#hcc bdubs
askthehcc · 18 days
Skibidi toilet erm what the sigma
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Oh, Bdubs.
Bdubs: What do you MEAN, OH BDUBS?
Etho: It's skibidi toilet, isn't it? You know, don't you? Skibidi!
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: NO?
Cub: Oh, I know about this. I've been doing some research.
Cub: Skibidi toilet actually refers to a series of animated shorts that fall largely within the surrealist horror genre.
Cub: To some it's simply just a bunch of stained toilets with singing heads, fighting with a bunch of anthromorphised cameras...
Cub: But to others, it's a commentary on the violence and apathy inflicted upon the generation commonly referred to as "Gen Alpha" by their predecessors.
Cub: Skibidi toilet more accurately reflects the grim reality of our world, which is rife with poverty, power imbalance, and pervasive surveillance.
Cub: The grotesque visual imagery of the animated shorts stands out against the over-saturated, highly censored content that is finacially rewarded by advertisers who seek capalitistic gain.
Cub: The question is not What is Skibidi Toilet?
Cub: But on which side of the war do you fall?
Etho: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Yeah, see, Bdubs? Skibidi! Sigma!
Bdubs: That explains NOTHING.
Grian: Is Cub... okay?
Etho: I'm afraid to ask.
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soemthingsparkly · 5 months
i would absolutely love to share a rant!
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much. grian venting to tango about feeling left out. the fact that he felt left out at all over something so small. they're so codependent and i love it.
and then there's scott and jimmy's dynamic. scott kissing jimmy and then jimmy venting to grian and then grian just responding with "HE DID WHAT??????" and then at the cafe. the idea of someone doing something they shouldn't have and then having a panic attack over a third party's opinion on it is so... idk how to say it. like i said, a type of fucked up that you don't see talked about much and i relate so hard to it. it's clear scott's probably trying his best out at least trying a lot to not hurt jimmy but he's failing miserably and i don't think he even realizes it. and like. yeah. ive been there. i don't actually know why scott broke up with him but i get the vibe it was supposed to be like. to help jimmy in some way. like "oh wait ive been toxic maybe i should end this for his sake". but doing that obviously hurt jimmy, especially since he didn't say *why* he did it. and scott obviously did something really drastic and sudden so he's not doing well either and he really wants to go back to jimmy. he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse. and like. this is all a side thing. this fic is mostly about mumscarian and you threw in this flower husbands sideplot but it's still so fleshed out and so *real*.
and speaking of the mumscarian thing the way you write their friendships, especially grian and mumbo's is amazing. it's not like. a stepping stone to a romantic relationship even though they are going to end up in one. very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
grian just texting mumbo that he's bored gives such hcs7 vibes and like he yeah they're so codependent and it's so obvious from grian's side my god
and the way you write pearl is amazing, she's got this sibling energy and it's great.
the way you write all of them is amazing actually. i can hear everything they say in their voices. the clockers are on point, especially scar and bdubs.
i could keep going im sure lmao but anyway great fic i love it if you read this ill cry /pos
This has been sitting in my ask box for a while because I just love it so much anon and I was like~~~ how do I respond to such a long ask with the same level of enthusiam?
I wanna break this ask into chunks and there's bits of your ask I wanna respond to directly, so...
all the characters are so psychologically fucked up in such a realistic way that i didn't see represented much.
I'm glad you think so! I definitely feel like I'm being a little bit risky with how I'm presenting some of the, I suppose, human consequences of being human?
I think a lot of what fandom (in general) consumes gets a little over-sanitised these days. Our favourite characters aren't allowed to be flawed like real people, they must be flawed in a way that is either endearing, entertaining (sarcastic or snarky), or easily forgivable.
But that's not always that interesting when it comes to wanting characters we can truly relate to?
Grian gets upset he's left out not just because he has Trauma™, but because he does have a co-dependancy on Mumbo that borders on unhealthy. Tango tells Grian to, in not so many words, get over himself and try and have fun - not because he knew Grian would respond well to it, but because he's blunt and doesn't know how to comfort people gently. Bdubs makes fun of Scar for being disabled, because he knows that everybody in that group chat understands he's joking and that his comments will never leave that group chat (in-world that is, of course, everybody who reads the fic will read them).
And Scott for example, is not a very well-liked character amongst readers at the moment, but he's absolutely one of my favourite to write. You put it pretty well here:
he knows he's being manipulative and it's not on purpose but in trying to stop and be better he keeps making things worse.
Like yes, exactly. He's trying to do better, but the actions he takes that he thinks (or is being co-erced into believing via mental illness) will make things better, keep making things worse and he doesn't really understand how to do it right. And haven't we all been in that position before?
And yet up until chapter 17, we've only ever seen into their dynamic from the outside. We've only ever seen Scott's actions from Jimmy's POV or from the POV of someone who cares about Jimmy.
And somehow it's Jimmy, of all people, defending Scott.
It's absolutely fascinating to see readers reactions and I'd be so happy to talk about this forever and ever and ever, hehehe.
And what you said about Mumbo and Grian's relationship, here:
very "not more than friends, different from friends" vibes /vpos. it doesn't feel like they're ending up in a romantic relationship. it feels like they're making their relationship romantic and i love that so much.
I'm actually SO glad you feel that way about them, because that's exactly the way I feel about them, too. They're not just friends, so much as they're Grian and Mumbo. The idea of them being friends almost suggests an alternative of them being not friends and I just don't there's a way in this world that they can exist and be without one another. So yes, I love this a lot and I love that you feel that way about them.
Thank you so much for this absolutely beautiful message - I am such a fan of analysing characters and their interactions and all that. Frankly, thank you for giving me a space to talk at length about the way these characters are in this fic!!
Here is a tissue for the tears, I hope you don't cry too hard. Remember to stay hydrated <333
Lumi <3
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crink · 1 month
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galaxygermdraws · 3 years
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Helsians round 2, this time featuring two non Hermit counterparts :D Now I’ll do as I did last time, give you the names and who they’re counterparts of then make a read more
Top: Helskizz(Hels Skizzleman), Sminor5991(Hels Smajor), Sidasa212(Hels Bdubs)
Bottom: Axis(Helsuma/Apathetic X), DreadMonster(Helstress), Putrid/FallenAngel Cleo(Hels Cleo)
(Reblogs with tags/comments are appreciated. Thankyu. More info under the read more)
Okay where do I begin with these? Uh, I should say the designs for Helskizz and Sidas are not what they appear like in present day. I won’t say more but. But yeah. Also me and Della may have become way too infatuated with Helskizz oh my gosh we love him so much but oh he’s oh so terrible of a person. Yet again I am not putting everything here, Sminor and Dread aren’t going to get sections because I have no ideas for them at the moment, although Sminor does manage HCC(Hels!MCC)
HelSkizz: A hunter by his teenage years, Helskizz is one of the more screwed up people in Hels. He was suave, arrogant, and extremely abusive. He acts like he doesn’t need anybody… but he’d be lying to himself. When he was younger, he plucked a confused and scared Indulge from his home - The End of All Things - and hunted him for sport. He recorded everything, and it got insanely popular among Helsians. The reactions of the show, Stalked and Scared, were so raw that Helskizz was endorsed by the Stalkers… 
Sidasa212:  Sidas is the former mascot of the NLO, and the brother of one of the biggest debtors of the group. When going about his life before Lonecraft, Sidas was primarily keeping his brother, Mephitic(Meph) from getting himself killed taking risks. It wasn’t until said brother got into trouble with the NLO that Sidas had to actively do something, and thus he became the runt of the group. Eventually he was caught trying to escape, and ended up being punished. Thus, Sidas had his mouth stitched into a smile. He wasn’t allowed to speak his mind for so long, the only thing he could talk to was the trees and mushrooms of the warped jungle, and eventually he fell asleep there, and the NLO lost their control over him. Without those stitches, Sidas would be very blunt and aggressive with everything he says, never faking positivity or optimism. His body is covered in little mushrooms and vines from the warped jungle, and he has powers related to them. 
Axis/Helsuma: Helsuma and Apathetic Xisuma are one in the same, a being known solely as Axis, he is the two faced admin over the Helsmits. While not physically the strongest of the Helsmits, he knows how to work his way into one’s mind until he can shatter them devastatingly. He can act like he’s a good person, and he could do so in a way where you would think he’s his Hermit counterpart, but just as you think he’s trustworthy he can stab you in the back. His main priority is wanting the server to run smoothly, and he doesn’t care who he hurts to make sure that happens. He has a nasty burn scar on the left side of his face, as well as on his left arm. He is also half blind, and covering all the nastiness of his missing eye with his hair. 
PutridCleo: Also known as FallenAngelCleo, Putrid works under Zedeath after he kept her from permanently dying. She doesn't work as a reaper like Grim, but rather she keeps track of Vessels. If they're alive or dead, if they're viable or not. She is the one who informed Zedeath of Wormman's existence on Hermitcraft. She used to be AngelCleo, but dying and becoming a worker under Zedeath ruined that for her. She doesn't mind, though. She enjoys her job, and working under a Death Spirit gets her powers being a simple angel could never get her.
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askthehcc · 1 month
who misses the most and the least days of work?
Joe: Well, not to be too braggadocios, but I do have a 113% shift attendance rate.
Tango: Wait, how the hell you have a 113 percent attendance? How is that even possible?
Joe: Well, you see, Tango, when people can't make their own shifts, I tend to be the first person X calls in to cover.
Joe: Or, you know, when someone happens to oversleep their shift...
Tango: Oh, come on, Joe, that was one time!
Joe: Hey man, I'm just answering your question.
Joe: ... and it was twice, actually.
Tango: Ugh.
Bdubs: Oh my god, the day Scar shows up for a shift, I'll eat my own socks.
Cleo: You mean the disabled man who occasionally takes time off when he's sick?
Bdubs: Yeah, exactly!
Bdubs: I'm over here pulling all his slack, while he's off dilly dallying in a hospital bed.
Bdubs: And for what?
Bdubs: A load of phooey, that's what.
Cleo: I mean, you are paid to cover his shifts, Bdubs, so I don't know what you mean by that.
Bdubs: Tsk. Typical. You would say that.
Cleo: Would I? Why?
Bdubs: Because he's obviously your favourite, Cleo!
Cleo: Oh my god, not this again...
Cleo: I literally live with you, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Yeah, but you'd live with Scar if you could, though. I know it.
Cleo: You know what?
Cleo: At this point, I'm seriously considering my options...
Bdubs: NO!
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askthehcc · 1 month
oh gosh is that handsome young man in the back single?
Etho: [pointing to self] me?
Bdubs: HEY!
Etho: Aw, Bdubs. You do love me.
Scar: See?
Scar: Weird.
Cub: You're trying to understand the complex relations of a QPR, Scar.
Cub: It's weird to you because it's not a mode of relationship you're familiar with.
Cub: But it's just as legitimate and valid as the relationship you would have with a romantic partner.
Scar: I see...
Scar: And what exactly does the radio have to do with anything?
Cub: Mm, good question, Scar. A good question indeed.
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askthehcc · 5 months
Anyone got a favorite coffee shop worker?
Bdubs: Etho used to work here.
Cleo: ...
Cleo: I'm sitting right here, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Oh, Cleo! Good timing. They're asking about our favourite baristas.
Cleo: ...
Cleo: False.
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: am I dirt to you?
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askthehcc · 3 months
which of you is the best liar, do you think?
Bdubs: ME
Cleo: Cub.
Tango: Cub, absolutely.
Cub: Hm. I think it's Bdubs.
Cub: No, it's me. That was an example.
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askthehcc · 4 months
Hello my fave coffee shop team, I was wondering if any of you are neurodivergent and wanted to share any experiences you had? :)
Scar: Oh, well, I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic, but we didn't really know about the dyspraxia until a lot later on...
Scar: It's funny, not a lot of people know about dyspraxia as well as they do dyslexia, but it's just as impacting.
Grian: What is that?
Scar: Dyspraxia? It's like... motor co-ordination and stuff, I think.
Grian: [Snorts]
Grian: You think?
Scar: Look at me, Grian, do I look like an expert here?
Grian: ...
Scar: How dare you.
Cleo: I'm autistic, but I wouldn't say I have any experiences to share exactly?
Cleo: Something's going on with Bdubs, but who can really say, honestly.
False: I guess I can get a little anxious at times.
False: I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was at school, to be fair, so.
False: I guess it would be fair to say I do have anxiety. Hm.
Mumbo: Yeah, nope, token neurotypical, I guess.
Scar: Pfffftttt
Scar: Okay, Mumbo.
Mumbo: What?
Scar: What do you mean what? I've seen you iron your socks, Mumbo.
Mumbo: So???
Scar: ...
Mumbo: Scar!
Impulse: I think he's saying you might be a little autistic, buddy.
Mumbo: What, because I iron my socks? Because I like it when my socks feel nice and crisp?
Mumbo: What and I guess it's autistic to iron your underwear, is it?
Impulse: Well, no...
Scar: Yes.
Mumbo: You guys suck.
Bdubs: I am a perfect human specimen.
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askthehcc · 4 months
who's the scariest/most intimidating worker and why
Scar: Wels, for sure.
Tango: Wels, yeah.
Zedaph: I would also say Wels.
Mumbo: There’s nothing wrong with the guy, he just tends to keep to himself, so, ya know…
Scar: Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Scar: Or Cleo.
Tango: Oh yeah, any issues with any customers, call on Cleo.
- - -
Wels: Grian.
Wels: There’s something weird about that guy, I think.
- - -
Bdubs: ME.
Grian: Yeah, I’m with Bdubs on this one.
Etho: SO intimidating, mhm.
Bdubs: That’s right!
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askthehcc · 1 month
What are the staff members favorite drinks?
Impulse: I like a nice chai latte.
Zedaph: Oh, it's gotta be a London Fog for me.
Tango: something we don't actually serve here, of course.
Bdubs: Oh, yeah, Zed made that for me once a couple weekends ago. It was pretty good, actually.
Bdubs: I was a sceptic at first and I'll hold my hands up to that, but I've totally been converted.
Scar: What the heck is a London Dog?
Bdubs: It's a London Fog, Scar, not a London Dog!
Bdubs: That's Paddington you're thinking of, stupid.
Impulse: Wait what? Isn't paddington a–
Zedaph: It's an earl grey tea with some vanilla syrup and just a splash of hot milk on top. Very delicious, if I do say so myself.
Scar: Huh. So it's, like, a British thing?
Tango: I guess?
Scar: fascinating.
Tango: What's your favourite drink, Scar?
Scar: Oh, hot chocolate, of course! Nothing better!
Zedaph: Ah, yes, the young man's coffee.
Impulse: Tango, what about you?
Tango: Oh, long black with three shots of espresso. First thing I do when I get in is make myself one.
Tango: Keeps the gears in the ol' thinker thinkificating, if you know what I mean?
Impulse: ...Tango, how many of those do you have a day?
Tango: ...
Tango: What are you, a cop?
Cleo: If I get more than five minutes after a rush, I like a flat white.
Cleo: What can I say? I like it basic. Not everything has to have a big fanfare about it.
False: Oh, yeah, give me a cup of strong black tea and I'll be happy.
Joe: For me, it's got to be something a little bit sweet, but not too sweet. I'll usually make myself a white americano with just a smidge of caramel syrup to counteract the bitterness.
Cleo: What about you, X?
Xisuma: Same as Cleo, but with oat milk. I just like it a little creamier.
Grian: Huh? Oh. I don't know. I don't really care. Whatever.
Scar: That's not true...
Grian: ...
Grian: Caramel hot chocolate.
Scar: There you go!
Grian: Yeah, yeah, shut up... menace.
Mumbo: Uh, just like... A latte, I guess?
Mumbo: It's not exciting, but–
Wels: Americano sunrise.
Mumbo: ...Isn't that–?
Wels: Yep.
Mumbo: ...
Mumbo: Alright then.
Mumbo: Are we, uh... done here?
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askthehcc · 4 months
For the baristas: who is the best at latte art? And by extension who makes the best coffee?
Joe: Oh, Bdubs makes the best-
Zedaph: Shshshsh.
Joe: Uh, what?
Zedaph: Do you hate Bdubs, Joe? Is that it?
Joe: What? No! I was just going to say that his latte art is-
Zedaph: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Joe: Um, what's going on here?
Zedaph: Well, you are clearly stating your distaste for your fellow barista, that's for sure.
Joe: What are you talking about? I like Bdubs, plenty. Why are you saying that?
Zedaph: Well, you must hate him, if you're willing to inflate his ego like that. Have you seen the size of that bloke's head already, Joe? Give him anything else and he won't fit through doors anymore.
Joe: ... What?
Bdubs: Say it, Joe.
Joe: Whoa! Bdubs, where did you come from?
Bdubs: Oh, haha! That doesn't matter. Finish your thought, Joe.
Joe: ... Well, I'm not sure I want to now...
Bdubs: Don't be afraid, Joe.
Zedaph: You did this to yourself, Joe.
Joe: I think I want to go home now.
Bdubs: [Slams fist on counter]
Bdubs: Just answer the question, Joe!
Joe: [Squeaks]
Joe: I need an adult.
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askthehcc · 4 months
do you guys have any gossip or any crazy work related stories
Bdubs: Oh my gosh, have you heard about Impulse?
Cleo: What about him?
Bdubs: He made out with a customer out back, behind the bin sheds!
Cleo: ... Bdubs, I'm not sure that's true.
Bdubs: What, you think Cub would just lie about that?
Cleo: Oh, Cub told you that? Now, I'm entirely certain it's not true.
Bdubs: What? No way! Cub wouldn't just lie about stuff like that!
Cleo: Bdubs, yes, he absolutely would.
Bdubs: Oh, and I suppose the rumour about False having a criminal record is a lie, too?
Cleo: ...Yes? Do you think False, vetted sweetheart and kindest soul this side of the counter, has a criminal record?
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: Well... Now you mention it...
Bdubs: I'mma kill him.
Cleo: I'm sure you will, Dubs, I'm sure you will.
False: He said what?
False: Aha, no! No, I definitely don't have a... one of those.
False: And, I mean, if I did, I wouldn't legally have to disclose that to you, anyway, ahaha.
False: ...
False: Uh, have you guys seen Cub today, by any chance, or...?
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askthehcc · 5 months
question for sir scar of the goodtimes variety:
What is your favourite drink to make or drink from the hermit?
ScarGT: Oh, undoubtedly a Goodtimes surprise. Nobody can refuse the call of a Goodtimes surprise.
Mumbo: [sighs]
Mumbo: Scar, X said you're not allowed to make those anymore after the Bdubs incident.
ScarGT: Oh, he was fine! He took a quick sit down with some ice and he's never been better!
Mumbo: Mm, I'm not sure that's entirely true, now is it?
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: sometimes when I hiccup I can taste the future.
EthoS: ...
EthoS: [thumbs up]
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askthehcc · 4 months
tango and zedaph: have you ever pulled pranks at work? and if so, what's the best prank you've ever pulled?
Zed: Us?
Zed: Pranks?
Tango: We would never.
Zed: Nah, that's not us.
Tango: Besides X refuses to let us work together these days.
Zed: Yep.
Zed: It might be because of the time we flipped everything upside down on the Saturday after close for Bdubs' Sunday open.
Tango: Yeah, that was probably a factor.
Tango: He wasn't not best pleased about that one.
Zed: I think he saw the funny side of things eventually …
Tango: [snorts]
Tango: Yeah, once he was done looking at wrong side of everything.
Zed: hehehe.
Xisuma: [pinching the bridge of his nose]
Xisuma: He yelled about them to me for an hour.
Bdubs: Oh, I hate those guys. I'm gonna get them back one day, you'll see. You'll see. They won't see it coming, but I will.
Zed: Yeah, I think all's good and forgiven by now.
Tango: Totally.
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askthehcc · 3 months
To Cleo
Have you ever caught Bdubs trying to steal a cookie or two
Cleo: The one time Bdubs tried to steal a cookie, I immediately ratted his ass out to Doc.
Cleo: Thankfully he's learnt his lesson on corporate theft now.
Cleo: Haven't you, Bdubs?
Bdubs: Oh, absolutely. The most important rule about stealing is that
Bdubs: If you're gonna steal from your place of work, make sure you get enough for both you and your mom.
Bdubs: Otherwise you've really screwed the pooch on that one.
Cleo: Exactly.
Cleo: But, you are forgetting one vitally important detail in all of this, Bdubs.
Bdubs: Oh?
Bdubs: Pray tell what might that be?
Cleo: I'm not your bloody mother.
Doc: ... I don't really care, it's a cookie.
Doc: It costs peanuts to me.
Doc: And besides, watching them scramble in the group chat has far more entertainment value.
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