#harun-el saves the day
supercorpkid · 1 month
Harun-El Saves The Day
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Lena Luthor x BabyDanvers!Reader, Kara Danvers x sister!reader, Alex Danvers x sister!reader
Word count: 2640
Note: Angst. The one where James never once existed, but saving people with Harun-El did.
"I'm sorry." Lena fits herself inside your embrace, laying her head on your shoulder. She is a small person, but right now she feels even smaller.
"Please don't apologize for this." You kiss the crown of her head, tightening the hug.
Lena breathes out heavily. "I can't do it. Can't figure it out."
"It's ok, my love." Your hand travels up her back until you reach her hair. "Hey, look at me." Lena's eyes are so full of tears, it's hard for you to keep your own tears in check. "People have researched this for years, and still haven't figured it out."
Lena locks eyes with you. "But I have to."
"We have time." 
But you don't. Not really. And she knows this probably better than you.
"Not enough, honey." Her hand goes to your hair, she scrapes the nape of your neck trying to comfort you. But then she runs her fingers to your hair, and a chunk of it comes out in her hand easily. She looks at it with a terrified expression.
"It's just hair." You make sure, when a fresh set of tears spring on her eyes.
"I'm going back to the lab." Lena doesn't give you time to argue. It doesn't matter that she just came back from the lab. Doesn't matter that it is late at night and that you know she probably hasn't eaten anything all day. Doesn't matter that you miss her dearly. So back to the lab she goes, and alone at home you stay.
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you spare a quick look from over your shoulder when you register the familiar sound on the floor.
"I'm ok." You defend yourself, before she even makes her way inside the penthouse. Slowly the balcony door slides open, and your sister comes in. 
"I heard you coughing." Kara explains herself, and also lets you know that she is aware that you're not ok.
"People are allowed to cough." You say in a joking manner, even though your heart is squeezed on your chest.  
You look down to the tissue in your hand, and cling to it harder, so she doesn't see it's covered in blood.
"Not when I'm patrolling, they're not." She quips, a hint of humor in her voice, though you can sense the same weight pressing down on her heart. You take a deep breath as your sister comes closer and sits next to you. She is quick to wrap her arms around your torso, trying to make you feel comfortable. Kara's gaze sweeps the dimly lit apartment. "Where's Lena?"
"Right." Her large hands rest reassuringly around your ribcage, a sense of comfort that you rather keep to yourself. There's enough pity going around these days. "Alex and Brainy are also –"
"I know."
"We're all just –"
"I know."
You let out a heavy sigh. Kara kisses the top of your head, and you know the next time she opens her mouth is so she can give you one of her signature hope speeches. 
But you don't want it. Can't have it. You’re tired of having hope, when it has led you nowhere. You’re sick and dying and that’s the whole truth. If the smartest people in the world can’t find a cure, it’s because there isn’t one.
And as if she can read your mind, Kara says nothing. Instead, she tightens the hug, breath shredding out like a silent cry. 
You cough again and again. Try to hold it inside, but it comes out strong and painfully. Your mouth is full of blood, and you're sure of that because it tastes metallic. Your sister lets go of your frail figure so she can grab another tissue to clean you up. 
You watch her eyes while she slowly runs it over the sides of your mouth and chin. She cries silent tears, blinking them away and biting the inside of her mouth to keep herself from crying out loud. And it pains you to see the happiest, bubbliest, nicest person on the planet like this, but there's nothing you can say to stop the tears cascading down her face.
“What good are all these powers, if I can’t save the people I love the most?”
You try a little smile, when her hand moves away from your face. “Your powers don’t exist for you to save the people you love.”
“Then what do they exist for, if not for you?”
“I don’t know, sis. Maybe there’s no reason. Maybe they just do.”
Kara furrows her brows, confusion crossing her face. “You used to think differently.”
“Well, I used to think we all existed for a reason, but I’m dying and I still don’t know what I’m here for, so —“
Kara fights the urge to tell you that you’re not dying, knowing that ignoring the harsh reality now is just useless, anyways. Not while she's holding your pale and frail body in such a protective manner and when she can feel you are, truly, slowly dying.
"I don't know who I'll be without you." 
You trace the crest on her chest, forcing a sad smile out. "You'll be my sister whether I'm here or not."
You feel the bed dipping next to you, and you venture opening your eyes slowly. You can see a little bit of light coming from the window, even with the curtains closed, so you know it's day already. 
"Come." You say, opening your arms, and Lena startles with the sound of your voice.
"Didn't mean to wake you up." She says, adjusting her body on yours. You breathe deep thinking about how perfectly your bodies still slot together, even though you're half of what you're used to be. 
"It's ok. I'd rather sleep with you, anyways." You don't know what you said wrong, but you realize something is when Lena cries about it. 
“I’m sorry.” She says again. It seems that lately all she does is apologize, like any of this is happening because of her. “I don’t want you to go to bed alone, but I need to find out the cure. I need you so bad.”
“I know, my love.” You kiss her shoulder, trying to apply more pressure into the hug. “It’s a tough situation and we’re trying to navigate it the best way we can.”
Lena turns around to look at you, breath hot on your face. “I’m sorry this is happening.”
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I’m still sorry.” She whispers and you understand exactly what she means, because you're sorry too. You're sorry about what happens after you leave. You're sorry about the amount of pain and sorrow your absence will inflict on Lena, your sisters, your mom, and your friends. You are sorry about many things you have no control over.
"Me too."
“I know you're still here, but God! I miss you already.” Lena's tears keep falling, no matter how hard you know she is trying to hold them back.
You give her a sad smile, followed by a little peck on her lips. “You said it yourself, I’m still here.”
"Yes," Lena deepens the kiss, and when she finally parts them it's only to whisper on your lips. "I love you today."
You furrow your eyebrows at her, "What about tomorrow?"
"Stay and ask me again then."
You smile at her, love almost bursting out of you and you know she can see it in your eyes how you feel, but you tell her anyway. "Well, I love you for evermore." You kiss her cheek to avoid looking at her while you say it. "You know, in case I die."
"Hey!" You hear Alex's voice probably coming from the front door. You know Lena has given your sisters a key to her apartment so they can come and check on you, but you still can't get used to them just wandering inside. "If you two are having sex, please let me know right now!"
You roll your eyes. You don't feel tough enough to yell out to her, so you let her make her way to the bedroom. "Hey, Al."
"Hey you." Alex makes her way closer, sitting on the bed next to you. "Made it out of the bed today?"
You manage to deny it with your head. 
She looks around. "Oh, Lena's not here." 
"Nope. Couldn't be having sex. And it's actually kinda cute that you think I'm still strong enough to do it." 
She smiles. "Learned the hard way that I can never be too careful when it comes to you and Lena." You finally notice what she has in one of her hands and roll your eyes at it. "What?"
"Why are you doing this? I'm dying. No amount of examination is going to change that." 
Alex's eyes get full of tears instantly, she bites the inside of her mouth, as if telling herself not to cry. "We just have to keep you alive until we find the cure."
"I hope you're real close."
She swallows, cleaning her tears. "Look, I – I promised myself I'd always keep you safe." She bites her lip and looks up. "And I – can't lose you, ok? So, toughen up."
You chuckle lightly when she carefully 'punches' your arm, jokingly. 
"Let's check your vitals."
You hold her hand before she starts. "How about you lay next to me and tell me what happened after Princess Alex fought the dragon."
Alex smiles, remembering the stories from when you were younger. She does as promised, holding you tight and telling you how Princess Alex got the girl in the end. 
You feel yourself falling asleep, slowly losing consciousness. And it's nice, almost peaceful. You're glad this is how you get to go. You wish Kara and Lena were also here, but if you're dying in someone's arms, might as well be inside your older sister's embrace.
That is until Alex wakes you up, terror washing over her as she urges you to stay awake.
"Your pulse is weak. I'm calling Kara."
"Alex, I'm dying." And she knows it. Alex is actively fighting it, even though she sees that the flicker of hope in your eyes is fading.
"Stop talking for a second, I need to do a first aid maneuver on you."
"Al –" You try to argue, even though it is a waste. You never once won an argument against Alexandra Danvers, it wouldn't be now she would let you win. Besides, you're feeling too dizzy, and you're sure you're about to faint.
"No. Talking." She says, applying pressure on your chest and you lose all your breath. Your eyes close unwillingly and you hear Alex's faint voice yelling in the back.
"STAY WITH ME! Open your eyes. Hey, please, please. Stay with me. You're going to be ok."
You're not going to be ok.
You wake up at the hospital. You can hear the faint voice of some doctors, but those are not the voices that wake you up.
"What I'm about to do is absolutely illegal. Any witnesses will be considered accessories to a crime." You hear Lena's voice, and open your eyes enough to see all of the nurses and doctors scrambling away.
"Well, aren't I in love with a criminal?" You joke and Lena rolls her eyes at you. Looking around the room and checking all of your vital signs in the machines.
"I got the cure." She comes closer, touching your weaker figure, making you smile. "Right on time, apparently."
"The – The cure?" You try to perk up, but you don't move much. "What is it?"
"Harun-El. Right from your sister's planet." 
"How –" Your question is put to stop when you start coughing like crazy. Lena is fast to clean your mouth. "did you come across Harun-El?”
“It’s not important.” She deflects, not being able to look at your face. “We have to act fast, your pulse is weak and the oxygen support is at its max.”
“Lena.” You think about how two days ago she was nowhere near a cure and now, all of the sudden, she stumbled across Harun-El and realized she can use it to save you. “Lena, what did you do?”
“I got the cure.” She says, certain.
You hold her arm weakly. “Tell me how.”
Lena closes her eyes, breathes deep. Shame is visible on her expression. “Lex.”
“Lena.” It’s by your tone that she knows you’re trying to tell her off.
“I know, ok? I know!” Lena sits on the hospital bed, one tear sliding down her cheek. “I made a deal with the devil but — but I get to save you!”
You try to master all your strength for this. “Your brother is a bad person and he will use you!”
“Yeah. And I’m gonna let him because you will be alive. And you know what? That’s all that matters to me.” 
You look at the syringe on her hands, finding it hard to trust something that came from Lex Luthor.
“Please, don’t let it be in vain. I did it. I’m compromised. But I get to save you.” 
You cough, she cleans the blood again and nods for you to just accept it.
You try to catch your breath before speaking again. “What did my sisters say?”
“I didn’t run it by them. You’re here. You’re capable of making your own decisions. It’s your life.” Lena breathes out one more time, knowing you’re wasting time.
“So if I say no, you’re gonna let me die?”
Lena forces a smile, and raises her eyebrow. “Ok, you got me. I’m not letting you die. I guess you don’t really have a choice, huh?”
“I guess not.” 
Lena's finger traces your face delicately. She breathes out and looks at you with complete resolution. "You have to be here so I can tell you that I love you tomorrow."
You give her a little nod. 
"Let me get your sisters here for this." She doesn't have to say anything else for your sisters to barge in the room, proving Kara was definitely using her super hearing. 
"We're here." Both Kara and Alex make their way towards the bed. "We're accessories to a crime."
"Yes, you are. And we'll talk about that super hearing later."
"Hey, my sister is dying!" 
"Kara, can you see the problem?" Lena asks and Kara points at the middle of your chest. Lena gives her the big syringe and nods at it. You look at her, confused as to why she isn't doing it herself, but when she comes closer and kisses you gently, you understand it perfectly. If this doesn't work, she wants to be the one holding you. "I love you today."
It's quick. You think. When you wake up again and they're still around you. Alex is checking your vitals, Kara is serving as an X-Ray machine literally narrating how your body is doing a fast recovery, and Lena is holding your hand with so much strength it's starting to hurt.
"So," You talk without much effort, feeling the best you've felt in months. "do I get superhero powers now?"
Kara looks at Lena in shock, "Does she?"
"NO! She doesn't get superhero powers, she gets to live!" Lena rolls her eyes, annoyed that this is the first thing you said after she literally just saved your life. You barely have any color back on your face and you're already asking stupid questions. Well, she is your partner. She should've known better by now.
"Aw." Both you and Kara pout for a second, and then a second later add, "I mean, YAY!" 
"Are you sure she isn't a little bit Kryptonian now?" It's Alex's time to ask with a smile on her face.
"No." Lena looks at you fondly, hand running over your face softly. "Just my silly baby Danvers."
"Our silly baby Danvers."
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nimrism · 1 year
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i was staring at this gif and it occurred to me that lena's blatant mistreatment of her hair when she's stressed might eventually (accidentally) be directed towards her daughter and this is the product of that thought process :)
Lena's staring out the window at the waking city below, but her mind is elsewhere. Today is her first human test trial, she'll finally get to see the Harun-El in action, and the inside of her brain is akin to a nightclub if it was set on fire and everyone inside was screaming as ten different speakers malfunctioned and played ten different songs while top-shelf scotch rained down from the ceiling that was quickly caving in. She shakes it off in favor of watching civilians begin to fill the streets below, off to do whatever mundane, normal-people tasks they did every single day. She sometimes wonders, if she weren't a Luthor, would she be content just waking up every day and going to the same 9-5 job until she retired? Her position at L-Corp gave her incredible opportunities to make a difference, to better the world. This project was no different.
It's still pretty early; she's the first at the office, as usual. Her hair is down and her heels are off, and there isn't anyone there to see her, but she still feels exposed. She hears her mother's voice at the back of her mind, critiquing her outfit, commenting on her hair, on her posture. She sets her jaw and pulls out a hair tie.
Running a hand through the dark locks atop her head, she turns back to the window, unseeing. She's too busy considering the possible outcomes of today's trial. She pushes her hair away from her shoulders and lets her head fall back as she gathers the loose strands of hair, making sure none of it stays on her neck. She's quick, and she's efficient, running long fingers through dark tresses, taking out any tangles, and pulling her hair higher. She swallows as she gathers every last strand of raven black hair into a fist – a little too aggressively, mind you, but her head was used to the forceful tugging by now – and she wrapped the hair tie around them, securing them in a tight ponytail on top of her head.
She finally pulls her heels on and straightens her back. Business mode. And just in time, because Eve comes strutting in, announcing the arrival of the test subject.
It wasn't something she wasn't used to – pulling her hair up into a tight ponytail or bun that threatened to rip her scalp clean off – she did it on an almost daily basis. It made her look professional. Strong. Intimidating. Jess had voiced her concern for Lena's hair follicles, warning that she would look like her brother soon if she kept at it, but the CEO had paid it no mind. She didn't even feel it anymore.
It wasn't until Kara came waltzing into her life that Lena had dialed down the tight hairstyles, going for more relaxed ponytails and sometimes even keeping it down. If her hair could speak, she knew it would worship Kara for saving it.
The blonde complimented Lena on her hair – and everything else – especially when she wore it down, and so it wasn't like Lena lacked incentive to do it. Kara loved it. And Lena loved Kara's compliments, so the brunette's hair began to enjoy longer periods of freedom.
Six years later
Kara's busy with something that came up at the DEO, and Lena's glued to her laptop, working from home to keep an eye on their little girl. Lori wasn't so little anymore, she was five now, she didn't necessarily require the amount of supervision she did when they'd first had her, but she had insisted her mother stay with her, and Lena could never say no to that adorable little pout.
An email from a particularly misogynistic business partner makes Lena want to pull her hair up in a bun, pull on some heels, break into his house, cross her arms and glare at the man until he surrendered and fell at her feet. They all do, she thought to herself as she began to type out a reeling reply.
She's halfway through spelling out a sincerely nasty word when she feels a little finger nudge her arm.
"Mommy?" The child has Kara's eyes, a deep blue so painfully beautiful you'd sell your heart and soul just to stare into it.
Not even her daughter can take Lena out of her mood, but she sets her laptop aside and looks at her. "What is it, darling?"
"Mommy, my ponytail fell," the kid pouts. She resembles Kara so much it actually physically hurts.
Lena's ready to shut her laptop and spend the rest of the day with the literal sunshine that is her daughter, but another email arrives from the same misogynistic asshole.
Lena bites her lip as she glares at the screen as if, out of sheer force of will, it would shatter and send a shard of glass straight through the man's heart.
"Mommy?" The pout still hasn't left her face.
"Come here, baby," Lena shoves her laptop onto the coffee table and hoists the little girl onto her lap.
She takes the hair tie from her chubby little hand and begins to gather her hair together, gentle at first, then she catches a phrase from the email out of the corner of her eye and her jaw is working again, her grip tightening in the child's hair.
She quickly runs her fingers through it, flattening the curls at the top, then she tugs at it with one fist, intent on pulling it up and securing it with the hair tie in her hand.
Kara zooms in through the open window, taking in the sight of Lena with their daughter on her lap, immediately recognizing one of Lena's worst habits.
She superspeeds to the couch, gently prying Lena's hands away from the small child's hair, who immediately throws her arms around Kara's neck.
"Lena," Kara gently whispers as she picks her daughter up and sits down next to her wife. "First of all, stop grinding your teeth. I could hear it from the DEO."
"Shit, I'm sorry," Lena relaxes only the slightest bit. "I'm sorry, darling, did I hurt you?" She cups her daughter's cheek apologetically.
"Not really. I just felt my hair follicles being ripped out." the little girl mumbled.
"Hey! Where'd you learn that?" Lena narrows her eyes at Kara, who's suddenly found great interest in the ceiling lamp.
"I haven't said that in a while! Last time we talked about your hair, it was about how it was finally gaining volume because you stopped pulling it!" The blonde raises her hands, palms facing Lena, a perfect picture of innocence. Lori is giggling in her lap.
Kara shoots Lena a blinding smile, mirrored by her daughter's own, and it's enough to make whatever anger Lena had been harboring dissipate. Hell, it was enough to end wars, as far as she was concerned.
Her rage turned into laughter that bubbled up her throat as she tackled Kara, making sure her daughter was safe before bombarding her two girls with kisses. Misogynistic asshole #968796 would have to wait.
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harleychick91 · 3 months
New Story
El Mayarah (M)
Summary: After waking from a recurring dream, Kara tells Lena the truth about her identity and how she feels. Nothing goes as the Kryptonian hopes. After being attacked by The Children of Liberty, the only way to save Lena’s life is to take her to Argo City. What happens there will change everything.
Chapter One
Kara’s POV
Ever since Reign was defeated and The Children of Liberty gained power in the media, I've had nightmares. Some were about fighting The World Killers, losing, and them killing everyone I cared for or The Children of Liberty killing all aliens and everyone who helped aliens. Either way, everybody I loved or cared about ended up dying and there was nothing I could do to stop it.
The only way I could go back to sleep was making a cup of tea and wrapping myself in the blanket Lena had left after a movie night. Sipping the warm liquid, I thought about the last few months. Things are so messed up. Lena and Supergirl are at odds because of kryptonite and she doesn't know the truth. It's been too long. It won't end well when I tell Lena who Kara Danvers really is.
Flipping through Netflix, I put on a comfort show and let it play in the background. Lena still made me the kryptonite armor even after our fight. And she gave Mom the recipe to make more Harun-El. I'm so confused.
Desperately needing sleep, I rinsed my mug and went back to bed. Since the blanket still smelled like Lena's apartment, I brought it to bed with me. Nuzzling my face into it, I inhaled the calming scent.
Waking in my bed, I heard a knock on my door. Rushing to answer it, Brainy stood before me. "Brainy? What are you doing here?"
"You're talking to me. And you know who I am." His brow creased. "Supergirl is-,"
"You can't say that! " Pulling him inside, I closed the door quickly. "It's dangerous to walk around without your image inducer turned on."
"Do we know each other? I am Brainiac 5. A 12th level intellect. The Legionnaires call me Brainy." He walked around my apartment aimlessly looking around.
"Yes, we know each other. Mon-El sent you." Why does this feel so familiar?
"Yes. To make sure your neuro pathways are intact." Brainy picked up a plant and examined it. "Your brain is in remarkable health for someone languishing in a coma."
Oh, Rao. "The coma dream palace thing I was in," I sighed. Not this dream again. "Yes, you think I'm in a coma. I was, but I'm not anymore."
"Did I bury the lead?" His head tilted. "You've been in a coma for two days."
"I know. My subconscious feels most at ease here and so on."
"Yes, you've been in a coma."
No matter what I say, it's still going to play out. Rubbing my face, I went along with it. "I'm in my loft."
"Oh! This is just where your subconscious feels most comfortable. We're not really in your loft."
This can't be happening. "If I'm in a coma, how are you here?" I watched as the man continued to walk around my apartment.
"Mon-El woke me from hyper sleep to communicate with you on behalf of him and your D.E.O. patriates. 31st century technology. It's also what's keeping you alive."
"Reign defeated you," he spoke curiously. "Don't you remember?"
Flashes of the fight and Alex finding me in the rubble flashed through my mind. Dread filled me. "No. This…Reign is still out there. People are dying. I need to wake up." Rushing to my door, I tried to open it to no avail.
"I don't think you're listening to me." I tried pulling harder but the door wouldn't give. "Could we maybe try relaxing for a bit?"
After finally giving up on the door, I paced the loft. "This is torture," I huffed. Sitting on the couch, I watched as Brainy inspected my kitchen. "What are you looking for?"
"Any sign of decay or damage. In a simulation like this, it can show up in any type of fashion. I want to make sure there's nothing that will harm your reality reentry."
"Reality reentry?" I held a pillow to my chest.
"If you're not properly prepared, you could go into shock. Some people die instantly."
"Wait, does that mean I'm ready to wake up?" Getting to my feet, I tossed the pillow. "Is there anything I need to do?" I made my way towards the door again.
"This is the manifest of your subconscious and that's the only way in or out. Logic says you need to walk through it."
Trying the door again, it wouldn't budge. "It's not opening." I continued to pull. "Why isn't it opening?"
"We drained the tank and you've suffered no ill effects of hibernation." Boiling water, Brainy sipped a cup of tea. I bit my lip realizing he used some of Lena's favorite tea. "Everything is physically fine. There must be a different reason your mind is keeping you here."
"You're saying I'm keeping myself here?" I scoffed. "That doesn't make any sense. I'm the one who wants out of here." I tried punching through the door but was only knocked back.
"Is there a reason your subconscious wants you to stay here? Self preservation perhaps? You were badly beaten." He sipped more tea as he sat on the couch. "Fear can be powerful."
"I am not afraid." I tried using my heat vision until everything around us was destroyed. Frustrated, I started to clean.
"Is there something different about this version of your loft? Something that stands out."
Placing some items on my coffee table, I looked around. My stomach dropped seeing coats, shoes, and other little things that weren't mine. A lot of Lena's things are here. Things that aren't actually in my loft. This is new. The dream has never taken this path before. Turning my gaze to the picture in hand, it was one I took of us. We were cheek to cheek and smiling.
"You've noticed something," Brainy's voice trailed. "Who is this brunette woman?" He picked up a nearby picture I kept on the side table. "Your mate? Mon-El said you were single."
"No. She's…just a friend." My stomach fell. I don't want her to be just a friend.
The man studied me. "You want her to be your mate." His head tilted. "You could be stuck because you're scared."
"I've not told her that I'm Supergirl. She'll hate me." I swallowed hard seeing the brunette in question appear sitting in my armchair. Walking towards her, I wrapped Lena in my arms. "I miss you."
"I'm right here, Kara," Lena nuzzled her face in my neck, holding me tightly.
"She appeared to you for a reason," he coaxed. "What is it?"
Releasing the shorter woman, I turned towards Brainy. "Possibly because I have to face the fact that I've had feelings for her?"
His brow creased. "But you love Mon-El."
"You can love more than one person at a time, I think." I took the safer option, falling for Mon-El. Loving him was easier than loving Lena. He was a certain thing. She's not.
"And now?" Brainy's attention shifted.
Turning back to dream Lena, I cupped her face. The action caused a warm smile to appear. "To get out of here I have to admit to myself that I love her…." That thought terrifies me.
My alarm woke me from my Lena, Brainy, coma dream. Staring at the ceiling, I thought about Lena and my feelings for her. I am so screwed. I need to bite the figurative bullet and tell her. I'd rather bite a real one.
Continue reading on AO3 or FFN
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54436363
FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14336503/1/El-Mayarah
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Fair warning: it's a long post. Let's examine some of the reasons that Kara has cited why she didn't tell Lena the super secret:
1. She wanted to protect her
Now, this one has some legs on it as Kara specifically mentions it in S3 during a conversation with James and Mon-El. And there's definitely some truth to it. But it's also bullshit. Lena was in constant danger and put herself at risk to save/protect Kara who didn't actually need it. In fact, the first time Lena's mentioned (not shown just mentioned) it's in regards to the venture explosion - something that happened because Lex was trying to kill her. People have been trying to kill, kidnap, manipulate, threaten Lena since minute one. Knowing Kara = SG would not have severely worsened any of that. In fact, it might've helped ease Lena's anxieties and resulted in her taking less risks with her life. In fact, I'm surprised Lena didn't think that Kara's association with her was putting Kara at risk (a far more likely thing).
The 100th episode addresses this to some degree in one of the AUs. Lena tells Kara that she wouldn't have had to risk her life dealing with Sam/Reign alone if she'd known the truth and she's absolutely right. And sure, Lena could've told SG and the DEO when she pieced Reign = Sam together but ask yourself, why would she? What assurance did she have that the DEO would not have treated her BEST FRIEND like a hostile instead of someone in need of help? The DEO is guilty of this and they have a history of locking up aliens indefinitely and on occassion straight up murder. After Reign nearly killed their biggest asset (i.e. SG) why in the hell would Lena trust them with helping Sam? She wouldn't nor should she have. She didn't know that she could go to SG because remember, Lena doesn't think of her the same way she does of Kara. SG is not her best friend. She doesn't have a personal, humanized relationship with her (at least not that she knows of). And obviously she's not going to tell Kara the human reporter with the DEO agent sister about it either. And the kryptonite? SG lost her shit over it even though she's been working with the DEO who stockpiled the stuff until SM left with it (a dumbass move that would've bit them so hard in the ass with the WK situation if it weren't for Lena's kryptonite!). Plus, Kara didn't have an issue with Oliver having a kryptonite arrow, J'onn having a sword. But Lena? How dare she!
So yea no. I get that "I kept my secret to protect you" is a popular thing in the hero world but in the case of Kara and Lena, it doesn't make sense and it did make situations unnecessarily harder.
2. She didn't trust Lena
This is mentioned by Kara to William in a deleted scene from S5 but I think it's worth exploring. I'm not sure to what extent Kara means with this but it could be referring to the moments as SG where she did display a distrust of Lena's intentions and she used Lena's personal relationships against her (i.e. asking James to break into Lena's lab). I mentioned the S3 shitshow with the kryptonite which is where a lot of this started but there's also other scenes in that same season where SG pretty much calls into question the so-called trust she has in Lena despite claiming otherwise. The switch was so abrupt the minute she learned Lena not only had but knew how to make kryptonite. Did anyone ever consider why Lena would bother learning how to make kryptonite? I'd hazard a guess that it was something she was looking into even before Sam/Reign. I think she happened to find Lex's stock and she decided to learn how it works and why it affects the Supers like it does. That would explain how Lena seems to be the ONLY ONE able to make an anti-kryptonite suit and other viable forms of the rock (i.e. Harun el). But no, SG and others immediately jump to the worst conclusions and associate the endeavour with Lena's last name, something SG KNOWS Lena is sensitive about it. And then the harun el. SG was suddenly fine with Lena making it when it was to split Sam from Reign and save Argo from extinction. But when it was used for something else that Lena didn't clue her in on (and what do you know, Alex, Brainy and James didn't either and they KNEW what Lena was doing with it) she got back on her high horse and the distrust became front and centre. You can't trust Lena as Kara and then immediately distrust her as SG and expect her to be accepting of this dichotomy. I'm surprised the woman managed to retain her sanity.
And still, this reasoning doesn't quite hit the mark in comparison to every other insistence of Kara believing in Lena (from day one she even told Clark that she believed Lena after meeting her for the first time). But the contrasting opinions and actions must have given Lena pause. I don't blame her to call into question which version of the truth was real and choosing to believe the worst. It's what SG and the SFs have been doing to her.
3. She was wary of Lena
This isn't an explicitly given reason but I do think it's how the secret keeping started in S2. Frankly, I don't even blame Kara for not showing her full deck in the beginning because she (and even us as an audience) didn't know much about Lena beyond wanting to do good and not be like her family. So no, Kara not telling Lena in the beginning actually makes sense to me (though she told Nia in a split second but that's neither here nor there). For me, I started to seriously take Lena at her word after the Medusa episode. That would've been the perfect opportunity for her to show the true "xenophobic" colours some parts of the fandom accuse her of having and she didn't do it. I don't think she even got so much as a thank you for it. People praise SM for getting Lex arrested but ultimately it was Lena's testimony that got him thrown behind bars. Same thing with Lillian! And yes, the daxamite invasion was facilitated by Lena unwittingly working with Rhea but she fixed it with the lead dispersal bomb, a device she allowed SG the privilege of using or not. So Kara and the SFs being cautious about Lena really should've evaporated halfway through S2 (and it did for Kara at least). In fact, the daxamite invasion may not have happened if Lena knew exactly who Rhea was and her relation to Mon-El because they would've warned Lena about it. Lena did want Kara's advice on Rhea and she would've waited for it if she knew what was going on (i.e. Alex being held hostage) and hell, might've been able to fix it in typical Lena ex machina fashion.
4. She didn't want to lose her
This is probably as close to the truth as we've gotten and it's actually part of her confession in 5x01 (something her outburst in 5x19 tries to undo). But the thing is, Kara KNEW this was a possibility and yet, continued walking towards the deadly cliff with her eyes wide open. The probability of losing Lena got higher and higher as time went on and it was always inevitable. There was always this spotlight placed on Kara telling Lena or Lena finding out on her own but there was always a HUGE chance that Lillian would've told her. Or Lex, which is exactly what happened. And Kara knew that they knew and yet she did nothing about it. The minute kara found out Lillian knew she should've taken action, what guarantee did she have that Lillian wouldn't have gotten bored of waiting for Lena to piece it together? How can they just leave Lillian with dangerous knowledge like that is beyond me. When Alex in particular has made such a big deal about people knowing, didn't want Kara telling Lena, only allowed Kara to tell Lucy to save J'onn and yet, letting Lillian amble about with this info is okay??? Nothing was stopping her from telling Lena or it slipping during one their chess games and definitely nothing stopping Lex from dropping that bomb.
The 100th episode AUs showed us that each time it was Kara telling the truth, no matter how hurt and upset Lena rightfully was, she was ultimately fine with it. And Kara ends up losing her to death, not because Lena walked away. How this wasn't the takeaway message for Kara after that adventure, idk. It was Kara's hesitatancy in telling Lena that allowed Lex to weaponize this secret and twist it into something it never was. And yes, Kara doesn't owe a damn soul her secret and has rarely ever been given the chance to tell anyone on her own terms (James - told by SM, Alex, J'onn, Brainy, Mon-El, the Legion - always knew, Lex & Lillian, Lord & Cat - found out somehow). She only ever got to tell Winn, Lucy and Nia and I'm sorry but none of those people have ever proven themselves trustworthy at the time of the reveal the way Lena has.
So while Kara is every right to keep her secrets, she was wrong to insert herself in Lena's life if she never had any intention of telling her and let's be honest, it really didn't seem like Kara had any timeline on that front.
5. She was selfish
Similar to the above and also mentioned during the confession but this is even deeper. Lena was something of an outlet for Kara, a way to feel completely normal, something she hasn't been able to experience with anyone, even Mon-El. Can you imagine being a cub reporter who knows powerful CEO Lena Luthor and having said CEO choose to spend time with you? Choose to let you interview her when she's wary of the press (remember her interactions with Clark in 2x01 and her family history)? Choose to treat your problems as important and valid and human? I don't blame Kara at all for being selfish with Lena, for wanting to keep Lena all to herself like that. But to not share the other aspects of herself was seriously wrong too and resulted in this imbalance in their relationship. To Lena, it looks like she was giving all of herself when Kara was not. It looks like she put all her trust and vulnerabilities out there when Kara didn't. It looks like Kara was using her (which let's be real, she kinda did a few times in S2 with the fight club and bs article to get info on Lillian and then ofc the CatCo-Edge problem she visited Lena for after ignoring her and proceeding to continue the rejection after Lena said she'd look into it).
You think post-reveal Lena didn't think back to all those moments and have those kinda thoughts? Even called into question what might've been the real reason James dated her and Kara was so insistent on befriending her? Were there perhaps times were she figured it out and can't remember and what's why she chose not to see it? Why do we think she still showed up game night in 4x22 instead of confronting Kara? Because these thoughts amongst others must've been swarming her mind and the only way to keep the upper hand is to continue playing dumb. So yes, Kara made the conscious decision to be selfish with Lena because of the unexpected connection they forged and I get it totally. But Lena has never been selfish and she's always made hard efforts to be a damn good friend (and she was idc what others might think on that) and open herself up to Kara despite how difficult and frankly foreign that is for her.
So are Kara's reasons valid? To a point, I would say yes but their validity waned over the seasons to the point where the secret keeping didn't even make sense anymore.
So was Lena's anger valid? Yes! 100% it was and honestly, I'm surprised she managed to keep it together for so long. I couldn't. But her anger doesn't justify her actions (mind control, manipulating Kara, threatening Russell, holding J'onn's bro captive, putting Hope inside Eve) and how she went out of her way to hurt Kara back. However, I get why she did it though it's worth pointing out that this is the only instances of a betrayal in her life where Lena has gone this far. Bitch straight up spiralled where previously she would cut ties and move the fuck on with life. But with Kara, that doesn't even seem to manifest itself to Lena as an option. Will the show ever address the obvious WHY for this and for Kara being so so terrified of losing Lena (like honestly I have never seen Kara look more distressed).
Maybe, maybe not but regardless I'm not buying this platonic friends nonsense because no one is that devastated over a friendship. Many of us (myself included) have experienced falling outs with very close friends and breakups. Which one do you think the Kara/Lena rift in S5 felt like? It was full on heartbreak, loving someone in complete torment and not being able to stop despite wanting to because even though it's painful, the alternative is infinitely worse.
MB and KM's acting choices aside, these idiot showrunners have brought us to this point with their own narrative and the only logical next step is to make them canon.
Lol okay I'm done.
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skywitclouds · 3 years
So I had an idea of a fanfic, it's if kara hadn't let lex get lena to cure him, what would've happened if kara saved red daughter.
__________________________________________"wait mxy" kara says, turning around toward the imp.
"I want to see one last reality"
"As you wish" the imp gets ready to send her into the new story,
"Take me to the day lex came back, when he needed Lena's help."
"Okay three, two" and with a snap, Kara's standing in front of the Luthor mansion, in her normal clothes without her glasses.
Okay here goes nothing
She walks toward the door, texts lena to open the door.
K: Hey lena
L :Hi, did you need something, I'm out of national city
K :I know, I'm outside Luthor mansion could you let me in.
L : what , what are you doing here.
K : needed to talk to you, urgently.
L : ok give me a second.
Lena asks one the staff to open the door, she's sitting in the living room reading a book.
Kara walks inside , the staff member has a confused look on his face, but doesn't say anything.
"Hey Lena" Kara calls out to Lena,
Lena doesn't turn around, Kara hesitates unsure if she's close to ruining everything, but she had her mind set, so she's gonna do it.
Kara walks to the couch where Lena is, "Lena can we talk"
Lena looks up expecting to see Kara Danvers, but instead comes face to face with someone unknown, she feels like it's neither Supergirl nor Kara Danvers.
"Kara, I- I"
"I know, I know you're confused but I neeed to tell you something and I need to get you out of here."
"What do you mean ,out of here"
"I mean if you'll let me and if you trust that I want you to be safe then come with me please." Lena nods accepting that even if she's been lying, she's never failed to protect her.
They walk out to open ground, kara silently asks if it's okay to pick Lena up, Lena nods and they fly off. Lena holds on for her life, scared of the fact that she's flying in the arms of a person, unsure if it's even legal to fly a human without a belt or safety precautions. She's flown before but it wasn't straight up full speed and without supergi-no Kara's cape or maybe she did, maybe the dream she had where kara was flying her to the DEO was real. The land near Kara's apartment. To be honest she thought that they were going to the DEO.
"Kara, why aren't we at the DEO"
"They don't know what I'm about to tell you"
"What how"
Kara's surprised at how well Lena's taking it. She thinks that it's because Eve hasn't betrayed Lena yet.
But that's about to change.
"I might have been doing some recon alone."
"But Lena right now I need Harun-El and green kryptonite if you can spare it.
"Why, why do you need that,"
"Don't ask me how I know, but lex has, cancer, he gave himself cancer to get Harun-El, he's also gonna get James shot, he's planning to "help" kaznia invade America and then make himself the hero. Lena I need the Kryptonites not to take but I need them here, ready and don't ask Eve to get them for you. I'll go get them just be ready to meet someone."
"Why not ask Eve"
"She's working with lex"
"Don't ask me how I know"
Kara flys off to Luthor mansion again, discreetly get the kryptonite and flys back before Eve could see her. While Kara's gone, Lena drops on the couch, she's not doing well, Eve's lying to her kara is supergirl and Lex wants Harun-El, and James is gonna get shot.
Truly she doesn't care about that last anecdote, she'll save him but if he gets shot it's not a problem.
By the time she could think up anything to say to Kara , the super is back.
"Tell me why"
"Tell me why you didn't tell me"
"Will you believe me,"
"Look I know that I've hurt you but right now I need to finish what I'm doing, I'll tell you everything later, also, you can't talk to Alex. Cuz she doesn't know. It's also because I need you to be safe you're already targeted by so many people I would hate it if I was the reason you were hurt." Before Lena could reply, kara flew off., She sits back down, rewinding everything kara just said, Alex doesn't know, how does Alex not know, she goes toward her equipment, sets it up so it's ready for whatever kara needs it for. She goes to Kara's kitchen, gets some water. And preferably sees if kara has anything strong that's safe for humans. She looks into a few cabinets before she sees a stock of liquor. Woah, okay so maybe kara likes to drink a whole bottle of neat vodka to see what it does do her, no big deal.
Lena takes a bottle of scotch, pours herself a glass and takes a peek at Kara's bookshelf, she's never been alone in Kara's apartment before. The second she sees Kara's book collection she feels like an idiot, if only she'd seen the stuff kara has she would've understood that she was an alien. She takes out a book of advanced chemistry, sees a note scribbled on it,
Kara zor-el 2005 with the house of El crest drawn. '2005... she must've been 14, how would she understand this at fourteen, ' she puts the book back, takes out a book of old high level math book that was written in Hindi,                                            "यह किताब कारा की है"
Is written on it, it probably means that it's Kara's book.
She sees a few other books that were way to advanced for a human teen to study.
To her surprise she doesn't see any human history or any books that weren't related to new languages or science and maths.
She gets it I mean it's understandable why Kara wouldn't be interested in learning about old humans seeing as we were all disgusting idiots who can't accept anything.
By the time lena finishes two glasses of scotch, and cruising through Kara's bookshelf. Kara's back with a squirming. ¿kara? In her arms
"Let me go" the doppelganger says in a thick Russian accent
"Kara, who is this"
"I am red daughter, Lena, and if you don't let me go A-lex will not let you be"
"Why don't you listen to me, lex isn't good he doesn't like krytonians he's using you,"
"His name is A-lex"
Lena is baffled "both of you quiet, red doughter is it, Kara's right if Lex is doing anything good for you it's an act he can never do good for anyone" she quite surprised how she isn't bursting with emotions, how she remained calm after receiving the news that her best friend had been lying to her.
"Why should I believe you, you're just Americans, a-lex is helping Kaznia"
"He isn't okay, wait , wait right here, I have something that will convince you, " kara doesn't care anymore she going to show them a glimpse of the future which could have been.
"lena keep her here,"
"Mxy pull me out"
And with that kara is gone, and back at her loft with mxy watching lena try and succeed in holding down red daughter.
Next part will be out on Wattpad first in a few weeks or something, at @fiction-add_ict
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spaceman-earthgirl · 4 years
This fic was commissioned by @riversky based on the prompt:
"Linda survives and is taken into the Danvers family and superfam and she'll eventually be known as the third Danvers sister cause it's what she deserves!!!!"
Thank you again!
Read it on ao3
“What’s going to happen to her?” Kara asks.
Alex can see the worry in her eyes as they watch the woman currently curled up in the med bay, looking so small and fragile. Alex keeps having to glance at her sister to remind herself that it’s not Kara in the bed.
The urge to hug her still remains.
“I don’t know,” Alex says, her own eyes on Linda. The poor Kryptonian has been through so much in her short life, and now she’s here, thankfully unharmed, but to her, she’s lost the only person who ever cared for her.
“She can’t say here,” Kara says.
“No, she can’t,” Alex agrees, because she’s not a prisoner, she saved Supergirl’s life, and she deserves more than the shitty hand she’s been dealt.
“She could come stay with me?”
“You know that wouldn’t work, she looks just like you.”
Kara sighs. “I’m not leaving her here.”
Alex wonders if Linda can hear them from their place outside her room. She kind of hopes she can, only so she knows that she still has people who care about her. Alex would offer her own place, but it’s barely big enough from her and Maggie and there’s only one room. Maybe she could move-
“What about Eliza?” Kara asks. “Do you think she’d look after Linda for a while?”
Alex loves her sister, why didn’t she think of that? “She already took in one Kryptonian, I’m sure we could persuade her to take in another.”
Alex finds it incredibly disconcerting when she visits Midvale for the first time since Eliza took Linda in, to see her sister-who’s-not-her-sister in her childhood home.
She knows Linda isn’t her sister, she’s know they’re different, but she looks so damn similar and she’s in her house and it’s confusing.
“How’s she doing?” Alex asks as she watches Linda move around the kitchen. At least it looks like she can cook better than Kara.
“Good,” Eliza smiles. “It’s nice having her here. She really likes baking, though I think just likes the treat you get to eat at the end.”
Alex laughs, a love of food is something she has in common with Kara.
“She loves the beach too, she goes for a walk every day, though she hasn’t been swimming yet. She loves hearing stories about you girls too.” Eliza lowers her voice, glancing at Linda to make sure she isn’t listening in. “I think she might be lonely here with just me.”
Alex hadn’t wanted to overwhelm Linda, that’s why she came by herself this time, but maybe she’ll bring Kara and Maggie next time.
“Alex, would you like a cookie? Eliza said they’re you’re favourite.”
Alex smiles at the gesture as she takes one from the offered plate. Maybe she is a bit different to Kara, Kara never shares food.
“Alex, can you teach me to surf?”
The question surprises Alex on her next visit to Midvale. “Do you know how to swim?” Alex asks tentatively, not wanting to diminish the enthusiastic look on Linda’s face.
“I do, I saw some children swimming and it looked like fun. I like swimming.”
Alex drags Kara and Maggie to the beach with them the next morning, though Maggie doesn’t need much persuading, she’s been wanting to watch Alex surf since she found out she could. Kara takes a little more coaxing, not a fan of the way the sand itches against her skin, but she agrees after Alex promises to buy her way too much food when they get home. She mostly just needs Kara there in case Linda can’t swim, because there’s no way she’ll be able to drag a heavy Kryptonian out of the waves on her own.
By the time they make it back to the house, Alex is exhausted, cold and covered in sand, but the grin Linda has on her face for the rest of the day is worth it.
Linda and Kara are different, and Alex has learned to see them as two different people now, but they’re also similar in a lot of ways.
One way is that stupid pout and wide-eyes thing they are both scarily good at.
Another is their obvious love of food.
And third is Lena.
Alex hasn’t invited Lena to Midvale yet, they’ve talked about it, without Linda, unsure if she’s ready to see the sister of the man who treated her so horribly, who manipulated her and almost killed her. She’d told Kara not to bring Lena up when they’re in Midvale, unsure how Linda would handle the memories (she makes a mental note to talk to her mother about getting Linda into therapy).
But, Kara being Kara, she can’t go very long without bringing Lena up in some way, shape or form.
“Lena?” Linda questions, Alex glaring at her sister. Linda surprises them though, or maybe she shouldn’t be overly surprised, knowing her sister. “She’s pretty.”
Kara’s cheeks go red, her mouth falling open. She stumbles over her words for a moment before she finally comes up with a response. “She is.”
“Can she come visit next time with you?” Linda asks.
Kara looks like she’s about to say no so Alex cuts in before she can. “I’ll ask her,” Alex smiles. “I’m sure she’d love to.” She thinks she should ask the boys too, or better yet, invite Linda to the city of a weekend, she thinks she’d like that.
Kara shoots her a look that says “what are you doing?”
Alex raises an eyebrow, hopes Kara catches her meaning.
You better ask Lena out soon you useless bisexual.
If Kara didn’t get it, she’ll tell her again later.
Alex is excited for Linda coming to visit, not just because she’s going to finally see the city again, but because it’s Maggie’s birthday and she has a surprise party planned for her.
Maggie is surprised, or she acts surprised, Alex can tell when her girlfriend is lying and she’s going to find out who exactly let her secret slip, but that’s for later, right now is for celebrating.
And they do, they have fun, Linda seamlessly slotting in with the rest of their friends, Alex happy to see her smiling so much, a far cry from the alien they’d first taken to Midvale.
But then it’s Alex who gets her own surprise, who should’ve seen this coming, Alex who should’ve thought about this more, because Linda asks, “when’s my birthday?”
Kara’s the one who answers, quoting the date as the day the Harun-El was used, the day she materialised at the Siberian Border, since it’s technically the day she was ‘born’.
“Is it?” Linda asks, turning to Alex. Alex has noticed it before and she notices it again now, the way Linda seems to gravitate towards her, wants to know her opinion on things, wants to know more about Alex herself.
“I think so,” Alex agrees, realising it was last month, meaning they’d missed it.
Linda’s smiling though now, she doesn’t seem to mind
But Alex already has thoughts swirling around her mind, how to make it up to her now, and then how to make her next birthday even more special, she can see Kara thinking the same thing, because she deserves it, she deserves so much more than life has given her so far.
For Linda’s next birthday, they officially ask her if she’d like to become a Danvers.
She surprises Alex again by asking, “aren’t I already?”
Alex laughs, pulling her into a hug. She never thought she’d have one sister, and now she has two.
Kara crashes into them, arms going around them both. The only thing that stops them all tumbling over is Linda’s strength. “Of course you are!” Kara grins.
Alex loves her family as the rest of the superfriends pile into the hug. They’re an entirely unconventional one, and she has two aliens as sisters, but she wouldn’t change a thing.
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imagine-lcorp · 4 years
Think About It (One Shot)
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fem!Reader and Lena where R is Winn’s older sister and like him, is very intelligent. Yet, unlike him, is more confident and a whole badass person 🤩 lena and r bump into each other when they’re both at the DEO. R and Winn are enthusiastically chatting about some nErDy stuff and while Lena is talking to Supergirl, she catches R in the corner of her eye and is absolutely mesmerized
A/N: I guys, so we are back!! I’m sorry it’s taking a shot ton of time from me to write but i’m trying to get my shit together over here so that’s a work in progress but remember it is my mission to finish your request so pls don’t worry! Now, kudos to the dear anon that sent this one, i hope you like it! love ya guys :)
Lena Luthor x Schott Fem!R//Word Count: 2,008
The DEO had been relatively quiet during the whole day as there seemed to be nothing that could disrupt the calm that surrounded the whole place. There had been no threats of any kind. All hostile aliens were already on their cells, and the agents had been going about their day without interruption. Nothing out of the ordinary seemed to happen, and it almost felt like a well deserved day of rest considering the last threat they had to face. Reign and the Worldkillers had given the world a show to remember and everyone was still trying to go back to some sort of normalicy.
J'onn and Alex had been in the main office, discussing what she needed to know as the soon to be new director of the DEO. Part of the Legion of Superheros was still around, taking care of the last details before returning to their own time. Supergirl was close to the labs, thanking Lena for basically saving everyone's lives with the Harun-El.
It could have been one of the quietest days at the DEO had it not been for the sudden bickering that filled the lobby.
"It is not." Winn's voice echoed through the walls.
"It is." Your voice came almost instantly.
"It's not!" "It is!"
It kept going and going until the voices reached the center of the lobby and everyone turned their heads to see who was causing such a fuss.
"(Y/N), come on! Those are high tech machines, what's not to love about them." It was Winn who kept going about it.
"Look, I totally get it." You said as you walked through the lobby. "You wanna have your fun punching giant monsters in your giant robot? That's great! But they are unpractical."
"They are not. You're creating a line of defense against big alien creatures, fighting fire with fire."
"The thing is they are purely mechanical bodies fighting sentient creatures that obviously have a huge mobility advantage. Why don't you use biological weapons instead and end the job faster?"
"You serious?" Winn stopped in the middle of the lobby. "Bio weapons is the last thing you want to use. Do you wanna endanger the whole population?"
"Alright, alright. I'll give you that." You stopped too and turned to look at your brother. "But it is still unpractical a waste of resources because you cannot fight, guess what?"
"What?" Winn crossed his arms.
You gave him a cheeky smile, like you always did when you were sure you were about to end an argument. "Physics."
Even though you were sure that would end the discussion, it only helped to increase the debate between you two.
Lena, who had walked outside the labs along with Supergirl to find out what was happening, became pretty interested in the discussion you were having. First, because she had never seen Winn fight with anyone like that and second, because she had never seen you before, and once her eyes were on you it was almost impossible to take them off.
"What are they talking about?" She asked Supergirl, imagining her super hearing could help her have a better grasp at the debate.
"Uh, something about giant robots?" Supergirl shrugged and smiled fondly at the scene. She had seen this kind of fight between the Schott siblings, and she knew this was the way you usually showed your affection to each other. "You never really know with those two."
"Who's that?" Lena asked.
"That's (Y/N), Winn's older sister."
"I didn't know Winn had a sister."
"Well, there she is." Supergirl smiled, noticing the way Lena looked at you. "She's great, I hope you get to meet her tonight."
"Tonight?" She raised her eyebrows.
"The Legion of Superheroes is leaving, and Winn along with them. We organized a little farewell party, so she came." Kara turned to see you and your brother still arguing. "You're staying for the party, right?"
"I don't know." Lena shrugged. "There's a lot I still have to do at L-Corp."
"Come on, Miss Luthor. I think you could use a little distraction too after all that has happened."
"I'll think about it." She said as she watched you two.
She could hear a bit more of what you were talking about. It was a really heated argument indeed about giant robots and the impossibility of creating such machines with the current technologies available. She could see, after a minute observing you, that this conversation was now just an excuse for you to annoy your brother. Every time Winn tried to make a valid point to his arguments you came with another equally valid. The fight couldn't seen to find an end, until J'onn came out of his office to talk you down.
"Agent Schott?" He stood in front of you both and Lena watched as you stood watching your brother trip over his words.
"Sir-I m-mean- J'onn!" He said.
"Is everything alright?" J'onn asked with a very paternal frown.
"I'm sorry, yes." You steeped out saving your brother the embarrassment Lena could see on your brother's red face. "My brother and I were just having a little discussion over practical armament. Also, I'm (Y/N) Schott, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, sir."
Lena watched as you smiled at him confidently, as if you were meeting an old friend instead of your brother's boss, and without noticing she smiled too. Then she saw J'onn take you and your brother to his office and with that you disappeared for a while. Lena imagined they had invited you to the party and the idea of staying a little longer didn't seem too bad.
Meanwhile, once J'onn got you in his office, he spoke with you and your brother about the current DEO situation. You had had an idea of what this visit was all about the moment Winn had invited you to come with him and, as J'onn kept talking, you finally got the whole reason why you were there. To join the DEO.
"Would you consider it at least?" J'onn asked after he stated the final proposition.
"Yes, she will." Winn looked at you with a raised eyebrow. "Right?"
"I'll think about it, sir." It was the only thing you said before leaving J'onn's office.
Once you were out you could sense your brother about to have some words with you, not believing you hadn't say yes right away to the possibility of working for the DEO, when J'onn opened his door again and called your brother for a private conversation and saved you the annoyance.
"We'll talk later." He said to you with a frown before leaving you.
You waved at him with a cheeky smile before he closed the door and you were then alone in the middle of the hallway not really knowing where to go or what to do. You decided to walk back to the lobby, thinking about the position J'onn had offered to you and how it hadn't been much of a surprise.
When Winn had called a few days ago, you could hear in his voice the sort of seriousness and solemnity that was reserved for the great moments and great tragedies. Like when your he had told you your father had escaped from prison or like when he told you he was joining a secret agency. So when he told you he was joining a team of superheroes from the future, you started to think about what it meant for you.
You didn't want to take his place as you knew it could be impossible to replace him but you also knew it was probably the only place were you would be able to check on him constantly and without further trouble. But Winn, being the brother he was, wasn't going to leave you all by yourself. He had probably been the one to suggest you took his place in the agency, first, to have someone as capable as him to assist his friends, second, to finally have all of his family in one place and, third, so you could have someone to rely on once he was gone. It was both a sweet and sad gesture and it made you realize how much you were going to miss him.
Thankfully, your mind found a little distraction while looking for the nearest exit.
The laboratories seemed to be abandoned as everyone else was preparing for the party and you glanced at something quite interesting inside of one of the rooms. You took a look at the hallway and considering you were alone you thought it wouldn't harm to peek a little. Inside, the room was illuminated by the artificial light and in the middle of it there was a work table with some kind of rock on display. At first, it didn't seem like much until you looked at the screens showing its molecular composition. You took the safety glasses that laid around and took a closer look at it.
"It isn't very polite to trespass inside someone else's lab." You barely flinched at the voice behind you and kept looking at the rock.
"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak upon your work but it looked pretty interesting." You took a step back from the table, took the glasses off and turned to see the person behind you.
"That's Harun-el. Krytonian mineral." The rock was instantly forgotten as she walked towards you with crossed arms and a little smile, and you were caught by her green eyes.
"Oh, wow, no wonder why Winn likes it in here." You said looking at her and then cleared your throat. "Uh, what does it do? Found anything about it yet?"
"Considering this is a highly secret agency and this a highly secret investigation, I can't say much, unfortunately." She pretended she didn't hear your first comment.
"Right, right, sorry again." You put the glasses back in the table. "Also, I don't think we have been introduced. I'm (Y/N) Schott."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Lena Luthor." She uncrossed her arms to shake the hand you were offering.
"Are you serious?" You replied with raised eyebrows. "I'm a, uh, big fan, by the way."
"Thank you, (Y/N)." You saw her smile and were grateful she kept talking to you. Lena herself felt her cheeks turn a bit red at your compliment. It was hard to imagine how someone like you could like her.
"So, you are here often? I mean, you work for the DEO?" You asked.
"Yes and no. I assist the DEO in some cases. I do not work for them." She turned to look at the Harun-el. "What about you? You came to work for the agency?"
"No, I guess I just come to say goodbye to my brother. But I haven't decided yet."
"Oh, that's sad." She said looking at you with curiosity. "I might have been open to share some details of my investigation, seeing as you're interested in it."
"If you put it that way, I might also have a very compelling reason to accept the job offer but...I would be more interested in sharing a drink with you, Miss Luthor." You thought for a moment about your words and finished with a little smile. "If you were interested, of course."
"Well, first you have to accept the job, right?" You watched as she walked outside the lab. "And I hope this isn't the last time we talk."
You followed a step behind. "Aren't you staying for the party, Miss Luthor?"
"Maybe not for this one." She stopped for a second to consider it. "But if you have a welcome party, I'll think about it." She turned to smile at you and turned around keeping her pace.
As you watched her go, you decided working for the DEO wasn't such a bad idea. You could check on your brother from time to time, and the job offer wasn't so bad. And of you had the change to work with Lena Luthor, what else could you ask for?
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ruffiorocks · 4 years
Kara needs to realise she's in love with Lena on her own!!
This one for away from me! 😅
I've been seeing a lot of posts saying they wish Cat Grant would come back and tell Kara she is in love with Lena, or that Alex should tell her.
But the thing is, I don't want that to happen!
Guys, one of things that has been annoying people to no end is the fact that Kara has to be TOLD she's into someone. She had to be told she was into Mon El and she's basically being told she's into William.
Lena had to be told she had chemistry with James, a romance that came out of literally nowhere and didn't go anywhere but rock bottom because of the lack of build up, chemistry, communication and utter disrespect James had for Lena both as a girlfriend and as his boss.
Anyone who reads my posts knows I couldn't stand James, but at least he and Kara had actual chemistry in season one right from the get go. Kara didn't need to be told she was into James, she was aware of it. She did however have to be told by Alex that Adam was flirting with her.
So why would we want someone to once again tell Kara she is into someone rather than her coming to this realisation all on her own?
Should the writers ever put Kara and Lena together they need to come to the realisation that they are into each other all on their own. Constantly having to be told you are into someone is a poor way of showing a romance.
Antis would have a field day it Alex or anyone else told Kara she was in love with Lena. They would say the exact same thing we've been saying, that they had to be told this because there is no chemistry.
So no, I don't want Cat Grant to come back to tell Kara she's being and idiot and is in love with Lena. Should the writers want to make SC canon I want Kara to realise she's in love with Lena. I want the writers to stop making her an oblivious dumb ass who protests she isn't into someone only for another character to tell her she must be and for her to be like "yeah you must be right and I must be wrong " and to constantly second guess herself.
Kara had chemistry with Mon El but the relationship was riddled with problems, lies and a lack of respect. Not all on Mon Els part, Kara didn't have a lot of respect for him either and tried to push him into doing something he didn't want to do.
My biggest issue with Karamel and why I never saw it as endgame was because these two characters didn't really know all that much about eachother. Kara knew Mon El the ex royal guard and the new person he decided to be on Earth and Mon El knew Kara Danvers and Supergirl. Kara didn't know who Mon El truly was until just before she had to send him away. She found out he was the Prince she couldn't stand and they had no time to discuss it before he was yeeted into space. After Mon El came back he was someone completely different, he wasnt the Mon El she had known and Mon El finally got to meet Kara Zor El. This would have been good for me if he hadn't come back with a wife. But he did, and he still strung Kara along, even discussing his marriage issues with her to the point she told him she didn't want to hear it.
Now Kara and Lena have a similar issue. Lena got to know Kara Danvers and Supergirl but unlike Mon El she knew them as two separate people. Kara got to know Lena Luthor, Lena didn't have a secret second identity and didn't lie about who she was, she didn't pretend to be "Lena Thorul" or "Tess Mercer". Kara actively kept her identity a secret from Lena which would have been fine if she hadn't gone all OOC in season 3 and decided she could play Lena by being an ass to her as Supergirl but then come back and play nice and be Lena's bff as Kara Danvers. Yes, Lena kept secrets from Supergirl but she didn't do these things to hurt her, secrets were kept to protect Sam and it's not like Supergirl didn't keep secrets from Lena. Lena didn't tell Kara everything either, but why would she tell her civilian best friend about the top secret projects she was working on ? Or that she had met with Lex and was keeping him alive? What buisness is that of Kara Danvers?
Remember when Kara screamed at Mon El that she had given her heart to a lying Jack ass?
what if Lena believes she gave her heart to a lying Jack ass as well? Lena even told Kara that she had broken her heart.
The funny thing about these two is that no matter what they just can't forget about each other. Even when Supergirl was being an ass to Lena she was still there for her and Lena was still there for Supergirl. They may have been mad at each other but they came swooping in whenever the other needed help.
Remember the scene where Kara had hoped that what had happened wouldn't ruin their friendship? But Lena wasn't going to sit and take that and told her that she had real friends, ones that didn't lie to her and didn't ask her boyfriend to vilolate her trust? Kara or rather Supergirl looked broken and what did she do? Kara went straight back to Lena for the first time in RAO knows when as Kara Danvers so she could be with her best friend so she could have Lena in some way. But we still saw the guilt on her face when Lena said she could never trust Supergirl again.
Then we had the reveal and great RAO!! That was one of the most emotional scenes the show has ever produced. Kara was broken! She knew what she had done was wrong, keeping the secret for a while wasn't wrong but all the bull shit that came with it and the length of time was what was wrong. Kara herself has admitted this. Kara was practically hyperventilating when she revealed herself and when Lena just walked passed her she was broken. The look of utter relief when she believed Lena had forgiven her was amazing. Personally to me it looked like Lena really did in some way forgive her and couldn't bear to see Kara like that. She's always been weak around Kara, but the moment she was alone with the AI and only her thoughts for company the hard side of her that closes of any feelings of love came out.
Then we had Kara going out of her way to try to make Lena happy. She flew around the world to her her favourite things to make her happy. Lena really looked like she appreciated this , I know that she was pretending but part of me thinks she really did appreciate it. It only took a request and one pouty face from Lena for Kara to break the law, to go against advice not to do it just to make Lena happy. Non of that was healthy for either one of them, the problem was that they didn't really discuss the 3 years of lies and everything that came with it. They had a few tears and a hug and suddenly were bffs only with super benefits now. We know why Lena didn't bring it up, but Kara was willing to accept that everything was absolutely fine and she didn't really question it, she was to over the moon Lena seemed OK with her.
Then we had the scene in the Fortress. Lena may have been trying to play the big bad I don't need you Luthor in this scene but she failed miserably. This was Lena's turn to absolutely break down like Kara did at the award ceremony. There are true feeling of love between these two whichever type of love you decide it is. You don't break down over someone you don't care about. Lena shot Lex to keep the world and Kara safe even though she felt betrayed by Kara. Now I know people hate that Lena used Kryptonite , but I'm sorry Kara showed no signs of pain, only heart break. Plus no one gave a rats ass when Jonn or Alex used it on her and she showed it bloody hurt. Even after she was released from the fortress she showed no signs of being in any pain, so any 'torture' commentators can sit down before you hurt yourselves.
Kara STILL believed in Lena and didn't want her hurt when she was about to use the medusa virus. It was Alex who used and manipulated her. Kara was almost getting through to Lena before Alex decided trick her then to point a canon at Lena! Rememeber it was Hope that shot at Kara, Lena didn't want that to happen at all.
Lena is still fighting to help save the day even when she supposedly hates Kara. She helped during Crisis and even if she did 100% hate Kara and the super friends she is still the reason 1000s are still alive. But no one wants to remember that. No one wants to remember she's the reason National City survived the Daxamites, no one wants to remember how she helped with Reign. No one wants to rememeber how she re-created Harun El and cured cancer. No one wants to rememeber that she mass produced Harun El and gave it to Alura along with the recipe so Argo could survive. No one wants to remember she saved Argo a second time when she shot Lex. No one wants to remember that she saved all the aliens of National City from the isotope. No one wants rememeber she had a suit ready to save Supergirl from the poisoned air. Shall I go on? Lena Luthor is a hero, she's going down a dodgy path because she is hurt, confused, betrayed and traumatised but it doesn't mean she's evil. A lot of fans don't seem to understand the definition of the word at all, Lena isnt being good right now by any stretch of the imagination but she certainly isn't evil.
People keep saying how she should finally have her redemption, and how bad it is that the guys get theirs. But here's the thing, all those things I mentioned above? Those ARE Lena's redemption. To be completely honest, Lena came into the show with people believing she needed redemption because of her name. But she didn't, it wasnt Lena herself who needed the redemption, it was the family name. Lena hasn't redeemed the Luthor name so much because Lillian and Lex kept f**king it up, but my RAO she has more than earned her place as hero and not like her family at all. This right here? Is a set back and everyone likes to conveniently forget everything she's done.
The writers have made Lena very OOC this season. Personally I think she will give up on this idea of hers. Lena isn't an angel, but then neither is Kara, or Alex, or Jonn or Brainy. The only actual angels at the moment are probably Nia and Kelly since we haven't seen them do anything dodgy or kill anyone (I'm assuming bad past Brainy did) and have it glossed over like it didn't matter.
But now we have Kara still not being able to stop talking about Lena. Even in regards to possibly starting a relationship with William she can't help but compare it to what happened to Lena.
Now that was a lot, but bottom line is if Kara is in love with Lena SHE and only SHE needs to come to that realisation. Having someone else tell her would cheapen it and make it look like the writers had no choice but to have some tell Kara to make it real, just like that have been doing non stop so far.
Plus Lena and Kara can not start a relationship any time soon. That would be a terrible idea. They can realise they are in love but starting something together would be rushed and unhealthy. THERAPY! They have Kelly there! But personally I think Kelly giving any kind of therapy to her girlfriends sister and her brothers ex would be a conflict of interest. She would be biased in Kara's favour whether she would realise it or not.
Peace ✌
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canarypoint · 3 years
sdlkghklsdkhlsd it took way too long for me to find out you meant kara💀 and y’all please don’t hate me for this one...
favorite thing about them: everything. just everything. but also the complexity of her... life ig? like how she is kara danvers, that’s who she is as a person - human or not - whereas supergirl is a mask she hides behind, a representation of what she stands for and what she wants to bring to the people of earth. it represents her past, her present, and her future, but it’s still not who she is as an individual. (see: favorite line #1)
least favorite thing about them: she’s so self-sacrificing it hurts my soul. kara needs therapy more than anyone else in the multiverse. like seriously she’s probably the most traumatized character in all of dc.
favorite line: oh there’s so many...
“Supergirl is what I can do. Kara is who I am,” from 2x15 ‘Exodus’
“It is another beautiful day in National City and the Girl of Steel is ready to take on the world. I am here to kick some ass, take some names, and do it all with an endearing smile on my face,” from 2x18 ‘Ace Reporter’
“The whole reason I became Supergirl was to save you,” from 4x10 ‘Suspicious Minds’ but fucking hell i hate that episode so much
brOTP: barry and karaaaa
OTP: i don’t really have one tbh
nOTP: supercorp, i’m sorry but if you look at the show... it would just be toxic. like c’mon, lena made kryptonite, harun-el, and non nocere and got way too mad every time kara (as kara danvers or as supergirl) disagreed with her, especially with the kryptonite situation in s3. i could go on for hours about all of it tbh; also kalex (kara x alex) like y’all just stOP i don’t care if they’re not even the same species, they’re sisters, stop shipping them.
random headcanon: every once in a while, kara has a memory/flashback/nightmare of krypton that really spooks her, so she always has “impromptu sister nights” at alex’s apartment, but it’s honestly just an excuse to not be alone. alex knows that, of course, but she never says anything because she knows kara will talk to her about it when she’s ready.
unpopular opinion: idk? i don’t really like interacting with the fandom all that much so idk what counts as “popular” or not when it comes to kara
song i associate with them: Machine Heart by Kelsea Ballerini
favorite picture of them: sldkghsdf too many to choose from😭😭
send me a character from the Arrowverse or the MCU and i’ll fill out this list for them!
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hobbitkiller · 4 years
She-Ra, Supergirl, and Tangled: A Tale of Three Female Relationships: Part 1
*Spoiler warning for SPOP, Supergirl, and Tangled:TS*
As of right now, three of my favorite pieces of media are She-Ra and the Princesses of Power on Netflix, Supergirl  on CW, and Tangled: The Series/Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure on wherever you can beg, borrow, or steal it ‘cause Disney Channel is the worst and only the first two seasons are on Disney+. 
All three of these shows are lead by strong, supernaturally/superpowerfully gifted blonde female characters whose destiny is to save the world. They also heavily feature a close friendship between said main character and a female “best friend” (Adora/Catra, Kara/Lena, Rapunzel/Cassandra) that have a lot of shippable chemistry. 
All three of these relationships also become toxic during the run of the show. (Like, try to kill each other/take over the world/mind control the human race level toxic).
So, if you’d like to come along with me, I thought I’d break down the similarities and differences between these relationships and why I find some more compelling than others. This will be a multi-part thing, ‘cause I have a lot to say.
For today’s installment, I’m going to break one of the cardinal rules of literary analysis: assume they’ve read/seen it. So, I’m gonna do a little book-reportesque summarizing, because I don’t know who’s seen all three of these shows.
Let’s start by looking at where these relationships stand at the beginning of each show.
Adora and Catra
Adora and Catra grew up together as child soldiers for something called “The Horde” (or the “Evil Horde” to the rebellion). Growing up, they were taught that the Horde was a force for good and order and were trained to help take down the Princess Rebellion. Adora and Catra were raised by the Horde’s second in command, Shadow Weaver, who made no secret that Adora was her favorite and that she thought Catra was worthless. One day, Adora, who was recently promoted to Force Captain, commandeers a skiff to help cheer up Catra who was upset that Adora was going out into the field without her.
While out in the “Whispering Woods,” Adora gets knocked off the skiff and has a vision of a sword. Later that night, she asks Catra to cover for her so she can go back to find the sword. She finds the sword as well as two members of the Rebellion, Bow and Glimmer. The rebels capture Adora, but, through spending time with them and seeing the Horde attack a defenseless town, Adora realizes she’s been on the wrong side of the war. 
Also, the sword can turn her into an 8 foot magical princess warrior called “She-Ra.”
During the attack on the town, Adora helps the townspeople only to discover that Catra is part of the attack. Adora asks Catra to come to the Rebellion with her now that she’s realized they’ve been fed lies their whole lives. Catra’s response is basically, “No, duh. Of course they lied. That’s what the Horde does.”
The two go their separate ways, Adora joins the “good guys” in the rebellion and Catra goes back to the Horde where she is given Adora’s promotion.
Kara and Lena
This relationship doesn’t start until the second season. A bomb is planted on a plane/spaceship hybrid thing called the “Venture.” Kara (Supergirl) and Clark (Superman, obvs) go talk to Lena about it because she had conveniently not shown up for the launch. It turns out that the whole explosion was a plot to kill Lena financed by her brother...Lex Luthor.
Lena and Kara immediately have chemistry, and Lena encourages Kara to become a reporter. For the first part of this season, Kara ends up using Lena as a source and for help on both reporter and Supergirl business, and Lena ends up considering Kara her only friend in National City.
The two continue to work together and become closer throughout the show, but Kara holds back from telling Lena her secret identity to the extent that Lena soon becomes the only person in their friend circle who doesn’t know that Kara is Supergirl even though Lena has had many interactions with both.
Rapunzel and Cassandra
Cassandra is an original character made for the Tangled animated series and was not in the Tangled movie. 
After Rapunzel is reunited with her parents at the end of the movie, Cass becomes her Lady in Waiting. (Though the position in the show is more of a hybrid between a historical Lady in Waiting, who was more a member of the court and personal assistant, and a “Handmaiden,” who’s more of a servant that helps with chores/dressing/etc. The two terms are often used interchangeably in the show.) 
Although Cass resented the job, as her life’s ambition was to become Captain of the Royal Guard like her adoptive father, she and Rapunzel become incredibly close as Cass sees her role as servant, friend, advisor, and protector to the princess who had lived in a tower most of her life.
On the day of Rapunzel’s coronation, Rapunzel becomes overwhelmed by her new responsibilities, the thought of being stuck in a castle her whole life, and Eugene (Flynn) proposing at one of the worst possible times. Cass sneaks her out for a night of freedom and shows her some mysterious black rocks that had grown around the site where the magic flower that gave Rapunzel her magic hair used to grow. When Rapunzel touches the rocks, her hair magically returns (but is now indestructible and can no longer heal).
Cassandra, Rapunzel, and Eugene attempt throughout the series to discover the origin of these rocks which are slowly destroying the kingdom and how to stop them.
So, we have three incredibly close female relationships in these shows, but they all go very, very wrong at some point. What happened to these characters?
Adora and Catra
This relationship was antagonistic from the very beginning of the show wherein Adora and Catra were set up as foils. This is interesting in one respect because this is, by far, the longest relationship out of the three, and yet we only get to see flashes of the positive parts of their relationship.
After Adora leaves the Horde, Catra is conflicted, and clearly wants her back for much of Season 1, but the toxicity and darkness of this relationship is written into the DNA of the show and is prominently displayed in the opening credits (at least for 1-4). (For any who don’t know, Catra’s the one that looks like a cat-person)
Catra is clearly placed on the “villains” side from the very beginning. (Though, if you watch enough She-Ra, you realize there’s a whole lot of moral gray-ness, and basically every villain has some sort of redeeming quality. It’s great.)
So, in this show, we come into this relationship basically at its breaking point.
Kara and Lena
The interesting part of this relationship is that there are really three characters involved, Kara, Lena, and Supergirl. Kara and Lena have a much different relationship than do Lena and Supergirl, which is something Kara occasionally forgets when she wonders why Lena isn’t as nice to or supporting of Supergirl as she is Kara.
Supergirl’s and Lena’s relationship started showing cracks fairly early, with Lena frequently accusing Supergirl of treating her like a villain because her last name is Luthor (to be fair, there is a little bit of justification for this). Things become more tense when Lena continues to do things in secret like experiment with a substance called Harun El in order to try to give people super powers or, the biggest point of contention--Lena finds a way to create Kryptonite and does so secretly without informing the government or Supergirl. Kara is understandably upset that her best friend is making a chemical weapon that makes her feel like “nails are running through her veins,” while Lena doesn’t realize that she has basically made a weapon that specifically targets her best friend and best friend’s cousin, and so doesn’t understand the extra layer of hurt Kara is feeling.
Where things fully come off the rails for both Supergirl’s and Kara’s relationships with Lena is the end of Season 4 when Lex Luthor (whom Lena has just shot in cold blood) reveals that Kara is Supergirl and Lena was the only person who didn’t know.
Lena, who has well established trust issues, sees this as a betrayal and begins working in secret on both her project that she believes will save the world (at the cost of everyone’s free will) and on manipulating and undermining Kara. This gets revealed toward the middle of Season 5 when Lena gives up the pretense of still being Kara’s friend.
Rapunzel and Cassandra 
Some of the cracks in this relationship showed up early in the show, particularly in the episode “Challenge of the Brave” when Cass wanted to prove her worth as a warrior in a competition, only to find, to her horror, that Rapunzel wants to join for fun and is very good at it.
Things really escalated, however, in the second season. Cass feels increasingly disrespected and overshadowed by Rapunzel leading to an argument in which Rapunzel essentially pulls rank on Cassandra, reminder her of her station. Cass sings an amazing sad song about “Waiting in the Wings.”
(Shout out to the amazing Eden Espinosa!! Also, the emotion the animators are able to give Cass *chef’s kiss*)
Things only get worse when, at the end of the episode, Rapunzel chooses to ignore Cass, who thinks she can save them from a possessed tree (yes, a possessed tree) without Rapunzel having to use a dangerous incantation called the “decay spell.” Rapunzel instead does the incantation, which she can’t control, and ends up badly hurting Cassandra’s right hand (more on that later). 
This leads to more resentment that Cass tries to bury. Cass also gets more information not revealed until the beginning of the third season, which leads her to steal the Moonstone, AKA the magical object they had been traveling all season to get to with the hopes that Rapunzel could destroy it to stop the black rocks. 
Cass takes the Moonstone for herself and sings another badass song at the beginning of Season 3.
Okay, the summarizing is pretty much over with. The next installment will include actual analysis and not just summary in the following topics:
“Mother Knows Best”
Chosen Ones
“Little Boxes”
Hope, if anyone read this whole thing, that I will see them there! : ) 
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supercorpkid · 2 years
Supergirl Masterlist
Fluff #, Angst !, Funny •
Kara Danvers x Reader
Krypton, the gas # •
Nothing suits you like a suit # •
PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈
Sleepover - song fic #
Karaoke night #
Anti-hero !
Anti-hero 2 #
Quarantined #
Your Name Hurts - song fic !
When Was It Over? !!
Yours Truly, Pink Kryptonite #
Lena Luthor x Reader
It’s fake dating, isn’t it? # •
You’re beautiful - song fic #
Illicit Affairs - song fic !
He’ll never love you (like I do) !
Doppelgänger - song fic #
Where do we go now? !
Where do we go now? Final part !
The Secret Life of Lena Luthor #
How You Get the Girl #
How You Get the Girl - Part 2 #
Kara x Lena x Reader (love triangle/ending with one or the other)
The other Kryptonian !
The other Kryptonian- part 2 !
The other Kryptonian- part 3!
The other Kryptonian - final part (ending with Lena)
The other Kryptonian- alternative ending (ending with Kara)
The Snap !
The Snap - part 2 !
The Snap - part 3 !
The Snap - Final !
Ace Reporter #
Ace Reporter - part 2 #
Ace Reporter - part 3 #
Ace Reporter - part 4 #
Ace Reporter - final #
Alex Danvers x Reader
Agent down !#
'Tis the damn season - song fic !
Baby Danvers
The Runaway Danvers !
The Runaway Danvers - part 2 !
You are almost you again !
Little ball of fur!
Illicit Affairs - song fic !
Jump into action #
Where do we go now? !
Where do we go now? Final part !
Powergirl Should Die !
Powergirl Should Die 2 !
Powergirl Should Die - Final !
Harun-El Saves The Day !#
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magnet-and-steel · 5 years
So here’s the short-ish scoop on the AU Superman Red Son ending, which wasn’t adapted for Supergirl’s Season 4 canon Red Daughter storyline. It’s kind of a glaring omission in that RS’ finale is the glue that holds RS together; in RD’s canon story, that element wasn’t adopted.
(WARNING in case it’s not evident from the line below 🤣 the stuff below is spoilery for the ending of Superman Red Son.)
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The ending of Red Son:
1) Superman ruling Earth (because, really, who can stop him)
2) Lois Luthor, the love of Superman’s life, stops him;
(by the way, Lois has been dreaming that Superman carries her bridal style from time to time)
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3) Superman backs off, realizing through Lex that he’s terrorized a less developed species for decades by “saving” them for their own good (also, he just beat his best friend Diana, to save her too, he’s saving a lot of people in fact)
4) The Luthors take over and there’s a billion or more years of progress as a result, diseases are permanently eradicated, thruples are the new normal family, etc. All good things, to the point where it’s hard to deny Luthor progress was ever really evil in its ultimate goal, which in this case was legit to just better the human race.
5) Far in the future, the L family on Krypton sends Kal in his shuttle to Earth to save him and save Earth, but he’s going to time-travel to get there;
6) Earth is olden Krypton - has always been - and the “House of L” (Jor-L, Kal-L) are the Luthor family; the red sun of Krypton is actually our Solar system’s star, dying - so, billions of years in the past, when it’s a yellow star, it would actually affect someone who was only used to red sun radiation, perhaps give them amazing abilities and strengths.
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Supergirl probably did not port this plot twist over because, as you can guess, it would require rebooting DCTV’s Arrowverse... so doing it right up against Crisis on Infinite Earths, though, might give them an opportunity to play with this plot twist. And it’s a big one! that’s what he said
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The Legion ring hasn’t been expressly explained in the show yet, but it’s been definitively linked to future L-Corp, and L-Corp’s future mission, per the Legion, is involved in rescuing Earth.
My fangirl thought is: What if L-Corp created the Legion in this current (pre-COIE, Earth-38) Earth, because Lena knows (because she is an experimental physicist in quantum computing) about the multiverse; which means she knows that Kal and Kara are the actual key, because they came from Earth in the future, to save us. And if you want to go deeper, it would mean all of this has happened before, and it will all happen again... unless COIE happens first!
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The L would represent L-Corp, the comet representing hope - Kal and Kara, in their shuttles, racing toward Earth. And the circle around it representing a unification (such as a mission).
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If this is true, and Kal and Kara have traveled through time from the future, instead of the conventional Superman origin of them simply traveling from a neighborhood planetary system, then TV time travel law says that this is technically Groundhog Day, and Clark and Lois and Jimmy and Clark and Cat and Kara and Winn and Eve and Lex and Eve and Lena and Lena and Kara have all met each other a billion times before across space and time...
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... it’s fate.
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Given that Lena knows all of the various properties that Harun-El has, the idea that she could create Harun-El-powered flight rings to give to people she trusts to protect Kara and Kal... I can get behind that idea, even if COIE will come along and reboot it all. It would mean Lena’s efforts helped unite them and might actually save Kal and Kara so they can do whatever is needed in COIE to support the overall work they’re all doing with Barry and Oliver and the gang, to survive COIE.
Edit: I just want to add, kind of as a side-note for you to think about: Kara was probably, while Andrew Kriesberg was still writing for the show, slated to be the 4th Worldkiller. Red Daughter looks like the story they opted for, that would have roughly the same outcome: Kara’s relationships with everyone around her are a mess, she’s less certain than ever about her role of “saving” Earth, and might choose, finally, to abandon Earth completely in order to help her friends. Taking the 4th Worldkiller plot out, in order to legally disengage from any of Kriesberg’s properties, is a big reason why season 3 feels so messy and season 4 feels like a more complete story (and especially why the back half of season 4 is possibly the best episodes of Supergirl so far). Something I’ll maybe cover in another post...
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foxx-queen · 5 years
i see ur "Lillian choosing Lena over Lex" and raise u "Lillian saving Lena's life"
‘You know I’ll shoot you, right?’ 
Lena’s heart is pounding, and she knows Eve isn’t lying. The woman is under Lex’s thrall, infatuated and obsessed, willing and ready to do whatever he wants in order to get his attention. Much like Lena was, once. Once, she would’ve done anything for her brother’s approval, because she was young and he was her big brother and he paid her attention, and that was all she wanted. 
At least she’d woken up when she’d seen what he was doing. Eve, it seems, shows no intention of sharing her epiphany. 
And Eve is standing between her and a bomb. 
She knows she can stop it from going off, knows that if she just had enough time, she could help foil this plan of Lex’s. And after the Harun-El, after everything that’s happened, she needs to do this. 
But Eve is standing in her way. 
Eve steps forward, and Lena takes a step back. Her back comes up against the desk behind her, and she reaches back, fingers scrabbling along the surface in search of something she can use. ‘Lex said to deal with you if you cause any trouble’. 
Lena pauses, and raises her eyebrows. ‘Got a taste for murder, have you, Eve?’ Eve lifts the gun, and Lena’s fingers close around a spanner. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do. She tilts her chin up, and says, ‘you know, I thought you were smart, but you’re completely blind to the fact that Lex is using you, which a child could work out’. 
Eve’s eyes narrow, and she steps closer. ‘You were too stupid to see that I was working for him right under your nose’. 
‘At least he actually pays me attention’. She snorts. ‘I get assassination attempts, and you get, what? A bonus?’ 
Eve’s eyes flash, and her fingers flex on the trigger. Lena’s not sure if she means to do it, but there’s a bang as it goes off, and Lena is knocked sideways with what feels like the force of a truck careening at high speeds. 
She hits the floor hard, pain slices up her shoulder, and a heavy weight descends on top of her. She rolls onto her back, wondering if, for some bizarre reason, Eve has decided to finish her off with her bare hands, and freezes. Lillian stares down at her with a faintly bemused expression, a hand braced beside her head, and when Lena looks down, she sees the torn material of Lillian’s shirt, and the blood pouring from the hole in her shoulder. Something cold washes over her, and it takes her a second longer to realise that it’s horror, and a heartbeat later, it becomes terror. 
There’s a curse above them, and Lillian is hauled off her. Eve stares down at her in something like fear, like she’s wondering what Lex will think, and in that moment, Lena feels her desperation hit a peak, and she explodes upwards to bring the spanner hard across Eve’s face. The vibration runs all the way up her arm, but Eve drops like a stone, and Lena scrambles up to kneel beside Lillian. 
She presses her hands over the wound, and Lillian groans. She looks pale already, blood pooling slowly across the floor behind her, and Lena opens her mouth, and says, ‘what the fuck, mother!’ 
Lillian snorts, and says, ‘you’re welcome’. She groans, and pushes herself up to lean against the wall, her face twisted in pain, an expression Lena never thought – never wanted – she’d see. She reaches out, intending to put pressure on the wound again, and Lillian waves her away. ‘I’m fine’. 
Lena makes a sharp sound. ‘You’ve been shot’. 
‘Yes, yes, and you have a bomb to disarm’. 
Lena freezes, and turns to stare at the device. She has even less time now, and she can’t help her mother and disarm it. She turns to look at Lillian again, and for a moment, she feels like a child again, lost without her mother and desperately wishing there was someone to tell her what to do, to tell her that things would be okay, and better, and good. 
Lillian is busy removing her scarf to tie it over her wound, and Lena doesn’t know what to think about how proficient she seems at it. She pauses to look up at her, and raises her eyebrows. ‘Well, go on then’. 
Lena opens her mouth, and nothing comes out. Something in Lillian’s face softens, and Lena is reminded of that time her mother lay on a stretcher, and smiled up at her like there’d never been any troubles between them. She reaches out, and taps Lena’s chin lightly. ‘Go on. You have the day to save’.
Lena dashes her hand across her face, ignoring the fact that it comes away wet, and mumbles, ‘just… don’t bleed out on me’. 
Lillian tilts her head back against the wall, and closes her eyes. ‘I’ve had worse’. 
Lena laughs shakily, standing quickly to hurry over to the bomb, wiping her bloodied hands on her pants as she goes. ‘Worse than a bullet?’ 
‘Mmm. Maybe I’ll tell you about it, some day’. 
‘Yeah. You can tell me all about it when I’ve finished disarming this’. 
Lillian chuckles, and she sounds almost fond. ‘That’s my girl’. 
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cyclone-rachel · 4 years
Day 3: “Don’t Go”
(set during 3x20)
When Alura heard the Kelex caretakers alerting of an intrusion in Krypton’s memorial, she never expected to see her daughter again.
But there she was- and accompanied by the Prince of Daxam, no less. She had grown up, as expected in the time since Alura had seen her off to Earth (even if she had also seen her getting stuck in the Phantom Zone), and when Alura hugged her, it felt like she was holding someone completely different.
She was still Kara Zor-El, however. She still knew her mother’s name, and though she was older, being around her felt familiar.
It comforted her, knowing that Kara had been safe for so many years. Knowing that she’d gotten another life, with a family that hadn’t let her down like she and Zor-El had. She even had a sister, who Kara spoke about with as much love as Alura used to speak about Astra.
(Before their family was torn apart, before Astra went too far in the pursuit of saving Krypton from itself. Alura had realized too late that she was right- but it seemed as though Kara had recognized that there was good in her as well, and even though Astra had passed on, it would be to a good place)
Without the Kryptonian robes Alura had first seen her in, Kara explained, she wore the symbol of the House of El proudly, as any good Kryptonian would wear theirs. The humans called her Supergirl, and she stood for hope, help, and compassion for all- defending the innocent and fighting for justice, especially when it was difficult, even though she did her best to make violence her last resort and preferred communication first.
There was no question that Alura still had a lot to learn about Kara’s new life, and the planet Earth, and what she’d gone through, just as Kara could learn so much about Alura and what she and the other citizens of Argo had to do to survive- what she was still doing, with the rest of the Kryptonian council. But Alura thanked Rao her daughter had survived, and still loved her as much as she had when she’d last seen her.
In her- especially as she stood before the council- she saw the legacy of Krypton. Her own legacy, as well as that of Zor-El, and even her brother-in-law Jor-El and his family. They had both adapted and changed, since they had last saw each other, but they were still survivors. Both refugees, who held onto the world they had both loved, who kept it in their hearts long after it was destroyed.
She could let her daughter go again, and did, this time knowing her hope lived on- touching so many people, impacting so many lives and giving them a glimpse at Rao’s light, shining through Kara herself as she was strengthened by Earth’s yellow sun. Alura was confident in her, as she gave Kara a piece of the Harun-El, knowing that she would use it to save lives just as Alura had herself.
But when Kara looked back at her mother, just for a moment, Alura imagined a world where she didn’t have to leave. Where, just for a little while longer, Earth didn’t need Supergirl, and Kara Zor-El could live on a world that recognized and understood that name.
Don’t go, Alura thought, selfishly.
And just as she had, Kara turned away from her mother, and the selfish feeling was replaced by the hope that this wouldn’t be their first reunion.
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ninjagoat · 5 years
Clearly, not doing Notes posts anymore (although maybe one day...) but just want to bring this up from a season 4 post:
Ms. McGrath and - through no fault of their own - the SG writing staff have done stellar work in creating a nuanced, three-dimensional, and fully realised character in Lena Luthor. Unfortunately, this portrayal is of a vapid, morally-bankrupt, entirely self-absorbed libertarian sociopath that should never be permitted within arm’s reach of power or responsibility - and would never, were it not for enormous, unrestrained wealth and privilege.
The responsibility bit is key here. Lena killed Lex, and hasn't brought it up at all... until now.
And it's clearly broken her.
It was a choice that she should never have had to make; but luckily, no-one actually made her choose it. This was all of her own doing.
But she can't deal. At all. So she's lashing out, just as she did at Lillian during the Daxamite invasion, and just as she did at Supergirl over the Kryptonite and the Harun-El; just like she did over Cindy Ryan in the 5th grade. (Conversely, the only thing she will take responsibility for - her mother's death - is something that literally could not be her fault).
I keep reading that this is going to be about saving Lena's soul. The only way for her to do that is for her to take responsibility for her actions. And she's simply NOT WIRED FOR IT.
Which is also good, because at this point, I'm not convinced any of the characters are going to make her TRY.
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occidentaltourist · 5 years
I think what the writers are thinking is that Lena truly believes she is acting in the best interest of everyone. And Lenas actions have always been driven to better the world in some way. I dont think shes crossed any line yet thats impossible to return from though. Lena has always done questionable things. Like she allowed a subject to participate knowing the risks and even though he consented she knew better. And that was just some guy. This is wrong, but Eve isnt innocent either
I have a lot of asks in my inbox right now that are a variation on this theme. 
I don’t know if it’s because the hysteria around Lena is always at a fever pitch - just the other day I read that she violated the Geneva Conventions and should be prosecuted as a war criminal! glad folks are keeping a healthy perspective, lmao - with some in the peanut gallery screaming bloody murder anytime Lena breathes.
But I think it absolutely goes without saying: there is no comparison between what happened with Adam, and what Lena did to Eve. I don’t think the issue of consent can or should be brushed aside so easily. People glossed it over last season and they’re doing it again now, albeit for different reasons. But let’s talk about it and be real about what Lena did. 
Adam volunteered as a test subject, and gave his explicit consent. The writers took pains to make it clear. He knew the risks. I don’t know who needs to hear this, but anytime a new medicine or protocol is tested - remember the harun-el had miraculous regenerative and curative properties - the risk of adverse health impacts and even death is always there.  I found the pearl-clutching about it last season quite baffling, but maybe it makes people uncomfortable to acknowledge it as a fact of science and medicine, I don’t know.
In 5x02, Lena kidnaps Eve, keeps her in a box, makes her an unwilling brain mapping test subject, then takes over her body and mind with an AI - all without her consent. It probably wasn’t what Lena originally intended to do with Eve, but she did do it.   
In my view, this isn’t justified because Eve was terrible to Lena - and she was genuinely terrible - or even because she thinks she’s helping save the world. Turn her over to the DEO or the police, have her jailed, make sure she never gets a job in high tech again … all valid forms of payback. Turning her into a host for your AI against her will? Not so much. ;)
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