#hazzie's fused notes
hazmaticalblue · 7 months
conquering my fears and posting these edits I made i'm very scared to share funkin' shit beyond my friends
Malquiri (FN!Carol)
Annon (FN!Whitty)
Autumn (FN!Sunday)
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and the previous edit for Autumn
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the coloration shots below the cut
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fantasyizlife · 6 years
Summer fling or Falling part 1
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Summer fling or Falling Part 1
Word count: 5k
Summer fling or Falling Summary: Madison is a wounded beautiful mess of a young woman as her world collides with none other than Shawn Mendes. She’s at Shawns mercy in more ways than one. Little does she know, Shawn is wrapped around her finger. Will they fall in love or fade with the warmth of the summer sun?
Side Notes: Each chapter has Madison’s point of view and Shawns. This story spins from Girlz night out in my masterlist, incase your lost on how it starts. I’m always open to feedback! Happy reading and Hugz!
Warnings: angst angst angst and fluff fluff fluff!!
I gathered myself after a mix of self pity in tears and asked the driver where we were going.
“He asked me to keep driving until you told me where you wanted to stop, are you okay miss?”
I nodded my head and looked down at the phone as the screen lit up. I tapped Shawns code in and smiled at his text message.
“I hope you're asleep but I seen this and thought of you”
It was a picture of a little boy wearing a shirt that said I dig chicks with sparklers. I covered my smile and texted back, “Be honest that was you today before you went out tonight!”
“Whoa, your awake? And wait was that a crack at my age?” he sent with a winky face.
Before I could reply he called me. I answered and he had pouty lips until he noticed I was in a car. My face was still red from crying so much.  
“Where are you going? Are you running away with my phone and selling my personal info to the paps?” he asked trying not to sound worried.
I shook my head no and asked the driver to pull over for a moment so I could talk in private. I stood on the sidewalk as he chewed his lip and pulled his hoodie over his beautiful brown locks.
“Where are you?” I asked as he walked down a darker street than me but looked familiar. He was in a park as he looked around.
“I’m coming to you, I’m like 2 minutes from you, that is if I don’t get spotted like I did leaving Tarons house” he smiled crossing the street
“NO WAY!” I shouted as he came jogging up to me with a huge grin. “How the…” I asked looking around in sheer amazement. He held his hands out and spun around in circles.
“Yeah so,I’m a helicopter stalker I guess” he laughed giving me a hug. “What are you doing so far from home, you should be getting beauty sleep, I mean not like you need it...but ya know” he smiled pulling his hand over his hoodie to cover his eyes as he bit his lip “Sorry, I’m just a boy remember, I don’t know how these awkward feelings work” he smiled at me and I couldn’t help but smile back.
“Your not a boy” I said poking his nose. “Besides your barely three years younger than me”
“Yeah until next month, then I turn 20, that makes it two, besides I’m an old soul, my mums always told me that” He hugged me turning his back to the street “Do you see that gray car across the street turning around?” he asked serious backing us up to the waiting uber shielding my face.
“Yep, I know who they are they can be aggressive, they were outside the club tonight, plenty of footage of my life falling apart on the internet already” I said wanting to disappear.
“Sorry to do this, but we gotta go like now” he said getting us into the car.
He asked the driver to end the charge so he could end the trace and he’d pay him double in cash. The man agreed and got us outta there fast. I offered him his phone and he shook his head no.
“My parents are calling your number in like two hours beautiful” he winked pulling me in close giving the driver his street he was staying on. Thank goodness we weren’t being followed.
“How brave of you to assume I’ll be around in two hours” I smiled as he flushed red
“Yeah, huh, I just meant that I texted them to call your number and they have been asleep, I didn’t mean..” I laughed at him as he shut his lips with his fingers and realized I was only joking “Yeah, I talk too much when I’m nervous, and I say yeah a lot”
“I’m gathering that as I run into you more often in the last couple of hours”
“Wait, what else are you newly gathering on me as the few hours have passed?”  he raised his eyebrows and I shook my head not answering. He opened my phone and went to each of my social apps “Oh my God, I’m so hurt! You don’t follow me anywhere? Your not a fan of me?” he pouted and then smiled as he clicked follow on every app “Now you can learn all about me!”
I shook my head at him “I’d rather do it the old fashion way, the less that thing is in my hand the better right now, besides I know that's not the real you, it’s who you want the world to see”
“Wow, that's truth right there, except I’m a total bad actor so what you see is the real me, swear to God” he said laughing holding his hands up. He was so full of light that I couldn’t help but feel full of happiness around him. It felt so good.
We pulled up to his street and he thanked the man giving him more than double and he grabbed my bags from the back. We walked a few houses in silence and cut down a back path to another street and entered a back door. He gave that driver the wrong street so he couldn’t sell us out. Smart man. He held the door open and turned on the lights. I made my way through the small but chic and quaint fused home. He sat on the couch near the far end and plugged my phone up. I handed him his “I’m sorry my charger is in there somewhere” I said pointing at all my bags.
“Can we share?” I asked looking at them feeling drained. My phone made all the familiar sounds of texts and messages coming through. I let out a exhausted breath and it put it on silence.
“Come on, let's get you to bed” he said leading me upstairs to a one bedroom oasis. It overlooked a river that was beautiful this time of morning. I glanced at his clock. It read 4:45am. He patted the bed and pulled the covers down. My hazel green eyes went wide as it clicked there was only one bed. Was he smooth or what? He handed me one of his t-shirts as he walked back over to me.
“Good guy my ass, your smooth Shawn Mendes, but not that smooth” I joked making him blush
“No no no, I don’t sleep here, beds are too big for me when I’m away from home, It makes me feel lonely, plus I have to go wait for my parents to call me remember. This is just for you, you can lock the door.” he said backing up from me looking embarrassed.
I grabbed him and hugged him feeling like an ass. I squeezed him so he knew I meant it.
“I’m sorry” I said as he hugged me back “I’m just a bit scattered right now, I’m grateful you're being so kind Shawn, I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’ll even sleep tomorrow, so I..I just want to say thank you” I said the tears falling again. He held me tight and slowly rocked me.
“Yeah, of course and hey, don’t worry about tomorrow, it’s already here, and this is where your sleeping, I’ll turn your phone off soon as my parents call and you can let it stay off long as you like.” he kissed my forehead and wiped my cheeks. “I’ll be right down there if you need me, okay?” he asked letting go of me so I would open my eyes to him. He smiled a quick smile and turned out of the room. I changed into his shirt that went down to my knees and got into the huge bed. My body was exhausted. My heart was shattered. My brain was glowing with light, light from Shawn. I thought of his smile as I drifted off into sleep.    
My eyes woke up to the light of early afternoon. I sat up getting my head together as to where I was. The look at the strange shirt that clung to my body was a quick reminder. I smiled at my bags set just inside my door with a box and a pink bow. The little tag said “To a new start or just a time out" I opened the box to find a new phone already programmed with my settings. Another note inside read “Don't panic, your phone is in your purse, I didn't harm it promise! Your new phone code is today's date, for new starts, text me when your ready for company” Love, Stalker Shawn. I turned on the power and the lock screen was a picture of us at the club Nikki took. I unlocked it and next was the little boy in that t-shirt with Shawn's head cropped in. I laughed so hard I almost peed myself. I shook my head and grabbed my bathroom bag and shut the door.
Shawn's face lit up as he heard Madisons laughter up the stairs. He hadn't slept much but hearing that laugh made it all worth it. He had read the texts that came in as he waited for his parents to call. He knew better, but he wanted to protect her all of a sudden. She was just different, he couldn't put his finger on it yet. There was messages from her ex Hazzi as it was named. He just kept asking if she was safe. He did respond with a “Yes, I’m safe and going to bed” he knew the ex had to wonder why the uber charge ended where it did. So he felt he owed it to this guy for at least asking about her safety. Then more texts came in from the woman who helped caused Madisons pain, Z. She protested saying it wasn't how it looked. He responded only once “Damage is done, what's the difference?” he hit send and instantly regretted it. Her phone blew up even more. That’s when he put a call in to get her a new phone with a new number. It came before his parents had called. He transferred everything over except pictures. She could do that if she wanted. He behaved himself and didn't respond to texts anymore or go through her pictures, except he did send himself the picture from her friend Nikki. It was him and her at XOXO tonight. It gave him butterflies. But he did google her online. She was just starting to become the new face in modeling but an interview with her and her ex revealed that she was “Interested in showing the world real true beauty and changing the game so that it fit for everyone not just stereotypes that had been mainstream since her childhood, she wanted to be more than just a pretty face” she was quoted as saying. Shawn wondered what her real dream was. Sure she had the look of happiness nailed down but her eyes told a different story. Or perhaps he was just extremely exhausted and was losing his shit over someone he just met. He followed her on all social media. Her personal Instagram was private and he found himself looking at her pictures, remembering her comment about showing the world the you that you wanted them to see. He shook his head seeing the difference in the pages themselves. She was so carefree and happy in her real pictures, he wanted to know this person. He smiled at how this cute blonde haired, green hazel eyed woman pulled at his heart. He didn’t do romance for a reason, it was dangerous, in more ways than one. Especially on tour, he even kept his hookups to people who didn’t know of him and that was getting harder and harder. It had been weeks since he even thought about it let alone tried. Now here he was with this beautiful soul yet stranger and the chaos that came with it. “Shit Shawn don’t fall" he said out loud tapping the next video footage of her. It was from XOXO. The paps had caught every moment of her leaving the club and her ex grabbing her, her slapping him and screaming at him starting to cry. Shawn could feel his heart hurt for her. He knew how she was going to feel seeing this public display, he went through it every time he opened his heart up. Its It's why he stayed single. He put in another call to pay for it to be removed from the internet as much as he could. And to keep it under control. He searched her now ex. He seemed like a decent down to earth guy, not the cheating kind but guess you can't read a book by it’s cover. He talked to his parents explaining how his phone got mixed up with Madisons but he didn’t say all the details. His mum was happy, he hadn’t mentioned a girl since his confusion with Hailey. She was mum, always worried about him being on his own. They were flying out to Amsterdam for his birthday party next month. She made it a themed masquerade party. She begged him to bring this girl. He didn’t dare tell mum her name, she would have looked up everything she could on her by noon today. After the call ended he had turned her phone off and tried to sleep but he kept thinking of her in that big bed all alone. He just wanted a peek, a peek turned into taking another peek and then he took a picture of this angel that slept safe in his bed. She was so beautiful, her blonde hair splayed across his pillow, no makeup and in his shirt, she looked so much smaller and fragile. Her thick thighs and ass were on display letting him have a peek at her hello kitty underwear. He chewed his thumb as he covered her butt up so he could capture this moment without being a pervert. He forced himself back downstairs laughing at his fitting nickname she already gave him “Stalker Shawn”
I dressed down as much as I could with the clothes I had already packed for my photo shoot. It meant I was forced to wear his shirt with my shorts I had packed for working out or my shirt from last night. I picked his and tied it in a knot because it was so long I looked naked underneath. I finished my makeup and took a deep breath as I crept downstairs to find him sleeping sitting up on the couch. I made my way to the kitchen for some cold water being as quiet as I could. I snuck a picture of him and giggled at myself. He opened one eye and smiled that megawatt smile that lit my world up.
“There you are, wow what year is it? That shower took years off my life it feels like” he stood up and stretched and I walked closer to him. He looked like he hadn't slept much, probably my fault. His eyes had dark circles and were puffy. I wished I had let him sleep now.
“I’m sorry I woke you, I was thirsty” I said soft holding up my water sounding silly. He looked down at me smiling and that's when I noticed the bruise on his face. That bruise from drunk Harrison. Also my fault. My frown appeared as I reached for it and he grabbed my hand kissing the inside of it and he held it to his chest “I’m sorry for that too” I said looking into his soft ember eyes. He was such a beautiful soul. It was the first thing I thought when I met him.
“Don’t worry it don’t hurt, and it’s light so it will be easy to conceal for my concert in two days” he pulled me into a hug and inhaled my scent “This coconut smell makes me wanna eat you up I’m so hungry, we should order food!” my stomach growling told him it was a great ideal. “I was also going to beg you if you would do me a big favor and hang with me here today and watch a movie or three because I’m in need of serious down time?” he asked grabbing my water.
“I’ll have to check my schedule...but I think I have nowhere to be so...I’ll do you this favor” he rewarded me with a smile and handed me a pile of menus.
“You pick out anything you like and I’ll have it too, let Jake know who is just outside the front of the house, before they deliver so they won't get roughed up and I’m going to take a quick shower so don’t get lonely and miss me too much” he winked going so fast up the stairs I couldn’t respond. I had no choice but to just go with the flow, and the flow felt good.
Shawn was out of the shower and dressed by the time food arrived. He picked Justice League after a short debate of what to go with. I could pick the next one.
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen this, it’s good” I said as he jumped back into the bed nearly knocking the food over. I took the liberty of ordering one thing off each menu for breakfast he handed me. And he took bites of everything I ordered. At least I knew he wasn’t a picky eater.
“Yeah, I’ve been on tour so much it’s hard to find down time, so I gotta make them count, plus I’m a huge Superman fan, if I could be a superhero, I’d be him” he winked grabbing more bacon.
I wasn’t hungry much after eating almost all of the pancakes, so I settled in, feeling the calm inside me. I rested against the headboard and he laid on his stomach closer to the giant screen in front of us. I felt the urge to lay with him but held back. He was not going to be my rebound or revenge. He already felt like something bigger, but I wasn’t ready for bigger just yet. I did keep my eyes on him as he started to snore softly. His soft breathing put me in a coma and I fell asleep too.
I felt fingers on my bare feet. I jerked them back and made contact with a hard surface.
“Shit” Shawn said grabbing his jaw and rolled onto the floor. I jumped outta bed and hovered over him. Please lord don’t let me have bruised anymore of this man. I was becoming a hazard to have around.
“I’ll go grab ice, I’m so sorry I’m super ticklish” I said frantic and he peeked at me smiling. I noticed his eyes weren’t exactly brown now, they were leaning towards green.
“Wow” I said out loud as he locked eyes with me. He pulled me down on him to reveal he was only messing with me.
“Wow what” he said above a whisper, his lips entirely too close, too soft, too full, too pink. He bit his lip as I looked at his mouth with sheer lust, wanting a feel, a taste, to give in, same as at the club. I closed my eyes and shook my head at my naughty thoughts, If I didn’t go slow this fall would hurt just as much. He set us up slowly and held my face in his soft hands. His rough fingers smoothed out my wrinkled eyebrows and traced my lips before he let go. I kept my eyes closed as Shawn traced his nose up my neck and whispered in my ear.
“Don’t worry Madison, I won’t kiss you until we're both ready, I promise, and I always keep my promises”
I opened my eyes to him and let out a soft whimper at how perfect this man was “Thank you” I said kissing his bruise Haz had left. It took everything I had to pull away and stand up from his lap. My blood was hot for him. We both ignored the fact his shorts were tight in a very obvious place. I went to the bathroom to gather my thoughts and give us space.   
Shawn stood up and turned the tv off. He adjusted his hard on and pulled at his hair for having one. He looked at the time and it read 3:49 with a quick text he got Jake on alert that he was taking Madison out to the Eiffel Tower for Bastille Day and would need extra security. He was not messing this feeling up for either of them. He said a quick prayer that they could go unnoticed so they could discover each other and they could open up and be themselves. He pulled out two hoodies and grabbed both of their phones and her purse. Stuffing it into a backpack along with a blanket. He smirked at her as she leaned against the doorway watching him zip up the stuffed bag. She raised her eyebrows and looked dead serious.
“Either your kidnapping me or your forgetting the ski masks for the heist, I’m down for both”
“Nope, were going on a tiny trip. I have to make the most of my time and I know if I stay here I’m going to keep falling asleep and I don’t want to waste time, so yeah, I’m taking you out.” he could see the hesitation as she glanced at the daylight and back to him and back to the floor.
“Don’t worry, it’s a few hours drive, by the time we get there it will be near dark” he held out his hand for her to take as he held his breath fearing she would say no. Shawn gave her his smile that he was learning fast was her kryptonite. Perhaps he could be her Superman? She giggled and placed her hand in his. They went downstairs together. His blood heated as she gave him a very quick kiss on the lips and walked out the door “Fuck me” he said soft watching her bounce her way down the sidewalk and into the waiting SUV. “She’s my kryptonite” he smiled putting on his sunglasses.
I turned on my new phone and sent Nikki a text letting her know everything that had happened and where I was now. She was the only person I knew that would keep my location secret and I knew if I didn’t report to her she’d bend hell to find me. She was super happy for me. She told me Tom was taking her out tonight to meet with Taron and she thought they were up to something but something good. She sent me a picture of the panties Tom had bought her to wear tonight. My face turned as red as the panties as Shawn glanced at the screen at the wrong time. He cleared his throat and pulled his sunglasses back over his eyes as he cracked up. I told her to keep me updated and I will do the same. I scrolled through Instagram and seen my newest follower Shawn had liked a few of my personal pictures. I took his glasses off his face and put them on mine and snapped a picture blowing a kiss at the camera. He pulled me close and I snapped another one. I didn’t post them, everything was too fragile. But he did grab my phone and sent them to himself. He gasped as he seen the sleeping picture of him from earlier. “What is this?” he teased holding our phones side by side with a sleeping picture of me.
“Stalker Shawn! Your seriously rubbing off on me in a good way” I laughed as he turned red.
“Yeah sorry, I couldn’t stop worrying about you and I might have made myself obsess over you by your pictures and interviews, only online ones! I didn’t go through your pictures on your phone, I behaved myself mostly” he said feeling embarrassed. He ran his fingers through his hair as I  scrolled through the internet and pulled up one of his videos I haven’t seen but heard about.
“Lets see what I can learn about you on the internet since you want to know me that way not while I’m next to you” I teased.
He looked bummed for a second until I laid on my back and rested my head on his lap as I pressed the video to Nervous. I kept looking at my phone wide eyed, trying not to laugh. He was seriously the same person except right now he was even more nervous. The song wasn’t even three minutes long so I hit replay. I started to giggle at his facial expressions in the video and peeked up at him looking at me. He just started to sing it to me and I hit record. This man was infectious! It took awhile for us to stop laughing at each other and my cheeks started to hurt. I turned my face into his hard stomach and took in a deep breath. I realized this was a little too intimate and tried to sit up. He put his hands in my hair and turned my face to look at him. I swallowed hard as he bit his lip looking at me. He took a picture and I swear I felt our worlds collide. We both lived for the small moments and memories in life, my old phone was full of small moments and memories, now I could start making new ones without looking at the old ones. I looked into his brown hazel green eyes and felt my heart race. It was too soon, don't rush, don’t fall, don’t hurt me if I do. I smiled at him as he told me to pick another song of his that I knew so he could sing it. “It might make me cry” I said looking in his eyes “In my blood” He played with my hair as he started to sing to me making my heart swell. By the end we were singing it together and yep, the tears fell.
Shawn snapped the picture of Madison on his lap after had kept her there never wanting to forget the way moment he completely came undone for her. She looked like an angel, his angel. Her blonde hair splayed across his black shorts and brushed his legs. Her eyes sparkled green with the rims almost gray. She stirred feelings in him he hadn’t felt, ever. He bit his lip and wanted to kiss her so damn bad. Why did he promise her he wouldn’t? She kept looking up at him and he knew they were thinking the same thing. Don’t rush, don’t fall..don’t hurt me, we were falling, falling fast. He would catch her but was scared to say it. Shit it hadn’t been 24 hours since he met her. Now we were approaching 24 hours until his next concert and he’d be flying out to the next city. He swallowed hard and asked her to pick another song. He knew it was In my blood before she even said it might make her cry, her beautiful eyes couldn’t hide anything. That song  told him she had been hiding much more inside herself than anyone knew. Shawn played with the golden curls and looked into her soul as he sang to her soft. He closed his eyes as she started to hit the higher more emotional notes with him. He finished the song in a whisper as he felt her tears on his leg. He let her cry into his shirt and he lightly touched her soft skin. He hated that she was holding in so much, but he knew why. You can’t trust anyone in this world but family and it made him wonder where hers was. She had only called Nikki and the pictures he did see on the internet were none with family. He made a mental note to look again later. She brought him out of his deep thoughts as she sat up and hugged him. He loved that she was wide open to him. She couldn’t hide from him and it worked both ways. It made him feel at peace just holding her. He felt the loss as she sat back on her side and he hated it. So he pulled her back on his lap and opened his phone. He went to his pictures and asked her to pick one. Madison looked through them all and stopped on one of him and his family on vacation. He told every story that memory held for each picture she touched. Next thing he knew they were getting close to her surprise. He didn’t want to let go but he had to prepare her for what would happen just in case they were spotted. He said another prayer to the man upstairs to look over them if this was meant to be.    
Side Note: If you like what you see let me know with a like and a reblog! I’m open to comments or suggestions. I hope you like my first round into Shawns orbit, I’m never coming back down! Feel free to let me know if this is crap, honestly!
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hazmaticalblue · 11 months
compilation of things Joshua Updike has done:
- drank a whole bottle of hot sauce
- ate soap shortly after the hot sauce event
- juggling multiple sharp objects (somehow only got the equivalent of a minor papercut)
- ice bucket EXCEPT it was not ice it was hot water (ow)
- shoved a light bulb in his mouth and then realized he couldn't get it out without shattering it
- ate raw cookie dough
- Dared to eat The Forbidden Cheese off the floor (it was in the corner of the cafeteria. he did get sick after this but it was worth it according to him)
- lick outlet
- probably tried to eat a glowstick one 4th of july
- almost got hit in the face with a firework
- tried juggling lit sparklers
- tried to eat fire once off a. marshmallow
- tried to eat fire (no marshmallow)
- when he was 10 he tried to mimic sword swallowing but with just a knife and tore up his throat
- eat coin eat coin eat coin eat coin
- eat paper
he was born to be stupid and try to entertain with his dumb antics
0 notes
hazmaticalblue · 11 months
boys i drew during school today, they're flavored differently but still resemble their original counterparts ofc, and have different names
Joshua (FN!Updike)
Sariel (FN!Abott)
Micah (FN!Sterling)
now, the art
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think i accidentally did a personality swap ehen i was making Joshua and Sariel, also fun fact: Sariel's ears are feathery, mimicking either fluff or wings! i'll give more fun facts about them if asked
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