#happy birthday fwooshy!
phoebe-delia · 2 years
happy birthday phoebe!!
Omg! Thank you so much fwooshy!! 💛💛💛💛💛
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sitp-recs · 3 years
Happy birthday fw00shy!!
I thought I couldn’t possibly make two reclists on the same week let alone the same day but eh, that’s what happens when brilliant people share a birth date! I considered making a single rec for @fw00shy and spent 30 minutes trying to choose only one fic then I realized it would be impossible not to mention at least three favorites because I can think of 648271 things to say about them, thank you very much.
You know that kind of perfect slice-of-life with perfect setting and perfect punch lines that makes you visualize everything and wish you could see it on the big screen? Fwooshy’s stuff never fails to make me feel like that. She has such a strong and unique storytelling voice, with refreshing characterization, creative plots and viscerally hot smut sequences - how could I ever resist?
With a very particular narrative - sometimes crude and brutal, others gentle and aching, always mixing the best of both worlds - she has been an invaluable addition not only to the Drarry fandom but also to the rare pairs community, and I love how unique and powerful each one of her works is. Here’s yet another personal and biased selection of my favorite delights, in no particular order. Make sure to leave them some appreciation, and feel free to add your own fwooshy faves to this post! Happy birthday darling!!! 🎉💜
Phoenix in the Fire (2021 | Explicit | 1.4k)
Their first time was an accident. "Sex pollen," Draco claims, though everyone knows it was too much Ogden's after Puddlemere beat the Tornados 240-230.
Few shorts feel like a punch to the solar plexus that leaves you breathless with yearning - I can think of at least two, one being this fic and the other being Still Life by Seefin. This gem is only 1.4k but it might as well be 15k because holy shit there’s SO MUCH character and emotional development packed in here. Draco’s voice is a triumph, Harry’s guilt rips my heart apart, and the A+ smut is filthy hot and indulgent, every line written with such precision and intent it makes me ache. Absolutely brilliant.
Big Hands (2020 | Explicit | 4.5k)
Draco Malfoy is a pianist who's just moved to Paris. Harry Potter, his new roommate, has the biggest hands he's ever seen. Draco is immediately obsessed.
The Victorian AU we didn’t know we needed! This is such a creative and refreshing take on their enemies to lovers dynamics, in a completely different and fascinating scenario. I was immediately captured by the rich atmosphere, sharp characterization and delectable sexual tension. I don’t usually read AUs by I do love myself some musician Drarry, and this fic transpires loves for music and art. 
in a rambling way (2021 | Teen | 7.5k)
Ron knocked Hermione up, and now Harry's got to figure out how to clone himself so that his friends don't split up fighting over him. Falling for Draco again was never part of the plan.
Fluffy pining by fwooshy?? Did I read it right? God, I have the biggest soft spot for this lovely break up/make up tale - I’ve always been a slut for road trip fics, and the camping scenario is such a nice change of pace and the perfect excuse to explore the Golden Trio dynamics. This is one of the most gorgeous and heartfelt contemplative fics I’ve ever read, full of gentle yearning and a wistful narrative that took my breath away. They sound so young doing mundane things I got a lump in the throat. 
In the Mood (2021 | Explicit | 367 words) - Draco/Ron
"I saw you with Harry today," Ron says. "In the Ministry cafeteria."
I dare you to find 367 words hotter than this. What a treat to see fwooshy exploring one of my favorite rare pairs! I’ll have jealous, sexy Ron for breakfast any day, pls and thank
Money (2021 | Mature | 1.1k) - Ginny/Pansy
Pansy looks like money. Ginny's letting her body call the shots.
One of the sexiest femlash pieces I’ve ever read, lush, intriguing and decadent,  with unique atmosphere and brilliant dynamics. A fascinating dive into this scorching power couple!
Cold as Light (2021 | Explicit | 2k) - Ron/Harry, Ron/Cho
Ron ran into Cho at one of those basement clubs that popped up everywhere during the first few years after the war. Then there was Harry. There was always Harry.
I’m personally offended by how much these 2k made me ACHE. The heartbreak is deliciously melancholic and I can’t let go of these characters, so doomed and beautiful in their own way. Such a brilliant take on Cho, who definitely deserves more fwooshy love!
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the-sinking-ship · 2 years
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
This is really nice! Thank you for thinking of me, mysterious anon.
When asked to rec some of my favourites from my own collection, I tend to always gravitate to the same long fics. So this time, I think I’ll offer up five of my less popular works that I really love!
Things We Do (Explicit, ~17k, clubbing, roommates, smut)
This was a birthday gift for Fwooshy, who loves fuck-boy Harry and a few drinks at the club. It was also the first thing I wrote after the gruelling marathon of finishing two 100k+ fics in a row. Maybe the angst scared people away from this one, but apparently I really needed to write some messy they-were-roommates smut. There is a happy ending, I promise.
‘Tis a Far Better Thing (Explicit, 37k, fashion designer Draco, banter, humor)
I don’t know, I just really love this fic. It’s lighthearted, and goofy, and chock-full of fashion (it’s loosely based on the movie Clueless, after all). I wrote it for Lynn’s birthday last year and I’m not sure I’ve ever had more fun writing a story in my life. I allowed myself to be indulgent and write the type of fic that I love to read. I’m a firm believer that not all fic has to be serious. It doesn’t have to tear you apart and put you back together again. It’s the milkshake and french fries of fic, and I’m not mad about it.
Sweet Indulgence (Explicit, 10k, Head Auror Harry, snarky Draco, office Christmas party, desk sex)
Another one of my earlier fics, but I’m still really fond of this one. I took a leap and gifted a fic to an artist I was trying to woo (@fictional), and it worked brilliantly. Yeah, it’s a Christmas party fic, but there are jokes and snacks and sex on the Head Auror’s desk, so I think it can be enjoyed year-round.
Like Gold (Explicit, 4.9k, praise kink, motorbike rides, established relationship, giving the middle finger to oppressive parents)
I’m just leaving this here as a reminder to myself that I CAN write a fic under 5k and still manage to cram in both smut and motorcycles.
Finely Drawn Lines (Explicit, 60k, Hogwarts professors, artist Draco, lots of smut, a forest of pine)
My new fic finishes posting THIS SUNDAY (3/27), so for those of you who are WIP-phobic, the time has come! I started this story in January of 2021 and I’m just now getting around to publishing it. It’s also my first/only fic that takes place in Hogwarts and writing it felt a bit like returning home after growing up and living a life.
I'm off to sneakily send this to some of my fav writers!
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ombreblossom · 3 years
i am and i am not (what you choose to see)
This is a birthday fic for @rosy-cheekx, but in many ways I wrote it as much for myself as I did for them.
Featuring: a gender-questioning Martin in the safehouse. What better time to explore one’ gender identity than while one is on the run from dangerous eldritch forces?
Content warnings (please let me know if there anything i’ve missed): kissing, very minor internalized transphobia, and a brief discussion of Martin’s mother.
AO3 Link: here~
“There’s no rush, Martin. Take your time,” Jon raises his voice from the other side of their bedroom door, passing time running his fingers across Daisy’s sparse knick-knacks—just enough of them to present a front of homeyness to any errant visitors but not enough of them to clutter her otherwise spartan living space. Several Archers novels and otherwise miscellaneous reading materials line the single squat bookshelf in the entire cottage, an unbroken coating of dust overlaying everything. Jon picks up a porcelain dog (or a wolf?) and rolls it over in his hands.
“The longer I take, the more likely it is I’m never going to leave this room.” Martin almost-yells back, interrupting the muffled frustrations of someone wrangling an unfamiliar article of clothing.
“And what a shame that’d be. I rather hoped we’d trot down to the village today for a late lunch.”
"Gotta take advantage of the warm weather while we have it," Martin adds.
"And I'm sure you have no ulterior motives whatsoever."
"Yes, of cour—wait, what?"
“Don’t worry," Martin says with a worrying lilt. "I know what you’re really after.”
Jon pauses and, after a beat, replies, “Oh? And what would that be?”
“Here, I’ll set the scene for you: enter Fiona’s Used Books.” Jon can see (in his mind’s eye, not his eldritch one) Martin preparing his best mock-theatrical pose before continuing. “In the far-right corner, the side of the establishment that faces the setting sun, is a raised platform. Cushions and pillows of all shapes and colors and sizes are strewn about the platform, some left contorted by their previous users before they left the shop to go about their day. Two wide-pane windows allow a full complement of the sun’s rays to gently warm the area. A lone figure lies nestled among several cozy-looking pillows, completely dead to the world but for a purring cat atop the figure’s chest—”
“Yes, yes, all right. You’ve made your point,” Jon grouses. “I hope you know that I consider spending time with you much more important than sunbathing with the bookshop owner’s cat.”
“I know, Jon; don’t worry.” An audible grin carries through the door.
Jon directs his own smile at the door and says, “Yes, well, now that you mention it, I did want to stop at the bookshop if we had time.”
“I think we can make that work. I’d hate to miss seeing you be adorable with Maggie.”
Jon sputters a bit in futile indignation. Martin has made his opinion of Jon's alleged adorableness abundantly clear, and it's not worth challenging him on it. He'd let Martin have this, even though the idea of anyone thinking he's adorable rankles him almost as much as the word spooky does.
(This is less the case coming from Martin, but he’d sooner shuffle off his mortal coil than tell him that.)
The weight of the porcelain wolf—he’s decided—in his hand grabs his attention. In fidgeting with it, he’s managed to rub all the dust off its coat, revealing a delicate blue glaze swirling around the figure. Wiping the excavated dust on his trousers, a concerning realization creeps into Jon's awareness. "Martin?" He calls out.
Martin yells back something questioning, the exact words lost in their reverberations around the inside of their bedroom.
“I know you’re trying to distract me right now,” Jon says matter-of-factly. “If you don’t want to do this anymore, I completely understand.”
All sounds of movement cease on the other side of the door—worryingly quickly.
“Martin?” Jon ventures.
“No. I…want to do this. I want to be more myself.”
Jon nods. “All right. Let’s have a look at you, then.”
It takes several long seconds, but the door creaks open, leaving just enough room for Martin to poke through the gap and reveal dark, furrowed brows set in a face that belies its owner’s vocal confidence just a moment ago. Tension lends Martin’s grip on the door a strength that looks painful from where Jon stands.
“Just gimme a second, gimme a second. Let me…let me get my bearings.” Martin’s visible shoulder, draped in a sheer dark-blue fabric, lifts and sinks with long, deep breaths.
A wave of concern washes over Jon. “What’s wrong, love?”
“I’m-I’m scared, I think. There’s no reason to be scared, but—"
“Who says you need a reason to be scared of something?” Jon interjects, and he immediately regrets the hard edge he hears in them.
Martin exhales sharply and averts his eyes away from Jon, grip tightening on the door, something Jon wouldn’t have thought possible. “Oh, you know, just the fact that we’re on the run from a body-hopping avatar of the Beholding, who can see us through anything even resembling an eye and almost certainly knows exactly where we are.”
“Yes…I know. I’ve been trying not to think about it, if I’m being honest. But even though there’s this uncertainty looming over us, you’re more than justified in feeling afraid of more…mundane things.”
Martin can’t help but scoff at that. “Yeah. Right."
“Do you…do you want to talk about what’s going on?” Jon asks, softness smothering any nascent trace of compulsion. The Beholding doesn’t get to have this, not if Jon has anything to do with it.
“I don’t….” Martin exhales again. “I’ve never tried to be this before,” he says, staring at the neat rows of hardwood planks to Jon’s left. “So much of my life has been just letting other people see me how they wanted to see me because it…I don’t know, helped me be someone specific to them when they needed it. I’ve been someone who won’t stir up a fuss; someone to project their frustrations onto; someone who cares for others for the sake of it; and, definitely most frequently, someone who presents as a man.
“There never seemed a point in saying, no, there’s more here than what I’m letting you see, you know? Sometimes it’s simpler to reduce myself to a single quality, even if it’s never helped me be close to people.
“But if I leave this cottage now, people are going to try to categorize me, try to match me up with some image they have preconceived in their minds, and they won’t be able to. And I’m not sure I should want that anymore, either. I guess the main thing is….” He pauses, collecting his thoughts. “It’s terrifying to try to be something other than what the world sees you to be.”
Jon can’t let that go unanswered. Jon needs Martin’s attention for this, so he brings his hands to rest on each of his cheeks, not so much holding him in place but gently suggesting that’s his intention. Jon wouldn’t begrudge Martin his space if he needed it.
“You’re right. It is terrifying letting people see past the outward veneer we put up.” Jon says, concern still present but receding. “It’s not really my place to tell you how to work through that terror, but I am here for you—all of you, not just the parts of you you’re used to showing the world—and I’ll support you however I can.”
“God, Jon, how can you just say things like that?”
Jon makes a sound that’s something just shy of a laugh. “Because they’re true, Martin.”
“Yeah. Come on out, Martin; it’s just us, and I want to see all of you, if you’ll let me.”
Still mostly hidden by the door, Martin stares at Jon, Jon with his myriad marks and scars; his long, unbound gray-streaked hair; and an extra ten years perpetually set in his shoulders. He’s pinned by the intensity of the affection in Martin’s eyes.
“Can I kiss you first?” Martin asks, voice terribly quiet.
The request shakes Jon to his core, but he recovers quickly, nodding his assent. “Please do.”
Martin steps out from behind the door and kisses Jon, Jon’s eyes closing on reflex before he can get a good look at him. The romance novels Jon used to pick up when the ache for a happy ending of his own became too painful to ignore any longer would have him feeling light and airy, almost senseless, as if suspended in space and time as he and Martin exchanged breath. Jon has never felt more grounded. He’s never felt more aware of every sensation within and without his body; the sensations of Martin’s hot breath on his face and his chapped lips pressing against his own keep him firmly tethered to the here and now. Jon’s heart hammers in his chest—so much so he’s sure Martin can feel it, too, their chests pressed together as they are.
When they break apart, Jon opens his eyes and says breathlessly, “Let’s get a good look at you. The mirror’s just over here.” Jon takes his hands back to make the journey easier but feels his heart drop when Martin looks back at the door left ajar in their haste to come together. He looks bereft. Bereft of what, Jon’s can’t be entirely sure, but Jon makes a judgment call and grabs one of Martin’s hands and pulls him along toward the far end of the room, their fingers interlaced.
It had seemed a bit odd for Daisy to have such a vanity piece, but Jon's thankful for it and thankful it wasn't as firmly affixed to the wall in their bedroom as it at first seemed. It would have made for cramped space indeed to have them both crowding around it, and Jon doesn’t want Martin to be alone for this.
They stop just in front of the mirror, Jon off to the side and Martin situated front and center. He gives Jon’s hand a grateful squeeze and looks at his reflection.
“What do you see when you look at yourself, love?” Jon prompts, squeezing Martin’s hand right back.
“I see myself wearing this dress we found rather miraculously in this northern Scottish village of three hundred whole people.”
“And it’s…fwooshy.”
Martin nods with all the sage wisdom of a learned poet. “Yes. It’s light and it moves when I move. It feels like it’s barely touching me at all times, which is so different from how my normal trousers and jumpers feel.”
“Ah, I see what you mean.”
“Mm-hmm. And it’s just pretty, don’t you think?
“Indeed.” Jon debates drawing attention to the question Martin is dancing around, but he trusts Martin to get there in time. “I thought so the moment we found it.”
Martin makes a non-committal sound. “You know, this is a lovely color on me.”
“Come to think of it, I’ve never really seen you wear darker colors before now. You always wore jumpers with a lot of bright colors around the Archives.”
“Yeah. It was, um. My mum, she used to say stuff like, ‘Why do you want to look so dreary all the time? Bright colors look so much better on you,’ and I guess that stuck.” Martin’s voice takes on an affect somewhere between disappointed and exhausted as he imitates his mother, and Jon struggles not to form opinions about that until they’ve had time to talk about her more. “I think she liked looking at the brighter colors I’d wear, especially once she couldn’t really leave our flat very often. I want to think they reminded her of the outside. She never said that, though. I don’t know.
“Wearing a color like this makes me happy, though. Wearing delicate clothes like this that don’t hide me away makes me happy. I want to say I feel….” Martin trails off.
“I feel beautiful, Jon. I really, really do.”
Jon tugs Martin’s hand, still joined with his own, up to his lips and places a kiss on his knuckles, at once affirming you’re beautiful, love and urging Martin to continue.
Visibly reorienting himself, Martin continues: “I see a Martin I’ve never let myself be before. A Martin not at odds with himself. With the rest of the world, maybe, but not with himself. I want to be him, Jon.”
“Then be him.”
“What, just like that?”
“Well, not ‘just like that.’ It’ll take time to feel comfortable presenting your whole self to other people, and that’s okay. The time and effort will be worth it; the world is better for having you, all of you, in it.”
Martin nods shakily, looking for all the world like he’s adrift in the middle of the ocean with sliver of land visible in any direction.
Jon waits for Martin to gather his thoughts. It's the least he can do, lend Martin his patience, patience he's long deserved and nary gotten from Jon for most of their relationship. Plus, it gives Jon some time to look, to really look at this beloved person standing next to him.
Jon's never given much weight to a person's looks as a part of his attraction to them. More often than not, Jon would start to find someone pleasing to look at only after becoming attracted to them in other ways. Otherwise, people were people and what they looked like mattered little in the face of their ideas, their arguments, and their kindnesses (or lack thereof).
Things progressed much the same way with Martin, and now? Well, Jon would like to never stop looking at Martin, thank you very much, and the universe would do well to cooperate with him on that.
Jon looks and looks and looks as Martin twists from side to side, watching as the dress billows out around him. The dress is elegant, made more so by the person wearing it. It's long, the navy chiffon wrap falling down around Martin’s ankles in gentle fluttering waves. A more opaque under-layer provides him some coverage from his chest to his mid-thighs but by no means diminishes his silhouette: soft and sturdy in equal measures. The dress cinches together an inch or so below his pecs, highlighting the generous curve of his hips. Shoulders Jon knows teem with freckles are enveloped in wide navy chiffon sleeves. The wrap-around style of the dress creates a deep V-shaped neckline, revealing more lovely freckles spread across his ample chest.
Martin is gorgeous—full stop. He fills out the dress beautifully, fabric flush with his skin in all the right places. Jon has to keep himself from flying apart with fondness for the man. The dress suits him; there was no way Jon could have anticipated how much it would after observing its shape uninhabited.
Martin cuts through Jon’s musing with a whisper: “Thank you, Jon.”
“For what?”
“For…for being here with me. Throughout all this.”
“There’s nowhere I’d rather be, Martin,” Jon says in a tone that brooks no argument.
“Right. Cool,” he says airily, earning a light chuckle from Jon. He’s not at all surprised when he finds himself at the receiving end of a playful nudge.
“If you’re up to it, I’d still love to go into the village and share a meal with you, show you off to our lovely neighbors.” Jon stops for a moment before continuing, gesturing wildly with his free hand, “That is to say, I’m not trying to imply you’re my possession or that I get to parade you around as I please. I just mean that….” Jon looks deep into earthy brown eyes and presses on. “I just mean that I want everyone to know and see how much of a privilege it is to be with you, to be able to bear witness to you putting more of yourself out into the world—if you’re ready.”
“We’re already the novel English couple from out of town staying in the infamous nigh-abandoned cottage on a mysterious holiday—what’s another oddity for the list, eh?”
“Hey! I won’t have anyone talking about my—oh.” Jon makes a thoughtful noise in the back of his throat. “It occurs to me that you might prefer different terminology for yourself. Is it still all right for me to refer to you as my boyfriend’? Or would you prefer something without a gender connotation like ‘partner’?”
“Jon, I spent the last two and a half years wanting to be your boyfriend, and that hasn’t changed. Having you call me that doesn’t bother me and is, in fact, one of my dreams come true.” Martin lets go of Jon’s hand and wraps him up in his arms; Jon’s follow suit. “Thanks for asking, though. I’ll let you know if anything doesn’t feel quite right.”
Jon buries his face in the crook of Martin’s neck, savoring the warmth and gentle scent of something vaguely herbal permeating through the chiffon dress. They’ll return to Martin’s comment later, he’s sure. “All right. I like ‘boyfriend,’ too, just for the record.”
“I’m glad,” he says, leaning his head on Jon’s.
“So,” Jon starts, pouring all the comfort he can manage into his embrace, “how about it? A late lunch at the pub, and then we can go see Maggie if there's time?”
Martin pulls away from Jon and smiles. “Yeah. Yeah, I think I’m good. Let’s get going,” he says.
“Yes, let’s.” Jon moves toward their makeshift mudroom, which is nothing more than a sorry shoe rack leaned against the wall next to the front door and a couple of wooden pegs designed to hang heavy coats.
“And, Jon?”
Jon turns part of the way back around, cocking his head to the side in mild confusion. “Yes?”
There’s a subtle tension in Martin’s stance when Jon looks back at him, but he’s standing up noticeably straight and puffing himself up. This is familiar to him; he imagines he looks the same way when he’s about to go into a situation that involves delicate social interactions.
However, this is unfamiliar to him as something Martin does in the face of imminent discomfort. Martin isn’t a lip-worrier. Nor is he a fidgeter. Too much practice maintaining a guise of false cheer. No, what Martin does is shrink. He hunches over imperceptibly and draws his arms into himself, and makes the space he’s in feel that little bit bigger, that little bit lonelier, for his diminished presence in it.
Resolve blooms on Martin’s face. It’s a fragile thing, Jon can tell, but it’s there. Jon hopes this is just one instance of many of Martin deciding to take up his due space and filling the world with his presence. “Would you start also using ‘they’ and ‘them’ for me sometimes?” Martin starts, in a rush. He continues, slower and more hesitant, “I just want to try them out; see how they feel and all that. Might not be a permanent thing.”
“It would be my utmost honor and pleasure to use whatever language my boyfriend feels most comfortable with me using for them.” Jon says primly, bent slightly at the waist and arms swept to one side.
In a second, Martin closes the distance between them, hooking one arm under Jon’s legs and behind his back and twirling him around, both of them giggling all the while. Jon gets the impression Martin’s taking it easy (in consideration of the abundance of fabric flowing free around their ankles, if he had to guess), but it’s perfect anyway.
For his part, Jon is taking this opportunity to admire his boyfriend between giggles: the sepia highlights in their hair, brought out by the (no doubt by now) sinking sun; the double chin Jon likes tucking his head under when he wants to feel at home; the strength in all of Martin’s body but especially their arms, arms that hold him close as they spin around the room, never showing signs of faltering. Mingling with admiration for Martin’s physical form is an enduring respect for Martin’s courage and his life-long compassion. This is a person Jon would trust with his life and his heart.
Eventually, Martin returns Jon to solid ground. Jon would say it was too soon, but they’re both slightly out of breath, and time is moving ever forward. Jon practically falls into Martin, pressing their foreheads together. The smooth chiffon slides against Jon’s skin as they shift into comfortable positions. He closes his eyes and isn’t aware of much else that isn’t Martin.
“Hey there, handsome,” Martin says after more time passes. “What’s someone like me got to do to get someone like you out that front door so we can actually go on our date sometime this century?”
Jon’s eyes crinkle in the corners, deeply amused. “You might have to carry me over the threshold at this point. Just make sure to grab our shoes—wouldn’t want leave without completing your ensemble, after all.”
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sweet-s0rr0w · 3 years
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I make absolutely no secret of my adoration for the wonderful @tackytigerfic and all of their works, so I’ll try to keep the flailing to a minimum here! Someone once said to me that the beauty of Tacky’s fics is that their characters somehow just seem to love more deeply than other people’s, and that’s always struck me as the perfect summary of their writing (er, credit @fw00shy 😂). Tacky's fics are intense, incredibly vivid, and the emotions they evoke stay with you for a long, long time after you’ve finished reading. Their microfics always pack a punch (see how I cheat again by linking more fics) and their longer work… well, you’ve read Modern Love, right?
Tacky's working on some longer fics right now which look amazing, but in the meantime you should go read/re-read/re-re-re-read my recs straight away – you won’t regret it. Happy Birthday, lovely Tacky. My life is better for knowing you, and I wish you a wonderful day!
Read Tackytiger's fics on AO3 here
Offer Up Our Hearts – M, 24k, gorgeous Drarry coming together fic set in an Irish fairy realm
Summary: Harry Potter has a very nice life, thank you very much. He's a top Curse-Breaker with a lucrative Ministry contract, and exciting prospects ahead. Sometimes he does wish that he had time to pursue something official with Draco Malfoy - they're half in love with each other, after all, and a great team (in and out of bed), though Draco is still one of the most infuriating people he knows. And when Draco asks Harry to accompany him on a diplomatic mission to the mysterious Sidhe fairies in Ireland, Harry agrees to lend his expertise. Especially since the Sidhe diplomat is a handsome fairy prince who's also in love with Draco.
Join Malfoy and Potter in a daring tale of espionage, politics, intrigue, and frog-hunting!
Our Little Life – M, 7k, original and touching multiverse Drarry
Summary: Sometimes Harry dreams. Only they're not really dreams at all, and Malfoy is always in them. It's time travel, but not as we know it, and Harry just needs a good night's sleep.
Even the Night – M, 3.5k, tender, evocative Drarry in the dark
Summary: I'm so bad at this
Two boys meet on a rooftop
Read and find out more
Featuring lots of cigarettes, a Midsummer sky, close encounters in a bath, and plenty of fireworks.
Modern Love – E, 69k, (and please read the fab sequels too), stunning Draco in the Muggle World fic feat perfect OCs and so many feels
Summary: Harry Potter, of all people, knows that life isn’t always fair. And no one gets to be happy all of the time. But surely there’s something more—something better—than a rubbish Ministry job, and a lonely old house, and that feeling that everyone out there is doing a better job of living than Harry is. And it really doesn’t seem fair that Draco Malfoy is back in Harry’s life, all of a sudden, and even though he’s wandless, and living with Muggles, and making his mother cry with his lifestyle choices, he’s happy. So what's he doing right, that Harry isn’t? Because things don’t really change, do they? And if Harry can’t be happy, he’ll settle for a good night’s sleep, some posh antiques, and the opportunity to find out what Malfoy has been up to for all these years.
And that’s what starts it all.
Aim For My Heart – M, 3.5k, DRONARRY (H/D/Ron), sweet, romantic and sexy triad fic
Summary: Harry's in love, Ron's in control, and Draco just wants a nice lunch. They say three's a crowd, but Harry doesn't always agree. Not when he gets to be in the middle, anyway.
In which Harry's in love with Ron, and Harry's in love with Draco, but they're not in love with each other. Not yet, anyway.
Previous Five Favourite Fics posts - thestarryknight, vukovich, fwooshy, lq_traintracks
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