#having to explain to my dentist that I’m not stressed I’m just seething all the time
gotham--fc · 1 year
My dentist: have you been stressed lately? You’ve been grinding your teeth
Me: no but I’m angry most of the time
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unicornshit28-blog · 7 years
Sirius Black x OC
Inspired by Grown Ups
The manor shared between the Black and Potter families always had a cheerful air that was if Kallan wasn’t in work mode. Kallan blew a loose strand of red hair from her face as she pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned loudly. She exhaled loudly upon hearing the news Arthur Weasley came to share with her. After she had graduated from Hogwarts she went on to becoming the Deputy Mistress for Magic along with Cornelius Fudge as the Minister. To say Kallan hated him was an understatement. The man utterly infuriated her. She honestly did most of the work and the sly minx only took the credit. Sometimes she would even catch him trying to owl Dumbledore asking for help on running the British Wizarding Community.
“Please tell me you’re joking, Arthur?” she begged as she glared at a strand of Arthur’s red hair which didn’t seem to want to stay behind his elfish ear.
“I’m afraid I am not, Mistress.” He said gravely.
“Mum?” her eleven year old son, Freddie, called. “Uncle James is taking Harry and me to watch a quidditch match!”
“Freddie, I’m busy!” she scolded and the back door shut signalling the departure of James and the boys.
“Arthur, tell me who even let that hag into the ministry in the first place?!”
“It was Fudge. He thinks that Dolores would do well for us all” he elucidated.
“I need to talk to Kingsley about this...” Kallan muttered whilst rummaging through the papers which lay sprawled out on her dining room table. “Thank you Arthur, you may leave.”
There were loud noises coming from the kitchen as her six year old daughter, Harper, banged drawers furiously in her search for string.
“Harper, keep it down in there!” Kallan called before picking up the muggle phone and calling Cornelius. Arthur had forced him to install a muggle phone in his office to which Kallan was grateful for because now she could scream at him without having to see his wrinkly old face. “Cornelius!” she yelled once he had answered the phone. “You did not receive my permission to hire Dumbridge!”
“I’m sorry but I didn’t feel that you needed to know” he answered in his squeaky voice which resulted in Kallan curling her bare toes on the tiled floor and cringing.
“It clearly states in rule 194 that if there is a deputy minister/mistress, their consent is needed before hiring anyone new!”
“I sent you paperwork wrapped in a purple parcel. It’s not my fault that you didn’t bother to read-” he was cut off by Kallan putting the phone down and storming into the kitchen where more of her paperwork was lying on the counter. Sirius stood at the stove busy cooking dinner. 
“Hey love” he greeted but Kallan merely mumbled a reply whilst looking through the cluttered pile on the desk in the corner of the kitchen. “Babe, you need to stop stressing.”
Once she found the purple parcel, her pale blue eyes scanned its contents before she let out an irritated huff. She picked up the other phone which was on the kitchen counter and phoned the minister once more. “Cornelius you son of a banshee!”
“I see you found the parcel...” he mused while Sirius shot his wife a small smile.
“You didn’t mention that the employee was a complete nutter!” Kallan argued. “She is not al-” she was cut off by Harper running into the kitchen with an excited smile on her face.
“Mummy look!” she held up a string with a tiny and bloody tooth on it. “My tooth came out!”
“That’s great! It seems like the tooth fairy will be paying my princess a visit tonight.” Sirius kissed his daughter’s temple before continuing with dinner. Harper grinned widely at her father, her messy red curls all over the place and a dribble of dried blood on her chin.
“Harper!” Kallan scolded. “I am on the phone!” she proceeded back to her conversation with the minister. “I assure you that I have the necessary paperwork t-”
“But Mummy my tooth came out!” Harper smile at her overworked mother.
“Harper” she began while Sirius eyed the two carefully as he put the chicken into the oven. “Go to bed! I’ll put the Galleon under your pillow later” she told her daughter before continuing once again. “Kingsley has provided enough-”
“What?” Harper asked softly her stormy grey eyes glossy with unshed tears. It was the only thing that resembled Harper to her father. Everything else made her a spitting image of Kallan, all the way from her long red hair to her tiny button nose which shivered upon hearing her mother’s words. Sirius stopped what he was doing to watch the two who were surely going to have a falling out. He decided that this time, he wouldn’t intervene.
“Harper!” Kallan yelled making her flinch. “I told you that I would come and put the Galleon under your bed lat- oh, sweetie” realization dawned on her as she slowly put the phone down.
“T-there is n-no t-tooth fairy?” she asked as her salty tears ran down her velvety and rosy cheeks. She turned on her heel and ran up to presumably her room.
“What have I done?” Kallan whispered to herself.
“I’ll go speak to her” Sirius said and gave her a reassuring smile. After he too had disappeared upstairs Kallan decided to put her things away. Seeing the look on her daughter’s face was absolutely heart wrenching. She merely wanted to show her mother that her first tooth had fallen out but Kallan was too oblivious to even see that.
She walked up to her room and took off her blazer and pencil skirt, replacing it with shorts and an oversized t-shirt which she had nicked from James during seventh year. A frustrated sigh escaped Kallan’s rosy lips as she tried her best not to cry. She walked to Lily and James’ rooms to retrieve her nightgown which she had left there that morning after she and Lily shared breakfast in bed. It was really convenient that the two best friends both had two children; an eleven year old boy, Freddie and Harry, and a six year old girl, Harper and Charlotte. Lily had taken Charlotte to a muggle dentist after she had complained about a tooth ache. Kallan picked up her robe but couldn’t help but ogle at the pictures in their room. There were pictures all around their room. There was one of Harry on his first broomstick and one of Charlotte trying a chocolate frog for the first time. There were even some pictures of her children. One in particular caught her eye. Charlotte and Harper sat at a table surrounded by their loved ones. They were at their joint birthday party celebrating their first birthday. Everyone was clad in different costumes to amuse the little girls who were much like sisters. Sirius and James were dressed as pirates while Lily was a princess and Sabrina was not so surprisingly dressed as a bald baby. What Kallan noticed next made her heart shatter. Kallan was in the picture all right, but she wasn’t dressed in a costume and she was in the background. Instead she wore her uniform, a pantsuit, and was arguing over the phone with an irritated look on her face. She remembered that day very clearly. It was the day that Fudge decided that he wouldn’t offer Remus a job because of his lycanthropy. She was absolutely infuriated and spent the rest of the day seething. Even Remus who was supposed to be upset was in the picture and was smiling brightly wearing a pixie costume. A sob racked Kallan’s entire body. She didn’t even pay attention to her daughter on her first birthday.
There was another picture with everyone surrounding a happy Harry and Freddie as they held up their Hogwarts letters. Once again Kallan was in the background scribbling furiously on a piece of parchment. There was sudden movement next to her and Kallan aimed her focus on Sirius who was dressed in a pink ball gown, adorned in shiny jewellery with red lipstick which looked forcefully applied.
“I messed up Sirius...” she whispered as she leaned her head into his chest.
“We just finished our tea party and she confessed that she is not upset about the tooth thing” he said whilst stroking Kallan’s long red hair.
“What’s she upset about then?”                                                                      
“She misses her mother” he sighed and grabbed her hands. “And I can only say the same for Freddie too”
There was noise down stairs indicating that Lily and James had returned home with the boys and Charlotte. Sirius kissed her lovingly before walking downstairs. With a final sigh Kallan headed towards Harper’s room. She tapped delicately on the pink door which led to her daughter’s princess themed room. Kallan slowly opened the door and saw her daughter sitting on her pink sofa with her ball gown messy and tiara falling from her head.
“I’m sorry I disturbed you, Mummy...”
“No Honey, don’t apologise. I’m the one at fault” she clarified as she scooped her daughter into a bear hug. She wiped her daughter’s tears away.
Sirius stood in the kitchen with James, Lily, Remus, Sabrina and Regulus while they waited for Kallan to come down. Charlotte lay sleeping on the couch while Freddie and Harry played exploding snap. Harper was practicing her makeup skills on Rebecca, Regulus and Sabrina’s eleven year old daughter. After what seemed like forever, Kallan had finally come into the kitchen.
“I gave up my post as Mistress for Magic!”
“WHAT?!” was the reply of all the adults.
“Why?” Lily asked her best friend.
“It keeps me from my family” Kallan explained. “I don’t want to miss out on anything else.”
“But you love working at the ministry” Sabrina pointed out.
“Which is why Kinsley assigned me as Head Auror which is much easier than being Mistress for Magic” she continued.
“Being Mistress for Magic is so not easier than being an auror, let alone head auror” James highlighted.
“Try babysitting Cornelius Fudge...” Kallan muttered darkly. “Anything is better than that!”
The adults laughed while they hugged Kallan.
“Care to explain the good news to the kids?”
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