#rewatching this episode now god bless
going from ilia's first introduction in v4 with her first interaction with blake ending with ilia saying in THE MOST devastating, heartbroken voice (god bless cherami leigh) "you shouldn't have come back" to v5 episode 1 with blake and ilia's next interaction having ilia plead with blake to leave menagerie and ending with blake saying "you're going to have to make me" ....
LITERALLY the gayest fucking shit. i LOVE bumbleby, i love the story they told (and will CONTINUE to tell, shoutout to VIZmedia), but if bumbleby wasn't going to be canon, i would've put money on catmeleon. the HISTORY between those two, and the narrative foils of ilia and adam. and that doesn't even count the v5 blake character short that gives us even MORE context of their previous relationship.
i love what they did with ilia's character, i honestly would not change it at all, because i love how they twisted the trope of the whole "psycho lesbian" when they revealed ilia's feelings for blake, but not at all having that be her driving force for revenge/her motivation, it's just SO GOOD. and then on top of that, having her confession on screen revealing that, yeah, this is the first canon confirmed lesbian. and just to have her character treated with SUCH respect is just wonderful.
anyway i just love ilia amitola SO much and rewatching rwby has reminded me so very loudly of this fact that i just have to blab about it again at length. i will probably be blabbing about ilia and catmeleon as i continue my rewatch, ESPECIALLY now that im back into v5, aka the ilia/catmeleon show XD
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firephoenix2305 · 4 months
I just...I...just....
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They're so...they're just...
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I just spent an ENTIRE 43 MINUTES squealing and twirling my hair like a SCHOOLGIRL because these two...
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This entire episode has made me so happy.
And what a bittersweet ending. Although, what is it with the love of The Doctor's life getting stuck in alternate dimensions? Bit of a parallel with Rose there...
Anyway, digressing. Where was I? Oh, yeah!
ALBNFKKLBVSKVBJKB!!!!!!!!!!!! YES YES YES!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THEM. I ADORE THEM. I MEAN, LOOK AT THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Need I tell you how I screamed my little lungs out with...
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"Find me"
*Takes a deep breath*
Terribly sorry, I don't know what has gotten into me with this episode. Possibly one of my favorite Doctor Who episodes ever. Certainly this season's best so far, Imo.
Did I mention I love The Doctor and Rogue? And that they are extremely adorkable and that they're killing me and that I will fangril over them until my dying breath? Probably did.
I am so invested in these two I didn't even pay much attention to Susan Twist. Or the fact that the bad guys were canonically roleplaying Bridgerton cosplayers. Or to Ruby, really (bless her).
New hiperfixation unlocked. This is going to be great and horrible at the same time. It's like ineffable husbands all over again. I need fics. Like right now. Please. Thank you.
And one more thing. Just one more, I promise, and then I'll stop shouting in your ear :)
If Rogue (aka the love of The Doctor's life/fiancé and nobody can tell me otherwise) is not brought back at some point during Ncuti's run I WILL START A FUCKING RIOT. I MEAN IT. I WILL MARCH INTO THE BBC WITH A TORCH AND A PITCHFORK AND I WILL....
*Takes another deep breath*
Ahem. That got a little away from me...
Anyway, that's all. Thanks for bearing. Shout with me in reblogs or replies if you want. If anyone needs me I'll be rewatching the scene of them in the TARDIS approximately three thousand times and smiling at my screen like an idiot.
Good evening. <3
PS: Haven't been this excited about a TV couple since Good Omens, and THAT is saying something.
PPS: I just went on a crazy gif hunt and might have now possibly got a folder full of Doctor X Rouge (Someone tell me when you come up with a ship name please) gifs. So I have absolutely no clue who made what. But yeah, they're not mine, and whover created them...thanks!
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santacoppelia · 1 year
An angelic meta.
Ok. I'm starting my 13th rewatch of season 2, and Episode 1 made me think about the nature of angels. Not in a theological way (well, maybe a little), but in the narrative.
Before this episode, we have only met angels as they are now. I mean, we have seen Aziraphale through the ages, but the other angels we saw during season 1 (Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Sandalphon, Anderson [sherlockian joke, sorry]) we have mostly seen them in the present age. They are mostly jerks, rigid, uptight, righteous, full of themselves, they can be cruel and sometimes downright malicious (yup, Michael and Sandalphon, I'm talking about you, utter pieces of...)
But the first minutes of season 2 present us with not 1, not 2, but THREE angels in their "factory setting" status (yup, that's sort of a reference to the fanfic with the same title, if you haven't read it, go check it on AO3). In the first 30 minutes of the season, we would also get to know Muriel, the lesser angel we've met so far.
We find out that angels can be:
Full of joy and awe
Honestly, genuinely surprised
Full of curiosity and wonder
Openly loving (that "You are funny, I love you!" gets me every time)
Naïve (infinitely naïve, even when being jerks. That's what makes some of their misconceptions, misdirections and prejudices so much fun)
This, I would say (and this is where I bring Theology into the equation) is how Divine Grace looks like. For Catholics, "grace" depends on the intermediation of the Church (one of the bones I actually had with the lot before leaving), but when you talk about angels... Well, they are created to be in full contact and awe with Divine Grace in a natural way (because they are created immersed in that grace, perfect, and they get blessed by acting in order to follow that loving nature towards God... and if they resist that nature is when and why they fall). Thomas Aquinas explained this in extenso (and my best friend, who is a Medievalist, Philosopher and fan of Thomas Aquinas has explained this to me in a 15 minute long audio, so I'm more confident about what I'm writing now, ha)
Well, now let's leave the theological bit behind. What piqued my interest was, as a matter of fact, watching Jim/Gabriel enjoying hot cocoa. We can oppose his joyful discovery to a couple of moments:
Gabriel's reaction during season 1, episode 1, when he finds Aziraphale enjoying sushi. "Why do you eat that?" and his face of disgust when thinking about "ingesting things" vs. the happiness of his experience, at every level, when he feels and tastes the cocoa (the mouthfeel, the taste, the heat, finally arriving at his stomach). He grows so fond of cocoa that it is his comfort thing for the rest of the season.
Aziraphale's first experience with food in "A Companion to Owls" (the Job minisode). At first he has the same old attitude we have seen on angels about human food: it is somewhat disgusting... But after he tries it, he discovers the huge pleasure it gives him and he goes wild with it. The love of food and the pleasure of eating exquisite things is still one of his defining traits.
But I would also put out a little note about how Aziraphale was, since the beginning, somehow conscious about the possibility of "falling from grace". If Angel! Crowley had been immersed in the creation of galaxies and stars, Aziraphale had been involved in the creation of Earth and humans. If I understood most of what my personal theologian explained to me about how the notion of "grace" had to be questioned and reinterpreted around how humans can have free will but also achieve grace, and what did that mean for the angels... Well, it redefined everything (the one who started asking all those "silly questions" around the Theology of Grace was Augustine of Hippo, and Thomas Aquinas had to rework ALL of the ideas around angelic grace using Aristotle to justify many things... And that how they came to be known as Fathers of the Church for Catholicism).
So... Angels in their "natural" state are joyous, cheerful, naïve, full of wonder and curiosity. Something (The Great War? Maybe... But maybe something before that) showed them distrust, made them rigid, self-righteous and simply... awful.
Where does this leaves my second favorite angel, Muriel? Well, they are still that sort of angel: that is one of the best things we found about them in this season, and why most of the fandom has already adopted them as our sweet child of divorce. So, she is still full of Divine Grace, and ingenuity.
This word, I believe, will become an interesting characteristic during season 3. Why? Because I'm not a native English speaker 😂. As such, it is more evident that ingenuity has a double meaning: both being an ingenue (naïf), but also being inventive, talented and witty (even wise). I offer a couple of contrasts too, to build up on this idea:
They had been called "dim" by The Metatron. I've already talked about how this is his "fatal flaw": he is underestimating his opponents and expecting everything to be predictable, but ingenuity usually beats predictability (Crowley is also a master of this)
Another character we saw during season 2 that was full of ingenuity: Shax. Yeah, she is not the sharpest tool in the shed, and she is cunning... But that's because she embodies those both sides of the idea! She is ingenuous and still asks Crowley for cues about how to work on Earth, but she is also ingenious and is always planning schemes for her own benefit (even when they blow up in her face). Also, she was the first one to determine that Gabriel had to be in the bookshop, even when she couldn't see him or detect him, and was so certain as to launch an attack.
I've rambled a lot, and I'm now a bit peckish. Do with this information what you like!
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little-diable · 1 year
Victory - Finan x Reader x Sihtric (smut)
I rewatched the last episode of TLK yesterday, so I had to write this drabble. Please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading this, your comments keep us writers motivated. Enjoy my loves. xxx
Summary: Basically pwp, the three fuck in their new chambers
Warnings: 18+, smut, oral (m), unprotected piv, threesome
Pairing: Finan x fem!reader x Sihtric (1.3k words)
picture credit to the owner
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“You know,” Finan’s voice had a rough undertone to it, staring down on (y/n), who was kneeling in front of her two lovers. “Now that we are finally here, after all these years, I think it’s time for us to properly claim you, as ours, as part of our new life.”
Just hours ago they had taken Bebbanburg, fighting their way to victory with blood sticking to their features, blood that had been slowly washed away by the pouring rain. Some may call it the gods wishes, some may call it luck. But (y/n) couldn’t care about fate, not about luck, at least not as she was kneeling naked in front of Finan and Sihtric. With dilated, lust-blow pupils she took in their frames, how the two towered over her with exposed, tensed muscles, with grinning lips, and pupils filled with anticipation.
“I think I lost count on the amount of times you’ve claimed me before.” (Y/n)‘s teasing words were swallowed by her gasp, head forced back by the hand Sihtric used to grasp her hair. The Dane had an almost challenging gaze swimming in his pupils, wondering if she’d dare to speak up again.
The rules between the three were clear, burned into her mind and body like a prayer she’d speak on her knees, with hands interlaced, and her eyes closed – if she’d pray to the Christian God that is. But now, as (y/n) was still shaking from the adrenaline pumping through her veins like a strongly brewed ale, she couldn’t help but smirk, forgoing her command to stay quiet in moments like these. “You know, I don’t think it’s fair that you’re allowed to claim me, while I have to do whatever you ask me to.”
“Look at that, Finan, I told you, our victories make her arrogant.” Sihtric’s smirk stayed glued to his lips as he studied Finan, the grin widening on the man’s lips, how he ran his hand along his beard. 
“I guess we need to hump her arrogance out of her, but first I need to stuff that greedy mouth of hers.” Before (y/n) could even begin to understand what was happening, Finan had freed his twitching cock, pushing it right past her lips, into her mouth. A surprised gasp left (y/n), eyes instantly finding Finan’s glistening ones, hoping that she’d never forget the lustful expressions tugging on her lover’s features. Finan fucked her mouth without holding back, cock forced deeper and deeper down her throat as if this was his last time to feel her, a starving man aching for the smell of cooking food and freshly brewed ale, a mere dream he’d cling to till his last breath leaves his lungs. 
Sihtric watched the scene in front of him unfold, hands working on his cock, trying to match the rhythm of (y/n)’s mouth, how she worked on the parts her mouth couldn’t reach with trembling fingers. The Dane couldn’t help but thank his gods for blessing him with (y/n), for pushing the woman into his and Finan’s life, glued to their sides till the sun would no longer alight the horizon, calling darkness to rest over the lands they keep fighting for. 
“That mouth is the Devil’s work.” Finan’s words were paired with sharp intakes of air, trying to breathe through the clashing waves of lust that tried to drown the soldier, hoping to swallow him whole as his high caught up with him. His head rolled back, hand grasping her jaw to keep (y/n) from moving away, set on filling her cheeks with his cum. “You’ll be a good girl for us tonight, right?”
(Y/n) couldn’t reply, could only hum around his cock with the corners of her mouth burning and her wrists trembling in pain. No matter how many times she’d lay with Finan and Sihtric, she still wasn’t used to their stamina, to the way their bodies worked, a mystery amongst those keeping other restless souls awake late at night. 
Her eyes met Sihtric’s, getting lost in the pupils that had watched more humans die than one could count, and yet the man emanated so much love, so much calmness, she couldn’t help but search his closeness at any given chance. With one hand she reached out for Sihtric, guiding him closer, reaching for his cock to push him over the edge as Finan fucked her mouth, chasing his orgasm. 
The moans of both men filled the room like sounds of victory, betokening the end of another successful battle. Finan’s cock twitched in her mouth as the man suddenly let go of her, gently pushing himself away from her, the same time Sihtric stepped away, pushing (y/n) down on the fur covering the cold ground. 
With Sihtric positioned behind her and Finan in front of her, the men got back to work, wanting to fill her with their cum, to leave their marks on her in the most primitive ways. (Y/n)’s eyes fluttered close as Sihtric’s fingers brushed through her slit, collecting drops of arousal, finding her pulsing bundle. Her moans clawed through her, struggling to move her hands, to cling to Finan as Sihtric pushed into her without another warning.
“Oh gods, I–” (y/n) couldn’t speak, struggling to give room to the emotions thumping through her system, to the things both her lovers were making her feel. The raspy laugh clawing through Finan forced her to open her glassy eyes, pulled against his chest as her free hand worked on his cock. 
“The gods won’t help you now, love. You’re ours, ours to hump, ours to claim, ours to mark.” Sihtric’s words had an almost teasing undertone to them, leaving her trembling, deeply exhaling against the crook of Finan’s neck. Like ships sailing through the rough sea, their bodies clashed together with every ferocious thrust, allowing Sihtric to bury himself even deeper inside of her, body made to fit the one of her lover. 
The three of them would die for one another, giving their last breaths if it meant rescuing the others. Perhaps it was the path fate had pushed them onto, born to find the others, to form a trio that couldn’t be broken apart by wars, by raging fires, by those that wanted to hurt them. No, they’d forever stay like this, linked together. 
“I‘m so close, please, please let me.” (Y/n)’s voice shook, eyes squeezed shut as she added more pressure to her grasp on Finan’s cock, pushing the man closer and closer to the edge. She could feel Sihtric’s fingers digging into her hips, leaving marks on her skin as he chased his own high, set on filling her with his release. The eyes of both men found one another, wordlessly communicating with smirks glued to their lips, set on pushing her over the edge with them. 
Their moans blended together, a sound so sinful they couldn’t help but wonder if anybody close was listening to them. (Y/n)’s eyes rolled back into her head as she came with both men following moments later, leaving their stain on her with their cum. The three of them were heavily breathing, not daring to part just yet as they allowed the heavenly feeling to wash through them, searching one another’s closeness. 
“Don’t you dare fall asleep, love, that was only the beginning.” And with a smirk tugging on her lips, (y/n) kissed Finan as Sihtric pulled out of her, watching his cum drip down her thighs with a proud smile.
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alexwilltellyouthings · 2 months
Entirely self indulgent rating post about the top 10 TV shows that made me fucking insane for some reason
10. Sense8
God, this was so good. Such a blessing. I saw part of the cast during a Pride Parade and it's one of my favorite memories. I felt every possible emotion with this show, I love it.
9. The Last of Us
This is kind of a cheat, because the obsession comes from the games, but it is what it is. It's one of the few games that had a big impact on me and I closely relate it to my relationship with my dad. Can't wait to cry my heart out at season 2.
8. Good Omens
It's a given, isn't it? That stupid angel with his stupid demon and their stupid God. GRRRAAWW. A lot of thoughts and feelings came from the fandom, I have to point out. It's been very nice.
7. The Umbrella Academy
I have the first issue of the comics autographed by Gerard Way!! I mean, yes, it's because I'm a MCR fan, but it became even more precious after I got into the show. I'm rewatching right now, preparing for the last season. I'll be a mess when I say goodbye to them. Can't even really think about it too hard or I'll cry right now.
Continues under the cut
6. Our Flag Means Death
LISTEN THIS CHANGED EVERYTHING TO ME. What do you mean we can have a show THIS queer? It's all I want now. I ate it up. I smiled so much. I wanted this so badly and had no idea.
5. Interview with the Vampire
Feels like it should be top 3 honestly but I'll get there. This is also a cheat, I've been reading the Vampire Chronicles since I was like 15. Growing up with Anne Rice probably messed me up but hey at least I have great taste. And seeing them on screen? The way they made it BETTER? And Lestat?? Who has been haunting me for 15 years on and off??? And the second season and their reunion and and and?????????? I'm STILL insane about them and will be forever, I'm afraid.
4. Doctor Who
Listen. Listen. Okay. Yeah. What can I say? If you get into it, you're doomed. And I have been doomed for 10 years at least. I stopped watching for a while and got back last year, and it hit me all over again. I love this dumbass genius alien in a way that's calm, even. Just a permanent part of who I am now.
3. The Untamed
The year was 2022, it had been a while since I had a proper fixation and I didn't think it would happen with this danmei live-action, but then came Wei Wuxian. Guys, if I tell you I fell in love. Couldn't stop thinking about him. Everyday I was plagued by his smile and red ribbon and tragic backstory, yadayadayada. I really like other characters too, and their stories, but WWX did something to me that I still don't quite understand.
2. Queer as Folk (US)
This was a looong time ago and it didn't really persist over time like the others, but it was my first actual obsession. I was clinically insane over these gays. I had no one to talk to about them, so for every episode I wrote several pages of notes to comment to my (only) friend at school the next day, the poor thing. It was pretty much all I talked about because I spent EVERY MINUTE we had to talk going over the notes and explaining the episode. Like, between classes, during breaks, everything. Months of that. She held on firmly because she was a good friend, but I'm aware it must've been terrible. Like I said, insane.
1. Dead Boy Detectives
Maybe I'm putting this up here because it's my current hyperfixation? Maybe. But I don't think I have felt something hit as strongly as this since QaF over there. This time I can participate in fandom so I don't need to write every thought I have because it's all a big talk anyway, but I'm still pretty much having those thoughts all the time for *checks notes* nearly three months. I'm writing more than I have in years. I'm back at Tumblr after I don't know how long. I'm staring at GIFs over and over like I have the fucking time for that. I'm distracted at work daily. I talk about it in therapy. I have the main cast's notifications on. I'm getting involved in fandom discourse sometimes even knowing I shouldn't. It's a nightmare. I love it. I love them.
If you read all of this, congrats! Now you know how my mind works, kinda!! I'm open to talk about any and all of these shows. It's amazing how they mess us up. It's also scary, but anyway.
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✨ episode 1/2 - running commentary✨
- ok so im slightly disappointed that it's the eps i watched in the screening BUT IM DETERMINED TO LOVE IT ANYWAY SO WE REMAIN OPTIMISTIC AND WE MOVE~~
- angel crowley is so young and innocent my poor boy he's been through so much
- like now im watching it, it feels like putting it in a cinema was a Bad Choice and maybe that's why I didn't like it??? it feels way more authentic and cosy on tv
- im sorry but crowley sounds like such an old man in the park scene, "frozen peas... it's good for them too🙂"
- seriously this is so much more palatable on tv format i can't get over it
- aziraphale god bless ur little cotton socks
- god crowley's legs got me SWEATIN
- ugh crowleys hand in the cafe is so FRUITY
- lmao "purely selfish action" aziraphale is so self aware and I love it
- no im sorry but goob is the fucking star of the show you cannot change my mind but dialogue and delivery wise he is currently CARRYING
- Dartmoor mention had me creasing, that's literally on my doorstep
- aziraphale's bitchy ass face then he sits down in the backroom honestly watered my crops and healed nature
- okay im sorry but the dialogue is still a little off for me I won't lie💀
- beelzebub's accent is just 😘👌 perfect, but equally feel like they'd be perfect in a production of oliver
- god believe me i feel for nina but... I... do not like her, and they are NOT suited for each other at all
- that dance is so low effort I'm sorry it should have been the macarena or cha cha slide
- crowley's bow tho is so hot he's so graceful he looks like a swan
- and yeah the refs to the other years that aziraphale did the dance is GIVING ME HEART PALPITATIONS ugh
- he and goob are like cats on a hot tin roof like IMMEDIATE hissing vibes
- lmao ok so that episode does end there then... such a weird ending im sorry but yeah let's fully retract the alternate episode theory (but @prime you need to hire me for s3 just a thought bc 👀)
- anyway ep2 I'm sorry but the angelic herald speech thing is cute and funny but also so cringe hmmm
- gabriel is lord farquaad ugh
- I HAVE TO REMEMBER THIS IS A COMEDY UGH but i miss the slightly serious undertones in s1 sob god I hope they come back later on
- shax is mommy I don't make the rules
- I noted it in the screening but angel wings for earrings, Maggie????
- nice job on the lie aziraphale well done once again making excellent choices you're so smart and valid (utter moron)
- oh goob you really are going through it my bby I love u
- crowley's face after may god forgive you KILLS ME this scene is honestly the stand out one in both ep1 and ep2 if you ask me
- TY TY TY god bless u but you also make me so uncomfortable
- jobs youngest kid truly gives me life
- lmao the fact that aziraphale does actually recognise when crowley tempts him is hilarious tho bc he just conveniently disregards it by the bench scene in s1 hmmm character development or character regression WHO KNOWS
- ok no I'm sorry but the mukbang scene is so unnecessary and uncomfortable
- "whack the kids" honestly the best line of this scene imo, but upon reflection and rewatching it, crowley's demeanour is rather heartbreaking whilst he's reclined getting ratted
- 'but just to be able to ask the question' UGH CROWLEY STOP
- lmao shoemaking and obstetrics what a combo god bless
- THEY CAN ARRIVE AT ANY SIZE lmao and Michael is too sharp for their own good... but I do hate that gabriel is utterly inept, he came across as cruel and calculating if a little ignorant in s1 but not this comedically stupid
- "yes I bloody am" TY MY LOVE
- Michael sheen and David Tennant deserve nominations for the children swap scene alone, imo the strongest bit of acting in the ep im sorry 'you have my word as an angel' KILL ME
- why is nina obsessed with crowley, like I get it babes but also why
- ok the rock scene is so much more emotional on tv, so much better
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frida--y · 7 months
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blessed by the shugods!!
god I love kingoh, such an ambitious sentai... I think it really won me over in the end though!! The way it started with Jeramie's narration and the way it ended with it <3 I will say I loved the first half so much, the interpersonal royal drama of all- loved it. I also loved how it started to seed the story of redemption for the Bugnark with the introduction of Jeramie. I think it''s important to write a story of oppression and relationships. I do think it was overly ambitious in the end!! The bugs just got SO sidelined after the introduction of Duggy. But still, we got such a happy ending of not really homogenizing into one country, but to allow cultures to expand, to interact and grow from those interactions. Maybe love will bloom from it!!! I hope Jeramie tries to attend every wedding.. he would cry so much.
SO hard to say more from the story, it's such a packed one! Some things happen with such weight and then "it's actually fine no worries :)" next episode. I would of loved to see all the plot points fully expanded in a manga or a multi-season series.
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You can really feel Taka's love for this series, he's really the show's biggest fan. Everyone feels fleshed out enough, and it's hard to pick a fav (it's jimmy). MAAN. What a show.. great passionate show tbh.
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GOD is Kagu the best... BEAUTIFUL MAN. I loved all his focus episodes. It was also fun guessing how much he was playing Racles or helping him, and now knowing that he's been believing in Racles since the wedding just makes me want to rewatch.
Who else is the best.. Jeramie.. I LOVED it when he stopped talking between the lines and blurted out what he feels. It's so cute.
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Even Himeno! I love how passionate she was on the kingoh legends, it's a difference from Yanma who vaules tech more and learns to have faith in the legends. Yanma's so full of charm, really love him too. Rita is the best, what else can I say..
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Impossible to pick a hard fav from the main kings.. easy tie with Rita and Kagu though for the top.... and Jeramie. They each have their strengths and I'm glad we got to see the odd dynamics near the end too.
For Gira, I really liked him ever since the first episode. His acting was great! Although I loved the doomed and fated sibling relationship, I think the show should of showed us more of Gra's thoughts when he thought he killed Racles. It's not really implied he knew he didn't die (unlike according to bts), I think Gira should of been more fucked up he killed his only family... Yano did a good job displaying on his face how their first duel really messed him up.
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Number one cunt in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seeing through Racles lies/act was so satisfying, all the way back to his first fight with Gira, I knew something was up with him. I loved his seemingly emotionless behavior in the first half, when he had the all the chances to kill his brother and didn't take it, episode 20 was fantastic in this regard, and we got SUCH a treat with 42 telling us all of the truth. especially knowing all the context. And maaaaaaan, I knew his reaction to "killing" Yanma was special.. god if anything Kingoh gave us an amazing character arc with Racles. He had great dynamics with the other kings (Yanma n Jeramie in the second half), BUT I kinda wanted him to have more scenes with Rita though, considering he basically wrecked their country by trying to reveal the traitor. Him trusting Suzume with his life and wanting to reach out to Kagu <33333 one of my fav dynamics <33 tormented by the bees <;3 GOD kagrac was SOO real...
I love how his actions were never excused, both by the character and everyone. Just getting my thoughts about him during his worst validated was satisfying. His interactions with Jeramie and Yanma post reveal were my favorites.
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Just.. being right about how power hungry he really was (not as an act).... Racles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I usually don't get swayed by shipping art but.. Suzume and Racles fanart really sold me on them.. the show really helped too, but.. I think they're so cute lol. Re-falling in love after being married is so.. IT'S SO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I had ONE major complaint... other than the Bugnark's plight getting sidelined HARD in the second half, I think Suzume's character really fell to the wayside. I liked the Morphina and Suzume episode, but it really highlighted Kagu more than Suzume. It really should of been more about her feelings on ruling Tuofu than her dream of marrying someone she loved, cause why would that stop her from ruling???
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ride or die couple of the year <3 they should of ended ON TOUFU WHERE RACCY WAS ON A FARM!!!!!!!!!!
kingoh :)
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man. what a show!! Going to miss it a lot... crazy good highs in my opinion. The world is just rich enough to play around with it in your head, which makes it fun!!
bonus: my many pics of Yano
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I can post many more..I will restrain.. one of the most gorgeous men I've seen <3 his long hair when he got married though............................... many thoughts. They should of let him keep his facial hair. I have been seeking out his other works so far and I really do hope the film Wheel and Axle gets a release... it showed at a film festival so I assume it must have a subtitle track done.
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love him so much I made him a birb friend n dressed up my plush!!
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blood-mocha-latte · 6 months
~ tag game ~
tagged by the lovely nicole @the-cinnamontography-is-amazing <3
ain’t no rest for the wicked by cage the elephant. something about that song literally makes my brain go brr
so many things!! i’m rewatching genkill, on episode two of the terror, and have been working my way through some hitchcock classics with my wife (on psycho rn)
luztoye - i have brainrot don’t look at me
loosier - the ship with the second biggest fic word count in the docs right now god bless
bradray - look. LOOK. they are just like. my parents ok
purple and white 💜🤍
english: ulysses by james joyce
italian: il deserto dei tartari by dino buzzati
spanish: el ruido de las cosas al caer by juan gabriel vasquez
french: l'étranger by albert camus
toast and jam and tea <3
for shipping period? fuffy my beloveds. for writing? the polish man and the shorty guy from the movie the great escape lmao
louisiana babeyyy
virginia! not for long, since we’re moving next week lmao
married since the end of december, together since 2016
the long long trailer with lucille ball and desi arnez
moving, staying busy, drafting the next chapter of little talks, and a Possible Event <3
@staud @lamialamia @ewipandora @ariesbilly @dcyllom @frstcorinthians @mutantmanifesto @disastrouscanasta
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corvikari · 2 months
So I watched The Dragon Prince Season 6 all in one day. Here are my brief thoughts, I’ll do a series of longer posts throughout this weekend and into this week detailing my in depth thoughts but for now it’s just a quick post
Things I liked
-Zubeia not being dead
-LEOLA. JUST LEOLA. Sweet baby child you’re so precious-
-Soren getting serious when he needs to be and showing that he’s actually a good character underneath comic relief
-Sorvus shipping bait
-Karim’s plan going horribly wrong and blowing up in his face
-Stella being an agent of chaos
-Backstory for Callums dad
-Magefam backstory
-Claudia’s prosthetic leg
-Katolis backstory
Things I wasn’t particularly happy about/Didnt sit right with me
-Them bringing back Viren a second time only to basically do nothing that entire time, we already got his feelings of wanting to change before he died out in season 4 why do we need to go through it again?
-Ezran stepping up to say “Viren doesn’t deserve mercy”. I was proud of the guy for being assertive but it came out of nowhere and felt targeted only towards Viren and no one else
-Rayllum just getting completely back together out of nowhere, like absolutely NO apology (except for one little sorry that got cut off, how is that an apology exactly?) anywhere then they’re back to kissing? Felt like they were rushing trying to get them back together just to be a finale/final season couple.
-They gave Claudia the conflict of doing dark magic only for her to turn right around and act like it didn’t happen. I understand that it was because of Viren and with him being dead and all but still I would have just preferred her being set in her ways, don’t bait us into thinking she’s going to be redeemed when she obviously isn’t.
-The celestial elves not telling the truth about the pearl eventually. Like you knew it wasn’t real maybe i dunno that’s a little important??
-The conflict of Rayla choosing who to save was over REALLY quick, like yeah she chose before she dove into the moon pool but all we get is two lines of her telling us that she is deciding who to pick (if it was that many lines even, like not even a visual cue?)
-pacing was still all over for me (and has been since season 4) certain things felt too rushed whereas for others it felt like it was going so slow
Wow this was a lot. Even though it doesn’t seem brief it is Lol. I will make posts eventually detailing individual episodes or plot points (once I rewatch the season) to better organize my thoughts to one topic or episode. Hope you all have a great weekend, God bless!!
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Full Moon Spoilers Ahead!
Okay. Gonna liveblog in one post so that I don't spam anyone. Here we go!
omg stolas is so nervous he got sick :(( MY SONNNN
THE CHERUBS. I love how we were completely wrong about what would be in this episode, lol.
OH NO LOONA. THIS IS THE WORST ADVICE. I LOVE YOU BUT NOOOOO. And oh fuck then Stolas is gonna accidentally "confirm" his worst fears by "getting rid of him" OH NOOOOO.
"So fuck him good, sir!" "Don't worry, Moxx. By the end of the night, I'll have Stolas eating out of my ass...if the gag'll let him!" oh my GOOOOODDDDDDDDD
the loona suit oh my god
"I'm a simple pervert imp." Indeed.
Please give me all the fan art of Blitz in a "baby slut" blindfold please and thank you.
They were following Blitz to make sure he fucks Stolas good OH MY GOD. How's it feel, Blitz? THE TABLES HAVE TURNED. NOW THEY'RE STALKING YOU. AHAHAHAHA.
oh god there's only 6 minutes left and 2-3 of that is probably credits. okay. we're getting to the heartbreak. let's do this. I can handle it. I'm being so brave about this.
the music is so ominous
I'm so literally speechless. I gotta rewatch the last scene. Okay. Rewatching:
the music is so ominous and sad
Brandon Rogers is giving an amazing performance here just FYI.
So is Bryce but my god, Brandon Rogers the man that you are.
Their theme playing when he gives Blitz the crystal. And I love how it incorporated into his wrist things. IDK what clothes are called, the things on his wrists.
Blitz's reaction to "you don't have to stay here with me" oh my goodddddddd
the instant denial that it has to be roleplay god. he hates himself so fucking much
and of course stolas assumes it's because blitz thinks so little of stolas but it's because blitz thinks so little of HIMSELF
and the silent fucking credits my GODDDDDDDDDD
I'm distraught, I'm heartbroken, I will probably fast forward through all the DHORKS/CHERUB stuff when I rewatch (at least for awhile, while I'm still wrapped up in the Stolitz of it all. I liked those parts, I'm just hyperfocused for now haha) but I loved it and jfc. The layers of this show and these characters. What a gift.
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Decided to rewatch OFMD S2 eps 1-3 and actually jot down my thoughts as I go! Oh what fun! Ngl this is mostly for me babes but if you enjoy it that's neat ❤️
Episode 1: Impossible Birds
Stede bearded in his dream could just be playing to swashbuckling archetypes for funsies, but is it some lingering wish that he was more masculine?
Con O'Neil truly graceful about it with the sword huh
"WHERE IS HE. WHERE'S ED?" Stede seeing Izzy as the thing that is keeping Ed from him when he's the one that left lol ok
His idealised version of Ed doesn't hold him accountable either. My mans doesn't want to face what he did at all!!
His first words to Ed in his letter are reassuring him that the crew are safe, as if he doesn't remember that Ed marooned them and left them for dead on purpose??
I know it's meant to be funny but Jackie was a bit of a sex pest toward Swede at first and the power dynamic was a bit 🫤 Glad he was into it in the end!
Stede truly is unphased by people being assholes to him and I just,,, respect it.
Ricky your vibes are strange and unsettling
Who in their right mind would have an ocean wedding in the golden age of piracy?? I know they probs didn't know it was the golden age of piracy while they were in it but STILL
Ed looks so dead behind the eyes 😭 Just going through the motions eh buddy?
Dressed up like the book Blackbeard I see. God he's trying so hard to inhabit this character.
I would die for Archie. Truly the himbo we need in these depressing angst riddled times.
Jim asking someone else how they're bottling things up?? Hello?? Who are you and what have you done with Jim?? Aren't you the bottling up Master? Olu bewitched you too good and now you've unlocked Feelings 😔
"He's actually a good guy" Stede babygirl did we actually forget the marooning???
I have so much I could say about how Izzy and Blackbeard's relationship has deteriorated hhhhh,,,, Izzy is a problem child but I'm so glad the story is crashing towards his character actually growing and changing. In season 1 he at least got the crumbs Ed would throw him like "I need you here", now he's only getting abuse and maybe he's throwing himself at it because he recognises he had a part to play in reaching this point and believes he deserves it.
Fang's delivery on "how you doing Izzy" will keep me warm and fed all winter. Masterclass in approaching someone, truly tender and genuine but not too pressuring. God.
That second "unhand me" hhh the panic of realising you're going to start crying if the situation continues
Con is gonna rip my heart out and eat it this season if I'm not careful
Labour exploitation Jackie what a girlboss x
Why does "you'll be having a lot of breakfastseses together" sound so ominous though 😭 Smeagol Jackie my worstie...
Stede doing Blackbeard Voice is adorable but damn he really doesn't believe that he made Ed's life better. Like how??? Why doesn't Stede equate happiness with better? Ed was explicitly happier around you ya dingus!
Swede deserves his married bliss so much. The crew can be so mean to him!!
"What am I to you" and "I have... love for you" are said so softly I'm gonna be sick,, Izzy you fucked it by wrestling this man into this particular coping mechanism and your tenderness is coming wayyyy too late. Heartbreaking tbh cause the guy didn't know how else to help Ed and now he's realising it could have been different. Sick and twisted little dynamic I'm eating it like good soup.
Definitely supposed to be taken that Izzy didn't realise "talk it through" was a Stedeism as he said it but godddd you idiot dude
Once again god bless you Archie I'd die for you
Fang I want to rescue you hhhhhh my hot topic fashionista must be so dehydrated from all these tears!!!
No way in hell Ed expected anything else out of Izzy's mouth than something about Stede, but god I wish the guy had just payed attention to Frenchie shaking his head. The catharsis of saying the quiet part out loud wasn't worth your leg, man.
"Start by cleaning up that mess"... yeah we def see Ed is killing people himself again but outsourcing the Big Job on Izzy makes sense. He's also exactly the kind of self sabotager atm that would know Frenchie won't do it, and he's looking for reasons to Be Worse.
Indigo heist my beloved. Fuck those hammies up!! I love how loud Black Pete was omg 😂
Oh fuck off Ricky I know you're a S1 Stede mirror but you're doing it detestably
Roach why is your instinct to immediately put the blue dirt on your face darling
Zheng Yi Sao completely unphased by Jackie is giving me so much delight
Sexy Dutchman 😭😂 Jackie never change
I love that Zheng Yi Sao is taking the whole crew on just to have her lil Olu moment, get it girl
TENDER JIM IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM THEY'VE COME SO FAR. I LOVE THEIR BIG SMILE 😭 (also Archie is so wholesome what is she DOING here???)
Ed oh my god you're not alright at ALL
Frenchie's quiet "sounds like a plan" is just so... painful. The acting this season is off the charts.
When Roach asked if they were in soup now I thought he was referring to the ocean as soup I'm an idiot 😭
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jojotichakorn · 7 months
archer rewatches nlmg: episode 9
[episode 8]
🏆 achievement unlocked: cry 50 times during 1 episode
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getting your boyfriend's name tattooed on your body permanently is insane, but we can make an exception for palm. (i also know someone irl who tattooed the initials of his girlfriend on his finger, so at least palm's tattoo won't be out in the open 24/7).
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we don't talk about it enough, but nueng is also delusional and that is why they are perfect for each other
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shy palm is everything 🥹
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i'm obsessed with nueng, my boy said "PLEASE take advantage of me"
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i love it when moms have their little "ah, you really are in love with my son" moment
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something something palm's tattoo is placed exactly where nueng's pendant falls on his chest, but on the back
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guys i think i'm having a heart attack
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*bangs his head against a wall repeatedly*
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why would he instantly assume that? i mean, he's not wrong, but...
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*screams of agony and terror*
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ngl, palm is kinda perfect for this job, he does not hesitate for a second
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i'm literally gonna skin myself alive rn
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this is all incredibly heartbreaking, and we all know i'm a fluffy boy at heart, but honestly this is one of my favourite tropes. breaking up with someone because you think they will be better off without you and knowing exactly what to say to hit them where it hurts so they would believe you? insane. i love it. (of course, it doesn't work on palm though. cause it's palm. gods bless.)
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dear pond, please consider getting worse at acting, i cannot deal with this anymore.
best regards, archer
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if anyone would like to assassinate me, now would be a great time
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"and you'd be riding a unicorn on your way to atlantis" like please...
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palm does NOT fuck around. and he's absolutely right.
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*screams of torture and pain and torment*
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this is such a heartbreakingly beautiful thing to say but also please don't do this to us i'm literally begging you
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iconic shot though. once again, jojo, i am on my knees.
[episode 10]
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tokiro07 · 11 months
Oh my God I was rewatching the EP and. I read the manga like a year ago, reread it when the anime was announced, and had to watch this episode twice before I realized:
One of the next quest rewards--the first for Andy and Fuuko--was an addition of the 11th seat. That means that if Andy and Fuuko had waited like three months, they wouldn't have had to kill Gina.
I know they would still have had to kill Void to open another seat, but Gina's fight was a lot more emotionally taxing than Void's. So it's just rubbing salt in the wound to say "hey, Fuuko, I know you made a friend and then killed her to get into the Union, and now it turns out we could have added another seat tee hee! So her death was unnecessary!"
This is just another example of God playing with the Negators.
So this actually works as a perfect opportunity for me to address something that has always bothered me about how the story is presented: Juiz says in her first appearance in no uncertain terms "we keep a stock of substitutes in the case of a vacancy...I invited you both here on Shen's recommendation"
In other words, Juiz had backups, an unknown number of other Negators, on call at all times. She allowed Fuuko and Andy in because Shen asked her to; had he not, she would have recruited someone else that she already had on hand
When the 11th seat was added, she should have had it covered supposedly
I have to wonder if she meant "we try to keep a stock of substitutes" and they just happened to be out at this point. It's a small inconsistency that bothers me, along with the Union's overall attitude towards Negators as it was presented at the time (Void calling non-Union Negators "UMA freaks," Gina apparently killing countless Negators, Juiz allowing people like eye-scar guy into the Union when they're clearly sadists looking for an excuse to kill people). I don't know if it's "early installment weirdness" or if there's a deeper, complex reason in context, but I'm willing to bet that Tozuka needed very specific stakes early on in order to justify getting all of the pieces in place for the greater story, even if it made some characters seem somewhat inconsistent at the time
But yeah, if Fuuko had allowed Andy to get captured while she joined the actual Union, Gina wouldn't have died and Chikara never would have joined the Union. Gina would have been a love rival with Fuuko for Andy's affections, Andy wouldn't have been present for Spoil, he might never have recruited Clothy, they might never have fought Spoil at all (which of course Juiz was hesitant about, she's seen it team wipe her in the past), which in turn would mean that they don't gain Rip's location and don't save Chikara from Creed
It might seem messed up, but honestly the pieces fell into place in pretty much the best way they could have. Perhaps the blessings of Luna?
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phantomram-b00 · 1 year
*clap hand and sigh* Look I should not be up at this hour (I was up at 5 am writing this) or posting since I don’t want to accidentally get myself shadowbanned or whatnot (I do have another good omens post coming up regarding metatron so stay tone for that). But I saw like some post regarding how Aziraphale doesn’t love Crowley as much/Azirpahale never did anything for Crowley. And it been wracking my brain because, did we not watch the same show? (I would say book but I’m still reading it)
Look before i continue, I do think we all have opinions, that’s valid. I just want to say my two cent since I can’t find myself agree with those claims.
But imma give Crowley his flowers because this soft demonic husband deserve it, yes, he done stuff for Aziraphale. Some that can risk him getting destroyed by hell such as saving the literal angel of eastern gate. He’s take him out for lunch, help him whenever Aziraphale ask him too. If there was a way to describe the love language “act of service” that’s Crowley to the absolute T. So I don’t think we can deny that fact about him, but Crowley would absolutely disagree with the fact that Azirpahale has done nothing for him consider the fact that there evidence and implication that Aziraphale done stuff for him.
In episode 3 of season 1, during the Shakespearean era segment, it was said that they do each other blessing and temptations since as Crowley stated “they don’t care how it done as long as they can cross it off the list” so who know how many temptation/blessing Crowley and Aziraphale did for each other, (lowkey I would love to see how Aziraphale does temptation, i miss this part as I’m rewatching GO for the metatron post coming up I don’t know how I missed that part but now that I discover this, make me think). The point is, this is one of many indication that Aziraphale does help Crowley.
Same episode, Holy Water, now this is the prime indication that I think we can all agree (or not, I’m just a phantom writing this blog). Now, before, can we see just how Aziraphale didn’t say “oh I can’t give this to you because I’ll get in trouble” no he said “it will destroy you”; that show just how he cares about Crowley, he doesn’t care about his job or that he was breaking the rules no no his main concern was Crowley. Sure he did after words when mention “fraternizing” (which honestly Crowley, me too I would be mad too if fraternize was used. But I can understand why Aziraphale said that as well.) but Crowley put Aziraphale in a difficult position, because while sure maybe Aziraphale could give him holy water but that would be not only breaking protocol but also giving him worry because given this happen after Elspeth episode, of course his mind will be concern of this whole thing. Especially with him saying “if anything goes pear-shaped”. And you know in 1967, he does give it to him overall, regardless of what he said. Because at least imo, he learn that he has to trust him. Just like how Crowley trusted him in 1941 with the magic show (remember this.) he trusting him here.
Okay now this is mostly all of season 1/2 before I mention what he’ve done for Crowley in season 2. The fact that Aziraphale help Crowley try to stop armageddon. Now you might be saying one or two things “Phantom, he back out in episode 3” or even “um, but it was mutual?” And you know you’re right on both those points. He did back out and it was mutual, but it still an example of doing something for Crowley. Why? Because they both love earth, they would do anything to preserve earth. Not only that, they can’t bare the idea of having to fight each other in this celestial war let alone the idea of one of them getting hurt. So they would not have gone through with this end of the world stick if it mean that they lost everything, now Crowley did agree with armageddon on general terms as God said in episode 1, season 1. BUT, actually doing it and going through with it is a different playing field and Crowley nor Aziraphale don’t want to lose everything they love (especially each other). Now it did take a lot of convincing, most because Azirpahale want to stop it more than Crowley but there one thing that is holding him back or make him scared to go against them: Heaven.
It kinda like an analogy where, say, you’re getting bullied or say that you’re dealing with an toxic family member, boss, whoever. And you yourself know they’re toxic, and you have people who can tell you “stand up to them” or “don’t let them get to you, tell them off”. And you can agree and try to build courage. But actually doing it is as the famous saying goes “easier said then done”, and Aziraphale would rather just put a fake smile and try to make everything look good so that he doesn’t get reprimanded by heaven, he doesn’t have Crowley’s confidence which I have this feeling most people forget about. Sure, Aziraphale have all rights to tell them off after the shit we the audience see or hear them do to him, or what Aziraphale had to allow happen, such as the flood for example or witnessing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ or even the fact that they almost killed him with hellfire, just because he wanted to save the universe. (Also the fact that it might have been implied that they drill into his head that if he ever does anything against God’s “plan”, he will fall like Lucifer or any of the other angels). But he can’t. Which is why he back out at first, because he was terrified that he would get in trouble or fall. (Which. Without saying much, I kinda would’ve done the same in fear.) and you can see it in his eyes, that he want more than anything to run away, yet, he still trying to push it down. Bottle it up if you will as his effort to try to back out. Now of course as we all saw how season one ended, he did ended up saving the world after all and I think Aziraphale and Crowley would do it again so they can be on their own side. So Aziraphale did hold his end of the bargain when it came to saving the world which is why I’m including this in my argument because yes this is mutual, Aziraphale still pull through with not just the help of Crowley but with Agnes Nutter’s book and Adam himself.
Now imma go with season 2, which is “season of love” as Rent would say.
Now, we love it, we cried about it, or we want to rip metatron a new asshole (which imma just say, I have never seen a fandom have this much togetherness of hating a character since GOT with Joffrey. But I’m all in, I hate him in season 1, season 2 just made me hate him more. But I will say, Derek Jacobi is doing a phenomenal as him and I can’t wait to see what season 3 will have with Metatron.) but I digress, let continue this rant.
Episode 2, season 2, is the episode that solidified many things for me. But let get to the point, Aziraphale could’ve stop Crowley from “killing everything job worked hard for” but he was gonna let him do it because Heaven said “oh yeah we decided to make this poor man lose everything because we wanted to win a bet with Satan.” But seeing how Crowley didn’t actually kill the goats, made Aziraphale happy, and in a sense began trusting Crowley’s process here. Even when Crowley set the house on fire and turn the kids into gecko, he still trusted him. And sure enough, everything work out at the end as Aziraphale help him through this plan on giving Job back his kids (even though heaven was gonna make job’s wife give birth to seven more kids. Which my crotch hurts from hearing that-). Sure Azirpahale had doubts and had a breakdown, but given as I mention earlier and how he’s the only angel (maybe besides Muriel) that have a conscience and broke a rule by giving away the sword, he have conflicting views but also is trying not to have a conscience to fit in with the angels and follow their lead despite he was never seen as an equal. But this still is example never the less as if Aziraphale didn’t do something thing would’ve ended different.
Now imma get to the one that is probably another prime example of Aziraphale doing something for Crowley, is the magic show (or at last the minisode in episode 4). After Crowley saved Aziraphale, he had to go to deliver something for the black market, and seeing his item was destroyed (most likely from the bomb), he got reprimanded by Mrs Henderson. And on Crowley’s behalf, Aziraphale decided to volunteer as a magician. He even bought the gun to do a show stopping trick so that it can impress her and not reprimand Crowley any longer (but of course just an excuse to do magic, which me too. I love magic). Now Crowley did have his concerns especially with the gun and also that Aziraphale never done this in front of many people. But this episode, they both have to trust each other, Crowley with the magic trick and Aziraphale trusting Crowley with not just the gun but he trust that he would never hurt him.
Now I’m sure I’m forgetting more with season two (mostly because i still rewatching it starting from season 1, so let me know if you think there were other example of Azirpahale doing stuff for Crowley. Whether it was from season 1/2.)
But I think also the other thing is that, they actively protect each other from their side, they keep their friendship a secret. They swap bodies to not get burn by holy water/hellfire. And much more, so I dislike it when people think Aziraphale done nothing for Crowley when he ultimately have. Sure it seem Crowley does stuff more for aziraphale, but we can’t pretend like he didn’t do anything at all and I’m pretty sure he would done more for him if it wasn’t for heaven constantly being in the way.
As for the love point, imma say this, people show love differently. Why do you think we have so many ship dynamic and it usually two with either similar/opposite contrasting with the other love interest. Aziraphale show love in a different way, now I’ve seen people say that aziraphale love language would be physical touch, which, I think make sense considering he did held Crowley’s hand and we’ve all seen the amount of time he touched Crowley. However what if I told you his love language was Quality time? Because, Aziraphale usually talk about “oh why not have a picnic” or whenever Crowley offers lunch, he lights up. Or of course when Aziraphale tries to convince Crowley to use the Bentley he said “just like how that bookshop is technically mine but we get quite a use of it.” Or perhaps, whenever they’re with each other; Aziraphale have a smile. (Even when sometimes he tries to hide it, I love smiles). He can’t go a day without Crowley despite that they always been separate from each decade but I have my feelings that whenever they separate, Aziraphale feel a bit lost without him, not to say he doesn’t have other things but we all miss your best friend/crush/soulmate/etc, and Crowley most definitely does too. (Also who want to bet that most of the diary entry involve Crowley if not just an entire entry is like “dear diary, did you know Crowley’s yellow eyes are my favorite aspect and that’s why I love the color yellow-“ but I’m detailing here my bad.)
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But another thing is that, I feel people who say that, don’t understand what it like having to hide yourself but have someone or something drilling to your head and is constantly reminding you that “you can’t love them because xyz” or most noteworthy, don’t know how toxic environment expect an individual. Because Aziraphale does love him he would do anything to be with Crowley, but heaven is not only what is ultimately holding him back, it him himself. He got this promotion and he toke it, (with the mention that he didn’t want to go until Crowley was brought into the picture) and now he knows that the second coming is well. Coming. And now he has to try to save earth, just without Crowley this time. Now why I’m bringing this up? Well, because you can see him once again pushing away any part of him that is telling him to go to Crowley or be by his side, it the same thing as episode 3 when he did tried to back out because of heaven, it the same thing here only heaven really got to him, heaven showed an inch (and I mean an little inch) of kindness and a promising deal and he was on board. But that cause him to “lose” Crowley (and I’m saying lose in quotation because I don’t think he really lose or that this is a divorce, I just more or less think Crowley just can’t trust Aziraphale this time with this plan and pull his support of the table). So now he have to revert back to his old ways to try to make sure the world won’t end again for not just humanity but for Crowley as well, and this is probably another example of Aziraphale doing something for Crowley and show that he love him, even if this decision caused him Crowley ultimately. I’m sure he wishes whenever he read a Jane Austen or any love stories (with happy endings.) that that can be Crowley and him; no worries, no heaven and hell, nothing. Just them basking in their love and have no worries. But he know that might not be achievable. (Oh how cruel Cupid/God can be.)
I going to reiterate this again, everyone have their own valid opinion regarding this. I just needed to get my two cent since I hate when people think they’re toxic when they’re not. Both and yes I do mean Aziraphale and Crowley, do have their flaws that need mending but no way they’re toxic by any means. Truly if they were this toxic, why would Michael sheen be liking ineffable husband fanart, why would Neil Gaiman say it a love story between them, or better yet, why would these two be friends if they were toxic? Do they have flaws that need working on? yes of course no relationship is 100% perfect. Will Crowley forgive him so easily? No, I wouldn’t think so, I’m not saying Aziraphale is wrong with what he choose but the fact that he didn’t take him or the bookshop into consideration that gonna take some time to heal. (I promise I’ll make a Crowley post, I do love Crowley too, it just Azirpahale my all time favorite and I kin this character. But I promise someday I will give best boy his time to shine I just need to find a topic for him.)
Okay, i think that’s the post for today, OH! And also happy spooky season! It about to be Halloween! I love halloween! So I hope you all have a good October, and don’t worry more post will come I’m just trying to make sure I don’t accidentally shadowban myself or be annoying with my post lmao. But tell me what you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Let me know ^^ all your options,questions, and statements are valid ❤️
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shubaka · 1 year
And the KinnPorsche rewatch continues...
First we have the side story.
Oh my god. I forgot about Tankhun's fake tears. Bless this over-dramatic idiot <3
Oh, Vegas, your flirting is really a sight to behold. By someone. Not named Porsche. Or Kinn. In fact, Kinn can't even bring himself to open his eyes and look. :')
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THE WAY PORSCHE CLUTCHES KINN'S HAND! <3 This is so cute *sobs*
And now Episode 7!
Ahhh, I really enjoy the set for this casino.
OH THE GRENADE. It always cracks me up how they left that one dancer with the grenade at the end.
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RIP, my dear, I hope you made it out of this mess unharmed :')
Okay, I don't know if I'm just tired, but the way Vegas pops up on screen in his bloody raincoat made me laugh. :')
Ooooooh, okay. Right after Vegas says you can eat whenever you want the camera pans to Pete, who nods (albeit with a bit of attitude). I see, I see, I see. 👀👀👀
I know it's a lot for Porsche to take in, but I wonder if he ever clocks that Macau is wearing the same school uniform as Porchay? alskdjflakwj :')
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How to get a Porsche: 1) get a motorbike 2) psspsspsspss
Macau is so easy with his physical interaction with Porsche. Like, he feels comfortable enough to pat Porsche on the arm during this apology even though they barely know each other and had a pretty shitty introduction to each other... It's interesting, especially since Macau seemed pretty isolated from the rest of the minor family during the dinner. Whether it's because of how he sees Vegas and Porsche interacting, or if Vegas told him something.... that's for the fanfics I guess :')
Chay: "I'm sorry I lied" Also Chay: *immediately lies again*
OHMYGOD I THINK BARCODE IS ALREADY TALLER THAN JEFF HERE??? I noticed the camera angle looked a little tilted and
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DID THEY TILT THE CAMERA ANGLE SLIGHTLY TO MAKE KIM LOOK SLIGHTLY TALLER IF YOU SQUINT? ADSLFKAJW;KGJLKA someone please tell me i'm just being delulu i can't take this asldkfjawka sorry i'm gonna be thinking about this for the next 12 business days i'amfkwje;lgakjga
ANYWAY now that I sort of recovered from *gestures upwards* that let me get back to my apple thoughts real quick.
So back in episode 2 I basically assigned the green apple as Kinn and the red apple as Porsche. And of course in this episode Korn was cutting up the red apple (Porsche) as he talked about how cutting apples for his wife essentially weakened and, in his mind, rendered his favourite knife useless. And he tells Kinn to find his hold self.
But then he gives the red apple to Kinn! *cue flashback montage of Korn insisting that Porsche is hired to work for Kinn* And Kinn eats the red apple! *clue flashback montage of Kinn eating Porsche uh romantically*
And now we have Kinn telling Tay that he doesn't want to find the old him. He's all about them red apples now. No more green apples.
And look, this post by @technicallyverycowboy about how the green light bleeds away during the bathroom scene.
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inventedfangirling · 1 year
finished the gem that was 55:15 never too late :')
just finished 55:15 never too late and oh my god what a gem of a show!!! im so so so so glad i watched it.
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i decided to give it a go just for nanon and khao but the show gave me so much more than them. idk why it took me till the last two episodes to get just how much emphasis the show was putting on the importance of friendships/ the platonic bonds in one's life, truly i can't think of the last time (probably heartstopper s2) where there was just so much beautiful expressions and forms of platonic bonds- the bonds between the 5 main leads (especially jaya and songphon, but also san and thep), songphon and mathee (from mathee's side it was platonic :3), songphon and his niece, jaruni and her father, jaruni's father and bomb, thep and his son, thep's son and san, thep and san, jaya and her manager -that you are my everything moment was really EVERYTHING to me.
as my usual practice of sharing my umpteen screenshots here's my most fav platonic moments from the last two episodes :')
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who let him out of my pocket ughhhh songphon/paul one of my fav characters of all time now
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one thing i've found it hard to come by in the shows i've been watching recently (bl dramas, mostly thai) is how there is next to no male interaction with women, and if there is, the bonds are very superficial or they stick to certain "acceptable" rules. so you could imagine my shock when i saw this scene of jaya sleeping soundly next to paul on the same bed. it is objectively a very normal/inane thing. but we just NEVER get representation of men and women simply being and existing as friends and doing friend things like sometimes sleeping in the same bed with the friend's pic on a frame that you're hugging (WHAT! ITS NORMAL), and so it really shook me. i love their bond so much :')
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also this moment...
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as a person who genuinely believes that friendship >>>>>>>>>> every other relationship, seeing these words uttered between two lifelong friends made me tear up and HOW!! one of the most special things ive seen on media.
also not lost on me how my two most favourite platonic moments featured jaya who is the only character who isnt given a romantic storyline/sideplot/spouse. also point to note that jaya and paul are the only two characters who didn't get a traditional "romantic ending/closure" and they ended up getting such beautiful expressions of platonic love. LOVE that for them :')
that being said i cried at the part where phiphu read paul's letter and they put that montage of them laughing over it like HOW DARE THEY
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i'm sorry but the mirroring in expressions drove me insane on first sight itself
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eventho i found their love difficult to fully enjoy cos of the nature of it, this scene was just too beautiful not to love and im so glad paul got to express it
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also khao looked so ADORABLE here i almost burst into tears not kidding!!!!
not to end the post without a nanon face appreciation pic- he was excellent throughout the show as expected and particularly in a fantastic scene in the finale episode that very few people could have pulled off like he did, what a frickin treasure he is.
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bless his puppy eyes nose dimples cheek smile <3
to conclude what i wanna say, i wanna reiterate once again how i really REAAAAALLY enjoyed the show through and through
and while this mostly typo free post wont probably be making it obvious but im writing through tears, it was such a wonderful thing to experience. idk if and how much i would rewatch it but i think it's right up there with some of the best shows ive watched ever.
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