#happy birthday to you...happy birthday to youu........
dangans-ur-ronpas · 1 month
Chapter 21
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BYAKUYA ok i said i would be going on hiatus but i got really inspired and also it's my guy's birthday today so surprise update. going on hiatus fr now tho
Some pre-chapter notes:
trust ended with makoto and never really started with kyoko now celeste is my new conversation partner
cant believe hes 31. and blond
@digitaldollsworld roman my friend romannn !!!
Content warning tags: description of depression/PTSD, mention of suicide, description of eating disorder
< previous - from start - next >
“Your hand.”
It’s the first thing Byakuya says to her as they leave the bathhouse. Kirigiri pauses mid-step, already halfway to the stairs, and turns over her shoulder.
“What of it?”
He gives her a pointed look. WIth her gloves on, he can’t tell the extent of the damage, but remembering how hard he’d tried to shut that door, he can imagine it’s not exactly pretty. “Is it broken?”
In response, she raises the hand in question, flexing it in front of him with the soft creak of well-worn leather. “It’s fine.”
Like hell it is. The fingers of her left hand hadn’t even been moving when she was typing, curled into a half-moon that skittered clumsily over the keys. But if she doesn’t want to admit it, there’s no point in him pointing it out. He has other questions, anyway. “Did you already know?”
He doesn’t mention Alter Ego out loud, but he doesn’t need to; there’s nothing else he could be referring to. She lowers her hand slowly. “Why do you think so?”
Of course, she would answer with another question. It was nothing but ambiguities and obstructions with her. “You didn’t seem surprised at all. You opened up the locker without any trouble. And you were very quick to volunteer yourself to take full responsibility.” It had been a thought in the back of his mind since the possibility of having to reveal Alter Ego to the others was brought up. She was the one who gave the computer to Chihiro, after all. He lowers his voice: “Considering how you were the one who passed that computer off to Chihiro, I can’t imagine that you weren’t aware of what he was up to.”
She doesn’t reply immediately, instead glancing around the ceiling for any wayward cameras, then behind Byakuya for any stray ears. But everyone else was still gathered around the bathhouse entrance, preoccupied with discussing their next move. Hiro was at the head of it, voice loud and excessively optimistic. “I’m curious as to how you perceived me as being unsurprised, all things considered.” She says flatly, and he feels a muscle twitch in his cheek. “And it wasn’t as if there was any lock on the locker itself. And it was the most logical thing to do, considering our room assignments.”
It doesn’t escape him how she hasn’t bothered to respond to his last statement, and it was too risky to make her answer it out loud, and especially not here or now. He hated having to concede, and especially not to her of all people, but the risk outweighed his pride. “Fine.” He grits out. Let her keep her secrets. “And where are you going now?”
He can probably guess, but he wants to hear it from her anyways. “The third floor was recently opened to us.” She replies coolly. “I am going to investigate.”
“Alone.” He doesn’t say it like a question. “You’re not bringing Makoto?”
“I always investigate alone. Anyone else…would get in the way.” She says that last part hesitantly, as if she’s not sure of her own reasoning. “I doubt he’d want to go with me regardless. Not after yesterday.”
Yesterday? He tries to think, if there was anything that happened yesterday that could have affected their relationship, but all he comes up with are the worst parts of the trial, the body discovery, the confrontation with Fukawa. The memories of everything else had blurred, melting together to become indiscernible.
She’s answering before he can even open his mouth to ask further. “I was the one who told Makoto to out you in the trial.” She says, monotone and unreadable, and then stands there, almost expectantly, as understanding sinks in.
He tries to feel angry, that familiar rush of fury, but there’s nothing, and it leaves him feeling jarringly cold in its absence. At his silence, she continues: “Let me be clear, Makoto did not want to betray you to begin with. I told him that it would be unavoidable, and the only way to clear you of all suspicion.”
“The two of you made me into a bigger target.” He points out, bitterly. A person who would be of no help in investigations or otherwise, who was helpless enough on his own to be an appealing victim who couldn’t retaliate. 
“There’s only ten of us left, in an enclosed space. With smaller numbers, it’s less likely for any one person to be willing to kill. Or get away with it, at least.” If she was trying to reassure him, she was failing miserably.
“Why Makoto? If you were aware, why couldn’t you have told them instead?”
She takes a step closer, and he barely keeps himself from stepping back. “Would they have been as ready to believe me?” She asks quietly. “You said it yourself: I’m someone who you all know nothing about. If I was the one who did it, would they be as quick to accept it? Or would they have started wrongly accusing me as well? Where would we be then?” She reaches out and grabs his lapels - in her left hand - and pulls him close, just enough to whisper: “I am the only one who can get us out of here. I’m sure you know that well.”
He feels his hands clenching into fists at his sides, but she’s right. Of course she is. Out of everyone here, she was the only one who was actively searching, trying to escape, and probably the closest to succeeding. That was the most frustrating part; that he couldn’t even properly argue back.
She releases him and retreats, tucking her hair behind her shoulders. “I will admit. If I had been the one to absolve you, then maybe you wouldn’t have had to be betrayed.” She says simply, and it’s probably the closest thing he’ll get to an apology. An offhanded acknowledgement of his miserable state.
He’s heard enough. He turns on his heel, but hasn’t made even a step when she grabs his arm so suddenly that he almost stumbles. “What?” He demands. Her fingers are tight around his forearm, and he can feel her leather glove, smooth and creased at the knuckles, digging through the fabric of his jacket.
There’s another pause, as she opens her mouth, but she’s silent long enough for him to wonder if there was something wrong with her. Then she releases him. “Nothing. Go eat.”
He was already planning to head to the cafeteria to do just that, but her tone irks him so much that he’s almost tempted to turn around and stomp back to his room. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
“Starve, then. But don’t wear yourself out.” She was already brushing past him, hair streaming behind her like a ghost. “You still have some use yet.”
He watches her go, a little stunned and more than a little scandalized. For her to belittle him, patronize him, and mock him, after he tried to help her - demonstrated concern, even - he clenches his fists to stop them from trembling, and smothers down the insult that she was already too far away to hear.
What an-! Insufferable little-! He sputters silently. To go from blatantly labeling him as ‘useless’ just a few days ago to saying this now, when his most fatal flaw had been laid bare to everyone…even more frustrating, was how underneath the anger, a smallest shred of pride had curled to life in his chest, undaunted by the disgust that immediately followed. As if he were a dog easily placated by nice words.
…The hunger must have started to interfere with my thoughts. He shakes his head, and turns back to the cafeteria. Behind him, he can hear the squeak of sneakered footsteps, pattering to catch up with him, and starts walking a little faster, knowing full well who it could be. And sure enough:
It was just one after another. Makoto’s hand pinches onto his elbow sleeve, and Byakuya jerks out of his grasp with enough force that he almost stumbles, staggering awkwardly to maintain his balance. Makoto steps back, one hand still raised hesitantly, and his breath stutters slightly as he freezes, unsure what to do.
There’s a lot that Byakuya can say here. He’s envisioned this interaction a thousand times, in between chess and shogi games with Alter Ego, as he showered, as he rested his exhausted, sightless eyes. But the vitriol he prepared doesn’t come; the very act of trying to come up with something to hurl at him just leaves him feeling drained. Hollowed out.
Luckily, he’s saved from having to say anything at all. Seemingly out of nowhere, with only a sudden rustle of velvet to announce her arrival, Celeste appears by his side, placing one hand delicately on his elbow.
“Oh, excuse me,” She hums serenely, entirely ignoring the strange, tense air between the other two. “I pray I am not intruding. Byakuya, won’t you please join me for tea?”
She’d never shown interest in him before. He scowls, instantly wary. “What for?”
“There’s no need for such frightening looks. I have no ulterior motives.” She’s probably smiling, though he can’t make out her mouth on her pale face. Just her eyes, pinpricks of an artificial, unsettling red. “But you have not eaten since yesterday’s breakfast, no? Hifumi’s milk tea is almost passable, and I would appreciate it if you could offer your refined opinion on it.”
He doesn’t move, arm held at an awkward position away from himself to keep her at a distance. Makoto is still there, watching them, hesitating. “Um, Byakuya-”
“And…I would like to apologize for my actions during the trial.” Byakuya’s eyes snap back to her. Her posture has relaxed somewhat, and she speaks slowly, as if every word was pushing against her pride. “I spoke rather callously, and…shed some rather insulting suggestions of your relation with Chihiro. At the time, I genuinely thought I was doing the right thing, but it seems I should not have been so rash.” The hand on his elbow slackens, just enough to be in danger of sliding off his arm entirely. “I can’t imagine how you are feeling now. It’s clear now, you were one of the people closest to him, if he was able to entrust you with something so precious.”
He feels his lip curling with disgust, at her shamelessness. It was unsurprising that someone such as the Ultimate Gambler would use words like cards, and know exactly how to play them. But even despite knowing that she wasn’t likely to be genuine, the stifling, uncomfortable pressure on his chest dissipates, just a little.
And he was hungry. And he has no desire to be face-to-face with Makoto at all, and he doubts Celeste’s intentions to kill him. And there was no motive, nor had he slighted her in any way - and besides. Prepositioning him here, in the middle of the hallway with Makoto to witness it, meant that it would be very difficult for her to free herself of suspicion if he were to turn up dead.
“Fine.” He forces his posture to relax. At that, her hand twines around his arm with the grace of a snake, much like how a lady might be led by a gentleman, resting there lightly.
She radiates smugness, and the self-satisfaction of a pampered cat as she leans into him. “Then, shall we go?”
He doesn’t really want to. But sometimes sacrifices were a means for a better end, and he only spares a single glance at Makoto as he leaves, standing ignored and alone in the middle of the hallway. 
“Ah, Princess!” Yamada calls as they enter. And then, slightly panicked: “And - M-Mister Togami-?”
Byakuya scoffs, disgusted, but Celeste tugs him along. “Yes, I am aware of the nature of the company that I keep.” She sounds almost apologetic about it, as she half-guides, half-steers him towards a two-person table near the far end of the cafeteria. “But I assure you, he has his uses. He’s loyal where it counts, and accomplishes things decently well.” She pats his arm, a gesture that feels far too familiar for his comfort. “I’m sure you understand?”
He makes no comment, seating himself with a scowl, and eyeing Celeste warily from across the table, a graceful shape of black and white before him. The girl had always been an enigma - much like Kirigiri in her careful, conniving ways - but he hasn’t forgiven her for how she so carelessly dropped the mention of his meeting with Chihiro. It hadn’t been to clear anything up either; he was sure that her intentions were for her own self-satisfaction, and nothing more.
Yamada waddles out of the kitchen, a large, silver tray balanced between his hands. He sets it on the table with a flourish, its contents rattling slightly - an intricate porcelain tea set decorated with a swirling black design, with a plate full of small teacakes, cookies, and other such deserts - and begins pouring out two cups of tea. He’s surprisingly graceful about it, making a show of pouring the milk in a large arc and stirring it all with a tiny silver spoon, before he sets one down in front of both of them.
Celeste lifts her cup to her lips, taking a careful sip. “Hm. Better,” She praises, and Yamada swells with pride, his chest puffing out. “Thank you. You may go.”
He deflates immediately. “Ah, but-” He clutches the empty tray to his chest like a shield. “Er, to sit alone w-with another man-!”
“Now, please.” There’s a firmness behind her gentle politeness, and after a moment’s hesitation, Yamada retreats to the kitchen with a quiet grumble.
There’s some sound near the entrance of the cafeteria, and when Byakuya looks up he sees Hagakure leading Owada towards a table, talking jovially about the importance of health and food, asking about any preferred dishes, and launching into some inane story about a hamburger and aliens.
“He’s been like that since this morning.” Celeste comments, and he turns back to her. She sets her teacup down with a gentle click, and laces her fingers beneath her chin as she leans forward, her voice lowered to an exaggeratedly conspiratorial degree. “You were not there, but Hiro declared himself the de facto leader in Taka’s absence. He stated that he has rights by age, but thus far he’s only taken responsibility for Owada.”
De facto leader…as if they had such a thing. “Good. Someone has to.” Byakuya grunts, as he lifts the cup to his lips. Owada was the farthest thing from stable at the moment, and he would rather avoid having to participate in another trial so soon. The tea Yamada made is passable, though too sweet for his tastes and richer than he would like.
“Hm, quite right.” She sighs. “I have no interest in repeating yesterday’s events for as long as I live.”
She says what he was thinking out loud, and somehow, that bothers him deeply. He didn’t like how similar the two of them were, how similar she was perceiving them to be. How similar they already were.
“But let’s not waste time on depressing things.” She claps her hands lightly. “I am curious. How is your relationship with Makoto now?”
He chokes on the teacake he had just taken a bite of, crumbling into crumbs and dust into his throat, and takes a hasty gulp of tea. It’s too hot and scalds his tongue, and the raw, healing wounds on his inner cheek. He almost doubles over with the pain, just barely managing to keep his posture. This whole time, he was painfully aware of Celeste watching him over her crossed hands.
“Are you alright?” She asks, offering him a handkerchief. He ignores it and takes another sip of tea, ignoring the burns.
“M’ f-ine.” He spits. He has the feeling his eyes are watering, though there’s not exactly a clear difference in his vision to suggest if that’s the case, and counts himself lucky for not choking. He tries to blink the tears inconspicuously away, and clears his throat. “Why - why do you ask about him?”
She tilts her head as if his question is the odd one. “You underestimate how much attention you drew when you accepted Makoto’s company. In the course of just a few short weeks, we’ve seen you two develop a sudden companionship, then a sudden lull, and then rekindle that relationship as if nothing had happened at all.” He has the feeling she’s smiling, though he can’t make out the gleam of her teeth compared to her chalk-white face. “Would you like to hear some of the rumors that have been spread?”
“Not in the slightest.” He can imagine what tasteless things have been whispered already. “The truth is nothing as scandalous as you’re hoping to hear. He was the first person who discovered my blindness, and was simply assisting me. Though-”
He grimaces inwardly now, at the memory of the trial. The earth-shattering feeling of betrayal. The quiet, hesitant way that Makoto had reached out to him afterwards, guilty as a thief. “Though, I have no need for people that can’t obey orders.”
That’s not the exact reason for his avoidance of Makoto, but he’s not interested in analyzing exactly why the other boy was bothering him so, and especially not now. It’s also not the sort of answer he would expect Celeste to be satisfied with, but to his surprise, she simply shrugs, and nods as if she understands it completely.
“I am the same. Though given our situation…I have had to be a little accommodating.” She flicks a hand carelessly in the direction of the kitchen. “I am surprised, however. Given your nature, I hadn’t expected you to be so merciful. You seemed to let Makoto off very kindly compared to the injustice he did you.” She leans forward slightly, staring at him. “You’ve changed, it seems.”
“Excuse me?”
“It is not an insult.” She says, with the same, gentle tone as a nanny with a displeased child. “If anything, it is praise. You’re far more open now, when compared to before.” She taps at her face. “You’ve stopped wearing your glasses, which you didn’t need in the first place. It’s a sign that you have become less shut off, no?”
“It’s not a sign of anything. My glasses broke when Owada punched me.” Never mind the fact that he has several spare pairs in his room. Trying to wear them now when everyone knew they were pointless would be more humiliating than anything, though he still has to consciously refrain from reaching up to touch his temples, fighting the habit to adjust something that wasn’t there.
“But even so, my point still stands.” Her eyes narrow as she smiles. “Before, you seemed very distant, but now it is more obvious that you are of flesh and blood.”
He shifts uncomfortably in his seat. That was what he was afraid of, becoming more human, more like those around him. His glasses had been a part of him for as long as he could remember, even before there was a real need for him to wear them; they made him look older, Pennyworth had told him, and more mature. Less like a boy, more like a proper heir. Less like his mother, and more like a Togami.
He notices the pale, spindly shape of Celeste’s hand reaching for his face just in time, jerking backwards and out of her reach. If she’s surprised, she gives no sign, and simply retreats slowly. “I apologize. It seems I’ve said something insensitive once more.”
“...You said nothing of the sort.” He lies. Has he become that easy to read? He presses his lips into a thin line. “Even if I still had them, there’s no point in wearing them anymore. Not when everyone knows they’re pointless.”
“I see…if it is any consolation, I do find your appearance appealing now.” She says this hesitantly, shyly, hiding her face demurely behind her cup. But either she had layered on enough makeup to completely conceal her face, or she was an exceptionally skilled liar, or most likely both, because not the barest hint of a blush is visible on her at all. “You were uncomfortably perfect before, more like a little porcelain doll than anything. I rather enjoy this new, human side to you. Even the…imperfections, if you will forgive the term, are quite endearing.”
He can feel her gaze, bright red eyes, roaming his face. “Save your flattery.” He mutters. The burn on the roof of his mouth was making itself known again, and as he glances down at his plate at the remains of his earlier pastry, all he sees is an unappealing, sand-coloured blur. “Asides from the change in supposed ‘leadership’, what else happened when I wasn’t around?”
Thankfully, Celeste doesn’t push the topic, and instead launches into a detailed recount. Monokuma opened up the third floor as a reward for a successful trial, which included new amenities: an art room with just about everything needed for any medium, from sculpting to calligraphy; a very robust physics lab with a very large and elaborate air purifier; an equipment room without anything particularly noticeable; and a recreation room with a pool table, darts, board games, and a weekly magazine rack.
Byakuya raises his eyebrows at this last mention. “Weekly magazines?”
“Yes, but unfortunately, Monokuma has no intention of providing us with any new issues.” She sighs. “I asked him myself.”
He clicks his tongue, disappointed again but unsurprised, and leans back in his chair, taking a biscuit. Everything that Yamada had brought out was too sweet for his tastes, and tasted cheap, with the chemical-ly staleness of preservatives. It was killing his appetite, and he was ready to retreat back to his room.
“It seems that our school life has gained more opportunities to become enjoyable, however.” Celeste continues, ignoring his apparent sourness. “Won’t you join me for a game of Othello, sometime? I’m sure someone of your caliber is familiar with the rules.”
“I’ll pass. I have no need for a partner.” He doubts that she would be a better opponent than Alter Ego, in any case. Especially if he couldn’t see the board.
“A shame. But it was worth asking.” She doesn’t sound surprised by his blunt rejection. “I’m sure I could not compare to the games you have witnessed among the aristocracy?”
He hesitates for a moment. Her intentions were clear, full of the subtle eagerness of a child trying to wheedle out a prize for good behavior. “Witnessed, and participated. But I have to disappoint you, they’re more or less just like the gambling games that the commoners play, blackjack and roulette and such. The only difference is the wagers.”
“Very high wagers, I presume?”
“Yes, but not in money. Most of the time, all the participants have enough money to their name that mere cash becomes meaningless. So they place their stakes in other things- properties, businesses, liquid assets and even people. A family castle, their favored butler. Things that have more value to them than just monetary.” She leans forward on her elbows, listening intently, and after another moment’s pause, he continues. “I’ve only played once, and wagered a genuine second-generation [Delafoy] portrait bust. I won the original copy of the opponent’s family records.”
“A rather underwhelming prize.”
“Not at all. There’s nothing more valuable than information - especially when it’s limited.” He replies, smugly. That book of records was the only copy to exist, and the stupid, sheltered boy who had wagered it had gone nearly catatonic when he lost. He was outright disowned when his family discovered what he’d done, and the family head offered a fortune for the return of it - but Byakuya had kept it, both out of spite and necessity. That book ended up being a precious bargaining token later, when the game of inheritance found him and he needed a place to lie low.
Celeste is captivated, leaning as far as she can over the table with her chin tucked on her laced hands, eyes so wide that the red of her irises - contact lenses, surely - are twin, bloody suns on her milk-white face. Like a vampire bite, he notes distantly, with a hint of snide amusement. “It has always been a dream of mine to sit among those tables.” She says, and her voice is hushed and passionate, eager, expectant; a demand hidden in plain sight.
“It would never happen. Someone of your status would never be afforded the chance.” He scoffs immediately, matter-of-factly.
“Do the wealthy not recognize the value of skill? I’m sure I can provide a stimulating enough game for them.”
“And I don’t doubt that you could. But that wouldn’t matter.” She was certainly clever, but if she was still dreaming such foolish things, then he suspected that she would not last much longer in the mastermind’s game. He leans forward, fixing her with a stare. “The only reason why I could participate at all is because of my lineage; the Togami name is the only reason that family offered to buy back their precious records, rather than simply assassinate me and pick it off my corpse. Someone like you wouldn’t even be allowed to leave that table alive.” Those esteemed elderly with nothing to do and those spoiled brats with lofty ideals would let her join their table, for the novelty of having a member of the peasantry try her luck, but the moment she humiliated them would have marked her end. 
That answer seems to discourage her, and she sits back, plucking another cookie from the tray and turning it in her hands. “Such a violent reaction…it seems that the nobility are much less civilized than given credit.”
“Do you think yourself uncivilized for shooing away an insect? Like I said before, do not flatter yourself into thinking that we are on the same level.”
They’re quiet for a moment, sipping their tea and nibbling at the deserts. Hagakure was trying to coax Owada into eating a bowl of rice porridge, pressing a spoon into his listless hand. Byakuya watches with a strange, uncomfortable feeling growing over him, and suddenly wants nothing more than to leave.
“Ah, speaking of being human,” Celeste says suddenly, as if remembering something. “Makoto found a particularly interesting photo in the third-floor maintenance closet. And a very odd one, at that.” She pauses to take a delicate bite of a pastry, making him wait as she chews. “One of Mondo, Leon, and Chihiro laughing together in a classroom setting.”
“What?” He frowns. Were the three of them that close? He hadn’t noted them having any particular interactions between them to suggest such a thing. “When was the photo taken?”
“That, I cannot say. Monokuma seized the photo, so the only one who saw it was Makoto.” She shrugs, an elegant lift and fall of one shoulder. “But from what he said, they couldn’t have been much younger than they were when we first arrived.”
Perhaps they knew each other before enrolling here. It would be the most logical explanation, and it wouldn’t be impossible based on what he knew of them. He says as much aloud, and Celeste simply shrugs again.
“Perhaps.” She agrees, and takes another bite. “But if they did, they gave no indication of it, and certainly did not act like they knew each other at all. Though, I am inclined to believe it was nothing more than one of Monokuma’s pranks, intended to shake us.”
That wasn’t an unlikely possibility either. Byakuya certainly didn’t doubt that the bear might do such a thing. But for some reason it bothers him, sitting stubbornly in the back of his mind and refusing to be brushed away. Like a conspicuously empty patch of dust in an old room, marking the place where something unnamed once occupied and was now gone. Was it really just a prank, and nothing more?
From the kitchen, Yamada was humming, accompanied by the sound of pans and sizzling oil, hissing steam. Hagakure was still coaxing Owada into eating, while regaling him with another long-winded, far-fetched story. Despite everything, everyone was still going about their lives, domestic and carefree.
He thinks about Kirigiri, who never seemed to stop moving. Always thinking, always searching, always leagues ahead of him. She was similar to the girl in front of him now, clever and scheming and concealing everything behind an unreadable face. But different as well; Celeste speaks in an elegant, lilting cadence that reminded Byakuya of the children of the nobility that he had bumped elbows with before, and he can’t imagine himself having tea and small talk with Kirigiri in a similar setting.
“What will you do now,” He finds himself asking. “In regards to the killing game?”
Celeste tilts her head as if this were an obvious question. “I have no interest in dying. Nor do I have the stomach in me to imagine taking another person’s life.” She shudders slightly, as if the very thought of it was horrifying. “But all our amenities have been accounted for here, and I imagine we have all the provisions to live very comfortable lives. I can be content with this, so long as it ends the pointless tragedies.”
As he thought. Despite all her secretive, careful ways, the way she took to lying like a second skin; she was nothing like Kirigiri. Kirigiri had spine, at least.
He stands up suddenly with a screech of his chair, and she makes a noise of surprise. “You are leaving?”
“I have exhausted your company,” He says bluntly. “So there is no reason for me to stay.”
“Is that so…” There’s a sharp click as she raps her fingers against the patina. “In that case, thank you for the conversation. It was very insightful.”
He has no doubts about that. This was not a simple excuse to have a leisurely chat, but an exchange of information. She gave him what he wanted to know about the third floor, and he gave her a story to stave off boredom. Something to daydream about while they waited to escape.
He doesn’t bother deigning her with a proper goodbye as he turns to go. On his way out, he catches sight of Owada, sitting across from Hagakure, spoon still unmoving, watching him. Faceless and blank.
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darlingcloudie-9 · 25 days
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princesshair · 9 months
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happy 30th birthday niall! love you ♡
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finnmash · 2 months
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rhinoyo · 11 months
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HAAAPPY BIRTHDAY @eros-vigilante hands you your beloved character duos <333 🎉💜🖤❤️
i also gave people a drawing box to doodle blorbos for you so here they are (first one mine of course) <3 you deserve everything forever <333 :]
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bugzyyybabes · 4 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @inkyslimee <3
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hanhaeji · 2 years
happy birthday karl jacobs i love you so much ! you've grown so much omfg and its amazing. you're amazing. i miss himm <333
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anonbinaryweirdo · 4 months
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emj4yart · 7 months
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Woops not the onceler this time but I need to remember to post my other art on tumblr lol, have this b-day gift I made for a discord friend!! :D Haven't drawn a furry in a while so I'm proud of how it turned out :333
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pastelaspirations · 1 year
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Yeee, happy birthday month, ya goober! :D I decided to draw ya a birthday present, with your persona being all spooky, saying something I swear I heard you say before.
If anyone is bored, please check out her AO3 page! It's got a bunch of cool fics hehe
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leclercsainzz · 9 months
hey darling,
could please do a mick x twin sister where she’s dating lando and just make it all sweet and lovely please? 😊
PAIRINGS: lando norris x schumacher twin!reader
TYPE: social media au
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liked by mickschumacher, landonorris and 598,946 others
ynschumacher: my ride or die since ‘99! happy birthday to my favorite twin ever! you may be older (by a minute) but i’m definitely wiser than you:) i love youu tons, bro 💗
tagged: @mickschumacher
view 7,740 comments
mickschumacher: i’m your only twin, hello???
mickschumacher: happy birthday to you too, i love you 💗
↳ ynschumacher: just to clarify, i won! i posted before you did
↳ mickschumacher: i mean, i guess 🤷🏼
user: this is so cute, i can’t, omg 🥺
user: seeing baby mick and yn makes me the happiest
gina_schumacher: happy birthday to my favorite duo 🥳
↳ ynschumacher: we love youu 😘
lewishamilton: happiest of birthdays to the both you! 🤩❤️
landonorris: happy birthday to mick (and mick only)
↳ ynschumacher: this is why nobody likes you 😑
↳ landonorris: you do;)
user: “we’ll be a fine line” to “we’ll be alright”
↳ user: crying, wtf 😭
user: the fourth slide with michael & corinna:((
user: happy bday to you both!! 💗
georgerussell63: happy birthday you two!! ❤️
user: this makes me so sad and happy at the same time 🥺
↳ user: same!!
estebanocon: happy bday to my favorite twins 🥳
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liked by estebanocon, yourusername and 689,749 others
landonorris: don’t mind us, a little party never killed anybody
tagged: @mickschumacher @estebanocon @ynschumacher
view 6,529 comments
user: yn and mick are the definition of buy one, get one free
↳ landonorris: can confirm they come in a package 😩
↳ ynschumacher: two peas in a pod, babe 🤪
mickschumacher: 🤩
user: mick, estie and lando?? i didn’t realize i needed this trio
estebanocon: friday’s are for partying!
user: yn and lando MY FAVS!!! 😍
user: my ynlando heart
ynschumacher: twas fun! ❤️
ynschumacher: i love you 😘
↳ landonorris: 😘 i love you more, my love
user: lando, how does it feel to be dating THE YN SCHUMACHER?
danielricciardo: thanks for the invite, mate! 😄
user: the second slide, i’m in love 😩
user: alexa, how to be yn schumacher?
user: can’t believe she chose lando over me
user: my favs 🥺❤️
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liked by landonorris, carlossainz55 and 565,649 others
ynschumacher: lover + bro = yn third wheeling
tagged: @landonorris @mickschumacher
view 4,836 comments
mickschumacher: landoooo 🥰
↳ ynschumacher: he’s MY lando 😡
↳ mickschumacher: our*
landonorris: hey mick(ey) you’re so fine
↳ ynschumacher: yn* thank you 😘
↳ landonorris: i guess you’re fine too 🤷🏻
user: we’ve got lando third wheeling the twins, mick third wheeling the couple and yn third wheeling the brothers in-law
↳ user: LMAOO you’re so right 🤣
user: i’m literally in love with this trio
estebanocon: mr. third-wheel
gina_schumacher: someone really needs a girlfriend
↳ user: thanks for welcoming me to the family 🥰
user: idk who i love more ynlando or lando and mick
user: my favs (plus lando)
user: the caption 😂
user: ynlando owns my heart ❤️
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liked by mickschumacher, oscarpiastri and 694,937 others
landonorris: my heart ❤️ (shoutout to mick for planning this!)
tagged: @ynschumacher
view 5,738 comments
ynschumacher: my lover 😘
↳ landonorris: ❤️
mickschumacher: nothing but the best for my favs 🤩
↳ landonorris: my fav twin 😘
↳ ynschumacher: ??????
↳ user: i want him as my man 🤭
user: you’re telling me mick planned this???? 😭
user: idk who i should be more jealous of
oscarpiastri: cute!
estebanocon: you’re telling me mick isn’t third wheeling??
↳ landonorris: can you believe it?
user: “my heart” brb gonna go jump off a cliff
user: i just know mick is crying in a corner rn wishing he never set this date night for them 🤣
user: idk if i should be jealous of yn, lando, or mick
user: still can’t believe this mf managed to bag THE YN SCHUMACHER
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ynschumacher and landonorris
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liked by carlossainz55, landonorris and 620,047 others
ynschumacher: weekly recap:))
tagged: @landonorris
view 6,936 comments
user: “pretty girl” 😭😭😭
mickschumacher: you’re not the only one he calls pretty
↳ landonorris: hi pretty boy 😉
user: brb gonna go take a bath with my toaster 😔
user: my ynlando heart, omg!!
landonorris: my stunning girlfriend, everyone 😍
landonorris: i love youu 😘
↳ ynschumacher: i love youu moreee 😘
carlossainz55: this makes me sick
↳ mickshumacher: i agree
↳ ynschumacher: 😡😡😡 HATERS
user: im in love with them 😩
maxfewtrell: we get it, you’re in love 🙄
user: yn, how does it feel to live my dream?!!???
user: how do you feel about mick trying to steal your man?
user: this is too cute, wtf 😭
landonorris and ynschumacher
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liked by ynschumacher, danielricciardo and 649,726 others
landonorris: summer break with my favorite girl 💘
tagged: @ynschumacher
view 5,957 comments
user: thanks for reminding me that i’m single 😠
ynschumacher: i adore you, lover 😘
ynschumacher: who’s got you smiling like that??
↳ landonorris: you, pretty girl 😘 ily
↳ user: toaster bath sounds real nice right about now 👍🏼
user: i feel so single, wtf
user: atp lando’s account is pretty much a yn stan account
mickschumacher: i’ll admit, this is cute
mickschumacher: ❤️
user: i will never get over him calling her “pretty girl” 😭
user: im not jealous, im not jealous, im not jealous
user: yn, i can treat you so much better than him
user: she’s so pretty wtf 😩
oscarpiastri: my favs 🧡
user: bro, you’re making me feel so single wtf
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liked by mickschumacher, lance_stroll and 687,947 others
ynschumacher: small photo dump of my twin & boyfriend aka my favorite boys!! ❤️
tagged: @mickschumacher @landonorris
view 6,530 comments
user: that 4th slide 😭😭😭 that should be me making him laugh like that … BYEEEE
user: yn, babe, is that you cutting mick’s hair in the first post?
↳ ynschumacher: yes!
user: that lando pic has me 🫠
user: her brother’s fine asf and her man is fine asf 😩
user: “my favorite boys” 🥺🥺
mickschumacher: who’s that fine ass guy in the second post?
mickschumacher: this confirms i’m your fav sibling, btw
↳ ynschumacher: my favorite tWIN!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤪
↳ mickschumacher: i’m your only twin 🙄
↳ gina_schumacher: aw, i feel so loved 🥰
↳ ynschumacher: you’re my favorite sister 😘
user: lando’s smile, omg 😩
user: ya’ll talking about lando, but mick 😍😍😍
landonorris: i’m the luckiest, i swear
landonorris: i love you so much, pretty girl ❤️❤️❤️
↳ ynschumacher: ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i luv you too, pretty boy
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liked by mickschumacher, carlossainz55 and 698,731 others
landonorris: every single day i spent with you is always my favorite … i love you! ❤️
tagged: @ynschumacher
view 5,936 comments
user: this was my final straw 😭 who wants to join me and jump off a bridge??!??
↳ user: sleeping on the train track is better 😍
↳ user: toaster bath and i’ll join!!!!
↳ user: ya’ll crazy 💀 let’s all drink bleach!!!
user: this mf is soo whipped
maxfewtrell: simp
mickschumacher: that’s so cheesy but cute
↳ user: if they do, ima be the happiest person ever
user: parents are cute 🥺🧡
ynschumacher: right back at you, pretty boy 😘😘😘😘
ynschumacher: you make me the happiest ❤️
↳ landonorris: my pretty girl i love you!! ❤️❤️❤️
user: crying myself to sleep 😭😭😭
user: i will never get over the “pretty boy” “pretty girl”
user: still in denial that he took my girlfriend away from me
user: idk if yn is lucky or if it’s lando
↳ user: lando bc he’s dating THE YN SCHUMACHER
user: adopt me please 🙏🏼
user: lando’s so lucky to be able to call her “his” 😭😭
↳ user: please do not remind me
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taurussbabe · 11 months
Not a Secret
about... Charles is in a private relationship with y/n, who is a totally normal normal girl
a/n: thought it was fun to make this one, since every new wag seem to be portuguese, portugal girlies are so living the dream 😘🧸
pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!portuguese!reader
yourusername (private account)
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liked by charles_leclerc and 121 others
yourusername: life lately 🫶
charles_leclerc: i love you ❤️
francisca.cgomes: fofa 🥰
kellypiquet: que linda❤️
yourbestfriend: nyc kinda girl 🗽
charles_leclerc IG stories
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liked by charles16lec and 93,256 others
f1gossip: Charles Leclerc seemed to have visited his girlfriend Y/n at her hometown according to his stories and pictures from fans
gossipf123: they look cute
chaleclerc: I love how he goes to her hometown because they have privacy there
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liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc and 898,689 others
charles_leclerc: last 2 weekends dump (P1 baby)🙃
leclercnews: i love the fact that in 6 pictures, 4 of them are of y/n😭💗
charlesyn: ikr, they're so cute 🫶
yourusername: my winner 🎉❤️
chillyperceval: agh i love these two charlesperceval: pls make your account public, your vibe looks perfect perceval4life: i love you y/n
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liked by charles_leclerc, kellypiquet and 76,679 others
yourusername: it's a cruel summer🐚🥥🏎️
carla.brocker: love youu🫶
kellypiquet: 😍😍😍
charles_leclerc: ma belle❤️
charles16carlos55: she finally made her account public, my prayers were heard 🤗
notimeforlosers: you're so pretty 😍
wagsf1: gorgeous 🥰
charlestswift: she's a swiftie 😭🎉
tripod16: yess the caption + the meme, she's one of us 😭🫶
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charles_leclerc IG stories
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liked by wagsf1 and 323,934 others
formulagossip: charles leclerc just posted a story with a kid, he was apparently at a event of y/n's family, according to some photos posted by her family members
lec16lerc: he's so great with kids 😍
hammertime: who's the kid?
ynfanaccount_: i think it's y/n's niece arthur_lorenzo_lec: i didn't know she had any siblings ynfanaccount_: she has 2 older brothers
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liked by leclerc_pascale, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly and 398,982 others
charles_leclerc: happy birthday yourusername, je t'aime pours toujours. You are the best thing that's ever been mine 😘😉
yourusername: thank youu! (I spot a taylor swift reference, i love you even more because of that)😘❤️
leclerc_pascale: happy birthday Y/n!
carla.brocker: happy birthday angel 🥰
mlnmarta: happy birthday 🎉
charlotte2304: happiest of birthdays y/n!😘
tifosi4life: it's the fact that even his mother and sisters in law commented! happy birthday y/n!
chillypierre1055: happiest of birthdays y/n!!!🎉
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tia-222 · 4 months
i manifested my sp!!
I also manifested my mom letting me get my nails done twice in like a span of two weeks and she even got me the prettiest dress ever for my 16th birthday.
i honestly feel like im living my dream life
imma manifest more time with my boyfriend cause hes always busy with football practice and i miss him😭😭
robotic affriming is the key fr
u doubt? AFFIRM over it
u see opposite movement? just dont hear your thoughts affirm over that
u feel so bad?? cry its okay to cryy just keep robotically repeating affs in your head
please trust me that is literally the best way to get anything u want literally ANYTHING
if ur affriming, it is WORKING
dont keep reading these things guyssss go affirm and get your desire loves<3
I'm so freaking proud of youu!! I love sp success stories sm, and you deserve everything, love <33. And happy belated birthday, mwahss. I love that way you worded everything!! By standing strong in your assumption, it will harden into a fact in your reality and your success story is a perfect example of it. Tysm for sharing, love and enjoy your time with your sp 🤭. I LOVE THIS FOR YOUU <3
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kazvha · 3 months
Summary: random birthday headcanons
Including: Various characters from genshin, bsd, hq, knb, eleceed, jjk, aot, bllk, op, hxh, fire force, mtp, valorant, resident evil, ff7
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He's the sweetest thing ever. The night before your birthday, he decided to bake your favorite birthday cake without any prior knowledge. He honestly didn't expect to stay up the whole night. It took hours until the cake looked appealing and the result was still messy, but it's the thought that counts, right?
The next day he surprised you with the finished cake and some balloons in your favorite colors.
"Happy birthday love! Let's make the most out of today."
"Shit I forgot to taste the cake-"
"Did you say something?"
"No babe." 😊
- Wriothesley, Wanderer, Xiao, Yoru, Iso, Geto, Eren, Kayden, Sigma, Chuuya, Chigiri, Karasu, Benimaru, Vulcan, Zoro, Chris, Sherlock, Moran, Kageyama, Sawamura, Daishou, Suna, Kagami, Aomine
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He thinks that there's no better way to celebrate your birthday than celebrating your birth with your loved ones. So he planned a whole birthday party for you and invited all your friends. You make his life so much brighter and he wanted to give you something back.
"There is our star of the evening!! Tonight's gonna be your night! Come on everybody, let's sing!"
- Gaming, Kaeya, Lyney, Phoenix, Gekko, Jean, Connie, Reo, Itadori, Ace, Carlos, Zack, Albert, Kuroo, Terushima, Atsumu, Sugawara, Kise
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He made your birthday present all by himself. He picked out all his favorite pictures of you in his gallery and printed them out in a store. Then he bought a new scrapbook and carefully decorated each page of the book with pictures, some stickers, and a few doodles. He even wrote down his thoughts, inside jokes, and genuine comments and compliments. He hopes you'll like it. On the first page, he wrote:
"I love your smile in this picture. You know, your smile is actually something I look forward to every day. Happy Birthday. Let's create more happy moments together."
- Armin, Albedo, Kazuha, Kaveh, Leon, Sova, Kunikida, Isagi, Hiori, Choso, Cloud, William, Louis, Kenma, Muse, Akaashi, Aran, Osamu, Kuroko, Midorima, Ogun
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You woke up to your boyfriend pressing soft kisses all over your face and singing Happy Birthday for you. To your dismay, his voice sounded horrible! You still appreciated his effort though and gave him a tight & loving hug.
"haPPY BirtHday To YoUu, HaPpy BirThDAy tO yOuUuUuuU!"
- Gojo, Itto, Ayato, Heizou, Dazai, Atsushi, Bachira, Shidou, Aiku, Luffy, Sanji, Shanks, Sabo, Hisoka, Inhyuk, Reno, Oikawa, Hinata, Nishinoya, Lev, Bokuto, Tendou, Arthur
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"Get into your prettiest outfit, we're going out." He takes you on a shopping stroll and buys you literally everything.
"Today is a special day darling. Take everything you want, you deserve it."
The day ends with a hearty meal in your favorite restaurant. He takes your hand in his and rubs his thumb over your knuckles.
"I hope you could enjoy yourself thoroughly today."
- Childe, Diluc, Zhongli, Neuvillette, Alhaitham, Kartein, Fyodor, Sephiroth, Levi, Chamber, Barou, Rin, Sae, Nanami, Law, Kid, Chrollo, Iwaizumi, Ushijima, Sakusa, Kita, Akashi
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472 notes · View notes
missydior · 5 days
love letters ౨ৎ
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♡: an eternity of silent, mutual yearning and friendship that flourishes into something new when feelings are finally confessed.
notes: charles leclerc/reader, friends to lovers, humour, fluff, confessions.
type: smau & writing ・ fc: lila moss
a/n: my favourite trope ever mwah 🤍🤍 this feels a little messy and stuff but I had a lot of fun writing it and hope you feel the love all over it I have, ily
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liked by friendusername, charlesleclerc and 313,983 others
yourusername: hello from the birthday girl here <3 thank you so much for all of the kind messages, wishes & gifts. sending lots of love
friendusername: happy bday to our favourite girl ever 🍰🫶🏼
yourusername: 🤍🤍🤍
user1: happy birthday to our favourite paddock princessss
charlesleclerc: did you like the cake I bought you then, or?
yourusername: I loved it until you threw half of it in my face
charlesleclerc: it tasted nicer that way
franciscagomes: bday girl !!
yourusername: i love youu
franciscagomes: i love you more 🤍
pierregasly: what about me?
franciscagomes: today is about y/n. shush.
I. Your Birthday.
After hours spent with café au lait and too much maple syrup on pancakes in the morning with gift receiving and wishes, a quiet luncheon with those closest to your heart, enjoying the beauty of the shores and rosé champagne, evening eventually settles in a beautiful colour against the heavens of Monaco.
You have never been one for the dramatics or high attention of crowds, settling on an intimate celebratory affair amongst close friends and family: pretty dresses and glasses of Lavender French '75 or those strawberry daiquiris that Ésme is in love with; a sweet, favourite song heard in the background.
Charles arrives fashionably late, the collar of his white-linen shirt loosened and soft, dark-brunet hair slightly tousled as he comes near, the sight of a smile on his face you've always loved, dimples revealed.
There is a certain relief that comes with being graced by his presence, like you had been silently longing and waiting for his greeting before anybody else's, though you disguise it from any chance of teasing.
"(Y/N)," Your name rolls off his tongue like caramel, accentuated as he shifts to kiss both your cheeks in friendly affection before he chuckles at your expression, "Happy birthday." Mon ange.
"Thank you," You breathe, a laugh falling past your mouth at the sight of him in manifestation, inclining your head when you look at him through your lashes, "I was beginning to think you forgot."
"Forget? Me?" The Monegasque exclaims as though wounded, placing his hand to his chest though the smile about his sun-kissed visage never dissipates, stealing a nearby glass of champagne, "Never. I had some work to finish."
There is an edge of teasing beneath your looks, a dance of butterflies in your stomach when he touches the small of your back fleetingly as he shifts past with that signature wink of his, all friendly and humorous in years of friendship, and yet your heart stutters.
You almost say something else, confessions and thoughts that want to erupt from your chest like love letters you have never sent – certain it is merely the liquor fogging your judgement – but he's wandered away with a final promise before a syllable can come forth.
"Let me get the birthday girl a drink, oui?"
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liked by franciscagomes and 311,646 others
yourusername: july with my favourite people <3
mentioned charlesleclerc, friendusername, franciscagomes and two others
user1: literal angels
user2: second pic is definitely y/n and charles
friendusername: you still owe me another ice cream 🍨
yourusername: sorry bby, i’ll be at your front door with a double vanilla ice cream soon <3
franciscagomes: 🤍🤍
II. At the beach.
Warm light kisses your skin like heavenly delight, a forgotten copy of Paris' Vogue beside where you are currently bathing with a finished strawberry lemonade, long lashes fluttering when you open your eyes to gaze at the skies above in the heat of July, a mosaic of white and cerulean about the Côte d'Azur.
Most of the others have momentarily departed for the nearby café for new sweet treats, though you are consciously aware of a half-dozing Charles Leclerc nearby against the slight flush down the bridge of his nose and eyelashes that ghost about his cheekbones where he is lying.
Pure bliss; perfect heaven.
It takes him a second, the mention of his name rousing him to blink out of a hazy hint of a dream with the tilt of his chin towards the direction of your voice that calls to him like an angel's symphony, squinting against the haze of light before a lazy, boyish smile reveals his pearlescent teeth, "Mm?"
Shifting upright, consciously trying not to stare at him for too long though you have come to simply welcome and fall used to the sight of his naked chest, all smooth ridges and lean muscle, you absently adjust the ribbons of your pretty bikini and reach for sun cream.
"Do you think you could help me put some on my back, please?" You ask politely, offering him the item whilst shifting on your knees and gathering the edges of your hair over your shoulder that have fallen loose.
He does not respond initially, not until he's sat upright and shifted closer with a kind edge of a smile that dances across his face, "Oui."
Charles does not hesitate or take advantage of the circumstances, applying the fine lotion against the curve of your shoulders with gentle ministrations and lower down, fingertips feather-light, careful not to linger too long.
The act feels oddly intimate as you gaze towards the serene shores, like his touch is meant for the most secret parts of you, an unconscious shiver and the subtle arching of your vertebrae when he traces a particular area. Whether he notices or not, there is no indication given, instead continuing in a method that seems entirely platonic but leaves an ache in your stomach.
"Merci," You tell him once the deed is most finished and he draws away, shifting just enough to offer a look of him from the corner of your eye in a gratuitous smile.
You wonder if how his gaze lingers is the same way yours does, like a painting worth admiring or a flower in emergence, heart thrumming quicker under your sternum before the moment is broken when he clears his throat.
"Of course."
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III. A dinner.
Caffè Milano, a quaint but fanciful and warm establishment tucked in the quiet luxuries of Monaco's principality with its dancing chandeliers, oak-varnished furniture and beloved menu.
A semblance of familiarity, pleasantry and polished glasses clinking against the rhythm of conversation amongst friends in the warm afternoon: a lingering aroma of roses from the centrepiece décor neatly arranged and fine cuisine.
"– Non, I am not lying," Pierre is recounting a recent, humorous anecdote of experience, thumb idly tracing the edge of his wine glass whilst you and the others listen on, your cheeks beginning to hurt from how much you have laughed in the recent half-an hour, idly toying with the necklace resting at the hollow of your throat in common fashion.
"You are." Francisca frowns, albeit fondly.
Your concentration is removed from their talk when there is a subtle caress against the ankle bone, a touch beneath the furniture and a fleeting glance from your peripheral sight at the Monégasque beside you, all handsome smiles and that addictive song of laughter whilst a stray hair falls about his eyebrow, though he does not seem to show any degree of deliberation or notice that his shoe idly touches you there.
You have the urge to hold him, caress him, to press a thousand, butterfly kisses along his jaw and say something you should not. Instead, you continue to listen and nurse the last of your Château-Chalon.
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f1gossip: y/n at the grand prix this weekend <3 our paddock princess is back
mentioned yourusername
user1: she looks divineee
user2: charles and y/n friends to lovers when?
user3: leave them alone, they’re just friends and have been since childhood
IV. A balcony.
Charles had forgotten his keys somewhere and, until his dear brother could come and return them, you had offered the warmth of your welcomed apartment: all minimalist but homely in décor against a palette of cream, white and the like all complemented by paintings and furniture.
One hour had melted into two by the late afternoon with dusk's slow kiss, hints of lilac and grey in the edge of the skies, your cats curled contently on the plush chaise lounge and resting after endless affections from the Monégasque who seemed to be in love with them.
"Can I join you?"
The voice – honest and clear, albeit a fraction amused – is recognisable as you are drawn out of reverie on the balcony of rocaille motifs, gazing into quiet streets below and the nearby public gardens flourishing with flora, gnawing at your inner cheek as you look to the man where he leans against the threshold, a look in his eye that comes with a subtle indulgence after he stole your favourite bottle of rosé in the kitchenette.
"Of course, yes." Always.
He stands beside you, a few inches apart with his elbow resting against the intricate balustrade when he follows your dreamy stare for a moment, lost in his own thoughts. There is a comfort between the two of you, something you know must come from years of familiarity:
An seemingly endless, innocent youth that manifested in its complications as you aged and neared adolescence, like an evening primrose that flowers and sometimes falls apart, but always returns, even changing with senescence. With age.
You can feel his gaze, almost like an internal, silent imploration for your own, the edges of your fingers and nails polished in a rose quartz-esque varnish that glitters prettily in the evening, and his lips are parted just enough as if wanting to say something before they curve a little higher on the edges, his words hushed.
"Have you ever thought about love?"
Your eyebrows raise a fraction, though it is not so unexpected of a question and one that has been on the edge of your tongue since forever, even with the doubtful inkling that he has merely enjoyed too much wine.
"Sometimes," All of the time. You murmur, a soft, breathless chuckle following as you shrug and tilt your head upwards, gazing above like some wished answer or instruction from the angels or whoever listens, "Why do you ask?"
"Because," His response is delayed, though his answer is sincere and thoughtful like he has been thinking over his words since a time he can't remember until his fingertips touch your elbow fleetingly, "I can't stop thinking about it."
There is a moment, a single fragment, in which you meet his eyes, his touch is known and everything seems to pause like a finished painting, a still image in a history book: his hand, his body and his eyes – the colour of autumn, earth, hints of something else so unique to him.
"Charles, what are you saying?" You laugh softly, looking away momentarily and toying with the knitted wool of your soft cardigan with the kind of feigned indifference that comes with disguising truth, "I didn't think you were a romantic, who has caught your eye?"
For a moment, you wish he would say someone's name, a blessed girl that you have never heard of, so that you can deny your own feelings and settle on the painful reality that you are merely friends.
Instead, his gaze flickers, almost nervously, and a palm cradles the curve of your cheek and jaw with the hesitance of a man of conflicting considerations even when he tries to smile a little. "Please, forgive me."
There is not an instance given to allow any insistence or inquiry as Charles presses a kiss upon your mouth: it is not rushed and there is a desperation there that is not greedy, tasting the remnants of your lipstick and rosé, slow and methodical – longer when you indulge and welcome the feeling.
He does not draw away completely when the feeling ends, his forehead lightly pressed to yours and his touch a little firmer where his fingers curl into your hair, swallowing slowly as his eyes close for a moment until he dares meet your stare once more.
You smile.
"Je t'aime." There is something in his face you have never seen before, something raw and open like an unfurling rose revealing itself, and you know that your heart is his and his alone.
Another kiss with your prompting, fingertips tracing the soft cotton of his shirt near the shoulder until you drape arms about his shoulders, breathing him in with hints of raspberry, amber and cinnamon, "I love you."
There is poetry in his eyes like those unsent love letters shoved under your pillow, and he delves in, holding you close and intimate until you're most certain, mutually, of the silent yearning you have felt for one another for years.
"C'mere," He mumbles, an arm drawing around the back of your thighs as he picks you up and holds you securely, and you cannot help but laugh in pure, unadulterated glee at his touch and affections, the bottle of rosé abandoned as the night settles in and you are whisked away.
He loves you.
He loves you.
♡ ✧ 。*・.
© missydior
a/n: please don't forget to interact, like, etc. <3
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chilumi-shipper · 1 year
My Favorite Girl (2)
Arataki Itto x Shrine Maiden!Fem!Reader
Summary: Part 2 of My Favorite Girl, you unexpectedly return, missing everything and everybody. You want to make things clear, does he still love you? And do you still love him?
Tags: Two lines with curses, Bullying in work place, Angst to Fluff
Itto remained seated by the docks, similar to how his days ended the past month. The burning ache of your departure never left him, in fact, it has only gotten worse, your lack of presence making itself known to him and a certain mini-sized bull.
Two months.
You've been gone two months, double the time you said you were gonna spend on Watatsumi Island. All his prayers to see a boat containing you had been ignored, much like the letters he sent to you while you were gone.
"Hey, babe! How's the job treating you?"
"I know you'll ace this job like you always do! What is it that Shrine Maidens do specifically that they have to switch locations? Well anyway, you'll do so good, you probably won't even need a full month to finish the job."
"Looooveee, don't let Ushi warm your side of the bed for too long, okay? His sleep moos are kinda annoying, ya know? Ohh, crap! He caught me writing you a letter!" This particular letter had a bite mark and a hoof print of the sleep moo-er.
"So... I don't know how to start this up without sounding like a total jerk, but... Well, first I wanna say happy birthday! Very very late happy birthday..." This letter was quite long, yet it received no reaction.
"You haven't returned any of my letters yet, which is totally okay if you're too busy! But I just wanna know if you're okay... I really miss you, Ushi misses you, the gang too! It been a little bit over a month, waiting for you~ I love youu." This letter was signed by each member of the Arataki Gang, each with their own little message.
A few letters of concern goes by, no response.
"It's been two months, my darling... When are you coming back home?" He wrote this one drunk and in tears, the feeling of missing you sinking deeper and deeper into his gut, not letting him shrug off the feeling like he did before.
"Boss! Look what I found in your mail!" The loud shout of Akira irritated the many people at the docks of Ritou, but it did its job of catching the oni's attention.
Itto turned to see the gang running up yo him. "Hey! You can't just go through my mail like that! What if you accidentally open ones for Y/N? She'd kill ya!"
"Yeah, I know, boss. But I actually got this from the mail delivery before it reached your house, sooo... this isn't your mail yet..." Akira remarked, proudly showing off his loophole.
Kuki Shinobu rolled her eyes before urging him, "Go on then, show him."
The Akira, Mamoru, and Genta excitedly showed Itto the letter in Akira's hands. "From Miss Y/N herself! Ohhh, is our Honorary Maiden about to return? We must rejoice!" Genta exclaimed, hyping up the other members too. Ushi himself couldn't keep his little body from jumping in joy.
"Looks like we don't have to go to Watatsumi for a grand Arataki rescue mission."
"Yeah, hmmm... I was kinda excited about that though."
"Now, hold on..." Shinobu broke their thrilled conversation. "We haven't even read the letter."
"Shinobu's right. Maybe... she just wants to say there's nothing to worry about, and she'll be staying there longer..." The hopeless voice coming from the oni, perhaps preparing for dissapointment, didn't go unnoticed. The gang noticed the change in attitude their leader has been having a few weeks after you left, getting worse with each passing day without you.
"Aww, boss, don't be like that! I'm sure Miss Y/N's had enough of Watatsumi now, she's probably preparing to head home right now." Mamoru attempted to comfort his boss, but Itto has told himself the same so many times that he feels like he can no longer hold the statement in a high regard.
Ushi softly pushed Itto's ankle with his hoof, urging him to open the letter.
"I apologize, my dear. This letter may be long overdue, but I want to let you know that I am doing just fine, there is nothing to worry about. I will be returning in just a short while, I trust that Ushi has kept my side of the bed warm for me, hehehe. To the Arataki Gang, I missed you all as well, I look forward to seeing you. And as for my beloved, Itto, let's talk once I'm there."
"She's really coming back home!" Everyone celebrated, but Itto's mind started spinning.
The most terrifying words... "Let's talk..." without a hint of emotion.
He looked at the letter once again...
Not even an I love you.
Itto didn't expect the "returning in just a short while" to be just a few hours after he received the letter.
But when he found the door of your shared home open, you were standing visibly inside with your luggage laying on the ground, he could only stand in shock.
He has been dreaming of your return for the past month, but he hasn't exactly thought about how he was gonna greet you, he wasn't even sure whether you were still upset about how he treated you then.
"Y/N..." He whispered the name of the love of his life into the air, being loud enough to just about graze your ears.
You turned to look at him, and immediately, your heart fluttered at the sight. The ever so idiotically dashing man you think is still yours. Your heart sunk at the thought, opting to smile at him instead.
"Itto... Am I still welcome here?" There's a pain constantly in your chest when you think of him. Is his home still your home? Have you been thoroughly replaced? Did you absence spark something between him and a certain ninja you know?
"What are you-" The oni started of confused. "Of course you're welcome here! This is your home, did you think Ushi clamed your ownership entirely? He only took up the bed, but that's it, really." You giggled at his remark, finding it easy to talk to him still.
"It's just that you probably didn't expect me to come back now. My letter was pretty late, as I've heard." You reasoned as you look around, seeing that practically nothing has changed from when you left.
"Well, you wanted to talk, so let's save that for later, why don't we?" Itto picked up all of your luggage, reminding you of his pride of not making two trips just to transport something, prompting you to smile as you nodded at his suggestion.
Your smile lit up the house he found so lonely while you were gone, so naturally, he noticed you smiling at him, and it brought a light feeling to his heart. "What? Missed your strong oni carrying everything for you?"
Your oni... Is he really?
Your smile faded a bit, but you made sure to catch yourself so he wouldn't notice, "Yeahh, I really did..."
"So you're the maiden from Narukami right? The one in love with an oni?" You caught the condecending tone of another Shrine Maiden as she spoke to you.
You decided to ignore the way she spoke to you. "Yes, that's right! How can I be of assistance?"
"Mind throwing this to the garbage, just some useless junk mail." She placed a sizable amount of crumbled and shredded paper onto your hands. "Thanks." After giving you the most ungrateful thanks, she walked away giggling with her friend.
You merely sighed, heading for the trash can, pouring the paper in the bin. Just as you were about to walk away, you noticed something on the paper... Ushi's signiture hoof print.
With a gasp, you grabbed it and read the letter that was at such a sorry state. The letter was light hearted, yet when you read it, you almost broke down right next to the garbage. You scooped up the rest of the paper you just threw away and hurriedly ran back to your quarters. Most of the letters are in pieces, but you still needed to see what they say.
After two months in Watatsumi, you only received their letters then.
You're finally back home, the suffocating air the Watatsumi Shrine Maidens breathe no longer in your lungs. You took another look of the house as Itto carried your things into your shared room.
In a tired manner, you sat down on the couch, and Ushi immediately took a seat next to you. "Hello, my little bull..." You cooed affectionately, patting his head, which he all responded to positively.
Everything is where it should be... so normal and so familiar.
"Darling! I have a surprise for you! I almost forgot since, ya know, you came unex-" Itto's excited voice and enthusiastic movements halted when he saw you sitting down on the couch. "Y/N...?"
Your head was down, small sobs came from your throat, and he can tell that you're trying yo hold them in. You curled up into a ball, sobs getting louader as you can no longer hold such a pain in your heart.
"Itto, please... I need you..." At your call, the oni dropped his gift to the ground and hurried to your side before pulling you to his chest. "Let me stay here..."
"Love, it's okay... I'm right here. And you can stay right here too." He kissed the top of your head, rubbing you shoulder to calm you down.
"Don't leave me all alone. Do-Don't forget about me..." You were begging, clinging onto him. Hoping he wouldn't walk out the door without a thought.
You wrapped your arms around him, sitting on his lap before burrying your face on his neck. The concerned oni didn't completely understand, but he understood that you needed him, so he's going to be there, he isn't leaving you alone in your home this time.
"Feeling better?" With a grin, Itto placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of you. The sight of you nodding left him feeling relieved.
"I'm right here, darling, alright?"
"Do you still love me?" The oni was shocked by the suddenness of your question. You looked at him, expecting an answer.
After composing himself, Itto stood in front of you at the dinner table, giving you the same look. "I fucking love you too much for you to start questioning my love."
"But you gave me a reason to... question it..." You pointed out sheepishly.
The man you love sighed, "I know, and I'm hoping... if you let me, I can make up for that..." He then proceeded to place a gift in front of you, right next to the hot chocolate.
"My very very late birthday present?" You gestured at the gift with a smile.
You felt in your heart that... you should trust his words, to let him prove his love. So you will.
"So you did receive my letters..." He teased right back.
"It's a long story..." You sighed, looking at the present in front of you.
"And I'll be hapy to hear it, love. Because I will always be here." Itto walked up to you and proceeded to wipe the lone tear that fell from your eye.
You stood up and jumped at him, hugging him immediately. "I'm really sorry, Itto... I shouldn't have left."
Tears yet again fell to your cheeks, "But when you forgot about my birthday, about our special day... about me..." You recalled the many nights you spent without him by your side.
"It made me... questionn your love..."
The love of your life hugged you back, letting you lean on his chest. "Then let me ask you now... Do you still love me?"
You chuckled against him.
"I fucking love you too much for you to start questioning my love." He couldn't help but let out the biggest grin when you said that.
The oni let go of you, before bringing the gift to your attention. "Since you love me so much, you'll let me take you out on a date and wear this, right?"
As he opened the box, you saw a necklace with a pendant that in a shape of a bull... he knows you too well. Yes, this is the beautiful jade necklace, it is made out of jade, soooo...
You hear a moo at the your feet, making you look down. "Oh, and here comes Ushi." Itto bantered with the idea of him and the bull being competitors for your love.
Ushi presented to you a wilting flower, along with the purest eyes you can see on a bull.
"Ohh, my sweet darling, thank you so much!"
Itto scoffed, "He literally plucked it out of the neighbor's garden, he almost cried when he was being shouted at."
"Ahh, Ushi has faced such a great trial for this flower, I appreciate it even more."
As the two compete for your love just like old times, the hot chocolate on the table goes cold.
"Uh, Shinobu..." The boat of the rest of the Arataki Gang docked at Watasumi Island. "What are we doing here again?" Mamoru questioned the green haired girl.
"Apparently, there's a problem about receiving mail in the Sangonomiya Shrine, and that's why Miss Y/N took so long to get back home." Kuki Shinobu clarified. "Miss Yae asked us to take care of it. Think of this as part of the rescue mission you were talking about."
"Yeahh, alright! Let's kick some mail troblemakers butts!" Akira exclaimed.
"Yep, that's exactly what Miss Yae asked for. This is probably the only Shrine Maiden related thing I like, except for Miss Y/N, of course."
After a year with no update...
I was done with a lot of things on my plate (thankfully) so I thought, why not pick up an old project :3
Thanks so much for everyone's patience, for waiting for part 2 of this story for such a long time, I appreciate you guys (⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
Tags: @l0diluvs @iiyumii @lockem @t4m3-simp @eliciana @freezombielover
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