aoibhs · 7 years
All Dressed Up
Chapter One 
Chapter Sixteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Tamsin?" Dimitri turned to her. They were just after finishing the main course and were waiting patiently for pudding, "What have you been doing all night? "How do you mean?" Tamsin was still leaning her chin against her propped up hands, gazing at him innocently. "This is what I mean," He gestured to her entire being, "Why are you acting like a crazy person?" "No, I'm not," She shook her head. It was exceedingly unconvincing and she knew it. "I'm not-" Dimitri stopped himself, and sighed, "What do you want, Tamsin?" "What?" She straighten her back, sitting upright again. "Is it money?" "No," "Then what?" Tamsin didn't reply straight away. She paused. Then picked up her glass of red wine and knocked it back. Then she placed the empty glass back on the table and reached over the corner of the table to get ahold of both sides of Dimitri's face and kissed him, full on the lips. They didn't break away or stop or anything. It just went on and on and on. "Oh wow, gosh," Elizabeth looked at the table, avoiding eye contact with anyone and blushing ferociously. "You're married, Lizzy," George laughed, "Surely, you and Leighton are used to this sort of thing," "Only every Tuesday," Elizabeth couldn't help but smirk a little at her own comment. "What do you have on Tuesdays?" James looked at her. "Well, I-" "She has two English lectures from ten until twelve, followed by a tutorial in modern English literature at three and then drama rehearsals from half six to half eight," Guy said. He said it as if he were the most clever person on earth. He said it as if he had just cured Cancer. "I'm impressed," George's eyes went wider than usual, surprise evident on his face. "I'm not," Elizabeth frowned looking at Guy, "How did you know that?" "..You're looking lovely tonight," He replied solemnly, his clever imagine of two seconds beforehand had been shattered. He was now reduced to a creepy stalker. "Guy," She didn't look impressed. Not scary. Just not impressed. And Guy had to mentally slap himself because there was a point where all he could think of was how cute she looked. "Umm..," He began to shrug. Over her shoulder, he could see James looking like he was about to burst with the containment of his laughter. Guy had really dug a hole for himself. "It was me," Poppy waved her arms slightly, getting Elizabeth's attention, "He asked where you were once and I just gave him a copy of your timetable," "What?" "I didn't think you'd mind," Poppy scoffed, both her and Alistair laughing at the situation. "Do you.. mind?" Guy looked at her so awkwardly. So awkwardly. Like a child in trouble. "I mean," She raised her hand to her burning face, "Next time don't make it sound like you follow me around," "He does," Dimitri briefly broke away from Tamsin. "I do not," The look of panic was hysterically evident in Guy's face. "God, I hope not," Elizabeth chuckled, reaching for her glass of gin and lemonade, "You'd be so bored if you did," "Don't put yourself down," George said sadly from in front of her. "Yes. I'm sure loads of people would love to stalk you," Alistair said in a very calm voice. Poppy burst out laughing. Elizabeth wasn't sure how to react. "That is not what I meant," George tapped the edge of the table with his index finger as he spoke. "It's fine," Elizabeth shook her head, wishing that would be the end of the conversation. "Dimitri dear, stop that please," Elena touched her nephew's shoulder as she entered the room again, "Or at least go upstairs," "Mum!" Honora's one word argument told her mother to stop talking. No one needed a translator for that. Not that Elena cared. "Now pudding will be out shortly. Is anyone still thirsty?" "Wine please, madam," Ed actually fell off his chair once he had finished speaking. "Are you sure?" Elena grinned at the state he was in. "It's collective wine, Mrs. Honora's mum," Toby added, "He's asking for all of us," "Very well, I'll have someone bring in two or three bottles," Elena went to leave. "Did you finally realize you've got employees?" Honora snorted. "Honora, do you want to be sent to your room without pudding?" Elena turned back around again, "I can do that. You live here, you know?" Then she left the room again, leaving the group to tease Honora about being sent to bed early at twenty years of age. "Lauren would love all this," Miles said to no one in particular as he looked around the room. After drinking quite a lot already, Poppy was fed up with listening to him rambling on about Lauren. She began to face away from him, speaking to Alistair instead and letting Hugo deal with all the Lauren talk. "He's not worth the effort, Poppy," Alistair said to her, almost coldly, "He's blinded by the commoner," "It's just annoying, Alistair," Poppy pouted, looking like she was about to cry but she wasn't, "I got all dressed up and he doesn't even care," "You do look nice though," He nodded in reference to her navy swing dress. It was different in comparison to what she usually wore to fancy dos. She generally picked brighter colours as well. The darker blue was charming to see on her. And Alistair noticed. She smiled and reached up to hold his hand lightly. She appreciated that he said it, even if he didn't mean it. Alistair was never the type to give out compliments. But he did mean it. "Ooh! Pudding!" James' face lit up when the staff put a selection of cakes, tarts and merengues. "I love chocolate cake!" Elizabeth squealed, "It's literally my will to live," "Would you like to try some cheesecake?" Guy held up his fork of Bailey's cheesecake. "Mmm hmm," She nodded, about to take the fork off him but he instinctively shoved it into her mouth, feeding her, "Mm, it's delicious!" James, George and Hugo exchanged glances, smirking, feeling it wouldn't be long till the Leighton-Masters/Shaw marriage would be forgotten about.
Chapter Eighteen
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aoibhs · 7 years
Chapter One 
Chapter Fifteen
Disclaimer: I do not own the characters from The Riot Club/Posh, and all OCs were beautifully crafted by @club-riot
"Nice shoes," Imogen leaned over backwards to try and look at Honora's heels with Louisa blocking her view. "Thanks," Honora said just before a forkful of food was put in her mouth, "They're Gucci," "I could tell," Harry said, smirking. "Villiers has his own line of Gucci clothing," Dimitri weighed in from the other end of the table. "And you haven't?" Tamsin raised an eyebrow. In response, Dimitri just looked at her with his own eyebrow raised and pulled a sullen expression. "'The best of Greek clothing', that's the name of it," Guy jested, "So there's barely anything in it," Elizabeth laughed into her glass, not finding the racism of it funny, just Guy's nerve. "Again, she's Greek too," Dimitri sighed, his arm stretched out to gesture to his cousin. "She's prettier," Harry shrugged, staring at her. "He's quite pretty though, just look at those eyes," Tamsin over dramatically leaned her chin on the back of her hands and looked up at him with doe-eyes. "Do you model for the Greek Society?" Guy asked, leaning towards his best friend. "Shut up," Dimitri simply slapped him lightly on both sides of his face. "That's assault!" Guy immediately retorted. "Hey kids, everything okay?" Honora's mother waltzed into the room, emerging from the chatter of the other, adjacent dining room. "Elena, your nephew just brutally attacked me," Guy fixed his hair that had not been messed up in the first place. "Aunt Elena, you know I wouldn't do that without good reason," Dimitri turned to his aunt, smug. "Yes, you'll want to watch your mouth if you want to be president, Guy," She replied, nonchalant. "I am perfectly capable of-" "You see?" Elena shrugged before Guy could finish causing the room to laugh, "Now is everything okay, regarding the food and drink? Does anyone want more wine?" "Mum, we have staff that can do this for you. Sit down," Honora stated. "Oh, I'm just trying to get to know your friends, dear," Elena gave an awkward sort of hug to Ed and Imogen, squeezing their shoulders with each arm. "Mum," Honora warned. "Can I get some gin please?" George raised his hand, a pleasant smile on his face. "Of course, George dear," Elena grinned and walked out of the room, happy that the students were conversing with her. "What a delightful woman," "Don't encourage her, Balfour," Honora shook her head. "Also Bellingfield, it's called the Classics Society," Hugo leaned forward, "Not the Greek Society," "Yeah you'd know with all your Latin," Guy rolled his eyes. "Greeks don't speak Latin," James furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah they do," Guy smirked, confident in his words. "No," Tamsin could barely breathe from the laughter, "They really didn't," "Romans, Bellend," Dimitri shook his head, shamefully. "Same thing, isn't it?" Louisa giggled slightly, going for her glass of red wine. "Fucking Greeks!" Toby exclaimed, playing with his food with his fork. "Oh I know dear," Elena swanned back in again with a bottle of white wine and a bottle of gin, "We're just really enthusiastic," Then she walked out again without another input into the conversation. Dimitri hoped that would spur the group on to change the subject or to start talking amongst themselves. This wasn't the first time Guy had made up something about the Ancient Greeks. "Elizabeth, would you like some?" George held up the bottle of gin once he had poured himself a glass. "Ah no, she doesn't," Tamsin lowered his hand just as she was about to answer. "But I actually-" "It's very strong, Lizzy," Dimitri sipped on his drink, with a patronizing smile. "Just dilute the shit out of it," James took the bottle off George and poured a little of its contents into Elizabeth's glass, "You know what she's like when she drinks," "And what am I like?" Elizabeth looked at the blonde, not entirely impressed. "Well...," James trailed off awkwardly, reaching for some of the lemonade in the jug in the center of the table, "You do fall over a bit, and.." That's when Tamsin pretended to puke, basically laughing as she did so. "That...," Elizabeth did her best to make a valid point, although she just sounded pathetic, "..was not my fault," "How was drinking seven glasses of rosé not your fault?" Dimitri chuckled. "Because...," Elizabeth paused again. She felt like she had forgotten her lines onstage during a live audience. "Because?" George was smirking at her as well now. "I thought it was cranberry juice," She blurted out the first excuse that came to her. It wasn't the best, admittedly. In fact, it was really quite rubbish. "Dear oh dear, Lizzy," Dimitri shook his head as they all laughed at her, "You truly are the youngest here, aren't you?" "Good thing no one here would take advantage of that," Alistair added, a strange look in his eyes. It said he knew something that she didn't. "...Yes," She said blankly, unsure what was going on. "I mean, we wouldn't obviously," Guy laughed nervously, he was uncomfortable. "How have you been, actually?" George asked her, looking up from his meal, "Since you got mugged?" "How did you...?" She tilted her head. "Oh come on, Lizzy," Dimitri laughed to himself, "Did you really think we wouldn't interrogate him after walking you home twice?" He gestured to Guy who wasn't looking at anyone and had pursed his lips tightly together. "Plus you disappeared that night, we were frightfully worried," George added an extra reason just to back up their point. "You were fast asleep," Tamsin snorted. "I can do two things, Tamsin," George shook his head at her, playfully. "I'm fine, George. Thanks for asking," Elizabeth said quickly, wanting the conversation to move on as quickly as possible. "Would anyone like a raisin?" Ed's offer carried down the table, earning a few raised eyebrows. "Why did you bring raisins?" Honora asked him, almost disgusted. "We thought it'd be funny to buy stuff from a health food shop on the way here," Toby sniggered to himself. "Hilarious!" Harry exclaimed sarcastically. "I'll take one," Imogen said, reaching for one of the dried fruit. "See? It's clearly charming," Ed nodded to Toby, who nodded back, proud of themselves. "They're rank," Imogen wrinkled her face as she chewed it. "But it got your attention, didn't it?!" Toby pointed at her with both hands excitedly. "Oh god, who have I let into my home?" Honora sighed, shaking her head. Harry touched her arm slightly, tracing his fingers over her tanned skin. "We're just a lovely bunch of boys,"
Chapter Seventeen
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