megabuild · 4 months
etho x one of his 404 clones. thoughts?
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i drew this a while ago which i think was meant to be two clones making out with each other but yeah sure why not
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tubbytarchia · 7 months
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My friend convinced me of the potential of this very specific trio (especially in a roadtrip context) so I'm spreading the propaganda
Again, oddly specific trio but listen. Look at this graph @liauditore made. This is all you need to know (TLDR these guys make for fun duos between one another, but putting all three of them together would neutralize any cons that would arise otherwise)
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We call them sappies because idk it sounds cute and funny. Very vaguely based on the idea of tree sap (not just from how that can be related to "treebark" but also the idea of sap being a thing that helps a tree survive and making for good glue and medicine in some cases. Idk they're sappy. You get it)
The croc meme is based on this. I think Martyn would be too stupid to grasp the concept of gender so I replaced his speech bubble with watcher lore
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mcybree · 10 months
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@liauditore Liau I blame you for this my hand slipped and I lost consciousness and when I woke up I have these hamfisted words to bludgeon you with (ilu and your galaxyduo brain)
"Go on get you all out of here!" Pearl exclaimed, politely but insistently shoving people towards the exit. With a lot of mumbling and bumbling, and plenty of stumbling, Mumbo, Bdubs and Pearl managed to usher out the entire mess of people who have gathered for a sleepover at Pearl's. There was to be no sleeping over, since the day had consumed all of them with the sillies and Pearl had a task to complete tomorrow. So much to unpack from the day's activities; she felt completely drained but her heart was full… of something.
The distant slam of Bdubs' awkward trapdoors seemed to provoke a soft bork from Mailbox, interrupting Pearl's relaxing chore of tidying up after the visitors. She had to give him his nightly cuddles, stuffing him full of nonsensical coos and affection to last the lonely night on watch outside.
But it seems someone else was giving Mailbox a fair bit of attention already.
"Hi Scott, still here?"
Scott did not look up from his giving of scritches to Mailbox, who was quite content to sit at attention, looking curiously at this last overstaying visitor.
“I like your new home” he said at last.
Pearl turned around, taking in her measly mound. It was a very well shaped, perfectly-spherical-thank-you-very-much, mound of dirt. Half sunk into the ground with a cherry door. Mumbo seems really proud of her for it.
It wasn't much of a house at all really, by Pearl's critical builder eye. Not safe, whispered the ghost of a girl who built a tower in the sky.
And yet in this mound, in this home dug from the ground, Pearl's ears still rang with the echos of laughter, her eyes had run rivers of mirth, and her heart was full of something.
"It's al'right, I'm working on it" The lilt of her voice seemed to catch, in a throat once hoarse from unuse.
"Lookin' forward to what you'd build here Pearl, I'm sure it'll be something."
"Quite something indeed."
The silence seemed to stretch, like the gulf between the moon and stars, where the void sparkled with an infinite something.
And then, with a quirk of her lips and a tilt of her head, Pearl said "Go on home Scott its getting dark and late", indicating the silhoulette of the cherry canopy in the distance where Gem and the Scotts have made their base; the cherry wood staircases and the homey cottages drenched in the light of the moon's face.
Scott brightened as the tension snapped, straightened and with a laugh off he set,
"It’ll be alright, the moon is full tonight."
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btw dream girl evil is sooooo eughhh i wanna say pearl but honestly dream girl evil is probably just every girl in the series in some way. plus jimmy he's very polite.
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2leggedshark · 7 months
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liauditore · 2 months
LIAU WE’RE IN IT TO WIN IT Toxic galaxy duo will be scott’s crowning ship and I’ll never have it any other way
But I won’t ever say no to a doodle of them being… them. Preferably stabby
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end of evangelion double life
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smallidarityfan · 2 months
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humbling requesting gay panic joel propaganda long live smallidarity,, 💥💥💥💥
THANK YOU LIAU!!!!!! Waaayy overdue on this, unfortunately I'm still healing from art block 😭😭 ive been thinking about that prompt all this while tho...
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vvv extra doodles vvv
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puppyocto · 24 days
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My order from @tubbytarchia arrived I’m so excited it’s genuinely all so cute!! I also got the little Jimmy statue but I immediately put him away because I am deeply terrified of breaking him. Also the double sided Pearl from Liau is amazing I love her
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megabuild · 4 months
you know how a lot of people headcanon etho as immortal or a vampire or being there at the beginning of the mcyt universe essentially i can't stop thinking tonight about how since wels mentions "both world wars" in his docm diss track this means the world wars are canon to this universe in some way does that mean etho was there for the assassination of archduke franz ferdinand
you remember those old theory posts like what were the gems in steven universe doing during world war 2 why didn't they stop it? let's do that with etho
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tubbytarchia · 3 months
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Liau drew such an awesome salmon merPearl that I couldn't help but do the same because I can't stop thinking about her (also I turned it into Gempearl of course)
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mcybree · 10 months
traffic scott would despise playing uno. or any primarily luck based game really but he hates the idea of losing and looking like a fool so much that he’d refuse to play it and then backseat Jimmy the whole time
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istg one more beautiful piece of writing inspired by my self indulgent doodling and im gonna explode into one million pieces on fire <3
Round 3 fired and away! For your latest art, I'm sure we will have a perfectly normal conversation about this (and secret life tomorrow once I've watched it). Not sure if I need to put warnings on this, somewhat heavy on the selfwhump in the first bit
When Scarlet Pearl rose from the crater of Scott's sacrifice, she was untouched by the violence, as though the carnage of the previous day had not occured. Mindlessly she set about collecting the detrius of the casualties, a half-remembered habit of tidying up. A battered diamond chestplate, a bloody sword, a splintered bow. All with no body to bury. Nonetheless, she piled it into individual chests and heaped a mound of dirt over each. Sticking a sign over these graves, she left an epitaph for their ending.
"Scott, the star that went off with a bang"
"Martyn & Cleo, divided in life and death"
"Impulse & Bdubs, something wicked their way came"
"Etho & Joel, the boat burned, everything burned"
At last, with Jimmy and Tango's death already marked, she made her way back to her tower, a single leftover sign tucked away. One with her name on it. One last ending.
The lonely perches of her tower loomed out of her exhausted reach. It didn't seem worth the effort, to climb all the way up, to where pain had made its home in her heart. Scarlet Pearl wondered aloud, to no one but Tilly, if she should just dig her own grave and wait for death to claim her.
A reply unexpected came from the rustling in the brush.
"Who's there?" Scarlet Pearl called out, gripping her axe, then thought better of it. She did after all, call for the end. And Tilly didn't seem to mind whoever was out there, tail wagging and head tilted in confusion. A state of mind shared by Scarlet Pearl, for she was sure of being alone. She was cursed to be; victory had ensured it. She fell to her knees, letting the happy, silly look on Tilly fill the imminent void.
"You", whispered a voice that was at once familiar and foreign to her ears.
"That's not an answer mate", her head turned to the source of the voice.
Stepping out was an impossible figure. A worn blue hoodie, flowing brown hair and piercing grey eyes. Scarlet Pearl had to look away, she could not meet her mirror's gaze. Was it one of pity? Was it contempt? She could barely guess from a glimpse; would Death be so cruel to use herself in its image?
The question of who was an instinctive one, but the thought made her shudder, jumbling her words "who- why are you here?"
"You. I'm here for you."
"Get away from me!"
Shaking her head reflexively in denial, Scarlet Pearl fumbled for a weapon, finding the sign with her name on it and raised it in one shaking hand. In the depths of despair, her instincts found she would not let Death take her without a fight yet. She was Scarlet Pearl, undefeated and unscarred, survivor of the death games-
The apparition, as she was fully revealed in the moonlight, was no perfect replica of her. Patched up scrapes, bandaged wounds littering her unarmored skin. They looked to be in a real rough state, Scarlet Pearl could easily take on this version of her. But there was something about how her mirror carried themself, the gentleness in their voice, that paralyzed Scarlet Pearl. Not from fear or resignation. But an ugly, painful envy of the affection in her mirror's eyes.
How could she love or be loved ever again?
This Pearl sank to her knees in front of Scarlet Pearl, interlocking one of their hands. Scarlet Pearl was torn, her touch starved self cried out for the first human contact in days? Weeks-, wait human? That hand fit in hers so smoothly, they were undeniably her own.
"You're not Death" Scarlet Pearl said, feeling exceptionally foolish for being unable to recognise herself. Tilly clearly did, nuzzling between the two happily.
"I am no more Death than you are," the other Pearl agreed, gently prising the sign from her other hand, leaning it against the base of the tower then capturing her limp fingers with their own warm ones.
"I'm just the you, who you'd let lead you home."
The last gasp of adrenaline faded; oh Void she was so tired, so bone-deep tired of being alone. All Scarlet Pearl could do is clutch those hands, as though they'd fade away if she didn't.
But they were already were, the Pearl-that-was-her slowly becoming less substantial as their warmth lingered and spread.
"Don't leave me! How will I get home? Where even is a home for me?" she cried plaintively, the numbness wearing off, the pain sweeping in.
"Hold me in your heart. Hold your hurts; and hold closer the hope of their healing."
She could already feel her grasp slipping, her mauled mending mirror of a self, fading, no, melding into her. Gashes opened where swords have left their mark, bruises bloomed with a fresh vengeance and her heart felt like it was torn from her chest anew.
"Home is where they are waiting for you."
The last wisps of their fingers parted and Pearl collapsed, falling forwards-
Pearlescentmoon fell out of this world Pearlescentmoon joined the game
Into loving arms.
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lovepost for liau liauditore! they have possibly the coolest style on this website. i love her stuff so, so much, and godd the stuff he posts sends me absolutely bonkers. so, so nice to interact with, too!! such a nice and amazing person <33
@liauditore !!!
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Pearlescentmoon/Scarlet Pearl ship bingo :3
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Honestly I’m STILL baffled that this ship somehow got into the bracket however it’s even more baffling that I actually knew of this ship due to Liau and their INCREDIBLE artworks of them
The thing is I do like the idea of Pearl interacting with Scarlet Pearl and comforting her as a way of symbolising her reconciliation of her past but I don’t really ship it in the sense of making it intimate in anyway or making it anything but symbolic
I get why it’s so appealing though, it’s just not my cup of tea
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hopepetal · 1 year
zera hopepetal may i request a simple hurt/comfort (either or neither or both) drabble of either scarlo pearlo or the ranchies 🙏
Hello liau absolutely. have a low effort ranchies
There was something to be said about the peaceful moments in a game of death. 
Never truly peaceful– it was the nature of these games to always have the players on their toes, after all– but far enough away from the constant violence and tensions of the server to at least give the illusion of peace. Tango found that he quite liked these illusions. They were precious, fleeting, and offered what little comfort they could give. It was easy to let himself drift, to let the feeling of peace wrap around him like a blanket.
Without those brief moments where the chaos ebbed and the violence ceased, it was more likely that they’d all die from stress before anything else.
Jimmy was less willing to let himself relax, Tango had noticed. His rancher walked as though he was on eggshells, his small wings quivering. He often spooked at the slightest thing– earlier today Tango had dropped something and scared Jimmy so badly that the avian hid for an hour. And man, was he good at hiding!
It was long after the sun set that Tango found Jimmy sitting outside, and sat down beside him, crossing his legs and flicking his tail into his lap. “Hey, rancher.” 
“...hey, rancher,” Jimmy mumbled despondently, not looking up from where he was picking at the grass. 
Tango frowned. “You good, dude? Something bugging you?” 
Jimmy shrugged. “‘M fine.”
“Mm… you don’t sound fine, bud.” The tip of Tango’s tail flicked back and forth in his lap. “You know you can tell me if something’s wrong? Like, I’m not gonna start judging you or anything. I get it.”
Jimmy let out a long sigh. “I just…” He sat up, finally looking over at Tango. “I’m worried, man. It’s so early into the game and already…” He tapped the yellow hearts that had been magically inked into his arm. “I know! I know it was an accident, I don’t– I’m not blaming you, but…” He gazed back down at the grass, wings drooping. “I’m already so bad at these games. I don’t want to fail again.” 
Tango let out a soft noise, leaning forward slightly. “I getcha, man. Every time we’ve played these death games, I’ve died to such stupid things! I don’t even know what I was thinking…” He shook his head. “I’m really sorry you got paired with me,” he said, at the exact same time Jimmy did.
Jimmy’s eyes widened. “Hey– wait, no! Tango, dude, you’re like– you’re one of the best teammates I’ve had!”
Tango laughed. “Seriously? Dude, what– I got us killed one day into the game! Not even! How am I…?”
The two laughed for a moment before going quiet, taking a moment to just think. The stars shone down on them, familiar constellations a comfort in this strange world. It was a warm night, with a cool breeze weaving its way through the trees. 
“I think we’ll do well,” Tango decided, “we’ve had a bit of a rough start, but I think we can make this work. Just you wait! We’ll turn it around on all of them and win this thing!”
Jimmy giggled, smiling at Tango. “You think so?”  Tango nodded enthusiastically. “You bet! Now c’mon, get inside and let’s get some rest. I’m tired.”
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