#hazbin hotel azrael x reader
hunterwritesstuff · 2 months
i was wondering if u could write some hcs ab azrael praising reader during sex or just azrael w a praise kink in general? feel free to ignore i just love ur az fics!!!
Of course! Glad you love how I write him! :D
Minors DNI!
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☠️ Fun fact, he's the LEAST Kinkiest Archangel!(The title of kinkiest goes to Michae-)
☠️ That being said, he's definitely one to whisper in your ear how good you're doing, how well you're taking his dick, how much he loves how small you feel around him(he isn't small-), ect.
☠️ If you moan out his name, he'll praise you for that too, saying "My name sounds so sweet on your lips, baby...~ do it again, please...~"
☠️ He'll praise every. single. fucking. thing. you do.
☠️ If he notices you react more to one specific phrase for praise(say..."good girl/boy~"), he'll repeat it over. and over. and over.
☠️ He's not afraid to be "mean" with his praise, either. If you say you're insecure about something, he'll praise it until you either ask him to stop, or you agree with him.
☠️ All in all, if you love praise, this man'll make you a mess in seconds.
Hope ya enjoy! <3
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
A Penguin And The Angel Of Death
Gift for : @deadghosy
Gender : Penguin
Pronouns : They/Them
Message of Raccoon : I just really wanted to write Azrael with Penguin!Reader, so I try.
TW : bad english, english isn't my first language.
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How you met Azrael is a mystery for everyone.
Azrael had heard about Heaven and Hell fighting over a penguin, and he decided to go check it out.
"So you're the famous Penguin." -Azrael, seeing you for the first time.
Friendship. Instantly.
He was your platonic soulmate.
I can see Azrael taking you flying with him. Imagine being a normal angel or demon, looking up and seeing the angel of death flying, holding a penguin in his arms.
The day of the trial, you and Azrael were watching everything from the sidelines, eating popcorn.
“Do you think they know you’re going to stay with me ?” -Azrael, watching the scene while eating popcorn, amused.
You made a penguin noise that can be translates as "Sshh, this is starting to get interesting." -Penguin!Reader, watching the scene like a TV novela.
Azrael speaks penguin. Don't ask how, he just do it.
"Guardship returns to.." Sera paused, either in disbelief or to be dramatic. “Azrael ?!” Certainly the first.
“Yo bitch.”
They looked at him as if they were seeing him for the first time- they hadn't even noticed him.
You worried for a second for Azrael's safety before remembering that he was the Angel of Death and that he was in no danger.
Lucifer looks at his brother, feeling betrayed that he is taking one of his children away from him.
Azrael walked out of the room with you in his arms, happy of the trial he saw today.
Azrael is like your cool dad who takes you everywhere with him and takes you wherever you want.
Azrael can go to Heaven, Hell or even Earth just with a snap of his fingers, say your destination and he'll take you there with no problem.
You often go to Hell and Heaven because you are attached to the people that are there.
Azrael only leaves you alone with Lucifer or Emily.
Lucifer is basically your uncle who babysits you all the time.
You have met Big G and the other archangels. I don't make the rules, as soon as Azrael won your guardship, he introduced you to the rest of the family.
You are the archangels' favorite nephew and Big G's favorite grandchild.
I just know that you and Big G spent hours on grandpa-grandchild outings. You go to the beach, get ice cream, play jokes on others... until Azrael comes to pick you up.
I headcanon that you help Gabriel in his work as a messenger.
It was you who passed the message of Sir Pentious being in Heaven to Charlie, telling her that redemption was possible.
It was your first message, Gabriel and Azrael were very proud of you after you managed to successfully transmit it.
They had a party to celebrate it.
No one can fuck with you.
Literally, you have Azrael, Big G and all the archangels on your side. Upsetting you/being on your bad side is a death sentence.
Lute and Adam are so disgusted that Azrael stole you - like you can feel their jealousy at 3000km/h.
Azrael just smiled at them before calling you “his son/daughter/child” in front of them just to piss them off.
And it works.
I can see Alastor trying to make a deal with Azrael for you to stay at the Hotel, Azrael just looks at him like "Really now ?"
Needless to say, it never worked and if it wasn't for you, he would have already killed the deer demon.
The angels find it adorable that the fearsome angel of death is walking around with a little Penguin, it's just too cute for them.
Family dinners are ✨️beautiful✨️
Beautiful in the sense that it's chaotic and it's never bored.
Usually family dinners are you, Big G, Azrael, Lucifer, Charlie, and the other archangels.
But one day you invited Emily, Sera, Adam and Lute to join you..
Let's say you weren't bored during all the dinner.
The best moments are those of hugs.
Hugs with Azrael are the best because he wraps his wings around you while carrying you. It's so quiet and peaceful that it puts you to sleep, which is very useful especially when you can't fall asleep.
Hugs with the whole family are... interesting ?
I mean, from the outside it looked like a mess of nameless feathers-
You are always in the middle of family hugs.
Azrael almost executed all the exterminators after learning about the extermination that was directed against the hotel when you were in it..
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lxkeee · 4 months
⋆.˚ ⭒˚FLY ME TO THE MOON ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚
—part two
pairing: lucifer morningstar x fem! archangel raphael! reader
fandom: hazbin hotel
genre: friends to enemies, so it's angsty
notes: hehehehe idk yeah, this is now a series of sort 🤯 also, eat well simps /affectionate. I'll be basing off the seven virtues' appearance off from esbellesantos' Fanart but I wouldn't like fully follow their headcanon personality and make a different personality for them.
Part One | Part Three | THE SEVEN VIRTUES
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So many years have passed after Lucifer's trial, during those years [y/n]'s gigantic and majestic wings finally grew. Three pairs of majestic wings now prodding on her back, a golden halo on top of her head. The [y/n] that was just a background character has now risen up the ranks, God seeing her potential and granted her the title of archangel, now one of the seven virtues of heaven.
[y/n] who was once upbeat and cheerful has now grown cold and mature as she took the responsibility god has placed upon her shoulders. Heart closed to other immortal beings but opened to the mortal ones.
She rules a specific area of the skies, as the seven virtues are tasked to watch their own territory and to make sure to maintain peace and order with the heavenly beings.
She sat on the chair just by her balcony, a small table in front of her. A cup of steaming coffee on the table as she read a newspaper containing some daily heavenly news. A gold wedding ring on her ring finger. She stared at the bright, white, and blue scenery outside her home. Clouds all over the place, other lower ranked angels flying around.
She lives in a huge mansion by herself despite being married.
“Darling I am here~!” a male spoke as the sound of the door to the living room was slammed open. Speaking of her husband, familiar footsteps tapping on the pristine white and gold marbled tiles as the person arrived to the balcony of the living room.
“Azrael, to what do I owe you the pleasure?” [y/n] asked, gently placing back down her coffee cup on to the table. Tilting her head to look at her husband. Tall, slender, mischievous.
Don't get her wrong, she and Azrael don't like each other romantically but they are more on platonic. They only got married... Well... Because of boredom and they did promised each other to marry each other if they remained single even when they've reached a certain age. They promised to divorce each other if they find the one that is right for them. Despite their odd friendship, the two trust each other a lot. Azrael was one being there for her when Lucifer fell from grace.
“I just have some news to share with you, I think this will catch your interest dear.” Azrael winked at her, leaning against his black staff. Eyes half lidded as he awaited for her reaction.
[y/n]'s eyes stopped moving along the words of the paper she was reading, tilting her head to look at the taller angel with curiosity, eyebrow raised. “Really now? Tell me dearie.” she says with a smirk, lifting her coffee cup and bringing it to her lips.
“Lucifer apparently wants to have a meeting with heaven. He wanted to propose another idea of his.” Azrael says with a smirk, his smirk widening as he watched [y/n] choked on her drink.
She clears her throat, getting the caffeine out of her esophagus. The revelation brought back so many memories that it caught her off guard.
“I'm sorry, what did you say?” she asked again, eyes blinking. Having second thoughts whether she heard him wrong.
Azrael crosses his arms and smirks, “You heard me, he's coming up here to tell us about his plans for the wayward souls down there.”
“Really now?” [y/n] asked with a scoff, wiping her lips with a clean white cloth. She lost her hope in humanity, she believes that the people who didn't properly use the free will gifted to them by Lucifer, shouldn't be given another chance as they wasted that opportunity to live a good life.
“I doubt that the others would agree to whatever plan he has to show.” [y/n] says, sipping her coffee once more.
Azrael laughs, wiping a tear off his eye. “My, you used to agree with his views. To see you disregard his plans before even hearing is just too cruel, [y/n]” he says with a mischievous smile on his face, a sing-song tone in his voice.
“They got gifted free will and look what they have done with it. I believe those souls are better off staying down there and looking back at the times they could've done better.” [y/n] says coldly.
Azrael shrugs, the smirk never leaving his face.
“Well, I don't really care about mortal life that much considering I am the angel of death. My duty is to guide them to the afterlife.” he says, shrugging. Walking to the railings of the balcony and leans his back against it.
“Well, that's the only reason I came here. I have duties to attend to and the meeting will be happening in a few days. I'm sure it would be quite a lovely reunion with all eight of us.” Azrael says with a smirk, excited how the meeting will go with all seven virtues plus Lucifer in the same room. He can tell it would be tense and chaotic.
“Good luck in your work.” [y/n] says with a lazy shrug making the taller angel laugh.
“Adios~” he says before disappearing in a puff of sparkly black smoke.
Turning back to the world outside her home, dull [e/c] eyes looking over the blue horizon. She sighs, closing her eyes as she sighs.
“A meeting huh, it's been awhile since I've last seen him.” she mutters, eyes opening. Cold and calculative. “This should be interesting.”
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Timeskip to a few days later...
Lucifer paced back and forth inside his room, a guest room heaven prepared for him. The meeting would happen in two hours and he is beyond nervous. It took so much time to convince them to listen to him but they finally agreed because he persisted.
He expected that it will be only Sera to judge his plans, the anxiety and fear he felt when Sera told him that the seven virtues themselves would grant him an audience to his plans for hell.
He doesn't know much about the seven virtues as it was only implemented a few years after his fall but he knew that it consists of powerful angels that kept the order and peace of heaven. He can list a few angels that are probably one of the seven virtues.
But despite all this, his heart has been aching. He's in heaven, he's standing on the same ground as [y/n]. He misses her, so goddamn much.
Did she miss him too? Probably not.
Remembering how bad their goodbye was, there wasn't any to begin with.
Lucifer sighs, patting up his dark pink suit to ease up the creases. Despite the years that have already gone by, [y/n] never left his heart. He never forgets, every detail of his world no matter how miniscule it is... He can't help but think, [y/n] would've loved this, this is her favorite color, her favorite food, and etc.
He loves Lilith but he also loves [y/n] (more even!) and he knows it's too late to admit that and he's afraid to admit to himself that... He may have made the wrong choice of ignoring her advances.
His gloved hands moved to his collar, adjusting it. “Don't think about her Lucifer, you have a meeting to do and this is for the sake of your people and family.” he says to himself. Taking deep breaths to calm his fast beating heart.
He is ready to propose his plan on making a hotel to redeem sinners.
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The seven virtues of heaven sat in a u-shaped table, all seven virtues wearing a mask that hides their faces. In front of them stood a very nervous Lucifer.
Not a single one of them aside from Lucifer talked, they listened to him talk about his plans for hell.
It is a good plan but without proof, it is useless.
“With the hotel, I am sure sinners would find a way to redeem themselves and join you guys here in heaven.” Lucifer says, a nervous smile on his face as he ends his presentation. Standing in front of the seven virtues is a real nerve wrecking. He can sense the power emitting from each and every one of them. One wrong move and he's done for.
“The idea is cute and all but without evidence, this... This is completely useless.” Gabriel says, a bored tone in her voice as she lazily held the folder filled with the details of Lucifer's plan and letting it fall into the table with a loud thud.
Lucifer flinches from her remark and the sound of his hopes and dreams of his people hitting with a loud thud on the table from Gabriel's actions.
“I agree.” Michael says, removing his mask. A mischievous smile on his face. “Lucifer, you don't know what these mortal souls are capable of. How can you be so sure the hotel would work if you yourself aren't sure they wanted to redeem themselves in the first place?” Michael asked, voice filled with authority, eyebrows raised as he asked the question, looking down on his twin brother, Lucifer.
Lucifer flinches, starting to get nervous.
“Well... We wouldn't know if we'd tr—” he says but getting cut off.
“You've never seen the horrors and atrocities these mortal souls commit with their free will. War, corruption, death, murder, drugs... Anything you can name it. What makes you think these people would want to make themselves better?” Jophiel says, his voice shaking. A laugh escaping his lips as he remembers the horrors he's seen on earth, a mocking laughter.
“They're truly terrible, these souls don't have a place here in heaven.” Michael sneered.
Azrael just smirked as he watched the scene unfold, [y/n] keeping quiet beside him. His hand intertwined with hers to comfort her.
“But they're souls, human souls just the same with the one's up here in heaven.” Lucifer defended, clenching his fists.
“They are not the same, the souls here in heaven have earned it.” Camuel says with a smile, finally removing his own mask.
“Ugh, the work I have to do carrying each soul to their destination is quite tiring. Annoying even. Especially when a soul curses at me for bringing them to hell when they only have themselves to blame.” Azrael says with a groan, smirking as he removes his mask. Looking at Lucifer challengingly.
Lucifer's eyes widened at the cruelty of their words, six virtues now staring at him face-to-face, aside from one virtue who kept quiet.
“Well, each one of us already said our opinion aside from Raphael here... Or should I say, [y/n]? Do you have something to say?” Azrael says, a teasing smile on his face. [Y/n] glaring at Azrael as she slightly squeezed his hand.
Lucifer's eyes widened, heart beating faster than ever before when he heard the name. Even more so when the last virtue removed her mask.
Cold, bored, calculative, and dull.
No longer the bright sparkling [e/c] eyes Lucifer loved before.
“Is this even necessary? All of you had already said what needed to be said.” [y/n] says, removing her hand from Azrael's as she leans her elbows on the table. Putting her chin on her knuckle. A lazy and bored look on her face. A shiny gold band on her ring finger, a wedding ring.
She's married? He asked himself but that question isn't too important as he is focused on something else. How cold she is. That something Lucifer isn't quite used to.
The others looked at [y/n] expectantly making the woman sigh, “Very well then, I would have to agree with the others.” she says coldly.
This isn't his [y/n]. Where was the [y/n] who used to be so kind, bright, cheerful, and had hopes for humanity? What happened to her?
Lucifer stood in fear, not knowing how to act now that [y/n] is revealed to be one of his audience.
“Humans. They are selfish and vile creatures. Destroying the planet our creator had given them, killing and hurting their own kind. Poverty, hunger, corruption, death. If you haven't given them the apple, they would be living in peace and harmony and with no worry in eden but you took that away from them and now they're doomed to suffer.” [y/n] coldly explained. “You cannot see it personally and that is your burden to carry, your punishment.”
Lucifer can't speak, mind blanking as a loud ringing was heard on his ears. Hands shaking, he couldn't breathe.
Where was the one person who believed in him? Did he fucked up so much to even lose her too?
“You're really mad huh?” Azrael says, placing a hand over his cheek. A similar gold band on his ring finger. Lucifer's eyes widened.
Azrael is married to her. Lucifer thought. Defeated.
“Well, this court finds no evidence that this hotel would be effective. I suggest you leave now or you'll face the consequences.” Michael says, voice is booming and filled with authority. The other virtues glaring at him. Halo's shining down on Lucifer as if to mock him, to show him that they are in power.
Why do you still look so disappointed in me? More so even?
Lucifer asked, looking at [y/n] who avoided his gaze.
Azrael showing off his wedding ring to him with a smirk on his face, making Lucifer's eye twitch.
“This meeting is over.” Michael says, glaring down on Lucifer. “Leave or else you'll suffer the consequences.” Michael says, angelic weapons now aimed warningly at him.
Fear coursing through his veins, Lucifer left. Despite wanting to stay and talk to her, he couldn't. Poofing away in a cloud of sparkly red smoke.
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“You okay?” Azrael asked beside her as they flew back to their respective territories. Passing by many clouds, the skies now have a dark shade of blue as the sun has set a few hours ago.
“Nope, but I will eventually.” she says with a sigh making the dark haired male smile.
“You know, I didn't expect him to be so small. You used to be the same height but now you're taller than him.” Azrael mutters with a small laugh.
“They don't have the sun there, Azrael. They don't have the necessary vitamins to grow taller.” [y/n] says with a small laugh. The joke making the male angel laugh hysterically.
“HAHAHAHA! Since when did you make such jokes [n/n]? A really dark one too!” he says before winking at her, “No pun intended.”
The unintended pun making the girl chuckle. Azrael smiled, happy he got to make her smile after that stressful meeting.
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I based off the seven virtues here aside from Raphael and Azrael image.
Also, I based this off from the "more than anything" song that Lucifer tried to look for ways to help his people and also based off from that one panel of an episode (I forgot which one) where he was wearing the same outfit Charlie is wearing, the pink suit? Yeah, I imagined he did the hotel concept and told Charlie about it.
@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z
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magicalbunbun · 4 months
I need some Azreal x Y/n
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blackbleedingrose · 1 month
Long Lost Morningstar - Part Four
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairing(s): Seven Virtues' x reader (platonic), Charlie x reader (platonic), Lucifer x reader (platonic), Lilith x reader (platonic)
Genre: Angst/Betrayal
Warning(s): Cursing, lies, betrayal
Notes: FINALLY! I'm sorry this took me forever to post. I was, and still am, dealing with some school stuff. Truthfully it was a little rough trying to get this one out - along with school and work, I am losing motivation to write this. It could be that I burnt myself on Hazbin after reading so many fanfics for days on end until I eventually got tired. I'm still going to be writing this either way, I'd feel bad to suddenly stop out of nowhere. Funny thing is I'll probably feel motivated again once the second season airs. Oh, well. I'll post part five when I can and am able, so please bare with me and hopefully enjoy this long part for the time being. Thank you for your support - I'm really writing this for the ones reading this series and am grateful for your patience.
Words: 3,298
"I-Is that. . . my name? W-Why would my name be in Lucifer's court record?".
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After learning about the exterminations (Y/N) wasted no time flying to the archangels' castle - her home.
She needed to know if they knew about the exterminations, and if so. . .
No, there's no way.
The Virtues' duty were to help remain peace and order - there's no way they'd be okay with the murdering of sinners.
Still, the fear and pain she felt for Charlie and Sera's betrayal made her impulsive.
So much so, that she flew past the archangels' secretary and burst through the doors of the meeting room where they were discussing important matters.
The archangel's were shocked to see (Y/N), who had just interrupted their meeting, looking completely disheveled and breathing heavily.
This behavior would normally be unacceptable, and if it were any other seraphim or angel they would be scolded and punished depending on severity of the offense.
But this was their little (Y/N), whose never interrupted their meetings without reason (or when she was a curious infant who somehow wandered in).
Michael stood up from his seat and flew over to his distressed daughter, "(Y/n). What's the matter?".
(Y/n) struggled to catch her breath, her mind and heart racing.
Michael placed his hands on her shoulders, "Deep breathes, sweetheart. Try to calm down". He gently cooed at her trying to help her find her breath and calm her nerves.
When (Y/N) had finally caught her breath she looked up at her father staring right into his eyes, "Did you know?".
Michael furrowed his brows confused, "Know what, sweetheart?".
(Y/N) took a deep breath before looking at him with sorrowful eyes, "About the exterminations."
Michael and the other archangels' were even more confused than before, "What exterminations?".
"The exterminations of the human souls in Hell."
The archangels' eyes widened in shock and disbelief. Michael looked down at his daughter with slight sternness, "What do you mean?".
(Y/N) went on to tell them all about what had happened at the trial from Charlie's hotel, Angel Dust, Sera's betrayal, to Adam's threat towards her cousin.
To say the archangels' were pissed would be a gross understatement.
How dare Sera and Adam play God and order such an atrocity right under their noses - and for it to be going on this long!
They were embarrassed to have been so ignorant.
Michael felt very uneasy about (Y/N)'s interaction with the Princess of Hell.
Yes, he had been aware his brother had birthed a child in Hell and hadn't seen an issue of (Y/n) of knowing as he was confident the two would never meet.
Well, that back fired horribly.
He couldn't discuss that with (Y/N) right now because, other than letting curiosity get the better of her once again, she hadn't done anything wrong.
She was clearly out of sorts with worry. She didn't need anything else but reassurance and comfort.
"Thank you for telling us. Don't worry, we'll be sure to handle this," Michael said trying to comfort his daughter.
"B-But, Charlie," (Y/N)'s breathing spiked, "A-Adam threatened t-to, to!". Tears flowed down to her red cheeks, her eyes red and puffy.
Michael gently shushed her wiping her tears, "Calm down, sweetie. We'll handle everything, especially Adam. Just go to your room and try to relax. I'll tell the staff to get you some tea."
(Y/N) shook her head, "B-But I need to help Charlie. I-I need to do something -,"
"No." Michael's tone was stern but gentle. "This is for the higher ranking angels to handle and you're too emotional right now to think clearly. Let us take care of this."
"Listen to your father, (N/N)." Azrael said his grin more menacing than usual. "And don't fret over Adam, we'll make sure to deal with him personally."
The other archangels' agreed without question. Adam wouldn't get away with making their precious niece cry.
(Y/N) realized her father was right, she was too emotional right now.
She was in no condition to deal with this as she was.
After saying goodbye to her family, (Y/N) went to her room to try and calm down.
Feeling completely exhausted and emotionally drained, (Y/N) passed out the second her head hit her pillow.
The next day (Y/N) woke up later than usual and saw a note on her beside table.
It was from her father telling her not to worry about her duties that day and to just rest.
(Y/N) was grateful to her father, but she was so restless about the trial and the upcoming extermination.
She got ready for the day and went down into the courts archives.
Maybe there was something she could use in the courts records to help Charlie.
Since she was a stenographer, a seraphim, and Michael's daughter no one questioned her being there.
In fact, many of the simps angels there were more than happy to help her.
(Y/N) declined most of their help, not wanting to garner unnecessary attention to what she was looking for or why.
She continued doing this for days making sure to cover her tracks so her father and uncles didn't catch wind of her little excursions.
Which was why most of them were in the dead of night.
She hadn't heard a word of what her father or uncles' were going to do about the exterminations.
But the times she's seen Adam and Lute, the two were still their cocky and douchey selves.
So, she knew the extermination was still on.
Why haven't the archangels' done anything yet?
What were they waiting for?
A small part of her wondered if they ended up agreeing with Sera and Adam and wanted to keep the exterminations on, but she quickly pushed those thoughts aside.
The archangels' duty was to follow the laws of Heaven, and the exterminations clearly went against that.
There's no way they'd be okay with keeping it going.
Still. . . they weren't working fast enough.
The month was almost over.
So, she continued researching wanting to find anything that would prove Sera and Adam wrong about Hell and prove Charlie's hotel worked or could work.
One night while everyone had turned in, (Y/N) snuck into the ancient archives - court records that dated over billions of years ago.
Maybe there was something in the older court records she could use.
She spent hours going through file after file, pulling out possible references to use, and making piles based on the dates.
The long hours started to get to her, the bags under her eyes more prominent with each passing minute.
Without realizing, her eyes lids shut and she slowly drifted to the side accidently knocking over a large pile she hadn't checked yet.
The sound of the falling files scared her awake.
"Oh shit!"
(Y/N) rubbed her eyes awake before going over to the scattered files. She really hoped no one had heard that thud.
As she was gathering all of the loose documents, there was one file folder that caught her eye. Labeled on the tab was 'Morningstar vs Heaven'.
Morningstar? That was Charlie's last name but this file was in one of the older court piles meaning this file was about -
"Lucifer. . .".
She's never read her uncle's trial record before. . . but if he was anything like Charlie then maybe there was something in those documents that could help her prove her cousin's dreams and beliefs.
After all, it was because of Lucifer's desire and dreams to show humanity free will that gifted humans the ability to dream and choose to be better.
She knew her father would frown at her view on Lucifer, but she had always thought there might have been some merit behind her uncle's choices.
She started to collect the documents, sometimes glancing over certain parts that caught her attention. However, as she was going through the files she saw something in one of the documents that she had never expected to see.
"I-Is that. . . my name? W-Why would my name be in Lucifer's court record?". (Y/N) bit her lip deciding if she should look through it or not.
In the end she decided to go through with it and read the document. It was probably nothing, just her mind playing tricks on her. She had been up for hours, after all.
However, the moment her eyes scanned through each line her heart dropped into her stomach.
Sera: Take the child.Court angels: (takes the infant (Y/N) Morningstar from the arms of her parents, Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith)
The rest of the documents recounted Lucifer and Lilith's guilty verdict, their sentencing to Hell, and the courts final proceedings.
(Y/N) wanted to refuse everything she had read, wanting to call it all lies.
But stenographers, especially in Heaven, cannot lie when recording. The magic imbedded within the typewriter wouldn't allow it.
Still, it just couldn't be true. . . Maybe this was another (Y/N), one she's never met. There was no way it was talking about her.
However, before (Y/N) could attempt to convince herself even more she noticed one final document lying on the floor. She recognized what kind of document it was immediately.
It was a Heavenly Ordinance.
She slowly reached for the golden paper and started to read it.
"By Heavenly decree, it is now ordered that all residents, and new ones to come, are forbidden from tempting humanity or breaking Heaven's rules. All residents must obey and turn from all misguided thoughts, dreams, and or endeavors. All violators will receive punishment. It is also ordered that the Heavenborn seraphim, (Y/N) Morningstar, is now under the care of the Seven Virtues; specifically Archangel Michael Demiugros. The infant's name will be changed to (Y/N) Demiugros. The child will have no connection to Lucifer Morningstar and Lilith, and will be told Michael Demiugros is her father/parent who crafted her from stardust. All Heavenly residents aware of the child's true lineage are forbidden from speaking on the matter. All violators will be punished severely."
(Y/N) felt like she couldn't breath.
Her hands were shaking, her heart pounding in her chest.
Oh, God.
She wanted to deny it and believe all of this was some sick prank.
But even she knew no one in Heaven would dare fake writing a Heavenly Ordinance, let alone play such a cruel prank or joke.
Besides, the Heavenly Seal at the bottom of the document was proof of its authenticity.
Heaven would never allow a fake to be placed with the court records.
It took a while for her to calm down.
Looking at the clock mounted on the wall, she saw how late it was.
The court angels who had the early morning shift would be here in two hours.
Wiping the tears that had gathered in her eyes, she used her magic to help clean up her mess and put all of the documents back into their original places - except for one.
When she started to put Lucifer's file away, she stared at the ordinance.
She paused for a moment before folding it up and shoving it into her pocket.
After everything was put away (Y/N) went back to her room with her mind buzzing and heart racing.
She woke up five hours later to the sound of her alarm.
She felt absolutely exhausted.
At first she thought it had all been a dream, a really bad dream.
But when she checked her pockets and pulled out the folded up golden paper, she knew it wasn't.
She was heartbroken.
The feeling of betrayal and hurt plaguing her soul.
Why did they lie to her?
Why did they do all of this?
Now everything made sense.
Why she was so restricted from practically everything.
Why everyone in her family kept her so close and away from any of the higher seraphim duties.
Why she really looked like Lilith. . .
To top it all off, the person she had believed to be her father this whole time was actually her uncle.
She truly didn't know how to feel, and she wondered if Charlie knew.
Probably not given how shocked the Hellborn had been to hear she had a 'cousin'.
Though, now she knew why she felt such a strong connection to Charlie.
They were sisters.
And if Charlie hadn't known about her, she doubted Lucifer or Lilith did.
She wondered what else Heaven has lied to her about.
. . . Did they even love her?
If she really was the spawn of the ones who damned humanity, did they only keep her for their own benefit?
Have they actually hated her this entire time?
These thoughts brought tears to her eyes.
The rest of the day as she continued on with her duties, she thought back to her family and her newly discovered ones.
Whenever she interacted with her family in Heaven, she did her best to keep up appearances.
There was no way to tell what would happen if they found out what she knew.
So, she decided to bite her tongue.
No matter how much she wanted to scream and cry.
She wondered if they were even going to do anything about the exterminations.
She was starting to doubt it since she hadn't heard anything new; though, would they even tell her?
And Adam and Lute were as smug as ever.
That made her angelic blood boil.
Did they really hate Lucifer, Charlie, her, and sinners so much that they would allow this atrocity to continue?
Even though it went against everything Heaven stood for?!
(Y/N) wouldn't stand for this.
If she was going to help Charlie, she would have to take matters into her own hands.
Luckily, Michael and her other uncles' taught her basic combat.
Hopefully that would at least help her fed off a few exorcists.
The next few days leading up to the extermination, (Y/N) secretly stole some angelic armor and weapons.
She eavesdropped on Adam and Lute trying to find out their plans and the exact time of the extermination.
She even continued to gather information for Charlie to help prove her hotel could work.
She acted as she usually did in front of others to avoid suspicion.
She planned to sneak out the night before the extermination to help Charlie and her hotel prepare for the fight.
She was a little nervous about seeing her newly discovered sister, and possibly her biological father, but she knew she would have to suck it up and wait until after the battle was over.
The morning before the extermination, (Y/N) felt more than prepared - she had everything she needed before tonight.
Everything was going according to plan.
"What seems to be the problem here?" Michael asked the court angel who seemed to be a bit out of sorts.
"W-Well, sir, there seems to be a document missing from one of the court records".
Michael rose a brow, "Okay? Which records?".
"U-Um. . . one of the ancient records, sir."
'Ancient records?'
Michael's brows furrowed - why would a document be missing from one of the oldest records in Heaven? Hardly anyone uses or reads them. They're mainly there as historical records now.
"Strange. . . Which record was it then?"
The court angel gulped, "U-Um. . , i-it-"
Michael glared slightly annoyed, "Just say it!"
"I-It was from Lucifer Morningstar's, s-sir!"
Michael's eyes widened, "Lucifer's?"
"Y-Yes, sir. We noticed some of the court records had been a little out of place the past couple of days, but thought nothing of it as everything was neatly put back. But this morning one of the court angel's found a feather between Lucifer's record, and when they opened it they saw one of the documents inside was missing."
Michael frowned, "Which document?"
". . . The Heavenly Ordinance, sir."
'The Heavenly Ordinance? Why. . . Why would anyone take that?'
"This was the feather that was found inside the court record."
The court angel presented Michael a singular feather. It was beautiful and the design looked very familiar -
Michael's breath hitched as he looked closely at the feather. He snatched the feather out of the court angel's hand looking at it even closer.
'No, no, no - it can't be!'
Without another word Michael flew out of the room leaving very confused and concerned court angels'.
'There's no way! She cannot possibly know!'
Lost in his own frantic thoughts, Michael failed to notice a certain archangel in his path, and proceeded to crash right into him.
"Woah, Michael! What's the rush?" Azrael asked wincing from the impact.
Michael looked at his brother, fear in his eyes, "Azrael. I-It's terrible. . . (Y-Y/N). . . S-She-"
"(Y/N)? Did something happen to her?" Azrael asked worried. He's never been his brother so distressed before.
"S-She. . . She knows."
Azrael furrowed his brows, "'Knows?' Knows, what?"
"About Lucifer. . . the truth about Lucifer and Lilith."
Michael proceeded to tell Azrael the events that happened taken place in the courts archives.
"That's strange," Azrael hummed. "Just as strange as the report I just got that some angelic armor and weapons are missing."
Azrael saw Michael's expression morph into one of absolute horror and waved his hands trying to dismiss his brother's thoughts, "But it could all just be a coincidence!".
Placing his hands onto Michael's shoulders, Azrael looked into his eyes, "Michael. You know (Y/N). As curious as she is, she's not reckless or stupid. She knows her place in Heaven and wouldn't dare ruin that. Have more faith - after all, you are the one who raised her."
Michael calmed his nerves as he listened to his brother's advice. He's right. (Y/N) was raised right and she would never do something that would jeopardize her place in Heaven. Someone else had to have misplaced the document, armor, and weapons.
. . . Still. . .
He couldn't shake off the ugly feeling in his gut.
Hours had passed and it was now late into the night.
To everyone around her (Y/N) was her normal graceful, polite, and dutiful self.
Almost like she hadn't been stressed out the entire month worrying for her cousin, who she recently discovered was actually her sister, and finding out her entire life has been a total lie.
She really played the part of the obedient seraphim quite well.
But right now, she was anything but.
Right now she was the sleep deprived heartbroken, scorned girl who no longer knew who she was or who she could trust here.
But, she was going to find out.
While the rest of the castle was asleep, (Y/N) changed from her night gown into light but durable angelic armor.
She wore her long blonde hair in a high ponytail and carried a long angelic spear on her back (along with a few angelic daggers and a whip on her hips).
Once ready, she quietly unlocked her balcony door trying to make as little noise as possible.
She could feel her nerves shake.
She's never been in a real fight before.
She knew what she was doing was dangerous; and if found out, could lead her into a world of trouble.
Looking back behind her she glanced over her room.
Her eyes landing on a picture frame found sitting on her vanity.
It had a photo of when she was little.
In it she was hugging Michael with her favorite duck plushie in her arms.
They both had such big smiles.
Sadness filled her heart as tears pricked her eyes.
Had it all been a lie?
Well. . . either way, she would find out later.
Charlie needed her right now.
She smiled sadly at the duck plushie laying in her bed silently wishing for luck.
Steeling her nerves, (Y/N) internally prepared herself for the battle ahead.
What she wasn't prepared for was to come face to face with Michael the moment she turned around.
@soobryu @kyo-kyo1 @miyako-night20 @charliecharlie65 @unknow-sama @myluckymoon @lbcreations-blog @moonchaos18 @sirenetheblogger @jagharamira @el-hajj @azharyy @glowymxxn @itsmonicabc @lxkeee @aria-tempest @glowinthedarkbones1150 @sashaphantomhive @0strawberrysorbet0 @serenity-loves-red @snowy-violet @aishallnotbefound
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gawkingatyourface · 3 months
Sweetest Tail | one
summary: A new recruit, Sas joined the Hazbin Hotel after the extermination which made Charlie so happy that she was jumping with joy. This new recruit took the whole crew to their only family that was outside of Pentagram City. Not realizing what they were getting into or more like whom they'll meet.
pairing: Lucifer x fem!reader , Alastor x fem!reader , Azrael x fem!reader
warnings: blood, death, cursing, angst
notes: Hi everyone :D I got so much love on the preview that I'm so happy that you guys really enjoyed it! I've been working on this series to make it as best as i can do it. So here's the first part so hope you like it! it will be a bit different from the show so here it is! Enjoy ! Feedback is appreciated! <3
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[Y/N] stood in front of several angels that were standing in her way as well as the gates of Heaven that wouldn't open for her. She eyed them all with anger and betrayal especially towards one.
One that she never thought would betray her.
He did.
The last memory she had was of feeling cold and lifeless in her home. She remembers seeing her little brother above her with tears in his eyes as his voice faded from her ears. He was the only person that was always by her side. She would miss him a lot. That was when she was on earth.
After that, she woke up in a dark place. The sky that used to be baby blue with white clouds all over now was black with red clouds. She was confused as to what this place is. She got up and walked around to see it so deserted. No one else was there.
Only her.
She felt so alone.
She sighed as she ran her finger thru her hair but stopped once she noticed something different. She gripped on her ears? She gasped as she tighten her grip and felt her body feel some sort of tingle. She let go of it but then she noticed something behind her. She slightly turned to see fluffy, white tails.
She had nine tails attached to her back. Her eyes widen as she twirled around like a dog trying to catch its tail. She stopped as she was getting a headache of all this. This was just too confusing for her. She didn't know where she was at and now she had ears and tails.
She knew that standing here wouldn't help her so she decided to look around this place that would soon be her home.
After a few years, she found out that was in hell or what she calls it "Wrathifuca". She became Queen of Wrathifuca since she was the first one that had shown up and decided to make this her own place to rule. Several more years, more sinners showed up that eventually became her warriors. She was vicious, powerful yet understanding.
Well, sometimes.
Most of them wanted to duel her for her crown which she gave everyone a chance to take her throne.
None never could.
Wrathifuca and Heaven would always butt heads.
Until he came along.
[Y/N] had gone up to Heaven for a meeting with God. She didn't like being in Heaven. She felt like an outsider, a freak. They all were so nice and sweet to her. She knew that most of people had good intentions but there were certain ones that didn't.
She had the meeting with God alongside some higher ups that disliked her. The meeting didn't last long since her nor God ever came to an understanding.
As she made her way out, she bumped onto someone. She was about to fall until she felt arms around her waist, making her avoid falling on her ass. She cursed under her breath at how stupid she must of looked.
"You know that you shouldn't curse when your up here." A dark, cocky voice was heard.
She rolled her eyes as she looked up at her savior which caused her to stop her breathing.
She met these eyes. These gold-colored eyes that were staring into hers.
"What you falling for me already Queen of Wrathifuca?"
His comment made her scoff as she pushed him away, keeping a distance from him.
She glanced at him before walking off, wanting to go back home but once she took several steps, her head met his chest. She groaned as she was gonna step away once again, but she felt her body being pulled by him once again. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her body against his. No space between their bodies which he wanted ever since he saw her.
"What is up with you?! Let me go!" She said as she stared up at him with a glare that would make anyone run off in terror.
"Not happening, wifey."
"Wifey?! What the-"
"Nuh uh! Remember what I said, no cursing here."
She rolled her eyes and looked away. She didn't know what's his deal and why he wouldn't let her leave.
"Can you please let me go so I can go home?"
Her eyes flared up as she looked up at him, not believing at how he's behaving.
"What do you mean nope? Who are you anyway?!"
His lips curved into a smile as he closer to her face making her back away.
"The name is Azrael wifey. Don't forget it."
She rolled her eyes.
"Already forgot it."
She watched as one of her tails slammed him against the wall, knowing that it'll take him a while to get to her. She quickly ran off to get out there. She knew that Heaven was trouble. Real trouble. Yet, once she got back home; she couldn't forget his name nor his gold eyes that she grew to admire.
The same with him; he missed her so much. He loved her glare. Her beautiful eyes. Her voice. Just everything about her. He had first saw her when she got there in Heaven and he couldn't help but keep his eyes on her. She was so magnificent and beautiful like a forbidden fruit that he couldn't have.
But he would have her. No matter what, she would be his.
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As time went by, [Y/N] would get unexpected visits from Azrael. Her sinners were defending her from him which they wouldn't stand a chance against him. She knew that so she had told them to back away. She knew instantly that he was very powerful and there was no way that her bodyguards wouldn't stand a chance.
Every visit from him, he would just watch her do her duties or just rant to her about how boring Heaven is.
She didn't know why he felt so comfortable with her or why bother telling her all this.
She was so confused yet she didn't mind his presence.
After so many visits, she grew comfortable with him. He would always make her laugh with his jokes and stories about heaven with Michael and Gabriel.
Even some of the sinners were familiar with him every time he came over to see her.
Azrael would sometimes get jealous over some of the sinners getting too close to [Y/N]. He knew that it'll take for her to accept him but there's only so much that he can take.
His possessiveness and jealousy sometimes overtook him.
"What are you doing here?"
He shrugged his shoulders and gave her a smile.
"What? I can't come here and check if you sinners are behaving."
She rolled her eyes as she turned around.
"That's nothing for you to worry about."
"That is true but I am worried about something else."
She let out a sigh as she regretted her next words.
"And what would that be?"
She didn't hear anything which confused her since he always had a comment. But she felt something. She looked up to see him in front of her. Giving her his famous smile as he had one of his hands on top of her head, patting her ears and hair. She wanted to growl at him so bad. To snap his hand off her yet his touch made her feel something. Something in her gut that was telling her to not stop him.
Before she could say anything, she finally heard his voice.
"I'm worried about my wifey."
That word again.
That name that he would always call her. It irked her that he would call her that. He had no right to yet her heart melted when he would say it.
"I-i'm not your wifey!" She yelled at him as her ears were turning red alongside her face.
"You will be."
Before she could yell at him, she felt his lips against her in a deep kiss. Her eyes widen as she tried to push him again but he wouldn't let her. She felt her back against the wall while her mouth was being devoured by him. She could easily push him away if she really wanted to.
His touch did something to her. Made her feel something she never felt before.
After a while of their heavy make out session, he finally pulled away from her lips.
Both gasping for air as they stared into each other's eyes.
"You will always be my wifey. That will never change." He said it with a deeper voice as he placed both of his hands on her face, making her stare into his eyes.
"This will never work."
"It will, my wifey."
She rolled her eyes with a smile on her face which he loved so much.
He couldn't help but smash his lips against her once again, making her giggle at him. His lips curved into a smile, wanting nothing more than to hear more of her sounds.
But she was right.
It was never gonna work.
Once heaven found out about her and Azrael's relationship, a war was coming to Wrathifuca. Something that [Y/N] knew was bound to happen. She knew that being with him would have this effect.
Effect her home. Her sinners.
What she didn't expect was that Azrael was the one that gave the order to the exorcists.
Earlier that day, she had a very surprised guest visiting.
It was Sera.
[Y/N] had heard of her and has had meetings with her before. But this was too unexpected since she would of never gone down there.
She knew that something was happening. She felt it in her whole body.
"[Y/N], your and Azrael's relationship has to come to an end."
"And who are you to decide that?"
"I didn't. I'm just here to let you know about what's to come if you don't."
[Y/N] rolled her eyes.
"And what is that?"
"War. The exorcists are coming to kill you all."
[Y/N] frowned as she stood up from her throne and glared at Sera.
"Why you-"
Sera held out a hand.
"I'm just the messenger. The one that did the order was your beloved Azrael."
Her eyes widen at what Sera had just told her.
"No. It can't be him. You're lying!"
"I am not, [Y/N]. He's one of the leaders and part of the organization that created the exorcists."
[Y/N]'s mind was going everywhere. She didn't know what to say or think. The person that she had fallen for had betrayed her.
"I want him to tell me. Not you Sera."
"He's forbidden to come here anymore, but I will show you."
Suddenly, a shiny, portal appeared next to Sera as some sort of video was playing.
It showed Azrael with Sera and Lute.
"Sir, what are our next move?"
"Go down and destroy them all. They all deserve to die. Don't leave any survivors. Understood."
"Yes sir."
That's all that [Y/N] needed as she turned to Sera and told her to leave and never show in front of her face again.
Sera disappeared as [Y/N] was lost in thought thinking about what to do.
But she didn't have much time.
As her home was being destroyed, so was her heart. She knew that all this time yet she hoped for a different solution.
If only.
She decided to fight one more time before she disappeared. She had dealt with the exorcists before. For many eons. It was different now. Now she had a broken heart after knowing the truth so now her wrath was out and no one could stop her.
Especially as she saw her family, her sinners dead in front of her. For protecting her.
Her hands turned into fists as her true form came out and absolutely destroyed every angel that was in her sight.
They killed her home. Her sinners.
It didn't take long after they were all dead.
She was filled with blood. Her chest breathing heavily as she was hurting. It didn't show on the outside but inside, she was dead. She glared at the red sky, knowing that they are watching her. She shook her head and turned around to see several survivors kneeling down to her. She gave them a small smile before giving them a signal.
"I'm no longer gonna be Queen of Wrathifuca. Just a normal sinner like the rest. You can follow me and live a quiet life. Or you choose your own path. It's your own decision. I won't get upset from your decision."
She watched them as they all agreed to stay with her. She gave them a nod and smile as she made her way out of the city that she had cared for. Now, she had to leave it for someone else to take care of it. She gave it one last look before leaving it forever for the next King or Queen that will take over.
Not realizing that someone was watching her from above.
Azrael's fists kept slamming on the desk as he felt nothing but pain. He couldn't believe that Sera had given his exorcists the decision to destroy that place. The place that was owned by his beloved. His wifey. His [Y/N].
He was gonna go to her. He needed to see her. To explain to her.
"You will not go there Azrael."
He froze as he turned around to see Sera and Lute. He glared at them both as he laughed.
"And why the fuck not?!"
"No cursing Azrael-"
"Shut it Sera. You did this! You went and told her didn't you! You did all this!"
Sera sighed as she nodded at him.
"It had to be done Azrael."
"Why Sera!? Why did it had to go this way?!"
"Because she was changing you sir!" Lute suddenly said as she was getting frustrated. "You wouldn't be around anymore. Always going down there with that bitch!"
Azrael's glared even more.
"You shut it bitch before I make it worse for you."
"Azrael enough. We all decided that this is what's best for you both."
"By making her hate me forever? By not seeing her at all?!"
"Yes. If you want a partner, there are many here-"
"Sera if you don't stop talking, I'll do something to you."
Sera sighed as she turned around, about to leave.
"It was bound to happen Azrael. Nothing was gonna be different. She was bound to find out. Even if you had told her, you think she'd react differently. She's a sinner. Will always be."
Azrael watched her and Lute walking out of his office. He gripped on his hair as he started to destroy his whole office. Smashing and tearing things apart. He was losing his mind. He couldn't see her. Couldn't be near her. He needed to know if she was okay. Needed to explain to her.
It was like she was the reason why he was breathing. Why he would smile and enjoy his life because of her. She made it worthwhile.
He sat in the corner as he watched into space with his room all destroyed. He leaned his head back as he took off a small box from a hidden box that was underneath the floor tiles. He opened it to reveal a beautiful ring that was for her.
His wifey. His one and only.
"I will find you again, my wifey. Please wait for me." He whispered as he kissed the ring with a tear rolling down his face.
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After that night, [Y/N] had found a deserted area with a rough up building. She stared at it with wonder as she looked back at her family. Giving them a smile and telling them her plan which they agreed. So, they all started to build a safe haven for her and her sinners-family. She wouldn't lose anyone anymore. She made an oath that she will never let anyone die because of her.
She opened this café that was open for anyone. It was outside of the city, miles away from anyone. Only certain sinners knew about it. As long as they didn't cause any trouble, then it was fine with her.
She lived a quiet life yet she was still so broken from what happened. She made sure to never be found. Not from Sera, the new King and Queen of Hell, and him. Most definitely him.
She had heard of Lucifer and Lilith ruling Hell. They had even changed her home's name. She didn't care. She wasn't a ruler anymore. But this place will always be Wratifuca. No matter what, but she didn't mind Hell. It had a good ring to it.
She had several stories about Lucifer and how he was an angel but fell because he disagreed with Heaven so then he became a fallen angel. He arrived with Lilith and together they ruled Hell.
[Y/N] couldn't care less at how Hell had become. More sinners showed up and it got so chaotic. So much had changed but it wasn't her responsibility anymore. She now had a quiet life with her café and family.
One night, she had an unexpected visit.
Someone she never expected to find especially in hell.
It was her brother, Sas.
He was a three-tailed lion that was taller than her. She couldn't believe it was him. She gave him a big hug as he cried about how he had missed her so much. She agreed with him at how bad she had missed him as well.
Yet, she was confused as to why he got sent to Hell. From what she remembered, he was a good boy. Never did anything wrong unlike her. She was always the bad child in the family. She had done so many horrible things that some not even her brother knew. She intends to stay that way, but once Sas explained what had happened once she died. It made more sense why he was there with her.
She didn't care. She was happy that she had him now. He stayed with her for a while until he suddenly disappeared. She worried for him but knew that she couldn't hold him down. He will always be her little brother but he had his own life there in Hell. So she would wait for him there at her café.
But her quiet life would soon change.
With unexpected people and familiar faces...
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redr0sewrites · 3 months
guys if i wrote hcs/fics for azrael, michael, uriel, leo, etc (basically the heaven OC's from hazbin hotel, a lot of them are from the journey to the light au that was really popular on twitter between the time period of the pilot and the official show) would u guys read it?
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writerofjourneys · 5 months
The Grace/Soul of Death
A/N: I might have the itch to write for this fandom once in a while. I enjoyed the show and can’t wait for the 2nd season. And yes, I made Azrael female here, because I wanted to.
Fandom(s): Hazbin Hotel
Lucifer Magne/Morningstar & (Sister)Azreal/Reader
Charlie Magne/Morningstar & (Aunt)Azreal/Reader
Summary: As the Archangel of Death, your purpose is to be the direct counterpart to God: creating the balance of nature. The end to his creations. Impartial and everlasting. For this, you’re the only one able to travel between the worlds of Heaven, Earth, and Hell freely. So even after your brother, Lucifer, became fallen, your relationship remained.
Content: Fluff, sibling relationships, siblings, platonic relationships, mild angst, family, demons & angels, supernatural, comfort, afterlife, immortality.
Warnings: None.
Main List
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Compared to the rest of the archangels, you looked the most different among them, even for all the differences between you as siblings and not looking exactly alike.
With beautiful grey, six feathered wings and black hair, contrasting the ivory wings and lighter locks of your brothers and sisters.
Perhaps morbidly or ironically, you were incredibly beautiful. Many creatures alike tended to gawk upon seeing you for the first time. Your usual appearance seemed like a fantasy; a Greek statue or a painting, something almost surreal, which said a lot for an angel’s usual beauty.
Your looks were crafted to entice the living and the allure of the end. Tempting a person to willingly give up their soul like a siren to a sailor.
Earth is usually your domain, as Death primarily reigns over the world of the living.
You’re the only being able to traverse between all three realms of Heaven, earth, and hell without qualms or restraints.
Already dead souls perished by things like angelic weapons weren’t in your jurisdiction. Their lives had already been over.
Your appearance would morph to a human’s personal perception of death, whether it be their greatest fear, comfort, or something they didn’t consciously understand as their souls left their bodies.
Among the mortals over the years, you were called many names and visualized with different faces in cultures. Thanatos, Anubis, the Grim Reaper, Hel, depicted as a man in most times with a variety of names but their purposes were one and the same.
Even with the conception of Death being depressing and morbid, your name, Azrael, meant ‘Help from God’, and without you, the world would’ve gone chaotic without a balance.
It does get on your nerves about the many misconceptions and ignorance people have about you. The amount of arrogance one has for life is a headache.
You know every information about any and all souls. From their time of birth to death. It seemed intrusive but your photographic memory was a side effect to what you are.
Before Lucifer fell, you two were close. When he talked about his ideas, curiosity and dreams, you listened to them. Never scrutinizing or warning him to think too far compared to your siblings like Michael and Gabriel, or the other angels who were wary of his ideals.
You were impartial and unbiased with your job. You had to, death favoured no one.
As the physical manifestation of Death, you couldn’t disappear from existence yourself. Unlike angels of mortal souls, a pure blooded angel, an archangel at that, was made of grace instead of a soul. And archangels were born with a purpose, unlike humans.
Your main responsibility was to ensure death remained in the living world, though you yourself couldn’t decide where souls would go in the afterlife. Only their end of living.
You didn’t have to be present to every human’s end. Your very existence was what mattered to earth, like a plague taking its course each life in due time.
Compared to Michael, God’s right hand and chief of the angels, you had a bit of a closer relationship to your Father than one would think. Being created as his counterpart and all.
You wielded a weapon known as the Death Scythe, deadlier than angelic weapons and the sharpest blade that can cut anything. Even though a scythe was its usual form, you could change it to anything you wanted. With such a weapon, no could aside from yourself could even lift it.
You’ve made plenty of trips to Hell. Personally witnessing the Pride Ring grow and expand with sinners as Lucifer and Lilith ruled and made a new home and life.
Lucifer was happy that you never saw him any different unlike Heaven. He at least had one family member around. You were his favourite for staying by him all this time.
Your relationship with your other siblings weren’t as close as with Lucifer. You didn’t often see each other for being busy so it was rare to even be in the same room together.
Your family wasn’t the same after your brother’s descent.
His daughter, Charlie, even got to know you when you visited your brother. Referring to you as Aunt Rea. Curiously asking questions about the mortal realm and watching you and her dad do magic together for her.
You and Lilith were well acquainted with each other over the centuries, but you wouldn’t call yourselves particularly close. You did respect each other though.
The first time you reaped a mortal soul, which was Adam’s, it personally relieved you since that meant he was gone. He was a headache. But it cut short when you realized he was going to Heaven.
When Lucifer became hyper-fixated on ducks, you indulged on this hobby of his with him. Lending a hand on his duck-making and being the audience when he presented his creations.
He even made a rubber duck based on you. He keeps one beside his family version on his desk, giving you the other with another set of him and Charlie. You keep them in a safe place.
You’ve been to Lu Lu World, Lucifer’s other passion project that he took great pride in. Your brother still hates Mammon’s guts for making a ripoff off of it.
The Day of the Dead is actually your favourite mortal holiday. Which is something else for an immortal being surrounded by fleeting human traditions. It’s the holiday where humans don’t look down on death but understand the beauty and importance of it.
Along with celebrating the souls who mattered to the living, the vibrant colours, costumes, music, festivities, it was honestly on one of these rare time that you felt happy.
When Charlie came to you about her rehabilitation project, you unfortunately couldn’t offer much assistance. Since being the Angel of Death meant you could only be a neutral party.
You weren’t a fan of the Exterminators and Extermination Day. You thought Heaven was always too paranoid, and you still detested Adam when he somehow became the leader of that army. They made you releasing souls, sinners or not, to the afterlife seem pointless if they were to just cease existing because they wanted to.
One time someone had mistaken Adam for you, it got you severely peeved.
And for his bigmouth, Adam wasn’t stupid enough to pick a fight with Death herself.
When Lucifer and Lilith parted ways and Charlie became independent, you were your brother’s only frequent visitor when he got more reclusive.
For feeling disconnected with his daughter and lonesome, he was grateful you were still here with him. Even when time changes throughout your immortal lives, your familial love for each other stayed timeless. King of Hell, fallen angel, or the Devil, he will always be your brother.
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luvadosar · 3 months
Hey, I saw that your requests are open, I wanted to ask for headcannons of the hazbin crew to maybe react to the personification of death (like maybe the wolf from Puss in boots or the Kindred from league of legends) visiting the hotel, and Angel and Husk are having bad flashbacks of their death but slowly realize that death!reader is really friendly and Al is like "we already know eachother", and they are really good acquainted, bc Al being a killer he and Death!reader met quite often. Something like that, I hope I'm not bothering and hope this is possible...
Stay healthy and please don't overwork yourself.
-Anonymous 💐
Thank you! This is a really peculiar and unique ask. I must say 💐 Anon, I love how your mind works 🤞🏽!
Warnings: Mention of drug$, alcohol, & panic attacks
Words: 458
Hazbin Hotel x Death!Reader Headcannons
- Death!Reader became intrigued by the idea of a “redemption”
- I imagine Death!Reader is just a hell version of Azrael…a powerful being in charge of punishing those who belong in hell.
- The employees of The Hazbin Hotel is a little skeptical towards Reader, staying far away from them as possible. Like Vaggie, she does not want charlie getting all close with Reader.
- Except for Alastor. I feel like theyve met in the real world before, because Alastor has this thing with black magic or something like that. It’s complicated.
- The others are surprised that Alastor literally knows the embodiment of death? But somewhat not surprised at the same time lmao.
- This further worsens the suspicions that reader is a bad entity, because why in the world does reader know *The Radio Demon?*
- But they do prove themselves to be rather useful in a way. Helping nifty clean the rooms, lending a hand to Husker in cleaning the cups. Just overall being helpful.
- Husker became used to Death!Reader helping him tend the bar, but he’s a little confused on why such a powerful being such as yourself is helping him?
- Same for Angel to the point where he’s like ‘Are ya’ really some sorta’ grim reaper?’ all the damn time.
- As for panic attacks and memories from their final moments:
- Angel would sometimes avoid using drug$ because he feels the intense pain of overdosing and then out of nowhere abuses the fuck outta them like a huge relapsing episode. After months of you working at the hazbin hotel, Angel has grown to trust you, but at first he was really avoiding you. The thought and embarrassment of him breaking down in front of you made him sob even more.
- You were gentle with him, holding him close and letting him cry on your shoulder.
- As for Husker, we do not know the reason why he died but I headcannon he died from a stroke via a lethal dose of alcohol intake.
- When he was drunk outta his mind he was spewing nonsense about how he died, how he’s fucking scared he’ll never get out of the never ending cycle of drinking til’ he goes numb.
- Reader takes care of his babbling self all night, from helping him to his room to completing his chores.
- If reader ever told him what they had to do, he would be embarrassed out of his mind.
💐, You are just the sweetest Anon! I hope I didn’t disappoint and I hope to hear from you soon 🫶🏽
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cocomintcat · 3 months
Heaven's Princess (Prologue)
Hazbin hotel x seraph!reader Platonic series
Part 1 || Masterlist
Songs of the chapter: Slipping through my fingers (Abba)
The fall, God lost one of his beloved children, his son, the morning star, Lucifer. He, alongside his other 7 children, mourned the loss. The siblings all cherished Lucifer dearly. He was one of the youngest. Years on earth were chaotic, God was angry and felt lost. Then, after he felt his duty to earth was done, he secluded himself only to ever talk to his children and seraphiel, his friend. 
After 50 years or so of Emily's birth, Seraphiel had an idea. God loved his children dearly. They always brought light to him. Unfortunately, now it is just being the 7 plus him taking lucifer's job. Their work kept them quite busy, leaving God on his own. Seraphiel debated if this idea would work or be worth it, but there was no harm in trying after all. 
He brought the idea to God. God showed no opposition, so the plan was set in motion. Seraphiel created a new baby seraph. Small she was. Pale skin with a purple blush, a cute heart nose, purple hair, and the most notable, lively purple eyes briming with life.
 Once God held her in his arms, he felt a familiar surge of love and warmth. Seraphial was glad his idea worked. He watch as God coo'd at the small girl. She giggled back at him flailing her tiny little arms.
That day she was named God's little princess, Eliora Sarai Starlight.
7 beings walked through the spacious and bright home. Upon entering the lounge room, they greeted their father.
“So what exactly did you call us all here for??” Azrael was the first to speak up.
“Well I wanted to introduce you to your little sister of course!!”
“Sister?!” Almost all of his children shouted out of pure shock, not expecting to ever add another to the family since the fall.
“YES! Well, I guess I should explain myself a bit…” God explained best he could of seraphiel's idea. He had given it a try, and it was more than worth it. Some of the siblings were a bit apprehensive about the idea. Some still missed their brother, who had fallen. They just hoped their sister wouldn't become just a replacement for him.
Seeing their mixed feelings, God took them to a very beautiful room. A soft yet elegant crib was in the center. The 7 siblings crowded around immediately to see the small princess. She awoke, sensing multiple new presences. Her big eyes gazed at each of the new faces before reaching out her arms to them. Leroy, the dominion angel, put a gloved hand out towards the little one who immediately grasped it before nuzzling it. Leroy smiled down at the little one, putting his hand on her cheek, gently stroking it.
“She's quite sweet isnt she?”
“Haha! She is.” God's smiled softly watching all the siblings interact. Cassius, the shortest of the siblings, immediately scooped up the small girl. Spinning with her in their arms the little girl squealed with excitement.
“She is absolutely adorable!! What did you name her?!”
“Eliora Sarai Starlight. She's heaven's little princess, so I thought the name would be fitting.”
“Thats so cute! Little Elly!” Cassius spoiled the little girl with kisses all over her face, which made her giggle and squirm.
“Ok let the rest of us have some time with our baby sister!” Azrael snatched her straight from Cassius, giving her a hug and nuzzling her with his face.
“What a little cutie! You got really lucky with this tiny angel!” The sibling each passed her around, giving the girl plenty of affection. Micheal was the last to hold his baby sister. Gently, he rocked her. She was tired out from each of his other siblings and their excessive affections. She snuggled in his arms, and he smiled softly at her tiny, sleepy form.
“She's so precious!” Cassius continued to coo over the adorable baby alongside Azrael and Leroy. The other watched fondly seeing the joy she resparked amongst the family. God felt a sweet familiarity at the scene. He was glad he could bring his family back together.
“Emy!!” A small seraph exclaimed, running into the arms of her friend. Eliora had grown significantly in the past 40 years. Though she was still small in stature, the princess had now aged to that of a 4 year old human child.
“Its good to see you too, lia!” The other seraph squeaked happily, squeezing her friend. Emily was 90 and a good foot taller than the tiny princess. Both had become good friends being close in age. After the princess was old enough to walk and talk, Seraphiel started bringing his youngest with him to visit God. The two girls got along extremely well, pleasing their fathers.
Eliora had also met some of Emily’s other sisters. They were all nice, Sera however was always very strict and bit too much for the princess. She lived with God, the Creator, and even he wasn't so strict with everything. Still, a good bond had formed between the young princess and the youngest seraphim daughter.
For a child, Eliora was very well behaved. She rarely got into any trouble, and most of the time, it was because she followed others when they got into trouble. She'd usually sit and watch others from her father's lap or side. If she was with her siblings, she'd maybe ask a question or two about what she had observed, but other than that, she was easily entertained by watching others. She was quite curious about things, but she wasn't so curious as to figure it out for herself.
“Daddy, whats the bible?”
“Why do you want to know little one?”
“I overheard some angels talking about it.”
“Its a book on Heaven and early Earth written by humans, you know the ones that some call winners. The angels that once lived on earth.”
“Oh? Can you tell me more about it?” Eliora now was 60. She knew a bit about heaven, earth, and winners but not a lot. Her family discussed what age each topic would be appropriate to explain to her. The fall she could learn once she reached 100 along with hell, but for now, just some of heaven and earth was allowed.
God proceeded to tell Eliora a bit about eden before Eve ate the fruit. He also left out Lilith. Mostly, he told her about all the animals, and here he learned her absolute adoration for all animals. He couldn't say he was all that surprised with her sweet, loving nature.
Eliora's 80th birthday was soon. She was currently out with Micheal to go on a cute lunch date. He loved treating her to these special outings. The place was a nice little restaurant owned by a sweet elderly winner who was fairly new. The restaurant dabbled in multiple styles of southern cuisines, as Micheal had told Eliora. The restaurant staff were all southern winners who agreed to join the sweet lady's team to bring a bit of old comfort to their new home. It was a popular lunch place among many new winners. Eliora and Micheal, being heaven born, asked the server for recommendations. They ended up with (your choice ;)) and some beignets for dessert.
“Wow didn't expect Mr. Head Angel Micheal to be out here having lunch with some kid. Fuck, your baby mama leave you huh? That must suck haha!” A man with a strange mask said. Eliora's nose scrunched at the way he talked to her brother.
“Adam i suggest you watch your language. As for the kid shes my little sister Eliora.”
Eliora politely waves at the man before going back to eating.
“Sister? I thought your familial editions ended after the fall?”
“She was given to us about 80 years ago.”
“damn so she really is a little squirt.”
Micheal was annoyed and managed to get Adam to say his goodbyes and leave.
“Elly two things. First don't listen or repeat any new words you hear from Adam. Second I'm sorry we got interrupted.”
Luckily, the rest of the lunch was peaceful and delightful. Eliora said she'd like to go to the restaurant again, Micheal decided to let his siblings know about it if they were to take her out to eat.
Soon Eliora’s 80th birthday passed. She had met Adam a few more times, mostly when she was out with Sera and Emily. Eventually, Adam was asked, Sera had an emergency to attend to, to watch both Emily and Eliora. He wasn't too happy but agreed. He decided to teach them electric guitar while they waited for Sera to return.
“So you hold it like this - yup, good job, squirt.” Adam started with teaching Emily. She struggled but had fun learning. Next, it was Eliora's turn. She had been watching in amazement. She left Adam speechless with how fast she picked up how to play. He decided to teach her a few more rock instruments, which she grasped the basics almost immediately.
‘yo Micheal wtf is your sister on. Sera is using me as an emergency babysitter and so I taught the 2 tinys some instrumental lessons and ur sister knows the basics to like 3 intruments’
‘yeah, bass, electric guitar and drums’
Soon enough, Sera was back. Micheal had let his family know what Adam sent him and his theory. They decided to test it, and it was correct. Eliora’s heavenly gift was music related. She also told them how it also incorporated dance after they explained what heavenly gifts were. A celebration was held for the little princess. Adam was invited to which he gifted her some rock instruments, while her siblings gifted all sorts of traditional and modern instruments. Gabriel, however, gifted her dance shoes of all types. Emily was extremely excited and insisted the princess put on a performance for her birthday as a gift.
Over the next 60 years, Eliora practiced her heavenly gifts. She also became close to Adam, and he luckily learned to tone down his rude behavior around her. Anytime he took her around heaven, he'd put her on his shoulders or drape a wing over her like a brother resting an arm on their shorter siblings head.
Eliora had 40 years since learning about the Fall and Hell. She asked each sibling about their experience and about Lucifer. She tried to ask Adam but soon learned that it was a sore subject for him.
Eliora's relationship with God changed with the years, too. They're close, and hes a good father, but the realization of her growing up is starting to make him feel down. She tries her best to assure him that no matter how old she gets, she'll always be his little girl and stay in heaven by his side. Luckily, as long as she was around, his depression seemed to not be too bad. However, with age comes responsibility. She doesn't do any intense work or even a heavenly job, but rather, she observes others work in heaven. From each of her brothers to the seraphim. She didn't really know what she wanted to do, nor was there really a job that she was needed for aside from assisting to lighten others' workloads. Eliora also spent a good amount of time performing for others in heaven, dancing and singing to lift others' spirits or soothe new spirits. That's actually how Eliora made new friends. One went by the name Biatreh, but Eliora called her Bee.
More notes on god and 7 heavenly virtues, mostly based on the art by or for who i assume is @apieceofheaven 
I believe cassius is by mika_ji_ on X, they commissioned artists for their design so I can assume as they're the only person I found art of that exact cassius design!! (I love all the designs I hope yall like the ones I chose as reference since we don't know any of their cannon designs)
Also context seraphiel is head of seraphim family in this version, so sera and Emily are sisters (there so many versions of heaven and the names so I'm going with what ones suit this story best and I kinda like the idea of this)
Also name meaning "God is my light" "princess" and obviously starlight is English so you can assume why I chose that <3
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hunterwritesstuff · 2 months
hey now i’m inspired and curious from the detective cookie fic (i think?)
could we get a reader x azrael fic abt a jealous azrael pls? (PLS IVE BEEN WONDERING ABT THIS FOR DAYS 😭😭)
Gonna do just the aftermath of him being jealous because I'm a horny fuck hope that's alright 👌
Under cut for. yk. horny shit.
Warnings for: Degradation, edging, smut shit,
The bedframe creaked, creating an oddly melodious symphony with your moans and whines. Whenever he felt you were getting too quiet, he bit your neck again as he rammed his hips into yours.
Hilt, tip, hilt, tip, hilt, tip. Over. And over. And over. And over again. Until he stopped. He let all your pleasure melt away, a whimper ripping itself out of your throat. "A-Azzy, please~!!" You begged.
"Now you beg for my attention? Hm? Not like when you were-fuck-all over Michael earlier? Or did you need both him AND me?" He clicked his tongue. "Such a slut for me~" He purred.
"I-I'm sorry, I wasn't actually-ngh~!" You moaned softly. "D-Don't stop~" You begged.
"Oh, now you actually want me? Hm? You seem to flip-flop between us depending on how-fuck-big you want it. You know us angels can manipulate our forms, right?" He hissed into your ear.
"Y-You can...~?" You whimpered out, panting heavily as he continued to fuck you into the bed.
"Bigger, smaller, longer..." Azrael started, leaning close to your ear, whispering in a huskier voice. "knots~ whatever your dirty, sinful desires require~"
You groaned, arching your back, attempting to match his pace. "And your whimpers and whines tell me you want bigger, hm? Something to overstimulate you? Something to fuck you until you cry~? Something to fuck you until you're a begging, sobbing, whimpering, WHINING MESS of a Schlampe for me~"
You nodded, already checking the "whimpering" box of that description. "And when you're all of those at once?"
"You're gonna be using up those fucking vacation hours that you've saved up because, baby, you're not gonna be able to fucking walk for a while."
enjoy the food babes *tosses out fic like bread to ducks*
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libraryraccoon · 3 months
Ok I request Azrael x archangel gn reader please (romantic pls)
Gender : GN
Pronouns : None
Message from Raccoon : it's honestly a little hard to write for Azrael because we know nothing of him-
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You and Azrael have known each other for a long time, before the Earth was created.
You had to watch over Heaven and make sure everything was okay. Azrael often accompanied you in your task because he wanted an excuse to escape the paperwork.
He often tells you what some souls did when they were alive and how they died, like this demon killed by a hunter and dogs because they thought it was a deer.
You got closer, and what was supposed to happen happened.
You start to date him.
Now that was fun.
Do you know what the “50 questions to see if we approve you for dating our brother” archangels/family of Big G version is ?
No because you felt like you were being questioned for a serious crime and not dating their brother.
3 hours.
All right ? 3 hours of suffering an interrogation for a crime that wasn't a crime. In the end, they accepted you, apparently it went pretty quickly because you knew them..
You don't even want to know how long it would have lasted if you didn't know them before dating Azrael.
You and Azrael flying together is canon.
You fly at least once a week, and when you don't people think there's a problem.
Literally you and Azrael might just don't want to fly the week, but people will think you've broken up.
There are always angels to come and find out why you don't fly together, even after you tell them to stop.
Although it also helps a lot, in the sense that when you argue there are always angels to help you resolve the problem.
Personal/private life who ?
You know how Viv sold us Lillith x Lucifer ? Not what it's like on the show, but how she sold it, the loving couple everyone wants ? Yeah. It's you and Azrael.
Azrael always plays jokes on you, and you play jokes on him in return.
I can just see you starting a never ending prank war, you creating new jokes so it never ends.
You created most of humanity's jokes, Big G once asked how you had so much imagination for this sort of thing.
Hugs. So there, three possibilities :
If you are shorter than him then you are the little spoon,
Or you are the same size and always change from small spoon to big spoon depending on your mood,
Or you're taller and he's the little spoon.
The one who makes the big spoon must always put their wings around the other.
Whenever one of you is sad, the other always puts their wings around the one who is sad, because it's just comforting and brings a kind of sense of security.
Gabriel is your number 1 shipper. You can't tell me otherwise, he was literally the one who managed to bring you together in the first place.
Lucifer wondered how his brother managed to find someone, especially since Azrael had never seemed interested in love before.
Michael threatened to kill you if you ever hurt his brother... you didn't feel like it was a threat but more of a warning.
You’re glad he never heard about your little arguments.
Despite your little arguments which are rare, you and Azrael are THAT couple that everyone wants.
I just know that some angels come to ask you how you manage to have such a perfect/good couple.
I can see Azrael being sarcastic, so if you are too, know that you are the threat couple from Heaven.
(Second) Message from Raccoon : Writing for a character that we haven't see/know anything about them is so hard ?? I never suspect it to be that hard tbh.
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lxkeee · 4 months
⋆.˚ . FLY ME TO THE MOON ⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒˚.
Pairing: Lucifer Morningstar x Archangel Raphael! Fem! Reader
Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Notes: Lucifer and [y/n] will see each other again next chapter 👁️👁️
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A lot of timeskip...
[Y/n] sat in her office chair. Bored out of her mind. Hand fluidly moved in motion as she signed her signature in each document. Paper works. So much paperwork. Just because she finished her duties on the mortal realm for this week doesn't mean she doesn't have work to do back in heaven. She needs to do countless paperwork. Writing down every detail of what happened during her time on earth.
She groaned, placing down her pen on to the table. Throwing her head back lazily against the comfort of her chair.
It has been years since Lucifer's fall. Years after the meeting he asked for that concern about his hotel to redeem sinners.
Thinking back about it. She regrets the harsh words she has said to him during that meeting. Rather too cold for her liking.
She can't blame past her either. She was mad at Lucifer, who wouldn't?
Your best friend stopped spending time with you as he spent most of his time learning about the newly made humans God created.
And once he got the time to spend with her, he always talked about the mortal woman that God has created.
It was very annoying.
Then suddenly, he did what she warned him. Giving the fruit of knowledge to Eve that caused his fall from grace.
[Y/n] loved him, she still does.
She was mad that Lucifer neglected her. She was mad that an angel as beautiful as Lucifer chose a mortal woman.
She was... Jealous.
Now, she heard he has a family now.
She sighs, eyes looking down on her hand. The wedding ring she used to wear is now on her middle finger. She and Azrael are still married to each other platonically for shits and giggles.
They still loved each other platonically. Often having sleepovers at each other's houses.
She wondered, Azrael is such a great man. Everything she'll ever need in one. Smart, funny, sarcastic, intelligent, incredibly handsome, and loving.
It's truly unfortunate her heart lies within another.
She sighs softly. She's been doing that often lately.
As she was about to continue working, the door to her office bursts open and her ex-husband flamboyantly announced his grand entrance.
“Wifeyyy, I have tea to share. I know you'll be interested.” Azrael asked, [y/n] had to look up as the man was literally taller than her. His slicked back black hair shined against the chandelier lights. His eyes are half-lidded—showing off the golden eyeshadow he's wearing, a smirk on his mischievously attractive face. Pulling back a chair across her desk, he sat down.
[Y/n] raised an eyebrow at him, curious what gossip he has to share this time.
“What is it?” she asked lacing her hands and placing her elbows on the table and placing her chin on her knuckles.
Azrael smirked, playing with his staff.
“Luci has a family right?” he asked and [y/n] just looked at him with curiosity. Surprised that Azrael brought the topic of the fallen angel up.
“Yes, what about it?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at the angel in front of her.
“I heard his daughter is coming up here for a meeting, Morningstar's daughter wanted to propose an idea to... Redeem sinners. Reminds me of Lucifer.” Azrael says with a smirk and small chuckle.
“The apple doesn't fall far from the tree after all.” [y/n] says with a small shrug. She wondered if Lucifer's daughter would propose the same idea like his.
“Indeed. So, are you going to attend the meeting? I heard Sera is handling it this time. Lucifer's daughter sure is lucky she won't be having a meeting with the seven.” Azrael says with a smirk before pouting a little.
“When will it be?” [y/n] asked, picking up her pen once more as she resumed working.
“In two days.” Azrael says with a shrug.
“Unfortunately I have work, all seven of us do.” [y/n] says with a shrug, a bored tone in her voice.
Azrael sighed and nodded, “Unfortunately, but... We can still attend but not physically. Eavesdropping as what others call it.” Azrael says with a grin, snapping his fingers and two eyeballs with wings appeared out of nowhere.
“We can use these. Both of us can have an eye.” he suggested and [y/n] looked at him with a raised eyebrow, curious why this man is so interested in listening to a meeting that is probably a repeat of history.
“I can see that look in your eyes that you're wondering why I'm so eager to listen to this meeting. I have a feeling that something will be revealed during this meeting and I am curious to what it is. My instincts are never wrong.” Azrael says, eyes staring outside [y/n]'s window. He has a feeling that the Seraphims are hiding something and he wants to uncover that.
“A secret?” [y/n] asked, curiosity piqued.
“Yes, I have a feeling that the seraphims are hiding something and that is a no-no especially if a high seraphim is hiding something.” Azrael says, his voice becoming serious. [Y/n] looked at him, her eyes narrowed at the possibility. The seven virtues are barely in heaven and that means the seraphims are in charge of the order up here. Lately, Sera has been acting strange but they just dismissed it thinking it was nothing. Now that Azrael mentioned it, they need to find out the truth.
“I assume we don't need to tell them we'll be attending the meeting then?” [y/n] asked and Azrael smirked and nodded.
It was finally the day where Lucifer's daughter would visit heaven for a meeting. [Y/n] sat on her couch in the comfort of her home, a third eye on her forehead. It means her consciousness is connected to the flying eyeball Azrael allowed her to use. It is currently the courtroom, hiding from plain sight.
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Lucifer's daughter is really a copy of the said fallen angel. Same ideals too.
The meeting seems to be a bore, Charlie as what she learned the girl's name is, just proposed the same idea Lucifer proposed years ago.
The meeting was nothing but boring, annoying as she has to listen to Adam and Lute.
[Y/n] is still confused why that is in heaven and why he's being favored. The man is literally a walking asshole with a shit personality.
Azrael is probably in the same boat as her but he's back on earth doing his duties while simultaneously listening to this meeting.
The seven does not like Adam very much. Adam is too privileged.
Though, her views on the hotel changed as Charlie showed the progress of her guest, a demon named Angel Dust. Perhaps this silly hotel might actually work.
[Y/n] was about to stop listening and watching the meeting when Adam said something that caught her interest. Something that made her heart drop.
Exterminate... Extermination...
Of human souls.
Based on the reactions of other angels in the court, it was only Sera, Adam, Lute and other exorcists who knew about it.
Demon or not angels have no reason for doing this.
She's pissed and she could feel Azrael's annoyance from the eye she was using.
Who gave Sera the right to play God?
And the fact she didn't let the seven know about it is inexcusable.
The meeting ended and the two eyeballs remained hidden, eavesdropping on Emily and Sera.
So she's doing this because the demons were uprising?
Didn't they like to took care of it years ago? This just showed that Sera has no belief that heaven can handle a mere uprising of demons.
If the seven wanted to they could wipe out the entirety of hell. But no, there's no need for that. They have far more important matters to deal with such as trying to minimize the evil slowly growing on earth.
Hell couldn't steal heaven, they'd be dead before they could even enter the gates.
The third eye on [y/n]'s forehead closes and disappears. The others needed to know about this.
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The others were concerned about this, angry even. Heaven does not need to do this yearly cleansing but apparently it has been happening for a few years already. So many human souls are killed by the hands of angels.
The seven talked about this with their creator and of course, he didn't listen to their concerns about this. Though, he did promise that if a soul is actually redeemed then the cleansing isn't necessary and Sera would be placed on trial as the seraphim didn't tell the seven nor god about this decision. The seven virtues didn't tell Sera they knew and just continued doing their duties. They trust their creator, based on his voice. He knew something that they don't.
[Y/n] has a feeling that this silly hotel might even work and she can't wait to finally put Adam, the exorcists, and Sera back to their place. To remind them where their power lies within the heavenly ranks.
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@adaizel @xx-all-purpose-nerd-xx @thedarkkitten @selvyyr @froggybich @brithedemonspawn @kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @dou-dou @mezzyb0nb0n @n1chxyaaenthusiast @cherry-4200 @koirb @galaxyj3lly @crystalplays28 @luleck @scootinonyourmom @rory-cakes @mixplara @crescent-z @bitchyzombienacho @kalisha2004 @altervex @nehy019 @napbatata
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magicalbunbun · 4 months
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"There we go, nice and clean.."
Voice? What is it?
"Welcome to the world my creation ~"
You could see! So much better then darkness but... who is that?
"You shall be snake of eden.. your job will be about protecting a tree..."
You listen closely to his saying and nod to it,
"Great! Don't let other eat from it or even touch it"
He whisper to...you? Why? Why whisper? We are alone? Right?
You asked so many questions that you didnt feel picked up,
"Come now...I will be your master, I tell you something you keep it understood?"
Nod again?
"Ah call me azrael"
Your first words...that's good! Ready to be alive?
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hunterwritesstuff · 2 months
(sorry i haven’t answered immediately)
if you can,could you do both pls?i love this man and he’s so silly and i want more and reader x azrael?hope this was more specific!
Of course! I'll do smut first and then if you have a specific sfw prompt idea, you can send that in! :3
Warnings: Reader gives Azrael head, he's SUPER like. Controlling of the whole thing, hair tugging, reader is wearing a collar and leash, shit like that, Minors DNI.
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Azrael groaned, shoving himself further down your throat. You looked so pretty between his legs like that, gagging on his dick like that. It made him get even harder somehow.
"You look so pretty like that, Meine Liebe~" He purred. He gripped the bedsheets as tightly as he could as you hollowed your cheeks, continuing to suck him off.
As you moaned around his dick, he threw his head back, letting out a guttural moan, panting heavily. "Just like that...~ Keep doing it like that~" He urged, tugging on your hair.
Every time you tried to pull away, he tugged on your leash, pulling you back forward. You two discussed the situation beforehand, and if you actually wanted to pull away, you would tap his thigh twice. He knew this was a false want to stop.
"So good for me~ So fucking good~!" He growled, slowly beginning to thrust in your mouth, starting to facefuck you.
You gagged again, able to tell he was close to cumming. "I want you to swallow every. single. drop. Okay, Meine Liebe~?"
You nodded, ready to take all of it down your throat. As he came, you felt it all trickle down your throat, pulling your lips off his dick, panting heavily.
Using the leash, Azrael made you make eye contact with him. "Now then...about returning the favor you oh-so-graciously gave me~"
Hope ya enjoy! :D
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hunterwritesstuff · 3 months
i just realized how much i liked your azrael
can i get more author hc’s for him or relationship hc’s for him please?
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☠️ He's very loving, just like, distant at first.
☠️ That's just because he isn't used to having someone else around.
☠️ Don't be surprised if he walks into the kitchen shirtless at 3 AM.
☠️ He's loving as he get closer to you!
☠️ Big snuggler when you get closer!
Hope ya enjoy! :D
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