#harness that energy
healnself · 26 days
I’m susceptible to seasonal sadness.
I just want to feel better for a change.
I know that sadness is such a powerful emotion.
And it feels like I have so much of it stored inside me.
It’s beginning to feel a lot like fuck this.
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melimelotus · 3 months
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entertaining the idea of eeveelutions as survivors of their own type. evolving when struck by lightning or caught in a fire/explosion as a way to survive
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hellishgayliath · 9 months
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Somebody help him, he doesn't know how to drink out of cups 😂
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finnskeeper · 2 years
Alright folks, it's time for a Tumblr Community Cooking post. Just reblog and keep adding 1 ingredient or single instruction until we have something edible. I can't wait to see how this branches and what horrible/delicious/interesting things we create. I'll kick us off with:
2 cups of all purpose flour
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spriteofmushrooms · 11 months
Remember when Wei Wuxian was like "🥺 shidi kills demonic cultivators? shidi lives at mad at me island? shidi hates shixiong? 🥺" and then he met Xue Yang and he was like WE SHOULD RIP HIM APART WITH OUR TEETH SMASH HIM SMASH HIM KILL KILL KILL.
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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pac1fythehunger · 4 months
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i promise i promise i promise im still drawing ultrakill its just all very scribbly or stuck in WIP hell (some of it might never get out). awful meme warning (+ toxic yaoi scribble) under the cut
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happyk44 · 9 months
Jason howling as a vocal tic on the ship, and it startles everyone else (except Hazel, who knew him briefly before he vanished and was aware that this was something he did). He's not ashamed of it, she can tell that much and, besides, he never seemed quite ashamed of it before, but this time, his shoulders are drawing up to his ears and he looks... frustrated.
Oh, she thinks. Camp is one thing - they already knew and it was understood as that thing that Jason did sometimes, same as with Dakota suddenly jumping rapidly while shaking his fists.
But this is a different setting, different people. Judging from Annabeth, Leo and Piper's faces, this wasn't something he demonstrated in front of them before. She'd only known him for a little bit, but she was well aware Jason didn't appreciate the label of "different". He was already that Roman kid that Percy was replaced - different in his mannerisms, his rigidity, the repressed snarl behind him lips.
At Camp Jupiter, he was Jupiter's son, the foregone leader. Stronger, more powerful. The child raised by wolves, the defeater of Krios. The golden boy.
He always laughed off when people said things like that. They were half-jokes. An easy kindness between friends, but reflecting on fact nonetheless. His teeth would always grit a little. His body tightening. Discomfort.
Just like now.
It didn't even register as a thought before she was already crossing to the other side of the boat. She leaned over the well crafted railing. Jason was stiff. His throat was so tense, she could imagine it like a rope, seconds away from splitting in half.
She turned to face the clouds like he was. Cleared her throat and howled alongside him.
She was not good at it. It was more of a "whoooo" than a real howl. But Jason didn't seem to mind as he shot her a quick look. It was kind of funny. It reminded her of little kids howling alongside their dogs.
Jason wasn't her dog however. But Frank was - sometimes.
She turned to where he had been reloading the cannons and jerked her head out to the clouds. He took the hint. Tightening the cannons back into place, he hopped over and leaned across the railing on Hazel's other side. His initial howl was a weak, cracked thing that her had giggling and him frowning. Jason wasn't stopping in his noise, but his shoulders shook anyway, a crooked grin cut against his lips as he howled.
Frank's head shifted into a proper wolf. This howl was lot better than the others. The sound of it, a rough guttural thing that trailed off like a song, encouraged Jason's own crooning. In seconds, it broke into a battle of who could do better.
Hazel accepted her loss with grace. Behind them, the others were still a little lost, but carrying on nonetheless. Sneaking peeks back at the three of them while they continued on. Annabeth ducked over to Percy. Their heads lowered together. She was probably asking him if this was a thing he saw at Camp Jupiter. A Roman child thing.
A wolf-trained thing.
He shrugged and gestured loosely outwards. He had not seen it. For starters, he hadn't been around long enough. And secondly, Jason was the only kid at Camp who howled like that. The little ones did sometimes, but they were strewn about New Rome playing pretend. Not howling because it itched a part of their brain that needed to be scratched.
The howling died off slowly, gently. Hazel steadied her grip against the railing and leaned back. Her feet kept her firmly planted. She held herself there for a moment. Then swung back up. The air rushed past her face and she exhaled with it.
Jason flexed his fingers one right after the other against the railing. "Better?" he echoed with a frown. "Better? Better?"
He was like a parrot.
Hazel snorted and tilted her head back. "Helloooo," she drawled.
His head snapped up from where he'd dropped it to mumble to himself. The echo was instant. "Helloooo!"
"Hello!" she called back.
He clicked his tongue twice then, "Helloooo!"
She grabbed his hands and began jumping fast like Dakota would. Frank's warm hand steadied against her back. Jason "hello"ed one more time before copying her. Big jumps with knees pulled up as far as they could go, calves tucked into thighs, and head ducked over. They mimicked Dakota's tight fists with their entwined grip.
"Hello!" she shouted with every bounce. The word tied up on her tongue quickly.
Jason echoed the greeting back for a few seconds before devolving into his repeated chant of "teeth".
Hazel did not understand what exactly was soothing about the word "teeth". "Hello" made sense. Even "Reyna" was a good one. "Teeth" was a gritted word that just sounded menacing as fuck and did not tickle any part of her brain.
So she stuck with with a repeated and enthusiastic "hello" for the couple minutes they jumped in tandem. Her legs ached by the time they faded into a slow stop, Jason's words quieting down into steady silence and breathing.
She keeled over and gripped her knees. "How the fuck does Dakota do that?" she panted. She held her head back. "Gods-dammnit - he makes it look so easy."
"He makes it look like he's having a spasm of some kind," Frank said. "Or a tantrum because someone drank all his koolaid."
Jason snorted. Damn, sky baby was breathing fine. She almost wanted to whack him for it. But instead she just rose up and leaned against Frank's strong center.
"Better?" she asked.
He ran his hand through his short tufts of hair. "Yeah," he said. He gazed off into the clouds, then back at her with a quiet smile. "Thanks."
She waved him off. "It's fine." She gestured towards the inside of the boat. "Do you want me to explain it?"
She wasn't fully sure how to explain it though. It's just a thing that he does sometimes, they'd said about Jason. If it interrupts a conversation, just wait a moment. And that was it.
Dakota's was explained a little better. It's not because I'm hyper, he'd said. But sometimes I get all, like, tense and stressed and it helps me shake it out.
She'd stared at him. Then said, Being at Camp doesn't help you shake it out? I think I've ran around more here than I did when I was a kid.
He'd laughed and bumped her with his shoulder. Nah, it's not like that. That's energy. This is different. Like when you sit and bounce your leg. But that's controlled. This is like my brain telling my body it's full, and we gotta let some stuff out or I'll explode. I can feel it coming on, but I can't stop it.
Kind of like going to the bathroom, she'd thought. How many times had she'd bolted through the door and race to the toilet before it could all come rushing out of her without permission? And when she did make it, sat down and let go, the relief was instantaneous.
Was Jason's like that? It had to be similar. Being on the boat, sailing right towards the enemy, yet another war slapped on his back, knowing that his home felt betrayed by him, dealing with being possessed back and forth, being the only one who could handle all the bitter wind and sky spirits that attacked them - his brain had to be sending out multiple alarms to his body telling him to let go or implode by now. Probably had started days ago. When Leo made the first attack and everything went downhill.
He didn't say anything, but his brows were furrowed. "I-" He grit his teeth. "I'll do it. It's fine."
She played with Frank's fingers. The two of them shared a brief look. Then she kicked the side of his foot with hers. "I'll do it, Jason."
He scowled. "I can-"
"Shut up, I'm doing it," she said. She eased off of Frank and prodded Jason in his belly. "I already decided and I'm older than you so shush."
He blinked, almost owlishly. The tension in his shoulders stuck, high and tight. Then slowly began to drift down. He opened his mouth then clamped it shut, staring back out into the clouds.
"Okay," he said softly after a few seconds of plaintive silence.
She poked his belly again. "Whoooo."
Frank came up beside her. "Whooooo."
The corner of Jason's lip twitched. He tilted his head ever so slightly to catch them both with his electric eyes. It was quiet, then he laughed soundlessly, and gave a quiet, "Whooo" back.
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pastelpaperplanes · 2 years
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Lord Megatron, the gorgeous leader of the ever-resilient Decepticon faction,., and his heir
Crusade, the destroyer of perfectly good JCPenny photo shoots
no ref version under the cut
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perfect family photo I think, MeganCMONNNN
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gellavonhamster · 1 month
Between writing another fic and ordering the first part of the Heroines novel in French, I feel very normal about One Piece
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andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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8x01 | Mercy
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thelaurenshippen · 11 months
i really hope sag goes on strike and also I think we should eat 2/3 of the supreme court happy friday
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hellishgayliath · 1 year
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the bunnysona has been made. tis me, tis helli howdy. They still got bad eyesight, love pretty lil rocks, and are very sensitive to loud noises and shouting :U
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dutybcrne · 3 months
Love the idea of Kae painstakingly learning Hilichurian, at first bc he figured it was another skill under his belt then bc talking with them made him curious abt them and their origin
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joseinextdoor · 1 year
Butch and Cassidy quitting the mob like
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waterghostype · 1 month
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