#m; kaida
Kaida Amano scar ref
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Rough ref of Kaida's scars. I'm rather proud of this.
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shuruzy · 4 months
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we overcoming the labyrinth with this one🔥
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seasidefallenangel · 4 months
game au: voicelines
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notes: fluff, paralive game au, no content warnings, kinda brainrot
who else remembers when they lied to us about a paralive game? anyway here's some theoretical lines the characters would have about their significant other
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༄ kanata yatonokami:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“ha? the fuck does that have to do with you? 
… did they say something about me?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“nayuta and i didn’t have shit growing up as kids, and they were always annoying about it. dropping by snacks, workin’ extra shifts to help us out - not like i asked for anything. i hate owing people though, so - … oi. get that damn smile off your face. they’re the one that wouldn’t leave me alone.”
⁀➷ quality time:
“mhm, i’ll be by later. love you too.”
[phone clicks]
“geez, you ever mind your own business? you can turn in that job yourself. i promised them i’d go by their house today and they won’t quit naggin’ me about it. huh? that’s not what i fucking mean! if i didn’t like em, i wouldn’t even be dating them. they just like sitting at home and talking to me. it’s weird but… makes em’ happy, so whatever.”
⁀➷ the future:
“nayuta won’t get off my case about marriage and all that shit ; says i should hurry up and give them a ring. doesn’t he know how old we are?! ‘sides, i don’t need some asshole with a bible to tell me we’re gonna be together forever. it’s either them or nobody, and they know it.”
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༄ iori suiseki:
about their lover: 
“i know it’s tempting, but that one over there ain’t one of my hostesses, so try not to stare so hard. my dearest deserves more respect than that, dont’cha think?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“honestly, i thought everything was over after the suiseki massacre. my family helped out a lot, but they were the one to really drag me out of my slump. it’ll be hard as hell for me to ever repay em’ for that, but ‘m still tryin’ to this day.
speaking of, can ya run out and grab em’ for me? it’s been an hour since i’ve seen em, and i’m goin’ through withdrawals.”
⁀➷ safety:
“i’d like to think we’re pretty guarded these days, but i can never be too sure, yanno? honestly, in an ideal world i could just keep em’ in the house forever to make sure nothing can even come close to harming them. hm? is my face that scary?”
⁀➷ the future:
“oi, c’mere for a sec? i want your opinion. the band on this ring is nice, but the diamond cut on here is much more suited to their taste. ahaha, pick up yer jaw! ‘m not proposing anytime soon. just weighin’ out my options for now. i got too many things goin’ on to give em’ the real life they deserve, but one day i’ll be able to make em’ mine forever.”
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༄ shion kaida:
⁀➷ about their lover: 
“hmm? sorry to disappoint, but i’m not really doing stuff like that anymore. my angel might kill me if they catch wind of this, so you can go find someone else to please you, right?”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“i can’t blame you for wanting to come back - everyone always does. they were the first time i was the one to go back, though. so cold hearted towards me, i couldn’t help but want to see them crack. ah, but i wouldn’t advise you to try the same with them. i’m not a fan of sharing.”
⁀➷ bad habits:
“it’s hard not to fall into old ways, if i’m being honest. they’re understanding enough, given the… unique circumstances of my situation, but have enough of a backbone to put me in my place. 
though, just between us, i do it on purpose sometimes. seeing their angry face gets me all sorts of riled up. i’m falling in love at quite the unhealthy pace, fufu.”
⁀➷ the future:
“stability isn’t exactly my thing - i’m sure you’re not surprised. the two of us haven’t talked about that sort of thing yet, so i’m avoiding it as long as i can. i’d hate to see their disappointment when i tell them marriage isn’t in the cards for me.
… is what i’d like to believe, but they’re so cute i just might find myself caving into their charms. maybe they’re the manipulator between us after all.”
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༄ ryu natsume:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“yaho~! have you seen my alien commander? last i saw they were UP IN SPAAAACCCCEEEE - oh! there they are! WAHAHA, ATTACK TIME!”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
"hm hm hmmmm - aha! that cloud looks like my rice ball! one time they shot me with a HUUUGGGEEE love beam and GAH! i was their slave for the next ten million years! ryu-kun doesn’t mind though - we can rule the whole world together.”
⁀➷ haunting thoughts:
“ryu-kun doesn’t want to be around anyone right now. they’re the only one who can make the monsters go away - but i don’t want them to see me the way i am. i like them so much… it really hurts.”
⁀➷ the future:
“d’you think they’d get mad if i wear a cat suit to our wedding? of course we’re getting married! everyone in japan is invited! we’ll have lots of cheese and takoyaki, shiki-kun will be the maid of honor, and we’ll be carried down the aisle with pigeons!”
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༄ toma hikage:
⁀➷ about their lover:
“hey, hey! which selfie is cuter? i like their hair in this one, oh - their smile is so bright here! but they’re irresistible when they’re annoyed at me! and then this is one where they’re sleeping, but this one’s filter is pretty, and this one -”
⁀➷ fleeting memories:
“long before visty was even a thing, they were always by my side. honestly, i doubt i would’ve become an idol without their encouragement. even with that horrible old face of mine, they always talked about how beautiful i was. haaa, i miss them so much! i need to call them right now!”
⁀➷ overbearing fans:
“maybe saying i’m everyone’s idol was a bad idea, haha. they get kinda jealous sometimes when we’re approached too often, but if i’m being real with you, it’s so hot! the way they call me theirs and grip my hand… totally heart pounding!”
⁀➷ the future:
“i hate to think about the day when visty isn’t a group anymore, but the idea of living a normal life with them is kinda nice, you know? waking up late, going grocery shopping, picking up the kids from school, family vacations. not anytime soon, obvs, but i can’t imagine ever wanting it with anyone else.”
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Title: merry-go-round of life
Pairing: Ryou x male reader
Fandom: Yu-gi-yoh!
Warnings: male reader - reincarnation - fluff
Notes: (A.R.N) is an acronym for alternative reader name and (A.B.N) is alternative bakura name.
This is written for a friend
Thank you for being my friend kaida.
They say that soulmates no matter what, will always find one another, time and time again.
Round and round through the dancefloor of time they will see each other and carry on in their waltz of life, with each reincarnation the love grows stronger and more vibrant with each step and breath.
And this time, it started with a bus stop on a rainy spring day where two young men sought shelter from the elements and unknowingly started the clock once more.
Rain pelted the old wooden bus stop as (name) rushed under, clothes soaked as he looked at the heavy rainfall worried "it's gonna last a while, get comfortable" a voice spoke gently as (name) turned to see a white haired teen sitting on the bench, hair drenched and sticking to his face and neck "I saw the weather yet I still forgot my umbrella, could you believe that" he chuckled as (name) sat on the bus seat "I completely forgot to check the weather today, woken up late for class" (name) said to the stranger "ah, another victim to the cursed alarm clock" he said with a slight tease "though rain is needed, the heavens are cleansing the earth after all" his voice tender and gentle with each word, (name) felt pulled in by its calmness as he listened to him.
"So where are you coming from, stranger?" (Name) asked the white haired teen with a soft smile "oh, I came back from a few duels... You know how it is" (name) looked at him in awe as he got closer "that's so cool! You know how to duel?!"
"Y-yeah, do you?"
"Nah, it always looked intimidating ya know? Though I always thought it was cool-- oh I'm (name) by the way! (name) (last name)!" He introduced with a grin and offered his hand to the other who took it gently "Ryou Bakura, it's a pleasure to meet you (name)... I may not be the most amazing player but I do fancy myself pretty decent... Maybe I can show you" he offered as he fiddled with his hands and the smile (name) had on his face was one he wanted to photograph and look at forever.
He wanted that smile on his face every day.
They spoke endlessly, each word they grew more and more fond of one another as the two scooted closer and found they had much in common.
They felt like they had spoken to one another all their lives.
"Oh, the rain stopped"
"It did..." (Name) seemed disappointed that it stopped and he was, he didn't want to stop talking to Ryou... "Could we-- could we hang out sometime?" (Name) asked hopefully and Ryou looked startled but happy as he nodded, giving the other his email on a scrap paper and the two parted ways, both giddy as they rushed to email one another.
Messages were traded, the two sitting on their computers throughout the night messaging and joking around.
They couldn't hang out again till a week and a half later, (name) giddy as he put on an outfit, subconsciously he wanted to look good for the white haired teen, impress him even as their first meeting he looked like a wet rat.
(Name) had his allowance saved along with his part time job money for this hangout, he was not gonna let his new friend pay for a thing! Heck yeah! It was gonna be awesome!
(Name) hyped himself in the mirror before leaving, a stupid smile on his face, not knowing he had done this countless times before.
It was a fall afternoon, (A.R.N) ran down the old cobble road to the forest outside of the old farming village with a stupid smile, a basket of treats in his hand.
"(A.B.N)!" (Name) called with a smile as the young man looked from his book to see the other, a soft smile on his face as he stood up and watched as (name) ran to him, only to tumble over an old branch "are you alright?!"
"I-i was just falling for you, I suppose"(A.R.N) huffed a laugh to the shoe makers son who snorted a laugh "come, let's get you sitting" he whispered to his lover who let him lead him to their secret spot, a spot just for them.
(A.R.N) rested his head as his beloved continued reading out loud to him, this was often how they spent their time, just enjoying their time together.
"I hope you weren't waiting long" (name) said as he got to the cafe they agreed on, (name)s breath taken from him as he looked at the other who had the sweetest expression of slight confusion as (name) stared stunned "are you alright?" He asked worriedly, hand on (name)s forehead and (name) snapped from his thoughts as he took Ryou's hand gently "all's good, just... You look good"
The summer heat was heavy as (ABN) looked flustered as she stared at her wedding dress "thank you, you also look quite lovely" the two dressed in the best clothing they had as they stood at the altar, a tailor's son and a noble man's daughter marrying in a Paris Church... How odd it was to an outsider.
But to them, it was everything "I (ARN), vow to love and cherish you through sickness and health... I will sew you the finest dresses and promise to love you till my dying days" he whispered so sweetly to his love, the other smiling as they kissed gently and sealing their marriage, the church door slamming open.
And a gun was fired.
"Don't worry, I got it" (name) smiled as he paid for their things, Ryou shyly sipped his drink as they sat at a booth "so how are you? How's everything?!" (Name) asked as they got comfortable, Ryou noting how he was like an excited dog as he hung onto every word the white haired man spoke, not realizing at this exact moment he fell in love with Ryou once again.
You wouldn't realize how many drinks you would go through as you spoke to someone you loved, Ryou rambling about dueling.
"Sorry-- you're probably tired about hearing about dueling"
"I have never wanted to hear anything more than you talk so passionately"
The young poet looked flustered as (ARN) stood behind the library desk, watching the others adjust their glasses as the librarian looked so lovingly "you're... You're really talented at that... I think I could hear you talk about it forever" (ABN) looked at the wooden floors of the carpet, the two dressed in sixties clothing as (ABN) finished a poetry class "thanks, I hope to be the next Emily Dickinson..."
"I believe in you"
Ryou felt flustered at (name)s encouragement as the sun set before them "I-I know this might be dumb but... Would you wanna go on a date? If not that's totally fine, I get it--"
(Name) kissed him lovingly, like every forest date and wedding and jazz club and forgotten corner of the library, he kissing him so so lovingly "I would be a dumbass to not accept that"
And just like that, the merry-go-round of life continued, their song still playing and their dance never ending.
Just like every time before.
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alizibtheterrible · 10 months
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(adding them to The Collective™️ simply because I can, more info under the cut)
Ebb (the oldest): Ebb is the biggest and the oldest. Her tusks and hair have already started to grow in and are more prominent than her siblings. She’s very calm and likes to sleep. She also enjoys eating anything in sight… Ebb really doesn’t have a preference to any person in particular. She does tend to stay around Finn and Quinn more however.
Flash (second oldest): The only brother of the group. He’s a gremlin. He throws his weight around, especially with O’Hara, and occasionally gets put in his place. He’s the fastest which earned him the name of “Flash.” He dislikes being pet but regularly makes exceptions for Kaida, who he favors. He mimics Kaida’s behavior, even going so far to butt Jenna’s leg sometimes (bro really thinks he’s badass)
Huracan (Second youngest): Huracan is incredibly curious and agile. She regularly gets stuck at the top of cabinets, an occurrence that baffles everyone. Huracan will accept pets from everyone, she does not discriminate. She likes to be around Sparky, since he’s kind of the unofficial mediator for the piglets. Huracan also likes to be around Noah, Tessa, and Fynn since they’re more likely to give her food.
O’Hara (youngest): The runt of the litter. Being the smallest, her tusks have barely grown in. She and Flash wrestle a lot, but she loses most of the time (jokes on him, she ends up being bigger than he is). She’s fairly shy and prefers to be around her mother than humans. O’Hara has a fondness for Ethan though (youngest sibling bonding fr).
@rainofthetwilight @sharksandjays @weekend-whip @finn-m-corvex @officercooks @taddymason
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weekend-whip · 11 months
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Tessa: ...how long do we have to pose like this?!
Noah: Just until they get the photo! ORRR for as long as you want to be my armrest—
Tessa: I'm done then *leaves*
. . .
Ethan: There's...so many new people...
Jenna: Don't worry, I won't let them intimidate you! (...or me...)
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Quinn: We have SO many siblings now!!!
Finn: D'ya think any of them are willing to trade? I could use a sibling upgrade~
Quinn: Very funny. Look, even Kaida is really excited!!
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The results of yesterday's invasion of Jaya children @finn-m-corvex @rainofthetwilight @taddymason :3
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liviavanrouge · 16 days
Gabe(12): *Walks past Cyno*
Cyno: Gabe-
Gabe: *Glares at him* What!?
Cyno: ....how was lessons with Dottie?
Gabe: Same as always, boring and I almost fell asleep, can I go now!?
Cyno: *Stares at his son then looks down* I'm sorry...
Gabe: *Looks at him* Huh-
Cyno: I...failed you as your father, haven't I? Because you don't have your mother
Gabe: *Perks up*
Cyno: I know you heard me and Tighnari talking during our visit...and I don't blame you for getting upset......I rather blame myself for not talking with you sooner
Cyno: You have nothing to feel guilty about, you didn't kill your mother that night and I don't want you to have that mindset
Gabe: *Grips his shirt stunned*
Cyno: *Steps closer* Your mother wanted you to live and so do I...and I apologize again for failing you..I haven't been the best-
Gabe: We're both at fault....it's not just you..I haven't made an effort to tell you how I'm feeling or felt brave enough to confront you..
Gabe: It's not fair that you're taking all this blame onto yourself...you tried your best all while still missing her..
Gabe: I wish, I could've met her, the stories Uncle Sethos, Uncle Tighnari and Uncle Kaveh tell me about her...
Gabe: Dad, Mom sounded so amazing...
Cyno: *Smiles slightly* She was amazing...
Gabe: Also, I need some advice...
Cyno: Advice? About what pray tell?
Gabe: .....I think I like Harika, Monsieur Neuvillette's daughter
Neuvillette: *Crushes his pen, his eyes narrowed* Hmph.
Uru: M-Master! Why did you do that!?
Neuvillette: I feel suddenly...angry...is that the word, angry?
Uru: Y-Yes?
Harika(10): *Beams coming in* PAPA!
Kaida(10): DADDY!!
Neuvillette: *Smiles as the two girls threw their arms around him* Hey girls...
Neuvillette: Also, stay away from Kazuha and Cyno's kids~
Harika and Kaida: Eh?
@queen-of-twisted @albedomestic-airline
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kousaka-ayumu · 5 months
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Kaida Akahono(Garmadon)/Cure Dragon
Trigger warnings: this may contain mentions of abuse, extreme bullying, character deaths, abandonment, abandonment issues, seperation anxiety.
Nicknames: Akahono-san(2nd years and 3rd years, Ortho(Floyd and Rook)), Kaida-chan(Yumeri, Sonomi, Hokori, Yuri, Mizuko, Fuyumi, Seiza), Kaida(1st years, Kaida, Farah, Hoseki, Kiko), Little Hybrid(Lilia), Child of Puppetmaster/Hybrid(Malleus), Princesse de Marionnette/Soldat de l'Hybride(Rook), Sea Dragon(Floyd), Little Puppet(Lord of Death), Lady Kaida(Sebek and Silver) , Big sis(Lloyd)
Age: 17
Height: 168cm
DOB: 7/25(Actual)
Twisted from: Aurora(Sleeping Beauty), Kotoko(MILGRAM), Grim Reaper, Towa(Go Princess PreCure), Hayate(D4DJ), Mafuyu(Project Sekai), Mizi(Alien Stage)
Species: Oni, Dragon, and human hybrid
Homeland: Ninjago(Birth Place), Gravedawn Village(Adopted: Destroyed), Valley of Thorns(Adopted)
First Spinjitsu Master(Biological grandfather: deceased)
First Spinjitsu Master's wife(Biological grandmother: deceased)
Lord Garmadon(Biological father)
Misako(Biological mother)
Wu(Biological uncle)
Lloyd(Biological younger brother)
Aiko(Adoptive mother: deceased)
Hiiragi(Adoptive father: deceased)
Dorm: Diasomnia
Club: Gargoyle Studies Club
Class: 1-B(No.5)
Hobby: Sleeping, playing chess, humming.
Likes: Sleeping, spending time with her loved ones, reading books.
Dislikes: Separation, her loved ones dying, people leaving her.
Favorite food: anything healthy
Least favorite food: anything disgusting
Favorite drink: Water
"A first year of Diasomnia, almost everything about her is a complete mystery nobody knows about her other than being a guitarist of Moonlight Bloom."
Kaida is a tall fair skinned girl with dark red hair with bright red ombre and a blonde bang with heterochromatic greenish blue and emerald green eyes.
As Cure Dragon hee hair became bright red and slightly curled and her bangs became lighter blonde, her eyes is now heterochromatic gold and violet.
Kaida is born to Misako and Garmadon, unfortunately due to Garmadon's descent into darkness Misako didn't have a choice but abandoned her kids at the Boarding School for Bad Boys and it's sister school Boarding School for Bad Girls to protect them for him.
Her life there is absolute hell cause the majority of them have bullied her daily like splashing water at her, throwing food, pushing her down the stairs and even went as far as putting poison into her food.
And if anything she doesn't really care anymore and became numb to the pain, she ran away overnight and accidentally bumped into a mirror deep into the woods and ended up in Twisted Wonderland.
She was founded by a lovely couple named Aiko, Hiiragi and their daughter Charlotte, and ended up being adopted by them.
But unfortunately happiness didn't last long as the Gravedawn Village ended up being attacked and her parents being killed, leaving her and Charlotte as the sole survivors of the attack, which is worse when both of them we're 6 when the village was attacked.
Luckily they were rescued by Lilia and ended up being raised in the Valley of Thorns.
Both her and Charlotte ended up coming PreCure at the age of 13 but it only lasted for 3 years before Charlotte died due to an attack leaving Kaida all alone.
Kaida is a calm, deadly quiet and almost emotionless girl who only spoke a few words and very difficult person for people to make her angry.
However she wasn't always like that, during her youth she used to be a shy and timid girl but because of the treatment she got when she was in BSFBG she slowly became like this.
She has a sense of justice and has good intentions but she doesn't know how to execute them properly.
"Unique Magic:" Yin-Yang flame.
It allows her to summon golden flames(creation) & violet flames(destruction)
She has insomnia
She gave off some puppet girl vibes
Her brain usually block off all the terrible memories she has back in Ninjago which means she doesn't remember her time there.
She isn't aware that she's Garmadon's child and thought he was just a myth
She has some sort of hearing ability.
Has shapeshifting powers.
She joined the Gargoyle Studies Club just so that Malleus wouldn't be lonely.
What do you guys think of her?
@zexal-club @yukii0nna @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @sundove88 @yumeko2sevilla @achy-boo
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porta-decumana · 2 months
I'm still going through all of the new followers by the way! There are a lot of you but I'm genuinely so honored you all wanted to reach out to me. That's very kind of you!
Brief OC intros until I get a proper post going! (under the cut for your convenience)
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Akari "Kaida" Asagiri - a Raen from the Ruby Sea, my "main WoL" so to speak. Hails from an underwater city with deep religious ties to the ocean. Daughter of a cold-hearted general and prodigy soldier. Considered a strategist in the Scions and an all-rounder. Getting a bit of a rework but is usually DRK/DNC/SGE.
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Cassius Flavus - Garlean from the capital city, an OC that supports Kaida/the Scions. Part of a polycule with Kaida and Gaius Baelsar. Former courtesan, number #1 Emet-Selch/Solus zos Galvus hater, and kind of a disaster of a man (but really funny). Usually DRG/RPR/GNB.
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Lillian Willows - A Gridanian botanist that discovered she had the Echo one day, considered a "late bloomed WoL" that joins in post-Shadowbringers. Kind of a spiteful little firebrand, ran away from home to find her missing husband. Probably 1 bad day from her villain arc. Has a crush on Thancred but too stubborn to admit it. Usually a WHM/RDM/BTN. (May be dabbling in PCT in the future!)
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Eirian Yascaret - Nonbinary viera from the Golmore Jungle. Eirian and Kaida join the Scions at around the same time. Eirian is a trained fighter with a no-nonsense attitude. They're matter-of-fact, stubborn, and typically don't dilly-dally. Gets embarrassed if they're called cute (to the point where Eirian hides their tail). They're usually a PLD/SAM.
Given changes to m*dding and things of that nature, there may be some updates for each character but as of right now, these are their current appearances!
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taddymason · 1 year
One question (in fact there are several, sorry for the inconvenience): Does the Administration give Jay field work and vehicle repair and things just because they can't understand Jay's writing?
And I'm not saying this because Jay has unintelligible handwriting, I'm saying this because Ninjago has its own alphabet. So Jay does his mission reports or general paperwork but when he presents it all the others see is just a bunch of lines and symbols that barely resemble letters or simplified Japanese kanji.
If that's the case, does Jay teach Kaida some of the Ninjago language or writing to make it like his "secret language"? It could also be a way for Jay to remember where he came from and/or his parents, with the bonus of being able to write in a report "I hate this job." and no one will know what it means besides Jay.
Along with this, there is also the question: Does Jay have any Ninjago customs that seem strange to The Administration? Not only that he grew up in the desert and from there he develops certain habits, I mean as a custom or a common behavior in Ninjago.
How to bow to ask for forgiveness, thank you, good morning (asking for forgiveness they may have to force you to do it and that is why you bow respectfully); taking off your shoes when you get to your apartment, considering that Ninjago is loosely based on Asian culture, also what would be New Year's Day and All Souls' Day. I imagine Jay not wanting to celebrate All Souls' Day because he doesn't believe his parents are dead or anything, but there is still some respect for the day.
AAA I love these asks sm!!
Does the Administration give Jay field work and vehicle repair and things just because they can't understand Jay's writing?
Mainly it's because Jay's skills and powers are too valuable not to have him as a field agent, but just that is also an important factor. I imagine that eventually the more technologically advanced kingdoms would build translators for the other inhabitants' different alphabets and languages after a few years. Although of course, Jay eventually learns the alphabet so he can make reports and read his missions when they enlist him to do that.
If that's the case, does Jay teach Kaida some of the Ninjago language or writing to make it like his "secret language"?
I don't know how you guessed it but in fact in chapter 3 Kaida sees Jay working on a blueprint for an invention and actually asks him to teach her the ninjago alphabet so they can use it to communicate. Also the idea of Jay writing messages that no one understands like "I hate my job" or "Sharon is useless" is perfect imao. And yes, Sharon also exists here (thanks @finn-m-corvex)
Does Jay have any Ninjago customs that seem strange to The Administration? Not only that he grew up in the desert and from there he develops certain habits, I mean as a custom or a common behavior in Ninjago
Yes, a lot actually, especially expressions and phrases that they don't understand. Not only because Jay grew up in the desert and the Administration is basically a big city, but because both kingdoms have a huge time gap. While Ninjago has a more primitive technology and people behave in a less strict way, in the Administration they have more advances but people behave in a much more structured way.
Also Jay and Kaida use the Administration calendar so they don't really know what date it is in Ninjago but they still celebrate the holidays every year.
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sharksandjays · 10 months
Okay so iff I may ask... What the deal w the "dad Jay" stuff?? And a "council"?????? I love it but I'm very confused (also I have a character that may be applicable and appreciated but am to scared to people with a name sooo... Is there like a sigh up thing? Id love to share with you all ❤️but completely understand if you hate my guts for asking love your btw stuff okay I'm gonna go aet cardboard okay by now)
Hi there anon! Its totally fine I dont mind!
Basically the Dad Jay stuff is a combined au where several accounts add their headcannoned children together and make like a superfamily. For example, my character Fynn is apart of a personal AU where he is a student of Jays (much like Arin is to Lloyd.) But Jay sorta considers him like a kid. So in this superfamily combined AU, Fynn is apart of 7 other siblings made by other accounts, if that makes sense.
The Council consists of me, @finn-m-corvex @taddymason @rainofthetwilight and @weekend-whip . Our OCs are Fynn, Jenna, Ethan, Noah, Finn, Quinn, Tessa, and Kaida.
As for the signup thing, you are absolutely free to make a kid for Jay! We cannot guarantee that we will make content about it since our personal combined au is pretty closed HOWEVER youre free to make whatever content you wish! Go ham man its really fun!!
I hope this answered the question, and if the others in the council want to clarify more then feel free!!
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//Working on a ref for it, but Kaida has...a lot of scars in the places she keeps covered normally. Most of them are burn scars shaped like claw wounds, left by the White Goddess' creations. She doesn't exactly hide them, per say, but considering most of her ONS partners never see her again afterwards? She doesn't exactly worry about getting hit with awkward questions.
She wouldn't make any decision that led to them differently, however. Kaida earned them while fighting for the future of her people, a future she knows she won't see fully.
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mera-k1 · 4 months
heheheheh i see polyships n i saw ideas of shion being more ok w ryoga being in a thing together (most likely a post from u❤️) could i see m, d, and i?
it was probably my post... enjoy, nonnie~
Poly Smut Alphabet
Shion Kaida x gn!reader x Ryoga Tosa
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♡ dynamic [who’s usually on top? on the bottom? the switch? etc]
-ryoga usually leans towards the more dominant position when having sex while shion tends to lean towards more being a full switch. depends on his mood usually while ryoga will usually have a preference for being on top. he won't complain about being on the bottom once in a while though!
♡ initiate [who initiates sex more often?]
-definitely shion. it's a no brainer that he'd initiate it the most unless you have a high sex drive. then it'd usually be you or him while ryoga compiles with either of you.. he's not got a super high sex drive but when he does initiate sex, it is a bit of a surprise.
♡ mine [is one more possessive over you than the other?]
-ryoga's definitely more possessive over you than shion is. he 's okay with shion but anyone else? hell no. ryoga's not so possessive over shion and let's him do his own thing though without much of a second thought to what shion's doing...
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ekacucumber · 10 months
Amaya HCS!
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There are two blocks, the first ones are connected with her Dad-Jay period and the second ones are just facts! Can be updated :D
She was 10 when Jay found her and they even celebrated Amaya's 11th birthday. Now she's 14, almost 15 (*coughing* I'm bad at counting and feeling of time don't ask me)
Jay gave her that hairclip on birthday! Because hair on the left side used to bother Amaya.
Got her scarf from mother and umbrella from grandpa ("he was a traveler, it's the useful souvenir")
Lost Jay when he was trying to save people from some monsters. Jay told her to stay behind and direct people to safety... The last thing Amaya saw before running away is the hugest lightning she had ever seen. After Amaya realized Jay won't return, people nearby caught the heaviest downpour.
Was wandering with some groups but haven't grown warm to any
When Amaya met the main team, she immediately recognized Nya from Jay's description. And others too, but Nya's image was clearer obviously. Nya and Amaya grew close pretty quickly.
(nya sees some libber's features in amaya's appearance it's coincidence of course but still)
Amaya is 5'2'' and she doesn't seem to have a grow-up coming soon. It doesn't bother her though.
Amaya loves to read all the books from all over the realms! She gathers books from trips and keeps them carefully. She dreams of becoming a librarian or bookseller.
But whenever siblings call Amaya to spend time together, she immediately forgets about reading.
She has an excellent photographic memory... And terrible auditory memory.
Has a diary to write some things to remember or gather thoughts when stressed. Amaya has almost perfect handwriting if she writes slowly, but she can be faster and less careful with it.
When Amaya discovered Ethan's interest in writing, she got quite excited. Sometimes she reads aloud to him.
Amaya doesn't really appreciate sudden hugs and cuddles not on her initiative. She didn't talk about it for a long time when tactile kids were hugging her because she was feeling too embarrassed to break it. Tessa was the first one who noticed and warned the others about it.
Amaya and Tessa are in Blonde Therapists Team. Such a funny coincidence.
At first, Amaya kept her distance because she didn't feel she should getting into the family she doesn't belong to.
Unexpectedly, Amaya has pretty strong legs for her weak body. Even though she doesn't want to become a Ninja, Amaya considers she could fight with her kicks.
Amaya and Kaida had a rather tense relationship at first. They just put two and two together that Jay got lost for Amaya and met Kaida after the same event. But they got along as soon as realized that it was not in their control.
Amaya likes fluffy and soft things, she can just sit and touch the softest plaid in place. Or borrow a toy to pat it.
Once Amaya forgot to lock the bathroom door, and that's how Quinn found her sleeping in the bath. Honestly, everyone knows about it but Amaya.
Amaya usually speaks softly and quietly, but whenever someone starts singing a song she knows... Ooh boy SHE BECOMES LOUDER WITH EVERY WORD.
One of the best listeners to siblings' rant. She's genuinely interested and concerned... She can give a hug if everything is too bad. Sometimes she asks if hot chocolate will make the situation better.
Amaya doesn't cry, no one have ever seen her cry. She stares in the void, dives into anxious thoughts, but does not cry. Rain tells about her mood more than face.
@rainofthetwilight @weekend-whip @finn-m-corvex @taddymason there we go! Write more suggestions, I would love to interact :3
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braveblackbutterfly · 23 days
What happens to Wendi North and Trevor Dalton in Supernaturally Human?
Note 1: mild spoilers will be at the top of this post and major spoilers will be in the keep reading section.
Wendi and Trevor, my first main couple in a book I wrote. They are my only main m/f couple in a book project of mines (the rest of my main couples are f/f or cis female/nonbinary.
I wrote this book because I was a huge fangirl of vampire shows and movies (mainly The Vampire Diaries). But as a black fangirl, there weren't many black centered vampire or witch books. So I decided to write my own.
Note #2: Looking back at this novel nearly a decade old now, there will be things I would change about Wendi and Trevor's story. But I'm going to write what I came up with in 2015.
Wendi and Trevor met at a very bad time/situation at a nightclub called Nightcrawlers for (targeted) human guests, run by vampires unbeknownst to the humans. Wendi's best friends, Raquel and Asia convinces her to go with them to the club despite her hesitations. The outing ends in tragic as Wendi's friends are killed by a ruthless vampire coven/gang run by a 500 year old vampire named Ken.
Trevor and his friend Cameron are also at the club. Trevor wanted to do something, help them (or more so Wendi who he's immediately drawn to), but Cameron warns him they can't compete against Ken and his coven and that witches and vampires rarely interact with each other. When they do, it's never on good terms.
Despite this, Trevor goes to check on Wendi anyway as she makes her way out the club. As he approaches, she thinks he's one of Ken's minions. She gets fed up when he tries to explain he's not affiliated with Ken. When she tries to shove him away from her, she has a vision with flashes of them being a romantic couple, their relationship having an impact on their world.
Even more confused and scared, Wendi runs out the club which Trevor easily catches up to her. Still not sure what this vampire's intentions are, Wendi shows him the vision. She is taken aback when Trevor looks at her like he’s already in love with her.
When Trevor finally asks for her name, he realizes she's North witch, one of the most powerful witch covens on the east coast. At least until her parents were murdered during a mission when Wendi was a teen. The vampire government nor the royal court did nothing to the suspected vampires. And Wendi knows they are not going to do anything about her best friends' murder.
Seeing the anger in her, Trevor decides to help her get justice with the help of their friends and families (and later other allies).
Wendi meets Trevor's coven which consists of his best friend Cameron and his half sister Viviana (note #3 someone please send me an ask about Viviana! I'd really love to talk about her). Trevor meets Wendi's relatives: her aunt Cassie, her uncle Jake, her cousin Kesia, and her sister Jasmine. On Cameron's bold suggestion, they all meet a vampire hunting couple named Kaida and Shoya. And that couple later introduces them to a werewolf sibling pack: Jaya, Pravin, Deepnita and Aja.
Everyone works together and come up with a plan to defeat Ken and his coven. But Ken doesn't makes it easy for them, especially when Ken threats to drain Wendi of her blood at his full moon party (legend has it that a vampire who drains the life of a witch during the full moon will become unbeatable against the wooden stake. Is it true? Who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️👀)
Throughout all this chaos, Wendi tries (and fails) not to fall in love with Trevor. At first, she doesn't understand why she's fated to a vampire after everything his kind done to her family. But as time goes on, they learn more about each other, and Wendi can see the (remaining) humanity in Trevor and grows to love him as a person and not as a vampire.
Flash forward to the end: the morning before Ken's full moon ball, Wendi has another vision, this time of her, Kesia and Jasmine levitating in the air and casting a human transformation spell at Nightcrawlers, turning Trevor and his coven back into humans. Wendi and her family finds the spell in one of the three spellbooks Aunt Cassie gave her earlier in the book and discovered the spell will only work if the vampire has their humanity intact. Otherwise, the vampire will be set ablaze. With that in mind, the three witches practice memorizing the spell in their head (can't cast it now for they don't want to turn Trevor and his coven into humans before stopping Ken).
Fast forward to the full moon party: people dance, people die, someone comes out the closet, Ken and his minions are finally stopped and Trevor and his coven turn back into humans.
Wendi and Trevor can now truly be happy together.
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alizibtheterrible · 11 months
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sorry @finn-m-corvex, @rainofthetwilight, and @localaceken Kaida is actually mine now haha
@taddymason’s silly little murder child Kaida! I love her
(Levi’s OCs are next on the hitlist)
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