supercorpkid · 27 days
Harun-El Saves The Day
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Lena Luthor x BabyDanvers!Reader, Kara Danvers x sister!reader, Alex Danvers x sister!reader
Word count: 2640
Note: Angst. The one where James never once existed, but saving people with Harun-El did.
"I'm sorry." Lena fits herself inside your embrace, laying her head on your shoulder. She is a small person, but right now she feels even smaller.
"Please don't apologize for this." You kiss the crown of her head, tightening the hug.
Lena breathes out heavily. "I can't do it. Can't figure it out."
"It's ok, my love." Your hand travels up her back until you reach her hair. "Hey, look at me." Lena's eyes are so full of tears, it's hard for you to keep your own tears in check. "People have researched this for years, and still haven't figured it out."
Lena locks eyes with you. "But I have to."
"We have time." 
But you don't. Not really. And she knows this probably better than you.
"Not enough, honey." Her hand goes to your hair, she scrapes the nape of your neck trying to comfort you. But then she runs her fingers to your hair, and a chunk of it comes out in her hand easily. She looks at it with a terrified expression.
"It's just hair." You make sure, when a fresh set of tears spring on her eyes.
"I'm going back to the lab." Lena doesn't give you time to argue. It doesn't matter that she just came back from the lab. Doesn't matter that it is late at night and that you know she probably hasn't eaten anything all day. Doesn't matter that you miss her dearly. So back to the lab she goes, and alone at home you stay.
Supergirl's feet touch on the balcony and you spare a quick look from over your shoulder when you register the familiar sound on the floor.
"I'm ok." You defend yourself, before she even makes her way inside the penthouse. Slowly the balcony door slides open, and your sister comes in. 
"I heard you coughing." Kara explains herself, and also lets you know that she is aware that you're not ok.
"People are allowed to cough." You say in a joking manner, even though your heart is squeezed on your chest.  
You look down to the tissue in your hand, and cling to it harder, so she doesn't see it's covered in blood.
"Not when I'm patrolling, they're not." She quips, a hint of humor in her voice, though you can sense the same weight pressing down on her heart. You take a deep breath as your sister comes closer and sits next to you. She is quick to wrap her arms around your torso, trying to make you feel comfortable. Kara's gaze sweeps the dimly lit apartment. "Where's Lena?"
"Right." Her large hands rest reassuringly around your ribcage, a sense of comfort that you rather keep to yourself. There's enough pity going around these days. "Alex and Brainy are also –"
"I know."
"We're all just –"
"I know."
You let out a heavy sigh. Kara kisses the top of your head, and you know the next time she opens her mouth is so she can give you one of her signature hope speeches. 
But you don't want it. Can't have it. You’re tired of having hope, when it has led you nowhere. You’re sick and dying and that’s the whole truth. If the smartest people in the world can’t find a cure, it’s because there isn’t one.
And as if she can read your mind, Kara says nothing. Instead, she tightens the hug, breath shredding out like a silent cry. 
You cough again and again. Try to hold it inside, but it comes out strong and painfully. Your mouth is full of blood, and you're sure of that because it tastes metallic. Your sister lets go of your frail figure so she can grab another tissue to clean you up. 
You watch her eyes while she slowly runs it over the sides of your mouth and chin. She cries silent tears, blinking them away and biting the inside of her mouth to keep herself from crying out loud. And it pains you to see the happiest, bubbliest, nicest person on the planet like this, but there's nothing you can say to stop the tears cascading down her face.
“What good are all these powers, if I can’t save the people I love the most?”
You try a little smile, when her hand moves away from your face. “Your powers don’t exist for you to save the people you love.”
“Then what do they exist for, if not for you?”
“I don’t know, sis. Maybe there’s no reason. Maybe they just do.”
Kara furrows her brows, confusion crossing her face. “You used to think differently.”
“Well, I used to think we all existed for a reason, but I’m dying and I still don’t know what I’m here for, so —“
Kara fights the urge to tell you that you’re not dying, knowing that ignoring the harsh reality now is just useless, anyways. Not while she's holding your pale and frail body in such a protective manner and when she can feel you are, truly, slowly dying.
"I don't know who I'll be without you." 
You trace the crest on her chest, forcing a sad smile out. "You'll be my sister whether I'm here or not."
You feel the bed dipping next to you, and you venture opening your eyes slowly. You can see a little bit of light coming from the window, even with the curtains closed, so you know it's day already. 
"Come." You say, opening your arms, and Lena startles with the sound of your voice.
"Didn't mean to wake you up." She says, adjusting her body on yours. You breathe deep thinking about how perfectly your bodies still slot together, even though you're half of what you're used to be. 
"It's ok. I'd rather sleep with you, anyways." You don't know what you said wrong, but you realize something is when Lena cries about it. 
“I’m sorry.” She says again. It seems that lately all she does is apologize, like any of this is happening because of her. “I don’t want you to go to bed alone, but I need to find out the cure. I need you so bad.”
“I know, my love.” You kiss her shoulder, trying to apply more pressure into the hug. “It’s a tough situation and we’re trying to navigate it the best way we can.”
Lena turns around to look at you, breath hot on your face. “I’m sorry this is happening.”
“It’s not your fault.” 
“I’m still sorry.” She whispers and you understand exactly what she means, because you're sorry too. You're sorry about what happens after you leave. You're sorry about the amount of pain and sorrow your absence will inflict on Lena, your sisters, your mom, and your friends. You are sorry about many things you have no control over.
"Me too."
“I know you're still here, but God! I miss you already.” Lena's tears keep falling, no matter how hard you know she is trying to hold them back.
You give her a sad smile, followed by a little peck on her lips. “You said it yourself, I’m still here.”
"Yes," Lena deepens the kiss, and when she finally parts them it's only to whisper on your lips. "I love you today."
You furrow your eyebrows at her, "What about tomorrow?"
"Stay and ask me again then."
You smile at her, love almost bursting out of you and you know she can see it in your eyes how you feel, but you tell her anyway. "Well, I love you for evermore." You kiss her cheek to avoid looking at her while you say it. "You know, in case I die."
"Hey!" You hear Alex's voice probably coming from the front door. You know Lena has given your sisters a key to her apartment so they can come and check on you, but you still can't get used to them just wandering inside. "If you two are having sex, please let me know right now!"
You roll your eyes. You don't feel tough enough to yell out to her, so you let her make her way to the bedroom. "Hey, Al."
"Hey you." Alex makes her way closer, sitting on the bed next to you. "Made it out of the bed today?"
You manage to deny it with your head. 
She looks around. "Oh, Lena's not here." 
"Nope. Couldn't be having sex. And it's actually kinda cute that you think I'm still strong enough to do it." 
She smiles. "Learned the hard way that I can never be too careful when it comes to you and Lena." You finally notice what she has in one of her hands and roll your eyes at it. "What?"
"Why are you doing this? I'm dying. No amount of examination is going to change that." 
Alex's eyes get full of tears instantly, she bites the inside of her mouth, as if telling herself not to cry. "We just have to keep you alive until we find the cure."
"I hope you're real close."
She swallows, cleaning her tears. "Look, I – I promised myself I'd always keep you safe." She bites her lip and looks up. "And I – can't lose you, ok? So, toughen up."
You chuckle lightly when she carefully 'punches' your arm, jokingly. 
"Let's check your vitals."
You hold her hand before she starts. "How about you lay next to me and tell me what happened after Princess Alex fought the dragon."
Alex smiles, remembering the stories from when you were younger. She does as promised, holding you tight and telling you how Princess Alex got the girl in the end. 
You feel yourself falling asleep, slowly losing consciousness. And it's nice, almost peaceful. You're glad this is how you get to go. You wish Kara and Lena were also here, but if you're dying in someone's arms, might as well be inside your older sister's embrace.
That is until Alex wakes you up, terror washing over her as she urges you to stay awake.
"Your pulse is weak. I'm calling Kara."
"Alex, I'm dying." And she knows it. Alex is actively fighting it, even though she sees that the flicker of hope in your eyes is fading.
"Stop talking for a second, I need to do a first aid maneuver on you."
"Al –" You try to argue, even though it is a waste. You never once won an argument against Alexandra Danvers, it wouldn't be now she would let you win. Besides, you're feeling too dizzy, and you're sure you're about to faint.
"No. Talking." She says, applying pressure on your chest and you lose all your breath. Your eyes close unwillingly and you hear Alex's faint voice yelling in the back.
"STAY WITH ME! Open your eyes. Hey, please, please. Stay with me. You're going to be ok."
You're not going to be ok.
You wake up at the hospital. You can hear the faint voice of some doctors, but those are not the voices that wake you up.
"What I'm about to do is absolutely illegal. Any witnesses will be considered accessories to a crime." You hear Lena's voice, and open your eyes enough to see all of the nurses and doctors scrambling away.
"Well, aren't I in love with a criminal?" You joke and Lena rolls her eyes at you. Looking around the room and checking all of your vital signs in the machines.
"I got the cure." She comes closer, touching your weaker figure, making you smile. "Right on time, apparently."
"The – The cure?" You try to perk up, but you don't move much. "What is it?"
"Harun-El. Right from your sister's planet." 
"How –" Your question is put to stop when you start coughing like crazy. Lena is fast to clean your mouth. "did you come across Harun-El?”
“It’s not important.” She deflects, not being able to look at your face. “We have to act fast, your pulse is weak and the oxygen support is at its max.”
“Lena.” You think about how two days ago she was nowhere near a cure and now, all of the sudden, she stumbled across Harun-El and realized she can use it to save you. “Lena, what did you do?”
“I got the cure.” She says, certain.
You hold her arm weakly. “Tell me how.”
Lena closes her eyes, breathes deep. Shame is visible on her expression. “Lex.”
“Lena.” It’s by your tone that she knows you’re trying to tell her off.
“I know, ok? I know!” Lena sits on the hospital bed, one tear sliding down her cheek. “I made a deal with the devil but — but I get to save you!”
You try to master all your strength for this. “Your brother is a bad person and he will use you!”
“Yeah. And I’m gonna let him because you will be alive. And you know what? That’s all that matters to me.” 
You look at the syringe on her hands, finding it hard to trust something that came from Lex Luthor.
“Please, don’t let it be in vain. I did it. I’m compromised. But I get to save you.” 
You cough, she cleans the blood again and nods for you to just accept it.
You try to catch your breath before speaking again. “What did my sisters say?”
“I didn’t run it by them. You’re here. You’re capable of making your own decisions. It’s your life.” Lena breathes out one more time, knowing you’re wasting time.
“So if I say no, you’re gonna let me die?”
Lena forces a smile, and raises her eyebrow. “Ok, you got me. I’m not letting you die. I guess you don’t really have a choice, huh?”
“I guess not.” 
Lena's finger traces your face delicately. She breathes out and looks at you with complete resolution. "You have to be here so I can tell you that I love you tomorrow."
You give her a little nod. 
"Let me get your sisters here for this." She doesn't have to say anything else for your sisters to barge in the room, proving Kara was definitely using her super hearing. 
"We're here." Both Kara and Alex make their way towards the bed. "We're accessories to a crime."
"Yes, you are. And we'll talk about that super hearing later."
"Hey, my sister is dying!" 
"Kara, can you see the problem?" Lena asks and Kara points at the middle of your chest. Lena gives her the big syringe and nods at it. You look at her, confused as to why she isn't doing it herself, but when she comes closer and kisses you gently, you understand it perfectly. If this doesn't work, she wants to be the one holding you. "I love you today."
It's quick. You think. When you wake up again and they're still around you. Alex is checking your vitals, Kara is serving as an X-Ray machine literally narrating how your body is doing a fast recovery, and Lena is holding your hand with so much strength it's starting to hurt.
"So," You talk without much effort, feeling the best you've felt in months. "do I get superhero powers now?"
Kara looks at Lena in shock, "Does she?"
"NO! She doesn't get superhero powers, she gets to live!" Lena rolls her eyes, annoyed that this is the first thing you said after she literally just saved your life. You barely have any color back on your face and you're already asking stupid questions. Well, she is your partner. She should've known better by now.
"Aw." Both you and Kara pout for a second, and then a second later add, "I mean, YAY!" 
"Are you sure she isn't a little bit Kryptonian now?" It's Alex's time to ask with a smile on her face.
"No." Lena looks at you fondly, hand running over your face softly. "Just my silly baby Danvers."
"Our silly baby Danvers."
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Y/N danvers feels like a burden to her sisters so she packs her stuff out of the apartment she is living with Alex and goes away. There is a big search for her until Lena finds her and talks to her.
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You were tired of sitting on the shoulders of your sisters, they had enough to handle and create in their lives than to babysit you so you decided to put an end to it and leave.
The most important things already packed in a suitcase, you stood at the door of the shared apartment of your eldest sister and you looked around one last time. The times in which you had spent on the couch and watched caustic movies that the redhead really wanted to see, your bedroom that you both designed the way you always wanted it to be before you moved in and all the chaotic moments where the color of the walls landed on your faces instead of on the wall.
You do think that all the laughter that had accumulated over the years was still in the walls, you could still hear them so clearly with every single memory. All these and many other wonderful moments went through all the synapses of your brain before you decided to close the door one last time without ever opening it again.
Exhausted and completely drained from the working day, the DEO agent was happy to be home again and to enjoy a nice rest of the evening with you. But as soon as she walked through the door, she was gripped by an uncomfortable cold and terrible silence she didn't knew.
It felt weird.
The living room she was looking at was swept empty; small personal things of you that always flew around here, pictures with you together that were on the dressers were gone.
Like you've been erased from her life.
An uneasy feeling in her stomach area and the panic that rose in her, let her jacket and her purse, which hung over her arm, fall on the ground. Several times she called your name but when there was no answer to her question just an echo, she walked the last few steps to your room and threw the door wide open. There wasn't a single thing to find that made you stand out - just insignificant stuff.
Panicked, the redhead ran through every single room of the apartment to find a clue about where you were and what had led you to just vanish. While she had also searched the bathroom for you in vain, she walked into the kitchen with her cell phone to her ear. "Come on, Kara. Damn it."
Leaning out of breath against the kitchen counter and nervously tapping the marble area with her index, middle and ring finger at irregular intervals, she listened to the annoying beeping stopping before it turned into her sister´s bright voice. "Alex, what is it? I have an important meeting coming up."
"Y/n is gone."
The agent heard the blonde shift in her chair, concerned about the choice of words, while she cleared her throat to give herself time for a moment´s thought. "What do you mean she's gone? Maybe she's down at the coffee shop doing her-" but Kara did not get the chance to finish her sentence. Alex had interrupted her, knowing what her sister was about to say.
"No Kara. Her things.." Alex hit the counter with her balled fist. Her pent-up energy from work and the growing concern for the youngest Danvers drained through her. "They´re all gone. As if she never lived here."
Kara´s jaw dropped. She got up from her seat at the desk in no time and quickly left the office to fly to the scene where her troubled sister was already waiting for her. Before the blondes feet hit the floor, words started to nervously spill out of the redheads mouth. "Look, all her things.. Gone."
Kara bit her lip and adjusted her glasses. Alex had not brought her here unnecessarily, the apartment was completely empty from your stuff and there was no sign of you.
"This note is the only thing that´s left." the eldest whispered in a low voice and pointed to the place where it was laying. Kara´s worried gaze shifted from Alex to the dresser she was standing a few inches away from. She walked towards it, took the red envelope in her hands and moved towards the couch where she sat on the armrest.
Looking at the envelope and reading her name and that of her sister in block letters, she opened it with shaky hands, took out the piece of paper and began to read it. And all of a sudden it went really quiet in the room. You could hear a pin drop in the silence.
Kara looked up from the paper in her hand to the redhead who had now sat down on the floor and had her legs pulled tight to her chest. Both of them had tears running down their cheeks and both could not believe that you just left like that. Alone without saying goodbye.
Haven´t you three always been a team?
Shivering from the cold and huddled up to escape the wind, you crouched down by the water near a tree, trying no to stand out or make a sound.
It was relatively quiet in your favorite spot and while it was not safe for you to sit here alone in the dark, the water lapping at the shore brought a soothing sound and calmed the unknown within you.
Lost in your own thoughts, you did not notice the figure slowly creeping up at you, not before the dark, familiar voice spoke your name out loud and it´s shadow grew steadily beside your form. You startled and immediately jumped to your feet. You were ready to run and not look back, your fight or flight mode kicking in, but you calmed down relatively quickly when you understood who exactly was standing in front of you. "Your siblings are worried sick."
"How did you find me?" you whispered and slumped your shoulders in frustration.
Lena stood in front of you. Tall and broad-shouldered, her hands buried in the pockets of her black coat-full of strength yet graceful and charming. Her long, dark hair lay loose over her shoulders, her ears keeping the strands from falling over her face in the wind. Her clothes were simple and not elegant as usual; jeans, a blouse, cuddly ankle boots and a flowing, long coat.
"Remember when you told me that you found a place here in National City that at night looks like the water reflects the whole galaxy?" her voice was deep and warm but had a subtle rasp in it. She looked at you, her emerald green eyes shining in the moonlight and a small smile occupying her lips.
You said nothing and turned your back to her to avoid seeing the disappointment in her eyes. Slowly, you sat down in the spot by the tree you had left in terror and leaned your knees against your chest while throwing flat rocks into the water; starting to hit more waves into it. "Talk to me, honey."
You exhaled deeply and smiled painfully. Crouched, legs drawn up, you just sat there with your arms wrapped tightly around your stomach. You struggled with your thoughts, trying to tell her everything. Words would not make your feelings better, you learned that the hard way. "There is nothing to talk about."
"You know lying won´t work in my presence, honey," the head of L-Corp stepped closer to you and sat down on the cold floor next to you. Wrapping her coat tightly around her body, she cleared her throat before speaking again. "No matter what you tell me, it stays with me. I promise."
"Alex and Kara are so busy with the DEO, Supergirl and CatCo," you swallowed hard and bit your lip anxiously. Your eyes were focused on the water, surveying every wave that hit the shore while tears started to well up in your eyes. "I feel like a burden on top."
Lena looked at you with her head tilted to the left, considering your statement for a moment and sighed heavily. She had already figured out the reason for your disappearance when she got Kara´s desperate call for help and now she had confirmation of her suspicion.
"You know that is not the case. They both love you more than anything on this planet."
"Sometimes I think it would be better for both of them if I was not here." you replied in a whisper. You found it difficult to say and talk about it but it was the truth after all. For weeks you have been imagining whether Alex and Kara would have a happier an much simpler life if you were not here with your illnesses to care for. "I am just annoying. They worry about me when they work and take care of me when they get home. They do not have time for themselves or for love because they are busy with me. Doctor visits, hospitalizations, administration of painkillers.."
The black-haired did not say anything and listened to you carefully. Her hand wandered between your shoulder blades, drawing soothing circles on your back before her hand finally came to rest on your shoulder and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"Do not say that, please." she took the word as it got pretty quiet between both of you; the only sound there could be heard were cars in the background. "Your sisters are so lucky to have you and would not trade you for anything in the world, would not want to change a single trait in you. You are perfect the way you are. For all of us."
In her voice, you could recognize the seriousness of her words and your tears almost pushed to the surface. You did not want her to have an outburst of emotion, it was bad enough that you did even drawn attention to yourself again.
You scratched your arm nervously and looked down at your knees. "But.." you felt a huge lump in your throat and your voice broke. She shook her head frantically and pulled you even closer as she watched the tears run down your face.
You quickly hid your face in your hands. She gently brushed her hand a few tangled stands from the sides of your face and she leaned over your bend form to rest her head on your back, giving you to the maximum of support and affection she could offer you.
"I do like you to know that I am always here, if you ever want to talk" she whispered to you as you let out your thawed emotions in her arms. "But please do not ever run from us ever again."
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nymp21 · 1 year
Secret Crush (Part 4)
Here ´s the part 4 ! I decided to do one more part after this. Hope you will enjoy it 🥰.
Pairing : Lena Luthor x reader
Warning : Mention of bullet injuries.
Part 1 : https://nymp21.tumblr.com/post/190981780835/secret-crush
Part 2 : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/nymp21/612019850956718080? source=sharep
Part 3 : https://at.tumblr.com/nymp21/secret-crush-part-3/y0rfvawduwlc )
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You woke up at a very unpleasant noise which was surronding you completly as if you were attacked by it. Then something worst rose in you : the pain in your shoulder. You opened your eyes and winced as the ache increased and your vision went clearer, the light dazzled you.
"(Y/N) !"
A figure came at your vision, due to the blind caused by the very bright light of the room it took you a few seconds to recognize the woman beside you. Her red shorted hair, her worrying stare.
"Alex ?"
Your sister had been crying. You could tell because she had got red puffy eyes. You remembered the shot, Lena's voice, her hands on your shoulder. So you were'nt dead ? Or maybe you were and Alex was crying upon your dead body ?
"How bad is it ?" you aksed with a raspy voice. You could speak ! You weren't dead yet it seemed.
"What ?" Alex watched you confuse
"You were crying... am I gonna die or something ?"
Jeez ! the pain killers, they gave you, weren't strong enough to kill the pain but were powerful enough to get you high. Science was puzzling sometimes. Your sister chuckled, voice full of emotion.
"No ! no babygirl you're not going to die. I was crying because I thought i was going to lose you tonight. I'm glad you're okay."
She took your hand in hers and kissed it.
"How's Lena ?" You asked.
"She's fine. She got some bruises, but nothing too serious. She was not allowed to enter here. Only family..."
"But she IS family. You know Alex I love her. She is, she is wonderful. She saved me and i love her."
Alex went silence and looked at you carefully. You could say she was deeply in her thoughts and you were afrait that she wouldn’t approve your feelings towards Lena. Then she said :
« That’s why you have been acting weirdly recently, is it ? »
« Yes… I thought she wouldn’t like me back, she is older, smarter and she is also Kara ´ s best friend. And she is soooo sexy »
Yep, you were high, but your sister didn’t make any comment about your last assertion.
Alex took your hands in hers, squeezing them.
« (Y/N) you are the smartest person I know and i am not kidding ! Plus you are not a kid anymore, even if it’s hard for me to watch you grow up into a beautiful woman, you can date or be with anyone you want. And if Lena makes you happy, don’t think about it twice. We only live once. »
You smiled at your sister, eyes full of happy tears. Her words meant everything to you. You were about to thank her, when the door abruptly opened and a wind blonded storm rushed over you.
« Oh my god you are awake ! »
You were taken in a tighed embrace by Supergirl who didn’t seem to want to let you go.
« Kar’… you… are crushing… me. »
« Oh ! » she pushed herself back « sorry babes… didn’t want to hurt you. »
« It’s okay, you probably broke my ribs but with these amazing painkillers, I will forget about it in a minute or two. »
« She is high. » explained Alex to the blond.
« Yeah I can see that. Babygirl ? »
« Yes my favorite sister ? »
« Hey ! Why is she your favorite ??? » Alex was shocked.
« Because… she is blond and she is smelling like cookies. »
« That’s discrimination ! Fortunatly I know you are too dazzed to really think what you are saying. »
« No actually she is right : I am smelling like cookies because I brought you some, but I was hungry so maybe I ate one or two …or five, on my way… there they are anyway. »
Kara gave you a little bag where a single cookie were packed.
« Are you serious. » whispered Alex at the superhereo
« What ? I was hungry ! »
« That’s so sweet of you Kara ! » you cried and overreacted too smitten by the attention and too high.
« See ? She is happy ! »
« You two will be the dead of me one day. » said the eldest rubbing her eyes.
Then a cough interrupted your conversation. The three of you turned to see Lena at the doorway.
« Sorry, am I interrupting some family reunion ? »
« No, you are a part of it. » responded Kara. « We will… leave you two alone. I believe you have many things to say to each other. »
Kara gave you a kissed on your cheek while Alex squeezed your hand. Then she left Lena and you alone in the room.
« How did you managed to enter, I thought the doctors didn’t consider you as my family. »
« Well, I have my secrets. » she responded with a wink. « Plus, I couldn’t bare to leave you here, alone, and injured. »
This made you shudder and blush as she approached you. You felt her sit on the edge of your bed, you smelt her perfume as she leaned to kiss your forehead.
« I thought you were dead. » The brunette whispered. « I saw the gunshot I… I thought I would never be able to see you again. » her voice was trembling, and you took one of her hand.
« I’m here. Alive. Thanks to you. Aaand maybe thanks to the doctor but, that’s a detail ! »
She laughed. The most beautiful sound you had ever heard on earth.
« How are you feeling ? » Lena asked, worry still painted on her face.
« Well, my shoulder is probably aching but I don’t care, because of the painkillers. They are magic ! It is like, everything could happen, and I dont care» you said.
« Yeah that’s the effect of the morphin… » she smiled.
« Nah ! That’s because of you. Of thanks to you. You are too stunning, like an angel, so the pain doesn’t matter anymore. »
« Jeez, they must have gave you a strong dose ! » but she blushed at your compliment.
« Lena, I may be high, but I am sincere. You are an angel to me. I don’t know why i haven’t told you sooner, maybe it’s because i am a jerk, but I… I have a crush on you. No it is more than that : I love you. You may think it’s too soon to tell or… »
She ushed you with a finger on your lips.
« Darling, you need to breathe. »
« Why the hell are you interupting my love confession like this !? It is mean. » you sulked.
She caressed your cheek with her finger and then poke your nose as she spoke.
« Because, you are not in your normal state and your words are seducing me and I want to kiss you so bad, I may not be able to contain myself if you continue. »
You looked at her in disbelief. She wanted to kiss you ? Of god, you were dreaming right ? And in your state you were persuaded that her kiss was able to heal you. Her lips were just few centimeters away and you couldn’t reach them, since you were unable to move. How frustrating !
« But that’s THE reason I should continue ! I want you to kiss me. »
Where this confident was from ? In your normal state you would never dare to say things like it ! You shyness were too strong. But at the moment, nothing mattered.
« No, love. As i said : You are not in a normal state and kissing you right now wouldn’t be appropriate since you can’t give me properly your consent. »
You were stunned. Lena was so caring. She was perfect. And you wanted so badly that she could kiss you right know.
« But I have a proposition. Why don’t we discuss about all of this : what you are feeling about me, what I am feeling about you, us, around a dinner, when you’ll be out of the hospital. » she said.
« It would be my pleasure. »
« Great ! Now rest darling, I am watching you, no more bad guys will ever hurt you again. »
You closed you eyed, surronded by Lena. Her perfume, her aura, the music of her soul. You were at home.
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supergirlfics · 5 years
    I wasn’t expecting it. Wasn’t expecting the long fingers to wrap around my arm, or the black cloth to cover my face. Wasn’t expecting the awful smell of chloroform to fill my lungs and send me slipping into unconsciousness.
    The room in which I awoke was a deceptively small, with translucent walls that did little more than cast shadows of the outside world. 
    There was a small device on my temple. I was wearing light blue scrubs and lay on a bed with sheets of the same color. The only other thing in the room was a heart rate monitor I was hooked up to. 
    The walls disappeared suddenly and standing there . . .
    “Lena?” I sat up quickly, staring at her in disbelief. 
    “Jacquelyn,” Lena said as she strode to my side. “Glad to see you’re awake.”
    “What am I doing here?”
    “Lay down. You need to rest.” Lena gently pushed me back down. My hand reached up to touch whatever was on my temple, but Lena’s warm hand moved it away. “Don’t touch it. I won’t hurt you, I promise.”
    “But what - Lena? What are you doing?”
    She had grabbed a strab from the far side of the bed, bringing it over my shoulders and fastening it. I reached up to free myself, but Lena grabbed my wrist, pushing it down harshly. She held it in place as she fastened another strap over it. 
“Don’t fight it.”
“Lena! Stop!”
She only proceeded to place straps over my other wrist, my 
abdomen, knees, and ankles. I was stuck in place. 
“Let me go Lena! Let me - let me go!” I was breathing hard in my 
panic. In fact, I could hardly breathe at all. 
    Lena pulled something small and familiar from her pocket. My inhaler. “Exhale.” Though at the moment I was terrified, I listened. As soon as I had, the inhaler was in my mouth and I was able to take that life-saving Ventolin puff. Still, you glared at Lena. If you had a choice, you would have refused the inhaler, but you rather enjoyed breathing.
    Lena stuck the inhaler on a nearby table, never taking her eyes off of you. “You don’t need to be afraid.”
    “Says the woman who strapped me to a freaking table. What do you want with me, anyway?”
    “Supergirl hurt me, Jacquelyn. I want her to feel that same pain she put me through.”
    “She made a mistake. She’s only human.”
    Lena raised an eyebrow.
    “Okay, she’s an alien. But aliens make mistakes, too. She thought she was protecting you. She was scared. You can’t hold that against her. And you can’t hold me here because of it.”
    “I can and I will. Supergirl will feel my pain.”
    “They’ll know I’m gone. They’ll find me, and what’s left for you then? You’re making yourself a villain.”
    “I am not a villain,” Lena snapped. “And your sisters would never suspect me of kidnapping you. Or did you forget? Supergirl still believes she is my best friend.”
    I struggled against the binding, getting absolutely nowhere. “She’ll find me.”
    “You’ll give yourself rope burn.”
    A woman entered the room. She had wavy blond hair, blue eyes. And her name was Eve. 
    “What is she doing here?”
    “Hope?” Lena smirked. “You’ll see.”
    “Hope? That’s not -”
    “It is now. I mapped her brain, created exactly the type of person I needed. A true friend, you could call it.”
    “You got rid of her emotion.”
    “Precisely. Now hope is perfectly capable of meeting my needs without the disgusting personal attachments.”
    “You’re terrible,” I said, my voice shaking.
    “Jacquelyn . . . You know that’s not true. I’m protecting myself.”
    “Eve may not have been a good person, but you ruined her. You turned her into a robot and for what? Because she hurt your feelings? That’s what villains do, Lena. You’ve become like Lex. Cruel, heartless. You kidnapped two people. No good person does that. I never thought you would do that.”
    “Well then maybe I’m not who you thought I was either.”
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mcgrathandwives · 6 years
So Marvel update or DC update?
Also I remembered I can write in blue now so excpet all my random shit in blue from now on
Y'all want Peggy or Baby!Danvers and/or Lena Luthor?
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Lena Luthor and Baby Danvers Reader Having a Baby Would Include
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@sofia-r-1604​ said: Hey!!So,kind of a weird request.Could you write about reader and wife (and kids if you can)?.About how their life is like,a situation in their house,or anything related.It can be any character,or one you created.THANK YOU!!Have a nice day,and happy new year!!
I’m so sorry this took us forever to get to! This reader is going to be Baby Danvers Reader because I love Baby Danvers. I hope you like this! - Admin Cam
p.s. Lena takes the Danvers last name in this
Lena Luthor and Baby Danvers Reader Having a Baby Would Include
Lena really wanted to start a family with you
She knew you would be a great mother but she worried that she would end up just like Lillian
“Lena, my love, you are nothing like her,” you say stroking her cheek and then placing a kiss on her forehead
She gives you a weak smile, “How can you be so sure?”
“Because I know you, Lena Danvers, and you are one of the kindest people I know. You are going to be a great mother and I will be right by your side the entire time”
Lena is a big softie so of course a few tears slip
But you love her for how big her heart is so you wipe the tears away and kiss her gently
The next day the two of you begin the process of trying to have a baby
Lena works in the lab for weeks until she’s found the perfect procedure for the two of you to try
Your sisters are a little skeptical of the procedure, but they know that Lena would never do anything to hurt you
Their skepticism soon turns into excitement of the prospect of their being a new Danvers running around
Eliza is super excited at the thought of grandchildren
On the day of the procedure, Lena and you are both nervous, but excited
“Are you sure you want to go through with this?” she asks once again right before she begins
You reach for her hand and squeeze it, “There’s no one I trust more than you.”
It takes a couple weeks before Lena and you can know if the procedure is successful
And those two weeks felt like they couldn’t have gone any slower
Once the two weeks are up, you finally take a pregnancy test
Lena and you sit on the edge of the bathtub in your bathroom and wait for the results
Lena nervously biting her lip and you bouncing your leg up and down
Who knew three minutes could feel like an eternity?
Your timer goes off and you get up to check it
The results are positive
You and Lena were going to have a baby!
Lena sees your beaming smile and knows that the test is positive before you even say anything
She runs over to hug you while the two of you cry tears of joy
“We’re going to be parents!”
The two of you wait to tell Alex, Kelly, Kara, and Eliza until you all have a family dinner at Eliza’s that weekend
Everyone is extremely happy for the two of you
There are many congratulations and hugs
Eliza hugs Lena and whispers into her ear, “The two of you are going to be great parents”
That was the final bit of reassurance that Lena needs
Of course Lena reads every book on being a parent
Spending hours researching
At night, she likes to lay in bed by your stomach and place kisses all over your bump
She talks to the baby every night
The two of you work on the nursery making sure everything is absolutely perfect
She loves buying things for the baby
Lena is very protective of you
Even more so than she already was
“Lena,” you whine, “I’m a Danvers! I’ll be fine!”
“You’re a pregnant Danvers who is staying home”
You sigh, “Fine. You win.”
“Don’t I always?” she counters with a smirk
Lena also spoils you too
She knows you hate staying home so she does her best to do anything she can for you
Making sure you always have enough pillows and blankets
Goes and gets you whatever weird snacks you want
She even takes off work since she hates leaving you alone
When she does have to leave you alone, there’s always someone stopping by to check on you
Kara doing many fly-bys 
Game nights and movie nights still go on
The day finally comes that you go into labor and Lena is pretty calm and collected
She’s a total wreck on the inside, but she knows she has to be calm for you
She calmly grabs the bag the two of you had prepared and helps you to the car to take you to the hospital
On the way she calls Kara because she knows your sisters would be upset if they weren’t there for you
Kara, Alex, Kelly, and Eliza all rush to the hospital so that they can meet the newest Danvers as soon as possible
Lena is by your side the entire time and holding your hand, no matter how hard your squeezing it
Lena totally cries when the baby is born and I mean who can blame her
You hold the baby and look up at Lena, “She has your beautiful eyes”
The rest of the family is all smiles when they meet you and Lena’s daughter
All of them are excited and take turns holding her
Lena stays with you and the baby all night
This is the beginning of you and Lena’s beautiful, happy family
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llaudna · 7 years
hello i am love you
hello i am love you too!!!!!!!! so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fivelsizzie · 7 years
llenaluthor replied to your post “llenaluthor replied to your post “RIP CLUB PENGUIN” ...”
idk when i made my account but im so fukn sad man that game was my childhood
it really was my childhood :((
babydanvers replied to your post “llenaluthor replied to your post “RIP CLUB PENGUIN” ...”
are yall okay
no we aint,, its the end of an eRA
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jewshboy · 7 years
i associate u with bein gay and bein soft and also too long skype calls tbh
!!!!!!!!!!!! i lov bein soft an gay
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
My Masterlist
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My moodboard is made by @ssa-sapphic .
Taglist Link
Requesting Guidelines
Natasha Romanoff
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Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
Wanda Maximoff
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Wanda Maximoff Masterlist
Yelena Belova
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Yelena Belova Masterlist
Skye / Daisy Johnson x Fem!Reader)
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Skye / Daisy Johnson Masterlist
Kate Bishop x Fem!Reader
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Masterlist / Taglists
Steve Rogers
The War Gone Wrong - (Steve Rogers x Powered! Stark! Reader)
The Shield . . . (Steve Rogers x Fem!Reader)
Bobbie Morse
Undercover (Bobbi Morse x Fem!Coulson!Reader)
Practice (Bobbi Morse x Archer!Reader)
Alex Danvers x Fem!Reader
My Superhero (Alex x Vigilante Reader)
Stay Strong, Alex (Alex x Fem!Cop!Reader) 
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
The Pool (Alex x Pregnant!Reader)
Maggie Sawyer x Fem!Reader
Maggs - Masterlist (Maggie x BabyDanvers!Reader)
Bandages and Kisses (Maggie x BabyDanver!Reader)
Comfort and Disappointing Fathers (Bandages and Kisses Pt. 2)
Kids? (Bandages and Kisses Pt. 3)
Latte (Maggie x BabyDanvers!Reader)
Sanvers (Maggie x Alex) x Reader
Rooftop Thoughts and Worried Girlfriends (Sanvers x Reader)
Lena Luthor x Fem!Reader
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Agent Danvers - Masterlist & Taglist
Julie and the Phantoms
Masterlist for (Y/n), Julie, and the Phantoms
Percy Jackson and the Olympians / The Heroes of Olympus (Annabeth Chase x Fem!Reader)
The Daughter of the Sea - Masterlist
Piper (Annabeth Chase x Fem!Reader)
Spiders! (Annabeth Chase x Fem!Jackson!Reader)
A Warrior's Destiny - A Warriors Cats Reader Insert
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
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Ashlyn Caswell x Fem!Reader
Ash - Masterlist
My Wattpad:
My Other Blog:
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supercorpkid · 4 months
Powergirl Should Die
Supergirl. Powergirl. B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Winn Schott.
Word Count: 2550.
Porwergirl should die. Someone should kill her.
The suit is skin tight, it clings so forcefully onto you as if it's trying to become part of you. But this other skin, just simply doesn’t fit right over your bones. 
There is a huge House of El crest over your chest, in its golden glory. It weighs down on your skin, heavy and sacred. It should help you feel at ease. It doesn’t. It feels like it’s burning your skin like a branding iron. 
Super powers? 
You’re a superhero. Next, please!
Kara stands tall next to you, hand on your shoulder. “Would you look at that,” your sister smiles brightly at you. “Mother and father would be so proud of you, mini me.”
Kara has called you that your whole life, but you never felt so little as you do right now. You've also never felt so much like Kara. Crumpled up inside this supersuit to fit someone else’s dream. You don’t think your parents would be very proud of you now.
“Kara, this feels odd.” You try to lift the suit from your skin, that is so snuggled up it barely leaves you room to breathe. “I-I look like you.”
“I know!” She proudly squeaks. “I asked Winn to only change the colors. How do you feel about the white, red and blue?”
“Like a walking American flag.” You wince at the thought. You like the white, it’s a little more sober than the blue in Kara's suit, it also reminds you of the vest you used to wear back in Krypton. The red cape feels like they've ripped a piece of Kara’s and placed it on your back. The high blue boots are uncomfortable and the matching gloves are just plain stupid.
“You certainly don’t look like one.” Alex chimes in from behind you, and you turn around, sick of the sight of you in the mirror. “Honestly sis, I like this suit. I think it might be even better than Kara’s.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, mine has history.”
“Yours is a copy of Superman’s.”
“That’s what I mean, history.”
You watch your sister’s bickering with faint attention because they both would never say how ridiculous you look with this dull, hideous, comical outfit.
But it didn’t matter how foolish you looked, or how stupid you felt. There was no way out of this. Kara said you looked perfect and Alex agreed. J’onn, who’s been the closest thing to a father to you on this planet, gave you a stiff smile when asked what he thought. He could read your mind, remember? That’s what he thought about it. And Winn was just over the moon with his creation. No way out. From that day on, you’re Powergirl.
It hasn’t been long since you started being Powergirl. You’re still not the most prominent face of the Supers, thank God for that. You do the easy jobs while Kara takes on the real bad guys. You follow her lead. Obey to what Alex tells you to do over the comm that is permanently stuck in your ear. As if you couldn’t hear her from miles and miles away.
But with every passing day, it becomes even more obvious to you that you were really not cut out for this superhero life. Not good at it. Not happy with it. Not fit for it.
The very opposite of Kara, actually. Because Kara fits everywhere and with everyone. She fits perfectly in her suit, with her alias. Perfectly at her job at CatCo, as a news reporter. And ever since she landed on Earth she created her perfect family, story, life on this planet. 
You, on the other hand, wish everyday you were still at Krypton. You are well aware that if you stayed behind, that if your parents hadn't made Kara snuggle your smaller form against her own body on that pod, you would have exploded. You wouldn't be alive today. And you wish people knew you don't want to be dead, you just wish your planet hadn't exploded in the first place.
Sure Kara feels the same. Yet she makes a name for herself and gives back to this planet that took you both in so willingly, that gave you both powers because of its sun. Kara is just different.
"Mother would want us to use our powers for good." She would whisper to you in the dark, whenever the Danvers would tell you to not use your powers. Whenever they asked you to fit in completely. "Father spent so much time trying to stop our planet from deteriorating, don't you think that if he had powers he would use them to make that happen?"
She would ask you questions that didn't feel like questions. That required no answers at all. Kara would tell you what she knew about them, use them as arguments to explain to you (convince even) why you had to become a superhero too. 
And you would lay there in the dark, after your sister was asleep, looking at the long dead stars, and wondering whether she was right. Whether that was your parents' plans all along or just a sad coincidence.
"Powergirl." You hear Kara's voice early in the morning while you're still trying to brew yourself a cup of coffee. "I need you for a second."
"It's too early in the morning and I have to get ready for work." You press on your comm to answer. "Can't you deal with it alone?"
"Hm, no. I need you to come here now." 
You let out a huge sigh, trying to ease your own mind. Coffee will wait, you guess. You're out of your pj's, into your suit, and out of the house in a blur. You stop next to Kara while she stares at a billboard.
"What?" You can't help the harshness of your tone as you see no emergency around her.
Kara says nothing. Only points at the billboard and you finally take note of it. Written in large red colors, the sentence: Powergirl should die.
"It seems that you have an enemy." Kara says when time enough has passed for you to read the sentence over a few times. "Don't worry, we'll catch them."
Cute. It's your first thought. It's almost like someone wrote you a love letter, au contraire. 
Kara makes an effort to tear it all down, destroy the billboard before anyone sees it. You don't help her, stuck inside your own mind, replaying the words in your head. 
"No need to worry." She assures you, hand on your shoulder to get you out of your trance. "No one will do you any harm, mini me. I'd never let anyone hurt you."
"Thanks, Kar." You look at your watch on your wrist. "Work calls." And so you fly home.
You try to lodge that sentence in the back of your mind. You don't wanna seem stressed out, even though you are. But showing how actually worried you are about it, and with the fact that someone is coming for you, it's inconceivable. 
Kara would worry. Alex would stress. Ooof, you can see it all playing out. Sleepovers and excuses for you to miss work and hang at the DEO headquarters so they can keep an eye on you, until you're feeling suffocated.
No, no. You can't go through that. It's been a while since you and your sisters shared a bedroom. You don't think you three can do that again now that you're grown ups. 
It happens again. You don't see it, but you hear the agents commenting about it, a couple days later. They get muted the second you fly in the DEO, which is not only annoying but foolish. You do have super hearing after all.
"So, where was it this time?" You ask Alex, while she tries to avoid looking at you. 
"Where's what?" She tries, and you furrow your brows.
"Winn, put it on the monitor." You ask coming closer. Winn looks at Alex as if asking for permission, but you don't give her time to deny him. "Come on, I heard the agents. I'm still Kryptonian even if I'm not a Super."
Winn huffs. "On the tallest building of National City." The photo goes up on the large TV in front of you, and you swallow deep.
Powergirl should die. 
"Y/N," Alex talks in a low tone so the agents around can't hear her. "it's not personal."
"Looks personal." You cross your arms, turning your back at the TV. "Someone wanting me dead sounds like it's as personal as it can get."
"Supergirl is looking into it, I promise we'll catch whoever did this."
"Alex, please." You pass her on your way to the training room. "You know damn well my favorite thing about you is that you don't lie."
"You've lost too many punching bags." You hear a voice behind your back, and you breathe deep before turning around.
"Just training a little." You look at the number of destroyed bags by your feet and decide that it's true, there's too many, even though that's what they're here for. 
"Alex told me about the message." Kara approaches you slowly, trying to test the territory. She can see your distress, but doesn't know the extent of it. And she won't, because you're definitely going to fake it.
"Yeah, tall building. They got the writing off quickly, though. So no major problems."
"Honey," Kara's voice is even sweeter now, if that's possible. "I'll catch them. I'll be patrolling tonight. No one's coming for you."
"I'm not worried." You smile at your lie, or half of lie for what it's worth. Knowing that Kara will be patrolling the city helps. You know your sister would never let anything bad happen to you. And it's very unlikely that anyone on this planet could easily defeat two Kryptonians.
Kara also smiles, and brings you into her arms for a hug. And you breathe out, calmer. Kara's arms have kept you safe from many perils. Spaceship lost in space, new planet, new school, new job. Surely she can keep you safe again.
You don't feel safe, though, when you wake up to a familiar voice far away. You rub the sleep from your eyes, well awake, paying close attention to a conversation you weren't invited to be a part of.
"Alex, I went around the city, there's no new wri-"
"Kara? What was that?"
There it was, in big red letters the sentence that has been haunting you for days. Powergirl should die. And under it new words' been added, someone should kill her.
"I found new writing." Kara's voice comes a second later. "It's worse this time."
"Take a picture so we can compare the handwriting and get back here."
"I have to clean this up." But before Kara even has the chance to, you're flying next to her in front of the L Corp building. "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
You move closer to the building to investigate. The ink is still wet, it wasn't done too long ago. You look around trying to find cameras. It's Lena's building, you're sure there are cameras everywhere. You spot one with a direct view.
"Mini me-" Kara tries.
"Go to work Supergirl, I'll deal with this. Someone wanting me dead is my problem." It's always been your problem, you are aware. But Kara promised you, you had nothing to worry about. Promised she would patrol the city. Promised she would protect you. And yet, here it is, in big block red letters.
"I got it, Kara. Can you just believe in me?"
"Y/N, you know I do. I just wanna help."
"I don't need help." You clench your jaw, tired of being treated like a little girl. Like a mini Kara instead of your own person. "I'm Kryptonian too."
Cheap shot? Maybe. Definitely. You throw it, anyway. 
You clean the writing then fly home to suit up. You can't face Lena without it. Another secret that only makes you hate your secret identity as hard. Lying to your friends, sneaking out, it's all stressing and there's literally no reward high enough worth of all this.
"Oh shit." Lena's hand goes to her chest after her obvious scare. You can hear her heart almost beating out of her chest. "It's too early for bad news, Powergirl."
"Trust me, I agree with that." You breathe out, trying to give her a smile. It comes out flat. "I was wondering if I could look into one of your surveillance cameras. There was some writing on this building this morning, I would very much like to know who's responsible."
"Writing? I - I didn't see anything when I came in."
"Good. I cleaned it as fast as possible." You point at her computer and she breathes deep as if she is agreeing with you. 
It doesn't take long for the images to be up, and you two to be carefully reversing the filming until Lena sees you and Kara flying in front of it, and read the words herself. She looks up to you and quirks up an eyebrow, in question.
"Currently unsure if someone is threatening me or if this is just general knowledge being passed on." 
"People don't want you dead, you're a superhero!" Lena argues. "Maybe Lex, but he's currently serving his time."
"Clearly not everyone agrees with you." You point back at the words on her computer.
"It's awful." She admits, even though she doesn't fully trust you or Kara yet. "Wait, wait. There."
You can't see a thing. One minute is there, the other isn't. You slow down the images, trying to see any detail. Lena soon takes over and slows down as much as she can. That's when you see it, just a tiny flash of red. You hold your breath. Thankfully, Lena hasn't noticed it.
"How's this possible? There's no one." 
"Seems that I'll have to patrol the city myself tonight." You're almost leaving Lena's office when you turn around one more time. "Thank you for your help, Ms. Luthor."
"I was barely of any help at all." Lena points at the computer as proof and you give her a smile.
"Au contraire, darling. You showed me everything I needed to see." You wink at her, then fly out.
You march inside the DEO, positive on your plan. No one is talking you out of it, that's for sure.
Winn tries to argue that it is illogical for you to just give yourself to your enemy. He gets ignored. Alex argues that as a DEO agent she can't let you do this, and as your older sister she would be insane to leave you alone in this situation. You don't budge. Kara pulls out the big guns, her promise to mother and father, her duty as your protector, how you're the only connection she still has with Krypton, her love for you and so on. Her cries fall on deaf ears.
So at night, you fly around National City watching and studying everyone in it, even though you know you should only be looking for one person. One person with superspeed, a red cape and a big motive.
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oneshotnewbie · 7 months
Baby danvers has an abusive boyfriend and Kara and Alex changed locks on her door ai he cant get in anymore and they stay at her apartment for a few days/weeks because they don't want her to be alone and there is a fight?
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Authors note: I wasn't sure who the argument should be with (whether it was Alex and Kara with Reader or the abusive ex-boyfriend with the Danvers Sisters), so I just went with the second option, hoping I was right.
Alex Danvers knelt on the floor of the apartment building, the door to your apartment wide open. Her facial expression looked serious as she holds the new lock in her hand, which she wanted to exchange for the old one. "I am going to change the lock on your door to make sure you are safe from him," she began to carefully and quickly remove the old lock while her eyes were focused on the new key mechanism she was installing.
You sat anxiously, irritably and slightly disoriented on the only intact piece of furniture the living room still had to offer, your apartment in shocking chaos. What was once a place of your comfort was now in a desolate and chaotic state. The living room, once inviting, resembled a battlefield. The floor was littered with broken glass pieces from coffee tables, books and documents lay in a chaotic mess on the floor, the dishes from the cupboards had been cleared out while the dining area was dominated by overturned chairs.
The entire apartment was plagued by an unbridled rage and desire for destruction, including you, who had suffered damage, your face marked by the marks of a fierce battle. "I know it hurts, but please hold still," Kara spoke compassionately and gently, dabbing a warm, wet cotton pad on your bottom lip and the slightly bleeding scratch on your cheek. She sat shaken in her seat on the couch, looking worriedly at the cuts and bruises on your face. The room was filled with a tense silence, only broken by your muffled cries of pain and the blonde's calm voice.
You winced and sighed loudly as you watched, shaking and with tears in your eyes, as the redhead tried her hardest. "Do not be afraid, he will not hurt you anymore. We will stay here and take care of you," she whispered with her gentle nature, and her hands moved with deliberate precision over your flushed face.
You tensed in pain, but gritted your teeth and tried to stay strong. Kara paused for a moment, looking up at you, her eyes full of sadness mixed with outrageous anger. "I am so sorry that you had to go through that and that Alex and I were not there to protect you," she gently brushed your matted hair out of your face and began to treat your wounds with an antiseptic ointment. Your features relaxed slightly as the cool balm touched your skin.
Kara spoke soft, comforting words as she cared for you, and your eyes filled with perfect tears of gratitude for your sisters, who you could always count on. After cleaning and bandaging the wounds, she carefully handed you a tissue to dry your tears before gently pulling you into her arms. In that moment she was your refuge, someone who stood by you in the darkest hours and helped you get back on your feet. You knew you could always count on your sisters, no matter what.
Days had passed since your now ex-boyfriend's violent outburst of anger at you. They had passed quietly, your sisters strictly at your side while you hardly dared to leave the apartment. You could not even make it to the mailbox on the ground floor, afraid he might already be lurking for you downstairs.
The moonlight cast pale shadows in the TV-lit living room as you sat on the couch, between your two favorite people, enjoying the new show Kara had suggested. Your heart had started to beat faster out of the blue, panic flooding your body as you jumped in fear, immediately putting your two sisters on alert. "Hey, kiddo. It is all good, you hear? It is just the neighbor."
You shook your head violently, aware of how his quick footsteps scattered on the creaking hallway floor and stopped in front of your door. "He is at the door," as soon as you said it in a whisper, he pounded on the door with an angry shout of your name, his fists crashing into the wood.
The dull echo echoed through the interior of your apartment, drowning out the silence of the night and the distant howl of the wind. Alex and Kara quickly stood up from their seats, your unsteady breathing making it difficult for you to calm down. He kept banging on the door, hoping you would open the door.
The mood in your apartment hung heavy in the air as Kara wrapped her arm around your shoulder and pulled you close. Your face was pale and you were shaking slightly, tears of fear running down your cheeks. Without further ado, Alex decided to open the door, her gun pointed strictly at him. He was initially surprised, but his face was contorted with anger, his eyes showed frustration, and his fists clenched with tension. "Alex, where is your sister? I need to talk to her," he tried to enter the apartment and push the redhead aside, barely frightened by her gun.
"Get out of here, she does not want to talk to you," Kara stood protectively in front of you, her expression determined as she shot him a warning look. He stepped energetically towards her and you ducked protectively behind her, waiting for the hand on your shoulders and the subsequent impact against a nearby wall, but that never came. Kara stood her ground against him without using her powers, Alex coming to a stop right next to her, her hand stretched out to you behind her. "I will warn you once more. Go away."
"Or what?" He asked and suddenly the argument flared up, this time in a wordless battle of looks and body language between your sisters and him, Kara's eyes starting to shine like lasers. They pushed him back, their resolve unshakable as he took short but quick steps backwards. In the midst of this tension, the man finally lost his courage, turned around without a word and left the apartment.
Alex and Kara breathed a sigh of relief when they were sure he was gone. They turned to you, who was still reeling from the incident and caught in her protective stance. They both took you tightly in their arms, completely wrapping your body in theirs, showing an expression of comfort and solidarity. In that moment you felt the warmth and love of your family, strong enough to protect you from the darkness of the world. "It is all good, sweetie. You are safe.“
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nymp21 · 2 years
Secret Crush (part 3)
Pairing : Lena Luthor x Babydanvers reader. 
Warning : violence, gun, blood, sexuality. 
gift is not mine
Here’s the part 3. Finally ! I know i made you wait and i’m sorry for that. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it ! :) 
(Part 1 : https://nymp21.tumblr.com/post/190981780835/secret-crush
Part 2 : https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/nymp21/612019850956718080?source=sharep )
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You woke up with pain accross your entire body and you winced. What happened ? Seconds passed and you remembered : You were with Lena at her office, she almost kissed you and then ....
“Put your hands up and don”t move !” screamed one of the men. He was masked you couldn’t see his face, but his voice was clearly threatening. Both were pointing guns towards you and Lena and you could tell they wouldn’t hesitate to use them. Lena seemed to have the same thought because you see her tap discreatly on her phone. She was calling Kara / supergirl. 
“What are you doing bitch !” Yelled the taller man. 
He rushed foward and slapped her on the face with his gun. You didn”t think twice and jumped on him. Seeing him hurting Lena made you go crazy. You screamed : 
“Don’t touch her you asshole !” 
And then... the blackout. 
End of flashback.
“LENA !” you opened your eyes, ready to search for her when you heard her.
“I’m here (Y/N).” 
You realized Lean was behind, her back against yours. You were both tied up. 
“Are you okay ?” she asked you with concern. 
“I think so... you ?”
“I’m better now i know you’re fine.” 
Despite the situation you were, you couldn’t help but felt a shiver at her words.
“What happened ?” 
She sighed. 
“Apparently we’re at some creepy guys hideout, they took us for some reason, i don”t know why yet, but i will figure this out. They may want me because i’m a Luthor. I’m sorry... i’’m putting you in danger...”
You touched her hands behind your back and said.
“No ! You’re not ! It’s not your fault it’s their ! And they may kidnaped me because of my attached strings with supergirl.”
“Now it’s new...” you heard a voice said. You turned your head to see a man in a black suit at the door. For how long was he here ? Two armed guard were beside him. You presumed he was their boss and the conversation, that occured then, confirmed your impression. He walked up to you and, with a smile, asked.
“Who are you to supergirl ?”
You didn”t respond, didn”t want to bring him satisfaction. You regretted your choice to be silence when he grabbed you by the hair, you winced in pain. 
“Let her go !” you felt Lena move with rage behind you, but she didn”t manage to budge an inch. “Let her go or i swear I’ll kill you myself.”
He chuckled.
“That’s cute : the former Lena Luthor has a crush. And i thought you were an icequeen.” 
Then he draw back his attention to you.
“You’re gonna tell me you know, i can make you suffer like supergirl made me suffer, but it will be easier for us if you cooperate.” 
You make no sound although you were scared as fuck. He was too calm, too composed, he knew what he was doing. Even when he punched you in the face he didn”t flinched. You fall on the floor with a scream. You tasted the blood on your tongue.
“I hate repeating myself dear. So i’m not gonna ask you once more. You don’t tell me, too bad, i’ll kill you and we move on. I just need the luthor here, but if i can keep you alive, you’re my bonus if you’re useful as you’re seems. It’s up to you, to prove to me that i musn”t kill you here and now.”
“Please, don”t kill her...” Lena begged him. “Please, i’ll do whatever you want, please !” 
He ignored her. You saw him grabe a gun in his suit and point it to you. 
“Let’s count... five... for... three... two...”
“Okay okay ! i will talk ! She’s supergirl’s sister ! Please don”t kill her ! I’m begging you !” Lena was almost crying.
He stopped and watched her with interest. 
“Now it seems i can keep you alive then. Thank you Miss Luthor.” He pulled back his gun, but punched you with his foot on the stomach despite the scream Lena gave him.
“That’s for not telling me you were so precious.”
You were running ot ouf breath, but he didn”t care. He added adressing to Lena.
“Miss Luthor i think you will be more cooperative now you saw what i’m capable of. I need you to enter to government system to hack their files about secret opération in the City.”
“I can”t do that... i’m not an expert and...”
“Then i can kill both of you beginning with supergirls little sister.”
“NO ! no... i will... help you.” 
“Excellent ! I see we’ve come to an agreement ! This will be ready in 30 minutes. I’ll leave you alone til the time has come. Untie them.” 
After the guards freed you, they left, locked the door behind them. You immediatly felt Lena’s hands on your face.
“oh my god (Y/N)... what did he do to you.”
“It’s okay.” you managed to say despite the pain. “I can handle a few punch.” 
“I may disagree with you darling. You’re bleeding...” She tore a piece of her skirt and applied it to your nose. Her touch was so soft and it helped you with the pain. You liked her skin against yours.
“Why did he kidnap you ?” you asked... “Can’t he find somone else to do this job ?”
“No. I... have acess to this cripted files. legal access i mean and he knows that. I can enter the system without a problem, download the files though, it’s something else, but that’s not my problem. But we have to earn time, once i press de download’s button he’ll probably kill us both.”
“Yeah i figured this too. I hope Kara will find us.” You said with fear in your voice.
“She will. But we have to keep you safe if we want her to catch them, she won”t be alble to to anything if they treaten you.” 
“I know.”
“I promise i will protect you (Y/N)... i meant it when i said i loved you. I’ll die for you if i must.” 
She was starring at you, locked her eyes with yours and you saw it, the passion, the love you couldn”t believe in earlier. This wasn’t the time but you really wanted to kiss her right now. 
“I love you too Lena. I don”t want you to be hurt because of me...” 
“Oh baby, i promise it will be fine. We will be fine as long as we keep it togther okay ?”
You nodded and she hugged you hard. You smelt her perfume and it calmed you. You hoped Kara would be there soon because you were scared, scared of loosing Lena, scared of dying too... but it will be okay, she promised to you, right ? 
You were dragged along corridors. Lena was in front of you, two guards with her. No one talked, you felt the tension in the group. They were ready. Ready to do their task, to kill... 
Time was flying and no Kara to be seen. Shit. 
After 10 minutes you entered a large room with a giant glass window offering a great view of the city. It would be breathteaking if you weren”t close to be killed by a psychopath. Speaking of... 
“Welcome Miss Luthor and Miss Danvers I presume? Since your sister is Supergirl I do my reasearch. Who knew a pair of glaces could do such miracles ! But we’re not here to discuss secret identity, Miss Luthor if you please ?”
Lena was pushed against a computer. 
“I need time. it can”t be done as fast as an omelet.” 
“You see, i’m a bad cook.” He said with a smile. “Let’s ask Marvin :  Marvin how long it takes to make an omelet ? “
“15 minutes sire.” 
“I’ll give you 10, no more or your precious little girlfriend here will see her life ends prematurely.” 
You watched Lena give him a death stare but she got to work quickly. After all she promised you. The time was flying, too fast and no supergirl... Lena was earning some minutes, secondes as much as possible,  she didn”t want to put you in danger but you were already. She gave you a look... did she have a plan or something ?
“Time’s over.” finally said the man “Miss Luthor ?”
“Done ! It’s done ! Look..”
He approached the computer with hunger in his eyes. 
“Finally !” you heard him whispering. “We dit it...Marv...”
He didn”t finish his sentence, Lena, with a velocity you coudn’t suspect pushed his head against the screen and some of piece of glass and plastic flew away when he broke. She intended to grab his gun during the confusion but he was faster and stronger, he pushed her he pointed it directly to you. 
“I didn”t know you knew how to fight Miss Luthor.” said the man with his broken noise. 
His men were pointing their gun at Lena. 
“A Luthor always know how to fight.” She responded proudly and you were so amazed by her confident. She was incredible, irrestible but what was the point of all of this ? They were all armed, why did she do this ? Well because now the computer was broke and it was impossible to download any files but... he will kill you. He seemed to have the same though because he asked.
“Why such efforts Miss Luthor ? I’m now obliged to kill Miss Danvers and yourself, because you are two embarassing witnesses.”
To your surprise, she smiled.
“Then why all the talking, kill us already.”
The confusion in him didn”t take much, you saw it before you heard it : the shot. You closed your eyes ready to feel the bullet, but... nothing. You heard a : “kling” and then you saw it : a sort of force of field between him and you, it was barely visible. The bullet was on the floor. You undersood : During her fight with the man, Lena throw it in front of you, how she ended up to have this gadget you didn”t know but... it was genius !
“I will kill you !” screamed the man.
“I don”t think so !” You heard behind you.
You saw Kara and then behind her, Alex with all the DEO agents. 
“You’re under arrest Charles Hoopers. Put your hands up and it will do you no harm.” 
“NO ! NO ! It can”t be !” He was freaking out for the first time. You saw it as in a movie... He left up his arm with his gun, his finger pulled the trigger...
“NO !” You heard yourself screaming. 
Pushing yourself between him and Lena, this time, you felt the bullet, a sharp pain in you shoulder as it pasted trough it.. Then it was chaos. You heard screams and gunshots. In a second Lena was on you, hands on your shoudler to stop the bleeding, tears on her cheeks.
“(Y/N) ! Please stay awake, stay with me ! Love please look at me !”
“Lena...” you whispered. “I...”
“Shhh don”t talk baby, please save your strength” 
“Lena...” then you passed out. 
Okay one more part to go ! I hope you enjoyed it. If you want to be tagged to follow the story tell me :)
tags : @natashaswife4125
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supergirlfics · 5 years
Powerful - Part 12
The drive to Midvale was pretty much silent. Kara and Alex would try to talk to you, but still, you only sat silently.
    They eventually gave up.
    When you arrived, Kara placed you on the couch, carrying you inside and you hung limply in her arms. Although she knew you wouldn’t respond, she still asked if you wanted anything to eat. 
    Normally at the mention of food, you would immediately perk up with questions of what you would be eating, followed by the horribly ungraceful sight of shoving the meal down your throat. But not this time. You just stared.
    You knew who these people were. Or at least, you wanted to know. But everything was fuzzy. Your memories were buried in a treasure chest that you could not unlock, much less find. You felt a sense of familiarity around them, but all other recollection was drowned out by images of that terrible place and that terrible man.
    Mr. Noble.
    Just the name sent shivers down your spine. Threatened to send tears streaming down your face. And that’s exactly what happened. Tears silently poured from your eyes as you stared into the abyss.
    “Y/N?” Kara asked, though she knew you wouldn’t respond. “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”
    Her face was very close to yours and still didn’t elicit a response. It only served to worry your sister more. She pulled you into a hug and your body rested weightlessly against her. Kara’s fingers ran gently through your hair as she spoke softly in your ear. “It’s okay, Y/N. It’s okay. I got you. You’ll be okay. Its safe. You’re safe, I promise.”
    According to them, you needed a bath. You hardly recognized the word, but when it finally clicked, you were not happy. It had been a common torture in the hands of Mr. Noble. You weren’t looking forward to that again. But your protests were silent, and you soon found yourself back in Kara’s arms as she carried you to the bathroom.
    Eliza took over for her, gently scrubbing you clean. “I’m here, sweetie. You’re doing great.” You could hear the brokenness in her voice. She leaned you forward and a gasp escaped her lips, followed by a sob. “Kara!”
    “Yeah Eliza?” Kara asked, standing in the doorway.
    “I’m sorry, but can you finish up? I - I need to take a walk.
    “Of course,” Kara says softly. “Take your time.” And before you know it, Kara’s the one running the sponge over you. “You know, Mom loves you. She just needed a minute.”
    “She needed a minute?” The voice clearly belongs to Alex. “So she just left? She just got up and left her, in the bath, no less?”
    “Alex . . . She just went on a walk. This is hard for her.”
    “And it’s not hard for me? Or for you? She’s thinking about herself, not about Y/N. Who were the ones who found her? Who had to see her in that horrible, tiny room, shivering and bleeding and starved? It was us. Not Mom. We were the ones who were there for her. We were the ones who rescued her. We are the ones who have seen her so torn up, so beaten. The ones who had to carry her home when she was limp in our arms.”
    “Alex,” Kara says quietly. “Can we please do this later? When she’s asleep? Y/N doesn’t need to hear it.”
    Alex heaves a sigh. She obviously wants to say more, but stops herself. “Yeah . . .I’m going to find Mom.” 
    Before Kara could say another word, Alex was gone.
    Hours later, you still hadn’t seen Alex or Eliza. The house had been quiet, besides the noise of the television in front of you and Kara’s occasional whispered words. You felt a shift and Kara’s arm move to rest on your shoulders.
    Your eyes widened slightly at the touch, but after a second, Kara’s calming presence overtook you and you found yourself slowly moving to lean against her.
    Kara’s heart skipped a beat when you rested your head against her.
    Without a word, she held you a little closer and placed a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
    And that’s how you fell asleep.
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mcgrathandwives · 6 years
Request: This is probably tmi but I literally just kinda sorta got broken up with and I was wondering if I could request some Danvers Sisters comforting Baby!Danvers reader because apparently this is how I deal with emotions. Cheerio!
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A/n: aren't they adorable? God I love them.
Also I hope this is okay, it's not out right comforting but it's the best I could do with this writers block.
Eliza knew something wasn't right when you turned up on her door with no notice. She knew something was wrong when her eyes landed on the 5 suitcases and fresh tear tracks on your face and so just like she did everytime you came home or felt heartbroken, she wrapped you in her arms. No words were shared between you, you just let the tears roll. An hour later you were found passed out on the sofa, wrapped in Alex's college sweater and Kara's old blanket. Eliza knew you were out for the count, so she decided to make a phone call.
Alex burst through Kara's door, starling everyone but her sister. "Alex?" the look of panic on the older Danvers face and the bag in her hand was enough for Kara to not ask any questions. "Mom called, we need to go to Midvale." With that Kara collected her things and Lena promised she'd cover the work load at the DEO and Catco.
Kara wrapped her arm around Alex and took off making a direct B-line for their family home. They got there for a little after midnight, before they could ask why they were there Kara's eyes landed on your sleeping body, "Y/n." Instantly they bombarded Eliza with questions, to which she had no answers to give.
They decided to camp out in the living room with you, so when you woke up you wouldn't be alone. They knew that you wouldn't just show up with no notice- something must've happened. So your sisters sat watching you sleep as worry consumed them.
Morning rolled round, Alex went out for her jog and Kara was found on the porch watching the birds fly just like she did everyday since she landed on Earth. Her attention however was on you, listening to your heartbeat, she hadn't heard it this loud in so long, it felt like old times.
You however woke up with a pounding in your head. You spent the flight from Washington to Midvale getting drunk off your ass, trying oh so hard to drown your sorrows in those minature bottles. Your now ex-girlfriend had been cheating on you for months and you had only just found out, you knew the relationship was a little rocky lately but you just thought it was a phase, a funk that you'd pull out of- she thought other wise. So spent the entire argument packing your bags and leaving going to the only place you could think of to clear your head. Home.
You poured yourself a glass of water and made your way to the porch, you could hear muffled voices but thought nothing of it assuming it to be your mom on a call or something but to your surprise when you opened the door there stood your sisters. "Morning kiddo." Normally you'd give Alex a lecture about the nickname but today it was exactly what you needed. Kara was the first to pull you into a hug and when Alex joined it that's when you let the tears fall.
You stood on the porch wrapped in your older sisters arms, crying for a good 20 minutes before they suggested you went inside so you could tell them what happened.
Slumping back onto the sofa, you finished your rant, "So yeah, now I'm 24 years old, got fired from my job in Washington, single and now having to move back in with my mom because my ex has a new girlfriend, our apartment and tried to make the whole break up my fault because I wasn't paying her enough attention." Your sisters were livid trying to wrap their heads around the situation. Pulling you closer into her side Kara whispered in your ear "I'll throw her into space, just say the word and I will." You knew she was only saying it to make you smile and it worked, Kara had always had that affect on you. No matter what mood you were in Kara always made you smile.
You had still felt a little tired so you excused yourself from your sisters and went to bed, the nap would do you good. Whilst you were resting Alex had suggested they clean up a little and work on making you feel better. Kara already had an idea on where Alex was going with it so they wrote a list and got to work.
"Quickly Alex she's coming!", Kara was jumping in the one spot, listening for your footsteps.
Alex was already frustrated with her task and found Kara's enthusiasim to be just a little too annoying, "You this would get done faster if you used your superspeed-"
"I swear it's like I've travelled back in time to living in a house with 3 teenagers again!" And Eliza- just like old times on family movie night would roll her eys at her older daughters whilst Alex shot a glare at her alien sister.
"We're sorry Eliza, we just want this to be perfect." Kara held that same glimpse of innocence she always has. You noticed it as you came down the stairs the only thing missing was your dad.
Seeing the 3 women who changed your life, standing infront of you just like they had the day you left to start your life in Washington brought tears to your eyes.
"What's going on?" Eliza made her way over to you, kissing the top of your head and wrapping her arms around you, "Your sisters have a surprise for you. If you need me I'll be in my office." Turning to her other daughters, "Best behaviour!" A chuckle left your lips when you noticed the same cheeky grins on their faces, "No promises."
Once Eliza left, Kara pulled you over to the kitchen counter, "We have the choice of chinese food, pizza, movies, Scotch and the equivalent for me or we can do shots, cocktails and hide out in the kareoke fort." A smile spread across your face- only your sisters would come up with some way of making the shittiest week of your life turn into something pretty decent.
"Or- and this is just because Kara doesn't think you can handle it- we can do both and I'll even throw in the bottle of that Aldebaran rum that M'gann got Kara for Christmas!" A devilish smirk sat on the older Danvers face, "NO!"
"YES!" and with a flash of those puppy eyes that Kara can't resist, Alex passed the two of a glass, "Before I forget I spoke to Lena, she's looking for someone to run PR for Catco and L-Corp. She said the job's yours if you're willing to move to National City with us."
"Oh and J'onn said that you can stay in his apartment since he's moving in with M'gann- since y'know you don't have anywhere to stay and it's exactly 3 block from the DEO, 5 blocks from Catco and L-Corp and 2 streets from both mine and Kara's apartments." You grabbed both of your sisters in another bone crushing hug, "I love you guys."
"We love you too."
And so the 3 of you found yourselves drunk and singing along to whatever musical Kara put on. Your sisters knew you didn't want to go into details of everything but they knew you'd eventually talk about it when you're ready to, they also knew that with you moving to National City with the, you'd be safe, happy and feel like yourself again.
The rest of your time in Midvale was spent with your family, dinners, movie nights, hugs and some much needed catch ups.
Eliza had her 3 girls back together again.
Alex had her family back in arms reach.
Kara had the 3 people she loved more than she could ever think possible by her side again.
And you found yourself again.
You were home.
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kassies-take · 4 years
Hey Pretty Stranger
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Summary: Kara always wanted to introduce her little sister, you, and Lena together due to the fact that she thinks you two would get along very well. There is finally a time when both you and Lena can make game night. Little does she or the rest of super-friends know that the two of you have already met, multiple times. 
A/n: Yes another BabyDanvers story, but y’all can’t deny that you wouldn’t want to be a Danvers and date the Goddess that is Lena Luthor. 
Warning: Secrecy 
Lena Luthor x Fem!Reader, Kara Danvers x Reader, Alex Danvers x Reader 
Word Count: 3099
A beam of sun and a grumble next to you, woke you up from your sleep. Your naked body tangled with another. Your arms wrapped around the woman’s pale but soft shoulders, as she laid on your breast. 
The brunette ran her hand up and down your torso, you didn’t know if she was awake or if she was doing it unconsciously. 
You sat at a bar just right out of National City. Your expedition in Peru didn’t end well, and here you were, home early and scribbling something on a napkin. 
“I don’t mean to spy but are you making a robot?”
“Exploration droid. Records what you find, holds various tools, hologram projector for those needed debriefs and maybe a healing drug if I can make it.” 
“And why are you telling me all this? Aren’t you afraid I might steal it?” 
“Definitely worth it, if a pretty stranger like you takes it. I should at least get one for free.”
You both smiled at each other, an obvious blush between the both of you. The silence was soon broken when a bartender stood in front of you two. 
“What can I get you ladies?” 
“Whiskey Sour, with bourbon whiskey.” You spoke in sync with the woman next to you before the two broke out into smiles again. 
Once the bartender prepared the drinks and moved to the next customers, the other decided to break the silence. 
“You drink a lot of Whiskey Sours after every expedition?” 
“Oh yes, nothing like whiskey after an adventure like Indy.” You joked. 
“I take it your adventures aren’t so, breathtaking?” 
“It’s not fun when you have a new crew every so often. And I haven’t seen friends or family in a year and a half.
“Well I’ll be happy to join your crew, need a break from city life anyways.” She sipped. “I’m-” 
“If it’s okay if we keep the names a secret?”
“Don’t want people knowing who you are?” She smirked.
“Well I don’t mind telling anyone my name but it keeps the whole mystery thing up. And people tend to judge based on the name. Someone always has something to say. Plus I would really like to know you from you and not anyone else.”
“I know how you feel.”
“And I won’t be tempted to Google you.” You smiled.
“So if family or work ever come up we’ll just get rid of the names too. Then you won’t be tempted to Google me.”
The two of you continued to flirt and talk till the morning, thus sparked a friendship between the CEO and the explorer.
It was never planned but the two met up every Friday for about a month. Each week spent with countless hours talking to each other. It didn’t get further beside talking and flirting but it was still worth it.
It was the third week in when things began to escalate a little.
“Hey pretty stranger,” you leaned against the counter top. “Hard whiskey today, hard day?”
“You wouldn’t believe it if I told you.”
“Try me.”
“Business partners turned down an offer mainly because I’m a woman and a Lu- because of my last name.”
“That sucks... aren’t you the CEO?”
“Just because I’m a CEO does not mean I can spend money willy nilly.”
“You did not just say willy nilly.” You chuckled, the brunette’s lips curled into a smile. “Well I think it’s cute. After you of course.”
“Can I get your number?” Your eyes widened at the abrupt question. “We already know each other’s fears and secrets, what is your number going to change? I promise I won’t Google it.” She raised eyebrows, no matter how many times she did that your breath would still get caught in your throat.
“You’re not going to let me live that down are you.”
“If I give you my number, will you let me take you on a date?”
“Are you free tomorrow night?”
“That was a very fast answer,” You chucked as the paler woman blushed. “How about you give me your phone, contact app opened and I’ll put my number in.”
Lena called you the moment you gave her phone back. “I had to check if it was real.”
“Now it just means I have to pick up your calls if we’re continuing the nameless.”
You put her contact as ‘Pretty Stranger’ still not knowing each other’s name.
“I’ll text you the information by the end of tonight.” She got up and grabbed her bag.
“You’re leaving now?”
“I’ve got planning to do,” She kisses your cheek before she purposely swayed her hips and walked away.
“I thought I was asking her out on a date.” You mumbled to yourself.
Your jaw dropped at the black pantsuit that hugged her curves in the right places. She strutted towards you with a smirk on her face. Her fingertips ghostly touched your chin and closed your mouth.
“You’ll catch flies, darling.” Her eyes landed on the single purple rose you were holding. “Is that for me?”
“Oh uh, yeah.” You gave her the flower as the heat rose to your face.
“Reservation for Kieran Thorul, party of two?” The hostess called out.
“That’s us,” the businesswoman took your hand.
“Kieran Thorul?”
“Don’t get your hopes up, you won’t be able to Google that. Fake name.”
“What are you thinking about, pretty stranger?” The voice disrupted your thoughts.
“Thinking about how we met. Is it wrong that I know so much about you but I still don’t know your name?”
“What’s wrong with that?” Her smile reached up to her emerald eyes. “You’re a beautiful woman, and we’ve talked for a little more than a full day since we met.”
“Are you counting hours?”
“What can I do, I’m a scientist and a businesswoman. All we do is count numbers.”
Your phone rang on the nightstand beside you.
“Cool expedition?”
The scientist lifted herself off you so you could reach your phone. The two of you readjusted to fit in each other’s arms.
“My oldest sister, actually.” You answered the phone knowing Alex would continue to call unless you picked up.
‘What’s up?’
‘You’re needed at Kara’s tonight.’
‘Why did something happen?’ You sat up as your company also received a call.
‘No, we just miss you. We know your expedition didn’t go the way it was planned, so we gave you time. It’s been almost two years since we saw you.’
‘I love exploring, sis.’
‘Maybe you can explore with the D.E.O. We could use someone like you on recon missions.’
‘I don’t know, you know the whole agency thing isn’t my gig.’
‘Think about it alright. Sister night tonight.’
‘Yeah, okay I’ll see you there.’
You and Lena ended the call around the same time.
“My sister reminded me of a family gathering I forgot about.”
“I’m needed at my friend’s place.”
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah, just nervous. It’s the first time in a while I’m hanging out with the group again.”
“Feel free to call me if you need to.”
You climbed up the stairs towards Kara’s place. You could feel your sister’s excitement when you reached her floor. Mainly because she ran down the hall just to hug you. The blond lifted you off the ground while the red haired stayed at the door.
“Not going to greet your baby sister?” You teased while you walked towards Kara’s place as Kara clung to your arm.
“No I will, just after this puppy moves away.” Alex forcefully pulled Kara off your arms.
“I want to show you something, we’re gonna keep this on the down side cause it’s not exactly finished.”
“You stole something?” Kara grasped.
“You have to tell me everything!” Alex jumped.
“I did not steal it, I made it.” You pulled out the napkin and placed it on the table.
“Wait hold up,” Alex took the napkin to inspect it. You thought she was admiring the droid blueprints but you were wrong. “Is that lipstick?”
“It was nice meeting you,” Kara read.
The two looked up at you and began to tease you. Kara with her big smile and Alex with raising both her eyebrows.
“Are you just going to ignore the droid?”
“Uh yeah! The droid can wait! Whose lipstick is this!” Kara beamed.
“More importantly did you get her number,” Alex smirked.
“She helped with the schematics.” You rubbed your neck.
“Her heart rate is up,” Kara mumbled before Alex pounced. You dodged and ran around before Kara tackled you.
Alex tilted your head up and gave you a cheeky smile.
“Is that a hickey?” Kara smiled.
“So something good did come from the expedition,” Alex smacked your shoulder.
“Get off me and I’ll tell you,” you lied, but it did get Kara and Alex off you.
The moment you stood up your phone rang on the counter. The three of you raced towards it, it wasn’t fair that Kara had super speed.
“Ooh Pretty Stranger! Alex catch!” Kara threw your phone towards Alex.
“Alex give it back, I’ll tell you about it after the call.” You asked slowly.
Alex tossed you your phone as you answered and walked towards Kara’s room. “Don’t eavesdrop!” You pointed at the two. “I’m serious.”
‘Is everything alright?’
‘My sisters are being ASSHOLES,’ you said loud enough so they could hear without super hearing.
You smiled at the chuckle on the other line.
‘I’m really nervous about seeing everyone again.’
‘If it makes you feel any better, I was going to show my sister the exploration droid and they saw your lipstick mark. And apparently I have a hickey on my neck.’
‘That sounds fun,’ you heard the smirk.
‘I was tackled by my sisters, not that fun. And if anything your friends should be nervous seeing you again. Who wouldn’t be, knowing they would see a goddess again.’
‘Is that why you were catching flies yesterday?’ She teased.
‘Guilty, but I recall you kissed me first.’
‘You were the one who showed your sisters the lipstick mark.’
‘I showed them the droid not the mark.’
‘This conversation definitely brought up my mood.’
‘Whenever I talk to you, that’s all that happens. I can’t stop smiling, and everything seems to just go away.’
‘It’s the same for me when I talk to you.’
“STOP FLIRTING AND GET OUT HERE!” Alex pounded on the door.
‘Seems like you are needed.’
‘If you ever need a breather, feel free to step out and call me. Your friends will understand if you need a breather.’
‘Okay I’ll call you later. I think you better go before someone breaks down that door of yours.
‘Bye, I’ll see you soon.’
You returned to the living room with J’onn and three new faces.
“You’re done with flirting great,” Alex dragged you to the kitchen.
“Kelly this is my baby sister (Y/n), (Y/n) this is my girlfriend Kelly.”
“Hi nice to meet you.” The dark skinned lady waved.
“Is Alex treating you okay? Do I need to beat her up?”
“Oh please, like you can.”
“You’ll be surprised.”
“I don’t mean to intrude on sisterly rivalry, but I’m Nia, I work with Kara at Catco.”
“(Y/n), the one turning down Alex’s job offer.”
“I calculate a 94% chance of you enjoying working with Director Danvers at the D.E.O. I’m Brainy 12th level intellect.”
“The other 6% is Alex yelling at me to do something.”
“That’s exactly it, I like this one.” Brainy smiled at Alex.
You pulled on Alex’s collar while everyone else headed towards the living room.
“I thought you said it was sister night?”
“If I told you it was game night would you have came?”
“Exactly my point.”
It wasn’t game night unless Monopoly was in play. You groaned, you were never good at this game. But Monopoly Deal is different from Monopoly, in the sense that there is no paper money, plastic houses or hotels, the board or game pieces just the cards.
Two games were played before Trivia Pursuit was played. Brainy won the first round and you didn’t even know you won the second round with everyone sharing their day’s experience. When it came to geography and history it was easy, and after several rounds you needed one last piece to win and that was in the category of entertainment. Let’s just say because you spent your free time in the jungle you didn’t get the entertainment piece, and Brainy won.
Alex threw her pieces on the table, stomping to the kitchen to fill her glass.There was a knock at the door a little over an hour from the start of game night.
You were getting along with Kara’s and Alex’s friends, especially Kelly. That maybe had something to do with Kelly being a peoples person. Despite the interaction with the ‘pretty stranger’ you didn’t really like to interact with people you didn’t know, well actually you didn’t know how to interact with Kara’s and Alex’s friends. There was this certain expectation from them that you could live up to. J’onn recognized your tense shoulders and gave them a squeeze before you jumped up and headed towards the door behind Kara.
“Lena! It’s good to see you!” Kara hugged the brunette.
When they separated you made eye contact with her. You both froze, you could feel your heart pound while your cheeks heated up. Your breath once again caught, and she was only in jeans and a sweater this time.
“Lena, this is baby Danvers, (Y/n).”
“Hi...” you continued to stare until Kara cleared her throat. “I-uh would you like a drink?” You asked.
“After you get your drink, you can join us for Uno.”
You moved to the counter with Lena beside you.
“So (Y/n) Danvers huh. Would’ve never guessed that.”
“You’re Lena Luthor.”
“I hope that doesn’t change anything.”
“No! You’re incredible. I- oh my god I had sex with Lena Luthor!” You harshly whispered the last part.
“Well don’t tell the whole world now,” Lena smirked before she took the drink for your hands and walked towards the living room.
“(Y/n/n), are you gonna tell us about this pretty stranger?” Alex asked.
You glared at Alex while Lena smirked. You knew the Luthor had something planned, she always did.
“Pretty Stranger?” Lena raised her eyebrows.
“I met her at the bar. We talked for a whole day. She asked for my number. I asked her out. She arranged the date. She kissed me and I escalated things. Never got her name, we agreed to keep it a mystery so other people’s opinions wouldn’t affect how we think of each other.”
J’onn had a smug grin on his face as if he knew who it was. Honestly who are you fooling J’onn can read minds of course he knows.
“So you got her number, but you didn’t get her name? Can’t you just call her at the worst time possible and wait for her voicemail?” Alex sipped on her wine.
“Yes, Alex!” You said passively. “Why do you think I raced towards my phone earlier?”
“Because you didn’t want us to see it?” Alex shrugged.
You leaned back against the couch from the floor, near Lena’s legs.
“I’m in a screw it mood,” Alex stood up and walked towards the counter with all the phones.
“Alex, don’t do it.” Kelly sighed.
“What are you doing?” Your eyes widened.
Alex didn’t answer as she grabbed your phone and pressed on the home button. She frowned when your phone didn’t unlock.
“Did you delete my fingerprint?” Alex looked back at you.
“For this reason exactly. And before you ask Kara for hers, I deleted it too.”
“Hey! What did I do?” The Danvers crinkle obvious between her eyes.
“You always go through my phone, for my safety. I can take care of myself.”
Kara and Alex looked at you at the same time. Everyone knew the looks they were giving and parted like the Red Sea. You immediately stood up and braced for anything they might pull. Lena amused with the whole situation.
You were no match for the Director of the D.E.O or Supergirl. Kara sat on your back. Alex tried to pry open your hands, until she had Kara open it. Once your phone was unlocked they got up.
“You guys are annoying big sisters,” you huffed.
“It’s part of the job description,” Alex scrolled through your contacts.
“Plus you love us.” Kara smiled.
You glared at Lena while she shrugged, not really affected by the fact that her friends would catch her out. Alex called the number and waited a few seconds, the room had already quieted down in anticipation. But it amplified with a ringing at the other end of the room.
“Oh that might be a business partner.” Lena went to grab her phone. She answered the call and ended it immediately, then placed it against her ear as if she was talking to someone.
Alex wasn’t going to give up just yet, she called once again. Lena’s phone rang again which gave Superfriends a questioning look.
“I thought you were already on a call Lena?” Brainy asked.
Alex seemed to have connected the dots immediately as she stared at you and pulled out her own phone. She copied the pretty stranger’s number into her phone only for Lena’s contact to pop up.
“Wait when did you have time to go to the bar?” Alex asked Lena.
“What are you talking about,Alex?” Kara asked.
Nia made a happy face behind Alex’s back. Kelly gasped in happiness for Lena. J’onn didn’t say anything while Brainy and Kara were still trying to figure out what happened.
“Well now that the secret is out, I’ll just like to point out that you’re underestimating your sister’s strength to pin someone down or get out of one.” Lena teased.
You turned red, jumped up to grab your phone from Alex and walked towards Lena. “Hey can I talk to you, pretty stranger.” You called her out through gritted teeth.
You pulled Lena past the living room onto the fire escape and closed the door behind you.
“I did not see that coming,” Kara laughed before the rest of the Superfriends joined her.
“Let’s continue the game!” Nia grabbed her cards that she switched for all wild cards while no one was looking.
“Yeah hold up,” Alex walked towards the fire escape and opened the door. “Hey pretty stranger! Get your lips off my sister!”
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