aoibhs · 7 years
Introduction To Elizabeth Shaw
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
She fidgeted with a loose strand of her hair. Nervous. Elizabeth was chosen to be a member of the society. She knew that. She understood that she was wealthy and smart. That was what was expected of each member. It was highly flattering, seeing as only ten would be chosen for the Socialite Society of Oxford University. Still, she was very nervous to be meeting with her fellow club members for the first time since her initiation. What if they didn't like her? Elizabeth mentally scolded herself for thinking like that. Here she was, in her first year of university, yet she was worrying herself with events that hadn't happened yet like a child on their first day of school. Not that she could help herself. She always made her anxieties worse by feeding them with paranoia and over thinking the situation entirely.
They were meeting outside the library. She was nearly disappointed that she wouldn't get to go inside. She quite liked the library. But it was clearly for the best. There was no need for the society to go and have their meeting in there. Plus, Honora had told her that Victoria and Meredith often got rowdy when they were together. So, a strictly silent library was not the ideal place for a club meeting.
But obviously, Elizabeth just had to get lost first. She had been to the library twice since Freshers' Week had come to a close and had admittedly been putting it off seeing as it took her an hour and a half to find it the first time.
"You okay?"
She spun around to see three young men. They were at least in their second year. All of them were taller than her, had dark hair and were very attractive. Elizabeth felt her pulse quicken and her face heat up. She cringed internally at the thought that she had been caught getting lost by older, male students.
"I'm.. um, just looking for the library," She gave them a nervous smile, "I've just lost my way is all,"
"We'll help you!" The tallest of the three exclaimed. He seemed so very eager, grinning ear-to-ear.
"Oh, well, if you could just point me in the right direction, I would be ever so grateful," She was taken aback by his keen smile.
"Nonsense, we'll take you there ourselves," The one with the beige trench coat decided to lead her away by her elbow.
"What? No no no, you don't have to," Elizabeth nearly laughed out of disorientation.
"We're going there anyway, so... yeah we do," The shortest one with curly hair said, walking in front of them and facing them as he walked in reverse down the pathway.
"Don't mention it," The one in the coat basically sighed, as if he was trying appear humble.
"I.. didn't..," Elizabeth's eyes flickered around their sockets, as she tried to recollect whether or not she had thanked them.
"Ooh! You just got completely rinsed!" The curly haired one snorted, gaining a laugh from his tall friend and an eye roll from the one in the coat.
Elizabeth blushed for a number of reasons then. 1. Because she felt she was the center of attention and 2. Because she finally noticed that the one in the coat still had his hand upon her elbow.
"So.. what's going on in the library?" The tall one leaned over to get a better look at her, since his friend was blocking his view, "Got an essay you need our help finishing?"
Elizabeth actually laughed at that. They didn't even know what she was studying.
"Umm, no," She chuckled, "I've just got a club meeting outside it,"
"Oh really?" His face filled with childish glee, "What club is that?"
"The Socialite Society," She nodded, staring at her black shoes walking on the path.
"Oh my wow, seriously?!" The coat guy stopped walking, forcing her to a stop, "That's like the best club for any young woman to be a part of,"
"You must've really impressed them to be nominated," The curly haired one nodded in agreement, smirking at Elizabeth.
"Well, I'm still trying to get my head around that myself," Her free hand reached up to tuck that loose strand of hair behind her ear while she released some nervous chuckles, spurring her to start walking again.
"I'm gonna guess.. successful family?" The tall one pointed at her assumingly, only to get his hand swatted away by the coat guy.
"I suppose," She merely chuckled because she did not know what else to do, "My father the manager of several accountancy firms, my mother is an editor with this publishers company and my eldest brother has started an internship in Downing Street,"
"Fuck," He seemed surprised by the great length of her reply.
"What's the name of the accountancy firm? I might know it," The coat guy asked her.
"Shaw's" She replied.
"No way!" The curly haired one gasped, "Didn't Leighton have an interview with them last week?"
"So which of the lovely Shaw family to we have the honor of escorting to the library?" She didn't need to look up to see the smirk on the coat guy's lips.
"Elizabeth," She muttered, embarrassed suddenly. She wasn't completely sure why though. Maybe it was the mention of her family. Maybe it had just dawned on her that she had held the attention of three good looking males for over two minutes.
"Ed Montgomery!" The tall one reached across the coat guy again, much to his annoyance, to shake Elizabeth's hand. The coat guy was somewhere between giving out to Ed and trying to introduce himself when he was cut off.
"I'm Toby Maitland!" The curly haired one beamed at her, grabbing her hand to shake it before Ed had even finished.
"Pleasure to meet you," Elizabeth spluttered, becoming disorientated again by all the sudden action.
"Guy Bellingfield," The coat guy's name actually was Guy and Elizabeth had to try her very best not to laugh. She was quickly distracted anyway when he took ahold of her hand, "And the pleasure is all mine, Miss Shaw,"
Elizabeth literally had no idea how to respond, her face burning red and her heart on the verge of ninety miles an hour.
"Okay," She nodded, biting at her bottom lip furiously, trying to keep herself from saying anything that might further embarrass herself. That's when she noticed the library that was nine feet in front of them, "Well, I do appreciate you escorting me here. Goodness knows where I'd have ended up if you hadn't have come across me,"
"Maybe we could do it again sometime," Ed grinned hopefully.
Elizabeth only giggled slightly,walking ahead of them, breaking the contact with Guy's hand and hers.
"Well, thank you gentlemen, I really do appreciate this," She said looking back at them as she began to walk up the steps leading to the library's double doors. Poppy was already up there at the entrance with Josephine.
"Don't mention it," Guy smiled as they followed her.
"Evening ladies," Ed said to her friends waiting at the top of the stairs.
"Boys," Poppy nodded them in response.
That's where they parted ways. Ed was the first one to go through the doors.
"Till we meet again," Toby gave her a cheeky wink before he followed Ed.
"Lovely to meet you, Elizabeth," Guy decided to wait there to shake her hand again, but he lingered with an awkward smile on his face for a few seconds. And only after that did he go into the library.
"You've been busy," Poppy teased, a pink smirk on her lips.
"Oh shush," Elizabeth waved her hand, then used it to cover the lower part of her face. Not that it would cover up the red gracing her cheeks.
"They're pretty though, aren't they?" Poppy leaned towards the double doors, trying to look at them through the glass, "Those Riot boys,"
"Wait, they're from The Riot Club?" Josephine basically jumped with her gasp, "I would've smiled at them had I known that!"
Poppy just laughed. Elizabeth understood why they had become so interested in her once she had mentioned being a member of the Socialite Society.
"Oh, there's Honora and Louisa," Poppy nudged Elizabeth's shoulder, both of them turning around to greet their friends.
"The fuck is Sunniva?" Louisa said before they even got to the steps.
"Not here," Josephine laughed.
"She texted me to say she was leaving her flat about fifteen minutes ago," Poppy unlocked her phone to check what their club's chairperson had said.
The doors to the library burst open and Ed and Toby scurried out, dragged another male behind them.
"Excuse me ladies, make way!" Guy's voice called from just inside the doors before he emerged as well.
"Hi Miles," Poppy waved to the boy on the ground jokingly.
"Let go! The stairs hurt my fucking back!" Miles yelled at Toby and Ed, who were laughing uncontrollably.
"Don't mind us," Guy waved his hand dismissively.
"Initiations?" Poppy smiled, understanding what was going on, "I thought you would've done that ages ago,"
"You only did yours last week as far as I've heard," He smirked at her, "No need to be smug,"
Honora scoffed and rolled her eyes at that.
"Come on, Bellend!" Toby called from down the path.
"Duty call, ladies," He nearly bounced down the steps, following the other Riot boys.
Chapter Two
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aoibhs · 7 years
Good Morning Oxford!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Well..," Elizabeth looked around, noticing that all her fellow club members had already left. Even Poppy. They were probably all so drunk that they either forgot about her, thought she had gone home or thought that she was, in fact, still with them. She exhaled at the thought and did her best to keep calm. She wasn't going to fly off the handle in front of all these beautiful boys, even if alcohol usually had the emotional effect on her. She was determined not to start crying over something stupid like that, "It's getting late. I should be getting back," "Where would you go? The night's only starting," The pretty boy, Harry, said. There was a childish quality to his smile in that moment. "The girls have disappeared," Elizabeth shrugged a laugh, "It seems we've been talking for longer than I thought," "No no no, have another drink!" Toby hugged her waist, in both a protective and highly clingy fashion. "It's late guys, I can't," She shook her head, trying to pry Toby's arms from her torso. "Are you staying on campus?" Dimitri asked before downing the remaining dregs of his drink. "Yeah," She finally got him off, but wound up spinning around in a circle in the process, nearly falling over. James stepped in to steady her. She noticed George leaning against the wall, pointing at her with his mouth ajar, as if he was just about to tell someone to catch her but the alcohol had slowed his reactions down quite a bit. When he realized that James had already stepped in, he just slowly and awkwardly lowered his hand and looked away, completely bewildered. "Do you need a lift?" Dimitri didn't even notice that she nearly fell over, he was too busy straightening out the cuffs of his shirt. "Oh no, I'll be fine walking," She smiled, taking a step back towards the nightclub that was beginning to empty. "It's two in the morning, Lizzy," James furrowed his eyebrows. "Anything could happen to you out there!" Guy leaned towards her, trying to get past Ed who was, once again, blocking his view of her. His eyes were wide with alarm. Elizabeth wondered if he opened them any widen if they would pop right out of his head. "It's a scary world out there," Harry smirked over at her. "I'm not afraid of a few muggers," She rolled her eyes, knowing Harry was just attempting to spook her for the fun of it. "Well, you should be," Guy said curtly, stepping forward properly, "And if you're going to be that reckless then I insist on walking you back," As he finished speaking, he fixed his hair, which wasn't particularly messy in the first place. "Oh you've done it now," James chuckled. "But I-" "No," Guy held his hand up to cut her off, "I'm going with you," "Either he goes with you or we all do," George slurred slightly from the wall. Ed actually looked at Toby with genuine excitement. Dimitri and Harry just started laughing, knowing how the situation would play out. "Let's go, Guy," She tapped him on the shoulder and swiftly turned on her heel to walk back into the club. "Are you ashamed of us!?" Dimitri jokingly called after her. "Give me a reason not to be!" She called back, laughing, "Goodnight!" There was a chorus of goodnights from a mixture of Toby, Ed and James and then there came a faint one about twelve seconds after, Elizabeth figured that one was George. She waited at the main door for Guy to get his coat from the cloakroom, he didn't take too long thankfully, so they got to walking quick enough. The streets were ridiculously empty. The people of Oxford were sound asleep. And the silence was a little unnerving between the two of them. He kept turning to her, about to say something but then turning away. He did this at least four times before Elizabeth began to pity his intoxicated mind. "You didn't have to do this," She looked down at her black high heels clicking against the carefully cobbled street. "Of course I did," He scoffed, "Are you cold?" "Hmm?" Her eyes snapped up to his at the question, "What?" "Are you cold?" He gestured to her hands that were clutching her forearms. "Oh no, I'm fine," She chuckled nervously. She was lying and it was very obvious but she wasn't going to demand anything from him. He was already walking her back to her dorm as it was. She was caught off guard when Poppy invited her to go out. She told her to get ready quickly, so she ran out of her dorm as fast as she could once she had applied that last bit of cherry red lipstick, and completely forgot her jacket. "Alright," He said, looking on ahead. There was a short spell of quiet again. But Guy figured that he should say something this time, since she spoke first the last time, "What school did you go to? Cheltenham?" "No, um.. Actually I went to Cambridge," She smiled awkwardly. "Fuck off. Seriously?" He pulled a strange shocked face that caused Elizabeth to burst out laughing. "Yeah, my family is pro-Cambridge," She tucked a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, nodding as she spoke. "But you're at Oxford.." He was so confused, it was nearly adorable. In fact, it was. "Yes," She laughed, "Yes, I am," "Wouldn't your family prefer it if you were a Cambridge student?" "Very much so," She sighed, rubbing her arms again self-consciously, "I'm, eh.. I'm the family disappointment, if you will," She joked. "So, your parents went to Cambridge?" "Yeah and my older brothers," "So, why Oxford?" "I liked the course better, I liked the university better," She shrugged, smiling a little. "That's remarkable!" He beamed at her. "Is it?" Elizabeth snorted slightly to herself, tucking another non-existent strand of hair behind her ear. "Do you want my coat?" "No!" Elizabeth wasn't prepared for the abrupt subject change and panicked, trying to keep him from doing anything else for her. So, her panic-fueled mind forced her voice to come off far more defensive and aggressive than she would ever hope. She blinked, shocked at herself, "I.. I mean.. What?" Guy, laughing, began to remove his beige coat. "You're clearly freezing. Here," He draped it over her shoulders before she could push him away. "Guy, I'm honestly fine," Her protests were pointless. "It's October in England. Don't tell me you're not freezing," He smirked, knowing he had won. "You are just impossible, Guy Bellingfield," She shook her head at him, smiling and reaching up to hold the coat in place. "Oh stop it," He waved his hand in quite a girly way, causing Elizabeth to go into a fit of giggles. "Do you have a dorm here too?" She managed to ask after she finished laughing. "No, Dimitri and I have our own flats in the area," He said. "What? They're probably on the other side of the city," Elizabeth's eyes widened, "You can't be walking me home, you'll be walking miles to get home," She grabbed the coat from her shoulders and held it up for him to take. "Lizzy, relax. I told you I'd walk you back and I intent to do so," Why was he smirking? "But you'll have to walk back.." She trailed off. Another argument lost. "I will give Dimitri a call who will be by shortly to drive me back," That's why he was smirking, "What else is a Greek useful for anyway?" Elizabeth laughed grimly, shaking her head disapprovingly, but still laughing nonetheless, "Now, will you please put the coat back on?" Elizabeth looked down at the coat and nearly groaned, "Dear God, the things I have to do," Guy shook his head and grabbed the jacket from her, forcing it back onto her shoulders. "You didn't have to do any of this," She huffed, but playfully. In fairness, she was still laughing. "You are the one who wanted to walk home alone on a cold October night," He poked her shoulder, "Shaw, you left me with no choice," "Oh, I do apologize," Her sarcastic words gained a false glare from Guy. "There's no need to attack me," He placed a hand on his chest as if she had literally attacked him, "I'm just a good citizen, doing what any nobleman would do," "Yes, I would've had an entire entourage of Riot Club members if I wanted," She looked into the distance with a dreamy smile of her lips. "Yeah? Well, I offered first," He nodded, almost proud of himself. "Nothing about 'I insist on walking you home' is offering," She smirked. "Go back to Cambridge," He shoved her playfully. Of course, this spiraled into a full-fledged play fight. It had to stop when Guy nearly pushed Elizabeth into the fountain in the square. When he was helping her up,both of them laughing like children, barely inches between them, Guy's phone started ringing. He smiled apologetically and stepped away to answer it, leaving Elizabeth to stand there, a blushing mess. "Bellend, where the fuck are you? Did you die?" It was Dimitri. "We're nearly at the University grounds, no need to worry about me," He chuckled in a haughty manner. "You're only getting there now?" Dimitri sounded both shocked and disappointed, but also massively baffled, "Mate, it's four in the morning," "Oh... well, good morning!" As he spoke, he looked over at Elizabeth sitting by the fountain and smiled at her. She chuckled and looked at her feet. "I'm not coming to get you, Bellend," "Yes, you are," He said. "I'm fucking tired, mate. Walk home," "But I'm.... lost and scared, Dimitri, you have to help me," He searched his brain for excuses. "....Okay fine, meet me back at the club in ten minutes, Bellingfield," Dimitri sighed and hung up. "Is everything okay?" Elizabeth's voice drifted over from the fountain. "I need to go," He smiled awkwardly, not entirely happy with the outcome of the evening, "Is your dorm far from here?" "It's literally just inside there," She pointed over to the main gates of the university, "Why? What's happened?" "The Greek's having a revolution," He rolled his eyes. "I told you not to walk me home!" She slapped his shoulder. "Ow!" "Here," She handed him his coat. "Thanks, but I'm really sorry, I've got to run," His face filled with dread, "Will you be okay from here on your own?" "I'll be fine, now go!" She gave him a slight push. "See you later!" He called as he started to run down the road again. He hated running. He kept finding himself glancing back at her and she was still there each time, waiting for him to be out of sight. Once he was gone, Elizabeth sighed and brought her palms up to touch her cheeks. She was surprised her skin hadn't burned right of her flesh. The heat radiating from her face could probably be sensed miles away and be mistaken for a burning house. "Yeah.." She began to walk towards the gates and sighed, smiling to herself, "See you later,"
Chapter Four
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
Throughout the following week at Oxford, Elizabeth and her new friends had witnessed the Riot boys on several occasions trying to sneak about in a very conspicuous manner. Poppy explained to her what the club's initiations entailed. Elizabeth was on her way to a Drama Society meeting one of the days when she saw Miles running out of the choir room drenched in port. Of course he was eagerly followed by Toby, Ed and Guy, as well as Honora's cousin Dimitri and some other guy called Hugo. Whenever she told Poppy anything about Miles, she would get very excited and ask Elizabeth countless questions. That made her a little suspicious. She wondered if Poppy knew how obvious she was acting. She wondered if Poppy cared. The other girls of the club weren't like Elizabeth. They didn't care about hurting feelings or ruining friendships. They cared about reputations. They cared that they always looked their best. They never let much get under their skin, unless a peasant mistreated them. Elizabeth had been told multiple times that she was too nice for the club. Meredith openly told her that being polite would get her nowhere. At first, it worried her. She felt out of place. But it was fine really after a short while. Poppy nominated her, Sunniva approved, she got into the club. Meredith was just one opinionated girl. And she still liked the others. They had begun going out to the nearest nightclub and Poppy would invite her to come along before anyone would let her just go back to her dorm to study. Poppy was good to her like that. She was basically a roommate to her. They were only across the hall from each other. They nearly had a ritual every morning. Elizabeth would meet her on the floor below them just as she finished talking to the tall, earnest first year. Elizabeth was admittedly quite intimidated by him and not a little afraid. Ryle was his name according to Poppy. Alistair Ryle. Good looking boy. But still a bit intense. Once they met in the hallway, the girls would make their way outside and find the nearest coffee shop. They'd get their usual orders of coffee, with or without some sort of pastry, and then find a bench within the grounds to drink and converse. Those conversations were mainly about how great a guy Miles was, in Poppy's opinion. Elizabeth just usually quoted over and over how nice the boys were to help her when she was lost. But that always just made Poppy wink and wiggle her eyebrows, which just embarrassed Elizabeth and made her instantly regret saying it.
But a nightclub was a very different setting altogether. The girls loved their nights out. Elizabeth was excited to be a part of it but wasn't sure if she would drink much or not. She had been branded with the title lightweight the last time she went out. It didn't take her long to get drunk. She didn't want to make a fool of herself not after only just getting accepted into the club. A few glasses of rosé seemed like the best option for her before going for the stronger stuff later on, because at that stage the others would be smashed anyway. She was helping herself to a glass of rosé at the bar, taking a rest from all the dancing. She couldn't help but admire all the energy Honora and Louisa had on the dance floor. They just never grew tired. According to Sunniva, Josephine was already vomiting in the ladies room with only Imogen to help her, who then also started vomiting. Yeah, Elizabeth was happy sticking with the rosé for a bit longer. Poppy tried to get her up to dance to some Rihanna song a few times but then eventually got the idea that she was wrecked and wasn't drunk enough to pretend to like the song. "Oh my God!" Elizabeth could barely hear the gasp over the pounding music, "Tubes, look!" "Shaw!!" She turned around and saw Ed and Toby slouching over the bar with excited grins on their faces. "Hey," She smiled before taking another sip of her drink. "Are you lost? Cause we found you again!" Ed shouted over the music. Elizabeth pretended to laugh. It didn't matter really though, they wouldn't be able to hear her regardless. "Are you alone? You can come sit with us if you want?" Toby leaned over to her, so she could hear him better. "Thanks but I'm here with friends," She nodded in the direction of the dance floor. "You sure? There's room over here!" Ed copied his friend, leaning in as well. "Where are my two favourite rascals?!" Another one of them forced them apart, slinging an arm around each of their shoulders and joining in on the conversation from in between them. It was Guy. "Look who's not at the library?" Ed pointed at Elizabeth, who went for another mouthful of rosé. "Lizzy Shaw! Great to see you!" He reached across to shake her hand, catching her off guard. She nearly spilled her drink. Why was he so keen on shaking her hand anyway? He already did that twice when they first met. Was it really necessary? But, oh yeah, he was probably drunk. "Hello," She smiled awkwardly, hoping the dark club would hide her growing blush. "Come over and meet the others!" Ed began tugging at her hand as soon as Guy was finished, which was at a weird angle since he was the furthest away from her, "They'd love to meet you!" Elizabeth immediately downed her drink, praying that it'd just give her enough of a boost to step away from the bar, but of course, without falling flat on her face. "Come on!" Toby didn't wait for a reply from her and pulled on her free hand, leading her through big metal doors that were wide open. It was just a smoking area, nothing special. Well, there were at least four well dressed and gorgeous young men standing around. Some had a cigarette between their lips but most off them were just talking and drinking. When Toby let go of her, she stopped suddenly, causing Guy and Ed to bump into her, nearly knocking her off her feet. "What's this?" One of the smokers said, and God, he had perfect hair. "This is our good friend, Lizzy!" Toby grabbed her hand again, waving it around this time. "Elizabeth is fine," She chuckled awkwardly, trying to ignore all the eyes on her. "She's in the Socialite Society!" Elizabeth had to look up to see who had decided to grip her shoulders suddenly. It was Ed, who also decided to rest his head on the top of hers. She stifled a laugh. "She's my friend!" Guy announced loudly, gaining some odd looks from a few of them, including Elizabeth. "George Balfour, how do you do?" The doe-eyed, sandy haired one stepped forward to shake her hand before he stepped back again. "Very well, thank you," She smiled, "Elizabeth Shaw, nice to meet you," "You're not a relation of-?" "The accountancy Shaws, yeah," She nodded, cutting the blonde with the amazing cheekbones off, knowing exactly what he was going to ask, "My father manages it," "I didn't know they had a daughter," The pretty smoker said. "Do you know my family?" Elizabeth furrowed her eyebrows. "We only know of them," The blonde interjected before the other got a chance to speak again, "I had an interview with your father a few weeks ago," "I've been told," She shrugged a little, forgetting that Ed was still clinging to her shoulders, "If you'd like, I could put a good word in for you?" "That's awfully kind of you, Lizzy, but I'd prefer to earn my place there," "Oh no, I understand entirely," She chuckled awkwardly again. How many boys were looking at her? Six? Seven? It was definitely a record for her anyway. "Would you like a drink?" When the blonde asked her that, she felt the heat on her cheeks rush to her forehead. She felt dizzy. This was a new experience. "...Sure, yeah," She stood there with her mouth agape before she remembered how to speak and gave a nod, knocking Ed off from her head. He went ahead through the metal doors again, she didn't hang around and followed him, weaving in between Guy and Ed. "What would you like?" He asked her, just before the music blotted out all normal talking voices. "A...," She trailed off, looking around at the girls falling around the dance floor, "A vodka black, please," He leaned in to the bar man, handing him the money. Then there was only to wait. "I didn't catch your name," She said. "James Leighton-Masters," He smirked slightly. "Thanks for the drink, James," "You haven't even got it yet," He laughed. Elizabeth just shrugged, looking back to the crowd of drunken dancers. She was astonished to see Honora and Louisa still dancing with as much gusto as they had been hours before. "Are you in The Riot Club as well?" She turned back to ask him. Then he chuckled to himself, "What?" "I'm actually the president," "Oh, very fancy," She laughed, feeling a little embarrassed but it wasn't too bad. She was still getting a free drink. "Do you want to stay here or go back outside?" James asked once their drinks were placed on the bar's counter. "Outside is fine," Elizabeth smiled, nearly keen to go talking to the boys now. "Lead the way," He picked up both glasses so she could go ahead towards the smoking area again. "Shaw!!" Toby basically tackled her once she got back outside. "Hello," She awkwardly sang, taken aback completely. "I thought you and Leighton went for drinks?" Guy look at her confused. "Relax Bellend," The tanned one that was Honora's cousin, Dimitri, rolled his eyes at him. "Here, this is yours," James handed her the right glass and stepped back to where he was standing before. "Thank you," She smiled again and took a quick sip. "So tell us, Lizzy," Dimitri said after finishing off his own drink, "What's a girl like you doing at a place like Oxford?" "I'm sorry?" "Are you going to be the next big accountant from the Shaw family?" The pretty boy spoke up. "Oh, um.. no. I'm studying literature," Elizabeth fixed her gaze on her glass. "Not even finance or business?" George tilted his head. "Afraid not, I've never been good with numbers," She shook her head, feeling embarrassed again. "Oh well, can't have everything," The pretty one shrugged. "You write?" Guy asked, stepping a bit closer. "Try to," Elizabeth spluttered a laugh, then took a big swig from her glass. She felt the alcohol go buzzing straight to her head, it nearly caused a headache straight away. "I'd love to read some of your masterpieces," That was a bit weird. It wasn't just Elizabeth who noticed. Everyone was giving Guy funny looks. Even Toby. But, oh yeah, he was probably drunk.
Chapter Three
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aoibhs · 7 years
All Dressed Up
Chapter One 
Chapter Sixteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Tamsin?" Dimitri turned to her. They were just after finishing the main course and were waiting patiently for pudding, "What have you been doing all night? "How do you mean?" Tamsin was still leaning her chin against her propped up hands, gazing at him innocently. "This is what I mean," He gestured to her entire being, "Why are you acting like a crazy person?" "No, I'm not," She shook her head. It was exceedingly unconvincing and she knew it. "I'm not-" Dimitri stopped himself, and sighed, "What do you want, Tamsin?" "What?" She straighten her back, sitting upright again. "Is it money?" "No," "Then what?" Tamsin didn't reply straight away. She paused. Then picked up her glass of red wine and knocked it back. Then she placed the empty glass back on the table and reached over the corner of the table to get ahold of both sides of Dimitri's face and kissed him, full on the lips. They didn't break away or stop or anything. It just went on and on and on. "Oh wow, gosh," Elizabeth looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone and blushing ferociously. "You're married, Lizzy," George laughed, "Surely, you and Leighton are used to this sort of thing," "Only every Tuesday," Elizabeth couldn't help but smirk a little at her own comment. "What do you have on Tuesdays?" James looked at her. "Well, I-" "She has two English lectures from ten until twelve, followed by a tutorial in modern English literature at three and then drama rehearsals from half six to half eight," Guy said. He said it as if he were the most clever person on earth. He said it as if he had just cured Cancer. "I'm impressed," George's eyes went wider than usual, surprise evident on his face. "I'm not," Elizabeth frowned looking at Guy, "How did you know that?" "..You're looking lovely tonight," He replied solemnly, his clever imagine of two seconds beforehand had been shattered. He was now reduced to a creepy stalker. "Guy," She didn't look impressed. Not scary. Just not impressed. And Guy had to mentally slap himself because there was a point where all he could think of was how cute she looked. "Umm..," He began to shrug. Over her shoulder, he could see James looking like he was about to burst with the containment of his laughter. Guy had really dug a hole for himself. "It was me," Poppy waved her arms slightly, getting Elizabeth's attention, "He asked where you were once and I just gave him a copy of your timetable," "What?" "I didn't think you'd mind," Poppy scoffed, both her and Alistair laughing at the situation. "Do you.. mind?" Guy looked at her so awkwardly. So awkwardly. Like a child in trouble. "I mean," She raised her hand to her burning face, "Next time don't make it sound like you follow me around," "He does," Dimitri briefly broke away from Tamsin. "I do not," The look of panic was hysterically evident in Guy's face. "God, I hope not," Elizabeth chuckled, reaching for her glass of gin and lemonade, "You'd be so bored if you did," "Don't put yourself down," George said sadly from in front of her. "Yes. I'm sure loads of people would love to stalk you," Alistair said in a very calm voice. Poppy burst out laughing. Elizabeth wasn't sure how to react. "That is not what I meant," George tapped the edge of the table with his index finger as he spoke. "It's fine," Elizabeth shook her head, wishing that would be the end of the conversation. "Dimitri dear, stop that please," Elena touched her nephew's shoulder as she entered the room again, "Or at least go upstairs," "Mum!" Honora's one word argument told her mother to stop talking. No one needed a translator for that. Not that Elena cared. "Now pudding will be out shortly. Is anyone still thirsty?" "Wine please, madam," Ed actually fell off his chair once he had finished speaking. "Are you sure?" Elena grinned at the state he was in. "It's collective wine, Mrs. Honora's mum," Toby added, "He's asking for all of us," "Very well, I'll have someone bring in two or three bottles," Elena went to leave. "Did you finally realize you've got employees?" Honora snorted. "Honora, do you want to be sent to your room without pudding?" Elena turned back around again, "I can do that. You live here, you know?" Then she left the room again, leaving the group to tease Honora about being sent to bed early at twenty years of age. "Lauren would love all this," Miles said to no one in particular as he looked around the room. After drinking quite a lot already, Poppy was fed up with listening to him rambling on about Lauren. She began to face away from him, speaking to Alistair instead and letting Hugo deal with all the Lauren talk. "He's not worth the effort, Poppy," Alistair said to her, almost coldly, "He's blinded by the commoner," "It's just annoying, Alistair," Poppy pouted, looking like she was about to cry but she wasn't, "I got all dressed up and he doesn't even care," "You do look nice though," He nodded in reference to her navy swing dress. It was different in comparison to what she usually wore to fancy dos. She generally picked brighter colours as well. The darker blue was charming to see on her. And Alistair noticed. She smiled and reached up to hold his hand lightly. She appreciated that he said it, even if he didn't mean it. Alistair was never the type to give out compliments. But he did mean it. "Ooh! Pudding!" James' face lit up when the staff put a selection of cakes, tarts and merengues. "I love chocolate cake!" Elizabeth squealed, "It's literally my will to live," "Would you like to try some cheesecake?" Guy held up his fork of Bailey's cheesecake. "Mmm hmm," She nodded, about to take the fork off him but he instinctively shoved it into her mouth, feeding her, "Mm, it's delicious!" James, George and Hugo exchanged glances, smirking, feeling it wouldn't be long till the Leighton-Masters/Shaw marriage would be forgotten about.
Chapter Eighteen
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Fifteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Nice shoes," Imogen leaned over backwards to try and look at Honora's heels with Louisa blocking her view. "Thanks," Honora said just before a forkful of food was put in her mouth, "They're Gucci," "I could tell," Harry said, smirking. "Villiers has his own line of Gucci clothing," Dimitri weighed in from the other end of the table. "And you haven't?" Tamsin raised an eyebrow. In response, Dimitri just looked at her with his own eyebrow raised and pulled a sullen expression. "'The best of Greek clothing', that's the name of it," Guy jested, "So there's barely anything in it," Elizabeth laughed into her glass, not finding the racism of it funny, just Guy's nerve. "Again, she's Greek too," Dimitri sighed, his arm stretched out to gesture to his cousin. "She's prettier," Harry shrugged, staring at her. "He's quite pretty though, just look at those eyes," Tamsin over dramatically leaned her chin on the back of her hands and looked up at him with doe-eyes. "Do you model for the Greek Society?" Guy asked, leaning towards his best friend. "Shut up," Dimitri simply slapped him lightly on both sides of his face. "That's assault!" Guy immediately retorted. "Hey kids, everything okay?" Honora's mother waltzed into the room, emerging from the chatter of the other, adjacent dining room. "Elena, your nephew just brutally attacked me," Guy fixed his hair that had not been messed up in the first place. "Aunt Elena, you know I wouldn't do that without good reason," Dimitri turned to his aunt, smug. "Yes, you'll want to watch your mouth if you want to be president, Guy," She replied, nonchalant. "I am perfectly capable of-" "You see?" Elena shrugged before Guy could finish causing the room to laugh, "Now is everything okay, regarding the food and drink? Does anyone want more wine?" "Mum, we have staff that can do this for you. Sit down," Honora stated. "Oh, I'm just trying to get to know your friends, dear," Elena gave an awkward sort of hug to Ed and Imogen, squeezing their shoulders with each arm. "Mum," Honora warned. "Can I get some gin please?" George raised his hand, a pleasant smile on his face. "Of course, George dear," Elena grinned and walked out of the room, happy that the students were conversing with her. "What a delightful woman," "Don't encourage her, Balfour," Honora shook her head. "Also Bellingfield, it's called the Classics Society," Hugo leaned forward, "Not the Greek Society," "Yeah you'd know with all your Latin," Guy rolled his eyes. "Greeks don't speak Latin," James furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah they do," Guy smirked, confident in his words. "No," Tamsin could barely breathe from the laughter, "They really didn't," "Romans, Bellend," Dimitri shook his head, shamefully. "Same thing, isn't it?" Louisa giggled slightly, going for her glass of red wine. "Fucking Greeks!" Toby exclaimed, playing with his food with his fork. "Oh I know dear," Elena swanned back in again with a bottle of white wine and a bottle of gin, "We're just really enthusiastic," Then she walked out again without another input into the conversation. Dimitri hoped that would spur the group on to change the subject or to start talking amongst themselves. This wasn't the first time Guy had made up something about the Ancient Greeks. "Elizabeth, would you like some?" George held up the bottle of gin once he had poured himself a glass. "Ah no, she doesn't," Tamsin lowered his hand just as she was about to answer. "But I actually-" "It's very strong, Lizzy," Dimitri sipped on his drink, with a patronizing smile. "Just dilute the shit out of it," James took the bottle off George and poured a little of its contents into Elizabeth's glass, "You know what she's like when she drinks," "And what am I like?" Elizabeth looked at the blonde, not entirely impressed. "Well...," James trailed off awkwardly, reaching for some of the lemonade in the jug in the center of the table, "You do fall over a bit, and.." That's when Tamsin pretended to puke, basically laughing as she did so. "That...," Elizabeth did her best to make a valid point, although she just sounded pathetic, "..was not my fault," "How was drinking seven glasses of rosé not your fault?" Dimitri chuckled. "Because...," Elizabeth paused again. She felt like she had forgotten her lines onstage during a live audience. "Because?" George was smirking at her as well now. "I thought it was cranberry juice," She blurted out the first excuse that came to her. It wasn't the best, admittedly. In fact, it was really quite rubbish. "Dear oh dear, Lizzy," Dimitri shook his head as they all laughed at her, "You truly are the youngest here, aren't you?" "Good thing no one here would take advantage of that," Alistair added, a strange look in his eyes. It said he knew something that she didn't. "...Yes," She said blankly, unsure what was going on. "I mean, we wouldn't obviously," Guy laughed nervously, he was uncomfortable. "How have you been, actually?" George asked her, looking up from his meal, "Since you got mugged?" "How did you...?" She tilted her head. "Oh come on, Lizzy," Dimitri laughed to himself, "Did you really think we wouldn't interrogate him after walking you home twice?" He gestured to Guy who wasn't looking at anyone and had pursed his lips tightly together. "Plus you disappeared that night, we were frightfully worried," George added an extra reason just to back up their point. "You were fast asleep," Tamsin snorted. "I can do two things, Tamsin," George shook his head at her, playfully. "I'm fine, George. Thanks for asking," Elizabeth said quickly, wanting the conversation to move on as quickly as possible. "Would anyone like a raisin?" Ed's offer carried down the table, earning a few raised eyebrows. "Why did you bring raisins?" Honora asked him, almost disgusted. "We thought it'd be funny to buy stuff from a health food shop on the way here," Toby sniggered to himself. "Hilarious!" Harry exclaimed sarcastically. "I'll take one," Imogen said, reaching for one of the dried fruit. "See? It's clearly charming," Ed nodded to Toby, who nodded back, proud of themselves. "They're rank," Imogen wrinkled her face as she chewed it. "But it got your attention, didn't it?!" Toby pointed at her with both hands excitedly. "Oh god, who have I let into my home?" Honora sighed, shaking her head. Harry touched her arm slightly, tracing his fingers over her tanned skin. "We're just a lovely bunch of boys,"
Chapter Seventeen
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