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Day 1 by @harblkun
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mannatea · 5 years
[Tattoo] a pillar of salt
because i’m salty right
not bc i’m lot’s wife
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oodlyenough · 5 years
harblkun replied to your post: me: i can’t get into ships where i don’t know a...
I read the word ‘gym’ and all context was immediately transported into a Pokemon AU
i personally know very little about pokemon but i wouldn’t say no
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basiliskdragon · 6 years
harblkun replied to your post: i made the mistake of talking gacha’s with the...
bring a water bottle and spray him every time he creeps you out?
spritz spritz please go away
i wish i could but im kinda worried that would set off something i can’t unset. it’s not really a “this is creepy” it’s just. an air
a fog of creep, i guess
which makes me hesitant to act on it? cause maybe i’m misinterpreting it
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mayakern · 7 years
Is the DnD scarf going to come back some day?
yes! when my wife and i get more scarves early fall we’ll bring back the DnD one!
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sugarcomatosed · 6 years
harblkun replied to your photoset: this is a morally questionable businessman who...
[businessman showed me how to fuse the lord of hell ]reminds me of playing SMT IV “Fusing demons is totally illegal, here let me show you exactly how to do it”
well it is the same series techincally but also omg kids dont do this illegal thing unless you do it right.
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damoselcastel · 7 years
Inigo/FMorgan; Takumi/Felicia
F!Morgan seems to solely be with Inigo to dunk on him. Girl’s merciless. I honestly don’t know why it ended in an S rank. Don’t ship.
Takumi/Felicia is one I actually don’t like as much. With all the Hoshido girls he’s usually pretty honest and while possibly complains doesn’t disrespect them. …that’s not the case with Felicia, where he often cuts her off, ignores her, and seems to look down on the fact she’s a servant. Like there’s some weird elitist+racist vibes from this support at times… I can’t quite remember if he owns up to his bad behavior in S rank, but if he doesn’t SHAME ON HIM. Feli’s tricky because she’s mostly a gimmick “I’m a maid!” so at times I find her hard to ship. So, no, don’t ship this.
for the meme
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amielleon · 7 years
made up titles: "A Lucid Nightmare" and "The Quiet"
“A Lucid Nightmare” is too straightforward for my taste when it comes to a story that’s actually about something horrifying. I’d be most likely to use it as a title for crackfic. Say, some older gen FE characters dream that they’re playing the parts of new age FE game characters, and they’re horrified at all the things grumpy FE elitists are horrified at? ww
“The Quiet” strikes me as a strangely good title for the big crossover asylum AU I’d been pondering a few years back. The perspective character, and hence the main plot, follows Tinny. She cries a lot. She has a lot to cry about. Her arc involves trying to get in contact with her angry biker brother (Arthur), the only one who she thinks loves her. Getting in contact with someone is a lot harder when you’re as cut off from the world as you are under her circumstances. Anyway, honorable mentions include Henry, who hides his pills and flushes them down the toilet because he’s fucking lonely and the voices he hears keep him company, and Lewyn, who is, ironically, a shrink.
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julystorms · 7 years
Made Up Fic Titles: "Smoke over the Glade""Ever and Again" "Goddammit, It All Went Tits Up"
“smoke over the glade”fandom: fe7characters: kent/lynsynopsis: this sounds like a melancholy sort of ‘fic. someone reflecting on their life or a particular scene of their life–maybe an important reunion, or…the moments before a disaster struck. just…the potential feelings that might arise seeing smoke over a treeline. it could be really promising or good, but it could also be really bad. it just depends on the characters and who they are. since you’re a nerd i’ll say this is a kent/lyn reunion scene where she left caelin and made her way east and this is the scene where he catches up to her–maybe told in such a way that it’s something he remembers very well and very fondly in hindsight.
“ever and again”fandom: fe7characters: hector, castsynopsis: this title sounds sappy so just to mix it up my brain was like “groundhog day au” and idk exactly who i’d want to torture this way but it might be worth doing this to poor hector. suffer, bro.
“goddammit, it all went tits up”fandom: fe8characters: innes, castsynopsis: back when i wrote things that were maybe 4% funny i’d probably turn this into a badass detailed strategy plan that goes completely wrong due to one (1) minor technical difficulty. for example, a horse throwing a shoe (bc i’m hilarious). it’s just extra funny if the uhhh strategist in this instance is innes. he’s mah boi.
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woodland-knight · 7 years
Popular character you hate?
Salty Ask Meme
I’m going to go with FE on this one, because there is multiple people that stick out to me when it comes to that series, but I’m only going with one. I’m sure you’ve heard my rant before and I’m pretty sure the Mustache Party is in agreement on this.
Corrin, it’s Corrin.
Terrible writing, praised for flaws another lord is ripped at for, and just overall a very blank slate of a character. Admittedly the design for Female Corrin is rather cute, but honestly that’s all Corrin has going for them.
Like I can’t think of anything else that sticks out for them that’s good.
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clarislam · 4 years
My Bravely Second fanfic, "A Seven-Step Surprise Party," is now posted! 🎉
This was written for the @bravelysanta 2020 event here on Tumblr, for harblkun! Merry Christmas! 
Click here to read on Fanfiction.net!
Click here or the top link to read on Archive Of Our Own! 
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mannatea · 6 years
harblkun replied to your post: when those fe7 feelings randomly come rushing back...
I support FE7 Power Hour. And Power Day. power Week. PoWEr yEaR
maybe 2019 will be an fe7 resurrection for me who knows
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kohiu · 7 years
What kinds of things did you study to get such a great handle on your color picking, anatomy, and sense of lighting? Is there a particular archive you like, or did a passion in another area (like photography or sculpture) teach you?
this is really difficult since I’ve been always doing fan arts and experiment with shapes, colors, environments etc. I think, it’s just that the older I get the more I notice those little things, see what I lack off & try to improve it. I recommend on keeping your materials updated frequently (online references, concept art, anatomy books etc), redraw!! alot!! its frustrating but keep doing it!! 
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r2d2official · 8 years
@harblkun Aw man, I messed that up with the whole special map that was dedicated to him. I turned him into hero feathers instead of stats :( luckily him, sully, and lissa are able to carry each other through so far haha
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basiliskdragon · 8 years
harblkun replied to your post: harblkun replied to your post: ...
Good, good. c: After I showed a roommate once we’d always devolve into fits of giggles if one of us started to quote it.
i’m real glad to hear that
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hoidn · 3 years
this is so on brand for me it’s not even funny. (except, it really is.)
which greek myth are you and what moral are you dying for?
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you really wanted to hear them sing, didn’t you? if only your crew mates had tied the knots a little tighter. unlike those that got the icarus answer, your pride comes not from the beauty of freedom. but from the need to be correct. you said you could handle it and you were determined to prove it. that was your downfall. you are probably the glue of your friend group and love the pirate aesthetic. you probably crave walks on the beach and like showing your friends the little treasures you collect in your daily life - like a pretty stone or a fun stick
i love mermaids and sirens! the pirate aesthetic! pretty stones and fun sticks! BEING RIGHT. and in this situation i would be. why? because asexual pirates are immune to sirens! cf this iconic post with fantastic art by harblkun. basically, being asexual is like having a super power. it’s only useful under very specific and limited circumstances, but it's still awesome. 
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