#happy junhao day
kyeomstars · 1 year
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Junhao on the 8 of jun
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halfseoulco · 7 months
All My Love: A SEVENTEEN x Hogwarts AU
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Published Wednesday, February 14th, 2024 — Happy Valentine's Day and, more importantly, happy Carat Day! Honestly, I really got attached to these versions of the SEVENTEEN members that I created for the Christmas AU, so I decided to continue their stories with what I hope is a cute series of events for our thirteen diamonds. ♡
As a refresher, here's some information before you start reading!
Word count: ~ 10,800
AU Ages:
Seventh years — Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Joshua, Junhui, Soonyoung
Sixth years — Wonwoo, Jihoon, Seokmin, Mingyu, Minghao
Fifth years — Seungkwan, Vernon, and Chan
AU Houses:
Gryffindor — Seungcheol, Soonyoung, Vernon, Chan
Ravenclaw — Wonwoo, Jihoon, Minghao
Hufflepuff — Junhui, Mingyu, Seokmin, Seungkwan
Slytherin — Jeonghan, Joshua
Description: It's Valentine's Day at Hogwarts and everyone has plans—or some things that go according to plan and some that don't. Romance is on the table for some, while others prefer to spend quality time with their friends—because all love is important. All you need to know is that you probably don't want to be Vernon.
Read “All My Love” on Ao3!
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The Black Lake — February 14th (early evening)
"Hansol Vernon Chwe!"
The Gryffindor winced as his boyfriend's voice transcended octaves in his unbridled fury.
"You'd better have a good explanation for this!"
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Gryffindor Fifth Year Boys' Dormitory — February 1st
The fifth year Gryffindor turned his head away from where he had been watching the rain fall outside the window to look at his oldest hyung over his shoulder.
"Oh, hey, hyung," he greeted him with a nod.
"Have you seen Seungkwan recently?" Seungcheol asked him, brow furrowed with concern.
"Um, not since last night," Vernon replied, face blank. "Why?"
The older Gryffindor sighed, sitting next to him on the bench seat in front of the window.
If not even his boyfriend had seen him recently, then maybe Seungkwan's situation was far more serious than anyone realized.
"I'm worried about him," Seungcheol admitted. "He doesn't really seem like himself. Not anywhere near a quarter as fussy as he normally is about everyone and everything." He glanced at Vernon out of the corner of his eye, noticing that he had gone back to facing the window. "You're usually attached at the hip, it's unusual that you haven't seen him at all today."
"Are you saying that I should know where my boyfriend is every minute of every day?" Vernon said tonelessly.
"No, that's not what I'm saying." Seungcheol tilted his head to one side, surveying him carefully. "I'm saying that as his best friend, you might know what's been going on with him."
The younger boy turned his head away.
"So you do know," Seungcheol said gently.
Vernon's shoulders tensed. He said nothing for a few moments, Seungcheol waiting patiently while he grappled with whether he should confide in the prefect or not.
Finally, his shoulders slumped.
"Last spring," he began, "one of Seungkwan's closest friends from home... passed away."
"I remember," Seungcheol said gravely. "That's why he was gone for a while."
"Yeah, he went back home to attend the funeral." Vernon sighed. "The friend... he was a Muggle... and obviously Seungkwan couldn't tell him that he was a wizard, so his friend thought that he had gotten a scholarship to attend some fancy boarding school in the UK. Seungkwan had been jumping through all kinds of hoops to stay in touch with him without giving himself away, getting letters sent by Muggle post... talking about classes that are taught at Muggle schools... They would hang out all summer when Seungkwan would go home after every end of term... but then..." Vernon rubbed at his nose furiously with the sleeve of his sweater, sniffling. "His friend was really unhappy and I think he missed Seungkwan a lot—"
"It's okay," Seungcheol stopped him. "You don't have to keep going."
Vernon nodded gratefully, wiping at his eyes.
"His birthday was last week," he said softly, "and Seungkwan hasn't been taking it very well. I feel like I should be doing something... more? Better? But he barely even talks to me, won't even look at me sometimes..." He finally looked up at Seungcheol, his eyes sparkling with tears. "Hyung, I don't know what to do. I feel like such a bad boyfriend."
Seungcheol inhaled deeply through his nose, his mind running through the memories he had of Seungkwan and Vernon, both back when they had been just friends and after they had gotten together. To anyone who didn't know the pair very well, it would seem like Seungkwan took care of Vernon in every way—because that was how his affection manifested itself—but their friends all knew that Vernon was Seungkwan's biggest supporter and that the Hufflepuff relied on his boyfriend more than anyone. At just fifteen, they had a connection deeper than most adults Seungcheol had met; and no one who saw them together could ever accuse Vernon of not being a good boyfriend.
Seungcheol exhaled heavily.
"You're not a bad boyfriend," he reassured Vernon. "The fact that you're worried about it this much is proof that you're not. All you need to do is let him know that you're here for him." He stood up, patting the younger on the shoulder. "Besides, Valentine's Day is coming up in a couple of weeks. Maybe come up with something that will really show him that he's not alone in this."
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Astronomy Tower — February 14th (early afternoon)
"What took you so long?" Wonwoo asked, not taking his eyes off the book he was reading.
"I'm so sorry," Mingyu huffed, stuffing something into his school bag. "I got stopped by... Alice Pembroke... on my way up here." He dropped to the floor next to his best friend, chest heaving with exhaustion. Shoving his still-open bag away from him, he raked his fingers through his sweaty hair. "I didn't mean to be late."
"I know you didn't," the Ravenclaw said softly. "You have quite a lot of sweets in your bag," he observed, finally looking away from his book to peek inside the contents of Mingyu's school bag.
The Hufflepuff beater snorted.
"I would offer you some but after that one Gryffindor girl was sent Sugar Quills dipped in love potion, I've learned not to eat anything people give me on Valentine's Day," he muttered, zipping up his bag and leaning back against the wall, eyes closed. "It's all a bunch of nonsense anyway."
Wonwoo carefully folded the corner of the page he was reading before setting the book aside. He tried to remind himself that it wasn't because he felt inadequate and needed Mingyu to tell him that he was wrong about what he was going to say—he just wanted him to be happy. The possibility that his best friend was choosing to remain single so that he would always be able to hang out with him just didn't sit right with him, and he would make sure that Mingyu's love life no longer suffered, even if it meant he had to spend more time alone.
"You know, you don't have to keep turning down girls because of me," he said quietly.
Mingyu slowly straightened up, opening his eyes to stare at Wonwoo blankly. When he didn't say anything for a few moments, Wonwoo decided to elaborate.
"Every time I try to have this conversation with you, you refuse to talk about it," he pressed. "You like girls, or at least you liked the girls back home. I know that you want to fall in love—that you believe in love—but you've rejected every single girl that's been interested in you since we started at Hogwarts. It's okay, you know? I'm not going to become a recluse if you start going out with someone. I can take care of myself."
Mingyu continued to stare blankly at him, showing no sign that he was taking in anything that the Ravenclaw was saying. Irritated, Wonwoo waved his hand in his face.
"Is any of this getting across to you?" the usually laidback boy demanded.
Still not receiving an answer or any indication that Mingyu had processed anything he had just said, Wonwoo stood up and started gathering his things, trying not to be too aggressive about it. If Mingyu wanted to keep avoiding the subject, then he could do it by himself.
"Wha—wait, wait, wait!" Mingyu said hastily, lurching forward and tugging on his arm to stop him. "Don't leave! I... I'm not trying to be annoying on purpose, I just—" He cut himself off, exhaling through his teeth. "I don't really know how to explain it."
"Explain what?" Wonwoo asked, looking down at his best friend, who was still sitting on the floor.
"A lot of things," Mingyu replied, leaning back against the wall again, "but I promise you that I'm not turning down dates because I think that you can't function without me."
Now thoroughly embarrassed that he had even voiced that particular insecurity, Wonwoo hesitated for a moment before dropping his bag back on the floor and sitting back down next to him.
"I'm sorry I got upset," he murmured. "I just don't want to be the one holding you back from something that I know is important to you."
"You're right, it is important to me," Mingyu agreed, "but not right now." He tilted his head back, looking up at the ceiling of the Astronomy Tower. "It's funny... we're in our sixth year, we have one more year left after this before we have to go out into the world and decide what we want to do with our lives... and I still feel so... young."
"I mean... we are." Wonwoo looked up at the ceiling himself, eyes following the veins in the stone. "Sixteen is not old enough to really make any decisions, not even about girls."
"Right, so I don't really understand why everyone is trying to find their future spouses now. I know a lot of Pureblood families don't arrange their children's marriages anymore, but there are still a few Slytherins who are already bound to betrothal contracts! Betrothal contracts! In this day and age! Anyway..." Mingyu grabbed his bag and shook it, the contents rattling around inside. "This? It's all fake. These girls are only interested in me because they think I'm handsome."
"You are handsome, though," Wonwoo pointed out.
"Thanks, but my point is that they don't know me. They don't know anything about me," Mingyu said. "I'm nothing more than good looks to them—with bonus points for being a foreigner and adding to the intrigue."
"Well, how is anyone supposed to get to know you if you don't let anyone close enough?"
"I don't need anyone else!" the Hufflepuff insisted stubbornly. "I have a twelve-person friend group. For some people, that's more than enough. Plenty. A lot, even."
"Oh, you won't find any disagreements from me there," Wonwoo said, chuckling. "Sometimes I think our friend group is a little much at times, but they're very understanding about me time. Anyway, back to you, you're being very cynical. A lot of people our age date for fun. No one's telling you that it has to be that serious, it might just be nice to have someone to spend time with on Valentine's Day. That's all."
"Is that something you want?" Mingyu asked him.
"Someday," he answered. "Not today, though. Besides, no one's been asking me, but a lot of people have asked you. That's why I'm bringing it up. If you were less nice, the girls here might start calling you a heartbreaker. Even Cedric Diggory had a girlfriend, you know, before the Triwizard Tournament."
"They can say whatever they want about me, it doesn't matter," Mingyu said, shrugging. "We're graduating next year and I don't think I'm going to be looking for jobs here, so I don't have to play British wizarding politics by avoiding rejecting girls from good families. I value my time and I'm choosing to spend it with people whom I also value, which includes you. Like..." He scratched the back of his head, frowning. "I think you're the most important person in my life and I want to be with you forever, but like... in a... not romantic way? If that makes sense? Like, I think we could get a house together and split bills and go grocery shopping and I would find that just as fulfilling as doing all that stuff with a girlfriend. I mean, girls are nice, but they're not you."
"I think the word you're looking for is 'platonic'," the Ravenclaw supplied helpfully. "And for the record, I feel the same way. I think people whose friends stop existing for them once they get a significant other are terrible."
"Yeah, what is up with that?" Mingyu agreed. "Can you imagine Seungcheol and Jeonghan just dropping all of us? Or Seungkwan and Vernon?"
"Never." Wonwoo shook his head. "Our lives are all so wrapped up in each other's, the thirteen of us can never really be apart. We're going to be old and gray... and taking up an entire apartment complex building by ourselves."
"I think that would be fun, honestly. A huge high-rise in Seoul, paid for by Jeonghan hyung." Snickering, Mingyu dug through his bag, unearthing a couple of packages of kimbap wrapped in plastic from under the piles of candy and cards. "My mom sent these, by the way. She specifically told me that I could not eat your portion, so you are now legally obligated to eat it."
"Tell her I said thank you," Wonwoo said, gratefully accepting the kimbap and unwrapping the plastic. "Your mom always has really great timing, she just knows when to send food."
"See, now you have to be friends with me forever," Mingyu teased. "Otherwise, no kimbap for you."
Wonwoo punched the Hufflepuff's arm affectionately.
"I don't need kimbap for that," he promised. "We were always going to be friends forever."
"Is there something longer than forever?"
"Forever and a day."
"That's still forever."
"I know."
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Hufflepuff Sixth Year Boys' Dormitories — February 14th (afternoon)
Seokmin shuffled through the pile of parchment in his hands as he trudged into the sixth year boys' dormitories, muttering to himself about moonstone properties and measurement conversions. Entirely preoccupied with trying to figure out where he might have made a mistake on his last quiz, he didn't notice that anything was amiss until a voice broke through his concentration.
"Whoa, what happened in here?"
Seokmin's head snapped up when his dorm mate walked into the room, the amazement in his tone catching his attention.
"Well, that's certainly something," he said, blinking at the grand display in front of him.
The curtains of his four-poster bed had been pulled back to reveal a large bouquet of red, pink, and white balloons floating in place with magic above his mattress. Also floating in the air was a single card in a plain white envelope with his name printed neatly on it, although it didn't look like anyone's handwriting that he recognized—especially since the person had written it in Korean and he knew what all of his friends' handwriting looked like when they wrote in Korean.
Seokmin crossed the room to his bed, dropping his bag on the floor and the parchment in his hands on his bedside table. He plucked the card out of the air, using a quick spell to break the wax seal on it without destroying the pretty heart shape. When he opened it, he saw that the person had tried to also write their message to him in Korean with the help of a translation spell; and while the words were a little clumsy, he immediately found himself touched by the effort.
"To the one and only Lee Seokmin,
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'm sorry that I couldn't face you in person. I'm not ready to reveal myself to you yet, but I still want to tell you that you make me smile every single day because you deserve to know. Please accept this card and the balloons well, I worked really hard on the spells to make them work. Maybe someday I will be able to tell you how I feel face to face. Until then, please be happy and healthy, and tell some new jokes in class when you learn them. I promise I will laugh like I always do.
With love,
Your secret admirer"
Reaching the end of the card, Seokmin stared silently at the words on the cardstock paper, trying to think of people in his classes who maybe laughed a little too much at his jokes or paid him any kind of special attention. Truthfully, there were very few people who didn't find him funny, so he quickly gave up on trying to figure out his admirer's identity that way.
"Does the card say who the balloons are from?" his dorm mate asked him, breaking him out of his deep thought.
"No, secret," Seokmin replied absentmindedly.
"Oh, that's a shame. Well, good on you anyway, mate!" His fellow Hufflepuff clapped him on the shoulder. "At least there's someone out there who likes you a whole lot."
As the other boy left, Seokmin inspected the balloons with a critical eye. The card had said that his secret admirer had worked really hard on the spells to "make them work" and he was curious to see exactly what the balloons were meant to do. What could you even make balloons do with magic anyway?
Intrigued, he cautiously poked one at the front of the bunch and gasped as the shiny surface rippled, revealing the words "POP ME".
"But I'm easily startled," Seokmin muttered to himself.
Wand clutched in hand, he debated just leaving the balloons alone and enjoying the sight of them—but the thought of never finding out what kind of magic had been placed on them was too tempting for him to ignore.
Waving his wand, he then quickly braced himself for the loud pop, covering his ears. However, instead of a popping sound, a high-pitched voice chirped, "I hope your Valentine's Day is magical!"
The voice had been disguised, of course, but the realization that his secret admirer had charmed the balloons not to make sounds when he popped them because they knew he was easily startled had tears welling in the corners of his eyes. Wiping at his face with his sleeve, he eyed the remaining balloons, trying to decide which one to pop next so that he could hear a different message.
"Wow, who sent you those?" Junhui asked, peeking in the doorway on his way down the hall.
"No clue," Seokmin told him happily, "but they're pretty amazing. Look!"
The older Hufflepuff entered the room, approaching Seokmin's bed to get a closer look at the magic balloons. The sixth year tapped a random balloon, showing Junhui how the words "POP ME" appeared, then waved his wand, causing the balloon to pop.
"I must need Occlumency because I can't get you out of my head!" it trilled.
"That is some amazing charm work," Junhui praised, peering more closely at the balloons. "The person who sent them to you didn't leave a name?"
Seokmin passed him the card.
"Too shy," he informed him.
Junhui read over the contents of the card quickly then handed it back.
"Hmm, would've been nice to know so that you could thank them for their effort, but the gesture is thoughtful," he said, shrugging. "They even made it so the balloons wouldn't make noise when popped. They must have enough classes with you to know you're a big ole scaredy cat."
"Yah!" Seokmin huffed, even though it was true.
Junhui chuckled, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"I'm happy for you, Seokmin-ah," he said, his tone genuine. "I'll see you later, meeting up with Minghao."
"What else is new?" Seokmin called after him as he left. "Now, back to these balloons..."
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The Whomping Willow — February 14th (early evening)
"Who do you think it is?" Junhui asked his best friend, having just finished telling him about the charmed balloons Seokmin had received from his secret admirer.
Minghao didn't look up as he answered, his focus on washing the tea leaves in preparation to brew tea for the two of them.
"Your guess is as good as mine. A lot of people think Seokmin is funny, I'm sure he has no shortage of admirers."
"Honestly, I kind of want to know just so that I can ask them how they came up with the spell," Junhui said thoughtfully. "It was really very impressive. Whoever did it must like Seokmin a lot."
Minghao hummed in agreement, still concentrating on the task at hand.
The pair had chosen a nice spot not too close to the tree to set up a small, low-rise table so that they could sit and drink their tea together. Minghao often held these tea ceremonies alone, something that he did purely for his own joy and relaxation. The activity required singular focus, which took his busy mind off of other things for a while. It's not that the others were never invited, but they understood that it was something he needed to do for himself; and he had an unparalleled collection of different teas for a sixteen-year-old living away from home.
Junhui stretched his arms over his head, looking up at the Whomping Willow looming deceptively calmly above them.
"Do you ever wonder about what it would be like to settle down with someone?" he mused. "Even if they really like you, they still might not understand certain aspects of your personality or what's really important to you. What if they don't appreciate your tea ceremonies?"
"I haven't really thought about it," Minghao replied, tone even. "I know that I'd like to settle down eventually, but that seems pretty far off. There are still so many things I want to do first—like graduate from this school that we worked so hard to get into. I'm not enduring racism and xenophobia from narrow-minded Brits to worry about whether some witch from the English countryside appreciates my tea ceremonies. Besides, I do the tea ceremonies for myself, not for other people."
"You're preparing a tea ceremony for me now," Junhui pointed out.
"Yeah, well, that's you."
"Meaning you're not on the same level as everyone else," Minghao elaborated. "You're my best friend, and I know you do appreciate my tea ceremonies."
Not even remotely satisfied by the reassurance his best friend was giving him, the Hufflepuff pressed further.
"Will you miss me after I graduate?" Junhui's eyes left the Whomping Willow, dropping back down to observe Minghao's hands as he started to steep the tea leaves in hot water. "Tell me honestly."
"Don't be stupid," Minghao told him flatly and without missing a beat.
"Hey! I was just asking—"
"And I'm telling you again: don't be stupid." Minghao didn't take his eyes off the tea leaves, even as he spoke. "No offense to our friends but you know I'd miss you the most. I can't believe I even have to tell you that."
"It wouldn't hurt you to tell me sometimes! I like the reassurance."
"All of our friends are already talking about how I'm going to try and sneak you into the Ravenclaw dorms every weekend next year. If they know it, then so do you. Now drink your tea."
His tone was not unkind, simply matter-of-fact, the way it often was. Junhui knew that Minghao was nice in his own way, and he definitely cared about him—he just communicated it a little differently.
Having already poured the freshly brewed tea, Minghao carefully slid a teacup across the table towards the Hufflepuff. Junhui simply stared at the cup for a moment, admiring the detail and craftsmanship of the emerald green and gold accent pattern. Tendrils of steam wafted up gently but Junhui knew it would be the perfect temperature. It always was.
"Thank you," he said sincerely, finally picking up his tea and bringing it to his lips.
Minghao hummed in response, picking up his own tea. The fragrance coming from the perfectly steeped jasmine tea leaves filled the chilly February air around them, almost as if they were in their own bubble.
Most days they really were.
Junhui knew that he was really lucky that Minghao had come to Hogwarts at the same time as him, even though they were a year apart. It had been a long and difficult process to get accepted as a second year; and if Headmistress McGonagall had been a less generous woman, he never would've met Minghao—or any of the others. They had been made fun of and harassed from the moment they had arrived, but now—almost at the end of his time at the illustrious school—he wouldn't have done things any differently.
Now, if he could only be as certain about what laid ahead.
"Do you think falling in love is as big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be?" Junhui asked, setting his cup down.
"You're full of existential questions today." Minghao also set his cup down. "I think... that it's probably really nice in its own way... but that it's not the only kind of love that's important. Love comes in all forms and they're all equally necessary and fulfilling. People put all of their eggs in the romantic love basket and then wonder why they're still unhappy when they ditched all their friends for a new relationship."
"So you don't think it's lame that you're having tea with your best friend on Valentine's Day?"
"Of course not." Minghao snorted. "There's nothing else I'd rather be doing. Anyway, do you think it's lame for Mingyu and Wonwoo to be hanging out in the Astronomy Tower of all places doing who knows what when Mingyu has the entire female student population after him?"
"No, not at all," Junhui replied quickly. "They are each other's most important person."
"Exactly." Minghao smiled at his best friend over the rim of his teacup. "Aren't I your most important person?"
"Yes. Always yes," Junhui assured him.
"And you're mine, so don't worry about it anymore," Minghao said, reaching across the table to pat Junhui's shoulder fondly.
"Why do I feel like you're the older one instead of me?"
"Because it's my duty to impart wisdom upon you from time to time," the Ravenclaw informed him matter-of-factly. "It comes with the house."
Junhui rolled his eyes.
"In other news, my mother wrote to me this morning letting me know that one of the girls with whom I attended primary school told her parents that I'm going to a private school in the UK, and so they contacted my parents asking if they had any prospective fiancées in mind for me," Minghao told him. "My pretend pedigreed education is apparently an attractive quality."
"Ah, they're Muggles," Junhui concluded. "Your parents don't have a problem with that, do they?"
"No, definitely not." Minghao shook his head. "I just think it's much more difficult to try and be in relationships with non-magic folk. You have to hide so much, not even just because you think they can't be trusted but because you never know how they're going to take the news. It's a lot of information for most people to handle."
"I don't know, I think my father took it pretty well," Junhui said, thinking back to the story his parents had told him about how his mother had broken the news to her then-boyfriend that she was a witch. "But he is a little odd himself, so I think he was just relieved that she wasn't as normal as he thought she was."
"Your parents are a pretty strange pair," Minghao admitted, "but I like them. They're very nice."
"And your parents are hilarious," Junhui returned, remembering when they had come to the pick-up point at Hogsmeade to take a Portkey back to China for the summer just last year. "You really take after them."
Minghao shrugged.
"Superior genetics."
Junhui snorted into his teacup, blowing bubbles across the surface of the still-hot liquid.
"Don't scoff," Minghao pretended to scold him. "You have the very best best friend you could possibly ask for. You should be grateful."
Still holding the teacup to his face to hide his smile, Junhui nodded in agreement.
"Oh, I am. I always am."
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The Library — February 14th (early evening)
"I knew I'd find you here!" Soonyoung exclaimed happily, weaving through the aisles as he skipped towards the study tables.
Jihoon looked up at the Gryffindor, frowning. The table that he was sitting at was covered entirely in books and parchment, a stark contrast to the other empty tables. In fact, his was the only occupied table in the entire library. Madame Pince wasn't even lurking in the shadows as usual, considering that Soonyoung was speaking at louder than an inside voice and she hadn't come over to reprimand him.
"I'm usually here," he deadpanned, looking back down at his work, "the same of which cannot be said for you."
Soonyoung didn't look the least bit offended by Jihoon's words, long since used to his particular form of communication. Undeterred, he looked down at all of the materials spread out on the table, trying to figure out what Jihoon was working on even though it was upside down for him.
"You have to be the only person in the entire school who's studying today!" he pouted, pawing at the parchment nearest to him. "It's Valentine's Day! A day for love! What are you even working on?"
"Getting ahead," Jihoon said shortly, yanking the parchment back from him. "Love can wait."
"Jihoon-ah, you'll work yourself to death," Soonyoung chided him, pulling out the chair opposite the Ravenclaw. "I think you should take a break."
"That's how I like it," Jihoon grumbled, "and I have nothing pressing to attend to tonight, so there's no point in taking a break."
"I came all the way up here, to the library—where I never am, as you correctly pointed out—to find you and you won't pull yourself away from your books to hang out with me?"
Jihoon's quill paused mid-scratch, the only indication that he had heard the seventh year's question, before he continued writing.
"You don't usually ask me to hang out," he said, his tone bordering on indifferent.
"It's not for lack of wanting to. I always want to," Soonyoung admitted. "And I always think you're going to say no, so I never ask."
He thought he could see a faint pink blush on Jihoon's cheeks but it was hard to tell from this angle.
"That's not very Gryffindor of you," Jihoon commented, scribbling away.
"It's the one thing in which I lack courage," Soonyoung huffed. "But to be fair, you're very intimidating, even though you're the cutest person I know."
Jihoon accidentally pressed down on the parchment too hard with his quill, creating an ink blot over the words he was writing. Swearing under his breath, the tips of his ears red, he waved his wand at the offending spot.
"Stop talking nonsense," he hissed, the red flush spreading from his ears to the rest of his face.
"I'm not!" Soonyoung insisted. "I think you're the cutest person in the whole school!"
"Shut up!"
Jihoon wasn't even trying to focus on his work anymore, intent on getting Soonyoung to stop talking before he had a coronary. Not that it was possible. The seventh year was actually very shy—but you would never know it by the way his mouth ran a million miles when he was around his friends. He seemed determined to say his piece and nothing was going to get in the way of him saying it.
"You're always so strict and I think it's because you like it when people listen to you, but you're always doing nice things for people while pretending that you had nothing to do with it," the Gryffindor continued, oblivious to the fact that Jihoon was now bypassing red and heading into scarlet. "Like that time you jinxed those people who had been making fun of Junhui and Minghao when they first arrived. It was so impressive, I remember thinking that you were such a cool and dependable person even back then."
"That's enough!"
"And you're so buff for such a small and cute person." Soonyoung rested his chin on one hand. "You could probably knock me out if you really wanted to. Honestly, please do it, it would be the greatest honor of my life. Anyway, it makes no sense... and yet it makes perfect sense. Everything about you is just... so fascinating."
The Ravenclaw jumped up from his chair, hurling the quill he had been using at Soonyoung, who turned and ducked just in time to watch it sail over his head.
"Whoa! What was that for?"
"Why are you saying all this?" Jihoon demanded. "Did you come up here just to embarrass me?"
Realizing that he and the sixth year were not on the same page in spite of the way he had just gushed about him, Soonyoung shook his head.
Apparently he had not been clear enough.
"Accio quill," he murmured, holding a hand out for the quill Jihoon had thrown at him before offering it back to him. "I'm not trying to embarrass you, although I am sorry if that's how you feel. I'm just trying to tell you how I feel, which is that you scare me but I like it—I like you."
Jihoon snatched his quill back, face still impossibly red.
"You have a funny way of showing it," he snapped. "You have mere months left before you graduate, your timing is nothing if not grossly impeccable."
"I know, I haven't been very brave," Soonyoung said, shrugging, not even the least bit put off by Jihoon's criticism. "I really didn't want to ruin our dynamic or make things weird for the others, but if we hadn't agreed to the no dates rule for the Yule Ball, I would've asked you."
"You said you weren't interested in anyone when Minghao asked you," Jihoon pointed out, narrowing his eyes at him.
"So I lied." Soonyoung started gathering the parchment on the table into a pile. "I haven't exactly told anyone that I've been harboring this secret crush on you for three years. I'm no good at keeping secrets but I was very good at keeping this one. And stop being so pragmatic about this, I'm trying to be romantic."
"I really don't know what you want me to say to all of this," Jihoon said snippily. "You're the last person I expected to confess to having a years-long crush on me."
"How about you say what you want to say?" Soonyoung suggested, a hopeful expression on his face.
Jihoon, having just noticed that the seventh year had compiled all his parchment into a neat stack, slid the pile away from him and across the table, putting everything into his school bag. He then waved his wand, sending his books flying back onto the shelves in their rightful places. When he had stalled enough, he sighed and turned to face the Gryffindor.
"I know we've been friends for my entire time at Hogwarts thus far," he began finally. "I know that I can trust you, that you're telling the truth—that you wouldn't confess just to yank the rug out from under me, as I believe the expression goes. I know all of that, logically, but considering that—as you said—people find me intimidating, it's hard to imagine someone being so earnest about their feelings for me. Most people think I'm too... domineering."
His hands came up to his throat, loosening his blue and bronze tie from around his neck.
"I can't even really say if I like you as more than a friend or not," he said, sounding apologetic. "I didn't think it was a possibility, so I never considered you in that way."
Soonyoung leaned over the table between them, reaching for the Ravenclaw's school bag and hoisting the strap over one shoulder. He maintained eye contact the entire time, willing Jihoon to believe him but also wanting to fluster him just a little bit more.
"But as you said, you know that you can trust me," he pointed out. "Plus, if you think about it, you're a strict taskmaster and I'm a glutton for punishment—we're perfect for each other."
Jihoon tried to wrestle his school bag back from the taller boy, his pale face gaining back the red that had just begun to fade.
"You can't just say things like that!" he hissed.
Soonyoung simply tugged the bag out of his grasp and just out of his reach, smiling cheekily.
"I've waited three years to confess," he reminded him. "Now that the secret's out, I have all sorts of things that I kept to myself that I'm going to say—including how adorable I think you are. Walk with me?"
Jihoon stared up at him for a few moments, expression unreadable. If he thought at all about refusing him, the thought didn't last. Tucking his hands into his pockets, he nodded towards the front of the library.
"Well, after you then."
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Slytherin Common Room — February 14th (dusk)
Joshua didn't even so much as raise his head, instead making an indifferent "mmm" sound in acknowledgement.
He didn't need to look to see who it was—the voice alone was clue enough.
William Bennington the third was an awful homage to the Pureblood Slytherins of old. With generations of English aristocratic breeding to support his claim to everything he wanted in life, he was disliked even within his own house and by many of the portraits in the dungeons; and after seven long years sharing a dormitory with him, he still said "Hong" with a certain sneer that was clearly affected by poorly concealed racism.
At this point, Joshua had been living in the UK long enough to let things roll off his back, but William could've given Draco Malfoy a run for his money with the way he paraded about the school as if he owned it.
"Pretty prince doesn't have a date tonight?" William asked him, dropping down onto the sofa across from him, his tone mocking.
"Not that I'm aware of," Joshua replied pleasantly, still not looking up from his book.
"Hey, it just goes to show you that looks aren't everything in life," the other boy commented snidely. "The girls here won't go after some foreigner with no title. And aren't you a Half-Blood?" he added as an afterthought. "Yeah, that won't do at all."
Joshua turned the page, letting William carry on the conversation by himself. The golden-haired heir to a Potions empire (or so he claimed, Joshua had never bothered to verify this) had been harassing him from the moment he had set foot in the common room first year; and he had long since learned that it was best to let him converse with himself to get everything out of his system before he was satisfied. Not only did William take issue with his race and his blood status, he seemed oddly offended by his appearance as well, referring to him as "pretty" with his tone suggesting that he did not mean it in a positive way.
"Nothing to say?" William asked him softly, noticing that his tirade was falling on deaf ears. "Truth hurts, does it?"
"If you say so." Joshua barely shrugged his shoulders.
Apparently it was the wrong thing to say.
"You think you're better than me?" William demanded, suddenly shooting up from his seat. "That you can sit there like you're royalty and I'm some sort of commoner? I'm far more important than you will ever be!"
Joshua sighed, recognizing that his night would be a lost cause if he didn't address this particular problem promptly, and slipped a tasseled bookmark in between the pages of his book before closing it and looking up at his aggressor for the first time during their previously one-sided confrontation.
"I get that certain things matter to you," he said carefully, "but they don't matter to me—and they don't matter to a lot of people anymore, not even the Slytherins here. I didn't realize that me being dateless on Valentine's Day was of such great significance to you, especially when it's of no significance to me and my evening. Maybe you should be more worried about the fact that you care so much about what I'm doing with my time, alone or otherwise."
William's upper lip curled into a sneer, his eyes narrowing.
"Listen, you filthy—"
"Oh, shut it, Bennington," snapped a voice from behind Joshua.
Joshua turned to look over his shoulder, noticing that Mira Nott had just come from the girls' dormitories and was standing just behind the sofa he was sitting on.
According to Jeonghan—who seemed to always know the latest gossip amongst the various wizarding families—Theodore Nott had settled down with a Pureblood witch from Bulgaria who had graduated from Durmstrang. They had met while Theo had been taking some time away from England and had returned together shortly after their wedding.
While she had been a cute girl when she had first arrived, Mira had grown into an exceptionally pretty young woman by the age of seventeen. Taller than most of the other girls in the school, the first thing that Joshua had noticed about her was that she had perfectly straight posture that adjusted minutely according to her movements. With long, dark curls framing her face, a warm complexion, and high cheekbones, she had the best features of both of her parents—except that she had one brown and one blue eye, both of which were cunning yet also surprisingly kind. Top of the class in at least every class Joshua shared with her, she was also the Slytherin Seeker; and he loved to watch her fly against Seungcheol during matches. Her intellect and athleticism made her a formidable opponent, and their matches were always close ones.
All that being said, Mira was obviously highly sought after—even by William Bennington the third.
"Don't mind him. Joshua," she said to him, a beautiful, wicked smile on her face as she made direct eye contact with William. "If betrothal contracts were still common practice, I would've already asked my father to request a meeting with your parents to discuss one."
Joshua resisted the urge to grin broadly at the way William's face had gone absolutely scarlet, a purple vein starting to make its appearance at his temple.
"You flatter me, Mira," he said to her instead, laying it on a little thick for the benefit of their audience, even as he ignored him. "I don't think I would be opposed to such a meeting. There's still time to write to your parents and mine."
Standing up, he offered her his arm.
"Walk with me?" he asked, every bit the perfect gentleman.
"Of course," she replied, walking around the sofa and linking arms with him.
Triggered by the events taking place right in front of him, their forgotten peer leapt up from his seat, positively quivering with entitled rage.
"Mira! You cannot possibly be thinking about entering a betrothal contract with that Half-Blood foreigner! My father—"
William's deranged bellows were cut off abruptly as the door swung shut behind them.
"I wonder what his father would have to say if he knew that the daughter of a Sacred Twenty-Eight family had filed a complaint with the school governors about the shady little deals William conducts in the prefects' bathroom," Mira said innocently.
Joshua smiled at her, completely enamored. Was there any other witch at this school more perfect than the one looking at him right now?
"You are so ruthless, I love it," he told her.
She tossed her hair over one shoulder, smiling back at him.
"Tell me more."
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Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch — February 14th (evening)
"Yoo-hoo! Channie!"
Chan squinted down at the figure waving up at him, figuring out who it was based on the gleaming head of hair.
Camille Archambault, which she had told him meant "bold master"—the girl from the Yule Ball.
It had been almost two months since Christmas and he had met up with the stunning beauty from Beauxbatons a handful of times—a Hogsmeade outing here, a walk on the grounds there. They were what some people might call dating, if a little intensely for something that was supposed to be casual. Translation spells helped bridge the language barrier; and she was sweet, funny, and charming. She was quite good at spells, and she had told him that if she had been a student during the time of the Triwizard Tournament, she would have entered. She liked picnics by the greenhouses and broom rides with her arms wrapped around his waist, coffee with milk poured in delicate swirls and the feeling of his hand intertwined with hers, primrose perfume and the way he got red right before he kissed her.
Sometimes he found himself thinking that he should be a little more cautious with his heart—that he should be waiting for the other foot to drop—but so far he was having fun, and he supposed that was what mattered.
He was surprised that she could tell it was him considering how high up he was, but he did catch her staring at him from the Ravenclaw table quite often. She never looked embarrassed at having been caught—in fact, it only emboldened her and he ended up having to be the one to look away.
"That girl never gets tired of looking at you," Jeonghan had told him once, the disdain in his voice more like that of a disapproving parent rather than an overprotective friend. "I wonder how she manages to concentrate on her studies when she's staring at you all the time. I suppose she'd at least get an Outstanding in Lee Chan."
"Let them be, Hannie," Seungcheol had admonished him gently.
Secretly, Chan wondered what Camille saw in him, exactly. She had been the one to ask him to dance at the Yule Ball and the one to lead him out to the gardens that night. She had also initiated all of their dates so far, as well as most of their shows of affection, which he still hadn't quite gotten used to. After their time together at the ball, he hadn't expected to hear from her again, yet she kept seeking him out. She seemed to have memorized his schedule to account for all the classes she didn't share with him—she always knew where to find him, even when he didn't tell anyone where he was going.
It was flattering, he had to admit.
At the ball, she had asked him how to pronounce his name correctly, repeating it multiple times even after he had told her that she had down—and then proceeded to only refer to him as Channie, saying that it was her cute name for him. One of the other Beauxbatons girls, having only heard Camille call him Channie, tried to use the nickname one morning and the next time he saw her, she was missing her eyebrows.
"Why doesn't she just grow them back?" Mingyu had asked, perplexed.
"If she would, she could," Chan had replied, shrugging. "Camille's really good at spells, the other girl probably can't figure out how to reverse it."
"Wow, you'd better make sure she never gets mad at you."
Privately, he agreed.
That being said, he wondered if she felt like she had to teach him everything—where to put his hands, when to kiss her, what he should say. He had made his lack of experience known that night in the gardens, but she hadn't seemed to mind. She had simply directed him and he took direction well.
And yet... he couldn't help but think it was as though they were caught up in a race in which only she knew where the finish line was—and the thought made him more than a little sweaty-palmed.
Coming back to his senses, he Summoned the Quaffle he had been practicing with and tucked it under one arm. Although he wasn't on the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Chan still liked to fly. It brought him peace and helped clear his mind, and on an evening when he figured he had no plans, it was the perfect way to spend his time.
I guess I have plans now, he thought to himself.
He circled the goalposts on the far right side of the pitch, making a nose dive and pulling up straight just as his toes skimmed the grass. He dismounted smoothly, giving Camille a friendly smile as he approached her, Nimbus 3000 broom in one hand and Quaffle in the other.
"Hi, Camille," he greeted her. "What can I do for you this evening?"
"Bon soir, Channie," she returned, smiling prettily at him. "I admit, I am a little disappointed that you did not come looking for me today. I was hoping that we could spend some time together."
"Ah, I wasn't aware that that was what you wanted," he told her sheepishly. "It's Valentine's Day and we're not, you know, official, so I didn't think you would want to do anything."
"Channie, Channie, Channie." Camille shook her golden blonde head. He caught sight of delicate pearl strand earrings dangling from her ears, a matching set with the string of pearls around her neck. "I am going back to France at the end of term, do you think I want to waste time going slow?"
"I wouldn't think it was a waste of time," he protested, cheeks growing pink. "I just... haven't really hung out with a lot of girls. You move kind of fast."
"Oh, I know, mon chéri, it is what makes you one of the good boys," she said, touching his cheek, her expression fond. "I always enjoy our time together, and I think it would be silly to not make the most of the time we have left, non?"
Chan dropped the Quaffle on the grass and placed his own hand over her hand on his face.
Being with Camille was like one ongoing surprise party. Sure, it was fun, but it also kind of gave him a heart attack. Even though he always did his best to try and read her mind before she actually executed any of her plans, he more often than not found himself unprepared. It was a little jarring to be caught unawares as many times as he had been since they had started seeing each other, but he knew that he had to enjoy the ride while it lasted.
She was, after all, leaving at the end of term.
"Let me shower first?" he asked her.
She tilted her head to the side to press her lips to his other cheek.
"Meet me at the entrance to the grounds in half an hour," she murmured in his ear. "I'll be waiting."
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The Gilded Phoenix (Private Room) — February 14th (night)
"You know I really didn't need all of this," Jeonghan said, taking a sip from the glass of elf wine he was holding daintily in one hand. "We could have stayed at school and I would have been just as happy."
"I know, but it's our last year at Hogwarts. Maybe it sounds kind of childish... but I just wanted to do something to commemorate our last year as kids," Seungcheol told his boyfriend honestly, shrugging. "Life is going to change pretty dramatically once we graduate. I feel like we're never going to have this kind of peace again."
"So you wanted to live in this bubble of youthful innocence one last time," Jeonghan guessed.
"We're still going to be kids when we graduate," Jeonghan said thoughtfully. "The Wizarding World in the UK moves so fast, it's amazing how anyone manages to find something stable so soon after graduation."
"Are you planning on going home?" Seungcheol asked him.
"Yes, for a while. My parents will want to see me—and they'll want to see you as well."
"I think I'll go home for a little while, too." Seungcheol ran a finger around the rim of his wine glass absentmindedly. "There's this famous producer based in London whom I'm trying to get an internship with, though. I'll need to find a job so that I can get a flat nearby if I get accepted."
"Darling, you know that you don't have to work if you don't want to," the Slytherin reminded him. "I don't have to work if I don't want to, and I'm more than capable of taking care of both of us. Besides, my family loves you. We'd be married as soon as we landed on Korean soil if it were up to them."
"Spoiled rich kid," Seungcheol teased.
"You love me," Jeonghan flirted back.
"Always." Seungcheol took Jeonghan's hand, his thumb skimming the tops of his knuckles affectionately. "Look, I appreciate you offering to support me financially, but I want to be able to do things on my own, whatever I choose to pursue."
"Your music has always been important to you. You're an artist. You could... simply think of me as your patron," Jeonghan suggested.
"I mean it," Jeonghan insisted. "You would be focusing on making music without worrying about your finances. It's not like I would be paying for you to stay idle. I'm sure I could also come up with work for you."
"I really can't accept," Seungcheol said firmly, "so please don't ask me to."
Jeonghan set down his wine glass with a huff.
"You never let me do anything for you!" the Slytherin exclaimed, eyes narrowed dangerously. "I always indulge this little... complex you seem to have about being perceived as the provider, but you know that that concept is extremely outdated. There is no hunter-gatherer dynamic in the twenty-first century."
"You think this is about my masculinity?" Seungcheol asked incredulously.
"Yes, I do!" Jeonghan snapped. "I let you open jars for me and move my furniture around because I know it makes you feel useful. The least you could let me do is use the resources I have to help you!"
The Gryffindor leaned back in his chair, staring at his boyfriend in disbelief.
"So that's how you really see me," he said flatly.
Jeonghan sighed, deflating at once.
"Cheollie, it's not that I see you as some sort of caveman," he said sadly. "You help me all the time. I just want to be able to help you for once."
Seungcheol's expression softened. He knew that Jeonghan just wanted to help—he was generous to a fault, and throwing his money at problems was his way of trying to make things better. There was some truth to what he was saying, though—his ego wouldn't let him allow his boyfriend to pay all the bills while he tried to make it as an artist.
"You do help me," he murmured, taking both of Jeonghan's hands in his. "You help me every day just by existing. I'm already taking advantage of the fact that you wake up every morning still wanting to be with me."
"You're stupid," Jeonghan huffed, eyes watery. "You big, stupid man. You're not taking advantage of anything. Sometimes I wish you would!"
"Alright, point taken." Seungcheol chuckled, gently smacking the palm of one of Jeonghan's hands. "I mean it, though. Do you know how coveted you are by most of the student body?"
"Of course everyone wants me," the Slytherin scoffed. "As they should. It doesn't mean that they can have me. I'm yours, and I always will be."
Seungcheol smiled at him.
"I know."
"So will you let me bankroll your endeavors in music?" Jeonghan asked hopefully.
Seungcheol stared at him for a moment, considering.
"I'll think about it," he said finally.
"I suppose that's the best offer I'm going to get." Jeonghan sighed dramatically, picking his wine glass back up. "Life doesn't have to be so hard, you know. If there's an easy way, you should take it, never mind your moral qualms regarding classism and the way the one percent uses their wealth to get ahead in life."
"Hannie, you're the one percent," Seungcheol pointed out dryly.
"And what about it?" he sassed back.
"Nothing, you're the most benevolent benefactor in all the land," the Gryffindor said primly.
Jeonghan reached across the table and tugged his boyfriend forward by his black tie, leaning in to whisper in his ear.
"Only for you."
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The Black Lake — February 14th (early evening)
Vernon paced back and forth anxiously on the far shore of the Black Lake. He had tasked a pair of what he hoped were reliable second-year Hufflepuffs to locate Seungkwan and bring him to the Black Lake, where he would get in a boat that he had charmed to row itself across the water. He had spent more of half of the time between the day he had talked to Seungcheol and Valentine's Day panicking over what to do, then spent the remaining time trying to get everything together, including practicing the spell to make the boat row itself for several days. That morning, he had packed a picnic basket full of all of his boyfriend's favorite things, as well as a blanket, and he hoped that his sincerity would come across.
Before they had started a relationship, Vernon and Seungkwan had been friends, and even then they had done something small and quiet for previous Valentine's Days, just because there was no one else they'd rather have spent that time with—and because Vernon had spent his first five years at Hogwarts avoiding any girls who even looked at him longer than necessary. So really, he didn't need to worry. Seungkwan just happened to be his boyfriend now—it wasn't as though he needed to be impressed further.
Vernon looked down at the picnic basket sitting on the rather cliché red and gold patterned blanket and wondered if it was enough.
Maybe I should have gotten flowers? he fretted.
It wasn't so much about the fact that it was Valentine's Day than it was about how much Vernon had been worrying about Seungkwan since his late friend's birthday.
Every time the Gryffindor had tried to approach his boyfriend to try and get him to open up, Seungkwan had always come up with excuses for why he couldn't talk and would busy himself with something else. It was frustrating, of course, but it was more anxiety-inducing than anything—and more than once Vernon wondered if he was just a really bad significant other who didn't know how to talk to his partner just right in order to get him to confide in him.
Startled out of his own self-wallowing, Vernon looked up to see the boat that he had charmed to carry Seungkwan across the lake rocking back and forth wildly—with Seungkwan in it.
Privately, Vernon was relieved that the boat was already pretty close to shore, but he didn't think that his boyfriend would see it that way—and definitely not after the boat tipped to one side, dumping Seungkwan into the lake that was surely still freezing.
"Oh, no," Vernon muttered, covering his face with his hands. "He's going to kill me. He's going to kill me then bring me back so that he can kill me again."
Peeking through the gaps in his fingers, he watched as Seungkwan swam the remaining distance from where the boat had tipped over to the shore, weighed down by his school robes. A fairly decent swimmer from his years spent growing up on an island, Seungkwan was letting his fury propel him forward with surprising strength. Dripping wet and looking absolutely furious, he stomped up the bank towards Vernon, who silently sent prayers heavenward and hoped someone heard him.
"Hansol Vernon Chwe!" The Hufflepuff tore through his full name. "You'd better have a good explanation for this!"
Not my government name, Vernon grimaced.
Lowering his hands from his face, he said uncertainly, "Happy... Valentine's Day?"
Seeing that Seungkwan was opening his mouth to deliver what would probably be the human equivalent of a Howler message on a Monday morning in front of the entire Great Hall, Vernon interrupted.
"Look, I didn't mean for you to get dumped into the lake!" he blurted out. "I've been planning everything since the beginning of the month and with everything else, I didn't have that much time to practice the spell on the boat. It was just supposed to bring you across the lake without you having to do anything, I swear!"
Seungkwan held up an index finger, cutting him off. Vernon shut his mouth abruptly, anxious, as his boyfriend leaned his body to one side and peered over his shoulder at the blanket laid out behind him with the picnic basket.
"Kwannie," Vernon began.
Seungkwan made a noise, his index finger still raised. He inhaled deeply—dramatically—then lowered his finger.
"You planned all of this?" he asked.
Vernon nodded rapidly.
Seungkwan exhaled.
"Okay, walk me through your vision." The Hufflepuff gestured with his hands for his boyfriend to proceed. "Tell me what was going through your mind when you came up with all this. I want to know."
"Well, it's our first Valentine's Day together as a couple." Vernon scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "And I know that you've been really sad since Binnie's birthday..." When he noticed Seungkwan had stiffened at the mention of his friend, he said defensively, "I tried to talk to you about it so many times but you wouldn't talk to me! I thought that maybe I was doing something wrong, or that you felt like you couldn't trust me to open up... so I talked to Seungcheol hyung."
"And he told you to drown your boyfriend in the Black Lake?" Seungkwan deadpanned.
"He told me that I should use Valentine's Day as an opportunity to show you that you're not alone," Vernon corrected him gently.
Seungkwan huffed, wringing the water out of his robes as he avoided looking at the Gryffindor. Vernon watched him for several minutes while he fussed over his water-logged clothes before he finally straightened up and took a few steps closer to him.
Vernon held his breath.
He's going to break up with me, he chanted in his head. He's realized how bad I am at this whole relationship thing and he is going to break up with me.
"I'm only going to say this once, so you'd better listen," Seungkwan told him sternly, holding his face securely between wet hands. "Well, not only once, because I will always tell you good things about yourself so that you're aware of your own worth, but regardless! Me not talking to you about Binnie has nothing to do with how good of a boyfriend—or even how good of a friend—you are. You are doing wonderfully, I promise. Do you understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded, face still trapped between Seungkwan's hands.
"It's very difficult for bossy people like me to let go," the Hufflepuff continued, trying to sound flippant. "We need to be taken care of just like everyone else, but we're not very good at letting other people take care of us. And it shows in our dynamic, even after we got together," he added, using one hand to gesture between Vernon and himself. "So me avoiding talking to you every time you tried to talk to me about Binnie is not because you're not good at being supportive, because you are—it's because I'm not good at being vulnerable. Understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded again.
"I appreciate the effort you put into this." Seungkwan smiled at him, the effect only slightly diminished by his bangs still dripping water onto his face. "I appreciate the effort you put into us, all the time; and I'm sorry that I made you feel as though I didn't."
"I know how hard it is for you to say sorry first," Vernon teased, his voice muffled by the squishing of his cheeks. "So I appreciate it."
"Yah!" Seungkwan pinched his cheeks gently. "But you're right, and I really am sorry. You're an amazing boyfriend and I love you." Vernon jumped, not expecting the sudden declaration when neither of them had never said those words before. Noticing this thanks to his grip on his face, Seungkwan only held on more firmly. "Do you understand? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Unable to do anything else, Vernon nodded.
Seungkwan loosened his grasp and stroked the apples of Vernon's cheeks with his thumbs affectionately.
"Because I do. Love you, I mean. Since first year, when you told those boys off in class for bullying me," he clarified unnecessarily. "I knew then and there that you were someone I could count on, and you've proven time and time again how right I was—although, of course, I've never been wrong in my life. So I'll tell you that I love you all the time, because you need to hear it. I want you to hear it and know that I mean it, because I've never meant anything more in my entire existence on this wretched planet."
Vernon swallowed.
"Kwannie, I—"
Seungkwan stopped him, putting a hand over his mouth.
"Tell me when you're ready," he said. "I'll still love you then, even if you make me wait for a long time. But don't make me wait too long, okay? Nod for yes, shake for no."
Vernon nodded.
25 notes · View notes
hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || seven
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
sorry for the late chpt. I was really sick so i tried my best on this chpt.
warnings: swearing, mentions of cheating & sex & liquid products of sex, death, mental health, horrible sister, entitled sister
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she was careless. 1 day of happiness was enough for her to forget the problem at hand. work had been enjoyable and there were discussions of displaying her art. she had time between her shifts to work on he last of her commissions. of course it would be ruined by her stalker.
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the moment he had read her tweet, he was out the door and going to find her.
he saw e/n lurking around. bastard.
when he did, she was cowering in the dressing room. wordlessly, he wrapped his jacket around her before handing her his cap and a mask.
"wear this." - wonwoo
"thanks, wonwoo... i owe you one." - yn
they made it out with no issues. e/n was gone but who knew when he'd be back?
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no matter how much she tried to enjoy her dinner with wonwoo, she couldn't help but feel eyes on her. but wherever she looked, there was no one.
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wonwoo watched as yn's typing got even more agitated.
what the hell is going on... is she playing speed tetris or something...
when she finally slammed her phone face down onto the table, he finally asked her what happened.
"family argument. Now I have to bring a very attractive guy to my family reunion next sunday. and I also have to close my art deal by next wednesday and have an auction by thursday. great." - yn
"but why?" - wonwoo
"my parents found out about e/n and blamed me. my younger sister played a victim angel again so i snapped and called her out for being a brat. so now i have to one-up her in fame and a partner." - yn
"any ideas of who you're going to ask?" - wonwoo, crossing his fingers. wait why am i crossing his fingers?
"if any of your friends can help me, that would be great. i'll probably ask mingyu or dino since they're single and famous." - yn
"i'm single and famous" - wonwoo, whispers under his breath
"sorry what did you say?" - yn, leaning in to hear him from across the table
"i said, i'm single and famous. i'll go with you." - wonwoo
a pause. subtle panic. a smile.
"really? oh my days, wonwoo. you're my saviour. i LOVE you. you have the fame AND the face card. chaeyoung is going to quake and crumble!" - yn
ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ💓ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ badum.
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well. he doesn't know she's with me now. be it make-believe.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae @hyuckxtagram
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animeniacss · 2 months
Seoksoo - imperfect - Part 1 - Chapter 16 - What Comes Next For Us?
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Synopsis: Lee Seokmin likes a lot of things: karaoke, stuffed animals, his friends, his family (when they're not at each other's throats), and when things go according to plan. It's perfect that way. That is...until Joshua Hong, the Education Department TA, stumbles into his view one day and suddenly Seokmin has to start facing the fact that maybe not everything in life will be perfect...but with Joshua, that might just be ok.
Tags: College!AU, ActingMajor!Seokmin, Teacher!Joshua, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Side GyuCheol, Side JunHao, Side Verkwan, Other Idol appearances, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Domestic Violence (not between the main couple), Joshua is a dork 90% of the time, (More Tags will be Added as needed)
Length: approx. 7.2k words
Chapter 16 - What Comes Next For Us?
Seokmin’s neck was sore when he woke up. He rubbed the tight spot, sitting up straight. It took a few seconds for his eyes to adjust to the room. When they did, they steadied on the figure in the hospital bed scrolling on his phone. Seokmin’s eyes widened.
         “Hyung!” He gasped seeing Joshua’s wide eyes shoot in his direction. “Are you okay?!” He looked at the clock on the wall. “It’s ten in the morning. Has a nurse or something come in?”
         “Yeah.” He smiled. “She brought breakfast.” He motioned to the half-empty plate at his bedside. “Hungry?” Seokmin smiled a bit, shaking his head. “Hospital food in Korea is much better than hospital food in America.” 
         “I’m glad you’re okay. Did the nurse say what caused you to faint?” Joshua avoided his gaze for a second, licking his lips and looking down at his phone. Seokmin held his breath a second as he waited for an answer, but saw the clear discomfort in his eyes. “How long are you supposed to be in for?”
         “Just a few days.” He said. He shifted in his seat, leaning forward on the bed. “Did you stay the entire night?”
“Of course, I did. I couldn’t leave you…” Seokmin took the chair he was sitting on and scooted it closer up to Joshua’s side. The back of his hand pressed against the bandage on Joshua’s forehead. “You have a really big welt there. You hit your head hard.” 
         “It doesn’t take from my beauty, does it?” he smirked. Seokmin’s cheeks turned red, but he chuckled.
         “No, I guess not.”
         “You guess?” Joshua’s eyes widened along with his grin. “Wow, wound me even more, why don’t you.” He lay back in bed, closing his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest. Seokmin snorted.
         “You have a lot of energy for someone stuck in a hospital bed.”
         “Can’t hear you. I’m dead.” Joshua whispered. When Seokmin turned his chair around to cover his laugh, Joshua looked over and sat up again.  “Seokmin?” His voice sounded a bit less playful. “I realized you never got to tell me what you wanted to, before this all happened.” Joshua shifted a bit in the bed. “What was it? I’m all ears.” He motioned to his face. “And nose. And eyes.” Seokmin chuckled shyly, scratching the back of his neck.       
         “Well.” Seokmin began. He couldn’t imagine confessing his feelings to Joshua in the middle of a hospital room less than 24 hours after his skull introduced itself to a marble floor. It felt…awkward. So, he only said: “I got the lead in the play. That’s all.”
         Joshua’s eyes sparkled; two dim lamps whose bulbs found a reason to flicker back on. “That’s all? Seokmin, that’s awesome!” He reached out and took his hands in his own, grinning. “I knew you would! I’m so happy for you!”
         Seokmin’s smile melted into a shy laugh. “Thank you. I’m excited.” He felt the way his heart twisted in his chest, silently yelling out in hopes it would be able to share its thoughts too. Seokmin only swallowed, nodding his head.
“Well I’ll make sure to take you out to celebrate once I’m discharged. Okay? I promise!” Seokmin’s cheeks turned pink and he nodded. After a second, Joshua’s smile faded and his hands loosened from Seokmin’s; palms putting gentle pressure onto his forehead. “Augh. Damn it.”
“Headache?” Seokmin asked, receiving a nod. He shot up. “Let me see if I can find a nurse. Don’t go anywhere.” Joshua looked over at him and smirked behind his hands, holding up the arm with the IV in it. Seokmin blushed, laughing nervously. “Right." Just as Seokmin was about to head out the door, he heard muffled footsteps running towards it. He stepped out of the way. His timing was perfect, as within seconds, the door flung open. Seokmin flinched, the door slamming against the wall.
         “Hong Jisoo!” Seokmin looked up to see Jeonghan standing at the door, Nayeon behind him. Even shouting, Seokmin noticed how… soft the male’s voice really was. However, he was still stunned into silence. “What the hell happened?”
         “Well, funny story.” Joshua began, watching as his friend came to the side of the bed. Seokmin looked over at Nayeon, who only offered a sweet smile. Again, it comforted Seokmin a bit.
         “I told you this would happen if you kept pushing yourself.”
         “It’s really not as serious as you think.”
         “The nurse said you have a concussion and said your vitals were all out of wack from not eating and your body was shutting down from exhaustion, how on earth is that not serious?” Seokmin felt the hair on his arms stick up as Jeonghan spilled his diagnosis. He pressed harder against the wall in hopes it would swallow him up and spit him out on the other side. “We didn’t hear from you all night. We were terrified. I got a call from the hospital; thank God you listed me as your emergency contact.” Jeonghan’s expression switched from annoyed to concerned. “Do you know how worried we were? How worried I was?”
         When Seokmin saw Joshua’s eyes cast down into his lap, he swallowed what felt like a rock in his throat. “I didn’t have your number. I’m sorry.” Jeonghan and Joshua looked over at Seokmin as he shifted on his feet. “And I didn’t have Joshua-hyung’s phone. I think I fell asleep as soon as I was allowed to come in….”
         Jeonghan sighed. “It’s not your fault.” He assured. “It’s this idiot’s fault for working himself into an early grave.”
         “Hey.” Joshua frowned.
Jeonghan didn’t even look over at him. “You know I’m right.”
Quiet for a second, Joshua pursed his lips together. “I’m sorry…” he finally said. “I didn’t mean to worry anyone.” Jeonghan sank onto Joshua’s bedside, running a hand through his hair. He turned and stared at Joshua; lips still tugged in an annoyed line.
“I’m just glad you’re okay.” He said simply. “But I am exhausted from running up the steps. The things I do for you.” 
“But I’m honored.” Joshua cooed.
         Seokmin watched the duo from the door, his hands slipping into the pockets of his jeans to keep them hidden. He could feel them shaking, and he wondered how noticeable it was. Nayeon leaned closer to him, a playful grin on her face. “Maybe we should leave them alone.” She teased. “I feel like we’re interrupting the dramatic reunion in a drama.” He only offered a polite, almost nervous chuckle at her joke. When he looked back at Joshua and Jeonghan, Joshua was filling his friend in on what happened. 
“Seokmin went to get some ice when I fell in the bathroom.” Maybe it was just the Whack-a-mole game starting up in the back of his brain, but Seokmin immediately his chest tightened, looking down at his feet. The little hammer in his brain kept hitting the ‘GUILT’ button over and over, to the point where Seokmin felt like he was going to vomit. He turned his head, covering his mouth. 
“Hey, you okay?” Nayeon asked softly, a supportive hand on his shoulder. Seokmin looked over, nodding quickly.
“I’m just tired, I think…” he said softly. “That’s all, I’m okay.”
         Joshua’s voice piped up from the other end of the room, making Seokmin look back over. “Do me a favor, Hannie. Take him home so he can get some sleep.” Joshua requested.
         “What?” Seokmin’s eyes widened. “No. Why…?” He sounded almost hurt.
         “Seokmin, you need to go home and sleep.” Joshua said. “I’m just going to sit around here bored. You just said you were tired…” 
         “Jeonghan, please.” Joshua turned to his friend once again.
        Nayeon’s hand left Seokmin’s shoulder. “I’ll stay until you get back.” Nayeon offered, running a hand through her hair to fix her ponytail. 
         Jeonghan glanced at his friend, not taking long to contemplate before sighing. “Alright. Do you need anything while I’m out, Joshuji?” Joshua smiled at the sound of his nickname, but shook his head. Jeonghan got up and patted Seokmin on his shoulder. “Come on.”
         “I…” Seokmin felt silent. “Hyung, I want to stay.” His voice was soft, hoping Joshua wouldn’t hear him. His only reply with a sympathetic look. “But-.”
         “He’s right… You’ve been here all night, and you can tell. You should go home and get some sleep.” Seokmin was silent for a moment, thinking if he said something he could stay. However, not wanting to risk causing a scene at Joshua’s bedside, he simply nodded before walking back to Joshua.
         “Uhm…” Seokmin pushed his fingers together. “Promise you’ll call if you need me, okay? The bus ride from my apartment isn’t long. I’ll even walk if I have too, so-.” Joshua chuckled.
         “I should be fine, but you’ll be the first person I call.” His expression then got a bit serious. “But not for a few hours. Go home and promise you’ll sleep.”
         “Look at yourself in the mirror and say that, Joshuji.” Jeonghan called from the door, hands in his pocket. He motioned to the door, smiling when Seokmin quietly followed behind. He turned his head just as Nayeon plopped herself on the chair at Joshua’s side, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV as the duo fell into their own conversation.
         The car ride was quiet at first, Seokmin’s eyes glued to his lap. He had only seen Jeonghan a handful of times, so he wasn’t sure what to say when it was just the both of them. He looked up to Jeonghan as he pulled up to the red light, one hand on the steering wheel as the other brushed hair from his face.
         Jeonghan, much like Joshua, was devastatingly handsome. Beautiful, even. It made sense that he was a model, it looked as if he stepped off a runway even now, in a gray sweatshirt and pair of light denim jeans. Seokmin could only look at him for a few seconds with his captivating side profile. The stunning visuals, paired with a focused, neutral expression sent shivers down his spine. He felt as if he was caught doing something he shouldn’t. Jeonghan finally spoke, his voice gentle:
         “Don’t be upset about Joshua telling you to go home, okay?”
         “Wh- I’m not.” Seokmin said. He heard Jeonghan only hum in response, and the bubble his lie was in popped almost immediately.
         “Thank you for getting him to the hospital. I’m sorry I wasn’t home.”
         Seokmin shook his head. “I should have noticed it was really bad, the second I saw him open the door.” He ran a hand through his hair. “He could barely stand up and all I could think about was myself. I didn’t even go into the bathroom with him when I knew he could barely stand. I’m sorry…” Jeonghan smiled a bit, the car slowly rolling past the light as it turned green.
“Don’t be. Joshua wouldn’t want you to be sorry.”
“But …Nayeon-noona said he gets really hyper focused on studying. I didn’t realize how much though, I should have checked up on him more.”
         “I’ve known Joshua since we were kids.” He said. “I’m sure you knew.” Seokmin nodded. “We saw each other almost every summer our whole lives. I spent most of my afternoons on the phone with him while he would be up all-night studying, just to make sure if he passed out, I could call his mom or something. He never did.” He chuckled. “Maybe he doesn’t trust me enough...” His eyes fell back to Seokmin for a second. “At least, not in the way he trusts you.”
         “I don’t think that’s true.” Seokmin’s eyes widened. Jeonghan only shrugged. Eyes unsure where to look, they glanced out the window just as the car hooked a right. “You’ve known him much longer than I have.”
         “Yeah, that’s true.” Jeonghan agreed. “Time doesn’t mean anything, though. It’s the connection that’s more important. I only knew Nayeon a few weeks before we started dating, and I realized right away that I was totally crazy about her. I was with my ex-boyfriend for almost two years and I don’t think I ever felt nearly the same for him.” Seokmin nodded as he listened. “I think it’s the same for you guys. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only known each other a short while, it’s clear you two have a strong connection. I can’t assume how you feel for him, but I know Joshua really trusts you and likes being around you.”
         “Yeah?” Jeonghan nodded. 
         “He needs to figure a lot of things out about himself, and I think he’s scared for you to see him do it.” Jeonghan leaned against the steering wheel. “No one expects you to wait around while he does, though. You have your own things in your life, it wouldn’t be fair of me, or him, or anyone to expect you to take on more than you can handle.”
         Seokmin was silent for a moment, before looking to Jeonghan with nervous eyes to assure: “I want to.” He felt his cheeks turn a bit pink. “I don’t think I’ll be of much help but…” He offered a smile. “I like spending time with Joshua, so if I can be of any help to him, I want to be.”
         Jeonghan formed a little smile, nodding his head. “Then he has nothing to worry about. And neither do you.” He assured. “If you want to go visit him another day, let me know. He’ll kill me if he finds out I let you walk.”
         Seokmin chuckled. “Thanks, Hyung.” He said, finally slipping out of the car. Heading towards the apartment, Seokmin turned at the sound of Jeonghan’s car starting up. With one final wave, Seokmin let the apartment doors close behind him as he headed to the elevator. 
         The trip up the elevator was silent, Seokmin standing to the side as a mother tried wrangling her young daughter to her side. The sound of the little girl trotting around the elevator was just barely enough to drown out the thoughts pressing into his brain and crushing it. The shock of what happened, the guilt of not being able to properly help, the memories that being in that situation trudged up. Memories he thought that he had finally forgotten – or at least tucked far enough into the closet of his memories. However, the closet had become much too overstuffed in recent years, and Seokmin found it starting to overflow when the stinging sensation of tears pricked at his eyes.
When the girl bumped into Seokmin, he looked down. Her head tilted up, little black space buns and bangs hanging slightly askew. Seokmin quickly turned his gaze, wiping his eyes. How embarrassing. He thought to himself. That mother is going to think I’m a freak…who cries alone in an elevator?
         “Aerum, come here.” He heard the mother call, and he simply slipped his hands in his pockets and looked up at the elevator numbers, praying his would come soon. “Apologize to him, Aerum. You can’t run around like that.” Seokmin finally looked over, seeing the little girl poking out from behind her mother’s leg.
         “Sorry…” she said sheepishly. Seokmin only offered a small smile.
         “It’s okay. Are you hurt?” the girl shook her head. “Okay, good.” The brief distraction was enough to keep his tears from spilling, but only for a moment.
         “Are you alright?” the mother asked. While he knew she was most likely asking about his leg, he had to take an extra deep breath. The elevator buzzed, and he quickly nodded his head, feeling his eyes get fuzzy.
         “Yes, ma’am.” He said, before quickly heading off the elevator and straight down the hall. When he heard the elevator doors close, he looked to the first apartment that hit his sights. He was 3 floors above where he was supposed to be. He’d rather take the stairs the rest of the way than stand one more second in the presence of anyone else.
         When Seokmin finally stepped into his apartment, he could barely close the door before he was attacked to the floor. The force of the hit stunned him for a second, eyes blinking a few times to remind him of where he was. “Wh-.”
         “Hyung, where were you?!” The high-pitched voice in his ear was immediately recognized as Seungkwan, who was clinging to him for dear life. Seokmin reached his hand up, patting him on the shoulder.
         “I can’t breathe…” he coughed out. Seungkwan pulled back, eyes welling with tears that probably mirrored Seokmin’s own expression.
         “You never came home. I tried calling you, but your phone went straight to voicemail.” Seokmin immediately remembered the cellphone in his back pocket that he’d yet to take out, most likely dead since he hadn’t felt it vibrating. 
My mother’s probably called every police station in the country….He thought to himself as he pulled the phone out. 
“What happened?!”
         “I….” Seokmin clicked his phone, confirming it was in fact dead when nothing but his stunned expression looked back at him on the screen. “I’m sorry…”
         “What happened?” Seungkwan asked again, voice gentler now as he loosened his grip on his friend. “I was so worried.” Seokmin rose from the floor and kicked his shoes off, heading into the bedroom to charge his phone. “Hyung.” Seungkwan called, following after him.
         “Sorry, I…hold on.” Seokmin knelt at his bedside, shakily plugging in his phone. He saw the little charging symbol pop up. He sighed, waiting for the phone screen to brighten up and give him a rough estimate of how pissed his mother was going to be when he called back. He needed time to prepare. Seungkwan sat on the bed, recapturing Seokmin’s attention. He saw the worried look in his friend’s eyes and felt his throat close up again. His legs gave out and he lost his balance, falling onto his hip before resetting himself into a sitting position. “I had to take Joshua-hyung to the hospital last night. That’s where I was….”
         “What?!” Seungkwan gasped, immediately hopping down on the floor by his side. “Is he okay?!”
         Seokmin nodded. “He has a concussion, I think. He didn’t look good when I went to see him.” Seokmin felt his eyes water. “He told me everything was okay with him but I should’ve known he wasn’t telling me the truth. Right before I said anything to him, he got-.” Seokmin motioned to his nose, but that wasn’t enough to get the point across. “He got a nosebleed and all the light went from his eyes. He passed out in the bathroom and I thought he was dead for a few seconds and-.” The longer Seokmin rambled, the more tears welled up in his eyes. The more tears that welled in his eyes, shaky hands rubbing his eyes in hopes to brush them away. The more he wiped his eyes, the redder they got and the harder the tear drops fell into his lap. “I couldn’t do anything to help him…”
         “Oh, Hyung…” Seungkwan pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back. “No, no that’s not true…” Seokmin clung to him as he cried. “You took him to the hospital. That’s exactly what you should’ve done.”
         “But if I noticed earlier, I could’ve at least driven him or taken a bus. Or I could have caught him when he fell if I stayed with him instead of going to get stupid frozen corn…” Seokmin sniffled. “And he wouldn’t have hit his head.” Seokmin pulled back to gasp for air, giving Seungkwan a chance to lean to the end table and grab a few tissues, passing them over to his friend. “And I worried everyone because I didn’t even think to make phone calls the entire time.” He wiped his eyes. “And he must be mad at me for it. He didn’t even want me there. As soon as Jeonghan and his girlfriend came, he made them take me home…”
         “I’m sure that’s not true either…” Seungkwan said gently. “Calm down, Hyung. It’s okay…”
         Seungkwan’s gentle reassurance was suddenly drowned out by the overwhelming sound of Seokmin’s phone vibration; messages finally flooding in once his phone turned on. Seokmin looked up, wiping his eyes as the sound flooded his ears. It took a solid 2 minutes for all of the message notifications to register on the phone. When Seokmin went to reach for it, Seungkwan took his wrist. “Don’t worry about that.”
         “But my Mom...”
         “Mingyu-hyung can handle that. I’ll have him call her back and say you’re at the apartment.” Seokmin didn’t look convinced, but Seungkwan simply grabbed his phone and sent a text. “There.” He turned the phone to Seokmin’s view, saying Seokmin was home and to let his mother know that his phone died. He stood up, offering a hand to his red-eyed friend. “Come on. You should get some sleep. You must have been up all night…”
         Seokmin took his hand to stand up. “I guess so…” he said softly. Without putting up much of a fight, mainly because he had cried all of the fight he had into Seungkwan’s shirt, Seokmin crawled into bed, sticking his head under the pillow. He heard Seungkwan chuckle. 
“You look like an ostrich in the sand.” He teased. “Need anything? Water?” Seokmin shook his head, the pillow moving in tandem with the motion. “Okay. I’ll be in the living room.”
         Seokmin lay still for a few seconds, making sure Seungkwan really left the room and closed the door behind him. When the room fell quiet, Seokmin stuck his head out from under the pillow and blanket, reaching for his phone and opening up his mother’s messages.
         [Mama Bear] (10hr ago): Hi honey call me later.
         [Mama Bear] (8hr ago): Hello?
         [Mama Bear] (7hr ago): Seokmin.
         [Mama Bear] (7 missed calls)
         [Kyungie <3] (6hr ago): Oppa, Mom’s going fucking nuts where are you? I called Mingyu-oppa too. He’s on the phone with Mom right now.
         [Kyungie <3] (6 missed calls)
         [Auntie] (4 missed calls)
         [Auntie] (5hrs ago): Where are you? Your mother’s worried. If you can’t tell her, tell me so one of us at least knows you’re safe.
         Seokmin scrolled down the waterfall of messages on his phone in the family group chat. When he reached the bottom, the most recent message came into view.
         [Mama Bear] (now): Mingyu called and said your phone died and you are home. Call me when it charges….
         Seokmin sat up in bed. He could hear his mom’s voice in each message, and it made his heart form a violent drum beat in his chest. However, even though his eyes were heavy and his brain already mentally taxed, he dialed his mother’s phone number and pressed the phone to his ear.
         Within seconds of answering the phone, Seokmin’s mother began shouting at him for how much she worried the entire night, how she was tempted to call the police, and how he needs to listen about charging his phone if he plans to be out because “Your no-good father did this all the time! You can’t make me worry like this!” The entire time Seokmin sat in silence, staring at himself in the mirror in the corner of his room. For a brief moment, another, much kinder voice took over his thoughts.
         You have your own things in your life, it wouldn’t be fair of me, or him, or anyone to expect you to take on more than you can handle.
         Seokmin spent most of the weekend curled up in bed, hoping that when he woke up on Monday, things would be normal again. However, as the morning turned to evening, he realized it would be far from normal. His mind was plagued with thoughts of Joshua in the hospital, unable to think about anything other than his well-being. He sent texts between classes, but Joshua expressed how exhausted he had been, and that he was falling in and out of sleep the entire weekend.
         [Seokmin] (now): I’ll come by after my cast meeting ends, okay?
         [Shua] (now): I’ll be here. I don’t think they’re letting me go yet.
         Seokmin smiled at the photo Joshua took of himself still in the hospital bed, a look of overexaggerated boredom on his face. Handsome even with a white bandage smack in the middle of his forehead, it seemed.
         His admiration of Joshua’s selfie was interrupted when a heavy arm was slung over his shoulder. Looking over, Junhui was staring down at Seokmin’s phone, grinning when Seokmin held it away. “What? Hiding the good stuff from me?”
         “You’re gross.” Seokmin pouted, and Junhui snickered. The duo sat on the edge of the auditorium, waiting for Jihoon and Soonyoung to arrive for their first cast meeting. Soonyoung had sent it into the newly formed group chat. “What are you doing Wednesday?”
         “Minghao and I have dinner reservations.” He said. When Seokmin grinned, Junhui immediately frowned. “Not like that.”
         “Like what?” he asked curiously.
         “Like a date. You’re making a date face.”
         “Am not.” Seokmin said, playfully batting his eyelashes. Junhui only rolled his eyes. “I was asking if you wanted to practice going over our monologues after school, that’s all.”
         “You’re done?” Seokmin shrugged. He passed his phone over to his friend. 
“I have enough for our rough draft submission, so I guess I’m done for now.” Junhui silently skimmed the Google Doc, eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. Seokmin read it as judgment, and he immediately piped up again: “Well, I mean it’s only a rough draft, so if there’s anything not good in there, I’m going to fix it so-.” Junhui looked at him, and Seokmin’s shoulders sank. “It’s bad, isn’t it? So bad. Like ‘I need to move out of the country, change my name, and live as a monk in the mountains of Tibet’ bad, right?”
         “Jesus, Seokmin, we get it, you can act.” Junhui teased, and Seokmin’s cheeks turned red. “No, it’s fine. I just feel like everyone’s going to write about a play, or a musical, or something.”
         “You’re not.” Junhui didn’t respond beyond a proud grin on his face, handing the phone back to Seokmin. “Should I change it?”
         “I think what you should do is write about something that is unique to you. Something nobody else in class is able to experience. That’s the point of a monologue, right? To express the feelings of the reader in a way only they understand.”
         “I guess.” Seokmin looked back down at his phone. “I’ll play around with it…”
         Before their conversation could continue, the doors to the auditorium busted open, and Soonyoung was grinning at everyone. He and Jihoon both had large, square boxes in their hands, Soonyoung’s smile so big his eyes were basically disappearing behind his puffed cheeks.
         “We brought pizza.” He said proudly. Seokmin heard the rest of the cast devolve into eager chatter as they all gathered together.
         “We’re glad everyone could make it on such short notice.” Jihoon said.
         “I had to cancel my chiropractic appointment to be here.” Seokjin called from the back, a bit of annoyance in his voice. Seokmin turned his head to acknowledge Seokjin’s comment while the rest of the room rolled their eyes. However, he was only met with an even more annoyed look, and Seokmin decided it was best not to look at Kim Seokjin if he didn’t have to.
         “Well, we thank you and your unaligned spine for being able to reschedule.” Jihoon passed out papers to each cast member as he spoke. “This is a schedule for rehearsals, cast meetings, dress rehearsals, and all of the shows. We’re hoping this doesn’t get changed, but if anything, we’ll tell you.” Seokmin skimmed his schedule.
         “Today is a team building day.” Soonyoung grinned. “So, relax, mingle. Have fun! Just please, don’t start any relationships with anyone, though. One time, we found out that the people we casted as ‘Evan’ and ‘Connor’ from Dear Evan Hansen were dating, then broke up the day before dress rehearsals.” His strained grin screamed PTSD from the incident that Seokmin had only heard about, as it occurred before he enrolled. “So, please don’t date anyone.”
         “Well, there goes our epic romance, Seokmin.” Junhui teased in a whisper, grinning when Seokmin laughed at his side.
         The cast settled around the pizza boxes, taking the paper plates and slices. Everyone began mingling; cast members with stage crew, the fashion department with the art club. The entire time, Seokmin sat by Junhui and Minghao’s side, he listened to some of their conversations and jumped in where he could. He didn’t have much to say at the moment, his mind filled with other things that weigh heavy on his mind. The entire hour they spent in the auditorium, Seokmin could only think of one thing:
         Joshua must be really lonely in the hospital right now. What can I get him to eat?
         The bus seats were colder than they had been the past few days. However, Seokmin hopped onto the first one that pulled up to the school’s entrance. Nestling into a seat, he looked out the window and watched as his breath cracked along the glass, spreading a foggy mist before his eyes. He settled the plastic bag filled with snacks and food from the school café onto his lap. It was still hot; Seokmin was able to buy it right before the café closed.
         Other than the person behind him shouting on the phone with his girlfriend, the ride was quiet. Several times, Seokmin thought about turning around and asking him to quiet down, but decided against it when he realized he’d have no way to escape the situation if it got hostile. Even moreso, the silence would lead to a Whack-a-mole game of thoughts starting up in his head, and he wasn’t in the mood to lose another round. So, he simply bit his lip and waited for the hospital to appear into view, darting off the bus at the closest stop and finishing the journey on foot. 
         The overlapping chatter in the waiting room made Seokmin’s chest tighten almost immediately, eyes darting between doctors and nurses rushing in every direction. He needed a second to remind himself of what he was here to do, needed to blink a few times to recenter himself. He looked down the hallway that led to an elevator. Joshua’s room was on the fifth floor, so, holding the bag of now slightly warmed food, he made his way down the hallway.
         When he got to the fifth floor, turning the corner and saying hello to the nursing station, he headed to the last room in the hallway. As he got closer, he heard talking coming from Joshua’s room. His feet slowed just outside the door. It was cracked open a bit, Seokmin peering in enough to see Joshua, with Jeonghan perched at the foot of his hospital bed.
         “Why can’t you just bring it? I’m stuck here.” Joshua asked. Exhaustion was burned into his features as he spoke. 
         “Joshua, you’re in the hospital because you almost worked yourself to death. Why would I bring your school work to you? That’s just adding more fuel to the fire!”
         “Because when I eventually get out of here, I’ll be behind!” He said. “And then I’ll only have more stuff to do. I’ll never be able to catch up. Is that what you want?”
         “And then you’ll end up back in the hospital. Is that what you want?” Jeonghan’s voice raised just a bit, and it made Seokmin duck behind the door, pressing his back against the wall as he listened. He gripped the bag of food in his hands. Was this a bad time? Should he leave? “Joshua, you can’t. I’m not bringing your work here.”
         “Jeonghan.” Joshua was almost begging. “Please, I have so much left to do.”
         “I already reached out to the school and told them what happened. Your professors all said-.”
         “You what?!” Joshua’s hands tangled in his hair, falling back on the bed with a groan. “Jeonghan, why?”
         “Joshua, you’re in the hospital!” He hissed. Seokmin heard the older of the two let out a groan in annoyance as he kept repeating himself. “You can be angry with me all you want. I’m not going to bring you any textbooks. You can do work when you’re better, and discharged.” He turned towards the door, Seokmin pressing himself farther out of view. “I need to go. I’ll be back tomorrow.” 
When footsteps were heard, Seokmin wondered if he could run fast enough to be out of the hospital before Jeonghan saw him. He wouldn’t, but it didn’t matter. Jeonghan stepped outside, and the duo immediately locked eyed. The olders expression immediately softened, seemingly relieved at Seokmin’s presence. Seokmin watched him turn the corner and disappear from sight, before turning back into the room. Joshua still had his hands tangled in his bangs, gripping them in annoyance.
         Seokmin hesitated, but stepped in. A few steps in, and the sound of the door closing behind him alerted Joshua to him. He looked up, almost ready to argue again with his narrowed eyes and annoyed pout. However, when he saw Seokmin, his expression immediately changed to one of shock. “Hey…” he sounded shocked.    
         “Hey.” Seokmin smiled shyly. “’How are you feeling?”
         Joshua shrugged. “Just a headache.” His eyes immediately fell to the bag in Seokmin’s hand. “What’s that?”
         “Oh!” He hurried to Joshua's bedside, sitting down beside him and opening the bag. Joshua leaned forward eagerly, and Seokmin immediately noticed the gap close between him. He shot his eyes down to the food once again, pulling it out. “I got you something to eat from the campus cafeteria since you haven’t been at school. Chicken and noodles were all they had left though.” Joshua’s eyes widened as if he was just given the winning lottery ticket.
         “Oh, thank you!” He beamed. Seokmin smiled. “I’m starving.” Seokmin watched him open it up, chopsticks in hand as he began to eat. “Mmm. I needed this, thank you.”
         “Of course.” Seokmin sat for a minute, watching as Joshua ate eagerly, almost as if he hadn’t in months. “Shua-Hyung…”
         “Hm?” Joshua’s eyes perked up from the meal, but he continued eating. Seokmin debated asking about the argument he had stepped in on, but he was unsure if it would put Joshua in a bad mood again. “What’s wrong?” Joshua’s voice hinted at some concern, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
         “Well.” Seokmin shifted. “I heard you and Jeonghan-hyung arguing. Is everything okay?” Joshua’s lips dipped into a frown, and Seokmin’s heart stopped beating for a second. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to!” He said quickly. “I’m sorry, I overheard when I came to the door.”
         Joshua set the food on his lap and gave a defeated sigh. “I probably have to be in here another day or two. They said my levels were still not where they need to be and they want to make sure they regulate again before I get discharged.” Joshua leaned back against the bed. “I was hoping to go home and catch up on my work.”
         “Oh…” Seokmin bit the inside of his lip. “How much do you have to do?”
         “A lot. And Jeonghan doesn’t get that.” He said. “I have discussion work to finish, and I have three papers due. I was supposed to be observed by my advisor doing one of the discussions today, but that’s obviously not happening.” He sighed. “I would have had it done last night, but I’ve been here.” Gesturing with frustration at his current surroundings. The more things he listed, the more his pupils began to lose focus. He looked more and more panicked with each thing he realized he had to get done. “Plus, I have to get ready for finals. I got a lot of studying done already, but there’s still at least three weeks of content left we haven’t learned, so I wanted to get a head start with-.”
         Seokmin’s first thought was to lean forward and put his hand in Joshua’s hair. The touch caught Joshua off guard, eyes wide as he looked up at the arm now outstretched between them. It took a second for Seokmin to realize what had happened, and his hand immediately pulled back. “Sorry!” He exclaimed, cheeks a cherry red. “I just…that usually calms me down when I’m anxious – not saying you’re anxious, but-.” Joshua’s eyes steadied, face softening as he reached out for Seokmin’s hand again. Seokmin immediately reached it back out, allowing Joshua to guide it back into his hair.
         “No, it’s okay.” He said softly. Seokmin scooted closer to find a more comfortable position in his arm. Joshua scooted over a bit, allowing the duo to sit side by side, Seokmin’s hand gliding through his hair. Exhaling through his nose, Joshua finally continued eating, his entire body loosening up. “I can see why you like it when I do this. It’s nice.”
         “My Auntie used to do it for me and my sister a lot. Mainly my sister, because she’d style her hair. But I asked her to do it for me too, so she always does it when she comes to visit.” Joshua nodded, sticking some more food in his mouth. Seokmin watched him for a minute, studying his side profile as his cheeks puffed up with a new bite of food.
He needs to figure things out for himself, and I think he’s scared for you to see him do it.
Jeonghan’s words bubbled in Seokmin’s throat, but simply came out as a rushed, “Let me help you.”
Joshua chuckled, turning to look at him. “Seokmin, I didn’t break my hands, I can feed myself.”
“What? No.” Seokmin’s cheek tinted red just as they were about to fade back to their normal color. “Let me help you with organizing your school stuff.” Joshua’s smile dropped, chopsticks stopping midair. “I have schoolwork too, and finals. We can figure out what you should do first. Maybe if we do that, you won’t think you need to get all of it done at once.”
“Do you think I haven’t tried to make a schedule?” Joshua asked. Seokmin went silent. “It doesn’t work. I have stuff to do, I need to get it all done, and there’s nothing that takes priority over the other. My priority is getting it all done right.”
“But if you keep pushing yourself, you’ll end up right back here.” Seokmin said softly. “And what if nobody’s home the next time? Jeonghan-hyung and Nayeon-noona were going out on a date, and we didn’t plan to see each other this time.” Seokmin swallowed the burning in his throat. “If you fainted all alone, who knows what would’ve happened.” Joshua sighed. “I don’t know if I’ll be much help figuring out what’s got to get done first, because I don’t know your classes well enough. But we can study together. And when it feels like you need a break…” he blushed a bit. “We can take a break together. And then study together again, and break again…until finals are over. And we’ll do it again for midterms next term….”
Joshua paused for a minute, seeming to really take the offer into consideration. Seokmin’s hand continued running through his brown locks, waiting patiently for him to provide an answer. Finally, Joshua allowed his head to fall and rest on Seokmin’s shoulder. Despite his tone sounding as if he was inconvenienced by the initial suggestion, he nodded his head where it fell and with a sigh of relief, replied, “That sounds amazing.” 
Seokmin smiled, nodding his head, feeling the theoretical storm around the older clear just a bit. “Okay. Then, we can get started when you get discharged.” Joshua groaned, this time out of genuine annoyance, and Seokmin only laughed a bit. “It’s better this way. Okay?”
Joshua tilted his head to look up at Seokmin, pouting. “Yea, I know…” He mumbled.
         Seokmin felt his heart skip a beat. If he were a more confident person, he’d have kissed Joshua right there. But a simple smile down at him was enough, before Joshua turned back to his meal and continued eating in silence.
         Seokmin spent the rest of the evening keeping Joshua company. The older had fallen asleep as the duo watched TV in silence. Even if he tried to deny his exhaustion, his body was taking advantage of this time in the hospital to fully recharge itself, a feeling Joshua so rarely seemed to experience. Seokmin sat in the chair by his bed, scrolling away on his phone. Occasionally, his eyes fell to the older, studying his sleeping frame. He wanted Joshua to be comfortable for as long as he could, so he would stay by his side as long as he had too, even if it meant sitting in silence with a crick in his neck. 
         With time to kill, Seokmin had pulled up the Google Document with his monologue half-typed. He skimmed through it one more time and frowned. It felt even more painful to read now than it did on campus. He could only imagine how bad it would be to read aloud in front of everyone. He would certainly end up being a laughing stock in his class. He sighed, typing a few random words before ultimately deleting them, hoping somehow his brain would conjure up something worth fleshing out. Five minutes of retyping ‘I hate Kim Seokjin’ over and over again didn’t help at all, and only made him panic that somehow, the guy could see his messages. He closed his phone and stuck it in his pocket.        
         From the corner of his eye, Joshua shifted in his sleep, tossing the blanket off of himself. Seokmin chuckled. This was the first time he had seen Joshua asleep; finding it to be just as beautiful as when he was awake. Joshua’s face tightened in his sleep, seemingly put off by the sudden cold chill that surrounded him. Seokmin leaned forward, fixing the blanket around both of them. “There.” He smiled proudly to himself. Even in a white hospital room, there was a domestic feeling bubbling in his chest as he watched Joshua’s face soften, head nestling his shoulder as he continued to sleep. Seokmin brushed a few pieces of hair from his face, before resting back against the back of the bed. Visiting hours were almost over, he’d be asked to leave soon. The closeness of a safe and resting Joshua calmed Seokmins' worried heart, and the quiet company made it easy for him to try and focus on his monologue. 
         Think about something that’s unique to you. Something nobody else in class could be experiencing right now.
         Junhui’s words dug deep into Seokmin’s ears as he glanced at the sleeping figure beside him. Nobody else could be experiencing the perfection that was Joshua Hong, not in the way that he was able to. But writing about his connection with someone else, putting it on paper makes it real. If something is real, it can be taken away in the blink of an eye. 
Joshua hummed, muttering incoherent English under his breath. Seokmin couldn’t make heads or tails of it, but a fondness bloomed in his belly. Seokmin wanted Joshua all to himself; wanted every one of his future memories to have Joshua entangled in it somehow. 
But Seokmin wasn’t the type of person to be selfish…Right?
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junhaowenxusworld · 1 year
It's The8(th) of Jun(e) Happy Junhao Day
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heymeowmao · 1 year
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2023.08.04 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324931120922755130
It's been a long time since I last streamed!
LYN: There's sound but no music, is that right? If there's no music then I'm just sitting here looking dumb. Hold on a sec. Can you hear the laugh track at all? (No.) My gosh... and here I was enjoying the music... What's happening?? How embarrassing. - /troubleshooting/ LYN: No music, but how about the laugh track- is it back? (Yes.) And the music? (Still no.) LYN: No music? /deep sigh/ Goodness, how embarrassing. Ok, hold on- let me restart the program. The last time I was streaming after having connected to other people, and I used a different sound card then.
bgm: 我只愿朝着光 (I Only Wish to Face the Light) [Be Your Own Light OST]
LYN: It’s been a really long time since I last streamed; the last time was when we were promoting the start of the dramas, and it’s been a long time since then. I just finished up with some work today and decided I would come and stream for a while. I hope you can be happy with my short company. 
C: You cut/dyed your hair. LYN: Yes- I’m going to be entering into a new drama crew. We’ll also be setting the wardrobe later. I’ve cut and dyed my hair to make it look cleaner. The blonde wouldn’t do. It’s about time- the limited time hair-colored edition has come to an end. The Summer Limited Edition is over, and now I’m back to black. C: You look younger. LYN: Yes- short and neat hair makes you look younger. Another thing is… I don’t look that old, do I? I can’t act as a student but I’m still not that old. C: Senior/Upperclassman. LYN: I don’t think I qualify for that, either.
C: What’s around your neck? LYN: It’s Pomellato.
C: Is your throat/voice better now? LYN: ? Did something happen to my throat/voice? It’s fine, I’m good. I’ve been recording lately and doing some supplemental voice acting for previous dramas. I’m very good.
LYN: Today should be the last day of BYOL, right? I want to thank you all for your company and your support. This was my first male lead role, and I’ll count it as having successfully aired. Thank you for your viewership. If you’re in my stream and you’re not my fan but you haven’t watched BYOL light, I hope that you can check it out. It’s really a great drama.
C: I’m a new fan of just five days and it’s my first time catching a stream. LYN: Nice~ LN: See- you have to have some works to show, in order to get new fans. This one has been a fan for just five days, right? Ok, ok. When you like other artists it’s called “falling into the pit”, but with me it’s called “winning the lottery.” Congratulations!
C: Ning-ge, what eyeshadow are you using? LYN: Are you provoking me on purpose, or are you trying to get me to list off all the brands I’m working with? This is Givenchy. C: What type of shampoo do you use? LYN: L’Oreal. /promoting the shampoo and skincare lines/ C: What brand of yogurt do you drink?
LYN: It’s definitely going to be Chunzhen. /promotes two lines of drinks/ C: What accessories do you wear? LYN: I already told you this earlier when someone asked what was around my neck- it’s Pomellato. Another promo when around not too long ago- I want to thank you for your support then, too. 
C: I’m a student-fan. LYN: Welcome, but also I hope that any students can put their studies first.
C: I just finished watching Jiang Junhao’s (BYOL) big finale. LYN: Nice. I think I really gained a lot from BYOL. bgm: 如果爱回应 (If Love Responds) [Be Your Own Light OST] LYN: It counts as my very first proper modern drama. I was worried, because a modern drama was difficult for me. But I think I’m lucky that I was able to get a role that really suited me and my fellow actors as well as the director helped me a lot. The screenwriter and platform also helped me immensely. This is why you- I don’t dare to say that “everyone”, but at least those of you who’ve watched the drama- can remember this young man called Jiang Junhao. Maybe he was able to make you remember that such a character had existed, once. C: /compliments!/ LYN: Thank you. Actually the character of Jiang Junhao is really close to me. There are aspects of his life that I can relate to, and in terms of his career path- we count as working in the same industry. Because of that, I was a lot more relaxed. I really liked this role and it will be hard to forget. 
C: Showing your true colors. LYN: A little. I know that a lot of actors are afraid to hear that thie true colors are showing or that they are just acting like themselves. I think it’s okay. I don’t know about my other roles but for JJH I think I COULD act like myself. His character really suited me. But also it’s difficult BECAUSE the character is very much like me. I can’t let my fans- who always watch me stream, watch my variety shows, and whatever- also watch this drama and think, “That’s just Ning-ge.” There has to be a distinction- it has to be like me, but also not. That was what was difficult for me. You have to give enough life to the character in order to assimilate to the situations in the storyline, in order to make JJH believable. That was hard.
C: My mom told me to tell you that she’s looking for you. LYN: That is, your mom is my fan now, right? Thank you, jie. This drama is airing on Jiangsu as well as Youku- so if you turn on your television, you might see it. Since this is the case, our seniors- who wouldn’t normally watch shows online or using their phones- could potentially watch. I’m happy that one of my dramas could air on the television. This means that a lot of aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas can also get the chance to know me.  
C: My dad said you look handsome! LYN: Look at that. To everyone who is watching my stream, I would normally call your parents’ generation “ge” or “jie”. It’s leftover from my customer service days. Men who are older than me are all called “ge” and any women older than me are called “jie”. C: Then, you’re trying to take advantage of me! LYN: Meaning, if I’m friends with your mom and dad… then that means that your position in the family hierarchy is lowered? We’re all even. LYN: Just like in BYOL- JJH counts as OZM’s step-dad, right? But in the drama JJH tells OZM to call him “ge”. My interactions with his mom and my interactions with him are separate but equal levels. 
C: Ning-ge, are you going to The Truth S2? LYN: I wasn’t notified?? If there is a S2 and they invite me, I’ll definitely go.
C: Where did your second and third brothers go, in the end? LYN: The two bearded dragons? We borrowed them from a pet-shop, so we returned them. If you’re talking about in the drama, I gave them to a friend who could care for them.
C: Will there be a S2? LYN: No? It’s already at a perfect ending. I don’t know about a second season.
C: Was the 3.5 million returned? LYN: It was returned.
C: Da-ge, did you get a kiss in? LYN: Did I not? I haven’t watched the last episode yet. It’s okay- maybe they just deleted scenes that weren’t too relevant to the plot. That’s normal. Sometimes in post-editing they just delete scenes that they don’t need- the drama shouldn’t be needlessly long. C: /tells him about another cut scene/ LYN: Oh, well. It wasn’t important, that doesn’t mean anything. The tempo of the drama isn’t dragging and that’s ok. As an actor I can understand that if some scenes are cut that means they weren’t necessary. If they’re cut, they’re cut. It’s ok. As long as it doesn’t affect the overall plot, it’s fine. I’m sure the editors or platform have their own considerations to make or hardships to face when deciding to cut scenes. It’s all good. As an actor, I don’t have a lot of say in the content, but it’s all okay. LYN: It seems like a lot of you wanted to see the kiss. I think it was just a kiss on the cheek though? I forgot. But you say that it’s such a shame that it was cut- it’s not, really. A lot of dramas shoot such a scene in order to convey the intimacy two characters share. But if just a kiss on the face is not enough then… it’s okay not to include it. It’s not important. That’s alright.
C: When is TXJ airing? LYN: Soon. All of the dramas I’ve already filmed a while ago are close to airing. I also hope they air soon and that they have good results.
C: Why did you cut your hair, are you joining a new drama crew? LYN: What do you think?? Don’t pretend that you care about me, I know you don’t. I already told you I was joining a new crew. I’ve been idling for about two months, now. It’s about time. I’m getting ready to enter another consecutive-filming mode, because I was nonstop filming for the past few years. I only wanted to take a break because I had just been filming too much, including two big guzhuang dramas so I was burnt out. I took a rest to work on my album and now it’s 70-80% done. Now it’s time for me to enter a crew and start working again. C: Is it modern or guzhuang. LYN: It’s a modern drama- I’ll use it to clear my mind and learn something before I come back to doing guzhuangs. That’s what I was planning.
C: What’ll your next guzhuang drama be? LYN: My next one will be… what’s it to you? Don’t ask! C: Are you the male lead? LYN: Honestly, to me, male lead or second lead is not important. I am also okay with third or fourth lead. Of course, I would like to play a main role. As long as the role is good 1ML or 2ML is all good. I don’t HAVE to take only lead roles, but people always hope to aim higher. They would like to land the leading role and continue getting lead roles.
C: Ning-ge, will you accept female lead roles? LYN: Who asked that question?? /makes angry faces/ You must be crazy. Why don’t you just ask me if I will go play an animal?? Why don’t you ask if I will play a dog in my next role?! How can I, as a man, accept a female lead role???
C: Ning-ge, do you want to play an animal? LYN: Hey, now that you mention it… this isn’t impossible. Look at it this way- if it were a xianxia drama, could I not play a demon? I’ll play a rabbit that’s cultivated a human form. It’s possible. Or maybe if they do another drama/movie that needs a Celestial Dog, then I’d definitely go for the role. Didn’t someone say I looked like a celestial dog? XD Anyways, it’s not impossible that I play an animal. There’s also the case that the show is rendered in 3D and all they need is expressions and a voice. They can use my face and put it on a dog. It’s possible for this, but there’s no way for the female lead thing. LYN: I can even act as a napa cabbage!
C: Ning-ge, you’re tall so you can act as a giraffe. LYN: /laughs/ You know- I don’t think I’ve ever seen a giraffe spirit in a drama. There are lions and snakes, but never a giraffe. Okay, let’s do it- a giraffe turned human. C: A giraffe suits you. LYN: 去你的. Why don’t I just play an electric pole spirit, then? 
C: How long have you been streaming. LYN: I only just started a while ago. I started two minutes ago, so you didn’t miss any exciting content. Of course, my stream isn’t very exciting to begin with, so it doesn’t matter what time you come. It’s all good. If you haven’t yet subscribed to my weibo, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Thanks for your support.
C: Have you been resting well these days? LYN: Um. Are you a doctor, or?? I’ve been resting well. Can you tell from my tongue that I have an illness? Or do you think my complexion isn’t normal? I’m not sick. I’ve been quite comfortable. I can rest at home or go out and about. I’ve been well.
C: Have you done your physical yet? LYN: I haven’t yet, but I will in the next few days. After I get checked out with a clean bill of health I can enter into my new drama crew. LYN: I had asked if you could tell I was ill from my tongue or my complexion, and someone responded: We can’t tell, because your beauty filters are on so high we can’t see clearly. My filters are on too high so you can’t tell… … Who told you my filters were on too high? /angry face/ LYN: If you’re going to say that, then I will- turn them on higher. I’ll turn on the blur so high that I won’t have a nose anymore. I’ll erase my eyes and nose- so that you feel like you’re talking to a wooden puppet. LYN: You thought I would turn the filters off? There’s no way. C: You won’t even let us tell the truth? LYN: Right- the world is lacking in truthful people. We are too lacking. Speak more, then. Without you, society will stop progressing.
C: When are you holding your concert? LYN: Next year.
LYN: These days I’ve also sung a song for Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Let’s hear it. It’s called “Above the Jianghu” and it is the opening theme song. bgm: 就在江湖之上 (Above the Jianghu) [Mysterious Lotus Casebook OST] LYN: This drama is called Mysterious Lotus Casebook and my friend ZSX is in it. If you’re looking for dramas to watch or after you’ve finished watching mine, you can go check this one out. Please support it. C: Why did it lag? LYN: It’s okay for it to lag once or twice. It recovered quickly, so it’s no problem. This laptop is a bit older, so it’s not very stable. If it lags from time to time, please understand. C: MLC is so good! LYN: Yes, of course it’s good! I did watch a bit of it and it’s a great drama. I hope you can give it lots of support, okay?
LYN: There are some friends, you know I know you know, are very practical. They’re so practical that I’m not sure how you’re supposed to respond to them. I told you to watch MLC if you had the time and someone replied, “Yes, it’s a great watch!” There were only one or two of you fans who said, “Without you, I won’t watch it.” Friends- I just want to say- I just wanted to promote the drama in my stream a little. Whether you watch it or not is up to you. Even if you say, “Okay, Ning-ge! Any drama that you sing the OST for, I will watch!” but in the end you don’t watch it, that’s fine. But you have to at least have a surface interest in it- we have to make it seem like it has a popular reception, and that way it will be easier for me to continue to be offered OST jobs. Let’s say normally I’ll be offered 20 songs. After your words (I won’t watch it if you’re not in it), what happens if I’m only offered 19 songs? C: Okay. Repeat the prompt.
LYN: … :) Friends, there’s this drama called Mysterious Lotus Casebook that I sang the opening theme for. I hope that my friends here in the stream can go check it out! Okay, friends?! C: Okay, I’ll go watch it now! LYN: I didn’t want you to go watch RIGHT NOW. I’m streaming now. You can watch it when I log-off. You’ll watch it now? What’s the rush?? LYN: Remember this for later, okay? This is a little life-hack. You don’t need to be so realistic. Whether you watch or not is… honestly the platform doesn’t care about one or two people not watching. Just don’t live so strictly.
LYN: This song is from a movie called Oh My School. I guess it can be considered an insert song. bgm: 二中中二日记 (茶啊二中/Oh My School! Animation OST) LYN: This is a really really great movie; I know that a lot of you went to watch it. I hope you can still give it your support. C: I’ll definitely watch it. LYN: ! See? How nice! C: What are the lyrics?? LYN: It doens’t matter. You’re listening to the song for the mood of it. It doesn’t matter if you can understand the lyrics or not. You won’t learn anything from them anyway. Just listen for entertainment. It’s a really good watch, though. C: Ning-ge, I’ll buy tickets for the midnight showing right now. LYN: For this movie? See- look how smart this friend is. Even if they don’t buy tickets or go to watch, the platform will still be happy to see such a comment. Next time they have work to be done, they will come to find me again. C: You’re dizzying me to death. LYN: That’s the feel we’re going for. I don’t just want to sit here like I’m giving you a lesson. - /someone asks him about the lyrics, but he really doesn’t know what they’re referring to either. XD/
C: How many have you sung for ZY? LYN: How did we get here? I should be singing two songs for it. LYN: It’s funny- I went out to eat with the crew and somehow we got around to chatting about OSTs. The producer asked me, “For people like you who sing OSTs, on average how many songs does a drama give you?” It’s not like there’s some industry rule that states that a singer is only allocated one song per drama. I told them I can sing a few and it’s okay. So they responded, “Then Ning-ge, how about you sing all the OSTs for ZY?” I was dumbfounded. Opening, ending, character songs- all of them. I was thinking… there’s no need for that! I told them the most I should sing would be two. Like with BYOL, I sang the opening and an insert with Tao-jie. For YNGS I also have two. That’s for the dramas that I’ve acted in myself! I just think that more than two is too much. LYN: Let’s say that there are 7 songs on the OST and I sing 6 of them. It’s just not necessary, you know? I was thinking that I hope that each drama can invite lots of amazing singers to participate. It’s only with all the different people that it’s abundant enough to make the drama flourish. It’ll be of more help to the drama. I wasn’t going to act in it but also sing ALL the tracks for it- what do they think I’m trying to do? Just because I CAN doesn’t mean I want to take jobs from everyone else. It doesn’t work that way. We need other singers’ support for the drama, whether that’s by promotion or in terms of different musical genre/singing style. C: That sounds reasonable. LYN: Yeah! You shouldn’t be thinking “Wow, they think so highly of me! I must be great!” when someone gives you all the work. “I could accept all the jobs and then make a killing!” No- that’s not how it works. As an OST singer, you still have to adhere to some industry rules. Other people might not follow them, but you just need to manage yourself well and you’ll be fine. 
LYN: A few days ago I filmed something and they were looking for an OST singer- you all know them, but I won’t name names. The platform had contacted me and asked if I could convince that friend to sing an OST for them. I said, “What’s wrong? You can just find them the normal way?” Like, why were they asking me? It’s because they had tried, but the other party wouldn’t receive their calls. I asked them why, and it’s because they don’t want to sing gufeng style things anymore. I told them, “If they don’t want to sing it, why are you trying to force the issue??” LYN: Don’t name names (in the comments). I’m just trying to get the meaning across. Of course, I hope that my friends would lend their voice and help out. The platform just wanted to see if that person would give me enough face to accept one last gufeng song. It would be their last one and that would make it all the more precious. I think… there’s also meaning in that. We’ll see. If they’re really lacking a voice, I will lend them mine. - /jokes about bribing the friend with 500RMB from his personal OST earnings, to see if that would change their mind/
C: Ning-ge, my birthday is tomorrow. LYN: Your birthday is tomorrow, so telling me now is a little early. Anyway, I’ll wish you a Happy Birthday first. I did see some friends whose birthdays are today. Thank you for spending your birthday watching my stream. I hope anyone who is celebrating their birthday today, tomorrow, and the day after all have a Happy Birthday. 
C: The price rose? Wasn’t one song 200RMB? LYN: 200RMB was in thanks. If you’re begging for someone to sing one for you it’s 500RMB.
C: My birthday is in May next year. LYN: It just passed then, didn’t it? You just celebrated it and now you want to reserve well wishes in advance? It’s not necessary. This episode’s playback will still exist- on August 4, I wished you all a happy birthday. Next year when you celebrate in May, open this stream’s playback and you can have my well-wishes. Alright? See- this is also a method that can work. It applies to every one of you. C: Saving yourself the trouble. LYN: Right? I’m sure you all drive- this is like using the navigation system. I don’t know if you’ve ever recorded sound for your navigation? Though no navigation company has ever come to look for me- there was, once. But sometimes I just like to paly around with it. You’re able to change it so that you can use your own voice to navigate yourself. Do you get it? I don’t know if you’ve ever played with the software. It’s actually very easy, they just want you to say a few words or phrases- I forgot what they were- but they will use these sound bites to create a “nagivational voice package”. In the same way, you can leave this voice message here until next year and open it on your birthday.
C: I don’t have a car, so I don’t need a navigation. LYN: … What are you telling me for? You want me to gift you a car or what? Friends, let me just say- don’t go around on the internet playing yourself off as poor and in need… because no one cares. You don’t have a car, but what are you telling me for? Did you want me to give you one? Even if you don’t have a car, you can still use navigation! Sometimes if I’m shopping I’ll get lost, but know that the place I’m looking for is close by. Navigation isn’t only for driving, but also walking- it’s still usable.
C: Ning-ge, I’m a student. Are you willing to give me one? LYN: Show me your student ID. I do know what joke you’re referring to, though.
C: Ning-ge, if I’m walking on the street and get lost why do I have to use the navigation? Can’t I just… ask? LYN: Why are you being so stubborn? If you like to communicate with people, you can go ask! For some people, like me, we have social anxiety. I’m afraid to talk to people on the street. I don’t want to communicate with other people. In this case, I can just open my app and use the navigation from there, can’t I? End of story. Right? You also have to be understanding of people who have special circumstances. C: “se-kong” (color-fear) LYN: Is that not right? It’s not the “se” for “color”, but the “se” for “society”. It’s not as if I see a color and get scared. (color-fear vs social-fear)
C: Ning-ge, I twisted my ankle. LYN: /laughs/ Oh, sorry. I shouldn’t laugh. LYN: You twisted your ankle? I can feel your pain. I hope you recover quickly. But, there was no need to tell me that. What do you want me to do, go rub it for you? Hurry and go apply some ointment or see a doctor! What can I do about it?! I know the point in streaming is so that I can share my life with you and you can share your life with me, but you don’t need to tell me about these types of things.
C: Ning-ge, I want to job-hop. LYN: We’re talking about careers now, huh? You want to change jobs. Mmm.. uhh… that’s up to you. If you think you have no further development in your previous/current job or if you’ve encountered a situation that makes you uncomfortable or unsatisfied and you don’t want to work there anymore, switch. If you think you can have a better future somewhere else or it is a better working environment, then go. Be brave about it. You need to assess which is better for you and go for it.
LYN: Don’t ask me about anything college/university related, as I really don’t know. I never went to college, so I can’t share your burden. If you ask me what to do if you add too much salt when cooking, I can help you. I learned how to cook professionally. I don’t know about college/university so I can’t help you and I have nothing to share.
----- break #1 (the neighbors are fighting) C: I haven’t seen enough of the videos. LYN: Go watch them yourself, they’re all up on weibo!! You’re making it seem like I’m not needed. I shouldn’t have come back and should have just let you watch more videos. XD The neighbors aren’t fighting, they’re watching Mysterious Lotus Casebook. I thought the neighbors were fighting but the sound on the tv was just too loud, is all. ZSX’s just fighting with people, is all. C: Jiang Junhao and Ou Kaige (BYOL) are fighting next door. LYN: They’re just… exchanging some blows.
C: So, ge, what happens if I put too much salt? LYN: Do you really want to know or are you just messing with me? If you’re cooking and you’ve put too much salt in your dish it’s actually very easy. Add some water into your pot and then take out two scoops of it and it won’t be as salty. You’ll have to readjust the soy sauce and vinegar to taste, but the salty/bland levels will be fixed. Just add water. C: Drink more water. LYN: /laughing/ If the dish is too salty you can have one mouthful then chug water and repeat? You don’t need to do that. Just add water then take it out and re-season to taste. C: Add sugar. LYN: That’s also another method, but I don’t think it’s the best way to do it. You can add sugar, but it’s not going to lessen the amount of salt that’s in the dish. If it’s only a little bit salty then adding sugar can balance it out. But if it’s extremely salty then it won’t help no matter how much sugar you add. C: What if I can’t cook? LYN: If you can’t cook… that depends on if you want to learn how or not. If you do, go learn. I learned.
C: Why isn’t there “yu” (fish) in “yuxiang rousi” (shredded pork with garlic sauce; lit. = fish fragrant shredded meat (usually pork))? LYN: Friends- you can tell this person watched BYOL. Why isn’t there any “fish” in yuxiang rousi? Now I need some bgm. “Legend has it there is a question that has stumped us for ages. Why isn’t there any fish in yuxiang rousi? I’m sure you are just  confused as I am. Just like how “lao po bing” (sweetheart cake; lit. “wife cake”) doesn’t have “wife” in it. So today, I will answer for you what is- Happy Planet? No, that’s not it.- Why doesn’t yuxiang rousi have any fish in it but it’s still called “Fish Fragrant Shredded Pork”? They say that a long time ago, there was an blessed pair of husband and wife. The husband liked to eat fish very much, so every time he went out and came back from work, his wife would prepare a fish dish for him. One day, the wife was unable to buy a fish and only had 2kg of pork at home. Therefore, she used the method for which she would usually prepare the fish to prepare the pork. When her husband returned and ate the dish, even though it was pork, it had the fragrance of a fish. From then on this dish has been called “yuxiang rousi.” Which means to say that you just cook pork the same way you would a fish. Then you have “Fish Fragrant Shredded Pork.” C: Is that true? LYN: It’s not important. This is like fairy tales. Do you think the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarves was real? It’s not important. Was the story of Sleeping Beauty real? It’s not important. What’s important is… that the prince and princess live happily ever after. That’s the most important. LYN: But I do think that yuxiang rousi does have this explanation. You can look it up. I remember that I had looked it up when I was filming the drama, too. For certain scenes I needed to make sure that what I was saying was correct. I came across that question in the script so I really went to look up the reason why; I can’t remember which strange site I saw that explanation on. But now I’ve told you all the story. C: Lao-da, now tell us the story behind the “wife cake.” LYN: There’s no need for that. I won’t look it up. If you’re curious you can search for the reason yourself. I’m sure someone will give you the answer. 
bgm: 爱了很久 (Loved You For A Long Time) [Twilight OST]
bgm: 风衣 (windbreaker) [Fireworks of My Heart OST] - the instrumental track isn’t available online, but he has it himself and will ask for it later. - was planning to sing this song at an event but they thought it was too quiet of a song
C: Lao-da, are you wearing pants? LYN: ??? /shows he’s wearing pants/ What do you mean by that? It’s not like I’m streaming from a pool and only wearing swim trunks?? I’m at home- why wouldn’t I be wearing pants? Don’t ask such offensive questions in my stream. I’ll kick you out.
C: Ning-ge, I want to see a pool stream. LYN: You don’t want to see a pool stream, you want to see the Haier Brothers, don’t you? You just want to see the young kid bare. C: Didn’t you say you were going to learn how to swim? LYN: I didn’t go, because my work these days have been scheduled pretty tightly. You might get the feeling that I’ve taken a rest since finishing up my previous drama but actually I haven’t really had much of a break. I have work pretty much every day that’s required me to fly here and there. I’ve been recording for my songs or voice acting, or going to some brand event or another. I’ve also had script readings and wardrobe fixings. There’s always something.
C: What drama are you working on lately? LYN: Don’t make it out to seem like you are my fan but you actually don’t know anything about me. That makes me sad. I can’t stand those people who act as if they really care about me but they actually don’t know what I’ve been up to at all. I’m not in their hearts at all. On the other hand, fans who care about me all know what I’ve been doing- idling at home. I don’t have work to do. No one wants me LYN: We’ve caught a fake fan, today. C: If you’re just at home idling, then I can support you. LYN: No need. When I was living a hard life someone had asked me and I rejected them. Now I’m doing fine on my own. I can support myself  and I can take care of my own meals. C: Then, you support me. LYN: Keep dreaming. You’re only here to chase stars, not to find a stable support for the rest of your life. C: What a cold/cruel guy. LYN: ?? Just because I said I don’t want to support you for the rest of your life, that makes me cruel?? Wow~
C: Can I request a song? LYN: You can’t. Here’s the thing- I’ll be holding a concert next year. You can request songs then, if you go. Let’s make a promise- I’ll see you there. C: Where will you be having it? LYN: It’s a tour, so I’ll be going to lots of places. C: What if I can’t get tickets? LYN: I’m sure you will be able to get a ticket. Don’t worry. It won’t be a problem.
C: Ning-ge, you’ve dyed your hair successfully. It looks very natural. LYN: ?_? It’s alright. It’s just black- what does that have to do with whether it looks natural or not?
LYN: I won’t be streaming for too long because I’m a little tired today. So I definitely won’t stream past 12a.
C: Ning-ge, have you considered overseas concerts? LYN: I know people tell me that I can, but ever since I was little I’ve been very self-aware. I’m sure that my music hasn’t made it big overseas yet. I know many of you could be overseas right now. But let’s say I do hold an overseas concert- everyone who goes will be my fan. There’s the possibility that fans here (in China) will go overseas to see me there. What’s the point in torturing everyone  like that?
LYN: We’ll see- there should be around 10 or so stops. There’s no rush. It will be held next year. Also I’ll focus on getting this next drama filmed and then we’ll see what happens next year. I just want to get my drama filmed. See- there was a fan earlier who said that they were a new fan of five days, right? That proves that my now-airing dramas have successfully attracted at least 100 fans. I don’t dare to predict anything else, but at the very least 100 people started liking LYN because of this drama. What do you think, friends? Do you think that it’s possible? I do. This means that for my next concert, there will be 100 more people in the queue to try to get a ticket. Then it will seem like they are in hot demand and can be sold more easily. C: More than 100! LYN: Whatever. I’m satisfied with 100. If I gain 100 fans with every 1 drama, then if I do 10 dramas I will have 1000 fans. That means if I do another 100 dramas- I will gain 10k fans! My concerts are usually in 10k-seated venues… after 100 dramas I’ll probably be able to sell out. C: What about scalpers? LYN: This problem is not exclusive to my concerts only. All artists have this problem, but perhaps I am not as popular as the rest of them. Their tickets might sell out very quickly but I don’t think that will happen with me. Of course, there’s also no way to avoid it. Everyone knows that if there are concert tickets, there are going to be scalpers. But I myself nor my studio would ever do that. (buy their own tickets to make it seem like they’re selling out fast.) LYN: You can tell by how we sold tickets for my first concert- tickets were limited to my fans, only. Logistically, the ticket offices had never done such a thing before. But we did it. Later we are unable to do the same, because it would tire us to death. I can only ensure that the first stop is limited to fans-only. Let alone concerts, the other day I went to a restaurant and there were even scalpers for tables! Say there were twenty tables in front of me- someone told me they had tickets for the first three tables, and if I wanted one? I asked how much, they said 20RMB, and I replied, “No thanks.” There are even scalpers for eating!
C: I’ll be in high school next year! LYN: And what about it…? Good luck, I guess. Study well. I hope you get into a good college.
C: Ning-ge, how about some English? LYN: OK. No problem. …What type of English do you want to hear? LYN: You really know how to make trouble. Now you want to hear English??
C: Have you been working out? LYN: I’ve been able to take a couple hours.. Usually I have afternoon recordings- like around 4pm. I don’t normally go record early because my voice would not be warmed up by then. So I wake up in the morning and work out in the afternoon before recording later. 
C: Ning-ge, your face is producing oils. LYN: What are you talking about? This is called “dewy skin”! It’s super popular right now. You know?
C: Ning-ge, do you think we would be able to see any abs by next year’s concert? LYN: You’re asking me if I have any plans to tear my shirt off- as if I will be performing then all of a sudden find my shirt unbearable and rip it off? Without rhyme or reason and without a trigger- I just tear my shirt off? What will it mean/represent if I do tear it off- my wild side is coming out? I don’t know, because I’ve never understood why singing a song would make someone want to tear their clothes off. But if you really want to see it, we can put such an event into the design. We’ll have to see if I have any abs by then though. If I have anything that I would be willing to show, then I could try to convince myself to tear my shirt open while I sing. I could try it. C: Really? I don’t believe you. LYN: I’ll try my best. If I have any abs by that time I will definitely tear my shirt for you. LYN: I won’t tell you. You’ll have to come to the concert and see. After I sing about five songs and go to do an outfit swap, if I come back up for the next stage wearing an undershirt/t-shirt then you’ll have an idea of what’s coming next. You can prepare yourselves for the possibility that I’m going to rip it off. If I come up wearing a down jacket and three more layers then there’s no way you’re seeing anything. Whether I tear my shirt off or not- you can come to the concert to find out. If I don’t though, please don’t return your tickets.
C: Are you going to tear it  off at every stop? LYN: /laughs/ Would I rip my shirt at every stop or just one…? People aren’t guaranteed to have abs all the time- it come and goes by how much someone might eat. You might not be able to see it all the time. C: What happens if you aren’t able to tear it? LYN: Don’t worry- I’ll take some scissors and make sure I have a starting point first. Do you think other people don’t give themselves a starting point? I’m sure they do. If you’re standing up there and struggling to rip the shirt it’ll make you look too weak. I might cut a starting point into it first. Or maybe wash it twenty times- I’ll have the washing machine “chew it up” it for 24 hours straight, until it’s just a think layer that’s easily torn. - comment that he could pre-tear one and just hold it together with velcro for all subsequent stops. XDC: Ning-ge, I’m a student-fan. I’ll watch you tear it. [t/n: underage?] LYN: No- I mean… tearing off a shirt isn’t too nsfw, is it? It’s only the top half- It’s not as if I will be tearing off my pants? If you go to a pool there are plenty of guys out there with their chests bare- it’s not unsuitable for children. This has nothing to do with being a student. It might be inappropriate if you’re just walking down the street without a shirt on, but at my concert it’s a more private space, so it should be fine if I’m topless. Don’t worry, student-fan. This should not affect your job choices later in life.
C: Ning-ge, if I’m under 14 can I still watch? LYN: In that case, you shouldn’t. Also- you need an ID in order to buy the tickets, so if you’re under 14 years of age I hope that you can bring a parent or guardian to the concert with you. C: I’m fifteen. LYN: Do I really have such young fans? I don’t really... believe you. LYN: I’m not your average young handsome guy. I’m not someone who can pass for the young, handsome, and cute type. Sitting here right now, I’m just some old guy. It doesn’t really work. C: Can a 68 year old watch? LYN: Of course you can. If anyone over 60 comes to watch my concert, I will gift them with a peach (of immortality). I wish you a long and healthy life.
C: What about over 80? LYN: Of course they can! 90 is also okay. Everyone will get a peach. C: Ning-ge, I’m 12. Can you believe it? LYN: It doesn’t matter if I do or not. There’s no need for me to think about the validity of that statement, either. But if there are underaged children watching my stream, you can rest assured there is nothing that I say here that will negatively influence your future. However, I do want to say that the internet is a complicated place, so I hope you can install safe browsing/parental controls. It counts as a sort of self-protection. C: Ning-ge, I’m three. Is that okay? LYN: /sigh/ You’re three and you know how to type? That’s amazing. You must mean that your intellect is only that of a three year olds? That doesn’t count. 
LYN: Something that makes me happy is that sometimes I will see fans say, “Ning-ge, you’ve debuted for five years and I have accompanied you for five years.” That means they have really been there from the start, and it’s touching. So many things can happen in five years, and there are so many other amazing people debuting all the time. For you to be able to stay with me and grow with me, to keep me company while I chase my dreams, is touching. C: I’ve been here five years. // It’s been 2.5 years for me. LYN: I think that if you’re able to stay with me for longer than a year that’s already amazing. LYN: I saw someone say in the SuperTopic: “Ning-ge, I’m sorry. I’ll stop being your fan, and go be someone else’s for a few days. Sorry.” That was hurtful. You can like other people, but you don’t need to TELL ME ABOUT IT.  I don’t want to know. Let’s do this in the future- we’ll meet nicely and part nicely. C: Shit, seriously? LYN: Truth. I was speechless. So… Go. I wish you well. One day when you think that the outside world is too cold, you can come back to us. I’ll give you a chance. 
C: Ning-ge, I don’t want you to become too popular. Because then I won’t be able to get tickets to your concert. LYN: You don’t really think that, do you? Or are you joking with me?? “I don’t want you to become too popular”... I’m thinking of a terrifying scene. This person is at home praying for me. “I pray that Ning-ge doesn’t become too popular, so that one day I can successfully buy his concert ticket.” That makes me… scared. But it’s alright! Just don’t say it that way. From now on, pray that I make it big! I’ll save ten tickets for you, right now in my stream. I’ll reserve those tickets for you myself. As long from now on you pray that I make it big.
LYN: Every time I talk about my concert plans, you always say, “Ning-ge, we can’t compete for the tickets!” I am not a person who always think that the results will be wonderful, and I don’t believe when you say that you are unable to get tickets. It’s not that I don’t believe that you will actually go buy the tickets. I just don’t believe that I can sell out every ticket. I know myself well enough not to have hope that if I open a 10k seat concert, I can rest assured that all the tickets will be sold. LYN: We’ll have to see. When I have been in conversations about my concerts, we’ve concluded that I would hold one each at around ten stops. The seating is around 8-10k. I think at the very least 8k people have the chance to watch a concert. To me, that’s already hard to fill. I’m not that popular. Everyone watching my stream right now- do you think you won’t be one among those 80k people (total)? I’m sure you will be. C: There are 8k seats per stop? LYN: It’s going to be around 8-10k seats at each. 
LYN: I went to an event the other day- Why can’t I remember what it was? Let me think…- It was the one in Changsha! I woke up early and went to the hotel’s gym. I didn’t look too closely at who was in there, but when I was done suddenly someone came over and tapped me on the shoulder. That gave me a fright- I thought they wanted to beat me up or something. “Hey!” I turned around to see who wanted to hit me, saying, “What’s wrong?” It was WSL. He had also been in the gym, on the treadmill. LYN:  We started chatted and I asked him what he was doing in Changsha and he told me that he was working on his concert, because he was planning on holding one next year. I told him I’m sure his concert would go off without a hitch because he has a lot of good songs. He advised me that if I was thinking of doing a concert for myself, that I could think of having a surround stage. Almost like watching a sports match, where you can view it from all sides. Matches can accommodate up to 20-30k people, so if I did it that wayit would open up much more seating. I told him, “You’re WSL, but I’m not.” How long has he debuted for, how many songs does he have, and how many people grew up listening to his music? Right? He has a lot of songs, but I don’t have the same confidence. I told him that. Anyway- I’ll just do a front-facng stage and make sure that it’s perfect/pretty. 
----- break #2
- /promotes Hello Saturday on 8/5/ C: I don’t have a membership. LYN: ? It airs on the tv. Just watch it on your tv. C: I don’t have a tv. LYN: Then maybe you can look into, through some effort, making some money and buying one? I hopeyou can succeed and one day have your own television. People are like this- others may have what we do not and vice versa, but I am firm in one belief. That is- I don’t need to be jealous of what  others that I do not. If I can gain what they have through my own my hard work and effort, only then would it become meaningful and I can have that sense of accomplishment. So for that friend who said they do not have a tv, work hard to make money. If you’re still in school then focus on your studies. When you grow up you can focus on buying a tv. C: Ning-ge, can you raffle one off right now? LYN: Um… I don’t get what you mean. Are you telling me that all of the electronics in your house were gained through winning them in a lottery? For example, you finally saved up enough money to buy a house, but to get all the furnishings it relies on you coming into streams to win them in a raffle? How fascinating. In this case it’s possible that you won’t have a tv in your house for 100 years. If you don’t want to buy one for yourself, then what are the chances that you would ever win one?
LYN: I had told you before that I would be giving away oil in my stream. I’m sure that means that there are some people who don’t have cooking oil in their homes, don’t cook, and are just waiting to win some from me. When you win it, would you start cooking? Are you going to make some yuxiang rousi?
C: I can’t enter the fangroup. LYN: The weibo fangroup is pretty easy to get into. The fangroups I’ve had from the start “True Love” and “Big Shed” are reserved for the fans who have been with me since the very beginning. They were here from before my debut. All the newer fans are in the weibo group. C: I can’t get in. LYN: Maybe you haven’t met some of the requirements yet. Moderators- please look into how these friends can participate and enter into the fangroup. Now that my drama has finished airing, I’m sure that there will be 100 more fans wanting to be a part of it. // I’m also part of this fangroup- since I am a fan of LYN. But when I entered the group I sort of used the back door. The moderators added me themselves. So that’s why I have the honor of entering the fangroup. - /talks a little about how in fan groups there are always “lead/big” fans. He counts as his own “lead-fan”; but also was looking into what benefits/advantages there were to being one. Says he’ll organize and tell us one day exactly what those advantages are. A fan tells him to make a whole ppt presentation. XD/
C: Ning-ge, what profession will you have in the next guzhuang drama? LYN: I haven’t even done my modern drama yet, why are you asking about my next guzhuang one? I don’t have one- I already told you I’ve been idling at home for two months. Don’t ask. Even if you do, I wouldn’t be able to tell you.
C: Are you drinking “lei-bi”? (sprite = 雪碧, but they replaced the “snow” with “thunder” (雷)) LYN: No, it’s just carbonated water.
C: Ning-ge, is there anyone in your house? LYN: What, do you want to come over and live here? It’s not worth it. There are no people at home, but there is a dog. She’s sleeping. People who know me will know that I can’t have other people in the room when I stream. It will affect how I express myself. I always tell my staff to go clock out and leave. I tell them, “Leave. It’s time for the boss to work.” What a great boss, right? I tell my staff to go home and rest while I start work myself. C: Wake Daimi up. LYN: She’s sleeping soundly. Let’s not wake her up.
C: When is YNGS airing? LYN: Soon. It’s already past the first stage of censorship phase, so it’s currently being edited. After the censorship stage it should be quick. I’ve also finished recording my two OSTs for it. It’ll be quick. LYN: It’s a really good watch. When I went to do voice acting for it I pretty much watched it from start to finish. I think it’s very good. It’ll do well. Very nice.
C: ZY? LYN: It should also be pretty quick. I always see a bunch of friends who work in the industry, and when they see me they say, “Hey- I saw ZY and it looks really good.” They’re complimenting it, which means that they are looking forward to seeing it. I was surprised. For me personally, I like every role and drama I accept and really look forward to seeing it air. But when it comes to other people- and a lot of people, at that- who are also complimentating and looking forward to a drama, it’s only then that I think, “Oh? Maybe it really WILL have a good reception.” It’s not just one or two people, everyone seems happy about it. Even with YNGS. LYN: I was never the main lead in a drama before since I was only ever supporting cast, so when people before said that a drama was good/bad I didn’t really feel anything. From an objective standpoint, I had less scenes and the plot didn’t revolve around me anyway. People didn’t mention me much in those dramas- and of course, that’s definitely fine. It was only after I started accepting lead roles that the praises/compliments I’m hearing are really sinking in. It really makes me feel like the time and effort I put into filming those dramas was worth it.
LYN: Honestly, I really like being an actor. So for all my previous dramas, I will definitely go to watch when they air. A lot of you ask me, “Ning-ge, are you watching the drama like I am?” and you really don’t need to ask because yes, I am. I watch, and also with a keen eye for how I am performing. When I watch myself I always find some bad habits that I have while acting, so then when I act in my next drama I will do my best to lessen/erase those bad habits. It could be a bad habit or something I didn’t execute well, or just that I am slightly off beat. I like to monitor for these things. LYN: In the very beginning I was excited to watch. I was thinking, “I’m sure that when this character appears, the viewers will really like him.” It’s not that you were required to like the character, but more that I hoped the character could be liked. Otherwise, what would be the point in acting at all? Every role I take, I want people to be able to like and acknowledge, or discuss and remember. My hope is that through this role, people can remember that I am an actor. But after a few dramas had aired, my state of mind changed for the better. Sometimes you find that with some dramas… they just air. They took up some amount of my time and effort and helped me to grow; so my state of mind slowly changed for the better. I used to be so excited about every role, but now I don’t care. I’m still passionate about them but what I expected to gain from them have changed, because I have already fallen in love with acting. LYN: So now people are telling me that they think the drama looks good and are looking forward to when it airs. At first I might have felt surprised at that, but now I have taken to telling myself that no matter what I film or record, not to have too high of an expectation for it. Sometimes when your hopes are set too high you are more likely to get hurt. This started from Heroes- after that drama I told myself not to have too high expectations for the reception of my drama/character. There are many sides to a drama, and many more opinions. Now I just hope that they can air at all. LYN: I think that I am just happy that more people can get to know me through my acting in a drama. That’s my state of mind now- I’m happy. If things are meant to be yours, they will be. If they’re not, then why force it? I just need to do what I can and should be doing, and live without regrets. 
C: Do you look at your private messages? LYN: Don’t spam in my comments. I don’t have time to look through my private messages, so you don’t need to keep sending them, either. If you have any questions to ask me, you can wait until I stream and type it into the public comments. I really don’t look at private messages. If I did, that would mean I REALLY don’t have anything better to do.
C: Ning-ge, I’m a CP fan of you and HZT. LYN: Thanks. As long as you’re happy. What else can I say? Did you think I would say that I am, too? It’s not necessary. As long as you’re happy. We’re all here on the internet looking for some happiness. If you’re here to relieve stress, or to like an artist, or even to curse someone out, we’re all here to gain happiness. I understand. Just don’t go too overboard. I hope everyone can have a kind heart. That’s what I hope.
LYN: A lot of people are telling me not to mind the voices on the internet that are criticizing me and trying to bring me down, and focus instead on all the people who love me. They’re trying to cheer me up, afraid that I might get depressed. It’s not worthwhile. I know I look like a perfectly fine person now, but I didn’t grow up/mature in the greatest of conditions. At the very start I was singing in a bar- it’s a complicated space. You can see all sorts of different sides to humanity. I count as having survived from that environment. I also worked for two years at a public bath. There are also all sorts of people there- I’ve seen a lot. I’ve also had my fair share of hard life experiences. Later when I started streaming, the platform we were using was pretty messy. I’m streaming now, but back then the comments were filled with curse words. Random people would just come in and just start cursing you out and they would say terrible, devastating things. There were some in particular- it wasn’t like weibo, where only I am able to speak- there were some using illegal software that would open up the mic. They would connect to the mic and start cursing you out directly, shouting through the audio system. I experienced that a lot, and worked under those conditions for a while. It was cruel. If you didn’t develop a strong sense of mind I’m sure that you would cry after every stream. C: You couldn’t kick them out? LYN: There were too many people in the stream. By the time you scrolled through to find that one person, they would have run away already. When you stop looking for them, they come back. It’s not something you could control.
LYN:  But after experiencing all of that, a few people criticizing me on the internet is nothing. I really feel nothing at all. ¯\_(ツ) If it’s just a baseless insult then really I feel nothing. If they’re saying something that just isn’t possible or nonsense or purposefully provoking, I don’t care. Because I’ve experienced much crueler situations that that. I don’t take it to heart. The other thing is, you’ll discover that some people try to stir things up and say things like “LYN is ugly” or “LYN can’t act” or things like that. You may wonder if seeing those things would unsettle me a little, and yes, they do. But I also think that these comments don’t affect me at all. For an artist the thing you would be most afraid of is if no one is talking about you at all. You might not understand, and feel sorry for me. But if I didn’t have all these people creating trouble and causing discussion then that would be more terrifying.
LYN: You know how some people say “Oh, this drama was a flop” and this and that. Let me tell you- the dramas that REALLY flopped you wouldn’t even know aired. When you’re discussing if a drama flopped or not, that means that it didn’t (because you’re talking about it). Think about it. Do you know how many dramas are aired in a year, and how many actors are continuously releasing new dramas? The ones that really flopped are the ones that you didn’t even know aired. No one even mentions them. That’s the most cruel thing that can happen.
LYN: So when people are criticizing me and discussing me, then I am actually relieved for it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that I’m thankful, though. There are two sides to everything. From one side it is a criticism on me, but from another side they are helping to garner interest in me. My name will continue to show up in certain circles. It’s a good thing, really. The thing you should be afraid of is if no one is talking about you. When it reaches the point that people don’t even want to curse at you, you’d be miserable. I’m sure that in this industry there is not a single artists who can get by without someone cursing at them. But for the time being if they are, it means that you are still important. LYN: There are still groups of people out there who like to post bad pictures of me and make fun of me, or use words that I have said before against me to ridicule me. I think that’s all okay. That’s all the material they have. If I actually look that ugly, there’s nothing I can do about it- because that’s just my face. There’s no way to deny it. It’s still me. So it’s all okay. I have a very good mindset. I have to thank everyone who recognizes me and who know my name. I hope you’re doing well.
LYN: /suddenly thinks of a song/ Thank you to everyone who knows my name. This song is for you. -- 我是一只小小鸟 LYN: This song goes so high! At least let me finish up with the most important lines.LYN: If you’re a VIP member, you would have finished watching BYOL today. I want to thank you all for your company and support for this drama. I hope that in life you can also be your own light. I want to thank all of you who like this drama and Jiang Junhao. Thank you to all my fans.
LYN: I hope you had a happy, relaxing, and wonderful night. It was great to have you and I hope you enjoyed yourself. If you have not yet subscribed to my weibo, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Goodnight everyone, and sweet dreams. Let’s meet again in the next stream.
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icyminghao · 7 months
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(the junhao is me @ u btw ^0^)
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talluvx · 4 years
Junhao Vampire au
imagine Junhao being vampires
they both have amassed several castles over the centuries
today they’re chilling in Jun’s
Minghao brings wine that’s a few centuries old
they’re relaxing after a long week of being accused of drinking human blood
and seriously? like they don’t even want to drink that junk
especially Minghao
like humans have just gotten too fatty for his tastes
but wine never betrays you
and soon they’re both drunk
which is fine because like... immortal, you know?
one of those dusty thingies lands on Jun’s nose while they’re just lying on the ground
and he attempts to blow it off in the most ridiculous way possible
and crashes into a mirror
cue Minghao laughing
“why do you even have mirrors? it’s not like you can see yourself”
“for the aesthetic, Hao”
and Minghao continues to laugh at him
“sorry, ge... you just look ridiculous”
“oh really?”
Jun raises his eyebrows in a challenge
“well, you look absolutely handsome with your hair styled in this mullet. I hope you keep the look for at least the next two centuries. and you’re adorable. freaking adorable. you’re perfect, you move with the grace of someone who’s been alive for thousands of centuries instead of just hundreds, and I could listen to your voice for eternity, and I could spend lifetimes just staring at you. seriously, you don’t know how good you look.”
and Minghao just
let’s save it with an awkward dab!
which he totally picked up from the young locals
what the heck is he supposed to say to that?
and the blush on his cheeks-
completely the wine’s fault
meanwhile Jun is smirking and giggling because like
he totally just won that
and then Minghao breaks out into a bunch of giggles
and Jun’s heart melts
or it would if he had a beating heart
because he could listen to that sound on repeat for a millenia
and then Minghao goes
“you need to give yourself more credit. you’re the most regal person I’ve ever seen, and we’ve had tea with emperor’s in the past. you’re cute and adorable, and I love how animated and passionate you get”
Minghao assumes finishing it with a sense of finality will let him get over his embarrassment at saying such things to his ge
but Jun wraps him in a hug instead
“I knew you loved me!”
“ya! get off me!”
Jun uses his vampire powers and rushes to another room
and comes back with art supplies in a split second
“draw me! draw me!”
Minghao rolls his eyes
but takes the canvas and brush anyways
he may think he can hide his fond smile but he can’t
sorry, Hao, but that’s just the truth
and anyways, he takes the brush in his hand, but when he looks at his ge happily drawing away on a sketch pad, his hands paint without his mind even thinking
splashes of color make their way to the canvas- blues and reds and yellows and blacks and pinks and purples and browns
and he just paints his ge’s feeling
it’s not like either of them have tried to be professional artists before
and technically, he’s still “drawing Jun”
and when it’s time to reveal their artwork
Minghao’s low key
n e r v o u s
but of course, Jun loves it
“but what is it?”
“it’s your... vibe”
and then it’s Jun’s turn to show his work
and let me just say, and three-year-old could draw a better caricature
but Jun is high key proud
“don’t look at it like that, Hao. I just captured your... vibe” 😏
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haoraecane · 4 years
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winrenho · 6 years
Chan: How can you celebrate Christmas if you don’t believe in God?
Junhui, sitting on Minghao’s lap:
Jeonghan, hugging Seungcheol like a teddy bear:
Mingyu, stroking Wonwoo’s hair:
Seungkwan and Hansol, wearing matching hoodies:
Seokmin and Jisoo, sharing earbuds:
Soonyoung, holding Jihoon in his arms: I don’t know, Chan, how can you celebrate Valentine’s Day if nobody loves you?
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lqsvts · 6 years
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Smiley Jun (ft.Hao)❤️💖💝💕👌💗💞💓
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hrts4hanniehae · 9 months
clutch || six
there are written parts :)
note that the timeline or educations may not add up but just ignore it because i don't have the brain power to sync up THIRTEEN + 1 's education schedules
also!!!! the story begins in the christmas period of 2022!!!! IF THERE ARE YEAR ERRORS IM SO SORRY!!!! i legit can't change it omfg
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as good friends do, seungcheol decided to buy everyone tickets to the aquarium to let yn forget about e/n almost breaking in to wonwoo's apartment. finally, yn could meet everyone. and not drunk this time.
"why... why are you all so tall?" - yn
"i feel like we are in the same boat here, yn." - woozi
"yn, these are my friends, my friends, this is yn." - minghao
after some greetings and exchanging socials, they finally went into the aquarium.
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so this was happiness.
so this was being loved.
she had forgotten this feeling.
how warm.
and she definitely forgot about e/n.
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synopsis: wonwoo is a popular streamer known for his incredible gaming skills and good looks. He turned heads. but he hates the attention. he just wants to play games and earn money. one day he receives a letter. his apartment’s rent has almost doubled. no warnings at all. his current paycheck from streaming can’t shoulder those bills. he has no choice but to rent out his spare room. to who? a fresh art university graduate who has… 1. a stable job ✅ 2. talent for art and sculpting ✅ 3. many friends ❌ 4. social anxiety ✅ 5. no filter ✅ when his iconic cat logo gets copystriked, she comes to the rescue with a new logo for him. when his apartment’s walls start peeling, she fixes it. whatever he used to struggle with… the empty space... was now filled by her. so what does he *last player standing* do when her ex *enemy spotted* tries to take her back? heh. *clutch* he clutches.
inspired by wonwoo's gam3bo1 streams, falling into your smile & gogo squid (has hints of valorant)
pairing: streamer!jeon wonwoo x fem!artist!reader (ft. jeongcheol, soonhoon, junhao, seoksoo, verkwan)
genre: fluff, comfort, slowburn, comfort, pining, bestfriend!minghao
warnings: stalker ex, toxic ex, mentions of abuse, guns (game), cursing, hate comments, panic attacks
started: 28.12.23
ended: ?
taglist: join from my masterlist
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smau socials
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tags! @fairyofhour @megseungmin @sun-daddy-yoriichi @woozixo @euphoric-univers @christinewithluv @haowonbins @ocyeanicc @asyre @cynthiaaax13 @superhoshisvt @bangantokchy @chimmy-bts @angelarin @daisawa @writingbarnes @jeonghansshitester
@belladaises @wonwootakemyheart @wonwooz1 @luchiet @kookssecret @caratsland @peachescreamandcrumble @thepoopdokyeomtouched @isabellah29 @leah-rose03 @yandere-stories @coupshour @heesbees @hamji-hae
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animeniacss · 24 days
Seoksoo - imperfect - Part 1 - Bonus - Seoksoo's Instagram Posts
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Synopsis: Lee Seokmin likes a lot of things: karaoke, stuffed animals, his friends, his family (when they're not at each other's throats), and when things go according to plan. It's perfect that way. That is...until Joshua Hong, the Education Department TA, stumbles into his view one day and suddenly Seokmin has to start facing the fact that maybe not everything in life will be perfect...but with Joshua, that might just be ok.
Tags: College!AU, ActingMajor!Seokmin, Teacher!Joshua, Romance, Angst, Fluff, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings, Side GyuCheol, Side JunHao, Side Verkwan, Other Idol appearances, Anxiety/Panic Attacks, Domestic Violence (not between the main couple), Joshua is a dork 90% of the time, (More Tags will be Added as needed)
Length: approx. 200 words
Bonus: Seokmin and Joshua’s Insta posts 
Seok_min_iee: I had a lot to say at first, but I think these pictures send the message. Tonight was perfect. Boyfriend reveal at the end???? :0
*xuminghao_o, and 20 others liked this post* 
Min9yu_k: congratulations!
Boo-boo_shka: FINALLY! I KNEW IT!!!!!!
Vernonline: *thumbs up*
junhui_moon: about time! 
[Cheollie] (now): finally …. congrats!
[Kwannie] (now): I called it! Hyung I’m so happy for you!!!! <3
[Jihyo] (now): I expect the full story Monday morning!!!!! 
[Dahyunie] (now): aaaaa the manifesting finally worked!!!!! <<<333
[Chan] (now): That’s so cool, hyung! He’s handsome, too! I need the whole story when you’re at work! 
joshu_acoustic: Early birthday party. Best gift? This cute guy I can call my boyfriend. 
*jeonghanniyoo_n, nayeonnyny, and 30 others liked this post*
jeonghanniyoo_n: does this mean I need to soundproof the apartment? 
johnnyyyy: i hate the caption but ill forgive you because hes cute. 
nayeonyny: cuties!!!!! So in love! 
Krystal_94: How cute! So happy for you Joshuaaaa! 
Marcomggg: my boyyyy! That’s awesome!!!! 
[Your Gay Yoda] (now): You got a boyfriend?! He looks so cute! I’m happy for you, bestie!!! I’ll call on your birthday, and you can tell me all about it! <3 
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junhaoism-blog · 6 years
to our adorable flower boy wen junhui
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we wish you the very best day
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you adorable lil kitty
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you wonderful ray of sunshine
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you absolutely godly individual
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we love you, junnie!!💜
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mydeershua · 6 years
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Junhao casually staring into your soul
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junhaowenxusworld · 2 years
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Its The8(th) of Jun(e), happy Junhao day 💖💖
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