personalrprants · 2 months
I wonder if the reason Amber had a breakdown about the "doxxing" is because, inevitably, GorlWorld was going to find out that Amber does, in fact, do feeder content for pay/praise?
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your-dads-top · 1 year
Amberlynn Reid has landed in Oklahoma
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maipareshaan · 2 years
Oo its interesting that a lot of obsessive haters for Chantal are people who were trying to 'save' her and became fed up or triggered but mainly bitter bcz they felt toyed and taken advantage of for their time and energy, and before that she was already very infamous like Amberlynn for the promises of weight loss and peoplr have the EXACT same type of obsession with saving them and then becoming bitter bcz they felt toyed with. And like there is a complex line here of conscious trolling and lying versus being in a cycle.
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krzysztofpikes · 3 months
Left Ear: Minecraft Askew - You Need to Face It. Right Ear: Minecraft Askew: Addendum - Haydur Park Synced to their shared leitmotif :) Expanding on a thing I showed off earlier, I really didn't expect them to line up so well after time/key-matching, musical genius or one trick pony????????????
There's still some chord differences that clash a smidge, and I had to edit the song structures a tad so I'M NOT A HACK I SWEAR!!!!!!!
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mommyhorror · 1 year
Gorl, what do you think of this Dusty drama? I never liked old dusty but the Amberverse has just been SO dry and boreeeen lately!!
I never imagined I would find another radfem adjacent queen who is a part of the world, best cross-over event ever
yessss lol like there is (to me, in my mind) so much overlap between haydur nation and radblr… just bc it’s like 100% women and there’s a certain critical energy in both that’s for the good of the gorls you know? Not always, but that’s what I feel the majority is. So I was a bit shocked to hear that some women thought it was bad of me to even watch ALR once I exposed my alr-leanings on here. All this to say, good to meet u.
as for Destiny I am obsessed with her several part series on Amber only because 1) she is giving the audience what they want but not being nasty shes really coming off genuine/honest to me. She’s always been one to say it like it is, to Amber and anyone else. That’s refreshing in a (gorl)world where Amber is her own god. 2) I think it is very fair of her to want to make some $$ on the “drama” because she was a full time cast member for YEARS!! and people love & constantly rewatch the density years. she should get her due. Amber likes to be the only person in her world who can pay for things because of her YouTube success but in all honesty I think both destiny and Becky are owed major backpay. And Krystle should get royalties or even .. sue.. because she never wanted to be on camera but WAS and Amber built her channel off the krystle era. Idk. I’m not saying I don’t think Amber deserves any money from her own channel, she does, she made the vlog exactly what it is today, but she’s coming off greedy rn acting like destiny has no right to say what she’s saying to the public. So yeah… 🍿 I’m loving it
as for the tea itself, some of it is dry but some is very intriguing. And the more she exposes the angrier Amber gets which to me means that some of it has gotta be hitting a nerve, it’s gotta be true. However it’s all she-said-she-said so we don’t know. I like that sometimes destiny points out when Amber told the truth or a half-truth because god knows the gorls do not believe Amber EVER and it’s good to bring some balance to such an intensely cynical audience base.
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theweirdwideweb · 10 months
Hey Lindy! I’m sure I’ve heard you mention watching her vids before so I gotta ask (that is to say it’s none of my business but I’m curious and hope you won’t mind me asking) are you a Haydur, an Ambaby, or somewhere in between?
I lean heavily towards Ambaby. Willing and able to answer any further questions about GorlWorld.
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newlyy · 2 months
I'm watching the ALR shitstorm unfold and my main takeaway is that all of these people are crazy and mean, and should not be trusted. ALR is a shitty person. but haydurs hitting on her for laughs is just so crule. yes she is unhinged stoker-adjacent lah. but what are YOU doing? also, I'm hearing T voice. it's like the 3rd one around ALR (after becky and casey who apparantly tried to pull a top surgery fund scam). whats up with that.
So ok. I had a long car ride today, so I caught up on a lot of the ALR shit that’s been going on. I agree, these women (Erica, Brittany, ALR) are all terrible people trying to “yeah but” their individual terrible actions by pointing to the others terrible actions. It’s hard to know what exactly everyone is motivated by. My working theory is that yes brittany and Erica decided that Erica should DM amberlynn as a joke, but then, I think, Brittany thought the joke was over, but Erica continued talking to ALR in private and legitimately started enjoying talking to her, either because of ALR herself (unlikely) or because Erica just likes the thrill of cheating on her wife (more likely). That Erica now is trying to make it seem like she was a victim of ALR’s manipulation is bs to me. Like first of all, Erica allegedly spent 2400 on ALR, with 400 just being legos, and sent ALR videos of her masturbating. That doesn’t seem like someone who just got caught in a joke she couldn’t extricate herself from. And she says like “I was giving ALR every excuse possible to stop talking to me and she just wouldn’t 😔” like girl, block her. You live across the country from amberlynn, you only contact each other by phone or online…just block her. But Erica didn’t block her. I’m guessing when Brittany found out that the joke of Erica texting ALR became an actual sexual/intimate thing between the two of them, is when Erica started saying ALR was insane and possessive and whatnot, as a way to retroactively clear her name with her wife. Her and her wife coming online to do interviews with reactors seems like trying to save their marriage, like presenting a unified front against the “villain” ALR. In reality, I think everything Erica did with ALR was by choice. But then….idk I have so many thoughts. Brittany and Erica were haters, like they knew who ALR was, they watched reaction channels, was that part of it? Did they want internet fame, or to at least be featured in gorl world on the reaction channels they watched? You find out your wife is cheating on you with another woman, and you call the woman, and…record the call? That’s a lot of foresight to have in an emotionally fraught moment. There’s a lot of weird behavior. I’m also hung up on ALR saying that in one of the sexual videos Erica sent her, Erica’s wife’s foot is visible in the screen. That opens up a whole new world of possibilities.
It’s fucked that they trolled amberlynn, but amberlynn is also fucked because she knowingly carried on with a married woman. (And she should know better than to assume people who find her from her YouTube—where she’s hated—would all have good intentions). And as much as I believe Erica enjoyed being with ALR until she didn’t, I do believe everything she said about how fucked ALR was in the “relationship,” like telling her she couldn’t have sex with her wife (!), demanding to see texts between Erica and Brittany, wanting access to Erica through life 360 (which id never heard of before this), so she knew where she was every moment of the day. I 100% believe ALR is bad news in relationships. I think she’s insecure, selfish, and callous. I don’t think she’s capable of selflessly loving anyone. Never mind her response video in which she claims to never want to rely on her bpd diagnosis, but then excuses nearly every insane behavior with “my bpd.” I’m probably stepping on toes with this, but telling ALR she has bpd was the worst thing a psych could do imo. She will absolutely never alter her behavior with others now. Everything will just get written off as “I have bpd, it is what it is.” And honestly you can see that manipulation in Erica’s stories, about how, when she would try to pull back from ALR’s control, ALR would say something like you’re triggering my bpd.
So, in conclusion, no victims in this scenario. I know foodie beauty also discussed this (I am feel uncomfortable when not about me) but I haven’t heard what she’s said yet. I’m only interested in that as far as I can relate it to FB’s own situation with salah/Kaibella. It’s very similar.
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twilightguardian · 1 year
While I wouldn't put it past Xel to send a hate anon, the talking style is likely more CanonSeeker.
Ohhhh! You know yeah, that makes sense. I mostly said Xel because he was the one who was so set on Sienna.
Oh my god if it was the real CanonSeeker? Starstruck. lmao
Guys am I a real RWBY Haydur yet? XD
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keefsteef · 2 years
making salmon for dinner and I'm proud to announce that I did not spray pam ON the food!!!!! 🥳
Lmaooo shut up 😭😭❤️ our gorl would be disappointed in you‼️ like imagine not following the zen of cheflynn, what a haydur.
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So this user (https://lr.mint.lgbt/user/MangoCandy) from reddit taught me the full down of a reaction channel named "FFG".
Alright, full low down on FFG aka French Fried Gorl. She is a Canadian who lives a stone throw away from the Orange Julep that Chantel sometimes goes to. She also claims she was in an DV relationship in the past. She was originally a Chantal fan and even used to make diet content where she would try Chantal or ALRs diets. When Chantal started dating Nader is when FFG started doing reactions, FFG realized she had a very friend of a friend of a friend connection to him and was able to learn some stuff about him. According to her he runs in a group of guys who scam women for money. They share sex tapes and illicit content about these women in a private chat without the women’s consent or knowledge. She also knew about the stabbing stuff, which she refused to share on her channel and insisted that if and when Chantal was ready she could reach out and she would share all the info she had about Nader.
Well skip forward a bit, Chantal gives FFG a try and calls her. Gets all the deets on Nader but says FFG is full of lies and doesn’t know what she is talking about. (At this point, we the audience don’t know the details) Then Chantal spills the info about him stabbing 2 people herself but for some reason thinks FFG told it to her audience. And while Chantal is ranting about FFG she then proceeds to show FFGs phone number in screen. She had also given that number to Nader to let Nader call FFG who supposedly threatened her. Nader has said some poor things about FFG on live, and his past behavior and screenshots don’t make me doubt it.
Continue forward a bit more and Shannon is in Chantals chat trying to reach out to her because Chantal has been ignoring Shannon. Well Chantal continues to block out Shannon who then goes off about Nader hitting Chantal and Chantal rages and blocks her. Well well, now Shannon is fuming and who happens to be streaming, FFG. So Shannon pops in there to rant and her and FFG actually become decent friends. This also angers Chantal because now her ex bestie is spilling the beans on a reaction channel.
I’m terms of the Motel 6 crap, that’s a dumb rumor started by the “anti haydurs” there are no Motel 6’s anywhere near Chantal or FFG. Chantal is horrible at clapping back so she thinks someone living in a hotel somehow makes them less than her royal Majesty, queen of the luxury Villa.
Edit: also forgot to mention, because Chantal is complaining about it on live right now that “FFG pays her bills by reacting to Chantal” FFG has a job, and has returned to college in her free time to get a degree in accounting. She also does not have memberships, and refuses to make them. It would appear that making money on YT is definitely not her main objective for reacting to Chantal. But Chantal can’t comprehend that…"
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personalrprants · 2 months
I'm really tired of people trying to play Captain Save A Hoe for ALR. That is a grown ass 33 year old woman. This is her life. She's finally found someone that can match her toxic and honestly? Good. Stop trying to stop the inevitable 1000 lbs era and just watch it unfold.
Amber, you in danger, girl.
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lwgugw160 · 3 months
Anyone else watch Amberlynn Reid? Any other Haydurs out there?
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ksiezniczkadepresyjna · 11 months
also i tried candy corn for the first time ever. my whole life i thought it was hard candy, and i also imagined it to be corn flavoured in some way. but it's good, idk why people hate on it. esp the "it tastes like plastic" comments, that's a 'fried tastebuds' issue on the haydurs part.
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nixines · 1 year
i really don’t think i like the amberverse anymore. like yeah, amber’s an dumbasshole and doesn’t deserve any respect after what she’s done to her exes, but the haydurs are kinda shit too. there are funny ones that just make fun of amber’s idiocy. and then there’s ones that just nitpick every single thing amber says/does. god forbid you disagree with those nitpicks, because then you’d just be amberlynn’s alternate account.
but the chantalverse is just. fucking awful. i think she’s worse to watch because she’s just so fucking unlikable, yet she has a crew of ass-kissing minions that will defend every bad thing she does. and although those minions are hard to find outside of chantal’s official channel, the reaction channels are probably just as bad.
hey. maybe we… shouldn’t encourage doxxing chantal’s family.
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oh okay.
at least we’re all happy when we get food we like because food’s pretty awesome!
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and those two are just some of the replies people have gotten for disagreeing with them. there’s always worse.
so yeah. this shit sucks and i’m done watching both chantal and amberlynn. i’ll probably come back in january to see if they’re still alive.
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mommyhorror · 9 months
your bio made me giggle. ambaby moon/haydur rising
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maipareshaan · 1 year
I find the haydur nation or whatever hater community around foodie beauty and alr so fascinating, obvs there are a lot of simple reasons as to why they have a hate following, but one is that a lot of these people got too invested and then they felt betrayed used and gaslighted. Like its literally such an insane parasocial phenomenon.
Like with their diets, they'd be like we are going on a diet cuz my health is so bad like bedridden bad cancer bad diabetes bad (not sure why Chantal had to take her uterus out but that too also ofcourse we can't know how much the cancer or that is due to weight but i think when we say weight in extreme cases its also clearly a sign of health, unhealthy at every size like obvs any size person could get these health problems anyways don't cancel me lol or do whatever), so the audience is like we need to provide support bcz this person is asking for motivation and accountability which btw they explicitly do, bad move imo, ya so the audience takes responsibility to provide support because its like we will be the reason towards your positive growth and then these people fail bcz they have a food addiction and addictions are hard to beat, now there is also an insane factor of how this gets them views and money so people also feel like they are being expoited in the cycle, like someone setting up a weight loss channel and getting views and comments and thus money is not exploitation ofcourse but then failing is bcz you got money from it then didn't hold your end and also negativity bad habits blah blah, but this part of the cycle gets them money too bcz ppl like trainwrecks, now people are like is this planned, or perhaps its a matter of pull and push, did this person ask gor motivation with the intention of failing to get money which then deserves hate or the more realistic this person has an incentive to not try to lose weight one being money and they just went went that thus deserves hate, ofcourse if youtube wasn't a thing this person would go through the cycle anyways they just never had the motivation of stranger support (which will always suck like comeon why would you do that lol) or the money by giving up and doing mukbangs, which brings in another factor- the feeling like they are parataking in fat/feeder fetish without being told now the hate is for promoting fetish and obesity blah blah. Obviously like their obsession with if this is feederisn far outnumbers the anyone watching her for it like their popularity bcz of being a trainwreck outweights that aspect.
There is also the conspiracy aspect, the decoding is she doing it for the feeders, is she trollin, did she even plan to lose weight, is she lyin, is she showing her true diet and then they are like we are being GASLIGHTED. Gorl they are so ridiculous jeez, imagine crying about how a mentally ill food addict on the internet that you can fully avoid is gaslighting you for years, gorl i think you deserve it if you can' close the tab and keep falljng for it for YEARS.
Anyways with Chantal there was also another cycle, the cycle of abusive relationships, we have her chat, and i stress, LITERALLY SENDING HER MONEY SAYING SHE DESERVES BETTER PLEASE LEAVE HIM, sending 2 or 5 dollars to write motivational self worth messages, asking her what does he give her that we don't, that is so insane, imagine asking a stranger who shares her life online what does the guy you fuck give you that we don't, WHATTTTTT, God Nader era you will always be peak shitshow peak insane you will never be topped as far as reality tv realm goes, anyways, obvs same problem, she comes online venting, i can't remember her ever directly saying she needs support for leaving but i sure she has said she's done but she's happy she has them aka the people in her chat, she even said if she said the word 'paperclip' a word she asked them to decide as the safe word to call the cops if her 'bf' storms in her house, anyways promoting abuse, giving an abuser a platform, romanticising abuse yadda yadda. Kinda similar. Again the batshit thing remains monetary value in keeping the rollercoaster up, getting money by airing it out, getting money from concerned viewers who feel like their message will be read if they give money and that will change her life, her then using this money to spend on Nader, Nader being with her for the youtube money, the youtube money coming partly from people begging her to not be with him. Amazing.
Personally i think they go through the cycle as one normally does and then give up and they know they will earn money from it so do exploit it but that pretty much their attempts are genuine, is it possible they are like views are low let me plan a cycle, sure i think its a bit unlikely given how in real life the cycle is always ongoing, like why would someone do this to themselves and what are they glorifying, perhaps its just showcasing the ugly reality of how hard addiction and depression is and how spaces for fetishes exist but most of their views and their popularity comes from fascination of it. Cope and avoid. Not a fan of i am healthy and i feel great, like that kind of lying is ehh but anyways that's atleast for the most part not the problem with them. Ya its about spaces, and i can't say i am fan of them but the whole i am being gaslighted thing is so idiotic.
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