#having a super cozy place with lots of blankets and nerd shit everywhere
spocksgotemotions · 6 months
lately all I wanna do is just text my friend about the lovely life we’re gonna have and how much I love them. But I don’t do that cause I don’t wanna be Weird. And also I think I’m gonna be afraid that they don’t actually wanna live with me until we like actually live together. Honestly probably after that too
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Lazy day Headcannons
Request: Hey!! Could I get a Peter Parker headconnon. A lazy day with Peter would be awesome. Lots of cuddles and kisses!!! Thank you bae!! 
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 ·Peter is a busy guy, between school and the avengers he just doesn't have any downtime so it's always a surprise when he's free.
 ·You're always the first person Peter comes to when he's free. He'd never admit it but he's clingy and if he doesn't spend enough time with you he feels like he may explode. 
 ·You two never, ever want to go out so most time you end up staying inside, watching some tv, eating some junk food, cuddling a lot.
 ·Peter likes vintage music so sometimes you guys will just listen to some records and just lay there in silence and listen to the lyrics. 
 ·Most of the time though both of you just end up watching some crime shows and Peter will go on and on about how he could have easily caught the perpetrator within half the time as the cops or who ever is working the case.
 ·Peter also really likes star trek and doctor who, he's kinda a nerd like that.
 ·You two will also watch horror movies even though you both hate them just because you end up cuddling super close during the most intense scenes. (Also the way peter bruies his face in your neck and squeaks in surprise is too cute)
 ·Sometimes both of you are so stressed from work and school that you just end up crashing together, curled up as close as can be, both of you sleeping soundly. (Other than when Peter snores very loudly and wakes you up)
 ·But lazy days also include baking because why the hell not. A good chunk of the time you make a mess of the kitchen and you always have to clean up afterwards but watching Peter cook is the cutest thing ever.
 ·Baking requires a lot of hugs and kisses. The two of you can't go a single minute without kissing each other and stopping to hug one another in the middle of your kitchen.
 ·The two of you probably make really cool forts in your living room using a shitton of pillows and blankets for extra coziness. 
 ·If you ever go to Peter's place Aunt May will constantly poke her head into the forts you make and ask if either of you want any snacks. ("Aunt May! Go away!" "I was just going to ask if you guys wanted any of the cookies I bought!") 
 ·Nobody loves lazy days more than Aunt May does, she thinks you and Peter cuddling in a fort is the cutest thing ever. 
 ·Peter would have bed head from laying around so much and you can't help yourself when you ruffle his hair to make it messier. 
 ·Sleepy kisses on your temple, Sleepy kisses on your brow bone, sleepy kisses on your lips, sleepy kisses on your chin, sleepy kisses everywhere. 
 ·So MuCh HaNd HoLdInG. Intertwined hands all day. 
 ·Peter would kiss all along your hand and just get the sweetest smile on his face. 
 ·Peter loves soft affection, soft touches here and there while you guys talk and star wars plays in the background 
·Soft, sleepy Peter Parker is some good shit my frens
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