sheenas-diary · 9 months
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@taylorswift, you’ve got some explaining to do? 👁️👄👁️
help 😭
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yousunshineyoutempter · 9 months
Some people in this fandom are so chronically obsessed with Harry's life 😭 like imagine writing long ass essays on every fan/pap pic of him and researching about the little details of his partner's life and using that information to somehow conclude that each and everything he does with them is a PR stunt. How lonely, sad and miserable you have to be to do that 24/7
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chrrysgirl · 7 months
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she’s so angel beautiful princess lover girl and he’s so real (and bald) :D
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sugaboorry · 4 years
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harry and taylor polaroid layouts !
like or reblog if you use it <3
tw: @sheflight
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onlyangel44 · 3 years
the theory that harry and taylor committed vehicular manslaughter makes too much sense to be false
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differentpainterfan · 5 years
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Follow ME!! @differentpainterfan sparklep8nter @dayz.awesome.swifties @taylorswift @taylornation @harrystyles Mark my words… Taylor and Lin Manuel Miranda The Little Mermaid🧜‍♀️ What Did I say… I hope it’s 🧜‍♀️ Track 4 with Lin Manuel Miranda Find Me Underwater For The Little Mermaid… I still hope it’s Taylor & Harry!! What about you? I found these comments from a video today @hollyscoop #dayztaytheory #ts7whiteteeredlips #whiteteeredlips #harrystyles #arielanderic #harryandtaylor #taylorandharry #hollyscoop #ts7 #taylurking #taylorswift #tay #taytay #zendaya #ts7findmeunderwater #ts7track4 #findmeunderwater #ts7theories #april13 #aprilthirteen #amazonaprilthirteen #ts7musical #ts7April13 #ts7disney #mirandasebastian #amazonfindmeunderwater #newyearseve #newyearsday #sebastianmiranda #thetempest #ariel #miranda #linmanuelmiranda #thelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #partofthatworld #taylurking #Ham4All #Ham4Alls https://www.instagram.com/p/BzB31kmn2ix/?igshid=17gn2o2s1wx3y
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lordendsavior · 5 years
This revived edition of better than words is about Harry Styles and Taylor Swift, but (do not fear) not about HarryandTaylor, my feelings on which I will reserve for drunken karaoke performances of “Style.” This is about profiles, specifically Rob Sheffield’s profile of Harry in Rolling Stone, and Laura Snapes’ profile of Taylor in the Guardian, and what we learn about / what we want to learn about pop stars when we read these kinds of in-depth interviews.
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harehntaylah-blog · 7 years
I don't care if you guys say I'm a Fake Fan But I can't pretend to like Joe, I know Taylor is happy but I can't get over Haylor !! 😭😭
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novelwritingtrash · 5 years
better than words #15: in profile
by Allyson Gross
This revived edition of better than words is about Harry Styles and Taylor Swift, but (do not fear) not about HarryandTaylor, my feelings on which I will reserve for drunken karaoke performances of “Style.” This is about profiles, specifically Rob Sheffield’s profile of Harry in Rolling Stone, and Laura Snapes’ profile of Taylor in the Guardian, and what we learn about / what we want to learn about pop stars when we read these kinds of in-depth interviews.
In a 2014 piece for Believer on the history and trajectory of celebrity profiles, Anne Helen Petersen wrote that as a genre of journalism, the profile “sells the celebrity’s image and the values that image is made to represent.” Profiles contribute to how we understand or come to know stars; they’re the publicity and promotion end of Richard Dyer’s “star image,” that composite puzzle piece of who celebrities are in public, but packaged under the guise of private truth or a peek under the curtain. I will never go to Taylor Swift’s Nashville home, but Laura can tell me about the stickers on her oven, and it will communicate something to me about Taylor that I did not know before, and perhaps I will feel closer to her. While truly “knowing” a celebrity is the impossible project of their consumption, a good interview provides the brief illusion of it. The promise of a good profile rests within the understanding/belief/hope that the off-stage “truth” of a celebrity is theoretically discoverable with the turn of a good question or an in media res lede. Frank Sinatra has a cold, and Harry Styles has brought his purse to lunch.
I’ve been thinking a lot over the last year about how profiles contribute to our understanding of stars, and what role they play now, when most of our information about our faves comes from social media, whether that be on stars’ own or fans’ (see: the rise of the update account, that great and problematic aggregator of stan info). Last fall, in a piece lamenting the “death” of the celebrity profile, the New York Times’ Jon Caramanica wrote that “monologue, not dialogue… threatens to upend the role of the celebrity press.” Celebrities, in Caramanica’s analysis, were either not talking (Taylor Swift, Drake, Beyonce), or talking too much on social media, making the “intimate perspective and behind-the-scenes access” promised by celebrity journalism “largely irrelevant.” This is a little dumb, but mostly short-sighted, because the oversaturation of celebrities’ own content online only strengthens the case for a good profile that can (de)construct our stars beyond whatever Taylor Swift’s publicist wants her to post, or even what Taylor herself does; it makes the best ones all the more interesting for their ability to communicate the celebrity unmediated by their preferred Instagram filters. In response to this NYT piece last September, I started (and ultimately abandoned) a tinyletter about profiles, in the draft of which I wrote:
I like my pop stars like I like most places, most people: quiet. If the defining property of celebrity is its undefinable magic — the other, sparkly essence that makes this or that person different, representative, worthy of their visibility in public — then too much noise (literal or figurative) kind of ruins it for me. This is not to say that I want to hear from them never, but rather that the unknown is more interesting and productive than it gets credit for, and oversaturation diminishes the potential of interpretation or imagination. I want to know that there is something to know about my favorite celebrity, but I don’t want it handed to me on a silver platter (or Instagram story).
When I wrote this, I was in a post-dissertation high, hyped up on the magic of writing about Harry Styles fans projecting onto his rhetorical void, and I wanted to kind of defend the beauty of a quiet pop star. I read this now and I laugh, not because I totally disagree with it, but mostly because it’s so complicated. I am both personally and academically fascinated by the kind of empty signification that has marked Harry’s last 4 years in public, but not all silence is equal. And while projecting into / interpreting vagueness can be fun and interesting, it is nice to hear him speak again and remember why I love him. It is nice to have new things to read in a profile, new pieces to contribute to the puzzle that is how I understand Harry Styles’ personality.
Rob’s profile is a treasure trove of these puzzle pieces — meditation (!), dulcimers (!!), mushrooms (!!!) — stitched together with all the trademark enthusiasm and care of my favorite of his work. I love Rob’s writing not least because it so often communicates that same love and emotion I feel for the things I love, the people I’m a fan of, in a way that bridges the gap between the over-detached but unserious way of approaching artists beloved by young women. In a media landscape which expresses cynicism about the artistic integrity/validity of subjects of the female gaze, while simultaneously fetishizing young girls as uniquely prescient tastemakers, Rob’s writing is both intelligent and earnest, neither dismissive nor overly reverential.
But the rub of this profile, of course, is that Rob and Harry are friends, and it is impossible to forget this. In the NYT piece, Caramanica writes that the “covenant” of celebrity profiles is that “the journalist is the proxy for the reader, not the subject,” but in Rolling Stone the line feels blurred, and perhaps purposefully so; the allure of this piece in the weeks building up to it, for so many fans, was that Rob himself was writing it. The elephant in the room (addressed paranthetically in-text) is perhaps that this piece exists in this form because of their relationship, not the other way around. Friendship begets not only ease of subject, but access. This interview is the result of an extraordinary level of time spent with Styles, granted over several days in two countries. In a recent piece for Columbia Journalism Review on celebrity access in music journalism, Jeremy Gordon described a typical process for securing an in-depth feature: “An editor asks a publicist for four days with an artist; that gets bargained down to two. A writer pitches a profile; it turns out there’s only time for a Q&A over the phone…. An artist’s availability is inversely related to their fame; even when available, they have to be a willing participant in sharing their story.” That every substantive interview Styles has ever given was either written by an older, white male friend (Rob, Cameron Crowe) or a Q&A with another famous person (in Another Man, Chelsea Handler and Paul McCartney) both qualifies his willingness to share his story, but also explains so much of the feeling of his “silence” even when he is speaking. If the promise of a good profile is the potential for some unearthed private truth, there is a sense to every word safely printed about Styles that cuts that possibility off at the knees.
Over the weekend, Laura published an interview with Taylor that withheld few punches; for the first time, Taylor was on record speaking about a whole host of issues, from white supremacy to Weinstein and the 2016 election. That Laura got Taylor to so gamely talk about all of these complicated topics with only around an hour of time with her in Nashville is impressive enough, but the deftness with which she navigates and unpacks Swift’s responses, while simultaneously holding a really empathetic, humanizing mirror up to this routinely dehumanized megastar is both incredibly smooth and admirably smart. In the end, this is a fundamentally different type of piece than Rob’s on Harry, in the same way that Harry and Taylor are differently marketed and portrayed and publicly consumed. While Harry’s silence has always been a mirror, the void of which we fill to reflect ourselves, Taylor’s has always been an empty room we have begged her to fill. She must answer for herself, she must atone, and in the end we will be surprised when she comes across as so human and understandable, while Harry Styles rides around Malibu in a Tesla.
I love both of these profiles, subjects, writers. This is not to say one is wrong, or one is better, but instead perhaps to highlight both the inherent double standards around how we talk about stars like Harry and Taylor (and specifically, Harry and Taylor, as my friend Fiona catalogues in this thread here), but also to unpack more critically what that actually looks like in practice, what the variety of possible secrets we seek look like on the page. Harry Styles gets praised for briefly mentioning white privilege in print, while the collective response to Taylor Swift’s lengthy justification of her own politics is a half-annoyed feeling of “finally.” This is for so many reasons, and 99% of them are of course about gender. As Fiona wrote on Twitter, “It’s just frustrating how women are expected to bring their whole emotional lives to their art, and are then criticised for doing so. Meanwhile we’re meant to admire HS for... articulating emotions? And accessing them with the help of mushrooms? How brave! How bold!” More broadly, that we want different things out of a profile on Harry than we do on Taylor is not alone the result of how they perform themselves, but also how we receive and relate to them; it is as much about the degree of scrutiny we subject them to as it is the amount they are willing to sit down for us, if a friend or stranger is speaking with them.
And we all want different answers. I would have killed to hear Laura talk with Taylor about pop-fandom-as-scavenger-hunt, and the broader implications/ramifications of that odd quote from the Entertainment Weekly article in May about how she “trained” fans to essentially become online conspiracy theorists. In Rolling Stone, it was jarring to see Harry praise fans’ “bullshit detector” without Rob interrogating what that even means — While Harry’s quote about holding up Black Lives Matter flags is a good one, the piece takes the sentiment at face value, and doesn’t address the year-long, international effort by fans trying to get him to speak up about BLM on stage. Each of these pieces would have probably looked totally different if the other had written them, or if someone else entirely had tackled it, and yet profiles still hold such oddly tremendous weight with regard to the star image, particularly with acts like Taylor and Harry who so rarely allow them. That such a disparate and varying chain of events and relationships (where the interview takes place, how long they get, if the writer knows them, if they play hard or softball with questions, how they follow up, etc) provides this information which figures so heavily in how we relate to and understand stars is endlessly fascinating. It also kind of highlights the complete futility of pretending to really know anything about celebrities we love, which is honestly perhaps the most comforting bit of all.
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oddlyyyh-blog · 7 years
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can say that @taylorswift was really exciteddd tooo.. She does even leaked her own albummm!!! Goshhhh taylorrrrr!!! 😍 ❤️ ❤️ i love you soooooooooooo muchh!!! 🤗🤗😘 Want to hearrrr track no. 2 with ed sheeran & 15 that is i think about Harry. Lol😂😍💞 @taylorswift i love you so muchhhhh!!!!!!! 😍 #Reputation #3moredays #ENDGAME #NEWYEARSDAY #EDTAYLOR #HARRYANDTAYLOR ps: i thought there's a collab with selena gomez??🤔🤔🤔
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differentpainterfan · 5 years
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FOLLOW ME!! @sparklep8nter @dayz.awesome.swifties @taylorswift13 @taylorswift @taylornation @harrystyles More into my white tee red lips theory... Remember at Wango Tango she sang We Never Go Out of Style? And now all his pastel nail and peace signs... But I just think they'd do really well on a collab for TS7...!! And if she has a Whole collab Album... (you) that would be AwesoME!! And Me with Solos!! #dayztaytheory #ts7 awesome #ts7whiteteeredlips #whiteteeredlips #harrystyles #ts7collabs #ts7theories #wenevergooutofstyle #taylorandharry #harryandtaylor #tayandharry #harrystylesandtaylorswift #taylorswift #taylurking #taylorlurking https://www.instagram.com/p/ByhAMstnJVx/?igshid=5aq1pfwl877z
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oddlyyyh-blog · 7 years
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okay first of all this is not a drama.. i know taylor is now happy with her love life and it is because of joe alwyn, and i don't have a problem with that. ❤️ but honestly im still accepting the fact that maybe one day she'll going to marry him (coz why not he is a great guy). I was just very sad that Harry and Taylor will never ever getting back together, i hate it so muchh.. i really love them both as in!! I am shipping Haylor for years and was hoping for another round of their great great love. When i first saw them as i couple, i felt like im inlove.. I can feel the love.. So strong! it's hard to explain how i felt when i always see them together. Well personally i never been inlove so i don't even know what is the feeling.. But by just looking at them 'Yeah i can say that it is love, they're inlove! And i am too' it was an a unexplainable feeling for me that only harry and taylor can give. it was lit!! Yeahh but it's almost 5 years when they broke up but i have this feeling that Harry Styles still love her and same as Taylor. It's just that, it's hard to admit it, of course because of the haters and such.. I HATE THEM! but anyways don't hate me for this i was just expressing how i feel about them. ❤️ Haylor for life!!! I love you guys!!! Forever. ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Sorry joe. #harryandtaylor #Jelenaisback and so does haylor too. LOL IN MY WILDEST DREAMSSS:( @taylorswift @harrystyles
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afairyfailstory · 11 years
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For those who don't ship HAYLOR - Sorry :(
For those who ship HAYLOR - This photo is for you.
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fighting-this-life · 11 years
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@harrystyles I respect you and @taylorswift . I'm not gunna put any hate out and it's rediculous how rude people are being towards you! Stay strong harry and don't listen to what people say! 😘 #harrystyles #taylorswift #haylor #respect @respecthaylor #poorharry #cry #poorguy #hate #onedirection #rediculous #harryandtaylor #taylorandharry
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