beardlybeloved · 10 years
This is exciting!
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gavindifuoco-blog · 10 years
Give me the K, fire boy.
[[iM i got a 1 incredi ble
also i'm despicable i was listening to You Can Be the Boss by Lana Del Rey while writing this]]
They'd wrapped the recording of Mad King Ryan Part 2 and everyone was heading to lunch, but Ryan, as always, had packed his, and had waved everyone off with claims of wanting quiet time. He was going to eat his lunch alone, on the Achievement Hunter couch. 
Well, that wasn't going to happen, not if Gavin could help it. His mind had been buzzing wildly since the very first challenge - not only with hopes of victory, but also strange, intense desire for something (he couldn't figure exactly what) involving Ryan. Lately, he hadn't been able to make sense of his feelings for the older man; all he knew was that he found his dry wit and easy, gleeful authoritativeness inexplicably very attractive.
Of course, the nature of this week's challenges - both delightfully twisted and (a few) somewhat Gavin-centric - only made that attraction grow beyond the borders of what he called his "we will never speak of these" thoughts and well into the "we have to do something about these" thoughts.
So he left with the rest of the Hunters, turning back because he "forgot something," and told Michael and Ray not to wait up because he "wasn't all that hungry anyway." He waited a bit outside the door before he was sure Ryan was comfortable and alone, then opened it and said cheerily, "Hey, Ryan! Mind if I join you?"
The gent looked up, startled, and crinkled one eyebrow. "You didn't pack your lunch."
"Nope!" Gavin answered the half-question, plopping down on the couch next to Ryan - right next to him - and draped his arm around the back of the cushions, leaving very little space between them. "Can't be bothered with lunch today. I'd much rather talk about our little Let's Play."
Ryan accepted the part about not eating lunch (he knew Gavin sometimes didn't eat and he wasn't going to question) and chose to interpret the gleam in Gavin's eyes innocently... for now. "Oh yeah, it turned out pretty interesting, huh? Especially for you," he said with a wry smile and a tilt of his head. "All hail the creeper king."
Gavin chuckled low in his throat. "I don't know that much about ruling, though... and you seem to have an excellent command of it," he said, attempting his most flattering, provocative tone. (He was, of course, no stranger to seduction, but he wasn't sure how Ryan would react to it.)
He leaned closer to Ryan, practically muttering in his ear.
"I'd love for you to show me a thing or two about being king."
Ryan caught on, eyes widening minutely before a knowing smirk spread across his face. "I'm guessing you're not talking about some big speech. You're a hands-on kind of guy, aren't you." 
It wasn't really a question, and it hung in the air for only a moment before Gavin nodded and closed the distance between them with an eager but closed-mouth kiss that quickly morphed into something rather filthier; he could taste Doritos on his tongue because Ryan had been eating them and it should have been ludicrous - the whole thing should have been ludicrous - but neither of them stopped. Gavin traced the brunette's mouth with his tongue, sliding his hands up Ryan's arms and letting soft noises escape his lips. Ryan had his hands firmly on Gavin's waist, and he might have pulled Gavin onto his lap had there not been footsteps right outside the door. They broke apart just as Geoff threw the door open, and Ryan said loudly, attempting to detract from any immediate suspicion, "That was quick. Did you guys get takeout?"
Gavin tried to breathe normally, glancing first at Geoff, who nodded and seemed to suspect nothing, and then at Ryan, raising his eyebrows as if to say close one.
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gavindifuoco-blog · 10 years
haywoodthegreater started following you
rye bread!
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