#happy birthday to felix as well everyone say happy birthday to him
kami-scribbles · 1 year
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Happy FNaF 3 day or something...
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Stray Kids Reaction || He Forgets Your Birthday
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - July 2023
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When you woke up that morning to an abundant amount of messages from everyone but Chan you were slightly disappointed about it. You'd expected Chan to have remembered your birthday but it turned out it had gone to the back of his mind and you didn't know if you should be angry about it or not. It was fast approaching time for Chan to submit another comeback idea so he'd been working harder than usual lately but so had the other guys and they had all remembered to wish you a happy birthday.
"Thanks, Lix," You giggled looking at the small box of cupcakes that were on the table in front of you, your eyes watering a little as you saw the icing on each cake spelt your name out.
"I didn't know if Chan-Hyung had arranged anything for you, so I wanted to do something small." He smiled at you and you let a single tear run down your cheek, slowly looking at Felix who was frowning.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No....N-No, he just...He forgot." You admitted and shook your head, quickly wiping the tears off your face and trying to move past it. It seemed silly to be crying over it in front of Felix when he knew just how busy Chan was with everything.
"He forgot? How? He has it written down everywhere...There's no way, maybe he's just trying to surprise you," You shook your head at him and nodded over at the door where Chan was sleeping, he'd come straight home and collapsed into bed which you didn't blame him for he must have been exhausted but it hurt. Before you could even begin to process what was happening Felix was making his way over to the door and slamming it open, Chan flinched as he turned around to face the door.
Unlike you'd thought Chan had been in the bedroom, hunched over his laptop and working.
"Are you kidding me?!" Felix cried out when he saw the older boy sitting there,
"It's your girlfriend's birthday and you're in here pretending as though she doesn't exist?"
"Lix, it's fine. He's clearly busy," You tried to pull Felix away but it was like trying to get a bone from a dog - damn near impossible.
"It's not her birthday until next week."
"It's today." Felix combated him shaking his head, normally Chan was on top of everything but it was obvious the idea of submitting a comeback was getting to him a little.
"No. It's next week because I have it written down, right...Yn?" He slowly turned to look at you and as much as you wanted to tell him it was next week, it wasn't.
"It's today," The air seemed to grow thicker as Chan came to the sudden realisation that he'd missed your birthday and his stomach dropped.
"No...N-No, because I booked us a table at your favourite restaurant and I even hired a small boat to take us on the river for a while," He shook his head going into his computer calendar and his face dropped as he realised.
"Yn...I-I'm sorry," You could tell he was sincere about it but you were still hurt inside about it, everyone else had managed to remember but not him.
"It's fine," A blatant lie and anyone with a working pair of eyes could see that so Chan rushed over and wrapped his arms around your midsection.
"I promise I'm going to make this up to you," He whispered in your ear, trying to think of anything he could do to make up for fucking up this much.
It was obvious to the boys what had happened and now they were staring at you and feeling guilty even though they had nothing to feel that way for. It wasn't them who had forgotten about you on your birthday, it was Minho who was still completely oblivious to it.
"Aren't your forgetting something?" Chan asked as Minho walked into the dorm's living room and made his way past you, his eyes scanning over each of the boys before his eyes landed on you but you refused to look at him. Not only had he forgotten it was your birthday but he was ignorant about it as well.
"Happy Birthday Yn!" Changbin yelled out finally having enough of Minho not saying anything and you looked down at your hands. It suddenly felt awkward to be sitting here when all of the boys had remembered but your own boyfriend had failed to.
"I'm going to head home for the night-" You tried to get out but Jeongin shook his head at you, he was very much looking forward to spending the night with you.
"I thought we were going to watch cringey movies and gossip," Jeongin whined as you stood up, reaching for your bag.
"I'm not really in the mood right now, I'm sorry." You smiled weakly and Minho stared at you, his stomach dropping when he noticed the boys watching him waiting to see what he was doing to do.
"Don't...Minho...Just don't. Everyone here remembered my birthday except for you, do you know how that makes me feel?" The boys slowly made their way out of the room leaving the two of you to discuss this privately.
"I didn't mean to forget."
"Just like you didn't mean to forget our anniversary? Do you even care for me? Even a little?" The words tore through him and he wanted to cry at the thought of you thinking he didn't love you,
"I adore you Yn, you know that." He reached out to touch your arm but you stepped away from him and shook your head. As badly as you wanted to believe him, the part of you that was hurting wasn't going to let this go so easily.
"I don't...You're always off doing whatever, forgetting things that are supposed to be important and I'm left to wonder if you even love me."
The next morning Minho had gone straight to your apartment and covered the living room with bouquets of your favourite flowers, as well as getting some decorations he found.
"What's this?" You frowned coming down into the room and frowning when you saw him sitting in front of you,
"Happy Birthday," He smiled weakly at you, holding up a present as you bit down on your lip.
"I wanted to try again, so we're pretending today is the day and that I didn't almost fuck up the best thing that has happened to me," He brought you closer to him and you smiled weakly, kissing his cheek softly.
"Are you sure he knew about it?" Felix questioned as you finished packing up the final box of decorations that had lined the room the boys had rented for the night. He was directing his line of questioning at Jeongin who had planned the whole night tonight,
"How would he forget? It's her birthday." Jeongin whispered looking over at you, the boys had planned a surprise party for you, not your boyfriend but your boyfriend's friends and you were starting to feel sick at the thought of Changin not being here.
"Maybe he got lost on the way to the venue," Felix suggested once he realised that you could hear everything that they were saying,
"Or he forgot," You mumbled, shaking your head to yourself, it wasn't the first time Changbin had forgotten something important and you knew it wasn't going to be the last either but that didn't mean it hurt any less. The door to the room suddenly slammed against the wall and a sweaty-looking Changbin was standing there, drenched in a thick layer of sweat and panting heavily.
"I got here as quickly as possible," He looked around the room and then over at you but you refused to even look in his direction, wishing the boys goodbye before making your way out of the venue with Changbin hot on your trail.
"Yn, I- I don't even know how to begin to say-"
"Don't say sorry because we both know you won't mean it." You shut the boot of your car and stared at him, your arms folded over your chest as you stared him down.
"How can you say that? Of course, I'm sorry." He whispered, his eyes softening as he looked at you. There were tears running down your cheeks but you tried not to draw attention to them.
"Then how are you always forgetting things? If it's not my birthday it's our anniversary...or the times you forgot we had dates." He scoffed at you and shook his head, there was only one time that had happened.
"That's happened once!"
"Four times." You scoffed, getting into the car but he held onto the door preventing you from shutting it on him.
"Let me make it up to you?"
"I would, but I don't know how you can do that. It fucking hurts Binnnie," Your voice cracked as you let the tears stream down your face, the door was pulled wide open and you were suddenly pulled free from the car and into Changbins arms.
"I will find a way, please...J-Just don't go home alone, let me come with you." He begged as he rubbed your back softly, your arms tightening around him as you nodded your head at him.
Hyunjin smiled at you as you sat beside him in bed, you watched him closely as his smile slowly turned into a frown,
"Why are you looking at me like that?" He chuckled softly as he slowly got out of bed,
"I'm just waiting for something." A couple seconds of silence went by before he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek, smiling at you before heading into the bathroom without so much as a "Happy birthday."
"Baby? Are you forgetting something?" You called from outside of the en-suite door, waiting for him to remember but the door opened.
"You're right! How could forget!" You smiled brightly, finally happy he seemed to have remembered so quickly but he walked past you, took the towel and headed back into the bathroom again souring your mood within a couple of seconds.
The rest of the day you'd spent completely alone, deciding that if Hyunjin hadn't remembered then you were going to spend the entire day alone doing everything you loved.
"Where have you been? I've been texting and calling you for hours." He said as soon as you walked through the door,
"I spent my birthday doing everything I wanted to do since someone forgot." You stared at him and watched as the clogs in his head began to turn over and he realised how badly he'd fucked up that morning.
"Don't." You warned him, shaking your head as you made your way through the house, taking your bags up to your bedroom as he followed behind you.
"I spaced! I'm used to working on your birthday, I just-"
"You forgot. No biggy," You lied, even though it was a huge biggy, you could see just how much it was stressing him out and while you had been mad that morning there was no use making it worse now when he was clearly having a hard time with it. 
"Big, Big, Biggy," He shook his head at you, holding you from behind.
"Let me order your favourite food, and tomorrow we will do everything you could ever want." He held you tighter as you nodded at him, smiling a little as you relaxed in his arms.
You walked into the studio with a picnic basket and some bottles of water, sitting on the sofa as you watched Jisung through the small glass window inside of the room. As soon as he saw you he smiled and walked through the door,
"What's all this?" He nodded to the picnic that you were laying out in front of him and you smiled a little. You knew when you'd woken up that morning that he'd forgotten your birthday but you knew Jisung well, he was a cute hamster that forgot his own lyrics and there was no way you could be mad at him for forgetting your birthday. As much as it had upset you, you'd decide to get on the better side of it and come out smiling. There was no need for a huge fight when it was clearly something that could be remedied by you talking like adults or you acting mature about it. It wasn't as though he forgot every year, in fact normally he was on top of everyone's birthdays, always the first one to message so clearly it had been a mistake this morning, one you could easily forgive him for.
"Birthday picnic, I knew you'd forgotten but I wanted to come and spend lunch with you," You smiled as you pulled out the hotter food, Jisung's bottom lip trembling a little as he scratched the back of his neck
"I didn't...I-I didn't forget...I-I was just-" He tried to come up with something - anything - he could say to try and make you believe him but he couldn't and guilt began to swim over his body. With the stress of the job weighing on him, it must have slipped his mind and he felt awful for it,
"Relax baby, it's fine. Honestly, please just eat with me?" He nodded sitting beside you as you took out more than enough food for the two of you, both of you beginning to dig in while Jisung apologised to you for forgetting.
It had been a week of silent treatment for Felix and he was beginning to lose his mind a little. Usually, the two of you would get into a fight, you'd give him the silent treatment for a couple of hours and everything would be fine again but clearly, this wasn't a normal fight the two of you had. Not that there was a fight, Felix just remembered you no longer speaking to him,
"You're really not even going to look at me when we're in the same room?" He questioned as you stared down at your phone, scrolling through a random news article you had no interest in.
"What did I even do?" He stared at you, completely oblivious to everything he had done last week. It had been your birthday and you happened to share it with a few of Felix's friends while he had spent the day wishing them birthday messages and calling them to let them know he was thinking of them he hadn't even so much as wished the same to you.
"It's what you didn't do." You mumbled, locking your phone and placing it face down on the table in front of you. All of the other boys had remembered, you'd even gotten a couple of gifts from them each but Felix was blind to it all.
"What is it I didn't do?" He whined a little, he was sick and tired of beating around the bush and to be frank, so were you. It was annoying having to tiptoe around the subject.
"My birthday was last Friday." You stared at your boyfriend and watched as the realisation hit him, his mouth beginning to form an "O" shape,
"So while you were wishing everyone else a happy birthday I was alone...the whole day with not so much as a text from you." You sniffled a little, it was still fresh in your heart and you hated how much it burnt to not hear from him that day,
"Why didn't you say something?"
"I thought my own boyfriend would remember something so simple." You began to cry into your hands and instantly he was sitting beside you, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as he bought you to rest against his chest. 
"I'm so sorry Yn, I'm so fucking sorry."
"Do you know how much it hurt to see you wishing everyone else a happy birthday but me?" You sniffled as he continued to hold onto you,
"I'll make it up to you," He promised but you didn't say anything, you just cried into his chest softly as he held onto you.
All day long Seungmin felt as though he'd been forgetting something and it had bugged him too much, even when he walked into the house something still didn't feel right.
"Do you ever feel like you forgot something important but you can't put your finger on what it is-"  Seungmin stopped as he walked into the living room to see you sitting with the boys and surrounded by some presents and cards.
"I see I forgot something very important." He whispered as you stared down at the card in your hand, thanking the boys for coming to see you when they did.
When they eventually left Seungmin was following you around the house while you cleaned up, apologising over and over again but you refused to even acknowledge that he was talking to you.
"It was an easy mistake." He told you as you shook your head, standing in the doorway of your shared bedroom. Right now you didn't even want to look at Seungmin nevermind share a bed with him for the night,
"An easy mistake is when you forget to pay a bill, or when...O-Or when you forget to pick someone up but not forgetting your girlfriend or four years birthday." You shook your head at him about to shut the door when he placed his hand on it, preventing you from doing so.
"It's the first time in four years I forgot, that has to make up for something." He whimpered a little and you shook your head, softly shutting the door and going to get ready for bed.
The next day when you eventually decided you could no longer avoid Seungmin he was all over you, pampering you with kisses and extra attention, he'd even managed to get the day off so he could at least attempt to make up for yesterday.
"I made breakfast, and I got some of your favourite movies ready," You stared at him as he pointed over at the living room, everything was done to look cosy and you hated how much you wanted to give into him for all of this.
"I don't have presents until tomorrow-"
"It's not about presents Seungmin...It's about you remembering it," He nodded his head, pressing a small and gentle kiss to your cheek,
"I will, I promise." You hummed a little at him as he lead you into the living room, making you sitdown on the sofa before he bought everything into you.
As soon as the front door shut Jeongin could sense that he was in some kind of trouble and he instantly wanted to get back into the car and drive to the dorms.
"Babe?" He called out to the dimly lit house, slowly beginning to make his way up to the bedroom where he figured that you would be waiting for him but when he got there he frowned. Small sniffles were coming from inside of the room and you sounded as though you were whispering to someone else. Jeongin's hand stilled on the door handle as he listened to you,
"I just can't believe he forgot," You sniffled louder this time and you shook your head, you knew it probably seemed like a stupid thing to cry over but you hated Jeongin for forgetting your birthday.
"He embarrassed me in front of everyone Lixie. Mum was looking forward to showing him off to everyone and he just never showed up...N-Not even a text to let me know he was busy." You began to cry into the pillow and Jeongin's stomach dropped as he listened to you talking about him.
"My birthday, how could he just forget? Am I that forgettable?" You questioned angrily, sitting up in the bed as you thought about it more and more. That was when you noticed Jeongin's shadow under the door and you sighed wishing goodbye to Felix before waiting for Jeongin to walk into the room. As soon as he did there was a sheepish look on his face and he whimpered a little, you looked like you'd been crying for hours. There were tear stains down your cheeks, your eyes were swollen pretty badly and not to mention they were also bloodshot.
"You forgot...You actually forgot," You bit out a little angrier than you'd intended but you couldn't believe he'd just managed to forget your birthday. It wasn't as though they had any promotions going on at the moment either, come to think of it he was supposed to be on holiday so you had no idea what had been so important he was able to forget you all day.
"Words and actions will never make up for what I did. I know, I fucked up and I intend to make it up to you for the rest of my life." He whined as he got into the bed beside you, slowly wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into a tight embrace your heart fluttering as you relaxed in his touch. You hated your heart for giving in to him so easily after what had happened today,
"How did you forget?" You probably didn't want to know the answer but you knew the question was only going to gnaw at you until you got an answer from him anyway,
"I don't have an excuse, I just blanked. I went to see my brother and we went for food, I just completely blanked on it, baby," You nodded at him, you were glad he was being honest with you about it rather than lying but it still didn't make you feel any better about being ditched all day.
"Tomorrow, we're spending every second together. You'll get breakfast in bed...I'll treat you like a queen." He promised as he began to kiss your cheek and slowly down to your shoulder, pampering you with kisses up and down your neck and shoulder.
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Tagline: @chiisaiblog @hanasonmi @sw33tnight @acciocriativity @scarletemeterio @halesandy @aerastus @laylasbunbunny @critssq @lenfilms  @meowmeowisdaname @imafivestarkpopstan @lost-leopard-beanie @djeniryuu​
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skzstannie · 6 months
“What about Ben?”
SKZ-> ot8 x 9th member fem! reader
genre: angst, hurt/comfort wc: ~4,800 cw: reader has a panic attack and depression, Ben is ur lil bro
summary: your mom isn’t happy about your absence at your brother’s birthday party, but she takes her anger a step too far this time
A/N: Happy New Year everyone! I hope everyone has a blessed 2024! Part 2s for both the Felix and the Han fic are underway, so send me an ask if you’d like to be added to the tag list for either of them!
Happy Scrolling! | Masterlist
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"Mom, you know I can't just up and leave! What are you expecting me to do?"
You find yourself having the same conversation with your parents time and time again- they want you to come home, you can't come home, then they give you the silent treatment for a period of time until they want you to come home for something else.
It's mentally exhausting, having to deal with their constant negative remarks towards you job. You only do it for your little brother; him growing up without you is not in the cards for you. In fact, that's what this argument you're having with your mom is about this time.
"I expect you to put your family first for once in your life!" your mother yells back. You flinch, pulling the phone away from your ear.
"Mom, you know I wouldn't miss Ben's birthday unless I absolutely have to. I want to be there for him, I really do!" your words do little to convince her as she already has her mind made up about the type of person you are.
"This has happened one too many times. Missing the occasional family gathering is one thing, but it’s your brother's birthday." Her disgust easily wafts through the speaker of your phone, and you bite your lip to keep from absolutely lashing out at her.
Your parents were never understanding of your job. They always expected you to just pack up your bags and fly home for the smallest of things.
Your baby cousin said her first words? "Why aren't you here?"
Your little brother lost another tooth? "Why would you want to miss this important milestone?"
Your grandma got a new dog? "What kind of heartless person denies their grandparents?"
Over and over, you've been criticized for your job. You give them the same explanation each time, as it's the truth.
"I'm sorry, Mom. I want to be there; I really really do. It's just that-"
"Always with the excuses. Ya know what? I'm tired of the excuses," she pauses and your breath hitches in your throat.
"Ma?" your voice is choked up, and you find your lip wobbling from where it's pulled between your mouth.
Your mother sighs, her disappointment evident. "We're done with the excuses, Y/N. If you can't be here for us, I don't think this is going to work out."
You swear your heart stops upon hearing her words. "What do you mean?" the laugh you let out is far from humorous. It's desperate. "How could it not work out? I'm your daughter, there's nothing to work out. You're supposed to love me and care for me, unconditionally."
"You've crossed the line too many times. Don't try to spin this around and make me the bad guy. This is completely your fault, you and those stupid boys."
Your parents could talk trash about you all they want, but you never let them get away with saying stuff about your boys. "You can belittle me, argue with me, call me every name in your book, but I will not let you talk about the guys like that. They're my family, too," your almost able to catch yourself, but you realize your mistake far too late.
"Oh, yea? Well, if those guys are your family, why not spend the rest of your time with them, too. It’s not like you weren’t already planning to anyway. Spend your holidays with them, your birthdays with them. He’ll, what do you even need us for?”
Tears well in your eyes, a mix of anger and fear swelling deep in your gut. "Mom, you know that's not what I meant." You’re completely choked up, your words coming out just above a whisper in volume.
You've had fights, but they never go as far as this. Usually, your mom would've hung up by now, leaving you with nothing but radio silence for months on end.
As toxic as this is, she's your mom. You couldn't live this life without her. She's toxic now, using your vulnerability against you every chance she gets, but she wasn't always that way.
She was once a loving mother, one who packed your lunch every morning for school, sending you off with a kiss on your cheek. A mom who'd pay extra to get more of your school pictures so she could put them on her desk at work and in her car. She used to show her love for you as any mother does, but you havent felt that in so long.
The last time you were home was a little over two months ago, and not once did she hug you, kiss you, or even touch you. She was cold and emotionless towards you.
You should've seen it coming. All this tension building up for months on end, it was going to have to bottom out eventually.
As much as the above is true, the words that flew out her mouth next shocked you beyond belief, causing the tears to flow freely from your waterline.
"Don't come back home, Y/N. I'm serious. You've done too much damage to my family." There’s a beeping on the other end of the phone, and it drops from your shaking hand to the carpeted floor beneath you.
Don't come back?
You were always sorry, apology after apology leaving your lips when you had to miss something your family organized. You thought it'd be okay. Your mom would get over herself eventually, and you'd come home when the company allowed you to.
You pick up the phone, hands a trembling mess, and call back, praying for another chance to explain yourself. You’re met with an automated message, the robotic voice piercing your ear.
"I'm sorry, this customer is unavailable."
You hang up and call again. She wouldn't have blocked you. It was just a silly fight, right?
"I'm sorry, this customer is-" you hang up before the message finishes, throwing your phone onto the floor next to you.
Your sobs become audible, and your body crumbles onto the floor, your knees thankful for the soft surface the carpet provides. Your fingers claw at the skin around your eyes, looking for a relief from the emotional pain coursing through your body.
Red lines mark your face, leaving the areas tender and puffy.
Your heart constricts in betrayal.
How could she?
She raised you, gave birth to you. How was it so easy for her?
The thought of your little brother enters your jumbled thoughts, and your heart breaks further.
He’s only six years old, and he is the best little brother you could ever ask for. He loves with all his heart, and you are lucky enough to get to experience it, to be apart of that little circle he could wrap his arms around and squeeze with all his might.
The thought of never squishing his chubby cheeks again destroys you, and you're unable to express the amount of heartache you're feeling.
So you scream.
You scream loud, your emotions ripping through your throat like shards of glass through skin.
You’re too distraught to notice the door to your bedroom whipping open. Chan and Minho stand there in the doorway, their eyes wide and mouths agape.
They've never seen you like this before. They've never seen anybody like this before, actually. Your screams are manic as they bounce off the walls around you, echoing around the room.
Once their shock dies off, they rush over to you. Minho is gentle in his grip but firm as he pries your hands away from your face. He gasps when he sees the damage your nails have already done, your once soft features now blotchy with angry red streaks.
You continue to scream, your nails now digging into Minho's arm. Chan grabs you from behind, doing his best to soothe you out of your hysteria.
"Y/N, you have to calm down. Please, it's ok, shhh," he says, his hold around you tight in an attempt to give you some sense of security.
"What happened? Can you talk to us?" you ignore Minho.
They accept that you're too worked up too answer them, and they let you finish your episode, the two of them doing everything they can to try and soothe you.
The rest of the guys in the dorm stand in the doorway now, your cries too agonizing for them to ignore. Varying degrees of shock are spread across their faces as they watch.
Chan starts to mumble sweet words to you as you come out of your panic attack, your brain finally able to register your surroundings again.
“It hurts,” you whimper, chest aching. “It’s so hard to breathe.”
"It's ok, we're here," he repeats, his head pressed up against the side of yours.
"Tell us five things you can see right now," Minho says from beside you, his grip still tight around your sweaty hands.
Your voice is scratchy, your throat red and scarred from your screams, but you oblige, knowing this will help you ground yourself. "I see my alarm clock," your eyes scan your room, landing on the bright digital clock you have sitting on your bedside table.
"Good," he hums, "What else?"
Your eyes travel to the door and you see the scared faces of the rest of your members. You lock in on Felix, his hands clenched tightly in front of him as salty tears stream down his face.
"I see Felix," you whisper, the pain from your throat becoming more and more noticeable.
He nods his head. "Good, now three more things. What else do you see?"
You look to your opened closet, your eyes catching the way your clothes spill out of your messy dresser onto your floor. "I see my favorite hoodie. I see my curtains, and I see that stain on my wall."
"Perfect, Y/N. Take a few deep breaths now." You breathe with Minho, your erratic breaths eventually matching his steady ones.
Finally calmed down enough, you slump back into Chan's hold, completely exhausted from the panic attack.
The room is silent for a moment, all the guys letting you have a second to gather your bearings.
"What happened?" Changbin steps through the rest of the members, settling next to the three of you on the floor. The rest follow suit, some sitting on your bed and some sitting beside Changbin.
"It's my mom again. I don't even know, I think she like, kicked me out? Like, kicked me out of the family?" You're almost embarrassed to explain the situation. You don't know why, maybe in fear your members will think your mom's right. That maybe you have been missing too many family functions, and that you should’ve made more time for them.
"Y/N, that's awful," hums of agreeance come throughout the room, and Hyunjin's words help to reassure you. "You don't deserve that, not one bit."
"She's completely out of line. Nothing you did warranted this at all," Seungmin chimes in. He knows thoughts of uncertainty are swirling through your head, the gaslighting from your mother turning your thoughts to mush.
"What about Ben?"
"What about him? You know your mom's full of shit, and the minute you show up at her doorstep she'll welcome you in. She's bluffing," Changbin pipes up again, his shoulders tight with anger.
"I don't think she is this time."
~ ~ ~
It's another day, and you've spent it the exact same way you spent the last five- curled up in your bed with the lights off, mindlessly scrolling through your phone.
Chan's come in to check on you periodically, but you’ve been alone for the most part.
The knock at your door alerts you from your sleepy state, and you call them in.
“Hey, I brought you some soup. Minho made it earlier today, and I figured you might be hungry,” Chan says, giving you a timid smile.
“Thanks, Chan, but I’m not really hungry right now. Can you just set it there?” You point to the little table you have at the end of your bed, “I’ll eat it later, I promise.”
Your phone starts to ring, and you gasp when you see who’s calling.
You pick up immediately, and you’re met with the distant yells of your parents. Confused, you ask, “Hello, Dad?”
“Sissy,” comes through. It’s Ben. His voice is small, and fear seeps through the speaker.
“Buddy, what’s wrong?” You keep your tears at bay, knowing you need to be strong for him. Chan sits down beside you when he hears the little voice you’re talking to, and he rubs your back in comfort.
“Mom and Dad are fighting again,” he sniffles, the microphone personifying every bit of his sadness. “I miss you, Sissy.”
“I miss you, more, buddy, but I don't think we're gonna be able to see each other for a while," you choke back sobs.
“But I miss you so much,” he’s crying harder now, and it’s hard to hold yourself together knowing he’s struggling like he is.
“I know, buddy, I know. I’m so sorry I missed your birthday, I couldn’t get a day off work,” you explain. Chan brings his finger up to your cheek, catching your tear before it’s able to fall from your cheek.
You hear Ben gasp, and your heart beat picks up. “Ben, is everything ok? What happened?”
“Mommy’s coming, and I have to go. She told me I couldn’t talk to you, but I stole Dad’s phone. Love you, sissy,” and he’s gone before you can even say it back.
Chan eventually leaves your side upon your request to be alone for a while. The soup beside your bed grows cold as your sadness overwhelms you once again.
~ ~ ~ "Alright, rise and shine!" you're awoken from your slumber by the bright light shining in from your window. You groan, throwing your pillow over your head to block the light. Your curtains hadn’t been opened in weeks, and you were planning on keeping it that way for as long as possible.
"Nope," the intruder says, ripping the pillow from off your face.
"We've allowed you to wallow in this room long enough. If we're not performing or doing an interview, you're laying in the dark in bed." Your eyes open, crusty and sore from the crying you did before falling asleep the night before.
Hyunjin's face paints your irises, his features full of determination.
"Time to get up." He throws your pillow back on the bed beside you, turning to walk out your door. "Oh, and pack a bag, we're flying somewhere today."
You shoot up in bed at that. "Nothing's on the schedule for today, so where are we going?”
‘Is it something I can get out of?’ is what you really want to say, but you keep it to yourself.
"It’s a surprise. Get up and get dressed, we leave in an hour," he finishes, closing the door behind him.
You slide out of bed, your limbs dragging your covers onto the floor. You don't bother picking them up, too tired to care about the messy appearance of your room.
You quickly get ready, throwing on a comfortable pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. You pull your hair up into a ponytail, attempting to hide the grease that's accumulated over the past few days.
The ride to the airport is quiet and relatively peaceful. Everyone's happy to see you up and moving again, but the facade you've been putting on for the public has been washed away in your tired state, leaving your features drowsy. The dark circles under your eyes are prominent, your cheekbones sticking out more than usual. Your hair’s thinned a little, and your lips are cracked from your lack of hydration.
Through security and the rest of the way through the airport, you grip Jisung's arm, both of you needing the other's support in the overcrowded building.
Chan had explained to you that the managers wanted to start filming for the next SKZ Code a day early, fearing it might take longer than expected.
When you see the television next to your boarding terminal, your eyes practically bug out of your head.
Why would you be filming the next SKZ Code in your hometown?
That's the last place you want to go, your fight with your mom still fresh in your mind. You've been feeling the affects of it, her harsh words and actions sending you deep into a depressive episode.
Your members have noticed, trying their best to pull you from it, but nothing they did seem to work.
They can't begin to sympathize with you, none of them ever experiencing the kind of hurt you feel deep in your heart, wreaking havoc on your sanity. All they can do is offer you words of encouragement and love, assuring you that you still have a family, a very real one. While the nine of you may not be related by blood, the bond between all of you is strong.
They decided to take their efforts one step further, however, after seeing you begin to spiral. Your naps became longer and more frequent, often taking up most of the time you were supposed to be awake. You had been neglecting your self care routine, not even having enough energy to shower and brush your teeth most days.
Chan decided that enough is enough, so he convinced the managers to book you all a flight to your hometown to try and reconcile your family. As much as they wanted your mom out of your life, you were much more sane with her in it, and you needed your dad and your brother.
~ ~ ~
The flight was a success, everything going perfectly smooth.
You're now squished into the backseat of a car on the way to the house you'll all be staying at for the remainder of the filming.
The first thing you notice when pulling up into the driveway is how beautiful the house is. The front yard has the most angelic archways leading up to the house, with flowers lining the sidewalk and little statues spread about.
The house itself is amazing. Tall glass windows cover most of the front, the sunlight easily shining through, lighting up the front room.
The five of you- Hyunjin, Jisung, Felix, I.N, and yourself- make your way into the house, and all of your previous worries disappear at the sight of the incredible interior. The walls are lined with expensive looking art, chandeliers hang from the tall ceilings, and the floors are marbled with white and gray.
Chan, Lee Know, Changbin, and Seungmin went to the store in the other van. They said they needed to pick up some last minute essentials for your stay.
Little did you know, they were actually going to your parents house. Their hopes were to get your mother to forgive you, or at least be civil so you could have a conversation with her.
Unfortunately, their visit did not go as planned, and it ended with your mother threatening to call the cops on them if they didn't leave the property immediately. This, of course, did not deter Lee Know from giving her a piece of his mind. His outburst was in Korean, and the insults he threw at her were so quick she'd never be able to recall them to look them up in a translator.
As much as they wanted to stay, to defend you and help you get your family back, they knew they couldn't. Getting law enforcement involved was the last thing they needed, knowing their managers would immediately regret sending them on this short getaway.
So, with that, they went back to the house with anger embedded in their hearts. They didn't want to have to tell you the real reason you all came here. They didn't know how you would react. Would you be thankful they tried to help? Would you feel betrayed that they'd went to your home without permission? They didn't know, but it was time to face the music; there was no SKZ Code to film, and they had no shopping bags in hand, so the truth was going to have to come out.
"Y/N," Chan sighs as he plops down next to you on the couch. You're both seated in the sunroom, looking out at the lake that sits in the backyard.
He gets your attention, and you slide your phone in your hoodie pocket, turning your body to face him. "What's up?"
He hates that he has to be the one to bring up your family again. You look so peaceful, your face no longer contorted with sorrow and pain like it'd been for weeks now, but he knows he has to tell you. It’s only fair to you. "So, please don't get mad, but this whole thing may or may not have been just a setup for you to see your family again."
Your heart beats out of your chest at the mention of seeing your family again. "Really, when can we go?" Your excitement radiates off of you, and you quickly stand to your feet.
Chan grabs ahold of your sleeve and gently guides you back down next to him, his eyes filled with pity. "Well, when we said we were going shopping earlier, we actually went to your house," he pauses, his eyes scanning your features; your face is blank, the excitement from seconds ago long gone. "Your mom wasn't exactly appreciative of our presence, and she kicked us out. Said she'd call the cops if we didn't leave. I'm so sorry, Y/N."
Your mind whirls with the information Chan just threw at you. "So, all of this," you gesture to your surroundings, "was for me? There's no SKZ Code?"
He shakes his head, his hand coming to rest on your arm, "No SKZ Code."
"And my mom still doesn't want to see me?"
He shakes his head again, slower this time. "I'm so sorry for doing this to you. I thought she'd be more open to talk to you, to us, but she wasn't. If I'd have known it'd end this way, I would've never done all this."
You sit there in silence, your gaze downcast. There's no sadness or anger in your heart, no tears welling up in your eyes. You expelled all the emotions you could over the past few weeks, and you've left yourself with nothing.
You stand, your only desire to go lay down on the plushy bed you found in one of the bedrooms when you were exploring earlier. As you walk away from Chan, he stops you.
"Where are you going?"
"To sleep."
"Are you sure that's a good idea? I can come with you?"
"No thank you, I'll be fine," your voice is robotic as you decline his offer. You make your way to the room, climbing up the stairs to the second floor.
You're out like a light as soon as your head hits the feathery pillow, the day’s events catching up to you all at once.
~ ~ ~
You're rudely awoken by the sound of your phone ringing. You pull it out from your pocket, your eyes squinting at the brightness.
Your eyes widen at the contact name that appears on the screen.
You quickly press the answer button, scared if you wait too long the opportunity will disappear quicker than it showed up.
Your dad had always been a follower. He's the youngest of four siblings, so it was instinctual for him to do what they did. When he married your mom, he had been the same way. Whatever your mom said went.
Your dad loved you and your brother so much, with all his heart, but when your mom started to act up, he became distant. He was never mean to you; he just stopped calling one day, stopped texting. You knew it was because of your mom; a part of you thought he was scared of her.
The last few times you'd gone home, the tension between them was almost unbearable, but your dad always rolled with it. Essentially, he was your mom's very own punching bag. You felt bad for him, but only he had the power to do something about it. You certainly didn't want to say anything. You were already walking on eggshells with her, the last thing you wanted to do was upset her more.
You bring the phone up to your ear, a shaky 'Hello?' leaving your overly chapped lips.
"Hi, sweetie. It's Dad," his voice is as shaky as yours, and he sounds choked up.
"Dad, what's wrong?"
"I can't do it anymore, Y/N. I cannot listen to her and let her treat you this way anymore."
Your heart breaks for him. All throughout your childhood they had been a happily married couple. The love they had for each other was immense.
"I'm getting a divorce, and I'm taking your brother with me."
Your heart is so conflicted. On one hand, this is the greatest news you've ever heard. You'll get your dad and brother back! On the other hand, you'd never wish divorce on anyone. While this experience would not be exceptionally hard for you, given your nonexistent relationship with your mom and the fact that you don't even live at home, it would certainly be hard for the people you love.
"After your band mates came and tried to talk some sense into your mother, it made me realize how blind I've been these past few years. She’s been so mean and cruel to you, and I just sat by and watched."
You don't know how your little brother will take it. Your mom has spoiled him with everything under the sun. This will surely devastate him.
Your dad, too, this can't be easy for him. You know it's not easy for him from the quiet sobs you hear on the other side of the phone.
You're not sure what to say as he continues to cry. "Dad-"
"Honey, please forgive me," he pleads, his voice cracking. "I've let your mom walk all over us for years now, and I'm so sorry."
"Dad, it's ok. It's not your fault."
He's quiet for a moment. "I have Ben at Grandma's house now. Can you come? He's crying so hard. It wasn't easy to leave, your mom put up a fight and was screaming. I think it scared him a bit."
"Yes, Dad, I will be there as soon as possible. I'm leaving now. Can you send me the address so I can give it to the driver?"
He sends the address and you hang up, promising you'll see him in just a few minutes.
You hurriedly put your shoes on and run down the stairs. All your members are sat in the living room, some video game lighting up the television.
"My dad’s getting a divorce, and he has my brother at my grandma's right now. I have to go see them," you quickly ramble out, looking in your purse to make sure you have everything.
The guys are stunned at your demeanor. They haven't seen you move with such determination in weeks.
"I'm coming with you," Chan says matter-of-factly, standing from the sofa to put his shoes on.
"Chan, you don't have-"
"I want to. I just want to make sure everything's alright," he sighs at the look you give him, your eyes boring into his. "I'll even stay in the car."
You roll your eyes at that, but you don't fight him. You suppose it doesn't really matter if he's there; you just want to see your family again.
~ ~ ~
One short car ride later and you're jumping out of the car, the seatbelt flinging back against the door. Your brother waits for you on the porch, the biggest smile gracing his lips.
You sprint at him, swinging him off his feet and embracing him tightly. "I've missed you sissy!" he cheers, his little arms wound tight around your neck. His tears have dried since your phone call with your dad, leaving little streaks down his cheeks.
"I've missed you more, Bubby," you tell him, thankful to have him in your arms again. Your eyes crinkle as your mouth splits into the biggest smile.
Your dad comes outside upon your arrival and wraps the two of you in a hug, giving you a tight squeeze. His eyes meet Chan's over your shoulder, who decided to step just outside of the car.
'Thank you,' your dad mouths to Chan, giving him a grateful smile.
‘Thank you’ for what? Chan wasn’t exactly sure. Bringing you to him? He’d do it a million times over. Taking care of you? He’d never let you struggle without him by your side.
Chan gives him a thumbs up in reply, just happy to see you happy again.
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minniesmutt · 2 months
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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     There were signs. There were always signs but the rose-colored glasses hid them far too well. Y/n should have listened to her friends. She should have listened to her family but there was no way someone as nice and sweet as Jeongin would hurt her. Right?
     “Y/n, he’s not protective. Jeongin is obsessed with you,” Changbin told her. He’d been her best friend since they were kids. They grew up together, he was like a brother to her.
     “Everyone keeps saying that!” Y/n exclaimed as she put her head in her hands. “I think you guys all don’t like that I’m happy with him!”
     “I think he is manipulating you. He didn’t let you go out with Hyunjin last week for his birthday.”
     “And thankfully I listened because now he, Chan, and Felix are in a coma, Changbin.”
     “And I don’t think he got hit by a drunk driver in that Uber.”
     “Are you trying to blame Innie for it? He was with me all night!”
     “Y/n, he told you six months into dating him to stop talking to your parents,” Changbin reminded her
     “So? They weren’t giving me support. Why would I wanna have people in my life that don’t support my decisions!”
     “Because they can see how crazy he is!”
     “Whatever,” Y/n rolled her eyes and gathered her things, “Thanks for the coffee Changbin.”
     “Y/n…” Changbin sighed as she walked out of the café
     Y/n walked over to her car and got inside. Taking a deep breath before her phone rang.
     Innie 🩷
     Y/n answered her phone as she started her car. “Hey,” She sighed
     “Hey, baby. You okay? You sound tired,” Jeongin asked
     “Yeah. Just met with Changbin for coffee. About to head home. How was work?”
     “Alright. Same old same old. What’d you guys talk about?”
     “I don’t wanna talk about it. Tired of talking about the same shit with everyone.” 
     “I’m sorry baby. Do you want to come over then? Get your mind off whatever it is?”
     “Can I?”
     “Of course. I just got back but I’m gonna hop in the shower. You know where the key is?”
     “Yeah. I’ll be there soon. I love you.” 
     “I love you too.”
     Y/n hung up the phone and put on her seatbelt, pulling off and heading to her boyfriend’s, listening to the playlist that they had made together. She was replaying the conversation she’d had with Changbin in her head.
     She had pulled up to his building and walked up to his unit. Grabbing the key he had hidden for her she walked in. Announcing her presence just in case he had gotten out of the shower. She could still hear the shower running as she set her stuff down and slipped her shoes off. It shut off not long after she hung up her bag and she walked into his kitchen and grabbed some water. She sat on his couch and waited for her boyfriend to join her.
     After a few minutes, Jeongin walked out from down the hall and pecked her forehead before sitting down next to her, “Hi baby.”
     “Hi innie,” Y/n said as she wrapped her arms around him and snuggled into him
     “Sure you don’t wanna talk about it? You seem upset about it,” Jeongin pointed out, wrapping his arm around her.
     “It’s all the same shit. Not worth talking about it again and again.” 
     “I’m sorry, baby.”
     “Sometimes I wish it was just us. No one else to give their opinion or tell me to leave you.”
     “We could always run away,” Jeongin suggested
     “That’d be nice. Start a new life.” Y/n giggled, thinking her boyfriend was joking, that he was playing into her little fantasy.
     Jeongin just kissed her head before turning on the TV. Turning their current show on. Waiting. All he needed was an opportunity. Just one, and he would take it.
     Jeongin loved his girlfriend, like no one else in her life. Her parents did not like him, he knew that. He’d overheard her dad telling her “there’s something off about” him. That she should “be careful”— she should have. She’d come to him a bit upset and he proudly had convinced her to cut them off. 
     “You’re an adult, you can make your own decisions. And you know what’s best for you, you don’t need people telling you what to do.”
     Hyunjin and Chan also had too many unsolicited opinions for Jeongin’s taste. But he couldn’t do anything without raising suspicions of her other friends. It wasn’t hard for him to do the dirty work for him. Though he was a bit upset they only ended up in a coma. Felix getting put in one too wasn’t the plan but it was one less person
     Changbin had been an issue since they met. The fact he was still around pissed him off. He needed to know what was said in that conversation. He could tell he still had his hold on Y/n at the very least.
     He’d played off his idea as a spontaneous trip. A quiet weekend, just the two of them. He’d even packed for her, not making her worry about a thing. The place was fully remote, with not much of a signal, and miles from the city. A remote cabin he paid cash for. Owned under a fake name that he’d been working months on to make perfect. She wanted a new life, he’d give her one.
     “This is so cute, In!” Y/n gasped as she walked into the cabin
     “I’m glad you like it,” Jeongin smiled as he kissed her cheek, bringing thrift suitcases inside the room as she unpacked the kitchen. Getting all their supplies into the fridge for the weekend. Humming to the last song that had played in the car as she did so.
     Jeongin had finished bringing everything in and locked the front door before joining his girlfriend in the kitchen. Wrapping his arm around her as she finished packing the fridge. “We should break the place in,” Jeongin suggested. His voice was low in her ear.
     “Mm, I like that idea.” Y/n smiled
     Jeongin kissed her neck before pulling her into the bedroom. Y/n smiled, even over a year into their relationship, he still gave her butterflies. He pushed her onto the bed, wrapping her legs around his waist as he leaned down and pushed his lips onto hers. Y/n moaned into his mouth as her lips moved in sync with his. She wrapped her arms around him, playing with the collar of his shirt. “My pretty girl,” Jeonging groaned as he rolled his hips against her. 
     “All yours,” Y/n moaned
     “Know who you belong to,” He smiled as he sat up, pulled his shirt off, and chucked it onto the ground before pushing her shirt up over her chest. 
     Y/n sat up a bit to help him before laying back down. Jeongin positioned her up on the pillows of the bed. Y/n smiled— thinking he was trying to make her comfy— and wrapped herself around him again. His lips attached to her neck, sucking and biting the skin like his life depended on it. Grinding into her as his hands wandered her body. His hands wandered down to her bottoms, pulling the fabric down her legs as quickly as he could. 
     “Did you bring condoms, In?” Y/n asked as he sucked on her skin
     “No. I’ll pull out.” He had no intention of doing so
     “M’kay,” Y/n moaned as he lightly bit the skin
     Jeongin sat up and tossed the fabric of her pants onto the ground and pulled off her undergarments, leaving her bare under him. He laid down between her legs, tongue licking up from her entrance to her clit. Y/n let out a small moan as the rough muscle slid across her clit before his lips wrapped around the small bud.
     “In,” Y/n moaned, gently lacing her fingers into his hair.
     Jeongin sucked on the bud as he pushed her legs open. Spreading her open for him to taste. His lips sucking on her clit as two fingers slipped into her. Hearing her gasp from the intrusion and tightened her grip on his hair. His fingers pumped in and out of her as his tongue and lips both took care of her clit. Her moans were music to his ears. The music he was going to hear forever.
     Y/n moaned as he inserted a third finger into her, stretching her further. His fingers reached deep inside of her, curling his fingers up into her. Sucking harder on her clit while her back slightly arched from the mattress. Looking and admiring the top of his head as he ate her out. His eyes met hers. Something different in them. 
     The tips of his fingers rubbing against her g-spot had her forgetting her current train of thought. Head tilted back into the pillow below as he tipped her over the edge. Continually stimulating her clit and her g-spot till she was coming down from her high. 
     He pulled away from her and sat up on his knees. Pulling his pants off along with his boxers. He grabbed both her hands and pinned them above her head while she was still in the post-orgasm haze. He reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a pair of handcuffs. Cuffing her wrists to the metal frame of the bed and smiling. 
     Y/n looked at her boyfriend. His smile was different as he leaned down and kissed her chest. Mumbling something she couldn’t hear but her gut said something was off. 
     “In,” Y/n said, pulling at the restraints. 
     “You're safe, babe. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, would I?” He asked as he sat up on his knees. Lining his tip up at her entrance. 
     Slowly he pushed into her. Reveling in her warm walls wrapped around him. Y/n shrunk into herself as he pushed in further and Jeongin noticed. He stopped for a moment, expression dropping as he looked at her. Then quickly bottoming out inside her.
     Y/n gasped as he was fully sheathed inside her. Jeongin grabbed her jaw as he leaned down to her face 
     “You love me, right?” Jeongin asked 
     Y/n looked at him, wondering what was going on. “Right?!” He snapped 
     “Yes!” Y/n replied, tears starting to form. this wasn’t her Jeongin. 
     “Say it.”
     “I love you…” Y/n watched him sit back on his knees, letting go of her face. 
     “I love you.” Y/n moaned as he pulled out and then pounded back into her 
     Jeongin had her chanting the phrase as he pounded into her. A wicked smile appeared on his face. One of his hands snaked to her throat, fingers wrapping around and shutting her up. Y/n looked up at her boyfriend, tears streaming down her cheeks. Pleading with her boyfriend to let go of her neck, tell her this was a weird wet dream.
     But the tighter his hand got on her neck— the less oxygen she got— the more she realized this was real. Her friends and family were right. She tried bringing her legs together, to push him away but it only resulted in him slapping her across the face before he grabbed her face and made her look at him, stopping his thrusts, “What do you think you’re doing?”
     “‘M sorry…” Y/n cried
     “Keep your legs open or I’ll tie them up too.” 
     Y/n nodded as he let go of her face and started thrusting into her again. The hand that was on her neck had moved down to her clit. Y/n bit her bottom lip, trying to hide the moan that threatened to come out of her throat as he rubbed her clit. Watching her squirm under him.
     “Come on baby, you know I’m the only one that makes you feel good,” Jeongin teased as he leaned down and kissed her neck, “I’m the only person who gets to see you like this. Not even Seungmin.”
     The mention of her ex threw her off. Seungmin had dumped her a few months before she met Jeongin but he’d disappeared not long after they broke up. Everyone assumed he had just gone out of town. It wasn’t out of character for him to just do something without telling anyone so everyone let it go. He’d show back up eventually. But now Y/n wasn’t so sure…
     Jeongin sucked on her skin, leaving what were once pretty bruises in his wake. Pressing harder on her clit and finally getting the moans to fall out of her throat. “Only I get to feel you cum on my dick. No one else and no one else cums in this pussy.”
     “No one.” He cut her off as he felt her clench around him.
     Y/n tried getting her words out but her orgasm was building too quickly. He knew all the right buttons to push. All her butterflies had turned into anxiety.
     One particular thrust from him to her g-spot had tipped her over the edge. She moaned and pulled on the cuffs around her wrists.
     “That’s my girl,” Jeongin smiled as he pistoned his cock into her. Working his own high while she rode out hers.
     Y/n was barely out of her high when she felt him twitch inside of her. “In, pull out,” Y/n begged
     “You don’t get to tell me what to do Y/n,” He bit back
     “Please In! Pull out,” She tried again
     “You’re the one always begging me to fill you up when I fuck you. Here’s your wish,” Jeongin groaned as he buried himself into her. Y/n cried as she could fill his warm cum flooding her insides. Sticking to her walls before he pulled out of her, staring down at her used hole, pushing his cum back into her, listening to her whine.
     Y/n sniffled as he reached up and took her cuffs off. Pulling her to sit on his lap. Y/n looked at her boyfriend like he just switched back to the Jeongin she fell in love with. She watched as he kissed her wrist and then her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered against her cheek
     Something in the back of her mind told her she should run but it wasn’t even possible. So she chose to play along, then maybe she could get out of this alive. “I love you too.”
     Their vacation was three days. For three days she was isolated alone with him. Three days— and she had told Changbin they’d be gone for three days. But as day one turned to day two, three, four, Y/n could tell it wasn’t going to be three days. 
     Jeongin did not let her leave his site. Not once. Everything she did, he watched— even when she went to the bathroom. They had no service— not that she had any chance to reach out to her friends. Hell, she could barely use her phone.
     “Innie,” Y/n asked as she was making them lunch, Jeongin sat at the bar of the kitchen
     “Yes, baby?” He asked
     “Can I ask you about something you said the other night?”
     “Of course.”
     “What did you mean when you said ‘not even Seungmin’?” She asked
     “Don’t say his name.” Y/n heard his tone change and turned to look at him. He was staring at her, face void of emotion
     “I’m sorry, it’s just no one has brought him up since he left so it just threw me off…”
     “Don’t be sad baby,” Jeongin sighed, getting up and walking over to her. Cupping her face in his hands, “You don’t need to think about him anyways. You have me, just me now.”
     Y/n nodded as he leaned in and kissed her lips. Play along, she told herself. Lips moved with him as he pinned her against the counter. Y/n moaned into his mouth, from the countertop hitting her back uncomfortably. His hands had moved from her face to her hips.
     She shouldn’t have let him back her suitcase either. All he had packed for her was lingerie. That’s all she wore since day two there. She’d practically been his little doll the last three days, dressing her up and fucking her as he pleased then returning to the sweet boyfriend she met. Everything left her so confused as to what was going on.
     Jeongin gripped the silky fabric of the flowy lingerie he had put her in, pressing her firmly against him. She could feel his hard-on against her stomach. He’d been fucking her like a dog in heat for four days now, she was sure he was trying to get her pregnant, a way to keep her tied to him. 
     Jeongin moved his hands up, pulling the fabric with him and spreading her legs open with his knee. Y/n groaned into his mouth while he moved one hand to the front of his sweatpants. Pulling his hard cock from the material and quickly pushing into her sensitive cunt. Y/n whined as she grabbed his arms, trying to ground herself a bit as he wrapped her legs around his waist and started thrusting up into her. 
     His lips detached from hers and attached to her neck. Biting and sucking on the skin as his free hand traveled to the back of her head. Holding her still. Y/n closed her eyes as a couple of tears slipped down her cheeks and bit her lip. Play along, play along, don’t make him mad, don’t make him mad.
     “Love you so much,” Jeongin moaned into her neck and pulled back on her hair
     “Love you too,” Y/n replied
     “Gonna fill up this pretty pussy again,” he groaned, starting to roll her sensitive clit with his thumb.
     “Innie,” Y/n moaned
     “That’s right baby. Only Innie gets you off like this,”  He smiled and Y/n could feel his teeth on her skin.
      By the end of day two, Y/n had started mentally checking out and faking her moans. He knew what buttons to push for her orgasms but she still tried to fake it. But Jeongin caught on way too quickly. Fucking her the rest of the night, not letting her sleep. Even if she tried it ended with a hand on her neck or him slapping her to wake her up. She wouldn’t try that again. But she could fake her moans, she knew what she sounded like so it was easy to convince him she was still his.
     His. It didn’t sound right anymore. Back when she was heartbroken over Seungmin, being called Jeongin’s was the best thing she could think of. Now, she wanted to go back in time and wished she walked away when he said hi at that club with Felix, Hyunjin, and Minho.
     Felix. Hyunjin. They were still in a coma when she left. So was Chan. She hadn’t even gone to see them in the hospital because Jeongin didn’t want her to. 
     Minho had just stopped talking to her months ago when he realized she wasn’t going to listen to him. She wished she did. 
     She wondered where Seungmin was. Was he safe? Did Jeongin have something to do with him disappearing?
     How was Jisung— whom she texted every day? Was he worried sick about her? Begging the others to go to the police? Getting on Changbin’s ass for not getting through to her
     Changbin. She wished she listened to him. Wishing he was seeing through Jeongin the way he always had and was on his way to her.
     A hard thrust threw her out of her thoughts. Her high washing over out of nowhere— she knew it was building but tried forgetting it. Jeongin wasn’t far behind her. Pushing himself deep into her as he filled her up again.
    “That’s my girl,” he moaned into her neck.
    “What happened to him?” Y/n asked, hoping to get an answer from him while he was still hazy from his orgasm
     “Don’t worry baby. He’s locked away, can’t hurt you.” He kissed her cheek and pulled out of her, “Finish lunch then you can clean up.”     Jeongin tucked himself back into his sweats. Y/n whipped the tears from her face and fixed her dress, already feeling his cum run down her legs. She finished making lunch and then went to the bathroom— the door open for him to keep an eye on her. Then sat down and ate with him.
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manicpixiefelix · 2 months
love the hand that feeds you {Felix Catton/Reader/Oliver Quick}
One-Shot for head, heart, hand. but can be read as a stand-alone.
Summary: Everyone's always called you Felix's Dog. Felix has always had a problem with this. You've always wished that he didn't. Oliver's never been much of a cat person anyways.
Need to Know: They/Them. NB!Reader. Oliver's POV. Set after the Summer at Saltburn but with a happy, poly ending. Established Felix/Reader/Oliver. Reader's AGAB/sex is never made explicitly clear so hopefully all of y'all can enjoy.
Warnings: SMUT. Porn with plot. Pet play, obviously. Demeaning language (dog is the main one, obviously), oral, threesome, unprotected sex, d/s dynamics (all three of you go back and forth but there's mostly Dominant!Oliver), teasing, praise kink (and praise kink by proxy), pet names (ha). Felix & Reader being horny puppies who love Oliver Quick (and each other) very much.
A/N: 9494 words. i told my girlfriend about this fic and how long it is and she said 'at that point is it a oneshot or a cry for help' and idk man it's definitely a cry for something 👀
It starts because Felix likes having his hair played with.
Actually, it starts the week before with you, drunk and giggling at a house party, playing with the chain Oliver's always wearing with more fascination than usual, when you admit that Venetia once bought you a collar. Of course you provide the caveat that it was more to piss Felix off, which it had, and that it had been thrown into the fire before you ever got to wear it. Oliver, who'd been watching Felix playing beer pong across the room, has to take a moment to process what you'd said.
"Wish she didn't make it all weird," you sighed a little forlornly, and you give the chain a faint tug, "I'm such a good dog, everyone says so," then you huffed a faint, flustered laugh, "not everyone. Not you and Fi, you guys are lovely, but sometimes I am a bit like a dog; I'm okay with that."
In the next moment you're humming along to whatever trashy pop is playing, and Oliver's pretty sure you've already forgotten what you'd just said, but even in his own state of inebriation, he can't.
The next day, on one of the many lawns across Oxford's beautiful campus, Oliver's sitting with Felix's head in his lap, fingers running through his hair as you and Felix are brainstorming gifts for Venetia's upcoming birthday. Felix has his eyes closed, enjoying the warm afternoon and the sensation of Oliver's gentle petting, while you're splayed out on the grass beside them both, focusing on your notebook.
Yes, you've always been a good dog, but you'd been well trained; the more Oliver thinks about it, the more he finds himself also drawing comparisons between Felix and an excitable, affectionate, pampered pup himself. But there was potential there, Oliver could see it clear as day.
So he'd started to come up with a plan. A simple plan, thankfully; knowing you both it wouldn't require anything too complicated, it wouldn't be particularly manipulative. At least not maliciously.
A simple, two step plan to show the impossibly beautiful, rich, loving heirs how much he loved and appreciated them for all their qualities, especially the dog-like ones, in certain circumstances. Really it's not even his idea; Felix's whole family had drawn the comparison with you before it had even really occurred to him. He couldn't be blamed for being intrigued about following it to its logical end, and showing you both it's not the negative it usually comes across as. At least, that's how he phrases it in his mind when he's justifying it to himself.
And if he thinks you and Felix would both look pretty in a collar, well that's just a perk he keeps to himself.
The first step is submission.
All three of you fluctuated between dominance and submission on any given day, an enthusiastic ebb and flow of control amongst the three of you, in every combination imaginable. Except Felix seems unable to fully commit himself to submitting to Oliver alone; oh he plays along without hesitation, will get on his knees for Oliver at the slightest firm tone, but he always seems more thrilled knowing your hand is on his metaphorical leash.
So Oliver takes his time figuring out what exactly will make Felix long for Oliver's hand on his throat. The solution is shockingly simple.
It couldn't be just any praise. He'd lived his life hearing sweet words about how good he looks, or how lovely he was, it had to be deeper than that. Praise only you or Oliver could give, praise that he craved to hear, praise for the parts of himself he quietly put effort into.
Praise for being helpful, for being diligent, for being caring and genuinely thoughtful to the two of you, for being good.
"God, you're so good to me, Felix," Oliver groans in the bathroom of a house party, back pressed against the door while Felix was on his knees, Oliver's cock in his mouth. When Oliver looks down, sees Felix with a faint blush on his cheeks that's far sweeter than the rest of the debauchery of their situation, Oliver cards a hand through his hair, giving him a look that radiated just as much love as he felt for the man himself, "always so fuckin' good to me," he murmurs this time.
Felix, now bright red, all kinds of flustered, pulls back for half a second, unable to fight back a smile as he swears under his breath, but Oliver's hand in his hair tightens. Felix eyes flutter closed as Oliver, tone on his voice like a warning, tells Felix that he didn't say stop.
And Felix seems more than delighted to obey, to be as good to Oliver as he'd just been deemed.
Praise like this always made Felix all smitten and obedient and eager to please. Of course Oliver had always been quick to praise Felix, but this was different, was concentrated and specific. Once Oliver had started with these efforts, Felix seemed to grow more relaxed and eager to let Oliver become dominant over him when the mood struck him, even without the specific praise. Though the praise always helped.
The second step is acceptance.
Considering everything that had happened at Saltburn - the voyeuristic games you'd played with Oliver, the adventurous ways and places in which you and Felix would fuck, the handjob you'd given him after you caught him drinking the bath water that Felix had gotten off into that ended with you also managing to come untouched while Oliver moaned Felix's name in your ear, just to name a few - Oliver knew your sex lives would be more than a little kinky before he even officially joined this relationship. He was not disappointed.
Both you and Felix seemed more than willing to try anything, though Oliver was delighted to discover just how much you'd both already done, and were more than eager to do again.
All this to say that pet play was barely a step removed from roleplay, so he shouldn't have been surprised that you jump at the chance. At first it stays between you and Oliver, for obvious reasons that have everything to do with Felix's hangups about the derogatory way other people had often called you a dog. But when Oliver calls you 'pretty pup' for the first time, you react just the same way Felix does when praised.
Flustered. Bashful. Obedient.
Except Oliver quickly learns that you react far stronger than Felix. It seems not only were you telling the truth about being okay with the title, simply hearing it said so lovingly by Oliver, even in the most innocent situations, was enough to turn you on. It was validation you so desperately wanted, craved, your efforts and constant place by their side acknowledged and appreciated. There are times even when you're in control where you demand praise, and the words slip out.
"You're a good dog," Oliver gasps out, your legs over his shoulders, his head between your thighs. A pleased noises rumbles from somewhere in your chest and you laugh low and heady.
"You're fucking lucky to have a dog like me, Oliver Quick," comes out all lazy and confident, but his nose of agreement isn't enough for you, clearly, as your thighs momentarily tighten around him, trapping him, and he feels one of your heels press insistently against his back, "aren't you lucky," you say pointedly, warning in your voice, "to have such a good dog?" Echoing your words in agreement, they come out sounding like a breathless prayer, one he's eager to chant to see the heady, powerful smile you wear when you hear it.
Fuck he feels dizzy with lust in this moment, desperate to devour you, have his mouth on you, like his life depends on it, hoping you'll grant him the chance to fuck you - there's something about you in control that will always drive Oliver utterly mad. Actually, no matter the situation or who's in control, knowing you and Felix continue to want him, love him, choose him to share these moments with... sometimes he still can't believe he got here in the end.
He never thought he'd hear you beg, let alone for him. It's like fucking music.
When he's got you like this, under him, desperate, eager to please, mind a messy haze caught up in this fantasy being played out with you as his perfect pup - so good, so loyal, fuck you're precious, pet - where he can do or say practically anything to you, where you want him to.
"Fuck I love how pathetic you sound, pet," he mumbled into your ear, pressed against you, thrusting slow and deep, "can't even form a proper thought, can you?" He teases. Your hips stutter up into his in an inconsistent rhythm, desperate. Chiding you for it, he sits back, even as a disappointed mewl escapes you. As if moving out of instinct, you reach out, as if to try and pull him back in, and your fingers catch on the chain he still wears around his neck.
"Drop it," he orders immediately, to which you let go as if the metal had burned you. However, Oliver can feel you clench around his cock, hips rolling, pressing close to him, instinctively, "good dog," he purred, pleased, deciding to reward you by finally fucking you with intent.
So it's not you who still has to come to accept this concept. But Oliver's fairly confident you will be the main reason when Felix does come to accept it. In fact, he doesn't even bring the concept up to Felix himself; he knows you well enough that it will only be a matter of time.
It doesn't take long.
One night at the club, all three of you drunk and feeling indulgent under the lights and haze, you hear a resentful -
"Felix really can't go anywhere without his dog -"
You have to hold Felix back from searching for the girl who said it to start shouting at her, assuring him it's fine, but Oliver then has to drag you both of the dancefloor when you start unexpectedly arguing with each other. He actually genuinely can't pick exactly what the argument is about until he's got you both in one of the marginally quieter side rooms, you and Felix still arguing animatedly -
"- shouldn't even be talking about you like that, they don't even know you -" Felix snapped, while you stepped up into his space, having him in the chest.
"When the fuck have I ever cared what anyone but you thinks of me?!"
"I don't think of you as my dog!"
"How many times do I have to say that I don't mind being called your dog before you figure out that maybe I want you to call me that?!" You glare up at him, watching the confusion and mixed emotions about the idea pass over his face in rapid succession, "I'm getting sick of you taking issue with the title, and refusing to understand why I don't; am I not every fucking thing the perfect dog is to you? I am loyal," with each descriptor you gave an instant push against his chest, as if to punctuate each point, "diligent, protective, you know I'd follow you to hell and back, it makes me happy to make you happy, and yes, Felix, just like a dog, I can be obedient," Felix's gaze is shocked as you lay it all out before him. Your voice lowers, Oliver can barely hear you over the music in the next room, "but unlike a dog, I was not trained to love you, to stick by you like I do; that is a choice I made. That is a choice I continue to make happily every single day of my life. Every other asshole who calls me a dog can see it, most of them are fucking jealous because I am the one you choose to keep by your side. Why would I ever take issue with being called that? What do I have to be jealous of? I am the dog, Felix Catton, and I am yours."
It's... reductive, Oliver thinks, but it has to be to get your point across, so he keeps that to himself. He knows all too well how old this sore spot is between you two, far older than his place in your relationship. Perhaps if things hadn't worked out quite so well for him, or if he weren't so secure in his relationship with you both, perhaps he'd worry, be jealous of how you're speaking once more like you and Felix only have each other. But her knows you're not, knows that you're speaking to the version of Felix who can't let go of his discomfort at the title's implications. Part of Felix would always listen to you above all others, even Oliver, but Oliver himself had in part fallen for the way you two loved each other, he lives seeing that connection still strong, bright and alive, and knowing that you've both still chosen to love him too.
Felix, a few feet away, looks suddenly conflicted, almost upset as he tries to process and reconcile your words. However, when Felix can't seem to give a proper reaction, a look of disappointment crosses over your face, and you turn sharply, stalking from the room, from the club entirely.
"It still feels demeaning to them," Felix has been sulking the entire walk back to campus, he and Oliver having left not too long after you. Oliver bites his tongue on the fact that he knows you get off on being demeaned in the right circumstances; Felix is off course aware of this, but not the true extent. Instead, all Oliver offers is a non-committal hum. Felix pouts, still mostly talking to himself, "'s rude," he mumbled, "'s a mean thing to call someone; dog..." Though it sounds almost like a question.
"So you'd be mad if someone called you Y/N's dog?" Oliver says with a surprising amount of casualness considering he has no idea where his boldness came from. Beside him, Felix goes very quiet. Oliver pointedly doesn't look at him.
"That's different," Felix finally managed after several long, strained moments in which he'd thoroughly considered Oliver's words. Except Felix hasn't managed to sound nearly as casual as Oliver, the poor boy sounds rather abashed at the thought, though he still tries to play it off, albeit unsuccessfully, "Ollie, that's- that's completely different."
"How's it different?" Oliver needles him subtly, still giving Felix a modicum of privacy from his ever watchful eyes.
"Because it is," Felix insists, before blurring out - "because it's never happened!"
When Oliver finally looks over at Felix, he keeps his expression just on the positive side of neutral, only to be met with the sight of Felix, wide eyed, and faintly flush. Oliver blinks.
"But you are," he says easily. Felix's lips press into a thin line, face turning steadily darker with his blush as he finally stops walking. Oliver can read the 'the fuck do you mean by that?' all across Felix's flustered, intoxicated features before the man can even open his mouth to ask, so Oliver stops walking too, elaborating without hesitation, "if we're going by Y/N's metrics for what a good dog is, aren't you one too?"
This conversation was completely unexpected for Oliver too, despite how he was the one who pushed it in this direction. Beautiful, expressive Felix is already growing less tense as he turns the thoughts over in his mind. Oliver, eager to help him along on his path to acceptance, reiterates the values you'd laid out in the club -
"Loyal, diligent, protective," he lists easily, "you know you'd follow them anywhere, and do anything to make them happy," he doesn't have to say that Felix can be obedient to you to know they're both thinking it. Instead, Oliver shrugs, "but you're Felix Catton, of course no-ones going to call you a dog."
"What?" Felix's deliberation finally gives way in the face of confusion.
"Everyone knows Y/N loves you, but they don't want to think about you loving Y/N back."
"But I do," Felix's soft voice sounds so hurt by the very idea, "everyone knows I do." Oliver's own expression softens as he steps forward. Felix's brow creases in what can only be described as disappointed confusion.
"I know," he assures smoothly, "that's other people's problem, its not fair on either of you." Oliver's hand is gentle on Felix's shoulder, but Felix is still clearly bothered, even as they start walking again.
"Maybe that's why it bothered you so much," Oliver finally speaks again when they're back on campus. Felix doesn't speak, but does look to Oliver with an expression of clear confusion, "because you didn't like the idea of people thinking Y/N loved you more than you loved them." After a moment, Felix sighs, making a faint, disappointed hum of agreement.
"Did you think that?" Felix asked softly after a moment, "before you really knew us, is that what you thought of us too?" He sounds almost disappointed at the thought. Oliver, however, has to fight back a smile.
"Not even for a fuckin' second," he admits with a sharp laugh, and Felix immediately perks up with intrigue and something almost like relief, though Oliver's tone is amused as he continues, "I honestly couldn't believe no-one else could see it; never seen anyone quite so dedicated to taking care of their dog as Y/N was to looking out for you."
Felix turns bright red once more, but he's wearing that big, bashful grin Oliver's always loved.
"I am, aren't I?" Felix sounds almost giddy at the thought. Oliver feels like there's fireworks going off in his chest.
"Y/N really can't go anywhere without their dog either," Oliver teases, lovingly parroting the words that had been so cruelly overheard at the club. If Felix were any drunker or happier, he probably would have started actually skipping. As it was, however, the two of them approaching Felix's dorm building, he wraps an arm around Oliver's shoulders.
"You know all that stuff they said, all that stuff about being a good dog, you know that's how we feel about you too, Ollie," Felix can clearly tell the minute Oliver's brain short circuits, because he laughs and plants a kiss on Oliver's cheek, "sorry if you're more of a cat person, mate," he teases, as if he hadn't just suddenly rewired something in his boyfriend's brain.
You and Felix. YouAndFelix. Both love him the way a dog loves their owner. It goes beyond even any lewd fantasies he'd had; a year ago he was watching you both through his window, talking and laughing in the afternoon sun, wishing desperately that he could work up the courage to talk to either of you, befriend you.
But you and Felix - YouAndFelix, together, individually, in every single way Oliver can conceive the idea of you - both love him. Our Ollie, the way he's heard spoken so lovingly, sounds so much sweeter than he'd ever even imagined.
"You're both very sweet to me," Oliver hears himself mumble as he and Felix finally find themselves outside of Felix's door. Everything feels like it's spinning, in a way that has nothing to do with the alcohol, and everything to do with the way Felix is smiling at him. Instead of answering, though Oliver's sure there's half a dozen teasing or sappy comments trapped in the tip of Felix's tongue, he kisses him instead. Felix always seemed to know exactly when Oliver was overwhelmed with their shared reality, and always took his time to admire that look in Oliver's eyes. Now was no different.
He's always thought Oliver was so strange, so queer, so different from everyone else in his life, and so clearly loved him for it.
Felix finally is the one to break the moment, knocking lightly on the door, knowing you well enough to anticipate where you'd be despite your earlier anger. As if on cue, you sighed heavily on the other side of the door, before inviting them in.
While Felix barely gives you time to react where you're in your pyjamas, sitting in his bed in the lamp light, not even kicking off his shoes before he throws himself into your lap, wrapping his arm around your waist as he pressed his face against your thigh, Oliver hovers by the door.
"Hi, sorry, hi, love you," escapes Felix in a rush. Despite your conflicted expression, the way your hand comes to rest on his head, carding through his hair is automatic. It's an endearing, amusing sight to Oliver, considering the night that had just passed. He knows you're looking at him, questioning gaze searching for some kind of explanation for Felix's change of behaviour, but Oliver lets himself linger a few moments longer on watching Felix's almost childishly clingy behaviour.
He struggles to kick off his shoes for a moment before he finally managed, and hitch a leg up, over both of yours, still in his jeans and jacket but refusing to be anything but wrapped up in you.
"I'm not staying," is what Oliver finally says, despite the gentle affection in his voice. You frown faintly, but still seem more confused than upset, "I think you two need to talk," he explains. Despite the way your mouth flattens into a thin line, you're still gently petting Felix's hair. Still, Oliver steels himself, giving you a strange little smile, "you're a good dog, Y/N," he says pointedly. This seems to surprise you, but not as much as Felix's sitting echo.
"Such a good dog," he agrees with a fond sigh, half muffled against you. Immediately your confusion, your concern drops in favour of sweet, hopeful shock. But Oliver continues before he shuts the door, smile growing into a grin.
"So are you, Felix," and Felix's head shoots up so he can level a bright, sunny smile over his shoulder at Oliver. Christ, Oliver can practically see his tail wagging.
"Love you, Ollie," Felix beams cheerfully. While Oliver echoes the sentiment back at you both as he closes the door, you can't seem to look away from Felix.
Something warm and pleased and satisfied curls itself comfortably in Oliver's chest on the brief walk back to his own room. It goes beyond any selfish, sexual desires he's had, not that there wasn't an element of that, of course, but he can't stop thinking about the joy in Felix's expression, or the way you'd disbelieving smile you'd been wearing when Oliver had closed the door. An old ache beginning to heal.
The change is subtle at first. At least, from the outside.
After that fateful summer, the three of you had made no secret of your relationship. Felix had always been tactile and clingy and prone to shows of affection, you had always made a point to make Oliver feel included and welcome and like you craved his company, while Oliver himself had never made any secret of whose attention and contact he preferred in any group setting. So he's sure, to their friends, the three of you seem to be the same as you've always been.
Farleigh had once scoffed at the pub that the three of you were insufferably gross, and while the rest of the group at the table had agreed, it had been more teasing than malicious; on one side of Oliver, you'd pressed your laughter into his shoulder, while Felix had throw his arm around Oliver and chided Farleigh not to be jealous, wearing a wide, easy smile.
Oliver and Farleigh still may not exactly see eye to eye, but things had gotten easier between them. Across the table, Farleigh met Oliver's bashful gaze and though he'd rolled his eyes, though he seemed exasperated by all three of you, there was warmth in his eyes. He may not love Oliver, but he still loved you and Felix; baby steps.
So all that to say that at first the change is so subtle that even the ever-watchful Farleigh, who knows you and Felix better than any of your other friends, doesn't even notice.
But oh, Oliver feels the change right away.
He honestly thought the three of you weren't able to get closer, but he's never been more thrilled to be wrong. Never afraid or jealous of each other living your own lives, it just seemed that when you're around each other, you weren't interested in being seen as an individual. More possessive in the most affectionate way. Always in some kind of obvious contact, arguably too close for the comfort of others, not that any of you cared. Oliver, always shadowed by his beautiful guard dogs.
"Can I wear this?" You ask casually one evening, drinking cheap vodka and juice as you waited for Oliver to get ready to go out. When Oliver turns, half dressed after a shower, he sees you holding one of the chains he always found himself wearing. He doesn't think twice before agreeing, doesn't even think much of the request at the time. The significance is missed on him until the two of you meet up with Felix in the line for the club and he pulls you by the chain, in for a kiss. You're still holding Oliver's hand, fingers linked with his. Reading Felix's kiss for the compliment it is, you grin sharply as you pull back, stepping up beside him in line.
"Thanks, it's Ollie's."
"I know," Felix snorts a laugh, throwing an arm around you as he gives Oliver himself a sly smile, "you look good too, mate, how're you going?" You squeeze Oliver's hand, leaning into him for a moment with a coy smile. Your free hand is playing with his chain around your throat. Like you know exactly where his mind has suddenly gone.
Oliver already knows how this night will end, and it doesn't disappoint.
Neither he nor Felix can seem to leave you or the chain around your neck well enough alone, and you're clearly love it. You let yourself be lead around, let them lavish you with affection in dark corners, wearing a smile that's all teeth when you meet the surprised, scandalised gazes of those who gawked rather than averted their gaze.
In the back of the taxi on the way to campus, you're impossibly affectionate, like an excited puppy as you try and split your attention to your boyfriends either side of you.
"Settle down, love," Felix takes your hand in his, keeping you momentarily still, even as you pout.
"We'll be home soon," Oliver murmurs quietly, trying to act casual as he looks out the window, his hand coming to rest on your thigh. A faint, impatient whine escapes you, but you acquiesce, leaning your head on Felix's shoulder even as a fond laugh rumbles from his chest.
The cabbie has the radio on in the front, pointedly ignoring the three of you. But the music is loud enough that he doesn't hear the soft, approving way Felix mutters in your ear -
"Good dog."
But Oliver hears, feels the way your thighs momentarily clench together, hears the breathless, needy 'fucking hell, Fi' that escapes you. His grin grows wider.
On the walk back to your room - always cleaner than Felix's, and with a bigger, nicer bed than Oliver's - you're quiet, seemingly focusing very hard on staying that way, even as Oliver and Felix are bantering easily either side of you. Hands to yourself - well, metaphorically, Oliver and Felix are both holding one of your hands, Felix, feeling particularly joyful swings your linked hands in wide arcs between you - you listen diligently, and chime in whenever you felt your input was needed. Oliver thinks you're being incredibly endearing, but once the door is closed and the rest of the world is cut off from the three of you, Felix softly asks if you're okay.
Surprise lights up across your face the minute the question is spoken. It hadn't even occurred to you that Felix wouldn't understand your behaviour in this moment; this is far newer to him than it is to you. But then you look to Oliver, almost like you're afraid that he wouldn't understand either.
But he does, of course.
There's a faint thrill that courses through him realising that for what is perhaps the first time since he'd met you, he can read you better than Felix. That Felix was yet to understand how far from reluctant or uncomfortable you were in that moment.
Felix had told you to settle, called you a good dog when you had. So now you were trying your hardest to remain settled, to remain good. How delightfully obedient you were in these moments, in this headspace.
Oliver finally gave you a warm smile, shrugging off his jacket.
"They're being good is all," he says casually, drawing Felix's confused attention as you broke out into a wide smile at the praise. Again, Oliver has a flash, a mental image of a tail wagging with joy behind you.
"I'm being good, I'm being settled," you reiterated pointedly, standing carefully by the foot of the bed. Once more, however, you've started fussing with the chain around your neck. Felix looks back to you, as if he still can't quite grasp the full scope of what's happening, and laughs lightly.
"You're so fucking cute," he grinned, "love, you didn't have to stay settled all the way back here."
"I didn't?" Your eyes go wide with confusion, and you look again to Oliver, as if for confirmation, "but I..."
Oliver can feel his heart beating in his throat. Oh, right, he's the one who's done this before, he's the one who started this all, at least this version of this dynamic. You aren't Felix's dog in this moment, you are his.
"You did good, pet, don't worry" Oliver assures you, soothing you with a gentle tone as he steps towards you and takes your face in his hands, kissing you on the forehead. Wearing a grateful little smile, you regard him lovingly for a few moments, before he steps away and you turn your focus back to Felix. There's a hungry kind of intrigue in his big, brown eyes now as he takes the scene in with newfound understanding.
"You really are a good dog," Felix marvels approvingly. Your whole face lights up at that, stumbling a few steps forwards, as if you hadn't meant to move but needed to be close to him. Nodding furiously in agreement, your fingers fidget like you're trying desperately not to reach for him. Felix steps towards you, his smile growing wider as he does so, "mine- ours?" He corrects, wrapping his arms around you, and finally your resolve breaks.
"Both," you assure in a rushed breath before you're pulling him in, kissing him frantically, as all the longing you'd held back since you'd been told to settle floods through you. Once fidgeting hands now start frantically tugging at clothing, both yours and his, but Felix is matching your energy entirely. Oliver gets hit in the face with your jacket as it's flung across the room but neither you nor Felix notices. In his enthusiastic haste several of the buttons on your nice, expensive shirt are ripped off, pinging around the room.
Not that Oliver actually minds.
Still in his jeans, he leans his hip against your desk and watches for a few long moments with both a lewd appreciation, and amusement. Perhaps another day, or when it was just the two of you, Felix would invest himself properly in a version of this fantasy where you truly are his dog. Tonight, however, Oliver sees opportunity in the obvious, messy, needy way Felix is pawing at you. An opportunity for his plan to finally be realised, and he's not letting it pass him by.
When you fall back on the bed, Felix braced over you, your hand finding his fly while the two of you still haven't stopped to really breathe, Oliver sticks two fingers in his mouth to let out a sharp whistle.
Immediately there's silence, the attention of both of you having immediately snapped to Oliver. Shaking his head with faux exasperation, Oliver sighs loudly, as if terribly put upon.
"Can't take you two anywhere," he tsked, crossing his arms over his chest, "pair of naughty fuckin' puppies, you can't leave each other alone."
Felix blinks quickly, as if caught of guard by the shift in tension, the dynamic.
"Ollie, what are you -"
"Ollie, don't be mean, Fi's the best dog, take that back!" You chided despite your wide grin.
"Is he now?" Oliver asks archly, smirking at you both. Felix isn't quite looking at him, expression drawn and thoughtful as he processed this change, turned it over in his mind. Slowly, he looks down at you, at your soft, warm smile. A silent conversation between you both, one of many that Oliver will only ever be able to guess at, and you close your eyes as you sit up enough to press your forehead to Felix's.
Felix visibly relaxed, which you must feel judging by the way you grin.
"It's fun, I promise," your whisper, though in the cool, quiet night, Oliver can still hear it clearly.
"But he called me naughty, I can't believe it," Felix whined playfully, causing you to laugh as the two of you sank back down on the bed. Felix tucked himself up beside you, face half hidden where he was pressing his lips to your shoulder to hide his little smile, "you're so mean to me, Ollie." It sounded as though he was pouting, but his eyes betrayed him, nervous and tentative to be adapting and playing along with the bit, but clearly more than a little excited too. There's also something tearing, almost challenging about the way Felix was running his fingertips up and down the side of your chest.
"You are being naughty," Oliver finally pushes off of the desk, sauntering over to the bed, "both of you acting like I didn't exist."
"Can you blame me?" You actually giggled, sounding downright gleeful, "look at who we get to play with!" Felix flushed at that, pressing his bashful smile against your shoulder. Oliver finds himself really quite taken with how you've chosen to adapt to having Felix by your side in this fantasy.
"If I can't blame you," Oliver says with faint notes of faux warning in his voice as he sits by you both on the bed, "are you saying I should blame Felix? Is our new pet a bad influence." You stumble over your words for moment, searching for a denial, but Felix's head shoots up at that, his eyes wide as he props himself up on the bed beside you.
"Hey, I'm a good influence! I'm good!" He insists, the words coming to him so automatically that it seems to startle even him before he properly focuses back on Oliver's fond amusement. Felix grins sheepishly at his own enthusiasm, ducking his head to look instead at you as he reiterated with a soft giggle, "I'm good."
"I think you're very good," there's love on your tongue, in your eyes as you gaze up at him. Then, in the next moment, you wriggle yourself over to rest your head against Oliver's thighs, gazing up at him with a pout, "come on, Ollie, don't be mean," you practically whined, while Felix himself half draped himself across your middle, his head resting on your belly as he turned his full attention and hopeful brown eyes upon your boyfriend. It was far more convincing than Oliver had been expecting, and he actually feels his hard resolve beginning to falter under the combined force of both your longing gazes.
"We're sorry for neglecting you," you add sweetly, expression earnest as your fingers begin to card through Felix's hair. For a moment, Oliver watches the way Felix's eyes fall closed, leaning into the sensation.
"Can we make it up to you?" Despite Felix's soft voice, his smile was already all kinds of pleased and contented, "we're good at that," he insists. God, Oliver knows all too well that you both are; fucking hell, part of him may never believe this isn't a dream. Except he knows his definitely not dreaming when he feels the delicate touch of your free hand on his knee, moving higher - or as high as you're able given the awkward angle your arm is at.
"Play with us, let us make it up to you," giving Oliver thigh a squeeze you grinned up at him. Without giving him a moment to respond, however, you made a tsk noise in the back of your throat, "you're so overdressed. Fi -" you tap Felix's head gently to get his attention once more, and Felix's eyes open, alight and at attention, "he's so overdressed, don't you think?" Immediately Felix is sitting up, agreeing.
"Think we should help him with that," Felix says frankly, wearing a pleased little grin like he's excited to be helpful. All over-eager and enthusiastic, both you and Felix are suddenly all over Oliver, working together to get him out of his jeans before he can even wonder where he'd lost control of the situation.
Playfully victorious, you're peppering Oliver's face with excited kisses as Felix is kneeling by the bed, tugging the now free jeans down his thighs. Despite the chaos of it all, Oliver's laughing loud and bright, trying his best to get his arms around you to still some of the kinetic love you're showering him with.
"Come on, Ollie," Felix, however, gets caught up halfway through his own job, and presses a kiss to his knee, hands coming to rest, flat and warm on Oliver's thighs, "how'd you expect to get off with those on?" But he sounds so light and joyful; Oliver's heart is fucking singing in this moment.
"Oi, sit," Oliver tries to order between his own laughter and your lips on his every few moments. It takes him another second to claw back some of his composure, "both of you, sit," at least this time you both listen, despite him still radiating breathless amusement.
Felix looks to you for a moment, watches the way you settle yourself, cross-legged and hands in your lap as you fought back a smile, and sits back on his heels, wearing a sheepish grin of his own as he looks back to Oliver. Oliver has to take a moment to compose himself, barely restraining his own laughter, before he kick his pants off from around his ankles. Felix takes the opportunity to then lean in and rest his chin on Oliver's knee, wide, affectionate grin on his face that Oliver practically melts at. He can't help himself -
"Who's a good boy?" He teases Felix, reaching over to scratch at Felix's scalp lightly. Again, Felix eyes close at his nose scrunches with a strange little smile.
"If it's not me I'm actually going to be so upset," he mutters, sounding almost embarrassed by the thought. It takes a moment for his words to sink, and he followed it with a snort of amusement, before all three of you are laughing in the warm privacy of your bedroom, and this moment.
"Of course it's you," Oliver reassures him, coaxing him up onto the bed, shifting to sit back against the headboard with room for you both on either side. Felix looks far less embarrassed and far more pleased now, leaning in when Oliver coaxes him in for a kiss, "my helpful, good boy," Oliver murmurs against his lips, and Felix lets out a breathless, pleased noise as he wraps an arm around Oliver's neck, kissing him back almost desperately. Oliver would always love how Felix was so wonderfully consistent when it came to his praise kink.
Beside him, he can feel you shift on the bed, and in the next moment, your hand is on his thigh. When he and Felix both look to you, breaking their focus on one another, you've settled yourself by Oliver's thighs. Leaning in, you gently nudge at his cock where it's staining against the material of his boxers with your nose, before proceeding to kiss softly up his shaft through the material. Sing when you reach the head, you sit back a little, giving pause as two of your fingers hooked into the elastic of his waistband. Finally met his gaze, looking up at him through your lashes expectantly, want in your eyes that has Oliver's already quick heartrate thundering in his chest.
"Thought I told you to sit," he says wryly. You wet your lips, hips shifting a little.
"I am sitting," you pointed out, which set Felix off, had him pressing his amused chuckle against Oliver's shoulder. You did, however, remain obediently still. Except for the challenging smile that graced your lips, "wanted to make up for ignoring you."
Felix's laughter, however, had died down at that, and the hand that had been around Oliver was now trailing feather-light down his bare chest, past your own, to wrap around Oliver's aching hard cock, still trapped behind a thin layer of cotton.
"Just gotta say the word," Felix murmurs into his ear. His hand begins to slowly work up and down Oliver's cock. Oliver watches you lean down and press a kiss to the soft skin of his belly, by his hip, just above his waistband, while Felix was pressing languid kisses along his jaw.
"Both so good to me," Oliver groaned, gently pushing at Felix's shoulder, though he takes the hint and joins you by Oliver's thighs.
A moment passes between you both, Felix taking your face in his free hand and pulling you in for an intense kiss that only somehow manages to make Oliver even more painfully turned on than he already was. Both still half dressed, you're both practically overflowing with love for each other and Oliver in this moment. The kiss breaks and youre both grinning foreheads pressed together; Oliver's never been truly able to read the exact things that pass between you in these moments of silent communication, but he thinks he sees 'see, I told you this was fun' in the way you smile.
And as much as he adores this moment, he's pretty sure if someone doesn't actually touch his dick soon he's going to die.
"'s there a reason you're keeping me waiting?" Oliver asks archly; Felix's grin grows wider, while you give him a faintly guilty smile, apologising softly before you pull down his boxers. Finally.
Oliver's hips buck the second your fingers wrap around him, leaning down with intent to -
"Hey!" Felix almost sounds indignant that you'd taken his place, a thought which sends a thrill through Oliver. You look up at this, but the minute you're distracted Felix has bent down to run his tongue along the head of Oliver's cock, tasting the precum beading there before he's taking Oliver into his mouth.
"Fi, that's cheating!" You whined, pouting with your free hand braced against Oliver's thigh - "Ollie, Fi's cheating!" You pouted, to which Felix raised his head to defend himself, gleefully and entirely submersed in this roleplay.
"I'm not cheating," he tried to declare, however you dipped down in an attempt to usurp him. Felix, seemingly anticipating this, refuses to move, instead letting you headbutt him, the two of you in a playful stalemate while you attempted to keep up a consistent rhythm with your hand still on Oliver's cock. Tension, with neither of you backing down, breaks only when one of you - though Oliver's genuinely not sure which - seems to realise the reality of the situation, and how close you both are, and suddenly you're aggressively making out.
Not in Oliver's wildest dreams would he ever have imagined that he could have the two of you fighting over who gets the privilege of going down on him. It's going to take all of his willpower if he wants to last much longer. But he needs to last at least a bit longer, needs to take back control, to make sure this plays out well for both of you too.
So Oliver calls your name, and you and Felix break apart. Your eyes are on Oliver, wide eyed and breathing hard.
"No fighting," he chided, and you wet your lips, sitting back a little as Felix takes this as his victory. Oliver coaxes you up to him, part of him sad to lose the feeling of your talented fingers around him, but Felix is more than capable, and more than makes up for it. Oliver wraps an arm around you, his free hand guiding one of yours to Felix's head as it bobbed up and down between Oliver's thighs, "you're going to help him, you can do that, can't you?" His words are gentle, commanding, and even as you still seem to be playing at sulking, you give a small nod. Felix groans appreciatively as your grip tightens on his hair, which Oliver echoes as he feels it himself.
You're beginning to squirm. Good. He's been utterly thrilled by how tonight has been playing out, but Oliver always enjoys when you finally fall into being desperately obedient. He wants to show Felix how good of a dog you really are.
Oliver pulls you in closer, nose to nose, smirking as the playful fight in you was giving way quickly to pure desire.
"Our good boy, isn't he? Our Felix," Oliver's voice is loud enough for you both to hear; Felix moans around his cock, shifting to get a better angle, to take Oliver deeper, as deep as he can. Your breath catches, pupils blown wide. There was something truly, almost sickeningly fascinating about what he could only describe as your Praise-Kink-By-Proxy; you clearly got off to the way Oliver lusted over Felix, that much was made clear that night in the bathtub at Saltburn, and Oliver could see it in your eyes again now.
"Our Felix," you'd mumbled breathlessly, casting your gaze to him as Oliver lazily trialled kisses down your jaw and throat. Felix doesn't stop, your hand on his head still making sure he keeps a consistent rhythm, but he does look up, does meet your lust-filled gaze, does see how your hips and thigh are shifting. Oliver brings your gaze back to him by tugging at his chain around your throat, and it's all you need to kiss him. He doesn't let it go. Sloppy and passionate, he moans Felix's name into your mouth and you whimper desperately at the sound. His hips are rolling, matching Felix's rhythm as his cockhead presses insistently against the back of his throat, and you're panting and whining and unable to find any real relief -
"Did I say you could touch yourself?" Oliver murmured sharply the minute he feels you reaching for the waistband of your own pants with your free hand. You whimpered, and his grip on the chain around your neck grows tighter. Squeezing your eyes closed as you shook your head, traitorous hand moving to dig your fingernails into your thigh, "are you going to settle down for me?" He whispered, lips brushing yours as you squirmed helplessly.
"This is unfair," you moaned, and Oliver's grip around you grew tighter, "Ollie, please -"
"You fucking love when I'm unfair to you," he hissed with an almost cruel smugness as you gasped, hips beginning to roll and rutt against nothing.
"Ollie, don't be mean," Felix raised his head, hand going still on Oliver's desperately twitching cock, an actual note of warning in his voice. Oliver smirks at him, all lazy, arrogant confidence. He maneuvers you, pulls you back from him to let Felix properly see the way your lip is beginning to tremble with how desperate you were for satisfaction or even just a hint of relief. Still, you tried to press yourself against him, even as your back arched wantonly and your thighs pressed together, shifting in search of friction that was still upsetting absent from where you desired it most.
"You think I'm being too mean right now?" Oliver whispered in your ear; unfortunately for you, Oliver knows all too well how much you love this game. After a moment of hesitation, your gaze locked with Felix's. It's as if you're embarrassed to be seen in this state, the way you'd so willingly let Oliver drive you mad with desire. Averting your gaze from Felix's, you swallow hard.
"No," the single word comes out as a sulky kind of whimper.
"And why's that?" Oliver prompted, adding slyly, "you made Felix worry." He pressed a soft kiss to your cheek.
"He's -" you tired your head back with a desperate groan as Oliver raked the nails of his free hand up your side, "he's always good to me in the end." You pouted, clearly still thinking it was unfair being denied in the moment.
"You promise?" Felix asks firmly, looking Oliver in the eyes now.
"Promise," Oliver smirks back, whispering against your skin that if you're a good for him, he'll let Felix play with you. The desperate noise that escapes you is incredibly telling, and one Oliver knows all too well as the indication that you were on the edge of being incoherent. Good, he loves getting you to this point, and loves even more the way Felix is looking at you right now.
"You're doing so well, Felix, don't keep them waiting," Oliver insisted. At that you reached out once more, hand coming to rest on Felix's head, petting him gently before he allowed you to guide him back down to Oliver's spit-slicked and waiting cock. Oliver's grip on the chain shifts, the metal loose between his fingers as he carefully, delicately, wraps his hand around your throat. Your pleading expression is so deliciously needy when Oliver pulls you back in against him.
"Good dog," he presses the praise against your trembling lips.
It's like a beautiful symphony, better than any wet dream or fantasy he'd ever had, and he hadn't even fucked either of you yet. He moans Felix's name into your mouth when he finally comes undone, his hand resting on yours atop Felix's hair as he takes it all and swallows every last drop.
"So fucking good, Felix," Oliver's breathing hard as he comes down from the euphoric high he'd just experienced, scratching gently at Felix's scalp as he raised his head, pleased grin on his face. When Felix sits up, out of both of your grips, your hand immediately goes between your thighs, desperate to touch yourself but still fighting the urge, trapping it while still making your intent obvious.
But while Oliver is more than satisfied, you, tucked up against him, are all but a mess as he cradled you close.
"Come on, Ollie," Felix climbs over his legs to be by your side. His smile is warm and fond, and when Felix's hand comes to rest on your hip, your soft, whining noises become more audible, "the poor thing deserves a treat."
Oliver feels the way you shiver and tense with anticipation at Felix's words, nose then bumping insistently against Oliver's jaw, keening noises catching in your throat. You were begging in the only way you have left, now that you'd found yourself deep enough in this headspace.
"Look at him," Oliver murmured, sounding almost proud as you turned your desperate, hopeful gaze upon Felix, "he's even being good to you."
Taking it as a blessing, you're immediately scrambling to your knees by Felix, no longer whining, and clearly overjoyed. One hand pulling him in for a kiss, your other was frantically trying to remove your pants.
"Not ignoring you," Felix insisted to Oliver as you'd broken the kiss if only to pitch yourself back on the bed in an effort to wriggle desperately out of your pants, "just -"
"Settle down," Oliver ordered suddenly, and you suddenly went still, ceasing the way you'd been fighting with your pants around your ankles, "help them, Felix," she sighs with fond exasperation. Of course Felix does, but it's like a switch has flipped; he's back on board, a good dog still, just like you. Once your pants are off, Felix is trailing kisses up your legs, much to your clear glee -
"You puppies are so stupid," Oliver shakes his head, affection in his words, "you're lucky you're cute," but still both of you turn to him with a a sad kind of confusion. Oliver tries not to laugh, he really tries, you're both somehow hot and adorable at the same time, "Felix, you're still wearing pants."
Somehow, this seems to surprise both of you, and again you're up 'I can help, I can help, I can help' radiating enthusiastically from you as you make quick work of finally undoing Felix's fly, as you'd attempted to earlier in the evening. The two of you share soft giggles as Felix's hard cock is freed and his pants are tossed to the side, leaving him standing on the floor at the edge of the bed where you're up on your knees, looking up at him. Like this, he still manages to dwarf you, and Oliver watches with an aroused fascination as this moment plays out.
Felix doesn't speak, it's as if he's matching your energy, understanding your headspace, he's confident and even cocky in a way that Oliver doesn't often see from him. He remembers saying 'if you're good, I'll let Felix play with you' and it seemed some primative part of Felix's mind has taken that to heart as he held tight to the chain around your throat, leaning in with an unmistakable huger in his eyes. It has you practically melting, hands on his hips, not daring to stray further without his approval. He doesn't even kiss you, he holds you at bay with his lips inches from yours and a hand firm on your collar, drinking in your desperation. You begin to whimper again, shifting your weight back and forth, hips rocking in anticipation; Oliver's sure he'll be able to see the marks your nails leave on Felix's hips when you finally let go.
Another silent conversation between you both, but so clear, so loud, so simple Oliver can hear it loud and clear. Felix is telling you, in no uncertain terms, that in this moment you are his, and every part of you agrees. Yet Oliver knows with a smug, self satisfaction, that he with one word you would both be by his side. So he'll let you both have this.
A year ago, he would have paid his entire life savings and then some to get to see you two in a moment like this. Already, he's getting hard again; a familiar, voyeuristic thrill runs through him as he drinks you both in, taking his cock in hand.
Felix barely has to tip his head, letting go of your necklace, before you're moving quickly, a moment vague and indecipherable to anyone else is a clear directive for you to turn. It's a flurry of movement after that, of Felix's hands on you, on your hips to pull you close, your lower back to have you bending, face pressed to the mattress. Your ass in the air, presented to him perfectly, he slides into you, drawing unholy noises from you both after so long spent waiting already that night.
Oliver basks in this moment, can only imagine how good you must feel right now, all tight and warm and completely and utterly desperate to be filled. Felix's groan is its own kind of beautiful, finally finding his voice again as absolutely filthy praise spills from his lips. Hips rocking back to meet each of Felix's slow, deep thrusts, your breathing is shaky amid the low, pleased noises that escape you. Beautiful, a creature of mindless want and desire, you've got one shaking hand between your thighs as the other reaches out, searching blindly for Oliver.
Face pressed into the plush duvet, you link your fingers with Oliver's the moment he reaches out to you. Your grip is tight, and he runs his thumbs in comforting rhythms against your hands, something pleased, loving, and so fucking turned on as Felix was quickly coming to fuck you like an absolute animal. The way you so desperately craved.
"Perfect," Felix moaned, "god you're so fucking perfect for us, pet, aren't you?" Nodding weakly, as much as your able, you clutch at Oliver's hand; his teasing had clearly already worked you up, brought you close. Both of you.
"Our good dog," Oliver murmurs, just to hear you whimper.
Fuck, he can't wait to watch you come undone.
Can't wait to make you both sit, roll over, beg.
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jagibee · 9 months
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 8
5,994 Words
A/N: A bit of a longer chapter as an apology for taking so long but also bc it was originally supposed to be two chapters and I just couldn’t find a good split point😭, and I did change the story title bc I got bored with Stray Pack but this is the same story and plot, and I’m sorry but my taglist is at its limit (which I didn’t even know existed?) so if I didn’t tag you on this post, it will be on the reblog!
Also, Happy Birthday to the love of my life who isn’t in this chapter nearly enough, but will be in the next chapter. Bang Chan, you have brought me a light and inspiration that I haven’t felt in a very long time and even if you have no idea who I am, you will always be the one for me🖤
Me with the foreshadowing in this chap:
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Let’s get started!
TW: references to sex, mentions of spanking (not necessarily sexual but could be interpreted that way)
You all settled down so that they could get through recording. Felix was sandwiched between you and Hyunjin, just as a small precaution in order to prevent any more growling. On your other side was Jisung and Seungmin sat on Hyunjin’s other side, providing extra padding against alphas. Chan and Changbin were both at the sound table and Minho was currently being recorded, so you didn’t have to worry much about them getting too close anyway, at least, not at this exact moment. Jeongin himself was settled at Felix’s feet like a trusty guard dog.
You, Chan, and Felix had all taken off your scent blockers as well, which helped to calm Innie down.
Minho was the last one recording, so everyone was a bit subdued. Changbin had paced around a bit while being sure to keep enough space between him and Jeongin. When the youngest alpha had recorded, everyone in the room held their collective breath, but he seemed to be doing fine.
Next to you, Jisung had leaned down so he was laying down on the couch with his feet splayed out in front of him, body posture indicating that he was zoning out, but one look at his eyes told you that he was paying rapt attention to what was happening in the recording box and at the table.
On your other side, Felix leaned his head against you and pulled out his phone instead of watching the older boys.
He pulled up Twitter and started scrolling through. You wanted to give him some privacy, but curiosity got the best of you. It’s not like he’s actively turning his phone away, you told yourself.
Once the word ‘caretaker’ caught your eye, you gave up the pretense and shifted even closer. The movement caused Felix to notice and he tilted his phone so you could see it more easily. “They’re sort of all over the place with the caretaker news.” He told you, deep voice soft as he tried to not interrupt the others. “Some people are really supportive of it but of course there are some people who think that either caretakers are sasaengs who manipulated the system so that you could be close to us, or that you’re going to steal our attention away from our fans.”
“Both of those statements are true, also, did I forget to mention I’m a spy from Dispatch meant to expose your secrets?”
Felix giggled and you let your eyes scan over the comments.
Maybe if y’all stanned TXT this wouldn’t have happened🤷‍♀️
tell this random weirdo to stay away from my lixie!!!!!!!
Reading over the last one, you bumped your shoulder lightly against Felix. “What exactly did your bubble post say?”
He frowned. “It just said ‘lunch with a new friend’ with a yellow heart emoji. It’s kind of impressive that they did actually connect the dots.”
You hummed thoughtfully. “Well, at least people probably won’t recognize me out on the street just from my hand.”
Felix smiled and went back to scrolling, giggling at a semi-professional debate about what Lee Know would give up for the rest of his life between pudding or butt hunting.
Said pudding lover and butt hunter then finished recording, striding out of the recording box as Chan spun his chair to face the rest of the room. Changbin rolled his own chair across the floor until it stopped in front of Minho, who grabbed it and spun it so he could sit in Changbin’s lap. Changbin squeaked in surprise but didn’t make any signs of protest when Minho brought the younger’s arms to wrap around his waist.
“Alright,” Chan began, “I think it’s pretty much a free day from here on. I know Jisung has a vocal lesson and Hyune wants to talk to Y/N, but other than that, I’ll be in the studio and Minho is going to be going over choreography so if anyone wants to join either of us, feel free.”
“But not too free, I need a break from you degenerates sometimes.” Minho retorted from where his head lay against Changbin’s shoulder.
You missed what Chan said in response as you leaned across the back of the couch behind Felix to consult Hyunjin. “You wanted to talk to me?”
His wide eyes met yours then quickly moved to Felix’s hair as Hyunjin started twirling it nervously between his fingers. “Yeah. Chan-hyung said we should talk about my h-heat. Especially since it comes so quick after Felix’s that we might not have enough time between our heats to properly talk.”
You could hear the other members join Chan and Minho’s discussion, but your focus remained on Hyunjin. “That’s a good idea,” you murmured, “But you don’t want Chan or another member to sit in with us?”
He shook his head, glancing back at you and biting his lip. You didn’t want to push him when he was so clearly nervous so you nodded and turned back to the others.
Right next to you, Jisung was declaring that “this group is not a democracy, hyung”.
“Sungie, you are the one person in this room that has a strict schedule today.”
“Don’t you start with me, Kim Seungmin-”
“Okay, okay!” Chan raised his hands. “I think that’s enough. So, Han will go to his lesson, Jinnie and Y/N will talk, Seungmin and Felix will come to the studio with me, and Bin and Iyen will go with Lino to the dance studio. Wait.” He paused and turned to you. “Is it okay to have Innie with the two members he’ll be aggressive towards?”
You considered it for a moment. “I think it should be fine. It might actually be better, hypothetically, since Innie won’t have to deal with either of them getting too close to Felix, so I think he’ll actually be less aggressive.”
“If my aegi-alpha gets too aggressive, I’ll just give him a good spanking.”
Chan turned to Minho and stared at him, narrowing his eyes while his knuckles turned white from his grip on his chair arms.
Instead of retracting his statement or apologizing for it, Minho simply basked in the attention, leaning back against Changbin and crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.
You glanced at Jeongin to see his reaction, but he was a bit preoccupied with Felix’s fingers running through his hair. Innie’s eyes were shut as he leaned his head back in between Felix’s knees.
You felt like you were intruding on a special moment, so you looked up and your gaze met Chan’s. He had a soft smile as he glanced from you to the two boys.
He blinked as if coming out of a trance and cleared his throat. “So, everyone know where they’re going?”
“Wait, hyung!” Jisung’s hand shot up in the air like he was a student eager to be called on. “I know you told us that we can be comfortable around Y/N-noona, but exactly how comfortable is that? Like, is it the same level as we are with our managers, or our makeup noonas or what?”
Chan smiled at him and swiveled his chair to face him more directly. “Since Y/N’s job actually involves a little more… familiarity with our group, especially when it comes to our emotional and physical health, I figured that we could be a little more open with her. She knows about our relationship and everything. The company did ridiculously thorough background checks and she’s signed several NDAs, so we can be as honest with her as we want.”
Han scooted forwards until he was barely on the couch and gestured with his hand for Chan to come closer. When Chan rolled his chair over, Jisung leaned to whisper in his ear. Whatever he said caused Chan to giggle. “Yes, we can kiss in front of her.”
“Oh.” Jisung blinked twice. “Well, in that case…” He grabbed Chan’s collar, pulled him close, and planted an obnoxious, cartoon-level, lip-smacking kiss right on the alpha’s lips.
Chan sputtered and his ears burned as he pulled away. “I meant- why did- you didn’t have to kiss me now!”
“Nope.” Jisung wiped his mouth with the back of his hand theatrically. “But I enjoyed it.”
Once everyone had reapplied their scent blockers and straightened themselves up, you followed Hyunjin out of the recording room.
Instead of going to the small meeting room like you did with Chan and Felix, Hyunjin led you in the opposite direction you had come from.
He fidgeted with his hands as he walked you rode down the elevator. First, they fiddled with his jacket buttons, then his rings, then tapped against his thighs.
It was obvious he was nervous, but you didn’t want to make him even more so by pointing it out.
The two of you made your way into a room and you realized that it was the same small dance studio you had met Hyunjin in.
He stopped in the middle of the room and frowned at the wooden crates you had all sat on last time. “I guess we could move them so we sit across from each other, that seems the most professional,” he murmured while rubbing his bottom lip with his thumb.
Your mind blanked for a second before you refocused. “Well, this doesn’t have to be super professional. No one is grading you,” you joked. “Here, we can even chill on the floor if you want.” You brought some cushions from a stack in the corner of the room and brought them to the middle of the crates.
Hyunjin smiled at you and adjusted one of the cushions before sitting down on it.
You placed your own cushion on the ground across from him and pulled one of the crates over so you could use it as a back rest.
You sank down and Hyunjin smiled at you politely. “Where should we start, noona?”
You pulled your bag over and pulled out the file on him and his bandmates. Handing it over, you told him, “What Felix and I started with was going over the information the company gave me so that you know what I know and you can tell me if there’s anything wrong or anything big that the company doesn’t know or didn’t share with me. I don’t want to be overly nosy or creepy or anything, but as a caretaker, it’s important that I know things that relate to both your physical and mental health. Also, client confidentiality applies in my job, so I couldn’t tell your company anything even if I wanted to, unless it involves you hurting yourself or others.”
Hyunjin blinked at you wide-eyed, the file bending slightly in his tight grip. Then, his eyes narrowed and his lips pouted slightly.
You felt your own fists clenching around the straps of your bag at the sight, but you collected yourself when he started to speak.
“I thought you were hired by the company. Doesn’t that make them your client?”
Your smile widened at him. “What a smart question!” At this, you could see the corners of his mouth flicker up. “The company is my employer, but they hired me to be a caretaker for you, not for the company. If I had to be a caretaker for everyone in this entire company, I would scream.” You raised your eyebrows playfully. “Could you imagine if I went up to JYP and asked him to tell me about his sex life?” You shuddered theatrically.
Hyunjin let out a startled exhale which quickly morphed into full-on cackling. He threw his head back and clapped, leaning backwards and almost falling over which only caused him to laugh harder. You giggled along with him, relieved that the slight tension was dissolving.
Once you two managed to mostly calm down, he looked at you with his hand hovering in front of his mouth. “Oh my god. “‘“Oh my god”’”. Eugh!” He scrunched up his face and stuck his tongue out in disgust, which just set off another round of laughter for both of you.
You took some deep breaths and noticed Hyunjin doing the same. You both smiled at each other and he ducked his head as he went to pick up the file he had dropped when he started clapping.
He flipped through it and got to the page with his information. As his eyes scanned the page, his smile slowly faded.
“Not particularly possessive of my nests? The only reason I’m not possessive is because they’re my pack! My m- my band! They’re always welcome in my nests! I may not be as protective as Felix but it’s not like I would let just anyone in!”
Noticing his distress, but most notably, the lack of a distressed scent, you realized that you both still had your scent blockers on. You took yours off and allowed your calming scent to sweep the room. It wouldn’t be as potent to Hyunjin while he had his own scent blockers on, but you hoped he could sense it nonetheless.
You didn’t want to touch him without his consent, so you gently pushed the file down, away from where it covered his face, gaining his attention and making it easier for him to see you.
You smiled at him. “Hey, Hyunjin. You want to take a deep breath for me?”
He blinked at you twice before nodding and inhaling. He held it for a second before his cheeks puffed out as he exhaled.
“Good job! Now, I know that you’re probably upset since the company is making these assumptions about you based on limited information. I would be, too. But, since you aren’t exactly inviting your managers into your nests, does it really matter what they think about you?”
His eyebrows furrowed as he considered it. After a minute, he shook his head.
“No, it doesn’t matter. And the ones whose opinions you do care about know that you keep the nest open to them because you trust them and love them. I promise you, they don’t think any lesser of you because of the way you keep your nests.”
Hyunjin’s tense eyes softened around the edges. “I guess… that makes sense.”
Your voice took on a more teasing tone. “Do you not believe me? I could call Chan right now, and I’m certain that he would march on down from his studio just to tell you how wonderful your nests are. And I’m certain that your other packmates would be right behind him.”
Hyunjin smiled shyly as he traced a shape on the ground that vaguely resembled a heart. “Yeah, they would.”
You tapped on the file still in his other hand. “Now that that’s settled, is there anything else you want to tell me?”
Hyunjin put the file down on the floor and rested his hands on top of it, like he was trying to press it into the ground. He turned his head to look at the wall of mirrors next to you and you could see him swallow. His eyes flickered back to meet yours and you could see the pure vulnerability in them. “Since you’ve been so upfront and honest with all of us, I figure I should return the favor. I… In Korea, male omegas- or, just, omegas in general, I guess, are sort of taught to hide their heats? Or, not hide them exactly, but it’s not something you really talk about? Not even with other omegas. We’re pretty much taught that heats are signs of weakness or that they’re gross to talk about, so you sort of pretend that they don’t exist, even when we would get a week off of school or work.”
He paused to look down at his hands and you waited while he took a second.
“When Felix first came over, obviously there were a lot of cultural differences between Australia and Korea. He would casually mention how he was nervous about spending his heats here. Channie-hyung and Minho-hyung helped him the most, not just because they’re the oldest, but because Chan could sympathize with the change in culture and Minho… had a lot of omegan friends back in Gimpo when he was growing up. Even when Felix got used to spending his heats here, he still never really stopped talking about them. Of course he didn’t say anything when we went out in public or anything like that, but he never tried to hide it around us.” Hyunjin’s mouth curled up at the corners. “There was this one time when we were in the dressing room and he was complaining about his pre-heat cramps loud enough for all of the staff to hear. Changbinnie-hyung’s face was so red,” he snickered.
Suddenly, his face sobered up. “I really wish I had been there for him more. As the other omega in our pack, it should have been me, but at that moment, I just felt… all I felt was shame. Shame for him, for letting other people know that he had heats, shame for me, for being the other omega and being afraid that people would think that I would talk about my heat in the same way, shame for the poor staff members who had to listen to that,” Hyunjin took a deep breath. “But then, one of the coordi-noonas came up and recommended a good painkiller brand, and one of our managers told Felix that they could buy some ice cream on the way home, and I… I was so amazed. Talking about anything related to heats was supposed to be this horrible, embarrassing thing, but instead, Felix just got sympathy and support.”
Hyunjin looked back up at you and stared deep into your eyes. “I know that I don’t like to talk about my heats, even after seeing that and being with Felix all this time, but I know that you’re here to help me and my pack, so I’m going to do my best to not be ashamed anymore.”
You took Hyunjin’s hands in yours. “Thank you so much for telling me. I really-”
You were suddenly interrupted by his stomach doing its best impression of a whale song. His eyes widened before he hid his face in his hands. “Talk about embarrassing and shameful. I guess we forgot to eat lunch.”
You cackled and stroked his shoulder in what you hoped was a soothing way. “Well,” you giggled, “should we get some now? I’m pretty hungry, too, now that you mention it.”
Hyunjin’s hands slid from his face as he looked back up at you. “Hmm. I’m kind of craving something sweet.” He turned until he was lying on the floor with his face turned towards the ceiling.
As you scooted over to lay down beside him, he sat up and stared at you with his eyes lit up. “I have a genius idea! Have you tried any good Korean snacks since you moved here, noona?”
You thought back to everything that happened since you got off the plane. “Uh… not really? There were some chips or something in the hotel room but I didn’t want to spend the company money on ridiculous stuff like that.”
Hyunjin waved his hand dismissively. “Even if you did eat them, it wouldn’t really count. Expensive places always overcharge for mediocre things.” He set his hand back on the floor and turned back to you. “Do you know what this means?”
“That I need to order more of my own snacks from home before I run out?”
“No!” Hyunjin rolled his eyes, but you could see a hint of mirth in them. “Well, yes, noona, you should definitely do that. And order some for us to try. But we should raid the vending machine and have a taste testing! I even stole Binnie-hyung’s credit card this morning, so we can use that!”
You giggled at his enthusiasm for both having a taste testing and using his member’s money to pay for it. “I’m up for it if you are, but if Changbin finds out, I’m pinning everything on you. He’ll probably go easy on you, anyway.”
Hyunjin shrugged, his expression somewhere between fond and smug. “Yeah, he’ll definitely go easy on me. Especially when I tell him our pretty noona coerced me into it. He’ll understand. How am I supposed to say no to that? Anyway, we could also get some snacks to drop off at the dance studio after we’re done with our taste test, I’m sure that Changbin-hyung and Innie would be glad for a snack break.”
“I- okay.” You stuttered, trying not to fixate on the phrase “our pretty noona”. “Let’s do a taste testing. Lead the way to the vending machines.”
After reapplying your scent blocker, you both made your way down two flights of stairs and down a long hallway before you came to the vending machine. Hyunjin explained that there was one closer to the room you were in, but that this one had better snacks.
You stopped in front of the vending machine, a little surprised at how high tech it looked. You were more used to ones with sticky buttons that refused to take your dollars more often than not and that you would occasionally have to shake to free your snack. This one had a whole mini snack elevator.
“Let’s see, Innie likes these cheesy crackers, Changbin-hyung will cry if he finds out we used his credit card and didn’t get him anything, so let’s get him the barbecue chips, and this is Lino-hyung’s favorite pudding…”
You couldn’t help the smile on your face as you watched Hyunjin mutter to himself about his bandmates’ snack preferences. “You’re so considerate of your packmates,” you told him.
He blinked at you in surprise, like he had forgotten you were standing there with him. “Ah, well, it’s really more of a survival tactic. I have had one too many pudding lectures from hyung, so if I show up with the wrong one, who knows what he’ll do to me?”
Back in the studio, you spread your bounty around the two of you, like you were preparing for hibernation. The three snacks for the boys in the other dance studio were carefully set off to the side, so that neither of you would mistakenly eat them.
“So,” you started, “I know the nest thing sort of threw you off, but is there anything else you think I should know before your heat? It can be anything, things you like to avoid, your favorite things to nest with, things you like to eat,” you asked, shaking the bag of chips you were currently eating from. They were a bit different than what you were used to, but still pretty good.
Hyunjin hummed around a ring-shaped gummy. “Well, I like to do laundry before my heats and then get my members to scent my stuff. I just feel a bit icky when I’m not sure when the last time I washed something was. Felix likes to bake during his preheat, which is sort of perfect because I eat more than usual during my preheat, so I can just eat whatever he made and put in the fridge. But I don’t like eating during my actual heat. As for the stuff in my nest… I have this scarf that Seungminnie bought for me once when we visited Paris. And Lino-hyung gave me a scrunchie that he drew a bunch of Jureumis on that I like to wear on my wrist. Also, Jisungie got me a dumpling plushie that also has a hot water bag inside. I have some other things from the members, too, but those are the first things that come to mind. Most of the other stuff is pillows and blankets. Felix likes fluffier blankets in his nest, but I like the smoother, silkier ones. And I love having my members in my nests with me. Also, I have at least three fans going on at the same time because I hate how hot I get. I do react a bit… dramatically when my members accidentally move something in my nest, which sort of confuses me a bit because that really only happens during my heats.”
You quickly brought out your notebook and pen and scribbled down all the information Hyunjin had given you. As you wrote semi-legibly, you did your best to talk to him at the same time.
“Well, that’s definitely a heat-brain thing. Do you only feel anger or annoyance at your pack when they move your nest around or is it something else, too?”
Hyunjin stopped chewing and set down the bag of candy. “I guess… it does hurt a bit. At first. And then I growl or nip them or something like that.” He shrugged dismissively.
“And that hurt, could it be that your anger is sort of a way to get around it or cover it up?”
He looked up to meet your gaze and squeezed the plastic package so it crinkled. “That… it could definitely be that, I suppose. I think… my brain is sort of telling me that my packmates are changing my nest because they don’t like the way I arranged it.”
You nodded and set down your notebook. “Well, I know that no matter what I say, during your heat, your omega is still likely going to react like that because you don’t have the same level of brain processing power as you do when you aren’t in heat, but maybe, hopefully, you’ll feel less guilty about it afterwards. Hyunjin, you know that your members love your nests. They don’t want to move it or change it, and from what they’ve told me, they always try to move carefully so that they don’t offend you. They also understand that you’re protective of your nests and that you react, as you put it, dramatically. They know that that can be a risk to stepping into your nest, but I am sure that it’s worth it to them. Even if they get nipped or growled at, they made the choice to enter your nest and they obviously think that it was worth it if they come back again and again.”
Hyunjin watched you with wide eyes before his face broke out into a soft smile. “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. Plus, Lino-hyung bites the others enough that they should be able to deal with me if I bite them once or twice during my heat, even if I bite them a bit harder than he does.” Hyunjin rolled his eyes and leaned backwards until he was lying down. “I can’t believe I’m in a relationship with those losers.”
You smiled at him, glad that he could go from serious topics to more light-hearted ones. You grabbed another candy bag and a question formed in your brain.
“What exactly does the company know about your relationship?” You asked, tearing open the packet, this one with cartoon purple lizards advertising how “de-liz-cious” the gummies were.
Hyunjin hummed, popping a chocolate-covered cracker into his mouth. Once he chewed and swallowed it, he passed the bag to you.
“The company knows that we help each other through our heats and ruts, that’s why they had you sign a bunch of NDAs,” he told you, “but they don’t exactly know about the actual relationship between us. They know Hannie and Lino-hyung go out together, but they don’t know they’re actually going out together. They know Binnie-hyung flirts with me, but they don’t know that I flirt back when the cameras are off. They know that Chan-hyung and Felix sleep together a lot but they don’t know that they sleep together a lot.” He paused. “And I mean a lot. Honestly, most of the time, sleeping seems to be the last thing on their minds. Horny losers.” He shook his head fondly before refocusing. “The company tells us to play things up for the camera a bit for fan service, but what they don’t know is that we’re actually toning it down.” He finished with a smirk.
You grinned. “Wow. So they don’t know you’re in a relationship at all?”
“Nope. Just our families and some of our friends know. And now you, noona.” Hyunjin rolled over and stretched his arms out. “I guess we are pretty affectionate towards each other around our staff, but I think the whole 8-members thing actually throws them off. Poly packs aren’t as common as they used to be, so it probably hasn’t even occurred to them. They likely assume that some of us are together, just in couples, but they’ve never asked us outright, I think they’re fine with acting ignorant as long as we don’t let them or the public know anything.”
You had collected all of the empty snack bags and were about to throw them away while Hyunjin stretched his arms above his head. “So, is there anything else you want to tell me? I feel like we covered a lot, but just let me know if there’s something else.”
Hyunjin had moved on to stretching his back but paused to smile at you and shake his head. “No, I think we talked about everything we needed to, noona.”
“Okay.” You collected your notebook and bag before shoving the extra snacks in there as well. “Do you think now is a good time to interrupt the dance practice?”
Hyunjin stood up gracefully and sighed. “It’s always a good time to interrupt dance practice. I think Changbin-hyung and Innie will be eternally grateful to you.”
“Not you?” You questioned. “You picked out the snacks and it was your idea.”
He waved his hand dismissively as you made your way out of the dance studio and into the elevator. “They’ll be grateful for about five minutes until they conveniently forget it. Or they’ll ask me why I didn’t come and save them earlier.”
The elevator ride was silent, but much more comfortable than when the two of you had been in the same elevator earlier. You stepped out into the hallway, following Hyunjin until he came to a door on the right.
He peeked in through the window and smiled before gently opening the door.
The song and dance they were doing weren’t as intense as some of their other tracks and routines, it was a B-side they recorded earlier that day, and were still dancing to the guide version, but you could see that they were putting in the exact same amount of effort, no matter what the tempo or sound quality was. Their moves were soft, almost floaty, but they were still very deliberate and precise.
You saw Minho’s eyes glance at you and Hyunjin in the mirror from where he was at the front of the formation, but he gave no other acknowledgment of your presence.
I.N and Changbin also noticed you, but they were less smooth about it. Changbin faltered in his movements and Innie fell behind rhythm.
“Yah, finish up the song, brats. Then we can take a break.”
At Lee Know’s words, the other two seemed to come alive, dancing with more energy than before. The song wasn’t much longer, and their positioning for the ending pose almost made you laugh out loud. Of course, the dance was meant to be for eight members, and there were quite a few missing, so there was Minho and Innie posed together on one side of the studio and Changbin all alone on the other side. Evidently Hyunjin shared the same thoughts as you, but didn’t keep quiet about laughing, even as you two clapped politely.
“Oh, my Binnie-hyung, are you lonely over there?” Hyunjin teased.
Changbin unfroze from his pose to flop down on the wood floor, all splayed out and breathing heavily, but focused on Hyunjin. In a high-pitched voice, he called out, “Yah, Hyunjin, I’m always lonely when I’m away from you!” He wriggled on the floor in a way that you guessed was supposed to be cute, but his obvious lack of energy made it seem more like a fish flopping around on land.
Hyunjin giggled and walked over to Changbin, squatting and grabbing the alpha’s outstretched hand as he murmured something you couldn’t hear.
Innie had flopped down as well, almost mirroring Changbin as he took deep breaths. Minho had walked over to turn the music off, and then sat on the couch with a water bottle.
Seeing that he was mostly okay, you turned back to I.N. “Hey, little alpha. Do you want me to bring you your water bottle?”
Jeongin let out a loud groan that echoed around the studio. “Oh my gosh, noona, you are seriously my new favorite person. Yes, please. It’s the green one.”
You walked over to the wooden counter and retrieved the green water bottle. You spotted a blue and pink water bottle next to it and, deducing that it was Changbin’s, you handed it to Hyunjin to give it to Changbin before you headed back over to I.N.
You squatted next to him just as a loud groan pierced the air. “Y/N! You are welcome to stay with our group for the rest of our lives! I’m going to produce a song about you and sing it at every single concert and award show!”
You smirked at Changbin’s words as Innie thanked you for his water. “Just for brining you your water bottle? At least wait until you see what Hyunjin and I brought in my bag for you.”
Changbin sat up like he was possessed. “What do you have?”
You walked over to your bag and unzipped it, pulling out the barbecue chips Hyunjin had picked out. You tossed them over to Changbin, whose eyes widened as he caught them and read the label. “Yah, Y/N, how did you know I liked these?”
You shrugged as you made your way over to Minho, pudding in hand. “A certain omega packmate of yours might have told me. It was actually his idea, so make sure to thank him.”
Hyunjin had fully sat down next to Changbin, but now, Changbin tackled him onto his back and wriggled the two of them around like happy earthworms.
Minho smiled and thanked you as you handed him the pudding before peeling it open and lying down on the couch. You weren’t entirely sure how safe it was to eat the pudding like that, but he seemed confident in his abilities, like he had done this before, so you left him to it and walked over to Jeongin with the cheese crackers in hand.
Innie had been staring at the other two members, his expression one of disgust, but you could see the fondness sparkling in his eyes. “Gross,” he stated, as Changbin started kissing all over Hyunjin’s face.
“Hopefully, you’ll find this a little less gross,” you told him as you handed him the crackers.
His eyes lit up as he took the packet from you. “Thanks, noona.”
You zipped up your bag and threw it to the other side of the room. “You should be thanking Hyunjin, he picked them out for you.”
Jeongin frowned as he ripped open the snack package. “I don’t need to thank him. If anything, this is what I deserve as compensation for dealing with him.” His eyes wrinkled with his smile as he stuffed a cracker in his mouth. “Oh, thank you, noona! I’ve been extra hungry all day for some reason.”
You smiled and were about to respond when you were interrupted by Hyunjin flopping down next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his head on your shoulder. “Yes, thank you, noona. I’m really glad that you’re our caretaker. We haven’t known you for long, but I can tell that we’re going to love you.”
Sorry for any mistakes, I edited this and posted it in my college’s parking lot😭
(Bold means I can’t tag you, sorry for the inconvenience!)
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torialefay · 5 months
Hi! Can I request prompt 23 with Felix please? Thank you<3
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home will always be here too 🏠📍
felix x reader (f); emotional SMUT
• it had been an especially hard day for felix.
• he wouldn't admit it, he never did. but you could tell nonetheless.
• today was his mom's birthday, but the best he could do is settle for a short facetime call. he had a full day of schedules stacked up that he couldn't just abandon.
• of course he sent the usual- some flowers, a card, and a new item from her favorite brand.
• he got a little reassurance knowing that he could at least give her that.
• but nothing could replace the feeling of actually BEING there.
• nothing could replace being home.
• "i just feel like such a bad son," felix finally confided in you as you both lay next to each other on the bed.
• it took him all day, but there he finally admitted it was bothering him.
• "you're not a bad son, baby," you reassured him, turning over to face him. "you did what you could... you know she understands you can't always be there in person. that's just part of life now that we're growing up."
• "i know... it's just not fair to anyone," he stared up at the ceiling.
• you scooted your body closer until you were laid on top of his bare chest. the skin-on-skin contact always made you feel so safe, and so much warmer- like you were closer to him in some way. you knew he felt the same.
• it was the unspoken comfort that you gave to each other- lying in the bed in solitude, both unclothed. it presented the barest, rawest parts of yourselves to each other, and at the end of the day, that's all you really needed.
• "you're right, it's not fair," you whispered up to him. "but that doesn't mean that there isn't a lot to look forward to. think of how good it's going to feel when you finally get to see everyone and celebrate together," you tried your best to give some encouragement.
• felix didn't utter a word back, he just kept looking upward, fixated on the ceiling fan.
• "baby, it is okay. i promise."
• you nudged yourself upward now even closer, until your face was resting in the crook of his neck. with this new point, you could tell what was really going on.
• felix wasn't just zoning off or trying to block things out... he was crying. silent, tiny tears. you felt one as it rolled off of his cheek and hit your own.
• "oh baby, it's okay! no, don't cry, don't cry," you moved your hand up to cup the opposite side of his face and wipe away a few stray tears.
• he couldn't help but break out into a full sob at your actions.
• you waited patiently and rubbed your hand into his hair as he turned his whole body towards you and continued his cries.
• you knew felix. there was nothing you could do until he had cried out what he needed to.
• you tangled your bare legs around his, trying to cocoon him. you wanted him to feel safe.
• "sh sh sh, it's okay, it's okay," you whispered, rubbing your hand up and down the back of his neck and onto his back and arms.
• you gave him a quick peck on the forehead.
• "what are you feeling baby? talk to me," you said.
• he took a few moments to calm himself, tears starting to slow.
• "i just really miss home," he took a big gulp of air, trying to pacify himself. he sniffled, trying to keep another tear from spilling out.
• "i know you do," you whispered, looking up at him. "but just know that home will still be there anytime you can go back. it isn't going to go anywhere." you pulled his face into your neck.
• "and think about all the people you have here as well. so many people that love you and care about you. who just want you to be happy..." you kissed his shoulder.
• "and well... i love you more than words. i'll be right here with you. no matter where you are in the world, your home will always be here too."
• you could feel felix smile into your neck. the tears had stopped- you would have felt them if they hadn't.
• no more sniffles either.
• neither of you needed to say anything. you both just enjoyed the others' company and listened to each other breath.
• "i love you so much, you know that?" felix finally spoke out, voice dark and raspy after his crying spell.
• you let out a giggle. "yes, i know. and you know i love you too," you smiled into his hair.
• suddenly, he moved his body back up until his head was now resting above yours, pulling your face straight into his chest.
• "i think i could get used to this," he breathed out, running a few fingers now along the side of your arm.
• "what exactly is 'this'?" you laughed.
• "well, you said my home will always be here too... with you."
• felix's words were so simple, but they always took your breath away. you smiled like a fool, not being able to say anything more. you just squeeze his body tighter.
• he let out a chuckle. "i really mean that, you know," he moved his body down a bit until his face was directly in front of yours, locking your eyes into his.
• he pushed a few stray bits of hair behind your ear and held the side of your face. "you're right. you're my home too."
• he leaned in to plant a firm, but loving kiss to your lips.
• you felt your heart swell as you began to melt into it, clutching onto him as you let yourself throw in fully.
• as he began to swirl his tongue around your own, you let out a small moan. you couldn't help it. his touch was just so pure, so firm.
• he must have liked it, as he mirrored back with a smirk, and a firm grabbing of your ass, harshly pushing you further to him.
• with this new tight contact, you could feel his bare bulge pressed taut with the front of your pussy. he was so hard already.
• feeling how ready he was already took you aback and you lost your breath for a few seconds. felix picked up on this and smiled, taking the opportunity to rut his hips up and down to give you some pressure. and god it felt delicious.
• he continued to kiss you deeply, as if his life depended on it. it was so whole-heartedly consuming, you wished you would just fall into him.
• before long, felix's hips picked up the pace and you rubbed yourself against him as hard as you could. he let out a small moan in response, making quick work to move his mouth down to your neck.
• he began to kiss and lick down until he reached your collarbone, where he started to gently suck.
• the whole time, you couldn't stop bucking your hips up into him, and it was driving him absolutely insane.
• he moved his free hand down the side of your body, making sure to hold on to each curve as he went. he rested over each nipple, giving them a light circle as he went, teasingly.
• you let out a gasp of air as he did, making him pull his mouth off of you momentarily.
• "feels good baby?"
• "mmm, feels so good lixie," you cooed back. you assumed he liked that answer as he automatically went back to your neck and started to leave a new love bite, rubbing slightly quicker circles around your nipple.
• after a minute of trying to endure his torture, you couldn't help but writhe underneath him. you needed more of his touch.
• you reached for his hand and brought it down to your pussy where you had been aggressively rubbing onto him since he had started.
• he got the hint and instantly began to go for what you liked- small, light up and down motions along your clit.
• he thought he knew how wet you were from rutting against him this whole time, but he swore he'd never felt you like this before.
• as he placed his finger pads along your clit and slowly began to rub, you felt yourself tense up, almost pulling back. felix got a kick out of watching you.
• "relax sweetheart, let me take care of you for a second." he continued to rub lightly in silence, allowing you to soak in the smallest of his movements.
• "ahh just like that," you whispered out as he worked your clit up to it's most sensitive level. his pace felt amazing, just the right amount to get you where you needed to be.
• you felt your breathing quicken as the pleasure was slowly setting in. you could almost taste it.
• "mm let me add a little bit to it now," he said quietly, lowering his body just a bit so that he could angle himself correctly and slowly insert himself beside you.
• you felt your eyes roll back at the new filling sensation mixed with the light pressure he was still giving your clit.
• "you feel too fucking good baby," he groaned out, giving you slow but quickening strokes.
• he began to let out a low growl with each stroke. he was meticulously placing each one.
• you felt your toes start to tingle from the feeling of felix on your clit, growing more and more sensitive with each thrust adding more pressure.
• you used your arms to cling on to him as tightly as you could, throwing your hips into the same motion as him.
• he took that as his cue to push his head into yours and join your lips together like before. this was his favorite thing to do- to kiss you while you gave in to him.
• his mouth moved aggressively across yours, making sure to take in every inch of your lips. he bit and licked and tugged even harder as he picked up the pace, both in his thrusts and how quickly he was going on your clit.
• that's when it hit you. you weren't going to be able to last much longer
• "lixie, lixie!" you moaned, pulling your lips out of his clutch. "i'm gonna cum baby, i'm gonna cum."
• be looked at you full of love and lust in his eyes, half hooded. "go ahead sweetheart. focus on cumming for me. it's only me and you. only me and you," he whispered, making sure to press on you with everything he had. he didn't dare change how good he was making you feel.
• he felt his tip start to get extremely sensitive as well, as he let out a thick moan and threw his head back.
• "fuck baby, i fucking love you," he growled, bouncing you off of him hard. "you're so perfect. you're all i need, i swear. all i'll ever need."
• with just the right hit, it sent you into overdrive. it felt like a jolt, tingles starting at the bottom of your foot, running all the way up your leg, and the sensitivity now exploding out of your core through the rest of your body.
• you could do nothing but gasp and arch your back, brain going fuzzy while trying to focus on felix in front of you.
• "ahh fuck," he yelled, feeling you convulse around him. "i'm gonna cum, ah fuck.. fuck..." he panted hastily.
• as if he couldn't get there soon enough, he latched himself back onto your lips one final time, needing to feel them on him while he reached his climax. one hard pound after another and he was finally going over the edge, feeling the vibrations of your moans finishing him. he mimicked he moans right back as you felt his whole body twitch inside of you.
• he couldn't say anything, couldn't do anything, just kept his lips attached to yours as you had both finished riding out your highs.
• as he finished, he slowed his thrusts until they were at a dead stop. that didn't stop him from keeping his tongue off of yours though.
• after a good minute or two of stillness, just reveling in the deep, slow kisses, he pulled off for a moment.
• "i was serious about what i said, y/n. you're all i'll ever need. you're my home now."
• "you've always been my home," you smiled.
• with that, he let himself go right back to his comfort spot. with his cock still resting inside of you, he connected his lips to yours, not even moving, just letting them rest where they felt right. where they felt at home.
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feelbokkie · 1 year
📱Texting BFF!SKZ “What are we?” (Part 2) (Hyung Line + Hyunjin)📱
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
genre: heavy angst, hurt/comfort, some fluff
pov: 1st & 2nd person
description: After receiving mixed signals from bff!skz you tried to figure out what the hell you are. After that blew up, they have to figure their shit out (Half smau, half written) (screenshots for recapping) (unedited)
pairing: hyung line bff!skz & reader
warnings: swearing, friendship break up, mentions of violence, mention of sex (Chan), mention of food (Minho & Changbin), mention of not eating (Hyunjin)
word count: listed below
screenshot count: 4
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
Part 1
Part 2 (Maknae Line)
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방 찬 (Bang Chan) (1,251 words)
Part 3
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The last place you wanted to be right now was a party where you knew you would run into Chan. But you promised Jisung that you would come for his birthday party and you knew you wouldn't hear the end of it if you ditched.
So far, you were doing well avoiding him, or maybe he was avoiding you. You had seen and run to all of the other boys and you know how codependent they all are. Besides, Jisung lives with Chan, you can only imagine the punishment Ji would unleash if he missed the party.
You made sure to find Jisung early on when the party started. You even took a picture with him so he would have no excuse to say that you didn't go. Your plan was to go, make your rounds, and then head straight home all while avoiding Chan.
You were almost free until you literally bumped into Chan, slightly spilling his drink on the floor.
"Oh shit, sorry--Y/N? I-I didn't think you'd come." He says sheepishly.
"Yeah, well Sungie asked me to come and it is his birthday." You say quietly.
"Well, that's good. You're friends with him too, so you should come if you want." He scratches the back of his head.
"I was just leaving though. I wasn't planning on staying long." You nod towards the door. Your goal was to avoid Chan and since you ran into him, might as well go home.
"Ah, okay then. I'll see you later then." He awkwardly waves at you and disappears back into the part.
"Noona, are you leaving?" Jisung comes up behind our and wraps his arm around your shoulder.
"Yeah I was about to, actually." You feel a hand land on your head.
"No, don't, you're going to miss my birthday." Felix whines from your otherside. They're both clearly drunk or at least tipsy.
"Your birthday is tomorrow, Lix. I can stop by your dorm and bring your gift. Yours too, Ji."
"You have to stay! Changbin hyung helped up perfectly time the happy birthday song so my name is said at 11:59 and Lix's at 12:00. It's going to be magical." He nearly drags you to the ground while whining.
"Okay, I'll stay for the song, but then I really have to go." You sigh, you really couldn't let the boys down.
It was at a party like this last week where you and Chan had both become only slightly intoxicated and hooked up in the bathroom. You had a crush on Chan, almost everyone except him knew. It might even be love at this point. You thought that he would eventually share his feelings with you and the rest would be history. But after the party, he pretended like nothing happened. Any time you tried to bring it up, he would avoid the topic all together. You knew sleeping with him wouldn't make you a couple, but you thought it would at least bring you closer.
Getting hot from all the body head in the room, you gently push Hyunjin's legs off your lap and pat Seungmin's head before heading out to the balcony for some air. The cool air hits your skin instantly, calming you down. Since you ran into him earlier, you haven't seen Chan at all. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he went home.
You find a seat and stare out at the lights from the various buildings twinkling like stars. It's peaceful. The most peace you felt in a week actually. Your peacefulness is interrupted by a couple stumbling out onto the balcony.
His arms are wrapped around a girl you only vaguely recognize. They're laughing about something, probably nothing. You watch as Chan leads her to the railing and leans her against it and kisses her passionately. You stand up fast, knocking back the chair you were sitting on, and head straight for the door. The sudden noise from the chair catches Chan's attention. He pulls away from for the girl and his eyes widen when he sees you. He quickly whispers something to her and she leave. Chan realizes that you're about to leave and blocks the only exit.
“Step aside right now before I lose my shit.” You were angry and hurt. The last thing you wanted to do right now is talk to Chan.
"We need to talk." He says quickly.
"No we don't" You spit, trying to walk around him to no avail.
"It was a mistake." He says it so fast you almost didn't understand him at first.
"Excuse me?"
"Sleeping with you was a mistake." He say slowly this time. His eyes are sad, regretful even as he watches the realization hits your face.
"B-but when I asked you what we were were you said that it wasn't up to just you. Which implies that you--" You're no longer mad, you're confused. You're not sure why he would say that or why he would choose to do so now.
"No it doesn't. It just meant that you can't expect me to define what we are." Emotions were fighting for dominance in your head and anger is slowly winning.
"We've been flirting for months. You slept with me--"
"And that was a mistake, I'm sorry."
"Stop saying that!" You shout, finally having enough. Anger has fully taken over.
"Y/N, let's talk about this somewhere else." He reaches for your hand and you pull away like he'll burn you.
"Do not fucking touch me right now."
"What do you mean, sleeping with me was a mistake?" You don't actually want to know what he meant, but for your own sanity, you need to know.
"Let's not talk about that right now." He tries to backtrack, realizing how how quickly this can go south, if it hasn't already.
"No, we need to talk about this right now."
"...I like someone else." He sighs.
"What does that have to do with--Oh my God," Your breath catches in your throat.
"Y/N, wait--"
"Oh my God! That girl you were making out with--You thought I was her. You slept with me thinking I was her." Tears that you weren't even aware were forming in your eyes start pouting out.
"Y/N, it was an accident I swear. Maybe some part of me wanted to sleep with you but that's a line I should have never crossed. It was an accident, you know I would never--"
"Never sleep with me in a million years, yeah I get it. I'm so glad you had this mind blowing epiphany during your post nut clarity."
"I didn't say that. If you would fucking let me talk you would know I wasn't going to say that." He has a hint of anger in his voice. He does not get to be mad. You two stand there quietly, not sure where to go next. In the distance, you could hear everyone inside singing happy birthday.
"You do realize that we can't even go back to being friends after this, right? Like, there is no way in hell anything is going to be the same."
"I know, that's why I didn't want to talk about this. I need you in my life."
"Just not romantically."
"Y/N, I'm sorry..." He looks defeated.
"Fuck you, Chan. I can't believe I was actually in love with you." You spit before shoving past him and running out of the party.
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이 민 호 (Lee Min-Ho) (656 words)
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You told him to forget you said anything and he did. Almost immediately, everything returned to normal and it irritated you. How could he be so okay after you basically told him that you want to be in a relationship with him? You all but confessed and the only reason it got to that point is because you had been receiving what you thought were signals from him. And the only reason you thought he was sending signals was because of a conversation you had with Chan where he thought you and Minho were dating.
After that, you started looking at your friendship with Minho differently. You're not sure how you didn't pick up on it on your own at first. The way he would always share his puddings with you. And if there was only one left, he'd give you the first and last bite. He was always touchy with you and said your name softly with that soft voice that he typically only uses with Chan or staff members. When you two ate together, he would make sure to serve you first and give you the best bits of food. He'd let you sleep on him with no complaint and would often called you pet names rather than your own name. You'd think you two were dating too if you were Chan.
None of that stopped after your conversation yesterday. You two are currently in your kitchen cooking dinner together. He comes over at least once a week if possible and you make something together. Like normal, you joke like nothing happened. He constantly feeds you bites of the food you're cooking, a piece of tomato or a freshly cooked piece of meat. And while you two were having a good time, it hurt somehow. You were perfectly fine with the way things were, but he if wasn't sure what you were you felt like he would eventually get bored and leave.
"You seasoned this really well, jagi," Minho says while you two eat dinner. You can't help but wince at the use of the nickname he normally referred to you as.
"Thanks, I read something the other day about using garlic salt instead so I tried it out." You say quietly.
The table falls silent again, the only sounds are your utensils hitting your pates. If this is how it's going to feel interacting with Minho from now on, you're not sure you can keep putting yourself through this tourture.
"I'm sure, by the way." He says suddenly.
"Sure about what?" You take a bit of food, not thinking much about what he said.
"The question you asked me yesterday." Your blood runs cold.
"Oh?" You hum, mouth full of food. Your anxiety is kicking in from the anticipation. Why is he drawing it out?
"Yeah, we're a couple. Boyfriend and girlfriend." He says simply, not even looking at you.
Your breath gets caught in your throat. Some of the food in your mouth to go down your throat, making you choke. Great, your best friend just that you're a couple and you were going to die either from your own stupidity or embarrassment. Whichever comes first.
Minho calmly stand up and walks over to your side of the table. He starts smacking your back, trying to help dislodge whatever is in your throat. Once you stop coughing he rubs your back before placing a kiss on your cheek. You nearly choke again, but he doesn't seem to notice as he heads back to your seat.
"I've been wanting to do that for a while." He he says softly.
"What? Save my life from rice?" You retort, embarrassed. Your face is red but that could also be from you choking.
"Kiss you." This man.
"Hey Minho, my heart can't take this. Please refrain from flirting with me until I'm done eating."
"Nope. I will flirt openly and honestly now. This is your fault."
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서 창 빈 (Seo Chang-Bin) (656 words)
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"What are you doing here?" You ask when you got home to find Changbin in your apartment, holding flowers.
After your conversation this morning with Changbin, you decided that you needed a walk to clear your mind. You had put your phone on do not disturb and put your music as loud as your eardrums would allow and zoned out while walking. Completely dangerous, yes, but necessary. You zoned out so much that you didn't realize you were gone for 2 hours.
"I needed to see you." He says simply, like it was all he needed to say.
"That key is for emergencies." You walk past him and head straight for the kitchen, searching for water and something to eat after your walk.
"This is an emergency." He places the flowers, red roses, on the counter in front of you.
"Stupidity isn't an emergency." You say cooly before taking a sip of water.
"I deserve that. I'm sorry,"
"Apology denied. Get out." You're annoyed, rightfully so. Changbin had given you such a frustrating answer earlier when you tried to understand your relationship and here he was trying to act like he's your boyfriend again.
"Y/N, please, let me explain at least." He pleads.
You go back in the fridge and grab supplies to make a sandwich. When you turn around, Changbin is on his knees. You nearly drop the food in your hands out of shock.
"What are you doing? Get up." You panic.
"Hear me out first!" He whines.
"Fine," You sigh, putting the ingredients for your sandwich down and slowly start making yourself lunch.
"I've thought of you as my girlfriend for a while now."
"What?" You pause, genuinely pause, at his words.
"In my eyes you're already my girlfriend." He says it like it should be understable.
"You never asked me out officially. And we don't even kiss or anything even remotely coupley like that. The most we've done is cuddled and held hands."
"For me, simply being around you is enough." He says softly.
"That's cute, but still doesn't explain anything. What did you mean by us being Y/N and Changbin? Whatever the hell that means." You go back to quietly making your food.
"Like I said, it means whatever you want it to mean." He says matter-of-factly.
"What does that--"
"I think of us as a couple."
"Oh... Oh! Now I get it, but still, why not just ask me out like normal?"
"I didn't want anything about how we function to change but I also want us to be together. This is the compromise I thought for myself."
"Alright, stand up now. I'm serious." You finish making your sandwich and wipe your hands on your pants. You walk over to Changbin and help him stand up. He mostly gets himself up, but he takes your hand so you feel like you're helping. You put your hands on either side of his face and pull him in, pressing your lips together. After a few seconds, you slowly pull away from Changbin's soft lips.
"Did the world end?" You ask, not removing your hands from his face.
"N-no." He stutters. You managed to startle Seo Changbin.
"See? Nothing changed. And it's natural that things would change if we started dating. We would be how we are now, plus more."
"What do you mean if?"
"You haven't asked me out so I'm still just your best friend."
"Ask and maybe I'll say yes." You tease. In fact, you were ecstatic that Changbin had feelings for you too. It's on brand that he wouldn't know how to function and was thus worried about the relationship.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend!" He asks softly, placing his hands on my cheeks.
"I guess." You shrug.
"You guess?"
"I'm joking, Bin. The answer is obviously yes. And see, we haven't been struck by lightning." You chuckle, pulling him in for another kiss.
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황 현 진 (Hwang Hyun-Jin) (825 words)
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You hadn't left your home for nearly a week after texting Hyunjin. Everything overwhelmed you. You had what you thought was an unspoken relationship with him. Both of you knew and understood that you were definitely more than friends. Friends wouldn't dare cross the boundaries that you two did.
He initiated it, your relationship, when he randomly kissed you one day while you were hanging out. He almost regretted it until you kissed him back. And since then, both of you knew that you were no longer just friends. You two were exclusive and did things that couples typically did. It had even gotten to the point where you two had said "I love you," to each other. So when you were over at his dorm the other day and overheard him talking to Seungmin, it destroyed you when he heard him say that you were just friends.
Tired of feeling sorry for yourself, you took a shower and went back to the dorm.
"Ah, Y/N! I haven't seen you in a while." Jisung gives you a hug and lets you into the dorm.
"Sorry, Sungie. I was busy. Is Hyun home?" You asked as you took off your shoes and slipping on the sandals that Hyunjin bought for you at one point. They were a couple pair.
"He's asleep I think." He calls as he walks back to the couch where he was watching tv. You nod towards him and head straight to Hyunjin's room.
You knock before opening the door, a habit of your when it came to Hyunjin. When you open the door you find Hyunjin curled up in his bed. It annoyed you to find him peacefully sleeping while you've been tossing and turning for almost a week.
"Wake up!" You kick the bed repeatedly until Hyunjin stirs away.
"Wha...? Y/N? What are you doing here?" His eyes aren't fully open yet. He squeezes them tighter when you turn on the light.
"We need to talk." You go back to standing by his bed and cross your arms.
"I was asleep." He whines, pulling his covers over his face.
"It's noon."
"I stayed up late painting." You climb on the bed and try to wrestle the blanket off of him. He's surprisingly strong, even when tired.
"That's on you. We need to talk." You finally manage to get the blanket from him. His eyes are fully open now and he pouting. Cute.
"I don't want to."
"I don't care. I need to know why you told Seungmin that were just friends. It's literally killing me." You hardly ate while you locked yourself away at home. The idea of eating made you feel nauseous and you only ended up eating when you started to feel nauseous from lack of food.
"Because we are." His face is serious. He sits up and gently pushes you off of him.
"Nothing about us screams 'just friends' anymore. We haven't been 'just friends' for almost a year now." You sit up and scoot to the edge of the bed.
"I know,"
"Then why?"
"Because, in a way, that's all we are. And maybe it would be better if it stayed that way." He says calmly, head down looking at his hands.
"What?" Your heart drops to your stomach and you feel like you forgot how to breath.
"I'm sorry,"
"What the fuck are you talking about? What do you mean you it would have been better if we stayed just friends? Hyunjin--"
"I thought I was ready for this but I wasn't and I'm sorry for leading you on."
"H-how long have you felt like this?" You knew better than to ask that, but you need to know.
"June," He still can't bring himself to look at you.
"It's April. Hyunjin, it's been nearly a year and you just let me believe that we had something."
"I know, I'm sorry. I thought I would feel different if I just stayed with you. I don't want to lose you." He finally looks up at you, tears pouring down his face.
"And yet you told Seungmin that we were just friends." You scoff.
"I couldn't lie anymore."
"You were fine lying to me for a year."
You two are quiet. You're processing all the information you just received. You were madly in love with your best friend and he didn't feel the same. And rather than tell you, he tried to force himself to love you. Every kiss, late night, 'I love you,' means nothing to him. Every 'I love you,'...
"So, when I said I love you..." You don't even want to finish that thought. If you do, you will cry and the last thing you want is to cry in front of Hyunjin.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N."
"I can't do this." Tired of fighting, you leave without looking back, losing both your best friend and the love of your life in the process.
Buy me a coffee?
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changbinsboiledegg · 8 months
can I request best friend! skz reactions to finding out the readers bf is cheating on her? c:
Hi hi thank you for being my first request! I changed the bf to gender neutral btw. :)
Warnings: Cheating mentions.
note: Just realized these progressively get longer as they go down. I promise I didn't intend that lmaoooooo
He would tell you right away because 1) you don’t deserve to be cheated on. and 2) … why wouldn’t he tell you immediately?
“I need to talk to you.” Chan would say, knowing the information he knew would hurt you.
“What is it? I’m going on a date soon.”
Chan started to feel guilty, seeing how excited you were. But he knew you needed to know before you fell any more deeper for this person.
He’s your best friend, you bet he would be your rock throughout the breakup and the moving on process.
Lee Know
He never liked your S/O. Minho knew from the start they were trash.
Found out you were being cheated on the same time you did and wasn’t surprised, but still very pissed that this person hurt his best friend.
“I knew you were doing charity work with this person.”
“Minho, please.”
“You know I’m right.”
Nonetheless, he would cheer you up and find other means of distracting you from the hurt you felt.
Changbin found out accidentally. He was on Instagram and accidentally clicked on a story post of one of the accounts your S/O followed.
At first, he was about to click out but noticed your S/O kissing someone else in the background.
After a few clicks and borderline stalking, Changbin found out the truth.
You were the ‘side piece.’
Changbin immediately sent you the evidence AND messaged the other person your S/O was seeing.
Let’s just say your ex now has a bad reputation now <3
He was surprised when he found out because you were so happy and your S/O seemed to have treated you so well. At least in front of Hyunjin.
You were the one that came to him, sobbing your eyes out. Hyunjin offered kind words, advice, reassurance��� Anything he could that would help you mend your broken heart.
“Let’s focus on yourself. Let’s not talk about relationships right now. Not until you are ready.”
Of course, fresh out of a breakup with trust issues, you have a hard time being positive. Hyunjin knows this.
He was very patient with you for as long as it took for you to feel okay again and even worked with you on how to trust again.
Hands rated E for everyone, predebut Jisung was summoned the moment he saw your now ex with their arm around the waist of another person.
Maybe he didn’t actually fight them, but he sure as hell made sure they knew he saw them and that the other person knew they were in a relationship.
He felt satisfied knowing your ex was now alone as the other person immediately dropped them… Even more surprised to hear the loud smack your S/O received for cheating and being deceitful.
But there was still you, who didn’t know yet. Jisung dreaded having to tell you only because he knew you were in for pain.
Then again, he was pissed off and you’re his best friend so he went to tell you in a rant.
By the time he was done ranting about his best friend— you, dating trash and what they did to you, he immediately apologized and switched to comfort mode as soon as he saw your shocked, heartbroken expression.
He was disappointed when your ex drunkenly confessed to cheating on you on your birthday, of all days.
Felix remembered how hurt you were that day when your ex canceled plans on you but he didn’t know that was why.
He wasn’t sure why he was disappointed. It wasn’t his relationship nor was it someone he wanted you to be with. But the thought of you finding out that someone did this to you? Disappointed him. You deserved better.
“They are cheating on you.” He said abruptly into a conversation you were having the morning after their cheating confession.
“… What?”
“They told me last night they were seeing someone else and they—”
“Oh God…”
Felix was prepared with tissues and your favorite comfort foods, knowing you would need it.
He found out on Instagram, like Changbin, only it wasn’t accidental. Seungmin had a gut feeling of you S/O’s infidelity.
And boy, was he right.
Now, he didn’t tell you at first. Mainly because he was working behind the scenes to sabotage anything good going on in their life.
Seungmin managed to turn their friends against them, family members, and even got them kicked out of their scholarship program.
Seungmin found you trying to comfort you S/O, unaware of why these things were happening to them Seungmin held his tongue until you left them in the same room together.
“Maybe you shouldn’t cheat on my best friend next time.” He said, smugly.
Of course, he told you everything after you came back and stayed with you for as long as you needed after you broke up with them.
He found out when he found you crying your eyes out and deleting every picture you had of and with your ex.
Naturally, Jeongin was concerned and confused. But when you managed to tell him in a fit of rage towards your ex, Jeongin left.
Then came back with all of your favorites. Favorite snacks, drinks, ice cream, he even bought a few of your favorite movies and took care of the cost of food for the next week so that 1) you wouldn’t have to go out, heartbroken for the world to see. and 2) he wanted to make sure you ate.
“Thank you, Jeongin…”
“No problem. You would do the same.” … “Right?”
“No one’s going to cheat on you.”
“But what if?”
“Then yes. I would do the same. But no one will dare do this to you too.”
Jeongin grinned, thinking you were trying to make him laugh. And you smiled too, because who wouldn’t get a serotonin boost if Jeongin smiled at them?
You were dead serious about what you said, though.
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wooahaes · 1 month
planned, unplanned
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pairing: non-idol!han x fem!reader
genre: fluff. implied friends -> lovers
warnings: food mentions. jisung and reader r both messes and huge horror fans.
word count: ~1.4k
daisy's notes: this one i got a lil carried away with tbh.......
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Jisung thought you were the most radiant thing in the room. That was why he stood across it, holding a cup and watching you with this soft look in his eyes that caused him to get elbowed by Hyunjin. His hand immediately flew to the spot as he turned to his friend, about to question what the hell was wrong with him when Hyunjin rolled his eyes.
“Go talk to her,” he said, slightly miffed from another day of watching one of his friends pine. “It’s her birthday. You put this entire party together. At least go say something.” 
Jisung turned, watching where you were deep in conversation with Felix. He’d been showing you something on his phone, your body leaning against his own a little to watch closer. Then you laughed, and Jisung swore he fell in love with the sound all over again. How long had he been pining for you? He wasn’t sure. It all started when Minho introduced the two of you months ago. The two of you had met in a bookstore, and one conversation led to another and soon Minho had asked if he wanted to meet another horror fan. Something about watching the way you lit up at watching a movie with them, thrilled to see practical gore in film. 
That was when Jisung fell, actually. You’d started rambling afterward about the practical effects, apparently having seen this movie before, and gushing about how much you loved seeing it in horror nowadays. All he could do was admire you, smiling to himself as he listened to you talk. Minho had said you’d be shy, and yet you seemed open enough… Only to realize how much you’d been talking, growing flustered and apologizing profusely.
“She’s cute, isn’t she?” Minho had been cleaning up his apartment after you left. “Don’t you think so?”
Jisung hid a smile as he took a long sip of his water. “She’s nice.”
“You’re obvious, you know,” Minho turned around. “Why do you think I tried so hard to get you to walk out with her?”
On occasion, Jisung could be an idiot. The next time the three of you hung out, he made sure to get your number. From there, your friendship blossomed. And when he heard your birthday was coming around…
Well. He’d committed to having a little get-together. He got in touch with your friends, figured out what cake you would like most, introduced Felix to Minho and helped the two of them cook… Everything had to go well. He pored over a playlist composed of songs he knew you loved and ones he hoped you would like, too. Carefully, he orchestrated a night that you would hopefully love. Judging from how happy you seemed now, he’d done well.
At the end of the night, Chris managed to get everyone to come gather around for a selfie he’d promised to send to you afterward. Minho pushed Jisung in-between you and Lisa, and Jisung hoped you couldn’t see how hard he was blushing when you wrapped an arm around him to draw him in closer. 
(He hoped you didn’t notice the quiet way Jisung asked for Chris to send that picture to him, too, even though it was an innocent request the others asked several times before him.)
It wasn’t until you were gathering up your presents from the others that Minho called him over again. When he approached, Minho pushed him toward you, “Jisung lives in the same direction as you. He could help you carry things out to your car—”
You smiled at the suggestion, eyes twinkling in the fairy lights Jisung painstakingly helped hang earlier. “Oh, sure! I can give him a ride home, too.” You paused, turning to Jisung, “if you want, that is. You don’t have to—I just kinda need help getting this stuff,” you nodded toward the bags you couldn’t carry, “into my car.” 
JIsung immediately leapt at the opportunity. He gathered his things, picked up the rest of your bags, and left with you. His heart was racing as he quietly texted Minho in the elevator ride down, saying he’d come back and help clean up tomorrow if he wanted to leave it. Minho just sent a picture back of him and several others, already in the process of doing it. The three little dots lit up a moment later as Minho slowly typed out a message: You did well, Jisungie. Go rest. Have a safe trip home.
Jisung looked up at you, rocking on your heels as you looked at something on your phone. You’d started making small talk a moment later, asking him about work and if he enjoyed getting the day off since you remembered him bemoaning the fact he was working weekends right now. He felt his face flush again. You remembered that…? Of course you did. Jisung always thought you were sweet like that. He asked you about your life, too, until the elevator ride was over. Then he followed you out, a step behind you like a lost puppy as you rattled off details about your car. An apology because it was a little bit messy—you would have cleaned if you knew you were driving someone home. 
“It feels like I always end up messy in some way,” you’d said with this pensive sigh, frowning a little. “It’s like I can’t keep myself straight.” 
“Does it work for you?” He watched you pop the trunk on your car, sticking bags inside. “Some people just work differently.” He’d seen both sides of things: people who could be organized in their own special way, and the people who were organized. Sometimes Jisung swore he didn’t fit in either category, plain and simple.
“It does,” you admitted after a moment. You turned to him, taking some of the bags. “What about you?”
Jisung felt his cheeks warm up. “I think I’m just a mess.” 
“You organized this, though,” you said, casual as could be, as you continued to put things away. Jisung’s breath caught in his throat. “I think you're capable of more than you think.”
“How did you—”
You looked up, confused. “Was it supposed to be a secret? Felix was gushing about how much you care about me—all the cooking you helped with and everything else…” Not meeting his gaze, you smiled, visibly flustered as you began to fidget with your sleeve. “I thought it was sweet.” 
The two of you just stood there, gazing at one another, something unspoken between the two of you. Did you…? Jisung couldn’t stop staring at you, at the starry look in your eyes, the way your lips were slightly parted. You were wearing this soft sweater, and you smelled like vanilla today (to match the cake, you’d giggled when someone pointed it out earlier), and all he could think about was closing the distance between the two of you right now. But was that too forward? A step too far for you when neither of you had even spoken yet. 
“I…” Your voice was soft, strained with this feeling that you were just as scared as he was right now. “I don’t feel like going home just yet.” 
Do you wanna come over? Watch a movie? But that, too, was too forward. “Okay.”
“Do you wanna…” You licked your lips, so visibly nervous now. “There’s late night showings. I’ll buy the popcorn.” 
“Yes,” he said with the softest look in his eyes. “I love you—” And then he caught himself, face burning hot as he realized the stupid confession he just made, “I’d love to! I meant—”
With a warm laugh, you reached forward, hands finding his own for a moment. “No! No, it’s cute—You’re… You’re cute.” Jisung just squeezed your hands, and decided to be bold. “You’re cute, too.” Can I kiss you? Yet he bit back the question. Later. He would gather his courage and ask you later. Instead, he just smiled at you once more. “Happy birthday,” he said once again, far from the first time he’d said it today. Instead of everything else he wanted to say to you now, Jisung decided to just smile at you and resolve to be bolder in the future. With one final squeeze of your hands, he let them go. “I’ll buy our tickets.”
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @jinnie-ret @cheesemonky
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writingforstraykids · 9 months
Minchan Masterlist🖤
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Fluff: 🌹 / Angst: 💭 / Smut: ❤️‍🔥
Work Count: 51
More Minho | Chan content here: Collection of Masterlists
Info: Every fic without the fem/male/gn Reader attached in the title is a Minchan only fic
do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
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No more secrets (femReader) - 💭🌹
Minho longs for nothing more than to show everyone how much he loves you and Chan. Due to past events and worries about their careers, only Chan's and your relationship is public. After getting back from a trip, he can't cope with being Chan's and your dirty little secret anymore.
Only joking (femReader) - 💭🌹
After dance practice Chan and Minho get into a small fight and one of Chan's jokes crosses a line.
Be nice - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Sometimes, Chan helping him out isn't what Minho wants, and this time, they get into a fight. Later that day, they talk it out, but it never stays at that with them...
Safe space (femReader) - 💭🌹
Minho has always been the strongest, never showing when he's upset to never worry Chan and you. When he comes home hurt one night, that starts to change.
Pretty please (femReader) -❤️‍🔥
You've ended up in bed with Minho or Chan as friends with benefits a few times by now. Chan and Minho had a similar agreement for quite a while themselves. After proposing to Chan to all spend some time together, he promises to talk to Minho. Coming home from an event Chan can't keep his hands off Minho, completely ignoring Minho's concerns about you still being home.
Second chance (femReader) - 💭🌹
Chan and you help Minho the night he gets out of his abusive relationship. Due to your shared past Minho seems anxious to intrude. A year later things seem to be going well until a situation escalates and triggers a panic attack.
Soft thoughts on Minchan-🌹
Title says everything.
Only the best for you -🌹❤️‍🔥
Felix's birthday party turns thrilling for Chan and Minho as they sneak away for a moment of privacy...more or less.
My heart remains with you - 🌹💭
Prince Minho, the neglected second son of the king finds a dear friend in Chan who later becomes his knight. When war parts them the lines of friendship and love start to blur.
I always see you - 🌹💭
After their break Minho isn't quite happy with his currently gained weight. Struggling to accept himself, his friends make it worse by pointing out the changes of his body lovingly and teasingly. Chan tries to figure out what's wrong, but it takes a while until Minho lets him.
Whispers of the Moon - 🌹💭
In the heart of Seoul, beneath the gleaming skyscrapers and ancient palaces, lies a hidden world of magic and mystery. Chan, a gifted healer, and Minho, a shapeshifter hiding as a sleek black cat, find their destinies intertwined in this enchanting underworld...
Anon ask 1-❤️‍🔥
Sometimes you and Minho make Chan feel so good he forgets he's the one in charge and starts begging.
I need a hug - 💭🌹
Minho can't relax after their concert and searches for the comforting warmth of his only hyung late at night.
I need a hug (smut edition) - 💭❤️‍🔥🌹
The same as above but with smut
Minho comforting Chan after a rough day - 🌹💭
...title says it all.
Mhm, I know - 🌹
Minho overdid it a little at their practice room and Chan's there to take care of him.
Minchan x reader series
More than friends (femReader) - complete
More than friends Pt. 1 - 💭🌹
Having a crush on both Minho and Chan, you hate seeing them stupidly in love and happy. One day, you snap at Chan, hurting Minho in the process. Minho picks you up the next day since you two have a lot to talk about...
More than friends Pt. 2 - 💭🌹
Things with Chan don't work out as expected and he seems a little irritated by your sudden deep bond with Minho, feeling left out. When he doesn't feel well you're the one taking care of him...
More than friends Pt. 3 - ❤️‍🔥🌹
Chan and you grow closer as time passes by and after your first kiss things are still unclear. That's until Chan walks in on you and Minho and you walk in on Minho and him only shortly after..
More than friends Pt. 4 - ❤️‍🔥🌹
Chan has trouble forgetting about the day he stumbled in on Minho and you. With Minho gone for business and stress rising he decides to take matters into his own hands...accidentally calling you instead of Min ...
More than friends Pt.5 -❤️‍🔥🌹
On your ride home, Chan notices Minho needs some extra attention tonight, and before you know it, you're invited. Chan makes sure Minho and you feel comfortable throughout the process and lets you experience your own dominance once Minho fully submits to the both of you...
I owe you a kiss (femReader) -ongoing
I owe you a kiss (femReader) - 💭🌹
As the upcoming comeback gets closer, Chan starts isolating himself from you and Minho, getting overwhelmed. He can't quite deal with feeling so much and nothing at all at the same time and takes it out on the two of you. Minho and you try to help your husband out.
I owe you a kiss Pt.2 (femReader)-🌹💭
Minho and you work out a few methods to help Chan acknowledge his feelings, good or bad. Both you and Minho have nothing but Chan's best in mind, slowly realizing how insecure Chan truly is...
I owe you a kiss Pt. 3 (femReader)-🌹💭
Whilst Minho and you grow closer his relationship to Chan is strained, suffering from all the responsibility he has to carry for the group. You want nothing more than your boys to work things out..
I owe you a kiss Pt.4 (femReader)-🌹💭
Chan arrives at the hospital to be there for his family in person. The news they receive about you aren't what they expected and Minho can't help but blame himself. Your husbands try to navigate their life as you recover.
I owe you a kiss Pt.5 (femReader) - ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Chan and Minho enjoy their evening together before realizing how much they truly missed each other over the past six months. After their shared lazy night, they get an important call...
I owe you a kiss Pt.6 (femReader) - 💭🌹
Once you're back home, your husbands try their best to support you, but the circumstances are taking their toll on you. It all goes well until you find out who was the one driving that night...
I owe you a kiss Pt.7 (femReader) - 🌹💭
The more time you spend with them, the more you realize you're not the only one struggling. Chan and you try to sort things out, making sure Minho feels safe at home as well.
I owe you a kiss Pt.8 (femReader)-🌹💭
Three weeks later, you're still feeling left out. Your therapist suggests communicating your worries to your husbands, but this doesn't go as planned.
I owe you a kiss Pt.9 (femReader)-🌹💭
Minho and you spend a day at the art gallery, Chan takes you out for dinner by the river. Both of them try their best to make room for you and reconnect. You haven't been so happy in a while.
Minchan series
Addicted to you Series (mainly Minchan)🌹💭❤️‍🔥 - completed (requests open for additional content)
Minho and Chan have been secretly in love with each other for ages. One day, they act upon their feelings, and their new bond grows without any clear boundaries. Whilst Minho is hopeful for their future, Chan is scared of the public finding out; a big fight seems to destroy everything they have and takes a toll on the whole group. Will their love for each other outweigh the hurt and fear of possible consequences? Or will they keep on hurting and longing for each other without finding any common ground?
Chapter 1 - 🌹
Minho and Chan are very good friends, with nothing but friendly admiration between them. At least, that's what they both fail at pretending to. The most simple acts of kindness seem to draw them in deeper without the other one knowing...
Chapter 2 - 🌹(💭)❤️‍🔥
Listening to previously recorded audio files of Minho makes Chan question his feelings for his younger friend once more. It gets even harder to ignore when Minho joins him and notices. One thing leads to another, and they both deal with Felix almost catching them differently.
Chapter 3 -🌹(💭)❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho finally decide to talk more in-depth about their experiences and current feelings. Chan slips up once again, and Minho finds himself in his lap sooner than he thought.
Chapter 4 - 🌹❤️‍🔥
The next morning, Minho gets caught slipping out of Chan's room, only to find out that Felix knows damn well what happened the night before. Chan can't help himself, teasing Minho right back into bed. Minho decides to trust him all the way...
Chapter 5 - (❤️‍🔥) 💭🌹
Felix tells Minho how much Chan adored him months ago already. Chan and Minho reminisce about the times they realized they loved the other one. Everything seems to be great for months until it isn't, and Chan feels like everything is too much. Minho tries to accept it for a while but gets into a fight with him as he snaps at Jisung.
Chapter 6 - ❤️‍🔥💭
Minho misinterprets a message of Chan and climbs his balcony despite his fear worried for him. Chan finally opens up to him about what's been worrying him. Another fight during dance practice makes Chan realize how much he's hurting Minho and he has his own way to fix things.
Chapter 7 - ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Another two months later, things seem to stabilize again, and Minho is happier than ever with Chan despite his injury slowing him down. Everything seems to be perfect until their friends confront Chan about a possible relationship, and Chan's fear of being out in the open gets the better of him. He notices too late that Minho's right there, hearing everything...
Chapter 8 - 💭🌹
Felix and Jisung stay the night with Minho, making sure he's okay. The next day, Minho tries his best to avoid Chan as much as possible but fails miserably. Finally alone, Chan follows his heart...
Chapter 9 ❤️‍🔥💭🌹
Felix decides to try a new way to cheer Minho up for a bit, falling back into old patterns with him. Chan walks in on them and at first, Minho doesn't care...until he does.
Chapter 10 - 🌹💭
The night Felix and Minho have shared raises questions amongst their friends and Minho feels pushed into a corner. Another fight with Chan escalates and Felix and Changbin step in. Minho and Chan try to work on their differences and get closer.
Chapter 11 -🌹💭
Staying together for the night, Minho and Chan have trouble fighting against what they both long for deep down. Making out in the kitchen, they get caught by Felix, who isn't very amused. Both Chan and Minho try and figure out how things will develop from here on.
Chapter 12 -🌹💭
After weeks of pushing himself beyond his limits Minho's body gives up and he collapses during their live performance. It's Chan who's by his side when he does and also when he wakes up again...
Chapter 13 - 🌹💭
Back home, Minho decides to make the best out of his break and opens up to his mother about the past events. After finding some letters his friends wrote him, he calls Jisung. It takes him a week to finally open Chan's letter, which seems to change everything...
Chapter 14 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan decides to stay for a few days, and they can't stay away from each other for long. Minho's parents let Chan off with a gentle warning. Chan shows Minho the songs he wrote about him and Minho takes it differently than expected.
Chapter 15 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan bottoms for the first time, enjoying it much more than he thought he would. While Minho and Chan are busy, their friends can't help but wonder what they're up to at the moment. Minho shares his thoughts on further steps with Chan...
Chapter 16 - 🌹💭
Chan takes the news better than expected and they end up having a casual date night. The next day Chan has a little surprise for him, making things official for the two of them in private.
Chapter 17 - 🌹❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho enjoy their newfound comfort in each other despite all the headlines their recent strolls around town made. Chan invites Minho and his parents to dinner to celebrate their "anniversary. " The boys spend their evening alone in a nearby hotel, worrying their friends about possible consequences...
Chapter 18 - 🌹💭
After their shared night Minho wakes up to Chan packing his things. He sure finds out why and Chan's plans backfire, sending Minho down the spiral of anxiety and trust issues. Minho decides to fill in the rest about some recent decisions and his true mental state.
Chapter 19 - 🌹💭
Minho enjoys his time back with the boys and teasing Chan on set for Red Lights before returning home. He joins his friends for the upcoming week abroad, knowing there'll be some interviews coming up. On their flight, Chan and Minho settle some ground rules for the near time.
Chapter 20 - 🌹💭
Back in public Minho tries to build up the courage to open up about what really happened without revealing too much. His friends support him every step of the way, hearing some things for the first time as well. Chan has to decide how open he really wants to be and walks the fine line of supporting his boyfriend and keeping their relationship a secret. Especially after Minho's first performance doesn't go as planned.
Chapter 21 - 🌹💭❤️‍🔥
Chan and Minho organize a long break for the whole group, knowing they all need one after these troubling times. Five months later, Chan gets a taste of Minho in his best form, and he couldn't be more proud.
166 notes · View notes
butterflydemons · 2 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Chan comes across a picture on his for you page of a baby and notices that the infant shares the same similarities as him.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bangchan x biracial!oc ( Miya )
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 3,607
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Fluff.
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: Hope you guys enjoy.
𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @michelle4eve @lovesunshinefelix @resi4skz @kaciidubs
⇢ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ ——— ɴᴇxᴛ
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Chapter II🧸: The Truth Comes Out
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『 July 20, 2022 』
   AS OF LATE, Chan found himself thinking back to that glorious night on his birthday last year. Since that evening, he often thought about Miya. What she was doing, where she was, or if she thought about their shared time together. There was a night where he even masturbated thinking of her naked body beneath his. Whatever he did, Chan couldn’t get her out of his mind.
   Chan was with his bandmates filming an episode of SKZ Code on Jeju Island. It was a warm sunny day so the staff decided why not film there. The beautiful blue sea reminded him of back home in Australia when he’d go to the beach. Listening to the waves crash against the shore gave Chan a sense of relief and peace. Nothing beats being at the beach, especially with people you care about.
   Staff had the group divided into two squads. Team Wear Your Seatbelts was a white sedan, and Team Screwdrivers was a black vehicle. Each member chose which car, cracking jokes about each other. For their mission on their two-day stay, all the members on the first day would eat at a restaurant, play in a swimming pool, and have a fun barbecue, ending it with a day of a video diary. It was simple.
   After laughing at Changbin as he acted as if he was going to leave Han, everyone settled in, and the divers got on the road. The members sat back for the ride, jamming to their music and relaxing. Everyone said hello before heading to the table when they arrived at the restaurant. Employees handed Chan and his teammate's menus before they ordered their food. All of them enjoyed the delicious food and each other's company.
“I’m going to start with some red-handed lobster,” Changbin replied, picking up a piece of food with his chopsticks. “Mmm, it’s good.”
“We should do this all the time,” Chan responded, glancing at all of his members, laughing and being happy.
“I could live on Jeju Island forever.” Han smiled, laughing with Felix, who sat beside him.
“I'm so full, but I can't stop eating.” Felix groaned, rubbing his stomach.
   It’s safe to say the first mission of their two-day stay on Jeju Island was a great success. The group filled their conversations with laughter and good food. Once everyone was well-fed, they wanted to enjoy the view and take pictures of each other. Chan felt a sense of peace and joy as he watched his members be themselves while running around. Sometimes, being in the spotlight got to all of them, and they reveled in this moment.
   Chan walked on the beach as Minho found a stray cat and started petting her, being the only feline owner in the group. Yet again, he found himself thinking of Miya. Pulling out his phone, Chan began taking pictures of the beautiful scenery. He smiled at how the photos turned out. Walking along the sand, Chan grabbed his phone and scrolled through Instagram.
   When he tapped on his for you page, he saw a picture of an infant. He saw that the person who posted it was a mutual friend of his friend Hyun-Jung. Suddenly, Chan realized it was the girl he slept with on his birthday last year. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at the picture. The baby girl shared similarities with him.
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   She had his nose and lips. The wheels in Chan's mind started spinning. Was the child his? When did she have a baby? How old is the infant? Many thoughts kept running through his brain. Chan contemplated whether he should message her directly or ask Caleb. He didn’t want to catch her off guard or seem weird, so he asked Caleb.
   Clicking on the direct message button, Chan began typing his text. After sending the last message, Chan's heart tightened, realizing his added dates. If he were correct, that would mean the baby girl Miya posted is, in fact, his daughter. Holy shit, he has a kid. He couldn’t believe it. Chan had to keep a straight face, knowing that he was filming. 
   Quickly tapping on his phone, he ordered a bouquet of pink flowers for Caleb to pick up and give to Miya with a specific note attached. He sighed, running his hand through his hair as the new information settled in. The wheels in Chan’s head had him so wrapped up he didn’t hear Felix calling him until he tapped his shoulder.
“You okay?” Felix asked with worry written on his face.
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” Chan nodded, smiling at his Australian friend.
   Chan and Felix walked over to the other guys, letting loose while enjoying their time on Jeju Island. The entire time, Chan couldn’t get the image of that baby girl out of his mind.
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Miya walked into the kitchen of her house as the television occupied her daughter’s attention to make her a bottle. After discovering she was pregnant, Miya resigned, but since her boss was understanding, she allowed Miya to take an extended leave from work. She fled Korea to California to live with her parents. Her family supported her decision to keep the baby and continue the pregnancy. Kaya and Karsyn missed their friend so much.
   In all honesty, Miya missed them too, so during her twenty-ninth week of pregnancy, she decided to fly back to Korea from Texas. At thirty-six weeks, Miya gave birth to a 7lbs 5oz baby girl named Bang Cheon-Sa, whose English name is Noémi. She was the cutest baby when she was born. Miya cried, holding her newborn daughter to her chest. Not believing she pushed out a 7lbs infant from her vagina.
   Of course, her mother flew down with her friends to help with the recovery process, so she knew she was in good hands. It’s safe to say that Noémi has her mother's friends wrapped around her fingers. They’d do it in a heartbeat whenever Miya asked them for something related to the baby. Hell, they’d even offer to babysit for her while she worked. 
   Miya shook the warm bottle as she exited the kitchen, and when Noémi saw what her mother held, she started whining, motioning with a grabby hand. The young woman shook her head as she placed the bottle in the toddler's mouth. She smiled at her daughter before sitting on the sofa and continuing her reality show. As Miya went to check on her baby, her cell phone started ringing, making her turn back around. Picking it up, she saw Kaya’s contact name on the screen.
Hello, bestie.
Bestie🤍🥤- Hey, what are you doing?
Watching a reality show, what’s up?
Bestie🤍🥤- I’m with Caleb, Ryan and Karsyn. We’re on our way to your place. We have a surprise for you.
What is it?
Bestie🤍🥤- It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you.
Whatever. Well, I’m at home.
Bestie🤍🥤- How’s Noémi?
She’s on her way to sleep. I gave her a bottle.
Bestie🤍🥤- I can’t wait to see her if she’s still awake. Well, we’re almost there.
Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.
Bestie🤍🥤- Bye.
   After Miya tossed her phone aside and got up to see Noémi staring wide open at her, the toddler showed her mother a gummy smile as Miya shook her head. She raised her arms, making Miya chuckle before picking her up and hoisting the baby on her hip.
“You know what you’re doing.” Miya smiled, kissing her chubby cheek. 
   Miya held the toddler to her chest as she patted Noémi to sleep. As she closed her eyes, the doorbell rang, echoing throughout the house. Holding the infant to her chest, Miya stood up and went to answer the front door. When she opened it, she saw Kaya, Ryan, Karsyn, and Caleb holding a bouquet of pink flowers. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she allowed her friends inside.
   The four took their shoes off before slipping on their assigned slippers and following Miya to the living room.
“Noémi’s always sleeping.” Karsyn pouted, poking the infant's chubby cheek.
“That’s all she does is eat, sleep, and poop,” Miya replied, rolling her eyes as she laid Noémi in her playpen. She glanced at Caleb, who sat the flowers on the table. “Who’s the floral arrangement?”
“It’s yours,” Celeb answered, sitting beside Ryan on the other sofa.
“Mine? You didn’t have to buy me flowers, Caleb.” Miya smiled, feeling a sense of appreciation.
“I didn’t buy them. None of us did.” Celeb denied, shaking his head. “I’m just a delivery guy.”
   Now, Miya needed clarification. If Caleb, Kaya, Ryan, or Karsyn didn’t buy her flowers, who did? She looked at her friends before reaching over and grabbing the card from in between the petals. Flipping the card, she read the note the person wrote there.
   𝒟𝑒𝒶𝓇 𝑀𝒾𝓎𝒶,
   𝒜𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓂𝑜𝓂𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝐼’𝓂 𝒷𝓊𝓈𝓎 𝒻𝒾𝓁𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓉𝒶𝓁𝓀 𝓉𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝒷𝑜𝓊𝓉 𝓈𝑜𝓂𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈. 𝐼𝒻 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒹𝑜𝓃’𝓉 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒷𝒶𝒷𝓎 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓅𝑜𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 𝑜𝓃 𝐼𝓃𝓈𝓉𝒶𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓂 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝒾𝓃𝑒. 𝒲𝒽𝑒𝓃 𝐼’𝓂 𝒻𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝐼 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝓁𝒾𝓀𝑒 𝓉𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉 𝒽𝑒𝓇. 𝐸𝓃𝒿𝑜𝓎 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇𝓈.
   𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓃 찬
   Miya read over the note again, again and again. She knew that Chan would see the pictures she posted of Noémi and put the dates together. It was just up to her to confirm it. 
“What does the note say?” She heard Ryan ask from his spot on the sofa.
“The flowers are from Chan, saying that he knows about Noémi and would like to talk when he’s free,” Miya explained, looking at her friends. She felt guilty and anxious. 
“How does he know about her?” Kaya questioned, reading the note over Miya’s shoulder. 
“I think he saw the picture I posted of when she was born and added the dates together,” Miya answered, staring at the beautiful flowers and gently running her finger over a petal. 
   She didn’t know how to feel at that moment. Her heat heated wildly in her chest, and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Was it love? She didn’t know. Could it be that she was nervous? Who knows. All Miya knew was that she didn’t know how to feel.
   Yes, she has had boyfriends who bought her things, but this is different. She had a daughter with a K-pop idol, and he wanted to be in her life. Most men who have a one-night stand where the woman ends up pregnant deny the baby and want nothing to do with it. Miya didn’t want that to be her, so she was prepared to raise her daughter as a single mother. With the help of her family and friends, she knew she had all the support she needed.
“Are you okay?” Kaya asked, seeing a tear roll down her best friend’s face.
“S-Si Bal.” Miya cursed, wiping her face. She laughed as her friends pulled her into a hug. ( “Shit.” )
“What’s on your mind?” Karsyn asked, putting her chin on Miya's shoulder.
“I don’t know. I-you see men wanting nothing to do with the women they impregnate or the baby, and here I am in a similar situation, but the father wants to be in her life.” Miya sniffled, explaining her feelings. “Plus, he’s an idol, so I’m thinking of everything that would or could happen if and when his fandom finds out.” 
“Which is why you have to talk to him,” Kaya said, rubbing her back soothingly. “That can be one of the things you can bring up in the conversation.”
“Yeah, I know.” Miya nodded, sighing as she wiped her face. “It’s just that sometimes I can’t believe what my life has come to.”
“That’s understandable.” Karsyn smiled, lying her head on her best friend’s shoulder.
“I guess I’m just emotional,” Miya responded, shrugging her shoulders. “Maybe it’s the birth control I’m taking.” 
“We understand. My birth control does that to me, too.” Kaya nodded as she laughed.
“Yea, one minute I love on Caleb, the next I hate his fucking guts,” Karsyn replied, shrugging her shoulders and making her boyfriend look at her. “He knows I love him, though.”
“Okay, enough crying. Are you guys hungry?” Miya asked, wiping her face of tears. 
“Always if you’re cooking.” She replied, rubbing her hands together. 
“I’m in the mood for some tteokbokki. Are you guys okay with that?” Miya questioned, walking to the kitchen. 
“Hell yeah,” Ryan shouted, almost waking the sleeping child. 
“Shut your loud ass mouth.” Kaya shushed her boyfriend, smacking his shoulder.
“Sorry.” He apologized, turning to the television.
   In the kitchen, Miya started grabbing ingredients for spicy & cheesy tteokbokki. She heated the skillet, adding Korean red chili paste, red chili flakes, soy sauce, garlic, and sugar before simmering it with chicken stock. Miya was in her element. She loved cooking. It relieves her when she’s stressed. She didn’t like when someone else was in the kitchen with her; it was unnerving.
   After thirty minutes, Miya sat the pan on the table before calling her friends over. “Come and get it.”
   The four friends got up and walked over to the kitchen table, gawking at the meal Miya prepared. One thing they loved Miya for was her cooking. No matter what, she’d cook for them with no questions asked.
“Gamsahabnida.” Yeong-Sik, also known as Ryan, praised, smiling at his friend. ( “Thank you.” )
“Cheonman-eyo,” Miya replied, sitting next to Karsyn as everyone helped themselves to a serving. ( You’re welcome.” )
   As Ryan went to eat the food, he moaned at the mere smell of the spicy & cheesy tteokbokki. The spices' flavors exploded in his mouth when he started chewing his food. 
“I love your cooking so much.” Caleb nodded with a mouth full. 
“Aww, thank you.” Miya grinned, putting food in her mouth.
The group talked amongst each other, laughing when Caleb received a message from someone.
찬 Chan🐺 - You think she’ll be mad at you if you give me her number?
No, Miya is a very humbled person.
찬 Chan🐺 - I’m nervous about texting her. Being a mother is all new to me.
You don’t have to be nervous, and it’s all new to her too. She’s taking it day by day.
찬 Chan🐺 - Thanks again for giving me her number. Anytime man. 
   Caleb sat his phone down and continued eating when the cry of Noémi made the friends look over at the child. She stood up in her playpen, staring at them teary-eyed, poking her bottom lip out. Miya moved to get up to get the toddler, but Caleb stopped her.
“I got it. You can eat.” He said, nodding for his friend to stay seated.
   Miya nodded as she watched Caleb go over to her daughter. The toddler reached her hands out for him to pick her up. When she was safe in his arms, she squealed at him, showing him her gummy smile and kicking her feet. Caleb placed Noémi in the high chair beside Miya, and she began feeding her. Of all Miya’s friends, Caleb was the closest with Noémi.
   When she was born, he held her for hours and wouldn’t let anyone take her from his arms. From the moment Noémi clasped his thumb, he vowed to protect that baby with every fiber in his body. Caleb had always wanted siblings, so when he met Miya, he instantly became like an older brother to her. Now that she has a daughter, he’s like a protective uncle. He may not have had a good life or any siblings, but Caleb loved Miya and Noémi like one.
   As Miya made funny faces at her daughter, her phone dinged, signaling she had received an incoming text. The screen lit up, and she saw a message from a number she didn’t recognize. She unlocked her phone, tapped the notification, and saw what the number sent.
(850) 961-3198 - Hey, Miya, it’s Chan. I got your number from Caleb, if that’s okay.
Um, yeah, it’s okay. I didn’t expect it.
So what’s up?
(850) 961-3198 - I’m waiting to continue filming.
What are you guys filming?
(850) 961-3198 - We’re filming a four-part episode of SKZ Code in Jeju Island.
That sounds so fun. I miss Jeju Island.
I’ve been there once.
(850) 961-3198 - With everything going on, we decided to film a relaxing episode.
(850) 961-3198 - We’re going go karting tomorrow to film some more.
Sounds like you guys have a busy schedule.
(850) 961-3198 - A little bit, but not really. However, we've been filming all day. 
(850) 961-3198 - Did you like the flowers?
Of course, I did. The pink roses were beautiful. Thank you.
(850) 961-3198 - You’re welcome, but I would like to meet and talk when I have a free day.
That’s fine. Just let me know. 
(850) 961-3198 - Thank you.
*photo attachment* She has your features.
(850) 961-3198 - What’s her name?
Bang Cheon-Sa or Noémi.
(850) 961-3198 - That’s a beautiful name.
   Miya smiled as she stared at the picture she sent Chan of Noémi. Setting her phone down, Miya looked up to see Noémi wanted more food. She scooped a helping onto a small plate before cutting the rice cakes into tiny bits and handing them to her daughter.
“Did you give Chan my number?” Miya asked Caleb, making him look up at me.
“Y-Yeah, I did. I hope you’re not mad.” Caleb nodded, answering me with food in his mouth.
“I’m not. I just wished you had said something to me first.” She responded, staring at him as she spoke. 
“Sorry.” He apologized, bowing his head.
“It’s fine,” I replied, smiling at him.
   Miya wouldn’t be angry at Caleb because she knew he had her best interest at heart, and he did it for a good reason. After eating, Miya cleaned up Noémi and took her out of the high chair. She approached Caleb, leaned over him, and kissed his cheek.
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After the group ate, they took a mini break to take pictures. Chan and his group members arrived at the house where they would stay on Jeju Island. Everyone ran around the home searching for the rooms they wanted. Some had to share, but the boys didn’t care. Of course, Chan had the most enormous room out of everyone.
    Chan proceeded to lock the door before he plopped on one of his beds and sighed through his nose as relaxation took over him. Once Chan pulled out his phone, he went to his messages and clicked on Miya’s number, which took him to their conversation. He couldn’t help but stare at the last thing she sent him. It was a picture of their daughter. The beautiful being they made.
   He could see the resemblance between them. Noémi had his eyes and Miya’s nose and lips. A smile came to Chan’s mouth as he found himself thinking about how this happened. That night, he shared with Miya in his hotel room. All he needed was consent, which she gave, and he devoured her.
   Never in his wildest dreams did Chan think he'd have a child with a girl his friend introduced him to on his birthday, probably when he was a little older, maybe in his thirties when he matured more, but not in his mid-late twenties. It seemed surreal to him. Just last year, Chan traveled and performed; now, he has a ten-month-old daughter. The whole situation blew his mind away. Chan started thinking of how his parents and Stays were going to react.
   Once everyone relaxed and took a thirty-minute nap, it was time for their next mission. Swimming was one thing Chan loved to do. The water was his lover, and he could live in it forever. After he had changed, Chan met the rest of the guys by the pool. The staff divided into two teams for their first game, wore blindfolds, and attacked the other team, taking their eye coverings.
   The game was fun overall, and Chan wouldn't trade it for anything else. Seeing his friends laugh and have fun, what more could he ask for? Nothing. Not a damn single thing. At all. 
   After having fun in the pool, the group got out, showered, and lounged around while Minho and Seungmin went to the local market to get food for their dinner tonight. Little did they know that the staff rearranged their rooms. Hyunjin and Han took it upon themselves to switch the blue and yellow stickers, laughing as a joke. When everyone went to their rooms for the night, Chan grew excited, knowing he was sharing a bed with Seungmin. Of course, Seungmin didn’t like that and switched the colors back to their original places.
   As the guys settled into their beds, they ended the day with a little video diary. They talked about their upcoming shows and lives and told Stays to be healthy and careful with what’s happening worldwide. 
   Miya rubbed lotion into Noémi’s skin as she got her ready for bed. Her friends left a few hours ago, so she put Noémi down for the night. After getting her daughter dressed in pjs, Miya sat in the rocking chair and started putting Noémi to sleep. Within ten minutes, the toddler was knocked out in her mother's arms. As Miya got ready for bed, she stepped out of the shower, dried off, and replaced her towel with an oversized t-shirt.
   She took out the clip, holding her hair up when she showered, and let her hair fall down her back. Miya climbed into bed and started playing around on her phone. Right before Miya put her phone down, an incoming message from Chan came through.
(850) 961-3198 - Goodnight.
Goodnight Chan.
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shadowofahope · 2 years
If you could please do skz forgetting your birthday. Thank you!!!
pairing: boyfriend!skz x reader genre: crack, forgetful skz warnings: none author's notes: I assumed it was boyfie skz being forgetful, so I wrote it with that in mind. I didn't know whether to do at as you had to remind them after they forgot or what they would do if they remembered, so I picked the latter. A best friend version might be interesting too.🤔 Also it makes me seriously curious to know what SKZ love languages are.. Let me know what you think they would be! I'd love to talk about it. I love these so much! I get so excited to do these for you 💙💙
Chan: He wold absolutely panic. I don't doubt he would figure it out himself, already late into the day, regardless of that he would call you instantly. Telling you how guilty he feels for letting work distract him. Even if it was still early in the day and you didn't even know he forgot he would out himself.
Lee Know: He wouldn't say anything. Just give you a call to say a 'happy birthday' then asking when you're free to go out for dinner. He would. keep it super chill and you wouldn't even know that he forgot. Acting like he always did, but inside panicking. He'd go out the same day to find you something, researching up until late the next day new restaurants he wanted to take you to.
Changbin: He would absolutely find a way out of what he was doing, figure out where you were and then show up. He would bust through every obstacle to be able to tell you happy birthday in person. He would also out himself for forgetting, apologizing for not being more aware. He appreciates quality time so he would make it his mission to spend every free moment you each had together, appearing with your favourite drink and snack in hand. (Honestly, Chsngbin's EQ is pretty high so out of everyone I think he would be the least to forget as well as having it set in his phone calendar.)
Hyunjin: He wouldn't do anything crazy. He'd be on the chill side. Telling you he forgot and then asking when you were free. He'd assume you'd be out with friends or family so he wouldn't want to intrude any plans you already head. Scheduling in a time to meet and what you wanted to do, he'd show up early ready spending the time doing whatever you wanted to do for as long as you wanted. He would have completely cleared his day for you.
Han: His first response would be to completely panic. The worst part would be is that he bought you a present and had a plan to set up a date night catered specifically for you, but he would end up so busy that he forgot when the day came. He would apologize profusely for days after as well. He'd almost over do it in his attempts to make sure you weren't mad at him.
Felix: He would come up with a plan before you even realized he forgot. Then he'd turn it into a surprise. However, he would tell you and apologize for forgetting such an important day. (In my honest opinion tho, I don't think he'd forget. He'd have it memorized to the exact time you were born. Planning what to get you for weeks.)
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call-to-the-wyatt · 1 year
Encanto Headcanon- Dating Camilo would include... (Camilo Madrigal x GN! Reader)
Hey everyone!! Today I decided to write an Encanto Headcanon about dating Camilo. This is fully based on what I know about the Madrigals and what I imagine dating Camilo would be like. I obviously got some inspiration from other writers, but no one specific.
Anyways, enjoy! -Bar
Dating Camilo Madrigal would include... part 1 (before the movie)
~ You guys met at Luisa’s last birthday, and you looked breathtaking.
~ Camilo couldn’t get himself to go talking to you, so he just adored you from afar as long as he wasn’t focused on Antonio.
~ You saw the cute curly boy around your age playing with Antonio and couldn’t help your smile. It was just too cute!
~ You blushed, hard, when he looked up and met your gaze; you looked away already, so you couldn’t see, but his cheeks turned red, too.
~ “Hey, Mirabel, who’s this?” You asked her and pointed to Camilo.
~ She had a mischievous smile as she told you it’s her cousin, Camilo. What was she palnning?
~ Later that night, Camilo heard from Mirabel you asked about him.
~ “Y\N? Is this the person who was dancing here earlier with Y\F\M (your fav Madrigal except for Camilo)?” -”Yep. They’re right there, go talk to them”
~ You were very surprised when Camilo was tripping to where you set. His face were red and his hair and clothes were messy from the dancing, but you still found him very attractive.
~ Camilo was still stunned by you, but he managed to say a few complete sentences. You were so nice and easy to talk to, his shyness faded away, and you two had a long, enthralling conversation.
~ And of course, once his flirty self came back, he used the countless amount of pickup lines he knew on you.
~ “You know who you’re reminding me of? My next S\O”
~ “Do you believe in love at first tight or I should walk by again?”
~ “I don’t like your last name. You should change it to Madrigal”
~ (and so on...)
~ As you two kept talking and laughing, Camilo couldn’t help falling for you harder and harder.
~ By the end of the night, he knew for sure he’s in love. But he didn’t know if you felt the same, and it made him nervous and anxious.
~ He went to talk to Dolores about it, and ended up getting advices from her and all of his cousins, who had a sleepover.
~ Eventually, they helped him planning how to ask you out, not knowing you just waited for him to do it.
~ Long story short, he asked you out, you said yes, and now he was supposed to take you on your first date.
~ He found the perfect glade and asked Isabela to find out what’s your favorite flower (Isabela: *rolling her eyes* I already know what’s their favorite flower) and grow it all over te place, but leave a space big enough to do picnics or just hang out for a while.
~ Isabela agreed, and the next day everything was ready.
~ Mirabel decorated Camilo’s ruana and your favorite y\f\c\p (your favorite clothing piece- skirt, pants, shirt, etc), Isabela made them a crown of Y\F\F (your favorite flower), Luisa brought a basket full of Julieta’s best foods and desserts and Dolores prepared you to the meeting with the Madrigals- especially Abuela and Pepa.
~ Pepa was excited, of course, when Camilo said you two are going on a date, and Felix made sure she doesn’t rain all over you; but it was hard, considering how excited he also was to see his son going on a date.
~ Everyone were so happy to see Camilo’s smile when he looked at you, and they were excited to know the person Camilo fell in love with.
~ After everyone (and their gifts) were introduced, Camilo took you away. He loved his family, but he knew they would stay there forever if he won’t take you on your date.
~ You started walking in the forest until you found the glare- well, Camilo was walking, you had a blindfold while Luisa carried you after him so it’ll be a surprise. (You weren’t too happy about it, but you were really curious about where he takes you now).
~ When Camilo took off your blindfold, you gasped at the breathtaking sight- thousands of y\f\fs in all of the colors possible were growing at the glare in circles, leaving a little space of emerald-green grass. It was beautiful, amazing, nothing like anything you imagined or seen- and you chose to show your gratefulness by kissing Camilo on the cheek. You were both blushing when you whispered “thanks, Cami”, but you got yourselves out of it quickly and started settle on the grass.
~ Apearantly Julieta packed them everything they needed: food, water, a picnic blanket and pillows- “for the time sitting down starts to hurt”, as the notes sticked to the pillows said.
~ They were having a great time, and just before the dark they packed their things in the basket again and started walking back, still laughing and talking.
~ Camilo walked y\n to their house, kissing them on the cheek for goodbye and made sure they went in and their parents were there to take them to bed, and onlt then went back to Casita. When he told his parents about it, they hugged him and told him how proud they are of him and the gentleman he grew up to be.
~ After the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th date, Camilo finally asked Y\N to be his s\o. You, of course, said yes, and his family couldn’t be happier... literally: Pepa made rainbows everywhere; Isabela was going around town spreading flowers of any kind, color and shape; Julieta didn’t stop making desserts to heal the town; Luisa was so excited she always used too much power to lift everything (and caused several accidents that way); Dolores squeaked whenever she heard one of you talking about the other; Antonio always let you play with his animals; Mirabel made you a new y\f\c\p; Agustin and Felix told you it’s okay to be an outsider who has no gift and they can join the club once they marry Camilo (which made you turn red like a tomato); and Abuela just smiled as she watched you- she saw the same love she and Pedro had, this teenager made her first male grandson happy and that gave her peace- even though she thought they weren’t good enough for Camilo.
~ But as Camilo started dated Y\N, Isabela decided to have her revenge at him for all the years of teasing her.
~ Every time Y\N came to Casita, Isabela would stand at the door, sing “CAMILO, YOUR S\O’S HERE” as loud as she can and create a flower statue of you, laughing.
~ You didn’t understand why is makes Isabela laugh and Camilo get so mad he turned into her and moked her, but after Isabela explained you what happened you found that funny too.
It’s been FOREVER since I posted here. My next thing will probably be part 4 of CLUELESS cuz I’m very nice
Anyways ily and hope you’ll enjoy!
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gamerbearmira · 5 months
I got another Alma and Mirabel bonding au! 
Ok so, what if the Madrigals were gods? Like: 
Alma - Goddess of strength, independence, fertility, and festivity 
Julieta - Goddess of peace, healing and fertility
Agustin - God of loyalty, crafting, and perseverance 
Isabela - Goddess of flowers, elegance, and beauty
Luisa - Goddess of strength, independence, and loyalty
Pepa - Goddess of war, emotions, and storms
Felix - God of light, happiness, and love
Dolores - Goddess of silence, peace, and hope
Camilo - God of trickery, comedy, and festivity 
Antonio - God of animals, happiness, and imagination
Bruno - God of Prophecy, wisdom, and laughter/comedy
The story/au goes that Alma fell in love with a human man, Pedro.Her parents, friends, and even strangers told her that it won’t end well but Alma, being the young goddess she was, didn’t listen. The way they met was at the candle festival, Alma loved festivals so she wasn’t going to pass up a fun time. 
So, she disguised herself as a human and went to the festival. Soon meeting the love of her life.  They dated, got married, and had three demigod children. Everyone on earth and above the clouds were of course happy for them. But her parents and friends couldn’t fight the feeling of something going wrong. 
On the night of the triplets' birth, Alma was in a deep coma like sleep, as any mother would be. While asleep with her three babies next to her, Pedro was outside talking to a “friend”. This “friend” got word of Pedro marrying a goddess and having children with her. His jealousy got the best of him and when Pedro was in his calmest and happiest state…he killed him. 
Not long after Alma woke up in a cold sweat and went outside to look for her husband. At the moment, a raid was going on. Houses and stores are up in flames, men with machetes on horses left and right and Pedro…After what seemed like days of weeping and sobbing, she found the man who killed her husband and…dealt with him properly, let's say. 
After that incident, the only humans allowed to come near her were Pedro’s parents, high up on Monte Encanto (Mount Encanto, Like Mount Olympus ). Humans can only go to Mount Olympus when they are invited, no other way. On the plus side, it’s incredibly too high for any human to climb. 
Alma was quite upset and hates herself for not being vigilant enough to protect her husband, therefore she’s going to protect her children and never let them near humans. In her mind, falling in love with them is the worst thing you can do, on both sides. 
Where does Mirabel come in? Give me a sec
Remember how I mentioned Pedro’s parents? Yeah, they wanted his grave to be on earth. They wanted it on earth because they didn’t want to constantly have to have Alma’s permission for them to see their own son’s grave on mount Encanto. So, out of respect of his parents, she lets the grave be on earth and every so often she visits it when she needs time alone or is too stressed out. 
Her children sometimes tag along with her on his birthday and leave some flowers or gifts for him to take into the afterlife. You know how the skeletons in Coco would take a magical version of the gift sat on their grave? 
Yeah, they believe that’s how he takes the gifts. On one of his birthdays, the triplets and Alma visited his grave with gifts to give him. While doing so, they heard a faint cry. A baby's cry, they looked around to see if there was any baby in the distance. They didn’t see anything. The cry was far but close enough to hear, which is strange, who would leave a baby at a graveyard of all places? 
After looking around a bit more, they found a little baby girl in a basket near a tree. She was small, very small, and she looked…new. Like not even a day new, like she was born mere hours ago. 
Julieta, being the caring mother she is, picked the baby up and held her close. The little infant was cold, very cold, and from the vibe she was giving Julieta, more than likely sick. 
“She’s just a baby, who would do such a thing?!” 
Alma stared at the little one and she knew right then and there, she had to care for this child. Unlike her granddaughters, who had been born within the safety of alabaster stone pylons, and in the presence of trained nursemaids draped in maroon and gold silks, this little baby had no such luxury.  
Unlike Isabela, whose head was christened in rosewater the minute she was birthed, or Luisa who was immediately coddled in the finest of linens to warm, or Dolores who was put in the finest cradle made of gold and calming scented clouds to lay her head on. Mirabel was in nothing but a withered old basket and wearing…nothing. There was a simple small blanket covering her, nothing more. 
And to top it all off, she was born on her late husband's birthday, March 6th. This little girl was a miracle. She would’ve called her a gift from the gods but she just went with a gift from her Pedro. 
So, from then on, little Mirabel (or sometimes Miracle) was welcomed into the family as a Madrigal. A mere human yes, but still an amazing little gift that Alma welcomed with open arms. 
She was going to teach her everything from literature, mathematics, combat, science, just anything in the little girl's early years to make sure that she was going to be strong, independent, and smart just like her. 
“I give you my word neita, you will be outstanding” 
Mirabel/Miracle was given to Julieta and Agustin to care for but…it’s more like Alma adopted her herself. She read her stories, gave her gifts, fed her, clothed in the best clothes, etc. To make sure absolutely nothing happened to her little Miracle, Alma made a potion for Mirabel to take everyday to make sure she’s immortal. 
The potion was supposed to give her other magical properties but it only gave her immortality, no god magic like her sisters or primos. No super strength, healing, no ability to control weather, ability to make plants, shapeshifting, or hear from far places, nothing. 
No matter how many potions Alma made, no magic from her family would stick besides immortality. No matter, she was still special, and will forever be special in Alma’s eyes. 
At school (for the god kids, but Mirabel was easily accepted in) Alma made sure she only had the best teachers, if she couldn’t always be the one teaching her then Alma was going to make sure gods who were well qualified were going to. 
Mirabel isn’t bullied per say but she isn’t well liked either. To gods, humans aren’t anything but an annoyance or something to play with. So seeing something you were taught to not see as anything but a speck is doing better in class than you…does get annoying. And most of them think she doesn’t deserve to be there
All of the god kids avoid her unless they are paired up with her for an assignment. Other than that, they don’t pay much attention to her, and it’s easier for them because they are much taller in comparison to her. They don’t even have to look down in her direction. 
God children ages 1-5 are about half her height at fifteen. So in this au, Antonio is at her shoulders, Camilo is four feet above her, Luisa is two feet above him, Isabela/Dolores are three feet over her, and the adults are a few inches above the two oldest girls. 
Alma keeps her height small in case she has to talk to Mirabel, who she knows can’t stand her smallness. Did I mention that Mirabel needs to nearly climb everything in her castle to get to it? If no one in the family is around she really has to climb her way to the kitchen counter just to make a snack. 
Oh, and Alma doesn’t look old is this au. From what I’ve read in Greek mythology and seen in Greek statues, none of the gods look or seem to be older than 30 so Alma looks 26 but she’s about the same age she is in canon. Same goes for the triplets, no gray hair or that much wrinkles. 
Mirabel does have her own room in this au and all that jazz. I’m not so sure what to do for dynamics but I think I’ll keep things the same? Idk, 
I was thinking that maybe Mirabel, Camilo, and Dolores are ok with each other, but leave them in a room alone and it’s just gonna be…awkward and silent. They don’t talk much seeing as they just have stuff to do but they're alright with each other. Antonio and Mira still have that cute little brother and older sister relationship though. 
Luisa and Mirabel are cool, Luisa is a little overprotective of her, but it’s not to the point of where it’s annoying. I’m not sure about Isabela and Mirabel’s relationship though. I feel like Isabela is slightly Jealous that Mirabel gets more attention from Alma in regards to gifts, excellent teachers, and knowledge about anything and everything she gives her. 
Don’t get me wrong, she loves her and would rip the entire fabric of the universe for her, but Isa just isn’t quite sure what to do with her. Julieta and Agustin are still loving parents and shower her with love and care when they can. 
Felix and Pepa love her too and speak to her when they have the time. Bruno does the same and cracks some jokes if she’s ever upset. 
Now in this au, Mirabel is like Ariel but different. She wants to be around people because that's what she knows she is. A person, not a goddess. So, when she has the chance, she goes down to the human world to just feel normal.
The adults, teens, and kids they're don't treat her like she's some creature you're not supposed to talk to. Down on earth she's seen as a regular human being, and she loves that. And the simple fact that it's a rarity for anyone to be above six feet, her smallness is seen as normal.
And to top it all off, not every person around her is on some high horse of importance. Humans are just simple Humans.
But girl knows damn well she's not supposed to be down there. Alma wants everyone, Including Mirabel, to follow the rule of not talking to humans.
"It causes nothing but trouble on both sides."
But Mirabel isn't a goddess so talking to people wouldn't hurt, right That’s all I’ve got for now, if you have any ideas, let me know!
This is sad :((( good idea❗❓ but like also sad :( like why???? Take a human child in knowing full and well that she might be excluded from things 😭😭 though they had good intentions, and obviously Alma means well. It does make me wonder, why doesn't Mirabel feel even the least bit above the normal humans? Also would Alma be able to give her some kind of "demi-god" status and give her more abilities???
Idk, still real cool <33
Imagine climbing a mountain just to leave a baby there and dip back down. You could do all that but care for the child 🤨
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manicpixiefelix · 5 months
The Cattons and Reader were definitely in attendance for the wedding in Crazy Rich Asians 💍
Ooft the absolute role reversal tho, because I love the Cattons, but I don't think they're important enough outside of the UK to warrant an invite. Like yes they have land and a title, but the guest list includes billionaires and Princesses of entire countries, you know? Elspeth, James, and Venetia unfortunately do not get an invite, but are well aware of the event, of course.
Farleigh gets an invite because I believe that he genuinely became friends with Colin (the groom) and Araminta (the bride) during Oxford (despite his well known crush on Nick Young), and because of his tangential attachment to the reader. Felix gets an invite for a similar reason, but mostly because they want to skip the formality/possibly insult of just assuming he would be the reader's plus one. because the Reader is The Big Name to get invited from their Group. The kind of invite that makes their parents call them and tell them "if you don't go your grandfather will be rolling in his GRAVE" when they literally don't even call at holidays or birthdays.
Farleigh showing his own weird selfish kind of caring as he advises Reader and Felix not to bring Oliver along - "you think our family is bad? They will eat him fucking alive, and leave you lovesick bastards with only bones; if you love Oliver as much as you claim, you won't subject him to Colin and Araminta's wedding festivities bullshit" (Oliver is Right There when he says this btw; he's also very offended, you've all been together for ten years, he knows how to handle rich people bullshit by now)
Manifesting Farleigh & Rachel Chu friendship btw. He absolutely fucking adores her and does tell her about his crush on Nick from 10 years ago, but is genuinely so happy for them and stands with her against all the over the top Rich People bullshit and mind games.
Also Farleigh, Cousin Oliver, and Peik Lin power trio.
(also Cousin Oliver ends up l rather enamored with Your Oliver, thinks he's so charming and cute and novel. Everyone here calls your Oliver 'Ollie' to distinguish.)
Also this got SO MUCH LONGER than I intended holy shit I love this and I just wanted to talk about you and Ollie and Felix and the Crazy Rich Asians AU, so it's under the cut;
But again I just want to see that role reversal of absolutely everyone who's anyone who's part of the wedding knowing who Reader is but no-one knowing either of the boys on their arms (very occasionally someone will recognise Felix, but it's so rare). You prepare for parties back home, and often abroad if you have to, but you have always shrunk away from any kind of spotlight or acknowledgement of your true status. Felix has seen it once or twice when you were still teenagers, but it wasn't at big events. Never on this scale.
"Oh, surprised to see this," Cousin Oliver, with Rachel Chu's arm tucked in his by the bar in the Young's home, Farleigh practically draped over his shoulder while they're both drinking martinis and giving Rachel the family gossip, has spotted you, Felix, and Ollie. Farleigh snorts. Rachel, confused, asks what's surprising, "didn't think they'd show their face...s here."
"Who are they?" Rachel asks directly this time, watching Eleanor, Nick's mother approach you, and you give her a warm smile, which she barely returns with her handshake, though it's more than Rachel feels like she got.
"A representative of one of the family's oldest international friends and business partners, and our second biggest controversy of the events to come, of course behind you snagging the crown prince, dear," Oliver says with a wry smile, taking another sip of his drink before he pats Rachel's hand.
Across the way, all three of them watch Ollie grab Felix's attention to fix his bowtie, and both of them appear to talk quietly together for a moment, Felix's hand on Ollie's arm, who rests his free hand atop that in a fond familiarity. Every so often they glance at you, the way you're glowing with confidence as you speak so easily to the icy matriarch, both of them with such adoration and pride in their eyes.
"Tell me you're kidding," Farleigh rolls his eyes, finishing his own drink, but Cousin Oliver's insistent.
"The elusive sole heir to the Y/L/N multi-national media and technology empire? Who has managed to evade real publicity for decades until now," Oliver turns his head just barely to raise an expectant eyebrow at Farleigh's disbelief, "bringing two little boyfriends to the biggest event in our part of the world in recent history?"
Farleigh orders another, much stronger drink after that. Least of all because he's never in his life heard his cousin referred to so dismissively as the 'little boyfriend' of anyone.
Yeah.... Honestly apart from Elspeth and Sir James, obviously, you'd never made it entirely clear Exactly how big of a deal your family is.
So its the first proper time Farleigh, Felix, or Ollie has seen you embrace your true status and all that comes with it, allowing yourself to be confident and eye catching and flex your status and well honed event preparatory skills on a whole other level.
They got a little taste of it in the week before you all left, as you had pulled all three of them in at various times to talk about their wardrobe for the time that they were there. You'd hired a tailor to come to the house and ordered not only custom suits, but even tailored casual wear, an entire wardrobes worth of clothes for every single one of them that would be sent directly to the hotels you'd be staying at while there. They barely needed to pack a thing. Not only were the clothes of expensive material and quality, and fit perfectly, but you'd absolutely nailed each and every one of their styles and requests. The fact that you hadn't even mentioned money, simply said that all the clothes were theirs, for the event and forever if they wanted them, and Elspeth and Sir James seemed a little startled by the gesture when Farleigh and Felix told them, that gives a hint of not only what you're worth, but the expectations and eyes that will be on you at the event.
And they are. Everyone's eyes are on you, and you meet each and every gaze without flinching. You know everyone and their business. You are truly a sight to behold. This is the first time Felix genuinely understands what people mean when they say he's like the sun; the effortless charm and warmth and confidence you exude at all these events is Oxford!Felix but tenfold.
(however it does take a toll on you; after a lot of the big events you tend to get incredibly clingy and can become semi- or even entirely nonverbal, sometimes shutting down altogether. do I low-key headcanon the reader as neurodivergent because I am and can't really write neurotypical characters? YES. the point is Ollie and Felix learn very quickly that the minute other people can't see you all, usually once you're all in the car on the way back to the hotel, you'll be clinging to one or both of them. they understand how much this is effecting you, but very quietly are endeared and a bit amused by how much you clearly hate being seen as The Sun, the Most Important One in their relationship dynamic)
(also to make up for this, on days when you can just chill out and go sight seeing, or spend time with Nick and Rachel, or Colin and Araminta, in ways that are far more low-key, your real dynamic shines through. Felix and Oliver will take the lead (Oliver's grown much more confident and comfortable within your relationship and his place in this rich people's world to interact and form genuine bonds and connections with the people around you and Felix) and you're happy to just relax and trust them and enjoy genuine conversations.)
(Rachel Chu was incredibly intimidated by you when she first met you, but is shocked to meet you again in a low-key environment, and realises she enjoys your company far more there. Also she and Oliver have a weird fondness for each other. No-one quite knows how they get along so well despite their "common" upbringings, which are otherwise vastly different.)
But also the reader being able to properly let go and not give a shit about their reputation or how they're meant to act at Colin's bachelor party. Them being so ready to lose their mind, and them being so grateful to Nick's cousin Eddie for throwing it all together (and unfortunately not noticing that Colin and Nick aren't having a great time... But they get to have their little helicopter chill bros getaway, Ollie, Felix, and Reader get to enjoy the party barge with everyone else). Cousin Eddie being a creep but Reader matching his energy -
Eddie, drunk and definitely high: you guys actually all get freaky together? you gonna fuck on the party barge or what?
Reader, also drunk and definitely high, half draped on Felix who has an arm around them, his cheeky smile pressed against the crook of their neck, they also have one leg on the ground and the other kicked out over Ollie's lap, both his hands holding their thigh, giggling to himself: (faux offended) EDDIE! ... We obviously already have!
Ollie, leaning forward to grin conspiratorially, and pull your other leg into his lap: this is just an intermission, my man.
[reader and Felix burst into giggly laughter alongside Ollie but also the three of them are quickly becoming possibly too handsy for how many people are around..... Tho there's very few sober people, and even less who really care, anyways....]
cousin Eddie learning that the controversial threesome of the event is getting fucked up and kinky with each other on his party barge:
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lmfao why do I think Cousin Eddie is unironically their biggest supporter. He's a little creep but he's not judgemental of them, that's for sure.
Also, for the record, Farleigh too is having the time of his life on the party barge. Good for him.
Oh my god how could I forget Astrid tho omg. Astrid is the other #1 Felix/Reader/Ollie champion. Also in the past decade she's kept in touch and genuinely very close with them, so she is well aware how much this is all overwhelming the reader. As much as they love Ollie and Felix, because of the stark difference in their standings, they have to constantly be On around the boys in these social settings, because it's what's expected of them. Astrid is the only person the reader feels like they can, for lack of a better phrase, hide behind in these settings, because she occupies a very similar space to them in the social hierarchy, but is so clearly more comfortable in her role within it. Well it's close enough that the reader tends to go semi-verbal around Astrid and defers to her if they're in a conversation together with other people. Ollie and Felix know it's a coping mechanism but they still feel kind of weird about it.
There's literal press outside of the wedding; flashing cameras, news reporters, paparazzi and everything. You kind of feel like you're going to be sick when they call your name. Your full name. Your only solace is that it's not your dead name. People desperate for your attention. People desperate to seperate you from Ollie and Felix - nobodies to them; lessers. But you hold your ground, even if your heads spinning and everything feels a bit too loud and fuzzy and bright -
"You don't print my name without theirs; you don't print my image alone," your voice holds firm, "Felix Catton and Oliver Quick." Oh fuck you're definitely on the verge of throwing up. There's so many faces and names around you that you know, that you've memorised in case it came to this; it seemed unnecessary at the time, but you were the heir to a multi-national media empire, you wanted to know local faces and talent could be linked back to you and your family.
"So you're making a statement?" a particularly nosy journalist with a cameraman in tow shoves a microphone into your face. Before making the statement, you confirm who she was filming for. Felix and Oliver both try defending you against the smug journalist, but she focuses back on you, hoping to have caught you in a moment of weakness, "so you and your family are happy with -"
"The fact that I love two people? That I have for years? Yes;" the sudden firmness of your voice genuinely surprises her, but before she can go, tail between her legs, you reach out for the microphone, "we're less happy with the thirty-two percent decrease in your viewership in the last quarter since your defamation lawsuit settled out of court. You have a prime-time spot; where's your damn integrity?"
The journalist looks like you kicked her dog in front of her. As you take both Ollie and Felix's hands and head inside, you hear her sulkily demand the camera turn off, that they're done for the day.
But oh man, the wedding itself -
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Reader, Felix, Ollie, and Farleigh all sit in the back row, and are just awestruck by everything about the event. Because Christ it's beautiful. Also you all know there's been some upset with the Youngs surrounding Rachel Chu, but she shows up looking so beautiful, and she gives you all a warm smile when she glances back from her bold seat beside the princess to smile at you all.
"This what our wedding's going to be like?" Ollie whispers as you're all asked to rise for Araminta's entrance, and water begins to ripple down the aisle while you're all holding up the delicate firefly props you'd been given before the ceremony. Felix, on your other side, laughs softly, having caught the question, and you can't help but grin.
Also one last thing; please imagine the three of you slow dancing at the reception, but it's so stupid and cheesy, because it's all three of you at once, well aware that you all look silly, just swaying back and forth and trying not to step on each other's toes. Ollie is in the middle. None of you can stop giggling and talking about how lovely the wedding was.
"They look so happy together," Rachel murmurs, genuinely endeared by the sight of you three on the dance floor, despite others disparaging looks that you're clearly ignoring, to Farleigh, having run into him for just a moment.
Farleigh sighs, and bites back every single snide comment that rushes through his head at once, rolling his eyes, though Rachel doesn't see.
"They are."
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