#have no expectations but its mildly funny imo
megabuild · 4 months
can i ask for ur life series impulse thoughts again because the spirit (bdubs DL watchthrough) is haunting me again. like he doesn't do anything too awful but like. what is his deal man.
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hi liau. its very funny to me you are not the first and will probably not be the last to ask me what traffic!impulse's problem is, because i seriously never talk about it or give a remote shit about him, and every time i DO talk about him i am constantly terrified an impulse main will come and get mad at me for being wrong, which i likely am. but anyway, i think you've very succinctly hit the nail on the head in your ask without even meaning it; that impulse's problem is that he doesn't do anything too awful.
3rd life and its sequels are series where all characters are at the very least morally grey. if you're doing analysis you have to take the situation somewhat realistically, and within that you must assume that while they are in a survival situation, they are still killing people or aiming to kill people, so there is never going to be a character who is completely exempt. then, above that, you have characters who closer resemble villains (though i wouldn't personally call them that) due to having more overtly "morally wrong" actions- eg. secret life scar, third life grian, limited life martyn, even last life bdubs. that isn't to say these characters are bad, but rather that their actions stretch a little further, be that due to betrayals, overzealousness, or mockery. and something special about 3rd life is that most of the time they own this. they lean into the villain role, or are self aware enough to recognise their actions are bad, but do it anyway; it gives them complexity! and in a survival game, you can understand why.
so, leading on from this, impulse's problem is precisely as you said: in a game of people who are willing to be awful, he isn't TOO awful, but is still awful enough that it grates. (full disclaimer though it should be obvious this is 100% his character- i don't know if the cc plays it like this intentionally or not, but i don't have any ill feelings towards him regardless.) frankly i think his issue is a total lack of self awareness in general that the others seem to have. impulse, beginning in 3rd life, is traitorous, an ally to all but friend to none, flitting between alliances with the goal of not committing to any of them. other characters do this, but imo they do it better- for example, etho is regularly shown as a character who is absent in his alliances, but often he doesn't pretend to be there, and it's less a goal with the expectation of betrayal but rather a part of his personality. martyn in both 3rd life and limited life is uncommitted to his alliances, but this has a satisfactory ending both times, where in 3rd life he eventually changes his mind to fight alongside ren, and in limited life where he snaps and kills his allies, eventually winning (which also ties into his longer-running lore with e&e quite well imo). impulse, on the other hand... does this okay in 3rd life, and his ending is actually very satisfying- struck down crying that bdubs was a traitor while being a traitor himself. the problem is that this continues on, even once he's moved past the idea of being a traitor, even after he commits to the southlands, into double life where he keeps. bringing it up. impulse's issue isn't that he's a bad guy, it's that he's just mildly annoying enough that it goes against the spirit of the game. in a game of people who own their villainy, not only does he not live up to being a villain, but he can't even own being a Slightly Awful guy, and that grates so much more.
ofc this creates an equally complex and interesting character to analyse but as the local bdubs enjoyer it just frustrated me to no end. a solid 70% of my issue with him probably rises instead from that, because while bdubs is also a pretty awful guy, the character at least seems to have a level of self awareness about it, knows what he wants and how to get it, and doesn't care if he has to tread on others or let himself be tread upon to get there. impulse just sort of... doesn't get that. he doesn't seem to actually act on anything, he just sort of... is. like how in double life he comments on bdubs' traitor behaviour but takes no steps to amend that or actually discuss it (likely because they're jokes from a cc perspective, but within universe, it takes a different meaning). i don't know. i really don't know man. how do i finish this post? i don't even know what the fuck i'm saying. did this make sense to anyone
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coyoxxtl · 3 days
so i think the thing about Haytham stans, among many anyway, that REALLY annoys me is how they go on and on about how he's SO MORALLY GRAY and he's so CHARMING and he's so much FUN and they wanted to play as him instead of Ratonhnhaketon who is BORING AND DEPRESSING OR DOESNT EMOTE AT ALL, but Haytham has always felt kind of generic to me; if he's charming, its in the same way of vague smart ass and sardonic character that's just common in the games to begin with. He just feels VERY samey and he doesn't really stick out at all. I'm reminded of the way some people seem to hate aspects of AVatar the Last Airbender because they're expecting certain character arcs to happen, because they're common in Western media, even though it doesnt fit the series and when it doesn't happen they act like they were cheated, and I think Haytham is another example of this; a lot of protagonists have similar attitudes, so people fixate on him for... some reason??? he's not even that interesting, he's just a mildly snide white guy who sometimes says something funny, he's like the most uncharitable parodies of the MCU given physical form
GOD this. like rewatching playthroughs reminded me how much of a slog his sequences are. like theyre Worse than i remembered , i cannot believe people wanted more of THAT.
and what’s the worst thing is that its not like they didn’t have the means to make haytham interesting, like legitimately interesting. I think there’s good narrative juice there, son of an assassin, indoctrinated by templars, who’s own son becomes an assassin and is after his ass. They could’ve done something cool with that instead of like, making some bullshit sympathy plot or whatever. I don’t want that. We could’ve had juicy tragic conflict instead of whatever we got. haytham plays his role as antagonist well enough, but now he just ruins everything he’s in imo.
yknow the that phrase thats like “is the outfit good or is the model just skinny?” we need a “is that character well written and interesting or are they white?”
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cephalotyrant · 4 months
Okay so... Jade and Azul swap bodies BUT Azul and Riddle are together
That goes so crazy imo
Like first of all the differences in their bodies... Azul has TWO SETS OF JAWS NOW??? and why are Jade's limbs moving on their own? This is insane!
"Azul," Jade said from this new yet all too familiar body of his, looking at his hands in incredulity. "Why exactly are my hands moving?"
His own eyes - so similar and yet so different - stared back at him.
"They have their own brains even on land," Azul said, face puckered up as he contorted his mouth awkwardly. "And you still have your pharyngeal jaw, it seems?"
This was going to be a pain, it seemed.
And then... The perception difference! Actually crazy for both of them.
"Oh, what're you gonna do after class, Azul?" A boy said. He was scared of Jade, if memory served right. Then he must've been scared of Azul as well.
Perhaps Jade would have some fun with him.
"Oh, I'd rather not say," he said. "It would certainly be... Disconcerting for you."
Perfectly frightening in its implication, and yet, the boy merely laughed.
"So you're embarrassed about it?" The boy said. "Man, I never thought you'd have a cute side like this."
Jade's eyes widened.
"You're stuttering, too?" The boy said like this was some overwhelm of cuteness. Jade couldn't help but be confused.
Was everything Azul did unexpectedly adorable to these people?
Meanwhile Azul in Jade's body breathes and people are like "AHHHH I'M TERRIFIED SATAN IS COMING FOR MEEEE"
Anyways on top of all this, there's Riddle and Jade isn't a boyfriend stealer so he doesn't kiss Riddle or let Riddle kiss him... Riddle is confused and mildly hurt and Jade just stares into his soul like "you shall understand in time" like some prophecy maker or smth
Anyways for the sake of the plot the curse that got cast on them implies that something bad happens if Azul or Jade tell anyone what happens
. Soooo Riddle is confused because anyone would be but then "Jade" aka Azul starts talking to him weird in class and he's like 'this is suspicious as fuck I'm going to investigate'
And then meanwhile jade is getting used to this and decides to have some fun at Azul's expense :)
"Oh, Riddle!" Azul said. "Have I ever told you of my love for karaage?"
Azul's favorite food was fried chicken? How peculiar.
"Is it, now? How unexpected," Riddle said. For some odd reason, Jade glowered at Azul.
"Pay no attention to those odd rambles," Jade said. Regardless, we really ought to-"
"You know, as a child, I used to hide in this little octopus pot! I still do now, on occasion."
Why was Azul telling him this? Was the mer not a rather secretive individual?
By now, Jade looked ready to combust. It was an odd expression.
Still, vulnerability was rare from Azul. Riddle would take advantage of it while it lasted.
"You did?" Riddle asked. "May I inquire as to why?"
"Oh, I was a rather shy child," Azul said. "Speaking of my childhood, perhaps I could show you a few photos-"
At that, Jade snapped.
"You will do no such thing!"
Anyways it's shortly after this interaction that Riddle puts two and two together and is like "yeah they swapped bodies Azul would never say that"
Time passes and they swap back... Sadly Riddle and Azul both get K.O.'d from embarrassment Azul at the shit Jade said in his body and Riddle at his own clinginess
Anyways final thing because I will never be able to resist bringing the ocs into this... Ramicruz bodyswap... How would that go :3
Don't forget that Azul has to get used to the fact that his (Jade’s) hands are totally stationary. I've already talked about him psyching himself out with the jaw but it's so funny that he feels SOMETHING foreign but it's not his silly smart tentacles, and he expects them to move and react with/alongside him only for them to stay stationary what's wrong?? then he accidentally finds the way to use the extra jaw and he does not like it... it's like manually breathing he's ALWAYS aware of it.
As for Jade...
He was aware Azul’s limbs had personal autonomy, so to speak– they would write on their own, fetched food when it was nearby and, on the rare occasion, hit things out of frustration, but this reaction wasn't any of the sort.
His hands... we're *spazzing out*– flexing so hard it hurt and jerking unnaturally– and while he was also aware that Azul's nervous system was a particularly sensitive one, he was not prepared for the immediate tears that sprung in the corner of his eyes when he failed to make them cease.
"Hm... Azul. Your hands are moving outside of my control."
However funny it was to hear Azul's voice wobble unsteadily like it just did, knowing it was himself... left things to be desired.
A different pair of hands grabs the ones he's holding out and gives them a tight *squeeze*, significantly lessening the severity of the outburst.
"You're panicking so *they're* panicking, you buffoon!"
Jade Leech had never sounded so infuriated.
"This is the first time I hear you talk about your limbs as if they were individuals."
Azul– wearing his face– turns a vicious shade of pink that does not look good on him. He attempts to push his glasses up his nose, only to nearly poke his eyes out, diverting them towards the floor. "I– I only talk to Mama and Grandmother about them, since they're– they're more experienced, all right? This is an occasion where speaking about them is essential, so I must beg you... do not bring this up at a later date. Ever."
Jade places a hand over his heart, only to immediately correct the angle, realizing it was not 'Azul' like enough. That, and the hand was still somewhat intent on disobeying.
something something the more people aware of the curse the slower it wears off there /j
any body Azul switches to is a MAJOR ass power trip bruh first Riddle now Jade. They're all terrified when he does something it's so good. he goes "Heh, heh, heh..." and the lounge all feel chills going down his spine SATAN LEECH. The only thing he dislikes is that he has to take a disgustingly *passive* approach to things. He's only now realized how often he gesticulates in conversation, posing as Jade.
For Jade, it's no big deal really. he's observed Azul and all his behaviors since middle school. acting out said behaviors should he nooo big deal... he has some bumps along the road, but thankfully, nothing that can't be excused. He is, after all, Azul Ashengrotto, and everyone knows they can get their lives ruined by Azul.
Their biggest shared hurdle being... Riddle. Azul is dating Riddle, so there's expected affection between the two of them, but Azul is in Jade's body, so he's learning WITH Riddle all day. They pick up where they left off in class and 'Jade' uses a formula that he hasn't been using up to now... when asked he's like "I observed Azul tutoring a couple of underclassmen... truly benevolent, isn't he?" Azul's ass has to fight the urge to yap all damn day he wants to talk to his boyfriend so bad to himself GODAMMIT.
ugh Riddle... Jade will totally sabotage Azul with information...
"Thank you for meeting me here."
Riddle crosses his arms, observing the mushroom patch that he was invited to this late at night. "It's no issue. It's not curfew, after all–"
Azul holds a small envelope in front of him, smile... odd. He can't seem to put his finger on it just yet, but he has no reason to suspect that whatever is being handed ot him is against the rules...
"I hope what you find in this envelope with encourage your heart to forgive me for your transgressions."
Gently, he takes it, already moving to break the seal.
"I'd advise you not open it until you make it to your dormitory. It's rather sensitive information, and I'm... embarrassed."
Riddle raises a brow. Azul does not look the least bit embarrassed, he looks *giddy*, in fact– but his curiosity only grows. He nods, and Azul moves slowly– another thing that's odd, usually, when he complied with a request of his, he'd smile, or clasp his hands together with a definitive *clap*, or–
He huffs. "Alright. Good night, Azul."
"Goodnight, Riddle."
With his back turned, he pouts. Not 'dearest'? Not any other nickname?
At his bedroom, he's nearly forgotten about the envelope. He's not even sure if he *wants* to open it, but ultimately, he decides to move his letter opener across the seal.
Multiple papers flutter out, and he gasps, crouching to pick them up at once. Turning the first one around, he finds himself unexpectedly face-to-face with... a picture. A boy with gray skin and wide, watery eyes, eyes so strikingly ice-blue and pale hair fixed the best it could on an environment where it floated– they were pictures of Azul as a boy. School photos, class photos, a candid where he peeked from a kitchen counter...
Riddle can't help it– it's cute! Perhaps he *could* forget about today's events...
Meanwhile, back at Octavinelle, 'Azul' smiles. It was a small price to pay, giving away some of his collection of scavenged childhood photos– but an ultimately worthwhile one.
Ramicruz body swap everything is way to sensitive for Cruz and suddenly he's very very eepy. His first course of action is to further care for Rami's skin and hair without him squirming. The feathers are alarming, and he didn't know he has THAT many... they're not just in his hair...
In Rami's case in Cruz's body... everything feels like it's been dulled. He doesn't see the big deal about the one curl in his face, though. He's totally human and weaker and it's crazy...
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directdogman · 3 years
This is probably gonna sound mega-stupid, and also long lmao, but I just finished the final route for Dialtown, and once again, I'm astonished by your work's ability to draw me in with funny, absurd characters and then also smack me in the face a little with emotions.
Also, Norm? Holy shit, I was not expecting to genuinely get attached to him, but man, he's there and involved throughout the entirety of chapter 3 and I still would've liked more time with him. Which is funny, because the moment I got a glimpse of him I was mildly-to-mediumly concerned. Internalized fear of people who willingly wear american flags, I guess- part of me was afraid his entire character would end up being someone with antiquated views who just... engaged in " 'murica " behaviour the entire time and made me want to hurl him into a pit. AAAnd instead he's absolutely my favourite now. Shoutout to him, he'd definitely respect my pronouns but would also probably simultaneously find me insane.
Not to mention, Karen my beloved <3 her route ended up likely being my second favourite overall, I absolutely adore her nonchalance in the face of things most people would find startlingly bizarre and her love for horses was incredibly endearing. I could go on about how I relate to her as well, but for simplicity's sake: thanks for the amazing autistic representation, and just a generally rad character.
For the sake of at least trying to be brief, I'll cap it there, but long story short: Thanks for an awesome game, and enough compelling characters and plot ideas to keep my literary-analysis loving ass things to pick apart for the foreseeable future. I'm going to draw the space cowboy now.
Internalized fear of people who willingly wear american flags, I guess- part of me was afraid his entire character would end up being someone with antiquated views who just... engaged in " 'murica " behaviour
Thanks! I did want him to spout economically conservative/somewhat libertarian views because I felt the juxtaposition of him against the generally 21st century modern soulless neo-liberal feel of DT's current environment would be pretty funny, a secondary unstated clash. BUT, I didn't want Norm's character to come down to "oh, nobody likes him because he has socially backwards views." (There's no nuance in that and it's not FUN.) So, Norm is open-minded enough in a 'you respect me and I''ll respect you' kinda way, he's just also... y'know, a literal cowboy, and operates via frontier rules in his head. So, I decided to make Norm more of a Barry Goldwater-esque Libertarian, someone who broke ties with his own party to defend gay soldiers + abortion. I actually made Norm come from Arizona as a reference to him. Both were also air-force. Oh, the dude also lost the presidential race in 1964 by a LANDSLIDE. Epic fail.
Basically, I wanted Norm to be someone who had integrity and offered a completely different (but not invalid/draconian) view to the kinda oligarchy that has Dialtown under its spell. I don't agree with Norm's economic views to be clear, and he's a lil more embarrassingly patriotic than I'd be, BUT: I'd trust him to act and vote with his conscience and I'd value him as a friend/neighbour. Plus, also, y'know, again: Open-minded with others. That's key.
I could go on about how I relate to her as well, but for simplicity's sake: thanks for the amazing autistic representation, and just a generally rad character.
Thanks! Karen was born partly out of my own dislike for really formulaic autism descriptions. I mean, unlike what most autism rep on TV'd have you believe, autistic folks are scientists, programmers or mathematicians only. I wanted to depict an autistic artist, because I know a lot of autistic artists. Also, her misophonia is depicted in a fairly realistic way imo. Also, the fact that despite Karen not getting 'new' idioms, she can use ones she's learned herself, while also being frustrated with them for being so initially confusing. Yeah, no, I'm just happy that I managed to depict something that people find realistic/validating :)
Thanks for an awesome game, and enough compelling characters and plot ideas to keep my literary-analysis loving ass things to pick apart for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for the lovely write-in! This type of feedback really does make game-dev worth it :>
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ocalaghan · 3 years
I juuuuust finished watching Shameless (US) which I started... less than 6 months ago, I think? And I just. Have so many thoughts.
That show was crazy. It's been on my list for years and I've seen various emosh clips of it on Tumblr from its very early days but I finally began watching it when I did because @agaytoremembr told me to and boy oh boy.
I started out really loving it but it gradually got worse (read as: the characters' stories were bullshit 80% of the time) and then Fiona left and it officially sucked. She really made the whole show and after she left, all of the Gallaghers somehow started to suck more so the last season in particular was a struggle (and I also watched Shameless: Hall Of Shame just because I hate myself apparently). The finale ended on such a garbage note. I realise it was meant to be a parallel to the opening scene of the pilot but it just... sucked. Sometimes parallels don't hit that emotional nail on the head and this was one of those times. I also really didn't need it to be a COVID season, we have enough of that in real life and none of them even donned their masks properly when they were meant to so what was the point of including them at all?
I was happy they mentioned Fiona in the finale but I feel like it wasn't enough. It was Frank that mentioned her and I think the siblings should have also talked about her, or mentioned calling her, or just something. Instead of, you know, seemingly forgetting she existed. She's their sister and they loved her so that was fucking annoying. But then again, we rarely saw good sibling interaction/intertwined plotlines towards the end between any of them. It was like they were all housemates that mildly tolerated one another. Which was... stupid? The whole point of the show is about that family banding together through thick and thin lmfao.
Overall I'm glad I watched it but very disappointed with how much the entire plot for nearly every character went in the toilet at the end. Character development? We don't know her.
Don't get me started on the plot-holes either, I don't have it in me. Their ages and birthdays almost sent me into an early fucking grave, never mind everything else.
Anyway there were so many characters over the course of the show sooooooo I have to word-vomit my feelings on all of them obviously. I'll start with the Gallagher family and then other characters.
Wild. Terrible selfish parents, obviously. Was kind of sad that Monica died, especially right beside Frank. She was a bad mother but I totally did not expect her to die. Frank, on the other hand, I was friggin' desperate for him to just bite the dust already by season three. PLEASE SIR. JUST DIE. FOR THE SAKE OF HUMANITY. I get that his antics were supposed to be funny and ridiculous but I hated watching the majority of his storylines - they were either stupid, annoying, disgusting, or just downright depressing. Truly an awful father, truly hated that many scenes of his seemed to try and evoke empathy for him from viewers. NO. NO THANK-YOU. I did feel sorry for him at the end though, it's a rough way to die. I felt like the way his story closed out was fitting but they could've made his demise over the final season so much more emotional (the way the kids found out about his alcoholic dementia, for example). We didn't even see them read his suicide note (which actually was also really shit and just insulting so maybe that's fine) or find out about his actual death which I think would've been important to show, considering they all joked about wanting him to be dead, so like... actually seeing those complicated emotions play out would've been a great closing chapter IMO.
Sammi was literally one of the most annoying female characters to ever stumble onto my television screen and I HATED her after a while. I wanted someone to fully beat her ass. I hate her more than I hate Rachel Berry from Glee and that's a lot. But it still bugged me when she faded into the background and stopped being mentioned. No idea how long her prison sentence was meant to be but I assume she eventually gets out and learns about Frank's death? Can't really see her having much contact with her half-siblings unless she comes out of prison with a major attitude adjustment. It's probably a good thing Chuckie was living with his grandmother. Queenie seemed ever so slightly less deranged. I did feel a bit sorry for Chuckie though, and maybe it'd be nice if he got to know the Gallagher side of his family some day? I feel like he and Carl could be good friends lmao.
Fiona Gallagher supremacy. I loved her from day one and it baffles me that there are watchers that hate her. HOW CAN U HATE HER. PROTECT HER. SHE DESERVES EVERYTHING GOOD. She was diverse and loveable and relatable and I felt closer to her when she got an abortion too because I don't see a lot of shows where it's an adult woman that chooses to do that (instead of a high schooler). I just loved her and her arc was so good. I wasn't even sad that she left because I wanted her to get out of Chicago and do something great with her life, but God did the show suffer when she went lol. The last couple of seasons would've been much better with her presence but at least with her not there, I can picture her living a great life in Florida, having a good job and a nice place, staying in touch with her siblings and Kev and V obviously... getting into a healthy relationship, finally? And I think this is probably an unpopular opinion but I was rooting for her and JimmySteve. I mean, he was a compulsive liar, but I was also rooting for him to stop doing that. So in my head they are endgame but in a healthy way lmao.
Side-note, Fiona's Hall Of Shame episode was craaaazy. I feel like she would never go on a reality dating show but all of the other episodes for this companion series were canon so that must be too. And I am pretending her new Florida pals were the ones that put her up to this. Because it does feel very un-Fiona, or at least the Southside Fiona that we knew.
I loveloveloved Lip at the start of the show and then the last few seasons, he just pissed me off most of the time. They did him so dirty. I like to think he makes something of himself but the fact everything was hung up on a question mark as to whether he would cope financially and job-wise, and whether he and Tami would keep their possible second baby was just so... ANNOYING. No answers, just straight-up ended the show on a weird cliffhanger for so many of the characters. I will say, I am delighted he did find a way to sell the house after all even if it was for less money, because then he can tell Debbie to suck it.
I thought I was going to like Ian a lot at the beginning but I never fully warmed up to him... partly because he was gonna be in the army or whatever it was. Some of his opinions and overall attitude just bothered me and I didn't like him a lot of the time, and he was a dick to Fiona CONSTANTLY over nothing, but I also wanted to see him do good things? It's a Complex Relationship(tm). Anyway, I hate that he and Mickey were endgame. I feel like the majority of the fandom loves them together? But I fucking hate it. They had passion but they were not healthy for one another. The implication is they remain happy on the West Side and end up adopting some stray infant or two eventually so I guess that works out but ugh. Also, a real swing and a miss that the show reveals Ian's biological father is actually one of Frank's brothers... and then that just never gets explored. Missed opportunity, IMO. I like to think maybe Ian decides to get to know Clayton after Frank's death and maybe even has a decent father/son relationship with someone for once.
Girl bye. I fucking hate this one almost as much as Sammi and Frank. Actually maybe more than Frank. Debbie had so much potential to be a fantastic, feminist, cool character and they just fucked her up so badly. What was with giving her a 20-year-old boyfriend when she was barely a teenager and then making her accidentally rape him? What a weird fucking plotline??? And then everything she did after that was just insane or fucking stupid. She's a terrible mother even though she thinks she's not and I feel bad for Franny. She's a terrible sister too, especially to Fiona. And randomly had her be extremely homophobic over her whole crisis about thinking she caught AIDS when she slept with a gay man which was the most bizarre addition to that plotline. They tried to appoint her as the head of the family and be Fiona 2.0 after Fiona left but she was always a bratty bitch so it didn't really work. I thought she and Sandy would be endgame (and that made me feel bad for Sandy because I actually liked her) and then at the last second they brought in a random ex-con that invites Debbie across the country to do some criminal shit and let her daughter tag along AND DEBBIE WAS CONSIDERING IT??? WHAT. W H A T. Awful mother, just Monica all over again except with excess mommy issues and less drugs. Her story ended so much worse than I could've imagined. I sincerely hope she does not stay together with Heidi and just... you know, has a total personality makeover and gets together with someone fucking normal that she isn't a dick to for a change. And if she's so desperate for Franny to have a big family, she can man-trap a few more random guys. audisghiijkof[dgj I just hate Debbie.
hate hate hate, double-hate, LOATHE ENTIRELY
I hated him at the start because he was a weird little bastard who also abused animals and it was just...? And then he got older and somehow did not turn into a serial killer and actually started being nice to animals (interesting turnaround that never got mentioned) but he also wanted to do army shit and I was just thinking great, another flag-shagger like his big bro. AND THEN HE WANTED TO JOIN THE POLICE. WHY. THIS CHILD SHOULD NOT HAVE A GUN. His story seemed to be going well in the final season where he was having this whole revelation that cops ain't shit and I thought he was gonna quit and make a big statement but then he just... didn't. AND THAT GIRL THAT RAPED HIM ACTUALLY DID GET PREGNANT WITH HIS KID? AND THE SHOW JUST GLOSSED OVER THAT? And apparently his future is for him to buy the Alibi with his co-worker and make it a cop bar? So garbage. I figure he's probably gonna get in touch with what's-her-face about their illegally conceived child but I don't have much other hopes for Carl. The writers did him mega dirty too. Not to mention, he already has two kids wandering around in the world from that time Frank literally stole his own son's sperm. HIS LIFE IS SO FUCKED UP.
Liam was one of the best Gallaghers for years because he was a baby and did not speak. And then he got old enough to have proper plots and the writers had him "struggling with his identity as a young Black man in a white family" but it really... came to nothing? It didn't feel like that plot achieved anything for him personally, they just sort of... fucked around with his character because it seemed like they did not know what to do with him re: his huge age gap from the other siblings. And also, that opens up a massive can of worms because Liam is meant to be Frank's biological son, meaning ALL of the Gallagher kids are canonically mixed race regardless. Which was... a choice from the writers' room, I gotta say. Not a good one. Not a good one. But whatever. Liam was meant to be under the care of Fiona until he turned 18 which was conveniently forgotten about when Fiona left and I honestly think they should have had Liam leave with her because that just... would've saved some really boring, stupid plotlines from almost ruining his character. But they didn't so... whatever. I do like that Liam is going to live with Lip, Tami, and Fred. And their potential second child. That's a cute, satisfactory ending for him, at least. I also liked that Frank's "Ghost of Gallagher Future" was Liam in his Hall of Shame episode because we got a little snippet of how Liam's life will turn out as an adult, and in his own words, he's doing well for himself, and so are the other siblings. So I liked that too, knowing there's a little look into their future and it's bright despite everything.
And now, other characters. Fuck, there were so many.
LOVE THEM. LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They kept the show bearable after Fiona left. I loved their ending. Was really happy that they were moving somewhere close to V's mom and her brother-nephew Dominic and her other family, and obviously other Black people that V could relate to. Happy lil life with their daughters. Obviously I like to think Fiona will always keep in touch with them. Their storyline as a couple was the only one I was super happy with at the end lmao. Though personally I would've liked to see more of Kev visiting Dominic or like... mentioning that he was visiting Dominic or showing him having days out with Amy and Gemma. Like, yeah, it might be a weird dynamic because Kevin is his dad-uncle and Amy and Gemma are both half-sisters and cousins to him but it's very on par with what Shameless is like and Kev isn't the type to just abandon his son. So I would've liked to see more of that, but I also imagine they all become closer as a family by living right next to each other in this new chapter of their lives anyway.
I liked Youens a lot! And I liked he and Lip's relationship. Probably the best father/son-type relationship Lip was ever going to get. I was genuinely gutted when Youens died, I wanted better for him and Lip needed him. Sad. But I loved that Lip named his son in honour of him.
As stated, I loved JimmySteve. Hope he's good and less of an asshole. I do think he's a good person at heart. JimmySteve stans, where u at?
Remember her? Wild. I never much liked her, and she was kind of a psychopath, but also hope she's fine and doing better than when we last saw her getting out of an abusive relationship.
Hated him to start with, then was kind of indifferent because he became the comedy relief of the show. He was funny and it was a nice change-up from all the drama; he does have some great one-liners that I genuinely laughed out loud at. But he was still dumb and racist and full of internalised homophobia by the time the finale came around and I feel like he and Ian are just not a good couple and the character development was just not there BUT WHATEVER. I feel like I may be burned at the Shameless stake for saying any of that because I cannot find anyone else on Tumblr that doesn't like him/doesn't ship him and Ian.
I loved Sandy and I'm glad she and Debbie broke up because Debbie is shit and Sandy deserves nice things. I hope one day she's maybe able to have a relationship with her son but overall I just liked her a lot and I think the writers did her dirty with having her just... break up with Debbie and leave. Like what was the point in her? She had potential. Her relationship with Debbie had potential, if Debbie didn't suck obviously.
I both liked and disliked Svetlana. She had some bad takes but overall I really enjoyed her character, and the wild polyamorous relationship that she, Kev, and V had for a while. I guess we never really know 100% that Yevgeny is Mickey's son and then he never gets mentioned again after Svetlana remarries so... that's kind of annoying. It was laughable in the finale listening to Ian tell Mickey he would be a good dad. DID YOU FORGET YOU ALREADY HAD A SON? WHERE IS HE? If we know anything about Svetlana, though, she's gonna hustle and provide for her kid lmao.
Sheila was the best. I kept hoping she would come back onto the show but it wasn't to be. I loved that she finally said fuck Frank and drove off in her big-ass RV to see the world like she wanted. I assume she ends up in Arizona so she can be close to Karen, Jody and Hymie (and I'm just gonna assume Karen and Jody got back together even though their relationship was really fucking weird from the get-go). I enjoyed the Jackson family's antics and I think Sheila was up there as a character I missed the most after she left. Second to darling Fiona obviously.
Is it not child abuse to name your daughter Tami if your last name is already Tamietti? Anyway, didn't like Tami to start with. She was another character that had a shitty attitude/bad takes that didn't seem to match the rest of her personality sometimes? But by the end of the show, she was probably one of the characters I liked the most. She had actual common sense and I wanted to bop Lip for her so many times. She was a good mom and I enjoyed her a lot and would still bop Lip for her no questions asked. Manz is dumb.
As above, Cami Tamietti? Wtf. Anyway, I liked Brad, I liked his friendship with Lip. Glad that he's happy with his little family with Cami, but they're nothing on the baes Kev and V obviously.
Ethel was a really interesting character and it always made me really sad she didn't get shown to get back in touch with Kevin and Veronica. So I like to think she and Malik are a happy little family with their kids and that she reaches out to Kev and V one day, 'cause I really think that would make Kevin in particular so happy to know how she and Jonah are doing, and to have a relationship with them all again.
Remember Tony? I almost didn't until I was looking at a list of Shameless characters. I was most amused to find he ended up being gay sooooo wherever he's at, I hope he's thriving since he obviously got over Fiona lmao. It would've been kinda cool if he popped back up when Carl was entering the police force?
Would die for Trevor. Hope he's happy as can be. Ian missed out by screwing him over and I'll die on that hill.
That's all the significant characters that I really gave a shit about that I can think of.
This has been plaguing my brain for the entire final two seasons so now I gotta write down how I think their storylines should have went throughout the show. I don't care enough about it to turn it into fic, I just want to get it out my head.
So, I present, the storylines that EYE think should have happened instead of the trash that actually did happen.
As much as I would've loved for him to die WAY SOONER, I guess the show and all their trauma and dramatic scenes wouldn't be as impactful without Frank there. Soooo his story can remain pretty much the same, have him die in the finale, but just... make the final season more painful! The way they all find out about his dementia, the way he dies! Make it hurt! He was the worst father but he was still their dad and they had some good times so it's gonna be a lot of mixed, painful emotions. SHOW THAT SHIT.
And also, don't make his actual cause of death be COVID. No COVID season!
I haven't thought it all through but just... a more harrowing storyline to play out for the family relating to Frank's ultimate demise.
I don't know that I would change much about Fiona's plot... maybe less focus on the men in her life because she was always jumping from one relationship to another that always ended in tears and it didn't seem to serve her progression in any way. And less of her siblings treating her like straight-up trash.
Like I said before, I would've loved to see her and JimmySteve work out but I don't know if I necessarily needed to see this on screen? I don't know.
Okay. So, he has an affair with his professor (honestly she was a freak ew), he gets kicked out, he becomes an alcoholic, Youens gets him into rehab, that can all remain canon. He gets into fixing bikes as a hobby, meets Brad, meets Tami (earlier in the storyline, and maybe a slightly nicer version because they really had her acting like a whole bitch at the start and not in a fun way). BUT Lip was not only smart, he actually liked learning and thriving academically. And that college admissions dude way back in s1 or whatever told him don't get some girl knocked up and blah blah... and the writers have exactly that scenario happen to him. It's bullshit.
So, in my eyes, his goal would be to ultimately get back into college. Not only for himself but maybe for Youens too because he looked up to him. He spends a year or two fixing up bikes, volunteering, trying to make himself look like a respectable member of the community (with difficulties for Good Television(tm) because it's the Southside and he's a Gallagher). And he shows his college that he's done the work and that he'd like another chance, he can manage his anger, etc. And voila, he goes to college, completes a business degree or something that would open a lot of doors for him.
And in his final season, he's graduated and been offered a prestigious internship a couple of states over. So he and Tami are preparing to move. It's bittersweet and he's back and forth about it because he doesn't want to leave his siblings. But, then he mentions that he had a phonecall with Fiona (because she deserved to be more involved in the finale, let's be real) and that's what ultimately helps him realise he would be dumb not to take the internship. Then maybe a little line between Lip and Tami about how maybe they'll get married in a few years and have kids after he makes "lots of money." And they laugh and Lip's like, "Yeah, I'll give being a dad a go, can't be any worse than Frank." And they mention that they like the name Freddie - just so he gets a little mention since he ain't gonna be born during the run of the show lmao.
Ta-da, Lip's story makes more sense now.
I feel like it would be fine for everything in his life to remain canon up until he goes to prison (maybe add in some more outrage over his adult boss fucking him as a teenager though cos that was heavy creepy and nobody seemed super fussed about it).
I honestly think Mickey going to Mexico or wherever he ran away to should've been his exit from the show. So, that happens, bye Mickey.
Ian does the whole Gay Jesus episode, sure, but ultimately doesn't go to jail because he was, I don't know, off his meds at the time and it was a mental breakdown and he had a decent lawyer to plead that case (funded by savings from Trevor, which makes Ian realise Trevor really cares about him, because it was a chunk of the money that Trevor had squirrelled away in case he wanted to get bottom surgery at some point).
So Ian spends some time in the psych ward, has some community service hours, gets back on his medication and he's dandy.
Maybe Trevor keeps his distance during all of this because it's a Lot but Ian realises he's in love with him and ultimately strives to get him back.
They get back together, Ian's a little lost for a while personally because there's still residual online fame (and hate) from Gay Jesus and he doesn't know what he wants to do. I think it would've been ideal for him to then try to get his paramedic job back, or something similar (working in a care home? idk) because he enjoyed helping people and he was good at it. So he does that, feels more satisfied career-wise.
Ian's final season could have revolved somewhat around him deciding to connect with his biological father, Clayton Gallagher. Maybe this causes some tension and hurt feelings among his siblings because he actually ends up getting along really well with Clayton and it's healthy and the others don't have that with Frank. It all ends up working out, maybe Clayton says he would like to make more effort with his nieces and nephews too, whatever. Maybe this has the potential for a painful scene with Frank because he comes over and Clayton is there and Frank is confused and thinks Clayton is their father, and there's yelling and it's sad.
Ian's finale could involve him and Trevor planning to move in together, and Ian proposes to him, yaaaay. Gotta get a proposal in there since there won't be a queer wedding.
Alright. Debbie's story, I would make completely different.
Starting with her not accidentally raping her adult boyfriend when she was a child and not man-trapping her age-appropriate boyfriend when she was also a child.
I'm gonna say she does get pregnant by accident while still at school and wants to keep it BUT. BUT. After her talks with Fiona and finding out Fiona is pregnant too, ultimately decides they should indeed get abortions together and it's nice and they bond. None of the bullshit pro-life idiot nonsense that actually happened.
So she graduates school with promising grades, and goes to her welding degree thingy (bring in plots about her feminism and fighting for equality in the workplace/class/overall desired profession). Starts having a sexuality crisis and thinks she might be a lesbian, and Ian is actually supportive towards her (unlike the canon (((((: but anyway) but he brings up that bisexuality is valid too.
So at age 19 or so, Debbie tries dating a man one more time to see how it goes. They have sex, it's fine, but she ultimately decides she doesn't really like it and decides she likes women only and that is that.
Now, side-note, Sandy coming in could create drama for Ian and Trevor because Ian asks if she knows how her cousin Mickey is doing and Trevor gets jealous/concerned about this, just as a sub-plot for an episode or two.
Anyway, Sandy and Debbie fall for each other really quickly, it's going great, Debbie's really happy despite being surprised she's fallen for a Milkovich. THEN, gasp, she realises she is pregnant from her date with that man and she considers aborting again but realises she can't go through with it a second time. Maybe the scene of her finding out ends with her calling Fiona and going, "Fiona, I'm pregnant again." And later mentioning to someone, "My sister really calmed me down and we talked about another abortion but I just can't do it again." Because, again, I want it shown that Fiona is still involved in their lives and loves them (and that they love and turn to her in times of need).
Anyway, it's a whole panic, she thinks Sandy will leave her (and in my timeline, Sandy isn't married with a kid of her own), and she doesn't know what might happen with welding school. But Sandy is actually really happy and says they will make it work. Debbie tells the father, maybe there's some drama there because he asks for a paternity test but ultimately ends up being supportive and says he will be involved.
In the canon timeline, Debbie seemed to name her daughter after Frank because he was the only one who was supportive of her pregnancy. This time around, so that Franny can keep her name, let's say it's because she goes into labour in the finale and gives birth shortly before Frank dies. So Debbie names her daughter Frances 'Franny' Fiona Gallagher.
Maybe she and Sandy already live together by this point because they wanted their own place before the baby came, and Debbie's worked it out with school somehow.
TA-DA. A much more likeable Debbie.
Carl... I don't know, man. I would probably change almost everything about Carl's personality because wtf but just so I'm not entirely redoing his character from day one, let's his say his life pans out pretty much the same (maybe minus the animal abuse bc I am a big baby, and minus Frank STEALING HIS SPERM AND MAKING ACTUAL BABIES WITH IT). Except, in his final season, he's on this journey of realising cops ain't shit (and let's also say, to get around a plot-hole, that he's on, like, a junior training course that allows young people the chance to potentially become officers when they're of age). And he realises he doesn't want to be a cop any more because it's kinda bullshit, but he wanted to do it for a long time so he's struggling with just walking away. AND THIS IS WHERE TONY COULD COME IN. Carl talks to Fiona on the phone about it and Fiona suggests he ask Tony why he became a cop because Tony was one of the few nice ones. So Carl tracks down Tony and it turns out Tony's not a cop any more either so that conversation plus seeing more racial injustice and a shitty attitude towards poor people from his co-workers has Carl feeling really down about his career choice. Maybe he sees one of his superiors cussing out a young Black boy on the Southside that reminds him of Liam and Carl steps in, enraged, and that solidifies his decision to quit. And his final episode is him like... getting involved in local community work and an organisation for minorities, and maybe he gets advice from Trevor and it links into what Trevor does, so they're gonna cross paths frequently in their jobs. And in the process of selling the Gallagher home, Carl's not sure where he's gonna live and Trevor and Ian invite him to live with them. Or Debbie and Sandy. One of them.
Liam should've went with Fiona when she moved away to Florida. She was still his legal guardian, it would've made sense, and it would've saved Liam from some really ridic plots in the final seasons. However... even if Fiona couldn't come back for the finale, maybe they could've had Liam back visiting and he gets into some funny antics. I don't know.
And then I haven't really thought through the final scene or where Frank's death would fit in or anything but I thought it would be entertaining and fitting if, right after they manage to sell the house, there's an accident and it goes up in flames. Still parallels the first episode but it's a climactic end, they all are devastated at first and then find it really funny. Maybe Frank's body is inside! Who knows! They FaceTime Fiona to show her and it's just a lot of yelling and laughing and there's no insulting Frank voiceover.
And just... obviously more sibling interaction and love throughout all of this. That's what I needed to see!!!
I'm done now.
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Why would be your opinion on tickle fights? I think they could be cute, so long as there's no risk of sensory overload
aaaaaah ok so i think it's super cute but also for like canon malec i dont think theyd do it? both because of sensory overload like you said but also because they are way too used to actual fights like
Alec was trained to be a soldier his whole life and tickle fights get messy and confusing and i think it could easily trigger an automatic more violent response and end up hurting magnus
Magnus has PTSD from like. all the murder attempts in his life, he's been literally hunted for sport, almost drowned, not to mention his issues with not feeling in control of his body/magic after the magic loss and the b*dyswap thing. so he could always get triggered easily or even like have his magic lash out automatically against Alec, which could cause some bad accidents imo jdndin and he'd feel super bad and guilty even if Alec didnt get seriously injured (tbh i think magnus' magic, like, instinctively knows not to hurt him) but you know
so yeah i think it could have very bad results for the both of them. but i really like the following alternatives:
butterfly kissing!! im a sucker for Alec just pouncing on Magnus and kissing his face everywhere until he's giggling and squirming, but he feels more in control because of all the love and like safety of Alec's body over his
raspberry blowing. you can't tell me Magnus doesn't jump on alec's stomach like a hunting cat whenever he's distracted to blow a raspberry. he's stupid like that, plus Alec's reaction is always funny
poking battles. our boys like to poke. we know this. Alec is always just poking Magnus' chest and Magnus poked everyone's faces at some point. Alec pokes Magnus' chest to emphasize a point, Magnus pokes his chest right back. Alec looks mildly shocked at this response and pokes him again. Magnus pokes him back. It's always on the same spot and they know what to expect so less triggering potential, plus they both have nice chests and can get kinda lost in the repetitive, predictable movements and sensations so they can be at it for like. an embarrassingly long time. like they both just hyperfixate on the Poke and suddenly its been 3 hours and theyre late for their meeting. neither of tem mention it but they both have stupid smiles all day
also i think twi malec totally likes tickle fights!!! less bloody backstory so less triggering potential, plus twi Magnus is def touch starved and twi Alec is a menace. so yeah i can definitely see them having tickle fights (even if sometimes Magnus gets a bit overwhelmed and ends up knocking out a lamp with his magic, oops)
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crimsonxblaze · 4 years
of pleasant distractions
description: momo had an assignment to complete, but shouto thought otherwise.
words: ~1.7k
author's note: hello there! this is my first dip into the todomomo fandom, and honestly i'm both nervous but super excited. i hope i did these two some justice! i've been reading so many fics from them lately, i just had to write something. and there's nothing better than some todomomo fluff imo. i hope you all enjoy! hopefully i can write something longer next time.
[ao3] [ff.net]
She bit her lower lip in concentration, gripping the pen tighter between her fingers. Glancing at the textbook to briefly skim through the text once more, her brows furrowed slightly, trying to find the best way to condense the dense slab of information. The words seamlessly weaved together in her mind and without hesitation, her eyes drift back to her neat of written notes. Ink pressed against paper quickly, characters neatly written one after the other without pause.
Just over one and a half hours ago, classes at the academy had wrapped up for the day. In typical Momo fashion, the girl had politely sent off her classmates before making a beeline straight to her room in the dormitory. She'd changed out of her school uniform in record speed before taking her seat at her desk, books dumped all over its surface and a pen brandished in hand. Momo had been far too excited to start and complete the assigned homework, finding that the topic greatly piqued her interest and she'd wanted to work on it as soon as possible.
Of course, that had meant she'd needed to forgo a cup of tea in the midst of all her excitement, but she found she didn't really mind. After all, a cup of tea would be the perfect reward for completing the homework in such a timely manner, and it served as a great little motivator.
She was all too focused on completing the set of notes in front of her that she failed to hear the light knock on her door, signaling the presence of another. It also escaped her notice that the door slowly opened after the lack of response, a figure stealthily slipping inside thanks to the possession of a spare key entrusted to him. The trespasser quietly snuck up behind her, a fond smile stretched across his face at the sight of her so focused.
The voice made her jump a little, almost dropping the pen in her hand. She whirled around, looking up to seek the source of her interruption. At the sight of it being in the form of her boyfriend, languidly leaning against one of her bedposts, arms crossed as he flashed her a small smile, she surprisingly did nothing but offer him a small smile in acknowledgment. As though she somehow failed to comprehend the full weight of his presence, her head tilted to the right a just little, almost undetectable.
Then turned her attention back to the task at hand.
Completely tuning out the entire world, she concentrated on her almost filled sheet of paper. She gripped her pen again, finding where she last left off, and began.
So immersed was she that she didn't notice the way the figure frowned a little at her strange indifference, staring at her almost piercingly, before decidedly making a move. He crept closer and closer to her, silently like a cat.
Cold air tickled the back of her neck, her hair standing on edge. She glanced upward quickly, her curious gaze meeting a mildly amused one.
A brow was quirked in question, her only answer being the slight upwards lift of his mouth into what appeared to be a small smirk. Her brows furrowed, shaking her head at the sight and she turned away, ready to get back to work.
That was, until she found herself falling victim to the accumulated boredom of her boyfriend, yet again. In an attempt to somewhat occupy himself, he reached over to the back of her head, trying to loosen the restraints that bound her hair into that signature, gravity-defying ponytail of hers. Well at least, he tried to loosen it without her noticing.
He didn't want to fully distract her, knowing very well how cranky her mood got when she was unable to complete her task in the desired time frame, specifically homework within two hours. But he still wanted to spend a little bit of time with her, even if that time was spent trying to untie her hair. He did always like seeing her hair down, so it was a win-win situation for him anyway.
A surefire way to complete the task would have been to simply cut the restraints. He wouldn't have to deal with trying to slide down the hair tie, nor would it cause too much of a distraction to the girl. However he didn't want to accidentally slice off a few her beautiful locks, and he didn't have any blade available near him. So cutting it was off the table, but that was alright.
The dual haired male decided to go with the more effective, yet tedious route: simply sneaky. He did thrive on a challenge after all, and this seemed like a great one. Of course, it wasn't sneaky enough. He was no ninja.
He ended up on the receiving end of an annoyed glare as soon as his fingertips brushed her locks, an obvious sign that her usual patience, of which she had an endless supply, was slowly dwindling. Yet instead of trying to ignore him and continue, she predicted that he wouldn't stop until she somewhat reprimanded him (she wasn't wrong there). Momo flashed him a stern scowl, communicating the message that she wasn't finding his antics the least bit funny.
His lip curled, almost into a smirk, indicating his clear disagreement. He reached out to brush his fingertips against her hair again, Momo huffing as she twitched away from him. She was forced to break her vow of silence when she noticed him try to reach for her again.
"Shouto," she half-reprimanded, half-whined, the male in question quirking a brow at her.
She crossed her arms. "I'm trying to study."
Shouto's eyes gleamed in amusement, tilting his head. "I can see that."
Her lips pursed, dismayed by his response. In fact, she swore he actually enjoyed this, whatever it was he was trying to pull.
"Then what are you doing?"
His lips curved upwards, not replying at first. Instead, Shouto took a step forward, leaning down to rest his chin on her shoulder as he gazed at her set of notes. As expected, her handwriting was incredibly neat, several words highlighted containing the most important points, and from what he could tell by a quick skim, she was working on recently assigned work.
Shouto's eyebrow quirked upward at this, not noticing the way the girl's cheeks flushed a bright pink at his show of affection. "This was just assigned an hour ago," he remarked, slightly amused but more so impressed at the girl's high work ethic. It was just like her to already be doing schoolwork after classes ended, unlike the rest of his classmates who took the time to lounge about or chat, opting to study much later.
Momo nodded, still not moving as he glanced at her side profile. Even if they'd been dating for a couple of months now, she still couldn't help but flush when the straightforward boy initiated a level of physical affection. Just the thought that he acted so tenderly only around her made her insides melt, as cheesy as it sounded. But this wasn't the time for melting, she was supposed to be reprimanding him.
"I wanted to start it as soon as possible. It was just so interesting to me, I couldn't help but want to conduct more research," she explained, her cheeks still tinged a little pink. Shouto couldn't help but smile at her explanation, already having expected it.
He hummed. "How much do you have left to go?"
She scanned her notes, "Not much. I just have one more section to summarize and then I'm done."
"Hmm," he began, looking at her notes thoughtfully. Momo quirked a brow, wondering what her boyfriend was thinking, before her onyx eyes were met with his heterochromatic ones.
"Are you going to relax after you're done?"
She slowly nodded, "I promised to treat myself with tea afterward. Why?"
He didn't reply immediately, stewing over her words for a moment. "Shouto?" She asked when he had yet to say a word. Momo watched as a small smile grew on his face, the girl suddenly confused.
"And me," he answered, only confusing her more.
"And you?"
Shouto nodded, softly pressing a chaste kiss against her temple before pulling away. She could only blink as he stood behind her, a hand slipped inside his pant pockets. "Tea and me, your rewards after you're done."
Momo blinked, taking a while to comprehend his words. A soft tinge of pink painted her cheeks at his proposition, biting her lip as she held back a smile. He really was the sweetest. It still amazed her to this day that the usually indifferent boy everyone knew he was, actually had quite a way with words. She couldn't begin to name a single day where he hadn't gone to make her blush because of something he'd said, Shouto's surprising yet very much welcomed smoothness, a little extra bonus.
"Alright," she met his soft smile with a determined grin of her own, her eyes alight with even more passion than in the beginning. "I'll finish quickly then," she promised, Shouto nodding.
"I know you will," he answered, moving to walk to her door. She raised a brow, about to question where he was going before he turned to face her.
"I'm going to go and make you some of that tea. Earl grey was it?"
She stared at him for a few moments, a little surprised but then again, this was Shouto she was talking about. He always did go out of his way just to care for her, and he was doing so much to her heart already. Momo's smile grew wider if that were even possible.
"Actually, I think I might have some green tea today."
Shouto quirked a brow, but his smile only stretched wider. He nodded in understanding, turning the knob of the door. "Green tea it is. I won't be long," he promised, stepping outside of her door and closing it carefully, so as not to make a loud ruckus.
Momo turned back to her notes, gripping her pen tighter in her hand. The smile never left her face as she began to write, eyes flicking back to the textbook passage again. She would finish this as soon as she could because not only did she make a promise she intended to keep, but there was a whole Todoroki Shouto brewing her tea. Her sweet, sweet, Shouto.
She definitely couldn't make him wait for too long.
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stan-and-the-newbie · 6 years
A kpop newbie’s reaction to BLACKPINK
Alexa: bold Alex: italic
today you are reacting to... BlackPink!
o damn, are you sure this band isn’t your favourite?
pFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFT-  ok, good one, anyway this is them :3
((she tried sending me a picture but it didn’t work))
awh come oN
~ technical difficulties, please stand by ~
dfgfd shhhHhhHhH i know wot im doin smdh. this is alreaDY GOING BADLY
...should i just google them?
its okay, i got it. this is them
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o damn. they're very pretty, but that was to be expected
yep.. so what concept do you think they have? lol as if it isnt obvious
idk man three of them are giving me death glares. uhh black? and pink?
tbh,,,,,they have the girl crush concept, like, theyre all badass and stuff
oh, well that’s..  interesting
i cant believe im letting you edit this post..  anyway, opinion on them? they dont look that similar, thank god
well the red-haired one i like the most so far since she doesn't look like she wants to choke me (and not in the kinky way)
fgjgfghj yes i see
the one wearing the 2b outfit is probably your goth waifu
and the pink(TM) one looks like she's the sugar mommy of the group
m o o d
i'm guessing she's the leader? it could just be the thanos throne
they dont really have a leader..  this is also them
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ah, lovely, a picture where they don't look like they want to murder me
yes, finally
a bunch of talented asian cuties, wot is new
to be honesT. i'll start with the first one from the second picture
her stage name is rose
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the first two from left to right are the prettiest imo
o rlly
i'm gonna get lynched alive for saying that, aren’t i
so, opinion?
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she's uhhh 23? and a singer, and she's the goofy one
well youre right about her being a singer..  shes 21, and yes, she is pretty goofy. she is fluent in english because she is australian
n i c e
this is her kickin everyone's ass 
((Then she showed me this video))
skinny legend
and they said infinity war was the most ambitious crossover... asian idols wearing brazilian carnival outfits as some dude sings that song from shrek 2? sign me tf up
LMAOO gee her voice still gives me chills rose step on me
alexa that's lewd, let us move on swiftly
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sorry i just like her shes also a good dancer
i'm guessing she's gonna be my favourite
english speaking idols get bonus points, and she seems to excel at everything else, so...
yes, she is amazing. oh, she also cried over her fish's death
;-; oof
:( bless her anyway, you have any questions?
nop, she's gucci, let us proceed
right, the next one is jisoo
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she's a qt ;; she looks like a dork i want to shake her hand and give her a hug
this is her smiling
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see thats the heart smile
is she the radiance? because my retinas are burned
literally no one is gonna get that joke
wat if they do?
then they are people of culture
uhh, she is the soft one, and.. she's short because why not, and she's 22 and she sings ;; 
o- i mean, she isnt really tall, but she isnt that short. yes, she is a singer, the oldest, 23 y/o and she is a goofball, a derp. very entertaining tbh
she looks adorable and has a cute name and is a goofy dork god bless
all of them are good at english but her. but she Tries- and is confused.  
o o f
tis a baby
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she deserves all the hugs
she isnt the best dancer, but shes a Great singer, and very stable on stage
their hair alexa their hair is so fucking aesthetic
i KnoW
i am in pain, pack your dictionary we're moving to korea
fuck yeaH the next one is lisa
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abs of JUSTICE
hot diggidy she's the sass queen, and she's uh..  23, and a rapper
oh, this is also her
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she is also 21, and yes, a rapper!! a very swaggy one
but shes a whole cutie, and the youngest
awh ;;
and she gets embarrassed easily
i see, so she's the tsundere of the group
she is from thailand, and i think shes fluent in four languages, including english
nice, man
she is also an Amazing dancer
n i c e ,  m a n
shes kinda my wife but theyre all my bias so i cannot decide it is Too Hard
i only have one bias  u-u
ofc u do
remember to only have one waifu alexa, too many waifu will ruin your laifu
a baby
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they’re all cuties this is fucking illegal
it  i s do you have any question about baby lalisa over there :(
so far this is a very solid kpop band
lots of english speakers, cute dorks and pure babies everywhere
;-; yes
it has my seal of approval
n i c e the last member is jennie
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o damn. jennie? j-just jennie?
just jennie. she doesn’t need anything else
is that an ACDC shirt
why do they all look so good and fashionable, and both glamorous and cute and pure at the same time, alexa the space-time continuum shouldn't allow this
pffft opinion?
hmm.. she's both a rapper and a singer, and uhh..  she's the second sassiest, but also a goof, and she's 23. I'LL STICK WITH MY 23 also damn nice thighs
she does have amazing thighs tbh.. WAIT HOW DO YOU KNOW SHES ALSO A RAPPER AND A SINGER
well usually in smaller kpop bands one of them does the support for both singing and rap..r-right?
,,,,,,,,,now that you say it
it finally happened folks, i taught alexa something about kpop
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THEY ARE, they have the badass girl crush concept, BUT THEYRE ALL FUCKIN CUTIES IRL also, take this
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my poor heart
jennie is so smol ;; jennie is the smolest
i'm sorry, i was distracted by the thicc
mood tbh she is also fluent in english lmao
y ES theyre all really cute and entertaining, they dont go over the top, but theyre still pretty funny - as funny as a girl group can be anyway
pfft i find all of them entertaining tbh. show me some songs fam 
o, alrighty. this is a dance practice, it was the first thing that was released and everyone went nuts
((Then she showed me the dance practice video))
lisa is the one with shorts, jennie has the cap, rose is the one with braids and the last one is jenniejisoo
oof, a bit too edgy for my taste, sorry. but the routine is great!
well, they were kinda made to be badass
yeah, i figured
also, a little side note
their company is one of the biggest companies out there, but theyre known for their shitty management, as in, they dont really give idols many comebacks or promotions, so they dont have many songs;; even tho they debuted two years ago
well, that kinda sucks
i imagine this business is pretty finicky behind the scenes. i guess it can’t be all sugar and glitter all the time
true..  anyway, this is is one of the two songs in their debut ep lol 
((Then she showed me “Whistle”))
also, may i add, their mvs are hella aesthetic
they seem to be..  not a fan of the super edgy american-ish songs though
yeh, their second ep was better. this is from the second ep
((Then she showed me “Playing With Fire”))
pyromaniac title, piano in the first second. this one's gon' be gud
yeah, this one was definitely better - well, not objectively, just imo 
yeah then theres this beautiful beautiful song 
((Then she showed me “Stay”))
that title gives me the hibby jibbies
y e p p
nvm i saw a mcdonalds in the background and now i'm chuckling
sdfdsdfg honestly the mv is So Pretty
shhh its a nice lil song just dont read the lyrics lmao
the chorus is so nice tho, with the claps
it is..  well, that was mildly depressing
at the end they hold hands and laugh and jump around in a circle in the mv and its just..  i rlly like the mv and the filter is very pretty
a e s t h e t i c
anyway, back to badass
((Then she showed me “Ddu-du Ddu-du”...?))
this is their most recent release, this time with a mini album
and i see thanos’s throne is back
y eS
these sets look expensive as fucc.. is that a fennec fox?
and the evil parrot from rio? what is this, a crossover episode?
first we had the shrek 2 song, now this they gon' hit me with dat turu turu du alexa halp meh  
i k r wat u gon do
is that.. a sparkly tank?
y ES jennie is an icon
i feel like i've ascended
tbh all these things were so unnecessary yet they did it anyway
well i certainly don’t regret it
that breakdown at the end is kinda cheap, but i think the diamond tank made up for it
sdfvbvGJHGthere are two mvs left
oh, just.. just two?
y es
i feel bad for them ;; did u say it's been two years
this is so r00d
yes, always feel bad for yg artists
what’s yg?
its a company - their company
ah, i see
their shitty company
here's their debut song (which i dont really like but Oh Well.)
((Then she showed me “Boombaya”..? who the hell comes up with these names?))
well, in all fairness if they're one of the biggest they probably have a lot of bands to manage
not really..  they had very successful bands though, so that kinda paved the way for the ones nowadays
"i'm so hot i need a fan i don't want a boy i need a man" BISH YOU'RE A 5 FOOT 20-SOMETHING ASIAN IDOL CHILL
hjkjhghj shhHHH
this is a whole drugtrip
it iS
are those..  black leather biker pants...  mixed with blue jeans? this is some next level shit alexa i can't handle this
y ES fashion icon
why do coke when you can watch this for free and legally?
ikr theres one last mv, and its better, trust me
theyre cute in this one
((Then she showed me “As If It’s Your Last”))
jisoo is the one with the heart magnet and i love her
awh ;; man these titles are edgier than 13 year old me
oh come on, its a love song
that dancing, it's s-so lewd  <-<;;
it iS oh, i forgot lisa's rap is in english
n o i c e i didn't know jennie had her own ice cream business
girl is going places okay but 1:36
what about it?
th-the cotton candy part
sorry i remember the first time and saw it and was like fukc thas cute
well, it was. it was pure ;;
alright, final thoughts?
well, they're a bunch of cute and talented dorks, but that ain't nothing new. either way, 10/10 for the lewd dancing and the fact that they speak english. give dem more comebacks, fam
they have lewder choreos, but thats for another day. justice4blackpinkcomeback edition
yeS, let’s make a petition
Heya peeps, it’s a boii mod Alex here. This was the first time I put together a Reaction Wednesday post, so uh.. yeah...  I think it turned out pretty good! But seriously, a lot of work goes into these, even though it may not seem like it. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! See you next week!
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Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
I’ve recently raved about Pitch (please go and watch btw, I NEED A SEASON 2!!), and now I’m going to rave about Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. I had watched the pilot when it first aired and while I had mildly enjoyed it, I wasn’t really hooked. Still, it was a show that I had on my back burner for when I had nothing else to watch. Well, that time finally came. I binge-watched the whole thing and I want to yell from the rooftops how amazing this show is! If you can get over the title, you’ll be rewarded. There’s so much that I love about CEG! The main character is deeply flawed and her whole arc is coming to terms with her flaws and overcoming them. She’s deceitful and misguided and self-centered and selfish, but she’s also a poor soul who is struggling with depression and mental illness and who strives to make herself happy. She has the most beautiful friendship with one of her work mates, which is almost like a love story? It’s so real because that’s how women experience friendship with each other. Fighting with your bestie is worse than a breakup, and this show nails that. There’s this cool dude who’s the boss and is super sweet and the best dad ever, and after divorcing his wife and meeting some new people thanks to Rebecca he realizes he’s bisexual? He actually SINGS about his bisexuality, and it’s the most beautiful song ever? Anyway, there’s so much to love about this show, but the thing I like the most is how real it is in a way that few shows are. What’s more, it’s real while being funny. It’s real about tough things - like self-loathing and depression - and it nails exactly how we feel when we are going through all of that stuff but it makes you laugh about it! Which is so precious! And yes, sometimes it’s just ridiculously funny. Anyway, to give you a taste of why I can’t get over how awesome this show is, I made a list of my favorite songs so far...
1. You Stupid Bitch – An ode to self-loathing and self-hatred
You ruined everything You stupid bitch You ruined everything You stupid, stupid bitch You're just a lying little bitch who ruins things And wants the world to burn Bitch You're a stupid bitch And lose some weight
2.  Oh My God I Think I Like You
My feelings get stronger every day
I'm like a little girl, not in a role-playing way
Are there condoms that can prevent these feelings?
Is there spermicidal lubricant that can kill
The fluttering in my heart?
Is there an IUD
That can stop the image of you and me
Getting married on a hillside, surrounded by ducks
And then we get into a rowboat?
3. I Could If I Wanted To - because it’s safer to half-ass everything than try...
Whoop-dee-frickin'-doo, a happy dad
With his big dad calves and his stupid baseball cap
And his T-ball shirt and dumbass son
Throwin' a ball, like it's so important to know how to throw a ball
Who cares about throwin' a ball or havin' a kid?
It'll get ya nowhere in life
Not like gettin' anywhere matters
Although I guess it does if you care
Which I don't!
But I could! But I don't!
But I could if I wanted to, yeah!
4. Sexy Getting Ready Song - WATCH THIS. There’s nothing sexy about getting ready for a gal!
God, what This is how you get ready? This is some This is horrifying, like a scary movie or something Like some nasty-ass patriarchal bullshit You know what? I got to go apologize to some bitches I'm forever changed after what I just seen
5. Face Your Fears - yeah, but just... maybe... don’t do what Paula is telling you to?
If you’re scared of bees (If you’re scared of bees)
Get stung! (Don’t have an EpiPen ready)
Reach for the stars (Literally touch the stars)
Face your fears! (Stars aren’t that hot)
Face your fears (Face your fears)
Join the Marines (Join the Marines)
Swim right after eating (Don’t wait 30 minutes)
Cause you are amazing (So amazing)
Wipe back to front (Don't wipe front to back)
Drop out of school (School is stupid)
Now some may say “Oh, you’re just gay Why don’t you just go gay all the way?” But that’s not it ‘cause bi’s legit Whether you’re a he or a she We might be a perfect fit And one more thing I tell you what; Being bi does not imply that you’re a player or a slut Sure, I like sex But I’m no ho I take things slow Until I feel at ease
7. I’m A Good Person - when you want to believe you’re good but you’re kind of a douche?
I’m a good person all over the place I cum my good right into your face Everybody says I’m one good ass chick And if you don’t think so you can lick My balls. Which, again, are filled with good
I’m a good, such a good, real good person I’m a good person through and through I’m a good, such a good, real good person Lemme hear you say it too Say it. Say it! Or I’ll kill your husband I’ll do it! I’ll gut him like a fish You’re a good person Aw, thank you
8. I Gave You a UTI - Weird topic for one of the catchiest songs in the show, IMO
I'm so good at sex Your maidenship got wrecked! My penis is the reason you may die, die, die! I gave you a UTI!
9.  Settle for Me - because we’ve all almost begged someone to love us...
So won’t you settle for me Come on and settle for me Say yes or no before I choke on all this swallowed pride I have no problem being picked out from the bottom If he’s your broken condom, I’m Plan B! So lower those expectations and settle for me
10. You Go First - when we’re in a fight with our besties and we want to apologize... after they apologize first...
So... go ahead and say
you're kind of sorry!
'So I can say... Oh, no, no, no please!'
Just like I rehearsed!
If you open the door...
I'll apologize so much more!
Yes I will... But you go first!
11. We Tapped that Ass - best song about anal sex ever okay?
On the table you were willing and able!
On the ottoman you took a lot of man!
And in the safe in the closet I made a deposit!
I also tapped that Ass all over this house!
12. Who’s the New Guy? - the meta song about the show self-awareness regarding its characters and plots... 
Who's this new character? I mean, he's such a "character" Such a big persona that's not relatable at all.
Do we really need a new guy this far into the season? and by far into the season I mean it's almost Fall.
Is this some desperate move to try and help our ratings?
You mean our terrible ratings on Legal scores.com?
Will he be here forever?
Or just two or three episodes?
I mean, Karen's manic episodes.
anyway, it’s awesome, go watch it! it’s on Netflix!
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