#happy birthday to my sweet little meow meow
biasbuck · 14 hours
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Less that a week to go!! Happy fraturday, and a very happy birthday to Mr Guzman. Here's another round of the fic I've been reading this week, you can find previous rec lists here.
21 September 2024
ice cream before dinner by cloudydaisies is a pitch perfect Eddie POV fic as he babysits Mara and Jee-Yun following 7x10, winning them over with icecream tuesdays, love and support. I saw so many people loving on this and then caught my eye even more with some gorgeous cover art by @walkingonawire and yes, everyone was right, it absolutely melted my heart. Just a beat for beat joy of a fic, Eddie's internal journey and the sweet bond of trust and love built between the trio, as he awaits Chris' return, and allows himself to open his heart up to Buck along the way. Beautifully written and delightful!
all you're giving me is friction by @henswilsons ahhhh such a wonderful 5+1 buddie fic in which Eddie joins the 118 and Hen is a little worried that Buck's flirting with him will cross a line...seeing as he's wearing a wedding ring. This is such a fun fic with the elephant in the room...because you know what she doesn't know you know, right? And waiting for the reveal and watching it dawn on them is so brilliantly funny in execution.
wherever you roam (you'll always want me) by @buddieism canon divergent following 7x05 in which Eddie would rather 'go to his grave repressed and miserable than ever take away from Buck’s happiness.' But in unpacking what would make Eddie himself happy, he comes to realise with some help and a look at what brought him to this point in his life that that might not be up to him. Aching and painfully cathartic and ultimately full of hope.
the cat's meow by @exhuastedpigeon GIVE. EDDIE. A CAT. (Do it for me!) When Eddie finds a box of abandoned kittens at the side of the road, he takes them to the shelter...but falls ass over teakettle for little calico Pinto (like the beans). Reluctant to let on to the existence of his new furry little friend, he keeps her close to his chest. When Buck finds out, he's unable to resist falling under the spell of her charms...or her owners. Sweet, romantic fluff...with such great character voice....and whiskers!! So freakin' cute.
glass on the pavement under my shoe by @doitbuckley a Buck POV fic under Gerrards command, taking a risk that puts his life on the line to save Eddie. But all these years later, he's not sure he's so readily okay with having to say goodbye for real, even in the line of duty. Some lyrically written introspection and growth from Buck here in the way he understands and embraces life vs death situations.
Hot Ghost Problems by @ebjameston in which Eddie is a natural born witch in a world where magic isn't a secret though he keeps it close to his chest. But on joining the 118 he meets Buck...only Evan Buckley is the firefighter who died that Eddie was here to replace. Tethered together by magic, Buck refuses to move on, and in staying around he saves Eddie along the way. With some excellent Diaz sister cameos, a brilliantly intriguing mystery, and a whole heap of magic, they race against time to save the day and might just get to keep their happily ever after. I had such a great time reading this one from 2023!
the tortured poets department by @colonoscopys more magic! 'The first time Buck touched him, Eddie blew an ambulance up.' Magic sparks under his skin, and falling in love with Buck feels a lot like when it overwhelms him with feeling. Eddie thinks he's doing a good job keeping it secret, but somethings are obvious to those who know what signs to look out for. This one felt like a little bit of magic shared, sweet, sexy and full of all sorts of sparks!
Okay let's leave it there for this week. Next week we'll have a new episode to play with! Can you believe it? I'll be on a little work trip and then a vacation so looking forward to joining you all in the sandbox soon. So excited to be back with the firefam again.
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injangcore · 3 months
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𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙮
tags: jaeminxreaderxhaechan, poly relationship, established relationship, tooth rotting fluff, suggestive content, non explicit smut(?), food.
do not plagiarise, translate or repost.
Jaemin and Donghyuck, are two vastly different people, yet they exist in harmony - with each other, with you, and with the way they love you. And there's so so much love.
So much love, in the way Hyuck wakes up early to wash the dishes from last night as he lets you and Jaemin sleep in - soft snores till the morning sun bleeds into your shared bedroom - knowing Jaemin doesn't like coming to a cluttered kitchen.
Love in the way, Jaemin wakes up next and slowly leaves your embrace - as much as his mind screams at him to stay, stay and admire the way you look heavenly under the soft light, the way your hair frames your face so delicately, the way you smell like him and Hyuck- the way you smell like home that makes him want to bury himself in your neck and stay till his heart’s content - but alas, he has duties. Duties that revolve around you, and by extension Hyuck as well.
(rest under the cut)
Love in the way, Hyuck wears his mask as Luna crawls out after Jaemin, meowing in hunger at him as he reaches down to pet her soft fur, his heartaches that he can’t kiss her in the way you and Jaemin can as his allergies deprive him of the luxury - but he takes what he gets as he fills up her bowl and pets her as she eats.
Love in the way, Jaemin pours two cups of freshly brewed coffee, no words exchanged in the morning cold between your two boyfriends as they prepare for the surprise they have planned for their sweet special girl. Jaemin slowly potters around the kitchen, hoping not to wake his precious girl up, grabbing ingredients for your favorite breakfast meal, as Hyuck zips himself up in the jacket that you got him as he leaves the house to bring you a little extra something to start your special day off. 
Love in the way, you wake up to your cat on you as she meows for attention, Hyuck coming in frantic - “Don’t wake her up Luna-” and stops as he sees you slowly blinking off sleep, “Oh no, go back to bed, love” Hyuck whispers as he picks of Luna- her whining at him as he cuddles her close to his chest. “I’m up, I can’t go back to sleep now.” You mumble, rubbing your eyes as you sit up against the headboard, still drowsy. “Are you sure? You still have time love, you can still get a couple of minutes in.” Hyuck asks concerned, and lets out an achoo as Luna takes the chance to pounce from his arms onto your lap.
“Hyuck what- oh hi there sweetheart.” Jaemin greets you with a smile as he walks in an apron with the words ‘KISS THE CHEF’ on it, he leans down to kiss the top of your head and moves down to plant an affectionate kiss on your lips- making you beam with love- as his tender eyes gently take your form in, “Happy birthday, my favorite girl.”
“Kinda unfair that I was here first and yet I wasn’t the first person to wish you,” Hyuck whines and then playfully glares at Luna, “All because of that furball.” “Hey be nice, she's your daughter too!” You scold him gently, kissing the sweet kitty on her head, before turning to Jaemin, “Thank you, Nana.” 
“Always pretty girl, stay here while I get you your breakfast sweetheart.” He speaks softly, voice dripping in honey as he leaves the room, Luna following hot on his tail. “I swear she likes him more than me.” You huff as Hyuck slides in next to you, his arms wrapping around your waist as he pulls you against him, “You’re still my favorite though, darling.” He whispers in your ear, his lips getting to work as he leaves feathery kisses along your shoulder, making you whine at him for getting you worked up so early in the morning, he chuckles at your whine before his index and thumb finger slowly hooks at your chin and turns your face to him, “Happy Birthday, baby.” He says as he leans down to catch your lips in a tender kiss, you whine into his lips as his other hand starts going under your t-shirt (his t-shirt) and you knew this was going to get R-rated really quick if it wasn’t for Jaemin coughing as he enters the bedroom with the tray and the bouquet that Hyuck had run out to get early in the morning - making you separate from Hyuck’s lips- which made him whine. “Such a party pooper, Jaem.” The tan male huffs as Jaemin carefully places the tray in your lap, the smell and visual of the appetizing food making your stomach growl and your mouth wet.
“Dare I remind you that our girl hasn’t eaten yet, Hyuck, we have that saved for the night.” Jaemin chuckles, his heart full as you thank him for the meal and dig in, moaning at the amazing taste. “That good huh?” And his smile grows wider as you nod.
“Wow if that got you moaning like that, imagine what we can do-”
Jaemin and Hyuck had plans, and plans were they. A nice museum date followed by a fancy lunch in the restaurant that you've been raving about to the boys for weeks. Next they took you out to the carnival, got you cotton candy, and won you a bunch of plushies that joined your growing collection and kissed you on top of the Ferris wheel with the fireworks going off in the beautiful dark night sky.
And Hyuck kept true to his words, and so did Jaemin as they had you spread between them, keeping you drunk and high on their kisses, hot tongues mapping your body like a canvas, moans, and groans fill the room as they make your thighs shake and your eyes roll to the back of your head with a roll of their hips and their pillowy lips on your body. And when you succumb to sleep, your beloveds caging you between them as their breathing evens out, you fall asleep with your heart full and your thoughts void of any concerns as their words of love echo in your head, lulling you to sleep.
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bookshelf-dust · 1 year
loving you
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billy hargrove x gn!reader
word count: 961
warnings: um, literally none? let me know if i missed something though
a/n: wanted to write something for baby’s birthday. don’t bully me about the age i’m being self-indulgent, okay? but anyways, posting this now so it’ll be up all day on his birthday. also tagging @clovermunson for helping me out with a certain fuzzy fellow. love you guys!!! <3
Billy is warm beside you. That’s one of your favorite things about him. 
Even if there are times where you get hot and have to push him off because he’s making you sweat, there are still the times that you get to cuddle up to him when you’re cold. And he’ll tuck you into his side to warm you up. Just like he’s doing now. 
His socked feet are propped up on the coffee table, the rest of him covered by a blanket that the both of you share. His arm is wrapped around your back, fingers spread across your stomach where his hand has slipped underneath the fabric of your shirt. 
Every once in a while he’ll scratch over your belly, dull nails sending chills up your spine. Your hand is tucked underneath his thigh, thumb rubbing back and forth over his leg. 
Billy’s eyes are on the tv, yours glancing back and forth between him and the clock on the wall. 
You’re starting to wonder if you’ll disturb him with your little plan, just based on the way his eyes are starting to flutter shut, the way he’s melting into you. 
But you don’t think he’ll mind. Not really. 
The clock hand moves that little bit and the microwave numbers change, their light leaving a green cast over the kitchen counter. 
12:00 am.
You sit up, twisting some so that you’re facing Billy, and your movement wakes him up a little. 
He straightens, looking at you. He quirks a brow, trying to figure out what you’re up to. It’s always something. 
You reach out to touch his face, and he automatically leans into it. You cup his cheeks with both hands, and then you’re pressing your lips to his. 
Your mouth is warm, and he can both taste and smell the lip balm you’d put on earlier in the night. It’s a sweet kiss, long and heartfelt. 
Billy brings his hand up, holding onto your wrist.  
You’re thinking: I love you, I love you, I love you, and hoping you can somehow transfer the message directly into his brain through the kiss. He kisses you back, knowing exactly what you’re trying to say. Billy hasn’t shaved in a few days and his skin scratches against yours. You don’t care. 
When you pull away, his lashes are fluttering and if it weren’t so dim in the living room you’re sure you’d find a blush spreading across his face. 
“Happy Birthday.” 
Billy smiles at you. When he speaks, his voice is tired, lovesick. “Was that my birthday kiss?”
“Only the first one,” you tell him. 
“Oh, so I get more?”
Billy presses his forehead against yours, still holding onto your wrist. Your hands never leave his face, thumbs sweeping underneath his eyes. 
“You want another?” You ask. The question makes him chuckle. 
“Pretty please.” 
His lips tick up at the corners, enticing you. You press a kiss to both, to his cupid's bow, his chin. He pouts at you. 
“Come on. It’s my birthday,” Billy whines. 
“I really set myself up for this one.” You kiss him. “Should’ve known you’d use that to your advantage.” You kiss him again. 
Billy hums against your cheek where he’s now pressed his own mouth. He knows that makes you go all warm. 
There’s a noise behind you, a subtle added weight to the cushion you've settled on, and you know what it is without having to turn. The mewl makes Billy aware of the presence, and he grins against your face, a slow laugh leaving his throat. 
“I think he wants us to come to bed, B.”
Billy hooks his chin over your shoulder, meeting eyes with a little brown cat. 
You hear the first meow your cat lets out in greeting. The second is almost like a question. Why are you still up?
Billy reaches around you, scratching behind his ears. You can hear his purring. It’s always so loud. 
There’s a clambering, and Billy leans back, allowing for the young cat to squeeze between your body and the couch and up into his lap. 
“Night, Cosmo,” you say. Billy snorts. “What? It’s too late to be evening.”
Cosmo ignores your words, preferring to stare at you, waiting. You scratch his chin and he mewls. It’s not unlike the response Billy might have for getting the same sort of attention.  
“What do you wanna do in the morning, birthday boy? How would you like to celebrate your release from teenagedom? The big 2-0?”
Billy rolls his eyes at you and kisses the palm of your hand, having snatched it from where it was flailing midair. 
“Don’t care,” he says. “We could sit here all day and I wouldn’t give a shit.”
You lean in like you need to whisper, as if you’re not in your own home. “I think Max is gonna come see you. Don’t tell her I told you, but she bought you a sash.”
You start to laugh. “Yes. A birthday sash.”
“I’m not wearing that.”
You kiss him again, though you’re laughing and can’t take it seriously. 
“Sure, baby.”
He pecks your lips once, twice. “No, I’m not.”
The polaroid you stick in the frame of your vanity mirror the next evening says otherwise. Billy is sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, though loosely enough that you can see the words “Birthday Princess” in sparkly lettering on a pink sash. 
He’s not looking at the camera, he’s looking at Max, listening to something she’s saying. Lucas is on the floor, back between her knees.
Billy looks so happy, cheeks flushed from all of the attention he’d had, the start of a laugh on his face. 
It’s a pure, candid photo, for a true birthday princess. 
please let me know if you liked this! feedback is always appreciated!! comments and reblogs mean more than you know. <33
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Tokyo debunker masterlist
"another school environment where magic is involved? How innovative and not at all similar to past things she wrote. Anyway, I'm sure that with such a varied cast she won't focus on white haired boy... Even if just for a change of pace, right? RIGHT?"
Unexpected meeting
“Older brothers can be a bit overprotective but this one seems like jumping to conclusions”
Wingman (if you squint)
“I hope he didn't hurt his knees from jumping to wild conclusions so much…”
Let's go enjoy the sun!
Haru manages to get you help jabberwock’s fundraiser
•The years pass•
People might react differently to finding out what will happen in the future and seeing themselves settled down.
Look into the future
Ritsu goes ahead in time 10 years and finds he gets married to his business partner
Melodies from the future
Jin uses incense that allows him to see the future
The diabolical streamer gets married?? (No click bait)
Be careful with snakes!
"someone as tired as Haru looks like someone who would enjoy a slow domestic life "
The diabolical streamer is acting weird
Future children au
“Your dad likes opera? Who could that be?”
Rui is possibly the most happy at the child's existence
Your child can only say cryptic things
Won't say I'm in love
"refusal to admit one fell in love is so sweet"
Cat-astrophe in Darkwick
"How would the cast be as cats? That is cute. Just don't let any of them in, the cat hair sticks to the curtains"
Icy cool kittens
Cats mean like delinquents
Kitties as wild as nature
The meow-fia of Sinostra
The Nya-rtists of hotarubi
Obscuary’s monster catwalk
Taking care of the purr-fect (Jin, sho, Yuri, Jiro)
The Salem to their Sabrina
The priest's little maneki-neko
It's Cat!honor student's birthday
Rough realizations of your death
"a love destined to not blossom because of death, my favorite flavor of agonizing love story. What do you mean she can still be kept alive? Hush, don't ruin my fun"
Only summer clothes
Or only your ex's coat
"someone let the poor girl pack some clothes or get someone to pick them up"
Jin wants to outdo his dad with gestures to his crush
Jin is still in love after the mc memory is deleted
How much do you lift, sho? *Twirls hair*
"I still don't understand why the writer got so giggly when she saw that scene but whatever"
Fica isn't the same as fico…
Meeting the family -ish?
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babeejeon · 14 days
Accidental Kiss - KNJ
Author Note: Finally I am back with a new writing in Accidental Kiss Mini Series. I was actually struggling with finding concepts that lead to accidental kiss. Yesterday I was watching a episode of My Sweet Mobster and I got inspired by the scene in the playground. So I decided to write this one. Hope you enjoy and Happy Birthday to our Joonie in advance.
Prompt: An accidental brush of lips followed by a pause and going back for another, on purpose.
-Kim Namjoon fluff, best friends to lovers au, Namjoon version of Accidental Kiss Mini Series-
It was a few days after Joon’s birthday and you two finally get to celebrate it together. What sucks in adult birthdays is that no one cares if it is on weekdays. Is it really hard to give an of day to your employee for their birthday? Are we really living in such a horrible world? Though, even if they gave him an off day, it would be hard for you to take the day off.
That is the reason you two decided to celebrate it on Saturday. Since the weather is nice, you thought it would be nice to go for a picnic. It is always good to cherish last few good days left from summer. Unlike Namjoon, you loved summer, so you want to hold on to these last warm days. Besides he is the nature boy anyways.
So, you found a really good national park outside of the city and prepared a big basket of yummy food and drinks. Not forgetting his birthday gift, you got on your car and drove to his apartment. When you arrive, he was already down, waiting for you. You rolled your window down, “Come on birthday boy!”. He chuckled and got on the car. “Hi!”.
“Hi! Are you excited for my surprise?” you asked. He nodded. “Yeah, very much.”
“Okay. Let’s hit the road, then!” you said and started the drive. “By the way you are responsible for the music.” You said and he connected his Bluetooth to the car.
When finally the park was visible he gasped in surprise. “Wow! I never came here before.” He said.
“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” you glanced at him for a brief moment. “It is.”
After driving a little while inside the park, you parked your car and found yourselves a place. After carrying your stuff, you opened the folding chairs and table and spread out a cloth to the grass. He peeked inside the basket, “Wow, you prepared a lot.”.
“It’s your birthday after all.” You said.
After taking everything out, he took a picture of all and of course a picture of you two. “I doubt if we can eat all of it.” He said.
“It is better to have more than less.” You said. You two eat and talk a lot. But after some time you started to feel sluggish. You yawned. He yawned after you. You started to laugh at the same time.
“That’s what you get when you eat that much.” He said while yawning again.
“Don’t worry we still have coffee.” You said and poured two cups of coffee. You take your cup and sit on the cloth in the grass. “Come here!” you pat next to yourself. He complied.
You stared around silently while sipping your coffee. The view was amazing. Nature really did it’s show as always. No words needed, the trees, flowers, birds and butterflies were mesmerizing. After a while both of you were lying down on the cloth and watching the sky, pointing each other clouds and trying to figure out what they look like.
“Do you see this one? It looks like a cat.” You pointed out.
“Come on, it doesn’t look like a cat.” He chuckled and turned towards you while putting his right hand under his head.
“No, it does.” You insisted while turning towards him. He shook his head side to side, “You and your obsession with cats.”.
“It is not an obsession, it is love.” You argued. He laughed, “Of course, it is.” and he ruffled your hair. You laughed along with him.
Then you sighed. “It is beautiful here, isn’t it?”.
He nodded. “I can lie here all day.”
You nodded. “Me too. It is as if all the world is so far. No work, no responsibilities or stuff.” You said.
“You wish you were a cat, right? No work, just meow meow.” He grinned.
“Stop teasing me.” You said while grinning back.
It was a lovely day, but just like every good thing, it has coming an end too. It was slowly getting dark, and you have to start picking your stuff. So, you tried to get up and walk towards the basket on Namjoon’s side but his long legs decided to come on your way and you trip over his leg and fall on top of him. And it wasn’t all, cause your lips also fall just on top of his lips, as well.
Your eyes widened, caught his eyes in panic and his eyes were as wide as yours. Then you realized that it would be better if you get off of him. So, you pull yourself just to part your lips and mumbled “Sorry.” And tried to move your body, only for him to press his had to your waist to prevent you from getting up.
“It’s okay.” He mumbled, but not like you. He didn’t look embarrassed like you. In fact, he did look super serious. And he was staring at your eyes, something was prominent in his eyes that you never catch before.
“I should get up.” You mumbled. ‘Oh, God! What is wrong with me?’ You could barely form a sentence. But he pressed his hand with a little more pressure, as if saying no. His eyes were saying something as well, staring deeply in yours.
“Do you mind if I kiss you, properly, this time?” he asked with a very deep voice.
“Ki-kiss? Kissing like.. me?” you asked with a high-pitched voice almost like your high school self. ‘Why do I have to stutter like that’ you thought to yourself.
“Yes, you.” He said, grinning to your shyness. And somehow you find yourself nodding and closing to your eyes. He put his lips to yours and rolled you to get on top of you. He kissed you slowly and tenderly. Then pulled back and pecked your forehead.
He lie next to you to stare at you. But you were just squeezing your eyes shut harder than before. And brought your hands to cover your face. He laughed at you.
“I can’t just look at you.” You said behind your hands.
“Oh, come on Y/N. I want to see your face.” He said, enjoying the whole situation.
“You just caught me off guard and now I can’t look at you.”
“What do you mean off guard? You didn’t kiss me because you wanted it?” he asked. He was sounding serious. You don’t want him to misunderstand you, so you take your hands down and sit up.
“I didn’t say that I didn’t want. I just, .. just feel a little shy.” You were looking down while talking.
You saw his hands reaching yours. “Come on, it’s me. There is nothing to be shy. I am your best friend Joon, remember?” he asked.
You sighed. “That’s exactly why I feel shy!” you protest.
“Well, it just makes you cuter. There is a thing called cuteness aggression, you know?”
You looked at him on that. “That was cheesy.”
“No, that is what it is.” He said and pulled you in his arms. You felt better now that he couldn’t see your face. So, you wrapped your arms around him, too.
“What’s all of these mean now? That, I am a cutie patotie?” you asked. ‘What an attempt to ask?’ you mentally slapped your face.
He laughed. “Yes, you are my cutie patotie now.”
PS: During the whole car ride he teased you, cause “It was supposed to be him to be the clumsy one!”.
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fanficshiddles · 6 months
The Redbridge Hunts, Chapter 34
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It was Claire’s birthday, and as soon as she opened her eyes, waking up at Loki’s place, he lavished her with love and gifts. He’d made her breakfast in bed, with a lovely little rose in a small vase on the tray, to start.
‘Aww, Loki. This is so sweet of you.’ She said gleefully as she shimmied up the bed to lean against the headboard.
Loki kissed her cheek and sat next to her. ‘I’ve got presents waiting for you downstairs when you’re finished.’ He said excitedly.
‘You shouldn’t have, honestly all I need is you.’ Claire said as she put her head on his shoulder.
‘I know, but I want to spoil you. What better reason than your birthday?’ He grinned and kissed the top of her head.
Loki was just delighted at being able to spoil her rotten, he would give her the world if he could.
When Claire finished her breakfast and got dressed, they headed downstairs and five presents of various sizes sat on the sofa, waiting.
‘This reminds me of Christmas mornings when I was a kid, we’d come downstairs to find presents from Santa on the sofa.’ Claire laughed.
‘Just call me Santa Claus.’ Loki winked at her.
‘A sexy Santa.’ Claire grinned.
Claire opened her presents and was just gob smacked at what he’d gotten her. A beautiful necklace and earring set, with the most beautiful sapphire gems. Another present was a big over-sized hoodie blanket, that was SO soft.
‘Why do I get the feeling that Bat will be all over this?’ Claire laughed.
‘Definitely right. I already had to fend her off while I wrapped it.’ Loki chuckled.
The next present was two boxes of her favourite chocolates. The fourth was a high street gift-card that covered quite a lot of stores, including clothes shops. The final present was a signed vinyl of her favourite band’s new album.
‘Loki, these presents are just amazing, I can’t believe you went to all this effort for me. Thank you so so much.’ She said as she gave him the biggest hug.
Loki held her tightly and buried his face into her hair as he smiled. He was glad she liked the presents so much. He’d been planning them for a while, making sure to get her what she wanted. Not just meaningless things.
Though it didn’t quite end there…
Bat let out a big meow from the table in the corner of the living room.
‘Oh yes, I forgot, Bat has a present for you too.’ Loki grinned mischievously.
Claire raised an eyebrow at him as he led her over to the table. Bat was sitting there, looking quite happy with herself, as a small wrapped present sat on front of her.
‘Aww, thank you, Bat.’ Claire laughed and kissed the top of Bat’s head. ‘Let’s see what you’ve got me.’
Claire opened the present to find a little box. She opened it and was a little confused to see a key, a car key to be exact. Though she wasn’t sure what for, exactly. Well, she knew it was a key for a car, obviously, but what car and who’s?
‘What’s this for?’ Claire turned to Loki in confusion.
Loki had a big grin on his face. He took her hand excitedly and led her to the front door. ‘Put on your shoes.’
Claire slipped on her shoes and Loki did the same, then he led her outside and just down the street a few houses. There was a red car with a huge bow on top of it. Claire’s heart started racing and her stomach flipped.
‘No way… Tell me you haven’t.’ She gasped and looked at Loki.
‘It’s all yours, darling.’ Loki beamed excitedly.
‘You.. you got me a car?’ She screeched in pure shock as she walked over and looked around the car in disbelief.
‘Do you like it?’
‘Do I like it? Of course! I bloody love it… but Loki, this is such an expensive gift. Why on earth?’ She went back to him and put her arms around him.
‘I figured it would be good to get you your own car, so you can go visit your sister easier. Without needing to worry about if my car is free or taking public transport. It will be safer. Plus, I know you’ve said about wanting to save up for one. This will save you needing to do that.’
Claire shook her head and buried her face against his chest for a moment. ‘I… I can’t believe you got me this. I can’t thank you enough. Jesus… a car, Loki!’ Claire laughed. ‘You really shouldn’t have spent all this on me though.’
‘You haven’t driven it yet, it might be a pile of junk. Got it from the scrap yard.’ Loki teased.
‘Even if it is, it’s amazing and will get me around.’ Claire laughed.
‘It is second hand, though it has low mileage and is a great reliable car. Should be low maintenance and has just been through it’s MOT so is good for a year. New tyres on, too. It’s a 19 plate so not that old, either.’
‘It’s just perfect. I just can’t believe it. Can we take it for a spin?’ Claire asked excitedly.
‘Of course!’ Loki grinned.
After going for a drive around the city, they went back to Loki’s and headed inside. Loki made lunch for them both.
‘You’re really spoiling me today.’ Claire said when he put their plates down at the table and sat down with her.
‘Of course. It’s your birthday.’ Loki winked at her.
‘It is, but it’s not like it’s a special age birthday.’ She shrugged.
‘Every age is a special age, it’s another year on Earth.’
‘True.’ Claire laughed.
Loki surprised her further later in the day by telling her to put on her best dress, then took her out to dinner to her favourite restaurant. It didn’t end there, afterwards they went to a club and she was surprised he’d booked a section of the club off, to find all the other teachers there, aside from Severus. Though to everyone’s surprise, he did call ahead to the club to pay for four cocktail pitchers for the group, from himself and his partner.
She was shocked that even Chris was there. Though later learned that when Loki had invited some of the others, Chris had walked in and assumed the invitation was for him too. Loki decided to just deal with it, not wanting to fight.
Claire had an absolute blast, the cocktails were constantly being ordered and plenty of shots to go around. The music was great, Claire was almost always up on the dancefloor with someone.
‘Finally, you’ve come back to me.’ Loki laughed when Claire returned from dancing with Jessica, Matt and David.
‘I will always come back to you.’ Claire giggled as she plopped herself onto Loki’s lap and draped her arms around his neck.
Loki grinned and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. She always looked beautiful to him, but even more so with the way her eyes were twinkling from the disco lights and the way she had her hair tied up so her lovely neck was on display. She was wearing the necklace and earrings he’d gifted her, of course. The colour suited her, Loki was glad he had picked right.
At the end of the night, Claire was pretty drunk. Loki was tipsy, but still mostly in control. Claire was saying bye to everyone outside while they all waited for taxi’s.
Chris had been suspiciously on good behaviour for the night, even Loki noticed and was wondering what his game was. Though before they left, Chris handed her a small envelope.
‘Happy Birthday.’ He winked at her.
Claire opened the envelope and found a gift card inside for Holland & Barrett.
‘You’re going to need as much iron tablets as you can get, the more blood Loki takes from you the worse you’ll get.’ Chris smirked.
‘Well, I actually really appreciate this gift. I already take supplements, including iron, so that I can make sure I’m fighting fit for whenever he wants to take a feed from me. Since I am his personal blood bank after all.’ She grinned up at Chris.
His smirk dropped a tiny bit, but he chuckled in response and sulked off. That didn’t get quite the reaction that he had been hoping for.
‘How much is on the gift card?’ Loki asked as he peered over her shoulder at the card.
‘Holy toot... hundred quid. Pretty generous, considering it is Chris after all. Even if he had meant for it to be a bumf of a gift. It’s actually really handy.’ Claire laughed and grabbed Loki’s arm as they went to their taxi.
‘Indeed.’ Loki laughed. ‘My own little blood bank.’ He winked at her when they fell into the back of the taxi.
Chris didn’t head straight home, he did his usual prowl around the city to look for a suitable victim. Eventually, he came across the perfect one. He remembered seeing her in the club, too. Celebrating her thirtieth birthday. She had separated from her group and was stumbling along a quiet road near the park.
‘Bingo.’ Chris licked his lips and quickened his pace to catch up with her.
‘It looks like a big happy birthday is in order.’ Chris called to her once he was closer.
The girl spun around, looking a bit scared initially but when she saw the good looking man give her a dazzling smile, her knees turned to jelly.
‘Why thank you, handsome.’ She giggled and stumbled a little in her ridiculous high heels, Chris moved in and put an arm around her to catch her. She instantly clung to him and put her hand on his chest.
‘Where are you headed?’ Chris asked casually, he began to smell her arousal and decided perhaps he could have a little bit of fun with his meal first.
‘Wherever you want to head.’ She said seductively as she fluttered her eyelashes at the unknowingly dangerous man.
‘Just what I want to hear.’ Chris purred.
It wasn’t long before Chris had found the right place, secluded area behind a café that was closed. The girl was on her knees, sucking him off and doing a great job. Once she’d made him cum, he returned the favour and had her lifted up high, legs draped over his shoulders, pinned her to the wall as he ate her out.
As soon as he made her cum on his tongue, he lowered her down to her feet and began nuzzling at her neck. She was very out of it from the alcohol and orgasm, so when she felt very sharp fangs drag over her neck, she didn’t react initially.
Chris sank his fangs into her. He didn’t release any endorphins, so the girl felt searing hot pain in her neck as his sharp fangs tore through her flesh. Then, she began to react. She let out a scream, but he brought his hand up and covered her mouth, as much as he loved to hear his victims scream this wasn't the best place. With his other arm he held her tightly to him to stop her from escaping.
He began sucking from her, her body was still coming down from the orgasm so plenty of blood was pumping through her veins, giving him a good feed. It wasn’t long before she passed out from the loss of blood and out of fear.
Momentarily, Chris thought about stopping before he drank her dry, but he decided against it and continued taking blood from her. His eyes were blood red as he went into a frenzied state. He bit deeper into her neck once he was finished taking from her, crushing her bones with his teeth easily and ripping through her muscles.
Chris let out a wicked, gleeful laugh as he ripped himself away from her. Blood spilled from his mouth and he spat out a chunk of her flesh as he let her body fall to the ground with a thud.
He was breathing hard as he started to come down from his high. Though he heard slow, condescending clapping, making him whip his head about to find the source.
‘Well, that was quite a show.’
Chris turned to see a figure walking out of the shadows towards him.
‘Toshi.’ He snarled. ‘You’re a bit late to save this human.’ He laughed and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
‘Oh, I wasn’t late. Far from it, hound dog.’ Toshi said casually as she looked at the girl’s body by Chris’ feet. ‘Is there really any need for tearing into your victims like that, though?’
Chris narrowed his eyes at her. ‘Why didn’t you try to save her?’
Toshi smirked and jumped up to sit on the edge of the wall just down from him. ‘If she was an innocent human, I would have stopped you when you went to feed from her… but you did me a favour. She is, well… was, the daughter of one of the hunters you killed at the school. She’s been training for years to follow in her fathers’ footsteps, was actually doing pretty well. So, I’ve been keeping an eye on her, amongst others. It wouldn’t have been long before she started attacking the innocent vampires.’
Chris frowned at her and put a hand on his hip, he pinched the bridge of his nose as his fangs retracted and he started focusing properly again. ‘Hold up a second. That was a hunter? So you don’t care about humans if they’re a hunter?’
‘If they’re after bad vampires, such as yourself, then I do care. If they are after any and all vampires, like she was training to become, then no. I don’t care.’
Chris just stared at Toshi, speechless.
Toshi hopped off the wall and walked up to him. ‘See, there’s ways to still act out on your instincts without causing harm to innocents. If you’d just ask me, I could lead you to plenty. You’d never go hungry.’
‘I don’t need your help.’ Chris snarled at her and straightened up, trying to make himself more intimidating, but Toshi wasn’t phased at all.
‘I know you don’t. Though like I’ve said before, if you continue killing innocent humans, the hunters will continue to rise, and then you’ll all be in big trouble. All I’m saying is, I’ve got a bunch of hunters out there that are a threat to you and the others. You want to hunt humans.’ Toshi said as she started circling him.
Chris gritted his teeth and rolled his eyes. ‘Any and all humans are up for grabs, not just hunters.’
‘Is that why you’ve just given a teacher role to a human? When there was a vampire on the list? Do you plan to feed from your human teachers and students, too?’ Toshi asked as she stopped on front of him.
‘I’ve got better things to be doing than this.’ Chris growled at Toshi. He transformed into a bat and flew away.
Toshi smirked as she watched him disappear into the darkness.
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timaeusterrored · 10 months
(Happy Birthday Vax Florence Eurodyne)
((Well, it’s finally here. A whole year (give or take) of me first playing Cyberpunk. It’s been a wild ride and I’ll be honest, there for a second I didn’t think I’d make it a year. I’ve met so many amazing people, met some not so great ones, and lost some amazing ones as well. But at the end of the day… Vax has survived a year. Happy birthday, sweet boy!))
Kerry had done it on purpose, getting Vax fucked up the night before so he could sleep in. Vax didn’t normally sleep in, and normally he woke up when he felt his partners getting up… and yet he somehow woke up at 10am completely alone without realizing.
The penthouse was silent, but the smell of a nice breakfast greeted him as he came to his senses. He whined and face planted back into the pillow, glaring at where his husband should have been.
Fucker… wait.
What day was it?
Oh fuck him. It was his fucking birthday. Well, his and Vex’s birthday…
He should text her at least today. Maybe they could go- no. Maybe not.
Vax rolled out of bed, stretching as Nibbles and Pluto tried to take him out. The cats meowed at his feet, and Vax realized Jupiter was nowhere to be found. Venus must’ve took him out.
Well this was a little rude. He didn’t expect much from his birthday but some kisses would have been nice. But no one was here. Though a plate of delicious looking pancakes sat on the counter and a full pot of coffee had been made just for him. A little whipped cream heart with cherries added made the fixer smile, and realize he hadn’t been forgotten about today.
As he ate, he realized a note had been left on the coffee pot, in Venus’s handwriting.
‘Come to the place we first shook hands for your next clue <3’
Next clue? What the hell?
Vax thought for a moment, wondering where the hell that could have been. When he and Venus met, his sickness was at its peak and he had been preparing for his meeting with Hanako. He frowned at the memories of that time, of headaches so bad he couldn’t move, the mornings he woke up choking on his own blood…
He shook the thoughts away and looked at the note again, trying to think.
It had been somewhere in the badlands, guess he should go ahead and get ready then.
V had gotten dressed after he finished his food and had started his long drive out to wherever the fuck Venus was dragging him. He found his partners laid out on the back of the Beast, absolutely blasting Lizzy Wizzy’s newest album with Jupiter laying next to him.
The nomad looked up when he heard Vax’s car roll up and Vax smiled. He truly believed he had scored the hottest people in Night City somehow.
When he got out, Venus was standing with a piece of paper in their hand. But when Vax approached, they simply held their hand out for a shake.
“It’s a pleasure doin’ business with ya as always, Eurodyne.”
What? No kisses? No darlin’?
When he looked at the new note is when he realized what was going on. A fucking scavenger hunt.
“No kisses? It is my birthday.” Vax pouted, tugging on Venus’s chrome hand.
“Don’t tempt me! No kisses until later, boss’s orders.” Venus pulled his hands away, and got back into the vehicle, calling for their dog to follow as Vax pondered who the boss of this whole thing was. He thinks he knows.
The next note read: ‘Come lose at cards again, I’ll be waiting -The better J’
On the drive over to Judy’s place, Vax had to admit this whole thing was cute and exciting. And obviously a lot of effort was put into it. As he pulled in, Judy was standing outside, messing with the note in her hand with a smile.
“Happy birthday.” She said as if she couldn’t contain herself.
Vax smiled as he held his hand out for the note, honestly excited to see who all was involved.
“Who else is in on this?” V finally asked, just wanting to know.
“Boss’s orders, can’t say.” She shrugged, before heading back inside. She had always been a shitty secret keeper.
‘Come find me at the place we had the most awkward dinner known to man- R’
Vax laughed as he headed back to his car. River.
Kerry and Johnny’s newest song came on the radio as he drove, he couldn’t help but turn it up and wondered where his husbands would be in all of this.
He pulled up to the trailer and found his best friend sitting on the table outside, watching Dorian and Monique play.
“Vax! Happy Birthday!” The kids were immediately on him, giving him hugs and saying they had something for him but it wasn’t done yet.
“Alright you two! He’s on a mission. Happy birthday, V!” Joss said from the door, letting the kids come back in.
“And this is for you now.” River handed him the note, Vax eager to figure out who was next. “Having fun?”
“Dude I’m having a fucking blast. Getting to see my favorite people on my day? Hell yeah.”
“Good, I’m glad. I’ll- uh. Bye.” River quickly walked off, rubbing the back of his neck. Okay so River was a shit secret keeper too. Good to know.
‘The place I hid your man’s asshole ex manager’s couch. -SM’
He was glad to see Mike embracing the Small Michael joke.
He found Mike behind the El Coyote, sitting on a dumpster while he waited.
“Hey dude! Happy birthday!” Mike hopped down and wrapped his friend in a hug. “Was told to keep the meeting quick so here ya go.”
Ahhh, so the boss wanted the meetings to go quick. He obviously had to be somewhere by the end of this.
“Goooooo! You got people to see!”
‘Nice and Cozy in here. Come to bar. -P’
Panam was being straightforward as always. It was late afternoon by this point, each place taking quite a bit to get too and find, as well as his rather slow and late start to the morning. Depending on where he was dragged next, he was starting to worry Kerry and Johnny wouldn’t be on this adventure…
He pulled up to back, once again finding his target outside. Short and sweet.
Panam handed him the note, then leaned back against the wall.
“What? No kiss? It’s my birthday, Pan.” Vax teased, making the nomad roll her eyes.
“Short and sweet. Boss’s orders.”
“Didn’t think you followed orders.”
“He’s really convincing- fuck. Fuck you.” Aha! A pronoun! And now a pissed off Panam. She glared at him as he blew a kiss to her and got back in his car to read the note.
And his heart swelled…
‘Go to the place we knew we were fucked. -J’
He’d know that handwriting anywhere. And the note lead him to the oil field.
Johnny Silverhand was sat in the same place Vax had been all those years ago, looking at what was possibly the note he had carved into the metal.
Vax whistled as he approached, his man looking fine as hell today if he had to say so himself. By now, it was around 4:30pm, and most of Vax’s birthday had been spent driving all around the city and Badlands looking for people. He wasn’t complaining though…
“Took you long enough.” Johnny stood, hands in his pockets as Vax stood directly in front of him.
“Had a long day, very little birthday affection I might add. The fuck is that about?” Vax pulled his husband closer by his collar, making Johnny grin a bit.
“Boss’s orders… never listened to orders anyway.” Johnny gave Vax his first birthday kiss, hands sliding around his waist. Their kisses were always a bit intense trying to become one again.
“Where’s my note?” Vax asked when they finally pulled away, but Johnny shrugged.
“Don’t have one. I do however think you should go get you a Jackie Welles at the bar. You’ve earned it.”
“Where’s Ker, J?” Vax asked finally, no note, no nothing. Not even a text from him all day. He had a feeling he knew where he was but if he went down there and Kerry wasn’t waiting for him, he’d be destroyed.
“Just go get you a drink. He’ll be around later. I swear.” Johnny lightly pushed him towards his car, making Vax frown.
The frown didn’t go away when he didn’t see Kerry’s car at the bar… or anyone’s as a matter of fact. He sighed and wondered if Johnny was his prize in the end. Maybe. He hadn’t completely lost hope.
The Afterlife was suspiciously quiet. That was the first thing he noted, the second thing he noted was that Claire wasn’t at the bar, and also the there was no one fucking here-
Hands covered his eyes.
Normally he’d tense up but he could smell the cologne and could recognize the hands from a mile away. He smiled.
“Happy birthday.” Kerry whispered before uncovering his eyes.
Friends and family alike had come out of their hiding spot, with none other than his twin sister at the front, Blue standing behind her as if he had been covering her eyes. The twins stared at each other before everyone burst out a loud ass ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY!’
“Did you have both of us running through the city- did you plan all of this?” Vax turned to finally meet his husband, wearing that blue shirt he loved so much.
“Yes I did and apparently we had some close calls because some of your people overlapped. Now what the fuck is about you thinking I forgot your birthday? I’m an asshole not a fucking monster-“
Vax pulled his husband in for a kiss, one he earned and had been craving all day. Whistles and laughter alike from around them as music began to play.
“How’d I do?” Kerry whispered when they pulled away. It was easy for Kerry to drag them into their own little world.
“Would’ve liked to have a good morning kiss… but other than that I had fun.” Vax teased.
“Then I did my job.”
The rest of the night was filled with talking and drinks, and the twins’ favorite foods. Vax was attached to his partners the rest of the night, okay yeah maybe he was a bit codependent but he loved them! And hadn’t had them all day.
Rogue stated she couldn’t believe Kerry had slipped this by Vax, and honestly Vax himself was surprised. But Kerry knew him like an opened book so he couldn’t be too surprised that his husband knew how to keep secrets… it was Judy they had been worried about.
At some point, Mama Welles had called for cake. Vax was surprised there even was one, but for the first time ever, the Kane Twins got to blow their candles out together.
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Happy Bunny Fest? || Natasha Romanoff x f!Reader
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A/n: Happy bday to our loving Tasha bear, who’s also my wife. And if it appears that I've taken down this post before, you're not seeing things, I did because tumblr hates me now 😒 so I reposted it
A/sn: This is written with Fem!reader. If that isn’t what you like do not read. And Plz be aware that it contains smutty content, but overall it's very fluffy. Read at your own risk
Contains: mild cursing, mommy kink, spit kink, a hint of exhibitionism and pet play if you squint. If there’s more, lmk
котенок = kitten
Corazon = my heart
-------------- >
It was a bright yet freezing early morning where everything was covered in about 5 inches of snow this year, leaving all the animals asleep for the winter. At the same time, some had already shed their spring coat and grown in their winter fur. Or if it were deer, elk even moose, they would have shed off their antlers. However, for the Avengers, it was an ordinary day at the compound; for once, everyone had a day off, which meant they had the freedom to sleep in. However, with it being Natasha's birthday, Tony had other ideas that led to a lot of grumbling for not letting the rest of the team sleep in for once, except for you and Natasha. And well, someone's got to keep the assassin at bay before Nat's party. I'm sorry. Let me rephrase that, Nat's birthday bash, that Natasha nearly threatened him for weeks to call it off just for making her birthday a big deal.
For those who don't know her well, You'd say she's pretty intimidating, no matter how much you want to deny how gorgeous she is. In reality, she's just someone who's never been shown kindness, love or even just taken a chance on her that's looking past her prickly exterior. And quite frankly, once you have, you'll be able to see that loving, soft yet protective person that she is. Or what you love to call her a bear, your Tasha bear. Well, that's only if you exclude the amount of sass she expresses daily. Fortunately for you, despite the irritability you've encountered when you first met, her life has changed for three and a half years since the day she was brought into Shield., especially during the fall of Shield. And yet, two years ago to today, both of you had officially become an item that led the whole team to let out their reliefs of not having to watch the both of you constantly pinning over each other. Yup, that’s right. You not only met her literally on the day of her birthday but Nat herself scored one with you three and a half years later on her birthday again since that day.
You were trying to soak up as much sleep as possible before Liho came in. Even then, it was short-lived as you started to hear her meowing at you and going as far as lighting tapping her paws on your arm and shoulders at how urgent it was for the sweet black cat to have her breakfast at her designated time. However, with it being your girlfriend's birthday, you didn't want to get up and miss the opportunity to admire her and snuggle her until she woke up. Fortunately, thanks to Tony, he's created a voice-activated feeding machine that produces food for Liho at times like this. But unlike any other cat feeding machines, this can make fresh wet cat food that Liho needs, especially at this time of the year when she's more prone to be dehydrated than usual.
When he made that cat-feeding machine, it surprised everyone since he had expressed his distaste for cats. Little did anyone know, just like Nat, Liho could sneak her way into everyone's hearts even if all it took were her adorable green beady eyes and a soft mew. However, Stark swayed when he was in his lab building one of his inventions just like any other day when he had asked his assistant robot to hand him one of his tools on the ground that was too far for him to leave his invention unattended. Yet, at that moment, as he had described the tool for the robot to get, Liho, who was grooming herself in her little corner of his lab, Liho had picked up the small screwdriver-like tool and brought it to him. But when the robot had not registered that Liho had done the job, it informed him that it was missing. Yet, just before he was ready to fire the robot from its job, Liho tapped her paw on his leg, leaving him pleasantly surprised that the cat did something nice for him. He was even thanking her with cat-friendly treats that he secretly kept around. That is until Natasha finally found Liho in his lab, going off on him for thinking that he was making her own cat turn into one of his robots. Thankfully because of Jarvis, it had shown what happened before she stormed in to get her cat. And even for an apology, he added in his generosity of creating a cat-feeding machine that made fresh wet cat food for Liho. Since then, Liho has never been healthier, no matter how much Natasha loves to deny that what Tony was feeding her wasn't real food.
Although it would be lovely to take a trip on memory lane of everything that had to do with Natasha and her constant antics when it comes to her cat, your mind is focused on all the ways to spoil her. As you had shifted over to Natasha's side to snuggle her, she had seamlessly and subconsciously turned things around with her laying on top of you with her head on your chest. This made you lightly chuckle and kiss the top of her head while running your fingers through her soft red hair. When she finally woke up, Natasha kissed where she could before lifting her head to groggily greet you with a good morning and a passionate make-out session.
"Seems like the birthday girl had a good dream last night", you say with a touch of a smirk on your face.
"I don't know who that might be, but she did say she enjoyed the well-earned rest, especially when it turns into a wet dream," she says in a way that's teasing.
"Well, whoever it might be is a lucky woman." At that moment, Natasha didn't waste any time and crashed her lips to yours while turning you fully on your back so she could straddle you, not once leaving your lips.
"Tasha, it's your day. Let me treat you."
"You're right. It is my day. So what I want is for my darling malyshka to please me. You wouldn't want to disobey me, do you?"
"N-no mommy."
"Good girl. Now be good and let mommy ride that pretty face."
As Natasha had positioned herself just above you, you were pleasantly surprised to see just how wet she was from that wet dream she had. No, she wasn't just wet. She's dripping for you, so much that it was starting to trickle down the inside of her knee. Without hesitation, you licked all that wetness off her legs and up to her core. Yet, as you licked the lips of her core, she shivered in pleasure as if she were electrocuted, only to push herself back down to your mouth. As she did, you started to tease her, licking and sucking anywhere except where she needed it the most. Nipping at the skin inside her thighs that surely leaves marks for weeks.
"Behave котенок. Don't make me upset and punish you."
"Sorry, mommy" with that, you held onto her thighs and ass and ate her out like it was your last meal. You gave her the bonus of lightly nipping at her clit, making her moan your name even louder and gripping your hair as a way to keep you close to her as possible.
"F*ck, y/n just like that!" She says as she now entirely sits on your face and tightly grips the headboard as you deliciously fuck her with your mouth.
At the same time, your room was filled with lewd noises from both of you. And even though both of you had seemingly forgotten to tell Jarvis to turn on soundproofing, none of you seemed to care if the whole team was hearing what was happening in both of your rooms. Even at that moment, just as everything for Natasha's party was set up, the whole team thought it was a good idea to roll in a small breakfast buffet for the both of you. However, not even five feet from your door, they soon realised why it was so easy to set up the party and not constantly worry when Natasha would show up in the middle of preparing like she does every year.
"Yes! Yes! Ah -God! Right there! Rught. There!" She yells, making you plunge two fingers right inside her at a brutal pace while you lick and suck her clit. Thus making her moan even louder for you.
As soon as the team heard a tiny bit of what was happening, they decided to hold off the party until what Tony called your loving sessions, a "bunny fest", was over.
Which, you had to admit, is true. Both you and Nat did have high sex drives, making Steve a lot more grumpy today than any other day because of how much both of you couldn't keep your hands to yourself. Therefore, ruining every piece of his opportunity to have a good time with the team.
Then as you roughly bit at Natasha's clit and thrust your fingers in a particular spot, you made her cum right in your mouth. It even made her squirt all over your face. Still, that didn't stop you from continuously eating her out as you helped her ride out her high. When she had her fill of you, she got off and licked all of her wetness off your face before bringing you in for a kiss with a taste of herself in your mouth. However, before she pulled back, she bit and licked at your lip, asking for entrance. When you complied, your tongue eagerly met with hers, letting her whirl her tongue in your mouth.
"Now that's a good girl." She said when she broke the kiss. She caressed it with her hand, softly holding your cheek and told you to open your mouth. As you obeyed her command, Natasha softly let some of her saliva fall from her lips and into your mouth. And because it was her birthday, she did three times before telling you to swallow. While you had swallowed her saliva, you kept your gaze on her eyes filled with lust. Yet, she dominantly gave you an expectant look.
"What do you say котенок?"
"Thank you, mommy."
"That's what I thought. Let this be your last warning, bunny. I don't like it when my pet disobeys me."
"Yes, mommy, I'm sor-" then, before you could finish your sentence, Tony begrudgingly bangs on the door
"If you're done fucking like bunnies, I suggest not starting again!" He yells through the door, making both of you laugh at how flustered the whole team must be after hearing how good you fucked Natasha.
"F*ck off, Stark! No one told you to listen!" You yelled back.
"I planned a birthday party! Not a kinky party!" With that, he walked away, hoping that was enough to convince both of you to leave the comfort of your bed, no matter how much you were caught up in Nat's lustful gaze.
And yet, much to your dismay, both of you decided that it was best to continue your sex-crazed session later. No matter how much the both of you dreaded Tony's party for Nat, that's been planned for weeks. So before the Maximoff twins get involved again, like last time, you and Natasha rushed your asses through the door.
After the party, both of you had never felt more relieved for it to be over. When both had settled in for the night, you decided now was the best time to give her your gift. When you reached under the bed in your secret compartment, you took her present out and sat next to your girlfriend.
"Happy birthday, Corazon," you say as you hand it to her.
When she ripped the wrapping paper off, it revealed a small black box. When she opened it, it contained a beautiful eccentric pendant that she hadn't seen anything like it before.(the picture of the kind of pendant i was imagining is the one above underneath nat’s suggestive eyebrow raising smirk gif)
"It's beautiful, Detka. Thank you," making her happily cry for the first time since meeting her. While you brought her into your arms and sweetly kissed her.
"This pendant I’m giving you isn't just any ordinary necklace. It's made from my home planet, Pandora, where I'm from, and it's been handed down for generations in my family. So now, wherever you're away, you have a piece of me with you."
"Detka, I- I don't know what to say. Are you sure?"
"For someone who's never been shown love or what it means to be a person and still bounce back to be the best version of yourself, I'd say you're more than worthy of being part of my family - even if they're all gone." You assured her with a loving smile, making her peck your lips once more and press her forehead with yours, enjoying the small, intimate moment among yourselves.
< --------------------
taglist: @natashasnoodle @mrscromanoff @adi06lena
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gentlebeard · 2 years
You’re my fine thing
Show: Our Flag Means Death - Season 1 Music: England (Instrumental) by The National
For @blakbonnet - Happy Birthday, sweet Meow! You're the backbone of ofmdtumblr. Your humor, wit, intelligence, and kindness are what make you an incredible human being. You’re amazing, talented, creative and a tiny bit insane (which I love so much). Honestly, you're one of my favorite people on this site and I'm very thankful we've become friends. So as a gift and as a "Thank You" I offer you this little blackbonnet edit.
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tswaney17 · 2 years
Across the Hallway - Epilogue
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The happiest of happy birthdays goes out to the wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, sweet @offtorivendell! You are an incredible person and I am lucky to call you my friend. I know you love this fic, so here's a little epilogue to conclude the series. Thank you for inspiring this final part. I hope you picked out the pieces I put in specifically for you. All my love. 💜
I hope you have a truly wonderful day, my love! 💕
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​​​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
Please let me know what you think about this update. I love getting your feedback. Constructive criticism is always welcome. 💜💙💚
Catch up here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4**
Credit to @featherymalignancy for Cassian’s nickname, Cash. 😘
Trigger warnings: lots of fluff🥰
Word Count: 1,580
Even after eight months of being together, Elain still got butterflies in her stomach whenever she saw Azriel. A wave of utter happiness would wash over her just in his presence. He was everything she dreamed of wanting—even went as far as believing that she had too high of expectations until she met him. But after everything Graysen had put her through, Elain felt like she owed it to herself to find someone who truly cared for her.
And care for her he did. Azriel was attentive, affectionate, kind, loyal, considerate, and indescribably good in bed. The love, the pleasure she received from him was beyond her imagination.
After just six months, they moved in together, buying their first home. It wasn’t fancy—a small cottage-like house with a garden in the back and planters around the front. Sitting on just the outskirts of Velaris, it gave them the privacy they enjoyed while still not being too far from their jobs.
Elain maintained the garden, bringing it back to life and flourishing practically every kind of flower one could think of, while Azriel worked on the house in the areas that needed a little TLC. She helped him where she could and he always made a point to assist her in the garden when he was able to.
They truly made the perfect team in building their life, their home, together.
Shadow was growing out of his kitten stage, though he was still as loveable as he was when he was young. He had taken to Azriel exceptionally well—to the point that Elain sometimes became jealous of the attention Az received from her baby.
By the time she arrived at their home that night, it was close to seven. Cerridwen was out sick and since the wedding of the Whitethorn-Galathynius’s, her bakery had taken off. Elain was in the process of finding more help, but had yet to hire anybody; so, she was responsible for taking on the extra work when one of her two employees was ill. She was bone-tired and looking for some much-needed R&R with her boyfriend and little furball.
Opening the front door, she called out, “I’m home!”
“Living room,” Azriel grunted back.
Tossing her keys into the ceramic bowl by the door, she kicked off her shoes and went in search of her man, wondering why he sounded like he did.
What Elain didn’t expect to see was Azriel in the middle of their living room doing pushups, Shadow curled up on his bare back dozing despite the movements. Her brows shot into her hairline. Pursing her lips in an attempt not to laugh at the little show, Elain asked, “What exactly is going on here?”
Azriel dropped onto his stomach, breathing heavily as he looked up at her with his chin propped on his wrist. “I was trying to work out, but somebody was incredibly needy today.” He glanced over his shoulder at the cat still lying on his back. “It started when I was doing sit-ups. He leaped onto my chest and stayed tucked there until I finished. Then I put him on the floor and he jumped onto my back when I switched to pushups.”
Elain giggled, walking further into the room, and plucked the black ball of fur from his back.
Shadow peeked open an eye at her, meowing once before he snuggled into her chest.
“Hi, my sweet boy. Were you bothering daddy when he was trying to work out?” she cooed, kissing his little head.
Azriel rolled onto his back and sat up, resting his arms around his knees. “Thank God. I would’ve been stuck there until he got off or you removed him.”
Laughing, she bent at the waist and dropped a kiss onto his lips. “You could’ve just rolled to the side and made him slide off.”
He huffed, standing up. “And what kind of a father would I be if I just pushed him off me?”
She raised a single brow, shooting him a sly grin. “You’re going to spoil our future children rotten, aren’t you?”
Azriel laughed, the sound deep and joyful. “Oh, absolutely.”
Elain shook her head, sighing to herself but still amused. “At least they will be thoroughly loved.”
Wrapping her and Shadow into his arms, Az kissed the side of her head. “The most loved children the world will ever see.”
She hummed in contentment.
“I’m going to shower. Dinner is in the oven if you want to take a peek at it before feeding Shadow.” Tilting his head forward, he kissed her again.
“Sounds good. I’ll be in in a few to change.” Elain twisted on her heel, making her way to the kitchen.
* * *
Azriel waited until Elain was in the kitchen before he headed for their bedroom. Going to his dresser, he opened the top drawer with all his socks and rooted around to the back corner where a small, black box was currently being stored. Pulling it out, he flicked open the lid to look at the engagement ring he had picked out a month earlier.
It was beautiful—rose-gold colored with a band of leaves at the top, centering on the middle diamond. Azriel picked it because it looked like a flower and knew that Elain would love the simplicity of the style, but resonate with it at the same time. It was so perfectly her, he was enamored by the ring when he first saw it.
Too absorbed by his thoughts, Azriel didn’t hear Elain until she asked him, “What is that?”
He whipped around, snapping the ring box closed, and found her standing in the doorway of their bedroom, face slack with shock. Her eyes were glued to the black container in his palm.
His panic had him stumbling back a step. He hadn’t meant for her to see the ring yet. Had a whole plan for them to have dinner in the garden she created. He was going to string up some twinkling lights, have soft music playing from their portable speaker, cook her a delicious dinner of steak and roasted potatoes paired with an expensive bottle of wine. But all of those plans came crashing down. “Uhh, this isn’t—it’s not what it looks like…”
Her eyes widened at the blatant lie. “Do you want to try that again when you don’t still have the box in my line of sight?”
Azriel didn’t move. Didn’t try and hide the box. He swore lowly. “This isn’t how I wanted to ask you.”
Elain took a small step farther into the room. Swallowing, she questioned him, “How did you want to ask me?”
He sighed, scratching the back of his head. “I had everything all planned out. If I don’t tell you, I can still keep a minuscule amount of the romance in it.” His dry chuckle felt self-deprecating.
She took another step. “Ask me now.”
If Azriel was unexpecting anything today, this would by far be at the top of the list. “I wanted to ask you in the garden. I have twinkly lights hidden in the garage that I was going to put up. I was going to cook you dinner and buy a bottle of wine and tell you how much I loved you.” He shook his head, the corner of his mouth quirking up. “Being half-naked, sweaty from a workout was not what I intended for.”
Moving around the bed so he was directly in front of her, he dropped down to one knee. “Elain Violet Archeron—you have captured my heart since the first day you burst into my apartment chasing after Shadow. I never knew what I wanted out of somebody that I planned to share my life with until I met you.”
She choked up at that, eyes lined with silver.
“When we met, I was struck stupid not just by how beautiful you were, but by how kind and generous you were. How loving and so full of life you were even when you were still dealing with your past. I knew instantly that one day, you would be my wife. The mother of my children. So, the only thing left for me to do is ask you.” He popped open the black box, relishing in her gasp at the ring inside. “Elain, would you do me the greatest honor of marrying me?”
Tear tracks stained her cheeks as she reined in her sobs. “Yes, Azriel. A thousand times yes.”
He rose, hauling her into his chest, and kissed her fiercely. Her soft lips molded to his, sighing into his mouth and granting him access to deepen it with his tongue.
Elain wrapped her arms around his neck, clutching him closely. “I love you so much, Azriel,” she breathed, the words marking his soul and shining like golden rays of sunshine.
With his arms still around her, he flipped the box back open and pulled the ring from its velvet cushion. Releasing her, Az took her left hand and slipped the engagement ring onto her finger. It fit perfectly and he prayed to the mother that he managed to get the size right with all his attempts while she slept. His amber gaze met her bright eyes and he told her, “I love you, Elain. Now and forever.”
When he kissed her again, Azriel sent up a thank you to whoever was listening for letting him move into the apartment across the hallway.
Remember, sharing is caring! Please reblog if you liked the fic. It helps spread my work and I truly appreciate it. 💕
I’m not doing a tag list anymore because they’re really more trouble than they’re worth. For notifications, you can follow and subscribe to my fanfic account where I will be reblogging updates and snippets only. You can also find me on ao3.
My fanfic account: @tswaney17fics​
My ao3 account: tswaney17
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edith-is-a-cat · 5 months
Fuzzy socks - What is something that made you smile today? Soft blanket - Did you drink and eat enough today? Strawberry milk - What is your favorite (hot) beverage? Cupcake - Do you have a comfort food? If so, what is it? Teddy bear - Do you own any plushies? Please tell me about them! Tulip - What is your favorite flower? Warm milk - What is something that makes you feel comfortable? Vanilla - What is your favorite scent? Biscuit - Do you like to cook / to bake? Kitty paw - Do you have any pets?
Pillow - What are five (or more) things that make you happy? Puppy - What is something that you like about yourself? Pastel - What is your favorite color? Slipper - What is your favorite clothes? Soft fur - How are you feeling right now? Popcorn - Do you prefer movies or shows? Blush - What is your favorite season and why? Sparkle - What are some of your wishes? Pajamas - Are you an early bird or do you rather sleep in? Cream puff - What was the last thing you ate and did you like it? Meow - Share a random fact about yourself, please Warmth - Do you like to cuddle? Cozy - How many pillows do you have in your bed? Glitter - What color are your eyes? Cinnamon - What are some about your hobbies? Unicorn - Do you believe in magic? Butterfly - If you could live anywhere you like, what would you choose? Bonbon - Do you rather like sweet or salty snacks?
Fuzzysocks- What is something that made you smile today?
My irl requesting to paint my nails next weekend :)
Soft blanket- Did you drink and eat enough today?
no,,,,,,,, i don't like eating or drinking at my dad's but i did have potato casserole for breakfast so there is something in me!!!! We are also supposed to get pizza I think?
Strawberry milk - What is your favorite (hot) beverage?
loose leaf tea, coffee, literally if its a hot im happy
Cupcake- Do you have a comfort food? If so, what is it?
brisket,,, its always the best meal when we make it and it leads to nachos the next day with the leftovers
Teddy bear- Do you own any plushies? Please tell me about them!
I have 5 on my bed: Teddy, Eeveelyn, Levi, Jerry, and most recently Len Also here is a little introduction of them if you are curious! Teddy - The teddy bear that I have had since birth!! in pretty good shape!! Eeveelyn - my first or second birthday build-a-bear (a tradition from bdad) and is strawberry scented, and if you already guessed yes it's and eevee plush :) Levi - build-a-bear sylveon, named after Leviathian from obey me I got it in Oregon! Jerry - big ass teddy bear, like cannonically Grim's size, named after Jerry from Tales from the Gas Station! Len - another birthday build-a-bear (My Melody specfically)! Named after Len Kagamine, and matches with the Kuromi my irl got (theirs is Rin :)) The build-a-bear I got when my irl bit me in a build-a-bear
Tulip -What is your favorite flower?
Bunny - When was the last time you saw a wild animal and what was it?
Road runner while i was in the car
Fluffy cloud-Do you think clouds are made of cotton candy?
no sadly :(
Warm milk- What is something that makes you feel comfortable?
a blanket over my shoulders makes me feel safer
Angel- What was your last dream about?
About being outed as queer and having to move and leaving my irl behind? probably more of a nightmare of trauma dream or something
Vanilla- What is your favorite scent?
Eucalyptus :)
Biscuit- Do you like to cook / to bake?
Yes!! especially when i have direction
Kitty paw- Do you have any pets?
Yes!! All chow chows + the cat we feed, their names are Buccee, Tinkerbell, Big Tex, and Elsa are the chows and Cinnamon Spice the Starving is the cat :)
Pillow- What are five (or more) things that make you happy?
Moots Irl Drawing Idia Bed
Puppy- What is something that you like about yourself?
My hair :)
Pastel-What is your favorite color?
Pink, sage green, gold, purple, what ever blue ignihdye blue is :3
Slipper- What is your favorite clothes?
Cat nose- What color does your phone-case have?
Purple but covered in cinnamoroll stickers
Soft fur- How are you feeling right now?
Kinda upset and scared ngl
Chocolate milk-If you are comfortable with it, share your phone’s wallpaper
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Animal crossing-What is the last video game you played?
Stardew Valley!
Sugar- How many siblings do you have?
The live ones 2 including dead ones 4
Popcorn- Do you prefer movies or shows?
I don't really have a preference!
Blush- What is your favorite season and why?
Fall! just i like when the days are shorter!
Sparkle- What are some of your wishes?
To own a home
Love- Are you in a relationship?
HA no! never have probably never will be? I maybe a hopeless romantic
Pajamas- Are you an early bird or do you rather sleep in?
Cream puff- What was the last thing you ate and did you like it?
Pizza! just had some and yeah??
Meow- Share a random fact about yourself, please
I have four scars on my face!
Warmth- Do you like to cuddle?
I uhm??? idk last time i felt gross but it was enjoyable if I didnt feel like that!!!
Cozy- How many pillows do you have in your bed?
Glitter- What color are your eyes?
either grey or green!
Cinnamon- What are some about your hobbies?
Art, sewing, and sometimes writing if i really feel up to it!!!
Unicorn- Do you believe in magic?
Just a little
Butterfly-If you could live anywhere you like, what would you choose?
ANYWHERE BUT THE U.S.!!! maybe Canada, Australia or somewhere in Europe
Princess-Do you prefer to wear skirts, dresses or pants?
Bonbon- Do you rather like sweet or salty snacks?
depends if i had something sweet or salty before that! then i switch to the opposite
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smileymoth · 1 year
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This is Daniel!! He is my pride and joy, and drawing him truly makes me feel really happy ^_^
Under cut is a whole lot of information about him!!!
I originally created him in April 2013, but he was a girl named Kristina back then. I feel like I have to acknowledge the mess that was Kris the Cat before I get onto more relevant information: She was THE scene kid, THE evil girlie who wanted to poison everyone. THE one with dark blue wings and awful lot of make-up even though IRL I couldn't dream of putting make-up on ever (Repressed emo kid with "grr tomboy" mentality). She stayed with me for a whole year until 2014 June when I decided... hmm what if I Genderbend Her since I had seen some artists who I liked genderbend their own ocs. So I did. (That artwork I made is lost in the sauce forever, i think i deleted it off the web and then my dads computer got fucked so its gone permanently.) And that design of him kind of stuck with me more for unknown reasons so I made him my main sona.
Here's the timeline of his designs that I made back in 2020:
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The reason why his name is Daniel is mostly due to Danny Murillo and Danny Worsnop, the lead singers of the 2 bands I was extremely in love with at the time. Hence my own name too. At the time I was 12, and because me and my bestie (hi Evan!!!!) were playing toys with our ocs on DeviantArt and wanted to make a band, we came up with 3 extra characters (he made Ethan and Aiden, I made Jack) and Danny became the lead singer of Fallen Soldier (epic cringey band name from cringey teens!!! I even made a failgirl logo for them!!) (The name originates from them probably listening to too much Rise Against and 5FDP)
I haven't changed his backstory too much from since we made it up the first time, since there's really no need to. When I say that my best friend is very intertwined in this world, I mean it. We built the world for these furries together and I will cherish it forever :3
ANYWAY let's get to the character info
Name: Daniel Varing, stagename Danny Smileymoth. (when I gave him that last name I was 12 so do not bully me for it literally meaning 'avalanche'. it would be an excellent scene kid name on myspace. danny avalanche. lol)
His friends call him Danny or Dan Dan sometimes.
Birthday: 1. February, (aquarius sun, libra moon, cancer rising) <- this part matches w me too
Gender: non-binary, he/she pronouns. (he doesn't care about gender since he doesn't understand it's importance)
Personality: He's very sweet and kind, and enthusiastic about the things he enjoys. He gets attached to people quickly, that also means he can be quite possessive over them, sometimes feeling unnecessarily jealous when his friends don't pay as much attention to him as he'd like. He understands that this is a personal flaw and doesn't act upon it. His social battery drains real fast when he's out in crowded places, and mostly just enjoys spending time alone or in a small circle of friends. He enjoys art and music greatly. He needs a little bit help sometimes understanding social cues and such. She hates the Sun and tries to stay in the shade as much as possible, it makes her overheat. He likes to purr and knead when he's happy... he sometimes forgets to retract his nails so umm yeah. Meow. He likes people watching. He's normal I promise. (lie). He likes taking care of his friends.. he will make them gifts, buy them clothes or treats. He does have a bit of a short temper but he feels guilty about it, and tries to not lash out over stupid things that have no importance.
I mostly draw Danny wearing feminine clothes that can be related to emo/scene/goth/just alt fashion. Aka a lot of black. He does really like velvet and skirts though!!! Unlike me he does actually wear jeans too. :3 he just doesn't like them to be ripped, is all. He almost always keeps his hair down.
He loves the paisley pattern, velvet, corduroy, leather jackets, lacey skirts and shirts, leather shoes... you get the drill. He also always wears the metal bracelet on his right hand and the 2 necklaces around his neck. (just like meee)
Backstory Factoids:
As of right now he lives in California. He grew up in Estonia. He has been best friends with Jack since early childhood. He met Kratis at a local library where the mans was working. He got introduced to Kratis' friends, Ethan and Aiden. They had been planning on starting a band, and since Danny could sing, they just took him and made him the lead singer. Jack joined the band later on after Danny introduced him to the rest of his new friends.
He found Inbawez (weird freak of a pet) when wandering around a nearby forest, Inba took instant liking to him and never left.
Beside being in a band, he goes babysitting every now and then. He is also a freelance illustrator who does cute art commissions on the web.
The "California" they live in is not a representation of the actual USA Cali since I have never been there and we refuse to change their living location. All we know is that Daniel lives in the middle of the forest in a 2 story house with his boyfriend.
pre-danny lore Kristina lived in a hollow tree with her shadow pet Inbawez. She was obsessed with Kratis and due to forgotten circumstances she and Kratis are blood bound. lol
I think this is about it? I am definitely missing something but I want to post this since IT'S BEEN A MONTH SINCE I FINISHED THIS REF AAHH!!!! my pride and joy. feel free to draw her if you want :3 :3 :3 meow
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magomo · 2 years
Alright so I've already done this when Nina was a Hufflepuff. Back then, she was so focused on Snape (Hufflepuff!Nina is a Snape-simp, let her be) that there were some keypoints I looked over. Now that I'm redoing the TLSQ as a Slytherin, I can shamelessly say that CHARLIE AND NINA ARE JUST FLIRTING HERE THE WHOLE TIME!!! And yep, because of that, THE GIFT OF GRATITUDE is still my FAVOURITE TLSQ 💚💚💚
This was during the Christmas Holidays of their sixth year
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*Hufflepuff!Nina screeching in the parallel universe. That’s so sweet 🥹
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Is Professor Snape the first CharlNina shipper? 👀 (@hphm-jeniferltheman the OTP name credit goes to you 🙇🏻‍♀️)
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Second CharlNina shipper? Lmao
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He knitted her socks 🥹 Charlie best boi
Story time: Nina’s birthday falls on the summer holidays so she has never celebrated with friends, until they started visiting her home. On Christmas Day of their fourth year, Charlie gave Nina a C-shaped dragon necklace as a belated birthday present.
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“I carved and painted it myself.” (hc that the dragon pendant is made out of wood… and of course, she loves it)
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Cooking together… yes, very romantic ☺️
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The way he looks at her!!!
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The two of them still made Professor Snape smile and I’m so proud of my little meow meows 😘
MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE! 🥳 Let’s all hope 2023 treats us well.
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team-mythic-beasts · 5 months
Seven Years of TMB, Part 4: The Iridescent Rover and the Angelic Author
By Lucas Reynard (feat. Aluros)
(Read series introduction here!)
Trying to outsmart a god, let alone a life deity, at what is basically hide-and-seek with extra steps… is totally impossible. Still, I thought Aluros deserved a little treat for winning— a book about him, written by yours truly. Well… I was going to give it to him eventually, considering I’ve been working on it for a few years already.
As expected, I found him taking the Princesses out for a walk in the woods outside Alphica, happily singing an old song he transcribed for his scholar friends; Clementine trotting around his feet, Lorelei on his head, Domino floating next to him, and Minerva being carried around in his arms, sleeping.
To be honest, I didn’t expect that he’d be here in his god form and not some other guise like… Bengt the Bard or that blue goblin whose name I can’t quite recall. But again, with practically no one in Phantasmia knowing who he really is (other than me), I guess he has nothing to worry about as long as he’s here.
Still, I’m not letting him tag along with me to Mikel’s place unless he changes into his elf form. I’d rather have my partner call Aluros “Mr. Reynard” rather than try to wrap his head around the idea of an “entirely new” deity.
Whoops, I’m getting off topic here… Anyways, back to my story.
“Oh, Lukey! Nice to see you again. The girls have been wondering when you’d…”
Aluros and his familiars were quick to spot me, but quicker did their attention turn towards the purple rectangular object I held in my arms. It’s the God of Colors’ favorite hue, and every author before me who’s ever written about him made that very clear.
Before I could fully explain as to why I got him this present, a collaborative effort from the two older Princesses swiftly removed the book from my grasp, then into their maker’s.
“All About Aluros: The God of Colors… You wrote this for me?”
And so he gently sat himself down, laid sleepy little Minerva onto his lap, and began to go through the pages, each word and picture, as the other Princesses gathered around him. His grin, which started off small yet soft, grew wider with every detail that amused him.
I wasn’t expecting much of a reaction from Aluros since it’s not really an elaborate gift, but looking back at it now… I probably should have. Unlike the stone-faced goddess that is my mother, he’s always been an emotional deity, and this time too was he moved to tears.
“I’m so honored,” “This is everything,” “Thank you so much…”
He kept repeating those words as he wept all over his new book and melted into a puddle, both his hair and the skies slowly morphing into a sweet, euphoric mix of purple, pink, and all those pleasant hues. The Princesses, Minerva included, meowed in harmony at the clouds, as they did every previous “purple sky.”
Like how the air turns golden to anyone who donates to a Moon Goddess statue, Aluros’ joy has the power to free anyone lucky enough to get to bask in it of their worries and all other negative sentiments. For all that my friends and I have endured these past few years, I admit this “purple sky” was much needed.
“Oh, I almost forgot… We got you a present too! Happy Birthday, Lukey!”
Well, I was so distracted from the joy of making Aluros happy that I forgot about my own birthday. Being the artist he is, obviously he’d have made me a portrait— marked with paw prints from all four Princesses.
Today, that portrait has its very own place in my study, framed in elegant wood and set right next to my table lamp. Whenever I’m a bit tired from writing, I’d put all my work aside and stare at it for minutes, even hours on end…
He’s gotten better at capturing my likeness yet again. 💕
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Previous: Finny + Photia
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rfaromance · 1 year
"Is this necessary?"
"What kind of deluded birthday events do they have in America, anyway? What do cat ears represent on a birthday for a human? It makes no sense."
"Saeran! You can't assume you know better about it than Ariella, or me! We've both been there. She lived there and I spent plenty of time there to pick up the culture around a birthday party! Cat ears are almost the most important thing."
"Okay, well, then SHE should be wearing them since it's her birthday, not us."
"No, no. The point is that we're a part of a pack! The best family of lost cats that found each other! This makes more sense when you know the context for it and why it's so crucial you wear ears and meow the birthday song."
"I am only tolerating these ears, Saeyoung."
"Because you want your sister-in-law to smile on her happy day! That's so sweet!"
Saeran made a face of disdain. He hoped this would not happen again in a week when it was their stupid birthday again. He sighed and looked away from his brother, who was deep in the throes of adding some finishing touches to the room. Streamers and half a dozen paw prints littered the bunker. He said there was a puzzle of some sort that had to do with paws that Ariella was busy with.
Which, that was weird to Saeran but he really didn't know much about what Americans did. He didn't want to question it or learn more at this point since it seemed like it was a mess waiting to happen all at once. He knew enough for the time being.
Saeyoung was over the moon, though. He wanted to make this an exciting day for Ariella. That part wasn't bad. It was the whiskers he painted on and the ears that were the problem. He grumbled into his sweater, which was only bearable in the bunker since the weather outside was blistering again. He only wanted to do this to appease the poor woman.
They were... reluctant friends, after all.
If you could even call them friends. Ariella said they were but Saeran was still wary. She was too much... like a person that Saeran knew didn't deserve to be around. Still, her company wasn't all that bad. This just felt like a mess waiting to happen. It just wasn't how he would spend his own birthday. He wouldn't spend his birthday doing anything anyway. It wasn't particularly a day he enjoyed.
But, he supposed Ariella deserved to have a good day. That was the only reason he looked ridiculous.
"Saeyoung Choi, you know I love puzzles as much as the next person alive but if you're going to make Blue's Clues, you need to put the paw print where I can reach it! I made Zen climb a flag pole to get me the last clue!" was the call of Ariella's voice from the garage.
Saeyoung knew how to use his time wisely... even if he was a moron. Saeran thought. Saeyoung laughed at her grumbles, though. He did those things to see how long it would take her to find everything. Those footsteps that came down the hall were familiar for him. She was coming in with the intent to find out what her prize was. She loved his dumb puzzles to death.
Saeyoung was beaming ear to ear when she came inside. It didn't take Ariella long before she noticed the prints across the floor and the solitary one on the back of his shirt. If only because she saw it just as she rounded the corner to interrogate him and realized her party was set up for her to celebrate.
"My last clue, huh? Let me guess, it's the handsome little kitty who asked all his friends to set up a party for me. He worked his biscuit making paws down to the bone to make it happen," she murmured.
"It's your favorite kitty," Saeyoung corrected her as he spun around to face her properly. "Plus, I got the rest of your warrior clan dressed up for you! Just... not Zen. He's a mysterious dog that decided he had no choice but to protect the kittens."
"You dork," she flung her arms around his neck. "I love you."
"Happy birthday, starlight."
Saeran grumbled. "Would you two stop trying to suck faces when everyone is here? I was promised ice cream cake for this. The birthday girl owes me a slice for looking this ridiculous."
"Aw, you look adorable, Saeran. Thank you for your birthday wishes! But, I get the first slice of cake. It's the rule."
Ariella gets the first slice, but Saeran gets the biggest.
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eiseryn · 9 months
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Today is not only the first day of 2024, but also the the birthday to best boi Vail. I drew him some soft uwu art because he is a soft uwu boy. Well, he is to Lei LOL. I would not say he's soft and uwu to anyone he has killed.
This outfit is based off the one I designed for Lei and her friends way back! I'm planning to redesign it XD cuz it's concept art for a series of illustrations I want to draw... I have so many WIPs both in sketches and in my brain it's kind of painful... cri... Anyways this outfit is more modern and I didn't change too much for Vail's design but I did add some patterns into his parka -- the cat face and some of his signature V's! The blue plaid inner lining is actually one of my fave parts of his whole outfit! :3 Cuz the theme in that series was their theme colour + plaid... man I really like that series 🥺🥺🥺 I want to draw that concept art so bad.
I think he turned out pretty cute here! I especially like how his hair turned out~ His blue gradient hair is one of my fave parts of his design, after all!
So what did he receive on his birthday as gifts? In my headcanons, not sure what Lexi would have given him tbh... but she's a rich girl so I imagine a previous gift was the red bike he uses XD Zoey's gift to him would be some nice alcohol or maybe one of the masks from her stash. Keeper's gift to him would definitely be something SHE personally finds cool... which probably happened to be a shiny holographic card from her personal collection. Possibly of a cat because they both like cats. Rose's gift? I'm not really sure. In my headcanons, Rose usually is the one who buys Vail cake since Rose knows of Vail's sweet tooth (specifically strawberry shortcake!). For dad vibes I imagine Rose often gets Vail some clothing as well xD Maybe fuzzy socks this year? :3 Maybe accessories some years? (Ex: like those silver chains he's wearing. In my design of Rose I gave him gold chains XD #drip).
As for Lei? Oh boy buckle up. It went something like this (this may be copium delulu and not canon but that's okay):
After already seeing his friends throughout the day, Vail sat on the couch of his apartment and waited for Lei to come home. She had asked him specifically to wait toward the evening as she apparently had a special surprise for him.
He was petting their cat Meng, a cat he had technically got for her during her last birthday, when he heard the sound of the door being unlocked. Meng let out a loud meow and leapt out of his lap and ran toward the door, being the loyal and affectionate cat she was. Vail followed suit.
Lei scooped Meng into her arms and gave the cat little pets and scratches on the chin and head. Meng purred as she always did, flopping over in Lei's arms and wiggling around.
She then turned to Vail with a smile and kissed his cheek, while still holding Meng in her arms. "I'm home~ Did you miss me?"
"Yeah." Vail replied honestly. He kissed her back. "I did."
Lei hummed happily and went to the kitchen table, placing the cat on there as she began to rummage through the multiple bags she had brought home.
"I heard Rose already got you a cake but I had already placed the order so you'll get two." She was saying, as she pulled out a cake box and placed it into the fridge. There was already a strawberry shortcake sitting in the fridge, so she seemed to struggle to place it on another shelf. Ever since she had moved in with him, there was considerably more food in the fridge.
"Do you want to have dinner first or are we having cake for dinner today?" She asked as she turned back to face him.
Vail smiled at her cheekily. "Depends on what kind of cake."
It seemed to take her some time to process his words because she first furrowed her eyebrow, looking at him with confusion, before a blush crept on her face. But she leaned in anyways to whisper, her breath hot in his ear, "You can have whatever cake you desire~ You're the birthday boy, after all~"
He barely resisted the urge to throw her over his shoulder and do as he pleased with her, but luckily she stepped back to the table to go through her other bags so this thought passed.
"Before that, though, let me give you your gift." Lei said, as she pulled out what looked to be a leather collar. It was dyed a light blue, similar to the colour of his hair and had a silver buckle. There was a silver tag on it, and when he flipped it over, the words "Belongs to Lei" were inscribed in the back. "Since you've been a good boy and all." She smiled mischeviously at him.
Looking at such a cute smile, he felt like there was no choice but to take the collar, which was soft and supple, and he started to put it around his neck, right above the turtleneck underlayer he always wore.
Lei seemed to be much more hesitant and less confident now. "You don't have to actually wear it..." She said, her voice trailing off. "This one was actually a joke and your real gift is in this other bag." She tapped another bag and there was a solid knocking sound.
"Of course I do." He said with a smile, showing off the sharp canine teeth she liked so much. "It's a gift from you, after all."
She looked at him then, biting her lip a little, as she raised the green eyes he liked so much to meet his. "I do have to say, it's a good look for you~" She reached out and slid a finger under the collar, gently pulling him closer to her. "I have good taste, if I do say so myself~"
He went with her willingly, as he always did. It was near impossible for him to resist what she wanted. "Is part of my gift the same as the one from Christmas?" He asked with a little smile.
She smiled back at him. "But of course~ You can take that part of your gift whenever you'd like."
"I'm looking forward to that~" He said. "After we have dinner. You're going to need the energy."
But he couldn't help but give her a few hungry kisses. They were appetizers for the main course after all.
[insert suspicious line break]
Later, when she had fallen asleep, he gently twirled a piece of her hair in his fingers. It had gotten longer and the green underdye had shifted in position. She had asked him once if he preferred long hair or short hair, but he had told her honestly that he would like whatever length of hair she had. It wasn't so much the hair that mattered, but the person who that hair belonged to.
Months before if you had asked him if he planned to find a lover he would have scoffed and said no. It would be a bad choice for any runner who could die at any moment. And at the time, there was no one he could imagine liking him in such a way. Although there was someone who came into mind when Rose had asked him. The smug bastard probably already knew what was in store for him.
When that same person he had thought about at the time asked him if they could be more than friends... he couldn't help but give into such a dream. The dream of being loved and loving someone.
He was already relatively content with what he had: He was good at his job as a runner if you could call it that; he had people who he could talk to and understood him as they had gone through the same things as he did. They had taken away his ability to dream at night, but it didn't stop him from daydreaming. As his parents had told him -- or perhaps warned him -- long ago, he was a dreamer who always wanted to dream of more.
He still dreamed for himself. But he now also dreamed for others; wanting others to have their dreams fulfilled. It was only fair, when some of his dreams had come true.
He took the sedative he needed to fall asleep. Lei always looked so sad when she saw him take sleeping pills, so now he always waited until she was asleep before he did. After all, he needed to sleep, as there would be another day he'd have to get through when the morning broke again.
Wrapping his arm around her, he let himself daydream a little longer, thinking of sunshine and a future where his friends and loved ones were safe and happy. He was still thinking of these happy things when the sleeping pill took affect and darkness claimed him.
Yeah so the collar was a gag gift but u know I write these two as very horny so uhmm... things had to happen.
The actual gift she got him was a bike helmet that is made of out of sturdier material which matches his red bike! He broke the last helmet he had in the campaign LOL + I imagine the bike helmet she got was a cat eared one! Also hopefully from the same vendor / store Maric buys his helmets from cuz that shark boy has never revealed his face XD
BUT I MEAN I THINK THE ENDING IS KINDA GOOD XD Soft hours and some hurt with comfort thoughts you know
I love them so much 🥺🥺🥺 My OC OTP.
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