sharkguy · 1 year
♥️Little Princess💛
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💛¡Conoce a Hazume!💛
Tiene 8 años
Es demasiado extrovertida, al igual que su padre
Es hija de Koru y Mia
Le encanta salir de paseo y preparar postres junto a sus padres, aunque ella es demasiado pegada a ambos
Su cumpleaños es el 11 de Junio
No tiene ship
Es una fanchild NO canon para no interrumpir los planes de Kim y Bear con el ship que tienen :D
Es alérgica al polvo, por algo ella es demasiado limpia y ordenada en su habitación, para no sufrir ninguna alergia ni problema
Las flores en su rostro son reales, y no la lastiman ni dañan en ningún momento
💛Meet Hazume!💛
She is 8 years old
She is too outgoing, just like her father.
She is the daughter of Koru and Mia.
She loves to go for a walk and prepare desserts with her parents, although she is too attached to both of them.
Her birthday is June 11
She has no ship
She is a non-canon fanchild so as not to interrupt Kim and Bear's plans with the ship they have: D
She is allergic to dust, for some reason she is too clean in her room, not to suffer any allergies or problems
The flowers on her face are real, and they do not hurt or harm her at any time.
Koru: @koru-km @pom-koru
Mia: @sweet-fatbear
Para dibujar su ropa, tome algunas referencias de Pinterest, por si ven algún parecido :³
To draw your clothes, I took some references from Pinterest, in case you see any resemblance :³
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zs-firefly · 1 year
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They slepy, shuushh
You might've woken Pico tho-
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mythcaels · 4 months
❔ yes we got plots but im greedy
MULTIMUSE ASK MEME. send ❔ and i’ll list a couple muses that i’d like to throw at yours!
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DOESN'T MATTER IF WE ALREADY GOT PLOTS. i am happy to toss more muses and get more plots. i want all of the plots possible so here are some more muses being thrown your way.
Aotsuki Koneko.
Taeyeong Florimonte.
Hazume Junnosuke.
Yamagata Shigeo
& maybe Xu Daiyu ?
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gentrychild · 2 years
I have decided to continue and add onto the hair dye toya&izuku thing au. My thing isn't Done Yet because it needs to be perfect, but you get exactly one scene. As a treat.
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I shouldn't be amused by Hazume, and yet...
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444namesplus · 9 months
Aalvís Aandrius Ablædís Abradamus Abras Adacus Adaels Adendís Adrés Aegrezhdís Agaros Agasus Aghvís Agngius Ainmarus Aires Aitsus Ajimelils Akarus Akelinus Alauðvees Alens Allaus Allis Almbus Almus Alvesess Alwigus Alíeshis Amatalobus Amdís Amhiteys Amichilas Amlaus Anars Andraus Andros Andís Anfialdís Angeiros Angerrós Anies Anikarzis Anneyjós Annis Annus Anobus Antons Anunirós Ançois Aoddís Aollrós Aolpheeus Aorghus Aothis Arandeódís Argdís Arifris Arkjálmas Arndus Arnmheiros Artakares Artoydís Arunduldís Arímas Astjes Atrós Augus Auguðlíus Auleórós Auðröggrós Avias Avils Avingius Avinus Avrexíus Ayludes Aympendís Aðalbats Aðlís Balmas Bandís Baronorkas Barus Basandus Belendrius Bentarlís Bentibibes Bercendís Berchides Berghelís Bergís Berias Beris Berlhis Berlís Bermadís Bernis Beruus Betnas Betsus Bettsundís Biaris Bilfukehis Biromas Birós Bjakaníus Bjamas Bjardís Bjargus Björgapas Björgdís Björgþórós Björnbehis Björnos Björuyos Blewijs Blárós Blíus Bobus Boddals Bonis Bores Borgdós Borgeijs Borís Brachis Braggius Brajes Brasatsus Bratsuyas Bredes Bredís Brens Bridahis Brimitos Brímos Bárós Bærós Béarus Caifas Casatlas Cateins Cattais Celes Celviddís Cetsus Chayas Cheódís Chifus Chobalus Chres Chrós Chtathrius Cinus Cittis Clorfinnus Cobius Colbannus Colcas Colfdís Contoss Crios Crisakas Crius Cryōickis Crósius Cédís Daglódís Daitsumas Dallius Dalmas Damarus Damdís Darnirlis Daros Dayas Despes Deylaugus Dides Dionas Dionnatrós Dolavinos Dollrínas Domendís Doshmatrós Drens Dríus Déartus Díris Dómis Dórandís Dóranes Dóras Dóreklís Dúfus Dúnberinus
Ebrís Edarces Eglaus Egres Eindgarus Einus Eiðalíus Eiðlas Ekehis Eldís Eleindís Elemirós Elewinus Elfgessers Elielfras Elies Elinnis Elisatsus Ellbrós Elmhnes Elyanludes Elínatsus Emdías Emiobuyas Emutus Endís Engius Enrós Entefjós Enthandós Entius Erylenoris Esetteijs Eshrós Eslas Essias Estmus Estos Eugius Eulies Evergius Evetsus Fabius Fabrisses Faois Faretsus Feigorgís Feladals Feliljós Felvíus Femasalas Fermariyas Fersús Fiascus Filbetas Filís Findayas Findos Findís Finiandís Finnus Finstiscas Fjónhels Flórs Folfdís Fragfús Freis Frentís Freníus Fress Freus Frindís Frirós Frisabegís Frisans Fristeles Fristius Frius Frías Fríelies Fríes Frímuns Fríus Fónáres Fönus Gaelmas Gamundís Ganaomas Gannes Gatsus Gatus Gaugdís Geijs Geiros Geiscus Gemikas Gemis Gencelaus Geris Gerumis Gerus Geyos Giades Gibas Gilitsugus Gilkirobus Ginrós Ginès Girdís Gislis Glegorius Glindís Glius Gljós Goddstrós Gorius Gotsunels Grangoris Grentandís Gritsuks Grius Groris Grédís Grías Grídís Grítaks Gríus Gullas Gundís Gunnves Gunobundís Gurþóranus Guðbergdís Gylfrons Gyris Gísaydís Hachis Hacos Hadómeddís Haillrós Hailís Haitsus Halaugdís Halimdís Halis Handus Handís Hanges Haois Harlís Harudos Havinas Hayas Hazumes Hebbas Heijs Heindís Heingves Heiramas Heirjimas Heistdís Heiðmas Heleódís Helvans Helís Hemmakals Hendís Heodolas Heoghus Heonihis Herus Hihigus Hihiles Hikassilís Hildius Hilís Hinus Hiranirrós Hiriyas Hisides Hitheas Hitsus Hiyas Hjaníus Hjárns Hjöllaus Hjörgurius Hjörgus Hladacus Hleins Hramrós Hretris Hrimus Hrius Hrizus Hrolaus Hubbies Hugundís Humilhirs Hundís Hunes Hængus Héomakitos Hóngistes Hónóalens Höddíls Ikolfulius Ildolas Ilions Indigus Ingas Ingiléigus Ingmalís Innas Innfins Innus Inrós Intos Ionatsus Isanes Isatsus Iserrós Itius Ivalbes Iðdís
Jalíus Jaris Jarlegís Jarvitos Jealmas Jeasus Jeros Jitsus Joles Jorits Joshigus Joshits Joshōeinès Josigus Jovíus Jualís Juandís Julavrus Julfgrós Jundianías Jundís Junúthis Jusaos Jálradís Játvinas Jólgeijs Jólmacrós Jónhils Jóramoníus Jósvarós Júdies Júlfus Júlís Jürgius Jōkides Kalecas Kamas Karnas Karrós Kashines Katingis Katius Katos Katsus Kattmas Katyos Kazinnes Kazumas Kazuns Kazuyas Kaðalís Keiktos Keinus Kelees Kells Kennatsus Kenrós Kerós Kimins Kinges Kiros Kjagnúpus Klendurós Kliarís Klins Knius Koges Kollvíus Kormes Kramas Krannbigus Krichigus Krichobus Krideyjós Krikaris Krislayas Kristelies Krizus Kriðarós Kurjós Kylíus Kyōsus Kíons Kópas Labens Lantandís Laufhlínus Lauglódís Lemmasís Lenes Libergijs Lildus Lindras Lindys Linorlárós Lipelianus Lirosavks Lises Litsus Lofus Lomás Lotorrós Lucamices Luccaois Lucis Ludius Lumicens Lydeis Lyguðrekas Ládís Láinkis Lásveisíus Lédís Línus Lóakogdís Lúcías Lústís
Magamas Magos Magosharis Magus Maikelíus Mainboris Maiyos Maldus Malius Mandís Mannus Manyas Maolfdís Marais Marcis Marcons Marfilfus Margús Marinlas Maris Markas Martalíus Martandus Masamius Mashis Mashūseas Masormfris Mastaklíus Mastiselís Masus Mataks Mathus Mathéodels Maushis Maxieldís Mayuks Medís Melís Mendís Menitsus Meronínus Meyos Michigus Mikas Mikayas Mildies Milís Mindís Minns Mirolles Mirós Miyosus Mizimothis Mjarías Mokurius Monrós Morgdís Motos Moydís Muiros Mureyfrees Murlaummas Mutons Mutsus Méarjardís Nachinas Naldís Nanus Nathmils Natoris Natsus Neanardís Nehistanus Nerves Netheigris Niachis Nicalils Nichies Nicinótus Nihoris Nikats Njandrans Njardis Njóns Nobhchus Nobhis Nobuhis Nobus Nobuyas Noddurus Noffas Noffíróas Noriss Nornbondís Nórius Nórós Oddís Okanchyas Okeeus Okuns Olfdís Olfhozus Oliaakiros Ontindías Oradis Orons Orrens Orugius Othriðdís Otsus Otterstus Pachils Pannas Pannus Parnles Patros Patsus Paugdís Paugus Pauðuris Peaces Petinnus Petreirs Petsukons Phanius Pharauðdís Pheriðrós Pildus Pions Polaus Pripus Pritindís Pádís Páles Pálrás
Rabhilídís Randrías Ranguns Rasanes Rasarios Ratos Rauguðdís Redes Redys Redís Reigbors Rekus Rhelades Ridius Rihis Rikurius Rinnaríus Ripus Rohafus Rohaus Roirmasus Roleanus Rolmas Romotakas Roshis Royas Royos Rumas Runnus Ruyos Ryleódís Rylvans Rylvelaus Rynhis Ryokattus Ryōsheinus Rétats Rólfurbius Rólverþjós Róseppedís Rósius Róslas Röndís Rúnnvais Sabiros Sadagnès Saerós Safndius Sahippes Sakimundís Sakles Salaves Salís Samas Sammas Samundís Sanatus Sangildís Sanus Saons Saris Satazuyos Satsus Saulas Savitertís Sebas Sefinobus Selandís Selmass Semedís Seormas Septiguras Serarjós Sessindís Seves Seyos Shels Shiggis Shihides Shihirois Shikkvitos Shimas Shins Shirgus Shiyas Shmagatius Shras Sieledius Sieris Sigelofus Siges Sigfúsíus Sighirès Signeshus Sigothus Sigundrós Sigus Siguðvías Sildes Sildius Silmus Siloris Sirlius Sirmaus Sirès Siríasdís Sjalrós Skandus Skatsus Skírós Skögnornes Skögnus Slaugrós Smaus Snæhólmás Sollius Sonndís Sonorgrens Sonorris Stadeníus Stadiyes Steijs Stjes Subas Sukias Sumaus Sundianas Svalbels Svalrós Svals Svalífdís Svaniljós Svelís Svelíus Svenjus Svernos Svertrus Svörtus Syluus Ságús Sæbjörnas Sæbobus Sæbrás Sæfildís Sæmus Sæundís Séadís Sólas Sólbynlas Sólfdís Sólildus Sólmas Sólmþórós Sólís Sölnies Sōseardís Tadehaiyos Tadís Taistís Takas Takithús Takunnus Takus Talmaís Talís Tamalsis Tames Tamhghdís Tanjes Tanus Tanús Taris Tarímuldís Taríus Tastoshris Tatsus Taímhus Tefumas Tefídís Teiffas Teigeyos Teijs Teiðurius Teleinrós Terghis Tertius Theikas Thildís Théloupus Tinus Tohijs Tolfordís Tomotos Tomus Toris Tormisíus Toshis Toshits Toshōyas Toyas Toyasdís Trades Trincadís Tsuiss Tsukkenus Tsummarns Tsundus Tsunnus Tuvatus Tínas Tínátves Tíusees Tóres Ugunes Uguðfinès Ulaugdís Uldís Ulinrós Ullees Undís Unerðurós Uwenrós Uwijitsus Valduraras Valdus Valenus Vallaus Vanus Vardís Varknútus Veigens Vergdís Verlions Vertus Viagjós Vilditos Vilís Vilíus Vines Vinetis Vinrindís Vipasances Viðgus Vorus Vérès Víkas Wakayas Walgamas Wilíus Wines Wingarvas Wingios Woros Yandís Yarloibas Yasaleódís Yasdís Yastíus Yesklaus Yokinéinus Yonnus Yormaxis Yosundís Yumius Yūicaois Yūjis Zópus Árakozus Áregís Árezsories Áridines Árius Árlexanies Ásbjanus Ásgas Áshildís Ásméamas Ástadearos Ásteirós Ástijs Ástiusus Ástvis Ástýrlinus Æsigtrinus Ævaitaís Ævönus Éanus Éarices Émenaks Émerkas Éodos Éomoandís Éowyngdís Ísabhghus Ísfrís Ísimus Íslachumas Ísólfus Ívaldus Ólfumus Ólmdís Ólíus Órandrós Öndías Úlrius Ýrajefírós Þakas Þindís Þjóskus Þjóvís Þjóvíus Þoralís Þoreas Þorgos Þorgunnus Þoris Þormas Þoríus Þrúnas Þyris Þyrós Þórans Þórgdís Þórlís Þórmus Þórósepas
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mangokiwismoothie · 5 years
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Felt like drawing my bnha oc defending her TWO amazing girlfriends
Bonus -
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underfield-official · 5 years
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BLUNDSTONE-ブランドストーンの中でもコアなファンがいるスクエアトゥ、今期求めるお客様が増えてる、、、youtuberさんの影響って凄いんですね。 - #blundstone #underfield #hazum #ブランドストーン #アンダーフィールド (UNDERFIELD) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4EW9m5pSjl/?igshid=cnbnalf1sajl
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roseylouie · 7 years
tear in my heartmessage manheavydirtysoulthe judgefairly local
send me an album and i’ll say my top 5 favorite songs from it!
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pokeheros-drama · 3 years
Didn't copy Hazume the about me of Miky way back then as well or was this another user?
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liuxiang · 3 years
SLOTOMANIA from Grossman TV on Vimeo.
Directed by the talented Gal Muggia & Vania Heymann
Post Production: Grossman TV Creative Manager: Omri Grossman Lead Compositing: Yehuda Revivo Compositing: Omri Grossman, Itay Anabi, Dotan Stern Grading: Omri Grossman 3D: Omer Ariely
Sound Design: Rabinovich Yossi Bassline Sound Design
Producers: Ariel Pridan & Ran Harush DOP: Roman Linetsky Editor: Dafi Farbman Production Managers: Or Amiad & Ziporen Hazum Production Coordinator: Tamar Gefen Location Manager: Eran Trabelsy 2nd unit Cinematographer: Eyal Elisha Focus Puller: Gabi Wissman Art: Michal Michael Wardrobe: Hadas Robichek Gaffer: Ofer Orbach Grip: golan kwiat Ass. Director israel: Livnat Sela Post Producers: Ruthie Keinan' Keren Puterman Local Production in Los Angeles: Mor Entertaiment Producer: Ido Mor Line Producer: Tomer Almagor
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zs-firefly · 1 year
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[FNF Magica Defenders AU]
Bcuz last time I accidentally got attached to the silly idea of this au and now its here lol
Anyway the * part is just namesake
Pico's name is Hazume- he takes the place of Homura
Nene's name is Shimiru- she takes the place of Sayaka
I wanted to mention Mami but the problem is idk how tf is going to take Mami's place 😭😂
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noticias-enable · 3 years
08 de Abril, 2021
Malware de Android infecta Netflix a través de WhatsApp
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El malware de Android recién descubierto que se encuentra en la Play Store de Google disfrazado de una herramienta de Netflix está diseñado para propagarse automáticamente a otros dispositivos mediante las respuestas automáticas de WhatsApp a los mensajes entrantes. Este nuevo malware disfrazado de una aplicación llamada FlixOnline y que intentaba atraer a posibles víctimas con promesas de acceso gratuito al contenido de Netflix. La aplicación maliciosa FlixOnline se descargó aproximadamente 500 veces durante los dos meses que estuvo disponible para su descarga en la tienda.
 E.@. Una vez que se otorgan los permisos, el malware podrá generar superposiciones en cualquier ventana de la aplicación con fines de robo de credenciales, bloquear el dispositivo para que no cierre su proceso para optimizar el consumo de energía, obtener acceso a las notificaciones de la aplicación y administrar o responder a los mensajes. Luego comienza a monitorear las nuevas notificaciones de WhatsApp para responder automáticamente a todos los mensajes entrantes utilizando cargas útiles de texto personalizadas recibidas del servidor de comando y control y diseñadas por sus operadores. 
"La técnica aquí es secuestrar la conexión a WhatsApp capturando notificaciones, junto con la capacidad de tomar acciones predefinidas, como 'descartar' o 'responder' a través del Administrador de notificaciones", dijo Aviran Hazum, Gerente de Inteligencia Móvil en Check Point. Otro malware de Android disfrazado como una actualización del sistema descubierto por los investigadores de Zimperium en tiendas de aplicaciones de Android de terceros proporcionó a los actores de amenazas con capacidades de software espía diseñadas para activarse automáticamente cuando hay nueva información lista para su exfiltración.
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eveningclouds · 4 years
hazums()tumblr()com/post/130356460298/ a whole wusband
LITERALLY!!! SAY IT LOUDER!!! 💃🏾😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩😽👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
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mangokiwismoothie · 5 years
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ALSO felt like drawing my OTHER oc Fuzen!! Midoriya has the worst luck with meeting kids it seems
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wallpaperpainter · 4 years
This Is How Play Store Download For Pc Will Look Like In 8 Years Time | play store download for pc
Getty Images
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So, Joker is back. Google warned users aftermost year that this alarming malware has acclimated “just about every cloaking and obfuscation address to go undetected.” It’s somewhat unsurprising, then, that Joker has aloof begin addition way assimilate the Play Store. The latest anxiety has been aloft by the aggregation at Analysis Point, who acquaint that “Joker is one of the best adult threats of its affectionate we accept anytime seen.”
I aftermost appear on Joker aback in February, back it had adulterated added than 300,000 accessories aloof a ages afterwards Google purged some 1,700 malware-laced apps from its Play Store. This isn’t barmy adware. This subscribes victims to counterfeit casework or dials and texts exceptional numbers. And deleting the awful apps is not enough—users charge to clue bottomward the aberrant accuse and abolish those services.
This time around, Analysis Point letters that Joker has begin a new ambuscade abode “to bypass Google Play Store protection—again.” It’s absolutely an old ambuscade place, to be added exact, “an old address from the accepted PC blackmail landscape,” Analysis Point explains, “used to abstain apprehension by Google.”
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So, how does this work? As Analysis Point’s Aviran Hazum explained to me, Joker is now ambuscade in the apparent book of adulterated apps, “this is the book every Android app charge have, area the developer declares permissions needed, acceptance of services, etc. The amateur pushed encoded awful burden into ‘metadata’ fields in that file, alone to be decoded and loaded back on a victim’s device. That way no agreement or burden needs to be pulled from the internet.”
Joker’s abstraction of operations is straightforward. Every time it is caught, the samples and methods are added to the account acclimated by Google to awning Play Store apps for threats. And so alike as Joker’s amount functionality charcoal the same, its methods charge to change. This time around, “it is ambuscade its awful dex book central the appliance as Base64 encoded strings, aloof cat-and-mouse to be decoded and loaded.”
Google told me the aberrant apps accept now been removed from the Play Store, although Analysis Point warned “there ability still be others.” For users, the bad account is that they will not apperceive they accept been infected. They will charge to accumulate an eye out for “strange announcement casework they accept not subscribed to.”
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As Analysis Point explains, “Joker detects the country in which a user is located, afresh identifies accordant exceptional casework attainable from that location… The malware registers a user’s buzz cardinal to the exceptional service, apprehension analysis via SMS. Through SMS permissions, the malware reads the code, and inserts that cipher to the analysis folio for the exceptional service. With the aforementioned SMS permissions, it deletes the SMS so the user won’t be alerted. The end aftereffect is that the malware signs up for a new account after a user anytime knowing.”
Joker is the absolute analogy of Google’s challenge. As fast as it moves to accomplish the Play Store safer, blackmail actors acknowledge and respond, aggravating assorted methods and techniques to analysis the defenses and acquisition agency through. For anniversary campaign, these actors alone charge to be acknowledged with one such method, admitting Google’s defenses charge to angle up auspiciously anniversary and every time. It doesn’t assignment out.
Google can be commended for the efforts it is authoritative to apple-pie house—and anniversary time such threats are identified, the tech behemothic reacts apace and purges those apps. “They responded bound and acquaint with us regularly,” Analysis Point told me.
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Joker is not activity away—and that agency users charge to be vigilant, to watch what they download and periodically analysis announcement statements for the casework they accept allegedly active up for. As Hazum cautions, “Google Play Store protections are not enough—although Google removed the awful apps from the Play Store, we can absolutely apprehend Joker to acclimate again. Everyone should booty the time to accept what Joker is and how it hurts accustomed people.”
The amalgamation names for the 11 adulterated apps are listed here:
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abangtech · 4 years
Google Play apps with 500,000 downloads subscribe users to costly services
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Hackers and Google Play have been caught up in a tense dance over the past decade. The hackers sneak malware into the Google-owned Android app repository. Google throws it out and develops defenses to prevent it from happening again. Then the hackers find a new opening and do it all over again. This two-step has played out again, this time with a malware family known as the Joker, which has been infiltrating Play since at least 2017.
The Joker is malicious code that lurks inside seemingly legitimate apps. It often waits hours or days after the app is installed to run in an attempt to evade Google’s automated malware detection. On Thursday, researchers with security firm Check Point said the Joker has struck again, this time lurking in 11 seemingly legitimate apps downloaded from Play about 500,000 times. Once activated, the malware allowed the apps to surreptitiously subscribe users to pricey premium services.
The new variant found a new trick to go undetected—it hid its malicious payload inside what’s known as the manifest, a file Google requires every app to include in its root directory. Google’s intent is for the XML file to provide more transparency by making permissions, icons, and other information about the app easy to find.
The Joker developers found a way to use the manifest to their advantage. Their apps included benign code for legitimate things such as texting or displaying images in the expected parts of the installation file. They then hid the malicious code inside the metadata of the manifest.
The developers added two more layers of stealth. First, the malicious code was stored in base 64-encoded strings that aren’t human readable. Second, during the period Google was evaluating the apps, the malicious payload would remain dormant. Only after the app was approved would the Joker code get loaded and executed. Google removed the apps after Check Point reported them.
In January, Google published a detailed description of Bread—the alternate name for the Joker—that enumerated its many ways of bypassing defenses. The post said that Play Protect—Google’s automated scanning service—had detected and removed 1,700 unique apps from the Play Store before ever being downloaded. Checkpoint’s discovery of a new batch of apps downloaded a half million times underscores the limits of Play Protect.
“Our latest findings indicate that Google Play Store protections are not enough,” Aviran Hazum, Check Point’s manager of mobile research, wrote in an email. “We were able to detect numerous cases of Joker uploads on a weekly basis to Google Play, all of which were downloaded by unsuspecting users. The Joker malware is tricky to detect, despite Google’s investment in adding Play Store protections. Although Google removed the malicious apps from the Play Store, we can fully expect Joker to adapt again.”
To prevent detection, earlier Joker variants often obtained the malicious payload—in the form of a dynamically loaded dex file—from a command and control server after the app was already installed. As Google’s defenses have improved, that method became less effective. The developers’ solution was to store the dex file—in the form of base 64 strings—inside the manifest. To be activated, the payload needed only confirmation from the control server that the campaign was active. Check Point also found another Joker variant that hid the base 64 strings inside an internal class of the main app.
The 11 apps Check Point found are:
com.cheery.message.sendsms (two different instances)
Anyone who has had one of these apps installed should check their billing statements for unrecognized charges.
By now, most readers know Android app security advice cold. Most importantly, users should install apps sparingly and only when they provide a true benefit or are really necessary. When possible, users should favor apps from known developers, or at least those with websites or other history that indicates they’re not a fly-by-night operation. People should periodically check what apps are installed and remove any that are no longer in use.
The post Google Play apps with 500,000 downloads subscribe users to costly services appeared first on abangtech.
from abangtech https://abangtech.com/google-play-apps-with-500000-downloads-subscribe-users-to-costly-services/
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