#havik x you
tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hello! How you doing? I hope you're having a great day :D
I have a small request based on a funny picture I saw on twitter, where reader asks their crush/lover "Do you like sleeping?" and they're like "...yes?" then reader says "Wow, me too... We should try it together sometime"
I just can't choose which mk1 character, since I love all of them lmao. So I'll leave that up to you! Can be with anyone, sfw or not! your pick :p
Nap Time?
Yip notes: Hello! I’m doing alright, hope you are doing lovely (^∇^). This seems like such a fun idea. And you are letting me pick! Got me squealing.
Pairings: Tomas, Havik, Rain, Reiko x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️:NSFW, choking, biting, overstimulation (a bit), many positions
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Why would you ever trust Johnny to give you good advice? Trusting Johnny is a gamble, especially when you ask him for dating advice.
You were unsure of how to flirt with someone so you had to ask Johnny for help. And the help he gave you…was in the form of memes from Instagram and Twitter. He swore to you up and down that this would work on Tomas. You believed him, just like that?
So you tried it out. It might kill you to try to flirt but at least you made an effort to do so. You were a little nervous as you approached Tomas who was supervising the initiates. Immediately when he saw you he broke out into a smile. Your heart was going crazy from just looking at him. You didn’t realize the loving look in his eyes every time he stared at you. You two had a casual conversation for a bit, just the usual. You took a deep breath and tried remembering which pickup line you would use on Tomas. Something that will capture his attention but won’t be too forward.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked.
He looked at you, his eyebrow cocked up in confusion, “…yes?”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
That was too forward girl! I thought you would be better than me.
You put your head down in shame before quickly walking off. A walk of shame if you will. That meant however that you missed Tomas’ reaction to your flirting. It was super effective! He knew what you meant because Johnny told him before. Thanks, Johnny. He went from his usual pale self to a shade of pink that only a rose could replicate. You’re just gonna leave him like that? All flustered like you didn’t just ask him to sleep with you. He didn’t know you felt that way about him.
You left him in an uncomfortable position. He couldn’t go find you because he had to supervise the initiates. But he was also trying to keep his composure and not think too much about being in bed with you. He can’t think about how his hands would be all over you, feeling your soft skin as his body is pressed against yours. Ah, too late he’s hard just from that. Pathetic. Better hide that.
The moment the initiates were done training he went looking for you. You were in your room, groaning into your pillows from the embarrassment you still were feeling. You thought this memory would haunt you forever. Oh how wrong you were.
Tomas was knocking on your door, still trying his best to keep his composure. You got up and opened the door. Before you could try to apologize for what you said he asked you something.
“Were you being serious? Please tell me you were being serious.” He said in desperation.
You were shocked. The pickup line worked? And he wanted you to be serious? Alright, ain’t you a winner.
You nodded your head and that’s all Tomas needed. He pushed his way into your room and only then did you notice his boner. It’s really hard to hide it with the uniform he has on. Well, go on, fix it. You started the war you better finish it. Get in bed! Scratch that, he will carry you to bed.
Your groans of embarrassment soon became groans of pleasure. And pants. And moans. And whimpers. Everything actually.
The pickup line sure did work. It got Tomas into bed with you, naked and desperate to pleasure himself with your body. You heard him groan and whimper every time he thrusted into you. He had you on your side with his chest pressed against your back and his hand on your thigh. He held your right leg up to have easier access to your pussy. His other arm was wrapped around your neck. He wasn’t choking you but holding you in place. He could choke you if that’s what you want.
You had no idea how long you guys were at it. It was like one second he was carrying you to your bed, the next he was ripping your clothes off, and now he had his dick inside of you. The dick must be good considering you were drooling in seconds and could only focus on how much he was stretching you out.
Don’t count yourself short because Tomas is just as dazed as you. Your pussy was as warm and tight as he imagined. When he first slid his cock in he let out a satisfied sigh, like he was relieved to feel your pussy squeezing him. The passion he was putting into each thrust was phenomenal. It’s like he was trying to fuck his love into you. That love sure was hitting your g-spot and making your moans go up a pitch. Soon your leg was shaking and you were telling him not to stop. He wasn’t planning on it. Tomas was as close as you were.
That pleasure was becoming greater and you both couldn’t handle it. One more deep thrust into you and you both were finished. You heard Tomas let out whimpers and moans as he came inside you. He was still thrusting a little which pushed the cum further into you. You would have been moaning as well if it weren’t for the fact that Tomas started choking you with his arm. You were not complaining. The lack of oxygen with your orgasm was the best feeling you have ever had. You could have sworn that the heavens opened and you were looking at the angels who looked down at you and asked ‘Is he gonna put a ring on it?’ Tomas better put a ring on it because you don’t ever want him leaving your side. Neither does he.
Tomas finally let you breathe once he realized he was choking you which you thanked him for doing. Like the gentleman he is he checked and asked if he hurt you anywhere. You told him to not worry and that you were fine. Once that was over he pulled you close to him and gave you kisses all over your face. He could stay here for hours with you so he could cuddle and kiss you. That lovemaking session sure did a number on you guys. It tired you out that you were soon falling asleep in his arms.
Looks like you slept with Tomas in both ways.
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You’re trying to flirt with Havik? Right…how well do you think that will go for you?
Havik is not an idiot but some things go flying over his head. Using unfamiliar terms might not hit the mark. You have to be blunt essentially. But it’s hard to be blunt about wanting Havik to be your partner and asking to have sex with him. Whoever could do that is a maniac or just extremely bold. That’s not you. So the best you could do is flirt and hope it hits the mark.
You approached him as he was in the middle of looking at weapons. That mace is looking really nice to him. Whatever, you’re there now and you seem to be asking for his attention. Not literally, you were actually staring up at him until he noticed your presence.
“What?” He asked.
“I have a question for you.” You replied in a shy tone.
He fully turned his attention towards you, curious as to what you had to say considering you never got this shy before.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?”
“…yes, why do you ask?” Don’t fuck with him. Havik has no clue what you are getting at.
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
There was a silence that followed. A long, uncomfortable silence followed as he stared at you. His head tilted to the side a little to indicate his confusion. This might have been a failure on your part. What were you thinking? You turned around to walk away only to be grabbed by the back of your shirt by Havik. He pulled you back and held you up by your shirt. You can’t walk away after saying something so confusing to him.
“What does that even mean?” Havik interrogated you.
You didn’t want to answer him. This situation was already incredibly embarrassing for you and it doesn’t help that he wanted you to explain it to him. You begged him to forget what you said and put you down already. Havik was not gonna listen, even you knew that. He wouldn’t let you down until you told him what you meant. In a moment of chaos and stress you blurted out the truth.
“I want to have sex with you!”
I mean I would have lied but good on you for being truthful.
There was silence once more. You watched as Havik squinted his eyes. You were unsure of what he was doing until you heard him let out a dark chuckle. If his face weren’t mutilated you would be able to see that he was smiling. But since he has a permanent smile on his face it probably works out.
“Why didn’t you say so? We could do that right now.” He said with pure delight. Get to it!
You knew Havik was a freak but you didn’t expect him to be this freaky. Who would have thought that the first position he would pick to do you in was the mating press.
Eight inches slamming into you, damn! Of course, he was going rough. He pushed your legs back as far as they could go so he could go as deep as he could. You were already crying and panting in the first few minutes. He made sure you kept looking up at him. He wanted to see every expression you made and watch every tear slip down your face. Watching your eyes roll back every time he slammed into your g-spot made him want to devour you even more.
Havik was beyond reason. His mind was only on one thing and that was fucking your pussy. You had to stay exactly how he wanted to. Every time you tried to look away from him he grabbed your face and forced you to look at him again. He wouldn’t let go until he got a nice reaction out of you.
“Aww, what a pretty face. I wonder what face you will make when I do this?”
You felt his hand wrap around your throat. Your eyes widened as you stared up at him. The excitement in his eyes was apparent. He squeezed tighter and went rougher. With the position you were in combined with everything else he was doing; it was no shock that you ended up cumming. Strained moans left your mouth as your eyes rolled back. Drool and tears were slipping down your face. Your hands could not take Havik’s hand away from your throat. You were forced to cum on his cock as he choked the life out of you. Sounds started to grow duller but the orgasm you felt was heightened. Every stroke was felt, his dick was hitting every spot down there. You could not ignore the painful pleasure you felt. And when it seemed like you were about to pass out, he let go.
You were trying to catch your breath but it was difficult since he was still fucking you. You were catching your breath in between moans and pants that were hoarse from being choked. Luckily for you, he was close. One, two, three more thrusts and he was golden. He slammed so hard and deep inside you that you could have sworn that he hit your cervix. Havik let out this loud groan that seemed to drag out. His tongue stuck out, causing some of his saliva to drip down onto you. Oh, he was satisfied alright.
Once his little moment of nature’s pleasure was over he pulled out and immediately collapsed onto you. He wrapped his arms around your waist. Tonight, you will be his pillow. You have no choice he is too big to move. Plus he wants to stay in this position with you. You are his girlfriend now. You both had sex that’s how it goes, at least in his head that’s how it works. You heard him lightly snore away. You were happy with the outcome of your pickup line. It worked incredibly well. You slowly started to fall asleep as you held Havik in your arms.
Be careful he drools in his sleep. Wait, never mind, he’s chewing on your titty in his sleep. That’s a bigger issue. At least he does it lightly.
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Ah, going after the high mage himself. It’s an interesting choice to pick a man who might have never felt the touch of a woman other than his mother.
If only you had his confidence you could be better when it comes to flirting with him. Hiding behind a pillar and watching him do magic does not count as flirting. You can talk to Rain but if you try to suggest something or flirt you freeze up. He’ll ask you if you’re alright, you’ll lie and say you’re fine before walking off, and the cycle repeats.
But maybe this time will be different. When the tournament was going on you heard in the background one of the Earthrealmers, probably Johnny, using a certain pickup line on Kitana. It seemed to work since it got a laugh out of her. So it has to work for you, right? You could only hope that this man will get it.
The next time you saw him you ran up to him with a smile on your face. Rain was delighted to see you again. You always manage to make him feel warm on the inside. You get him thinking about you instead of his studies or his duties. You’ll most likely do the same right now. The conversation is going well and you’ve made him smile. Go in for the kill!
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you asked awkwardly.
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, “…yes? I would imagine everyone does.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it together sometime.”
The silence was loud.
“You have your own bed, why would you need to sleep together?”
For a smartass he sure can be a dumbass.
You were beyond crushed. Just like usual you froze up. You didn’t give Rain a chance to ask if you were okay, you walked off quickly. You left him standing there, confused and unsure if he did anything wrong.
The rest of the day went on. You stayed hidden in your room after that embarrassing fail. Rain consulted with Mileena and Kitana about what just happened. He went on and on about how he didn’t understand what you meant. He was confused about why you wanted to sleep in his bed. When Kitana asked exactly what you said Rain relayed the pickup line. In a matter of seconds, Kitana and Mileena’s faces changed. They knew what you meant. Rain saw the look they were giving him and asked what was wrong now.
“Rain,” Kitana started, “She was flirting with you.”
“She was asking to sleep with you. You know…” Mileena made the gesture with her fingers that indicated what she meant.
Computing…computing…loading…load-SEX! YOU MEANT SEX!
“By Argus, why didn’t she just say that!?” Because that’s not casual, Rain.
Rain booked it out of there, almost forgetting his water staff in the process. He was at your door in minutes. He kept banging on it with little regard for his hand. You groaned as you picked your head up from your bed. You quickly opened the door thinking there was an emergency.
“Be more direct next time.” Rain said as he pushed his way into your bedroom.
Shall we begin the party?
He can be an idiot at times he will admit that. Let him make it up by taking care of you.
You were facing Rain as he had you on his lap. He thrusted into you mindlessly while his mouth was occupied with your nipple. Everything about you was soft to him. He couldn’t get enough of your skin. His hands wandered all over before wrapping his arms around your waist. Occasionally his hands would move down just to get a handful of your ass. It’s too tempting how could he not squeeze it.
Your breasts were doing wonders for this man. The moment he saw them he pulled you in so he could shove his face in between them. He looked so peaceful as he sucked on your nipple. Your breasts have become his new happy place. Your fingers ran through his hair which made this more pleasurable for him. He doesn’t want this to end.
You sure were enjoying yourself. With the position you were in you were sitting right on seven inches. Seven inches that was going in and out of you at a steady rhythm. Don’t forget the fact that your clit was being rubbed every time he thrusted into you. Hell even when he took a breather and you would start grinding, your clit was getting the attention it needed. You were in a drunken daze, whimpering and pants with each thrust. It felt like his cock was reaching into your stomach. Every time he hit your g-spot you would twitch and bring his face closer to your breasts. You’re suffocating the poor man but he loves it.
Why Rain is so good at this is a mystery. A mystery you don’t care to solve you are happy with living in this cock drunken state.
This party must come to an end. You both had your fun and you couldn’t hold back your orgasm. You felt Rain’s cock twitch inside you, letting you know he was close. You made him look up at you. You saw how his eyes twinkled when he stared up at you. That look encouraged you to start kissing him passionately as the orgasm hit you both. Hot strings of cum shot into you as your pussy clenched around his cock. Both your moans were being muffled by the kiss luckily.
He held you in his arms for a while as your both caught your breath. You got off his lap and immediately collapsed onto your bed. Rain quickly came to your side and brought you in close. He had your head resting on his chest, allowing you to listen to his heartbeat. His heart was beating for you.  
What a romantic evening.  
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Going after a man who only knows war? You’re just brave at this point.
This has to be easy, right? Not many ladies are brave enough to ask out any Outworld soldier, let alone the lieutenant himself. The girls who were brave enough to ask Reiko out were either turned down or he didn’t understand what they were doing. The fact is there are no other ladies trying to go after your man. They see it as a losing game while you see it as a challenge.
You spotted him out on the training grounds with other soldiers. You ran nearby and watching from a distance as he took down his fellow soldiers. Once Reiko noticed that you were there you waved him over. He told everyone to take a quick break as he walked over to you. Once he was right in front of you he questioned why you were around and why you seemed to be waiting for him. You told him you had a question for him.
“So…uh…do you like sleeping?” you said with some confidence.
“…yes? Sleep is important to a man like me.”
“Wow, me too…we should try it sometimes.” You finished with less confidence.
“You don’t want to sleep with me.”
“Oh…” You were quiet for a bit before deciding to walk off.
His skull is too thick I fear.
Reiko stared at you before turning around. His soldiers looked at him like he was crazy. He asked them what they were looking at. They started yelling at him that he fumbled so hard. They asked if he really didn’t want to have sex with a pretty lady like you. They said Reiko was so lucky to be flirted with by you.
“Sex? She didn’t ask to have sex with me. She asked to sleep with me.” He replied.
“It’s the same thing!” They yelled back in unison.
“That’s just stupid! If she just said sex I would have said yes!” Too late, idiot!
Reiko was upset by everyone and everything. He decided to visit you once he was done training with the other soldiers. He found your home and like the weird brute he is, he climbed up to your window. You heard tapping at your window as you were getting ready for bed. You were surprised to see Reiko at your windowsill. You opened the window immediately to let him in.
“Is it really that difficult to ask for sex?” For a man like him, probably not.
You don’t need to do much to get Reiko started, your nightgown was doing the work for you.
Oo look how strong Reiko is. Holding you up as he fucks you against the wall, show off.
He needed to show you how much of a man he was. He’s an idiot, not a heathen who doesn’t need sex. Everyone needs a little bit of fun.
His lips were attacking your lips in a rough kiss as his body pinned your body against your bedroom wall. He held onto your legs and kept them wide open as he thrusted into you. His thrusts were angled a little to allow him to rub against your clit. When it comes to sex, Reiko gives it his all. He never wants to lack. So he’s gonna make sure this will be a night you remember.
You sure will remember. Your pussy will definitely remember and crave his cock again. You will remember how its curved shape was a glorious feeling. Combined with his thick size you won’t be needing any other man. He stretched you out that the pain was pleasurable.
Reiko is a rough lover in general so his thrusts were just as rough. All you can hear is the sound of skin slapping, wet sounds, and heavy breathing. You felt his teeth lightly biting down on your lower lip. He didn’t want to ruin your perfect lip so he moved down to your neck. His teeth sank into your soft skin, littering it with marks. Bite marks were appearing all over your neck and shoulders. Each time he marked you his tongue would run over the mark he just made.
“You’re going to look so pretty when I’m done with you. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions when they see that you’re my lady now.” He is such a cocky bastard.
You were loopy but were on cloud nine. The pain and pleasure were a devious combination. It’s a high. A high you could only get from Reiko. He is your drug that leaves evidence of his effects on you.
Highs have to end eventually. You started panting fast as you got closer to cumming. Reiko watched your face as he went faster. Your head went back against the wall while your eyes began to shut tight. Your lovely moans came flowing out of your mouth and into Reiko’s ears. He thought the only noise he ever liked was the sound of his enemies dying. But it seems like you’ve proven him wrong.
Your body went somewhat limp but he still held you up. He’s not done yet. He was still pounding away, feeling how your pussy grew wetting to the point it was dripping. He made you stare up at him as he kept fucking you. He wanted to watch you lose yourself more from this. The sight of your eyes growing wet from being overstimulated was delicious to him. It was enough to send him over the edge. You saw the satisfied smile on his face as his cum filled up your pussy. He was trying to shove it as deep as he could like he was trying to mark you even more.
He held you in his arms as he pulled out. His cum was dripping out of you and onto the floor. Whatever, you guys can clean it up in the morning. You both need rest after that rough session. He placed you lightly on the bed before getting in himself. He laid on his back with one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around your body. Reiko was a satisfied man. What would make him even more satisfied was if you asked to be his girlfriend. You need to be blunt when you ask that one.
Give this man a cigarette he is giving off that energy.
Yap notes: WOO DOGGY THAT WAS A LOT. Had to put my mind into it. Thank you for letting me pick I’m glad to do more of my favorite/ underrated men! It was enjoyable to write. Now I need a nap. Adiós!
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Idk if you have watched the Hobbit, but if you do. Can you write a reader (gender neutral if not fem leaning) that is like a shapeshifter and can shapeshift into a dragon like Smaug ; cunning, capable of extreme violence, arrogant and just really clever due to their knowledge and how long they’ve lived and they like to play coy with anyone they meet. You can write it with anyone you have in mind but preferably Havik, Rain, Bi-Han
playing coy
a/n: i have been WAITING to write about havik
pairing: havik x afab!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), pussy eating, fingering, cowgirl
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Havik hikes up the last part of the mountain and finds the large entrance to the cave of where you live
he huffs in excitement and lets out a small laugh before entering the cave, sauntering through the piles of gold but taking none of it
he wasn’t looking for gold, it was worthless in a society of chaos, but the owner of this gold would prove to be useful
he travels through the winding piles of gold, searching for a semblance of something alive, and he hears your crooning voice echoing through the cave
he can’t pinpoint as to where you are, and he strains his ears to try and find you, but your voice echoes from all sides as you ask him why he’s here to find you
he calls out that he knows who you are, that you also crave power and chaos and violence, that you and he would benefit from your alliance
you let out an amused chuckles, and Havik watches as two glittering eyes appear in the corner and snake their way down the walls
you’re humongous, easily could crush him with one foot, and you circle around him with your long body, as if sizing him up
you ask what makes him think you’ll work with him, you’ve done terrible things that he couldn’t even fathom, and you pick him up with one arm, claws piercing through his skin
he laughs at the pain and tells you that you can bring down a whole kingdom and bring chaos to Outworld, and you hum, considering the offer
you drop him off into the pile of gold, not caring that the fall would kill a regular person, and Havik immediately heals himself, stretching out his limbs to make sure his body still functioned properly
you walk out in front of him, and he watches in fascination as the sound of cracking bones fills the air as you transform back into a human
it’s a gruesome sight to watch, how you shrink and morph and break, but there you stand in front of him as a human, completely naked and one hand on your chin as you watch Havik
he doesn’t do anything, just holds out a hand and asks if you will join him, that if you help him you will be able to take all of the gold in this world and the next and enjoy in the depraved violence that will come, he has already drowned Seido and you can help
you smile at him and let out a small laugh before falling back into your pile of gold and spreading your legs, telling him to prove it to you, give you a reason to join
Havik walks toward you before sinking down to his knees and gripping onto your thighs with his calloused hands, and he pants at the sight of your pussy
he nuzzles the inside of your thigh, looking up at you, and you smile back down on him, your hand coming down to rest in his hair and lightly tug at the strands
you tell him to go on, prove that he is worthy of your help, and Havik looks back down at your cunt, focusing on the task at hand
he uses his tongue to leave a long lick on your folds, pressing his tongue a bit harder into your clit, and you sigh in pleasure, nails massaging his scalp
he kneads at the plush of your thighs with his hands, tongue lapping at your folds and flicking at your clit as you coo at him and tell him that he’s doing so well
he moans at the praise and doubles down on his efforts, shifting his body to get more comfortable and bringing one of his hands down to slide them through your folds
Havik makes sure your wetness generously coats his fingers before sliding one slick finger into your drooling cunt, and you moan at the feeling, eyes fluttering closed as he pumps his finger in and out of you
you’re so soft around him, a contrast to how your pointed nails dig into his scalp and tug harshly at his hair, but he moans at the pain and slide in another finger to stretch you out
he continues to flick your clit with your tongue, and his other hand digs bruises into your thighs as his cock grinds into the gold underneath him
his dick strains against his pants as he continues to pump his fingers out of your dripping pussy, and he can feel the way you clench around him and hear how you sigh into the air
he can nearly taste your sweetness, and he curls his fingers to find your sweet spot
when you moan in the air and throw your head back, pulling at his hair, Havik massages his fingertips into the spot and continues to tease your clit
you’re so close, he’s so desperate to taste you on his tongue, but you grip onto his hair and pull him off your pussy and tell him to stop
Havik thinks about disobeying you, but smoke bellows from your nose and your eyes take on a golden sheen and so he stops his movements
you easily flip over Havik so that his back lands into the gold piles, and you rip off his clothes in one clean sweep of your claws
you hum at the sight of scars littering his body, how his thick cock slaps against his tenseed stomach, and you pump him lazily
your thumb presses into the slit, making Havik squirm and moan into the air, as you spread the pre-cum along the shaft and coo at him
you tell him he was doing such a good job pleasuring you, what a good boy he is for listening to you, and Havik’s hips buck up into the air
you coo at him and straddle his hips, lining yourself up and sinking onto his thick cock slowly
his hands fly down to grip at your hips tightly, but he doesn’t move you, letting you goat your own pace as you watch him throw his head back and moan desperately
you squeeze around him, listening to him groan, and you let out a small laugh at his neediness as his hips buck up to try and get you to go faster
you ride him slowly, reaching your hand down to rub at your puffy clit as Havik watches with wild eyes at how his cock slowly slides in and out of you
he lets out a breathy plea, for you to go faster, please, he’s so close, he needs you, and you smile at him and sigh
but you agree and tell him that he’s been good, and your hips start slamming ruthlessly into his as you set a brutal pace
your moans join Havik’s as he clutches tightly onto your hips and he plants his legs to fuck up into you
the angle change causes his cock to hit against your sweet spot, and you groan into the air and bite your lip at the feeling
you rub your clit in tight fast circles, and stars explode behind your eyes as you cum on his cock
Havik is quick to finish with you, moaning low as he spills his seed inside of you, but he keeps fucking up into you as you ride out your orgasm
the both of you are a panting mess as Havik watches his cum drip out of your pussy and onto his pelvis and onto the piles of gold
you grind your hips down on him, and he groans at the overstimulation, cock twitching inside of your needy cunt
he asks you if you have an alliance with him, and you smile and cock your head to the side before finally agreeing
Havik smiles at the agreement, his plan falling into place, and you get up onto your knees, his cock slipping out of you
he can see the way your cunt drips with his cum, and you smile up at him as you shuffle upwards until his head is right beneath your pussy
he drools at the sight of your puffy folds and your sensitive clit, and you ask him if he’ll be a good boy and clean you up
he nods and holds onto your thighs to drag you down to sit on your face
it truly was the start of a chaotic alliance
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mongrel-wombat · 9 months
🫧Bathtime with Havik Headcanons🫧
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Felt like writing something fluffy and relaxing about forcing this delinquent to take a nice bath with you :)) 2nd-person POV, g/n reader, sfw!
🫧Havik definitely isn't keen on the idea of just sitting in a tub with you for seemingly no reason. He doesn't see the appeal in luxuriating in warm water and fancy smells. It had been a busy week, and all you wanted was to enjoy a bit of downtime with him since you knew he would benefit from it too, whether he realized it or not.
🫧-"Join you? And do what, just sit there?" he'll scoff. His upbringing in Seido's lower caste has given him a particular view on self-care; even now, as he lives a free life on his own terms, Havik still sees bathing as a necessary chore that should be done as quickly as possible to get back to whatever he was doing (likely causing trouble, let's be honest). He'll spend a few minutes getting himself acceptably clean, if that, and nothing more.
🫧Whether it's by sheer insistence or with a clever ruse, you're able to convince him to join you. He'll take off his armor and the few clothes he wears beneath, and climb into the tub with you.
🫧Havik is a large man; his considerable height makes it a bit difficult for the both of you to get comfortable together even in a large bathtub, but you figure something out together. He'll sit upright in front of you, his back towards you, sulking forward a bit to make sure you know that this isn't what he wants to be doing. Muttering to himself how this is a waste of time.
🫧Your gentle touch will start to change his tune, though. You'll run your hands softly along his back, feeling the tension slowly dissolve from his muscles. Your fingers will glide over scars and poorly healed cuts, but Havik won't mind; your touch feels nice to him. He might not express it often, but he trusts you more than any other.
🫧The warmth of the water and sweet aroma of the candles will work their magic, and the Seidan will lean back into your arms, even closing his eyes, his head resting on your shoulder as you both recline together. Quiet moments like this are exceedingly rare with him, and should be treasured. You'll run your fingers through his hair; his long black locks are softer than they have the right to be, given that their owner hardly takes care of himself beyond the bare minimum. Should your fingertips brush up against the scarred surface of his cheeks, he might tense up a bit. He isn't quite used to being touched there, or at least not in a tender fashion... Not like you do.
🫧To your surprise, given that he was initially about as eager to bathe with you as your average house cat would be, you'll have an even harder time convincing him to get out of the bath! You'll have to shake him awake after he's fallen asleep in your arms for a few minutes. When you'll tell him that it's time to get out, that the water is getting too cold for your liking and there are other things you need to get to before the day is over, he'll groan in protest.
🫧-"Come on, just a few more minutes!"
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vampirzina · 8 months
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dialogue w. cottagecore!reader & havik
╰ ❝ clean yourself up. you're getting blood all over the place. ❜❜
tw: gender neutral, no y/n, sfw, mdni, friends to lovers, angst, blood, insecurities, oneshot
notes: idk what this is, n i know this dynamic is a big hit or miss but i just think it’d be kinda cute.., set when havik gets burnt.
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The rocking chair reclines; you toss the wool over your thick wooden needle.
The rocking chair keels over; you knit it into the rest of the pattern.
Occasionally Pinky, the cat, sniffles or stirs in the pool of the morning sun that frayed out through the sliver of glass in the front door, like a spotlight. She slowly blinks at nothing, groggy. You have to cut her some slack; keeping the freshly clean wooden floor company all morning is tiring for a lone cat.
It’s comfortable, here.
For a moment.
You hear two thumps and an audible sound of discomfort, before the rickety wooden door is burst open—Pinky, ears flattened to her head and tail puffed, bounds away and towards you. You abandon knitting entirely, but you don’t get up… Yet.
He slams the door so hard that it opens again, the walls shaking with the force of his fury. Havik holds his face in his hands and if it weren’t apparent by now, looks hurt. A splotch of red escapes his wound to hit the floor; you cast all of your knitting material to the side to get up and help.
You knew of his life outside of your quaint little world, but this is the first time he’s ever come to you like this. Any of his bruises or cuts are brushed off at his request, but should he try this time to keep you away, you won’t listen. Your hands dirty with his blood just trying to pry his hands away, and—
You gasp, hands flying to cup your mouth as you step back. You don’t know how long you stood there, but you have to yank yourself into reality to fix this, and swallow down the squeamishness from the spook at the back of your throat.
It was only a peek, but you saw it—Havik’s face was marred by something, something strong enough to skin away his mouth to his nose and leave nothing but burnt flesh and bone.
You haphazardly search the living space as it gets dirtier and dirtier, and Havik’s sounds of pain have died into a low hiss and growl every then and again, but he watches you through the gaps in his fingers. It must hurt to speak right now. You pick a cloth to sacrifice.
“Gods, um, um,” you don’t know how to give the dampened cloth to him if he’s holding his face, so you tuck it in between his bicep and arm. “Clean yourself up. You’re getting blood all over the place.”
You scoot out the nearest chair at the table for him to sit as you scurry to your bathroom. It’s not much, but there’s an aid kit in there; you’ll make do with what you have in there.
By time you come back, the rag in Havik’s hands is so heavy with blood, that simply moving it from the table he set it on to the sink left a mark. You hiss at the sheer spots left on your table, drawing a thumb over it to smudge it out. Ultimately making it worse makes you sigh.
Havik, however, is silent. Deathly silent.
He can’t look you in the eyes though.
“What happened?” you just wanted to know, but it’s obvious that you’ll go without, as you inspect his wound. “The gods must be tired of me calling their name in vain, but… Gods…”
You both stay in silence, staring, looking everywhere else but each other. It’s you who breaks it, realizing that the wound is not going to heal itself. “Can I?”
Dairou only grunts, his face scrunching—you would have backed off if he didn’t make a snide remark at you. “You’ve been staring all this time, I’m surprised you even ask.”
You mumble an apology, and get to work.
You do the best you can, at least to do away with most of the blood, but the redness won’t go away for a while. You’re surprised he’s even still alive, as you work on helping him. It’s unclear to Havik just how badly you’d be stricken with torment if he’d actually died.
Once you finish, you step back and admire your work with clasped hands. “So? …How do you feel?”
“Terrible,” Dairou responded in annoyance; but the restrained kind of it. He didn’t want to upset you further. Your bandages having been wrapped in a way that’d let him breathe and speak.
“Well,” you started, a bit forlorn at his seemingly indefatigable anguish. “Maybe a little less terrible?”
Dairou took a while to answer that one—he looked at you from the seat. And then, “Whatever.”
You look away when he looks at you, and if he could somehow, he’d frown. It’s unbeknownst to you that he’d been vying for your attention ever since he’d mashed your fresh strawberry garden into jam, something he’s come to both regret and love. But you look so… Unsure of him. Like you’re afraid.
“You…” he comes back to at the sound of your voice intruding his ears and shrouding his thoughts. “Should bathe, or something. There’s a change of clothes you left here. And ‘cause I think you don’t want to talk about it, you can just… I don’t know… Go or… Stay…”
“You’re bloody yourself,” Dairou pointed out, and he wasn’t really wrong—it was his blood, staining your cheek and fingers and turning the air from stale to coppery. It’s a new sight he found he liked, but needed to keep to himself. “And your home… Filthy.”
“From the blood, I know,” you peer down at your fingers, and shamefully you hide them. It looks like jam yet so far from the real thing as it turns a dark brown hue from oxidation. “Don’t worry about that. I’ll clean up.”
Dairou stood. You were right, sort of—he didn’t want to talk about it—not because it’s too soon. It was out of fear of what you’d might think of him now that he’s been scarred like this for the rest of his life. Would you still want to want him around? Do you find him hideous? Can you even look at him? These things don’t just go away with a shower.
But for a moment as he steps out from the spare room in your cottage and smells the sweet scent of warm food in the oven, it wanes. It reminds him of the very reason why he loves you in the first place.
Indiscriminate, is what he’d call you. Loving, even.
“Ah,” you perked from where you were mopping the floor, noticing him at the corner of your eye and watching as he moved to sit in the same place again. “Are you staying?”
“…Where else could I go?”
Oh. And ow.
That hurt. It wasn’t even really meant to be an insult, as the way he said it was in defeat, but it strung your heart strings the same way it would if he’d said something mean. You sigh, “Dairou…”
He loved it when you said his name, but not like this.
“You are the only person who can see me like this and care, not be afraid,” Dairou went on, his tone wrapping itself in grief and confusion. “How?”
“What do you mean, ‘how?’ You’re still my friend, and even if you weren’t, why leave you in pain if you thought to come to me to fix it?” you’d stop sweeping now, the inner corners of your brows curved upwards in offense. “You got hurt. Why do you expect me to abandon you?”
Because he felt like he was now undeserving to be in proximity to a beauteous person—and yet it doesn’t come out—you feel it. You were smarter than that and this conversation is taking a turn for the worse because of the tension bubbling up.
The wooden mop in your hand gets rested against the nearest wall with a hefty ‘thud’, and you come to stand before him, closer than the last time you assumed the position. To Dairou’s surprise, you scoot up a chair to sit adjacent to him.
You reach over to take his hand in yours for him to look at you, rubbing there. “Dairou, whatever happened, I’m sorry though it’s not my fault. But… That doesn’t mean I’m going to be afraid of you. It’ll take some time to get used to, but I’d never hate you. In fact, it’s always been the opposite.”
Dairou freezes. He stares.
Had you… Crossed a line now? It gets uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, very quickly. You begin to regret even saying anything like this, but it was out of paranoia of losing him to some silly argument that you said it. The corner of your lips downturn, and with a breathy apology and averted gaze you begin to pull away—but his grip on your hand keeps you.
“Maybe I read the room wrong, and–and maybe you don’t really feel like that back or this is a bad time to have said something like that–bemarriedtoyourworkforallIcarebut–that’s just what I feel, and even if you let me down now it won’t take that feeling away from me,” you ramble, still unable to look at Dairou as the rare look of adoration glazed over him. “…I think.”
You feel small.
His chest could burst, right about now. But he felt if it did literally, he’d truly succeed in spooking you for good this time. Dairou intertwines your fingers first, before lifting yours to his mouth. For a moment he forgets he can’t kiss without lips; so he settled for just having your skin against where they used to be. Dairou would find a way to kiss you even if he were headless. He inhales your scent and shuts his eyes.
This is the most tender you’d get from someone so tormented like Havik.
“If only you knew how bewitching you truly are,” he breathes against your skin, “Foolish thoughts of doubt trump something I thought so obvious.”
“And that’s?” your voice is hoarse and like sandpaper when you swallow.
“Want. My want for you,” Dairou’s moved your hands away from his mouth to caress his cheek. “It’s selfish, borderline primal, but I won’t hold it back. How could you be so stupid?”
What a backhanded confession—but it’s a semblance of reciprocity from Dairou nonetheless. You let out a sheepish laugh, your stick-straight posture slumping in relief, and he lets out a low rumble when you embrace the touch he coaxed with the back of your hand. It’s a savory moment, but it doesn’t last long when you realize where you were. Dairou’s face twists when you suddenly pull away.
“I made food, and,” you cast a glance over your shoulder. “Now that the air is clear between us, I have something to give you.”
He doesn’t get to ask what, you’ve already disappeared into the lounge room. Dairou doesn’t wait for long, though, and you come back with a sweater in your hand. Giddy, you narrate, “It’s for you.”
It’s the sweater you were knitting before he barged in here with his wounds. He’d seen you working on it a few times, but it was for him all this time?
The harbinger of chaos is like a serene sea in your hands.
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wonder-mei · 7 months
Together Forever (MK1 Havik)
PS; Not lore accurate to the Mortal Kombat universe, I write because they’re hot.
The foods she made already went cold as they’ve been sitting there for hours. The lady waits for the arrival of her lover,Havik who promised he will be back today in his letter but there is still not a sight of him until dawn. She still sits there since morning believing he will be at their doorstep any minute now, the expectation she’s been having since she awoke at dusk.
She re-reads his letter again ‘I will be back in 3 days, this is a promise. No less or more than those days. The battle is almost over and I can only write this letter for the last time before I go home back to you,my love. I am fine and not hurt at all, do not worry about me. See you in 3 days. I have missed you every second without you by my side. I love you always.
Today is the third day. She has been excited since yesterday. Cleaning their house,washing every clothes needed and cooking his favorite foods. But where is he? She started to get tired in the chair in the living room. Her eyes haven’t left the front door. Minutes later her eyes closed from exhaustion. 
The birds’ chirps awoke her. It’s morning. The 4th day, a day after he promised to be here back home. She walks outside thinking he’ll be in the farm doing the corps. No one is there. She walks to the bathroom. Just cold there. She looks at the foods she made, not a single bit of them were eaten. ‘Maybe the place he is at has heavy rain or even something bad making him no chance to stay there for awhile’ she thinks for her own emotion. 
She gave the food to their farm animals not wanting to waste them. Then something caught her eyes, there’s a letter in a basket beside the front door. Did she not see it before? The lady takes it and reads; ‘My love, you have taken well of our house and farm. I am very lucky to have you as my wife. Strong and independent woman. The new dress you are wearing fits you so well complimenting your beauty. I love you’
“Havik?!” she calls out his name looking around their house searching for his sight. He’s not to be seen “Come home,Havik!” 
No replies. Just the wind. With a heavy heart she storms back to the house laying down in the bed crying. “Why didn't he come home when he was right here? Did I do something?”,Negative thoughts swam in her mind, making her cry much more. In tears she went to sleep once again with sadness in her heart. 
She wakes up hours later feeling hungry. She looks around and no one is in the house beside herself. She went to eat alone and attend their farm. Until night comes, Havik is still not home. She sleeps in sorrow this time.
The next day, the house is still in the same atmosphere; cold and lonely. She walks out from the front door. There’s a letter again in the same basket. She opens it,reading; ‘My love, please don’t cry. It breaks my heart seeing you like this. I am sorry I haven't come home as I promised. I just don’t know how to face you…. I have changed. You won't love me after you see me. I am afraid of losing you. I love you’
What does he mean he changed? Did something go wrong in the mission? That can’t be, he is capable of taking care of himself and heal. So what is he so afraid about? 
“Havik,are you hurt?!” She shouts out loud eyes wandering every place around the house “Come home,Havik! I can help you with your wounds!”
Not a single reply.
With the same sorrowful heart, she storms back into the house and sleeps in tears. After she woke up, she didn’t go outside to tend the farm. She isolates herself in the room. She came out the next day, went straight to the front door. A letter again in the basket, ‘Love, I am sorry I hurt you. You didn’t feed the animals yesterday. You must be so hurt by this…. I am sorry. I will apologise to you a million times just for you to feel comfort. I still don’t have the courage for you to see me. I am sorry. I love you’
“Havik come home!” she cries out “Come back to me…” 
Again,just silence. 
Today, she isolates herself just like before. Eating little food and laying in the bed thinking about Havik wondering why he is still afraid to be seen by her. She’s his wife. Nothing can change her love towards him no matter what. By then, she has an idea. 
It was dusk, she lay there quiet under the covers pretending to sleep. The window by the bed creaks open a little. Someone is peeking inside the room and then closes it back. Heavy footsteps walk to the front door stopping there. She slowly walks to the front door and opens the door with a swift. And there he is. Her husband. His back facing her like he was about to leave. She saw him flinch hearing the door open after he laid the letter in the basket again “Havik!” she calls out his name. Tears starts to water down her eyes “Havik, don’t go” 
Her heart was heavy looking at his appearance. Havik is a little thinner than before he left for the war. His body becomes more tense as she walks towards him. Her soft hand touches his shoulder “Havik?”, he stand still not turning around “Havik, please i want to see you” she softly asks
Havik slowly turns around. His eyes avoid hers. He covered half of his face with a scarf “Are you hurt?” she reaches the scarf but he stops her “Let me see” her eyes begs him. Havik lets her to uncover his face
He finally looks at her to see her reaction. No sigh of disgust or fear, not the reaction he expected her seeing his new scarred face “Who did this to you?” 
“I wasn’t strong enough to avoid the accident”
“Are you in pain?”
She sighs in relief and hugs him tightly “That’s all matter,Havik. I don’t want you to be in pain”
Havik stood there still not knowing what to do. She loves him even though his face is half of his flesh? The thoughts of her leaving him and being scared of him because of new looks was not true. “Are you not scared?”
She looks into his eyes “Never will” 
Havik finally returns her embrace. Hugging her tightly, he slowly cries. All those fears of losing her will never happen. Their love for each other is forever even after one of them changed. But love will never change, not a single bit.
“Let’s go home” she holds his hand with the smile he adores so much
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edenianleena · 10 months
OMG, Bi-Han.👀❄️💙✨
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moronkombat · 1 year
Havik, Kenshi, Smoke and Johnny with reader intros? (they arent dating yet just crushing)
YESSS I shall try to deliver
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"You giving me the bird, Johnny?"
"What? Come on, babycakes, you know I'd give you something much better."
"I really wonder what that could be..."
"You here to learn moves from the best?"
"Maybe I can teach you a few things, Cage"
"Oho! Let's call it a date."
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"Where there is Smoke there is-"
"Fire, yes, I know"
"I was going to say you having a great time." he's shameless im sorry
"You know, Madame Bo makes great tea."
"Is that an invitation, Tomas?"
"Do you want it to be?"
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"You saw me coming, Kenshi?"
"You are not a sight I can ignore."
"If we weren't about to fight, I'd think you were coming onto me"
"Perhaps after this we can spend some time...discussing new techniques"
"Oh? Can't we show each other?"
"How about both?"
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"Just the person I've been looking for."
"You seeking out a fight, Havik?"
"No, something much better."
"You really want to do this, Havik?"
"To receive your blade would be a joy."
"I'll be sure to give you plenty then."
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These were super fun to do! Thankies!!!
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heartsforhavik · 10 months
mk1 men x reader hcs (fanfic tropes edition)
pairings: havik, johnny cage, kung lao, raiden, rain, syzoth, shang tsung, smoke x reader (all separate)
warnings: slight angst in havik’s bc his past is damn sad. slight gore in shang tsung’s. slight spoilers for mk1 story mode. reader is gender neutral in all.
summary: sfw headcanons of you and the mk1 men but with common fanfic tropes (only one bed, coffee shop, enemies to lovers, etc)
a/n: this. took. 6 hours. i was gonna put baraka, reiko, liu kang, and bi-han, but they didn’t make the cut lol. also if anyone wants, i can turn any of these into full fics. all u gotta do is request it!!
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havik: only one bed
- you and havik were very close. you knew each other pretty well, but that’s about it. you were never more than friends, even if you wish you were. even if your banter together suggests to be more than friends, you usually assume it’s just a joke.
- until you both had to take shelter in an abandoned house. you were on the run, trying to escape the soldiers in sun do chasing you both down.
- what you didn’t know was that there was only one bed inside.
- “you may rest on the bed. i can just rest on the floor or keep watch.” havik offered.
- “no, you deserve rest too. we’ve had a long day. you should sleep.” you told him.
- havik sighed. “there is no point in arguing. perhaps we can share?”
- the idea made you a bit flustered, but you were not against it one bit. you found havik attractive, and you respected him like he respected you. but the idea of sharing the same bed is so… intimate. it’s like he trusted you enough to be beside you while he slept. it was flattering.
- you agreed to his offer, and crawled to opposite sides of the bed. he had his back turned to you, and you could clearly see his back muscles and his biceps in the dim light crawling through the window. thank god the moon was bright, so you can clearly look at him.
- you were so close. it was almost embarrassing how you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him. you were basically ogling at him while he slept.
- but you snapped out of it and you slowly succumbed to sleep, not knowing havik was awake the whole time.
- havik tossed and turned, he couldn’t stop thinking about how you felt comfortable enough to be next to him while you slept. you’re so vulnerable. you looked so peaceful and delicate while you slept. usually he’d refuse to go to sleep since he doesn’t really need to, but he wanted to take the opportunity to be close to you.
- he’s a stubborn guy, always wanting revenge for his past in seido. he’s bitter. he’s angry. he wants freedom for other seidans like him. he craves liberation and to bless others lives with anarchy. but it’s in times like these when he can finally relax. when he can just sigh in contentment, and sit next to you as you slept.
- you looked so happy as his ally, having the freedom to do what you want. havik sees you as a symbol of what life can look like for others. surely if you’re happy and free, other people can be too?
- he also knew he had feelings for you. he tried to push them away and pretend you were just allies, because he wants to focus on his pursuit to liberation. but someday.. someday when he achieves said liberation… he’ll confess his feelings. someday, havik will finally feel safe enough to be vulnerable with someone for the first time after years of being a slave. and if he had to be vulnerable with anyone in all the realms, it’d be you. someday.
johnny cage: fake relationship
- you were a famous actor. you weren’t incredibly famous or anything, but you were definitely well-known.
- one day at another actor’s party, you happened to meet johnny cage.
- “did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” johnny flirted, giving you a wink.
- you both got along for a few hours, laughing and talking as if you were old friends. you even gave him your number with no hesitation.
- but what you didn’t know was that somebody took photos of you two and posted them online. and the internet started assuming you were a couple because of how happy you both looked.
- your names were trending on twitter and fans everywhere were hoping you were a real couple.
- then, johnny himself texted you, proposing that you both went along with it and pretended to be a couple. you agreed, of course.
- so for the next few weeks, you both went to visit each other frequently and got ‘caught’ by the paparazzi many times. pictures and videos of you two were everywhere. you and johnny had lots of fun together going through the edits and fan accounts that were already made.
- but, you were secretly really enjoying the ‘fake’ relationship you two had. you actually wanted him for real. you didn’t know that he was doing the same.
- you found out one day when you were at his mansion for the thousandth time. he took a quick bathroom break and you wanted to scare him when he came back, so you hid somewhere he couldn’t see you. but you happened to overhear a phone call between him and his friend.
- “i’m telling you kenshi, this one is special. i really like them. a lot. i don’t think i want our relationship to be fake anymore. they’re just so understanding, and fun, and hot! but i don’t know. i don’t know if they like me too.” johnny admitted over a call.
- you were shocked. he actually had feelings for you too. you immediately came out of your hiding spot and confronted him.
- “oh shit. you heard that?!” johnny cursed.
- but his panic died down as soon as you admitted your feelings too. neither of you admitted your relationship was fake at first, but neither of you cared about the media anymore. because your love is real and genuine now.
kung lao: coffee shop au
- there was a coffee shop you owned and worked at in your village.
- it was pretty successful, and you got quite a few customers every day. it wasn’t too exciting though. at least until kung lao walked in for the first time.
- he was immediately attracted to you at first sight.
- he and raiden had to find a different place to rest at after work that day, since madam bo’s was temporarily closed.
- kung lao walked inside, not expecting anything exciting. until he saw you behind the counter. your eyes sparkled and your smile grew when you greeted him and raiden, offering them a seat and asking them what they wanted to order. he couldn’t even think straight. he was so lost in your eyes.
- “what can i get you two?”
- “uh. um. uhhh… i’d like uh…. coffee?”
- “what kind?” you sweetly asked.
- “coffee.” he blurted.
- you didn’t know he liked you, you honestly thought he was just indecisive. you were very patient with him though, since you thought he was cute.
- raiden instantly saw how kung lao was speechless at the sight of you, and teased his friend about it.
- “you like them, huh?”
- “what? psh, no.. maybe… so?”
- raiden came up to you while you were making the coffee, and let you know about his friend’s interest.
- “i think kung lao has a bit of an interest in you… but you didn’t hear it from me!” raiden whispered.
- the cute guy in your shop had an interest in you? yeah, sure. you didn’t really believe him. but a part of you hoped it was true.
- kung lao took his sweet time in the shop, and stayed for hours before it closed. even after raiden left, he still stayed just to talk to you. he kept ordering coffee over and over so he had an excuse to stay.
- before it closed, you asked him how the coffee was. clearly he really liked it because of how much he ordered it, right?
- “actually… i’m not a fan of coffee. i just wanted to talk to you.” kung lao admitted.
- thankfully, his efforts did not go to waste. he left the shop with a big smile on his face and a napkin with your number on it. he was definitely going to visit the shop every day now.
- oh and also, he kept that napkin. even years into your relationship, he never threw it away.
raiden: childhood friends to lovers
- you and raiden were friends since you were children. you used to run around the fields of your village together and play games without a care in the world.
- you both remained friends all the way to adulthood, even though you didn’t get to talk often since you had moved away and you wrote letters to one another every now and then. but you decided to move back home one day.
- upon seeing how you look now, he was pleasantly surprised. you looked absolutely amazing.
- you decided to catch up with one another, still getting along and sharing stories and memories you had with each other. it’s almost as if you never left. you were even meeting up every day.
- “it’s almost as if you never left. you know, you look amazing.” raiden complimented.
- “thanks, raiden. you look great too! especially when you come back from a long day in the fields, i can clearly see some muscle there. you put in a lot of work, huh?” you teased, making him blush.
- “well, uh, i do my best. i know what i do makes the village thrive. but.. i didn’t know you noticed. and i didn’t know you were looking at my uh, muscles.” he replied, slightly exposing you.
- that pretty much continued for a few weeks, as you both were slightly flirting but neither of you actually made the first move. but one day, raiden finally gained the courage to confess to you.
- he woke up early that morning to freshen himself up and give himself a pep talk in front of his bathroom mirror.
- “okay, you can do this raiden. just tell them how you feel. can’t be that hard…” he told himself.
- he rushed to buy goods and some candy for you, preparing a basket full of it. he was ready to confess his feelings to you.
- he showed up at your doorstep, and raiden was thinking of everything that could possibly go wrong. maybe you were in a bad mood? maybe he bought too much candy? was he shaking? did his hair look nice?
- “raiden? what’s up?” you asked, answering the door.
- “listen, i uh.. i like you. a lot. i really enjoyed being your friend all these years, but i fell in love with you over these past few weeks. i couldn’t stop thinking of you pretty much every day, it was like i was put under a spell. but i suppose, in a way, i was. you have bewitched me body and soul. i haven’t felt this way for anyone before.” raiden admitted.
- he kind of rambled a bit, but you understood exactly what he meant. you felt the same way.
- raiden was extremely relieved that you reciprocated his feelings. you both went on to have a happy, safe relationship. you wouldn’t change it for the world.
rain: rivals to lovers
- rain was a mage. and so were you.
- however, he mastered the ways of water. you mastered fire. they don’t go together.
- “my water will put out your flames.” rain threatened.
- “oh no, a splash of water, i’m so scared.” you replied sarcastically.
- you both tried to one-up the other every time you saw each other, refusing to show weakness. you couldn’t even be in a room together without staring each other down the whole time.
- the longer you were rivals, the more tension there was between you. other people even assumed you were dating already.
- you both wanted to be the most powerful mage in outworld. you just couldn’t agree on anything. he was so annoying, wasn’t he? and the way he would stare at you at every chance he got. the way he always had his full attention on you. even the way he was so dedicated to arguing with you for months.
- until you two finally sparred together.
- “i am tired of you. please shut up.” rain groaned.
- “make me.” you threatened.
- “oh, i will.”
- then, you both ended up fighting for hours. it was an even match. neither of you wished to give up, but you were tired of fighting.
- “listen, rain.. i think we should just admit it’s a tie…” you said, panting between words.
- “you think?” rain sighed, as you both finally stopped fighting.
- you both took a moment to sit down and regain your energy in silence. comfortable silence.
- something was probably in the air, because you were suddenly not fighting. neither verbally nor physically. just.. enjoying each other’s company for the first time in months.
- “you’re… very strong.” rain mumbled.
- “oh? what was that? can you repeat that for me? i don’t think i heard you very clearly…” you teased.
- he rolled his eyes. “you heard me loud and clear.”
- you laughed. “yeah, i did. thanks, zeffeero. you’re pretty strong too. to be honest, i was kind of nervous for this fight. i know we always argue, but i still admire your skills… i guess.” you admitted.
- his eyes widened in surprise. “oh… thank you. i always admired your skills as well. your pyromancy is extremely impressive. perhaps…” he put a finger to his chin. “we should train together instead of fighting.”
- you agreed to his offer and you started frequently sparring together in a friendly way. you even ended up confessing to one another after a few weeks of friendliness, and becoming a powerful couple. you’re both grateful for your rivalry in the beginning, because you have already seen the worst of each other. now, you can see only the good parts in one another.
syzoth: forbidden love
- you were royalty and you were ordered to marry other royalty or at least rich
- when you met syzoth, you immediately fell in love
- “are you sure you want *me,* your highness? i mean, i could never distract you from the throne..” syzoth asked, always feeling insecure.
- “nonsense, syzoth.” you comforted. “i truly love you. i don’t care if you aren’t royalty.”
- but the more you spent time with him, the more terrible you felt, knowing you couldn’t marry him
- but at the same time… it felt so fun. sneaking him inside the palace and trying not to get caught. cuddling in bed at night and talking quietly so you won’t be heard. syzoth turning invisible anytime you heard guards nearby. the thrill of it just made your romance more fun.
- until you *actually* got caught. that wasn’t fun.
- your name was dragged through dirt for being in love with a zaterran. you were shunned from your family. but that didn’t stop you from being with him.
- “your highness, please, don’t risk the throne for me. you shouldn’t be seen with me anymore. i do not wish to make you suffer.” syzoth begged. he didn’t want to leave you, but he didn’t want to see your life fall apart because of him.
- “i don’t care. you make me so happy, syzoth. you love me for who i am, and i do the same for you. i have no problems with giving up my status for you. besides, you aren’t ruining my life. you’re making it so much better.” you reassured.
- but it turns out, you got to keep your throne. you threatened to leave your palace and give up your royalty, but your family didn’t want that. so they reluctantly let you have syzoth as your consort, even though half of the kingdom wasn’t very pleased with that. you didn’t care. you were just glad you don’t have to keep your lover a secret anymore.
shang tsung: partners in crime (it’s not rlly a trope but who cares)
- shang tsung ? dedicated to someone and working alongside them ? what is this sorcery…
- it’s self explanatory. you and him are just a power couple. you fight alongside one another and you help him come up with plans.
- anytime one of you gets in trouble, the other helps. you’re just two troublemaking lovers bent on destroying the people around you. it’s a surprisingly healthy relationship considering the fact that you both ruin lives and kill people daily.
- shang tsung is devoted to you. he would kill for you without hesitation. and he expects the same from you. he sees you as his equal and he expects you to always be there for him and support his decisions, no matter how twisted they are. he does listen to your input and opinions, but that doesn’t mean he takes orders from you.
- oh remember how you both kill people together? he loves your strength. he loves how you look when you kill people. all his favorite memories with you are when you kiss while standing on the dead bodies of his enemies.
- “darling, you look absolutely ravishing. but must you be so messy?” shang tsung asks, pointing at your blood-stained clothes.
- “thank you, my love. i know i was a bit messy, but don’t you think it’s a representation of our hard work? our art?” you reason.
- shang tsung smiled at your explanation. “you have a point. you’ve always been so good at winning me over.”
- even when he was almost locked up outworld. if it wasn’t for you, he probably would’ve been executed.
- you noticed he never came home one day, and you knew something was up, you felt it in your gut.
- you went around outworld, specifically sun do. you wore a disguise and simply walked around, hoping someone would mention seeing him. considering the fact that you and him are both very recognizable faces in outworld, someone must’ve seen him.
- “did you hear shang tsung is finally lock up in sun do’s prisons?” you hear a merchant say.
- in prison? he got caught? whatever, you can lecture shang tsung later. you had to save him first.
- you broke into the prison at night, knocking out every umgadi soldier you saw. they definitely will try to find you when they wake up, but that didn’t matter to you. all that mattered to you at the moment was that you had to free your lover.
- “amazing work, darling.” shang tsung praised, as soon as he saw you in front of his cell.
- “praise me later, i’ll break you out now.” you whispered, hoping no other umgadi showed up.
- you both ran out the palace, not caring about whatever destruction you caused in the process of escaping.
- that whole scenario happens at least once every few months now. you always have to save his ass every time shang tsung gets put in a jail. in return, he grants you freedom and his love. he hopes someday he can rule the realms with you by his side as his consort.
- for now, he must be patient. his dream will come true someday, but for now, he is content with always being on the run with you. living a couple years of crime with his beloved doesn’t bother him one bit.
smoke: grumpy x sunshine
- smoke is not a completely soft, happy-go-lucky guy. he is a brave fighter that puts his strength and energy into the shirai ryu. however, he’s still extremely kind to his loved ones.
- when he met you, he was confused about your cold, almost angry exterior. it almost gave him flashbacks to the way bi-han treated him when he was a child.
- thankfully, you weren’t that bad. you weren’t mean, just distant and occasionally emotionless. smoke made it his personal mission to help you prove yourself non-intimidating now that you were a couple. especially because you were very soft in private.
- people were usually confused when they found out you two were together. how can someone as kind as tomas choose to be with you? you’re total opposites.
- he always defended you from your doubters. he gets annoyed when someone puts your name in their mouths. if only they understood you. if only they put in the effort to get to know you, they’d understand.
- but you reassured him that you can’t control what other people think. he knows you’re right, but he still can’t help but wish other people would stop judging you just because you ‘look’ mean.
- “i just wish they would see you for who you are. i know you aren’t rude. you’re just.. a bit distant.” smoke sighed.
- “don’t stress about it, tomas.” you reassured, running your fingers through his hair. “i appreciate that you defend me all the time, but it’s kind of my fault. you don’t need to apologize for how i act.”
- however, smoke now has scary dog privileges. (it’s you you’re the scary dog)
- anytime a random person comes up and flirts with him, they see your death stare behind him and immediately run away. even if you aren’t doing it on purpose.
- anytime someone tries to use him for his kindness, you shut them down and defend him. but it’s not that smoke *needs* defending. he’s strong enough, but you still like to step in and defend him just like he defends you.
- he appreciates that you look out for him just like he does for you. you both love each other very much, and he accepts you for who you are. he doesn’t judge you for struggling to express emotions, and he learned to read your emotions in smaller gestures like your body language and your eyes. you are his love, his treasure, his beloved. he just wants you to be happy and safe, no matter what other people say about your relationship.
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controld3vil · 10 months
black cat
pairing(s): kenshi, johnny, havik, kuai liang/scorpion x gn!reader (seperate) synopsis: you’re a thief — a riff raff amongst the scum of seido. yet somehow you’re on the wrong side of justice, serving outworld. notes: - out of my volition, this was inspired by batman and cat woman’s cute dynamic <3 - LIKE REMBER THAT SCENE… where selina touches bruce’s face ?!?! (from batman 2022!!)
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KENSHI TAKAHASHI -> There were many things Kenshi expected from his visit to the Outworld. Meeting you was not one of them. From your first encounter, you captured his attention — as subtle and graceful as a feline, he would say, your presence startled him and the rest of his friends. “General Shao, how unwise of you to berate our guests at first notice!” Your lively manner relieves the suspense between Outworld’s militaria and Earthrealm’s protector. He could discern the disturbance from the man in question as General Shao crudely sneered. Liu Kang clears his throat and gives you a content nod. You are fast — he thinks, always swift to leeway into conversations that have gone bitter. Kenshi does not recall mention of you - but it didn't matter.
-> “This is none of your concern, ambassador,” Shao’s words were only meant for disdain and spite. You modestly give a lazy smile — like a Cheshire, not taking his insult seriously. “Oh, but my duties are to accompany Liu Kang’s champions. The Empress demands it.” Your indulgence prevails when the general fails to make another quip. In the crowd, Kenshi is impressed by your way of words. You were an intriguing person – he will give you that. But you did not seem a person particularly invested in politics. You were apathetic to your job. -> At dinner, you conveniently visit his table with a wine glass. Liu Kang seemingly welcomes you, taking the seat across from the swordsman. Conversations were comfortable with you. As a diplomatic envoy, you’re surprisingly judgemental - and not afraid to communicate the demands of other cities. Glimpses from the princesses as you proceed with a story about the rulers of Sun Do. Infuriating it was to comply with their city’s needs like a glorified servant. Kitana is quick to pick on your drunken pursuit and drag you to your quarters. By the time you left, Kenshi felt enamored by you and your stories. “They're quite the character.”   -> There were rumors about you he could not ignore. Everywhere in the palace were snakes, more willing to let him know of your past. They say you were once a thief, a lowly criminal in the capital. How you came to become the royal ambassador was appalling to others at court. You were born into the lowest class. And here in Edenia, it was deemed as dishonorable. You did not grow up with the same education or environmental conditions. It makes Kenshi question your motives for coming here. How did you end up at this high establishment? It was not from pity - he knew from that. Maybe you were a strong fighter. Who was stubborn and willing to do anything to achieve your goals.  -> Unbeknownst, as his interest in you escalated, you took notice of him. The swordsman with an unfortunate past, you held compassion for Kenshi. And as your relationship bloomed, your respect for each other was apparent. You both worked harmoniously together well. In unison with your devious yet insightful strategies and his keen and precise swordsmanship. You taught Kenshi the ins and outs of the city. Tried to teach him how to steal and work up to the market sellers to bid lower prices. You always kept him on his toes. And Kenshi loved that about you. To you, the ex-yakuza held you in check – of your duties. Although he enjoys your time fooling around together, it would put the swordsman much at ease if you took your job seriously. With the realm's tense position, he urges you to take control and compromise with the other cities for the coming battle. And hopefully, when the war is over, the two of you will reconcile your relationship and make it official. [ kenshi ]: how can i convince you to stop stealing? [ you ]: have you ever thought about asking nicely?
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JOHNNY CAGE -> He’s the one to catch you first. Johnny had clear suspicions of you during the first night of the tournament. When you spoke with officials and the royal family, it was too noticeable to miss. You were hiding something - Johnny wanted to get to the bottom of it. He finds your kindness to the princesses overbearing. Because why would a constable be affiliated with the royal family more than themselves? And the movie star had to open his mouth at dinner, eyeing you down with an arched brow. -> “Uh Liu Kang, I don’t mean to be rude but,” Both your eyes make contact – he quickly reverts his view to the god in question, “I think that person’s kinda shady, don’t you think?” His remark makes the rest of the Earth’s champions freeze, and the tightness of the air becomes far too evident. Liu Kang pauses, setting his teacup down, and looks to where you stand. From the far corner, you were chatting with Li Mei, arms crossed. You were enjoying your discussion until you sensed Liu Kang’s stare to tilt your head and give a playful wave. The First Constable thought nothing of your actions, how accustomed she is to how you acted around Earthrealmers, always telling them outlandish lies about Outworld. And constantly pretending to commit some heinous crime against the royal family. Something you would never do. -> “Fear not, Johnny Cage. They are no threat.” The Fire God’s words relieved the tension in the air. As everyone’s shoulders relax, Johnny probes on. He knows what trouble looks like – his mother was a cop! However, Kenshi waves his bickering off and waves them off as dull excuses. Nothing to worry about? You could be doing something behind the Empress and Constable's back. Maybe it was the way you carried yourself that got his attention. Or the comments his mentor sarcastically made about the dangers of Outworld. It was unlike Johnny to feel this paranoid. He had to figure out who you were. -> The movie star believed that once he caught you in an act, it would prove to his friends and Liu Kang that he was right about you. When he, Kung Lao, and Kenshi snuck into Shang Tsung's laboratory, surprisingly not, you were there alongside Rain, Tanya, and Princess Mileana on a medical chair. Just when Shang Tsung slowly approached the princess with a syringe with Tarkart's blood, they attacked. The movie star willingly stepped in your direction as if he caught you red-handed. “I knew it! You were behind all of this!” -> Everything turned bitter when Kenshi lost his eyesight to Mileana’s outbreak. It leaves a foul taste in Johnny's mouth once the situation is to be the treatment for the princess’s prolonged illness. When the royal guards come, you turn to face the Earthrealmers. “Did you truly think I would go against the royal family?” There was a flash of fury to scorn. “You Earthrealmers know nothing about Outworld business.” Johnny could only accept his wrongdoings, face facing down to the floor in shame and guilt. While what Liu Kang suspected of Shang Tsung was true – his assumptions of you weren’t. And for that, the movie star genuinely feels like he has misjudged you entirely. -> It takes time for him to reconcile with you. Escaping from Shang Tsung’s laboratory with his friends, he doesn’t meet you again. But when Earthrealm compromises with Outworld, you reappear alongside Li Mei and the royal family. In a different light, you’re easy on the eyes. Johnny desperately tries to make it up to you, always finding ways to warm up to your bitterness. Though much like a cat, you’re persistent and glares in his direction. Soon after, he learns of your past and is suddenly guilt-ridden even more.
-> Your relationship is a slow and rocky one. The two of you did not see eye to eye at the start. Johnny was wary of you, and you only made it worse by indulging in it. You two were at odds with each other. However, Johnny was somehow smitten with you. You were cunning and sly in all the ways a constable shouldn’t be. It was one of the ways he got your attention – suggesting all kinds of schemes against his friends. Your past never bothered him. Stead, it’s something he’s proud of you for. “I mean, thief turned cop? Now that’s a story I can get behind.” It brings a sort of middle ground and closure to both of you. [  johnny ]: look i know i misjudged you pretty harshly, how can i make it up to you? [ you ]: you can start by loaning me some money.
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HAVIK -> He longs for you. Havik is too cruel and adamant to tell you, but he misses you. Many years before you left Seido, you were happily thriving as a criminal. He recalls his younger years, you and him pillaging villages. Stealing all you can to survive in the cruel world they decided to reject you from. Back then, you were free – out of touch with humanity and the rest of the Outworld. You didn’t care for his plans to run Seido to the ground and bring chaos. You didn’t understand it – you were merely teenagers, children. -> Before long, you slipped out of Havik's hand. The life you two endured was not living. Every day, you struggle to find food and shelter to stay by. It did not help for your kleptomaniac habits, mugging passing citizens of whatever they had on. Eventually, it had caught up to you, Havik deciphers. Because why else would you leave him? Unlike him, you left clues for the military to track you. You loved the thrill of leading them to nowhere. -> But now, the thought of you brings turmoil into his heart. He sees you in the distance when Quan Chi is interrupted by a former ally. There you were, he stands almost in shock and petrification. Havik was furious. All he could focus on was the plan to allow time to release Quan Chi’s creation, Ermac. He never considered where you would be until now that you were on the opposite side of justice. Why? -> “How could you,” Your name runs down his tongue like a pack of needles. It’s difficult to pronounce your name after many years of separation. Whatever he felt for you was long diminished in the fire he created when he left Seido. “After so many years, this was where you were.” He didn’t expect less from you when you curtly accepted his words. Yes, you said – it’s so bitter against him. What happened to you? When did you become so weak against the hierarchy? Where were you when he set ablaze to the city and joined forces with Darius? -> “What we had would have never worked,” You say this truthfully, getting into a defensive position. It hurts - how easily you dismiss it. Havik never thought of himself as a sentimental man – but the thought of you returning to him was a constant in his mind. From days to years to his study of sorcery and alliance with Quan Chi, Havik has destroyed more cities than he can count. Leaving you was a blessing in disguise. Because of his misfortunes, Havik retained powers that could destroy civilization. It drove him mad. -> Even with you against him, he was more than willing to suggest an act of mercy – if you were inclined to break a few bones. [ havik ]: look how weak you've become. have you not forgotten where you came from? [ you ]: i remember it clearly. you are the one who has gone too far!
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KUAI LIANG/SCORPION -> Kuai Liang met you more than once during his time in Outworld. He merely appears when Lord Liu Kang intends to be present with business with the Empress. Years prior, it was the Emperor. But with the reign of Sindel, peace and prosperity had become a failing occurrence between both realms. Outworld claims to be growing more powerful – to overpower Earthrealm for the upcoming tournament. It makes Kuai Liang question his integrity and place at the palace when the Fire God asks for his presence instead of his brother. Bi-Han is the grandmaster of Lin Kuei, “Shouldn’t Bi-Han be the better option to accompany you?” -> “I do not want to provoke the Empress,” Liu Kang explains, looking at him from the portal. The pyromancer had confidence in his protector, nodding. His plain response was all it took to understand the weight of their appearance in Outworld. Though Bi-Han would be the rightful companion, it is Kuai Liang – the younger and more compliant brother who could ease into any circumstance. But his nerves are jaded. Kuai Liang is nervous, not knowing what the occasion was for. There could be many reasons for their requested presence. Yet he could not think of one that involved Lin Kuei.  -> Scorpion’s mindset eases when you surprise him. Guests are presumably guided by the First Constable, Li Mei, to the courtyard leading to the royal palace. Your head pops out from a bush, smiling in all your glory. “Lord Liu Kang, what a pleasant surprise!” The fire user's heart pounces every time you do this. It would be wrong not to expect you to greet Outworld guests in such an unconventional manner. Your name comes easily to the Fire God, with a sense of familiarity. “How nice of you to see us first,” Even Liu Kang takes joy in you. Unlike the many faces of the royal court, you are much more tolerable and pleasant to converse with. Even Kuai Liang thinks highly of you. -> Nodding your hair flows in such an elegant way. The Empress dotted you – but your loyalties lay with General Shao. Your go-lucky personality was in defiance of your rank as a lieutenant general. Yes, Kuai Liang recalled the previous tournaments and how distant Lin Kuei was from the Outworld’s military. They do not see eye to eye in handling foreign threats and commoners. It is your chief's distaste for Earthrealm, always speaking out of malice. But you were not like General Shao or Reiko. You never showed hatred towards Lin Kuei or Earthrealm. -> Kuai Liang feels restful chatting with you. He sat in the conference room with the Fire God as the rest of the court minded their seats. In such a large establishment, it holds divinity and high status, not even Kuai Liang is used to. Empress Sindel, alongside General Shao, you and Reiko arrive and take your respective seats. You are a few seats left of him and warmly nod in Scorpion's direction. He flushes at how a casual gesture from you can incite him. -> Ordinarily, matters began. The pyromancer had no desire to speak amongst the crowd, only per Liu Kang’s permission. Yet, a disagreement broke the two sides of the table in half. “Why should we allow Earthrealmers to roam unworldly like children while our cities burn?” General Shao and his recurring rants about Earthrealm. No one could convince him otherwise, not even the Empress. He then directly sneers at Liu Kang. Kuai Liang darts a stern look until he hears your voice in the corner, standing firm from all the voices that cower over you. There is a hint of softness out of the goodness of your heart addressing your superior. Compared to life in Earthrealm, life is precious, a tangent between innocence and purity, something Outworld is indifferent to.
-> In response, a repulsed look forms on Shao’s face. “You dare defend Liu Kang's wishes? You have no right!” In truth, you knew you could never quench his thirst to repress Earthrealm. But to try to diminish his outrageous outburst for another day is good enough. Curses and insults were spat from all sides, even directed towards you. You and your kind would not understand. You come from the slums of Seido. Do not forget your place, soldier. The court is a spoiled place even Kuai Liang wishes never to be a part of. Tonight was apparent why. You, who only spoke of the truth and fairness, were brought down by your general. It was unacceptable.   -> In the late hours at the palace, Scorpion resides in the guest room, where he fails to find peace. Liu Kang had bid him to rest to prepare for the following days to the other cities they must visit. But the second brother of Lin Kuei failed to do so. The palace was too foreign to the cold tundra of his home. Eventually, he chose to take a walk across the courtyard. The moon was bright and shadowed all the land. The murky ponds had unbloomed lotuses. They were not in season yet. He could still make out the premature colors from their early forms. The ripples of water were tranquil, featherlike. And of the reason why he did not notice your presence before. -> His body freezes when you tap his shoulder. His breath comes short before choking out your name. “Must you always frighten your guests?” You laugh, seeing how startled he has become. “My apologies, Scorpion. I could not resist,” Nights like these with you were ideal. Prevalent to his previous visits, the two of you would do all sorts of activities. You would invite him everywhere, across the palace and into the city. Wherever you went, he would follow willingly. A heartwarming meal by the port. Or even now, a peaceful walk through the gardens. With you, nothing is dull. -> However, when you are not running around, you are predictable. Such as now, as you both rest at a stone bench. Across, the pond was luminescent of the reflection of the night sky. If you were to look, it would be like looking in a mirror, the water clear as crystal. “I’m assuming you leave at first light?” Tragic how your relationship is. You and Kuai Liang reunite with each other like strangers, never touching. In another, you were like twin flames, never leaving. A small part of Kuai Liang feels regret for every time you depart on missions. He will never see you again for some time. “General Shao was furious! It was his way of punishing me for talking out of turn.” He has no right, is what Kuai Liang wanted to say. But with how things were, he said nothing. -> But you look beautiful like this, under the moonlight wake. Without the garments that shield your figure, you are relaxed. The days that turn to months are cruel - but willing to linger for you. Fortunately, a few moments of silence allowed you to rise, brushing the nonexistent dusk from your pants. You had nothing else to say to Kuai Liang. Was he expecting something? He follows your pursuit and looks at you promptly. Without the mask, he is handsome. “Maybe under different circumstances, we would have more time,” Your heart skips as you slyly glance at him. Placing a hand on his jaw, “Maybe next time…” You see his eyes trail from your fingers to your lips. It was not right - you both knew that. [ scorpion ]: the general's mistreatment of you is unacceptable. [ you ]: (laugh) fortunately that is how things work in outworld.
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bb-ants · 3 months
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My first MK doodle wasn't coming out the way I wanted, so I made some chibi doodles of my fave husbands to compensate 8D It's currently too late, so part 2 will be for another night
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suyakyai · 4 months
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That is how I will love you even as the world goes on its wicked way
The Beatrice Letters
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi Hi! I love you’re writings for Havik, it’s so hard to find any good Havik fics. Could you do Havik with an s/o who’s ex was abusive and they’re use to being bossed around and doing chores for their partner (like cooking, and cleaning for them and waiting for permission to do things)
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You Have Freedom
Prior notes: Tbh using Havik is genius ngl. Make me wanna give him a kiss.
Pairing: Havik x Gn reader
Warnings ‼️: Mention of abusive/ toxic relationships, mention of violence, angst with happy ending
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Relationship after relationship. It’s amazing that you are still standing. Though mentally you may have gained some issues since people in this world can’t act right.
Some partners never got over their ex. Some partners never took care of their own health. Some partners were just sick in the head and liked to mess with you.
It wasn’t you, you just had some bad luck and ran in the arms of the wrong people. You found comfort in the chaos that you were so used to. It wasn’t your choice it’s just how your brain started to be molded into needing. Your heart wanted something better. You deserved better than this. Not being forced to make a man who barely looks at you to cook him a meal or discourage you from wearing the clothes you want. But how does one break out from the cycle without getting hurt? Well, you might need some outside help.
Another crumby date with your sleazebag of a boyfriend. He couldn’t even give you a decent date night. Going to the bar and ignoring you to talk to his buddies while flirting with other people in front of you is not a date. But he will gaslight you and tell you so many things.
“You’re crazy, that never happened.” “You’re so insecure this is why I don’t take you out.” “I was buying you drinks the whole time is that not enough attention for you.”
You don’t even like drinking let alone constantly having Jägerbombs which he took for himself. He just wanted an excuse to get drunk that’s why he called this a “date”. You hate when he’s drunk. He gets more irrational and occasionally violent. He’s currently going off about how you are ruining the vibe by sulking. Now he says the clothes that he approved are too slutty while a priest would beg to differ that you are extremely modest. You’re on the verge of crying when suddenly you both hear footsteps coming your way in the dark night. Only a quarter of the moon is showing which makes it harder to see who is coming. Closer and closer these heavy footsteps come your way until what little natural light could be shined shows a man. A very scary looking man.
He’s hunched over yet he still looks taller than you. You could see his head is not aimed towards your direction but your boyfriend’s. Your boyfriend in his drunken state starts yelling and cussing him out when he has done no wrong. You tried to make him stop but he pushed you off of him, almost making you fall while he begin to yell derogatory terms at you. This seemed to displease the other man who came closer and closer until he was right at your boyfriend’s face. When he stood up straight you saw that he was much bigger than your boyfriend. He was tall and seemingly stronger. The moon light finally showed some of his face when you saw the lower half was mangled. You were frozen, unsure of what to do.
Your boyfriend booked it out of there, not even looking back at you. He was horrified and knew he fucked up. You were left alone with this scary looking man.
“Heh, pathetic. I’ve never seen such a weak man before.” He spoke in a gravely voice.
You just stared without saying a word. He began to walk off and you kept looking at him. He sensed you were still staring and turn back.
“What, too afraid to move? Did I scare you that much?” He might have been teasing you but you’re not sure.
“I’m afraid to walk home alone.”
Well that was a shock. You weren’t scared of him but you were scared of being alone. He won’t lie that seemed kinda cute. Your prick of a boyfriend did leave you behind so he felt like you deserved to at least get home safety. He walked back to you, staring down at you with that mangled face, before gesturing you to follow him. You did so without hesitation.
The ball started to roll without you knowing. This was the start of something good. The start of something with a Seidan who calls himself Havik.
Letting Havik into your home after he walked you back was the best decision you’ve made in a while. Though at first you were scared by his scars and his violent attire that didn’t change the fact he was calm with you. That calmness never went away.
Yes, he isn’t the most stable person around. You’ve seen him rip his own arm off to smack someone but that person he was smacking was your ex so it’s okay.
He never told you to stop crying. Even on the walk home you bursted out crying from that whole night. Havik didn’t immediately comfort you but when you were almost done crying he lightly wiped your tears away with his clawed hand. The metal that grazed your face was slightly confronted. And then he proceeded to lick the tears off his hands but let’s just overlook that.
You have felt safe with him around. He’s like a scary guard dog that you see as a protective softie. But in the back of your mind you worried that he would turn on you just like all your other exes. It’s starts with caring about you, than they slowly start to get aggravated and aggressive, then the love bombing starts, and a new vicious cycle starts.
This time is different, I promise.
You first tested him when your friends invited you out. A new club opened and you are still young you just had to go. They thought you were single now so they said you could dress however you wanted. But your concern was if Havik would be okay with it.
When you walked up to him he was sharpening the blade he usually had on his left arm. You swallowed hard as you hoped this wouldn’t turn nasty. You had the clothes you wanted to wear in your hands.
“Havik, my friends asked me if I could go out with them tonight. Am I allowed to go.” You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to be yelled at.
“You don’t have to ask me. It’s up to you. Do you want to go?” He responded so quickly you wondered if he took in what you said.
“Yes, I want to go. And I want to wear this,” you showed him the outfit, “Am I allowed to wear this?”
“Wear what you are comfortable with. If you want to go out with your chest out go ahead, you should be allowed to do that without anyone holding you back.” He grumbled not because of you but that the fact that if you did go out with your chest out you would be shamed.
This wasn’t the usual response for you. Usually it’s a no, why do you need to go out, are you gonna hook up with other guys, stupid incriminating things like that. It’s not that Havik doesn’t care, it’s more like he doesn’t care what you want to do just as long as you are sure you want to do so.
“Did you need me to cook you something before leaving? Does something need to be cleaned?” You were sounding all panicky as if you were being tricked. Like there was a catch and you had to do certain things before you were allowed to leave.
Havik stopped what he was doing and looked at you. For a second you thought you messed up by asking too many things and you ended up annoying him. He got up from where he was sitting and slowly made his way towards you. You flinched but didn’t run since that usually got you into more trouble before. Once he was right in front of you his hand went up and started petting you at the top of your head. You were calm again. This man in front of you is not like the others in your past.
“Were you looking for an excuse not to go out or are you worried something bad will happen when coming home?” He asked.
“No I just…was making sure,” you seemed almost out of it, “I’m gonna get ready now.”
You walked off and did as you said. You got ready and let your friends know that you would be going out. They were more than happy to hear that news. You checked with Havik one more time if it was alright but just one look at him told you it was alright. Actually wait! He has something to say. He came up to you quickly and you thought this was the moment. Nope, he just ripped his arm off and tried to hand it to you.
“Carry this with you if anyone decides to bother you.” He advised.
“I can’t carry a severed arm around! Are you crazy?!”
Uh duh, he is a little coo coo in the head.
“It’s fine. You can just smack them with it and they’ll be out. You should try it, it’s liberating.” He’s still trying to make you take his arm.
“Havik, no, stop. I’ll go to jail.”
“I will break you out. It is your right to beat someone up if they are bothering you.”
He’s not getting it but the gesture is nice. No Havik, they won’t take the knife either. Clubs don’t allow that.
This was a big change for you and it was a good change. Your friends saw how happier you were now. They thought it was the single life. No, it was because you started to see that you were finally in a healthy spot in life. You are with a man who lets you know that you have a choice.
The night ended and your friends brought you back home. The house was quiet. When you went all the way up to your bedroom you saw Havik seemingly sleeping in your bed. And of course he was taking up the whole bed.
You started to undress and put on your sleep wear before you heard him speak in a sleepy voice.
“Did you enjoy yourself? Did anyone bother you?” He asked.
“I enjoyed myself and no, no one bothered me luckily.” The tone in your voice portrayed how happy you were which was a nice change.
“I can’t go hunting for someone?” He asked
“You can’t go hunting for someone, no.” You replied
Havik is glad no one bothered you but he did want an excuse to go after someone. Oh well, he’ll just pick at random again.
You slipped into bed with the little space you had on your side. As you were about to ask Havik if he was fine with cuddling you he was already on it. He dragged you in, nuzzling his face against yours as an act of affection. He would give you a kiss but…ya know. But you can still give him a kiss!
You kissed him all over, even the exposed flesh since you didn’t fear it anymore. You were happy to have him in your life now. A man that many would fear but you see as the sweetest guy you have ever dated. Knowing how long it took for you to get this lucky made you cry. It was hard to tell if it was from joy or the fact that it took time before you gained something good. He licked your tears away before he rested his head on top of yours. He squeezed you tight to him, almost giving off a sort of comfort that a weighted blanket would give.
“One day, I will give you a world where you are free to do whatever you want. No one will tell you what to do or what you need to do. You will be free. I’ll set everyone who has been controlled free. If I can’t free everyone, at least I can free you.”
He knew exactly what to say to you. He knows what you’ve been through. Never again. As long as he lives and thrives he won’t let that happen. He opposes control. There is only freedom and love with that freedom. Do what you want, wear what you want, cook what you want, eat what you want, do you boo boo. He will support you. And you will support him with whatever he wants to do.
There is no insecurities, denials, cheating, lies, and manipulation. There is only freedom and love between you and Havik.
Now rest, you’ve had a long eventful day. Your new beginning has started and you are excited to see what will come of this.
Though I advise you keep a towel near your bed. Havik drools in his sleep. Like a lot. Don’t be surprised when you wake up with wet hair, that was him. Sorry, I don’t make the mangled man’s rules.
After notes: Truly I hope no one ever goes through shit like this. It’s not even something like a you should have this experience once type of thing. I hope none of y’all experience what I’ve experienced in past relationships cause it is no joke. But I hope something like this can bring others comfort. Adiós!
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koisuko · 5 months
Can you do headcanons Mk1 male characters of Liu Kang, Kuai Liang, Tomas Vbrada, Bi Han, Shang Tsung, Havik, Syzoth, Rain, Kenshi and Baraka with fem s/o who has the power of the Scarlet Witch (Marvel) please?
Ooo spicy! I love scarlets powers so much, they are so sick <3 (a draft I struggled to finish, had a brain blank and couldn’t figure out most characters, sorry severe 🥹)
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Tw: none, maybe blood or fear but that’s it, fem reader
Liu Kang
He had already known about your powers, given the keeper of time and all. You often kept your mind reading ability to yourself, for your own benefit, so you already knew that he knew.
He was your main support and guide in honing your abilities, bringing you to the monks for daily training. He was uplifting and gave you gentle praise constantly.
The monks, on the other hand, had never seen such power. They were fascinated beyond belief, and couldn’t help but look on in awe at your prowess.
Your power had intrigued him, brought him out of his shell enough to let you in before closing it again. His gentler side a stranger to all but yourself.
You two were an absolute unit of a team. Often mingling your powers together during battle, such as lifting him a little bit higher, creating energy to strengthen icy projectiles and what not.
You were valuable when it came to enemies of the Lin Kuei. An intruder in the base? He’ll have you interrogate them for information, whether that be straight mind reading or bending reality was entirely up to you.
And once the job was done successfully, he was right by your side to praise you for your work, in private mostly.
He could never really hide his feelings, with your mind reading and all, it was all right there on paper for you. Something troubling him? You know.
Shang Tsung
To him, you’d be quite the fascinating specimen at first meeting. Love is a bit of a bottom of the list fort of thing.
He was taken aback himself when he landed you as his s/o. And such a powerful s/o you are.
He almost considered using your love for him to his advantage. Just his little toy to manipulate and bend to his will, carefully of course, who knows how much damage you could do to him if you found out his plan.
Your power fascinated him, often taking you to his lab to watch you move various objects and terrify his subjects with waking nightmares.
You were a lethal weapon to him, and one he could use in his quest for realm domination and power. How afraid others would be of his loyal pet, breaking others with fear and pain with just a snap of his finger.
“Something the matter, my love?” You’d place a hand on his arm, breaking him of his deep daydreaming. He reply with his usual cocky smirk, “of course, why wouldn’t I be?”
He had it all planned out, except one thing he missed, a small but vital detail. You could read his plan every time he thought it up, his mind open and obedient to skim at your will.
Power, and liberation, were his priorities in life, no matter how extended his mortality would be.
It would be a surprise to many, including himself, that he even had a s/o. However, I surprised no one that he chose such a powerful woman.
He thought of using you, at first, but eventually grew to accept you. You two were a team, and you would help him more than anyone in liberating order realm.
Given his backround, your abilities likely wouldn’t strike him as strange. He would be fascinated by how someone seeming so delicate held so much power in the palms of their hands.
Fascinated, in awe to say the least. He is absolutely gobsmacked by the sheer control you have over such abilities.
He almost felt like he was in the presence of a goddess, and felt slightly inferior. You had to tell him to stop formalities and to stop treating you like he isn’t worthy of you.
His nerves were erratic, when the time came to show his true form. He was worried you would be afraid, or dislike that form. Boy was he surprised, and in love, when you accepted him regardless of his true self.
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iliketangerines · 6 months
Hi I hope you’re doing well 🫂✨I love your writing and this is my first time requesting 🫣🥰
Would you mind writing mk1 Shang Tsung smut 😭😭😭 he’s soooo deviously fine in this game 🥺🫶🏽
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stars in your eyes
a/n: this is not an odd request at all cutie. in fact, i love it dear god. why can't three burly angsty men destroy me in real life.
pairing: director!shang tsung x sub!afab!reader x dom!havik x dom!quan chi
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), pussy slapping, clit slapping, overstimulation, pussy eating, creampies, slight breeding kink, praise kink, degradation kink, blowjobs, hand jobs
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Shang Tsung had traveled to a club and found you there, fresh-faced, nervous, but oh so pretty and submissive
you had given him a lap-dance, pretty eyes blinking up at him, pretty red lips begging to be bitten, and body looking perfect to be ruined by him
he slipped his business card in along with a few hundred in cash and waited for a phone call from you
it had taken almost a week of waiting, your body haunting his thoughts as he kept on checking his phone, but you finally called
you talked in a timid and sweet voice, and Shang Tsung wanted to hear you moan, to have your voice ruined by sucking on his cock
he tells you to come in for an audition the next day and that he’ll provide costumes for you
you agree and thank him for the opportunity, adding on an innocent sir at the end of the thanks before ending the phone call
Shang Tsung can’t help himself and pulls his cock out and imagines your lips wrapped around his dick, lipstick smeared and mascara running down your cheeks
you arrive the next day a few minutes early, and Shang Tsung observes how nervous you seem, how your make-up is applied, how you squirm in his seat as he leans in a bit closer to you
he brings you to a back room, black leather couch sitting in the back with a nice rug sitting in front of it, and Shang Tsung sits in the middle and tells you to change in the room next door and impress him
he already knows he’s going to hire you, but he wants to have a taste right now
you bite your lip and nod, going to the next room over, and Shang Tsung bounces his knee impatiently as you change into the costume he’s chosen for you
you come back into the room, face warm and eyes downcast as you tug at the harness, and Shang smirks at the sight of you
you’re dressed in a lingerie set that does nothing hide your chest or your pussy from prying eyes, and a garter belts squeeze your thighs and cause a bit of fat to pudge out
Shang Tsung has never been so hard
what really sells the vision is the collar around your neck, and he imagines it’s his collar, claiming you as his, but he shakes off the thought and beckons you to come close
you teeter a bit awkwardly in front of him, unused to his stilettos you’re wearing, but you make it in front of him and kneel in front of his spread legs obediently
he pets your hair, purring out a praise, and you face warms at the words
he leans back and tells you to pleasure him, and you bring your hands forward, unzipping his pants and pull his underwear down far enough to take his cock out through the hole
you stroke his dick, spreading the pre-cum down his shaft and take the tip into your mouth, pressing your tongue into the slit and suckling on his dick
he groans and resists the urge to grab your hair and fuck your face until you’re crying
you bob your head up and down, taking him further and further into your mouth until your nose is buried in his clothed pelvis
you hum around his dick, tongue pressing into a vein on the underside of his cock, and Shang Tsung clenches his fist to stop himself from cumming too quickly
you bob your head up and down the full length of his cock, tongue pressing and prodding against him for a few more minutes, and Shang Tsung sees stars as he finally cums into your mouth
you whine and eagerly swallow his cum, and when you come off his mouth, you stick your tongue out to show you’ve swallowed it all
Shang Tsung pets the side of your face and tells you that you deserve a reward
he helps you up on shaky legs, and he doesn’t miss the way that your wetness coats the inside of your thighs
he brings you to another room and has you sign all the papers and everything else, and he enjoys watching you squirm in your seat as you try to rub your thighs together for some friction
he sends you off and tells you the date of your first film and who else will be performing with you
you come a few minutes early to the filming day just as before, and he tells you to dress up in a costume once again, and he’ll be waiting for you in the filming room
when you knock on the door and enter, Shang Tsung knows you’re going to be a hit
that sweet expression mixed with the tight white dress and fake angel wings and halo above you really do sell you as an innocent little toy for him
two of his other actors are waiting for you in the room already, dressed with fake devil wings and horns
none of the cameras are rolling yet, but he wishes they were to catch the expression of your face as Quan Chi and Havik stand up and tower over you
they bring you over with gentle hands to the center of the room, a somewhat elaborate stage of hell, and Shang Tsung starts the cameras
there’s a bit of the introductory dialogue, but soon enough, Quan Chi picks you up, arms hooked over your legs to spread you wide apart
your dress rides up to expose your pretty pussy to the camera and Havik laughs, calling you a naughty angel for not wearing any panties
you try to deny it, but the protest turns into a yelp as Havik slaps your pussy and watches as you clench around nothing
he laughs in that deep voice, saying that naughty angels must be punished before landing a series of slaps on your pussy and pinching at your clit
make-up streams down your cheeks as you cry and sob, trying to jerk away from the contact, but Quan Chi keeps you still in his arms
Havik laughs at your pathetic mewls but finally stops abusing your drooling pussy and presses a sweet kiss onto your clit
you whine and whimper as Havik laps at your clit, using his fingers to spread your folds and dig his tongue deeper into your pussy
Quan Chi readjusts his arms, his hands digging into your thighs and leaving bruises on your soft skin, and your hips buck forward into Havik’s mouth
the man brings his fingers up, shoving them into your pussy and curling them to find that sweet spot inside of you, and he hums around your clit
you arch your back off of Quan Chi, and he chuckles as Havik starts to abuse that spot within you
Shang Tsung can see the way your wetness drips down onto the floor, and he pulls out his own aching cock and lightly strokes himself to ease some of the tension
as you throw your head back into Quan Chi’s chest, cumming on Havik’s fingers, you grow limp in his arms, eyes glassy and make-up ruined by your tears
Quan Chin puts you down on shaky legs and disappears off the camera to go and grab something, and Havik grabs onto your cheek and kisses you roughly, shoving his tongue down your throat
you whine and melt into the touch despite the roughness, and Quan Chi returns with a dildo, one that resembles a tentacle
he tells you to be a good angel and arch, and you do so without a single complaint, still occupied with the feeling of Havik roughly kissing you
Quan Chi slides the tentacle between your soaked folds, and you jump slightly at the cold silicon touching you
the man slowly slides the dildo into you, and you moan into Havik’s mouth, slightly squirming at the texture
Quan Chi swats your ass and tells you to stay still for him as he roughly fucks you on the dildo, and you moan into Havik’s mouth
the man moves down to kiss your neck, sucking hickeys into your neck, and Quan Chi continues to fuck you on the dildo, telling you you’re such a naughty angel for enjoying being fucked by two demons
you whine into the air and ask them to cum, pretty please, tears are gathering on the tips of your eyelashes
Quan Chi has a cruel smirk and says no, stuffing the dildo back into your abused cunt before forcing you on your knees
both Havik and Quan Chi take out their dicks, and Quan Chi tells you to work for your orgasm, and you whimper but put Havik’s dick into your mouth and Quan Chi’s cock into your hand
you stroke Quan Chi, flicking your wrist and pressing the pad of your thumb into the slit of his cock, and he groans at your ministrations and tells you to keep going
Havik has grabbed onto your face, fucking into your throat with reckless abandon as he tells you what a whore you are for enjoying this
your hips twitch as you try to bounce on the dildo, but with the way Havik’s holding you and Quan Chi is next to you, you can only clench your pussy around the thick tentacle
Havik pulls you off of his dick, patting the side of your face harshly with his palm as he makes fun of how whorish you look, that you’re such a cock slut
you agree dumbly, and Quan Chi grabs onto your chin and forces his cock down your throat, grabbing onto your hair and dragging you up and down on his cock
Shang Tsung can see the way Quan Chi’s throat bulges in your throat, and he wishes that were him
but all in due time
you bring your hand up to stroke Havik, but your strokes are shaky and uncoordinated as you lose air from Quan Chi thrusting into your throat
finally, he pulls out of your mouth, and Havik and Quan Chi stroke themselves, and you stick out you tongue and let them shoot their cum all over your face
you swallow what lands on your tongue, and they drag you up, Quan Chi bringing you in for a rough kiss as he gropes your ass, and Havik takes out the tentacle, a loud squelching sound filling the air
Shang Tsung stands up and exits the room, putting on his own costume, just a pair of horns and wings bigger than Havik’s and Quan Chi’s and walks back into the room
he walks in on them with Quan Chi sucking another hickey into your neck and Havik squeezing and slapping your red ass
Shang Tsung checks that the cameras are rolling before stepping onto the stage
immediately, they stop what they’re doing and pull you so that you stand between them
your wetness drips down your legs, and your wings and halo are slightly askew, but it just enhances your ruined image
Shang Tsung approaches you and tsks, putting his thumb into your mouth, and you automatically suck on it
you’re completely fucked-out, willing to do anything Shang Tsung says, and he smiles internally at the thought of that
he mocks your expression, saying that an angel should’ve look so debauched, and you can only moan around his thumb at the words
he continues on, saying maybe he’ll keep you as his own little pet, for him to use and fuck and breed when he wants to
he signals the other two to let go of you and for Quan Chi to stop rolling the cameras to move another prop on set
Quan Chi does so, and he and Havik start moving a bed onto set
but you’re still a drooling mess in Shang Tsung’s arm, sucking on Shang Tsung’s thumb and clinging onto him like a lifeline
Shang Tsung smiles and brings you to the bed and tells Quan Chi to start filming again
once he hears the camera click, he removes his thumb from your mouth and trails kisses down your neck, your stomach, until he reaches your cunt
he spreads them with his wide shoulders and forces you to keep them apart as you hiccup and sniffle as you try to grab for Shang Tsung
he tuts and tells you to be a good angel and keep your hands to yourself, and you immediately put your hands on the sheets
Shang Tsung can see how your pussy drools for him, clenching around nothing, and how it’s still swollen from the way Havik slapped it earlier
but you look so pretty like this, clit swollen and pussy sore, and Shang Tsung files away the thought of hitting your sensitive clit with a riding crop
Shang Tsung buried his nose into your clit, grinding into the overstimulated nub, and laps at your pussy with his tongue
you whine and arch off the bed but dutifully keep your hands on the bed as Shang Tsung hums into your abused cunt
he fucks you on his tongue, relishing in your needy moans and pathetic mewling, and he quickly brings you to an orgasm
as your chest heaves up and down, he climbs up and slides his dick between your folds before sliding into you
you’re still wet and tight around him despite the dildo inside of you earlier, and he groans at the feeling of you clenching down on him
he sets a brutal pace, hips slamming down onto yours and slapping against your clit, and he tells you that you can move your hands
immediately, your hands claw at his back, and he purrs about how much of a slut you look like right now and asking what the other angels would think if they saw you like this
you can’t respond, just blabbering out nonsense, and Shang Tsung slows down his pace and tells you to answer like a good whore
you babble out that they’d think you’re just a cumslut, a dump for demons to breed you with their seed, that they’d think you’re a dirty angel who can only suck dick
Shang Tsung smiles and calls you a good angel before continuing with his ruthless pace
as he continues to fuck you, tears stream down your cheeks, and he has to resist the urge to kiss them away
instead, he bites your neck, and you keen, your pussy spasming around his dick
you squirt all over his torso, and Shang Tsung’s eyes sparkle as he realizes that you’re a squirter
squirters always raked in more cash
he fucks you through your orgasm, and you can only let continue fucking into you, chasing his own release despite the sparks of pain mixing with the pleasure now
Shang Tsung’s hips stutters, and he buries himself deep inside of you and spills his cum deep inside of you
he lazily thrusts in and out of you as he cums, and pulls out when he can feel his dick softening
he looks down at the mixture of your cum and his cum mixing, and he shoves it back in with his fingers, commenting that you’re going to be a wonderful breeding bitch
Quan Chi cuts the cameras, and Havik immediately rushes over with some damp towels and water for Shang Tsung and you
the director helps you sit up, but there’s still a far away look in your eyes
he helps you drink some water and eat a small bite of a granola bar, but your eyes are still slightly watery and glossy
Shang Tsung frowns and gets up to go and check something, but you grip onto his hand and ask him in a quiet voice to not leave, small tears dripping down your cheeks and a slight sniffle escaping from you
he sends a concerned glance over to Quan Chi and Havik, who tell him to take care of you and that they’ll clean up, and he picks you up and brings you to his office
he lays you down on the couch and cuddles up next to you, and you let out a dopey smile and snuggle into his chest
you fall asleep soon after, and Shang Tsung realizes that you need a lot more comfort right now than he was providing
and then he smiles at how compliant and submissive you are, how compliant and submissive you can be, how he could get you to do anything in this state
the film releases soon after, and Shang Tsung watches as the numbers rise
he pets your head as he sits at his desk, and you whine, your cock in his mouth as he has you cockwarm him
he’s going to have so much fun breaking you in
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theforbidfruit · 9 months
*you managed to get Bi-Han interested in Sareena*
You: *crying out of joy* I can finally leave! Liu Kang I’m coming home-
Havik: *walks in* Hey~
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buggyjuggie · 9 months
Hi Hi! I recently found your blog and really liked your work.
I was wondering if I could request some HCs about a masc reader who stays up late and wakes up super early (ex. Staying up till 12am but waking up at 3) but somehow is usually very energetic and hyper?
The character(s) are up to you, if thats okay? I read through the rules and everything and I think this is okay, but feel free to ignore if I messed up anything! 🫶
──★ ˙ ̟Mk1 characters x Masc reader who wakes up early and goes to bed late
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「 ✦ Johnny Cage ✦ 」
* Come on you know he definitely does the same thing.
* Doesn’t understand how your so energetic. If he wants to be anywhere near your energy level he NEEDS a crap ton of coffee.
* Easiest way he gets the both of you to sleep is by having a movie marathon or having a gym date and exhausting yourself’s.
* He always ends up going to bed/passing out first so you end up following him, even if Johnny can’t talk you still enjoy cuddling and being next to him.
* You end up picking him up from shoots and sets after long days, because your the only person he trusts that would still be awake at these hours.
* After a long day that was supposed to be about the both of you hanging out he ended up eating sugary snacks to stay awake and had the biggest sugar crash ever.
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「 ✦ Liu Kang ✦ 」
* When he learned of your habit was really worried for you, despite the fact that he has spent eons alone Liu Kang still remembers when ordinary people should go to sleep.
* Always tries to somehow convince with his words of wisdom for you to go to sleep earlier (it almost never works but its worth a try)
* I think that a god like him doesn’t need sleep but one of the ways he gets you to sleep earlier is by cuddles. He’ll hug and use his natural body heat to lull you to sleep.
* Both of you are opposites of each other but manage to make it work he takes time to do exciting and adrenaline pumping activities and you enjoy spending time with him drinking tea, meditating and talking about anything that you can.
* Anytime he sees you being hyperactive it always puts a smile on his face, just is stuck in trance watching you and being happy that he gets to have this.
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「 ✦ Li mei ✦ 」
* HOW?? JUST HOW??? she always asks herself.
* Being Sun Do’s first constable requires a strict schedule, despite the fact that she likes doing her job waking up early is not one of them.
* When she wakes up early Li mei tends to be grumpy and down she absolutely can’t understand how you getting so little sleep are in a good and cheery mood.
* She makes paper lanterns that help both of you fall asleep, they smell like lavender.
* If Li mei’s having a hard day she appreciates your energetic personality, it puts her in a good mood and help’s to keep her spirits high when struggling with Outworld’s conflicts.
* Let’s you take care of her spirit lion since both of you are very energetic and it has grown attached to you.
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「 ✦ Mileena ✦ 」
* Thinks that you just have a hard time sleeping.
* Because of the way her base outfit is designed i think Mileena owns a lot of fuzzy and warm sweaters. She gives then to you as a hope that it’ll help you sleep better.
* Tries to do literally everything to get you to go bed earlier royal massages, big fancy beds with fluffy pillows, essential oils and whatnots.
* Is surprised that after all that your still full of energy, starts to think that it might be magic or a spell.
* You offered to do some of the more tedious jobs or her’s so that she can enjoy her time as empress, Milleena didnt like the idea of making you do her work but you still insisted by saying that if you let her, both of you will have more time to spend together and she caved.
* You sleep a lot in Mileenas room because she has a lot of flowers that help her fall asleep more calmly and keep her tarkat affliction from coming out. The flowers help you because they remind you of Mileena the happy memories and moments spent with her make for the most adorable dreams and even date ideas.
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「 ✦ Havik ✦ 」
* An agent of chaos hell bent of causing mischief any where possible and a little to no sleep human who somehow is extremely energised to a concerning extent. I think thats a math made in heaven.
* Like Liu kang i don’t really think Havik needs to sleep yes he does get tired but doesn’t have adherent need for it.
* Thought at first that you were also from chaosrealm due to your high energy and hyperactivity.
* Noticed your how your sleeping was inconsistent but because he has never dated a human before he doesn’t do much about it, think’s that this is just how humans are.
* Still offers to let you rest or even rest with him if he sees that your starting to get tired or are gonna crash.
* Both of you are the most chaotic couple in world and he loves it.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Once again I’m so sorry this took so long to get out. I really really enjoyed writing this one especially because i got to write for any character i wanted so that helped me thing outside the box. I didn’t really have any specific way of integrating masculine terms or action i just mainly tried not to baby the reader.
Hope you enjoyed reading :3
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