myjustice · 10 months
( neuvillette ) ❝ lady furina, am i .. a babygirl ? ❞
she was going to die & it was going to be all neuvillette's fault...unintentional no doubt, but his fault nonetheless. she tapped at her chest as firmly as she could. she found herself choking on the macaroni she had attempted to consume, the sudden question he presented catching her completely off guard & unprepared, rightfully so. ' n-neuvillette, ' she managed after a ridiculous amount of time wasted on coughing & her air pipes hers to manage again, ' i'm sorry i was just not expecting your question. ' she was not trying to be rude to him, she really was caught off guard by his question, a question he seemed to be oh so curious about for an answer almost.
' ahem ' she cleared her throat, the pink shade that added color to her face from all of that ridiculous coughing ' if i may be so bold as to inquire where, um, where you heard this...from? ' it was slang of sorts. now that she had integrated herself more within her people's society she has heard many a slang phrases, this was one of them. with that thought in mind she suddenly found herself excited & hopeful. did that mean he was lingering around outside with the people of fontaine more often then? however bold of anybody to call him a babygirl if that's the case! she could not help but to be curious of where he heard this from.
it would be rude of her to leave his question unanswered at this point, especially because she answered his question with a question of her own & that was beyond rude & unladylike. ' hmm ' she pondered upon this, leaned comfortably back against her chair & cupped her chin. she stared at him with a firm & pointedly focused vision. if he really was curious then she would honor his question with respectable sincerity. ' not...yet. ' she almost sounded unsure of herself, but that also sounded rather accurate when she spoke it out loud. in her opinion neuvillette was still a little rough around the edges, but the potential was far too glaring at this point with the progress he has made these last couple of centuries.
oh, how this has sparked her intrigue however. she rested her elbow on her table & propped her chin upon her gloved palm.
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' would you like to be? ' she inquired with a cheeky tone. she could easily make that happen if he kept his mind open. of course she was teasing him...mostly.
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calopsic · 10 months
while not typically inclined to venture far from the comforts of his home, the experience of travel had proven surprisingly enjoyable for ( @havfayth ) zhongli, especially when it meant reuniting with his beloved. their usual routine involved clandestine meetings behind closed doors, shielded from the prying eyes of the fontainians, or adopting the facade of long-time friends as they strolled through the streets of the hydro-elemental realm.
neuvillette had informed his staff that he would be abroad for some time, citing a visit to an 'old friend.' the passage of time had felt almost interminable for the hydro dragon, anticipating his lover's return. liyue's climate, though not as extreme as sumeru's desert or dragonspine's icy terrain, proved ideal for someone of neuvillette's preference.
as the sun cast its warm rays upon them, neuvillette sat up on the bed, tending to his disheveled hair. he turned to gaze at the still-sleeping former geo archon.
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the impulse to rouse zhongli tugged at neuvillette's thoughts, prompting him to lean over the slumbering figure. tender kisses graced zhongli's head and cheek as a playful query escaped neuvillette's lips, 'are you planning to stay in bed all day? '
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tragedicna · 1 year
@havfayth  /  sc.
            ❝  i did not think people would remember a fallen fleet  .  ❞  ———  tone reminscent and near quiet . . . it's been a LONG time since she's thought of her home and even LONGER since she's heard other speak of it  .  since it's fall after being overtaken by the denizens of abundance  ,  she's not heard a single utterance of the defeated xianzhou fleet  —  it felt as though people were ashamed at the thought of it  —  and so ruolan shoves her vanished home out of her mind  ,  after all . . . that place  ,  those ruins are no longer where she resides  .  ❝  surely . . . bringing the fleet up has a purpose  ,  does it not  ??  ❞  curious to the other's intention  ,  the stellaron hunter regards the other with steady eyes  .
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goldenpeng · 1 year
@havfayth (for Venti or any muse you prefer!)
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"I'm...trying," he admits. Still, a sigh remains stuck behind his teeth. "To be more open. It continues to be a difficult task for me."
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abysspetaled · 1 year
@havfayth liked for a starter! (for jing yuan c: )
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the merchant turns, emerald hues catching sight of a familiar, imposing figure standing not too far away. a small smile of recognition passes his features as he moves closer. "general," luocha greets, bowing his head slightly, "how unexpected to see you out and about at this time."
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reginrokkr · 1 year
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To be in someone else's home means to respect their rules. Dáinsleif is no stranger to this truth that seems to be universal since the moments it applies beyond his homeworld, nor he seeks to act otherwise. In bygone times, among his duties as Twilight Sword —captain of the royal guards— was to ensure that rules are respected and followed for pure-blooded and not, locals and travelers from afar, rich and poor all the same.
Indisputable respect is extended to the general now standing before him for ensuring the same, even when the other end of the tale affects him directly. Many centuries may pass but never once did he forget what it entails to act in favor of the citizens from the military nor failed to give credit where is due at the acknowledgement that the orders from up high are reasonable.
If by offering devotion to a path the general speaks of the pathstriders which apparently are recognizable, he's none indeed. Perhaps because it hasn't been a considerable amount of time yet for him to get used to the laws all worlds follow that Teyvat —by some isolation created by its gods— doesn't. Perhaps because he has entered in an era where he doesn't hold any allegiance for anyone that isn't himself. Too wary is this living soul after everything he has experienced in his quincentennial life to bother to care about others' business. Including this world's.
That is not something for him to know, of course. Unless there is something beyond his own control that will reveal it to him sooner or later.
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◜Your kindness is appreciated, General. But essentially ineffective to my freedom, as it seems.◞ Feigned or not, it doesn't truly matter nor he cares. ◜My years of service as a knight have long since ended. I do not intend to act as one again now to a world that hasn't my allegiance.◞ You whom know about the personal and emotional involvement it takes to serve should know it better than anyone.
Nevertheless. whether it was left purposefully hanging in the air or unknowingly entirely, there is an opening that can play in Dáinsleif's favor. ◜What favor may be that which you would benefit from this, I wager? For all I know, it is in your best interest to keep me under watch now that you have me in your crosshairs. Moreover, you must already know that I have no interest in acting against you or your people.◞ Neither seems to be the case that the General needs him strictly as a knight under his watch so long as he gets his approval and his deeds are perceived by the Sky-Faring Commission. He won't draw this card, however. Not yet.
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windspearing · 1 year
💗 ( from caelus ! )
「 Send in 💗 for me to use a love meter to check the compatibility of our muses. 
❝ ...you still have to clean your room. ❞ he replies. The faintest hint of red dusting his cheeks can be seen when he turns to look away from the trailblazer. the topic of intimacy, especially when left to numbers and percentages made him feel embarrassed especially since he was no real expert nor did he have experience with these things.
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myjustice · 8 months
@havfayth / furina sat across on the other side of neuvillette's desk. the silence between them hardly bothered her, it wasn't an uncomfortable one, it was one founded & stabilized in the comfort of their company. however, furina grew curious. he had been going through the same sets of papers these last couple of minutes.
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oh? curious. ' what has you so perplexed, my dear neuvillette? ' she nibbled at the fruit. what has gotten her dragon stumped so?
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losfayth · 1 year
( caelus to dan heng ) 👉 👌❓
"Wha-?" Dan Heng grumbles softly, a flush deepening on his face. Really, he should be used to his antics by now. Looking at the screen of his phone, he murmured to himself. "How can you send these things so easily?" Still, he replied to Caelus' text.
"My room. Don't be late."
Then, he added one more thing. "And don't let March follow you."
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forbelobog · 1 year
“  do  you  need  a  hand  ? ” ( dan heng )
protective sentence starters // selectively accepting
"no, no," comes reply, gepard taking a few moments to mentally assess himself in the bitter cold. the danger was quelled for now, he and his men having received a more favorable outcome against the creatures of the lingering fragmentum thanks to the help of the trailblazers, "all accounted for, i assure you."
and he'd be the type to tell you otherwise, truthfully. there was no place for pride on the battlefield - if he or his infanty needed more assistance, he knew better to ask for it. and dan heng and his company had done enough for belobog at this point, gepard trusts them like he would his own men. but as he glances about, himself and his company, he counts them all and notes their wellness.
"what we need is to get out of this weather, the wind is picking up and no doubt a storm is right behind it," he motions back toward the city perimeters, "you don't want to be caught out here when a snowstorm hits. lets get going. i'll thank you properly for your help with a warm meal."
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valiisthea · 1 year
Munday Survey !
Name/Alias: Jess! But I've taken an affinity to being called 'Diehards' (a play on my twitch username).
Age group: Erm...old lol. I'm 32.
Pronouns: She/her
Favorite color: green or blue, don't make me choose.
Favorite food: ugh, pasta. Particularly alfredo pasta. Im an alfred-hoe.
Tattoos/piercings?: Mhm, I have six tattoos (both shoulders, forearm, wrist, foot, chest/over my heart) and then 11 piercings (5 in right ear, 4 in left ear, septum, right nostril).
Current song stuck in your head?: Actually, none. BUT. Yesterday it was "all the things she said" by Tatu LOL.
Pets?: OH boyyyy. Five cats, 3 dogs, and a mouse. Yes a pet mouse, not a house mouse lmao.
Favorite book?: Sheesh, In The Heart of The Sea or The Martian.
Do you have a 'prized possession'?: yeaaah. My uncle passed away when I was 5, he gave me this silly little robot toy when I was maybe 2? It's in the barn right now, but I'll never get rid of it. My dad appreciates it too. That was his little brother and one of the only physical things we've got left of him.
Dream job: ok don't laugh at me, but I've wanted to be a paleontologist since I was 5 years old. I'm obsessed with dinosaurs, to the point where I've been caught physically crying looking at bone casts in museums before and taken online classes to learn more about em.
Tea or coffee?: both my friend. Both.
Hobbies: I stream on twitch!! That's really all I do aside from work and RP. Yall can come hang out with me and my twitchfam any time! www.twitch.tv/forthediehards
How long have you been role-playing?: Since I was 18, so 14 years?
Who is your most active muse: Mm, any of the FFXVI ones right now. Most specifically Dion. I've also got a lot of muse for Roche from 7 remake.
Significance behind your url?: hm, well, it just means there's a surplus of hearts. Because I have an assload of muses, and they've all got hearts. So many, many many hearts lol.
Tag some partners!: @lightxrampart @mediciina @pheoniks @sagefired @madrites @carrotsaversion @havfayth @aetherstorms @legendaryplayer @eifri @levinstrike @kihel-sorcas @oifrit @rosfieldj @lightwxrden @creatrix-mea @ofdiamonddust @ultimaleus @holyguardian @rosxrian @waloedrex @waloed-steed @stellarisen @poeticphoenix @spiras-summoner @txnichtgut @diions @ofdragonslight @firevow @wingedturmoil @tsckcyomi @knightxvowed @swerte @owyrmtail @gillionaires @of-mythos @wyvern-flames @oultima @floscaedis @rosfeild @eikonshiva @poppydedicant @yinjiyang @inproelia @ifritmade @lionheartedscout @equescaeli @adenial @phoenix-flamed @flamesofrebirths
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drachenblood · 1 year
icb ur finally into a dude without tits
@havfayth @astherea @ghostlyanon
i rest my case
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windspearing · 1 year
jing yuan just .. falls asleep with his head on dan heng's shoulder mm
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there's a lingering feeling of familiarity in this action. a warmth which his body so desperately craves yet had no recollection of. were these truly his feelings? perhaps ones long since forgotten when his rebirth too place, taking all of those precious yet heartrending memories along with them.
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❝ there must be better places for you to rest than my shoulder, general. ❞
he claims, yet makes no move to wake him nor shift him. dan heng just... remains there. maybe enjoying this moment of peace wouldn't be so bad.
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myjustice · 9 months
( neuvillette ) stares at her from his window after receiving news from the melusines about furina offering to give away her kisses the other day ???
she has gotten used to that gaze of his at this point. piercing in nature, threatening to expose her with his stare - it was a gaze that flared her nerves these last five hundred years if only out of the possibility of him successfully seeing through her. as beautiful as those draconian eyes of his were, different a gaze compared to any she had seen. it was, after all, a dragon's gaze, piercing & pointed in nature. & perhaps in a way he had succeeded, albeit his clumsiness with the human world ending up being her saving grace. it's an unmistakable sensation of familiarity that starts at her neck & rippled down her spine. neuvillette was looking at her ... somewhere.
knowing how busy he has been she can take an educated guess.
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furina looked up towards the palais curiously, wondering just what it might be that he wanted. had something happened? it was almost a month now since she had last seen him, a month since he had told her about his plans with their historians & the bet they wagered. they had promised they would make it more common to see each other. admittedly ... its been almost a month & none of them had tried to stay true to that promise, she frowned at that realization. she understood him, he was busy, she hardly faulted him, but she had all the time in the world & she knew all too well that she was still having a hard time closing that gap herself, of approaching him ... of telling herself it was okay to go see him. she sighed, honestly she was hopeless, but she really was worried about him. perhaps paying him a visit to see what he wanted wouldn't be a bad idea.
so, that was precisely what she does.
stepping into the palais anew brought forth many a things, but sedene's joy practically glowing at the sight of furina made furina herself not dwell too much on those heavy things. ' sedene! ' furina greeted her, lowering herself slightly to embrace the melusine who had approached her with the telling signs of desiring a hug. ' its been a while. ' furina laughed & patted her on her small back. ' i'm here to see neuvillette. ' furina was tempted by the stray thought of just asking sedene herself how neuvillette was doing & would just settle with being satisfied with what she was told but ... she wasn't going to lie, she does want to see him, deep down she knew that she did. ' he's not busy is he? ' she would assume not, if he had found a moment to check on her from here. sedene informed furina that he usually took this time for his break, which was good enough of an answer for her. ' i see, well i'm going to pay him a little surprise okay? ' she brought her gloved index finger towards her lips. ' don't tell him. ' however furina was sure he probably can sense her coming anyway.
furina bid sedene farewell as the melusine happily made her way back towards where she was usually stationed. furina made her way towards neuvillette's office & knocked at his door before slowly opening it enough to where that stray strand of risen hair & her crown poked inside enough before her face did. ' hello, monsieur. ' she greeted him with a smile & a bow of her head. ' y-you're not busy are you? ' & yet still she doubted. her voice, the damn traitor!
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losfayth · 1 year
Dan Heng was gone.
After all hell broke loose and they managed to get the situation under control, there was only confusion as the Stellaron Hunters were forced to retreat and the Xianzhou acted fast to restore order. He was left standing until he decided to start looking for a way to escape, to erase his tracks and find some other place to go to.
That is, until he heard people shouting at him. 'Dan Heng', they called. He didn't turn at first, and his pace quickened, trying to get away, until they caught up to him. A young woman and man who were out of breath stopped him as they began to question him, asking if he was okay, where he was going. He didn't know the answer to the latter. But he at least knew he was alive.
It was the unmistakable hurt in the young man's face that made him add a quiet 'thank you' after simply saying he was fine. They urged him to go back with them to the Express but he had no idea where that was. He figured he used to know them. That Dan Heng must have been close to them.
Would it be wrong if he went with them simply to have a more private place to explain it all? Only to shatter the hope in their eyes as soon as they learn what he knows...
He didn't linger on it too much, and ended up following them to a massive train waiting for them. He felt out of place as they sat him down on a plush sofa and a small creature dressed elegantly came up to them. It took some convincing to let them talk to him first before he had to answer to anyone else. But what was he supposed to say? He'd been hunted down and had managed to survive and save an old friend, but he couldn't put the burden of trying to protect him on Jing Yuan.
None of this was familiar. He could be on his way to another world, another life. But for now, he tried to breathe and focus on the present. The girl looked at him worriedly and the young man had a sad expression in his eyes. The golden color calmed him down a little.
"The truth is..." He bit his lip for a moment, unsure about what would happen next. "I am not the Dan Heng you know." He looked up at them only to find heartbreak in their eyes. He never wanted this to happen so why was he feeling so guilty?
A red haired woman and a man with glasses appeared and while he tensed up, they told him he could take his time and rest there, that it was safe. And for some reason, he trusted them enough to stay. Only that little critter, who might think he hadn't spotted it, and the young man remained.
In his confusion and unease, he hadn't been paying much attention, but there was this feeling about him... Another pang of guilt hit him. He really must have been close to Dan Heng. He turned his head to look at him and found those golden eyes looking intently into his own.
Not knowing what else to say, he recalled the girl calling his name softly, as if asking him to also come along and give him some time alone. But he had stayed. Soft, short gray hair, full eyebrows and a strong complexion for a slender, tall body. He was a very handsome man. What did Dan Heng think of him?
"Caelus, right?" He tried, unable to just ignore his persistent stare. The more he looked at him the more he seemed like a kicked puppy. What had he gotten himself into? After a pause, he forced himself to add a little more. "I'm sorry. This should not have happened." He should not have happened.
Starter for @havfayth♡
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draconiclotus · 1 year
@havfayth — Geppard
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It'd been some time since March, him and the Trailblazer had stepped foot on Jarilo-VI. So it came as a nice surprise to see Gappard Landau on board the Express and in the Express's kitchen.
❝ Geppard, my friend! You should have told us you were onboard the Express, we would have come and greeted you. ❞ he said, teasing the blond haired captain. ❝ It is a nice surprise to see you though. Tell me, did Pom-Pom try to persuade you out of the kitchen? ❞ Dan Heng asked, sounding amused at the supposedly antics of the Express's conductor.
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