#hashtag yes my god
entirely-wrong · 3 months
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can we ~please~ let this boy just go the fuck off
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puddii-ng · 2 months
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big fan of the new kids,,
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biracy · 1 year
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mxrisacoulter · 2 years
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His Dark Materials Timestamp Roulette
The City of Magpies
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ineffablydelighted · 9 months
[Cute Omens #3]
That first time Aziraphale visited Crowley's flat (aka: The day Aziraphale met his other children-in-law: Crowley's plants 🌿)
[Future me after ending writing this bit: STOP RIGHT HERE! I didn't expect it to end up being a tad smutty rather than cute but it did so if you don't want to read that: ABHORT MISSION! NOW!]
Crowley: *miracles the door of his flat to open by snapping his fingers**does a reverence* After you, Angel.
Aziraphale: *a little shy* Oh, er, thank you. *already looks everywhere**echoing voice* It is... uhhh... very... rocky. What am I hearing?
[Okay, I might need to precise a thing or two here: in my mind, Crowley's flat somewhat looks like a fancy/modern vivarium, with "human"/entity furniture, natural rock walls, a river flowing all over it and, of course, the humidity that should go with it. Basically, imagine the show's flat with more natural elements... yes, a Despicable me/The Incredibles' villain apartment, exactly!]
Crowley: *enters as well**merely trips for some reason**looks at Aziraphale to make sure he didn't notice**he didn't**acts cool* Oh, that would be the river. And what does "rocky" mean, exactly?
Aziraphale: *looks at him* Wait. You have a river in your flat?
Crowley: *holds himself from sighing* Yeah. I have a river in my flat. Don't make it weird.
Aziraphale: *looks around to find the river's "source"**still cannot believe it* You miracled a river in your flat.
Crowley: *starts being annoyed* Yes, Angel, I miracled a river in my flat. Can we move on or do I need to miracle a lake in the living room to make you talk about something remotely worth speaking about?
Aziraphale: *has started to follow the river to the next room being... Crowley's office, probably?* Annnd you've never had... paperwork... for that?
Crowley: *is closer than Aziraphale expected**watches him startle**super brief inquisitious look* No water bill, so Hell's accountants are pretty pleased, actually. *removes his jacket and throws it on his office chair**same goes for his glasses that finds their way to the nearest plant*
Aziraphale: Oh, o... allright. *shy smile*
Crowley: And are you?
Aziraphale: Hum?
Crowley: Allright.
Aziraphale: *takes a long time to contemplate the question**also, Crowley stays closer to him than usual* Well, we saved the World...
Crowley: Yep, classic Sunday.
Aziraphale: *sad brows*... And my Bookshop has burned down.
Crowley: I know. Sorry it happened, Angel. My Bentley has burned down as well.
Aziraphale: *feels suddenly so guilty* Oh, yes... Sorry about that, by the way. I didn't quite found the occasion to-
Crowley: We can still pop into places until I find a way to repair her. We should be fine.
Aziraphale: Oh, yes, you're right. But, until then, I think we should... um... lay low for a while?
Crowley: Lay low... here?
Aziraphale: Y-yes? *blushes**scared look* I-I mean, only if, uh, if that is okay for you, of course, I-I didn't mean to impo-
Crowley: Angel, I've spent more hours that we could ever count in your Bookshop, it's only fair.
Aziraphale: *little smile* O-okay.
Crowley: *taps his shoulder in a friendly-yet-somewhat-awkward way*
Both: *echange a weird look*
Crowley: Don't think too much about it. *is, himself, thinking too much about it*
Aziraphale: *clears his throat* So, hum... can you... give me... a tour? *tries to smile normally**fails?*
Crowley: Oh, sure thing. Follow me. *one of his arms automatically slides behind one of Aziraphale's shoulders and gently drags him elsewhere*
Aziraphale: *does not remember how to walk properly for a second**looks at Crowley* Ah, sorry.
Crowley: *confused* Nevermind. So. We just leave the office and... Where do you want to go? Left? Right?
Aziraphale: *even more confused* I don't know, hum... Left? *shrugs his shoulders in a shy way*
Crowley: *holds himself from thinking how cute it is for approximately 0.2 miliseconds**smiles more genuinely* Left it is, come on. *Takes Aziraphale's hand without warning*
Aziraphale: Cro-
Crowley: *releases Aziraphale hand as if nothing happened except the fact he felt Aziraphale's heart beating so fast he could feel it at the end of his Angel's figertips**clears his throat* These are... My biggest pride. *looks at his plants with dad eyes**hands on his hips*
Aziraphale: *is looking for a mirror to check if his blushing is obvious or super obvious**cannot find one**looks at the plants* Oh, Crowley, they are most lovely!
[One of the plants shows its gratitude by making a red flower bloom right in front of Aziraphale]
Aziraphale: *approaches it**looks at Crowley* Did you do that?
Crowley: *raising an eyebrow* I thought you did. *suddenly looks at his plants with utmost severity*
[The plants starts shaking]
Aziraphale: *what-now face*
Crowley: *angry AF**threatening mode status: hella activated* So, you're telling me you could grow flowers... THE... ENTIRE... TIME?!
Aziraphale: Cr-Crowley, stop, you're scaring them!
Crowley: *gritted teeth* Apparently, I didn't scare them ENOUGH. *theatrical gestures* What did I tell you all? GROW BETTER! Is that so difficult to understand? Angel! I'm talking to you! IS IT?
Aziraphale: *does movements but eventually stops every single one of them right in the middle* I...
Crowley: *approaches Aziraphale*
Aziraphale: *recoils*
Crowley: *catches Aziraphale's arm and pulls him closer**whispers* Angel, I need you to back me up on this.
Aziraphale: *torn between blushing and being intimidated**as always, ends up doing both**whispers back**kinda panicking* I do not know what you expect me to do, Crowley!
Crowley: *tries not to focus on the fact their temples are touching*Just follow my lead.
Aziraphale: *removes himself from the temple-to-temple situation**unsure but pretends to have 100% understood* O-okay. *awkward thumbs up*
Crowley: *out loud**starts pacing* I am so, SO disappointed in you lot. *points at Aziraphale* And he is disappointed in you, too!
Aziraphale: *says nothing*
Crowley: *looks back at Aziraphale* Angel.
Aziraphale: Oh! Yes! I... I am... very, um... *tries to frown his eyebrows in a threatening way* displeased by your... attitude!
Crowley: Exactly! And you don't know me when I'm disappointed he is disappointed. *marks a pause trying to remember something important**remembers* This is Aziraphale, by the way.
Aziraphale: *waves in New Girl arriving in High School in the middle of the school year* Hello?
Crowley: And if HE is disappointed, oh, I swear to you, come Hell or High Water, I will make anything responsible REGRET IT 'til the end of their days.
Aziraphale: There's no need to be- *catches Crowley's threatening look starting to turn at him and him only**too loud* HE IS A DEMON, YOU SEE? He knows things I could never even imagine!
Crowley: Exactly! And now, time to make an example out of one of you! *aims for a smaller plant and lively grabs it*
Aziraphale: *follows him with little stressed steps* Are you sure about that, Crowley?
Crowley: *high-pitched voice**still theatrical* DO YOU HEAR THAT?! How sweet of him, but you know me and how much I am not. Swee-t. *gets out of the plant room**yells from afar* THIS IS FOR HIDING THINGS FROM ME, IT'S GOING TO BE SO PAINFULL!
Aziraphale: *still following but looking everywhere to not hit a wall or something* C-Crowley, can we talk about this?
[The little plant shakes like crazy in Crowley's hand]
Aziraphale: *is an Angel after all**unsure but tries to take the plant out of Crowley's hands*
Crowley: *higher-pitched, scandalized voice* Wot the Hell are you doing?! *surprised yet swiftly turns to avoid him*
Aziraphale: *almost falls to the floor*
Crowley: *catches him by a bit of his almost-two-centuries-old jacket, avoiding Aziraphale's face to hit the floor 0.5 seconds before impact**still holds the little plant in his other hand*
Aziraphale: *blinks way too much looking at the cold floor* Cro-Crowley!
Crowley: Damn you, Angel! *pulls him back up**reproachful voice*
Aziraphale: I am... SO sorry... I just...
Crowley: Why did you do that?!
Aziraphale: I just... I don't...
Crowley: *grunts**quickly walks away*
Aziraphale: *follows him clumzily until, oh, that's the kitchen*
Crowley: *opens the window*
Aziraphale: *expects him to dramatically throw the plant away*
Crowley: *puts the plant next to a dozen others on the balcony*
Aziraphale: You-
Crowley: *puts a finger on Aziraphale's lips* Shhhh.
Aziraphale: *looks at Crowley's finger**blushes*
Crowley: *yells back**looks for something in a random cupboard* OOOKAY, TIME FOR THE DOUBLE CHAINSAW TREATMENT! *activates the machines*
Aziraphale: *recoils, a hand on his lips*
Crowley: *gives him a "help me here" look*
Aziraphale: *awkward winking**dramatic ethereal being* OH NO, CROWLEY, DON'T DO THIS! I'M BEGGING YOU!
Crowley: YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET, ANGEL! *evil laugh*
Crowley: *takes an empty flower pot**throws it out of the window*
[Noises of a car accident down there]
Aziraphale: *out of his role* Crowley!
Crowley: *shrugs his shoulders**uncertain**checks out* Uh, it's... nothing, Angel!
Aziraphale: *pushes him away without thinking* I don't believe y- CROWLEY!
[Evident scene of two cars having collided because of one having its windshild abruptly crushed by a random flower pot happening]
Crowley: *awkward smile* Well... We saved the world, so... Two cars, I mean, *little misplaced laugh* It's not... that serious, right?
Aziraphale: *points at the exterior**severe out of nowhere* Repair this! Now!
Crowley: *astonished* You... wait a se- sure. *reverses time to avoid a silly car accident**the flower pot has vanished though**hand on a hip**ready to have his revenge* Satisfied?
Aziraphale: *feels the balance shifting between the two of them again**knows he is in trouble**recoils* I-I didn't mean to... Y-you know... say it like that, I...
Crowley: *walks towards him in a snakey way* Oh, really? Because, from where I stand, it feels like you just gave me an order, Angel.
Aziraphale: *not-so-reassured, high-pitched voice* Nooo, of course not, I-I would nev- *bumps into a statue representing... two angels wrestling?!**cannot go further**looks at Crowley, alarmed* Well, I mean, I might have- but you- *weird worried noise* uhhh...
Crowley: *enjoys this way too much**gets closer* Do you really need me to explain how this is supposed to work, Angel?
Aziraphale: *Quirinus Quirrel's laugh* I-I-I... I really didn't mean to- *gasps*
Crowley: *has just taken Aziraphale by the back of his neck**smirks* Of course not, but you still did, and I wonder... *draws him closer until their noses touch**lower his voice* How do you intend to make amends to me, Angel?
Aziraphale: *tries to get away**reminds himself of the statue - how weird of a decorating choice is that?**looks at Crowley intensely* I-I... have... no idea, I...
Crowley: *gets even closer to the point they can only feel each other's breaths now* Hum? Yes? Does not sound like the beginning of an apology I'm expecting, Aziraphale.
Aziraphale: *never heard his name being said like that**heart racing**eye flicker*
[They exchange a rather ineffable gaze.]
Crowley: *smirks again**puts his lips on his Angel's and talks on them* This is your last chance to stop this before I lose my mind.
Aziraphale: Y-you... *gasps like a shojo character**impressed eyes**weird arm movements**almost inaudible little yell* Aaahhh...
Crowley: *intense gaze**whispers* Don't. Panic. You knew what would happen before stepping a foot in here, right?
Aziraphale: *closes his eyes for a second**tries to gather some courage**looks back at Crowley**mumbles* Yes... yes, I did.
Crowley: Finally. *tightens his grip on Aziraphale's neck and presses his lips on his*
Aziraphale: *opens widly his eyes for a second before closing them too hard**indulges with abandon**invites Crowley to press harder by doing it himself*
Crowley: *grabs Aziraphale's hair**time for some tongue action*
Aziraphale: *moans in unholy**grabs Crowley's scarf to pull him closer if that is even possible*
God: And it was possible, obviously! Look at them, Lucy! Look! Satan: How many times have you replayed that moment, exactly? God: *defensive* Nearly two hundred! In other words, nothing! *laughs in Naughty Almighty* Satan: *before leaving* You're gonna owe my lot's channel a crazy, crazy fee this month. God: AND I REGRET NOTHING!
Navigation time!
[While needing you to consider that, most of the time, the scenes are randomized and do no necessarily follow one another at all]
Previous - Beginning - Next
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dullahandyke · 17 days
Just got out of the shower I feel like a wet seal (this is a good thing) ran out of water so I had to rush at the end but it was fun ^_^ anywho plans for the day
Call bank to inquire about lodging coins
Study for driving test (particularly signs)
Research politicians to vote for in the local + European elections (ie find out where everyone stands on Palestine)
Fiiiinally get around to replying to notifs, achieve this by setting 10 minute blocks where I muster up the words and courage to reply to people and then spending 20 minutes or so tidying my room while listening to um actually
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rotisseries · 10 months
NARINES 4EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what if there were two guys that not only hated each other viscerally on a personal level but also everything they individually stood for and they tried to kill each other and there's no universe where they both make it and they have a hundred differences and a thousand similarities and they both die for drako and this started as a joke but why does narines lowkey go hard
narines will be an absolutely banger #Problematique rarepair when you're famous
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to be completely honest, the stranger things fandom has damn near ruined the show for me lmfao
#and i don't mean in the 'i know too much i can never be satisfied as GA again' way#people are just soooooo fucking petty#and i swear to god nobody in this fandom seems to remember that it's supposed to be... fun???#for them and for everyone else#like. bro. have u considered sitting down and maybe drinking a glass of *insert preferred juice*#people take the stupidest shit tooooooo seriously#also HEAVILY controversial opinion so i'm banking on nobody seeing this lest i get hashtag cancelled:#the vast majority of the characters are pretty bland and have middling chemistry#yes. this includes mike and will#i enjoy them. i like them. i don't think they're BAD. but sweetheart they are not that deep i'm sorry ToT#truly fascinates me how worked up people get over a handful of fictional pubescent suburbanites#yeah i'm losing followers if anybody sees this but i honestly do not give a shit#it might just be the mental illness but i barely care about any of it anymore even on a perfunctory level#i miss stranger things being a show i really really liked without being muddied by how fucking annoying fandoms are#(just in general but indo tend to fall into obnoxious ones and ST is no exception)#honestly half the entertainment i've gotten here has been from participating and half has been from watching other ppl squabble#i guess we all suck. haha#i'll probably be less of a holier-than-thou jackass in a couple weeks when i maybe get new meds#but til then i am honestly so sick of logging onto tumblr and having my dash at least half full of stranger things#i'm sick and tired and bored. i just wanna enjoy my blorbos in the peace of my own mind and then forget about them for a couple of years#maybe the hyperfixation is finally ending#honestly??? i hope so#lexi stfu challenge
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faarkas · 1 year
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tagged by @aartyom (thank u rena ily) 💖 to do this picrew and i was so obsessed with it i still have a million in my camera roll LOL.
wraith (d2) | rose | sebastian (fo4) gwenyth | salen (dai) shiro | verde (cp7/7) nizana | galen | caspian (bg3)
not tagging anybody bc i feel like everybody and their dog has done this one now <3
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your harry >>>>>
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oh my fucking GOD ohhhHHHoh oohh my god ohhh my gooooddddd oohhhh my gggooddd oohh my g
are you SERIOUS, oh my GOD this si. oh shut. oh sh. shut UP im g. im gonna cry oh my god. oh thank god i’m in bed i can lie down with my HEART. 
it’s so FULL
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oh myg od tTHANK YOU sadlkadflhgfgh JESUS CHRIST THAT’S GORGEOUS. oh my gosh THANK YOU FOR THIS!!!! oh fuck hell it’s in color. oh my god htey’re beuatiful oh my god what the fuck they are BEAUTIFUL in your style im. oh my god thank you so fucking M U C H for this, it REALLY brightens up my day my week my month my rest of the year, esp after feeling A Way this past week!!!!
clutching my fuckin chest and dying on site and sight. when are you opening up commissions. i have a ferocious and feral need to throw money at you. for art. for. More Serotonin. for this hit is MIGHTY
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trans-leek-cookie · 11 months
someone talking about the ways media and common tropes/depictions of things that are either explicitly or implicitly linked to marginalized people are demonized and presented badly is not a fucking opportunity for you to flex how you're doing it Differently And Better
#I'll rb the post but I domt want to add it on cause it feels. Not my place maybe#Anyway fun fact! You can think that all you fucking want! Close your God damn mouth about it and figure out if it actually adds to the#Conversation! Marginalized ppl don't have to hear about how you're hashtag Not Like The Others!!! TAKE IN THE INFORMATION AND CONSIDER IF#THE THINGS YOU DO TRULY DEFY STEREOTYPES OR ARE STILL IMPLICITLY INSPIRED BY THESE BIASES!!! AND DO IT QUIETLY OR WITH SOMEONE WHOS WILLING#TO LISTEN! NOT ON THE POST INFORMING YOU OF THE PROBLEMS EXISTENCE#Also I'd move this tag up but genuinely idk if I can do that atm. But I'm LITERALLY guilty of the same shit. I immediately jump to no true#Scotsman the subject because I want to defend it!!! Yes I recognize the pattern is wrong and yes I genuinely believe it isn't necessarily#Inherent! But I still have to confront the fact that it's so prominent and to many people inseparable from the subject#(That being disability and body horror). I will say: my immediate instinct was to disregard any body horror that is just like Real Shit Tha#Happens To People as body horror but that's not helpful! I can't just say well it's not body horror BECAUSE PEOPLE STILL CALL AND SEE IT AS#BODY HORROR!!! I HAVE TO STOP AND CONSIDER THE LARGER IMPLICATIONS. My PERSONAL OPINIONS do not matter and the pedantic discussion is#Something to be had with friends or used as it's own criticism of the genre not ON THE POST CALLING OUT A REAL ISSUE! Anyway just.#Both artists and consumers have to be critical of What we see as body horror/what others tell us is body horror/what we accept as body#Horror bc/what we create as body horror etc. We NEED to confront that and we can't just say I Wouldn't Do That! We need to understand that#It goes deeper than that!!! Also YOU DONT INHERENTLY KNOW WHATS POSSIBLE FOR A HUMAN TO EXPERIENCE#There's so many things that ppl can experience and Live With! There are obviously things that are fatal so u rarely hear abt them but human#Beings can survive a lot of things!!! And here's the thing: the rarer something is the shittier it feels to have it misrepresented!!!#At the very basic level: CHECK IF THE THING YOU WANT TO USE AS BODY HORROR IS A RECORDED PHENOMENON AT LEAST!!! FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK#DO THE BARE MINIMUM
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singsweetmelodies · 2 years
me: this fic will be short and filthy. but most importantly - SHORT.
also me:
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translaytonblr · 2 years
cannot stop thinking about miracle mask. cannot stop thinking about how beautiful of a game its trying to be while being held back by bad writing choices and even worse 3d mocap cutscenes. cant stop thinking about randall and hershel's relationship. cannot stop thinking about how randall was resurrected wrong and how layton was forced to confront the man he (thinks) he killed. cant stop thinking about henry and angela's unhealthy, festering hope that they held onto for almost 20 years. and, lastly of all, i cannot stop thinking about how level-5 bungled it all in the end
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theinconveniencing · 2 years
#okay but really. we plan a night to watch big brother together with me her my mom and her gf like we always do except this time#we’ll all have snacks and be wearing our thrifted pajama pants#but instead she spends all fucking day away with her girlfriend and they get back and all they want to do is move her stuff to my#old room. which she should have done THIS MORNING considering how she was rushing me out of my room yesterday#so she moves all her shit and asks if she can go fuck off with her gf tomorrow even though we have the rosary for my grandpa that night#and she needs to unload the dishwasher and her and my mom both KNOW it’s her turn but she claims it’s mine#and we have a chart that we use to determine who’s turn it is so arguments like this don’t happen but she never marks her name off#so I’m like you’re unloading the fucking dishwasher no matter what because I’m not doing this bullshit and she’s all like#the way you said that to me was disgusting and I know it’s not my turn but I’ll do it like oh my fucking god#then I go back downstairs and my mom is like are you okay like no I’m not fucking okay I moved into a room that makes me feel#horrible whenever I step inside I’m going to college even though I don’t really want to and my sister who has been the only constant#friend I’ve had in my life (and my only friend at times) has slowly started to hate me over the last six months and I don’t know why#like everything is so fucking stressful right now and I have no idea what I’m even doing#and she’s like yeah change in life is always difficult like yes I know but the only person who has been there with me through it all wants#nothing to fucking do with me#and lately every time I talk in my family all they do is laugh at whatever I said like no matter what they don’t value my opinion or#take me seriously. and I know I’m a hashtag silly gal but that doesn’t mean that I’m a joke and not a person#it’s just so frustrating#also all this on top of my mental health being shit to begin with#august going out with a bang
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sl33p3r-fr4ud · 3 months
its so hard not being bitter when i see everyone else surrounded by love constantly and all i get to do is watch
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bobzora · 4 months
i love bad end sooo bad it makes me soo miserable. hell yeah
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