#hc; kaida
Kaida Amano scar ref
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Rough ref of Kaida's scars. I'm rather proud of this.
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
You took me in your arms, and suddenly I felt so safe
I literally started on this like, the day I arrived to ras sidr?? I kept procrastinating on it until I finally speedran it just now lmao, I didn't beta read so there might be some mistakes :'))
this is basically is based on the first time jenna went to tessa for some comfort, and I put alot of crystallized stuff in here so more jenna lore in here :DD excuse my inability of writing angst
there's alot of blood mentioned in here and a not so pleasant flashback, so watch out if that's not your thing!!
words: 3.4k
Stop. Her mind had come to a stop.
She was suffocating, her inhaled breaths so sharp it was painful. Smoke was the only thing she could smell, and her face ached and ached as she felt sticky, deep liquid trickle down her face and her body, making a pool beneath her. It was blood. She hated blood. And she couldn't register anything but the pain. She heard desperate cries, that sounded so far yet so loud. She felt her tiny limp body being carried by familiar arms, that were shaking inevitably. Her vision was blurred, and she could only see dark silhouttes that were lighted ever so slightly from the raging fire. Between inhales, she coughed, the same liquid disgustingly making it's way out of her mouth as she sobbed. She was so scared. She was so scared. She didn't wanna die, she really didn't wanna die. But there was nothing she could do. She kept hearing the cries of the one holding her, calling her name and begging her to stay awake. But she couldn't. She really couldn't. She didn't want to die, but her eyes kept closing unwillingly and she hated it. She felt so, so sticky. So frail, so weak. And the burns hurt so much. She couldn't open her eyes anymore. Not when the burns had covered her face. She's dead. She's dead. She's dead. So many things cluttered in her mind at once, and the tears that ran down her face felt like fire against her face. And she suddenly couldn't breathe. Jenna awoke with a gasp, sweat running down her face. She suddenly couldn't breathe again. She sat up on her bed in an alarming speed, her breathing heavy and her tear-filled eyes widened the size of saucers. She couldn't stop shaking. She couldn't stop shaking. She was suffocating, suffocating in the fire again. "I want my mama!" She choked out a sob, her body suddenly becoming as limp as it was then. Whispers attacked her head as she felt the scars bleed again, the burns on her face start aching again, her head ringing constantly as drops of blood drip down. The phantom pain struck her, and she despised it. Her hands ran across her forehead as the sweat reminded her how awful the sensation of the horrid blood trickling down from her head felt. The lightning scar on her hand suddenly stung, and she couldn't help but shudder because it felt so horrible. Her mind swam as she began to get dizzy, uncontrollably shaking from a cold breeze that wasn't even there.
Her shoulders shuddered as she remembered the uneasy sights of blood. Horrifying, disgusting blood.
Her shaking arms couldnt keep her steady, as her body kneeled forwards, facing her knees as her blanket was quickly stained with tear drops. She coughed, her stomach churning as she wanted to vomit. It was such a horrible feeling and she wanted it to stop. She needed it to stop. Almost every night, she was plagued with these nightmares, that so vividly repeated what she does not want to remember. "The gurney! Get the gurney!" She let out a pained inhale as she threw her head back, pulling her knees desperately close to her chest as she cried. She was gonna fall. ''She's only four! She's only four!' She was gonna fall. She was gonna fall off. She felt so frail and weak like if she didn't have control of her own body anymore. Just like the last time. "JENNA!" Eyebrows furrowing, she angrily let go of her knees with a cry, not even knowing why she was angry. Her hands forcibly pulled on her hair as she shrieked, every pull getting harder and harder. She couldn't stop herself, she just couldn't. No matter how hard she tried, her body just wanted her to torture herself. She's slowly spiraling. She can't stay alone. She knows she cant. This isn't the first time, after all. She just wished she could've died in that fire, not caring how great her fear of death was. If it meant she wouldn't have to suffer with this shit, she'd choose that option in a heartbeat. She attempted to pull her fingers away from her stinging scalp, almost falling face first on the bed as her hands held her up. She took deep, shaky breaths, remembering what Lloyd would tell her for years. It's okay, it's okay, you're alive. You're home. Despite how comforting it felt, it only made her crying worse. She needed someone. She so badly needed someone. She craved touch. She can't stay alone. Her head became a jumble of thoughts as she shakily attempted to get off the bed. The moment her feet touched the ground, her body felt weightless as she almost fell over, her shivers and shaking continuous as her she forced her trembling legs to walk to her door, quickly getting out of the room and was almost about to head to Lloyd, but then stopped. She would always note how tired and nervous he seemed. And with him becoming a new master, she didn't want to cause him to be more exhausted than he already is. She–she could go to her mother, but she couldn't either. She was already too tired from those five extra kids that had appeared. Siblings who she never even knew. There was no one she could go to. Jenna leaned against the wall, attempting to control her breathing as the panic coursed through her. No one else could listen to her. Though she didn't wanna be alone. She can't. She..she could just go get some water. Maybe. She didn't know if that would just straight up make her vomit or calm down, but she had to do something. She didn't wanna stay alone in her room. She needed an excuse. As she headed the kitchen's way, she quietened down her cries so no one could hear. She cursed under her breath as she involuntarily shook. She couldn't focus, not when her mind was a mixture of thoughts all at once. She wished she could just stop these fucking memories from repeating in her head, she hated it. She hated not being able to handle staying in her own home, the very same home which- No. No. Fuck. She couldn't handle this either. She needed a hug. She needed anything to hold her right now. She sniffed as she wiped a tear from her eye, attempting to count each slow step she took to try and get her mind off of this shit. Of course, it didn't help, but she did it anyway. Slow steps. Take slow steps. Just get to the kitchen, have some water, and you'll be fine. Time passed painfully slowly as she walked, before she had walked past a certain room. Her feet stopped, and her head turned at the door, a white glow emitting from underneath the small gap. She knew who's room this was. Tessa's.
One of the said siblings of hers that had suddenly appeared. The glow had meant she had her lights on, signalling how she wasn't asleep. Jenna was still wary of her, both her and Noah. Noah would try to spend time with Ethan, and she hated it. She tried to keep Ethan away from all of them as much as possible, knowing how her brother was never around so many people before. Something told her it was wrong, but she tried her best to brush it off. She already had a bad start with Kaida, she utterly hated her guts. Quinn and Finn weren't exactly..bad, but she was still untrustful with them. However, she could admit that Tessa was quiet, and didn't seem so much like..a threat. None of them did much minus Kaida, but she could not even stand next to them for a few minutes. But, Jenna knew how she desperately needed someone right now. And Tessa was the only one who didn't make her feel uneasy. Her head kept switching from one idea to another. She wasn't even sure if Tessa would listen to her, or want her close. But she had no one else, atleast no one for now. Fuck it. She had to. Jenna dragged her feet towards the door, staring at it for a brief moment before she put her hand up, closed tight in a fist and ready to knock. Should..should she really do this? She- she really could just get some water. It doesn't matter if she vomited. Or take a walk, like she always does. Yet she really didn't want to be alone. She brushed her knuckles against the wooden door, and took a shaky breath, beginning to knock with a slow ryhthm. Knock, knock, knock. And she waited. With every second that passed, her anxiety got worse, and her shaking did not stop no matter how hard she tried. She was already doubting that this was a good idea, and regret started pooling in her stomach as she fidgeted with her fingers nervously. Then an abrupt, soft voice came from inside the room, snapping Jenna out of her worried thoughts as she looked at the door with widened eyes. "Come in." Okay. This was it. No turning back now. Jenna opened the door slightly with a hand, peeking in to see a glimpse of the room. She squinted a little due to the sudden light. Then she opened the door fully, keeping a hand on it as she looked awkwardly at Tessa, who was sitting on the edge of her bed. She noticed how she was still shaking a bit, and the blonde had looked at her with confusion and worry. "Jenna? What's wrong?" Tessa questioned, her eyebrows knit as her eyes scanned the shaking eleven-year-old and noting how her face was tear-stricken and puffy. Jenna said nothing, and had just walked over to her with hesitant steps. Tessa moved aside, patting the spot next to her as a gesture for Jenna to sit. Jenna took the invitation and sat down, not daring to look up at Tessa. She felt her eyes on her, and the pair had stayed silent for a few moments before Tessa spoke up again. "Is there something you want to talk about?" Jenna glanced up at her, trying her best to keep those tears in. Tessa didn't look angry, instead her expression was worriful, yet understanding in some way. It made Jenna think like it wasn't the first time she dealt with something like this, but she couldn't just assume. She narrowed her eyes back to the ground, her hands tangling together as she felt how clammy her palms actually were. She shuddered slightly when she felt Tessa's arm wrapping around her, but didn't move away, and had instead relaxed. "Is this okay?" She asked, her voice gentle as she kept her eyes on the smaller girl. Jenna nodded in a desperate manner, craving touch as she got closer to Tessa and rested her head on her chest. She felt Tessa rub her arm comfortingly, and tears began to form in Jenna's eyes once more as her breathing started to get quicker.
Tessa pulled her a bit closer, bringing her free hand to place it tenderly atop of Jenna's. Tears kept threatening to leave Jenna's eyes, like a dam that's pressure wasn't enough to keep it from breaking. She sniffled, her lip trembling as she kept shaking. Looking at the brunette's current state, Tessa tried her best to keep her own facade from breaking. She may not know what Jenna was thinking, but she knew that whatever it was about, Jenna needed her. She knew how it felt. Tessa let go of Jenna's hand, wrapping both arms around her as she held her in a tender embrace with a hand cradling her head as she felt brown strands of hair inbetween her fingers. She soothingly swayed her in her arms, rubbing the girl's back gently as she heard small whimpers emit from her. Jenna felt safe, comforted, and had instantly wrapped her arms around the blonde as she hiccuped, teardrops daring to leave her eyes. She felt so safe. "It's okay, Jenna. It's okay." Tessa softly whispered to the girl as she rubbed her back, "Let it all out." And that's when the dam burst. Jenna instantly began to sob loudly, constantly hiccuping as more and more tears escaped her eyes, dampening Tessa's shirt as her cries echoed throughout the room. Her throat felt sore with each sob she choked out, and the tears never stopped as she hugged Tessa in a tighter grip. She really felt so safe in her arms. Firm, yet so comforting. Tessa muttered consoling words to her incoherently as she kept Jenna secure in her arms, gently moving her hand across Jenna's scalp as she stroked her hair. She kept swaying the girl gently, letting her sob as much as she wanted, not caring about her shirt that was wet from the tears. That was the absolute least of her worries. She kept swaying and swaying Jenna as her weeps were the only sounds in the room, her own tears beginning to leave her eyes aswell. She didn't care about anything else, and only focused on being the girl's comfort. Whatever she wanted to say, she'll listen. Tessa gave her a quick peck on the side of her head, hearing how with each minute her cries got quieter and quieter. Words were not needed, as the two lingered in their long embrace, the once loud cries coming from Jenna soon turning into quiet ones and soft whimpers. Jenna sniffled, letting out a strangled breath as she tried to pull herself as close to Tessa as possible. She was still shaking, never wanting to let go. As more whimpers escaped from her mouth, she felt her hair being stroked softly. "Deep breaths, you're okay." Tessa repeated, her voice cracking slightly as she kept stroking Jenna's hair, hearing the girl hiccup again as her breathing began to steady. She rubbed her back lightly and gave her another peck on her head. "Do you want to lay down?" She felt how Jenna instantly nodded. She looked at her bed, still keeping the younger girl in her embrace as she had noticed the jacket placed on her bed. Her aviator jacket. Her mind came up with the idea of giving it to Jenna.
Maybe it would bring her more comfort despite her already wearing her hoodie.
Tessa let go of her for a moment, leaving an arm around her. She heard how Jenna had whimpered in protest as her arms gripped around her tighter, and she rubbed Jenna's back once more as she kneeled to the side to grab her jacket. As her hand had grabbed the jacket, she attempted to let go, and Jenna still refused to pull away from the hug as she had completely melted into the embrace. "Jenna," Tessa began, her tone gentle and understanding as she continued rubbing her back, holding the jacket infront of Jenna. Jenna barely pulled away, leaving only a small space between them that was only enough to see what Tessa had to offer. "here, have this, it's okay."  Jenna looked at the jacket with eyes red from her crying, hesitantly pulling away with slight trembles as she took the jacket from Tessa. Her eyes stared at the brown white-collar jacket, the leather reflecting the light. She glanced back up at Tessa, who gave her a small smile and gestured her head to it, as if she was silently saying 'Go for it'. Jenna inhaled and put the jacket on. It felt a bit funny, and it was a bit too big on her, but she was suprised over how comfortable it was. "It's.." Jenna stuttered, her voice small. "It's comfy." Tessa giggled lightly. "It is." Jenna scooted a bit closer to Tessa, who had wrapped an arm around her again. "Do you want to lay down now?" She asked, earning a yet another nod from Jenna. She helped the smaller girl to the middle of the bed, and the two layed down, Jenna laying down on her side as they both rested their head on the large pillow. Jenna immediately wrapped her arms around Tessa, Tessa doing the same as the two stayed silent. Tessa kept rubbing Jenna's back reassuringly, as she melted into her touch once again. Jenna's breath was still bated, shaky, sniffling every once in a while. She felt her chest rising up and down deepily against her as she took deep breaths.
She was slowly calming down, which assured Tessa as she moved her hand from her back to her hair, playing with the ends of her ponytail before she started stroking her locks. "Th-this." Jenna spoke unexpectedly, and Tessa immediately averted her attention to her. "This is- n-not the first time this happened." Not the first time. She didn't know much about Jenna and Ethan's timeline, but it was already obvious from the start they didn't have a great time either. And she despised that idea. Hearing Jenna's whimpers, Tessa kissed the top of her head, staying silent so she can speak freely. "I-it started even..before the merge. When I was f-four, wh-when mom c-came back-" Jenna was so close to breaking down in tears again. Tessa kept rubbing her back, her expression somber as she listened to her words. She wasn't so sure what she meant by Nya 'coming back', but there was no time for details. "Th-those bitches had burned the monastery down and- and- I almost-" Jenna began to cry again, her fingers gripping Tessa's shirt. "I almost didn't make it out." Hearing that made Tessa's stomach churn. She almost didn't make it out of a fire. She was four. It brought back painful memories of her own. She did not want these kids to suffer too. She pulled Jenna impossibly close to her, as if she was protecting the crying girl from any possible threat, despite how there were none. "I-I almost didn't make it out, I almost didn't- I was bleeding s-so much and there were burns everywhere and- and- it was so scary, it was so scary-" Jenna kept shaking and shaking as she stumbled on her words, occasionally hiccuping between the stutters as heavy tears left her eyes. "I didn't wanna die- I didn't wanna d-die– Mom kept crying and shouting, she kept shouting at everyone, she screamed she- I couldn't- I couldn't look at her- I couldn't stop shaking- I-I didn't do anything wrong, I-I didn't do anything wrong.' M-mom just came back- I-I didn't get a chance to talk to pa properly- I didn't do anything wrong for all of this.' Tessa couldn't kept her own tears at bay as Jenna broke down again. She rocked Jenna in her arms, letting her cry it all out once more. "I- I swear I didn't do anything wr-wrong- I-I didn't-" Jenna's words faltered, sobbing and sobbing as she never wanted to let go. "Nothing was your fault, Jenna." Tessa started, a slight crack in her voice. "You're okay, you're here, you're here with Nya, you're here with Ethan, you're here with all of us, you're okay." All of these words processed in Jenna's mind, each and every word. She was here, she was home, safe in her home. There was no fire, there was no burning, there was no blood, no scars, there was no wood falling, there weren't any doctors holding her up in a gurney as they hurried to the emergency rooms. There were none of those terrifying, purple crystals. There was no sound of her mother's screams. She was okay. Okay. She was safe. Safe in her sister's arms. Her sister. She couldn't thank her enough. She couldn't thank her enough for letting her do this. "Th-thank you, Tessa-" Jenna stammered inbetween her cries, "Th-thank you. Th-thank you for letting- for letting me-" An abrupt hiccup cut her off, as more and more tears fell on Tessa's already dampened shirt. Tessa kissed her on the top of her head again, her voice soft and shaky. "You don't need to thank me, Jenna. I know how this feels. If you ever need me again, I'm here for you. I promise." From those words, Jenna cried even harder. She cared for her. Cared for her enough to let her do this. She was so greatful. Jenna sobbed in Tessa's arms for a while more before the cries quietened down, soon turning into soft whimpers as she fell asleep in her arms. In her big sister's arms. And she'd never have it any other way.
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kaidawrite-a · 1 year
Day 8 - Estinien, Alphinaud, and Kaida walk into a bar....
(Except it's a room and they're just hanging out)
Post-Endwalker, no warnings. No real spoilers. Food spoilers?
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Hello!! may I request hcs for gokuluck where their s/o pets their head out of nowhere lol
Kenta Mikoshiba:
Kenta yelled at you, stating that he’s not a dog who needed to be pet. He gets annoyed every time you move your hand, almost seeming ready to bite if your hand moves anywhere close to your head. If you’re insistent on doing it as a sign of affection, he tells you to ask him for permission first, refusing to look you in the eyes whenever you offered him affectionate head pats. He did make it known he wasn’t a kid either, so don’t think he’ll let you do that forever.
Ryoga Tosa:
Ryoga made a noise of confusion, so you can’t tell if he’s having a good or bad reaction to the head pat. You wait patiently to see if he’ll complain or share his thoughts but he continued on like nothing had happened at all, not unless you bring it up. When you ask if you can do it again he gives you a wary look but nodded, leaning down so you could touch the fluffy top of his head. Seeing you so happy meant he didn’t really mind and would acquiesce to the head pat request when you made it, but he didn’t feel either way about being pet.
Shion Kaida:
Shion acted like it was something you did all the time, leaning into your touch and asking if you’d keep patting his head. He always managed to turn the tables on you when you least expected it but you didn’t mind giving Shion affection, especially when he reacted so positively to it. The head pat wasn’t his favorite type of physical affection but anything you wanted to give him filled him with joy (and left him feeling greedy for more).
Yuto Inukai:
Yuto looked surprised at first, clearly startled by you suddenly touching him but he didn’t seem to mind at all. He laughed nervously the more he thought about it, his cheeks warming up until they glowed a healthy pink. He seemed embarrassed when you asked again but agreed that he wouldn’t mind, though he did have to wonder what he did to deserve such affection.
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taddymason · 11 months
Random question: Sorry if I'm annoying.
Will Kaida ever find the tapes (dvds, videos, cassettes, whatever) where Jay has his game show? And she recognizes him instantly, seeing him use his powers publicly and openly without worry and without that strange serpentine feeling, or at least not as noticeable as now.
How exactly would Jay explain that? The Jay who had his memories is ashamed of having done that show. But Jay without his memories just finds it curious? Maybe that explains why there are people on patrol who seem to know him? Appearing on TV is a more credible explanation than being the hero/ninja of Ninjago.
I love your au! Kaida is canon in my mind.
This idea is so good that I want to write a one shot about it (And I will).
Jay would probably find it quite curious since it was definitely not in his plans to become a TV star before (although I have the hc that he always liked acting) and it would only add to the list of "unexplainable things that happened during these 7 years." And also he would use it as an explanation bc if someone recognized him he would just think "ah, they call me ninja because of that weird game show".
After getting over the initial shock of seeing Jay dressed in that colorful host outfit, Kaida would only be more interested in this:
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Her reaction would be worse if she ever finds out he went to space once.
Also thanks for the ask! I'm glad you like this au!
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ekacucumber · 8 months
More Amaya HCs!
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It's been a while... So here are some new facts and imaginary interactions!
Amaya could be a Master of Words, honestly, her speech is very well-delivered. It's quite hard to argue with her because Amaya just... Spits facts in calm tone. She always avoids quarrels though.
Amaya's dad was an office worker who was spending hours at work and barely showed up. So... Meeting Jay from Administration irrationally scares her. Abandonment trauma moment.
Honestly, Amaya feels useless and irrelevant in this family. She's just a student who lost her mentor, nothing compared to others' stories. And Jay's amnesia even makes it worse, because now Amaya's nobody for him. She's nobody for everyone.
Amaya doesn't say anything about her feelings. She doesn't want to disturb others. She keeps silence.
When Amaya's upset, it starts raining outside. The harder it pours, the worse Amaya feels. She doesn't like this part of her powers but appreciates others' help that comes after.
When Amaya texts others, she puts everything she wants to say in one message. Sometimes she uses emoji or even kaomoji.
To be honest, I think Amaya and Kaida would get along pretty easy. Amaya actually puts aside her attitude towards Jay (because, once again, she's now nothing to him) and doesn't show any kind of jealousy. And Kaida really decides Amaya's not a threat. All this defenceless girl can do is poke her with umbrella (and she most likely doesn't have guts for this).
Amaya stopped trying to become Kaida and Jenna's mediator. She doesn't have any credibility and hardness. Though she gets annoyed quickly when they fight.
Once Jenna made a prank on Kaida... But Amaya accidentally got there first and became a victim instead. That was a disaster. Guess who got scolded.
Amaya can't cook. She doesn't even try.
Seriously, can someone tell this girl she matters?
Kaida by @taddymason
Jenna by @rainofthetwilight
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mera-k1 · 6 months
Spicy Summer/Pride Event
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this is the first event for this blog~ i hope it goes well/you enjoy it! the guidelines are very loose and there's really no rules, i'd like the event to be pretty laid back... but there are just a few guidelines that i'll list below~
the pride part of this event will be more free flow. you may req any sort of pride scenario or headcanons! there's no specific prompts for you to pick from, i'd like to see your ideas♡ if i decline your req then sadly i was unable to write it.
the spicy summer portion has a bunch of prompts but you do not have to pick from these prompts! if you have a summer-y prompt that you would prefer to request instead, go right ahead~
for the pride part of the event, please do not request something generic such as 'trans!(character) hcs?' it's not much to go off of and i would rather have a solid prompt where the character being trans has some sort of effect on the situation
any unfilled slots by the deadline will be simply cut from the final list. please do not send in any requests for the event after the deadline~ (deadline: may 1st)
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Pride Event Slots
june 4th
gentaro yumeno x transmasc!reader [smut]
june 6th
allen sugasano x transfem!reader [fluff]
june 11th
iori suiseki x male!reader [fluff]
june 13th
ichijiku kadenokoji x fem!reader [fluff & smut]
june 18th
sasara nurude x transmasc!reader [smut]
june 20th
nemu aohitsugi x fem!reader [fluff]
june 25th
allen, kanata, & shogo x transmasc!reader [comfort]
june 27th
shion kaida x transmasc!reader [smut]
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Spicy Summer Prompts
♡ sex bet (smutty) ♡ bath/shower sex (bc it's so hot) (smutty) ♡ forced proximity (specify fluffy/suggestive/smutty) ♡ picnic (fluff) ♡ public/risky sex (smutty) ♡ beach day (fluff) ♡ watching the sunrise/sunset (fluff) ♡ honeymoon (specify fluffy/smutty) ♡ ice play (smutty) ♡ drunkness (specify fluffy/suggestive/smutty) ♡ pool day (fluff) ♡ nudity (bc it's so hot) (specify suggestive/smutty) ♡ sundress (specify suggestive/smutty) ♡ bathing suits (specify comfort/fluff/suggestive/smutty) ♡ skinny dipping (smutty) ♡ popsicle (specify suggestive/smutty) ♡ summer fling (smutty) ♡ ^or friends with benefits (smutty) ♡ +any prompts you can think of~
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Spicy Summer Event Slots
july 2nd
naoakira saimon x reader [smut]
july 4th
satsuki ito x reader [fluff]
july 9th
kanata yatonokami x reader [smut]
july 11th
nayuta yatonokami x reader [suggestive]
july 16th
hajun yeon x reader [smut]
july 18th
allen sugasano x reader [suggestive]
july 23rd
kuko harai x reader [smut]
july 25th
yohei kanbayashi x reader [fluff]
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theasterous09 · 10 months
its ninja-o-clock! A couple of asks/q for a bored bud if you want them ;D
Did you ever want an episode with specific scenario/trope in the show?
Did you have any ideas for another villain for Randy to battle?
If you have to choose: would you prefer Randy giving up his ninja mantle early in a self-sacrificing moment or him holding on until he is in a risk of being corrupted?
Any ideas about Randy's family?
First Ninja: blorbo or meh? if blorbo: any headcanons about him?
Did you ever want an episode with a specific scenario/trope in the show?
Yes! I have a lot of scenarios/tropes in my mind (and drafts) that I wish were in the show. Some of the scenarios and tropes were us finally seeing more First Ninja dad moments when Randy is feeling down or Randy and Howard going to the future and help the current ninja of that time (like the time travel episode, but the future-).
Did you have any ideas for another villain for Randy to battle?
Honestly? Yeah, I've always wanted to see Randy fight Howard as an actual monster (not like the soupsicles one, but like a stank'd one). We never got that, but that's fine! If we're talking about like an actual villain, like main antagonist kind of villain, then I've always wondered what if Randy gets sent into the future, only to find out that the current ninja of norrisville was THE villain. That would have been such a twist!
If you have to choose: would you prefer Randy giving up his ninja mantle early in a self-sacrificing moment or him holding on until he is in a risk of being corrupted?
This question made me remember an old fanfiction that had a chokehold on me. Anyone who knows "Randy Cunningham: Shadow of the Future" by not-a-cop on FF.net? Yeah, that's the one that reminded me of this question. To answer it, I would prefer if he gave up the mantle. Sure, it's a cliche choice and almost every hero chooses it, but this is Randy Cunningham we're talking about here. He is literally chosen as the ninja because his heart is pure, and it was stated multiple times (in and out of the show) that he is the best Ninja in the past 800 years (and he's just in his freshman year too)! I'm pretty sure he would choose to give up his title rather than let it corrupt and turn him into something that he's fighting against.
... Unless he becomes super evil then the Ninja of the future has to go back in time to stop Evil!Randy from turning his past-self into an evil version of himself too, which leads to a war between the two Randy's and becomes one of the greatest battles in Norrisville history—
Any ideas about Randy's family?
Yeah! I actually wrote a few headcanons about them and posted it, like, yesterday! But now I can talk about it more:
- Mrs. Cunningham is Althea Kaida Cunningham (Half-Japanese, half-Filipino (I made a mistake in my first hc post where I wrote that it was his dad that was the half-half)). Mr. Cunningham is Calin Cunningham (Pure American).
- They work at the same job (which takes up most of their time).
- They spend time with Randy once a day as a sort of family day and Randy relishes on that day a lot.
- Randy and Calin share the same love for music and video games, while Randy and Althea share the same love for meditating and volleyball (because I hc that Randy's fav sport is volleyball).
First Ninja: blorbo or meh? if blorbo: any headcanons about him?
ABSOLUTE BLORBO! And yes to headcanons!
- Outside of the Ninja suit, his name is Yuto Norisu. He was born in Norrisville with the rest of his brothers.
- When we first met him in the time travel episode, he was a 31-year-old ninja.
- He had a wife and a son, forever lost in time (no spoilers for this first, because I want to rant about it in a different post).
- He was a master of controlling his emotions. When the Sorcerer was still out and chaos can happen easily, he was taught by his older brothers how to control his emotions with ease so that he wouldn't be stank'd like the innocent people.
- When Randy goes inside the Nomicon, First Ninja would show himself to him on ocassion (rarer times Randy had seen him without the mask). During those times, he would help Randy in his ninja training and learning the new life lesson the Nomicon has for him.
- Randy sometimes calls him "Finja" despite the numerous times he told him not to.
- Finja sees Randy as a son (AND YOU CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE).
- He hates the smell of smoke (from a trauma experience or he just really doesn't like the smell of it idk), which is why the smokebombs smell like farts rather than actual smoke.
THESE QUESTIONS WERE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for them, Anon!!! If anyone has more, don't be shy to tell me about them! I would love to talk about this show more ahhhh
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underlanternglow · 1 year
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allen sugasano
general relationship hcs
hajun yeon
general relationship hcs
yandere hcs with an unaware reader
waking up with kisses hcs
anne faulkner
general relationship hcs
fem s/o with beautiful sisters hcs
naoakira saimon
s/o with the opposite personality
jealous hcs
yohei kanbayashi
s/o with the opposite personality
jealous hcs
ryu natsume
s/o with the opposite personality
shiki ando
s/o with the opposite personality
jealous hcs
fem s/o with beautiful sisters hcs
kanata yatonokami
general relationship hcs
jealous hcs
yandere hcs
reader who makes music
nayuta yatonokami
fem s/o with beautiful sisters hcs
general relationship hcs
reader who makes music
reader with a beautiful singing voice
iori suiseki
yandere drabble
reader with a beautiful singing voice
hokusai masaki
interrupting a crush hangout (ft. satsuki & reo)
general relationship hcs
shogo yamato
waking up with kisses hcs
yuto inukai
jealous hcs
ryoga tosa
reader with a beautiful singing voice
shion kaida
"are you really so oblivious?" confession prompt
kenta mikoshiba
jealous hcs
dongha yeon
waking up with kisses hcs
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kousaka-ayumu · 3 months
MILGRAM: Moments From Before HCs
Kaida kept a diary that has the details from her life before becoming "Kotoko"
Fuuta and Yuno suspiciously noticed the scar on "Kotoko"'s arms.
"Kotoko"'s eyes turning into a heterochromatic greenish blue and emerald green randomly
She would always stare at the stars if she couldn't sleep well.
Shidou and Kazui kept their eyes out for "Kotoko" after T2, but for some reason she didn't appear at all, the reason is that she's wandering around the other parts of the prison since Kaida has woken up or asleep 24/7 which worries Kazui.
Majority of the time Kaida is asleep and doesn't bother to interact with the rest of the prisoners.
Whenever she woke up, she ended up calling Es by their real name or former prisoner number "Sora" and "P11" which confused them greatly.
She hasn't eaten anything at all after T2, which is surprisingly concerned John.
She killed 2 people, one is her best friend's killer and the other is the child kidnapper.
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fwacchi · 2 years
hey! can i request any fluff for kaida haru? like general dating hcs! (this is my first time requesting so im sorry if im doing it wrong - does that make sense? 😢)
extremely sorry for the very last post!! rest assured you requested just fine! :) Hope you like this🫶🏼
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genre: fluff
pairings: Kaida Haru x gn!reader
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He would be a very soft(?) and a kind hearted boyfriend.
You would never catch him raising his voice. He can’t even get mad at his colleagues or friends, let alone you.
Being in a relationship with him means meeting Genzuki and Nagao.
It would make him absolutely happy when he sees you getting along with them very well.
If you’re a vtuber too, then collabs with you are more often. But if you’re not, then Kaida will keep you completely hidden from his listeners.
Personal life away from work life.
The type of boyfriend who would get you anything and everything you want.
Is ready to live with you at any time and is just waiting for your approval.
Loves cooking meals for you and takes pleasure in receiving your compliments about his cooking skills.
He’s willing to bring you into the company building (with approvals from the staffs, of course) when he’s just gonna do some paperwork.
Would also bring you to some of the rof-mao shootings so that you can sit and watch them.
Kaida would be someone who’s very shy to initiate touches, even holding hands or wrapping his arms around your waist while walking.
He can do it but it just takes a lot of courage for him to do it.
He’s just a shy lil boy tbh.
Would play the guitar and sing for you!!!!! It’s his favourite thing and doing it together with you leaves him getting a taste of heaven.
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//Working on a ref for it, but Kaida has...a lot of scars in the places she keeps covered normally. Most of them are burn scars shaped like claw wounds, left by the White Goddess' creations. She doesn't exactly hide them, per say, but considering most of her ONS partners never see her again afterwards? She doesn't exactly worry about getting hit with awkward questions.
She wouldn't make any decision that led to them differently, however. Kaida earned them while fighting for the future of her people, a future she knows she won't see fully.
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rainofthetwilight · 11 months
Jenna/JJ Walker HCS!
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since I've also seen the other jaylings get their HC posts, now it's JJ and soon ethan's time to shine!!
(most of these are connected to or need the lore post to understand; so check it out if you haven't!)
Jenna, at first, seems like a sweet and shy kid (if you didn't intimidate her), but she's a literal demon once she gets a bit used to whoever she's talking to
^ to continue with the above, she has trust issues, so if you already leave a bad first impression on her or if she just seems wary then she'll have a hard time even standing next to you
and for that reason it was hard to bond with Jay before he got his memories back, he's a person she knows but doesn't at the same time, and it heavily hurt her because she just wants him to love her like his daughter again
she still was able to keep a good relationship with Nya, but it was a bit hard to talk sometimes because of how much Jenna's changed and that they haven't seen eachother in years
she had such a big bond with Cole, so it would be an understatement saying she missed him severely
she was also very close to Kai! Lloyd, compared to now, wasn't very close to Jenna pre-merge but would love to sneak her some candy when Jay didn't let her
Zane was also pretty close, he'd only wear obnoxiously oversized hoodies just to carry Jenna in them
Wu loved spending time with Jenna, and would give her some scrolls to read to improve her Ninjargon! Jenna hosted tea parties with him, too, and would give him a pink birthday hat instead because his current hat was 'too boring' in her perspective
her handwriting was also pretty decent, too
she is touch starved but sometimes needs her space or she'll get snappish, hugs are what usually calm her down
her favourite animals are, well, dragons! she had basically been around dragons her entire life, so she was never afraid of them, other than dragons though she really loves cats!
her blue phonecase even has a cat on it, it's a small white kitty in the middle and she decorated the rest of the phonecase with small stickers (that are mostly Jay's old ones she borrowed, like his pins)
suprisingly tho, her favourite colour is neither red nor blue, it's actually lavender! her second favourite being any shade of gold, she digs those kind of colours :D she only wears clothing that mostly consist of red and blue to match with her family, she doesn't hate those colours though because they're also on her favourite chart
when she was almost 14, she hit her growth spurt and became the second tallest sibling (Noah being the tallest), she couldn't stop laughing at the look on Kaida's face when she realized she's becoming the shortest 😔 (even Tessa is taller than her, and Ethan was already starting to be tall for his age)
she's, unsuprisingly, unbelievably stubborn, and tries to convince herself to not give up too quickly
she has whole boxes of markers, coloured pencils, and paint! her obsession for art is too great, she even asked Lloyd if she could help paint the new bounty
when she'd go out, there would be some paparrazi she obviously did not like them that much, but had grown used to ignoring them
she had so many of those children colouring books and had alot of drawings pre-seabound, and most of them were complete, but they all burned down along with the monastery in crystallized :')
she was a bit anxious about going to school, but was still excited and had enjoyed it! alot of kids had wanted to be friends with her and she didn't mind the attention
she's a theatre kid! would act in alot of plays when she was still at school and she goes absolutely all out when she does, now she isn't so open about that fact but would sometimes sing and dance in secret (she got caught by Kaida one time, and she never felt so embarrased)
her room's walls are painted by her, she painted simple things like landscapes with some dragons thrown in there
she's that sibling who's always got your back, she'd get into fights if it meant that she'd protect you that way
but she is not much of a good listener, wanting to hurry up with things, but if you needed to rant to somebody so badly she'd try
for her whole life, she was very protective of Ethan, their dynamic was good but got a bit wonky during the timeskip because of how dull everything seemed, and because of how Jenna would be in her room most of the time
she loves to cuddle him alot tho and is still able to carry him sometimes, she never realizes that he's heavier than he looks lmao
sometimes, Lloyd would come and find them asleep on top of eachother on the living room couch, the movie they were watching still playing on the TV
and she despises how Ethan never knocks on her door, fsm knows how many times he's jumpscared her when he slams the door open 💀
she loves to pull pranks on people (that people is Kaida) with Quinn and Finn, those three are unstoppable 😎
speaking of that, Jenna warmed up to them eachother quicker than she expected, it just took a while because she was still not sure of them, but she liked their energy and they didn't seem like a threat to her
she was just envious of the two because they spent their entire lives with Nya and Jay, which was what slowed down the process
being very protective of Ethan, she hated the fact she had to share him, so she was very wary of everyone (especially Noah, who she noticed loved to spend time with him) and didn't want him so close to anyone
but when she saw the way Noah treated him gently and had genuienly loved him, and how much fun Ethan had when he spent time with him, she grew to love Noah aswell
Jenna loved to climb on his shoulders before her growth spurt, with him being ungodly tall she felt like she was standing on the borg tower
with all of these fights, she never thought she'd get along with Kaida one day, theur fights would even sometimes get a bit too heated, but once they starting warming uo eachother, and talked in conversations that weren't fights, they both quickly became protective of one another
she doesn't know how to use a gun, she never used a gun before, so Kaida had obviously taught her (Tessa and Noah taught her too when they could)
BUT she does know how to use a sword! she would sometimes train with Lloyd during the merge timeskip, so she has some pretty decent fighting skills and is good with a sword for her age
she has a love-hate relationship with sparring, tho
she hates blood, she really hates blood, but having seen it so many times in her lifetime (*cough* including hers *cough*) she got only a bit used to it
she was scared about coming out as aroace, but nobody in her family is straight (obviously) and neither are the walker kids (obviously #2) and was suprised when they were all so chill
Jenna: Guys, I'm aroace.
The rest of the walker siblings: Cool.
Jenna: ...what-
Ethan: What's an aroace?
during her stay with them, Ed and Edna would teach her how to engineer and how to use unimportant spare parts to make something new, and she was suprisingly a quick learner and it had distracted her a little from what had happened
she is not a great cook in the slightest, she'll break the pan she's using the moment she touches it :'D
she is an avid reader of comics (just like her dad) and finds them to be more interesting and funnier than books, she borrowed jay's starferer comics during the timeskip after the merge and read them all, and god she did not shut up for weeks about it (which made lloyd very proud lmao)
she loves to swim!! her love for it had plummeted a bit after seabound however
but before the merge, she had been taught how to swim by nya quite alot and always loved to go to the beach just to jump in the water (she's that kid to do those massive cannon balls lmao)
and she loves to run too! she'd never back down from a race and is extremely quick, unless you're Tessa or Quinn it's hard to catch up to her sometimes
(I hit that block limit 😭)
EDIT: she, obviously, knows some swear words
she has frequent nightmares from her ptsd (cough crystallized cough near death experience cough fuck I'm spoiling again-) and gets extremely anxious, the pain seems like its still there, and she cannot stay alone by herself for too long or she'll spiral
EDIT: she also has slight pyrophobia from crystallized (try to guess why)
^ during the merge timeskip, when they started happening more frequently, she'd instantly go to Lloyd, but now she almost always goes straight to Tessa during those times. when she's at her lowest point especially, Tessa's the only sister who listens to her and lets her cry it all out which is why she's one of her closest siblings
in fact, Tessa's the first sibling she grew close to!
Nya does know about these problems too, and when Tessa for any reason isn't able to help Jenna heads straight to her
sometimes, when her anxiety gets the best of her too, she talks walks across the monastery courtyard and climbs up and down the stairs a few times, it always calms her down
Tessa mostly uses her a benchpress along with their sisters, so no one is suprised when they see Tessa benchpressing Jenna who's currently on her phone
she's usually comfortable around Finn and Quinn, and begged Quinn to teach her how to fly once she got her powers too
when she and Kaida got along, those hellspawns LOVED to gossip, and would constantly laugh about an inside joke between them while everyone is so confused (me and that one friend meme be like)
like how the brothers have movie nights, the sisters all have movie nights too!!
before Kaida warmed up to them, she'd constantly fight with Jenna during the film and Tessa would try her darndest to shut them up, while Quinn is just focused on the TV while eating popcorn 😎
and if it isn't obvious enough already, other than Ethan of course her favourite sibling is Tessa, but Kaida quickly followed suit
when she'd be bored, she'd grab Finn and Quinn to paint the walls of their room together
whenever she hears Noah talking about Sasha, she goes "nope" and leaves the room instantly
Jenna borrowed Lloyd's old headphones, which she also decorated with her stickers, she only lets Tessa use it
it's easy to tell that something belongs to Jenna, she always has her nickname 'JJ' on her stuff everywhere
EDIT: Jenna also gets an aviator jacket from Tessa! all the sisters have it :DD
in the future, she eventually gets more chill and Ethan will become the energetic one
ohh my god that was LONGGG..
bb boy ethan's next!! I'm going to sinai tomorrow though and staying until saturday, so yeah expect him to be a little later on!
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agrymonia · 1 year
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Allen Sugasano
Cuddling HCs
Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
Hajun Yeon
Cuddling HCs
Jealous HCs
Hiding your phantometal/trap reactions
Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
Anne faulkner
Cuddling HCs
Hiding your phantometal/trap reactions
Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
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Saimon Naoakira
Yohei Kanbayashi
Shiki Ando
Comforting your s/o when they are stressed
Ryu Natsume
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Kanata Yatonokami
Jealous HCs
Hiding your phantometal/trap reactions
Waking up cozmez with sweet kisses
Nayuta Yatonokami
Hiding your phantometal/trap reactions
Waking up cozmez with sweet kisses
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Iori Suiseki
Zen Gaho
Hokusai Masaki
Satsuki Ito
Reo Maruyama
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Kei Miyama
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Yuto Inukai
Shion Kaida
Ryoga Tosa
Kenta Mikoshiba
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Shogo Yamato
Toma Hikage
Jealous HCs
Kantaro Misuji
Aoi Kureha
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Chunsung Baek
Dongha Yeon
Jealous HCs
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paraliveimaginesblog · 11 months
hello hello! I love this blog ! :)) I was wondering if its ok if I could request hcs with Allen, Hajun, Shion, and Hokusai with a gender-neutral s/o who (tries) to hide the fact that they cuddle with a stuffed animal when they sleep? Bonus if the stuffed animal is old/from childhood! thank you!! keep it up with this blog <33
Allen Sugasano:
It wouldn’t bother Allen in the slightest. He’s a little perplexed about why you felt the need to hide it from him, wondering if he gave off secretly judgmental vibes, but he knew he had more than enough quirks you could judge him for. He’ll never be in favor of someone discarding a thing that they love, his trauma feeling all too fresh when he thinks about it; he doesn’t want you to change who you are and if you’re a person who likes sleeping with stuffed animals, so be it! He’ll defend it to anyone he has to.
Hajun Yeon:
Listen. Being teased is a love language to Hajun, and he certainly wasn’t going to be able to resist a juicy tidbit like that. He might hold back the slightest bit since you seemed mortified at him discovering this, giving off one of his flirty little lines and asking if he’s not a comfortable enough teddy bear to sleep with at night. He does grant you one mercy and his relentless teasing about your stuffed animals are spoken aloud in private spaces only, as he was the only one allowed to make jokes (since he’s the one sleeping next to you at night, other than your stuffed animal).
Hokusai Masaki:
Hokusai just added it to the seemingly endless list of things that make you way too cute for him to even handle. With it being his only response at first, you can’t help but feel a little shifty, asking if it bothered him at all that you wanted to keep your stuffed animals with you. He stated that he doesn’t mind at all, even asking if you’ve named them and properly introducing himself to them out of respect as they had been around much longer than him. He seemed to be comparing it to his love of cats, saying he could understand seeking comfort in things that couldn’t communicate yet were there for you regardless.
Shion Kaida:
Shion doesn’t think it’s weird per se but he does seem a little bothered about staying in the same bed as a stuffed animal, asking if you didn’t want to just cuddle with him instead. If activities escalated he also felt oddly thrown off from having your stuffed animals right there, so it takes some getting used to for Shion. He doesn’t really mind it though if it’s something you need to sleep peacefully at night.
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taddymason · 1 year
Kaida with Jay's lightning pin i'm sobbing 🥺/pos
This was my favorite part to draw and write in the fic. The sad part is that I have the hc that it was Nya who gave Jay the two pins and he doesn't even remember it.
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