#have honestly really taken to her
elitadream · 5 months
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Getting ready for a special event~ 😉🕺
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godofsmallthings · 5 months
i wish i could take the time to parse through my taylor swift is/isn't a gay icon thoughts on here but i fear people on this website don't know how to behave
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Everyone Introduced in Dimension 20's Fantasy High: Junior Year episode 20
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#dimension 20#dimension 20 spoilers#d20 introductions#fhjy#fantasy high junior year#d20 fhjy#WOW dang. what a season#i'm glad the episode didn't end on like. as bleak of a note as it could have for the ratgrinders#being literal teens that were taken advantage of by adults that groomed them and all#was honestly REALLY obsessed by the implications of like how kipperlily's shatterstar was willing and the rest of her friends' weren't.#like there are so many fucking ways that could be interpreted#was she the last to go? was she the first? did she KNOW? was she complicit in it? did she do it by her own hand? what HAPPENED there?#i'm so obsessed. like holy fuck#also this is something vague i was hoping for but like- in the combat when ally said they wanted to go for oisin after he died at first#i was thinking of something like. that they might revive the ratgrinders whose shatter stars already left to have them rejoin the fight#on THEIR side for the purposes of saving the others? but that didn't happen and went on otherwise#i can't. fucking believe. that we got fucking blimey'd AGAIN. fucking insane#and now K2 canonically exists in the real world#fig has an army of inevitable automatons hunting her. fabian has a literal unborn nemesis. adaine has a wizard mom to kill.#senior year problems..... honestly i feel like the high level play this season was really fun to watch#and i think i'd really enjoy seeing a senior year too#what a season. i was IMMENSELY enjoying it for the majority of it that like Starkly dropped around eps 18 and 19 that left a bad taste#but i don't know. i feel like the finale managed to salvage some of that good that i'd really enjoyed over the course of the season#what a ride though‚ I did enjoy it a lot#see y'all next season!!
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ima-ghost-art · 2 years
What if Steve and Eddie got trapped in the upside down during the final battle of 87?
El cant find them and can no longer open a gate for everyone to try find them, so everyone has to believe they're dead. The party feels lost without them.
Of course, Dustin Robin Max Lucas and Erica are all devastated, all refusing to believe that the two were dead, sure that there must be a way to get them back. But, weeks turn to months and months turn to years and there is still no sign of Steve and Eddie being found.
After a while the group is forced to just start moving on with their lives, each moving away but all staying in contact.
Slowly they start forming their own familys, Lucas and Max (now living in California near Jonathan and Argyle) welcome thier first daughter 'Stephanie Erica Sinclair' April 29th 1992, she was a happy accident and was named after her parents favourite siblings.
The same year, Argyle and Eden have a little girl named Evie, the two splitting custody after Eden moved out of Utah to California near Argyle.
Next was Nancy and Jonathan two years later, the pair having a set of twins 'James Edmund and Katie Barbara' August 10th 1994. Jon takes full custody when they turn 3, living with Argyle back in Cali, letting Nancy follow her dream of becoming a journalist in Chicago, while he worked his dream job at a photography studio stationed on the coast. The two both knew they weren't going to last, however they dont stop loving eachother. (Nancy still helps out with the twins when shes in the area as well as weekly phone calls, making sure they know she loves them even if shes not often around)
In 96, 'Issac Lucas Sinclair' who was the same age as a little girl called 'Morgan' later adopted by El who Dr Owen's believes nay have powers similar to hers and Henry's.
Robin and Vickie, who now live in Michigan, adopt a son in 2000 a trans boy named Tyler, a year older than Stephanie.
At this point it's 2007, having been 20 years since the final battle, 20 years since the party lost Steve and Eddie, 20 whole years. The only people who still lived in Hawkins was Dustin and Suzie Henderson, the two of them both choosing not to have kids, living together in one of the newer houses built along the edge of Hawkins where they had easy access to their jobs working in a lab just outside of Indianapolis. The two secretly working on a way to potentially find their missing friends.
Dustin becomes the fun uncle to his friends kids, Hosting a new version of Hellfire for them with Will being his co DM!
Wayne Munson also continued to live in Hawkins after he helped during the final battle, after losing his nephew he moved in with Claudia living with her.
The wheelers and Sinclair's still both live there too, Holly Wheeler after graduating, now being a teacher at Hawkins high.
The Hopper-Byers move out towards Illinois, Mike and Will both living together in an apartment together in Indianapolis, and El lives with Max and Lucas with their children together in California.
(lest not also forget Garath and Jeff, who also helped in the final battle, the two along with the other members of Corroded Coffin started making it big during the early 90s, and successfully did 2 world tours, they always dedicate each performance to Eddie, as he was the man who started the band and would have loved to see where they ended up now!!)
The party end up coming back to Hawkins in July, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the end of the Upside Down.
...That is until Stephanie Sinclair goes missing while cycling back to the Hendersons after an evening at the arcade with the other party members kids. Everyone else was staying at the wheelers or the old Byers home, but hers were staying with her Uncle Dustin like they always did. Issac and Morgan hadnt joined them so she was biking on her own.
They found her abandoned bike along the edge of Mirkwood the next day... Stephanie Sinclair had completely disappeared
It didnt take long for missing animal reports to start cropping up either, same with another missing person, one of Holly's students...
When Stephanie is finally saved a week later she wasnt found alone. Her and the missing student, were accompanied by two familiar young adults.
Steve and Eddie, both looking like they had barely aged at all since getting trapped in the upside down.
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sassmill · 15 days
In Act 2 of Lempicka when Tamara and Rafaela enter Le Monocle for the first time they look around at all the women together and Rafaela says “a room full of nothing but US” and Tamara says “let’s never leave” and guys I just went to a lesbian bar for the first time (okay it’s actually a deli but they turn it into a lesbian bar at night) and GUYS? That is the safest I have ever felt out drinking and dancing and I felt so natural and I was surrounded by other queer women and that’s. That’s the first actual queer space I’ve been to in YEARS and especially post-pandemic. And I’m feeling such an overwhelming mix of emotions right now because I didn’t realize how isolated I felt from the queer community in my day to day life (ie not online). I just. God.
Dedicated queer spaces are so important. Lesbian bars are so important. This is the only one I’ve been to but I’m VERY aware that these days there are fewer and fewer of them but I just. I didn’t know how badly this kind of place and experience and connection to community was missing from my life until I suddenly had it tonight.
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wonder-worker · 8 months
"At least one of the sources of this account clearly felt that a queen's funeral should have been more splendid, regardless of the fact that she had retired from court and was not the mother of the king. However, there is no real evidence that the desire expressed in Elizabeth Woodville's will for a humble ceremony was not genuine. Despite her status she was still a prize for the religious house in which she was buried. In earlier centuries there had been bitter competition between houses for the bodies of men of such dubious reputation as Henry II's heir (the young king Henry) and King John. Had Elizabeth omitted the request for a humble burial, the clergy at Windsor would probably have permitted the heralds to organize the grander funeral they expected. The consequence of that stipulation was that, in stark contrast to her daughter's funeral, the mourners were all people who had actually known her. Elizabeth Woodville's status as a widow meant that she could choose a funeral which was a ritual for a woman, not a queen."
-J.L. Laynesmith, "The Last Medieval Queens: English Queenship 1445-1503"
#historicwomendaily#elizabeth woodville#and honestly the fact remains that all her attending children also went along with a more humble funeral for her#when they would've easily been able to order and/or organize a more elaborate ceremony#this EVIDENTLY indicates that they knew a more modest funeral is what their mother really wanted#people also tend to think that she was estranged from her daughter Cecily and from Margaret Beaufort because they didn't attend the funeral#except...Elizabeth of York was in confinement because of her pregnancy they were almost definitely attending to her#and we KNOW that John Welles - Cecily's husband and Margaret's brother - attended. As did the governess of EoY's children I think#honestly I think Elizabeth's retirement to Bermondsey Abbey and her subsequent request for a simple funeral#can - if taken together - indicate a specific mindset that she may have had after the trauma of 1483-85 (a wish for a quieter life)#(tho I think she would've probably taken a different decision had her son been King)#and even regarding the transfer of lands - people forget that they were going to her own daughter. It's quite reasonable to assume that#she'd be willing to part with them to ensure that Elizabeth of York was well-endowed as queen#if the new queen had been a stranger it would've been a different story#(admittedly we don't know when she retired to the Abbey. It may be closer to her death date than what's generally assumed)#my post#15th century#english history#queue
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swordmaid · 9 months
gaslight gatekeep girlboss AND misandry
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nerdgirlnarrates · 1 year
Recently I was talking to another med student and shared that before my grandmother died, her heart failure had gotten so bad that her doctors couldn’t effectively diurese her and she ended up needing several thoracenteses. The other med student suggested that these procedures were too aggressive and my grandmother’s doctors should have let her die instead. And I’m confused, because these procedures were very much palliative in nature: it is painful to have a pleural effusion preventing you from breathing well. She needed surgery to address the valve issues causing her heart failure, but she was not a good candidate for surgery, so she had already foregone curative measures. Also, my grandmother did not want to die of a pleural effusion. I’m not saying her quality of life was good--it wasn’t--but she didn’t want to essentially drown to death. And I’m kind of upset at the notion that her doctors should have forced her to die that way. That’s not humanity, peace, or dignity in death. Maybe I’m misunderstanding something, but the conversation has left me unhappy.
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Fuck it what if not all ripped 6 pack abs. What then.
#honestly Halsin could have a bit more meat on him but I was really struggling with him so I’m taking him as he is#I do not know how to draw Gale.#frankly though him looking like he wandered out of an illuminated manuscript is too funny to redraw him#I switched La’zel and Astarion’s heights#(because yes everybody’s height was taken from lining up the party from the composition screens to get their rough heights)#because it’s fucked up and evil that Astarion is not a short king and that La’zel is only a little bit taller than Shadowheart#speaking of her I love big fuck off weight lifter Shadowheart and you can’t stop me#Wyll is now no longer the only one wearing period appropriate(ish) braises because the weirdly modern underwear weirds me out#I based everybody’s* body types off different Olympic athletes#*accept Gale because he’s a wizard and Halsin because I forgor#I settled on rock climber for Wyll because it felt the most fitting for him#La’zel is a mix of runner/basketball player because Gith are supposed to be tall and thin but she’s also one of the strongest party members#Astarion is a very dehydrated featherweight boxer#because again the man is short I will die on this hill it’s just the vibe#and finally Karlach is actually based on body builders but less in the superhero way and more in the.#has muscle but also really isn’t eating enough or the right stuff#way#making her La’zel and Astarion are the only ones who keep defined 6 packs#(La’zel gets one because Gith are canonically thin and so presumably naturally very low in body fat)#(and also because it draws attention away from her not having a belly button)#(I understand in some birds/reptiles it’s where the yolk sac attached but also that’s a cop out)#also she gets her facial scars from earlier versions because why the fuck doesn’t she#her body is so messed up and her face looks like she stole it#sketchin’#but only barely because I am not cleaning this up#Karlach and her scars AND tattoos can go back to hell
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
Yumi having 10 million terrible things happen to her and deciding what to do was get a bleach job, cut off her hair, get a sexy tit tat, make the swankiest bar in town, steal 10 billion dollars- becuase FUCK YOU GUYS, rig the 10 billion dollars with a bomb because FUCK YOU GUYS was iconic behaviour, I don't care what anyone says
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the-silly-urge · 4 months
did the house of grief with dark justiciar shadowheart (parenticide edition) and it fucking SUCKED 👍
LIKE IT WAS GOOD WRITING WISE I JUST. Wow it is gutting. Very good voice acting. I want to sit alone at the bottom of a pool for sixty-five years though.
(i accidentally really really rambled hard in the tags uhm. it is what it is)
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sorrowandpride · 1 year
I'll start this off by saying that I'm a woman who's studied ballet for pretty much her entire life. When I was a child, I had teachers who wanted to train me professionally with the goal of training at Canada's National Ballet School in mind, so I think I know what I'm talking about.
I recently learned about the Sophie Rebecca controversy, and it's absolutely disgusting. The transphobes who are screeching and clutching their pearls over Sophie taking syllabus classes with the RAD are absolutely ridiculous. They're the only ones who are embarrassing themselves by speaking on something they know nothing about (from what I've read, they can't even spell "pointe" properly).
I'll clear a few things up regarding ballet that transphobes are consistently getting wrong.
Ballet is not a single-sex space, so stop clutching your pearls. It may be XX female-dominated, but danseurs have been integral to the discipline since its creation. Believe it or not, danseurs can and do teach female students (and vice versa). Members of the male sex have even danced female roles (Les Ballets Trockadero de Monte Carlo, for example, is an all-male drag troupe that performs parodies of romantic and classical ballets).
Sophie is taking RAD syllabus classes. These are simply classes that build skill in ballet (as well as other forms of dance, such as character). While syllabus classes and exams are part of professional training, most syllabus students are recreational dancers. Sophie is too old to pursue a conventional career as a danseuse, and many dancers retire at her age. The amount of schools that would accept her into a professional program that feeds into a major company are close to, if not zero. Nobody "lost a spot" to her. As long as they can pay the fees, anybody can take RAD syllabus classes and exams. They give you a sense of achievement and track measurable progress. The RAD has defended Sophie Rebecca and stated publicly that she is NOT a professional danseuse. As far as I'm aware, her highest level of completion is Intermediate Foundation. If I remember correctly, Intermediate Foundation exams don't even include pointework (since ballet is, you know, far more than pointework). No serious company is going to hire a student who's only reached Intermediate-level classes, and very, very, very few will a hire a danseuse who's not proficient in pointework. All she's doing is showing a love for adult recreational ballet. That's it. She's not taking anything away from XX girls. Ballet is open to EVERYONE, not just pale, skinny XX women.
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poisonouspastels · 9 months
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@beegswaz genuinely i think my favorite tags on any of my work ever. i fucking love when people talk abt my characters like this
#its like blorbo from my show but with fucking minecraft and i love it deeply#for the record both Groda and White Eyes get socialized in the modern world like feral cats#both by the main players but it does happen at different times bc they all encountered Groda first when she held Rana hostage for bait#she'd kinda gone crazy after all those years of isolation lol#did that bc she thought Herobrine was the knight who betrayed her during the time period where people were wanting to overthrow her#(the knight worked for the royal family and was one of Groda's childhood friends. that did not last needless to say)#thankfully at the end of the day all 4 of the main players managed to get out alive though not unharmed with Groda in tow#when there's something trying to kill you every other day in this universe though they honestly cant be too mad about it#it doesnt help that Groda is just Really Stupid sometimes (all the time)#she's literally Peridot from SU in that she seems really intimidating but in hindsight is a massive dork#and also the fact that is the voice i imagine her having its so good#once her ability to use magic is taken away she's literally just like a scared feral street cat. does not know what the FUCK is going on#also rendering her communication with 3/4ths of the players useless since she only knows Galactic and no one alive knows that but Herobrine#(not helping the coincidental similarities to the knight but thats not him) she'll learn commonspeak later tho#ironically later down the line when Groda is spotted by the cult getting her magic back will be a key part in taking down White Eyes#she really does want to change for the better but she needed a LOT of shit kicked into her in order to start actually making the change#that being said when White Eyes eventually gets integrated it IS On Sight#she has had to been quite literally pried of Groda AT LEAST once by the others in order to keep from killing her#but other than that she'll be okay :) she picks up painting eventually#her open wounds are finally able to heal over once released from the influence of the Wither but she's still scarred unfortunately#mentally and physically!#but its only up from here... right?#actually since I talked abt the players first encounter with Groda im gonna reblog that aftermath comic again it still fucks#minecraft au mastertag
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chorus-the-mutate · 1 year
I have finally read the newest chapter of Berserk and honestly I'm pretty happy with it. I really like that Casca is getting new content and that she still gets to show moments of agency even when she's brainwashed. She still gets a chance to fight back against her captors and actually does enough damage to disable a knight for life even though she's rusty at fighting. I like how this time skip flows and that it feels disorienting to follow at first since it puts us into Casca's shoes rather effectively. I like how we get to see her remembering everyone from the Black Swordsman party even if she is primarily worried about what Guts will do next. I even like that we get to see that red is the ultimate color we can associate with Casca since I've been mentally debating on if it was red, orange or pink this whole time. Plus seeing the contrast between how well Griffith treats Casca even though he doesn't really value her is an interesting contrast to Guts who was very lost on how to treat Casca even though he loves her a lot. For what it is this chapter is pretty nice.
Overall I can understand people's frustrations about Casca being kidnapped because of how long she's been Elaine for. She has been a static character for a long time and we've only just gotten to see her fully. But I think it's good that the writers are showing that she is trying to resist her brainwashing and giving her more agency than she had as Elaine even under these circumstances. I don't think this is going to be a huge time skip or that Guts will reach Falconia soon. And I don't think that Griffith's new facial expressions mean that he's going to be reduced to a more two dimensional character. Even if the art quality has reduced slightly it is still gorgeous. Seeing people disappointed in the art change specifically is like seeing someone disappointed in seeing this perfect apple get its first blemish after years. It's still a great, tasty apple. The pacing was a bit odd for a couple of these recent chapters but it is still too early to tell if Berserk has dropped the ball. We have gotten crumbs of this new arc with Casca. I just think that for the time being people are being too pessimistic about Berserk.
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peony-pearl · 9 months
Also boy howdy for a show that likes to tout 'no one is born evil' they sure have not spared that sentiment for Azula huh you know a child living in her father's regime, the same as Zuko and Iroh and Lu Ten? Lame.
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sketchtxt · 23 days
me: man it'd be great to give my characters DID so that way not only can I and other people better relate to them, but also to show what happens when you go through such extreme torment when you're young.
also me: uhhh.... so um.... how do people work :((((
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