#have fun chilren
bruggle · 1 month
I really wish I could finish something at the moment without a heavy need to share the wip. BUT ALAS, my brain doesn't want to work anymore today, but AAAAAAAAAAAAAA THIS IS CUTE. So here. For @waythroughtheice :3
Geo stared at the gun in his hands.
  “You want me to… what?” he asked, giving Axl and Brook a confused look.
  “Play a game of paintball with us,” Axl grinned. Ah. So he had heard them correctly the first time.
  “You’ve played laser tag before, right?” asked Brook.
  “Yeah,” Geo muttered. Back then. Back before-
  “It’s like that,” Axl assured him. “Only a bit more physical. Think of it as target practice.” Brook turned to Omega. “You gonna join us, handsome?” she queried. The blonde reploid let out a scoff. “No,” he grumbled. “It makes a shit ton of a mess.”
  “Kill joy,” she teased.
  “Okay, but like… why?” Geo spoke up. Axl shrugged. “Like I said,” the prototype started. “It’s good real time target practice. You can actually see where you’ve shot.”
  “Plus, it’s fun,” Brook added. He didn’t deserve fun. Geo still wasn’t too sure about this. “Does it hurt?” he fretted.
  “I mean, yeah,” Brook answered. “But nothing worse than a couple of bruises. It’s good for you. And, makes a fun mess. Watch.” The ruddy haired woman then turned and shot Axl in the back of his leg, causing a splash of green paint to explode on his jeans. He wasn’t wearing any armor. Nobody wore armor unless at HQ. Axl let out a yelp as he turned to glare at Brook. “Why do you always do that?” he hissed.
  “Funny,” Brook grinned, causing Omega to let out a raucous laughter. Axl glared at the crimson clad reploid, shooting him in the chest with his own paint gun; the splash of orange paint clashing horribly with his deep red shirt.
  It definitely shut him up.
  But now he looked royally pissed at the prototype.
  “Whoops, my finger slipped,” Axl said, trying to play innocent. It didn’t pacify Omega in the least.
  “Give me one of those stupid things,” he growled. Brook merely chuckled as she loaded up a fourth paintball gun.
  “Brook! Brook!” a young voice called from the porch, causing Geo to look in that direction. Everyone else was currently sitting outside in the early summer sun; a small get-together X had insisted Geo join. He still wasn’t sure why.
  In any case, Fefnir was currently running towards Brook, an excited expression on his face. “Can I play too?!” he enthusiastically asked. “Can I? Please?!” Brook regarded her younger sibling for a second. “You’ll have to ask Dad on that one, Fef,” she told him.
  “DAD! Please?!” Fefnir begged, causing X to sigh. “Are you going to get upset if you lose?” the blue clad reploid demanded.
  “I won’t” the dark haired guardian promised. “Please? Please can I play?” X gave the three adults a look, why wasn’t he looking at Geo like that? before letting out another sigh. “Fine,” he relented. “Just… please be careful.”
  “YES!” Fefnir cheered. He ran over to Brook, taking a prepared paint gun from her. “Anyone else wanna join?” she called, getting no response from the other party-goers. She shrugged. “Guess we’re doing a free-for-all, then.”
  “Psst, Geo!” Fefnir ‘whispered’. (He was really bad at this.) “Let’s be secret teammates!”
  …Geo wasn’t exactly sure what he meant by that, but he couldn’t help the smile that slowly spread on his face. “Uh… sure,” he said, extending his pinky finger out to the child-sized reploid. Fefnir in turn, gleefully wrapped his own pinky around Geo’s.
  “Alright boys,” Brook called out. “Ground rules. No intentional headshots. Yes, Axl, that goes for you, too.” The ginger reploid gave out an exaggerated groan. “Rule two, no shooting anyone who isn’t playing. Yes, Omega, that goes for you, too.” Geo was beginning to think there was some history with these rules. “Rule three, keep your safety gear on at all times. Yes, Geo, that goes for you, too.” The brunette opened his mouth to protest, he hadn’t even played before! But, Brook continued on. “Rule four, stay on the property. Yes, Fefnir, that goes for you, too. You’re tasked with showing Geo the borders, okay?” The reploid giggled as he nodded. “And rule five, be yourself and have fun. Any questions?”
  “Are you sure we can’t shoot anyone who isn’t playing?” Omega asked, smirking.
  “Sir, I will shoot you myself,” Brook deadpanned. “With a buster. Anyone else?”
  “Uh… how do we pick a winner?” Geo hesitantly asked. Brook gave him a wicked grin. “Whoever has the least amount of paint on them by the time everyone runs out of ammo wins,” she told him. “Alright, y’all got one minute to hide. Good luck!” And with that, the ruddy haired woman ducked into the trees; Omega and Axl quickly running into the small stretch of woods after her.
  Now what?
  “C’mon Geo!” Fefnir called. “I’ll show you the best hiding spot!”
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Remembrance and Forgetfulness
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feral-ass-raccoon · 6 months
Did you know that the dragon egg should be hatching soon, I can't wait to have yet another thing to care for that I get to stress about, I had to put a tracking necklace on Boil because Boil likes to wander other universes
oh fun!!! hey if you ever need help watching the chilren, i can always take em for a bit
also thats kinda concerning, but as long as boil doesn't get void burn it should be fine
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greycappedjester · 2 years
Hi :D, a while ago I made an ask about AFTO, but I think Tumblr deleted it or something, it was about which characters (of the JL and the young justice team) would agree with Jay Garrick and which ones would agree with Dick on the matter of the titans and young heroes in general.
Oooh, that's a really good question.
The funny thing is...without the Invasion/mass death of heroes, I don't think even Jay Garrick would have agreed. It was just such a shock for the heroes, that it's really hard to imagine what they would think.
Oddly enough I think Batman would be the hero that's opinion would change the least since he's, of all of them, probably the one who has always known exactly how dangerous being a hero can be. Hawkman and Hawkwoman would probably disagree w/ Jay Garrick and the JSA, likely along with Wonder Woman, since their cultural backgrounds have more to do with chilren training as warriors from a young age. Mera obviously would disagree with Jay Garrick.
I feel like Superman and the Flash would be most likely to agree with the JSA as I feel like they probably aren't big fans of kid superheroes in the first place. Central City's Rogues I doubt were ever really, really dangerous for Wally because of their moral code and tbh Reverse Flash (Eobard) would have targeted him whether Wally was an active hero or not so hard to say being a kid-hero would've put Wally in that much more danger there.
Green Lantern(s) and Green Arrow I think it would be really hard to say where they would fall. Same for Aquaman--I think he'd be morally aganist but might be swayed by Mera.
Martian Manhunter...I've got no clue.
Honestly, I think the JLA and Young Justice looking in on the post-Invasion world would mostly just be shocked that something like the Invasion could happen at all.
I think Wally would be the most deeply hurt and torn about Jay Garrick's actons for obvious reasons. Young Justice would definitely agree w/ Dick and the Titans, I think.
Fun ask! Thank you!
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cannibalesbianecro · 2 years
I am surprised to hear that u experience empathy for ppl! I got the impression that u didn't, esp for strangers/ppl u aren't close to. I guess it's hard for me to see how someone who does have empathy can say they would find it easy to kill a person who didn't wrong them, but human psychology is crazy complicated I guess! Interesting. Anyways, I'm glad u resist yr urges despite how strong they are. Sadly I didn't resist mine & it fucked my life up for years (not murder tho, felony arson)
Been meaning to respond to this for a couple of others so sorry for the late response. Homicidal people experincing empathy is actually pretty common. For example, when J3ffrey D4hmer went to court, he didn't wear his glasses so that he couldn't see the pain of the victims families. He advocated for himself getting the death penelty but that wasn't a thing in Wisconsin. He refused protection in prison and expressed in letters to his mothers that he did not care about what happended to him. On that fateful day of July 22, 1991, he told officers that for what he did he should be dead. During the first night of his interegation, he told detective P4t K3nnedy that he wanted to kill himself because he knew he deserved death. He made sure to identify each and every one of his victims because of his guilt and he wanted to make amends. When Er1c H4rris was commiting the massacre, he pretended that everyone he was shooting was a Doom zombie instead of a real person. B^ndy and G4cy profusely denied the murders they commited because they felt deep shame over it. D3nnis N1lsen caused his own capture because HE was the who contacted the plumbing company in refernce to the human remains he placed in there, showcasing that he was ready for his own end. As explainded in his autobiography, he felt the killing was becoming a compulsive ritual instead of preventing people from leaving him. In his autobiography he expressed how it was understandable for the families of his victims to want him to die. Some killers, like R4mirez, take pride in the pain and fear and destruction they create, though he did express that he did not enjoy hurting chilren and children that survived him told of a guilty look he had in his eyes. Human psychology truly IS crazy and complicated and fascinating. My empathy is one of the main reasons why I like homicide. The fact that they're a REAL LIVING BREATHING person like me is what makes it so fun. If they weren't real living people with emotions it would be boring to kill them. For some reason humans believe that having empathy = being anti homicide and while I think that makes sense, it just isn't true. What is so beautiful and hilarous about killers is that they're people just like you and me! They're not subhuman and they're not above humans. We're all just people. I'm only resisitng my urges for now because I'm not able to act upon them. I will act on them one day but that's going to be years into the future. Arson is slay
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chucktaylorupset · 4 years
Coming out of my well and I’m doing just fine LISTEN if you give Blupjeans anyother kind of fanon kids than twins I am Sorry but I need you turn in your gun and your badge NOW you Have to make Lup put up with two tiny terrors getting up to twice the shenanigans she and Taako used to and she just has to deal with it I mean obviously she loves it and its all very healing and validating to know she wasn’t secretly a terrible child and all the guardians that called them bad and didn’t put up with her and taako were full of shit and its all great except taako keeps sneaking in and teaching the babies all the best practical jokes before she can and she can not allow it She’s the cool mom
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sm-baby · 2 years
If player and james had a child, what would it look like? Would some traits be more dominant than others? CAN PLAYERS AND VILLAGERS EVEN HAVE KIDS??
Villager genes would be very dominant, but a mix between a villager and a Player-type character would make a stable hybrid!
have some chilren cuz I got bored :3
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they arent canon, just a fun prompt uwu
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undertalethingems · 3 years
I think people forget Papyrus isn't childish for loving the stories he does or having his actions figures. In fact it makes him more mature for being able to own a race car bed and enjoy chilren books he loves. I often find the most mature people are the ones who aren't afraid to be passionate about things they love, even if its 'childish'. Papyrus does have his moments, but I do think it's important to remember Frisk IS young, and at times he might be ramping things up for their amusement.
oh yeah, that’s another thing--one of my headcanons is that papyrus plays up his goofier aspects to make himself more endearing--to Frisk, and depending on what you headcanon him knowing, perhaps even the player. You see this a little bit with the phone calls--he says different things in different tones depending on who’s present. And maybe he does it a bit for Sans’ benefit too--Papyrus almost certainly does a lot to cheer Sans up, and if that means playing up his reactions to a bad pun and generally being a caricature of himself, so be it.
humunanunga said: I think I might've just figured out what the deal is, based on what you said. A lot of people have still had... an inclination to attribute optimistic spirits like his to innocence and childish ignorance, and don't know how to portray a separation of the two while also portraying his enthusiastic, boastful energy, which also gets associated with immaturity, when really... he's like Kronk? He's like Kronk.
And yeah, that’s the other thing. Some people look at any character--or even another person--who has “childish” interests or a bright outlook on life and then act like that means they’re not important or don’t have anything valuable to contribute, just because they don’t subscribe to some grimdark cynicism. because you have to be stupid if you don’t see how awful the world is, right? //sarcasm.
several other folks have written much more, and much more eloquently than i can, about the sort of ableism directed at Papyrus and by extension the people who relate to him. I’m not equipped to go into it now, here, but it’s troubling to say the very least. Even if Papyrus was as dumb as these people act like, making fun of him and dismissing him is a pretty gross thing to do. again, to say the very least. >>
I can’t think of much else to say at this point, except that Papyrus is really great, and too many people still don’t realize it even after 5 years :”D
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koyacyi-vode · 4 years
Hey! For the character ask game, could you do Fox and/or Dogma? Thank you! :)
Brave of you to request Fox for this headcanon game when C literally encourages me to be as mean as possible. Fox first then I'll post Dogma second!
Headcanon A - realistic:
This is one I explored briefly in this fic. Fox rarely drinks alcohol. He has always disliked the feeling of not being in control, and that feeling gets exponentially worse the longer the war goes on the the more he has to deal with palpy. When he DOES drink he drinks alone and usually just to either forget things or because he can't sleep. He'd only consider getting positively shit-faced if he was with his closest brothers (those who know why he doesn't drink instead of just thinking he's got a stick up his ass).
On that note, few of Fox's brothers know him very well because he's incredibly closed off. Shinies in the Guard are simultaneously awed by him (cause wow!!! it's THE commander Fox!) as well as intimidated by how cagey he is with them (which gets MUCH worse after Fives)
Headcanon B - while it may not be realistic it is hilarious:
Fox has zero clue how to deal with children and even though he is hashtag 'trying his best', he's woefully lacking in parental instincts. He gets awkward with them and uncomfortable cause KRIFF they're small and vulnerable and where's their armor???
Unfortunately, when Fox draws the short straw and has to guard senators or diplomats (on Coruscant, poor boi never gets to leave because of his position and isnt on the diplomatic service rotation like the other commanders) he is sometimes saddled with their children.
and if Fox didn't know how to interact with NORMAL children, senators' chilren are an absolute nightmare for him.
Fox, whose one personal posession is a 40oz caf mug, is privately horrified that a toddler can have their own FLOOR of a building to themself.
Fox is eventually taken off babysitting duty entirely as Thire quotes him as being "a danger to public safety and common sense" after he gives a child a blaster when the kid asked for something to play with and the parents complained.
fox: it wasn't kriffing loaded. i'm not stupid.
thire: uh huh. you keep telling yourself that.
Headcanon C - heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends:
(general warnings for suicidal ideation, please be mindful if that makes you at all uncomfortable, especially the paragraphs i'm marking after a *)
Fox has some of the most intense survivor's guilt in the GAR. Being from the original Command Class, live fire was still used in training up until they were roughly 16 standard years. Fox's first visceral experience with death was when one of his batchmates made a single misstep and was fatally wounded in an exercise. Fox was right next to him and held him while his brother died in his arms.
That experience so young shaped him into being incredibly protective of his brothers as well as being a perfectionist. (If one wrong move gets you killed then he CAN'T make a wrong move, otherwise what use would he be to his brothers?) he figures, if he is the one stepping out then he wont have to watch his brothers die again. (that does not go as he planned)
Fox is known as being utterly fearless and is one of the most decorated soldiers in the GAR. However, Fox's closest brothers recongize that his 'fearlessness' is actually a combination of overprotectiveness and cripplingly dangerous recklessness.
Desperation along with the soul-crushing work that goes with being the commander of the guard whittled him down mentally, emotionally, and physically (along with being unknowingly brainwashed and used against his will - palps found his 'obedience' useful, and would test different contingency orders by manipulating Fox's chip or straight up using Force influence on him. Fox's body recognized that something wrong was happening to him LONG before he figured it out himself, which gave him chronic panic attacks that he hid from everyone).
Fox's recklessness was also in part because he just wanted things to be over. in a kind of convoluted, lengthy suicide by proxy. it's woefully easy for him to attempt it, because he has a crazy dangerous job. all he had to do was wear himself down physically and mentally by not taking care of himself. and then grudgingly wonder if a stray blaster bolt will finally end it for him.
Fox would never do it himself. Because the inclination is in direct opposition with his need to keep his brothers alive, and how can he do that if he's dead? Rationalizing it doesn't of course stop the feelings from occuring, he can't just talk himself out of being reckless and endangering his life. But it keeps him going another day when he thinks of his brothers.
only 3 of his brothers know any specifics about his suicidal tendencies (and even then Fox is an emotional brick wall so most of it they just have to gUESS and then judge their hypothesis on how guilty Fox looks when they ask). The ones who know are Wolffe and Cody (Fox's remaining batchmates) and Stone. And Stone found out simply by being observant and calling Fox out on his self care and getting more than he bargained for in response.
which is what brings me to Fox's canon death and how his reaction to Vader is quite telling of his mental and emotional state at the time. Because here is competent, decorated, fearless Fox, stammering and afraid of Vader's presence (my headcanon is his fear of Vader overrode the chip's programming a bit, because other instances in canon show post 66 clones being quite one-note and Fox's reaction is an exeption along with Grey). But Fox had, after years, finally made a mistake and took that fatal misstep. But maybe it just wasnt an accident.
Headcanon D - unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own:
If Legends existed in canon, Fox would absolutely be aware of some of the shit the Nulls and RCs got up to on Coruscant. But he finds Ordo absolutely impossible to deal with (theyre too similar so they end up hating each other on principle). he would really just rather not get into it, so he just literally turns around like "not my problem" and leaves them to it. Plausible deniability and less headaches are better for him in the long run.
Unrelated headcanon, but Fox is one of the clones that starts to go gray early almost entirely from stress (others being Ordo and Alpha-17). His brothers tease him relentlessly about it.
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familyofmisfits · 3 years
Say Hi to Your New Dad!!!
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Name: Daniel Burton
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 23 Sweeps
Height: 6′
Blood Color: Cobalt
Likes: Cooking, gardening, warm tea, blankets fresh from the dryer, crime documentaries, and his children
Dislikes: Spiders, mud, fireworks, cassette tapes, violence, and people who are mean to his children
Your name is DANIEL BURTON and you are a FATHER. Not to any of your own descendants however, but to THREE amazing CHILREN who you call your own. You live in the SUBURBS in a place reminiscent of your CHILDHOOD HIVE with your family just a short drive away from the city. Of course you have a job as well! After toiling away for years as a FILE CLERK, you decided it was time to leave that life behind and start anew! Thus on your new trek towards happiness you worked hard where you felt appreciated and now you are the humble ASSISTANT MANAGER at the local FOOD ROAR BEAST! But that is but one of the many accomplishments you are proud of from the past few sweeps. You have also learned how to CARE FOR YOUR HOME and GARDEN. Two things which have helped you move on to a brighter future. After all, if HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS you should ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO TAKE CARE OF IT. 
Speaking of taking care of your home, you would be remise to mention your THREE amazing CHILDREN in more detail! 
Your ELDEST is MELONI, a HAPPY and HEALTHY COLLEGE STUDENT with a knack for BAKING. She was the first of the children to make a HOME with you and helped you look towards the FUTURE instead of dwelling on the PAST. You raised her after her LUSUS LEFT and have done your BEST to show help her grow. She has always been KIND and CARING, as even though the sweeps FLY BY she always comes home with LOVE in her HEART and  A TREAT for the family.
Your MIDDLE child is SKIPPER, an ELEMENTARY SCHOOL student who is CURIOUS and FUN LOVING, though at times he can be a little MISCHEVOUS. He always does his BEST at anything he tries, though he will still try to avoid his MATH HOMEWORK by SNEEKING it to the grub for him to eat. He loves running off to the local POND every day after school to play with his friends and his pet frog Slippy. 
Finally there’s your YOUNGEST who is as of this moment...UNAMED. That isn’t isn’t due to a lack of TRYING however as you have been doing your best to find a SUITABLE NAME, but whatever you propose is seemingly REJECTED as the grub seems to find them all to be UNSUITABLE. But you WILL KEEP TRYING! Still, despite this the grub seems to be happy, if you look past the HISSING and BITING. They are an AGENT OF CHAOS as Meloni has said, but one who loves WARM BLANKETS and ALL OF YOU, you just know it!
Design by: @trollbriidge
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bruggle · 1 month
The Rip-out-your-heart-inator!
At least, that's the goal. Dunno if I achieved it. Have fun, chilren.
The past is a haunting thing. But what else can it do in the present except try to hurt you?
Words: 3k
"A moon of light reflecting fully
And I guess it would feel like rebirth
Out of some kind of dying
To see yourself
So glowing."
-Glowing, The Oh Hellos
  How much was caused by him?
  Everywhere X looked, that’s all he saw. Omega, within the massive suit Weil had created in order to enhance his ability to control reploids while fused with the Dark Elf, sat prone; too heavily damaged to even move. X glowered; he didn’t even bother trying to fight it back. There were few people X could say he truly hated. Omega had the ‘honor’ of being one of them.
  A part of X wanted to end the doppelganger right then and there. To hell with mercy. To hell with restraint.
  X tore his gaze from the giant reploid. He had to find his brothers. Axl had disappeared early in the fight; swallowed by the sea of controlled reploids that had appeared the second Weil had integrated the Dark Elf. Zero… Zero had faced Omega alone for the first part of the battle as X struggled to beat back Weil’s army of golems. He wasn’t sure where the red clad reploid had gone once the white reploid had set his sights on X. Please don’t let them be dead.
  There were… so many bodies.
  So many.
  None of them deserved it.
  Of the few reploids still standing, none of them were familiar. They all ducked their gaze once they realized X was looking at them. No. He kept moving. Surely, Axl would appear with yet another poorly timed joke, as he was wont to do. Or… or Zero would join his side without a word, silently giving his support. Please. Please.
  As X wandered the battleground, he noticed a group of reploids standing in a circle; their grave expression sent a pulse of panic through his systems. No. He picked up the pace, making a beeline towards them. No. As X grew closer, one of the reploids noticed his presence, a horrified expression making it’s home on his face. No. More took notice of the blue bomber’s appearance; beginning to  whisper amongst themselves. No. “Wait-“ one of them called, but X ignored them; stumbling closer to the object they were encircling. Why did it look familiar?! Pushing a purple clad reploid out of the way, it took everything for X to not break right there and then.
  The figure on the ground was clad in navy armor with grey and red accents.
  The inset blue gem was destroyed.
  The helmet was gone, allowing red hair to hang loosely around his face.
   Sightless green eyes stared back at him.
  X fell to the floor, gathering Axl’s limp body into his arms. “No, no, no,” he repeated softly to himself, over and over and over and over again. It was unnatural to see the normally hyperactive reploid so still. X refused to look at the missing arm and legs, focusing on the prototype’s face. Axl’s body was shaking or was that just his own arms shaking? as X hugged him closer. He was- X shut that thought down, choosing to instead bury his face in Axl’s hair. “You’re okay,” he whispered, clenching his eyes closed. “It’s over. Wake- wake up, Axl. C’mon, this joke isn’t funny anymore.”
  The surrounding reploids looked around at each other, searching for the correct words to say. X didn’t care. Where was Zero? Why wasn’t Axl waking up?! “Sir,” one of the reploids hesitantly spoke up. “I don’t think-“
  “Shut up,” X demanded, snarled, begged.
  Don’t tell me, he silently prayed. He has to be okay.
  Where was Zero?!
  A sudden wetness on his cheeks made X slowly reopen his eyes. Had it started raining? Looking up, the skies were still clear it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit it didn’t fit causing X to slowly bring a hand to his face. Pulling it away, it was definitely wet; he had almost forgotten he could cry. The reploid that had been brave enough to speak gave him an odd look. They couldn’t. Of course they couldn’t.
  Why was there so much pain?!
  Gently cradling his brother’s body to his chest, X slowly stood up. He knew. Axl was dead. And it was his fault. X never should have allowed him to become a Maverick Hunter. Turning, he made his way back to the center of the battleground; passing the giant, motionless heap yet again.
  He had never wanted to utterly destroy Sigma as much as he wanted to destroy Omega.
  Why not? asked a voice. Why not destroy it now?
  It was there that X noticed a new face, one completely unmarked by the horrors all the other survivors witnessed. Her eyes were darting over the wasted landscape, until they landed on him. Recognition lit up her face, as she hurriedly made her way to him, carefully picking her path in order to avoid the worst of the… viscera.
  “Mister X!” she called. “I was- I was sent by Isaac! You’re needed!” X brushed past her, he didn’t care. Isaac could go to hell for all he cared at the moment. “Mister X, please-“
  “Tell him I’m busy,” X ordered growled, seethed, snapped.
  “Oh, but Mister X, it’s an emergency!” the reploid insisted. “There’s been bombs set off and-“
  “ENOUGH,” X boomed. He didn’t need to hear it. He had heard them going off as Omega had fallen, Weil cackling in the background. The reploid shrank back, fear flickering in her eyes for a second. It was then that she seemingly noticed the limp form he held tightly to his chest. “O-oh…” she whispered, franticly looking around before darting off.
  Why wasn’t Zero here?
  Ventilation system working overtime, X turned back around. He gently laid Axl on the ground, searching his face one last time in a desperate, desperate hope that maybe, just maybe, he’ll blink. Ask X what the long face is for. Laugh. Wink. Punch his arm. Something. Anything. Please.
  But he knew.
  He knew.
  He fucking knew.
  And so, with a heavy heart, X gently closed the prototype’s eyes one
  His tears gently landed on Axl’s face, giving the illusion that it was he who was crying, rather than X.
  What was he supposed to do now?
  The thought of making a grave passed X’s mind, but he didn’t want to entertain it.
  That would mean Weil won.
  That Axl was dead.
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to think about it.
  The sound of footsteps alerted him to an approaching figure.
  Too urgent, too heavy, too quick to be Zero.
  Glancing at the figure, X didn’t recognize him; but he very obviously recognized the blue bomber. Making a straight beeline to X’s location, the new figure saluted him. X didn’t respond, causing the figure to falter for a second. “Sir, I’ve been sent with a message,” he said in a clipped manner.
  X didn’t respond.
  The figure hesitated.
  “Sir, Maverick Hunter HQ-“
  “Don’t,” he commanded. He begged. He raged. He pleaded. He cursed. He whispered. He screamed. What was he supposed to do?
   No, no, no, please, no. Weil had already taken so much; please, please, don’t tell him the monster had taken more.
  The messenger stood awkwardly, struggling to figure out what to do next. It was pretty obvious that the poor figure was likely pulled from the streets in order to deliver the message to X. A message he didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t want to hear.
  He didn’t
  He didn’t want
  He didn’t want to hear.
  “He needs to pay for his crimes!”
  “But there’s so few left! Are we really going to throw away a brilliant mind?!”
  “Are you out of your mind?! He’s the reason everything went to shit in the first place!”
  It was all so… meaningless.
  The squabbling, the yelling, the arguments, meaningless.
  He wanted to kill him. He wanted to kill them both.
  Isaac glanced over to X, concern written on his face. X didn’t care. It was all meaningless.
  After a handful of reploids none of them familiar. Why were none of them familiar? were finally able to tear X away from his position kneeling over Axl’s body, Isaac had carefully, gently explained that Zero had sealed himself away; claiming fault for everything that happened. After all, he had been the source of the virus. The Dark Elf. Omega himself. It was all his fault.
  X should hate him.
  He really should.
  But he had already lost one brother.
  Why did he have to lose both.
    And now, here he was. The last dregs of society demanding him to figure out what to do with Omega. With Weil. X couldn’t bring himself to even look at them. He just wanted them out of his sight. The large, white reploid still sat prone, completely worthless without its’ master to command it. Pathetic. He could almost bring up pity for the thing.
  But not quite.
  Weil, on the other hand, had a smug look despite half his face being covered. Prevented from speaking, he was completely at the mercy of X.
  He wasn’t feeling very merciful.
  It scared him.
  Why, that voice asked. He’s taken everything from you.
  “Enough,” X called, his patience growing thin. He just wanted them out of his sight. “There is no way to remove Omega from the suit. Not without destroying it, but there is no way to know for sure if… Weil has any sort of backup plans for that.” He had certainly had a plan to make sure nobody won if he didn’t. The doctor narrowing his eyes told X he was right on the money. He glowered down at the human. “Launch it into space,” he ordered. “It won’t be of any use where Weil cannot reach it.” The people officiating the trial glanced at each other, whispering amongst themselves. The moon had served as an adequate prison for Sigma; X hoped the same would be true of the doppelganger.
  “What of Weil?” asked one brave individual.
  “Toss him out of Neo Arcadia,” X demanded snarled. “I don’t care how.” He had to leave. He would do something he’d regret if he didn’t. Turning, X made his way off the podium. Isaac followed after, trying desperately to speak to him.
  X ignored him.
  It was all so meaningless.
Ciel helped.
But not by much.
  It still hurt.
  The Dark Elf’s reappearance had made him panic.
  Was Weil back?
  If he is, kill him.
  The thoughts were getting louder.
  He was slowly becoming a danger.
  It scared him.
  Thus, he had come to the conclusion that for the sake of everyone, he needed to seal himself away. Just as Zero did all those years ago. The Dark Elf… She had rejected the notion of fusing with X. Quite violently, in fact. But alas, his will, his anger, his agony, it was greater than her rejection. She had fallen silent once fully fused.
  But it had taken it’s toll.
  He was so tired.
  He let himself rest.
  It wasn’t so bad, simply existing in a void…
  X awoke in a panic.
  Greedily gulping down oxygen, he put a hand to his head. Hair. Real hair. Not the synthetic hair he was used to. He pulled it away, studying his fingers. Scars littered the hand; not from fights, not from war, not from weapons. These were all from forgetting where they were while cutting vegetables. That touching hot pans was not a good idea. A misplaced needle while fixing up a garment. Peaceful scars.
  He had never been so relieved to see a scar before.
  He had to take a moment to remind himself that he was no longer back there.
  He was no longer a leader. Well, outside of being head of his little mishmash of a family.
  He was just X.
  Just as he always wished he could be.
  Just as he always should have been.
  The cry of a gull pulled him from his musings, causing him to glance at the clock by his bed. It was quite early; he still had an hour or so before the sun even began to rise. But the thought of trying to sleep after… that made his stomach turn. He was awake, whether he liked it or not. It was far too early to start breakfast, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t go out into the kitchen.
  Barrell had gotten him addicted to coffee, after all.
  Quietly making his way out of the kitchen, he turned on one of the lamps rather than the overhead lights. Levi was rather sensitive to light and had the habit of leaving her door open while she slept. The last thing he wanted to do was wake up any of the inhabitants. (Could you blame him for wanting at least a little bit of peace to himself? Eight people in a single house boat was quite the number, after all!) X made his way to the cabinet he knew held the caffeinated drink he craved; making sure to open it just right. (The darn thing squeaked if opened too quickly; he and Barrell were still trying to figure out why.)
  Just as he grabbed the bag of grounds, the sound of footsteps caught his attention. X inwardly groaned; he had been so careful not to wake anyone…
  “What are you doing up, dad?” asked Volnutt, his youngest. The younger carbon was rubbing at his eyes, telling X he had indeed just woken up.
  “Couldn’t sleep,” X quietly sighed. “Now why are you up, young man?”
  “Bathroom,” Volnutt yawned. “But I heard something, so I came to check it out.” X chuckled quietly to himself. “It’s just me,” he assured the brunette. “No need to worry. Go take care of business and get back to bed.” Volnutt blinked blearily at him, before turning to do as he was told.
  Shaking his head, X prepared his coffee as quietly as he could. Filling the pot with water to pour into the chamber, placing a filter into its place, filling said filter with grounds, now all that was left was for the machine to warm up. The older carbon looked around for something to occupy the time.
  Unfortunately, there wasn’t much in the kitchen. And he didn’t want to go walking around in fear of waking any more of the inhabitants.
  The flush of the toilet grabbed X’s attention; he waited for the sound of running water to accompany it.
  It did not occur.
  That boy…
  As Volnutt opened the door, X glared at him. “What?” he sleepily asked.
  “You did not wash your hands, young man,” X accused, crossing his arms.
  “Ah, crap,” Volnutt muttered. “Forgot.” He made the decision to walk back to his room regardless. X stared after him incredulously. “Excuse me,” the older carbon huffed. “Go wash your hands, Volnutt!”
  “But daaaaaad!” Volnutt winged. “’M tired! And you said go back to bed!”
  “You can go back to bed after you wash your hands!” Honestly, this boy…
  Volnutt let out a scoff, but obediently turned and did as he was told. X shook his head as he chuckled at the boy’s dramatics.
  He would rather have to get onto this child about washing his hands every time than spend one more second back there.
  Now why wasn’t the coffee maker heating up?
  As X studied the machine in an effort to figure out the reason (surely he wouldn’t be bested by a silly little machine like this!), Volnutt walked into the kitchen. X was tempted to tease him about no longer being tired, but he was far more interested in figuring out why the blasted mechanism wouldn’t give him his caffeine.
  “Uh, dad?” Volnutt quietly called. X turned to him, seeing him point to a spot on the wall. The older carbon turned to see that he was pointing at an outlet.
  An empty outlet.
  Meaning the coffee maker wasn’t plugged in.
  Well that explained it.
  Huh. He was more tired than he thought.
  X couldn’t help but laugh at himself, causing Volnutt to chuckle alongside him. The older brunette shook his head as he quickly plugged in the machine. Now it was making the familiar sounds of heating up. “Are you okay, dad?” Volnutt asked, genuine concern lacing every word. X gazed at his youngest, soft sigh escaping him. “Just a nightmare,” he assured the fourteen year-old. Volnutt tilted his head. “You want to talk about it?” he asked. “You always tell me that it helps.”
  The former blue bomber gave his youngest a fond smile.
  What had he done to deserve this child? He didn’t deserve him.
  “I’ll be okay,” X insisted. “Maybe when your older, we can talk about it.” Volnutt’s face fell; X hated doing this to him, but the child had no business knowing the horrors he had been through.
  He will be dead in the ground before he lets even an ounce of his past touch this child.
  “What’s all the noise about?” yawned Leviathan as she blearily entered the room. “I’m trying to get my beauty sleep.”
  Oops. X supposed they had been a bit too loud.
  “Sorry Levi,” said Volnutt, a cheeky grin forming on his face.
  Oh no.
  “You definitely need it.”
  Oh no.
  “WHY YOU-“
  “Children!” X hissed. “It is still early! Do not wake the house!”
  “Is that coffee I smell?” asked Barrell, slowly making his way out of the room. X let out a defeated sigh. So much for his peaceful morning…
  “HEY!” Roll called from her room. “Some people are trying to sleep!”
  “Take your own advice!” Fefnir yelled from down the hall.
  “Why don’t you?” argued Harpuia.
  “Man, you’re all so noisy,” chuckled Phantom, slinking into the kitchen from an open window. “Couldn’t be me.”
  “As if!” Volnutt argued. “You were stomping on the roof of my room all night!”
  “Prove it,” Phantom smirked.
  Watching the chaos unfold, X poured himself and Barrell a cup of coffee.
  He wouldn’t trade this for anything.
The past was the past.
And it would stay that way.
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stxr-bxster · 4 years
What would Nelly dress up as on Halloween?!
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Cornelia isn’t too familiar with the traditions of the old world - especially not those carried out by chilren her age. Living among scholars, old and dusty and sometimes perhaps a little allergic to having some silly fun, hasn’t really cultivated her taste for disguises and silly things.
Although, if she were given the opportunity to do so, she would definitely do herself a favor, and don a wiggler mask.
And a wiggler cloak.
And a tiny wiggler tail attached to it.
Wigglers are good.
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FILM REVIEW #2: A New Hope (1977)
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To write a review for a movie which is now about 47 years old and has such great cultural status may seem a little pointless, but after seeing and reviewed Star Wars - Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker (2019), I felt motivated to to take another look at the rest of the series in the order that each part were released. And I figured, while I am going through them, I might as well share my thoughts on them, for fun.
Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope (or just Star Wars as it was originally known) is the very first installment of the entire franchise, which you can kind of tell. Written and directed by George Lucas himself, this is the first available chapter to one of the most iconic stories ever told, as well a the beginning of one of the most lucrative movie franchises of today. Though take things with a pinch of Crait-salt, as the version I am reviewing is the current Special Edition with all those infamous changes.
Most of you probably know the plot: "There is a war between the heroic rebels and the the tyrannical space-empire, and in the middle of it one of the rebel-leaders, princess Leia, gets captured by the merciless imperial lord, Darth Vader. Though before she is caught she manages to send away two androids holding imortant, military plas that could change the direction of the war. The two droids flee and crash-land on a nearby desertplanet and come across Luke Skywalker, a young farmboy of apparently simple beginnings, and Obi-wan Kenobi, a mysterious old warrior who has past connections with Vader. It is up to them to bring the droids to the rebel forces, and in order to do so they take help from the scallywag smuggler and pilot Han Solo and his lojal wookie-friend Chewbacca."
What can one say about a movie which has been reviewed and analysed thousands of times, and which I probably have seen at least a dozen times myself? Well, I am going to try and focus on what I thought about this time, which is this: It's not that great. For it's time it is certainly ambitious and impressive, but considering all the following installments, the very first one is not that strong. The main reasons for this? Simple: Its long and boring.  
For diehard-Star Wars fans this might be a controversial thing to say, but that is how I feel. For a movie featuring ray guns, robots, aliens and laserswords, this movie goes at a surprisinlgy slow pace and has an overall dry tone that can be a little tiring. In a sense it is understandable, as the storytelling is very reminiscent of an old-time warfilm. An earlier critique I've had of the Star Wars-films in general is that they hardly ever feel like actual warfilms despite despite the title, but seeing this one again, I can't help but to notice a similarity to Kelly's Heroes (1970), a warfilm that I sadly am not much of a fan of either.
Though, also like Kelly's Heroes, this movies strenght lies in the memorable and entertaining characters.
Few bad guys i cinema has a stronger presence than Darth Vader, but it's also worth noting that the sidevillain Tarkin, as brilliantly play by Hammer Horror-veteran Peter Cushing, manages to be just as threathening, if not more so. The guy blew up an entire planet without batting an eye.... Talk about icecold! When it comes to the heroes it's more of a mixed bag.
Luke is not an especially interesting here in the beginning; he is goodhearted but young and naive, longs for adventure but has no clue of the dangers and is also a bit of a brat. If you count the whole trilogy it works pretty well since it illustrates the big character development, but by itself, his role in here is not really much to mention. Han Solo has a couple of cool moments but is otherwise very prone to nagging, and people will either love or hate the ineloquent Chewbacca. The two droids C-3PO and R2-D2 are a fun and heart-warming duo, but the hero I liked the most was definitely Leia, who if you look back is a pretty non-typical damsel in distress from a time when most fictional princesses followed the old Disney-standard. She has an ironic bite, but is not unneccesarily mean. She is tough, but also compassionate. And greatest of all, she is not afraid of taking charge in a chaotic situation.
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While the story is pretty traditional for a fantasy, with the elements of oppressive evil, a young hero, an old and mysterious wizard, a princess that need saving and an odd assortment of allies, its spin on these traditional stuff is still distinctly its own. While a trained and nerdy eye can tell where inspiration from works such as Flash Gordon and Akira Kurosawa's samurai-films come in, it is done subtly and re-mixed enough so that one can't really call it stealing or even a noticeable tribute. What we see here is the first part of a then entirely new, fictional world with its own rules, its own history and its own environments. My favorite example of this is when Luke and Obi-wan go into a seedy bar in Mos Eisley: We bear witness to all kinds of weird creatures, assumably from every corner of the galaxy. While they don't have any bigger impact on the story later in the film, they do manage through visual storytelling paint up a picture of a wide and colorful universe, full of wonder and danger. At the same time we learn that androids are not welcome in the bar. It is not explained why, that's just how it works. This is just the right level of worldbuilding, establishing things without getting overly explanatory.
This scene, and plenty of others, display plenty of practical effects which are impressive considering the time they were made in. Though, while we are talking about the effects, I can't exactly ignore those controversal Special Edition-changes. This movie is probably biggest sufferer of them, especially in the addition of unneccesary scenes or edits that does match the rest of the movie. Although, while several of these stick out more han giraffes in a petstore, there are a couple of nice polishes that do the film som good, including improved key-ing, digitally added extras and touched up green-sceen effects.
This movie was a surprise hit when it came out. Though if it hadn't had some great follow-ups, I wonder if the franchise had managed to become as big as it is now. Plenty would argue that Return of the Jedi (1983) is the weak link in the original trilogy, but from my perspective, I think this is the one. Purists probably feel inclined to start with A New Hope when introducing Star Wars to those unfamiliar with it, which is understandable. But keep in mind that it might not be that succesful to show it for chilren, as the slow pace and the lenght might be a bad combination for kids who are into action-action-action.
In the end, I give this movie a rating of 6 out of 10. ---
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ericahitshawaii · 4 years
From the land
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Today I am leaving the ocean and heading to the land.  The Big Island is even more biodiverse than Maui.  It contains 11 of the 14 climate zones in the world.  They even have snow on their tallest peak, Mauna Kea.  Today I am heading south og Kona to explore a Chocolate Farm, a coffee farm and a bee apiary!
Chocolate Farm
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The Original Hawaiian Chocolate factory is the only chocolate producer in an industrialized country that processes the chocolate from the plant all the way to the final product.  Most chocolate producers start with the dried cocoa bean.  The beautiful estate grows cacao (the pod that chocolate is made from), macadamia nuts and coffee.  The entire operation is run by only eight staff, including the owner (Bob) and his wife.  (American Ex-pats)
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Above are the tree that the cacao pods grow on.  They are about the size of a large eggplant when fully ripe.  Iniside these pods there is a fibrous membrane (like in a squash) that contains seeds.  These seeds have to be fermented and dried to give them the chocolate flavor.  This produces chocolate nibs which are ground to make cocoa powder, which becomes chocolate.  (More or less, you can google it if you want to fact check me on this one.)
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Cacao pods growing in the trees.  This variety will will turn a bright yellow when they are ripe. 
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Ripe cacao pods.  They grow in a variety of colors.  For example green pods turn yellow when ripe, maroon pods turn candy apple red when ripe.  Other colors include purple, orange and rainbow!
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These are the seeds (or cocoa beans) inside of the pod.  They are covered with a bitter coating that will help ferment the seeds.
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After they have fermented, they are cleaned off and left outside to dry on these racks.
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Cocoa beans on the drying rack.  These will be ground to make the cocoa powder used to make chocolate!  This chocolate farm only makes milk and dark chocolate.
Fun fact:  White chocolate is not actually made from the solid bean, it is made from cocoa butter, which is extracted from the bean.  Since there are no cocoa butter extractors on the island, they are limited to milk and dark chocolate only.
It was really interesting to see this done as a small operation, given the extremely unjust conditions that many cacao growers face in developing countries.  At least one aspect of eating chocolate was guilt-free today! m On to cofee next!
Coffee Farm
There is a oot of coffee grown in Hawaii so I had lots of options for a coffee tour.  No one will be surprised to hear that I chose the Kona Historic Socity’s Living History coffee farm!!  YEA!  The nerdiest of an already nerd activity!
So...the Kona Historical Society has preserved one of the early coffee farms on the island that was run by a Japanese family.  It was purchased by the Ushida family in 1913.  The Ushida’s had immigrated from Japans and decided to take up farming.  However, they had no experience farming coffee when they bought the coffee farm in 1913.  The spent the next few years learning from local farmers how to grow it.  This was the beginning of what we know know as the Kona coffee industry, which was led mostly by Japanese immigrants.  The Ushida’s were one of the first Japanese families to do it and encouraged and inspired many other to take up the trade throughout the 20th century.
Fun fact:  In the 1940s 50% of people living in Hawaii were Japanese.
The Ushida’s tore down the small farmhouse that was on the property when they purchased it and built a traditional Japanese home.  The Ushida’s had 5 children, who all shared a three room house (a iving area, bedroom and kitchen).
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The Ushida farmhouse, built circa 1917.
To be totally honest, I had absolutely no idea how coffee grew.  I knew it came from beans, but that was about it.  Well...it grows on trees.  Coffee trees can live and produce coffee for hundreds of years, in fact.  Coffee beans actually form inside of these cmall round berries.  (They sort of look like cranberries.)  They are green when unripe and turn a bright red color when ripe.  Inside each berry is a small amount of flesh (similar to grapes) and in the center is a coffee bean.  In order to make coffee, the berries have to be picked, the skin and flesh need to be removed, the beans need to be dried and then they can be roasted.  Coffee beans are harvested 4 months out the year from September - December.
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Coffe tree.  The base of this tree is over 100 years old.  The branches are trimmed every few years, but the base and root systems can remain for hundreds of years.
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Coffee berries.  These are small because the are yound.  They are about cranberry sized.  The will grow to be closer to grape size when it is time to harvest next September.
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The Ushida’s also grew other plants for subsistence farming and to sell at local markets.  Although the weather in Hawaii is perfect for growing almost anything, it can sometime be difficult to farm because of the lava rock that covers most of the land.  Plants that do very well in Hawaii have extremely strong root systems that can actually break through the rock or grow within cracks a crevasses in the rock.  (Like coffee, cacao and pineapple).
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It’s a baby pineapple!  It’s one of the only plants, where if you plant any part of the pineapple it is capable of growing a new one.
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This may look like a cucumber, but it is actually a plant that grows bath loofahs.  Yep, for real.
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See!?!  I didn’t make this up.
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During the 4 month harvesting season, the Ushida men would wake up at 2:30 to start harvesting and finish after sunset.  The women would wake up at 4:30am.  The entire family, including small chilren, would harvest the beans.  The most difficult part of the process was removing the skin and flesh from the beans.  It is only since WWII that most farmers had a mechanized process to do it.  For centuries it was done by stomping on them with your feet.  Like grapes.
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Once the beans are removed from the berries, they need to be dried, which can take up to 10 days.  The Ushida’s would leave them out in the sun to dry and bring them into the shed when it rained and at night.  At any given time there would be over 1000 pounds of beans drying.  (On average, an adult could pick 150 lbs. a day).  In the 1940 the Ushida’s developed a brillant idea to create a drying platform on the top of the barn/shed that had a sliding roof, so that they could cover the beans at night or during rain and not have to carry the beans in.  Genius.  This is the original roof and the sliding mechanism still works perfectly!
Kona coffee is still an institution in Hawaii.  Descendants of the Ushida family lived in the original house until 1994.  (They never modernized the house, it still had a wood burning stove and outhouse/outdoor bath house)  The historical society bought it and preserved it.  It is still a working farm today.
L&L Barbeque is Hawaiian fast food institution.  I stopped here for lunch and was not disappointed.  Many of the things on the menu reflect the Asian and Japanese heritage of the island.  I ordered the chicken lovers platter, BBQ chicken,  Chicken katsu and...something else delicious.
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Chicken Lovers Plate
My last stop for the day was Big Island Bees.  A bee apiary.
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Big Island Bees, Kona
I have always been obsessed with bees (and colony animals in general, like ants) so I was SO EXCITED about this.  I have probably told many of you this, but the U of M refused to let me volunteer at their bee lab and I am still really bitter about it.
Kim, the master Bee keeper, gave us free samples and showed us the hives.  They have several sites across the island that produce different kinds of honey.  There are two ways to get flavored honey.  One is to infuse a flavor into already created honey, like pepper or cinnamon.  The other is to place the hives in a area where they have access to only one or prodominantly one kind of flower.  Their bees make three kinds of honey.  One from Macadamia Nut trees, one from the Wilelaiki blossom on theChristmasberry tree (introduced in Hawaii from Brazil) and the rareist type, the Lahua blossom honey, which comes from the Ohi’a trees.  Ohi’a trees are found only on Hawaii and grow out of lava rock.  The honey is naturally white.  (Apparently you can buy Big Island Honey at costco!)
So I learned a lot of cool stuff about bees.  I could write for hours about it, but I’m just going to give you my favorite fun facts.  If you want to know more, let’s hang out!
Fun fact 1: Queens can live for 1-5 years, where as the rest of the bees in the hive only live 4-8 weeks.
Fun fact2:  All of the worker bees in the hive are female.  The only male bees in the hive are called Drones.  Their only job is to mate with the Queen, so when the food is scarce or the hive is in trouble, the female workers bees evict the Drones by biting off their wings, pushing them out of the hive and leaving them on the ground to die.  Sorry fellas, they don’t have time for freeloaders!  I love bees!
Fun fact 3:The worker bees go through four different jobs in their short lives 1) Take care and feed of the baby bees, which hatch in the cells in the hive, feed and take care of the queen, protect the hive, and forage for pollen.
Fun fact 4: Bees are super ruthless, if the queen is not doing so hot, the hive releases special pharamones (sp?) so that the queen will give birth to her own replacement and then they will kill the queen once she’s born.  Total mutiny.  
Not so fun fact 5: Bees are in trouble because of a small hive mite that has starting taking over the hives, laying eggs in the cells and eventually forcing the bees out of the hive.  Hives have to be checked and treated regularly to keep from being infested by these small invasive beetles from Asia.  Boo!
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Beekeeper Lisa
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One hive.  It contains both the cells for honey and for making baby bees.  This hive has no drones, because it is a slow honey producer, so they opted to kill all of the drones until they have more honey.
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The queen is in here somewhere..
Lastly, bees can make art.  Their so cool and talented.  I am ecited because my goal for this spring and summer is to plant a pollinator friendly yard.  I applied for a grant to do, I will know shortly if I got it.  My eventual goal would be to have a hive in my yard, but it is really hard to overwinter bees in Minnesota, so I might have to work up to this.  Future goals...
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Honeycomb sculpture (Real honeycomb that the bees constructed over a metal frame)
That’s it for the day.  Tomorrow: Travel along the southern coast of the island to visit the Place of Refuge National Historic Park and one of only 4 green sand beaches in the world.
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¬ romance headcanons.
name:  James Warren nickname:  He prefers Warren, but won’t object overly much to someone calling him James. Jim or Jimmy tend to annoy him, however. gender:  Male. romantic orientation:  Heterosexual. preferred pet names:  If it’s sincere and meant well, he tends to tolerate most names. ‘Daddy’, or any other equivalent is a total no-go, however, and a very quick way to sour any and all moods. relationship status:  Widower, and in no hurry to change this. favorite canon ship:  None at the moment. He was content and happy with his wife, but then shit hit the fan. It’s hard to ship someone with a dead woman. favorite non-canon ship:  In case it wasn’t obvious, I ship Rori and Warren to hell and back. Times ten.  opinion on true love:  True love? Why bother loving someone if it isn’t true? Love is love, and that’s that. It’s either just love or nonexistent. opinion on love at first sight:  Bullshit. Infatuation or lust at first sight, however, both viable options. how ‘romantic’ are they?:  Quite a lot, in a sense, which might surprise most people. He likes doing the little things for his significant other and won’t hold back. ideal physical traits:  He’s a sucker for a killer smile, freckles, dimples, and a nice laugh. It doesn’t hurt if they have a nice ass either.  ideal personality traits:  Headstrong, driven, determined, kind, honest and compassionate. unattractive physical traits:  An unkempt appearance in general; bad teeth, dirty skin/clothes/hair, bad smell. Ugly fucking feet. He can’t help himself. unattractive personality traits: Judgemental, deceiving, cruel, manipulative, lying. ideal date: A night in, ideally. That way they can cook a nice meal together, huddle up in front of the stove if it’s cold outside, maybe listen to some low music, maybe chat do they have a type?: Not really? His wife had brown eyes and brown hair, freckles across her nose and on her shoulders, but that doesn’t mean any potential sexual/romantic partner of his must have one or more of his ideal traits. average relationship length: Only real relationship he’s been in lasted for over ten years. After that he’s had a few shorter ones that didn’t pan out. All in all, he prefers long-term relationships, and isn’t one to sleep around for the fun of it. preferred non-sexual intimacy: Early morning cuddles. Listening to/playing music together and gun maintenance are close second and thirds. commitment level:  Once he’s steady with someone he’s the kind of guy who’d do just about anything for his significant other. While he might not be ready to tie the knot again, he wouldn’t give any less to a new partner than he did to his wife. opinion of public affection:  Kinda meh. While the idea itself doesn’t bother him, the fact that it can be used to hurt either of them does. He’s already lost loved ones because they were close to him and he doesn’t want it to happen again.
past relationships?: Warren was married to Laura and they had two chilren together. Their marriage ended when Laura and the kids were murdered.
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lunar-goodness · 2 years
Quotes from movies/tv/other media that I say/use in conversation on a regular basis:
“Which way do you want to go?”
“No good, can’t hear you.”
“Just fear me, love me, do as I say and I will be your slave!”
“They don’t even have dental.”
“Because she doesn’t love you!”
“Your Honor, the comedian clearly stated!”
“You can’t tell me how to live signs!”
“Why’dya do that?!”
“Look at all those chickens!”
“You’re gonna look at me and tell me that I’m wrong, am I wrong? She wore a crown and she came down in a bubble doug!”
“Hi Billy!”
“Amuck Amuck Amuck!!”
“Mind yo business David!!”
“I’m looking through the windshield and I’m not gonna hit anyone, but no.”
“You ain’t gettin me to no secondary location!”
“That seed salesman sure saw us comin. No he saw you comin!”
“Oh I’m not allowed to sneeze?!?”
“Back from the dead Fergus!”
“Those poor icecubes!”
“Could you not? Thanks”
“Dogs are people too Haley!”
“Either don’t be dumb or be dumb in silence, don’t involve me!”
“Cat! I’m a kitty cat! And I dance dance dance x2”
“ I am confusion!!”
“You stole my pen!!”
“Beggars cannot be choosers m’lord”
“It’s called a lance... hellooo!”
“Moles don’t eat dirt, worms eat dirt”
“You and your family will be cursed for always and eternity!”
“It’s so hot Sam, but I feel so cold”
“Well that’s too damn bad!”
“Tricky tricky tricky”
“Ah murdered by pirates, heart torn out and eaten, meet Victoria. Can’t quite decide what sounds more fun.”
“What do stars do?”
“My safe word is pineapple juice!”
“Honey, you missed auburn big time!”
“Boy you must be outside your mind!!”
“Who you callin’ a cooty queen, you lint licker!”
“It’s the leaning tower of cheesa!”
“Face it girls, I’m older and have more insurance.”
“There’s no crying in baseball!!”
“The staypuft marshmellow man.”
“Hey Benny, looks to me like you’re on the wrong side of the river!!!”
“I.... am a librarian!”
“I shall simply deny you the crown and... live.... forever!”
“After all that I do, after all I have done.. it’s never enough!”
“There was a bee.”
“Of course not mother, I’m only here for the food!”
“Apartipferdak... wha?... apartipferdak scabber, rapfer tik scabber!”
“He needs some MILK!!!”
“I will cut his heart out with a spoon!!!”
“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”
“And daddy! They took my boot!!”
“No mas pantalones.”
“Did not know who it was fuckin with.”
“Ish guud!!”
“I want it now!!”
“Give me yor FUCKIN MONEY!!”
“Me having sterk??”
“Albuquerque! See I can do it too. Snorkel!”
“This is why mom doesn’t FUCKING love you!”
“Right to jail.”
“Be careful chilren that’s a lotta sodium”
“I’m legally blind!”
“Now you know I aint allowed to think”
“And then I’ll smash it with a hammer!”
“Say what again, say.what.again! I dare you I double dare you mother fucker say what one more goddamn time!”
“Ur no good duck! U’ll never be shit, ur just like ur father!”
“You Know Why!”
“Coincidence? I think not!!”
“You better get yo ass out this bed!!”
“Whatever are you talking about?”
“pushing pushing”
“Mistakes were made”
“YOU are NOT a very nice old MAN!!��
“She’s not alone.”
“Lookin strong John!”
“I am Steve Rogers”
“What is this contraption? May I have it?”
“Vere is dis ootah anyvay?”
“Onion. Pan. Sizzle.”
“That’s why we call it justice, because it’s just us!”
“The moon spirit is a gentle loving lady, she rules the sky with COMPASSION and… LUNAR GOODNESS!”
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