#having situations in/around my house that are stressful makes me very anxious because it gives me nowhere to go to escape them
trans-cuchulainn · 5 months
tfw you're not sure if it's anxiety or hunger making your stomach hurt so you try to eat and unfortunately it was definitely anxiety
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hedgehog-moss · 1 year
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Rooster update: he is a gentleman so far. He follows my hen everywhere at a polite and respectful distance, scanning the area for enemies. I’ve not seen him make any advances whatsoever, he doesn’t seem interested in becoming a father; either he’s too young, or still a bit stressed and disconcerted by his change of environment, or he doesn’t like Dru this way, who knows. Pourvu que ça dure...!
Maybe Dru attacked him the first time he tried something—he doesn’t seem afraid of her any more, but the first morning after he arrived, he barrelled past Dru when I opened the coop and ran away flailing his wings, with high-pitched incoherent clucking, as if he were being chased by a pack of wild dogs. Pandolf, my hen and I stood there perplexed and watched him disappear into the forest. Part of me wanted to yell “I didn’t even want you!! you’re free to go!” and go home to have breakfast, but I couldn’t let him commit suicide by fox on his first day, so I took Pan home (thinking maybe the rooster had been scared of him), took my hen under my arm and spent half an hour on a rooster hunt in the woods. Dru clucks in annoyance if you touch her comb, so I would occasionally tickle it and she’d kÔtkÔtkwÊk and sometimes we’d hear a timid kwêk? in response which helped me narrow down the rooster’s position.
We ended up finding him perched on a branch, quite high up. I poked him with a long stick and he grudgingly moved back inch by inch until he was low enough for me to go up on tiptoes and pluck him like a large fruit. Then I carried him home singing the ballad of Sir Robin. When danger reared its ugly head / he bravely turned his tail and fled—Dru actually seems glad for his company, but she doesn’t know that this anxious bird is supposed to guard her from predators.
Here’s our boldly brave sir Robin strutting gallantly (photo taken with zoom because if I come any closer he flees)
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Well, Dru’s new coopmate is very good at being a rooster in one capacity and that is crowing. He starts bright and early and continues throughout the day at random times, a beautifully-enunciated cocorico (he’s french)—I quite like it! The walls of my house are thick enough that it doesn’t wake me up in the morning, and during the day it’s a pleasant addition to the soundscape.
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I had lunch with the librarian today and told her all about the rooster, and how I probably won’t be able to keep him since I’ll never meet the recommended minimum amount of hens per rooster. With 2 hens I already have a dozen eggs a week and that’s more than enough for me (+ cats and dog who also enjoy eggs.) The librarian was Team Rooster and said I should get more hens and bring her the eggs. “I’ll find clients.” She was already picturing herself as the nexus of a flourishing library-based egg trade, but most people around here keep chickens so I don’t think the demand will be there.
I showed someone else a picture of my rooster at the grocery shop and she exclaimed “He’s very decorative!” which I think would have made my rooster fluff up with pride. It’s the most validating thing you can say to a male bird. After I summarised the situation, my interlocutor came to the conclusion that I should give him to the librarian so he can become the new library pet. I said “He’ll make a mess” and she said “We can put sawdust on the ground like in old-school cafés...” But then she added that her grandchildren are a bit scared of roosters since they know they can be mean, and they might become afraid of going to the library. We agreed that my rooster shouldn’t be an obstacle to childhood literacy.
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trashyslashers · 2 years
Hello! Could I get a match-up? My name is Salem, and I would prefer a slasher if I could! I'm a She/Her bisexual (i have no preference on gender). I'm very tall (6'1) and I have fluffy dark brown curly hair that is usually a longer style pixie cut. Basically physically i am the big tiddy goth gf stereotype. I dress very alternative, mostly black with graphic movie tees. And obviously you have to have the eyeliner haha.
My personality is very reserved with people I don't know, but I try to be friendly with everyone I meet although many times i am suspicious of people as well. I am very sarcastic (and I dare say dirty minded) at times, and I love making jokes and seeing people laugh. I am somewhat people motivated, so whenever I find someone I like I will become very involved with said person. I also can be a bit protective over those I love. I can be a bit cold because I dont see things the same way as others. And I have a logical view of the world and those around me. My MBTI is also INTP
I'm a bit of a fanatic about movies (and really only become animated when talking about them) and I also adore animals of any kind. I love to draw digitally and irl, and plan on making a graphic novel someday. My love language is giving gifts and cuddling.
Thank you so much!!
I think you would capture the heart of Bubba Sawyer!
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For starters, while it's not exactly the same as yours, Bubba also has curly, fluffy hair! He loves that your hair is almost like his own, and I can see him being a very tactile person when it comes to his partner, so he'll often play with your curls if you let him (and he's very gentle with you).
Bubba is very similar to you in the sense that when he finds someone he likes, he wants to become very involved with them. He grew up with his brothers and is used to a tight-knit, close, family dynamic, so that absolutely extends to his significant other. The fact that this is mutual makes him feel so giddy!
Because Bubba unfortunately does much, if not most, of the heavy lifting and "messy" work around the Sawyer residence, there are days where the two of you won't see each other as much as you'd like to. One of his favorite things to do when returning to you after a long day is to pull you into his arms (he's still taller than you! He can, and will, tuck you right against him) so the two of you can cuddle the stress and aches of the day away.
Bubba tends to get extremely anxious and sometimes downright afraid on his bad days, and unfortunately none of his brothers really help him calm down. Your logical approach to situations, as well as him and his brothers, actually helps a lot as you can reassure him in a way his brothers either can't, or won't.
Speaking of his brothers, I think Nubbins and Chop Top would like you quite a bit! While Drayton may not exactly love your sarcastic sense of humor, Chop Top and Nubbins sure as hell love your sarcastic and dirty-minded jokes. The fact that you're protective of those you love means that you'll fit in well with them, as the Sawyers tend to be protective of their own (though Bubba would rather die than have you put in any sort of dangerous situation where you have to protect him, and/or his brothers!).
Bubba would give you any gifts he could that he thought you'd like: jewelry from victims, little trinkets he either made himself or found (tooth bracelet, anyone? Though if you preferred something less morbid, how about one of buttons?), and so on. If any art supplies were found in the belongings of a trespasser, they'd most definitely go to you! But anything photography related goes to Nubbins, though. Sorry.
You and Bubba huddled up on the furniture with static-y movies on the old television set would quickly become an incredibly common sight in the house. Bubba doesn't mind you talking about the films while watching them, either - you could talk his ear off about random trivia related to the movie you were watching for its entirety and he wouldn't care one bit!
Thank you for the request, Salem - I hope it's to your liking!
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twisted-lies · 2 years
hii ! can i get a kin match up? your turn to die, genshin impact, and deltarune? ^^
- im usually shy and pretty quiet, sometimes i panic when there's too many people or when someone I don't know is talking to me. plus i can get easily overwhelmed and exhausted after socializing too much or school BUT i am usually open, talkative and playful around my friends! i just prefer hanging out with friends online rather than outdoors but i dont mind going outside from time to time if i feel better. i love to play games, watch anime, daydream, and talking to my friends! it gives me a major energy boost!
- i hate it when my friends come over to my house without any announcement since that makes me feel frustrated and anxious about everything. im also the type to accept an invitation then regret it afterwards. but i like paying for their food from time to time
- but im always worried how other people would think of me (especially friends) since im scared of disappointing them and tend to isolate myself when it gets rough or if my mind overpowered me and i overthink. plus i am really scared being in a group project because of people having epxectations on me doing my part well so i prefer solo unless it's a tough assignment. i also value good relationship between everyone around me and dont want to make things too awkward (unless they did smth bad). and i can usually tell when someone is distant or not in the mood, if they're my friend, I'd usually leave them alone, give them a hug, or ask what's wrong
- other than that, i like to meow and bark alot and biting my friends for fun. my friend told me im mature because how i talk and know things. i always try my best to be more understanding and comfort, but im pretty bad at comforting bc i have trouble with sympathy and empathy, and dont really know how to say thank you or apologize properly since im a lil awkward with that (+ being appreciated by other ppl)
- there are times where i would feel easily irritated and avoid my friends or anyonw bc i fear i might explode infront of them by accident! ^^; (just realized i mentioned friends multiple times hehdhe, i just love my friends)
Hello there Anon! Of course you can! I struggled a bit with the Deltarune matchups so take those with a grain of salt, honestly, because I don't remember the game all that well ^^; but I hope you're satisfied with your results anyways!!
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Kanna Kizuchi
Firstly I thought of Kanna Kizuchi! She's more timid and shy, but she's also not afraid to speak her mind. She's very self conscious and looks down on herself and ends up caring a lot what others think of her. She tries her best to be helpful if she can be. She's different around her friends, mainly noticeable when she's around Shin Tsukimi. She's a little more childish. She tries her best to get alone with everyone.
Tia Safalin
Secondly I thought of Tia Safalin! She is absolutely more shy and quiet. She often stutters and can easily get overwhelmed in social situations. She prefers to stick to herself and know whats going on and when. So basically no unannounced arrivals. She doesn't like to disappoint others and often is found helping out the others in a small way. Even if she's not really on their side. Tries to remain more neutral from what I remember.
Anzu Kinashi
Lastly I thought of Anzu Kinashi! While she's more of the bubbly or airheaded type there's definitely still some resemblances. She's talkative and playful, though accidentally can say something rude without realizing. In stressful situations she's the complete opposite. Often shutting down and getting overwhelmed easily. She's somewhat insecure and can jump to conclusions if she thinks someones judging her. Needless to say she cares what others think of her. Of course she sometimes still has a nervous or anxious demeanor as well, she's not always bubbly. She tries her best to comfort people as well and get along with them.
Firstly I thought of Gorou! Definitely more shy and quiet when he's around people he doesn't know and he can easily get intimidated or overwhelmed by others and it can also drain him sometimes. A prime example of this being with Yae Miko. He's definitely more talkative around friends though! Like with the traveler or Sagonomiya Kokomi. He's not fond of unexpected things happening, more like to plan ahead or have a schedule. He also holds himself to a higher standard, being a general and all, so he can also somewhat care about how others see him. He doesn't like letting people down either. If anyone's upset he'll try his best to help him, even if he might not be the best at it. He's also a dogboy so like. Bark.
Secondly I thought of Barbara! She can be pretty shy at times despite working at the cathedral. Sometimes people will crowd her and she can feel pretty overwhelmed and drained afterwards. She really loves being around people she's close to though! When she's around the traveler she's usually pretty bubbly and outgoing. Or around friends in general. She doesn't like disappointing people and usually cares somewhat about how others perceive her. She doesn't like to hurt anyones feelings either and would rather stay on good terms with everyone if she can.
Lastly I thought of Sucrose! She's absolutely more shy and quiet. She panics in more social situations, tending to not go to them if she can help them or if she does usually isn't fond of them. Needless to say being around others drains her unless she's friends with them. Like with Albedo or the Traveler. She's self conscious about herself as well so I'm sure she cares somewhat about what others think of her.
Firstly I thought of Ralsei! They're generally pretty shy and quiet. Conversation with people he doesn't know or riskier situations seem to drain him or even cause him to panic a bit from what I remember? Absolutely adores his friends and is a little less shy and anxious around them! Always tries to help them when he can.
Secondly I thought of Noelle! Like Ralsei she's more shy and quiet. She's rather kind towards other people and tries to help out her friends if she can. She seems to worry how other people think of her, especially Susie. She seems to get easily overwhelmed, too.
Lastly I thought of Kris! Literally does not speak, definition of introvert to be honest. He tries to support those around them and help them for the most part, but they seem like they can get under their skin sometimes too. Idk he was more of a last thought.
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Hello there! ^^ I’ve been following your content for a bit now and I just love whenever you come up on my dash!! If it’s alright with you, may I request a matchup? If not, please feel free to ignore and have an awesome day!
I’m 19, 4’11”, and use She/They pronouns. I don’t really have a preference when it comes to gender for the result?
I have short dark purple hair (atm) and hazel eyes. I also wear glasses! Volume wise, I’m very quiet and I hate being too loud without a good reason. I’m a severely anxious over thinker and tend to keep to myself unless I’m with friends, to which I seem to lose my off switch and probably end up embarrassing myself more than I should.
I love helping other people in any way that I can and will offer my services in any situation to feel useful. According to my friends, I would be considered the ‘Mom Friend.’ Though I’m not the best at offering advice, I’ll always listen, provide care, and scold them if they’re doing anything reckless.
If I had to describe my love language, it would be giving gifts? I love surprising others, especially when they least expect it. If I could, I would buy the world for those I care about. 😭
Hobby wise, I’m a huge fan of reading (manga specifically dkfbdldn), writing, listening to music, editing videos, and drawing (though I’m almost always in a creative block.) I love making art for people when possible!
Finally, I have this huge fear of losing people. Not in a death sort of way (though that is pretty scary.) I mean more in a “they get bored of me and leave” sense, so I tend to cry about that a lot… ahah 🫠
Honestly, if I had a quirk, I’d probably just have Stress like Re-Destro.
Hopefully this was enough! Thank you again and have a great day!!
(Definitely not ignoring haha!)
Match-Up #18
-I match you with Tengai Hekiji~
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-I bet you two met at the grocery store by complete accident. He reached up to grab a jar of something but his hand slipped and the glass burst onto the floor, splattering sauce all over your pristine outfit. His eyes widened and he profusely began to apologize. You probably end up apologizing a lot and letting him know it was okay. However, the man will not give you a moment in the least bit. He’s apologizing and won’t accept anything less than taking you out to lunch to make up for it. No he’s not asking you on a date. He’s seriously just trying to apologize. You finally cave and exchange numbers. You have your little lunch that following weekend with each other and then you part ways. You hadn’t heard from him for weeks until he suddenly texts you out of the blue. You forget you have the number saved to begin with. He’s offering again to take you out to lunch. It’s by now that you figure this must be for a date. You have no qualms with accepting his offer since he seemed to be an outstanding man from the first time you ate out together. You made the right decision (in accepting his offer to come out, AND accepting to be his partner)
-Dating him is probably a different kind of peace yknow? Like you don’t need to have that worry he’ll abandon you because he’ll make it crystal clear from his actions that he won’t. It’s a peace at mind knowing he’s your shoulder to cry on should you ever need it, or he’s the ear always there to listen to you when you speak. The way you help others is something he does to you. Therefore by that logic, you’re the mom friend and he’s definitely the dad. It’s as if you two are the perfect match for each other. Aside from this, there is also the peace around the house. He never raises his voice at you, never interrupts you when you’re doing something important. He’s quiet most of the time since he tends to value the peace at home as opposed to the absolute chaos at work. This goes hand in hand with you being quiet. Although you can get loud when comfy with friends there’s no need to worry about embarrassing yourself around him. He’s dealt with much louder people before (ahem, Rappa).
-He works to calm your anxiousness and to soother your stress. The last time your quirk activated from stress he made it his goal to try and prevent it from happening again. The wall in your shared apartment is still recovering from the damage lol. You give gifts to show you love someone? Cool with him. he likes getting gifts from you! He’s not materialistic at all, but he tends to be sentimental when it’s you involved. Make note of this or your home may become cluttered with everything he keeps. Surprising him makes his heart flutter all the time. He likes to know that he’s on your mind and he hopes you know that you’re on his as well. He shows his love though doing stuff for you. He cleans the apartment from top to bottom, organizes the book shelf (careful to not damage your favorite manga in the process), runs bath water for you, handles any grocery shopping or errands you don’t want to do, so on and so forth. Although he doesn’t buy gifts very often, when he does it’s always something you’d like. He pays great attention to detail and stores your interests in his head like a safe. He gifts you some of your favorite books, new glasses cases or cleaning kits, any hair dye you might be considering if you ever stray from the purple, CD’s (although physical copies can be seen as a dying form of media these days), multiple art products, you name it! With him, it’s really just the thought that counts. The idea of having someone try so hard for you gives a warm feeling in the chest I’m sure.
-He’s a kind and patient man. He’s a very attentive lover both in and out of the bed (if it interests you). He’ll never belittle you or make you feel like less of a person (so no worries about any short jokes). He’s always uplifting towards you. he tries to make sure he can create a world around you that you deserve. Much like his shield quirk, he’s on a mission to envelope you in everything you deserve: mentally, emotionally, and physically. That’s just some of the things that makes him an ideal partner.
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melspuppies8282 · 2 months
Just needed to vent for a second about my situation:
Okay so about a month ago I made a post to multiple accounts (I don't think I made one here, mostly it was to inform people of late messages to the other accounts) about my living situation and complications due to it. I just wanted to say that as of now, my mom has saved my childhood home and I'm going to be staying there for the time being.
Over the last 2 months, the people I was going to move in with have been having complications with their own living situation. I'm going to be vague in this post bc it's just a vent, but I needed stuff off my chest.
So one of my friends (that I've been close friends with since middle school) is engaged to someone. This person I have become friends with, but I didn't like them at first due to their personality. I have grown to accept it and I've been good friends with them since. The fiancee's mom I am also friends with, and I have grown fond of. I was helping them bc their landlord is a real prick and has been making them paranoid for months, and gave an eviction notice for things that weren't called for. They recently had trouble with another roommate that screwed them over, so we all planned to move somewhere bc I was gonna lose my house anyway. I don't have a job rn, and I am $3,500 in debt as this post is being written. They said they would help me on my feet, helped me get a phone bc my line had been disconnected, and said I would pay rent once I got stuff figured out. I am forever grateful for their help.
I am an alcoholic and I have mental illness. Around the time of this discussion, I had a relapse and it severely messed up my relationship with my fiancee. I decided to go sober again, and as it stands, today I am 47 days sober. I am very proud of myself, but I have been struggling lately to stay that way. I am severely depressed, severely anxious, and my BPD has been so bad since the last day of my relapse. During the last day of the relapse I had gone to the friends birthday party where I blacked out, and it caused a major argument between me and my fiancee, and I am currently making amends with what happened and growing from it.
With all of this, I have been ill. I had a stomach pain around my diaphragm, and a numb tongue. I had gone to the doctor and got started on medication. I have my second doctor visit tomorrow, and although I don't have the pain, I have been struggling to eat, drink, or move around a lot. I only get out of my house to go to AA, and I have been getting an extreme pain in my spinal area. The stress of everyone around me made my symptoms worse at the time, so I barely spoke to people during this time if it wasn't urgent.
However, that had gone disrespected, as I was in a group chat consisting of me, 2 of my friends, the friends fiancee, and my fiancee. The group chat was meant for ranting, but turned into people coming to me to rant privately and instead in the group chat posting memes and spamming. I had asked multiple times for the group chat to stay for ranting, which was disrespected, and so I muted the chat. In the past, people would ask if it was okay to vent to me, which I would give a yes or no based on my mental state, which then turned into me being the only one asking and them ranting whenever. I have struggled talking to people due to fear of abandonment bc of this.
I decided not to move in with those people due to multiple reasons. The friends fiancee's attitude, and how it kept triggering me and my own mental health were beginning to affect my sobriety. In their house there was alcohol and weed, and I told them before it shouldn't bother me as long as it wasn't in reach, but then had been on my mind a lot while there. I don't have a car, and I like a specific AA meeting because it's smaller, and my social anxiety isn't as bad bc there is at least 3 faces I recognize every time I go. I felt like a burden on some occasions, asking if they could take me. It had gotten to a point where the last time I saw them, I planned on taking the bus bc of the fiancee's attitude, and I didn't want to cause an issue, and they took me and I cried during the meeting.
I do not currently go to therapy bc of my financial situation, so I have been relying on AA a lot to help me through my situations, as I am struggling to stay clean during all of this. It brought to light my own boundaries and decisions in the process, which I had expressed to the friend during our outing the day of that AA meeting i had previously mentioned. I had expressed how I really felt, and how I felt going forward, and how if something didn't change I wasn't sure of the future. She came to me and expressed emotions on how she truly felt as well, and I was able to explain that during the panic of their situation, I felt like a mediator and I didn't want that. I told them how it made me really anxious and I was worried for them, and how they were going to handle stuff. I told her at the end of the day I'm listening to her decisions and opinions the most bc she is my friend. Without her, the other people in the house mean little to me. She told me she understood. Before this, I had explained on why I wasn't coming over as much, due to the stress of everything and my health. I had said it rudely, and I apologized for that on multiple occasions, bc there is no excuse for my behavior.
A while ago, 2 texts where sent. One from the friend, and one from the fiancee's mom. The friend expressed not knowing what was going on before saying that we (me and the possible other person moving in) where at fault for things regarding the move, and to talk to them. I had called and expressed my emotions regarding the move, once again, and said I was no longer moving in due to the lack of information from the people in the house. I had wanted to do a call on that Sunday (this call previously mentioned was 2 days later) but didn't receive any information on if it was alright to do so. The text from the fiancee's mom didn't make sense, saying about "broken trust" when I had been honest from the beginning.
I am no longer moving, but I am still in financial trouble, and the urge to relapse is so strong I can barely do anything else. My fiancee is the only one talking to me, and I am so frustrated about how everything has come around, I can barely do anything else. My non-alive ideation is through the roof, and I don't think it would matter to anyone, anyway.
Everyone I've talked to about the situation (mostly the people from AA) have said I'm making the right decision setting this boundary for my sobriety, and to just believe it will work out. I feel awful in my decision, and as if I'm doing something wrong, and that I've lost everyone in caring for myself right now. I really want to get better and for people to want me for me, not what I do for them. It's so hard making friends anymore, that I just want to never make any ever again.
I am working on finding a job, and with that I will move out once I get this debt paid off. But it feels so far away, I feel like it'll never happen. And I feel like this could have been avoided if people just took the initiative and just focused on who already gave an answer, not the potentials.
I was supposed to talk the them Friday, but I no longer wish to do so. If I am "breaking trust" by setting a boundary, there is no point in me explaining my decision, because they already made theirs.
I am getting back into my own religion, and have been speaking with mother nature lately and trying to find some answers. I have been talking to my deceased father as well, praying he'll help me keep the friends that are true and reveal people's intentions. I have been speaking with my fiancee a lot to help me through this, and explaining my thoughts towards things and being more open about my dark thoughts and what I am truly feeling. I know I'll make it through this. I just don't know how.
My ED is flaring like crazy, and since I don't have any money it's only encouraging it more. My life feels like I've hit rock bottom. I'm laying on it, just wanting to stand back up and crawl out of it. I know I can. I just have to do it somehow.
I am trying to stay positive about all of this, but it's so hard. I just want to lie down and rot. I have a wonderful fiancee who makes sure to take care of me when he can. Without him I don't think I'd survive this.
I just needed stuff off my chest, and I didn't feel right leaving it on my sad blog, because I just want it out there. I want to be seen and heard, and know that it'll work out. I'm hoping my prayers and willingness for it to work out will let it. I just need a little hope that I can make it through this. Even if it's just a funny picture on tumblr, I just need something to survive another day. I just need another 24 hours. I say that every day anymore.
I just need to be cared for like I care for everyone else.
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jdgo51 · 6 months
God’s Great Care
By Johana Htwe (Yangon, Myanmar)
READ LUKE 12:22-26
"If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you — you of little faith!"
LUKE 12:28 (NIV)
"About 10 years ago, there was a huge playground just beyond the walls of my house. The chattering of adults and the giggling of children always gave life to it. Now it is abandoned, but to me it is more beautiful than ever. Grasses have taken over the whole playground, painting it green. Giant trees continue to grow, and their yellow, pink, and red flowers glow against the blue sky and white clouds. Occasionally a gardener cuts and burns the grasses, allowing new grasses to sprout up even greener, moving with the morning breeze and sparkling in the sunlight that shines among the leaves of the trees. What a perfect picture of God’s creation!
Just as that playground was abandoned, we may at times feel forgotten by our friends, our family, or people around us. But we need not become discouraged. People abandoned the playground, but God redecorated it, making it more beautiful and peaceful. When we encounter situations that challenge us, we need not be anxious. The grasses are cut and burned, but they are always reborn with perfect beauty. If God wonderfully cares even for these small things, God will surely care for us. We can rest assured that God will care for us because we are God’s beloved children." God cares for all things big or small, very important or slightly important and each one is valued highly.
"Dear Lord, thank you for never abandoning us. Encourage us with your love. When we are overwhelmed by life’s problems, remind us of your care." Amen.
Luke 12:22-26
"'22 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Therefore, I say to you, don’t worry about your life, what you will eat, or about your body, what you will wear. 23 There is more to life than food and more to the body than clothing. 24 Consider the ravens: they neither plant nor harvest, they have no silo or barn, yet God feeds them. You are worth so much more than birds! 25 Who among you by worrying can add a single moment to your life? 26 If you can’t do such a small thing, why worry about the rest?"' Give up worry. God takes care of all things You stressing does no good. Let God carry all the burdens. You are very important to Him. Blessings! Joe
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Is AJ a light worker?
In the dream, I was just minding my own business but I got roped in out of nowhere with some issue. It really seemed to appear out of thin air and went out of its way to involve me in its clasp. It was some sort of issue that happened between someone and CWH and it was a liability. There as a lot of damage control that needed to be undertaken to smother the fires. I was talking with a lady who was leaving for France tomorrow morning and said I had to deal with it now. She messaged a bunch of things saying you need to send an. invoice There was also a group of girls around my age who were all affected peripherally, I think they were all Asian. Something about getting some compensation for them since their mental health was affected and their time, waste of energy etc. Then Gabi contacted me and let me know that she was the lawyer that CWH had hired and she was the one assigned this case. We would be working on it together, at least a lot of correspond would happen between us. She sent some texts with a bunch of stuff to read through, basically everything I needed to do to quell the situation but I didn't really read it. When I saw her in person, I told her I wasn’t going to deal with it since it’s not my problem. She was pretty surprised and probably thought I was joking, even a laughing a bit but she kept re-iterating that I needed to do this.
We googled a girl that I used to work with at CWH, her name was Christina (although I knew her as Chrissy) but since she had married she had a different, longer surname name. It was like we were looking at a Wikipedia page and I could see that she had only recently died since after her name was her date of birth followed by a dash followed by her date of death. I was asking someone about how she died and apparently she became a tattoo artist and her husband was into the 'bad' type of tattooing, utilising two types of inks that were extremely frowned upon, that were very dangerous and lethal. It was understood that he influenced her into doing this, and if it weren't for him she'd probably still be alive. I think on her page there is a couple picture of them.
Then I was in a house with a family who lived there. The mother was very hip and gentle and she had lived in Holland for most of her life and it seemed like this was the likely reason why her temperament was as such. I was speaking with them, because I was the daughter's boyfriend I think. I was telling about them the predicament that I was in. The family house was light and airy, high vibrational. It felt cosy, the true embodiment of the word 'home'. It was not particularly big by any means. I was joking around a bit with the parents, I felt comfortable around them. After awhile, the family all went for a walk to give us some privacy to deal with the issue. Their daughter was much shorter than me, and more tanned than the rest of the family and I wondered about her birth origins. Maybe she was adopted. I don't think I particularly loved her or anything, I didn't feel anything coming from her, she felt like an NPC.
I remember feeling flabbergasted that this entire situation that I had gotten entrapped in just seemed to appear out of nowhere. In the back of my mind I knew that it wasn't real, even though it felt real. I could feel myself becoming anxious and stressed when others around me were trying to get me to 'play' their game. They were unaware of what they were doing. I could have played too but it was too much effort, and not fun in the slightest. I could feel my vibration lowering as I started to ease myself into getting used to the idea of potentially partaking in this arduous notion. But I snapped out of it. Thankfully. I realised it wasn't real. I knew that all I had to do was ignore the situation and it would dissolve. I could go down that route and make this all my problem and it would have been real. It's your focus that makes things real, your belief in it. I didn't believe any of it was really taking place anymore. I contemplated moving to a different country, knowing that they would have no way to contact me and that way I would have nothing to do with it anymore.
I decided that I wanted to dance with my girlfriend and have fun with her. I wanted to forget the pain that was creeping in. I acted gay and drunk, even though I was not. I spilled some wine accidentally on the remove control and cleaned it with a tissue. I held her in my arms and even carried her a bit of a ways, she felt as light as a doll. I was dancing and forgetting all of it. It wasn't real. I surrendered to the feeling most prevalent in my heart and let it overtake me, which was that everything was going to be okay.
I was about to tell the group, you could not believe what I manifested out of nowhere, a low-vibe distraction to pass the time.
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thins565 · 2 years
I don't feel real, like at all, though I am typing and I'm aware of the fact that this is real but I just don't feel real , when talking and responding to others my body just does it even at times I'M surprised , I'm not in control. I don't feel present though my body is here but my actual consciousness is far away and because of that I always have a difficulty remembering things like I loss my phone 24/7💀, and at times I find my self pacing around the house with out knowing how I got there and why I was there so ya I most definitely have dissociation and I kinda opened up about it to my mom about like a year ago but I didn't tell her in details cuz every time I wanted to talk I felt like I would start bursting my eyes out like there was a lump in my throat (idk why that happend cuz I never thought about it as a sad thing if uk what I mean) in the end I left the room without completing the discussion and my mom knows very will that there is something wrong with me but she never bathored talking about the subject I guesse she doesn't want to come with terms that her daughter was going insane?(I love my mom BTW even though she may have done wrong things and give me a decent amount of trauma) but like If my daughter was in that kind of situation I would help , the culture and the community that I live in doesn't belive in mental illness and just think your crazy or lying and its looked down upon to go to a therapist (but some people have started opening up thier minds about the idea ) uk I made up an estimate about how long I will be sane for which maximum 5yeasr(if I live ofc) hopefully I have more time than that because I have decided long ago that I will get the proper help and medication when I grow up and become an adult who can pay for said treatment. my first dissociation symptoms started in the 9th grade where when ever I was in a stressful situation where I would talk to someone especially teachers at school I would experience out of body experience idk like I can see my myself form up above its like my consciousness or "soul" is out of by body floating in the air but when lock down happed because of covid these symptoms quickly disappeard and changed into another type of symptoms which is the ones I suffer from today 1. I feel trapped in my body(this is the opposite symptom), my body just moves on its own says things on its own for you to understand i would describe it like watching a very long film which sound very scary now that I think of it 2. I don't feel real , mostly because of the huge stress that school put me under i started creating my own reality my on imagery world to cope with the stress i i just couldn't take it anymore .stress every where ;problems and stress because of school and problems at home (though they were minor and so its not really the main cause for me developing dissociation...my dissociation started from school it made me like this . Huuuu School really screwed me up though this year is better almost every day someone in my class ends up having a mental break down and some even panic attacks its really hard when I think about is especially remembering there screams it makes me so anxious I still have nightmares about school though it ended like maybe 3 weeks ago?
I know its long don't I think any body would read this
Btw it's 2am right now ama head to sleep after dumping all of this on the Internet
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A weekend in Quantico | Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: You surprise Stiles and visit him in Quantico
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Word count: 1.3k
After graduation, Stiles got accepted at the FBI National Academy - as he should. You were very proud of him and both happily cried together when he received his acceptance letter. He was finally going to put his investigating talents and heightened intelligence to good use.
It also meant being apart.
The first week was alright. You missed each other, but made sure to call every night.
The second week, Stiles started his program and fell asleep on the phone. He was tired from his new schedule and you couldn't blame him.
The fourth week, you started your senior year. It was lonely without Stiles. Thankfully, you had friends to sit with at lunch, but they kept talking about how cool it must be to have a boyfriend who was in college. Sadly, dating a college boy was one of those things that's only cool outside of the picture. When you're the one in the long-distance relationship, things are much less cool.
The sixth week, Stiles was calling you two times a week and you started showing up to school wearing one of his flannel button ups. It was soft and smelled like him.
The eleventh week, he told you he wouldn't make it to Thanksgiving because the buses were expensive and he had a lot of work on his hands and studying to do too. You were really bummed out by the change of plan, but understood that college came first. That night, you cried.
The twelfth week, a traitor, who you assumed was Scott, told Stiles how you really were doing - which wasn't too well - and a package showed up at your door coming from Quantico. You opened the box with a curious eyebrow and found one of Stiles' hoodies and a short but cute hand-written letter.
I'll be home for Christmas, the letter promised. Christmas was in six weeks. There was no way you would last six more weeks without seeing your boyfriend.
It was late afternoon when you arrived in Quantico. The crisp wind was filling through your jacket, causing goosebumps to raise on your arms. You should have worn something warmer. Perhaps a hat too? But it was too late for that.
Your bag was slung over your shoulder as you crossed the street and followed the indications on your phone that would lead you to the campus.
After getting lost three times, you finally made it to the building where Stiles had his last lesson of the day. You didn't dare go too close to the classrooms, scared someone would ask for your access card and kick you out.
Stiles saw you before you saw him. He was turning a corner, walking down the hallway to take the stairs and stopped in his tracks when he saw you, startled. ''What the hell.'' At first, he thought his vision was playing him tricks, but you looked back at him, confirming that he wasn't hallucinating.
You grinned, finally seeing him after weeks of being apart. ''Missed me?''
Instead of replying, Stiles closed the distance between you and him to pull you in an embrace, snaking his arms behind your shoulders as yours wrapped around him tightly. You felt him exhale in your hold, his face finding home in your neck and shoulder.
There was no better feeling than holding the one you love.
The hug was longer than it should have, being in the middle of a hallway, but neither of you cared that students were passing by.
''What are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy you're here, because I'm fucking ecstatic that you're here.'' Stiles smiled down at you, brushing your cheek with his thumb as if to check if you were really there. ''It's just that I suspected my dad would be visiting this weekend. Not you.''
Noah had called Stiles last night to check on him and casually ask about his weekend plans. Clearly, he had failed at not evoking suspicions from his son.
Stiles re-adjusted his book bag on his shoulder and you looked at him up and down, taking in his dress pants, white button up and tie. It was the mandatory dress code for the FBI Academy and, honestly, it wasn't unpleasant for the eyes. You weren't into men in uniforms, but he looked hot.
You glided your fingers along the hem of his tie. ''You are looking mighty fine, Agent Stilinski.''
''I'm not an agent yet. I'm just an intern,'' Stiles reminded you. ''But, I'll take the compliment.''
The two of you walked to his dorm, which he shared with someone named Vincent - who was currently at the library.
The bed on the left was made in a very Stiles fashion. The comforter was neatly pulled with his pillow on top, hiding the wrinkled sheets underneath. His desk was a complete mess. There were piles of textbooks and miscandelious papers and pens everywhere. You couldn't even see the wood of the desk.
Stiles dropped his bag on the floor, tired of carrying it all day. ''I'd love to give you a tour of the campus, but I have a lot of reading to do and I need to solve this new mock case for Monday. If you had given me a heads-up that you'd be visiting this weekend, I would've cleared my schedule a bit.'' His face was conflicted.
''If I told you, it wouldn't have been a surprise.''
''I know... But I don't want to confine you to my dorm all weekend because I have work to do.''
You had travelled all the way to Quantico and he felt bad for not making the weekend interesting, knowing how expensive plane tickets were.
''I don't care what we do. I just want to spend time with you.'' You snaked your arms behind Stiles' neck, your fingers brushing the bottom of his hair, and brought him down for a kiss. ''And, we can always kiss during study breaks.''
''Of course we will,'' Stiles said, refusing to break tradition.
Although you weren't in the same grade, you and Stiles would study together a lot. You'd go to his house after school and he would help you with maths - because maths is hard and he aced his exams last year. And, most importantly, you'd take study breaks - aka kissing breaks. They would sometimes last longer than intended, but neither of you complained.
''You know what? Let's go out for a pizza,'' Stiles suddenly decided, changing his mind about staying in. ''There's this Italian place just outside the campus that makes the most delicious pizza. Dad and I ate lunch there when he dropped me off.''
Getting pizza with Stiles was a classic activity. You went almost every Thursday since you started dating. Sometimes, Stiles' dad would even join in - if he didn't have too much work at the station.
''Are you sure?'' you asked.
Stiles nodded. ''Well, we gotta eat and I'm tired of the healthy food they have here. I want pizza.''
You sat on his bed, waiting as he changed out of his school uniform. As hot as he looked in his fancy clothes, you liked the familiarity of Stiles' flannels and hoodies.
He unclasped the tie from his shirt, shocking you. You gasped. ''It was fake?!''
Stiles scratched the back of his neck. ''Eh, yeah... I used to wear a real tie, but I'd feel stressed or anxious, the tight feeling around my neck was making the situation worse. But, don't tell anyone.''
Although there was nothing to be embarrassed about, you could tell by his voice that he was embarrassed. You were actually proud of him for finding a solution instead of being frustrated for the way his brain worked. Stiles had gone a long way with his anxiety. He no longer let it control him or stop him from living.
''Your secret is safe with me, babe,'' you promised.
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mostlybarnes · 3 years
I Love You
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Summary: The five times you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him and the one time you did.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Mutual pining, idiots in love, friends to lovers, fluff, brief mentions of injuries. Not a single curse word, are you proud of me Steve? 😏
Words: 1,347
Author’s Notes: I’ve had this thing *waves hand at the summary* on my mind the whole heckin’ day and my mind screamed at me to write it. I made this little divider thing, it’s so cute I love it and I’m proud of myself.
My permanent taglist is open, please let me know if I’ve missed you or if you want to join!
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Telling someone you loved them was no easy task, especially if the person you wanted to tell was just a friend. How do you tell someone who is your friend that you want to spend the rest of your life with them and that you love them more than life itself?
Well, the first time you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him was when he got back to the compound after a brutal mission that ended up going south and some of his ribs were broken from the fight. You were scared that you would lose him, and you didn’t want to waste time by not telling him of your true feelings.
You gnawed on your lip nervously as you watched him stagger through the hallway with his bionic arm around Steve and his right arm pressing on a bloody wound that seeped through his fingers. Blood dripped down the side of his face and even from the distance you could see he had blood in his hair and dirt under his nails. He looked a mess and the cold look in his eyes made you think twice about dropping a ‘I love you’ bombshell on him right now. Now wasn’t the time, now wasn’t the place.
You let it go for now, allowing Steve to take him to the medical bay to get patched up while you trudged slowly back to your room, hoping and praying Bucky was going to be alright. He was a strong super soldier, of course he was going to be.
The second time you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him was a couple of days after that mission. He was sitting at the dining table alone spooning a mouthful of Cap’n Crunch and reading the newspaper.
“Good mornin’ Buck! How are you?” You greeted him with a warm smile. He looked up from his paper and offered a tight lipped smile in return. His lip was cut from being punched by a hydra agent and he had some deep cuts and bruises over his face and body.
“Hey Y/N! Doing alright doll, injuries are finally healing. How are you?”
How were you, really? Is this the part where you tell him you haven’t slept so much because you’ve been so worried? Does that sound weird? Or is this the part where you tell him what’s on your heart?
“I’m… just a bit tired but doing okay.” You said instead after a few minutes of thinking about what to say. The truth is, you were absolutely terrified of rejection. With other guys, it wouldn’t have mattered so much but Bucky meant the world to you. If you ended up telling him you loved him and he didn’t feel the same way, then everything would be ruined and you know he isn’t the kind of guy that accepts apologies so easily and quickly. The last thing you wanted to do was make things awkward between the two of you.
“You sure? You seem like you have something on your mind there?” He stares back at you with his features softened. Bucky cared and he cared a lot.
You smiled and nodded your head. Only thing on my mind is you, Barnes. “I promise I’m okay, just tired.”
He nodded his head a few times before smiling back at you. “Take a seat.” He motioned to the chair opposite him, “let me get you some breakfast and coffee.”
Like I said, he cared a lot.
The third time you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him was during a trip to the beach with the avengers to take advantage of a free day for everyone and with the sun shining, the temperatures rising, it was just perfect. Tony suggested a relaxing day and this was definitely it. A few hours on the beach seemed to melt any worries and stress you had, and you found yourself smiling and laughing a lot more today.
Bucky was also in a very good mood, he had a constant smile on his face and he was even cracking jokes with Tony and Sam. He was shirtless, not caring if anyone saw his arm and he enjoyed swimming because the water was much cooler against the summer heat.
Bucky was laying next to you with his arms under his head and his ankles crossed over the other as you made sure every inch of his skin was covered in sunscreen. He looked so peaceful, so calm and the words almost spilled out. Almost. Until Tony decided to ruin the moment.
“Hey kid, if you’re done with the sunscreen, can you throw it back to me?” You threw it and Tony caught it easily. When you looked back at Bucky, he was grinning with his sunglasses up on his forehead.
“Thank you for taking such good care of me doll.”
“Of course! Sunburn is no joke, it’s painful because it feels like your body is on fire.”
“Well, good thing we got this huge umbrella over us.” You nodded in agreement and took in the breeze of the warm air as the heat made you feel sleepy.
The fourth time you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him was after his Tinder date stood him up at the restaurant he worked hard to make a reservation for. He came back to the compound looking down and upset. You made him some herbal tea and listened to him without any interruptions.
“I just wish I could find somebody who would love me, ya know? Someone who would love me for who I am.” He sighed, keeping his eyes on the swirling tea.
I love you Buck, you wanted to say so badly. You wanted to let those three words out and break free from the chains.
“I absolutely do understand. You deserve someone who would give you the world.” Bucky looked deep in your eyes, and you felt scared he would see your real meaning behind it. Eyes gave a lot of answers away if you weren’t careful and he was trained to read people like a book. He always knew you were sick before you even became sick. And he knew if you were sad, happy or even anxious and he seemed to know the reasons why behind every emotion. He gulped and nodded, finishing the rest of his drink before bidding you a goodnight. For the first time in a long time, you felt worried and anxious. You felt as if he knew something.
Bucky did know something, he heard the crack in your voice and the way your eyes focused on him as you spoke, as though you were in a daydream. Your eyes gave him the biggest clue and he was thankful for that because he didn’t want to look like an idiot when he asked you out.
Little did you know, Bucky had feelings for you too. You were more than a friend to him and he daydreamed about the future and you were his future. A picket fence house, children, pets. A happy marriage and a happy family. Bucky had plans to ask you out, he just hoped he hadn’t looked at the whole situation wrong.
The sixth time you wanted to tell Bucky you loved him and succeeded was after your first date. He asked you out a few days after everything happened with his failed date. He took you to a quiet restaurant where you wouldn’t be disturbed by the public, you drank wine, listened to the violins in the background and ate dinner.
The flames from the candles illuminated your skin and Bucky became mesmerized by your soft glowing features. You were his dream come true and the moment those words came from your mouth, it had felt like the whole world was lifted off your shoulders.
“I love you too, doll. You’re it for me, I don’t want anyone else.” He smiled down at you, bumping your noses together adorably.
“I’m glad to see that, Barnes. I’m afraid to tell you you’re stuck with me.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way, doll. Till the end of the line.”
Permanent taglist [4/50]: @w-wolfhxrd @team-marvel13 @ripredwing @certainaesthetic
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twinklelilstarkey · 3 years
Relieved - Matthew Tkachuk
Words: 1.7k+
Type: Fluff
Summary: Matthew has to go back to work just days after you give birth to his son and he absolutely hates it.
Warnings: Female!Reader. Anxiety (maybe, separation anxiety). Kinda rude Matty. Mentions of soreness and lack of sleep (from birth).
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It has been 2 days since you were dismissed from the hospital. Two days since you have officially become a mother. And two days since you haven’t slept a full night without waking up at least 4 times during it.
Your body is still very sore, but medicine helps. Yet it’s not like you move a lot around the house.
Matthew, your boyfriend and dad of your kid, does not let you get up most times the baby cries. He always says that he will check and then if you’re needed, he’ll bring the baby to you. All of this because he knows that you’re tired and really doesn’t want you to tire yourself out further or go through any pain from how sore you are, over something that he can do.
Bad thing work calls quick. You’ll be on maternity leave for at least one more month, but Matt? Yeah, no, his team supposedly already needs him back.
And he’s not happy about it.
“Baby, I’ll be fine.” You tell him in a low whisper. “You don’t have to worry that much.”
He clenches his jaw and looks out of the window, clearly annoyed. He’s not wearing a shirt and is holding the newborn baby close to his chest as he sleeps peacefully.
Matt looks down at his son, staring at his small chubby face with adoration, as it is kind of smooshed against his warm skin, which makes his lips slightly parted, and he continues to contemplate calling his coach and just announce his absence last minute.
“He’ll probably still be asleep when you come back.” You tell him, gaining his attention again. “We’ll both be fine.”
“And if something happens?” He asks, also in a whisper, “I won’t be able to pick up the phone and come home.”
“Your mom is just a few blocks away at the hotel, remember?” You ask softly, “I promise that if something happens she’ll be the first person I call.”
He thinks about it for a second and looks down at the baby again.
“She’ll probably get here in less than 2 minutes too.” You add to lighten the mood.
A grin appears over his lips at the sound of your words and he gives his head a slight shake. You smile and he leans away from the wall beside the bedroom window.
Matthew sits down beside you on the side of the bed and you move a bit to sit closer to him. You two look down at the sleeping baby, admiring him as if he’s just the most peaceful thing in the world and didn’t wail his little lungs out just about half an hour ago.
You lean your cheek against Matthew’s naked shoulder and he lays his head against yours, letting the two of you sit in the peaceful silence as he rethinks his options.
“I’ll go.” He finally whispers, “But promise me you’ll call my mom right away. And that you’ll always have your phone with you.”
“I promise.” You say with a slight grin.
You lift your head off his shoulder really slowly, so he can lift his first, and you move a bit on the bed to move in even closer to him. You give a quick kiss on the lips before giving him two more on the cheek and offer him a smile.
“Everything’s going to be fine.” You tell him in a whisper.
Throughout the warmups and game, Matthew’s mind is going a mile a second. 
Sure, he’s a professional athlete, he’s supposed to be able to put everything in the back of his mind and only focus on the game and nothing else. But it doesn’t really work that way. 
From the time he stepped foot outside of the apartment and inside the arena, he feels like his heart is continuously skipping beats and accelerating for no reason.
And the fact that everyone that would see him walking to or around the locker room would congratulate him for the second time for being a first-time dad, is just making matters worse. 
How is he supposed to be focused on something when everyone just keeps on reminding him who he has at home?
Warm-ups were awful, he just wanted to do one more lap, go take his gear off, and go home. It’s going to take him hours to leave that place and knowing that is just worsening this whole situation.
You, on the other hand, are more than calm. To be completely honest, you’re sitting in bed half-asleep for most of the time. As well as the baby, who is sleeping on his little crib beside your bed, peacefully, as the game plays in a soft mumble on your bedroom’s TV. 
You’ve also now come to realize that the voices of the casters over the sound of blades on the ice are surprisingly relaxing when left at a certain volume. To you, at least, a mother who hasn’t slept more than 3 hours for the past few days.
While you were taking your very peaceful nap, Matthew was still a nervous wreck. He’s made sure that one of his trainers has his phone just in case something happens. Something that, of course, they never do but today is the big exception.
And surprisingly, he scored in the second period. 
Matthew honestly felt like he was on autopilot the whole game, so it even came as a shock to him that he did it. Which some people did notice since he had a more confused look on his face than anything while everyone around him celebrated. 
And right as the game went to intermission, he thought he was being able to put home aside for a second. But that was only until the god damn intermission interview.
“Congratulations on the new addition to the family , by the way. How’s everything going back home?”
Damn you, whoever decided to make that question. He did answer with a smile and a soft tone, seeming to everyone like he’s an under-control-over-his-emotions dad and not at all freaking the fuck out.
You? Still fast asleep. Just like the baby.
By the time the third period reached its half, Matthew was already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. 
He’s almost home.
And you? Well, this time you’re not asleep anymore. You’re changing a diaper and then comforting your very small baby against your upper chest as you walk around the house.
It still amazes you how such a small being can scream so loud.
You used the opportunity of being up on your feet and with the baby with you to go actually eat something. Which was kind of hard to do with only one hand, but not impossible.
You texted back Chantal, Matt’s mom, just to let her know that you are okay and that you were even able to take a nap, which as an answer you got all types of celebration emojis.
Everything was going pretty okay and honestly, that nap worked wonders with you. You felt exhausted when Matthew left, and now you feel as strong as ever. Still sore, but strong.
After eating and drinking tones of water, you walked back to the bedroom to watch the end of the game. You had to eventually feed the baby as well but that went fairly easy.
You had to give yourself a pat on the back after this whole thing, everything went so well that it seemed like you’re truly getting the hang of it. For now, at least.
The game ended, the Flames won, and Matthew was ready to go home. 
That is until he’s told that he has press to do. He swears he almost hit someone with his stick or even helmet. Like, come on, people!
And this time he did not have the smile nor a soft tone, he looked pissed, which some people found funny. 
At least some questions were quick and easy to answer, but there still were the quite annoying ones he’s grown accustomed to.
He was out of his chair as soon as the words ‘the questions are do-’ left someone's mouth. Rude? Probably, but today is not the day to throw that in his face.
The shower was probably the quickest one he’s ever taken and he thinks he didn’t even dry himself off completely when he started getting dressed. 
Speeding out of the parking lot, home he went.
He doesn’t even think he parked his car correctly, but he was out of the car and inside the house in a matter of seconds.
You heard him from the bedroom let his bag fall by the lobby of the house and his quick footsteps over the wooden floor of the hallway. 
A few seconds later, Matthew appears in the bedroom’s doorway and his eyes are staring down at you right away.
“Hi!” You say with a smile.
“Did he sleep this whole time?” He asks, a slight shock on his face.
“No,” You say with a smile, “But he might go to sleep again in a few.”
You look down at the small baby and you hear Matthew making his way to the bed. He ignores the fact that he’s still wearing his very uncomfortable suit and sits next to you, leaning his back against the headboard while eyeing his son staring at the ceiling while what looks like chewing on his tongue.
“Do you want to hold him?” You ask him as he stares intensely.
A shy smile grows on his face and you smile back as you see that as a big ol’ silent yes. 
You lean away from the bed’s headboard and turn a bit to Matthew to get a better angle. He slowly and safely takes his baby from your arms, who automatically leans on whatever warmth is next to him - that being Matt’s chest.
Matt doesn’t feel stressed, anxious, mad, or even tired anymore. He just feels relieved that he’s back home.
You look at two of them and your heart completely melts at the image you swear you can look at for the rest of your life. 
What is there not to love about this?
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Baby fever is still going strong, so I had to write this, don’t hate me.
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flareish · 3 years
kuroo x reader
summary: you hide your anxiety from basically everyone including your boyfriend, until he finds out for himself
genre: hurt/comfort
warnings: Emetophobia Warning! description of nausea/vomit, anxiety, bit of angst but ends in fluff
word count: 2.0k
a/n: I tried to make this as close to my anxiety since I hadn’t known anyone with my kind of anxiety(symptom wise) until I was seventeen, which was a good ways into when I realized I had anxiety. So here is some nausea anxiety representation!
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You tap your fingers in a mindless rhythm. Alternating the fingers and repeating them back and forth, trying to make it a game, a challenge. You did this over and over again to distract yourself from that all too familiar sinking feeling. That feeling like your stomach has managed to twist and knot itself a million times. Each bump of the bus made acid crawl up your throat. You crunched a mint in your mouth hoping the peppermint would soothe some of the nausea. It didn’t, but the thought was there. You just will yourself not to throw up on the bus, anything but that. The thought in itself makes you even more nervous, and in turn even sicker.
You don’t even know why you are anxious. Today is Kuroo’s big game, but it isn’t yours. You’ve been to a hundred of his games before but never before did you feel like this. Normally you get cute little butterflies, not an angry swarm of bees. The worst part is, there is Kuroo sat next to you happy as can be, completely oblivious. He keeps trying to drag you into conversations but you fear if you open your mouth for too long, all that will come up is vomit. So you keep your mouth firmly closed only smiling tightly or shaking your head at his prompts.
It's not exactly his fault though. He doesn’t actually know you have anxiety. It’s not something you really like to talk about. You are all for promoting the acceptance of mental health but you just find every time you tell someone the dynamic changes. Either they flat out don’t believe you since you “don’t seem like the type with anxiety”. Well duh, I don’t have social anxiety, I have situational anxiety. Like here in this situation. That or they suddenly treat me like I am incapable of handling myself. That whenever a slightly stressful event comes up, I am going to melt into a puddle of pure anxiety. Sorry but I’ve made it this far, I may have to throw up a few times on the way but I am still making it. 
So you just haven’t told Kuroo. You're just nervous that it will change the dynamic. You also don’t want to steal his spotlight. Today is supposed to be all about him. It's his big game. To suddenly speak up and tell him that his game is giving you anxiety would be selfish. So like you always have, you put a brave face on and face it head-on.
“Hey, are you okay?” Kuroo asks you, now facing you, “You look a little pale.”
“Hmm?,” You also turn to look at him, “Oh I am just a bit tired that’s all. I will be fine in an hour or so.” You hope at least. He nods relieved it's not something worse. 
You finally pull into the stadium and everyone is pushing their way off the bus. Luckily Kuroo is right by you to make sure you don't get accidentally pushed down the bus stairs and trampled. The team makes it’s to the bulletin board where they are given their matchups. Nekoma is paired with a pretty hard team. Suddenly, out of nowhere, you dry heave. You knew at the point you were going to throw up and within the next few minutes. 
“Hey I think I left something in the bus I’ll be right back.” You say to Kuroo before dashing off. He goes to reply but you are already gone. 
You make it around the back of the building before you throw up. At this point you’re kinda out of it, your mind is occupied on emptying your already empty stomach. Then you feel someone pull your hair back and gently rub your back. You don’t even have to look up to know it’s Kuroo. When you finish he hands you his water bottle.  You waterfall it and rinse your mouth out of that acidic taste. 
“What’s going on are you okay?” Kuroo asks full of concern. You hesitate for a moment, thinking of telling the truth. Then you remember this is supposed to be his day. 
“Sorry I must have caught a stomach bug.” He doesn’t completely buy it so you quickly add to it.
“I didn't feel great on the bus but I just thought it was because I was tired.” You feel bad lying, “I also don’t want to distract you before your game.” At that Kuroo quickly pulls you into a hug, “Your not a distraction, I just want to make sure you’re okay.” Your cheek is pressed against his chest and your hands grip the front of his shirt. 
“We should probably head back.” You mumble.
“Yeah.” He leans down to kiss you but you duck away. He looks incredibly offended and hurt at this.
“Dude I just threw up I don’t know if you want to do that.” 
The two of you head back inside to the team, you feeling much better after throwing up. Before you know it, the competition has begun and Nekoma has won. You run down and celebrate with the team and it’s a happy day.
On the bus ride home Kuroo has a strange energy about him. Not like he’s mad more just like he’s just realized something. You nudge him and smile hoping to break him out of his little funk. He immediately smiles back and goes back to celebrating with the team. His reaction was almost like putting a mask on. You watch him for a moment before slipping into a conversation of your own.
When you make it back to school you go your separate ways. Him going to shower, and you to get home before it gets too late. A big hug before pushing away. You still refusing to kiss him after throwing up earlier in the day. 
You are laying on your bed, exhausted. Anxiety really takes a toll on your energy. Your thoughts are broken when your phone chimes with a text.  Leaning over to grab your phone off your bedside table you see it is from Kuroo. 
“Can you come over? I want to talk.”
No cute pet names. No slowly easing into it. Actually using proper grammar. Nothing in that message was a good sign. Just “I want to talk” was enough to make the acid begin to crawl again. You knew it had to be about today. Especially after you saw him zoning out on the bus. It had to be your anxiety episode. You knew he wouldn’t be happy you lied but going to this extent. Like he just found out you have anxiety and this is what he hits you with? The world’s most nerve-wracking text message. The only worse place than this would be “we need to talk”. That’s when you have really screwed up. So maybe you’ve only minorly screwed up since he said want not need. Does that mean you have the choice to say no? That was kind of tempting but you knew you would be tossing and turning all night thinking about what might be wrong. 
“Okay.” You reply to the text. Short and sweet. Putting on some shoes and grabbing a hoodie, you quietly slip out of your house. Kuroo’s house wasn’t too far but it was far enough. Enough to continue to stir in your intrusive and unstoppable thoughts. You eventually make it to his house and head in going straight for his room. Before you reach the door you hesitate and gather yourself. Preparing for whatever was about to come. 
When you go in you find Kuroo sat on the floor of his bedroom, back pressed against the bed. He jerkily looks up and you and gives you a tight smile. None of this is giving good signs. Something is very heavy on his mind. You sit down across from him, your back against the wall your feet almost touching. 
“So what was it you wanting to talk about.” You break the silence. He doesn’t respond for a moment. Just as you are about to try again he speaks up.
“Do you still love me?” Your face drops into confusion.
“Why wouldn’t I love you anymore?” You ask, suddenly realizing this wasn’t the conversation you were prepping yourself for. 
“You’ve been distant lately. You don’t tell me things like when you don’t feel good. I thought about it when I got home and I was wondering if you weren’t actually sick but just making the excuse because you got caught.” He’s very serious at the moment and his words hold a cold edge. 
“What do you mean get caught?” You match his tone. You weren’t planning on fighting but something about how he said it just set something off in you.
“You didn’t want to be there. Ever since this morning you were quiet and reserved. Even after the game, you wouldn’t even kiss me-”
“Yeah, cause I threw up! And how could I be faking it when I literally threw up.” You snap.
“You’ve been like this before though! Like last year’s big tournament you would barely talk to me.”
“That’s not true!” Although it kind of was just not the reason he thought.
“Oh yeah? What about at training camp you wouldn’t talk to me then either, you didn’t even eat with us you just sat on your own.” He threw back.
“Yeah, cause I have anxiety!” The words left your mouth before you knew it. Kuroo looked taken back.
“What?” His brow furrows, “Since when?” He’s not sure what to believe. You’re not surprised since you have worked very hard to hide it from everyone, accidentally sabotaging your own relationship without even knowing it. 
“Since forever. I just never told anyone.” You quietly say, ducking your head down.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” You didn’t even need to look up to see the hurt on his face, it was apparent in his voice. You start playing with your finger, tapping them in rhythms.
“I wanted to,” You mumble, “But whenever I do stuff changes and I didn’t want anything to change.” He shifts forward and you think he’s going to leave. Instead, he grabs your hands, stopping the pattern you had going. You look up.
“Did you think I would judge you?” He was staring straight into you, willing the truth to come out.
“Whenever I tell people they either don’t believe me and brush it off or treat me like I’m incapable of handling any amount of stress. I’ve never seen anyone react any differently so I was scared you would fall into one of those reactions and I didn’t know how I could handle that. I didn’t want my anxiety to be the thing to tear us apart. But I guess it still was.” By the end of your speech, your gaze has returned back to the floor, unable to hold eye contact for that long with him staring at you so strongly. You hear him sigh then you are pulled forward and into his arms. 
“I want to be your pillar of support. I want to be that third reaction that is one of acceptance, one that doesn’t drive you crazy.” He strokes your hair soothingly, his words making you tear up, “When you are ready I want you to tell me everything. From when you first noticed it, to where it is now, to how you deal with it, everything.” By now you are fully crying, absolutely collapsed into his chest. “I love you so much.” It gets muffled in his shirt but he hears it.
“I know, and I love you.”
It would take some time for Kuroo to get used to this change but slowly but surely he will be different from the rest and he will support you no matter what. Although he also respects your strength and knows you can handle your anxiety on your own, he is always there when you need it. He becomes the third unexpected and unheard-of reaction; acceptance.
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redrobin-detective · 3 years
I am going to regret asking this and giving you another chance to drag me in this fandom... but what's the problem with Danny's parents? Is there something else than the fact they really really want to dissect a ghost?
For me, the issues with the Fenton parents boils down to two main issues: 1. their complete and dangerous obsession with ghosts and destroying them and 2. the negligence to their children. I think Jack and Maddie are good people who love their children and can be good parents. But the problem is their ghost hunting work was always the priority in the family which Jazz and Danny clearly suffer from.
Point 1. The Ghost Obsession
I don’t know what happened to Jack and Maddie that caused them to develop an all consuming obsession with ghosts and, moreover, the need to destroy them. Fandom has pointed out that while they claim to be scientists, they clearly are more interested in weapons to hurt and destroy ghosts than anything even resembling normal scientific study. Amity Park has a high number of violent ghosts (mostly there to play fight Danny) but most ghosts everywhere else are just vibing. The ghost obsession hurt Danny long before he became part ghost (but I’ll save that for Point Two) but it went from an annoyance to an actual threat to his life.
First off, as many others have pointed out, having a dangerous lab in the basement with untested equipment/weaponry that your kids not only have ready access to BUT also have to go down there for assigned chores? Not great, Jan. I’ll give the Fentons the benefit of the doubt, we see clearly that Danny/Jazz know how to work the equipment in their house so they obviously have been drilled in usage and safety. Danny gets his ghost powers by being dumb and 14 and messing around with his friends like any normal kid would. Danny is now the very thing his parents want to hunt and destroy and a mainstay of the series is he is so scared of their reaction that he hides his powers/identity from his parents but not his ghostly enemies. Can you imagine being that uncertain that your parents love for you outweighs their obsession that you hide such a fundamental part of your life? What a miserable reality for a young kid.
Jack and Maddie spend the entire series going off about their hatred of ghosts. Danny has to sit there and listen to them talk in extreme detail how they’ll dissect and obliterate any ghost they come across. They’ll be making deadly weaponry made to kill beings like him at the kitchen table, weapons that do respond to his ghostly signature. They especially hate Danny’s alter ego, Phantom, because of his supposed trickery by pretending to be a hero. The canon things said in the show would certainly make me nervous about sleeping in the room next to them. They are capable of working with Phantom when push comes to shove but it never lasts long and they go back with guns blazing. Danny and the show mostly play these threats off for laughs but the fact that Danny straight up doesn’t tell them is telling enough on how it effects him. 
Point 2. The Negligence
‘Hur Dur parents are bad’ is a well known cartoon trope but the Fentons take it to an extreme. Jack and Maddie are obsessive with their work, absentminded and reckless, none of which create a safe and stable home for children. I love Jazz and Danny but they clearly are not entirely normal children (even before the whole ghost thing) from growing up in such a home. Jazz develops a reactionary personality, delving into psychology and being right as a way to kind of understand/get back at her parents (source? I do this exact thing with my mom) and Danny was quiet, overlooked and not given the attention to really flourish, instead being a sort of ghost in that house before he ever became one. 
Jack and Maddie 110% love their kids but do they encourage them in a meaningful way? Support their interests? Be available to help? Not really. I hate The Fright Before Christmas bc Danny gets blamed for being a “scrooge” instead of acknowledging he hates the holiday for his parents destructive fighting every year. (source? Again fucking me. I hate Xmas bc mom and I scream every year)
This issue only exacerbates once Danny gets ghost powers. His whole life is affected by his ghost fighting: he’s getting injured in fights from human bullies and ghosts, his grades are dropping from lack of studying/sleep, he’s absent from the house more often than not, he’s sullen and depressed and scared and anxious all the time. It’s a radical change and yet Jack and Maddie kind of brush over it, focusing instead how Danny’s changes affect them (IE Danny not being around to do his chores). This boy comes home, beaten from fights, stressed and feeling alone only to get yelled at because his parents miss all the signs he’s practically radiating that he is Not Okay. He eventually becomes a good enough fighter and actor to skip over but it’s truly heartbreaking that he can’t confide in the people supposed to support him the most. But it’s not just the ghost obsession, even without all the powers like if Danny was doing drugs or in a gang, his parents barely notice and, when they do, they don’t really do anything other than blame him. 
Now I’m going to end this long rant by saying that I love Jack and Maddie, I think they are fascinating people and want to see them developed. The situation as it is for most of the series is not okay in the least but I do believe they have the potential to be good, supportive parents. There’s a couple of eps where they DO find out about danny’s powers and instantly all the negligence and hostility is gone, its all acceptance of his powers and apologies for their behavior. Its not a perfect situation and could be borderline abuse apologism if done wrong. But I’d like to think that once they got over the shock and did some serious priority and soul searching, they would learn to correct themselves. Growth isn’t just saved for the teen protagonists, everyone has the chance to be better. Danny clearly doesn’t hold his parents behavior against them and would be nothing but ecstatic if they loved and accepted him. I do believe in a happy, functional if abnormal, Fenton family dynamic and I’m all for it.
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spookybias · 3 years
wheresoever you go ‣ [ choi yeonjun ] ✧
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pairing: choi yeonjun x gn! reader
genre: fluff, angst | established relationship au | long distance trope.
description: yeonjun as your long distance boyfriend. in this one, the reader lives and goes to college in seoul, south korea (at first).
warning: insecurities. brief mention of suggestive content.
word count: 1.4k
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yeonjun was a clingy boyfriend. when he greeted you, he'd give you a big hug and kiss the top of your head. he always insisted on walking you home, whether it was day or night when the two of you would part ways. and since both of you had pretty busy schedules, yeonjun would make time to talk to you or meet up with you whenever he could.
when you broke the news that you were moving, yeonjun wasn't too phased at first. in his mind, there was nothing in the world that could tear you two apart. you were in love with each other and that was all that mattered. but as soon as he learned how far you were going, the weight of the situation became too much for him.
you picked a tile on the cafe floor and decided that you'd keep your eyes there so as to not see the look on yeonjun's face when you told him the bad news. "yeonjun, my family's moving and i want to go with them."
yeonjun gave you his famous smile, the one that was reserved for 'you're so cute' moments. he chuckled, "that's so sweet of you. where are you guys going? daegu? ansan?" he stirred his drink with his bendy straw and you watched as the chocolate milkshake swirled around. that, along with the bomb you had to drop on your boyfriend, was making you dizzy. you had chosen the cafe for a reason; neither of you were bold enough to make a scene in public.
you swallowed, but couldn't seem to make your throat feel less dry. "outside of the country, jjunie."
yeonjun stopped stirring his milkshake. he leaned back in the brown leather armchair of the cafe. "like, japan?"
you blinked back tears and tried not to think about crying. "farther than that," you replied, twiddling your fingers.
"singapore?" yeonjun's eyes darted back and forth. he looked like he was about to start gasping for air, maybe even lose consciousness. you hated that the place was much farther. why couldn't it had just been a couple cities over? why did it have to be in a different continent?
after giving him all the details, yeonjun chuckled and ran his hands through his hair repeatedly. you knew he wasn't losing his mind, but he sure was losing himself over the situation. he tried to convince you that you didn't really have to move with your family. you were an adult now, and you couldn't quit school. he said you could move in with him and the others, live at their dorm, but you knew that the idea was unrealistic. neither of you were ready to move in together and his boss would never allow it. you explained that you chose to go with them, and that you could transfer universities. yeonjun wanted to get mad at you, but instead, he respected your decision.
yeonjun got used to the idea of you being away from him for some time. that's just it, he got used to the idea. it hadn't actually hit him that you were moving far, far away until one day he came over, and you showed him pictures of what your family's new house would look like.
that's when yeonjun started to feel overwhelmed and anxious. he kept thinking that when you finally went over there, you would find someone within reach who was better than him in every possible way. so to fulfill his own insecurities, he would come at you with expensive gifts and outstanding dates. but then one day you told him that the two of you needed to talk and his fear of being broken up with went from a level 2 to a level 7. every time you tried to discuss the fact that you were moving away, he'd distract you with more expensive gifts and physical affection. afterwards, he always pretended to fall asleep or that he had to rush home so that you couldn't break up with him.
yeonjun wasn't sure what to do next. even the others knew there was something going on with him. it was two weeks before you would be leaving, and he was too afraid to talk to you because he thought you were going to dump him. though, he knew he needed to talk to you if he wanted you to stay with him.
it didn't take long for you to figure out what was going on with your boyfriend. so one day, you asked him out to breakfast, acting as if it would just be a regular date. yeonjun was stressed out the night before, wondering if you'd mention that you were leaving soon. when he showed up he had bags under his eyes and his hair was a mess. he picked at his food the entire time, awaiting heartbreak. however, you weren't going to break up with him, and you needed to make that clear.
you reached across the table and took the fork out of yeonjun's hand. you intertwined your fingers with his and looked him straight in the eyes. "jjunie, why don't you talk to me anymore ?"
"y-you still call me jjunie?" yeonjun sniffled, but he refused to cry. you had your reasons for dumping him and he would just have to accept it.
"why wouldn't i call you jjunie?" you squinted at your boyfriend and sighed. "yeonjun, i'm not breaking up with you. i know you think i am."
yeonjun relaxed his shoulders. it felt like the weight he had been carrying for a few months had finally lifted. he closed his eyes, leaned back in his seat like he did the day you broke the bad news, and took a deep breath. he covered his face with his hands and asked in a tiny voice, "why did you want to talk to me?" he concluded himself to be a total loser.
"jjunie, are you dumb?" you giggled. "you're my boyfriend. i wanted to talk to you about what the plan was. you know, like what time is best to call, when you think we'd be able to see-"
yeonjun leaned over the cafe table and kissed you hard, cutting off your sentence. he loved you so much.
the day of departure, yeonjun accompanied you and your family to the airport. he held you in his arms, and tried to ignore the fact that it would be a long time until he got to hug you again. he wanted to put the moment in a bottle so that he could return at any time, and hold you for as long as he wanted. but he you knew he was okay. he knew the two of you would be okay.
yeonjun is still a clingy boyfriend. you guys would always shower each other in romantic gestures, but now it's triple the cheesy messages, double the cute playlists, and a whole lot of phone calls and video chats.
when he visits a new place, he always takes a picture to send to you and adds, "when you come back, let's go here together."
he sends you a whole lot of videos and voice messages, and you do the same, especially if it's a very busy day for one of you and you know you might not get the chance to talk. yeonjun's favorite thing to do is send you a voice message right when he wakes up so you can hear his raspy voice, and send videos of him blowing kisses at the camera.
it's much easier to tease you now. when he sees an outfit that's cute and a little sinful while walking past a store, he takes a picture to send to you and goes, "you would look cute in this. should i ship it to you so you can call me while wearing it?" please forgive the man, he doesn't get any action now that you're gone.
you spam him with tons of selfies. he saves all of them... until he runs out of storage and has to choose which ones he loves more and it's harder than any exam he's ever taken.
the idea of seeing him again is always on your mind. you miss the times he would walk you home, kiss your forehead, let you sit on his lap. and yeonjun constantly thinks about all of your old cuddle sessions and movie nights. he misses you so so much.
as far as insecurities go, yeonjun isn't worried about you ending things with him anymore. you, on the other hand, get a little nervous whenever you're on the phone with him and hear a charming voice in the background. yeonjun senses you're uneasiness, and has no problem explaining who it is and what's going on.
there's nothing to worry about, though. neither of you are going anywhere. long distance is a piece of cake to yeonjun now, and you know you'll hold each other soon.
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all rights reserved | © spookybias. do not repost, translate, moderate, or copy any of my works.
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thatpiscesfish · 2 years
Hey!! I just wanted to ask if you are still giving opinions on natal placements? If you are, then can you please tell me what do you think about my big 6, that is, Aries Sun (5th house), Capricorn Moon (3rd house), Scorpio rising, Aries Mercury (6th house), Aquarius Venus (4th house) and Capricorn Mars (3rd house). Thank you!!
Hi! Yep!! Aries sun is so unapologetic and pure. In the sense that nothing they do is diluted or half arsed. They’re definitely authentic and can rival Leo on this as well. Their self expression is very important and they can be kinda brutal with how easily they go off on people that get in the way of that. I think that’s what people find intimidating about Aries energy. How they can go from 0-100 real quick, even to people they care about. But unlike most, Aries usually have good intentions and don’t think too much about it so they get over it quick. But they need to realise not everyone can forget things as easily. Passionate and so much fun to be around and usually not scared of much.
Sun in the 5th is at home here. This helps a lot because the identity is allowed to be lighthearted and have fun. These people know how to let loose and enjoy themselves, even when things don’t seem to be looking up. They’re positive and can find the bright side in a lot of situations. Need to incorporate playfulness in most things. The types to make mundane tasks into little games to help keep them focused. Has hobbies that probably mean a lot to them. Could be hobbies that involve doing things on your own but in front of others. Like tennis, dance, swimming. Not always into teamwork but can be into performing for others and showcasing themselves.
Capricorn moon is interesting with the sun placement. Two conflicting energies. But it just means you process emotions differently to how you basic self seems. Who you are at your core/your deepest self is different than how others see you. You could be a lot more introspective and cautious than you let on. Overthinking things and worrying about the future. Could be that money/career cause you the most stress. Could have a lot of issues expressing how you feel and repressing emotions (saturn). Might portray an image of not being affected by much when this isn’t the case.
Moon in the 3rd adds anxious and overthinking energy. Prone to being in their head a lot especially when worried or have a lot of things on their mind. Might do well venting or writing down their thoughts in a journal. Could also find it easier to communicate emotions to others through letters or texts rather than in person. Finds peace when surrounded by siblings, close friends. Could enjoy gossip, learning new things, going places. Recharges in these ways.
Scorpio rising comes off very intense and private. This could make people intimidated just cause the native seems independent and content doing their own thing. Doesn’t need anyone else which could make others feel uneasy cause they don’t know how to please you or make you want them. Hard to read and approach but very loyal to the ones you care about. Takes important things seriously but can also be really silly with their sense of humour.
Aries mercury is fiery and quick with their words. Might not give too much thought when communicating, maybe saying things they end up regretting. Again, it’s important to think about how things are worded or what tone is used because they can easily offend others even though they themselves might have thick skin and not think twice about it being rude/offensive. Important to look at things from other people’s perspective and not just their own. No filter but also very genuine and funny.
Mercury in the 6th is a lot of nervous energy when it comes to thoughts. Overthinks a lot. Worries about things that would seem insignificant to others. Detail oriented and can spot differences in the way someone speaks/tells a story. Good at picking holes in stories and telling when someone is lying. Prone to worrying about health or daily life/errands/jobs. Could talk a lot to coworkers. Could work in a job that involves communication like journalism/customer service/teaching/technology/social media etc.
Aquarius venus is difficult to pin down because they actually change their minds more than people think. At times, they feel like they want a serious relationship and at times they are thankful that they’re single. Can be confusing to the person they’re seeing. Very flighty but also genuine and usually tells people how it is. Looks for someone special that has their own identity and opinions. Rarely makes the first move but good at making friends. Could have hobbies related to technology or humanitarian causes.
Venus in the 4th is nurturing when it comes to those they care about. Very protective and loyal. The type to make sure you’re feeling good and have eaten. Could date people from their past or culture. Maybe a family friend. Could have grown up in a beautiful home or atmosphere. Might have beautiful kids or ones that are well liked. Could enjoy decorating homes. Might make money because of a family business or family helping out.
Capricorn mars is exalted so mars is actually quite powerful here. More subtle than typical Aries energy which is actually a good thing. Strategic and skilful when planning their goals and ambitions. Accomplishes things when they set their mind to it. Very determined. Powerful and intimidating. Could enjoy independent sports or could have been the captain. Might enjoy games that are strategic like chess etc. Secretive and doesn’t trust people easily. Can be hard or detached when in a fight, focusing on facts and seeming kinda cold. But very sensual when they feel safe.
Mars in the 3rd could find sports/games that involve communication interesting. Stuff like game shows where there are questions and you have to get to the bottom of it. Might use words and hurt people verbally rather than physically. Could have a strong and powerful voice. Passionate when they speak. Might be interested in topics like war/sports. Might be attracted to intelligent people that know about a lot of different things. People that are conversationalists. Attracted to people that are unpredictable and youthful.
Mostly earth and fire energy which usually results in someone fun and playful but also very ambitious. You’re welcome!
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