#harry writers gc
thewebcomicsreview · 11 months
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Happy 10/25, the third most important religious holiday in the Homestuck Calender, and we got a new HS2 to celebrate, focusing on one of the new kids. The new kids were one of the parts of Homestuck 2 I actually liked, so let's see how the new writers handle them! With a Jailbreak reference, apparently.
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Wait, hold on, deep lore: thespiansGlamor is Harry, glutinousGymnast is Tavros. RecidicivousGainsayer and gavageCunctation are names we haven't seen before. GC fits into the AGTC DNA theme of all the screen names we've seen so far (it's Terezi's acronym), and RG doesn't. They might be random NPCs, but they might also be foreshadowing. Also, neither Rose nor Kanaya appear to be on their daughter's friendlist, unless they're under the scroll bar, but maybe that's not weird.
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What, uh, what did she draw the key with, HS2? That's her blood color, but she's not bleeding.
Also, who's narrating this? This has been a question in HS2 all along, but the narration here calls attention to itself more. It's much more "Homestucky" than HS2's had been.
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We even have narration describing conversation, which is something HS2 has never done and HS1 restricted to carapacians.
You suggest to Vriska that you should go the other direction. Vriska says nah this is definitely where we wanna be. She says between the two of you, you've probably got enough luck to take this whole place off the map if you really wanted. You ask her what the fuck she means by that. She says you know like with your Thief of Light powers. You tell her you don't have anything like that. She says huh, weird!
Oh FFS now I have to go look up if post-Retcon Vriska met Aranea, her own dancestor who was not a Thief of Light. That's such a weird thing for Vriska to assume, that Vrissy not only has Vriska's powers but has mastered them. Also, I wonder if this narration style, besides being a Jailbreak reference, is because the new writers aren't confident writing the HS2 characters yet? Or maybe they just don't want Vriska/Vrissy dialogues because they're kind of hard to read.
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I like these expressions. I also like this continuation of Candy Lore, that all the HS1 characters see Candyland as a "fake" universe and that's part of why they fucked around so much and got so fucking weird, whereas we see here that the actual Candy Natives do not see their planet as "bootleg". The fact that the HS parents don't think of their own children as entirely "real" is actually super fucked up, but I guess Yiffy's got the main right of complaint there.
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I like that Vriska, who can fly, still makes Vrissy give her a boost. What a jerk!
Vriska says now THAT sounds like some shit a REAL Vriska would say! You roll your eyes and start to leave when Vriska calls out to ask if you're going without wishing her good luck. As you start to wish her luck she cuts you off and tells you to keep it, as she already has aaaaaaaall the luck she needs. You say okay dude.
I don't know if the original HS2 writers intended for the resolution of the "Vrissy kind of idolizes Vriska" subplot to end with "Vriska's so fucking Vriska that Vrissy is disillusioned within literally minutes", but it's honestly kind of funny and I like it.
JANE: From the conversation recovered from Egbert's phone, we've learned that Roxy has been... conspiring alongside the rebels for months now. Operating a lab deep within the ruins of the Troll Memorial Meteor, she and her coconspirator Calliope are preparing some kind of super weapon they've dubbed "The Plot Point". JANE: Heretofore referred to as The Point.
This feels a little like shade.
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JANE: Let’s get to The Point!!
A lot like shade.
It's a little convenient to the new team that they took over right when HS2 was starting to actually go somewhere, but regardless, that was a neat page. I got a soft laugh out of it, the plot is starting to move, and there was some decent worldbuilding.
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itsawritblr · 1 year
Graham Linehan is right. These Harry Potter stars will regret their betrayal of JK Rowling.
via The Telegraph:
Michael Deacon, Columnist, 3 October 2023 • 7:00am
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In Tough Crowd, Graham Linehan’s new book chronicling his battle against militant trans activism, the comedy writer reserves particular scorn for the three main stars of the Harry Potter films. When JK Rowling was monstered on social media for daring to speak up in support of women’s rights, those three actors – Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint – could have leapt to her defence. But they did not. Instead, they each loftily proclaimed their support for the trans rights movement.
“[They] instantly betrayed her,” Mr Linehan writes. “[They] deserve to be remembered as symbols of the most remarkable arrogance, cowardice and ingratitude.”
He needn’t worry. Because one day, I strongly suspect, they will be.
Obviously none of us is obliged to share the opinions of the people we worked for at the start of our careers. Whenever I sit down to write a column, I do not first ring up the manager of the Edinburgh branch of Bargain Books I worked at in summer 2001, just to check that my views on Sir Keir Starmer or the Duchess of Sussex meet her approval. Nor do I run my opinions on Black Lives Matter or Just Stop Oil past the former editor of J17, the long-defunct teenage girls’ magazine for which I was junior staff writer in 2003.
Those three former child stars, however, are in an unusual position. JK Rowling did not give them a paper round, or a Saturday job in their local corner shop. She gave them global fame – something they would have been unlikely to achieve without her. And so, even though they don’t share her views, their response should at least have been more respectful. They could have said in the immediate aftermath: “I will always support trans rights. However I am appalled by the abuse of JK Rowling. Nothing she has ever said is remotely bigoted or transphobic. She’s just speaking up for women, that’s all.”
So why didn’t they fight her corner? Are they absolutely beyond doubt that their views place them on “the right side of history”? Or were they simply scared of being cancelled themselves?
I don’t know. But I do know that, if “the right side of history” turns out to have been JK Rowling’s, their treatment of her will be the only thing that anyone remembers about them.
GCs and Radfems, if you're not reading Graham Linehan you should be.
On Twitter-X.
On Substack: The Glinner Update.
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thebestofoneshots · 8 months
it’s so funny to me that your gave a better explanation on how wizards have magic in the first few paragraphs of this chapter then jkr did in 7 books
I mean, I think JKR did it to maintain the soft magic system she had created and so she could add new things without risking plotholes (she had many either way), but I always wanted a bit more of an explanation.
A lot of these explanations were heavily inspired by the idea of "Ancient Magic" in HL and Emrys Ascending (a BBC Merlin Wizarding world AU), since I feel like the writers actually explored the magical systems a bit further than Rowling ever did.
And I've added this bit for a few reasons, first of all, Muggle-borns being muggle-borns with no explanation whatsoever always bothered me. Was there a receive gene? Does the magic of the world just randomly decide to land on some muggles to broaden the population?
At least this way, we know it's because of the capacity to store and then use magic, it also kind of explains why wizards faint (Like Harry did when casting his first patronus) after using a large quantity of magic, it could be because they used up all of their reserves of it.
And also, blood magic is a pretty interesting thing I find. Not to mention I've thought about ancient runes and old, darker, witchcraft that I find extremely interesting. With things like sacrifices and other rituals.
Of course, GC is not going to be enough to explore all of it, and I don't want to veer off cannon too much, but I do enjoy adding a fair share of lore to this world.
Read Gilded Constellations
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dat-carovieh · 1 year
Mich würden 🛒, ❌ und 💖 interessieren fürs Ask Game, wenn du magst 😇
Sorry, dass ich so lange gebraucht habe, es war GC und ich war nicht am Rechner. Dann schau ich mal.
🛒 What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc.
That is actually a difficult question. I feel like my fics are pretty different. idk if you could say, I almost always have some fluff in there and end my fics as happily as possible.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Well I mean you can never know but I'm pretty sure I will never write A/B/O or MPreg
💖 What made you start writing?
I read a lot of Harry Potter fics when I was 15 and I wanted to try to write something myself. I didn't really have an idea but I really wanted to write a thing. It turned out horribly, cause it was really forced, but I never gave up and I think I turned out to be a pretty good fanfic writer. Still don't manage to write my own stuff sadly, so not that good
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harrywavycurly · 7 years
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“Mr. Styles this is Mrs. Thatcher from your daughter’s daycare. How are you doing this afternoon?” You looked over at Harry as he put the call on speaker in the car. You knew by Harry’s face that he wasn’t expecting this call at all.
“Hi Mrs. Thatcher, is everything okay?” You knew by his tone that he was about to panic, and the fact he ignored her question about how he was doing was an obvious sign he was distraught.
“Yes your daughter is perfectly fine!” Her words instantly made Harry relax as he turned down the street your house was on. “But there have been a few incidents we thought you should be aware of.” You gave Harry a shrug when he turned and looked at you as if you knew what she was talking about.
“Uhm what incidents? Her teacher hasn’t told us about anything.” His tone was full of confusion because he was right, Delilah’s teacher hadn’t given the two of you the slightest notion that she had been doing anything wrong in class.
“Well Mr. Styles this is actually why I called you instead of your wife.” He rolled his eyes as you gave him a playful smirk as you reached for your water bottle in the cup holder. “It has to do with one of your songs.” You nearly choked on your water causing it to spill all down your shirt when her words hit your ears while Harry had to hide his laughter as he rolled the car into your driveway. You rolled your eyes as he wiggled his eyebrows at you when he saw water drip down your shirt and onto your shorts.
“One of my songs?” He asked as he put the car in park and looked around for some napkins to help you dry yourself off.
“Yes, she has been going around saying lyrics from one of your songs to her classmates.” The woman’s voice brought his focus back to the conversation instead of him digging in the glovebox for napkins. Harry snapped his head towards the entertainment center where he could see the name of the his daughter’s school on the screen.
“What song?” He looked at you with a confused look as you just gave him a shrug. You tried to remember what song off his album was her favorite at the moment and how that could in anyway get her in trouble. Harry gave you a weird look as your eyes went wide with the realization of the song she was probably going around singing.
“It’s called Kiwi?” It came out more like a question as if Mrs. Thatcher wasn’t sure if that really was the songs title or not. You had to cover your mouth with you hand as you tried to fight back the laugh. Harry’s cheeks went red as he pictured his five year old daughter running around screaming the lyrics to one of his more racy songs around a classroom full of little kids. “She keeps telling her classmates that they are going home to a cactus?” Harry had to hold back his laughter.
“Ah uhm yeah, that’s a line from the song.” His voice was apologetic and you just reached over and gave his thigh a pat.
“Also she’s been screaming the phrase it’s none of my business, she’s just showing a lot of aggression and we are a bit concerned where all this is coming from.” You gave Harry’s thigh a squeeze as you watched his ears turn red from embarrassment. He was twisting his hands together something that you knew he only did when he was nervous.
“Well it’s a bit of a rock n roll type song so she is just saying it in the tone that I sing it in. I am terribly sorry she is repeating lyrics from that song.” He gave you a small smile as he rubbed the top of your hand that was on his leg. “Her mother and I will have a talk with her when she gets home from school today.” He added and you gave him an approving nod.
“Thank you for your time Mr. Styles, I am sure this is just a phase. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon.” With that Harry said a quick goodbye before ending the call. He turned his body so he was facing you and that’s when you finally let out all the laughter you were holding inside while he was on the phone.
“What are we gonna do with that daughter of ours?” He asked between fits of laughter, you just leaned over and gave his cheek a quick peck.
A few hours later you were entering the house with your five year old slowly walking behind you with her head hanging low. You had told her on the drive home that you were going to talk with her before dinner and she instantly started apologizing for things she thought were the reason you needed to have a talk with her.
“Hi my little love.” Harry’s voice was soft and sweet as you helped Delilah take off her backpack and hang it by the front door. She instantly perked up as she heard his voice coming from the kitchen. “Come help me with dinner yeah?” His head popped out from the doorway of the kitchen and he gave you a wink as Delilah took off towards him.
“Have a good day at school?” You asked her as you made your way into the kitchen to see what the two of them were up too. You smiled as you saw Harry standing in front of the stove while Delilah was standing beside him on her step stool handing him potatoes to drop into the boiling water.
“It was okay, my teacher gave me a star for using my manners at lunch time!” Her tiny voice was full of pride as she turned her head and gave you a big smile. Harry turned and looked at you giving you a small pout and you just gave him a stern look so he would get on with the conversation the two of you knew you had to have with her.
“That’s so good petal!” Harry’s voice was sweet and she looked up at him giving him a smile that caused her dimple to show. He leaned down and placed a kiss to the top of her head that was covered in soft brown curls.
“Well speaking of teachers we got a call from your school today.” You watched Delilah’s hands stop moving as you spoke, you leaned onto the counter and snatched a carrot off the cutting board in front of you. “Didn’t we Harry?” You added and Harry just nodded and you tossed the carrot at the back of his head causing him to flinch and Delilah to laugh. He snapped his head in your direction and you motioned to your daughter with your hands while mouthing “get on with it” causing him to just roll his eyes at you before going back to his pot on the stove.
“Mum isn’t bein very nice today.” You heard him mumble causing your daughter’s laughter to fill the kitchen. “But listen my little love,” his voice was firm but still had a sweetness to it. She turned her head so she was giving him her full attention. “You can’t go around saying lyrics to my songs at school anymore.” She gave him a confused look at she folded her arms across her chest.
“Why?” Harry gave you a look as if he was asking for help and you just rolled your eyes as you walked around the island and bent down so you could be eye level with Delilah.
“Because love, the lyrics to daddy’s songs aren’t suitable for school. People might think you’re being a bit rude when you say them.” You watched her turn to face you and her little green eyes were squinted as if she was in deep thought.
“But daddy says them,” she pointed towards Harry, “and people don’t think he’s rude.” Harry gave you a smug look causing you to playfully roll your eyes.
“Daddy’s job is to sing those songs on stage at concerts lovey, not in a classroom full of little kids. You see the difference?” She just shrugged at you and you looked at Harry silently pleading for him to jump in and help you.
“Just no more saying them at school okay my little love.” She just looked at Harry and gave him a smile and a nod. “Thank you, now go wash up for dinner.” She gave you a smile as you stood up straight and helped her off her stool. Harry laughed as she skipped out of the kitchen and down the hall.
“Well we handled that well!” You just laughed as Harry wrapped his arm around your waist giving it a squeeze. He gave your cheek a quick kiss before going back to making dinner.
You loved that your daughter went around singing her dad’s songs and you really didn’t mind that she sang them at school, but you knew you and Harry had to nip it in the bud now before the school got really upset with it. The way you and Harry handled situations like these is something that often made the two of you laugh later that night when you discussed it while getting ready for bed. He never liked being the one who had to tell her she can’t do something so that normally left you with the job but tonight you were happy with how he handled it. You loved that he could get his point across while still being his soft sweet self and that was just one of the things you loved about him.
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theasstour · 6 years
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harrysfolklore · 2 years
insta blurb with phoebe bridgers and they like write songs together, idk her vibe is just everything 🤘🏼
here’s another blurb about harry’s house ! i really wanted to do songwriter!yn and this was the perfect opportunity, enjoy!
ask me anything | masterlist | likes and reblogs are appreciated !
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liked by harrystyles, dojacat and 1,098,678 others
yourinstagram work work 🐾
view all 54,097 comments
ynfan1 mother
oliviarodrigo ily
ynfan2 new album? 😫
↳ ynfan1 i wish but she said she’s working with other artists this year before writing her next record
harryupdates Harry liked this !
↳ harryfan1 omggg collab please
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 1,986 others
harryupdates Harry and Mitch outside a studio a few weeks ago in LA! (via @HrryStylesLuvr)
view all 569 comments
harryfan1 OMGGGG
harryfan2 HS3 IS COMING
harryfan3 i missed him so much nigh
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liked by ynfan1, ynfan2 and 1,678 others
ynupdates “I’ve been in the studio a lot these weeks, I’m currently working with a very talented artist on their new record, I’m so excited about it i can’t wait for everyone to listen to it” YN for SiriusXM
view all 453 comments
ynfan2 i hope it’s taylor
ynfan3 let’s see.. harry styles followed her a month ago and he’s known for only following people he works with, plus streets say he’s working on a new record, could be him?
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liked by yourinstagram, jefezoff and 7,436,187 others
harrystyles Harry’s House. May 20th.
view all 135,227 comments
harryfan1 OMFGGGG
harryfan1 FINALLY
finneas Looooove this cover
yourinstagram so excited i could cry 🥲
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liked by harryfan1, ynfan1 and 1,795 others
ynupdates YN is credited as a main co-writer on all 13 tracks of Harry’s House !
She’s also credited for playing instruments in several songs
Using this picture until we get an actual picture of them together
view all 502 comments
harryfan1 i love thisss
ynfan2 i KNEW they were working together
harryfan2 I CANT WAITTTT
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 1,287,638 others
yourinstagram final moments before our child harry’s house is out, feeling very emotional
view all 56,728 comments
harryfan1 i can’t wait any longer
kidharpoon It’s been a long time coming
↳ harrystyles Thank you YN, Mitch and Tyler for writing this album with me x
↳ yourinstagram 😭😭😭
↳ ynfan2 the gc must be fire
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liked by yourinstagram, jenniferaniston and 7,985,034 others
harrystyles Harry’s House. Out now.
view all 107,538 comments
harryfan1 best album ever 🥺
harry_lambert ❤️❤️❤️❤️
harryfan2 SO PROUD OF YOU
yourinstagram i can’t believe it’s out brb i’m going to cry
↳ ynfan1 she’s just like me
jefezoff 🥺
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liked by harrystyles, kidharpoon and 2,095,678 others
yourinstagram harry’s house is out now. a project that healed me, changed me and gave me a ray of light during hard times. i’m incredibly grateful that you allowed me to be part of this @harrystyles you’re the most talented human being i’ve ever met
here’s some behind the scenes pics 🥲
view all 72,786 comments
kidharpoon ❤️❤️❤️
harryfan1 is that jeff with a wig in the first pic 😭
harrystyles Thank you for sharing your talent, creativity and kindness with us. The pleasure was all mine x
↳ harryfan2 they should date
taglist: @cucciolafaerie @maria-r @eleanordaisy @sunflowersndpeaches @golden-hoax @alienorknight @evanjh h @daydreamingmathilda @sunflowervolume66 @lollypopsx @multiplums @89evrs @trulymadlykiki  @piscesrecord @vanteguccir @ivyproblems @ivegotparticulartaste @springholland @harryhoney-bee @harrysgloves @ayeshathestyles @comfort-reads @stylesmygucci @gimsaysay @rosaliedepp @dontworrysunflower @milfrrynation @sleutherclaw @vodka-is-gay-and-so-am-i
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that crossover with or take place in another universe/fandom as requested in this ask. Thanks to the Rare Pair gc for helping me find some rare pairs for this rec! You can find my other fic recs here. Remember to leave kudos and comments to the writers if you enjoy the fics! Happy reading!
💘 Take My Breath Away by @realitybetterthanfiction
(E, 153k, Top Gun crossover, pilot Harry, flight instructor Louis, character injury, ptsd, angst with a happy ending, smut)
There is a prestigious school in the British Royal Navy classified as Premier Delta - or as it is known by its flyers, 1D.
💘 somewhere in between lightning by jassy117, @shiningdistraction / shiningdistractionwrites, @nauticalleeds
(E, 99k, Love Island crossover, reality show, exes to lovers, getting back together, pining, miscommunication, summer, law student Louis, baker Harry, sexual tension, smut)
A summer gone wrong (or very right) when, under Liam’s persuasion, Louis finds himself drunkenly applying for Love Island, and getting accepted.
💘 Who Painted the Moon Black by throughthedark
(E, 95k, Hunger Games crossover, angst, violence, friendship, romance, prostitution, mental health issues, happy ending)
Hunger Games AU where Louis Tomlinson is district six's victor from the 69th Hunger Games and Harry Styles is district seven's victor from the 72nd Hunger Games
💘 Felt Nothing Like Home by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 61k, Bon Appetit crossover, friends to lovers, baker Harry, chef Louis, divorce, post divorce, sexual tension, flirting, youtube, fluff, smut)
The Bon Appétit YouTube channel has become an unexpected success partly due to the newest series developed by classically trained pastry chef Harry Styles who is intent on making the art of baking accessible to the masses.
💘 like cabbages and kings by you_explode / @nobodymoves
(E, 60k, Alice in Wonderland crossover, magic, magical tattoos, pining, friends to lovers, childhood friends, royal Harry, drug use, fantasy, smut)
When Louis was a kid, he had a series of very vivid dreams about a place called Wonderland.
💘 you came into my life by @disgruntledkittenface
(M, 57k, Queer Eye crossover, firefighters, closeted character, coming out, pining, fluff, slow dancing, kissing, smut)
When the Queer Eye cast and crew sweep into Louis’ small town and fire station to make over his best friend and coworker Liam, Louis’ carefully constructed walls start to fall down and he has to face his fears – and the only guy he’s ever been able to see a future with.
💘 As We Were, As We Are by @jaerie
(E, 51k, Dunkirk crossover, Harry as Alex, WWII, violence, injury recovery, amnesia, ptsd, smut)
Alex is a British soldier who has been injured in battle, Louis is a RAF pilot with amnesia.
💘 But I’m the Quarterback by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
(E, 51k, But I'm a Cheerleader crossover, conversion therapy, religious guilt, homophobia, self harm, angst with a happy ending, strangers to friends to lovers, first time)
At True Directions, Harry meets four other boys and five girls, all there to be cured of their homosexuality.
💘 a promise lives within you now by sarcasticfluentry
(E, 45k, Lord of the Rings crossover, fantasy, Middle Earth, elf Louis, human Harry, royalty, friends to lovers, soulmates)
Louis is an Elven prince, next in line to become King of Mirkwood, and Harry is the orphaned Human boy who grows up alongside him.
💘 Just Me, Him, and the Sun and Moon by @sadaveniren
(M, 45k, Pokemon crossover, action/adventure, tournament, falling in love, farmer Harry, professor Louis, angst with a happy ending, smut)
a gratuitous Pokemon AU featuring farmer!harry, professor!louis, paradise, pokemon battles, love, and the fate of the world
💘 Breakable Heaven by amomentoflove / @daggerandrose
(E, 44k, Greek Mythology crossover, Hades, Persephone, kidnapping, falling in love, dark Harry)
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
💘 Love Like Wildfire by perfectdagger (sincerelyste) / @whatevertearsyou
(E, 21k, Harry Potter crossover, a/b/o, alpha Harry, omega Louis, Hogwarts, established relationship, friends to lovers, fluff, smut)
Louis was an Omega and a Prefect. Harry was an Alpha and a little rascal.
💘 You Tilted My Hand by @taggiecb
(G, 12k, Anne of Green Gables crossover, university, newspaper, small town, Canada, photographer Harry, artist Harry, writer Louis, insecurity)
Harry Styles arrives in Avonlea, Prince Edward Island for his first day of a coveted and prestigious summer internship at the Avonlea Chronicle.
💘 If Only We Wish Hard Enough by @lululawrence
(NR, 5k, Peter Pan crossover, Louis as Peter Pan, Harry as Tinkerbell, friends to lovers, innocence, pining, fluff, no smut)
the five times fic where Louis is Peter Pan, Harry is his best friend Tinkerbelle, and it takes them awhile but they figure things out
💘 Love's Extraction by asphodelknox / @iamasphodelknox
(NR, 3k, Star Wars crossover, established relationship, kidnapping, rescue mission)
Louis and Niall are kidnapped by Imperial spies on the planet Taris. Harry, Liam, and Zayn set out to rescue them.
-Rare Pair-
💘 Little Lion Man by @writcraft
(E, 123k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw, Harry Potter crossover, Hogwarts, age difference, coming of age, hurt/comfort, grief, ghosts, kink exploration, smut)
It’s his final year at Hogwarts, and Louis can’t wait to leave for good.
💘 tonight make me unstoppable by @1000-directions
(T, 20k, Louis/Bucky Barnes, Marvel crossover, Starbucks, PTSD, anxiety)
Bucky rolls and he rolls until he changes his luck.
💘 Nice Boys Sometimes Kiss Like That by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
(T, 7k, Harry & David Rose, Schitt's Creek crossover, pre-canon, strangers to friends, gallery opening)
Harry Styles showing up at David Rose’s latest gallery opening is certainly unexpected.
💘 Premier Fantasies by @haztobegood
(E, 3k, Harry/Ted Lasso, Ted Lasso crossover, coach Ted, kit man Harry, age difference, light d/s, smut)
Catching glimpses of Coach Lasso standing on the sidelines during matches had been one thing, but standing next to him on the sidelines was another.
💘 Copy of a Copy of a Copy by @fallinglikethis
(T, 3k, Zayn/Liam, Eureka crossover, scientists, scientist Zayn, sheriff Liam, exes to lovers, pranks, love confessions)
When a lab demonstration goes wrong, suddenly there are many Zayn Maliks running around town.
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justalarryblog · 3 years
A Christmas message🎄
I've been thinking about making this post for days as I'm terrible with words and expressing my feelings. But my brain didn't leave me alone so here it goes. 😂
2021 has been a very strange year (in a good and a bad way) for me. It's been a strange year in a bad way, because of COVID, there's no way not to talk about it or stop thinking about how it affected me, how it affected the people I like and how it affected the world. I’d like to give my sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones (and to those who still have relatives in hospitals suffering from this terrible disease). I'm sending out a lot of positive vibes and I'm rooting for everything to be alright.
A strange year in a good way. I learned a lot about myself and that was really good. It's weird to say that when you're 39, but it's like we often hear around here: life is an eternal learning experience. And I can say that I'm finally in a good place regarding learning about myself and accepting that still there's a lot to learn and it is okay and it is fine.
I also decided to be more active here on tumblr, I tried to get out of my comfort zone and my quiet corner and interact more and this allowed me to get to know wonderful people! Some of you I've been following for years and never had the courage to reach out and say hi (because hey, it's me, I never know what to say to people and no social skills here) and some of you I started following "recently": @dragmedown @twopoppies @daisiesonafield-blog @loulovehome @halohamilton @holyshit @lovingstheantidote @littleprincepleasdontgo @miss-styles @larrysballetslippers @louisxgolden @jalboyhenthusiast @bluewinnerangel @haztobegood @allwaswell16 @disgruntledkittenface @crinkle-eyed-boo @bearmustard @lornasaurusrex and many others I'm not mentioning here, but please know you're in my thoughts and heart. You guys are amazing and always make me smile/laugh whenever I see you on my dash. It is always a pleasure to interact with you guys and I hope we can keep this.
Guys from Discord, @evilovesyou @beelou @tomlinbuns @foreverfanficaddict @thedevilinmybrain @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed @fallinglikethis @beckydoesthings @polaroidlouis @maggieisalarrie @chloehl10 @greenfeelings @whatagreatproblemtohave ... all the fic writers (!!!) sorry for not tagging all of you (and here comes my bad memory again), but know it was a huge joy to meet you guys and I wish 2022 to be a kinder and happier year to all of you.
Esse recado vai em português porque… nois é BR huehue hahahaha
@chrisltomlinson @prsephones @skyyneverlookedsoblue @thewallsalbum @wallsbylouis vocês são uns xuxuzinhos e é muito doido saber que seguia algumas de vocês há anos e só agora que resolvi conversar! 🤭 Eu espero que a gente consiga se falar/interagir mais em 2022!
Mari @larentsbr, espero que esteja bem e que volte logo. 💙
Allie @skepticalarrie, minha nenééééém 💙💙💙 (insira gif de dancinha de funk), tu foi um dos meus tesourinhos desse ano! Nunca pensei que umas palavras trocadas em um GC no twitter pudesse ter levado a gente para aquela loucura que foi a turnê de Harry (ai nossas noites em claro). Obrigada pela companhia de todas as noites huahauahau espero que finalmente em 2022 a gente consiga se ver pessoalmente e usar a TV gigante com uns bons drinks e Matilda surtando com as nossas gargalhadas.
Meninas @vintageumbroshirt @whatevertearsyou 💙💙💙, tão no meu coração sempre. Vocês foram meu outro tesourinho que 2021 me deu, espero conseguir conhecer vocês também em 2022, pois preciso abraçar! hahaha
Sus @lululawrence, I have no words to thank you for what you did for me. I know things are difficult for you, but still, you took the time in one of the few free moments you have, and managed to calm me down and help me when I was in the middle of a breakdown trying to figure out and understand who I am. Thank you ❤️. I hope to be able to repay that one day.
To my followers, thanks for being here. I may not interact much, but knowing that you enjoy my blog and my awkward tries of socializing (LOL) makes me very happy.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas (in whatever way you can). If you don't celebrate Christmas, no problem, may the day be wonderful anyway!
Merry Christmas everyone! 💖
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petersasteria · 3 years
Mamma Mia - Harry Holland
Harry || Main || Taglist
Requested? Sort of lmao. I was dared by @justasmisunderstoodasloki to write something inspired by this tiktok that I sent in our gc. 757 words W: swear words, pregnancy, a Karen BFF!Harry
* * * *
Harry was proud to be your best friend. He was extremely proud. He loved you like a sister and he always looked out for you. He was your soulmate because no matter what happens, he would choose to stick by you and you would choose to stick by him. He would do anything for you and you took that to your advantage. After all, he did the same to you.
It was 7PM when you called him. Sam was cooking dinner with Nikki, Dom was working, Paddy was doing homework, and Tom was still asleep from his nap. He was mindlessly scrolling through his phone when it rang. If it were anyone else, he’d just stare at his phone until it stopped ringing, but he saw that it was you who was calling and he immediately answered.
“H, can you do me a solid favor?”
“Well, hello to you too.” Harry rolled his eyes. “What is it?”
“Okay, don’t tell anyone.” You said, highkey panicking in your room. You were pacing back and forth and Harry could sense it.
“Alright. Tell me.”
“Can you buy me a pregnancy test?” You whispered quietly. Harry quickly sat up in his bed in shock. He was quiet for a while until you said a desperate ‘say something’ and he snapped out of it.
“Okay, um, I’ll come over soon. Give me, like, 20 minutes.” Harry said, getting up from bed as he looked for his jeans. “Who’s the dad?”
“I actually don’t know.”
Harry stopped in his tracks and loudly asked, “You DON’T KNOW?!?! What the bloody hell do you mean? What do you mean you don’t know?!”
“There’s, like, 3 different guys.” You mumbled and Harry’s eyes went wide. He truly didn’t know what to say.
“This is some Mamma Mia shit and honestly, that’s all I can say right now” Harry said before changing into his jeans. “Alright, I’m leaving now. What else do you need?”
“My favorite ice cream, please.” You said.
Harry groaned, “That shit’s expensive!”
“I’ll pay you back, calm down!” You told him.
“Fine. See you in 20.” Harry said before hanging up. He sighed, wore his hoodie, grabbed his keys and wallet before jogging down the stairs.
“Mum, I’m going out for a bit.” Harry announced, walking straight to the door.
“Where are you going?” Nikki asked, emerging from the kitchen. She was wiping the cooling rack in her hands with a clean towel.
“Oh, I’m just going to get some boba. D’you want any?” Harry asked, playing it cool and surprisingly, he was doing a very good job. Nikki smiled at him and shook her head.
“No, thank you.” She said, “Drive safely.”
Harry thanked her and off he went. Harry had never driven so fast in his life and like you, he was also panicking. To calm down, he actually did buy boba. In fact, his favorite boba place was having a promo; “buy 1, get 1 FREE”. He bought 3. Now, he has 6 bobas and took a sip of his drink while driving to the store near your parents’ house.
He quickly looked for a pregnancy test and grabbed the first one he saw. He knew that the store was selling your favorite ice cream and he bought that too.
Paying was awkward because the old cashier lady thought the pregnancy test was for his girlfriend or something and she began to lecture him about not being careful and that ‘kids these days have sex all the time, but can’t spare one hour for the Lord’. Needless to say, he didn’t want to show himself in that store ever again.
When he got in his car, he put everything on the passenger seat and took out his phone to text you.
Harry I’m on my way now
You Thanks, H :(( x
He read your reply and muttered, “The shit I do for you, Y/N. I swear to god.” He shook his head and put his phone on the passenger seat. Harry puts his seatbelt on and said to himself, “Bitch better not me fucking pregnant.���
He started his car and started praying before driving off, “God, I know I don’t pray and I certainly know that I don’t go to church anymore and I’m sorry about that. I don’t ask for much, but if you’re listening, please help my best friend. I’m usually excited to hear her hoe stories because they’re actually fun to listen to, but oh my days, please don’t give her a baby. Amen.”
* * * *
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @thatforgottenangel @turtoix @givebuckyhisplumsnow @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @yourstrulyamour @euphorichxlland @thevelvetseries @buckymylove @more-like-reyna @aayaissaa @sunwardsss
𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @holland-styles @trustfundparker @alinastarkrovs @celestialholland @hufflepuffprincess24 @tommysparker @justasmisunderstoodasloki @quaksonhehe @call-me-baby-gir1 @itstaskeen @theonly1outof-a-billion @lost-in-the-stars03 @justafangirlduh @piscesparker @speedymaximoff @miraclesoflove @lexirv @blairscott @getbywithasmile @pqrkerr @lavender-writer @blackbat2020 @hoodpankow @bi-lmg @emmastarz @moonchild-s-blog @itszulli
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femstyles · 4 years
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i get a little bit nervous around you
Zayn gives Harry a little sympathetic pout but almost immediately cracks a smile again. "So, basically, Louis Tomlinson is so pretty you lost control of your powers? Isn't that like one of the first lessons we ever took?"
Harry tosses a pillow at Zayn's head with a whine. "I know! It's awful. I just need to avoid him, I think." 
Or the one where Harry never had a problem with controlling his magic until Louis walked into his life. AKA the clumsy witch Harry AU no one asked for!
Harry & Louis | Teen & Up | 8,419
Art by the ever talented @britishlovers
Written for the Larrie Writers GC Halloween/autumn fic fest- you can check out the other works here!
Read now on AO3
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
have you always written for the marauders or did you stumble into it or got inspired or ??? i’m just so curious ☺️
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story time with Lils.
I could give a simple answer to this, very short, and all, but I feel like telling the story of how I got into fanfiction so you’ll get a whole textbook instead.
It must have been like 2009 (catch me speaking like an old person), when I was laying in my grandma’s bed, fantasizing about a self insert into Harry Potter (actual Harry Potter mind you I didn’t know the Marauders, nor was my 9 year old self in love with a Sirius yet) and thinking “Gosh wish I could write that… but I can’t because copyright and it’s illegal.”
Fast forward do 2011-2012, THE FACEBOOK ERA, and your girl stumbles into a fanpage that *literally* was all about reader inserts with certain YouTubers I had an unhealthy obsession with at the time. It was then that Lilly discovered ✨the fantastic world of fanfiction✨. And it didn’t stop.
I love reading, but I had always been one to write stories, poems, songs, you name it, I probably wrote it. And so I started writing fanfics as well. First I think it must have been the YouTubers. I also remember reading a Percy Jackson fanfic once, and omg it’s been so long, I don’t even remember the webpage I read it at, but it was like it’s own little blog with its own little colors and stuff, cool shit tbh.
Must have been around 2012 that I started a fanfic of Jack Frost. Yes ladies and gentleman, Jack Frost, he was too cute for 12 y/o Lilly. That one, is absolute cringe if I go back and read it now, but also kinda funny? The reverse harem was so heavy in that one I swear I didn’t even know that was a thing but EVERYONE was inlove with the MC.
Either way, writing longer stories really wasn’t for me back then, so I started writing oneshots. And boy-oh-boy did I love them. I must say “Thank you Bucky Barnes for existing and having me obsess over you.” I must have over 30 one shots written for him. Or more, I have never counted. Some still sitting on my drafts lol.
Then I started writing for Loki and made a small follow along fic of the series, called Time Variant 30578, and I was so proud I finished it (-ish, season 2 just came up and I still have to write for that).
Not that it’s the only thing I’ve finished, I actually wrote a book, it’s a book about a serial-kiIIer, but even if we see his life, the actual unaliving parts are told from the perspective of the victims. Pretty gory, certainly something. But I liked it. That one’s done and sitting in my computer. I still want to find time to edit it and maybe publish it one day, but who knows? Off topic.
Anyway I rewatched SPN and wrote a few shots for one of the loves of my life Dean Winchester. And I have pondered on writing a series for a gender-bend spell type of thing. A short one (but actually short this time, not like GC).
And then, somewhere in between me starting a small business of HP stuff and watching Tick…Tick…Boom! (Which had me obsess over Andrew), and the already smoldering obsession with Ben, I started reading Marauders fics. Discovering the magical world of ✨Poly!Marauders✨
And then I wrote the first part of Gilded Constellations (march this year, probably) and then the second and then the first 12 parts and then I decided to post it and then people showed actual interest?!?! And I kept writing and writing and then I wanted GC to have smut. But I was shit at smut and wanted to practice so The Five Senses was born. After a LOT of research, I kid you not, so much reading fics and even YouTube tutorials lol (on writing guys, that kind of content is NOT allowed on YouTube!). Anyway, writing just solidified my obsession with my boys. And then there was Maraudween, more smut practice but also, I kind of like writing smut at this point? And scary action filled stories??? Right up my ally.
So yeah, in short; I’ve always been a writer, I have always liked Harry Potter and I have been writing fanfics for a while and just recently started writing for the Marauders, but you’re not gonna stop me any time soon.
I like living in my own head, and I love writing stories, and I adore our boys so, you’ll be seeing so much of me you’ll get sick of it lol
Did that answer your question? I feel like one of this teachers that students ask a question to and then tell the entire story of their life. But I feel like I did answer the question.
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vintageumbroshirt · 4 years
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The cat is out of the bag (3.5k | G)
by 28sunflowers(me)
beautiful fic post by @wallsbylouis 💜
Harry somehow gets himself stuck as a black cat on Halloween and needs help from Louis to change back into his human form.
The problem is: Louis doesn’t even know witches exist, much less that Harry is one. And there’s also the fact he thinks Harry is ghosting him after they had sex for the first time.
So the situations isn’t ideal. But it’s okay. Harry will figure something out.
Alternatively, Harry is a disaster gay witch and Louis ends up too attached to the black cat that showed up on his doorsteps on Halloween.
Written for the Autumn-Halloween-Horror Challenge between the members of a larrie writers gc. Other fics will be posted here.
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riverswater · 4 years
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I'll meet you at the cemetry gates ⚰
If Louis can’t keep kids out of his cemetery the night of Halloween, then it’s only fair for him and Zayn to prank them and scare them to death. Things don’t go as planned.
Or, Zayn works at the cemetery only because he likes to look at statues, Niall lives in a society, Liam is silly tipsy, Harry is a witch (not a wizard), and Louis just wants them to have some respect for the deceased.
(Harry/Louis with just a hint of Zayn/Liam, loads of zouis and some OT5, T, 10k)
Moodboard by @essercipertuttienonperse ✨
Written for the Autumn-Halloween-Horror Challenge between the members of a larrie writers gc. Other fics will be posted here 🍂
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harrywavycurly · 7 years
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You were sitting on the couch surrounded by four of your closest girlfriends enjoying some wine and cheesy chick flicks when you heard the front door open and close. You looked at the clock on the cable box and rolled your eyes when you saw it wasn’t even half past eleven.
“Oh am I interrupting somethin?” You heard his voice before you saw him enter the kitchen that was connected to the living room. You gave him a playful glare as he reached into his back pockets grabbing his phone and his wallet before placing them on the counter.
“Oi! Don’t come in here bangin about while we are trying to watch some good ole romantic comedy Harry!” You laughed as Harry acted offended by your best friend Kelsey’s words.
“What rom com are we watchin?” You laughed as he walked into the living room and plopped down between you and Kelsey causing her to roll her eyes. “Ya know I love Nicky Spee!” He added as he stretched an arm over your shoulder.
“Nicholas Sparks doesn’t make romantic comedies Harry.” You watched his eyes go wide as you took a sip of your wine, you knew this was going to become a rather entertaining discussion so you just sat back and got comfortable.
“What did you just say B?” Harry’s voice was serious but had a hint of playfulness in it as well. Bailey just shrugged as she took a sip of her wine, Harry ran his free hand through his hair as you took another sip of your nearly empty glass of wine.
“She’s right H,” he snapped his head in your direction as you leaned over and placed your glass on the coffee table. “The Notebook isn’t a romantic comedy.” He was giving you a playful glare but you just shot him a smile.
“How can you be the love of my life yet say such hurtful things ta me?” You just rolled your eyes as the girls giggled at Harry’s statement. “The Notebook is one of the best movies out there.” You just nodded your head in agreement as Bailey took this opportunity to refill your glass of wine for you.
“I agree love,” you stated as you gave Bailey a big smile while you reached over for your now full glass of wine. “But it isn’t a romantic comedy, it’s a love story but it’s not funny.” You added before taking a sip, you saw Harry reach for your glass and you reluctantly let him have it.
“I love you but you’re so wrong.” You shot him a playful glare as he took a sip of your wine. “It’s funny, the scene where Noah goes on the Ferris wheel is golden!” You heard Kelsey laugh making Harry shoot her a glare.
“It’s a sad ass love story Harry, it’s a good love story yes but it’s not a rom com it’s a tear jerker and that’s what your beloved Nicky Spee is good at.” You had to control your giggling so Harry wouldn’t glare at you as Cynthia spoke. She was sitting on the floor by the T.V and was looking at Harry like he was crazy. “I mean come on, ya have to know the difference between a rom com and just a good tear jerking love story.” She added with a huff as she leaned back against the sofa Bailey and Caroline were sitting on.
“Oi! You lot just love crushin my dreams!” You chuckled as you took the wine glass from his hand. “Jus go on about ya business than cos I don’t want ta hang with a bunch of girls anyway.” He tried to get up off the couch in a dramatic way but you reached up and grabbed his arm making him stay seated.
“Oh don’t leave in a huff H, we are about to watch the Runaway Bride! You love Julia!” You pleaded and when he stopped fighting against your grip you knew he was going to stay. You snuggled closer to him as he grabbed your wine glass once more.
“If you were a rom com actress Harry you’d be Julia.” You almost snorted from laughing so hard at Kelsey’s statement. Harry just shook his head but had a smile on his face.
“Why am I always Julia in everyone’s rom com?” You just chuckled as Harry snuggled into you and rested his head on your shoulder. You took your wine glass back before taking a sip and placing a sweet kiss to the top of Harry’s head.
You loved that Harry was so comfortable with you and your girlfriends, they loved poking fun at him and you knew he loved being included in jokes and stories. He loved coming home and seeing you and your friends having a girls night in and enjoying some wine in the living room while watching sappy movies. He also loved that they didn’t yell at him when he would invite himself along to brunches and dinners. Harry had a way of making your friends feel comfortable around him and that was just one of the many things you loved about him.
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manchesterau · 4 years
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that's the kind of love (i've been dreaming of) 
by leedsau (aiienharry)
You see, Harry and the boys (the boys meaning Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Niall) are employed for one month out of the year to dress up in costumes for an amusement park, to go around and be all scary and cool. Harry’s go-to outfit is a witch, but not the scary kind, he doesn't want to be one of the scary witches, he wants to be more…sexy, but also appropriate for families. Liam usually dresses up as a werewolf, Zayn a vampire, Louis a mummy, and Niall…well…  
Written for Larrie Writers GC Challenge || Rating: E || Word count: 7k || 
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