#haru okumera
zilighter · 4 months
Everyone always complains about Morgana in Persona 5. Like “The stupid cat won’t let me go to the bathhouse on this rainy day I hate them” DO YOU KNOW WHAT I WOULD GIVE FOR A LITTLE GUY TO KEEP ME ON TRACK OF THINGS??? Like, Morgana keeps Joker in line when it comes to everyday activities like athletics, hobbies, and schoolwork. That alone is super helpful but he also just reminds Joker to take care of himself and not overwork himself. He talks Joker through his test assignments (not doing them for him, but he does guide him on the writing portions to keep the flow of the essay clean)
Like that’s SO helpful Joker gets a life-coach to hold his hand through life in the form of a silly little guy, and I’m tired of people complaining!
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theforsakenprince · 2 months
hi I played persona 5 for 16 hours today and almost half of that was just the Okumera boss battle. That was the worst fight I’ve ever had to do HOW is that balanced. But I did it!! And I cried with joy. And now I’m crying in sympathy for poor Haru, and I’m so nervous about how the public is gonna take the news, and basically I had to tear myself away from the game console bc it’s almost 4am in the morning 👍
OUGH yeah that okumura boss fight is ROUGH. I struggled with it too for a while until one of my friends told me it was easier on merciless difficulty?? I tried it and got it in like 2 tries so. no idea how that works
and yeah poor Haru :((( this arc is really rough on her
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allykakamatsu · 4 years
Fire Emblem Three Houses X Persona 5 Doodles
First post. So, a few nights ago I dreamt up an AU where the Phantom Thieves ended up in Garach Mach and I decided to come up with some art for it, along with some descriptions.
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Black Eagles:
Ren Amamiya: Leader of the Phantom Thieves and the one most dead set in getting back home. Doesn't talk to too many people from Fodlán as a result, but gets along well with he faculty, especially Shamir. Also loves how many cats are at the monastery. Has the Crest of the Fool, a crest given to all wild cards that lets them use multiple personas. Is strong in swords, authority and bows and has no weaknesses or hidden talents.
Sumire Yoshizawa: Curently dating Ren. Wants to go back home but also really likes it here, especially the food meaning the kitchen staff have one more nightmare to deal with. Tries to get along well with all the Black Eagles but is best with Petra and Ferdinand. Has the minor crest of Aubin. Is strong in Swords, faith and flying, is bad at brawling and Heavy Armour, and has a hidden talent in lances granting the Sol combat art.
Haru Okumera: Despite being stressed that Okumera foods is currently without a CEO, is otherwise having a lot of fun in Fodlán. Thinks everyone is nice, but is particularly close with Caspar, Linhardt and Ashe. Has the minor crest of Glouster. Is strong in Axes, faith, reason and bows, is weak in authority, lances and swords, and has a hidden talent for brawling which gets her the Quick Riposte skill
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Blue Lions:
Yusuke Kitagawa: Loves the monastery given how much inspiration it gives him, however due to a misunderstanding due to sketching without permission turned apology training session, he also has a lot of fun sparring with Felix. Due to hanging out with Felix a lot he is quite wary of Dimitri and also has to deal with a loli in his head though he doesn't mind too much. Has the Crest of Flames. Is strong in Swords, Faith and bows, is weak on axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent for reason getting him the defiant magic skill.
Goro Akechi: After Ren figured out he was still alive and tracked him down he begrudgingly rejoined the Phantom Thieves, just in time for their forced Fodlán trip. Not super crazy about the Monastary, but due to not having a positive connection to the present he has no strong desire to get back. When not getting dragged into group bonding sessions he's trying to help Dimitri not go down the same path he did. Has the minor Crest of the Fool and the minor Crest of Blaiddyd. Strong in Swords, reason, bows and authority, is weak to faith, axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent in faith granting the white magic crit +20% skill
Ann Takamiki: Isn't the biggest fan of being dragged back to the past, but since she knows it'll take a while to get back she's trying her best to roll with it. Gets along great with Annette and Mercedes, and surprisingly Dedue who she tries to help feel like he has more worth than just serving Dimitri. Has a minor Crest of Dominic. Is strong in swords, lances and authority, is weak to brawling and heavy armour, and has a hidden talent in flying granting the darting blow skill.
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Golden Deer:
Ryuji Sakamoto: Wants to get back home so his mom doesn't get worried about him, but also kinda loves it at the monastary, cause the only people who judge him are the super stuck nobles unlike back in Japan, and has a great friendship with the rest of the Golden Deer, and even has a bit of a crush on Hilda. Doesn't have a crest but doesn't let it get to him. Is strong in axes, brawling and flying, is weak in faith and authority, and has a hidden talent for reason getting the dark magic avoid +20% skill.
Makoto Nijima: Very stressed about being stuck in the past, and as such does the most research into getting back, which often leads to her sneaking off to the Abyss to check its library once she finds it, leading to her befriending the Ashen Wolves. On top though she also gets along great with Lysethia and Ignaz, though she has some issues with Lorenz's flirting and Claude's scheming. Has a minor Crest of Timotheos. Is strong in Brawling, faith, authority and riding, is weak in lances and heavy armour, and has a hidden talent in reason gaining the Warding Blow Skill
Futaba Sakura: Is somewhat miserable due to being homesick and missing her technology, but is trying to make the best of the situation, which includes helping Claude with a dining hall raid which lead to the two becoming friends. Is also trying to help Marianne with her self esteem issues. Has the Crest of Blaiddyd. Is strong in reason, faith and flying, is weak in swords, axes and brawling, and has a hidden talent in bows granting the spark strike combat art which grants +3 might and deals adaptive damage.
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Heroes Relic's, Sacred Weapons, Sacred Relics and Personal Weapons:
Staff of the Moon Thief: Arsene's cane that got turned from a pair of daggers to an actual cane. Grants whoever wields it +3 range on spells, and grants whoever has the crest of the fool recovers +10 hp at the start of every turn.
Fists of Thunder: Ryuji's personal weapon. Since he doesn't have a crest he had a pair of gauntlets custom made for him. They have the same night as steel gauntlets, the same weight as iron gauntlets, and also has adaptive damage.
Slasher: A sacred weapon of house Dominic. Think the rapier but just super effective against armour and has 1-2 range in exchange for loosing the cavalry effectiveness.
Sword of the Creator: Works just how it did originally, however im giving it 30 durability to start with and once it unlocks its full power it goes up to 50, cause 20 is NOT enough.
Azure Gem: The heroes relic of Timotheos. It's just like the Rafli Gem, but it cancels cavalry weaknesses instead of flying.
Ruler of Lion's Shield: Think the Aegis Shield, but with half the weight and a slight boost to its Pavise and Aigis effect in exchange for half the protection.
Wings of Dromi: It has the weight of a training sword, in exchange for barely better might, but it also works like psystrike in Pokémon, where even though it targets the defence stat, it calculates The damage based on magic instead of attack.
Axe of Ukomasara: Always found it weird that Lorenz wasn't strong in axes yet his house's sacred weapon was one. Welp, time for Haru to make up for that.
Lion's Falchion: Yeah I'm going to be blunt, think the royal sword from echoes, double lion and all, and add dragon effectiveness. Overkill, maybe. But on maddening overkill is kinda mandatory.
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First Meeting:
Yusuke met Sothis in his dreams on the PT's first night. While they were both weirded out, Yusuke got inspired and decided to draw her and the bored Sothis agreed.
And that's it for now. If you liked let me know and maybe I'll do more.
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jessthechen · 7 years
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I’m soooo sorry for the lack of posts on Tumblr, I’ve been working on my show and posting my stuff on Instagram and playing NG+ in Persona 5 and kiiinda neglecting Tumblr >_< 
I normally don’t post this stuff, but I’m way too excted about this, I was at OzComicCon in Sydney and we cosplayed for the first time ever! Shoutout to @nimehime for helping with our cosplays! I went as Haru Okumera and my bf went as Goro Akechi (look at him omg TTOTT) ^_^ These are pics taken at OzCC with my P5 squad + bonus Haru x Akechi beach pics!
Any P5 lovers here??? I’ll be back to my art soon hahaha~
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Akechi saw the group together and walked over, "well hello," He gave a smile to Ren before looking to Haru, "Okumera san I wanted to come offer my condolences." He nods to her, "I know you must be going through a tough time. And I also wanted to thank you all for inviting me the other night, even if it was cut short."
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nitholites · 4 years
(this is just me ranting about a lack of an au, ignore if ya wanna)
Where are the Miraculous Ladybug/ Persona 5 fics??
Do people just... Not find inspiration from this crossover? Think there's nothing to do? Have no thoughts on the possibilities?
I, generally, am a petty person. I like seeing karma take the reigns, and I like seeing horrible people get what they deserve (probably why I like persona 5 so much, tbh). And if I had half as much creative genius as the writers on this site, I'd do it myself.
But just imagine...
The Thieves reign for, like, two years
Bcause cops can't catch em, Shido ain't gonna get promoted for a while (or decides to lay low a bit for whatever reason), and Akechi hasn't made the connection yet.
Or, after their first 2 Paris Palaces, they go on like in Canon with Parisian teammates, and the Palace they do before Sae's is Hawkmoth, with Akechi joining them because "this can't take long- Hawkmoth needs to be brought down ASAP and we should be strong enough now"
Poor Akechi's like "????? THE PARIS TERRORIST???? HOW THE HELL-"
"Later, Akechi, but your Almighty attacks are gonna help a lot while we figure out the Shadow's weaknesses"
Then it's Sae's Palace and things go as in canon
Anyway, the Thieves meet The Class on the Hawaii trip
Sees how this sweet, kind, compassionate girl's treated by people around her
They're furious
It brings up horrible memories of their own pasts and beginnings
So they form/join the Mari Protection Squad (MPS for short)
And it's ridiculous how fast the group bonds, and how fast The Class realizes not to mess with Mari with the Thieves (and Shujin kids in general) around
The other high schoolers join cuz with the crap from Kamoshida, they've all grown a backbone
Plus the Thieves are on their side here (now all they gotta do is send a request on the Phan-site... Maybe the Thieves can do something about the Parisian)
(Tikki feels the Thieves' power- and is wary. She'd never felt something like this before- humans wielding the power of their other selves so efficiently)
And Lila, feeling the spotlight slip, makes one grave error...
Showing her true colors to the leader of the Phantom Thieves
But the Thieves know going international isn't something they wanna do- it'll cause a ton of trouble
But when Mari video calls one night and shows the Nav- they realize
Either they take action, or Mari's gonna be sucked into the Metaverse randomly (like Kasumi)
Better take her with them and explain in a controlled setting than get her killed in someone's heart
And, surprise surprise, Lila has a Palace
Like, the distortion is on par with Shido's (which the Thieves will encounter eventually)
Any place she'd been before was part of her cognitive empire
When'd she visit Japan???
And Futaba digs up some major dirt on Lila
Driving victims (who's situations eerily match Mari's) to suicide, forcing victims from the county on major charges, assault, thievery, arson- you name it she's either done it or made everyone believe her victim did
Why hadn't anyone pulled the truth from her yet? The short answer- Yaldaboath
The oversized cup finds her acts entertaining
So they gotta take her treasure now
And Mari, newly realizing she deserves better and beginning to increase her self-esteem, awakens to a Persona
(I dunno who, but having a character have Filibus as a Persona sounds kinda cool)
So she joins the Thieves in Mementos to train and get stronger
And once the Thieves take Rossi's heart, their popularity skyrockets, so they go deeper and deeper into Mementos
Because now, it's like, "Oh shite, these Japanese urban legends targeted a minor are they working with Hawkmoth??"
Cuz when Lila confesses, you bet your sweet bippy there's gonna be a Hero's Day pt 2
And the Thieves come with help from Kaalki because Chat hasn't been a partner in years and Ladybug alone with Kobra can't take them on
Morgana tails Catalyst (Akumatized Natalie) to the Agreste Manor and finds out Hawkmoth's identity
But Adrien catches him
So we get Spy!Morgana, stuck with the Agrestes until the change of heart at the latest
And Mona slips into Gabriel's Palace to scope it out and
Holy hecc, those are tough Shadows (think like in Maruki's Palace) and why is this woman everywhere???
It's a Roman temple, with statues of the same woman everywhere
Like why
And the puzzles are so confusing he can't explore the whole thing
And he eventually makes it back to the Thieves- specifically Mari who freaks when he randomly shows up
Cuz everyone's been looking high and low
And the news he brings isn't happy at all
So their next target can't be Hawkmoth, but they set it as their goal (their second-to-last heist)
In the meantime, Caline Bustier's Palace needs raiding
This woman Shouldn't Be In Charge™, Period.
Her Palace is at the school, and it looks like her definition of 'paradise'- a garden maze
Her childhood friends, co-workers, students- everyone's chilling and getting along
At least while her Shadow is watching
Wherever she isn't, the cognitive beings are at war
It's bright with rainbows and glitter, and it's nauseously obvious Bustier chooses to ignore the world around her to keep the illusion alive
The kicker is, when the Thieves first enter, they see a giant 'painting', constantly shifting and moving to match what happens in the Palace
It's sickening- her poor students
Her Shadow doesn't put up a fight, instead expressing how 'dissappointed' she is in them, how the Thieves need to 'set an example', how they're 'disrupting everyone with this silly rebellion'
They waste no time in taking her Treasure
Adrien's Palace is Agreste Manor as a prison decorated as a mansion
A maze where Shadow Adrien constantly attempts escape, so there's thousands of secret passegeways, rooms, and supplies
The windows, when looked through, show what he thinks the world is like- no war, starvation, illness, sadness.
But, when broken, they show the truth in a million fragments, only to be repaired the next time Adrien's Shadow passes by them
It's a good way to keep tabs on the Shadow
A black blur, who talks and interacts with the world at a minimum, joins the Thieves, explaining what some of the more hidden images mean
At this point, the Thieves know who Ladybug and Chat Noir are, and they're doing all they can to help
Then Okumera happens and Haru joins the group
It's bittersweet, but Haru's more than determined enough to continue being a Thief
Things go on in canon until the time the Thieves would have been in Sae's Palace
She's still a target, but they have a much more pressing deadline
Hawkmoth's been upping the stakes, the difficulty, and the number of Akuma. Paris is in real danger, and they need to stop him
Plus, it'd be hard to pin it all on him without a confession, because Gabriel is an international business
(possible Akechi redemption, as he changes sides after spending longer with the Thieves and seeing the good they can do first-hand)
Might make more later, depending on how this does
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skittymon · 4 years
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Would y’all want me to blog this like P5?
I’ve managed to avoid spoilers this entire time all I know is that Kamishiro boss fight has a cognitive Shiho and Okumera has a cognitive Haru in their boss fights
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foolishwinds · 4 years
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Hearing the door to the room open, Yosuke pulled his headphones off and turned to face the student. It was Haru Okumera who walked in. Turning to face her Yosuke put his hands in his lap curious to see why the third year came by. 
“How  can I help you Okumera-san?”
There wasn’t anyone else in the office as all the athletes were already taken care of until practice was over. His sensei was out at another school so Yosuke was here to manage the students alone. Something that he didn’t feel too uncomfortable about. If anything bad happens he can always call his sensei for advice. 
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Haru and okumera moments with their mother/wife OC (Haru mother OC and okumera wife OC
I don’t do Okumura requests but I’ll do Haru and I guess he can hang out with his family in the background
Okumura and his wife were wedded just before his company became big. so when Haru was born her mother was the one to take care of her the most, leading to her more down to earth nature
Haru loved hearing the story of how her parents met. she used to ask her mother to retell it to her every night as the bed time story, and has each story beat memorized down to a t
before Okumura’s ambitions got to his head, the family used to have weekly outings. Haru’s favorite kind of outing were trips to a nearby park where a gardening community would have their meetings
Haru enjoyed having a home cooked meal made by her mother. most of the time they were very basic dishes, but the combination of quality ingredients and genuine love poured into the creation beats anything Haru has ever eaten hands down
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Haru Okumera’s winter uniform in Game of life
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kplays · 3 years
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You guys. Haru is Okumera's daughter. Your telling me she has no names which Characters in Shido's head might be interested in!
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