#happy valentimes everyone
puppet-purgatory · 1 year
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too tired after work to work on the bigger stuff but you KNOW i had to draw the babygirl... hopefully the rest'll come out this weekend
(dw the flowers are crystal so they won't die 👍 happy valentines)
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ask-kaufmotheclown · 4 months
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone
I hope you spend your time with the ones you love, or, do something you love
We can all use the rest during these valentimes.
*Little lonely Kaufmo laugh*
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lo-fi-charming · 4 months
Happy valentine's day! Do you have any valentine's day thoughts about JonDaisy or JonMartinDaisy?
aw happy valentines!
hmmm valentimes day thoughts huh... i imagine jon is a guy who forgets about the date, but if he's reminded, he'd certainly like to do a little something for his partner(s), even if he might be kinda bad at knowing what that should be. i imagine he'd at least try to make a nice dinner for them
daisy is also a guy who forgets the holiday exists but would secretly be very flattered if given a nice treat
martin's the guy who is aware and only cares a little if he's single for the day (he might indulge in his loneliness, or make a point NOT to, depending on how he's been up until then), but he cares A LOT if he's dating someone. but he's also the guy who secretly wants to be surprised with something or experience a nice romantic gesture, while never wanting to bring it up or point it out like he's expecting anything or trying to be passive-aggressive about it. but then he'd be bitterly disappointed when nothing happens, even though he never said anything... like i imagine he'd get a gift or something, but wait until the last minute to acknowledge the holiday just to see if his partner would first. and be a bit sad if they didn't, but anyway, im rambling-
all that said, with all three, there'd probably be the general assumption that everyone forgot about it (daisy definitely did, jon 50/50 chance), and it wouldn't get brought up until later in the evening, when jon and/or martin make a move to present their gift(s)
daisy would definitely tease jon for making a fuss if he makes dinner, but also maybe be a bit more free with her compliments while eating, maybe offer him a non-back-breaking massage afterwards as a subtle thank you. and she'd DEFINITELY tease martin over whatever gifts he got them
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mewsmagic · 1 year
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🌎 And these are the icon samples I made last week with the help of folks on stories!! Feel free to use with your friends and partners <3 happy valentines day for everyone!
🇧🇷 E esses são os exemplos de ícones que eu fiz semana passada com a ajuda da galera dos stories!! Sintam-se livres pra usar com amigos e parceiros amorosos <3 feliz dia de são valentim pra todo mundo! (apesar da gente não comemorar aqui no brasil ASLDADAHS)
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hndwrttn · 4 months
happy valentimes day. im mouth kissing everyone that's interested and you have access to above clothes front top. muah muah muah.
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gutsfics · 4 months
FUCK valentimes day its Avalon and Janey's birthdays today ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ everyone say happy birthday Janey and Avalon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wygolvillage · 1 year
happy valentimes everyone btw :3 whether youre In Love or just like candy i hope everyone has a great one!!!!
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kirby-the-gorb · 1 year
reply roundup :)
I am so sleepy. also photo of my fancy phone case I was so excited about under the cut.
on [flap] @macro-microcosm​ said: HAPPY KIRBY FLAP HAPPY KIRBY FLAP HAPPY KIRBY FLAP- so glad I'm not the only one who thinks he does this. and I relate, things aren't great but at least there are cute things to be a comfort
he is my little projection orb, therefore he must flail his little nubs around in excitement as I do. (also I hope things have improved for you, I’ve still got another 2 1/2 weeks to wait but hopefully the news will be good -n- )
this is how the phone case turned out btw! it’s by CandyDulceDeco on [etsy] or at candydulcedeco.com, they were very patient with working out all the little details and everything :> (that little post in the top corner is for a little loop to put phone charms on, I repurposed a bracelet with rainbow gummy bears as a little phone strap sometime after taking this photo)
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on [meds] @plushslug​ said: I have MCAS too. Sucks hard. Keep fighting the good fight out there and may your symptoms be manageable 🫡
same to you *salute emoji I can’t find rn* (love your icon btw)
on [milk] @graycoin​ said: Ah shit, that sounds rough. You can Get Through It, but I am sorry you gotta. :/
thanks, I appreciate both the vote of confidence and the sympathy -n- (and in your other comment as well. thank you in general to the folks leaving supportive comments even though I don’t post them all, I really do appreciate it.)
I also appreciate everyone who rushed to give baby his choccy milk or demanded he get it, with special mention to @justawanderingfan​ who went so far as to [add] the glass (and the resulting smile) themself :)
on [keyblade] @angeryspeedo​ said: look at him. he is just a little guy...
every time someone tags my kirb as “just a little guy” or “a bean” or something like this I become more powerful :) (I even made a post on my personal blog when I first saw this tag that it means I Win At Art. there are many ways to win at art and I win often. drawing something that makes me laugh, drawing something my wife thinks is pretty, drawing something, drawing something that makes a stranger add a funny tag, etc. these are all Art Victories of equal value. I think this is a good way to think of creative hobbies.)
also on [keyblade] @joekingv1 said: *wonders who was baby's favorite character*
I think of the playable characters in birth by sleep, ventus would be their favorite. (both because kirby probably relates to him most and because his combat is most amenable to just mashing regular attack and dodge the whole time (which is mostly what I did lol)) out of all of kingdom hearts I do think they’d vibe with sora. my dirtboys.
on [crochet] @duerme07​ said: this -feels- crochet in a way that few other images have conveyed
thanks! it’s because I hate making small gauge amigurumi and have bad eyesight so this is exactly what I looked like for approximately 3 hours immediately following this drawing :)
on [blanket] @ceylonsilvergirl​ said: life has its ups and downs, is never just one or the other. stick it out through the difficult times And I will find comfy blanket time again
comfy blanket time can be anytime. even or especially during the hard times. (I hope you’ve got a break coming down the line too.)
on [valentimes] @wishiwould​ said: I sent this to all my family and sent the creator money on ko-fi bc delightful
extremely sweet of you, thank you so much! I always love finding valentines like this to send to my wife so I’m so glad I could make something similar for someone else lol (yes I did send this drawing to my wife and my partner for valentines day :v )
on [vacant] @sagessmoke​ said: he's a static image right, when i scrolled onto him he blinked and i need to know if im okay
yep, he’s a static image. when you’re seeing stuff directly from me, I always tag any moving image with “gif” even if it’s a small amount of animation. (my eyes play tricks on me sometimes too.)
yeah he’s pretty neat! significantly more Shapes required to draw him than a kirborb tho lol
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gravity-rainbow · 1 year
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Woke up to some snow. Huh
Happy Valentines Day everyone!
Feliz Dia de São Valentim!
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hammity-hammer · 1 year
tagged by @riality-check
rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words
Argyle moves to join the women, watching them grating the vegetables.
lmfaoooooo,,,,,,, this is,,, something lmao, it's from the happy holigays ! (I've decided im turning it into a whole annual holiday thing but ill be posting the xmas/Hanukkah part soon ! and then nye bc im a slacker, and then valentimes)
but! I'll be tagging uhhhhhh,,,, i have no idea everyone's been tagged oh god--- if you've been tagged already pls ignore me BUT
@unclewaynemunson @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @thefreakandthehair @corrodedcorpses @harmonictechnicality @punkharringtxn @cheatghost (im p sure you did this but ily hehe oops) and then like,,, anyone else that wants to you can as well !! (Also ik im missing three im sleeby i canny count)
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leclercenjoyer · 1 year
happy valentimes everyone
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mewsmagic · 1 year
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Happy Valentines Day everyone!! 🥰
🌎 For today I wanted to show you guys a commission I just finished for Valentines Day!
I’m so proud of the result and my commissioner’s partner seems to have loved as well (they CRIED guys!!! They cried!! 😭😭 I’M CRYING TOO)!!
And I’m honestly so very happy to have been a small part of my commissioner and his partner’s journey! That’s the joy of doing commissions for Valentines Day isn’t it? 🥰
It feels like my silly little art is making a small change in the world in its own way, and I can’t wait to see it make even more beautiful memories for even more people!!
Anywayyy, we don’t celebrate Valentines here in Brazil, but I’m still in a very romantic vibe and I wish you guys all the best! I hope you all have a lovely day with your partners or friends and that your Valentines bring lots of joy and fun!! 🥰💖💞
🇧🇷 Feliz dia de São Valentim gente!!
Hoje eu queria mostrar uma commission que eu acabei de fazer pro Valentines!
Eu tô tão orgulhosa do resultado e ê parceire do meu cliente parece ter gostado também (elu CHOROU gente!! Elu chorou!!! 😭😭 EU TÔ CHORANDO TAMBÉM)!!
E eu tô sinceramente tão tão feliz de ter sido uma pequena parte da jornada do meu cliente e dê namorade dele!! Essa é a mágica de fazer encomendas pro dia dos namorados né não?? 🥰
Eu sinto que a minha pequena arte bobinha tá fazendo uma pequena diferença no mundo da sua própria forma, e eu mal posso esperar pra que ela crie outras memórias lindas na vida de ainda mais pessoas!!
Enfimmm, a gente não comemora o Valentines aqui no Brasil, mas eu ainda tô numa vibe muito romântica e desejo tudo de bom pra vocês!! Espero que todo mundo tenha um ótimo dia com ês namoradinhes e amigos e que seus Valentines tragam muita alegria e diversão!! 🥰💖💞
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vvvermilion · 4 months
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happy VV Valentime's plus galentine's (that means galleon's Valentine's) day everyone! at 6 pacific, let's celebrate with a ps2 game all about kissing, chu♥lip! won't you be my gamer Valentine~
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brooklynislandgirl · 4 months
Name: "Christopher Luna. But you and everyone we know calls me Chris."
Age: "29."
Do you like to cuddle?:  "I love a nice cuddle!"
Can we make-out?: An excited smile spreads across his face,"Yeah!" a small blush fills those chubby cheeks."I mean...yeah." his voice a little smooth. "If it's cool with you."
A night in or dinner out?: "As much as I like our chill nights, I like to take you to cool restaurants. It's so many hidden gems in Arizona and I like to share them with ya."
Whip cream or chocolate syrup?:  "Hmm, whip cream. Chocolate syrup is fine but you know me, I'll end up getting too focused on making a design."
Chocolates and roses?: "Hmm, normally I'd pick one. But when it comes to you? Porque no los dos?" he chuckles.
What makes you a good Valentine?:  "I'm pretty laid back. Always ready to lend ya a listening ear. If you ever need someone to make those boring events a little more fun, I'm always here. To quote the great Tommy McGee, I just wanna make ya happy."
Would you cook for me?: "Yeah, I love cooking for you. It's up there with listening to you talk about your day."
Would you let me cook for you?: "Mmhmm," he nods. "I'd like to see what you make. I don't know, you have great taste in everything so I'd be happy to taste your cooking."
Where would you take me on a date?: The baker goes into his pocket, revealing a small notebook. "Soooo the local art theatre is playing Mary Poppins on 35MM this weekend. I remember we loved watching it together so that would be fun. Then I made reservations at La Vegan Madre. It's vegan but they have other options too. Then after that, a walk in the park before we go home for some wine."
Who’s paying?: "I can pay, it's only right I pay for what I planned."
What did you get me for Valentine’s Day?:  The baker hides a small box with a wink, "As hard as it is to tell you now, it's a surprise~"
Better Together || Accepting
Beth kept her commentary and the tally from the Quiz glaring up from the phone screen to herself, rather than interrupting with little quips and asides. She knows she's going to be next, when Chris puts the same questions to her. They could have skipped the name and age, but that's part of the tally. She could have answered the cuddle question and the making out one, but she enjoys how he gets a little embarrassed by it. She wonders if he'll always be so shy. She makes note of his preference toward going out. It isn't a hill she wants to sprain an ankle on. And she approves of the whipped cream.
Oh, the she can't help herself. "Por que no me gusta flores muertos, y especialmente rosas, mi corazon. Si quiere, dame una planta araña."
He is very chill. Sometimes she wonders why Chris isn't as bothered as he could be between his family, work, and getting on in a world that doesn't really understand people like them. "See, ya onto somet'ing dere. An' I love you cookin' for me too, keepin' me from starving to deaf. TO DEAF." He makes up for the roses comment though by being sweet and mentioning listening to her. "An' I will not cook for you. I nevah wanna be accused of war crimes." The note book is a surprise and tells her that maybe he saw this coming, that it wasn't a surprise as she thought it would have been. "Oh my gosh! We love dat movie!" And she's seen it so often, she doesn't need subtitles to enjoy it. "La Madre, huh? Good choice, an' I'm surprise. Always t'ought you were a meat eater, t'rough an' t'rough. I dunno...dat sounds like...really amazing."
She wobbles her head about paying but doesn't feel strongly one way or the other enough to argue about it. The last one gets her eyes to narrow. Suspicion paints her face. "Okay. I mean, I don' got da right mana to guess accurately, so you get by on dis one, Luna." She can't keep a straight face.
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"Yeah, you're totally my Valentime."
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colesmurf23 · 8 months
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(OC) Valentina The Yoshi
Bio: Valentina Yoshi
Name: Valentina
Nickname: Heart Yoshi
Age: 27
Sexuality: Bisexual
Birthday: February 14th
Species: Yoshi
Relationship/Wife: Sunny
Family Members: Valentino (Son) Sumner (Son) Valencia (Daughter) Sundari (Daughter) Sunrise (Daughter) Valentim (Son) Sunni (Daughter) Valen (Son) Valens (Son) Sunna (Daughter) Kailer (Brother in law) Kaydin (Nephew) Kevon (Nephew) Kenyon (Nephew) Kathyanne (Niece) Kara (Niece) Kora (Niece) Kailey (Niece) Kraig (Nephew) Krissy (Niece) Kaidan (Nephew) Kaiala (Niece) Kailan (Nephew) Katania (Niece) Kysha (Niece) Kathary (Younger Niece) Kalu (Youngest Nephew) Kaloosh (Adopted Niece) Kanu (Adopted Nephew) Oliver (Brother in law) Scarlet (Sister in law) Olva (Sister in law)
Personality: Fun,Sweet, Caring, Positive, Peace,Jubilant. and Smart
Friends: Snappy Smurfling Nat Smurfling Farmer Smurf Baby Smurf Naomi (Winged Pikmin) Pearle (Best Friend) Pipland (2nd Best Friend) Coraline (3rd Best Friend) Jolie Samia Posia (My bestie's oc and 4th best friend) Eloura (My bestie's oc) Henry (My bestie's oc) Beatrix (My bestie's oc and 5th best friend) Louise (My bestie's oc and 6th best friend) Kadin (Our oc and 7th best friend) Sheryl (Our oc and 8th best friend) Patricia (Our oc and 9th best friend) Unity (Our oc) Stacey (Our oc) Forest Trinitey Laurence (My bestie's oc) Brizelle (Our oc) Sam (Our oc)
Favorite Color: Rose
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Holiday: Valentines Day
Fun Fact: Valentina is name after Valentines Day. Valentina can be quite a fun yoshi. She love having fun. She mostly have fun with her kids and nieces and nephews. She may have a mind of a child. But she still take care of them. Even her wife doesn't mind her having a mind of a child. That's why she is fun to have around. She may have a mind of a child. But she is very sweet. She is also very sweet to all the kids. Even if they are bad. She doesn't mind at all. She is very caring, when she see someone is hurt. like scratch. She is always prepare. to make it all better. She does carry a first aid kit with her all times. She also love going on vacations. She one day wants to go visit The Bahamas. She love sandy beaches and hanging out in the sun. She make love winter, but she also love the sun. It's her dream. She is always positive. She may have a mind of a child. But she can be positive, pretty much all the time. She doesn't worry so much, because she always wanna keep things positive. So it doesn't stress her out. She is very peaceful, she doesn't like to see things go downhill. She'll do anything to keep everyone at peace. Especially her family. She also wants to bring peace in all the yoshi islands. She is always happy, as a mind of a child. She is always happy. And express her feelings to people she care about. Because how jubilant she is. She also really doesn't like valents either. It makes her kinda scared or worried. She may have a mind of a child, but she is very smart. She doesn't show it. But she is very smart. she can do puzzles in just 2 hours. As for everyone else, longer.
Valentina belong to: me
Yoshi Species: Nintendo
yoshi #yoshioc #yoshifanart #yoshimario #yoshinintendo #yoshi #yoshifanart #yoshimario #fanartdigital #fanartdigitalart #fanart #fanartvideogames
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cornsarts · 6 years
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I'm a tad late for Valentimes but time doesn't exist so !
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