#hayato replies
whiskeysmulti · 6 months
@musessinabag replied to your post “Gokudera has appeared, what to do? "These results...”:
[Yamamoto] "A good point. Out of them all, in this game banging together sounds best!" Makes a throwing motion with his hand. "Not sure how well it would go."
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No way in hell. No fucking way in hell was he about to explain what banging actually was and how he knew. Let the sport fanatic stay innocent. If he explained it meant fucking him, the Rain guardian would never look at him the same way. Yeah, sure. Banging together sounds best, let Yamamoto be naive and believe it. He needed a moment. The implication of that even made Gokudera blush slightly. Only way this moment could have gotten worse was if Lambo was the one who brought it up because if he had to explain to Ahoshi what that was and how he knew, not only would Lambo run away screaming, but Haru would probably murder his ass.
"Ya know, I'm not sure how well that would go either, Yakyuu-baka."
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months
Day 3 prompt 3 nr 4 - vongola squad and anyone else you really wanna add
Of course, my lovely! Thank you so much for sending in this request; it took me some time to really settle down on things for some characters, but it was interesting to think about such small little tidbits for these wonderful characters! I hope you’ll enjoy what my brain came up with!
Your character has to leave the house shortly and they have very little time to prepare. What’s the one thing they will choose over others – breakfast, washing their hair, painting their nails, replying to e-mails, etc.?
Tsuna is used to being forced to leave the house in pretty short notice, so he’s gotten really skilled at quickly getting ready. When this happens to him, it’s a case of getting dressed and making sure he’s wearing clean underwear, getting his wallet, giving his mom a heads up that he’s going out, and then shoes and any outdoor clothes he might need.
The most important thing to him though is to ensure, beyond all else, that he has his copy of the house key with him. Even if he’s heading out with someone else who would have the house key, Tsuna needs to know that he has his own house key with him, just in case the two of them get separated, get into an argument, or the other person needs him to run back to the house for something.
He has experienced being locked out of his house in his childhood and it terrified him a little. It’s not something he wants to ever repeat because it was scary but even worse, it was so humiliating.
There’s a lot of small little things that Gokudera insists on doing before he leaves the house, even if it makes him a little late. Because the weather in Japan can get chilly, and because temperatures fluctuate pretty quickly, Gokudera likes to have layers. Not only does he have to quickly figure out a base outfit but the proper layers for it.
He also makes sure he has an extra pack of cigarettes, as a ‘just in case’ moment, along with a fresh, unused lighter. He’s been stuck without cigarettes and especially without a lighter because of people punking his lighter or it accidentally slipping out of his pocket, and he knows both things suck.
He will make sure he has the other necessary things for him to leave the house with – his keys, his phone, a hair tie,  a coin purse, etc.
He also absolutely makes sure to put on anti-perspirant and a body spray for males that he likes before he leaves the house. He’s not stupid and knows that most places are scent-free environments, so he’s careful not to put too much of either thing on and keeps the scents hie wears kind refined and understated.
Okay, hear me out here, because this is a weird one that makes a lot of sense once you know the context.
Even if the house is completely empty, even if he hasn’t lived with anyone for years and years, Yamamoto always gives a cheerful ‘be back soon’ when he leaves the house and a grinning ‘I’m home!’ every time he comes back home.
Like I said, there could be absolutely nobody there to hear it, but it’s pretty much a force of habit at this point. During Yamamoto’s youth, he remembered his dad doing this a lot, both at home and on the job. When Tsuyoshi explains to Yamamoto the importance of doing things like that, how good it can be for your mental health and letting go of the crap from the day, so you don’t poison the household by bringing in all that shit from your day, it makes a lot of sense to Takeshi. He’s been doing both of those things pretty much shortly after he is born and it won’t stop, even if his father dies, even if he’s alone.
Takeshi will pass this tradition on to his own children, if he finds himself blessed with them.
Ryohei’s someone who does get up quite early. It is really surprising for him to be running short of time prior to leaving the house, so this isn’t a choice he would make often. It’s far more likely for Ryohei to run late because he’s gotten caught up in his training, got into a fight, or encountered a slight issue on a mission.
If someone surprises him by telling him they need to leave for something really quickly, Ryohei’s got a very mundane superpower. He can get ready so damn fast. It’s really a little ridiculous. Ten minutes or less and the boy is dressed, deodorant is on, hair is combed, and he has his wallet in his pocket – everything he needs before leaving the house, pretty much.
If he can only pick one thing to do before he leaves the house though, Ryohei would have to go with deodorant any time. Putting on deodorant before going out in public should be absolutely necessary, though Ryohei could just hold this opinion because of his own super-keen sense of smell that makes him really susceptible to other’s body odors. He never wants that stinky person disrupting other’s days with their stench and it’s better safe than sorry.
Lambo likes to think that, if he had the choice of what to do before leaving the house, he would make sure to shower and put on decent clothes every time before going out.
The truth of the matter is he panics about having to get ready so quickly. He rushes to get ready and looks a little disheveled leaving. It’s also guaranteed he forgets at least one thing at home, even though his last act before leaving the house is always to pat himself down, pretty much, at least 81000 times to double-check that he has everything he needs.
In all honesty, Hibari doesn’t really rush anywhere. If, for some reason, he did need to get ready and leave in less time than it would take him to get properly ready, he’s going to be really pissed, so I pity the poor person who has made him rush like that.
While Hibari tends to buck against a lot of what society says is correct and acceptable, in some ways he’s rather staunchly traditional in his views. One of those views, and the one that impacts his day-to-day life and this question, is his views around what is and is not acceptable clothes to be seen in public in.
Hibari’s not a vain man, not in his looks, but he is a man with a lot of self-respect. To him, leaving the house in anything less than clean, neat, and proper clothes is disrespectful not only to the people who are also outside but is a huge sign of self-disrespect, like you don’t deserve to look your best.
Because of this, the absolute one thing he must do before leaving the house is that Hibari must get changed into proper clothes. The only time he allows himself to be seen in things he considers ‘unproper’ is when he’s in the hospital, healing and recuperating, or when he’s become exceptionally close to someone.
Mukuro doesn’t let himself be rushed out of his residence. If someone tries to force plans on him last minute, without giving him enough time to prepare himself, he just doesn’t show up. He has no time for that much added stress and people are meant to bend to his whims, not the other way around.
Because he always makes sure that he has the time necessary to prepare to leave the house (except in exceptional cases such as an enemy attack), Mukuro doesn’t really have to worry about much leaving the house. He does always make sure that he has his weapons on him and that nobody did anything stupid like leaving the water running or such…it wouldn’t be the first time someone did that and he’d like to prevent any further damages to the property.
If Chrome is living somewhere with a locking door (i.e.: anywhere other than Kokuyo Land), she does have things she absolutely must do before she leaves. She always makes sure that all of the lights are off and the stove isn’t on.
When she finally gets out the door and locks up, it’s almost a compulsion but she has to try the doorknob out at least two or three times, putting her body weight into it at least one of those tries, just to reassure her brain that the door is indeed firmly locked and that her home will be safe.
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dreamieparadise · 9 days
💒 —- if you haven't already. ( ignore the fact that she has a happy loving family lmao. )
💒Your shitty KHR parents sold you off to some creepy mafia don for cash. How are you getting out of your arranged marriage?
Ignoring that Momo has good parents...Momo would be extremely upset but considering her parents were shitty enough to sell her off for cash, I assume they'd also fill her mind with how they need this and so, for the sake of the family, she must accept! She wouldn't know what to do but would spend a lot of time with Mimi and the others trying to enjoy her last days of freedom ;^; anyway lalalala...the gang eventually realize and save her just in time from being married! Lots of drama, here is a photo depicting such drama:
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naturally there will be a confession of love between Hayato and Momo! Everyone is happy. Bianchi suggests they make use of the place and they get married [LMFAOOOOOO] happily ever after. Her parents mysteriously disappear and no one ever talks about what happened to them!! [Momo mourns them because she loved those sacks of shit -boohoo- but she has a chosen family who can support her through this hardship!!!nYippie!!]
Thank you for this question! It made me so happy I can be soooo fucking dramatic lmaoooo yay to soap opera nonsense!!!
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ask-hayato-kawajiri · 2 years
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…here we are.
how did you get here? how can you exist in the same space and time as me? are we one and the same? is this because of him?!
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wraithwritten · 2 years
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Hi. I got Hayato their weird horse.
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kotohq · 2 months
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♡ How you (accidentally) came to know his feelings for you
♡ Contents & warnings: secondhand embarrassment (major on hiiragi and umemiya's part), unestablished relationships but implied mutual feelings, humor (this was not written seriously), manga character spoilers, not proofread, reader is addressed as pretty (umemiya) 
♡ Characters: sakura haruka, kaji ren, hiiragi touma, suou hayato, umemiya hajime (xgn! reader)
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To be honest, Sakura Haruka is truly the king of not being subtle about his feelings. This boy will literally stare (he thinks it’s a stare, but he doesn’t know he’s furrowing his brows and squinting his eyes like he’s glaring at you) at you at every wake moment that you two are in each other’s presence but when you turn your head to acknowledge his presence, he flushes a deep shade of red and comically turns his head away to avert his gaze from yours. 
And, of course, having someone bore holes into the side of your head isn’t a particularly nice feeling so one day you jokingly confront him by saying: “hey, Sakura-kun, why are you always staring at me? Are you in love with me or something?” and you swear you meant it as a joke, and you fully expected him to call you stupid and tell you to stop joking around. But!! When the only reaction you pulled out of him were flustered stammers and reddened ears, you knew you accidentally threw the dart right on the bullseye. 
As if things weren’t awkward enough, he had to poorly defend himself (and confirm his infatuation further) by saying “and what of it?! What if it’s true that I like you, huh?!” congratulations on the first “oh.” moment of your life, you’ll have to pay for it by communicating with this boy. Good luck and don’t tease him too much because he might explode.   
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Ah, yes. Kaji Ren. The king of not confessing. He’s not someone who falls in love or falls out of love easily so he’s probably been pining over you since middle school, and everyone who went to the same middle school with him probably knows how dumb in love he is with you. 
And that is why Ren’s good friend since middle school, Sako, broke into a sweat when he accidentally came across Ren, after accidentally meeting you. The thing is, Sako also considers you a good friend from middle school, so when he met you by accident while walking around to find the new trendy dessert, he didn’t deny your invitation to hang out. And that is because he didn’t take into account that this will happen, that his good friend would see him walking around with said good friend’s crush. It’s only when he meets eyes with Ren that he realizes how bad everything looks. You and Sako, hanging out. Just the two of you. 
At the sight of Ren’s shock-widened eyes, Sako, feels his panic meter rising to 100 real quick. He’s not about to be dubbed as someone who steals his friends’ crush, not today.
“D-don’t get the wrong idea! I met them by accident while walking aroundー” he blurts out in a haze of alarm, briefly turning his head to you for confirmation. You give a nod, and he continues his panicked rambling, which is probably the worst single decision he’s ever going to make in his entire 15 years of living.
“ーand there’s no way I’ll go on a date with someone that you’ve liked for 3 years!”
Immediately after hearing Sako’s explanation, you and Ren chime a “what?” simultaneously. you in confusion, and Ren in disbelief because no way those years he spent pining over you was just outed like that. And then Sako makes some half baked excuse to leave you two alone to talk as if he wasn't the one who made this mess in the first place, like wtf bro clean it up. Good luck communicating with this one too, assuming he hasn’t run off in embarrassment, that is. 
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Hiiragi Touma the chad!! He actually has the balls to confess, I love this man. He planned it meticulously too, like what he’s gonna say, at what place, what his reply is gonna be depending on your answer, yada yada, you name it, he’s got it all prepared. And right now the timing is right, he’s got you in a secluded place so he can save both of you the embarrassment of having anyone hear an intimate moment, he’s even got his hand latched onto your wrist too. He gulps a bile in his throat so he doesn’t stutter when he tells you exactly what he’s been dying to tell you. 
“Listen, I have something to tell you,” he sucks in a heavy breath, he feels like his lung is gonna run out of air soon from the nervousness. He’s prepared, he just needs to say it. say the three words.
“I like—” “oh, Hiiragi! You already confessed to them? Good for you.” 
Hiiragi doesn’t think he’s ever felt his nervousness disappear so fast before, immediately being replaced by anger and pure exasperation. His brain stopped thinking about how your wrist fits nicely in his hand and has instead started repeating the phrase “fuck you, umemiya hajime”. 
The glare he gives the Boufuurin leader is harder than any punch he’s thrown in his life and it effectively makes Umemiya disappear behind whatever wall he came from. Feeling awkward and bad for him, you initiate a conversation. 
“Hiiragi-” “sorry,” he cuts you off, sinking down to the floor in a squat as absolute exhaustion takes over him, his free hand going up to cover his face. “Sorry. Just… give me a minute and I'll confess to you properly.” 
Hiiragi is relieved though when he feels your wrist sliding up from his hand, moving to intertwine your fingers with his. Maybe everything will be okay, after all. Still, fuck umemiya hajime indeed. read the room, man.
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Suou Hayato is the king of confessing. Or, he would be, if he didn’t treat it as a joke and asked you to date him everyday jokingly. Now he finds himself stuck in a complicated situation where you don’t ever take his confession(s) seriously and he’s quite in a pinch because he really likes you and wants to seriously date you. He can’t blame anyone but himself, though, because who the hell says “just kidding” after literally confessing that he likes you. Not only that, but he’s setting himself up by saying “let’s date” everyday in such a carefree way that you can’t take it seriously. 
Truth to be told, Hayato keeps asking you out because he's still holding on to the hope that something miraculous might happen and you’ll take him seriously. So far, though, it isn’t looking any good. Woe is he. Sorry man, you set yourself up for this yearning. 
His yearning gets so bad that one day when he finds you asleep on your desk after school with your head nestled between your arms on top of your desk, he sits on the chair in front of your desk. His hands found themselves mindlessly wandering to your hair, twirling a strand between his fingers and watching the sunset illuminating your hair. He observes your sleeping face for a while, before his hands reach out to give your cheek a gentle poke. He chuckles when you make a funny face and turn your sleeping face away from him. He doesn’t even know why he does what he does next, but he gets close to your head, stopping just beside whatever part of your ear is exposed. Then, he whispers, voice lacking the teasing lilt that it’s usually bathed in. 
“You don’t know how much I actually want to date you.” 
“Do you really mean that?” he realizes he kinda fucked up but it’s okay because at least you’re aware of his feelings now.
And then Hayato realizes how silly he’s acting so he grabs your shoulder to shake you awake. He gets surprised, though, when your hand suddenly grasps his, holding him in place before he could pull back (let's be real he doesn’t want to, though.). 
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Umemiya Hajime does have the courage to confess, though. But he’s also kind of afraid that you might not see him in the same way and it’s gonna change his friendship with you so he’d rather wait until he’s certain his feelings aren’t one sided. 
But all that logical reasoning gets thrown out of the window when he catches sight of you playing with the orphanage kids. He’s a family man through and through so of course that kinda stops the gears in his head from turning. In any case, though, he’s happy to see you getting along with his younger siblings, though, ecstatic even. Like, it’s to the point that he doesn’t realize he’s staring at you with such a lovesick smile that he might as well make the “hearts in eyes” phrase a real phenomenon. 
“I can’t wait to confess to you.” the words trickle from his mouth without consent from his, y’know, logical reasoning. Panic takes over momentarily before he realizes you didn’t hear what he just said because your ears are probably full of the children’s laughter. 
You didn't hear. But some of his younger siblings did. 
“Onii-chan, is that person the one you like?” as if it wasn’t bad enough that you heard the question, the little girl had to also point straight into your direction. Well, it wouldn’t have mattered if they did or not anyway because the only two teenagers in the room are you and hajime. 
“Oh so they’re the one you talk about with heart eyes!” One pipes up. “right! The person whose eyes would sparkle when the sun hits them.” Another one follows. “and the person whose hair looks especially beautiful when it’s illuminated by the setting sun!” You get the gist.
Hajime would think about how cute his younger siblings look with their eyes sparkling with excitement if it weren’t for the fact that he can’t think of anything else because his mind is filled with the sound of his racing heart.
The fact that he talks about you to his younger siblings is exposed in bright daylight, and you’re looking at him with a surprised expression etched on your pretty face.
The discovery his younger siblings made did nothing but successfully make them gush over you even more. Well, who could blame them, their older brother’s crush is right in front of them. Deepest condolences, though, because children are always unnecessarily nosy and stubborn so they’re gonna end up matchmaking you and Hajime. You bet they’re not gonna let you go until you both confess to one another, right in front of them. What a nightmare. 
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kajibunny · 4 days
.⋆。🍓࿔˚what their kisses taste like...⊹ ࣪˖🍰˚⊹♡ w/ wind breaker boys
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✿ featuring: ren kaji, haruka sakura, hajime umemiya, hayato suo, jo togame, mitsuki kiryu ✿ contains: fluffy fluff fluff, looots of kissing, descriptions of the way they taste ✿ a/n: i honestly think they would all taste really good (•ᴗ<˶)✧₊ ⊹ that's it, that's the post i guess! happy reading, cuties! ♥︎ ✿ wc: 1.5k
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ʚɞ kaji - 
kaji asked you to hold his lollipop for him, entrusting you with his half-eaten candy in your hands while he went to buy a drink from the vending machine.
you pop the sweet sucker into your mouth, an unconscious habit. ever since you two got together you've always shared everything with kaji, so sharing his lollipop should be no exception, right? 
"that's mine." his eyes are now fixated on your mouth, where his lollipop stick hangs out of, and he can't help but think about how it's just been in his mouth about ten seconds ago, and he wondered if you could taste him on it too. 
"i'll buy you some more tomorrow." you told him, with no intention of giving back his lollipop at all.
"it's okay. i don't mind sharing with you." kaji takes out the lollipop from your mouth and gives you a taste of his own lips instead, pressing it against yours fervently. 
oh, so that's what he meant by sharing. 
notes of peach faintly made its way onto your lips, and transferring over to his as well. "this is mine, too." he declares, once again staking his claim on your mouth, which tasted just as sweet as the lollipop he just had, maybe even sweeter. 
kissing you left such a nice taste, fueling kaji's desire for more, so much so that it made him contemplate about the thought of replacing his lollipops with your lips instead.
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ʚɞ sakura - 
sakura is still so, so blushy around you, even though you two have spent multiple nights together, his face still flushes scarlet whenever you did your nightly self-care routine, your shoulder touching his while he was brushing his teeth over the sink. he finished up and rinsed off, while you waited for him with a huge, proud smile on your face.
"good job, baby!" you peck his lips, obsessed with the way he adorably heats up every time you praise him, this time it was for not forgetting to brush before bedtime.
"wh-what are you doing!?" he jumps up after he felt your lips on his, which tasted of spearmint from the toothpaste he had just used. 
"giving you your goodnight kiss!" you replied, with a matter-of-factly tone.
the next night, sakura brushed his teeth again in your shared bathroom while you hovered over the sink, your cleanser in hand. after rinsing his mouth, he just stood there expectantly, as if waiting for you to do something. 
he stared at you with a blush sprawled across his face. "y-you're forgetting something!" he blurted out. you shot him a puzzled look. "am i?" 
sakura's eyes darted down to your lips, giving you a hint of just what he needed from you. "oh, your goodnight kiss? if you liked it so much, you should have said so!" you giggled, smooching sakura's lips like there's no tomorrow. 
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ʚɞ suo - 
to say that suo is playful would be an understatement. underneath that sweet, smiling face, lies beneath a naughty guy who has an obsession with the way you taste.
"you have a little teacake at the corner of your mouth." suo, feigning concern, points to the space beside your lips.
"where?" you ask as you try to search for it with your fingertips, to no avail. your eyes brought itself back to suo's scarlet ones, now inches away from your face. 
his lips captures yours in an unexpected kiss, and suo's tongue darts out to lick off the little crumb of teacake at the corner of your mouth. "there, all gone!" he hums happily, a grin on his face, drinking his tea as if his mouth was not latched on to yours just two seconds ago.
now you know why you barely ever get to see suo eat, it's because he'll only eat if it tastes like you. 
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ʚɞ umemiya -
you were supposed to wake umemiya up from his nap on the hammock five minutes ago, but how could you? 
his eyes were fluttered shut, hair down and relaxed, umemiya's chest heaving softly, looking like he was so at peace. you hoped he had been dreaming about you, which he probably was, judging from the way a content smile made its way across his lips. 
you just couldn't help yourself as you angled down and gave him a quick little kiss. you giggled to yourself as you caught the aroma of fresh herbs from kissing him, he was probably picking and sampling them and decided to take a little nap afterwards.
umemiya's eyes slowly opened to the sight of you, him immediately wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into the hammock with him. "i didn't even feel that, can you give me one more? pleeeease?" he pleaded, nuzzling his head on your shoulder. 
you complied, giving him another kiss, and he went to deepen it by pulling you even closer. "can you wake me up like this all the time?" umemiya could definitely see himself quickly becoming addicted to your kisses. 
you sighed and giggled, tightly embracing him. how could you ever say no to this man?
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ʚɞ togame -
togame was definitely tall, no doubt about it. of course it has its perks and advantages too, like he can reach things for you really easily, he gave the greatest piggyback rides, he was your human furnace during cold nights, and the likes. 
but one thing his height got in the way of was kissing. particularly whenever you wanted to kiss him.
you tugged on togame's robe in a futile attempt to pull him down closer to you. a "hmm?" escaping togame's lips, as a little smile made its way across. he continued drinking his ramune while his eyes made its way to your form. 
"you're too tall, jo." you sighed. even on your tiptoes, you failed to bring his face down to your level so you could kiss him. 
"that so?" he let out a slight chuckle. togame eventually lends you a little help as he leans down until his face was directly in front of yours.
"you could've kissed me if you tried just a little harder, angel." he caresses your cheek, lightly teasing you, his lips capturing yours in a long, slow and passionate kiss. 
"i wanted to kiss you properly." a pout present on your lips. togame loved your cute little pout, it made him want to kiss you more and more. 
"don't worry, we can do it again and again until you are satisfied." 
jo togame was insatiable for you, loving the way you taste, always hungry for more. 
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ʚɞ kiryu - 
you have been crushing on kiryu for quite a while now, him being 'totally your type', as you talked about him on and on to your friends, them eagerly listening to you gushing about kiryu's pretty pink hair, soft gentle eyes, beautiful piercings, cat-like smile and not to mention his silly hotdog phone case. 
your friends told you to just go for it, be bold and just ask him if he was dating someone already so that you could cease daydreaming about him occupying your thoughts all day and night, preventing you from getting a proper good night's sleep. 
"kiryu, is there a girl you like?" you nervously ask him.
"there is, actually." he replies. "would you like to see her? i can show you." 
oh. so he had someone he liked already.
the way he smiled as he gave you a direct answer made you want to bury yourself in the ground and never come out.
"y-yeah, sure! i want to see. is she pretty?" you tried to hide the discouraged tone in your voice, thinking about how kiryu's thoughts are probably filled to the brim with his crush, like what you had with him. 
"she is! super pretty! this is her." he picks up his phone and flashes the screen in front of you. half of you did not want to see the object of kiryu's desires, but you were curious and the urge to peek won over you. 
on his phone was a picture of none other than you.
it was a zoomed in photo of you, smiling and laughing while you talked with your friends, and it seemed to be taken after you had just waved "hi" to kiryu. it took a while for you to comprehend that what he meant was that the girl he liked all this time was actually you. 
"she likes you too, kiryu." your cheeks were tinged as pink as his hair, and as pink as kiryu's kissable lips. 
speaking of kiryu's kissable lips, they were making their way onto yours now, brushing against yours, as you felt the cold metal of his labret piercing touch the bottom of your lip. his lips were so soft and warm in contrast to his piercing.
"i've wanted to do that for a long time now." the corners of his mouth turning upwards in a sweet smile. little did kiryu know, you wanted his strawberry chapstick flavored kisses just as much, and maybe even longer.
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© kajibunny 2024 / all rights reserved
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gibberishfangirl · 10 days
WIND BREAKER | would you kiss me for $10 or the prettiest girl on the world for $1000?
Synopsis ✰ you ask your boyfriend a question
Characters ✰ Haruka Sakura, Hajime Umemiya, Hayato Suo, Akihiko Nirei, Jo Togame, Choji Tomiyama
Contains ✰ sfw! slight cursing, airhead moments during Ume’s section, just content of you testing and teasing your boyfriend
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Haruka Sakura ᡣ𐭩
you’re completely caught off guard when you saw that Sakura was actually thinking about it. he just sat across from you in deep thought. you were 100% sure he would’ve laughed off the question and not give it a second thought. you immediately frowned and glared at the boy. meanwhile, Sakura was trying to find an answer to avoid admitting he wanted to kiss you. Sakura looked up to meet your dark eyes and let out a sweaty smile.
“uh- why would you ask something like that??” he blurted out.
“well what’s your answer? you sure took a while thinking about it.” you glared as he winced.
“well- you know, no! i’m not answering it! you’re just trying to trick me.” he said crossing his arms and facing the opposite direction from you.
“well the answer’s not that hard!” you argued.
“it’s not! it’s obvious, i would kiss you because you’re the prettiest girl anyway.” he admitted with a blush.
“oh? why didn’t you just say that the first time?” you were completely caught off guard by his honesty.
“because it’s not an appropriate question to ask in public.” Sakura argued not being able to fight off the blush or small stutters in his speech.
“why? because you said you want to kiss me?” you teased.
“shut up! i never said that exactly.”
“you could if you want to.”
“stop it!” he facepalmed slowly wanting to die in that moment.
Hajime Umemiya ᡣ𐭩
“so… what’s your answer?” you questioned with an eyebrow raised and your arms crossed. you couldn’t help but tap your foot in anticipation. it’s been precisely 30 seconds since you’ve asked your question but it’s felt like a life time since. “wait you haven’t even given me a chance to reply.” he laughs as you rolled your eyes and threw you arms up “can you just answer the question pleaseee.” you whined.
“i would choose the prettiest girl in the world.” he smiles. his response instantly makes you freeze. what the hell? why the hell would he say that??? he’s supposed to choose you.
“huh?? what kind of fucked up response is that Ume? I thought you liked me, wrong answer!” you scolded with a pout. “i swear you get off at upsetting others, you freak!” you emphasized going full on lecture mode.
“ah? what do you mean? i gave a great response.” he argued completely shocked you were upset. he thought you would’ve admired his response.
“you just said you would kiss a girl who isn’t me, how is that a good response?” you were confused as to why he was confused.
“yeah and who’s the prettiest girl in the world?” he asked as if the answer was obvious.
“well i don’t know probably whatever celebrity is your type?”
“no it’s you.” he slightly smiles once he realizes the misunderstanding you two were having.
“oh.” you were madly blushing from pure embarrassment.
“yes, oh.” he responds before leaning down to place a small kiss on your lips.
Hayato Suo ᡣ𐭩
you had seen all over social media of girls asking their boyfriends if they would rather kiss them for $10 or the prettiest girl on earth for $1000. it seemed pretty harmless so you wanted to ask your own loving boyfriend. although it hadn’t crossed your mind how much it would hurt your feelings if he didn’t choose you. now you were anticipating his answer, although that didn’t stop you from asking.
“Suo. I have a question to ask you.” you managed to get out before backing down. your voice alone immediately had him turning around, “yes?” he responded guiding his full attention from his friends to you before he moved to sit next to you.
“If you had to choose… would you rather kiss me for $10 or kiss the prettiest girl on earth for a thousand?” you finally stammered out after a small pause.
“well technically I’ll have $1010 since I’ll already be kissing the most beautiful girl on earth when I kiss you.” he smoothly and quickly answered with the most heart warming smile. you couldn’t help your lips from parting with a surprised smile of your own.
“how sweet.” you murmured softly with a blush.
“yes, so was this just another way of you asking me to kiss you without directly saying it?” he asked while leaning closer to you.
“i- no! i was genuinely curious.” you huffed out crossing your arms.
“oh okay, if you say so.” he lightly laughed out moving back to his original spot.
Akihiko Nirei ᡣ𐭩
of course he knows the question. unlike some of the other boys he’s very well informed about the latest trends. he knows all about the popular questions and what the “correct” answers are. not that it makes his responses any less true or takes away any meaning.
“i’m already kissing the prettiest girl in the world whenever i kiss you. besides it’s not like anyone would need to pay me to kiss you.” he admitted a bit shyly towards the end. his words almost had you swooning over him. you were cheesing so hard for the rest of the day all your friends kept asking what made you so happy.
Nirei felt a bit guilty about knowing the truth behind the question in a way but it quickly went away since he meant what he said to you. not to mention seeing the smile on your face made his entire week, if not month. Nirei would never tell you a lie or tell you something he didn’t mean… in most cases. depending on how absurd the questions you ask him get.
Jo Togame ᡣ𐭩
he doesn’t even tolerate it, he doesn’t have time for your nonsense. sometimes he’ll tease you or bite into it for some amusement. today was not one of those times. he immediately shut down your question with a stern “no.” you quickly frowned and scoffed at him.
“what? you can’t just say no. answer it! i won’t get mad.” you lied. Togame gave you an unamused expression with an eyebrow quirked up. ‘you’re lying’ is what his eyes were telling you. what made it worse is you knew you were lying. if Togame dared to imply to that he would kiss another girl you’d probably go to jail for attempted murder.
a small smirk escaped from the corner of his mouth before opening it to say, “well, i guess i got to make money somehow no? $10 wouldn’t be enough for me to last a day.” your jaw immediately dropped at his response with a small gasp.
“so? whatever happened to love conquers all?” you argued, not that those words have ever escaped Togame’s mouth.
“i’ve never said that before, besides love definitely doesn’t overpower bills.” he shrugged.
“how mean! say you’re sorry and that you love me.” you ordered slamming your hands on the table the two of you were sitting.
“i’m sorry, i love you.” he responded with a matching condescending smile and tone. an amused expression finally reached his face as you let out another surprised gasp, crossing your arms and facing the opposite direction of his.
you took a small break from asking Togame silly questions after that day. keyword: small, you were back to your antics and regular self after sulking for three days.
Choji Tomiyama ᡣ𐭩
poor Choji has no idea what to say or how to properly answer. he thinks you’re genuinely asking and want him to be literal with his answer. he’s convinced there isn’t a wrong answer, because you told him so. yes, you tricked him and he obviously fell for it. he thinks strongly about how much $10 can get him and how much $1000 can help him. he wants to answer with a reasonable explanation but can’t help feeling off by his choice. he’s been side-eyeing you for about five minutes now. you’ve been patiently sitting across from him with your head resting between both your hands. you can’t help but kick your feet while waiting, you really wanted to know his answer. you wanted him to answer legitimately but you’ll still be upset if he chooses wrong. Choji was biting his bottom lip, eyes narrowed, unsure if he should answer.
he finally opened his mouth, “are we dating in this scenario?” you could slightly feel your smile drop at his question before picking it back up.
“would that make a difference?” you asked slightly taken back from his question.
“…yes?” his tone of voice came out more as a question than an actual statement. you could tell he was unsure of what to say. you couldn’t stop your smile from completely dropping this time nor did you bother to fix up a new one.
“oh. okay, then we aren’t dating in this scenario.” you stated leaning back into your chair with your arms crossed. after a moment of silence you opened your mouth again to say, “go on…”
Choji didn’t respond, instead he studied your face. his eyes carefully examined each feature and your entire expression before moving onto your body posture. he could tell your energy completely shifted from the excited playful one you had earlier. finally he answered
“…no, i sense i’ve made a mistake of some kind.”
Choji definitely made a mistake. no, he did not answer the question. he asked Togame for advice on what to do next time. Togame facepalmed once hearing what Choji told you in response.
“was it that bad?”
“it’s the worst response i’ve heard.”
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yanderederee · 26 days
Orange Theory
Bofurin Edition
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concept: The Orange Peel Theory is from a viral trend where you ask your partner to bring you an orange. If they bring it to you peeled and ready to eat, it indicates that they're thoughtful and caring. If they bring it to you with the rind still on, it could indicate a lack of consideration.
a/n:I tried sticking as closely to their character colors as I could٩( ᐛ )و I also tried including as many characters as I could, even lesser written characters like Tsubakino/Taiga/Kiryu/lowkey Kaji too lol… I hope you like and agree!♡
Sakura Haruka
Poor boy would be so lost.
“I’m really craving an orange…” you mumbled to yourself.
“There’s some in the kitchen.” Sakura would reply casually, popping another grape in his mouth.
You’re silent for a while. Eventually he picks up on it and looks at you with a raised brow. “What’s up?” He’d ask.
“Can… you bring it to me please?” You’d ask. Sakura wouldn’t mind. He’d simply nod and hoist himself up, walk into the kitchen, and return with two unpeeled oranges. “I kinda want one too…”
He hands you one, distracted by the group chat on his phone as he began to peel the orange in his hand.
You were beginning to give up on the test, looking down at the unpeeled orange solemnly. “You haven’t touched your orange, you okay?” He’d ask, cluelessly.
“Im fine..” you’d reply, feeling silly for feeling so distant.
Sakura knows something’s up, so instead, he leans over, and takes the orange from your hand, replacing it with orange he had just peeled from his other hand. “If you wanted me to peel it for you, ya couldn’a said somethin’.”
Overall; 4/10. He sees you as a person who can do simple things for themselves, and may only feel the need to act more considerate if he notices you having a hard time.
Suou Hayato
The two of you decided on having a movie night at your place, and Suou thought it’d be courteous to bring a bag of oranges with him as a gift.
“You know what they say, oranges being good luck and prosperity.” (I was the one who wrote this and I still expected to proof-read ‘an orange a day keeps the doctor away.’)
Before you even had the chance to ask for one, he’s asking to use your kitchen to fix one up for you.
You agree, trying to watch him from the kitchen entrance. He smiles sweetly at you and politely asks you to wait for him in the movie viewing area.
It’s curious, but you do as he says.
He returns soon with a plate, neatly peeled and decorated.
Also asks if you would prefer a fork, if you didn’t want to risk getting your fingers sticky. It’s a little over the top, but he’s only trying to be considerate.
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Overall: 11/10, He even saves the peels for Umemiya to use as compost. Encourages you to eat the entire plate, but will indulge in one if you insist.
Nirei Akihiko
Nirei asked if you’d like to binge your favorite show that night. As you both stopped by the store to pick up snacks for the binge, you remembered a couples trend, centered around the oranges in front of you.
You bought a couple, the excuse for them being one of your snacks for the night. Sweet Nirei praises you for making such a healthy snack choice, and even inspires him to put back some of his own snacks to live up to your example.
Just as you were about to begin the binge, you got very comfortable on the couch, and batted your eyelashes at your sweet boyfriend. “Can you bring me an orange please? I forgot them in the kitchen..”
Immediately agrees and hops up from beside you and to the kitchen.
He’s very happily humming to himself as he’s concentrating on the orange, walking back to the couch trying to get a good peel started.
Poor Nirei is so bad at it though, only able to peel off little bits of rind at a time. Half way through the first episode, the orange is crudely peeled, and he’s holding a slice out to you for you to eat.
Overall: 9/10, while its poor, he peels the orange with no indication you need him to, and feeds it to you one by one. ♡
Sugishita Kyotaro
Oh no.
Umemiya led you to Furin’s back yard area, eager to show you and Sugishita the fruits(haha) of his labor; a freshly grown baby orange tree.
Sugishita is immensely proud of his senior, and praises him for his hard work. Umemiya sends you two off with only one orange, since he needs to share the few he did receive from this harvest with the others.
At first, Sugishita doesn’t want to eat it. He wants to preserve it for as long as he can because it was something his previous Umemiya grew.
After a few comments like “It’ll go bad soon, you wouldn’t want Umemiya-san’s efforts to go to waste, would you?”
No way in hell would Sugishita allow that.
Sugishita hands you the orange, perhaps too nervous of accidentally crushing the fruit with his immense strength.
If you’re too slow on the take to peel it, he will accept the task. However, his worries are warranted, you discover, when he shares a slightly soft and dripping orange with you.
Overall: 5/10. He’ll initially wait for you to peel the orange, but he’s too impatient and will offer to do it instead. It’s slightly crushed, but that’s okay.
Hiragi Toma
You asked Hiragi to come over and help you with some yard work. Of course he’s happy to help.
During a break from the work, you lazily asked him to bring you an orange while sitting in front of the box fan.
He chuckles, kisses your sweaty cheek, and walks off to fulfill your request.
It takes him a minute, until he asks from the door way, “Can I go ahead and make some juice outta these?”
You blink wide at him, unexpectedly. “If… if you want to.” You mumble in response.
He nods, hustling back into the kitchen, before he begins peeling multiple oranges, and blending them up and straining them to make a fresh orange juice.
He returns with two full glasses and a half pitcher resting in your fridge. “You’ve worked hard today, hopefully this helps.”
Overall: 11/10, one of Hiragi’s love languages is acts of service, and of service he is to you all the time. Mr. “You want it? I got it.”
Kiryu Mitsuki
Sweeet sweet baby.
The two of you are just hanging out in his room, listening to whatever bedroom-pop song he put on while you both scrolled on your phones.
You come across the orange theory while on a social media app; and grin.
“Mitsuu~ I’d like an orange~.” You singsong to your boyfriend.
Kiryu looks up from his phone, and lazily hums. “Good idea~ can you bring me up one too?” He asks.
Your mouth almost hits the floor at his casual tone, but it ends when you see him hoist himself up from the bed, laughing “Just kidding angel~ I’ll be right back.”
Holding one of his many plushies close to your side, you wait for your boyfriend.
Kiryu returns with an unpeeled orange and a knife. The knife takes you by surprise at first, but once he sits at his little table and begins working on the orange, you realize he’s cutting it into sections with the rind on.
He offers you a slice with a lazy smile. Once you take it, he quickly pops a slice into his own mouth, making a cute wide orange smile.
The unexpected action sends you into a fit of laughter, your adorable boyfriend only grinning wider and blushing at how cute you are.
Overall: 10/10 I guess? He loves seeing you smile and actively does things to make you do so.
Kaji Ren
The two of you will be chilling on the Furin rooftop, enjoying the cool breeze and quiet hours, now that everyone was finally gone.
The only sound coursing through the air was the music escaping from his headphones, which lay carefully by his side, instead of his neck, so you could both enjoy the tune.
A bag of snacks lay between the two of you. You felt a bit peckish, so you glanced over at the bag and spotted an orange. Quickly, you get the idea to test the orange theory.
“Re~n, could you give me the orange?” You ask, feigning your inability to get it yourself as he was closer to the bag than you were.
Kaji looked over and spotted the orange from the bag. He reached over with ease and made a gesture like he was preparing to underhand throw it at you.
You quickly crossed your arms to show you did Not want him to throw it. He considered his options for a second, before huffing, sitting up, and leaning over so the orange was just a few inches from your reach.
‘Damn.’ You frowned. ‘Maybe this wasn’t the right opportunity to ask?’
Kaji noticed the disappointment on your face, but even after staring at you and trying to figure out what was causing your sour mood, he couldn’t imagine why. He gave you the orange just like you asked, and didn’t throw it.
“What?” He asks bluntly, causing you to flinch. “Nothing.” You replied back, closing your eyes to enjoy the evening breeze once again.
However, your answer was unsatisfactory, and your orange was left untouched. He really had no idea what he did wrong.
Kaji walks over to you, and squats to glare at you. “Quit lyin’ ‘n just spit it out.” He’d press. If you kept being stubborn, he’d just tickle you ruthlessly until he got his answer.
“T-the orange..! Aha—it, ehe… it w-was a test!” You yelped. Once you came clean, Kaji would stop just for a second to let you explain further.
Once you explained it clearly for him, his expression only soured further, tickling you even more sternly. You screamed for him to stop but he refused.
“That’s so dumb, of course I care about you. If you want me to peel a damn orange just say so, ‘n I’ll do it.” He huffed, finally releasing you and sitting by your side.
Overall, 1/10. Kaji is extremely caring and indeed will do anything for you, as long as he knows what’s expected of him. He’s doesn’t much appreciate his affections being tested in such a lame way though.
Taiga Tsugeura
Sweet angel child
You agreed to come over to his house and spot him as he did his usual muscle training routine.
Once he’s finally tired himself out, he begins talking about wanting a healthy snack. He’s going through the options he has while raiding through his cabinets.
As he does this, you notice a load of fruit in his fruit bowl. “You should eat a banana Taiga. Would you mind getting me an orange while you’re there, please?” You’d ask him nicely.
He grins as bright as the sun at your suggestion. “Great thinkin’ Y/n!!” He’s quick to grab both the banana and orange from the bowl. Before he can hand you the orange, his grin becomes more mischievous.
“Check this out,” he says with pride, holding the fruit in both hands. Then, with a quick snap, he rips the orange in half.
You’re BAFFLED. mouth agape and simply, STUNNED. Your shocked expression is all he wanted. He laughs hard, and displays the two halves face up, his own face in the middle.
“Cool huh!” He asks, before doing the same thing with the banana. “Want me to break the rest up for ya?”
Honestly, you aren’t sure what to say.
Overall: 7/10. He… does? It? But it’s more because he wants to show off a cool skill of his than he’s doing it for your sake. He also always asks you if you want him to peel your oranges, so… the thought is there.
Tsubakino Tasuku
Aaaaahh! (Post edited to use he/him pronouns)
You were cuddled up with Tsubaki in his bed after a long day. After a well deserved nap, you woke up when Tsubaki gently slid out from under you, assumingely to use the bathroom or something necessary.
Groggily, you reached out your hand, and whined. “Dar~ling~ ‘so snacky… can.. you bring me back… an orange… pleeeeasssse…”
Tsubaki thought you were the absolute cutest. “Of course my dove~” he would kiss your forehead and pat your hair down sweetly. “I’ll be right back.”
You fell back asleep, but when you did wake up, you saw Tsubaki only a few feet away painting his nails. “Ah! You fell asleep before I got back, you know!” He pouted.
You giggled an apology, and looked around for the orange you’d asked for. “On the nightstand darling.” Tsubaki helped direct you.
You are not expecting to look over and see a dazzling fruit assortment waiting for you. Halved grapes, thinly sliced strawberries, heart shaped banana slices, and bite sized mandarin oranges, all neatly assorted in a bowl…. With a sprinkle of sugar making the entire display shine.
You’re stunned, gasping at the beautiful display. “It’s so cute!! All for me?” You asked, glazed eyes seeking your partner out. He giggled back. “Of course all for you~ enjoy!” And blew you a kiss.♡
Overall: ∞/10. Are you kidding me? Tsubaki ABSOLUTELY would go ABOVE and BEYOND for the ones he loves, ESPECIALLY his partner. PUT SOME RESPECT ON BABE’S NAME RIGHT NOW OR SO HELP ME!!!
Umemiya Hajime
As much as your boyfriend wishes he could grow a fruit tree of his own, he knows that they take time. So, he settles for easy to grow vine fruits like Strawberries and blueberries.
He loves making you an assortment of berries, and presenting them to you with love. It’s so so very sweet.
ALWAYS encourages you to eat vegetables and fruits, even if you’re not in the mood for them. “They’re super good for your health y/n!”
So you indulge him.
When it’s you who’s asking instead, “Can you bring me an orange please?” He’s elated.
“YES MA’AM!” He all but yells, rushing to get you just that.
Umemiya returns with two imperfectly peeled oranges. He’s a little clumsy with it, but he’s just excited.
Loves sharing food with you and will hand feed you them like a goddess.
Overall, 12/10. The assignment is to gauge one’s thoughtfulness, and Umemiya blows it out of the water. He wants nothing but the best for you and aims to give it to you tenfold.
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aeruia · 2 days
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how would the wbk boys impress you to catch your attention or they want you to praise them?
character/s : sakura haruka , suo hayato , togame jo , kaji ren , umemiya hajime , kiryu mitsuki .
warning/s : suo’s part is like 50/50 so uhm !! you can decide if it’s part of it or not ! , ooc characters ( im sorry sighs )
word count : 100+ each
note : i have motivation to write so might as well make the best of it !! i’m also planning to make suo’s part a separate fic uhm..
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sakura haruka — 119 words
i don't know but i think sakura would try to impress you by showing how he’s good at fighting but when you praise him for that or he got your attention because of that he gets flustered easily and tries to brush it off saying he’s not doing it to impress you when it’s clearly written on his face.
you can only laugh when he says that you’ll probably won't even believe anything he says and just look at his face to see if he meant it or not.
“ where have you been all these years my knight in shining armor? ” you teased him, your hands clasped together in return he looked away with a blush on his face.
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suo hayato — 165 words
bro doesn't even need to impress you because you’re already impressed by him !! he’s a gentleman everyone knows and that’s also how you're already impressed because why is he so gentle? so whenever you two are together people will mistake that you and suo are dating because of how considerate suo whenever he’s with you.
you’ll never even catch him irritated whenever you let him carry your school bag or the things you bought, he’s just there following you with a smile on his face.
“ why are you doing this every time we are together? ” you asked as you take a spoonful of ice cream in your cup and eat it. “ i’m close to falling for you, you know. ” you said half jokingly when he chuckled as he wiped the ice cream from the side of your mouth. “ i’ll wait for the day you fall for me. ” he replied making you speechless and a blushing mess as you just continue to eat your ice cream.
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togame jo — 118 words
did a bit of research and seems like he plays go and shogi so uh he would probably invite you to watch him play with shogi with someone.
he knew he would win it and obviously you are in awe saying how good he was at shogi so you invite him to play with you after he plays a couple of rounds. you weren't good at playing shogi but you wanna test out your skills.
he beat you once or twice then after that then lets you win every round. “ wow, togame i didn't know i’m the only one who can beat you! ” you quip making him chuckle as he nodded. ” guess you're too good at this game. ”
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kaji ren — 166 words
you heard that the music playing in his headphones are something that can damage his eardrums but it seems like his ears don't even hurt so you would let him try one of your favorite music to see if he likes it.
when you two were taking a walk around the town, you were rambling about your favorite band and how cool and good their music are. kaji didn't let that slip in his mind and listened to their music when he got home.
the next day, you suggested one of their songs and his response was he had listen to it and taking a liking to the song and it was now on his playlist. your eyes widen and smiled. “ really? its a good music isn’t? you got a good taste in music! ” you praise as you pat his back as if he’s choking on something. it just made you more even happy that he has one of your very favorite song in his playlist.
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umemiya hajime — 195 words
you helped him plant some seeds in the rooftop since you don’t have anything to do and everybody knows that umemiya is a man that cares for everyone. let’s imagine umemiya has like one of those portable stove hidden in the rooftop 😭😭 so you were flabbergasted when you just saw him casually take out a portable stove. he remembers that he doesn't have enough ingredients to cook something so he apologizes for that and quickly run into kotoha’s cafè to get a few ingredients. when he got the ingredients you just watched him.
you watch the white haired man cook something in front of you — you didn't even know he has the skills to cook! clearly you’re impressed since you can’t cook to save your life. ( if you would even cook it’s burnt. ) he probably learned it with kotoha. when he finished cooking he gave you a portion of food he had cooked for you two. you gave it a ten out of ten. it was delicious as you thanked him for it.
“ never knew you could cook, maybe i’ll hire you as my personal chef in the future. ” you said jokingly making umemiya snort.
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kiryu mitsuki — 145 words
if you invite him to play a game with him he will accept it without hesitation even if you're bad at it or you just started playing he would help you and will still play with you even if you’re the worst player in the game.
would probably try to impress you to fish out some compliments from you and it works like a charm. “ damn, didn’t knew you’re so good at this! ” you would say as he just laughed wholeheartedly.
he probably won’t even try to hide that he’s trying to impress you. “ i should be good at all these games so i can carry you and impress you, y’know. ” he says that with a smile plastered on his face.
if you two are not talking about games or anything you’re gonna comment about how good he smells because of the perfume he uses.
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date posted 062324
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whiskeysmulti · 4 months
@musessinabag replied to your post “"If she can crush a watermelon between her thighs...”:
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.Whiskey. This isn't the worst, I was looking for a shitpost about Popeye's biscuits for this at first.
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It was this one, but I dialed it back and didn't upload it as a musing because I didn't want to be too unhinged with the shitposting and I was trying to find it to reblog first in case someone already posted it.
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|| Won’t you believe me? || Suo Hayato x Reader || Wind Breaker ||
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I won’t lie writers block is getting to me but for suo I must persevere
: fem!reader. fluff. established relationship. suo being a tease.
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“I l-love you.”
“Thanks. I love you too.”
Suo says nonchalantly with his signature closed eye smile. Oh, that wasn’t the reaction you were expecting which leaves you at a loss of words of what to say next. Sure you weren’t expecting a fully tear eyed, heartfelt response but it just seemed like it’s lacking something. You pout at Suo who looks at you questionably. “ I think your definition of love is different from mine.” You say with a pout on your face, your cheeks lightly dusted pink.
Suo looks at you confused for a moment before a smile stretches on his face, his eye reflecting mischief. He then leans in closer to your face, causing you to yelp at the sudden proximity. “ Then in what way do you love me?” Suo asks, leaning even closer till you could almost see your own reflection in his maroon eye. “Tell me how your love is different from mine.” He stares deeply into your eyes awaiting an answer. You gulp as you look away from his intense gaze, thoughts running trying to think of an answer. “Umm w-well it’s like you k-know I….” You know you’re blushing hard now because Suo’s smile only gets wider before it disappears in an instant as he leans away.
“That’s mean. It’s like you don’t believe in my words.” The smile that used to be on his face is now gone as he lets out a sigh looking dejected. You briefly inwardly panic for a moment before answering him. “It’s because you s-say it so casually, I don’t know if you actually mean it like I do” You feel his strong gaze on you again causing you to fidget, avoiding his gaze.
“That’s not true I do mean it, even now when I’m standing next to you my heart is beating like crazy.” Suo murmurs to you. You look up, surprised at his words. You also can’t help but think that he looks cute, dejected. You just want to squish his cheeks. Has Suo's sadism rubbed off on you? “It doesn’t seem like it.” You nervously giggled in response.
“Then why don’t you feel it for yourself?”
Suddenly, Suo grabs your hand causing you to look at him surprised wondering what he will do. He then pulls your hand close, urging you to place your hand on his chest. “Here, feel it…” His hand is warm on your skin and when did his face get so close again?! You thought to yourself as you couldn’t form any words to reply. With his guidance you slowly place your hand on his chest where his heart lies, the smooth silk of his skirt on your palm. Your eyes widened, just as he said you could feel a rapid rhythm against your hand.
“Do you feel it?” You look up to realize that his face is close to yours now -that you can catch a whiff of his cologne. Suo leans his head against yours placing his own hand on top of yours. “Do you feel the same?” He whispers, which almost sounds like a plea. You could feel your own heart accelerating to match his, feeling mesmerized by his magnetic stare. Your heartbeat echoing loudly in your head as you try to maintain your composure. His soft lips look so kissable right now. You could just lean in and…
You feel your thoughts going into dangerous waters, as if he's hypnotizing you. With the realization, you immediately jerk away from him-face so red that there might be steam coming from it.
“Okay okay, I get it…!” You exclaimed, unable to take the pressure from being so close to him. Suo blinks at you until he lets out a soft laugh at your reaction. You could feel yourself staring at him in awe, your blush growing darker because who laughs this adorably even if it’s at your expense. You huff, this man could be the death of you someday. 
(Y/N): Stop teasing me!!!
Suo: You just wouldn’t believe me :((
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vsimp · 16 days
he catches you writing smut (18+)
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pairing: Kamisato Ayato x F!Reader
genre: smut
wc: 2.6k
kink warning: a line or two about panty sniffing lol
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There was a pretty popular erotic novel currently published by the Yae Publishing House. Hundreds of copies so far have been sold in Inazuma. It was released by an anonymous author, a story telling the tale between a CEO and his secretary. Although the people weren’t too familiar with the concept of a corporation, people really did enjoy the little power dynamic between a dominant CEO and his submissive secretary. Smut had recently grown popular in Teyvat, and this erotic novel was the current driving force of it all.
Little did they know that you were the author, the current lady of the Kamisato Clan, and the Yashiro Commissioner's wife. You had based the male lead off of your own husband. Surely if you revealed your identity, the whole of Inazuma would be in uproar and you would soil the Kamisato Clan’s name. That was why it was your own dirty little secret, the fact that you were writing erotic fiction based on you and your husband, a little secret that only you and Yae Miko know.
What you didn’t expect was for the novel to reach the insides of the Estate. Housekeepers were gushing about it during their breaks, retainers were talking about how their partners wanted to try these different positions from the novel… You couldn’t help but be mortified, yet flattered, that so many people enjoyed your dirty novel.
It wasn’t until the news had reached your husband’s ears did you really, really get in trouble.
Kamisato Ayato called his wife to his study after a long day of duties for the both of them. Usually, he would invite her to tea if they had the time to talk about what they had for plans during the week.
You took a sip of your tea, relishing in the nice silence after a bustling day and the warmth that the tea brought.
“There’s this novel that has been the talk of the town lately,” Ayato said and you did everything you could not to choke on your tea.
“Ah, I heard the staff speaking about it this week. My, I wonder what had caught their attention like so…” You replied as casually as you could.
“Mm.” He replied briefly and took something out of his jacket. You tried not to tense up as you recognized the familiar pink book cover, of course graced with the illustration of the main couple that suspiciously had the same hair color as you and Ayato. “Ah, yes, let me read the title out loud. ‘The Nightly Trysts of Hayato and his Lover.’ Hm, a strange title indeed. This ‘Hayato’ character has a similar name and appearance to mine.”
You wanted to cringe at the entire name. Guuji Yae was the one who suggested such an embarrassing title. She said it would attract a more mature audience who enjoyed that sort of fantasy. Ayato maintained his relaxed smile despite reading all of that, and you didn’t like it one bit. It meant he was currently hiding something he knew, and you were too scared to delve into what exactly that was.
“Ah…” You had to keep your calm, even though you wanted to scream into your own pillow right now. If you showed any sort of discomfort or anxiety, your husband would recognize it right away. After all, nothing came past your husband with that sharp mind of his. “Perhaps it’s just a coincidence?”
“Hm, maybe so. Shall I read the summary?”
No. Please, archons, no.
He continued anyway, despite your inner thoughts pleading him not to. He read off the summary on the back of the book with his same laxed voice, detailing a CEO who was currently smitten by his secretary, who starts to avoid him at all costs once she sees him half naked on a business trip. The CEO, frustrated, chased after the secretary and had an erotic time with her in his office.
“It sounds interesting,” you forced a smile on your face.
“Doesn’t it? I started to skim through it whenever I had time off during the day.”
“Oh?” You wanted to cry at this point, a wide smile plastered on your face. He’s noticed. He’s definitely noticed. “Do you like it so far…?”
“It’s surely an interesting read. This male lead named Hayato… The way the author describes him, with light blue hair and light blue eyes and a small mole on his left lower lip…” Ayato’s smile remained the same, although the corner of his eyes crinkle a bit, indicating a more mischievous look. “He sure does sound like me.”
“Haha…” You let out a forced laugh. “Maybe someone is a fan of your appearance.”
“It appears so.” He flipped through the pages casually. “Such a detailed little novel. This author sure does have a penchant for writing erotic scenes.”
“They must be passionate about their work.” You felt like your smile could break your face at this point.
“Mm… The female lead sounds quite familiar as well. Her name is similar to yours.”
“I-is it?”
“Indeed. The same eye and hair color too.”
“Wow. What a huge coincidence!”
He chuckles softly. “My dear, there’s no need to play dumb anymore.”
“Whatever do you mean?” Your voice wavered a bit, but you were committed to it.
“You’re going to keep playing this game? Very well then.” He stood up and took your hand.
With one fellow swoop, he helped you to stand up. Before you knew it, he led you over to your bedroom, locking the door behind him and guided you to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Let me read out an excerpt I found interesting,” Ayato stated as he looked at the book, although he made small glances at you too while reading. “He pins her down to the bed and kisses her passionately. His blue and white sheets were softer than anything she’s ever felt, but that thought was soon taken away by the force of his lips upon her.” His usually relaxed smile soon morphed into a smirk. “My, I didn’t realize you were such a big fan of our blue and white sheets.”
Without a doubt, the bedsheets in the room you shared had always been blue and white for the last few years. Suddenly, he pinned you down against the sheet, his hand pushing your shoulder gently so you rested back against the bed, just as he had read from the book. And then he simply leaned down to kiss you, his soft lips meshing with yours as you felt yourself melt in his embrace. Your lips came together gently, although there was a playful bounce to his kisses that you did not expect, and soon, his tongue ended up pushing against yours.
He chuckled after he parted away from you, leaving you panting and breathless from the makeout session. “Cat got your tongue, my dear? Or will you finally admit the truth?”
“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about…” Your cheeks grew hotter as he tried to corner you into admitting that you were the author.
“Mm… Sure, you don’t.” His lips made their way to kiss your neck, his tongue hot as he bit and sucked on the skin there. “Did you really feel that lonely that you had to write erotica off of our experiences? Have I not shown you enough attention lately?”
“D-Don’t say that…!” Your voice grew weaker as he teased you, your resolve slowly crumbling the more he kissed you. “You know that’s not the case…!”
“Hehe,” he let out another small chuckle. “You’re so cute when you’re flustered. Tell me, y/n, do you just like our experiences so much that you put it into a novel?”
You gasped as his hands went under your robe, undoing your clothes and caressing your breast through your undergarments. His fingers tease your nipples through your bra, pinching the sensitive bud and flicking it around. You let out small whimpers from the teasing.
“Shall I reenact one of the scenes I was particularly fond of?”
“Please no…” you begged. 
“Why not?”
“I-it’s embarrassing.”
“I think it’s endearing that my lovely wife has such vivid fantasies.” He smiled down at you and then started to strip you naked of your clothes. “I could drown in the beauty of your body, my love.” He repeated a line from the novel as he kissed down your neck to your chest.
You let out soft pants as he unraveled your body, his eyes raking every inch as if he hadn’t memorized it all already. He gave your breasts another squeeze, pinching the bare nipple before he slowly dragged it down your rib cage to your lower abdomen before resting right in front of your aching core. It just sat there, his palm digging into your mound as your hips buckled, wanting more and more stimulation.
“Patience, love…” Ayato gave you a calculating smirk as he picked up the book once again and flipped to a bookmarked page. He read off another excerpt. “He buried his face into her pussy, panties on, sniffing and tasting her neediness that drenched through the soft fabric.” Ayato took a finger and ran it gently along your slit, and you did everything you could not to beg him for more despite your legs trembling slightly from anticipation. “My, I didn’t realize my wife had such fantasies about her panties like this. Such a pervert, wanting me to sniff her precious flower like a deranged animal .”
“Mm… n-no, t-that’s not true…” you tried to deny, but your flushed body and face were saying otherwise. 
“Such a lewd expression,” he chuckled and crawled down, taking a sniff of your core straight through your underwear. “You smell delightful,” his voice deepened, almost guttural, as his tongue dipped to languidly lick at your clit. 
You let out a soft cry, which was like music to his ears. Ayato wanted to laugh in amusement, his own mind twisting into pure sadistic pleasure. Who would’ve known that his own wife would be such a naughty little thing? He savored her taste, enjoying the way she writhed beneath him. With one fluid motion, he pulled her underwear off and sucked at her wet core, kissing and slurping all of her love juices. 
Your mind was all fuzzy as pleasure filled your lower region. Your legs wrapped around his head, hips buckling as he ate you out, dipping his tongue into your pussy as deep as he could before taking it out to swirl around your clit. It reminded you of the scene you wrote in the book, and you wonder how committed he was going to be to the scene.
Nevertheless, it seemed like he was going to tease you nonstop until you finally admit that you were the author.
He then pushed a finger into you, stretching out your walls and he admired the way your walls tensed around his digit, how your moans grew louder and louder. One, and then two, he started to pump his fingers, curling them to hit the spot you liked the most whilst his tongue continued flicking against your clit. Your hands made its way to his soft blue hair, and it wasn’t long before you came all over his fingers and lips. 
You panted as he took himself out of you, your eyes watching as he licked your juices off his fingers before he positioned his waist in between your legs.
“Are you ready, princess?” His hands undid his pants, taking out his cock as he rubbed the length against your sensitive slit. You just came, after all, so he was getting well lubricated with your juices.
You whined a bit as you needily stuck your arms out, and Ayato chuckled as he bent down to meet your lips. Your arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. He kissed you deeply and a bit more rough this time as you felt his cock grinding against your wet, warm pussy. He wanted you so bad, but he also wanted to stay committed to his teasing.
“Mm… Ayato, put it in already…” You scolded him as he continued to grind against you, occasionally slapping the tip of his rock hard cock gently against your clit. 
“I don’t think so…” He said after pulling away from your tongue, smirking down at you. He hissed a bit as he continued to rub his length up and down, his other hand making its way to squeeze your breast. “Not until you admit it.”
“Are you seriously still on that?!” You moaned in frustration, wiggling your hips in hopes that he’d just put it inside and fuck you relentlessly to dull the growing ache in your lower abdomen.
“Well, we are following the scene in the novel to the tea. I just want to confirm that you are truly one of the main characters.”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You were so horny for anything that you didn’t care at this point.
“Fine! Fine, yes, I admit it. I wrote the book. Now hurry up!”
Your husband leaned forward, placing a hand beside your head to hold himself up as his other hand started to push his cock in just a bit.
“Hehe, so demanding.” You gasped as he pushed his entire length in you. “And yet, you’re such a good girl.”
His hips slammed into yours, his lips kissing and sucking the skin of your neck. You could only grip him tightly as he fucked you deeply and thoroughly with the only goal to draw out your sweet moans that he loved hearing so much. He grunted as he felt you squeeze around him, taking you over and over until you were crying out his name.
His lips slammed back onto yours, exploring your mouth as his cock pushed in and out. He wanted to leave you as a sputtering mess, until you can’t think of anything else but him and his long, aching hard member.
“You’re such a dirty girl, writing those lewd scenes about us.” He muttered in your ear, hissing as he felt you tightening every time he uttered some dirty words. “Is that your fantasy? Me fucking you hard in my office with my employees outside?” He chuckled as you were too caught up in pleasure to respond. “Hm? Or do you just like the idea of me fucking you wildly out in the open?”
He pushed your legs as far up as he could and he continued to slam down into you.
“Shit…” He cursed, so unlike his normally composed self. You were the only person in this world who could unravel him completely. You, and you alone. “You feel so good, princess…”
The sound of his skin slapping yours filled the room, coupled with your moans and his quiet grunts. He slid in and out of you with ease at this point, stretching you whole. He watched your breasts bounce to his movements and he didn't hesitate to squeeze and play with them as he wished.
He fucked you in different positions, bending you over the bed, on your side with your foot high up in the air and leg over his shoulder. He couldn’t get enough of you, making you cum over and over again before sputtering his own seed deep into your walls, enjoying how you clench and convulse from his cock alone.
“Mm…” He hummed as he kissed your shoulder tenderly, his cock still deep inside you as he finished cumming, drawing out small thrusts as he got the final load out. He could drown in the sound of your moans, and suddenly, he understood the appeal of your erotic novel.
Ayato took himself out of you before collapsing next to you, holding you closely in his arms. He kissed your forehead as you both panted from the heavy exertion before he looked at you with that mischievous smile.
“So was that enough for you to write a sequel?”
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thinkingotherwise · 1 month
Thanks for the request of Haruka & Bofurin gang with haruka's older sister s/o, but can you please do part 2 that her "friends & boyfriend“ came to her town & found her to beat the sh*t up but her brother & Bofurin gang protects her from her so called friends and boyfriend.
Part 2 incoming! Fight, fight, fight!
Wind Breaker characters x Haruka Sakura's older sister part 2
part 1
characters as written in prev request: Haruka Sakura, Hayato Suou, Akihiko Nirei, Hajime Umemiya, Kyotaro Sugishita, Ren Kaji, and Mitsuki Kiryu (all platonic) TW: bullying
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- The next several weeks after kinda resolving some issues with your brother you spent with him and his friends. - They did all they could to make you feel better, and several attempts were made to support you in being even a little more open towards others. Mostly by Umemiya. - Although feeling awkward receiving their kindness and help, you still tried your best for Haruka. - You really wanted to make it up to him, he wasn't the one to blame for your bad choices of friends and you knew that you caused him a lot of harm by cutting him off so suddenly. - The two of you were very stiff and nervous during your sibling times and you would barely get closer, if it weren't for Nirei and Suou. They were so persistent and reliable in connecting you and your brother. - After all this help, you hesitated but finally decided and told Haruka and the Bofurin members that during your free time you could, once again very reluctantly, help them out and the townsfolks.
- You were helping out by painting the walls, with some of the guys, being Umemiya, Sugishita, and Mitsuki. - You secretly listened to the oldest boy talking with Mitsuki about some farming game, where you could also befriend other farmers. You'd lie saying that it didn't brighten up your day even a little. - You got to know that Umemiya was actually quite cool, if he didn't talk to you that much, so you appreciated Mitsuki for taking his attention. - Next thing you knew the old man came from around the corner with a young man who seemed very familiar, too familiar. - He called you and said that the man said he knew you and wanted to talk with you. You took a few steps in their direction before stopping, as you recognized him. - You immediately froze and felt a shiver ran through you. It was the bastard, you called your ex. - Sugishita noticing you getting anxious came in front of you hiding you from the men. - Your ex seeing that told you and the other guys that he just wanted to talk to you, and that it was something important that wouldn't take long. - Why did you agree, you're not sure. Maybe you wanted to look cool in front of the Bofurin members, or maybe you just didn't want to look pathetic. However, it was a big mistake because after following him to some back street you were greeted by other people, that you once called "friends". - At the same time Umemiya had a bad feeling and told Mitsuki to get Haruka and inform him about this.
- Someone grabbed your shirt pulling you roughly towards the group and then pushing you to the wall making your head hit the bricks. - You felt disoriented as you tried to keep standing. - "How did a trash like you think it could get away from us?" - "Do you think you're better because you have some new pitiful friends?" - The bastards from your school asked and you gritted your teeth putting on a front. - "Funny, thought you were the trash." You replied bitterly. - "Oh, right at least I don't need to exploit others to feel better, unlike you." - They certainly didn't appreciate you talking back and one of the girls took their glass bottle before throwing it at you. - At the last second you moved away looking at the broken glass and then back to them. - "You're fuckin' sick." You said and your ex gritted his teeth before coming closer to you. - He was the first one to lose patience and brought his fist back ready to punch you. - You were too startled by the previous attack to react quick enough but you didn't have. Haruka came out of nowhere and grabbed his fist before kicking him in the stomach. Still holding his hand he pulled him closer and punched him in the face. A loud crack was heard. Your brother then followed with another kick in the chest but this time he let go of his hand letting him fall back into some of your old friends. - You were startled by this but when you saw the back of your younger brother you felt like the weight was lifted off your shoulders. - Then you heard more voices from behind and when you turned you noticed other Bofurin members ready to throw hands if needed. - You felt like crying. They all came because they were worried for you and wanted to protect you. - The strange feeling of being taken care of and protected filled you and you wondered if that's what family and friends were like.
- When you were having a small emotional moment, Haruka was seething. He stood in front of the people who took his older sister away from him, people that made her life miserable. His fists tightened and he was more than ready to have a talk with them. Just like Umemiya taught him.
- After the guys left you and Bofurin members alone, scrambling and picking up your ex who was hurt the most. - You felt tears brimming in your eyes. - When you looked up from the ground and saw Haruka in the middle of his friends getting praised for fighting so well, your tears fell down. - You were so moved and so thankful for having them by you, for them letting you be part of their lives, for Haruka protecting you, for everything. - Kaji was the first one to notice you were crying, as he stood more on the sides of the group crowding around your brother. He came to you and gave you a tissue he had in his pocket. - When the rest saw he stood by you and noted you were crying they moved quickly around you asking if you were alright or if something happened. - "I just feel so happy to have you guys. You're the best." You said teary. - The guys sighed in relief and when Haruka scoffed, in relief, he stepped to you and smacked your shoulders. - "Don't worry me like that." He mumbled. - You pulled him, who was trying to run from you, closer and embraced him tightly feeling thankful for having your younger brother back in your life. - Umemiya seeing that couldn't help himself and brought the other guys closer for a group hug, smashing you all together.
Tags: @misticbullet
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kingkatsuki · 6 days
Watched Wind Breaker finally and (I’m SO sorry if you don’t care for bdsm I couldn’t find anything against it in your rules) I feel like Suo would be such an insane sadistic dom. Like, when the scene is over it just switches off and he’s so nice and charismatic again to the point where you’re wondering???? Is he doing this for me, is the persona an act that he puts on for fights, for this? Is he really letting himself loose in these moments and he’s holding himself back when he isn’t in a fight or we aren’t doing a scene? You just often wonder what this guy’s deal is, he’s so hard to read.
I got nothing against BDSM but I don’t think I’m good at writing it, but your girl tried her best gold star pls xxx
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Suo always thought you looked prettiest in red. The rope weaved around your body meticulously, dipping into the plush of your skin as he weaved every knot around you. Almost too pretty in fact, as his fingers hesitated against the screen of his cellphone, debating whether to share the pictures with his friends this time. But ultimately Suo decides something as pretty as you deserves to be shown to the world, like the finest jade or porcelain. Sending the photograph without checking for a response, that could wait—
The sheets are soaked beneath you, drenched with your slick as the fabric tacks against your skin uncomfortably each time to try to writhe away from the wand that’s firm against your clit. Wet tears stream down your temples and soak the pillow Suo was kind enough to leave beneath your head before he started this, and yet he just watches.
His gaze smoulders like the sun. Bright and all-encompassing as it blazes through you, forced to look away from its brightness before it blinds you as you screw your eyes shut. It’s all entirely too much—
“I can’t Hayato,” You choke back a gargled sob as you feel him trying to force another orgasm from your tired body. Your poor clit throbs with abuse beneath the harsh vibrations of the wand as it practically begs for mercy, “It hurts.”
“You know what to say if you don’t want it anymore,” His voice oozes faux sincerity, “Are you done?”
You know the moment you utter your safe word he’ll end the scene, and yet the word isn’t even on the tip of your tongue. It’s nestled at the back of your mind as your pelvis tremors and you find yourself leaning into this depravity, chasing the warped pleasure that surges through your veins.
“That’s what I thought,” He tuts, reaching out to pinch one of your taut nipples roughly as you gasp out in pleasure, “And to think I was going to be nice and allow you to cum—”
The loud whirr of the wand stops and your cunt pulses with neglect as he pulls it away, eyes intent on the mess between your legs and just how puffy your cunt has become from his ministrations. His lips curl into a smirk when he watches you writhe against nothing beneath your binds, as though trying to give yourself some stimulation.
“No, please— I need to cum.” You whine.
You thought you wanted it to stop, but now your body covets the sensation. As though you’ve been conditioned to seek out pleasure and pleasure alone.
“I was giving you everything you needed,” He replies softly, far too soft for a man who had you tied up at his mercy, “And you still wanted to complain.”
He’s almost a different person entirely when he’s like this. Like something deep-rooted switches in his very being as he hovers over you with purpose. Every touch, every stroke meticulous and deliberate as he seeks to watch you crumble by his hands.
“You say it’s too much, but I don’t think it’s nearly enough is it, pretty girl?”
“You should really apologise for making me feel bad,” He coos, reaching out to clasp your jaw between rough fingers as your lips are forced into a pout. His cock throbs beneath his pants at the desperate whimper that slips from your throat at his actions.
“I’m sorry, Hayato—“ You choke out, blinking back tears as you meet his intense stare, “I’m sorry.”
“You’re lucky I’m so suggestible when it comes to you, my love,” He murmurs sweetly, leaning down to graze his lips against yours. Smiling at the way you try to strain against your binds to meet him halfway, finding it quite adorable until—
Suo leans out to land a harsh smack against your sopping cunt, the wetness sounds on impact as he grazes your throbbing clit. Enough to have you thrashing against your restraints as you cry out in the euphoric mix of pain and pleasure as your body craves the same high again—
“I wonder if you can cum from this— your pussy seems to like it,” He muses, spreading your folds apart between his thumb and forefinger as he watches webs of your slick thread between you, “Let’s see how many it takes, shall we?”
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kotohq · 2 months
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♡ things he has said that flustered you.
♡ contents and warnings: established relationships, mentions of making out (nirei), mentions of marriage (sakura), reader’s ears are pierced in suou’s, mild, mild, possessiveness in suou's but not really 🐧
♡ characters: sakura haruka, nirei akihiko, suou hayato (x gn! reader)
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Anyone who knows SAKURA HARUKA probably knows that contrary to the delinquent facade he puts up, he is actually quite innocent. A little naive, if you will, blushing at every show of romantic affection. And everyone in Boufuurin knows that’s why he’s become subject to Suou Hayato’s teasing when the brown haired boy needed a good chuckle. And of course, you, as his very lovely partner, had to also jump on the bandwagon of endearingly poking fun at your boyfriend. 
“Y’know, Haruka, you should stop me or else I’m gonna get carried away and keep teasing you even after we get married!” This was a sentence you often say for laughs after you had yet again successfully made Haruka agitated and his cheeks flushing a deep shade of red, all the way up to his ears. Granted, the first time he heard it he couldn’t look you in the eye for two whole days at the mention marriage (it’s not that he doesn’t like it, in fact it was because he likes it a little too much that he couldn’t even make eye contact without imagining you in fancy white attire). But now, he barely bats an eye at it now with how often you say it. But today, it’s evident that that particular sentence had poked at someone’s curiosity as you can sense someone staring at you as you banter with your boyfriend. 
“You know, Sakura-kun, I barely see you reacting to... that. You’re really planning to marry them in the future, huh?” Ah, it's Suou again. His soothing voice drips with mischief, the purpose of his question is obviously to tease his heterochromatic eyed peer yet again. Haruka’s features morph into one of confusion, brows furrowed as he turns to face his vice captain. 
“Hah? What are you talking about?” Haruka inquires like suou’s question is the most ridiculous question in the world. If you didn’t know any better you would have thought suou was asking him if he believed pigs could fly, or if the earth was actually a hexagon. 
(Of course, you can’t lie, suou’s question made you nervous despite how lighthearted he said it. Your self consciousness has already prepared itself for a heartbreak trip as you await your boyfriend to continue his response.)
“Why would I date someone I don’t intend on marrying?” 
Ah, now it’s your cheeks that are heating up. 
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“Are you done?” The only answer SUOU HAYATO offers to your inquiry is a focused hum. His hand fumbles with the earring, his earring, as he tries to carefully slide the hook into the small hole on your right earlobe. Though, you have to say, you have nothing particular to complain about as you wait for your boyfriend to put the earring on you. After all, you’re getting the privilege of being in the front seat staring at Suou Hayato’s face as he carefully tries to put the earring on you. Lips pursed and eyes squinted a little, he looks extra handsome when he’s focused, you note. 
“Just need to secure them with the back. And... done!” he heaves out a breath as triumph takes over his features, pulling back slightly to admire his (hardly) hard work. His lips stretch into a smile, satisfied at how the red and yellow of his earring highlights your features more. 
“How does it look?” you feel quite nervous as you wait for his reply, shyly peering at him through your eyelashes. Being so close, you have the advantage of watching closely for any twitch of his features that might indicate satisfaction, dissatisfaction, anything that can indicate what kind of reaction he’s going to emit. 
You twitch slightly at the sensation of his pointer finger and middle finger grazing your chin, touch gentle as he settles them there. You swear you see something flashing in his usually gentle ruby eyes. Something akin to satisfaction, or, even, possessiveness. But you don't comment on it. He moves your head from your side to side as if to examine you thoroughly. (he quietly notes how cute you are for compliantly moving your head.) It’s only when you feel the earring faintly brushing against your right shoulder that you become hyper aware of how empty your left ear feels without an earring weighing it down. You also become hyper aware of the fact that the earring’s pair is still dangling from his left ear, eyes instinctively flitting to it. Your cheeks begin to heat up. Oh, it’s almost as if you’re wearing a couple ite-
He interrupts your thought before you can finish it.
“I quite like it, it’s pretty on you,” his voice breaks your train of thought. His smile is quite literally dripping with mischief, and now you can clearly see it. The tint of greed in his eyes is back as he moves his fingers that were formerly resting on your chin to stroke at the earring on your ear. His composed facade would have fooled you if it weren’t for the words he utters next.
“It gives off the feeling that you’re mine.” 
Oh he likes it, alright. Too much, maybe.
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“Sorry. D’you need a break?” NIREI AKIHIKO’s voice is devoid of any teasing lilt, instead dripping with concern as he gazes at you through his eyelashes, eyes half lidded and cheeks flushed with a pretty tint of pink. 
It’s not the words by themselves. It’s the fact that he’s saying those words in this kind of situation. By this kind of situation, you mean with you perched up on his lap, legs splayed on either side of his thighs as he lay seated on a couch beneath you. He had uttered those exact words after what felt like 10 minutes straight of kissing
(it hadn’t even been 5 minutes, but you could barely think with how clouded your mind is). 
His question was thoroughly leaking with worry, caramel orbs boring through you as he awaits your reply. You wanted to say yes, hell, your lungs were begging you to say yes as they heaved desperately yes. You have to give your boyfriend credit, though. Sweet like always, he had noticed he had gone a little too far when he felt your lips part with breathless whines on his, and had asked if you needed a time out. Though, you don’t think he’s aware of how his voice shakes with want, or how his fingers that are resting on your hips squeezed hard like he was trying to ground himself, or how his eyes are swirling with something akin to need.
(or how he barely sounded apologetic when he apologized, and you suspect it’s because his pride soars with the knowledge that he’s the one making you breathless.)
“No,” you’re surprised at how hoarse your voice sounds, though, that is to be expected after you quite literally just had your breath taken away. Your thumb reaches out to swipe at his quivering bottom lip, gleaming with saliva and a little swollen from pressing against yours repeatedly. He leans into your touch, and you gulp away the feeling of your tugging heartstrings. “Keep kissing me, lover boy.” 
And as he lurches forward to clash your lips together again, the last thought that etches on your mind was that he really should put this on his resume: Nirei Akihiko, 16, not good at fighting (yet), hella good at kissing. 
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