to take care of their body-- a singer needs to take care of their voice and yeji wanted to be able to sing well, not as well as she danced but she wanted to be able at least carry this group a little vocally.
- day of the performance -
while watching the 1st performance from her seat yeji felt excited, the groups had prepared great stages today and everyone looked like they had gotten extremely used to performing at this point. it lights a fire inside yeji, the competitiveness that she hadn't really felt before today. she wanted to do well-- do better and she wanted her group to do the best. there were plenty of better singers in this competition, better than yeji but she needed to sing with confidence regardless. she had things to give as well and that is what she wanted to show with this performance.
when it was their turn, yeji turned to ryujin. she gave the youngers hand a soft squeeze before walking onto the stage. there they found their spot and ryujin started them off with, "we are your," then they all said in unison, "antidote." it was cheesy and yeji remebered when she had suggested it, she didn't think that they would go with it but in the end... it was like this and she felt a little embarrassed by it.
they got into their positions, gave the sign when they were ready and then when the music started ryujin's voice could be heard before hyunggu's voice rang as he started them off in the chorus. yeji followed up with him before, she sang confidently and comfortably, the chorus wasn't what she was nervous about. they danced smoothly, all while dancing. yeji herself wondered when she had improved as much as she had and she wondered if her improvement had gone completely under the radar for most. maybe-- if she could sing the bridge well later she would be able to show everyone that she had potential.
like that, they danced throughout the song, through rap verses and two more choruses-- then when yeji sang the last line for her chorus she started singing the bridge. it was only her and hyunggu that were moving at this point. yeji remembered how she had asked jinsoul for advice, the original singer had a nice voice and she worried about the last note. would she be able to pull it off? her? jinsoul had given her the advice-- tackle the note head-on. without fear. yeji remembered that whenever she practiced it during the week, she had messed it up a couple of times. not because she couldn't hit it-- she had been able to hit it once, all she needed was the practice to hit it.
the bridge started, back in real time-- she had flashbacks to jinsoul's advice, tackle the note head on. sing with confidence and yeji sang, just like she had done in practice only now it mattered. now she couldn't afford to make a mistake. when the last line started she raised her voice a little, hitting the falsetto and then doing a short run before letting it fade out. confidently-- she had been able to deliver the line without a mistake.
soljikhage malhaejwo (ne mam geudaero) dalkomhan kaendiboda sseun keopi (wonhae) deutgie joeun maldeureun (jamshippun) nal kkaeul jinshimi piryohae nan nega piryohae
yeji was excited but she couldn't show it, instead she continued on with the performance-- the instrumental of the last part of the song played as they had their dance battle. yeji and ryujin vs minho and hyunggu, chaeryeong looking upon them as they danced, it was ironic-- she had been the one that hesitated about their song pick and now chaeryeong was the one to gather them together. it ended with all of them dancing together-- yeji put on a confident smile as the rappers delivered one line each. chaeryeong in the center, they struck the last pose and the music ended shortly after.
yeji could hear the crowd cheering for them as they finished, the feeling rushed through her. this was exhilarating-- she hadn't felt this alive while performing, hearing the crowd cheering for them as they finished. yeji smiled brightly and bowed, waving at the audience as she walked off the stage.
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Hansol: Aw, Noona. You had a crush on me. That's embarrassing!
Song Ah: We're married.
Hansol: Still!
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gamerwoo · 3 years
hansol: the lovers playlist
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characters: hansol x female reader
genre/warnings: idol au, strangers to friends, fluff, really bad attempts at humor, reader has anxiety about crashing the car and killing vernon and josh lmao
word count: 579
summary: i got your picture, i’m coming with you; dear maria, count me in.
previous song | next song | back to playlist
You were pretty sure you hadn’t been this nervous about driving since your driving test to get your license. Then again, this anxiety might’ve been mixed with the fact you were with Seventeen again. Not only that, but you had to drive them.
Only a few days after meeting Seventeen for the first time, the company thought a fun way to promote your group would be to feature you on an episode of Going Seventeen. You were split into teams and had to go on some scavenger hunt. It was all being filmed, and you were horrified that your driving would be judged horribly for the entire world to see.
‘I could possibly be the one who kills at least 2 members of Seventeen,’ was the only thought that your stupid brain would think. And you couldn’t shake it as you slid into the driver's seat.
“Okay,” Hansol sighed from beside you in the passenger seat once Mira and Josh were seated in the back, “let’s figure out the most important part of this trip: the music.”
“That’s all you guys,” you chuckled as you tried to focus more on pulling away from the curb in line with the other cars
“I mean, since I’m sitting shotgun…” Hansol mumbled as he began to connect his phone to the car’s stereo.
That caused not only Joshua and Hansol to bicker over who should control the music, but also Mira jumped in.
‘I feel bad for whoever does the subtitles,’ you thought to yourself as the three argued in English over music choices.
“I hate to break it to you,” you spoke up, “but we can only play Hybe songs.”
The three paused and looked at you before looking back at each other.
Hansol clicked his tongue once with a shrug, “Just one little throwback song couldn’t hurt.”
“You’re going to ruin our screen time so you can listen to your throwback playlist?” Joshua asked, feigning anger as he reached over the younger boy’s shoulder.
“Ah, ah, it’s fine,” he insisted with a laugh as he maneuvered out of the way so Josh couldn’t rip the phone from his hands.
Just the little cough at the beginning had you perking up. You knew this song. How could you not know this song?
“I got your picture, I’m coming with you. Dear Maria, count me in,” you began singing excitedly.
Hansol looked up at his phone to smile brightly over at you, “You know this song?”
“Who in America doesn’t know this song?” you scoffed.
Joshua looked over to Mira beside him, remembering that she had said she lived in America for a few years, “Do you know this song.”
“Yes,” she pouted, making the older boy laugh. “What, do you think we just listened to banjos and tin cans in Tennessee?”
The car was sent into a fit of laughter and teasing. But when that all died down, it was left with you and Hansol obnoxiously singing the lyrics together, and you had all but forgotten your nerves about driving.
“Maybe we can use this footage,” Joshua said once the song was over. “The two of you are just yelling at this point, so it won’t even be close to the original.”
“We’re having fun,” Hansol corrected before nudging your arm that was resting on the arm rest between the two of you, “right?”
You glanced over at him and couldn’t help but smile back at him with a small laugh, “Right.”
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svtntntn · 6 years
greaser!seokmin x waitress!you
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inspo: seokmin during booseoksoon's 'just do it' and call call call promos
seokmin studies at the diner on the corner of the street, ordering a single milkshake everyday he’s there and choosing his favorite song from the jukebox
tbh, lee seokmin shouldn't even be in the SVT gang to begin with
he fell into it by accident bc he was jeonghan's assigned mentee from a mentorship program at school and jeonghan called him as a last resort when he and joshua needed help with something
so he did so, and when seungcheol offered him a spot in SVT, he accepted it bc he's loyal and devoted to his mentor and friends, no matter what trouble they're causing
bc now they're in it together!
SVT are the greasers that run the eastern part of town, organizing bike races, causing mayhem and chaos, basically acting as delinquents in school and in town
it's kinda a surprise to everyone at school that seokmin's a part of SVT, but with SVT second-in-command yoon jeonghan as his assigned mentor and his friends being in SVT as well, it was only a matter of time
seokmin's typically tagging stuff with hansol and soonyoung or riding his bike into the school parking lot with mingyu and minghao
he's tried to study with the rest of the guys before their meetings but they're all so loud and rambunctious that he needs his own study space
after classes, seokmin frequents this one specific diner near the eastern/western border of the town for one thing and one thing only: strawberry milkshakes
he gets his favorite strawberry milkshake with the perfect dollop of whipped cream and a shiny red cherry on top while he studies in a corner booth right next to the jukebox, where he can easily slip in a quarter into the machine and request his favorite songs to hum as he does his homework
the diner's patrons love love love hearing him sing as he re-writes his chem notes, his own high notes reaching every corner of the diner till he's met with a small chorus of applause
it's not until afterwards when they notice the back of his leather jacket do their breaths hitch and the whispers start circulating around the room
you don't really know why that happens tho
you just notice no matter what, the man who always orders the same strawberry milkshake everyday wears his leather jacket with pride everyday
you’ve been working at the diner for awhile now, since you just moved into town with your family
and your eyes always catch the handsome man sitting by his lonesome in the same booth by the jukebox
and you want to say something to him, but nothing comes to mind when you stop by his table except, "enjoy your milkshake" and he gives you a small smile and a grateful "thank you" back
your co-worker seungkwan always tries to hype you up to get you to say anything to seokmin
bc he's in seokmin's choir class and knows that he's a super sweet guy who would like you back
so bc you're not very good at articulating your words, you decide to write on the back of his receipt instead
you decide write something simple: 'you have a beautiful voice:) -(y/n)'
you give seokmin his receipt after he pays and he thanks you, pocketing the scrap of paper and exiting the diner with his backpack
when you walk back to seungkwan, he just scolds for you being too subtle whilst saying you have to do something bold and get his attention
but you're not all into being bold and brash (hahahaha) so you brush off your crush as just being that: a harmless crush
it's not until seokmin's at home and he's emptying his jacket pockets does he notice your note
he saves it in his notebook and it definitely sets his mood for the entire day:)
when he ventures over to the diner the next day, he recognizes you standing at the jukebox with a quarter in your hands
you're perusing the jukebox's library when someone taps your shoulder, scaring you and making you drop the coin
"sorry!" seokmin drops down and gets the coin for you, handing it back to you
he glances at the catalogue set on the very last page, "hard time choosing a song?"
you nod, "especially since I have never heard of most of these"
"you've never?" seokmin's surprised, but he smiles warmly at you, "I guess we're gonna have to fix that!"
he fishes around in his backpack and pulls out a little coin purse, entering his own quarters in the machine and pressing in combination after combination for several songs, "these first few are my personal favorite, then I'm just setting the jukebox to play other tracks I like"
you nod and you ask him what song to use your quarter for, "save it for when you find a song you really like" 
he slides into his usual booth and you pocket the quarter, choosing to take his advice
"so, just a strawberry milkshake then?" you ask him expectantly, shooting him a wide smile
"yes please" seokmin nods as he pulls out his notebook and study material
you put in his order and wait on other tables, helping an elderly couple two booths down and a rowdy bunch of guys seokmin recognizes from another school at a table near his own
the group of rowdy guys continue to shout above the music from the jukebox, jeering at each other and catcalling at you when you walk by
you try to your hardest to be polite and tell them to keep it down as to not disrupt the other diners, but they brush off your warnings 
and seokmin's just trying to study and listen to the music, especially since he wanted to you to listen to the songs he loves too but he can clearly see that the boys are making you v uncomfortable
so he goes up to the table and asks them to either keep it down and stop catcalling you or apologize to everyone and leave the diner asap
seokmin pulls all his moves from when he's seen seungcheol and jihoon act intimidating to other rude ppl when they're out and about
he also makes sure to take his time walking back to his own table, letting the boys stare in shock at the SVT initials on the back of his jacket
needless to say, the boys pay their bill and leave right when you come back from the kitchen with seokmin's milkshake, all the boys bowing to you in apology and cowering from seokmin's glare
when you appear at his table, his glare melts into a cheerful smile, "thank you (y/n)!"
you then help the elderly couple at their booth, who both have been watching everything go down, "excuse me miss, can I pay for that boy's milkshake? tell him that the world needs more people like him" the old man smiles
you nod to him, "sure, let me fix your bill for you" 
on the couple's way out, the elderly man tips his hat at seokmin, who gives him a bright smile but is terribly confused on the inside
when you venture back to seokmin, he's ready to pay for his bill when you show him the paid receipt and relay him the man’s message to him, "they said that the world needs more people like you"
the message clicks in seokmin's head and he looks down at his notebook modestly, "oh"
and of course, you've already caught on to what the old man meant, "thank you for helping me deal with those boys"
he immediately shakes his head, "oh! no no no, it's no big deal! you just looked uncomfortable and they were being jerks to you and—"
"no, it really means a lot to me, thank you..." you assure your gratitude to him with a kind smile and you pause for his name
and now seokmin's just staring at you bc wow your smile is really beautiful and the sunlight from the blinds make your hair shine and your eyes sparkle and wait, were you asking for his name? shoot—"oh! sorry, I'm seokmin!"
"I'm (y/n), nice to meet you" 
a light bulb goes off in his head, "(y/n)! you wrote me that note!" he pulls out the receipt from his notebook and you blush now
"I did write that, yes"
"I'm sure you have a beautiful voice too" you shake your head no, but seokmin disagrees with you, "you do! just listening to you right now, I can tell you have a beautiful voice, are you sure you're not an angel?"
okay, that was something he definitely learned from his mentor jeonghan and now you're DEFINITELY flushed
you don't know what to do at this point but you hear the jukebox stop playing music, "ah, the jukebox! it stopped! I-I should play something!"
seokmin chuckles at you and helps you choose more songs to play, using his own money again and packing up his things
"I'll see you tomorrow, (y/n)?"
you smile at him, "with one strawberry milkshake ready for you"
seokmin's on cloud nine the rest of his night
even when he's out with hansol and joshua tagging buildings and whatnot, all he can do is draw little hearts as you cross his mind
as the next couple of days roll by, you've developed a love for a lot of the songs on the jukebox
specifically all of the songs that seokmin recommends
and all the love songssss;)
seungkwan notices the little skip in your step as you wait on tables while the same five songs from the jukebox play
he nudges your elbow as he punches in another receipt on the register when you're next to him, "you're staring at the door again"
 you straighten up next to him, trying to find something to fuss with instead of staring at the entrance for seokmin to come in, "am not"
"you are too, and I'm getting tired of the same songs playing, would it kill you to change it up? I get that they're all seokmin's favorites, but he's not here right now"
when seokmin does come in, seungkwan tries to joking go to his table to serve him, but you race over instead
seokmin's order is still the same and you try to stop by his table as much as you can without getting in trouble or neglecting other customers
he always sings out loud to the songs you've tuned on the jukebox and it brings such a smile to your face to hear him sing
gosh you love his voice
you both bond over music really well and when the diner's empty and it's just you and seokmin (and seungkwan occasionally), you all sing out loud and dance around the diner
you always write on the back of seokmin's receipts still, trying to make the note different each time 
'how much does a polar bear weigh? enough to break the ice! I hope this makes you smile! -(y/n)'
'the ladies at the counter are talking about how handsome you are, and I have to agree ahaha -(y/n)'
'you sing everything so well, how!! -(y/n)'
'have you ever tried anything different at this diner? hahah -(y/n)'
'these milkshakes are as sweet as you -(y/n)'
gosh, who is the actual greaser? him or you?? who knows ahah
seokmin saves all of these receipts in his notebook and they've become one of his most treasured items
his small crush on you during the beginning of your relationship has developed into a major major crush on you
and your so-called harmless crush has snowballed into you liking seokmin so much you can’t get him out of your head
and bc you’re way more confident on paper than in person, you decide to ask him out through your receipt notes!
that same day, you deliver your receipt to seokmin just as one of the members from SVT rushes past you and grabs his arm
seokmin is surprised to see chan at the diner, but all he mutters is "emergency meeting!" and he packs up his papers, stuffing your receipt in his notebook quickly
"sorry (y/n)!" he waves to you and leaves abruptly with his friend, making you slightly worried, but seungkwan assures you it's probably nothing serious
and honestly, it is nothing bc mingyu and wonwoo got into a fight with some guys of the west side gangs, but they're all well-rounded fighters so no major injuries occurred
but now there's a bike race going on between them and the other gang
"seokmin, are you listening?" seungcheol asks him, waving his hand in front of his zoned out state
"yes! I'm listening!" seokmin tunes back in and seungcheol continues on, "does anyone have a piece of paper I can borrow?"
seokmin pulls out his notebook and doesn't even notice your most recent note fall out, tearing out a clean sheet for seungcheol and stuffing his notebook back in his backpack
for awhile, seokmin doesn't return to the diner bc of the preparations for the race, making you even more worried that your note scared him off or made things awkward between you two
but when he does come back, everything is in perfect harmony like it was before, making you think he did read your note, but he obviously turned you down
so you try to move past it as best as you can, but you're still sad on the inside, which seokmin can kinda tell just by looking into your eyes
seokmin is super surprised to see his mentor sitting in his usual booth when he enters the diner, "jeonghan! what are you doing here?"
"just wanted to see where you get away to everyday before our meetings" jeonghan fusses with a toothpick, "why do you come here everyday?"
"I study here, that's it" seokmin answers, "I come here for the peace and quiet"
jeonghan raises an eyebrow at the words 'peace and quiet,' wordlessly pointing out the noisy jukebox next to him belting another song (his favorite song actually) and the sizzle and hissing of the grill behind the kitchen, while seungkwan and you take the orders of other customers in the diner with such vibrancy and pep
"okay, I come for the milkshakes"
"hi seokmin, your usual" seokmin beams a smile at you as his milkshake is set down on the table
"thank you (y/n)" his eyes trail after you as you go to other tables, jeonghan clearing his throat with a obvious cough, "so you come here for that cute waitress?"
"(y/n) is just a friend"
"do you like her?"
seokmin ponders it for a moment before a smile spreads on his face, he can’t lie to his mentor, his older brother figure, "yes, yes I do like her"
"do you think she likes you?" seokmin shakes his head, mumbling a "no" before changing it to an unconfident "maybe?"
"seokmin, she definitely likes you" jeonghan plucks the cherry off the whipped cream and into his mouth 
seokmin frowns and pulls his shake closer to him protectively
"no other waitress writes little notes on the back of receipts for you. I saw all the receipts in your notebook, they're cute and affectionate love notes" jeonghan flicks the small piece of paper towards him, "you probably didn’t even read the back of this receipt" 
seokmin reads the note from you asking him out and his mouth forms the shape of an 'O' 
'seokmin, would you like to go out on a date? possibly, tomorrow night? if not, that's okay! you can ignore this and I'll forget I even wrote this! -(y/n)'
"don’t come to the meeting tonight" jeonghan removes the cherry stem (a perfectly knotted stem) from his mouth, "I'll tell seungcheol you're studying for an exam"
he claps seokmin on the shoulder and exits the diner as you go over to seokmin and ask if he's alright bc this boy is still in disbelief
"yES! uh, yes! I'm alright!" seokmin clears his throat, "(y/n)! will you go out with me tonight?"
"huh? yes, of course, is something happening?" 
the bells go off in seokmin’s head as he grins madly, "perfect! meet me outside the diner at 7! what you’re wearing is fine!" he rushes out the door and now you’re the one in shock and disbelief
by the time 7pm rolls around, the sun is setting and you’re kinda getting cold just standing outside for seokmin to arrive
and without avail, the man of your dreams the hour rolls into the parking lot on his bike, taking off his helmet (safety first!) and offering you a helping hand on his bike
you climb aboard and hold on to seokmin tightly as he brings you to the more abandoned part of town, where there’s plenty of tagged buildings and such
seokmin pulls up to one particular building and covers your eyes as you get off the bike, "I obviously sing better than I draw, but ta da!"
and on the side of the building is a picture of what looks to be the outside of the diner? complete with a little ‘open’ sign and everything??
he guides you along to another wall where he painted a fake jukebox and his fake corner booth complete with a milkshake on the table but with two straws in the shake
and there below the faux jukebox is a picnic set for two ppl with candles set up on the concrete and a small stereo with your favorite songs playing
"I wanted to stay inside the diner, but you must get tired of being there everyday so, I re-created it here! it’s not exactly the same—I mean this might be illegal? and the paint is still kinda fresh—but it’s drying and I tried fixing us up something but it’s not exactly perfect—"
you laugh as seokmin rambles on, "seokmin, this is wonderful!" your heart is racing bc my goshhh it’s like a scene from a film! "no one’s ever gone through the trouble of doing all of this for me, thank you"
seokmin grins and you two eat the picnic dinner with all the romantic songs playing in the background, eventually laying down on the blanket together and staring up at the stars
you start singing along to the music and seokmin nearly falls asleep bc your voice is so soothing
a small snore escapes his lips and you nudge him bc you think you’re boring him with your singing
"just the opposite, told you you had the voice of an angel, angel" he winks just as you roll your eyes
he shrugs off his jacket and put it on your shoulders as you shiver, making you drown in his warmth and smell of his cologne
when seokmin takes you back home, he wraps his hand in yours and lingers on your doorstep for the longest time
he pouts as you try to pull away from him even when you don’t want to, "do you really have to go back to heaven?"
"still with the angel stuff?"
"baby, you are my angel"
ending notes: lee seokmin always goes to the diner for the milkshakes, but stays for you and your angelic voice (even if you don’t think so)
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lxveille · 7 years
a lonely thing to do
jeonghan x reader
word count: ~ 6300 a/n: songwriter!reader; lyrics which are used in this story as being the reader-character’s are actually those of joni mitchell, whom i adore always; sex is talked about and led up to but not explicitly described.
Usually you don't realize you're in love until the heartbreak comes. With Jeonghan, it dawns on you sooner than that, while the two of you are still in the throes of a barely-secret fling. Still, neither of you are seeking a commitment, so what is there to do when you’re the only one in love?
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You aren’t pretty when you cry, not like girls in movies and music videos. It’s all the worse because you know Jeonghan will still be gorgeous when he inevitably breaks your heart.
This is the concept you’re toying with inside your mind as you sit on your couch at half-past two in the morning with one lamp on and your notepad in your lap. Jeonghan is in the next room over, sleeping and entirely unaware that you’re already imagining how this will all come crumbling apart. In the margins of the page, you slowly write down the words premeditated disaster. With a sigh, you let your gaze settle back on to the verse you were still in the middle of writing.
❥ ❥ ❥
Seventeen has a reputation. There’s enough creative energy and musicality shared between the lot of them that their nickname of self-producing is merited. Nevertheless, you’re aware there are composers and writers brought in on their projects. It’s just that you just had never imagined being on the receiving end of a business inquiry from Pledis.
You’ve been successfully making a living as a songwriter for a few years. A handful of the singles you’ve put together for various artists have done well enough in the charts for you to gain confidence in presenting your work to companies and artists alike. You do your best to carry that confidence into the room when you go to meet with a handful of the members of Seventeen to work on a track with them.
Jihoon had been the one to request management reach out to you for collaboration. Evidently,  he’d taken note of your name in the writing credits of several songs he’d been listening to a lot lately. So when he found himself hitting a wall with his own music for their next comeback, your name had come to mind easily.
Working with artists directly can be a mixed bag. With Jihoon, Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Hansol, you consider yourself lucky as the awkwardness feel of a professionalism easily transitions into an artistic pursuit. You find yourself slipping into a strange role of mediator as their ideas beginning pouring out after you suggest a few changes in the rough draft of a chorus they presented.
The third day you go in for a writing session with them, you meet Jeonghan in passing while he’s on his way out of the Pledis building. He’s a little bit disheveled from practicing choreography for some track you’re entirely uninvolved with. Somehow he still looks breathtaking, and you scold yourself for even having the thought.
“You’re the new writer Woozi brought in, right?” he asks. You nod and exchange proper introductions. “I’ve only heard good things,” Jeonghan mentions before politely adding, “Please continue working hard with our members.”
The next time you meet with him it’s because he’s come in with lyrics himself for one of the tracks in progress. Everything is very cordial. The writing session feeling much the same despite the change in attendance. Frustration raises amongst the group over something in the hook, and Soonyoung is the first to suggest everyone take a break.
While the boys disperse, you stick around in the conference room, determined to get down a few of the lines still lingering in your mind even if they may end up getting scrapped. You don’t realize Jeonghan hasn’t actually left the room until you look up from the crowded page of your notebook.
“If you’re not interested in taking a break,” he asks, “can I get you something from a vending machine?”
“I just wanted to get a few things on paper,” you explain as you stand up. You stretch, limbs and spine stiff from having spent so long in one position.
“Fair enough.” Jeonghan smiles like he’s in on some joke you hadn’t heard.
He walks with you to the closest vending machine. It’s as you’re typing in the code to get a bottle of seltzer that he remarks, “I really like the way you put things. In your lyrics, I mean. You don’t always put things in the most obvious terms, but it’s like… they demand to be felt rather than just heard.”
The compliment takes you by surprise. When you turn to face him after picking up the cold bottle of water, you’re taken back again by the lack of space left between the two of you. You’re certain he hadn’t been standing so close when the two of you first came to a stop. You know he knows that he’s standing closer than a professional capacity would permit.
Twelve different options of how to answer flicker through the front of your mind. Some would diminish and deny his claims. Others would reflect praise back on him. A stray few would invite him closer than he already is. The only one that makes its way to your tongue is the simplest. And Jeonghan’s smile grows as you’re disarmed to only saying thank you in return.
You picture the moment over again in your head later that night, when you’re home and writing lines about a boy with silk words and a smile that sets off alarm bells between your ribs.
The danger of Jeonghan seems to pass over the time that follows. The rest of your sessions with the various members go without any further instances.
At least until you’re packing up your belongs after your last planned meeting with them for the tracks you’ve been collaborating on together. Numerous gratitudes and goodbyes have been given several times over. Chan drops by to wish you well following a text from Soonyoung despite the fact that he hadn’t been in the writing session that had just wrapped up.
Somehow in the chaos of closing this chapter, you find yourself alone in the room with Jeonghan again. He’s perched on the table you’re still sitting at, watching you organize everything in your bag with a curious gaze.
“How do you do it?” he asks. You suspect he isn’t referring to the way you manage to cramp all your things into a relatively small backpack.
“You’ve been in these meetings,” you say, looking up at him while you’re still bent forwards to slip pens and pencils back in place, “You’ve seen me writing.”
“I think what you say is different from how it goes inside your head,” he puts forth this theory with a faint chuckle. If you were any further away, you might have missed it.
“Do you say everything exactly as it comes to you?” you question him, tilting your head as though it was a challenge. As if you had him cornered on this.
“Ah,” he sighs with a shake of his head, though his expression suggests anything but frustration or disappointment. “But I guess I mean more of how these things come to you the way they do to begin with.” His sights settle back onto you as you lean back in your chair, your attention exclusively on him at this point. “The way you frame certain feelings, you’d think you’ve lived much longer than you have. But we’re not so far apart in age, are we?”
“You think I’m more inspired than you?”   
His laughter is more obvious this time. It almost strikes you as self-deprecating, but there’s a constant gleam in his gaze that assures you otherwise. “Would that be the word to use?” he thinks aloud before shrugging. “Geez, maybe you’re right. Maybe you are.”
“To be fair, I think your company keeps you too busy most of the time for you to live the kinds of things that inspire me.”
These words make his smile skew to one side while his eyebrows quirk in curiosity. “I don’t want to presume anything about you, miss,” he speaks with a combination of formality and tone that comes together to form a playfulness that sends an easy smile to your lips.
“I’m a helpless and nervous romantic who’s never asked for fidelity,” you tell him, intentionally falling back on words that would be better suited for your notebook than a casual conversation.
He smiles and looks down at his lap, at where one of his hands is settled with something you can’t quite make out between his fingers. “It’s kind of you to keep your love life so complicated for the sake of making other artists sound profound.”
“That’s not my motivation,” you clarify as you stand up, deciding the conversation is drifting to a point where you’ll be best off leaving sooner rather than later. “It just might be an added benefit of liking company more than commitment.”  
Jeonghan watches you rise from your seat, gaze steady and unhurried as it traces your form. If you’d heard alarm bells before, you should’ve sensed a siren when he locked eyes with you in that small room. He pushes his weight off the table and is back on his own two feet as he presses a slip of paper into the palm of your hand.
“Well, the next time you need inspiration...” He finishes the proposition with a kiss rather than with words. You can taste the flippancy on his lips.
You put the number from the paper he’d handed you into your phone all the same.
❥ ❥ ❥
You don’t call Jeonghan. You don’t send him a single message. The lack of contact doesn’t prevent your mind from drifting to him from time to time. On these occasions, you remind yourself that your work with Seventeen is done. Then you reach out to someone else in your contacts instead.
This logic satisfies until you receive a frustrated, desperately worded text from Jihoon late one Wednesday night. They have recording time for one of your songs tomorrow, and the final adjustments he’s trying to make before officially laying the track down are driving him to madness.
The words please and thanks occur no less than fourteen times in the text thread that unfolds between you two in the time it takes you to get from your apartment to their dorm. You work with Jihoon until the demo and lyrics and sheet music are all in accordance and all come as close to perfect as either of you can find a way to.  
By the time all this is done, you’re exhausted and Jihoon feels indebted to you. Which is how you end up sleeping on their couch for a couple hours. When you come to around dawn, a nervous feeling creeps up your spine as if you’ve done something inappropriate. So it feels like a walk of shame even without having done more than your job as you slip out of the dorm without saying any goodbyes.
It’s not until much later that morning that you realize your lyric book is missing. A few quick texts confirm your suspicions that you must have left it behind by accident. Jihoon is already at the studio when you’re itching to get the notebook back in your own hands. You head over to the dorm anyway with his reassurance that someone will be there to let you in.
When someone turns out to be Jeonghan, you almost freeze on the doorstep.
“Hey, you… left your book right?” he greets, clearly having been looped in by Jihoon. You nod and accept when he invites you inside. You follow several steps behind him as he leads you back to the couch you’d slept on and picks up your notebook from the coffee table where you’d left it. “Don’t worry, no one looked or anything,” Jeonghan says as he hands it back to you.
“It’s not a diary,” you remind, even though the contents were certainly personal enough in places to be considered as much. “It’s my job to share them.”  
“Then don’t worry, no one’s out here stealing your work,” he revises his assurance. A familiar expression is tugging at his features, reminding you exactly of why you hadn’t ever followed up with him after the last time you parted.
“Thanks.” It comes out stiffer than you intended. Stilted in the way that repressed anger adds blades to polite words.
“You can go if you want, but could I say something first?” That dangerous smile of his falls away as quickly as it’d come. He looks earnest, and he takes a step back to suggest that he’s not interested in encroaching on you as he’d done before.
You tell him he can say whatever he’d like without looking at him, busying yourself instead with unzipping your bag and slipping your notebook back to where it belongs.
“I’m sorry for the way I behaved the last time I saw you.” Jeonghan shifts his weight where he stands. From the corner of your eye, you swear you can see him churning further words over in his head. He hadn’t anticipated this chance; he hadn’t planned out how he would actually get from feeling regret to forgiveness.
“I had no right kiss you,” he acknowledges it quietly, like the fact he’d even done it embarrassed him now. You didn’t know if any other the other members were home, but you would guess he hadn’t told any other them about his small transgression. “Or to presume my number was something you’d ever want.”
It surprises you when Jeonghan averts his eyes from yours when you lift your head to look at him directly. “I think I got caught up in… I don’t know, something silly just because of the kinds of songs we were working on together.” You recall the first time he’d set you on edge, when he spoke of your lyrics provoking feeling. It makes you wonder if somehow he’s blaming you in part for his rash actions.
“You’re difficult not to admire,” he states after a pause that nearly tricked you into thinking he was done speaking. A faraway sort of smile appears and evaporates as soon as he’s finished with that confession. “But that doesn’t excuse my actions. I hope you won’t let my indiscretion tarnish your relationship with our group.”
In the end, it’s always business, you think to yourself.
“You’re better with words than you give yourself credit for, Yoon Jeonghan,” you tell him honestly.
❥ ❥ ❥
The invitation to the private release party for seventeen’s album goes unanswered for several days. You tell yourself you’re putting off deciding whether or not to go simply because you’ve been busy lately. A different label had reached out to you and hired you to help some new artist of theirs put together a cohesive debut album. The executives want the music to be radio-friendly with appeal to young adults rather than the teens they’ve garnered attention from with their other artists thus far. The singer, a soft and serious young man named Daecheol, feels things immensely but is absolutely terrible at putting them in words.
When you finally accept the invitation, you convince yourself it’s mostly because you miss the world of difference that exists between working with Jihoon and the others compared to your current project.
You show up late. It’s an unfortunate side effect of you debating between two outfit options for the occasion. In the end, you go with the dress that makes you stand up a fraction straighter. It has a track record of being zipped by you and unzipped by someone else.
Soonyoung and Chan greet you like you’ve just come back from a war. Jihoon isn’t quite as obvious in his bee-line to welcome you to the event. The album is playing over the speakers and you still get the same thrill as you had the first time when you hear the polished, professional sound of your own compositions buzzing through the air.
“I’m glad you came,” Jeonghan tells you when he approaches nearly an hour and a half after your arrival.
“Are you happy with the final album?”
“Of course,” he grins with genuine pride. “Are you?”
“It isn’t my album,” you remind.
He concedes with a tilted nod. “But I think it’d be a very different night if not for you,” he tells you after a moment. He looks you over and you find yourself filtering through different meanings that could be buried in this statement.
“I’m grateful I was able to contribute to it.” You sense this isn’t as direct of an answer as Jeonghan would have liked from the way he leans back from you just a bit, lips settled into a pondering line.
You look over the crowd, smiling at the antics happening in various corners of the room. “A while back, you apologized for something that was never held against you,” you admit recklessly.
“Oh.” Jeonghan stands beside you, eyes searching out his fellow members one by one to check on what was keeping them entertained. “I wish you’d told me as much then.”
“I wasn’t ready to want you yet.”
With that, Jeonghan’s the first to break the nonchalant charade. He turns his head to stare at you in profile. His tongue presses against his front teeth in anticipation. He wants to say something as effortless as you; he wants to make you snap your attention onto him alone for the rest of the night. All he can summon is a simple, “And now?”
Your eyes dart to his, and you smile unabashedly. “I am.”
He leads you to an upstairs you hadn’t known the venue had before he kisses you.
The adrenaline of something new and ill-advised makes you both close in upon each other too eagerly. Two hands alone are not enough for him to touch every inch of you that he desires. In a flurry of swollen lips and grasping hands, you realize that once won’t satisfy you when it comes to Jeonghan.
❥ ❥ ❥
Once doesn’t cut it for Jeonghan either.
In the beginning, it’s a simple arrangement of having sex and parting ways within a matter of minutes afterwards. Repeated days of this turn into weeks, and Jeonghan begins to linger. Sometimes for only an hour or two after. Other times he lets himself give in to tiredness and finds himself scrambling in the morning to make it back to the dorm before he’s missed too badly.
He comes up with excuses and repetitive cover stories for where he slips off to from time to time. You suspect at least a majority of the members know the truth. They let the two of you carry on as though your affair is a secret nonetheless. Maybe out of some kind of respect. Or, you theorize, they find Jeonghan’s scrambling for excuses to be amusing enough to let him think they’re actually convincing.
There’s no lack of passion. The carnal sort of passion that drives tragic lovers into each other's’ arms in theaters. Easily mistaken for a matter of the heart, but showing its true nature when you hardly think of each other when you’re apart. Still, Jeonghan fucks you like orgasming might be the key the solving all the world’s problems, persistent and heated and damn near inspiring. Or else he holds you almost too close and makes the whole universe slip into slow motion.
It’s after a long night of the latter when you find yourself curled up in a soft blanket watching Jeonghan get dressed. The sky outside is only now beginning to lighten. Outside your window, you can just make out hues of pomegranate and strawberry ice cream creeping over the horizon.
You want to invite him back under the covers. Convince him it’s too early to go, tempt him with the promise of more sleep and of sleep by your side. You press your lips into each other instead and watch as he runs a hand groggily through his hair.
“Jeonghan,” you call out for him, and he hums as he looks back at you from over one shoulder. You want to say any number of things to him, but none of them feel appropriate for the moment once they reach the tip of your tongue. So you leave the silence up to his interpretation.
He takes the three strides he needs to be back at your bedside. One knee comes to rest on the mattress as he leans in to kiss you, hand resting on one side of your neck as he does. “Can I come back tomorrow night?” he asks, mind already on when he can get back inside you before he’s even left.
“Okay,” you accept the idea readily. “Good luck with your schedules,” you think to say as he’s heading towards your bedroom door, knowing the performances and appearances are what makes him so certain he won’t be able to be here again tonight.
You trust him to lock your front door when he goes. He says he doesn’t mind showing himself out if it means you get to stay comfy.
That afternoon, as you’re walking home from a trip to your favorite coffee shop, Jeonghan pops into your mind. You want to know if he’d like the pastries at that cafe as much as you do; if he’d think that one painting hanging in the corner of a vase of flowers atop a messily packed suitcase is as strangely moving as you do.
The crosslight turns, but you stay frozen on the curb.
These are the wonderings that usually strike you too late. The ones you have sadly after men have told you that can’t keep on with ‘the way things are’. However things are -- it seems they always reach a breaking point before you even know it’ll hurt to say goodbye.
Will it hurt to say goodbye to Jeonghan?
You’re jostled by an impatient pedestrian pushing past you to cross the street.
The answer, you realize as the ‘don’t walk’ sign begins to flash, is yes. Of course it will.
❥ ❥ ❥
You’ve known for a week that you’re in love with Jeonghan when he shows up at your place near eleven at night with a bottle of wine. For a moment, you think of telling him he can’t come in. Selfishly, you head wants to get ahead of this whole thing, to uproot the whole thing before any more feeling can blossom.
But your heart wins, as it always has. You let him in and don’t speak a word of your true fondness for him. You sit with him in your living room with the windows open. The night air complements the oaky undertones of the wine. You chat, drink and laugh your way through a good few hours with him.
When it’s empty, he pulls you closer, intertwines your fingers with his carefully and murmurs how he had to come. How he couldn’t help himself but make time for you tonight. He’s spent all day longing to hear his name come tumbling off your tongue.
People say wine makes you sleepy. They say the same of sex. But after sharing a bottle and an orgasm with Jeonghan, you can do nothing but lie awake on your bed with melody lines churning over in your mind. You turn onto your side, pushing yourself up on one hand to get a good look over the man beside you. His eyes are closed, lips parted slightly and hands limp upon his bare chest.   
You close the bedroom door behind you when you slip out into your living room. Instead of sitting on your sofa, you collapse onto your floor with your lyrics open on one page beside you and your composing book open to a blank score on the other side of you. You try to keep your humming out of the imagined vocal lines hushed for Jeonghan’s sake. Fast asleep as you imagine him to be, the walls of your apartment are only so thick. Even if he weren’t there at all, you’d be singing softly so as to avoid disturbing any neighbors.
You sprawl out on your back as you run over a few variations for the bridge in your head. Your fingertips run through the air, tracing the intervals of notes as you narrow yourself gradually down to two.
As you try the tunes out with the words you’d written, you let your eyes close. “Didn’t it feel good when we were sitting there talking?” you sing softly into the dark space of your living room, “And lying there not talking, didn’t it feel good?”
You pause and repeat the same words with slight differences in the flow and notes; this time your voice goes up a pitch on the negation in the second phrase. It feels right like that. Like it puts in a coy emphasis on exactly what you’re suggesting is being done outside of conversations. You wet your lips with your tongue before you try that second version out once again.
The last note hangs above your hand as you fall silent once again.
“Do you always write your melodies laying half-naked on your floor?” A soft, teasing question washes over you and summons you back to the moment. You sit up and look towards your bedroom doorway. He’s leaning against the frame so comfortably that you can’t be certain how long he’s been there.
Jeonghan has pulled on a plain gray t-shirt, but still has nothing but boxers on from the waist down.
“Sorry I woke you,” you presume, refusing to humor his jest with any kind of direct reply. He moves over to where you’re sitting while shaking his head.
“I’m glad I got to hear you,” he speaks quieter this time as he invites himself to sit down in your lap, his knees falling on either side of your hips. “You have a nice voice. Why don’t you ever record more than just demos?”
“I don’t want to be known as a singer,” you recite a reason you’ve given plenty of times before. As his fingers brush over your shoulders and pull carefully at the elastic barely keeping your hair back in the mess of what was once a bun, you feel yourself compelled to elaborate. “I used to play in cafes, sometimes, or in my village’s train station… I hated most the things people would tell me. I didn’t ever care when they said I looked cool, or sounded pretty, or could be the next whoever…” Jeonghan pauses his ministrations with your hair to meet your eyes. The attentiveness in his gaze makes you hesitate momentarily. When you continue on, you’re speaking in more of a whisper. “I just wanted people to say they liked the way the words fell together, or how a melody made them feel anything at all.”
“A real poet,” he muses with a gentle lilt. His hands are back in motion, gathering your hair into a neat ponytail, head tilted to one side so he can look at what he’s doing. “Wasn’t that one of the first things I praised you for?” His lips graze against your temple and at the soft skin behind your ear.
In a moment like this, you’re tempted to believe he could love you in full. That you could spend years with him fixing your hair and kissing your skin. That he’d be happy with that. That you could be satisfied without anyone else rocking their hips into yours but him. Your fingers bunch into the fabric of his shirt. Grasping at the cotton, remember the feel of wool and lycra that you’ve peeled off other men, even within the past few weeks while you’ve been busy falling for Jeonghan.
“Does it bother you that most people who know your songs won’t ever know your name?” he asks as his hands slip under your nightshirt.
“I just want them to listen.” Your answer comes out with a slight hitch as your heart rate accelerates with Jeonghan’s fingers running up the skin of your back.
“I’d make them,” he murmurs nonsensically. His chest presses lightly into yours, arms helping guide you back down so you’re lying with him above you. He catches your lips with his own. His hands migrate from your back to front, following your curves carefully as they come to settle on your hips, bare save for the clean underwear you’d slipped on after the last round with him. “I’d sing anything you told me to.”
It’s impossible for this promise to be sincere, but it feels nice being breathed against your skin as his kisses move down your neck.
❥ ❥ ❥
Jeonghan doesn’t expect to see you at the afterparty of an awards show. He doesn’t even spot you until halfway through the event.
You’re in the same dress you wore to Seventeen’s last release party and gratefully accepting a glass of sparkling wine when he catches your eye from across the room. He’s in the middle of a conversation with another woman, who looks like she’s been having a rather nice time. She has the kind of beautiful smile you never managed to find the perfect words to describe when you were writing lyrics about picturesque women.
He doesn’t abandon her side or excuse himself from the conversation. In a bustling room, there’s no rush for him to find a way to you. No number of mental reminders that the two of you have no obligations to each other fully placates you.
Just as you’re getting ready to leave, he appears in front of you with the same smile he’s been giving every pretty person all night. “You didn’t tell me you’d be here,” he starts with what you already know, and sounds glad to have you right in front of him
“Daecheol invited me sort of last minute,” you inform him. You are unsurprised when the name doesn’t summon any kind of recognition. “He wanted to thank me for helping with his album,” you continue, fidgeting with the strap of your purse on your shoulder. He hadn’t been nominated. The company had only sent him to the event and the after party for the publicity of being there.
“I’m leaving with him,” you add before Jeonghan can feign that he’d only forgotten for a moment about the project you’d told him about more than once.
“Oh.” His smile falters. You feel cruel for feeling anything resembling comfort in that. “Have a nice night, then.”
“You too, Jeonghan.”
The awkwardness of this farewell doesn’t stop him from reaching out to you two nights later. It changes nothing in the bigger pattern the two of you have established. It doesn’t stop you from letting him in your door and it doesn’t keep him from making soft, empty promises against your skin.
❥ ❥ ❥
You stir from discomfort rather than from any alarm. You lift your head carefully from the cushion of your couch and splay fingers that have cramped from sleeping with a pen still firmly in grasp. You hadn’t meant to fall asleep in your living room. You hadn’t meant to be writing lyrics until exhaustion made a momentary pause turn into full slumber.
You’d meant to crawl back into bed with Jeonghan before any of this could happen.
Instead, your back in complaining from the half-upright position you’d slept in. And Jeonghan is still in your apartment, though far from asleep.
You stay silent as you blink sleep from your eyes and take in the sight of Jeonghan standing near your window with a familiar notebook in hand. It’s open to the same page you’d been working on only a few hours ago. You can make out the places in the margins where you’d made note of stray phrases you thought you may use at some point in the future.
As your mind stirs a bit more, you recall the last verse you’d completed before you must have passed out. The thought that Jeonghan was reading those words over at this very moment filled you with a kind of dread you hadn’t felt in years. You’d long gotten over the embarrassment of showing others things that you’d written from the heart. But in this case, it stung to think the words were being read by the very same person who had provoked them.
           I think I'm falling in love with you           Are you going to let me go there by myself?           That’s such a lonely thing to do           Both of us flirting around, hurting too
“Jeonghan,” you begin with his name, and hope that your voice carries no traces of anger or fear. He turns abruptly to face you again. “What are you doing?”
“I wanted to see what you were working on,” he says nonchalantly. He seems to float across the ground as he comes back in your direction to hand the notebook back to you. “It’s sad, but… kind of confusing,” he gives you feedback that resonates too well with the ache that spreads in your chest as you look into his eyes.
“It’s not finished.” Though that’s not the issue at hand. “I wish you hadn’t just looked without asking first,” you allow yourself to reveal. It’s too much to say. Already your voice has an added warble to it. You hope he hears it as frustration rather than distress.
“I thought you were fine with people looking at your work?” He looks genuinely perplexed by the way your attitude has changed.  
That was before it was about you, you think to yourself as you shut the notebook and press it close to your chest. “I am,” you lie.
His eyes bore into yours, seeking out the evidence for he already suspects. “I wouldn’t have done it if I knew you were going to mind.” He can’t retract the action, but he still wants his intentions excused. “You know that, right?”
As far as you’re concerned, he’s calling upon a kind of trust reserved for those who care deeply for one another. Not a single syllable of it feels fair. “I think you should go, Jeonghan.”
This catches him off guard. He falls into the spot beside you on the couch like his legs have given out on him. “Because I looked in your notebook?” he tries to understand. He’s perplexed. He’s disappointed, maybe, but see no trace of regret or sorrow in his eyes.
“It’s different now, you know,” you want to defend your reason. The thought that he might leave feeling you’d changed outlooks without any logic or warning. “Different than when you were just an artist I was selling lyrics to.”
“I know I’m not the first artist you’ve slept with,” he states plainly, and the edge of his tone makes you assume he’s only just refraining from adding ‘or the only one you’re sleeping with now’. “You still share this stuff with them, don’t you?”
“Never anything I’ve actually written about them,” you retort before you’ve processed exactly how much those words reveal to him.
The heat of the moment had you anticipating venom back from Jeonghan. But he’s faster to notice the indirect confession than you. His features soften, lips only just parting as his mind begins to race.
“That’s about me?” he seeks verification. He looks down at the closed notebook in your arms as if he had x-ray vision. You have a sinking feeling he might as well, that everything in the quick shift of his demeanor tells you that he remembers what was written on that page perfectly.
Denial doesn’t occur to your heart as an option. And your mind doesn’t stand a chance of being heard over how loud the other is beating in your worried chest. All you can manage is nodding.
With that confirmation, the air shifts again and he leans in closer to you.
“You never asked if I love you,” Jeonghan speaks softly, fingers brushing your cheeks as he cradles your face. Your heart skips and beat, and you fumble inside your head for a panic cord that might eject you from this whole situation.
“It won’t change much if you do.” Your voice shakes. You want to look away from him but some unspeakable tension makes it impossible to do.
“Why not?” he implores you in a whisper. You try to imagine other men’s hands where his are. It isn’t hard to do, but it makes your heart ache in protest.
You picture yourself as any other woman in his hold. It’s easy to think he’d say these exact same things no matter who you were.
It takes a deep, steadying breath to brace yourself before you can bring yourself to say, “Because I don’t want it to.”
Confusion takes over Jeonghan’s face. He scans yours like the meaning behind your statement could be found somewhere in the details of your skin.
“I told you from the start, when you asked how I write.” It comes out in a whisper because a part of you already wishes you could take it back. Love alone does not make for a good commitment, you tell yourself over and over, hoping with each repetition that it might convince your heart.
“Maybe I should go,” Jeonghan concurs at last, hands falling away from you as an old conversation drifts to the front of his mind.
He hadn’t known when you said you never asked for fidelity that it meant you’d turn it down even if it was offered with open hands.
❥ ❥ ❥
Several months later, he hears a familiar verse in some female singer’s song. He hears a familiar story. There’s some melancholy in the tune, but it’s too upbeat to think anyone would cry over it. He doesn’t have to look up the credits to know who wrote this.
Jeonghan doesn’t cry. But he tenses, and his heart skips a beat for the first time as he pictures you bathed in sunlight and tangled in bedsheets.
As the final line of the song comes crashing into his ears, he thinks you might have gotten at least one thing wrong. But the recording is done. It’s too late to tell you how he much wishes you’d made a different choice when it came to the options you laid out in that last open wound of a lyric.
          We love our loving, but not like we love our freedom.
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17-imagines · 7 years
[scenario] maknae duties
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((yay!! after almost sitting in my drafts for year, i finally finished my first work for our smol bean chan))
Title: maknae duties
Member: lee chan x !idolreader
Genre: fluff / fluff / fluff
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2595
You wake up to the loud screeching of one of many alarms set in the dorm, and with a groan, pull your pillow over your ears and attempt to block out the incessant ringing.
Like a relay, all the other alarms go off, forcing the rest of your group to awaken and shut them off.  
You fake sleep for another five minutes before you feel a barrage of pillows thrown at you, and the sleepy voice of your leader coaxing you to wake up.
“(F/N)-ah, breakfast,” she says, poking your cheek.
Eventually, she pulls the covers off of you and exposes you to the cold morning air, courtesy of the cracked-open window by your bed.
She smiles and pats your head, then leaves the room, giving you privacy to change. The others are already arguing over the food portions outside, but knowing her, she’d save you a plateful.
You make do with the comfiest clothes you have, as there’s no necessity to look decent when the lot of you were going to laze around the dorm for the majority of the morning, and then squeeze in a night full of practice.
You enter the warzone you call the kitchen, and find a plate set aside for you, protected by your beaming leader.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” You mumble, taking a bite of the food.
“Mm, nothing?” She hums, glancing behind you before smiling.
You turn and are faced with two bags full of empty takeout boxes and bottles of energy drinks, then turn back to her.
“Love you,” she says, getting up to place her dish in the sink. “I’ve got the dishes, so you can take those out.”
“Okay, unnie,” you mumble through a mouthful of food.
The other members have finished already, so the dishes have multiplied by 4x, so in a way, you’re thankful she’s doing them.
That is, until you realize that the elevator is ‘under maintenance’ and she purposely let you take out the trash because she didn’t want to haul the bags down four flights of stairs.
You inhale deeply and sigh, preparing yourself for the strenuous task.
Suddenly, the door at the bottom of the first flight of stairs unlocks, and out steps a male adorned in a hat and face mask, a small bag of takeout trash in his hand.
He notices your presence at the top of the stairs, and yawns before asking, “Need a hand?”
You open your mouth to answer, but before you formulate the proper words, he makes his way up the stairs and takes hold of the heavier of the two bags.
“...Thanks,” you quietly murmur, and the two of you descend the stairs, side-by-side.
“No problem,” he chuckles, “Honestly, taking out the trash as a group would be a lot faster than making the youngest do it on their own.”
You raise an eyebrow. “How’d you know I’m the youngest?”
He pauses on a step, the tips of his ears reddening as he collects his thoughts. “Uh - well - I - no, we - SEVENTEEN - read your group’s profile, since we’re part of the same company and everything…”
He huffs, fully aware of the state of his face, which is flushed pink. “It’s nice to meet you, (F/N)-ah.”
“Oh, uh…” You let the trash bag rest on the step and bow. “Likewise, sunbaenim.”
His eyes widen at the formality, and he shyly murmurs, “You can call me Chan.”
Tomorrow was the recording for your debut stage, and although you should be in bed, asleep, the need to perfect the choreography for your title song willed you out of bed, and back to the Pledis building.
It’s there, where you run into Chan again, and find yourself in the middle of SEVENTEEN’s ping-pong tournament.
Ping-pong balls and paddles are being launched in different directions, and it’s then when Chan drags you safely to the side, deflecting a stray ball with his back.
An apology is shouted your way, and Chan acknowledges it with a wave of his hand.
He directs his attention to you, crossing his arms. “What’re you doing here? It’s late.”
“I was on my way to a practice room,” you shrug, “Didn’t know I’d enter a warzone,” you chuckle, and he laughs with you.
“But seriously though - a practice room? It’s already one in the morning, shouldn’t you be resting?”
A teasing giggle resounds from behind him, and he can picture the smug grins on his hyungs’ faces. He tries his best to ignore the hoots and hollers, but his face gradually reddens, and so does yours.
“I…” You trail off, “I couldn’t sleep anyway. Something about the choreography is off, I know it, and I don’t want to ruin tomorrow’s recording because I didn’t practice hard enough.”
“Ah,” he breathes, thinking. “You know, I could help you. The performance team helped choreograph it, so I know it too.” He realizes his straightforwardness and adds, “I mean, uh, if you feel like it! I don’t want to pressure you or anything.”
“If you don’t mind…?”
From over his shoulder, you can see Soonyoung, Seungkwan, and Seokmin, who are shooting you kissy faces and raised eyebrows. You look away, and they teasingly coo ‘cuties~’ as Chan takes you by the shoulders and guides you away from them.
“Ignore them,” he mumbles, “Let’s go find a practice room.”
The two of you enter the hall of practice rooms, the majority of them darkened. A group of trainees exit the only lit one, and at the sight of Chan they bow in respect. He shyly acknowledges them and says ‘good work today’, in which they respond, ‘thank you sunbaenim’.
As they leave, Chan rubs his face, pouting.
“Not used to it?” You tease, grinning.
“It’s weird,” he shrugs. “I’m not that old to be a sunbae.”
“Well… Technically, you’re my sunbae.”
He scrunches his face. “Gross. Let’s stick to being... Fellow maknaes.”
He approaches the practice room the trainees left, and holds it open for you to enter. The motion-sensor lights flicker back on as you walk inside, and the door shuts with a light thud behind Chan.
He searches for your group’s title track on the computer, and it soon fills the room, booming through the speakers.
“From the top,” he smiles, taking position beside you.
Throughout the song, he calls out the micro-mistakes you make, and demonstrates how to make your movements more fluid and sharp.
“You should be lower,” he murmurs, rewinding the song a few seconds back to the specific move. He stands behind you and places his hands on your hips, pushing you down slightly. “Like this.”
“And what exactly are you brats doing?” A voice cuts in, causing the both of you to stumble away from each other, flushing pink.
Over the loud music, the sound of the door opening and closing was muted, thus why neither of you noticed the onlooking Seungcheol leaning against the far wall.
Seungcheol walks to the computer, pausing the track, silence filling the room. He crosses his arms, a hint of irritation in his smile.
“Do you know what time it is?”
You both shake your head.
“3 AM. You’re lucky I saw the light, or the two of you would’ve gone a lot longer.” He recalls the short moment of intimacy between the both of you and grins slyly at Chan, who lowers his head out of embarrassment. Seungcheol chuckles. “Go back to the dorms, kids.”
“Yeah. Sorry,” Chan murmurs. “Why are you here, hyung?”
Seungcheol yawns, scratching his head. “Gonna drag Jihoonie out of his cave,” he grins. He leaves with a sleepy wave, entering SEVENTEEN’s section of the building.
The air outside is chilling, the bitter wind nipping at your nose and cheeks. Chan notices you shiver and places his hat on your head, and brushes out his messy locks with his fingers.
The dorm is a ten minute walk, and your legs burn from overexertion, but spending a few extra minutes in the cold with Chan isn’t so bad. In fact, it’s the greatest feeling in the world.
“How do you feel? You’re debuting tomorrow,” Chan says, hands stuffed into the pocket of his hoodie.
“Honestly? Like puking.”
He chuckles. “Trust me, you’re gonna do great.”
“Well, I don’t want to be overconfident,” you kick a stray pebble across the sidewalk, listening to it skip against the pavement.
“It’s good to be,” Chan encourages. He glances at you, worry evident in your expression, and lets out a deep sigh. “I believe in you, even if you don’t believe in yourself.”
Under the dim lighting of the street and moon, Chan can see the tint of pink in your cheeks, and it could either be from the cold or his words, but most likely, it’s a combination of both.
He looks away when you look at him, his chest fuzzy and mind buzzing.
“Chan, the rebroadcast, it’s...” Chan bolts out of his room and jumps over and onto the couch, nearly bouncing Hansol off of it. “...On.”  
The rest of the group gathers around the TV, watching intently as their hoobae group performs.
It’s evident Chan is way more engaged than the rest of them, and when you’re at the front of the formation, the hearts are visible in his eyes.
“Looks like getting comfy in the practice room helped,” Seungcheol nudges, poking him teasingly. The other members join in on teasing him until he turns a bright pink, and he buries his face into a couch cushion.
“Ah, right. Chan, would you be an angel and grab my phone? I left it in the building… Somewhere.” Soonyoung grins cheekily at Chan, who lifts his face up from the cushion to scowl at the elder.
“The things I do for you hyung,” Chan mumbles, shrugging on a jacket. “I’ll be back then.”
Chan slips on a pair of shoes that could either be his or Hansol’s, but he could care less. He shuts the door behind him, and Soonyoung giggles to himself.
“You know something,” Jihoon murmurs, “And your phone’s in your pocket.” He gestures to the rectangular bulge in Soonyoung’s hoodie, and the former shrugs.
“Let’s just say I saw someone alone in a practice room who needed a little cheering up.”
Chan presses call on Soonyoung’s contact and begins walking through the halls of the Pledis building, listening for the familiar tune of Highlight coming from his hyung’s phone.
He hangs up for the third time, defeated.
It’s then, when he sees the illuminated practice room ahead of him, finding it unusual that someone other than him was in the building at 10 o’clock at night.
Curious, he walks further down the hall and peers through the glass door, taken aback when he sees you leaning against the far wall, lost in thought.
He enters the practice room, but you’re too entranced in your thoughts to hear the door slam shut.
You do feel him sit beside you, and when his shoulder brushes against yours you jump slightly, glancing at him. Realizing it’s Chan, you relax back into the wall and look away.
“...What are you doing here?” You mumble, burrowing further into your hoodie, concealing your face.
“I could ask you the same thing,” Chan replies curtly. He gently pulls your hood away, and smiles when you glare at him with tired eyes. “You did really well, by the way.”
“Chan, do you see yourself in me or something? Is that why you care so much?”
He tenses, and you scoot a few inches away.
“I’m sorry, that… Came out harsher than I intended.” You sigh and bring a hand to your face, rubbing it frustratedly.
“It’s fine,” he says softly. He scoots to close the space between the both of you, your shoulders touching again. “By the way, my answer to that is no.”
“Then, why do you care so much? Because I’m your hoobae group’s maknae? That’s the only logical explanation, right? It’s purely professional, nothing el-”
He places his palm over your mouth, muffling the next jumble of words you try to say. You glare at him, and he turns away to hide the small smile that crosses his face.
“Hey, calm down. Please?”
You nod and he slowly lowers his hand away from your mouth, placing it back on his lap.
“Listen to me, okay?”
You nod again.  
He looks at you warmly, sending a rush of adrenaline through your body, your heart skipping a beat.
“I would’ve helped you if you were the oldest or a sunbae. Your position doesn’t change how I feel about you.”
At the last few words you feel another rush, this time causing warmth to spread through your cheeks, ending in the tips of your ears. “...How you feel about me?”
He moves his hand to yours, squeezing it softly. “Yeah,” he admits. “I like you a lot, (F/N).”
“Chan… You know we aren’t permitted to have feelings.”
He shakes his head, sighing. “Those rules are for SEVENTEEN’s Dino and (group name)’s (stage name). Right now? I’m Lee Chan, and you’re (L/N) (F/N).”
“I…” You hesitate, and exhale deeply. “I like you too. But… I’m scared, Chan. Until I met you, I’ve never thought about someone as much as I’ve thought about debuting.” You pause, taking another deep breath.
“This,” you gesture to your touching hands, twisting yours to intertwine fingers with his, “feels so right, but also feels so wrong. What would happen to our careers? What if the fans boycott? I just debuted, but you guys are going places and I don’t want to ruin -”
You feel Chan’s other hand wrap around your waist, pulling you close enough to feel his breath on your face. The words you try to say get lost on Chan’s lips, and you melt into his soft warmth.
A few moments later he pulls away, panting softly. He brushes a strand of hair behind your ears, and caresses your cheek, smiling when you lean into his touch.
“Stop worrying about the future, (F/N). We can deal with it. Together.” He pauses, then breaks into a cheeky grin. “And besides, I’ve liked you long before you became a trainee at Pledis, so this is more of a romantic reunion.”
“HUH?” You take his hand away from your face, shaking it frantically. “Explain!”
He chuckles, nodding, grabbing your hand to stop it from shaking his. “Okay, okay, student council president.”
“No,” you firmly say.
“Yes,” he says mockingly, pouting when you push him lightly. “I experienced your reign as ice queen of our middle school,” he grins, “Not going to lie, you’re really soft now. Well, I like the you now, and the you from back then.”
He laughs softly, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into him, your head resting against his chest, his heartbeat beating steadily by your ear.
“Be my girlfriend, (F/N). I know it’s scary, and I can’t lie, I’m scared too. But it’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
You can hear his heartbeat quicken, and his hands around you grow restless, fiddling with the hem of your sweater.
He breaks into a wide smile, reflected in the mirror opposite the both of you.
 He presses a soft kiss to your head, and for once in your life, you aren’t focused on the bad things that could happen, but the good things that will happen, alongside Chan.
And to think it all started with taking out the trash.
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