#harrison ostefield x you
estcherie · 4 years
tuwaine's ig story on 20/08/20
haz in glasses is too cute to handle tho😭❤
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morningbluue · 3 years
So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?” Blurb night for Harrison
blurb night | I got carried away, so enjoy!! :))
You are at your favorite bar with Tom, Harry and Sam on a Friday night. Tom just came home from filming a new movie, and you always go out together to welcome him home. Sadly Harrison wanted to stay home because he is feeling sick.
“Are you sure you don't want to come with us?” you ask your best friend Harrison, pouting at him.
The blonde cannot hide his smile. “Yes, I’m sure, y/n. Now go and have fun with the boys,” he grabs your shoulders gently to turn you around and push you towards the door. “But not too much fun.”
“Don’t worry, I'm gonna miss you the whole time,” you give back, and Harrison laughs, softly pressing a kiss on the top of your head. 
Now you are sitting at your regular table, Tom next to you and Sam and Harry on the opposite. Tom talks about his movie, as much as he can tell in the first place, but you can't get yourself to listen to him when Harrison sends you a message every minute, making you smile every time his name pops up. 
Harrison and you have been best friends for as long as you can think, and Tom tagged along some time later, making you the best triple team the world has ever seen. 
But after a while your feelings for the blonde changed. You don't know how or when it happened, but you remember the moment in this bar, at this exact table when Harrison told you all a joke that wasn't actually funny, and you just smiled and couldn't stop yourself from thinking that you were more than happy to have him by your side. 
Even if Harrison does not feel the same way, you are happy to be falling for someone like him. Someone that cares so much about the people that he loves - someone that would cross oceans just to see you smile.
“Why aren't you telling him about your feelings?” Tom whispers into your ear, and you flinch, your phone almost falling out of your hand. 
The brunette rises his eyebrows, smirking widely. “C'mon, y/n. We all know you like Harrison,” he explains.
Your eyes widen. “I don't!” you hiss, your voice a bit too high. 
“Just tell him,” Tom winks, and before you can say something back, he turns around and starts talking to Sam and Harry about something.
You down your beer, and another, and another, until you feel the tipsiness in your body and forget what Tom told you. Because if he is right, and they all know, then Harrison has to know too, and he never said anything.
Slipping down from the chair, you make your way to the toilet to splash some water in your face. You lift your head and meet your gaze in the mirror. Your make-up is still good, and you don't look as tipsy as you are, but you feel tired, and you wish you had stayed home with Harrison.
You grab your phone out of your jeans pocket and without hesitation you click on Harrison's contact to call him. Pressing your phone to your ear, you hear the quiet beep. 
“Y/n?” Harrison's voice sounds raspy and quiet.
“Shit! Did I wake you?” you mumble, facepalming yourself. You quickly check the time. 1:16 am.
You can almost hear his smile. “Yes, you did, but it's okay,” he says and rubs his eyes. “Is everything okay? Are you drunk?”
You giggle softly. “No, I only had one drink ... or two,” you pause for a second, “or was it three? I dunno ... but I'm fine.”
“Where is Tom?” Harrison asks. “Should I come over and get you?”
You shake your head, not noticing that he cannot see you. “No, I just wanted to tell you something.”
“And what is it?” You fumble around with your phone. “I wish I had stayed home with you,” you start, “we could have ordered some pizza and watch a movie.”
Harrison chuckles on the other end. “We can always do that another time,” he suggests. 
“I know,” you giggle. “Do you know that I love to cuddle with you? You're always so warm, and I love that you're playing with my hair or scratching my back.”
“Yeah, you always tell me this, y/n,” Harrison smiles. “But I appreciate it.”
“But I never told you that I love you.”
“You do tell me that you love me.”
You sigh loudly. “Not like that, Haz. I love you ... I really love you, like more than a friend ... you know?”
The other end stays silent for a moment, and you check your phone to see if he is still there. “Haz?”
“I’m here,” he whispers, “I’m just ... speechless.”
“Because I love you too. Like more than a friend,” he explains, and even if you don't actually realize it, you have to smile. “I actually did for a while.”
“That’s cool. Me too, Haz.”
He laughs, and you feel the butterflies in the pit of your stomach. “So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that you drunk-dialed me to tell me you love me?”
“Yes,” you chuckle.
“But we are talking about this later when you’re sober again, okay?”
You’re still smiling widely. “Okay.”
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parkersbliss · 4 years
Can you please do Harrison Osterfield x reader where he calls her clingy & annoying and she gets really insecure?
Peachy | H. Ostefield
“Hi,” You whispered, wrapping your arms around Harrison’s waist and resting your head against his warm back. You can feel him shift under your touch, but you think nothing of it.
“Baby,” Harrison mumbled, turning around and facing you, his hands coming up to your shoulder and pushing you away slightly. “Could you just not be clingy for a few seconds?” His voice is light, in a sort of joking manner accompanied with a polite smile.
Your face falls for a second, but you’re quick to paint on a smile and nod your head, stepping back from your boyfriend, “yeah, sorry. I - um - didn’t realize.”
He leans forward pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, “It’s fine.”
Your eyes flutter shut at the feeling of his lips, but then he’s stepping back and you do the same padding off toward your shared bedroom. Were you clingy? You didn’t think so. You barely showed any PDA and only gave quick kisses when no one else was watching. Sure there were side hugs and hand holding, but that wasn’t clingy, was it? You knew Harrison probably hadn’t meant it like that, but you couldn’t help thinking maybe you were a bit clingy. He probably found it annoying - your need to always be touching him. Tom probably found it weird when you were always cuddled up to his best friend in front of his face. It’s no wonder Harrison said something. What if he thinks you’re too clingy and breaks up with you for it? Was that a thing - did people do that? You didn’t want to find out, that’s for sure. It was an easy fix though, just stop being clingy.
Harrison waves you over from across the room, patting his lap, silently asking you to sit there. You give a small smile to the person you were talking too, placing your drink on the table and making your way over to him, but instead of sitting in his lap, you opt for the open seat next to him. Harrison furrows his brows at you, knowing you liked to lean on him, but makes no comment. He expects you to grab his hand, lean on his shoulder, kiss him, something, but he receives nothing.
“You okay?” He asked.
You turn to him nodding, “Yeah, fine.”
Harrison gives you a questionable look, but nods and directs his attention back toward his friend. Your hand itches to reach and grab Harrison’s, but you have to tell yourself to just stay calm, it’s what he wants anyway. Your thought run wild as you play with a loose thread on your jean, missing the looks Harrison gives you. At some point, his hand finds yours, or had yours found his? Either way, you rip it from his grasp, shoving them under your legs as you sit on them, trying to distract yourself. Don’t be clingy. It was a lot harder than expected. At your action, Harrison turns toward you, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
His eyes shine with concern, as his hand reaches out and settles on your thigh. You move back, standing up, “I’m fine, Harrison.”
He’s stunned when you use his full name, not that it wasn’t common but you almost always used his nickname or some kind of pet name. Unless you were mad.
“Did I do something?” He asked quickly, grabbing your wrist and pulling you to face him. You yank your hand out of his grasp, shaking your head and heading to a bathroom.
Tom quirks an eyebrow at Harrison who sits dumbfounded on the couch, “Well, are you going to go after her?”
That seems to snap Harrison out of his stupor, “Yeah.” He stands up, running a hand through his blonde locks, trying to think back to what he could’ve done wrong, “Yeah.” Harrison follows after you, calling your name. He catches up to you rather quickly, grabbing your arm and halting your movements. You spin around to face him, frown deepening when you see his confused face. You were in a more secluded part of the flat, no where near the bathroom.
“(Y/N), did I do something?” Harrison questions.
You scoff, grabbing his hand and throwing it off your arm, “No, Harrison, everything is just peachy.”
“(Y/N), c’mon, please, just tell me so I can fix this,” He begs, eyes pleading.
You shake your head, “No, really, it’s me.”
“Okay, so what is it?” He inquires, stepping forward and grabbing your hands in his.
You swallow the lump in your throat, “Am I clingy?”
“What?” He said, eyebrows knitted together before his lips part in realization; “oh no, baby, no. I didn’t mean that.”
“But you said it,” You whispered, meeting his eyes, “You still said it, Haz.”
His hands let go of yours, traveling up your arms and settling on your shoulders, “And I shouldn’t have said it. I didn’t mean it. I never did, I love when you get clingy with me.”
Your lips turn up into a smile, feeling comforted by his words, “You promise?”
Harrison brings you to his chest, wrapping his arms around you as he sways you softly, “I promise.”
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yeoobiii · 6 years
Heartbreak | Harrison Ostefield
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Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x genderneutral!reader
Summary: A delayed flight, a dead phone and two hearts breaking could be one of the best thing that happened in a while.
Word count: 4.2k
Warnings: probably swearing, angst
a/n: I started this One Shot a few monthes ago and decided to finish it. You can tell I’m cleaning out my drafts. At the beginning this was supposed to turn out completely different but I had some ideas. Sorry if the ending seems a little bit rushed. Remember, feedback and critizism is always appreciated. Enjoy!
You were waiting for two hours now. Two hours of sitting alone on a table in this damn restaurant. To say that the situation was getting embarrassing would be an understatement. It already got embarrassing after your second drink, assuring the waitress that you’re waiting for someone and wanted to wait with ordering your food. This was about thirty minutes after you sat down. You guess the only reason why they haven’t kicked you out already was because they were sorry for you.
He never showed up. Well, that’s not one hundred percent true. You don’t know if he showed up after you left. You waited two and a half hours for that Jerk, until you decided it wasn’t worth it. You really wanted to give the two of you another chance but it seemed like he was done with you.
He was standing in the queue for the passport control for one and a half hours now. And he was fucking losing it. Harrison wasn’t used to flying without Tom, so he wasn’t used to these damn queues at the airport, since if he travels with Tom they either take a private jet or they got treated preferred, so they didn’t have to wait at any time. But this time it was just him. He didn’t get treated preferred without his best friend, so he had to wait for his passport to be checked like every other passenger. Usually, this wouldn’t even be a problem for the blond-haired boy. He doesn’t need special treatment. But he found himself in a hurry, so the queue seemed to only get longer in front of him instead of shorter.
You checked your phone for the fortieth and the last time this evening. Nothing. No new messages. It was then, when you decided to leave. It was over. You had time to think about it the whole evening, your hands getting sweatier with every minute that passed, but you couldn’t admit it to yourself. Until this moment, where it really got through to you. There was no second chance. It was over, once and for all.
Harrison started to try and get through all the people at the airport that waited for the same thing as he did. He knew he was being a dick, but he didn’t care anymore. Some of them even let him through after he explained his situation to them. He thanked them and continued fighting his way through the heap of people. Of course, not all were this understanding and told him to get lost. If he wouldn’t be this tense and in this much time pressure, he would have totally understood the way most of the people reacted to him wanting to jump in the queue. Hell, if he were them, he would have probably told him the exact same thing. But through his circumstances he couldn’t take a No as an answer. He started paying the people with ten-pound bills with his emergency money he always had in his jacket, so they would let him jump in the queue, until he didn’t have any money left. The thing was just, he still wasn’t half through the queue.
After you left the restaurant, you were cold. It got dark outside while you were waiting. So, you put your jacket on. The street was illuminated through its street lights. On your way home, you didn’t come across a lot of people. It has gotten late, so you were almost alone in the streets of London. At least in the streets you had to pass on your way to your apartment. You were glad, you knew a lot of people in London, you didn’t want anyone to see the tears that fell from your cheeks and landed on the cold asphalt underneath you. You needed to be alone right now, you needed to sort your thoughts and just think about what just happened. He didn’t show up. So, he was over you. After two years, he forgot about you. He didn’t care anymore. You told yourself that you weren’t allowed to miss him. But you did. You did miss him, more than anything in the world. You missed his arms wrapped around your waist, you missed waking up beside him in morning, you still missed talking to him, you missed his kisses and hands everywhere. You missed his smell, looking into his eyes, you missed his ‘I love you’s. You missed him. And you felt stupid for it, since he clearly was over you. I mean he would have showed up tonight if he still cared, right?
Harrison was actually going nuts. He didn’t know what to do anymore. He, out of habit, checked his phone again, actually knowing that it was completely useless, since it died on the plain ride here. He was cursing at himself for falling asleep yesterday and not putting it on a charger, knowing how important this day was. He needed to know what time it was. He knew he was already late, but through giving his money away to strangers and pressing himself through so many sweaty bodies, he lost track of time. He asked the guy beside him what time it was. He just shrugged his shoulders. Harrison huffed, it’s not like he has already lost his patience, no he felt like losing his mind. Why was everyone in this damn world against him? A lady behind him must have noticed in what a hurry Harrison was. She tipped on his shoulders. Done with everything and everyone, Harrison screamed out.
“WHAT?!” turning around to the women that stood behind him, instantly feeling bad for screaming at her. He put a ‘I’m so sorry face on’ when the women said:
“it’s a quarter past eleven.” everyone was staring at them.
“Thank you.” he stuttered before it got through to him what the lady just said.
It was a quarter past eleven, he was already two hours late. His eyes widened. He was fucking two hours late.
“Wait, what? It’s already a quarter past eleven, are you sure?” he asked, barley louder than a whisper, but the women heard him.
“Yes.” She assured him.
Harrison could have broken down right there and then. All he wanted was screaming out loud, falling to his knees and damning himself and everyone else. Himself for not choosing to fly in a day earlier. The airline because his actual flight got canceled. The women behind him for the fact that she is not able to turn back the time. He could have given up, but he didn’t. He still had hope. Harrison Osterfield had hope that he still could save this. He had to save this.
Halfway home you decided that you didn’t want to go home just now. Your roommate would be there and she would ask questions.
‘Where have you been all night?’
‘What happened?’
‘Did you cry?’
‘Why did you cry? What’s wrong?’
Questions you weren’t ready to answer right now. You put all your hope into this evening and now that things haven’t turned out like you hoped them to, you didn’t have any strength left to explain anything to anyone at the moment. Your world has been crushed. You still felt stupid for the way you felt. You and him were apart for two years, and he still had this power over you. He still could make you feel like shit, only with not showing up. You still hung on him so much. He was still able to hurt you. You couldn’t help it. It hurt like hell and you knew it wouldn’t go away. The fact that he probably forgot about you, deleted your number, just thinks of you as a memory, took everything form you. You wanted to cry out. You wanted to punch something. You wanted to get this pain out of your chest. You decided to make a detour, so you didn’t have to face your roommate. Because you felt like if you would talk to someone about it, it would get real. Realer than it already was. At the moment, only you knew about this. You told no one about your plans. And if it already hurts like this when only you knew about this, then how would it feel if it would get real. You were sure that you couldn’t take that.
Harrison was finally about to show his passport to the police officer. He had to pull himself together to not shout at the officer. He wanted to ask him what took so long but otherwise he thought why wasting anymore time at this damn airport. He had to get to that damn meeting point, hoping he still got a chance, even though he would not deserve it. But it was the only thought that kept him going. He couldn’t lose hope. Not now. Not just yet. Harrison put his passport on the counter and waited for the officer to check his particulars. He didn’t even look the police officer in the eyes, after he got his passport back he ran off. He didn’t even care about his luggage anymore. He ran straight to the exit. As he remembered that he doesn’t have any money to call a cab, he stopped in his tracks. He thought about it for a second. Harrison had to options at this moment. Waiting for his luggage, so he had his wallet, which was stowed in his backpack, which he wasn’t allowed to take with him due to the airlines policy or going straight to a cap with no money, not being another thirty minutes late. He decided to not give a damn, he would be able to pay the bill somehow. His first preference now was getting to this damn restaurant. He got into the first cap he spotted and told him where to go and to hurry, he’d pay extra. He still didn’t know how to pay at all, but he still didn’t care. The taxi driver took off, and he really was going fast.
You were heading for a specific spot in the famous city. You were still cold, but you didn’t care. By now you did stop crying, you told yourself that you needed to be stronger than that and that he didn’t deserve your tears. Even though you felt like you were lying to yourself, it kind of worked. You were walking through an avenue of trees. The floor was cover in billions of little pebbles which crunched together as you walked on them. At your right was a small river. The sound of shingle under your feet and the flowing water beside you managed to calm you down a little bit. At your left side was a street. There were barely cars driving though. You’ve seen probably two cars while walking. Behind the street were several little cafes and souvenir stores for tourists. You used to come here a lot when it was tourist season, like in the holidays. You liked watching the people discovering the town for the first time in which you grew up. They learned to love the city just then and there, while you where falling in love with London your whole life, every day a little bit more. Sometimes you helped the people, if they were searching for something, knowing London like the back of your hand, this was never a problem. You also always liked taking to them, getting to know where all the people that visited London came from. But since he left, you were barely at this place. Because you were there together, a lot. You felt like saying goodbye to this place as you said goodbye to him. But right now, it felt like the only right place to be. You sat on the shore of the river and let your legs dangle. You breathed in and out, multiple times, closing your eyes while doing so. Different like the first time, you didn’t have to forget about him, you had to get over him. You had to make sure that you were going to be happy again.
The driver stopped in front of the restaurant. Harrison got out and told the driver he’d be back in five minutes. He had to check if there was still someone in there. The taxi driver was about to protest, but Harrison was already out of earshot. He stumbled into the restaurant. He went straight for the lady at the reception.
“Good evening, sir. I’m sorry, but we are about to close and have no more tables for tonight.” she told him, wearing a friendly smile.
But Harrison didn’t even listen to her.
“I’m searching for someone.” he was seemingly stressed. He leaned against the reception counter with his hands, trying to stabilize himself.
“I’m sorry?”
“Listen, Lady. I have probably already driven my taxi driver crazy with my nervous hands. I screamed at a lady in an airport queue for telling me what time it is and I’ve lost all my money giving it away to strangers. So, my patience is not that big. And I’ve done all this to come here. So please tell me, was there a person, probably arrived at nine o’clock and left twenty minutes after.” The lady at the reception was starring Harrison up and down, a confused look on her face.
“Hold on a second, you were the date? You were the one our customer was waiting for two and a half hours.”
Two and a half hours. They waited two and a half hours for him, but he didn’t show up. He didn’t even text. He could only imagine, what that looked like. He needed to keep searching. There is still a chance, if they waited for him this long, there is still hope.
“Yeah, I guess that’s me. Look, is there a chance that you could possibly know where they went after leaving?”
“I’m sorry, I don’t know. But if a guy would had let me wait for him this long, I wouldn’t be sure if I would want to see him again to be honest.” she told him an accusing tone.
“Okay, yeah sure. So, you don’t know anything. Thanks anyways.” Harrison was slightly annoyed by the waitress. She was clearly trying to make him feel bad about not showing up. It wasn’t like he didn’t know he fucked up. And he knew if he wouldn’t find them in the next few hours, his guilt and his sorrow would consume him. He had to make things clear and explain himself.
He ran back outside. Meanwhile, it started to rain. Harrison opened the door of the cap and sat back inside.
“My money?” was everything the driver said.
“Our ride is not over yet.” Harrison assured him in a stressful tone.
The taxi driver took a look at Harrison in his mirror. He seemed to have doubts that he would get his money tonight. Harrison seemed to notice that.
“Imma pay you double.”
“Yeah, sure.” the taxi driver said, slightly shaking his head in disbelieve.
It was silent for some time. Harrison just sat there thinking about where they could be. First place where his head told him to go was their flat. But his heart told him otherwise. And that was exactly the moment when it came to his mind.
You felt your eyes getting tired. It was a long and exhausting day. What you needed was sleep. A whole lot of it. You doubted that you would ever leave your bed again though. You decided that it was time to go home. It was time to face reality if you wanted or not. Your roommate would probably say something like: “You were crying over him for two years now. He’s not worth it.” Sad thing was, she’d probably be right. You wasted two years of your life on this one guy. He was always at the back of your mind, which only proofed that you were never really over him. You weren’t even sure if you wanted that before, but now you know that it is the best for you. You knew it was going to be hard, hell you didn’t even know if you could do it. But you had to try, for the sake of yourself.
So, you got up, straightened your clothes and started to walk. As you turned the corner at the end of the street, something caught your eye. There were two men arguing. To your discomfort you had to walk past them. As you got closer you could make out that they were fighting over money. The slightly shorter man gave the taller man his phone, who instantly typed in a number and called someone. This someone didn’t seem to pick up though. As the taller guy hung up, he cursed at himself. It was at this moment as he noticed you. He took a short look at you, took a deep breath and suddenly started walking towards you. You couldn’t believe that this was happening right now. You weren’t able to deal with a situation like this at the moment. The young man stopped in font of you offering you a what seemed like a forced smile and afterwards opened his mouth to say something.
“This sounds probably really weird”, he started, “and I would probably kick myself in the balls if I were you, but I was about to meet someone about three hours ago, but I was late and missed them. It’s because of a long story including delayed flights, a lot of pricks and ended up with me spending all my money on these pricks. I left my wallet behind, leaving me with absolutely no money. Also, my phone died on the way to London, so I couldn’t call anyone. My friends are not picking up because they are probably partying somewhere right now. So, is there any possible chance you could lend me eighty pounds, so I could pay this very angry taxi driver? I would of course pay you back!”
You were completely taken a back, not knowing what to say. So, he continued talking.
“See, it’s just I had a really shitty day and I kind of broke my own heart tonight. So, I really don’t know what to do anymore. This taxi driver won’t get off my back, which is makes sense. I mean, I’d kick my own ass.” he slightly giggled as he said that, “I don’t even know why I’m telling you all of this to be honest, I just fucked up. Big time.”
Harrison didn’t know why he told you all of this. You were a complete stranger and still there he was pouring his heart out.
You could make out tears that were forming in his eyes. He seemed lost. You were sorry for him and you were sorry for you. The both of you deserved better, you thought. Even though it was dark and slighly raining, you could see the pain in his eyes. You could tell the both of you were in a similar situation. The only difference was, that you have been waiting for someone and he was the one not showing up. All of a sudden, you hear yourself saying: “Yeah, sure.”
Wait, really? Were you really about to pay this strangers taxi bill? Why?
“Wait, really?” the young man said, seemingly surprised.
Maybe it was because you could relate to him or because you wanted to get rid of him but you were about to get out your wallet. As you did, you handed him a hundred note.
“Wow. I mean- I meant to say thank you, thank you so much. You are the best thing that happened to me today.” he thanked you and went to pay the taxi-driver. He shouted at you to stay where you were, he’d right be back.
By now, all you wanted to do was going home and that’s what you did. The last thing you cared about right now was money. You started walking again towards the apartment you shared with your friend, listening to everything and nothing around you.
Suddenly you heard screaming behind you and a car taking off.
“Hey, wait!” the guy form only a few minutes ago was jogging after you. He slightly grabbed your left shoulder, which made you face him again. He expected you to say something and as you didn’t, he started taking again.
“I want to give you your money back. What’s your bank data? It could be on your account tomorrow.” he offered, still with a dishonest smile on his face.
You could tell he was grateful for your help though. It seemed like he was physically not able to smile, the hurt inside of him getting the best of him.
“Look, it’s fine. I had kind of a shitty night as well. See it as an act of kindness towards a heartbroken fella.” you assured him, returning his pitiful smile with an ever more pitiful one of yourself. You were about turn on your heel and leave once and for all as he spoke up for the fourth time this evening.
“I’m Harrison by the way” he introduced himself handing one of his hands out to you. You looked at it for a brief second and shortly after decided to take it. As you touched him, you felt a weird connection between you and him. It’s something you couldn’t describe in words. It felt like this was meant to happen. He must have felt it too then as soon as he let go of your hand, something in his eyes changed. They were still full of pain and heartache, but they somehow managed to seem just a little brighter than the minute before.
“Y/N” your reply was followed by a few seconds of intense silence. You couldn’t manage to look away from his eyes.
“Look, I feel bad for not paying you back.” he started and asked you if you had a pen, you got one out. He pulled the sleeve of his jacked up, “Write down your number and I’ll call you in the morning, so we can see how you get your money back, okay?”
“You know that’s a strange way to ask for someone’s number, especially after telling them that your heart got broken” you said with a cocky smile covering your lips. Harrison couldn’t help but letting out a giggle. It was the first time you saw him genuinely smile since you met him and you thought that it suits him.
You wrote your number down anyway. At the end you weren’t mad about getting your money back.
“And maybe who knows, we could talk a little bit about the pricks that broke your hearts, heartbreak fella” he addressed you with the term you used earlier.
“And why would I want to talk about something like this with a stranger? And didn’t you say, you broke your own heart?”
“You know what I mean.” he chuckled, “And I don’t know why you would tell me about it, I just kinda like the thought of talking to someone unrelated. It probably was a stupid idea, forget about it.”
“No. It’s fine. I mean, yeah. Why the hell actually not.”
Turned out Harrison was supposed to meet someone else, but he was too late. No one was waiting for him anymore as he showed up. Both of these stories feel like they could be one and the same, but the truth was, they were both supposed to meet someone completely different and both of them thought they lost the love of their life that night, leaving them with a broken heart.
And maybe, but only maybe what seemed to be one of the worst nights of both of their life, turned out to be one of most important encounters they ever had. And maybe they got coffee together the day after, he paid her back and they talked and listened, maybe they started doing this more often and with that, helping one another healing their scars, even if it took time. Maybe, they managed to make each other happy again, making each other laugh, smile and cry and eventually they fell in love again, probably harder than they both ever did before, both long forgotten about the person that didn’t show up and the person that didn’t wait long enough. Never forgetting about this one night though. The night where at the beginning everything seemed meaningless and everything hurt, but ended up offering the both of them a new chance. A chance to do everything right this time and to learn from the mistakes that were done in the past. Maybe, but only maybe, a heartbreak seems like the end of the world but eventually you’ll be happy again. 
But this is probably a stupid idea, we should forget about it.
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estcherie · 4 years
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Haz via ig story 11/11/20
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estcherie · 4 years
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him and monty are the content i never knew i needed tbh!❤
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estcherie · 4 years
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haz's ig post on 27/08/20
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estcherie · 4 years
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haz looks so good💙
can't wait to meet leopold!
haz via ig stories 24/08/2020
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estcherie · 4 years
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estcherie · 4 years
he's really tryna kill me❤
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estcherie · 4 years
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haz via tom's ig post (x)
why does he has to be so precious🥺👉👈
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