#hcc grian
askthehcc · 19 days
Skibidi toilet erm what the sigma
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Oh, Bdubs.
Bdubs: What do you MEAN, OH BDUBS?
Etho: It's skibidi toilet, isn't it? You know, don't you? Skibidi!
Bdubs: ...
Bdubs: NO?
Cub: Oh, I know about this. I've been doing some research.
Cub: Skibidi toilet actually refers to a series of animated shorts that fall largely within the surrealist horror genre.
Cub: To some it's simply just a bunch of stained toilets with singing heads, fighting with a bunch of anthromorphised cameras...
Cub: But to others, it's a commentary on the violence and apathy inflicted upon the generation commonly referred to as "Gen Alpha" by their predecessors.
Cub: Skibidi toilet more accurately reflects the grim reality of our world, which is rife with poverty, power imbalance, and pervasive surveillance.
Cub: The grotesque visual imagery of the animated shorts stands out against the over-saturated, highly censored content that is finacially rewarded by advertisers who seek capalitistic gain.
Cub: The question is not What is Skibidi Toilet?
Cub: But on which side of the war do you fall?
Etho: ...
Bdubs: ...
Etho: Yeah, see, Bdubs? Skibidi! Sigma!
Bdubs: That explains NOTHING.
Grian: Is Cub... okay?
Etho: I'm afraid to ask.
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soemthingsparkly · 5 months
going insane over your hermitcraft coffee shop au. Reading it for the first time and it keeps bouncing around my head
Fuck yeah dude, join the insanity!! These hermit baristas just bounce around in my head too.
Thanks so much for enjoying my little cafe fic, it's a very fun story to write.
And just in time, Grian has your coffee ready to go for you!
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Oh, apparently he wants me to clarify that he didn't make it. Yeah, no, that was Impulse. Apparently he's just the messenger. Okay, thanks Grian... Yeah, dude, idk man we have to work on that guy, his customer service skills are total shit.
The name tag? Yeah, again, idk, he thinks it's funny, I guess. We don't like to ask too many questions - last time we asked about his undershirt, he kind of just... gazed into the middle distance and stopped talking for a while.
No idea.
Anyway, thanks again for stopping by!
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crink · 1 month
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pokeythegreat123 · 5 months
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Bad boys bracelets for me and da bois inspired by @soemthingsparkly’s fic
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harpy-eagle · 6 months
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grians fascination? confusion? with clumsy cooking
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hermitcraftheadcanons · 4 months
The hermits ended up isolated somehow. When several hermits got their mcc invites they were upset but Grian somehow convinced all hermits and helsmites to play and set up a mcc parody and called it hcc (hermitcraft championship)
ZITS were all one team. Joel ended up teaming with Etho and Iskall, which went about as well as you expect. Hels was on the same team as Wels but was much more invested in messing with him than actually winning.
-Mod Mleem
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its-a-dreamer-life · 22 days
Redstone Snap thoughts
I love Redstone Snap so much I had some thoughts. Here's one !
(It takes place in an alternative ending of the HCC @soemthingsparkly fic where Mumbo and Scott end up together)
Mumbo and Scott going to see Be More Chill. Scott knowing all the songs but it's a discovery for Mumbo. When Michael In The Bathroom comes in Scott is just enjoying the song thiking nothing of it. But he feels Mumbo's hand on his being tense and looks at his boyfriend to find him crying. He says nothing, waiting for the end of the show but keep a concerned eye on his lover.
When they get home, Scott prépare some tea for the both of them. Mumbo is a bit out of it. He's been ever since Michael in the bathroom. He gives Mumbo his tea and goes to sit Next to him on the couch. It's silent for a while, Mumbo isn't touching his tea so Scott put his on the small table and breaks the silence.
"Darling you alright ?"
This seems to get Mumbo out of his head for a little bit and nods.
"You wanna talk about it ?" Scott says as he puts his right hand on Mumbo's thigh.
"I don' t really know. It's just- this song. The one where the guy is in the bathroom. It reminded me of something"
"About Grian or Scar ?"
Mumbo nods. And take a sip of his tea before putting it on the table.
"I don't know Scott it's weird. Like. We're all fine and friends, everything is good. I don't understand why i relate to this song do much. It reminded me of when Grian and Scar started dating yes. But what happened in the show never happened to me. They never put me aside or forgot me. I don't understand why it got to me that much"
"Oh love…" Scott pass his other hand through Mumbo's hair with a small kinda sad smile. "You were in love with Grian at that time. So maybe you felt like being put aside when he started dating someone else, your best friend none the less. And it's okay. Your feelings then were valid and they still are. The song reminded you of the past and you reacted to it with a new eye. I'm do sorry you felt like that back then Darling"
Mumbo slowly started to cry once again. Gods Scott is amazing. How did he managed to find and date someone so perfect.
"But Scott I love you so much. And this was so long ago. And everything is fine. So why do I feel like that. I don't want to think of the past. I'm happy with you, with the life I have. So why ?"
Scott took Mumbo in his arms trying to calm his lover down and saying some reassurance like "it's okay love" "it's all fine" "I love you baby" "I love you so much it's gonna be alright" and sometimes Mumbo could hear some "I'm not upset, it's okay, I love you so much" "Your feelings are you and I love them as much as I love you"
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askthehcc · 5 months
jimmy, have you ever tried chewelry?
Jimmy: Chew-el-ry?
Jimmy: I'm not entirely sure what that is. Hang on a second.
Jimmy: ...
Jimmy: Oh, that's kind of cool, actually.
Grian: what are you looking at?
Jimmy: [Tips his phone screen]
Jimmy: Apparently it's good for like, nail biting and stuff...
Grian: Huh.
Grian: Oh, look you can get a creeper.
Grian: Let everyone know you're a 10 year old.
Jimmy: Oh, get off.
Grian: [Typing on his phone]
Grian: Yeah, obviously I'm ordering it for Jimmy's birthday.
Grian: Don't ask stupid questions.
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askthehcc · 4 months
Hello my fave coffee shop team, I was wondering if any of you are neurodivergent and wanted to share any experiences you had? :)
Scar: Oh, well, I'm dyslexic and dyspraxic, but we didn't really know about the dyspraxia until a lot later on...
Scar: It's funny, not a lot of people know about dyspraxia as well as they do dyslexia, but it's just as impacting.
Grian: What is that?
Scar: Dyspraxia? It's like... motor co-ordination and stuff, I think.
Grian: [Snorts]
Grian: You think?
Scar: Look at me, Grian, do I look like an expert here?
Grian: ...
Scar: How dare you.
Cleo: I'm autistic, but I wouldn't say I have any experiences to share exactly?
Cleo: Something's going on with Bdubs, but who can really say, honestly.
False: I guess I can get a little anxious at times.
False: I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was at school, to be fair, so.
False: I guess it would be fair to say I do have anxiety. Hm.
Mumbo: Yeah, nope, token neurotypical, I guess.
Scar: Pfffftttt
Scar: Okay, Mumbo.
Mumbo: What?
Scar: What do you mean what? I've seen you iron your socks, Mumbo.
Mumbo: So???
Scar: ...
Mumbo: Scar!
Impulse: I think he's saying you might be a little autistic, buddy.
Mumbo: What, because I iron my socks? Because I like it when my socks feel nice and crisp?
Mumbo: What and I guess it's autistic to iron your underwear, is it?
Impulse: Well, no...
Scar: Yes.
Mumbo: You guys suck.
Bdubs: I am a perfect human specimen.
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askthehcc · 3 months
scar! what’s your favorite band?
Scar: oh what an excellent question!
Scar: Have you ever heard of Stolen Bottlecaps?
Scar: They're this little band from Aqua Town who played in our Student Union this one time.
Scar: I had to drag Mumbo to go see them with me, but man, it was so worth it.
Scar: They release, oh, around a song every half a year of so, but each song is just phenomenal.
Grian: Mumbo's never mentioned them to me.
Scar: No? That's crazy! They're so talented! Oh, you'd absolutely love them, G. I gotta show them to you, sometime.
Grian: What kind of music do they play?
Scar: The Stolen Bottlecaps have their own kind of sound, but if I had to confine them to a genre, I suppose i'd say... Indie jazz?
Scar: But with an element of pop and sometimes a smidgen of swing band.
Grian: That sounds... interesting?
Interviewer's Note: The pair were later seen sharing a pair of wired headphones. Barista Scar appeared to be playing The Stolen Bottlecaps for Barista Grian.
The two appeared to be in close proximity and we are uncertain if this is due to the shared headphones or... some other reason.
Interviewer's Note 2: the interviewer has been told by their producer that they must remain objective in their observations.
Interviewer's Note 3: but like... 2015 called, it wants its wires back, right?
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askthehcc · 4 months
who's the scariest/most intimidating worker and why
Scar: Wels, for sure.
Tango: Wels, yeah.
Zedaph: I would also say Wels.
Mumbo: There’s nothing wrong with the guy, he just tends to keep to himself, so, ya know…
Scar: Yeah, for sure, for sure.
Scar: Or Cleo.
Tango: Oh yeah, any issues with any customers, call on Cleo.
- - -
Wels: Grian.
Wels: There’s something weird about that guy, I think.
- - -
Bdubs: ME.
Grian: Yeah, I’m with Bdubs on this one.
Etho: SO intimidating, mhm.
Bdubs: That’s right!
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askthehcc · 1 month
What are the staff members favorite drinks?
Impulse: I like a nice chai latte.
Zedaph: Oh, it's gotta be a London Fog for me.
Tango: something we don't actually serve here, of course.
Bdubs: Oh, yeah, Zed made that for me once a couple weekends ago. It was pretty good, actually.
Bdubs: I was a sceptic at first and I'll hold my hands up to that, but I've totally been converted.
Scar: What the heck is a London Dog?
Bdubs: It's a London Fog, Scar, not a London Dog!
Bdubs: That's Paddington you're thinking of, stupid.
Impulse: Wait what? Isn't paddington a–
Zedaph: It's an earl grey tea with some vanilla syrup and just a splash of hot milk on top. Very delicious, if I do say so myself.
Scar: Huh. So it's, like, a British thing?
Tango: I guess?
Scar: fascinating.
Tango: What's your favourite drink, Scar?
Scar: Oh, hot chocolate, of course! Nothing better!
Zedaph: Ah, yes, the young man's coffee.
Impulse: Tango, what about you?
Tango: Oh, long black with three shots of espresso. First thing I do when I get in is make myself one.
Tango: Keeps the gears in the ol' thinker thinkificating, if you know what I mean?
Impulse: ...Tango, how many of those do you have a day?
Tango: ...
Tango: What are you, a cop?
Cleo: If I get more than five minutes after a rush, I like a flat white.
Cleo: What can I say? I like it basic. Not everything has to have a big fanfare about it.
False: Oh, yeah, give me a cup of strong black tea and I'll be happy.
Joe: For me, it's got to be something a little bit sweet, but not too sweet. I'll usually make myself a white americano with just a smidge of caramel syrup to counteract the bitterness.
Cleo: What about you, X?
Xisuma: Same as Cleo, but with oat milk. I just like it a little creamier.
Grian: Huh? Oh. I don't know. I don't really care. Whatever.
Scar: That's not true...
Grian: ...
Grian: Caramel hot chocolate.
Scar: There you go!
Grian: Yeah, yeah, shut up... menace.
Mumbo: Uh, just like... A latte, I guess?
Mumbo: It's not exciting, but–
Wels: Americano sunrise.
Mumbo: ...Isn't that–?
Wels: Yep.
Mumbo: ...
Mumbo: Alright then.
Mumbo: Are we, uh... done here?
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askthehcc · 4 months
grian can we get a two truths and one lie and I wanna see someone else try and guess which one is the lie
Skizz: Oh, I am the absolute best at reading people, let me give it a shot. Hit me with your two truths and a lie, G.
Grian: Really? You think you can read me that well, Skizz?
Skizz: [Claps hands]
Skizz: Batter up, gimme your best ball.
Grian: Give you my best - okay, fine, whatever, fine.
Grian: Give me a second.
Grian: Alright, fine, I can speak French, I've lived in a van, and... I was once part of a cult.
Skizz: Oh dude, you made that too easy. You've never been part of a cult.
Grian: Ah, you're right, I made that too easy for you.
Skizz: I mean you literally look like the kind of guy to bum around Paris in a van, it's so obvious. Come on, dude. Don't give me that cult, crap.
Grian: Yeah, fair enough. I'm not good at coming up with convincing lies, to be fair.
Skizz: Nah, don't worry about it. It was still fun to learn about you. I can't believe you've never mentioned speaking French before!
Grian: Oui.
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askthehcc · 5 months
Do you read fanfiction
Grian: [Looks behind him]
Grian: Who are you talking to?
Grian: Fanfiction of what?
Grian: Anon, you've got to be more specific.
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askthehcc · 5 months
How do the hermits feel about pulp in their orange juice?
Grian: what?
Grian: what is this question?
Grian: why did you pull me off my break for this.
Grian: Xisuma, this was a terrible ide–
Guys he just walked away idk what we're supposed to do now. He took his mic off... Okay, yeah, he's gone. Cut the camera–
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askthehcc · 1 month
Now grian, about those deleted texts you sent mumbo, did you really roll into your phone, did you regret something you said, or was it jellie?
Grian: Sure.
Grian: Let's go with the Jellie theory.
Grian: Lol.
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