#hazbin hotel alouqua
ultravioletqueen · 1 month
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I wanted to redesign Alouqua's armor (along with the girlfriends) and ended up making her two new outfits included😅
For the armor I was inspired by Joan of Arc and the Knights Templar of ancient times, I was also inspired by nuns for the head part.
Alouqua along with Christa, Atarah and Adina are part of the elite squad of exorcists in my rewrite called "the powers" and are the angels in charge of combating the Lovecraftian threats that threaten not only heaven but also the world, so yes, alouqua is considered an elite warrior and is highly respected for that
Quise hacer un rediseño de la armadura de alouqua(junto a las novias) y termine haciéndole unos dos nuevos outfits incluidos😅
Para las armaduras me inspire en juana de arco y los caballeros templarios de la edad antigua, también me inspire en monjas para la parte de la cabeza.
Alouqua junto a christa, atarah y adina forman parte del escuadrón de élite de los exorcistas en mi rewrite llamado "the powers/los poderes" y son los ángeles encargados de combatir a las amenazas lovecraftianas que amenazan no sólo al cielo sino también al mundo, así que si, alouqua es considerada guerrera élite y es muy respetada por eso.
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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Quería dibujar a Alouqua reina demonio y quise darle otros looks para darle variedad, de paso hice los diseños de Christa, Atarah y Adina como demonios. ellas son las novias gárgolas de Alouqua y sus segundas al mando, son más sadicas que sus versiones ángeles pero fuera de eso sus personalidades se mantienen igual, como dato extra les hice tener estética de novias por las 3 novias de dracula😉
De paso quise dar una forma demoniaca monstruosa a Alouqua ya que creo que se lo merece, su diseño está inspirado en el murciélago vampiro y la serpiente cola de araña, ella solo cambia a esta forma más salvaje cuando está muy, MUY enojada y solo quiere matar a la otra persona, está forma la usa muy poco pero cuando la usa es una pesadilla.
Pronto mostrare otro personaje inspirado en mis conversaciones con @theloremaniac, mi pista es que es una hija de adán y eva no muy conocida ;)
I wanted to draw Alouqua the demon queen and I wanted to give her other looks to give her variety, along the way I made the designs of Christa, Atarah and Adina as demons. They are the gargoyle brides of Alouqua and their seconds in command, they are more sadistic than their angel versions but other than that their personalities remain the same, as an extra fact I made them have bride aesthetics for the 3 brides of Dracula😉
By the way, I wanted to give Alouqua a monstrous demonic form since I think she deserves it, her design is inspired by the vampire bat and the spider tail snake, she only changes to this wilder form when she is very, VERY angry and just wants to kill the other person, she uses this form very little but when she uses it is a nightmare.
Soon I will show another character inspired by my conversations with @theloremaniac, my clue is that she is a not very well-known daughter of Adam and Eve ;)
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ultravioletqueen · 3 months
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For pride month (aka my gay Christmas where homosexuals are more homosexual and homophobics are more homophobic) I wanted to show more of Alouqua and at the same time reveal her orientation: Alouqua is a polyamorous lesbian and is in a relationship with 3 girls who are the shown in the drawing.
Alouqua does not have a specific type, but I would say that she is attracted to strong wills, determination and people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. In general, all of her partners have these characteristics in their personalities.
Now I will talk about them:
Christa is a woman with an assertive and dominant personality, along with Aloqua she is the toughest of all and does not let anyone mess with her or her girls, however despite her tough exterior she can be friendly and understanding, she is protective with those she loves and is usually a respectable and authoritative figure for the exorcists.
Christa died as a victim of a serial killer who psychologically tortured her before killing her. After her death she joined the exorcists to take revenge on the guy who took her life. Let's say it was her determination and sense of justice that attracted Alouqua. (who was the one who trained her to be able to carry out her revenge).
Christa is a lover of history, she is a nerd in that aspect and she is not ashamed of it at all, she likes to say curious facts out of nowhere to break the ice and she is also a fan of extreme sports, her favorite is roller derby and climbing.
Atarah is a gentle giant in every way, she is not usually very violent outside of work and is not very expressive, but she has a gentle, patient and motherly personality with the other winners, especially the children (of the 4 she is the best handles the children), however if you press her buttons enough she will show why she is considered a great addition to the exorcists, although she tends to prefer quick kills.
She died protecting her little brothers in a gang war, she sacrificed herself so that they could live even when there was little time left for her to graduate from the police academy, due to this protective instinct she quickly earned the respect of the other winners despite to be so meek (among them Alouqua who was super moved), she also joined the exorcists so she could protect the winners from sinners and other threats.
Atarah is a plant mom and usually prefers to do jobs related to agriculture because she grew up in the countryside before moving to the big city with her family. She also really enjoys crafts such as origami and carpentry.
Adina is a super joyfull, bubbly and kind girl, she loves to look pretty and considers presentation to be important, however she is not so kind in her job and is usually very sadistic towards sinners and her abilities should not be underestimated because of her pretty face, she does not tolerate any type of insult and she returns it twice as hurtful.
In life she was someone with eating problems because her mother gave her many insecurities while she was growing up and forced her to participate in beauty contests. She always suffered from people who treated her as superficial and hollow for being the way she was and many made fun of her eating disorder instead of helping her, which ended with her death from starvation.
She loves collecting cute and aestethic things, Like accesories, illustrations, charms, and sometimes plushies! She is also a rock stand and likes to do duets with alouqua or simply sing with the other girls(she is a girls girl ✨️).
Her reason for becoming an exorcist is to be taken seriously and not be seen as foolish or helpless. She enjoys causing fear in sinners and making them suffer before killing them. She can be mocking with them and treat them like mice being chased by a cat.
I can imagine that when Vaggie was still an exorcist Alouqua and her girlfriends were attracted to her, after all Vaggie has everything she likes in a woman and her partners agreed (if they weren't she wouldn't even bother looking at Vaggie) She offered her to be part of the polycle, however Vaggie was unable to answer before being dragged by Lute to the extermination of that year, she did not see her again until she sees her with the princess of hell in heaven...
Alouqua still flirts with Vaggie along with Christa, Adina and Atarah, since they are willing to listen to her side of the story (because let's face it, that kid is probably in hell for being a hellborn and not for being a sinner) and as a bonus she manages to annoy charlie by showing that she is a better girlfriend candidate than her (in my opinion vaggie deserves better than charlie)
por el mes del orgullo(aka mi navidad gay donde los homosexuales son mas homosexuales y los homofobicos son mas homofobicos) quise mostrar mas de alouqua y de paso revelar su orientacion:alouqua es lesbiana polyamorosa y esta en una relacion con 3 chicas que son las que se muestran en el dibujo.
alouqua no tiene un tipo en específico, pero diria que se ve atraida por voluntades fuertes, determinacion y gente con el corazon en la manga, en general todas sus parejas tienen esas características en sus personalidades.
ahora hablare de ellas:
christa es una mujer de personalidad acertiva y dominante, junto a aloqua es la mas ruda de todas y no deja que nadie se meta con ella ni con sus chicas, sin embargo pese a su duro exterior ella puede ser amigable y comprensiva, ella es protectora con los que ama y suele ser una figura respetable y autoritaria para los exorcistas.
christa murio siendo víctima de una asesino en serie que la torturo psicológicamente antes de matarla, tras su muerte se unio a los exorcistas para poder vengarse del sujeto que le arrebato la vida, digamos que fue su determinación y sentido de justicia lo que atrajo a alouqua(que fue quien la entreno para poder cumplir su venganza).
christa es una amante de la historia, es una nerd en ese aspecto y no se avergüenza en absoluto de ello, ella le gusta decir datos curiosos de la nada para romper el hielo y tambien es una fanatica de los deportes extremos, su favorito es el roller derby y escalar.
atarah es una gigante gentil en todo sentido, ella no suele ser muy violenta fuera del trabajo y no es muy expresiva, pero tiene una personalidad gentil, paciente y maternal con los demas winners, especialmente los niños(de las 4 ella es la que mejor maneja los niños), sin embargo si presionas sus botones lo suficiente ella mostrara porque es considerada una gran adicion a los exorcistas, aunque ella suele preferir muertes rapidas.
ella murio protegiendo a sus hermanitos en una guerra de pandillas, ella se sacrifico para que ellos pudieran vivir aun cuando faltaba poco tiempo para que se graduara de la academia de policía, debido a este instinto protector se gano rápidamente el respeto de los demas winners pese a ser tan mansa(entre ellos alouqua que quedo super conmovida), tambien se unio a los exorcistas para asi poder proteger a los winners de los pecadores y otras amenazas.
atarah es una plant mom y suele preferir hacer trabajos relacionados a la agricultura debido a que crecio en el campo antes de mudarse a la gran cuidad con su familia. ella tambien disfruta mucho de las manualidades como el origami y la carpinteria.
adina es una chica super alegre, burbujeante y amable, ella ama verse bonita y considera que la presentacion es importante, sin embargo ella no es tan amable en su trabajo y suele ser muy sadica con los pecadores y no se debe subestimar sus capacidades por su cara bonita, ella no tolera ningun tipo de insulto y ella los devuelve el doble de hirientes.
en vida ella fue alguien con problemas alimenticios debido a que su madre le metio muchas inseguridades mientras crecia y la obligaba a participar en concursos de belleza, ella siempre sufrio de gente que la trataba de superficial y hueca por ser como era y muchos se burlaban de su trastorno alimenticio en vez de ayudarla, lo que termino con su muerte por inanición.
su razon para volverse exorcista es para ser tomada en serio y no ser vista como alguien tonta o indefensa, ella disfruta de causar miedo a los pecadores y de hacerlos sufrir antes de matarlos, puede ser burlona con ellos y tratarlos como ratones perseguidos por un gato.
Ella ama coleccionar cosas lindas, accesorios, ilustraciones, llaveros y a veces peluches! Ella también ama hacer duetos con alouqua o simplemente cantar con las otras chicas(ella es una girls girl ✨️)
@theloremaniac me habló de adina de zoophobia y déjame ser claro: NO SABÍA de adina de zoophobia hasta que me hablaron de ella, solo para aclarar que no me inspiro en ella.
puedo imaginar que cuando vaggie todavía era exorcista alouqua y sus novias se sintieron atraidas por ella, después de todo vaggie tiene todo lo que le gusta en una mujer y sus parejas estaban de acuerdo(si no lo estuvieran ni se molestaría en mirar a vaggie), ella le ofrecio ser parte del policulo sin embargo vaggie no logro contestar antes de ser arrastrada por lute a la exterminacion de ese año, ella no la volvio a ver hasta que vino con la princesa del infierno al cielo ...
alouqua todavía coquetea con vaggie junto a christa, adina y atarah, ya que ellas estan dispuestas a escuchar su parte de la historia(porque seamos realistas, probablemente ese niño este en el infierno por ser un hellborn y no por ser un pecador) y como bonus logra molestar a charlie mostrando ser mejor candidata de novia que ella(en mi opinión vaggie merece mejor que charlie)
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ultravioletqueen · 4 months
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I made another demon version of alouqua as promised! I wanted to make her look more demonic than the previous one so I gave her vampire bat characteristics (because of the relationship with Lilith and vampires) apart from giving her other less human characteristics such as grayer skin, bat ears and longer arms than when she is angry They are attached to her wings (like real vampire bats whose wings are attached to their arms), she possesses a sonic scream and becomes stronger by drinking blood.
The lore of this what if is if Lilith had managed to take Alouqua with her to hell, probably being raised as Charlie's older sister, her personality would remain the same and she would refuse to see Lucifer as her father, she is not as resentful towards Lilith as in the original universe but she definitely doesn't like Charlie's redemption project at all, she knows that hell is full of monsters and to survive it you have to become one.
Her relationship with Charlie in this au is relatively better, Alouqua sees Charlie as a girl who she must protect and can give Charlie good advice when she is going through serious problems, but she also infantilizes her for her naivety and is not usually taken seriously the things she says, she thinks the hotel is just a passing interest or a phase that she will get over when she sees how horrible the people of hell are.
After Lilith's disappearance, Alouqua would take her place as queen and this definitely influences her relationship with Charlie, since Alouqua does not want to spend her time on something as impossible as redemption but she gives Charlie resources to let her do her job in peace , she sees Lucifer as a mockery of what should be the king of hell and does not hesitate to make passive aggressive comments about him.
She definitely won the title of "the vampire queen" for her punishments to the sinners that defy her authority and dont respect her,she bassically crush them to the point they are only bloody pulp and then she drinks the blood remains and maybe also uses them to make blood baths(she literally baths in the blood of her enemies).
That's all for now, I honestly prefer Alouqua Angel but the concept of the vampire queen isn't bad either☺️
¡Hice otra versión demonio de alouqua como lo prometí! Quise hacerla ver más demoníaca que la anterior así que le di características de murciélago vampiro(por la relación con lilith y los vampiros) aparte de darle otras características menos humanas como una piel más grisácea,orejas de murciélago y brazos más largos que cuando esta enojada se unen a sus alas(como los murciélagos vampiros reales cuyas alas están unidas a sus brazos),ella posee un grito sonico y se hace más fuerte al beber sangre.
El lore de este what if es de si lilith hubiera logrado llevarse a alouqua con ella al infierno,probablemente siendo criada como la hermana mayor de charlie,su personalidad seguirá siendo la misma y se negaría a ver a lucifer como su padre,ella no esta tan resentida con lilith como en el universo original pero definitivamente no le gusta nada el proyecto de redención de charlie, sabe que el infierno está lleno de monstruos y para sobrevivir a el te tienes que convertir en uno.
Su relación con charlie en este au es relativamente mejor,alouqua ve a charlie como una niña a la que debe proteger y es puede darle buenos consejos a charlie cuando está pasando por problemas serios,pero también la infantiliza por su ingenuidad y no suele tomarse en serio las cosas que dice,piensa que el hotel es solo un interés pasajero o una fase que ella va a superar cuando vea lo horrible que es la gente del infierno.
Tras la desaparición de lilith alouqua tomaría su lugar como reina y esto definitivamente influencia su relación con charlie,siendo que alouqua no quiere gastar su tiempo en algo tan imposible como la redención pero le da recursos a charlie para que la deje hacer su trabajo en paz, ella ve a lucifer como una burla a lo que debería ser el rey del infierno y no duda en hacer comentarios pasivo agresivos sobre el.
Ella definitivamente se ganó el título de "la reina vampiro" debido a los castigos que aplica a los pecadores que cuestionan su autoridad y no la respetan,básicamente los aplasta hasta volverlos pulpa sangrienta y bebé la sangre que queda o la usa para baños(ella literalmente se baña en la sangre de sus enemigos).
Eso es todo por ahora,sinceramente prefiero a la alouqua angel pero el concepto de la reina vampiro tampoco está nada mal☺️
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ultravioletqueen · 5 months
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I decided to publish my Alouqua design here too, by the way I made a version of her from the swap au, in the swap au she is a woman with a vow of chastity who has a very meek character and to a certain extent is very similar to Emily in personality only that she is more shy.
Decidi publicar mi diseño de alouqua aquí también,de paso hice una version de ella del swap au, en el swap au es una mujer con un voto de castidad que tiene un carácter muy manso y hasta cierto punto es muy similar a emily en personalidad solo que ella es más tímida.
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ultravioletqueen · 5 months
I'm so glad you like my rewrite and the development I gave him also I very much interested in your OCS especially these ones
The one with the horns reminds me of Lilith and I'm wondering what's their lore
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She is alouqua from the hazbin hotel swap au! She is the daughter of adam and lilith and she was raised by her father and eve, those are her angelic appearance and demonic one.
Alouqua from this au is a very meek and soft spoken,unlike her official version that is very dominant and talkative, she has the ultimate big sister vibe in both versions of the character(original and swap).
Im glad you are interested in my ocs!
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ultravioletqueen · 5 months
¿Alquien conoce a alouqua? La primera y olvidada hija de lilith/Do you know about alouqua? Lilith's first and forgoten offspring
I started researching lilims and found that apparently Lilith had a daughter named Alouqua who was her first daughter and the mother of vampires. Alouqua is described as a female spirit that makes men commit suicide and that is why they call her "the murderer of men."
Outside of that I couldn't find anything else, I don't even know who Alouqua's father is, although I found theories of who it could be, the most popular are Lucifer or Asmodeus.
But now I want to add my theories that could be interesting for possible "what if's", my theory is that Aloqua is the daughter of Adam and Lilith.
and here comes my what if!
Aloqua is raised by Adam and the Angels: This is my favorite, not only because it explores the more human side of Adam but also gives us a different perspective on Lilith from someone who does not remember her fondly and who has a vision of the toughest world (no offense Charlie), I am that part of the fandom that believes that Adam loves his children and Alouqua would be no exception, she is his first daughter and he would not let her mother's rebellion lead her to be banished Hell, he wouldn't want that for his girl, so it would take a lot of convincing on Adam's part to let him raise his daughter with his new wife eve. In this case, the only memory that Alouqua has of his mother is of her being banished to hell, which her young mind would misinterpret as Lilith abandoning her for Lucifer.
Alouqua would grow up with the idea that Lilith did not love her, and when she found out about Charlie's existence it would be a confirmation for her that for Lilith Alouqua was not important and was replaceable, this makes Alouqua despise demons and everything that have to do with them, since again they are the reason why her mother left her.
Her relationship with Adam is surprisingly good! Adam loves Alouqua and would do anything to avoid problems for her, which is why at first he wouldn't like the idea of ​​her wanting to join the exorcists, he wouldn't want his daughter to get hurt, but all it takes is a little convincing and training over the years so that she accepts when alouqua is an adult.
Alouqua is a woman with a strong character, who does not take shit from anyone and is generally the opposite of Charlie in personality, Aloqua is pessimistic, cold and only cares about her father, eve and her siblings (both biological and exorcist sisters).
Her interactions with Charlie would be very interesting too! I imagine that at first Charlie would be DISGUSTED at the idea that Adam and Lilith had sex🤣but in more general and serious terms Alouqua would be furious to see Charlie, as I said before for Alouqua she thinks that Lilith replaced her with Charlie and that's why she couldn't stand it to even see her.
If Charlie tries to talk to her about her redemption project, Alouqua will probably react the same as Adam and laugh in her face. It would also include a reprise of Hell Is Forever where Alouqua refers to Charlie as her replacement as Lilith's daughter.
Knowing Charlie, I don't think she hates Alouqua,she would see her as a person who is self-conscious and insecure because of Lilith's absence. She would even confront Lucifer about whether he knew about Alouqua. In general terms, Alouqua hates Charlie because she sees her as her replacement and Charlie feel sorry for Alouqua.
With Lilith being absent from Alouqua's life, it is most likely that eve raised her with adam during the time Lilith was away, so I can imagine that she has another reason to hate Lilith and Lucifer, since they offered her the apple to Eve and lost a mother AGAIN.
Aaaaaahhh I finally ran out of ideas, I'm happy to get this off my chest, soon I'll write something from another fandom that I recently became obsessed with and maybe post some art, until then see you and good night😘
Me puse a investigar sobre los lilims y me encontré con que aparentemente lilith tuvo una hija llamada alouqua que fue su primera hija y la madre de los vampiros,alouqua es descrita como un espíritu femenino que hace que los hombres se suiciden y por eso la llaman "la asesina de hombres".
Fuera de eso no pude encontrar nada más,ni siquiera se quien es el padre de alouqua,aunque me encontré con teorías de quien podría ser,los más populares son lucifer o asmodeo.
Pero ahora quiero agregar mis teoría que podría ser interesante para posibles "what if's",mi teoría es que aloqua es hija de adán y lilith.
¡y aquí entra mi what if!
aloqua es criada por adan y los ángeles: esta es mi favorita,no solo porque explora el lado más humano de adán sino que también nos da una perspectiva diferente de lilith por parte de alguien que no la recuerda con cariño y que tiene una visión del mundo más dura(sin ofender charlie),soy esa parte del fandom que cree en que adan ama a sus hijos y alouqua no sería la excepción,se trata de su primera hija y no dejaría que la rebeldía de su madre la llevase a ser desterrada al infierno,no querría eso para su niña,por lo que tomaría mucho convencimiento por parte de adan para que le dejasen criar a su hija junto a su nueva esposa Eva,en este caso el único recuerdo que tiene alouqua de su madre es de ella siendo desterrada al infierno,lo que su mente joven malinterpretaria como que lilith la abandono por lucifer.
Alouqua crecería con la idea de que lilith no la amaba,y cuando se enterase de la existencia de charlie sería una confirmación para ella de que para lilith alouqua no era importante y era reemplazable,esto hace que alouqua desprecie a los demonios y todo lo que tenga que ver con estos,ya que otra vez ellos son la razón por la que su madre la dejo.
¡Su relación con adan es sorprendentemente buena! Adan ama a alouqua y haría lo que fuera para evitarle problemas,razón por la que en un inicio no le gustaría la idea de que ella quiera unirse a los exorcistas,no querría que su hija se lastime, pero solo basta un poco de convencimiento y entrenamientos con los años para que acepte cuando alouqua es una adulta.
Alouqua es una mujer de carácter fuerte,que no toma mierda de nadie y en general es todo lo contrario a charlie en personalidad,aloqua es pesimista,fría y solo se preocupa por su padre,eva y sus hermanos(tanto biológicos como hermanas exorcistas).
¡sus interacciones con charlie serian muy interesantes también! Me imagino que un inicio charlie estaria ASQUEADA ante la idea de que adan y lilith tuvieron sexo🤣pero en planos más generales y serios alouqua estaria furiosa al ver a charlie,como dije antes para alouqua lilith la reemplazo con charlie y por eso no podría aguantar el siquiera verla.
Si charlie trata de hablarle de su proyecto de redención probablemente alouqua reacciona igual que adan y se le ríe en la cara,también incluiría un reprise de hell is forever donde alouqua se refiere a charlie como su reemplazo como hija de lilith.
Conociendo a charlie no creo que odie a alouqua, la vería como una persona acomplejada e insegura por la ausencia de lilith,incluso confrontaria a lucifer sobre si sabía sobre alouqua, en términos generales alouqua odia a charlie porque la ve como su reemplazo en la vida de lilith y charlie siente lastima por alouqua.
Al lilith estar ausente en la vida de alouqua lo más probable es que Eva la crio junto a adan el tiempo que lilith estuvo fuera,por lo que me puedo imaginar que tiene otra razón para odiar a lilith y a lucifer,ya que ellos le ofrecieron la manzana a Eva y perdió una madre OTRA VEZ, por lo que su odio no solo se extiende a lilith sino a los morningstar en si.
Aaaaaahhh finalmente me quede sin ideas,me satisface sacar esto de mi pecho,pronto escribiré algo de otro fandom con el que me obsesione hace poco y quizás publique algo de arte,hasta entonces nos vemos y buenas noches😘
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