peskytimez · 6 months
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ms griande
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sprucefrog · 10 months
ZombieCleo origin story...
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as-de-spadas · 1 year
Ok so Grian has been a:
-Time Traveller
-Poultry Man
-Sherlock Grian
-Ariana Grande
-News reporter
-Train driver(?)
-Mother Spore
-Resistance Leader
-G-Team Leader
-Dragon Bro
-Interdimensional Traveller
-Robot Creator
-SECRET Soulmate
-MCC Champion
-Mayoral Advisor (twice)
-Marketing executive (also twice)
-Boatem member
-Winner of wars
-Event organizer
-Open Mic Night comedian
-A bdubs stan
-Sahara's one of three flaws
-The Phantom Menace
-A "proffesional" golf player
-Pesky Bird
And noone seems to think that's AWESOME??????
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noctude · 2 years
How do you feel about ariana griande
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uhhh ya i’m normal about her
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cheeryfairies · 6 months
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missus slay
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novstie · 2 years
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griandeposting... deets under the cut
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cube-cumb3r · 2 years
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watching hc s6 and the team STAR base is so fucked up like this absolutely counts as a liminal space
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tek-to-the-skies · 1 year
Upside of looking through out art folders is sometimes you fine something super cute (and not remotely accurate to how things are now lmao)
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Original image date 6/29/2019
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salmonghost · 1 month
itsy bitsy monopoly man.
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oftheriverseine · 10 months
I feel like Watcher!Grian fic writers could do so much with the fact that the end of his Evo run overlapped with his first few Hermitcraft episodes. There’s so much potential there; idk. Maybe something like the idea that Hermitcraft was a last attempt to flee but it didn’t quite work out?
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blazevillains · 2 years
hopefully tmrw my fever will break so i can feel less gross 💔
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as-de-spadas · 2 years
Just finished Grian’s episode 60 of his Season 6 POV and..
There was: 
-A full on Prank War that later evolved on the Civil War (Which was just. Such a mess)
-The heist of the Market Stock (NOW I UNDERSTAND THE “No one touches my bush” VERSE ON HERMITGANG!)
-The initial battle
-The flag war
-The Star-Team Base being an Escher nightmare
-The G-Team being absolute fuck-ups through the whole thing and somehow WINNING ANYWAY.
-Iskall generating the whole conflict just because.
-Poultry-Man retiring and chilling in a beach
-The Hidden Diorite Shop
-The creation of the Poultry-Cave
-The birth of Sahara
-Grian pretending to be a secretary “dO yOu WaNt SoMe SaNd??!”
-Him creating a parrot dancing room while the others do redstone
-The “did you die?” boxes
-Sherlock Grian v.s The Jangler (which was like, the funniest thing ever)
-Sherlock Grian seeing Ren and Doc and inmediately thinking “Middle age crisis” and “Mentaly unstable” lmaooooo
-Grian calling Ren Scooby Doo for the rest of the case and reenacting the unmasking scene with Scar
-Scar creating the Jangler personality by accident.
-The Mistery of the Salmon Man
-The first appearance of Ariana Griande on Sahara News.
-Grian starting the Elytra Course
-Grian having an infinity room of a wardrobe. Like, the man has 7000 skins.
I love this weird and psychotic man.
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cheeryfairies · 2 years
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first post in ages PepoDance
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sjcarter17lve · 5 months
Minecraft Hermitcraft Head Cannon/ Fannon Stuff;
(Read Tags for Key)
Mutants are usually non-passive mob-players like HC! Scar hcS6, HC! Cub, Doc, Cleo, HC! Xisuma and Zloy/ Hybrids are usually passive mob-players like Rendog, Bigb DL, HC! Zedaph, HC! Grian, HC! Pearl, HC! Gem, HC! Jimmy and HC! Etho.
Then you have others like Elves, Dwarfs, Angels, Imps, Faeries, Aliens and Villages like Scar hcS9, Scott eS2, Impulse hcS9, Pearl hcS9, HC! Iskall, HC! Skizz, HC! Impulse(An Imp for an Angel Skizz).
But we also have Nether-born players like HC! Tango
I like to think C! Iskall is an overworld-born villager, because he actively calls them his family.
We even have a special category for the Spoons like Mumbo hcS6.
What's really silly about this is that all I wanted to say was about my HC! Iskall lol, the rest was context and me nerding out hahaha :)
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cube-cumb3r · 2 years
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little obsessed w this reply
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snipsnexus · 2 years
*takes a seat in your inbox and takes a sip of some Gunpowder Green Tea*
Okay, so it starts off like this.
After very careful consideration, I have realized that Charlie Slimecicle(variety youtuber and occasional twitch streamer) and Grian (minecraft youtuber extraordinaire) are actually very incredibly similar. Their love of gunpowder, of puns, their glasses, how both of their names are actually fucking "Charles". I've talked about it before.
This revelation of their similarities caused me (an my good friend Cydough/Cyd/Chaggle) to make this VERY FUNNY AU where Charlie Slimecicle and Grian Minecraft are twin brothers, separated at a young age when Grian went to Japan and Charlie stayed in his hometown with his good friend Condi. >:3
This is gonna get longer, so I'm going to put the rest of this au (going through most of the SCU, Epic SMP, Wilbur's Skyblock, MCC, Hermitcraft seasons 6-8 and Evolution SMP) under this readmore!! V V V V V
When either the Elders remember the prophecy or it gets dropped by the local wizard (Scar's Grandfather) like a new diss track, they all immediately assume it's one of the new boys,
They basically spin a baby roulette wheel and choose Grian, so they little guy is shipped out to whatever town in Japan that YHS takes place in and meets Sam and Taurtis, two other English transfers that had been there for longer than he has (I don't really count the kindergarten thing as canon)
Charlie gets along with all the kids before Wilburs father (Yknow, Phil) decides to take both him and his slightly older brother somewhere where they can contact their mother easier (Mumza, Kristen, Goddess of Death)
They continue to do shit together for most of their lives, until they're wisked away by the Chaos God, Schlatt, who only really wanted to fuck around with the prophecy for Some Fun (Charlie), Give him an apple and all, and ended up with the other two as well. So he tried to kill them off with his powers, but they just wouldn't stay dead. Until the God Apple started to take into affect
It didn't really give Charlie anything he didn't already have, it just amplified what he already had. The ability to change. To create. To take the Code of an Old God and rip it to shreds to Save his friends. So he did.
Schlatt, or what remains of him, sticks around in Charlie's mind. Like a hallucination, like a tumor. Whatever, right
Grian is going through the time of his fucking LIFE in high school
He dips from Tokyo after he and Taurtis and Sam end up destroying the world with the necronomicon (Which sends everyone else in the world into the Void, i.e. the Soots) and Grian goes on to found Evo
We Know What Happens In Evo
Except before that last portal, the one where they go an kill the dragon, Grian is bloodthirsty, and angry and *hurting*
Because he lost Taurtis
And He's Not Coming Back This time
So, Grian killed the Dragon, is now a Watcher. Charlie killed Schlatt, is now a New Old God. Condi and Grizz both have a taste of power after eating the other two Golden Apples.
Where's Wilbur in all of this??? I'm glad you asked
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My hypothesis? Two different sets of Sky Gods
The Council(Charlie, Condi, and Grizz), who are usually VERY unhelpful, And The Watchers (Grian), who gives resources, and things he would need to survive
And both sets of Gods are trying to give items at the same time which just messes up the code of the item being delivered and Wilbur just gets another pair of boots and NO ACTUAL ANSWER
It's like when two people are fighting over how to fry an egg and end up making pumpkin pie or something. Wilbur is Confused, Grian is getting a bit pissed that his first assignment as a Watcher is going so poorly, and Charlie is having the time of his fucking life
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Grian eventually flees to HCS6, The Council eventually add in Bizly, And Bizly becomes a Minor God, Grizzly becomes a Fallen God and then a Ghost, like Schlatt, and Condi ends up leaving M'olympus after Grizzlys death.
Charlie ends up being the last God on the council after Bizly resigns and returns to his former Kingdom and he ends up drifting alone for a while until he lands in Epic SMP where Charlie is essentially a God In Hiding. He's trying to be carefree about everything that's going on and *How The Fuck Is Schlatt Here??*
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Charlie's pretty sure he killed that goat fuck, and back when Charlie was playing around in lonely worlds after the rest of the Council died or left, he messed around in a few survival worlds to get the hang on being real again. He sees Schlatt in the corner of his eye too often for his liking
So Charlie goes and says HI to Schlatt, and he doesn't quite know if Schlatt is real or not and if anyone else can see him, so he just kinda pretends he isn't there until Swagger addresses Schlatt by name
And when Charlie looks at Schlatt, he looks younger than he last saw him. His horn look shorter, the suit looks a bit more casual, and his voice doesn't echo,
so Charlie is pretty much okay with hanging around Swagger and becomes fast friends with Ted, who reminds Charlie of Condi and he spends a few nights before the internship crying and sobbing and feeling pretty fucking regretful over his longest friend's leave
Right before the internship, Charlie gets an invite, one time holiday special, for Mcc
Charlie sees Wilbur, and immediately recognizes him from the short time he tormented the guy for a couple months with the Council and- yeah fuck, thinking about them still really fucking hurts. He sees a few of the other competitors, meets his team who are two nice almost-adults and possibly the one person who thinks they know everything(:)) and Charlie thinks a few of the other competitors look familiar, he's probably seen that face before,
So also side note: why did Schlatt have the resurrection book in the DreamSMP???? Well, maybe someone was trying ro revive an old God whose powers were already taken by someone else, hmm
So like, maybe Swagger was trying to revive Schlatt in EpicSMP, maybe asked the void pit for assistance or prayed to it idk, and got a funny little book the next morning
What I'm saying is, SwaggerSouls had the resurrection book first, Schlatt took it in his rush to leave EpicSMP after Charlie blew the place to smithereens, and went to DreamSMP
So like, after he blows all that shit up, he grabs Ted and they both run from the explosions as fast as fucking possible and jump into the Void Hole just in the forest of Epic
Going through the Void, everyone knows all of the Void is the same in every world, the Deep Void, that is. So Charlie and Ted are just kinda drifting, but since Ted can't really breathe, Charlie had to knock him the fuck out and is using most of his magic to create oxygen for Ted to breathe
Because he's fucking wired on adrenaline and trying to make sure his friend doesn't suffocate in the Void, he completely misses the Watching eyes
He basically gets straight up YOINKED from where he is in the deep end, and has a fucking DEATH GRIP on Ted to keep him from being ripped away. He Sits, or well, is strewn across the large marble Gallery of The Watchers.
Charlie freaks out, as a fellow God himself, he would be lying to you if he said he knew anything about any other God out there. He didn't really do his reading when he was fucking around with his new powers, kay?
So he just sees what looks like fucking purple tinted biblical angels with talons and eyes literally covering every inch of their form. He's panicking, a little. The Watchers greet him warmly, call him Little Empire, call him Xelqua, pat his head, rub some dirt from his face, check his magic and, oh. Oh it looks like he's missing a bit, oh dear, don't you fret we'll just give you our gift again. Funny life series you're trying out dear, must have masked most of the magic we gave you. Don't you worry, we'll put you and your friend, oh is this one the Mumbo guy you were talking about? No? Taurtis? No matter, we'll send you two right back to your little Hermits, bye, make sure to preen those wings more often.
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He and Ted get basically rocket launched through the Void until they're no longer heading Sideways, they're going Up, And oh, would you look at that, they get tossed up through some bedrock and two people are just standing there, bantering
So I'm gonna put Ted and Charlie's arrival about the same time as the one time Scar got trapped in the bedrock in the botem hole and Grian had to fish him out using ender pearlsI also kinda wanna give him wings because of the Watcher mishap so image, *imagine*
Wings that are almost completely useless because he didn't ever really learn how to shape-shift so now he's just got constantly melting goop wings
Grian just got Scar out of his own mess of being in the fucking bedrock of the botem hole (*really, scar?*) when two people just get flung through the Botem Hole, more importantly, the *void* under the botem hole. So Grian does the first thing he thinks of and just fucking YOINK
Since I'm always riding on the headcanon that avians are shapeshifters and Grian is pretending to be an avian, and totally not a Watcher
Grian catches Ted in his talons while Scar barely manages to catch Charlie from where he's still half-stuck in the bedrock
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You bet when he wakes up, the first thing out of his mouth is "Where's Condi"
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So Charlie goes and find Ted just eating a bowl of milk, and judging by the person on the other side of the table's reaction, he's been doing so for a while.
He goes to meet Ted and gets frame-one hugged the SHIT out of and Ted like "Man, I thought we were goners. Who knew the weird, unexplained, vaugly disturbing pit in the middle of the first would bring us here, right!" And Charlie's just like "Haha, yeah, sure is crazy amiright"
Sitting at the table is a guy who introduces himself as Xisuma, the Admin of the server who is currently trying to find out how the absolute fuck they managed to get into a whilelist server without being whitelisted and Charlie just shrugs because God's do what God's do he guesses, and if a God is gonna mistake him for someone who was supposed to be here, well then he isn't going to look a gift horse in the fucking maw
He doesn't know, and Ted doesn't know, so Xisuma asks too look at their code for a later date, thinking that maybe something in their code let them manage to slip pass the whitelist barrier. And after asking the two newcomers their last memories, the really tall guy who could probably rival Mumbo in Tallness says the last thing he remembers is running for his life as the entire world blew up behind him, with Charlie dragging him along as explosions chased their heels.
Xisuma thinks it might be okay to let the two stay for a little while.
So I want Ted and Charlie to build in the area between Impulse and Scar's Swaggon, and Charlie starts digging another cave when Ted goes "Can't we have an actual house this time?" And Charlie just freezes like "I never actually considered living in a House that is a GREAT IDEA!"
People start confusing Grian and Charlie as eachother, especially people who don't really know Grian, like Beef and Hypno
And at some point they actually start getting to know eachother and Charlie and Grian sit down for a little funny talk where Grian is like "My life's always been shit. I lost my friend-" Charlie flinches. "I was taken from my friends by the Watchers-" Charlie pales. "And I'm pretty sure it all had to do with that stupid prophecy when I was born!" Charlie freezes, "I'm sorry, the *what*?"
Grian starts to recite the prophecy with a sigh and halfway through Charlie jouns in and they both just stare at eachother.
"How do you know-"
"That was the prophecy an old man blabbered about when *I* was born, but they never said it was for me, the same shit happened to me too."
"I lost my best friend Taurtis."
"I lost my longest friend Condi."
"I was taken by the Watchers."
"I was taken by Schlatt."
"I was given abilities akin to a God after I killed the first Ender Dragon."
"I took another Gods powers after I killed him to protect my friends."
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Every hermit think Ted is either a cow hybrid with recessive traits or a Vampire who drinks milk as a replacement for blood. Beef and Zedaph try and figure out what kind of hybrid Ted is but Ted is honestly just drinking more milk and trying to cause general havoc and they hvw no idea what kind of hybrid he is. zed makes a red string corkboard, hypno joins him and xb is in the corner drinking a slurpee watching this go down.
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He stops by the Swaggon like "Excuse me Mr. Goodtimes, do you have any spare vines." And Grian, who is already there, and Scar, who lives there, start laughing their entire asses off
Charlie also makes a really shoddy ramp up into the Swaggon because even though Scar built the thing, it really isn't handicap accessible
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Mumbo is just like: I'm selling end crystals!
Charlie and Ted: What are those???
Botem: * very confused *
Grian: They're- uh, the exploding thing on the top of the obsidian pillars in the end that heal the dragon?
Ted and Charlie: OOOH!!
Charlie: But wait, how do you get those? I thought the only thing you can do is punch them or shoot them???
Mumbo: You can craft them!
Ted and Charlie: YOU CAN WHAT???!!
Ted and Charlie make their own little cottage core house after Grian and Charlie realize they're brothers. Grian gives him flying lessons when he's not working on the Midnight Alley and Ted regularly hangs out with Impulse and Mumbo, until he gets introduced to Zedaph and everything goes absolutely bonkers for a few days
Charlie meets Ren and they both have such Golden Retriever energy and they literally go and play catch outside of Octagon for a while
And then,,,
Grian: Hey Charlie...
Charlie, fiddling with his kazoo tuner: Oh, yeah?
Grian: Is the moon big...?
Mumbo starts the moon cult, Charlie gets thrown on his fucking ass by the changing gravity, Ted pretends to walk on the ceiling of their house. Ted signs up for the Mooners cult for fun and Charlie ends up the only one who doesn't because he has a single self preservation instinct
So like, Charlie feels like he's going insane because everyone else around him is so entirely sleep deprived that they don't even sound real anymore
He takes regular trips outside of Botem to go to wherever Bdubs is so they can have a slumber party, where all they do is sleep. They just sleep. That's it.
It starts with Charlie who can't sleep at his own base because Ted is there, so he goes to the notorious sleeper on the server, Bdubs. As a fun sleepover game, they end up summoning a demon, which turns out to be Impulse so they leave again. They go to Zed's place and after they sign a liability waiver, sleep for about five seconds before Charlie can feel Zed taking his blood samples and he just grabs Bdubs from the bed and books it.
They try to sleep somewhere between Gem and False, but get so intimidated by the giant reindeer and eagle that they keep fuckin walkin
They end up sleeping at Iskall and Ethos place and are very confused by the fact that they don't actually talk to eachother, just pass notes to eachother, but will talk to them just fine
Once they finally sleep through the night and get back to their respective bases, refreshed, ready for the morning, eating breakfast, doing a morning walk around Botem, Charlie sees the other Botem members and how fucking ragged and sleep deprived they are and almost laughs straight in Ted's face
"That was a terrible idea and you know it."
"C'mon Charles, it's just the first night. It can only get better after-"
"The human body can only go 11 days without sleep, Ted. You don't look like you're going to survive *one*"
Charlie just ends up finding places around Botem where he can sleep in peace. Like an empty car on the Swaggon, on a windowsill outside of Impulses factory, on Pearl's waterfall llamas' back, between the roof and the top of the Midnight alley
When the moon starts falling and Scar puts them all in crash dummy suits into the rocket, there's still only 4 chambers but there's seven of them so Charlie sits on Scars lap and Ted tries to sit on Impulses shoulders when they drop
As soon as they pass through the Botem hole, it's not just Charlie who's trying to keep everyone alive, but now Grian is too
But Grian and Charlie both manage to give everyone an air bubble that they all sit in as they drift through the void until they're yoinked up by the watchers again
And deadass they're like
***TWO OF THEM?????!!!***
The Watchers realize they've made a little bit of an oopsie and are just like "We thought you were our little empire!!! You two have the same taste of magic!!!" (Its shape-shifting magic, they're both natural born shape shifters) They start drilling Charlie on what the fuck he's been doing with his powers and he just goes like "I've just been fucking around with people in the one block void worlds, especially that one guy, Wilbur."
And grian goes
"you fucking *what*"
Charlie realizes he was fucking with his brother and just, the most *shit eating grin* ever"
Milo was a good fish!"
"Now now boys, please don't maul eachother on the marble."
I think I'm gonna end the story once the Watchers direct them back towards the Season 9 world
Ted and Charlie respawn in separate worlds. And when Charlie opens his eyes, Condi is there in a shittly little wooden shack
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