#hayden tern
At first I want to have 3 kids put now I don't want to have any kids what so ever and I want to have sex with all of the women that I love and care about and not have 3 kids will Hayden panettier but I want to let people know that I am still going to be with Hayden panettier and the rest of the women that I love you care about with out rapping All the these women that I love and care about when they tern to be adults I will have sex with these other women that I love and care about in till everyone women that I love and care about is a real old woman with white hair on there haed. I was not going to have any kids what so ever and have no kids with the women that I love and care about and have a vasectomy in stead of having the 3 kids and still be with all of the women that I love and care about and not rappe anyone not at all and still be with all of the women that I love and care about I don't want to have any kids what so ever because all of my kids that I want to have will have the real Mark of Cain on there life for me as the antichrist so I want to use my heaven box to make a lot of music with my own kids all of the time
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lookslikechill · 6 years
Five Songs Tag
I was really feeling a tag game that mixed music and writing!! So I’m making one, here we go gentlefolks: 
Open your preferred music-listening thing (for me, it’s Apple music), shuffle your music library five times, and list the five songs you get along with a character, couple or group of characters from your wip that it fits best!  If you like, go the extra mile and describe how/in what ways.
1. King and Lionheart by Of Men and Mice
“And in the sea that's painted black, Creatures lurk below the deck But you're a king and I'm a lion-heart.“
Daphne heckin’ Donovan because boy is she ever a lionheart.
2. Turning Out by AJR
“Am I ready for love? Or maybe just a best friend Should there be a difference Do you have instructions?”
Hayden bc he has a very idealistic idea of love/relationships and very little experience so I could see him questioning himself the second something doesn’t go as smoothly as he assumed it would.
3. Florida Kilos by Lana Del Rey
“Guns in the summertime, Drink a cherry cola lime. Prison isn't nothin' to me, If you'll be by my side.”
Conrad and Rosemary Fitzgerald by a long shot, ohh boyy.  The Cocaine Couple over here.  Not dealing it or makin’ it as the song implies tho.
4. Madness by Lucius
“I had a dream where You were standing there With a gun up to my head You were asking how it felt, to which I said ‘I can not lie, there is a tingling down my spine’" 
Certainly Clay, with that danger-excitement feel and the mention of running from things.  
5. Some Journey by Suzanne Vega
“Because if I had met you on some journey Where would we be now? “
I struggled with this one at first but now it is clear to me that this song fits Alistair and Emily best, especially since the whole reason Alistair ended up in California was because they moved there in an attempt to “fix” their marriage and Emily had always wanted to live in California.  Would Emily have ever left New York if circumstances were different?  Would they still be together if Emily had met Alistair after he served in the army and not before? Would they have gotten together at all?  
Tagged: @transboywrites @cawolters @katerinarevel @agnesfagen @requiemesque @storyteller-kaelo and anybody else who sees this and finds it interesting!! 
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lookslikechill · 6 years
Character Interview Tag
Tagged by @requiemesque JUST  before I tagged her in the last one I did haha.  And we’re doing Daphne, Hayden, Blake, and Reese this time just bc I want to!  They’re some of the Enforcers we meet first and (not counting Blake at this point) know the most about!
Guidelines: answer these 12 questions in the voice and manner of your character(s) and then tag as many or as few writeblr guys, as you would like⭐️⭐️⭐️
1. What did you have for breakfast?
Daphne: It’s hard to say what is breakfast on workdays, but on my last day off I had waffles, eggs, and fruit, at home with my family.
Hayden: Is it dinner or is it breakfast if you eat it at 2am?  
Blake: Very well-done scrambled eggs with green pepper, onion, garlic, and  tomato.
Reese:  A salad, no dressing, water on the side.  
2. What can you cook perfectly?
D: I used to be able to cook most things really well, since my mother was very . . . insistent that I learn how to cook everything under the sun to perfection.  I haven’t had much practice since I moved away from home, though.  At home, my husband, Henry, does most of the cooking. 
H: Listen, I don’t like to cook or anything, but occasionally I would help my mom bake bread and it would turn out pretty decent!
B: Anything that can be sauteed or grilled, I can cook it.  It will be edible, it will taste good, but it might not look all that fancy!  
R: Um . . . cookies?
3. If you could choose a pet, what what would it be?
D: I have a soft spot for cats.  Henry and I have talked about getting a pair of littermates once our youngest is a bit older.  
H: A dragon would be really cool!  Or a unicorn . . .  >heart eyes<
B: A dog. Classic.
R:  I had a couple lovebirds growing up.  They were sweethearts.  >small smile<
4. How is your relationship with your parents?
D: My father died before I was born.  I love my mom, and she loves me, but we don’t always get along.  We see each other often, and she’s great with the kids.  She’s not always great with Henry, though!  >chuckle<
H:  I never knew my dad.  I haven’t seen my mom in months, but I write her letters sometimes!  I love her, but she just really wants things for me that I don’t want.  Harvey and I came to Astervale to get away from our mothers and their expectations.  Harvery’s mom is WAY worse than mine, though! Wow!
B: I have a good relationship with my parents.  We keep in touch regularly.  They’re pleasant people, y’know, the kind that have lived in the same place since they married and had the same jobs for going on forever.  >fond smile<
R:  Alright.  They’re not happy that I chose to become an Enforcer, instead of training in the International Relationships Department like they did, but they’ll get over it.  They’re just a bit uptight.  >scoffs and crosses her arms< And people think I’m uptight.
5. What is your favorite read?
D: I don’t know, it’s been a while since I’ve read anything for me.  My most recent read?  Everybody Poofs.
H: Reading? For fun? Hahahahahaha haha ha hahaha ha haha
B: I don’t spend much time reading anymore, but when I did I really enjoyed any adventure involving sword-wielding ladies and dragons.
R: Anything educational.  Fiction is a waste of time, I’ll read fiction when I’m ancient. 
6. Do you put both socks on first, or one sock, one shoe?
D: No socks.  One shoe at a time.
H: I LEAP off my bed and my shoes jump onto my feet at the same time, mid-air! Haha! Glad you asked! 
B: I wear complicated shoes that require a bit of attention, so one at a time.  
R:  One shoe at a time.  >sighs, rolls her eyes< Like a proper witch of status.
7. Do you fold your clothes before bed?
D: I don’t fold them, but I do hang them.
H: >throwing his clothes on the bed and jumping on after them< Doing what before what now?
B: Seriously. Magic.
R: No.
8. How do you feel about marriage?
D: It’s a dream come true, honestly.  >gazes lovingly at Henry & the kids<
H:  It sounds nice!  If somebody I liked asked me to marry them, I’d die. . . of HAPPINESS!
B: Rather neutral.
R:  It’s a meaningful alliance, with the right person.
9. Who was the last person you crushed on?
D: Henry.  It worked out well.  
H:  Well, there’s somebody up in International Relations . . . they have the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.
B: I don’t really do that.  Like, the romance thing.  I tried it out when I was younger, and it’s just not for me.  Even if I did, it just seems like people expect so much out of you, y’know?  I like my space to be my space, and my time to be my time.  Not counting work, of course.
R: I really don’t have time for that stuff right now.
10. What does your dream home look like? And where would it be?
D: Nothing can beat my current home.  Safe neighborhood, large yard, garden out back, a couple of trees, sensible layout on the inside with a cozy look and feel.  A perfect home to build a family, raise a couple kids.  I might even want to live here well into my senior years.
H:  A cave or an abandoned mine, for me to live in and protect.  I could leave and hunt birds, squirrels, and chipmunks, and come back to chase off any intruders.  I could have a bed of cloth bags full of leaves and a stone-lined firepit in the way back of the cave.  I would bath in a stream nearby and dress in deer pelts and fashion bowls and spoons out of bone.
B: A big stone house with high ceilings, a fireplace, and lots of windows.  Somewhere high up with a view.
R:  A small house, but not too small, just the right size so I can live there on my own and not a single corner will go unused.  Busy yet organized.  Somewhere isolated and private.  
11. What’s your worst habit?
D:  I can be . . . a little harsh, a bit judgmental, a little quick to form an opinion.  >muttering< I’mmymother’sdaughtherIguess. 
H: I’m loud? I guess?  >walks off to boast about how well he did in hand-to-hand combat training and talk to people at length while they are obviously trying to fill out paperwork<
B: I don’t always utilize my time properly. 
R: Sometimes . . . >whispers< sometimes I am bite the inside of my cheek a little.  
12. What do you do for living and how do you feel about your job?
D: I work as a high-level Enforcer.  I’ve worked hard to get to this point, and it’s well worth it.  We do a lot of good in this city.
H: I’m a mid-level Enforcer!  I’m from a small town in Pennsylvania, where I started out being an Enforcer, and I’m so glad I transferred to Astervale.  People actually listen to me, and there’s murder!! I mean, not that murder is great but it would have happened whether I was here or not and there wasn’t much murder happening at home!  They need me here!
B:  I’m a high-level Enforcer.  It’s worthwhile work, and I get along pretty well with the rest of the Enforcers, for the most part.
R: I’m an low-level Enforcer, which means I’m in training, basically.  I’m pleased to be here and ready to work hard.  
Tagging: Anybody who wants to do this!!  Just say I tagged you okay!  (you don’t have to do it with All of the characters at once like I keep doing ooooof)
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