#hazel greenway
shiroikabocha · 10 months
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you know a cool thing about the first issue of The Wicked + The Divine? We don’t learn the name Lucifer was born with until waaaay later, but there are just enough hints scattered throughout issue 1 to make a pretty good guess. (apologies for shitty phone photos under the cut, my scanner is busted)
So we meet some gods. And Lucifer does that “oOh I have mAnY nAmES ;)” thing that Lucifers are wont to do
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We learn that all these characters have human histories. Cassandra tells us right off the bat that Amaterasu was born Hazel Greenway.
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Lucifer returns to the subject of names, identities, and the uncertainty surrounding them a few times, calling attention to it as a running theme—without revealing her own birth name.
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(Luci’s being kind of a dick right here, isn’t she? At least she apologizes for it later.)
In the courtroom, we learn that Luci’s legal surname is Rigby, confirming that she’s got a birth certificate name in addition to the divine stage name, just like Amaterasu does.
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We don’t yet know her first name… but she did tell Laura that she was “brought up on The Beatles,” and then she expresses some distinctly un-Luciferian embarrassment about her parents before quickly changing the subject.
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Luci, is there any chance that the “long story” is actually a pretty short one? That Mr. and Mrs. Rigby bestowed upon their baby girl the absolute stupidest name they could have chosen, one that would condemn her to a lifetime of “What? No, seriously? Are you for real right now?” A name that she would happily shuck at the first opportunity, even if it meant turning into Satan? (Maybe especially if it meant turning into Satan.)
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BUT WAIT! There’s more!
Everybody knows that “Lucifer” means “Lightbringer,” but did you know that there’s a popular girls’ name that also means “shining light”?
Do you wanna know what that name is?
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That’s right, it’s ELEANOR. Nominative determinism’s a bitch!
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cherrysfanfics-ily · 1 year
↬ What and Who I Write for ↫
☆ Grease: The Rise of the Pink Ladies
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♡ Jane Facciano
♡ Oliva Valdovinos
♡ Nancy Nakagawa
♡ Cynthia Zdunowski
♡ Richie Valdovinos
♡ Shy Guy
♡ Potato
♡ Gil
♡ Susan
♡ Dot
♡ Rosemary
♡ Wally
♡ Hazel
♡ Buddy Aldridge
♡ Frenchy Facciano
☆ Grease
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♡ Frenchy Facciano
♡ Betty Rizzo
♡ Sandy Olsson
♡ Marty Maraschino
♡ Jan
♡ Kenickie Murdoch
♡ Danny Zuko
♡ Sonny
♡ Doody
♡ Roger
♡ Leo Balmudo
☆ Grease 2
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♡ Paulette Rebchuck
♡ Frenchy Facciano
♡ Micheal Carrington
♡ Goose McKenzie
♡ Stephanie Zinone
♡ Johnny Nogerelli
♡ Louis DiMucci
♡ Sharon Cooper
♡ Rhonda Ritter
☆ Criminal Minds
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♡ Spencer Reid
♡ Aaron Hotchner
♡ Emily Prentiss
♡ Derek Morgan
♡ Jennifer Jareau
♡ Elle Greenway
♡ Penelope Garcia
☆ Twilight
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♡ Jasper Hale
♡ Alice Cullen
♡ Rosalie Hale
♡ Emmett Cullen
♡ Edward Cullen
♡ Carlisle Cullen
♡ Esme Cullen
♡ Bella Swan
♡ Sam Uley
♡ Paul Lahote
♡ Leah Clearwater
♡ Seth Clearwater
♡ Jacob Black
♡ Alec Volturi
♡ Cauis Volturi
☆ Miss Peregrines Home for Peculiar Children
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♡ Enoch O’ Connnor
♡ Emma Bloom
♡ Jacob Portman 
♡ Millard Nullings
♡ Bronwyn
♡ Victor
♡ Horace
♡ Olive
♡ Hugh
♡ Fiona
☆ Glee
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♡ Rachel Berry
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♡ Santana Lopez
♡ Tina Cohen-Chang
♡ Mercedes Jones
♡ Brittany S. Pierce
♡ Noah Puckerman 
♡ Sam Evans
♡ Blaine Anderson
♡ Mike Chang
♡ Quinn Fabray
♡ Jesse St. James
♡ Sebastian Smythe
☆ Pitch Perfect
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♡ Donald Walsh
♡ Jesse Swanson
♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Unicycle
☆ Pitch Perfect 2
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♡ Jesse Swanson
♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Emily Junk
♡ Flo
♡ Pietrar 
♡ Kommissar
☆ Pitch Perfect 3
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♡ Beca Mitchell
♡ Aubrey Posen
♡ Chloe Beale
♡ Stacie Conrad
♡ Cynthia Rose Adams
♡ Emily Junk
♡ Flo
♡ Calamity
♡ Serenity
♡ Charity
♡ Veracity
♡ Chicago
☆ Ride the Cyclone
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♡ Mischa
♡ Noel
♡ Ricky
♡ Constance
♡ Jane Doe
♡ Ocean
☆ Mamma Mia
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♡ Sophie Sheridan
♡ Sky
♡ Donna Sheridan
♡ Sam Carmicheal
♡ Harry Bright
♡ Bill Austin
♡ Pepper
☆ School Spirits
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♡ Maddie Nears
♡ Simon Elroy
♡ Wally Clark
♡ Xavier Baxter
♡ Rhonda
♡ Charley
♡ Dawn
☆ Nerdy Prudes Must Die
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♡ Stephanie Lauter
♡ Peter Spankoffski
♡ Richie Lipschitz
♡ Ruth Fleming
♡ Grace Chasity
♡ Max Jagerman
♡ Lords in Black
☆ Movie! Five Nights at Freddy's
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♡ Micheal Schmidt
♡ Vanessa Afton
♡ Platonic! Abby Schmidt
☆ Fruits Basket
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♡ Tohru Honda
♡ Yuki Sohma
♡ Kyo Sohma
♡ Hatsuharu Sohma
♡ Momiji Sohma
♡ Shigure Sohma
♡ Hatori Sohma
↬Will most likely add more fandoms later↫
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seaglassandeelgrass · 2 years
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Ballads and blues of the Coal Wars.
Cover image is Mother Jones rallying strikers of the 1912 Paint Creek-Coal Creek, WV strike, with a red bandana overlay.
Battle of Blair Mountain- Louise Mosrie
Lattimer Massacre- Van Wagner
Ludlow Massacre- Barbara Dane
Sid Hatfield- Granny’s 12-Gauge
Battle of Blair Mountain- David Rovics
The Matewan Massacre- Hammertowne
The Death of Harry Simms- Jim Garland
Harlan County War- Dockery Dawgs
Lawrence Jones- Phyllis Boyens
Which Side Are You On?- Florence Reece & The Almanac Singers
Harlan County Blues- George Davis
Lonesome Jailhouse Blues- Elizabeth LaPrelle
The Charge on Mother Jones- Utah Phillips
Matewan- River Ghost Revue
Blair Mountain- River Drivers
Sid Hatfield- Bread & Circus
Blair Mountain- Tom Juravich
Law in the West Virginia Hills- Sam Gleaves
The Bull Moose Special- Tom Breiding
The Ballad of Ma Blizzard- T. Paige
I am a Union Woman- Aunt Molly Jackson & John Greenway
Mother Jones on the Line- Ben Bedford
Blair Mountain- Great American Taxi
Redneck Union- Pink Williams
They’ll Never Keep Us Down- Hazel Dickens
25 tracks; 86 mins. [Spotify]
[my other playlists]
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sethnakht · 6 years
Rambling thoughts on Cass and on ending stories. 
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #32, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
This panel sort of has it all.
Spoilers beneath the cut.
If there's only one way to end a story, and that way is to stop telling it, will it be enough for Laura to have rejected godhood? Or will the other surviving gods, including the heads, need to follow her example to ensure that Ananke cannot complete her ritual?
One can imagine Baph being convinced; he never wanted to die, never had a choice, and this would return some choice to him. Cass as well - the hospital footage on Dio's phone might even suggest that she survives past all this into old age. But what of Baal, who has always believed he was a god? Who has sacrificed in belief? Sunken cost fallacy there. Asking this of the heads - even of those who never wanted this - would be a tall order, moreover - for without godhood, what would they be other than victims of decapitation and thus dead? (Not that they would last long as heads under Minervananke.) Or was Ananke telling the truth when she said the children would develop powers on their own without her - where powers is not equal to the trappings of the god she chose for each, where the latter can be rejected as story and the former involves discovering identity of a sort?
In this context, I've been thinking a lot about Cass.
Cass interests me because of her fraught relationship to stories. She is constantly subjected to bigoted, racist, transphobic, objectifying stories imposed on her about gender and ethnic roles, not least by members of the Pantheon like Amaterasu and Woden. She is a critic who sees through that bullshit. She's defended her own story and gathered tools of defense. She's a journalist who wants to expose truths.
She's also someone who wants change in the form of progress and who seems to have once thought the gods would be the answer, if her academic degree in Pantheon Studies is any indication. But the gods of this Recurrence are themselves mouthpieces for the very same BS she has been subjected to all along. No change she would consider meaningful is taking place; instead we get the eternal recurrence of the same. When the gods speak in tongues, Cass is told she should feel something and yet does not. There is a story that her body and mind should be a certain way being imposed on her once again.
Cass rejects this narrative. The gods are not saviors, they're entitled teenage pricks. Their powers are meaningless. How she understands this exactly is a bit unclear to me. Does she think that the gods have never effected any meaningful change over the course of history, that their presence has had no effect? That would be a strange position for an academic historian. It seems more likely that she rejects the idea that the presence of the gods is inherently meaningful, that their appearance points to a deeper meaning in the structure of the world. The fact of Recurrence would itself be as meaningless as a meteor striking earth, for instance - the presence of the gods would mark no portent, no messianic coming, but simply be a fact of nature.
The stories about meaning imparted by gods - she says this with the portraits of 1831 Woden (Mary Shelley) and 1831 Lucifer (Lord Byron) in the background, possibly also referencing any sort of aestheticism as such, any sort of idea that art as such is a replacement for political action - were therefore lies.
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #2, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
For Cass, “the personal is the political”. (I tend to think of her as the opposite of idk the long-nineteenth-century German notion of Kultur writ large, but that's another story.)
Cassandra wants to change the world. That makes her position is VERY different from that of David Blake, whose problem with the Recurrence seems to also be that the current Pantheon reflects a society he doesn't want. Where Cassandra seeks a progressive future - her choice of name for herself speaks volumes - Blake acknowledges that the patriarchy is bad because: war and because: not every man gets to be the father with all the benefits, but also doesn't seem to care to change the status quo. On the contrary, some of his remarks suggest that he thinks culture was superior in the Past and that the Present should be violently struck from the history books. Even after Cass ascends to become Urdr, and thus associated with the Past, her thoughts remain directed towards the future. "We're trying to give birth to the future using the language of our oppressors", she tells Dio:
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #27, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
Ananke, Cass tells Laura, is "god of fate". Cass is the naysayer who doesn't believe in fate. In a perverse move, Ananke makes Cass into a goddess of fate. Cass is the sort who takes any thesis you give her and represents the anti-thesis with a "fuck you". Made goddess of fate, her response is to use those powers to persuade an audience of her view that there is no fate. The gods are a false hope and offer no meaning: "The void swallows us. Nothing means anything. Everything is nothing. Meaning is irrelevant. It's so cold. It lasts forever. It's all there is. So small so alone. We only have each other. It's never enough."
This is kind of a Birth of Tragedy moment: man gazes into the void, sees the horror of life, realizes nothing has meaning, and is paralyzed from action. Nietzsche thinks the paralysis can be overcome with art, particularly when the principles of individuation (the Apollonian drive) and inclusiveness (the Dionysian drive) are fused in a way that moves us to see past our own individual selves and figuratively unite with a collective. Cass is very Apollonian in a sense - she's tremendously restrained, a storyteller as opposed to a dancer and musician; that line about "small" and "alone" also stresses individuality. It's no wonder Dionysus is in this Pantheon and in love with Cass, and even briefly able to make her connect with his hive-mind. But Cass pulls out almost as soon as she starts to feel it, claiming there are more important things to do. There won't be the kind dialectic reconciliation of their respective art drives that Nietzsche would claim to be necessary in this story, unless Dio isn't really braindead.
My point with all this is that if you read Cass' message as something to live by, it seems rather one sided and incomplete. Is there a message she isn't sharing?If nothing means anything, why bother to perform? Cass doesn't go beyond the negation of meaning to think about what to do with that, how to live with that; there's a sense in which she does what she previously criticized about the tongues by not doing more than imposing a story, by not showing how to move beyond a story. She doesn’t ask her audience to think, but to download.
Cass tells a story of meaningless that is received as a story and nothing more. Much to her disappointment, it doesn't effect the kind of instant change in people's attitudes and mindset that she seems to think art should be capable of if it is to have meaning.
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #10, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
Instead of being provoked into thinking, or paralyzed with realization, however, what happens is quite a bit worse: her audience treats her message as a product to be consumed. Cass is again subjected to this fate when she decides to forgo the use of tongues - of giving any sort of aestheticized pleasure to her audiences - and hold a normal press conference where she yells unvarnished truths. Not only are her words ignored - the press conference is turned into reaction gifs to be reposted and repurposed without any attention paid to the original context or meaning - she herself is reframed as dangerous for even attempting to displace Woden's reigning narrative that pleasure is meaning and meaning is meaningful no matter how it was gotten or who it happens to keep in power. Not only is Cass' meaning deliberately twisted in Beth's video / power grab, the Valkyries are openly praised for stunning and imprisoning her and the other Norns.
Is Cass herself nothing more in the story than a tool for thinking through what art has possibly become in the culture industry on a meta level? That would be disturbing. I want to believe the story will give her more, that the raft of friendship we see her building with Laura is not about to be dashed to pieces and writ as futile as Dio’s last act.
The comment to Dio about trying to give birth using the language of oppressors seems really important. One of the literal oppressors in the story is Ananke, the perverted mother, the one who kills children and the future to ensure her own continued survival. (Palpatine and Cylo arguably also play this role in Gillen’s Vader comic, the former by scheming to replace his apprentice/figurative child with younger children in order to extend his power, the latter by endlessly cloning himself.) Ananke lives by a story and she thinks the story will carry her on. She murders the children born of the gods both literally and figuratively, ensuring she remains the only child.
If Ananke's language is that of the oppressor - and if Ananke’s sister stands for desire, she herself apparently stands for necessity - Cass uses that language by negating it. Cass' negations are at times absurdly absolute. When Amaterasu - her anti-thesis in so many ways - tells her that everything happens for a reason, she counters with the absolute: nothing happens for a reason.
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #15, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Stephanie Hans, letters by Clayton Cowles
Cass is right about Amaterasu in a lot of ways. Amaterasu basically seems to be saying that Hiroshima had to happen so that she could happen. There’s a line in Marx about history repeating itself twice, once as tragedy, once as farce. Amaterasu recreating an artificial sun over Hiroshima was not in the least funny. Everything happens for a reason is a convenient philosophy if history has largely been on your side. 
It's also rather determinist in a way, attributing necessity to everything regardless of how it affects people. Which makes Amaterasu's claim that Cass is an idealist who doesn't care about what happens to people rather rich:
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #15, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Stephanie Hans, letters by Clayton Cowles
Amaterasu’s words are echoed later and more effectively by The Morrigan, who claims that her own choice to take away Baph’s choices was essentially the same as Cass’ choice to transform her girlfriends into Verdandi and Skuld. Cass protests that it was the logical, almost mathematically rational thing to do, which ... isn’t a great response ...
Speaking of idealism, Cass seems to impress Woden as well with the idea that she is a foolish idealist, whatever that means:
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #30, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
To say that nothing happens for a reason is not an idealistic statement by itself, though. If there's an ideal attached to it, it might be freedom - rejection of determinism. At the same time, Cass is certainly not an advocate for anarchy, as the vote on the Great Darkness makes clear. Cass thinks there is a right way to do things and a wrong way. If she believes that nothing happens for a reason because the idea of an inherent purposiveness to the world is a lie or a story we tell ourselves, her ideals also suggest that stories are part of who we are, that we are storytellers, that our minds are configured to see cause and effect, and that there is purpose to reflecting on what we are so we can do something with that. “I’m seeing patterns, but they’re the patterns I see” is a problem of which she is aware. There may not be meaning "out there", and that creates doubt - but it doesn’t keep her from doing.
Which makes it kind of a head-scratcher for me that neither Amaterasu nor Cass seem willing to acknowledge is that both of them can be right. We know this because Jon Blake - Mimir, a god of wisdom - puts forward a middle position:
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THE WICKED + THE DIVINE #34, written by Kieron Gillen, art by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
It’s ironic that Cass, who claims nothing happens for a reason, is the one to fall for the idea that Ananke's machine must have a purpose, that it must do work. The machine does have a purpose - it misleads the gods, and above all, it has a purpose beyond its intended purpose, in that it keeps Cass inside, isolated, and distracted. Cass’ labor is sucked into the machine for the purpose of keeping the masses satiated and unthinking (Woden) and the perverse cycle of child murder uninterrupted (Minerva). The point being - someone had reason to hide the truth, just as she had reason to find it, and the recognition that stories are lies we tell ourselves for the purposes of survival doesn’t magically reveal truths or serve as an antidote or solution to the problems of society.
In this story about storytelling, this story about the meanings we choose to believe (“the personal is the political”, which full disclosure is also something I also believe), to act upon, to share or impose on the world and other people, the position that “nothing happens for a reason” is a difficult sell. Everything in this story was meticulously plotted, and any unintended effects on the reader can still be attributed to reasons. Given that the story is coming to an end in a very literal sense for both the reader and the characters, given that their story is to end a story, I’m really looking forward to seeing how Cass’ negations and ideals, how her approaches to art and stories are developed. 
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karingottschalk · 2 years
Huck: Chaos and community in British photography since the ‘60s, 'Facing Britain: British Documentary Photography Since the 1960s' – Commentary
Huck: Chaos and community in British photography since the ‘60s, ‘Facing Britain: British Documentary Photography Since the 1960s’ – Commentary
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ryanreporting · 3 years
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Ryan Janek Wolowski with autumn sunset on hazel eyes visiting Madam Brett Park at the Tioronda Falls Waterfall of Fishkill Creek during autumn fall foliage season in the city of Beacon NY along the Hudson River in Dutchess County Middle Hudson Valley region of New York State USA Beacon City along the Hudson River in Dutchess County Middle Hudson Valley region of New York State USA October 17th 2020 MTA Metro-North Railroad from Grand Central Terminal East 42nd Street NYC to Beacon Newburgh - Beacon Ferry station one way ticket price $17.50 (Oct 2020 rate) Things to enjoy in Beacon NY Main Street Beacon Glazed Over Donuts Beacon Creamery Pumpkin Ice Cream tasting Notions-N-Potions Witch shop with love incense Madam Brett Park Tioronda Hat Works Factory abandoned site Fishkill Creek Tioronda Falls Waterfall Mount Beacon Park A Scenic Hudson Park Beacon Falls City of Beacon Greenway Trail Scenic Hudson trails Hiking Brett Family Cemetery St Lawrence Friary Retreat Center 96.5 FM Real Country HV radio Bamboo grove Welcome to Beacon Welcome Center Beacon Farmers Market Vineyard Tours Strawberry Festival in June Corn Festival August Pumpkin Festival October Pumpkins in the Park Jack-o'-Lantern Lighting October Autumn fall foliage viewing Two Way Brewing Company Tito Santana Taqueria - Mexican burritos Hudson Beach Glass makers Bike tours Kayaking on the Hudson River Waterway Hudson River views Scenic Hudson's Long Dock Park Dennings Point Brickworks abandoned site Bannerman's Island Cruise Bannerman Castle Malouf's Mountain Sunset Camping Dia Beacon Museum Storm King Art Center (12 miles away) Beacon Train Station #Beacon #BeaconNY #BeaconNewYork #BeaconCity #CityOfBeacon #WelcomeToBeacon #DiaBeacon #Dutchess #DutchessCounty #DutchessCountyNY #DutchessCountyNewYork #DistinctlyDutchess #HudsonValley #MiddleHudsonValley #HudsonValleyNY #HudsonValleyNewYork #HVNY #NY #NewYork NewYorkState TheEmpireState EmpireState ILoveNY ILoveNewYork #NYLovesFall #NewYorkLovesFall #FallFoliage #Autumn #AutumnFoliage #Halloween HappyHalloween HalloweenSeason Samhain October 2020 #Hazel #WitchHazel #HazelEyes #HazelColor #ColorHazel (at Madam Brett Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLV21tShf9N/?igshid=1xm6ca5fhyrq4
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analogskullerosis · 4 years
“Greenway Terrace”
I hope you’re waiting for me in a beautiful little home. Like an heiress in Paris
You’re simply divine and calling out to me to find you and meet you at Greenway Terrace
Like the Emerald City of Oz, it’s a green place found by following a golden road
When you’ve journeyed far enough, you can sit and rest your heavy load
You look at me and say “leave your behind your past
In this peaceful place we can have quite a blast.”
I know you’ll be waiting there for me and I hope none of the turns I make are wrong
But whatever happens, you’ll be there with your cute giggle and ask me, “what on earth took you so long?”
In my dreams all we do is sit in the sunlight for a while
I look into your smoky hazel eyes and you flash me your biggest brightest smile
The world stops spinning so fast
And I imagine I’ve found a happiness that could be built to last.
The grass is so green and the sky is so blue
And in that moment everything is so exciting and new.
I ask myself, “why sit hypnotized when you finally feel alive?”
Only one thing to do. Run to the car, start her up, and just drive.
While I dream, I hope you continue to wait for me in that little beautiful home, like an heiress in Paris
You’re still so damn divine and still calling out for me to find you and meet you at Greenway Terrace
I’ll find my way there. In the meantime, please wait for me.
I promise you I’ll bring all good things in all good time.
0 notes
battingonjakku · 6 years
I have many tags for cricket so here’s a near definitive list:
-> Players
England men
Moeen Ali / James Anderson / Jofra Archer / Gary Ballance / Jonny Bairstow / Jake Ball / Ian Bell / Dom Bess / Sam Billings / Stuart Broad / Rory Burns / Jos Buttler / Paul Collingwood / Alastair Cook / Sam Curran / Tom Curran / Ben Duckett / Steven Finn / Ben Foakes / Alex Hales / Haseeb Hameed / Keaton Jennings / Chris Jordan / Jack Leach / Dawid Malan / Tymal Mills / Eoin Morgan / Liam Plunkett / Ollie Pope / Adil Rashid / Toby Roland-Jones / Joe Root / Jason Roy / Ben Stokes / James Taylor / Reece Topley / James Vince / David Willey / Chris Woakes / Mark Wood
England women
Tammy Beaumont / Katherine Brunt / Kate Cross / Sophie Ecclestone / Charlotte Edwards / Georgia Elwiss / Lydia Greenway / Jenny Gunn / Alex Hartley / Danielle Hazell / Heather Knight / Laura Marsh / Nat Sciver / Anya Shrubsole / Sarah Taylor / Lauren Winfield / Danni Wyatt
Yorkshire CCC
Tim Bresnan / Jack Brooks / Ben Coad / Matt Fisher / Jason Gillespie / Andy Hodd / Jack Leaning / Alex Lees / Adam Lyth / Steve Patterson / Rich Pyrah / Ryan Sidebottom
Other cricketers
Corey Anderson / Suzie Bates / Ian Bell / Trent Boult / Nick Compton / Pat Cummins / Jade Dernbach / Alyssa Healy / Virat Kohli / Bhuvi Kumar / Meg Lanning / Sune Luus / Smriti Mandhana / Brendon McCullum / Graham Onions / Ellyse Perry / Kevin Pietersen / Jamie Porter / Rachel Priest / Cheteshwar Pujara / Kagiso Rabada / Mithali Raj / Kumar Sangakkara / Amy Satterthwaite / Steve Smith / Tim Southee / Mitchell Starc / Ross Taylor / Stafanie Taylor / Jonathan Trott / AB de Villiers / Kane Williamson
-> Teams and competitions
Afghanistan / Ashes / Bangladesh / BBL / county countdown / county cricket / ct17 / cwc15 / cwc19 / Essex CCC / KSL / New Zealand / WBBL / West Indies / women’s ashes / wt20 / wwc17 / Yorkshire CCC
-> Memes and things
ao3tags / bizarre cricket promos / cricket asks / cricket shitposting / cricket userboxes / funny cricket is better than good cricket / hair histories / horse or crisp? / out of context cricket / today in cricket headlines / texts from the ashes   
-> Review of the Year
Stars of 2015 / Review of the Year 2016 / Review of the Year 2017 / Review of the Year 2018
-> General
cricfam ashes party / cricfam world cup party / cricket fam / edits / fantasy cricket / happy faces / icons / polaroids / random cricket mumblings / stats stats stats / STOP RETIRING / who runs the world / women’s cricket
The list is under construction and an ongoing project, mainly for me to keep track of the dumb and less dumb things I’ve done on his site in the past however many years. Not all the things I’ve tagged are on here, tried to get the ones with the most posts though, and there are things untagged that need tagging. Everything is of course under the cricket tag too.
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alisashappiness · 5 years
Keightley appointment marks a new era for cricket
There was a hum in the room when, in early October, Clare Connor made clear that they weren’t just interviewing men for the job. One journalist even gave a little fist clench. It felt at the time like a significant distinction, and a little over a fortnight later, came the news: Lisa Keightley – one of the standout Australian cricketers of her era, who’s since blazed a trail in the coaching game – becomes England’s first female head coach of the professional era.
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It’s a sound and rousing choice. She is known as a serious-minded and steely operator. Having run the England Academy for five years until 2015, she won’t be coming in cold. And having watched (and partaken in) one of her training sessions when she was England Academy boss, I can safely say she won’t be suffering fools or slackers.
Connor, MD of women’s cricket at the ECB, says the interview panel was struck by Keightley’s “impressive knowledge and her passion for coaching and developing players”, and it’s hard to imagine a woman in world cricket with a deeper understanding of the workings of the female game, both from inside and outside the dressing room. As a veteran of 92 international matches for Australia, during which she made four ODI centuries – including the first by a woman at Lord’s in 1998 – before transitioning into a successful coaching career, first with the Australian national side and latterly with Perth Scorchers, she offers immense and unrivalled experience.
The appointment should further embolden young female coaches in this country. In truth there wasn’t as yet a female candidate in England ready for the job: none of Charlotte Edwards, Dani Hazell nor the highly-regarded Lydia Greenway has taken a head coach role anywhere – although that will change for all three of them with The Hundred. But if the job came too soon for them, then for Keightley it lands at the perfect time.
She will get to lead the England team through a period of immense and potentially transformative change, as that £20m of extra investment and those 40 new professional contracts kick in from next year. Her intimate knowledge of the English game from her time in charge of the Academy may well have clinched it.
“I’ve probably worked with three-quarters of the group through the Academy programme, and I’ve known them since they were quite young,” she told 7 Cricket, Australia’s free-to-air cricket channel. “From that perspective, they know how I operate and I know them pretty well. And I’ve been watching from afar, seeing how the girls are progressing. When you’ve got those relationships already, you always keep a keen eye out for how they’re progressing.”
There will be no overnight fix. The recent blowout of a Women’s Ashes showed how the gap between the two teams has widened considerably since the 2017 World Cup. Keightley will begin the role formally in January, following the end of the 2019 WBBL tournament, with interim head coach Alastair Maiden continuing to lead the team until that time. They don’t come much bigger than her first assignments: in early February, she will lead England into a triangular series in Australia that also features India. And then later that month, the Women’s T20 World Cup kicks off in Sydney.
English women’s cricket faces a huge job to tighten up that gap between themselves and Australia. But the role of the England Women’s head coach has been considered, until now, the domain of men only. That ends from January. Every position of influence in the female game will be filled by a woman. “I am excited about the progress our sport continues to make,” said Connor. “I’m sure that Lisa’s appointment will rightly be seen as another huge step for women’s cricket.” We may have seen the last male head coach of the England women’s cricket team.
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budaallmusic · 7 years
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Funkadelic ‎– America Eats Its Young #westboundrecords 1972 Alto Saxophone – #RandyWallace Artwork [Cover] – #PaulWeldon Artwork [Poster] – #CathyAbel Bass – #WilliamCollins aka #bootsiecollins #CordellMosson, #PrakashJohn Cello – Peter Schenkman (2), Ronald Laurie Concept By [Cover] – Ron Scribner Coordinator [Album] – Mia Krinsky Engineer – Lee De Carlo* Engineer [Assistant] – Rick Capreol Guitar – Ed Hazel*, Garry Shider, Harold Beane, Phelps Collins* Guitar [Steel] – Ollie Strong Harp [Juice] – James Wesley Jackson Keyboards, Melodica – #BernardWorrell Percussion – Frank Waddy, Tiki Fulwood, Tyrone Lampkin, Zachary Frazier Tenor Saxophone – Robert McCullough* Trumpet – Al Stanwyck, Arnie Chycoski, Bruce Cassidy, Clayton Gunnells, Ronnie Greenway Viola – Stanley Solomon, Walter Babiuk* Violin – Albert Pratz, Bill Richards, Joe Sera, Victoria Polley Vocals – William Collins*, Clayton Gunnells, Diane Brooks*, Ed Hazel*, Frank Waddy, Garry Shider, Harold Beane, Phelps Collins*, Prakash John, Randy Wallace, Ronnie Greenway, Steve Kennedy Vocals [Uncredited] – #CalvinSimon, #FuzzyHaskins, #GeorgeClinton, #GradyThomas, #RayDavis #parliament #funkadelic
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Updated June 2020 It’s easy to take good pictures in Memphis. All you need is your camera, some friends and this list of Memphis’ most photogenic places. To check out ten more places for great photo ops in Memphis, click here. 1. Elmwood Cemetery (824 S. Dudley Street, Memphis, TN 38104) It might seem a little morbid, but Elmwood is one of the most photogenic places in Memphis. The grave markers are unique, there are plenty of sculptures, and the grounds are huge. It’s open year-round, but it’s especially lovely in the fall. 2. Shelby Farms Park (500 North Pine Lake Drive, Memphis, TN 38134) Shelby Farms Park announced a Goonies drive-in movie night at the park for June 12th. Shelby Farms is a great photography venue because of its variety. Are you more into woods, open fields, lakes? Shelby Farms has them. They’ve also got a herd of live bison that you can get fairly close to. 3. South Main Arts District (South Main St. and G.E. Patterson) Central Station If you’re looking for an urban setting, the South Main Arts District makes for some excellent unique-to-Memphis photo ops. Pose in front of Earnestine and Hazel’s or The Arcade, go into Central Station’s new hotel (wear a mask), or shoot the area’s public art pieces and old-school architecture. 4. Martyrs Park (Channel 3 Dr., Memphis, Tenn. 38103) Martyrs Park is sort of hidden downtown. To find it, get directions to the Channel 3 Studios – it’s right next door. Once you’re there, you’ll find a small park with great magnolias, sculptures commemorating Memphis’ yellow fever epidemic, and a stunning, unadulterated view of the Mississippi River and both bridges. 5. Wolf River Greenway (Humphreys Blvd. between Walnut Grove and Shady Grove) The Wolf River Greenway is a trail that runs alongside the Wolf River in East Memphis. You can park behind the Chick-fil-a on Germantown Parkway or in the small lot off of Humphreys Blvd. If you’re looking for good nature photos, this is the place – the Wolf River is one of the most scenic natural areas in Shelby County. 6. Just about any rooftop (Downtown Memphis, Tenn.) For impressive aerial views, head downtown to one of the city’s open-to-the-public rooftops. The Peabody Hotel is a popular spot – the rooftop is massive, the views are great and it’s the only place in Memphis to see a duck palace. For more up-high views, try the roof of the Hu Hotel. For amazing river views, check out the deck at the River Inn on Mud Island. 7. Metal Museum (374 Metal Museum Drive, Memphis, Tenn.) The National Ornamental Metal Museum’s grounds are high on a bluff overlooking the Mississippi River, just south of the Old Bridge, at the site of an old military hospital. It’s free to enter the grounds when the museum is open, but if you are wanting to take professional photography, there is a fee (go here for details). Also, check out the hilly green Chickasaw mounds across the street from the Museum. 8. Summer Ave. (Runs from East Parkway to Germantown) If you’re after unique urban shots, Summer Ave. is a one-stop shop. It’s one of Memphis’ older streets, and you can see great vintage signage, a drive-in theater, mini-golf, antique and thrift stores and quirky restaurants. 9. Overton Park (Midtown Memphis, between Poplar, North Parkway and East Parkway) Overton Park Old Forest Here are just a few of the things you can aim your lens at in Overton park: a giant, shell-shaped ampitheatre, an old growth forest, the Memphis Zoo, the Brooks Museum of Art, the quirky mid-century Memphis College of Art building, and a giant open field with tons of people playing soccer, chasing dogs and having drum circles. 10. Mud Island River Park (125 North Front Street) If you can’t decide between river views and city views, then Mud Island is perfect for you. More peninsula than island, it sits between the Mississippi and Wolf rivers. On one side, there’s a stunning view of the Memphis skyline. On the other, there’s the huge, wide river. In the park, there’s a scale model of the Mississippi, paddle boats, an amphitheater and a pavilion that once housed the Memphis Belle. Looking for even more places for great photos in Memphis? click here. Are you a home owner in Memphis, with a broken garage door? Call ASAP garage door today at 901-461-0385 or checkout https://ift.tt/1B5z3Pc
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farmingtoncanalfriends · 11 months
July 2023 News: Two Important Trail Meetings; Pollinators Event at the Learning Corridor
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Dear Friend of the Farmington Canal Greenway,
We wanted to wish you a happy summer and provide you with a few important updates:
* July 13, 6pm - Public Information Meeting on Raised Crossings for Trail Intersections in New Haven & Hamden
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The Town of Hamden and City of New Haven are planning pedestrian and cyclist safety improvements. Improvements include the installation of raised crosswalks along the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail.
New Haven Locations: Munson, Division, Thompson, Ivy, Brewster, Bassett Streets and Shelton Ave
Hamden Locations: Goodrich, Alling, Dudley, Morse Streets and Hamden Park Dr
More information can be found at the Town of Hamden’s Engineering Department https://www.hamden.com/825/Farmington‐Canal‐Trail‐At‐Grade‐Crossing. You are invited and encouraged to attend a Zoom Webinar/Meeting: TO BE HELD THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. Via Zoom Teleconference. Register in advance for this webinar: https://hamden.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_PRth10z0TUa8pxymmGVYHA Dial: 1-646-931-860 Webinar ID: 882 6376 0429 Residents, business owners, commuters and other interested individuals are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to discuss the design phase of this project.  Anyone interested in obtaining further information, providing input or requiring language assistance may do so by contacting Stephen White, Hamden Town Engineer, at (203) 287-7040 or [email protected]
* "All Things Pollinators" Event at the Learning Corridor, Saturday, July 15, 10am-1pm
This should be a great event sponsored by our partner organization Community Placemaking & Engagement Network (CPEN). There will be seed-saving, gardening, and plant identification workshops with experts from Highstead and Menunkatuck Audubon as well as activities for kids. More than 80 varieties of native plants will be for sale. Come and learn all about pollinators and pollinator-friendly gardening!
* Plainville Trail Gap Closure Meeting, July 20, 7pm
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One of the largest remaining gaps in the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail is in the Town of Plainville, CT. Fortunately there are plans to close this gap, and these plans are coming closer to fruition. 
The Town of Plainville will host a Public Information Session with Connecticut Department of Transportation on Thursday July 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at the Plainville Public Library Auditorium, 56 East Main Street, Plainville, CT to inform the public about the design and construction of Phase II of the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail (FCHT).
Phase II of the FCHT is approximately 2 miles long. The project consists of a linear trail from the existing trail head parking on Northwest Drive to Rte. 72 in proximity to North Washington Street.
VIRTUAL OPTION: If you choose to watch the Virtual Public Information Meeting on your own device, please register at https://portal.ct.gov/DOTPlainville109-176. Registration is required to participate. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to access the meeting. Members of the public may submit comments and questions during the two-week public comment period following the meeting. Please direct comments and questions by August 4, 2023 to: DOTProject109- [email protected] or (860) 594-2020, or to Mr. Scott Bushee, Project Manager, at [email protected]; (860) 594-2079. Please reference State Project No. 109-176 in your email or voicemail.
* Ongoing: Trail Work-Days, Every Thursday 5:30-7pm at the Learning Corridor
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Help us beautify the Trail by participating in our weekly greenspace group throughout the summer. Every week we gather to clean up the Trail and the surrounding area. This is really our most important activity all year and we need all hands on deck! We meet every Thursday at 5:30pm at the Learning Corridor (Hazel/Shelton in Newhallville) from June until August. Please join us if you can.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support. 
New Haven Friends of the Farmington Canal Greenway www.newhavencanalfriends.org
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thepurpletrunk · 4 years
Chapter 2
The drive home was short and sweet. During the trip I kept glancing at the trunk sitting in the passenger seat as if it was a friend who was accompanying me home. The icy roads lead me to my house deep within a labyrinth of suburban homes. I came upon the familiar grey brick and mortar of my home with only the spaced streetlights that left splotches of darkness on the road. My mom left the lights on by the garage as I pull in behind what I know is where my mom always parks her car. I automatically exit the car, almost forgetting to grab the trunk as I fluidly went through my nightly routine. I flip up the shield to the garage opener and I plug in the code to my garage door on auto pilot. In the mud room I slipped off my shoes and socks that became soggy as the snow melted. I swiftly tiptoed inside so as to not alert my mother who was seated on the couch for her nightly tv time. Her plan to record shows during the day so she could fast forward the commercials at night. It was Sunday so I already knew she was viewing The Bachelor. Before any progress could be made a brown figure darted across the hardwood floor. Theodora stood only a few inches off of the ground but her eyes were squarely locked on me as few huffs that barely sounded like a bark came from the muzzle of the brazen chihuahua. She started towards me with several noises spouting from her mouth such as squeaks, yips and squeals. Her long brown fur brushed against my shin as she began her lick attack on my now open skin.
“Hey Lin how was your day?” My mom says absent mindedly, not even looking away from the screen.
“Good.” I respond with a lack of interest in continuing the conversation. I reached down to pet Theodora, and as soon as she saw my hand descend she flopped over to reveal her belly. I squat down, and give her a good few rubs before I begin my ascent upstairs, heading straight to my room. I passed my brother's door in its usual position, closed, as he wasted the night away playing a game. My parents room lays barren as only one presides within the house.
I enter the door to my room and quickly lock it behind my back as I make a beeline to the open space at the foot of my bed. I gently set the trunk down on the fraying carpeted floor and inspect the “gift”. Was it all real? What if I had just fallen asleep on the train and dreamed up all of it? If so, did I just steal a trunk off the Metra???
My breath quickens as I go over all the different scenarios in my head of how I came across the trunk that lazily lays in front of me, but none seemed more odd than the truth. I audibly sigh as I begin to prod it to see if it would jump alive or start speaking riddles. None of that happened as it lay inert on the wood. Getting a closer look at the lock I see it is a simple button mechanism to open up the latches that hold the trunk together. I weigh my options as I ponder whether to enter it again and risk another strange encounter as the one that happened not even an hour ago. I check the time, seeing how much time I would have before it became too late, 10:27 What do I have to lose?
I press my finger to unlock the trunk and it pops open as soon as I stop putting pressure on the button. It cracked open slightly, seducing me to open it further, much like I did before. Opening it all the way, I made quick work of the descent and opening the door. This time, I was greeted by the smell of old paper and leather, not too dissimilar to my campus library. Entering into the new room, I was surrounded on all sides by leagues of books. The floor was a sturdy dark wood that did not give way to any noises as I stepped forward in wonderment. Ladders protruded off of the shelves that reached up 20 feet allowing access to the most distant books at the top. There was a walkway above revealing the second story of books that is accessed by a metal spiral staircase with dragons snaking up its metal supports. The ceiling arches illustrating the day sky as clouds pass through the scene above. Light emitting from an illustrated sun painted in a van Gough artistic rendition of what the sun would look like.
My trance was interrupted by someone clearing their throat and alerting me of their presence as I just noticed the plush leather chair and green reading light only a few feet from me.
“Excuse me miss, but I believe you are lost, might I ask how you happened to chance upon this place?”
A prim man stands in front of the chair with a straightened back and reserved features. He looked much less friendly than my previous encounter with a strange man in a box. His hair has more white amongst his curls than grey, with a thin nose and thick eyebrows sleet grey. Crows' feet protrude from hooded lids that hide hard hazel eyes. He patiently awaits my response as I stand flabbergasted at yet another unknown individual. He had a look of a scholar that had just got done reading a chapter and was interrupted by a student coming in to ask a question.
“I was given this trunk, Bryan Smyth gave it to me, and I'm not lost, I purposefully climbed into this trunk.” I clap back assert my confidence in my presence in the trunk.
He heaves a great sigh and grumbles, “of course he would do something like this. Allowing an unknown juvenile such power is exactly what that lawless, blunderbuss of a man would do.”
I giggle at the mention of blunderbuss, musing at his old timey disposition and speech. “He did seem to be a bit of a lollygagger”, I mimic in a similar accent as the unknown old timer.
“Yes, a true neerdowell.” he glanced off pondering,” so back to this issue. Did my friend by any chance tell you anything about this box he so graciously gifted you?”
“He didn't really say much, other than I could do what I wished with it.”
At this he began to pace and rub his chin with one hand while using the other for support. “I can not leave this scoundrel alone for a few minutes without him trudging off to who knows where to make a mess of trouble for others to clean up. I apologize for my actions, but I can not stand this man's shenanigans.”
“It's alright.” I respond awkwardly as the conversation dies down.
“Well on to business, my name is Andrew, Andrew Lazil.  it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance.” he reaches out with his left hand.
“Oh, Aisling Greenway nice to meet you too.” I accept his hand and he tightly embraces mine with his.
“Now” he states as he lets go and begins to walk back to his chair and assumes his prior position, “I am assuming there are many queries you must have on your precarious situation. Please ask away.” He sinks into the comfy chair as he beckons me and my many questions forward.
Where to start? Maybe start with Bryan? Probably should go with the magic trunk. Wait why is he even here in the first place?
“Um…” I stumble over my thoughts as I try to pull one string of questioning forward. As I struggle with focusing a chair materializes out of thin air a few feet in front of Andrew. With its sudden appearance all of my sense of thinking escapes me as I focus on the now present chair that appeared before my very eyes. WHat kind of magic is this?!? I stand stock still as my mouth falls open
“Ah do not worry the trunk can manifest whatever you need in the moment. I took the liberty of manifesting this for you, so our conversation can be more comfortable”
“Thank you” I say as I cautiously sink down into the leather chair. The lavish leather swallowing me just enough for me to be supported yet in a comfortable position. Andrew takes out his glasses that hung from his buttoned down shirt and places them on the tip of his nose. His eyes narrow on me as if trying to solve the puzzle of what question will be thrown his way before it even escapes my lips. “So. What is this place?”
“This is the place where dreams can be viewed. Any dream of a person who enters this trunk will be displayed here as a book that can be viewed by anyone who enters here and can only be removed by you. If anything crosses your unconscious you can find it here.”
“So all the books in here are dreams?” I begin to look around and the multitude of the hoards of books.
“Yes, each dream manifests itself however the owner of the trunk pleases. It Seems you are not unlike Bryan in your love for literature, I pray that is your only similarity. Any individual who enters the trunk's domain gets a section where their dreams are viewable.”
“Where are mine?”
“Hmm” he lifts himself out of the chair sauntering over to the bookshelf closest to the door, “since you were the last to enter the trunk, we can find yours here.” he gestures his hand toward shelves of hardcover books that vary in colors. “It seems that you name some of your dreams, wonderful.”
I stand up to stand beside him as he lazily scans over my shelves only focusing on a book or two before continuing his path down the shelf. “Wow, that's a lot of books.”
“Indeed it may seem so but it is actually quite average for your age. The more you dream the more show up, and you still seem to be a young adult, so your section will grow with time.”
“Why are some colored different? Not saying I'm opposed to the rainbow aesthetic.”
“That is for the sake of both you and me. They are colored to tell us what kind of dream it contains. When we dream we often have an overarching emotion that we tie to it. This shows in this manifestation such as the color yellow often finds itself on covers of dreams that are happier,” he plucks off a soft mustard yellow book. “While dreams that are more negative emotions and frightening take on a darker hue that is often black.”
“Cool, what does blue mean?” I say as I grab a soft blue book off the shelf that is eye level.
“Blue can mean a varied amount of things. As I said earlier shade is everything and that one seems to be a more sad one.”
“That's cool,” I say as I look around the barren library devoid of any other human presence, “are you the only one here? This place seems pretty spacious for only one person.”
“I am not the only reader here. There were more that used to reside closer to the door, but Bryan has the talent to irk anyone.”
“Reader?”  I question
“Ah I haven't properly explained my purpose here have I. I am a designated reader in this trunk, it is my job to redream dreams, read through them and advise you in deciphering dreams and their imagery.”
“So how do I redream a dream? Like can I redream any of them or are there restrictions?”
“Would you like to view one? Just pluck it off the shelf and open it. It is as easy as that.”
“Okay, so i just do this an….aaaaaaaaaa’
As I open the book I feel the tug of my very existence going into the book, as if gravity was compressing my body in on itself. My brain goes haywire with this new feeling and even when my body feels like it has ceased its physical existence. My vision goes as the once blinding flash of light gives way to darkness. Electricity runs through my senses and my mind muddles as my formless existence flows to an unknown place.  
Suddenly I find myself to be in a small bland room that feels vaguely familiar. It is the room that I visited in my dream a few days ago. This one I barely remembered in the morning when I woke up to my dreaded alarm. The walls are painted a soft yellow hue that reflects some of the light streaming in through the windows. Only one wall has windows, and each one takes up most of the wall. Two chairs lay at each window and in one sat me. I look younger than I do now, it is as if a picture of myself four years ago decided to jump out of the photograph and rest for a bit. It was peaceful, but the feeling of trepidation for something to come filled my chest and outlined the expression of the other me.
Soon the expected guest arrives as the window swings open to reveal Erin. She tumbles through the frame and closes the window and finds her way to the open chair, now only inches away from the other. Erin gazed out the paned window into an oblivion of clouds. A spike of pain shoved its way through my chest at the sight of my old friend who no longer holds that title in my heart. My throat constricts as I see a replica of me in the chair close to a person that in real life would never get within one-hundred feet of me.
“Hello, long time no see.” Erin said casually.
“You know exactly why we don't see each other anymore” I bite back with anger lined with hurt.
“I am good, how are you, I miss when we were friends and I didn’t have to hate you.” My doppelgänger states in a soft voice. She mirrors me in all ways, with her soft brown hair resting gently on the small of her back. Light skin with red undertones and deep chocolate eyes, that in the bright light contain a hidden green tree line around the pupil. Sparse dark brown freckles that litter my arm appear on hers. Even her voice sounds like a recording of my own.
“I miss you too. But you know you can't control me and what I do. What's done is done”
I feel myself growing angrier as I recall the situation on how I lost a friend I once held dearly. “You did something horrible that I can not forgive you for. I could ruin your life if I exposed what you did. You- you ruined it!” I explain as my eyes strain to keep tears from spilling forth at the scar in my chest from the old wound. My words struggling not to crack as my heart once did. Cracks soon begin to form along the walls and spread out causing them to crumble away.
The Erin I see before me does not react to my words, but carries on, “Things can never be as they once were and it is my fault, but I will not tell you in person, that's not how it works.”
“I really wish we could be friends again, to laugh as we once did, and hang out. I really do.”
“I know. I do as well.”
I stare at the scene before me as I listen to a conversation of my own subconscious making. Soon a tear trickles down my cheek and I lean my head back a bit to contain the reservoir of tears. These words I wish she would say, to take responsibility for the horrible thing she did to me and everyone around her. I also hear the truth of myself, my inner longing for the time when I did not mistrust those around me and I had faith in those I called friends.
Both the image of me and Erin look out into the expanse of clouds now completely exposed as the cracks overtook the weak wall leaving only a frame of Brocken wall. I know this is the end, but there is so much I want to say to her, so much more that needs to be said. I don't want this to end, it can't. I need to tell her how much she has hurt me!
I never get the chance as the dream fades away into a cloudless horizon as the library once agains dawns into existence. Andrew stands before me as I reign myself in from the emotional outburst. My heart reeling from the reminder of an injury that used to be long buried. My body drags itself back to life and a heavy weight settles into my bones.
Andrew notices my pained expression and comforts me, “It's alright, it's only a dream.” he lightly pats my shoulder to ground me best he could.
“Thank you.” I say breathlessly. “ I think I should go. I need to sleep and that was a lot.”
“I do not doubt that. You can exit the way you entered. I will be here anytime you need me.”
“Thank you.” I mumble and shift away from Andrew as I begin to hurriedly exit the library. Once I reach the door I look back at my newfound friend and give him a tender nod as I close the door and begin my ascent out of the trunk.
I lift the lid as I enter back into my cozy room. The soft brown of my walls invites me to find calm. As I exit the trunk I notice my room is just how I left it, and as I glance at the clock I see the glowing red of my alarm clock displaying 10:27. Dressing down to put my night wear on the night called my cluttered mind to rest. A tiredness sweeps through and I can only think of snuggling in my bed to have my third dream of the day.
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nv-rivera · 6 years
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THE FAULT IN OUR STARS sits on bridge on the #StatenIsland #greenway @bookfairies_newyork @bookfairiesworldwide. I hope the person who finds it has access to tissues! 😭 another great read from @johngreenwritesbooks About this book.... Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel’s story is about to be completely rewritten.
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mobikefed · 7 years
ALERT: Key Mississippi Greenway Trail Connection in St. Louis County needs your support today
An important trail in south St. Louis County, years under development and with broad public support, is being stopped by one new St. Louis County Council member.
Planned Mississippi River Overlook on the Cliff Cave Trail. The trail takes users over several major obstacles to create excellent bicycle/pedestrian access to the Mississippi Riverfront area.
Trakas claims that emails on the subject are running 50-50 for and against the trail. We need to change that in a BIG way if we want to save this important trail.  We need 10-to-1 in support--or better. Your help is vital.
Please take 2 minutes today to call & email Councilman Ernie Trakas "I support the Cliff Cave Park Trail - Please don't slow or stop it."
[email protected] - 314-615-5442 OR his assistant Carmen Wilkerson 314-615-0159 - [email protected]
If you live in the STL County, please also cc: your own County Council member.
Contact info for all County Council members & more details about the situation below.
New article indicates officials meeting this week to make decisions; Delay may kill the trail project
The Call has a new article this week about the Cliff Cave Park Trail project that paints an ominous picture of the ability of one single, new County Council member to stop a project that already has years of planning and development behind it, many public meetings, broad public support, and hundreds of thousands of dollars invested:
Future of Cliff Cave Park trail in doubt if shelved this month 
If a new trail in Cliff Cave Park is shelved this month due to objections from neighbors, it may never get built.
The Cliff Cave Park Trail will connect neighborhoods and existing bike lanes on Telegraph Road to an existing 4.6 mile trail along the Mississippi River and make an irreplaceable connection in the massive Mississippi River Greenway trail system.
Great Rivers Greenway, or GRG, hopes to build a 2-mile paved loop, similar to Grant's Trail, in Oakville. The path would wind up and down the bluffs from a trailhead on Cliff Cave Road and end at a pedestrian-only entrance at Telegraph and Erb roads. The $5 million trail is on hold at the County Council due to concerns 6th District Councilman Ernie Trakas, R-Oakville, wants to convey to GRG from nearby residents who worry about traffic and safety. . . .
"This is an extremely important project to the development of our trail system throughout the county, and it's a really neat project for the 6th District," county Parks Director Gary Bess said. "It's got a great trail system that will connect the on-street bike lanes on Telegraph to the lower section of the park, it provides for a great overlook where you can see the Mississippi River. It's just a great addition to the park and a great addition to the regional trail system." . . .
The project is in the final planning stages and shovel-ready at any minute, and if it is delayed, GRG could likely drop it due to rebidding and redesign costs, Trautman said. "It would be extremely difficult for us to proceed with the project if we dropped it this year," she said. "We've made quite a significant investment already, and I would hate to lose that investment." The regional trail district is comprised of St. Louis County and city and St. Charles County, and if the project is scuttled, south county residents could send a signal that new trails are unwanted, Bess said. "If we don't do this, not only are we losing that recreational opportunity for residents, I think we're also jeopardizing future projects from a trails perspective in the 6th District," Bess said. "I hope we don't send the wrong signal to our partners at GRG that they should not expand trails in the 6th District." . . . GRG has modified the original design based on feedback, including downsizing the Telegraph entrance, downsizing the proposed new parking lot at Cliff Cave by half, moving it back from the road and surrounding it with a landscape buffer, Bess said. But none of those concessions is enough to appease residents who oppose the trail.
The trail is not only an important local connection, but is a vital connection in the Mississippi Greenway project--a plan to create continuously connect trail along the Mississippi River throughout the entire St. Louis region.
Without the Cliff Cave Park Trail--which takes trail users over several obstacles otherwise impossible to cross--the Mississippi River Greenway project will remain forever disconnected at this point.
Suggested message in support of the Cliff Cave Park Trail
Be polite and persuasive when you contact your elected officials--this is by far the most effective approach.
Use a brief, clear subject line such as "I strongly support the Cliff Cave Park Trail"
Clearly state that you strongly support the trail and strongly oppose his effort to slow or stop it.  Your support it and support moving forward with it quickly. Delay is equivalent to opposition (unfortunately, in this case).
St Louis County Councilman Ernie Trakas has indicated he may oppose the Cliff Cave Trail
A short message is as effective or more effective than a long one.
Include your connection to the County (live, work, visit, vacation, etc) , especially if you live work, or visit St. Louis County District 6, Ernie Trakas's district in SE St. Louis County.
Include a sentence or two, or a quick story, showing why trails, bicycling, and walking are important to you personally, to your community, and/or to St. Louis County.
Your message is about Cliff Cave Park specifically, but is also a valuable opportunity to raise the profile and importance of trails, bicycling, and walking with the St. Louis County Council.
County Council members need to know that the County has many strong supporters of the bicycle, pedestrian, and trail system in the County.
We are working closely with our local partners, members, and affected agencies on this effort, including Trailnet, the regional St. Louis area advocacy group that works the create positive change in the St. Louis bi-state region by encouraging healthy, active living and that founded the region's trail system in the 1990s.  Look for more information coming soon from both us and our local and regional partners on this important issue.
Contact Information for St. Louis County Council
If you live in the County, contact your own County Council representative and also cc: Mr. Trakas, who is the key decision-maker on this issue.
If you don't live in the County or have a connection to a particular Council District, you might email Mr. Trakas and cc: Steven Stenger, St. Louis County Executive.
Phone calls are very helpful. And email message is also helpful, and both phone and email followup is best of all. A posted letter or fax is also very effective, simply because constuents more rarely take the time to send a 'real' letter and that makes each one more impactful.
Map of St. Louis County Council Districts.
Cliff Cave Park
St. Louis County Council District 1 - Hazel Erby (D) [email protected] - (314) 615-5436 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Ferguson, Jennings, Vonita Terrace, etc.
St. Louis County Council District 2 - Dr. Sam Page [email protected] - (314) 615-5437 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Hazelwood, Creve Coeur, Maryland Heights, etc.
St. Louis County Council District 3 - Colleen Wasinger (R) [email protected]  - (314) 615-5438 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Sunset Hills, Town & Country, Valley Park, etc
St. Louis County Council District 4 - Rochelle Walton Gray (D) [email protected] - (314) 615-0393 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Bellefontaine Neighbors, Florissant, Black Jack, etc
St. Louis County Council District 5 - Pat Dolan (D) [email protected] - (314) 615-5441 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Ladue, Shrewsbury, Clayton, etc. Councilman Dolan was sponsor and a major supporter of St. Louis County's Complete Streets initiative. You might thank him for his prior support of walking and bicycling in the County.
St. Louis County Council District 6 - Ernie Trakas (R) [email protected]  - 314-615-5442 Executive Assistant: Carmen Wilkerson  Phone: 314-615-0159 E-mail:  [email protected] Lakeshire, Green Park, South County, etc You might cc: Carmen Wilkerson on any email message you send to Councilman Trakas. We understand that Councilman Trakas's voice mail has been full; again you might call and speak with (or leave a message with) his assistant instead.
St. Louis County Council District 7 - Mark Harder (R) [email protected] - (314) 615-5443 and Fax: (314) 615-7890 Wildwood, Ballwin, Chesterfield, Eureka, etc
St. Louis County Executive Steven Stenger [email protected] - (314) 615-7016 County Executive - Entire County
Working to create and support a complete, connected, world-class statewide bicycle, pedestrian and trails system is one of the primary goals in MoBikeFed's Vision for Bicycling and Walking in Missouri. Project like the Cliff Cave Trail and the Mississippi Greenway are important connections in that statewide vision.
Your ongoing membership and generous financial support helps turn our Vision in to reality!
 Photo credits:
Cliff Cave Trail map - Great Rivers Greenway & St. Louis County Parks, 2016 Cliff Cave Public Presentation
Cliff Cave Mississippi River Overlook Visualization - Great Rivers Greenway & St. Louis County Parks,  Oct 2016 Cliff Cave Public Meeting Materials
St. Louis County Councilman Ernie Trakas
Cliff Cave Park - Dave Clark on FlickR
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June 2023 News: Bike Tour June 17; Weekly Work-Days on the Trail
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Dear Friend of the Farmington Canal Greenway,
We wanted to wish you a happy almost-summer and provide you with a few important updates:
* Farmington Canal Bike Tour with Arts & Ideas Festival, June 17, 9am-12pm
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We are partnering with Elm City Cycling and the International Festival of Arts & Ideas on a bike tour of the Farmington Canal taking place on June 17. We will be helping to provide some narration on the tour and answering questions about Phase IV and other progress in completing the Farmington Canal Heritage Trail and East Coast Greenway. If you're interested in participating, please register in advance at the Festival website. (You'll find there are lots of other great bike tours as well!) Note that helmets and signing a waiver are required to participate.
* Trail Work-Days Beginning in June, Every Thursday 5:30-7pm at the Learning Corridor
Help us beautify the Trail by participating in our weekly greenspace group throughout the summer. Every week we gather to clean up the Trail and the surrounding area. This is really our most important activity all year and we need all hands on deck! We meet every Thursday at 5:30pm at the Learning Corridor (Hazel/Shelton in Newhallville) from June until August. Please join us if you can.
* Thank You Bradley Street Bike Co-Op & Athletic Brewing
We had some great volunteer support in May along the Trail. Athletic Brewing sent a wonderful group to work with us and CPEN on cleaning up the Trail, and Bradley Street Bike Co-Op held bike tune-up days every Saturday at the Learning Corridor. We are very grateful to them for their partnership and support, and look forward to working with them again soon.
As always, thank you for your ongoing support.
New Haven Friends of the Farmington Canal Greenway
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