#gunpowder green tea au
snipsnexus · 2 years
*takes a seat in your inbox and takes a sip of some Gunpowder Green Tea*
Okay, so it starts off like this.
After very careful consideration, I have realized that Charlie Slimecicle(variety youtuber and occasional twitch streamer) and Grian (minecraft youtuber extraordinaire) are actually very incredibly similar. Their love of gunpowder, of puns, their glasses, how both of their names are actually fucking "Charles". I've talked about it before.
This revelation of their similarities caused me (an my good friend Cydough/Cyd/Chaggle) to make this VERY FUNNY AU where Charlie Slimecicle and Grian Minecraft are twin brothers, separated at a young age when Grian went to Japan and Charlie stayed in his hometown with his good friend Condi. >:3
This is gonna get longer, so I'm going to put the rest of this au (going through most of the SCU, Epic SMP, Wilbur's Skyblock, MCC, Hermitcraft seasons 6-8 and Evolution SMP) under this readmore!! V V V V V
When either the Elders remember the prophecy or it gets dropped by the local wizard (Scar's Grandfather) like a new diss track, they all immediately assume it's one of the new boys,
They basically spin a baby roulette wheel and choose Grian, so they little guy is shipped out to whatever town in Japan that YHS takes place in and meets Sam and Taurtis, two other English transfers that had been there for longer than he has (I don't really count the kindergarten thing as canon)
Charlie gets along with all the kids before Wilburs father (Yknow, Phil) decides to take both him and his slightly older brother somewhere where they can contact their mother easier (Mumza, Kristen, Goddess of Death)
They continue to do shit together for most of their lives, until they're wisked away by the Chaos God, Schlatt, who only really wanted to fuck around with the prophecy for Some Fun (Charlie), Give him an apple and all, and ended up with the other two as well. So he tried to kill them off with his powers, but they just wouldn't stay dead. Until the God Apple started to take into affect
It didn't really give Charlie anything he didn't already have, it just amplified what he already had. The ability to change. To create. To take the Code of an Old God and rip it to shreds to Save his friends. So he did.
Schlatt, or what remains of him, sticks around in Charlie's mind. Like a hallucination, like a tumor. Whatever, right
Grian is going through the time of his fucking LIFE in high school
He dips from Tokyo after he and Taurtis and Sam end up destroying the world with the necronomicon (Which sends everyone else in the world into the Void, i.e. the Soots) and Grian goes on to found Evo
We Know What Happens In Evo
Except before that last portal, the one where they go an kill the dragon, Grian is bloodthirsty, and angry and *hurting*
Because he lost Taurtis
And He's Not Coming Back This time
So, Grian killed the Dragon, is now a Watcher. Charlie killed Schlatt, is now a New Old God. Condi and Grizz both have a taste of power after eating the other two Golden Apples.
Where's Wilbur in all of this??? I'm glad you asked
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My hypothesis? Two different sets of Sky Gods
The Council(Charlie, Condi, and Grizz), who are usually VERY unhelpful, And The Watchers (Grian), who gives resources, and things he would need to survive
And both sets of Gods are trying to give items at the same time which just messes up the code of the item being delivered and Wilbur just gets another pair of boots and NO ACTUAL ANSWER
It's like when two people are fighting over how to fry an egg and end up making pumpkin pie or something. Wilbur is Confused, Grian is getting a bit pissed that his first assignment as a Watcher is going so poorly, and Charlie is having the time of his fucking life
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Grian eventually flees to HCS6, The Council eventually add in Bizly, And Bizly becomes a Minor God, Grizzly becomes a Fallen God and then a Ghost, like Schlatt, and Condi ends up leaving M'olympus after Grizzlys death.
Charlie ends up being the last God on the council after Bizly resigns and returns to his former Kingdom and he ends up drifting alone for a while until he lands in Epic SMP where Charlie is essentially a God In Hiding. He's trying to be carefree about everything that's going on and *How The Fuck Is Schlatt Here??*
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Charlie's pretty sure he killed that goat fuck, and back when Charlie was playing around in lonely worlds after the rest of the Council died or left, he messed around in a few survival worlds to get the hang on being real again. He sees Schlatt in the corner of his eye too often for his liking
So Charlie goes and says HI to Schlatt, and he doesn't quite know if Schlatt is real or not and if anyone else can see him, so he just kinda pretends he isn't there until Swagger addresses Schlatt by name
And when Charlie looks at Schlatt, he looks younger than he last saw him. His horn look shorter, the suit looks a bit more casual, and his voice doesn't echo,
so Charlie is pretty much okay with hanging around Swagger and becomes fast friends with Ted, who reminds Charlie of Condi and he spends a few nights before the internship crying and sobbing and feeling pretty fucking regretful over his longest friend's leave
Right before the internship, Charlie gets an invite, one time holiday special, for Mcc
Charlie sees Wilbur, and immediately recognizes him from the short time he tormented the guy for a couple months with the Council and- yeah fuck, thinking about them still really fucking hurts. He sees a few of the other competitors, meets his team who are two nice almost-adults and possibly the one person who thinks they know everything(:)) and Charlie thinks a few of the other competitors look familiar, he's probably seen that face before,
So also side note: why did Schlatt have the resurrection book in the DreamSMP???? Well, maybe someone was trying ro revive an old God whose powers were already taken by someone else, hmm
So like, maybe Swagger was trying to revive Schlatt in EpicSMP, maybe asked the void pit for assistance or prayed to it idk, and got a funny little book the next morning
What I'm saying is, SwaggerSouls had the resurrection book first, Schlatt took it in his rush to leave EpicSMP after Charlie blew the place to smithereens, and went to DreamSMP
So like, after he blows all that shit up, he grabs Ted and they both run from the explosions as fast as fucking possible and jump into the Void Hole just in the forest of Epic
Going through the Void, everyone knows all of the Void is the same in every world, the Deep Void, that is. So Charlie and Ted are just kinda drifting, but since Ted can't really breathe, Charlie had to knock him the fuck out and is using most of his magic to create oxygen for Ted to breathe
Because he's fucking wired on adrenaline and trying to make sure his friend doesn't suffocate in the Void, he completely misses the Watching eyes
He basically gets straight up YOINKED from where he is in the deep end, and has a fucking DEATH GRIP on Ted to keep him from being ripped away. He Sits, or well, is strewn across the large marble Gallery of The Watchers.
Charlie freaks out, as a fellow God himself, he would be lying to you if he said he knew anything about any other God out there. He didn't really do his reading when he was fucking around with his new powers, kay?
So he just sees what looks like fucking purple tinted biblical angels with talons and eyes literally covering every inch of their form. He's panicking, a little. The Watchers greet him warmly, call him Little Empire, call him Xelqua, pat his head, rub some dirt from his face, check his magic and, oh. Oh it looks like he's missing a bit, oh dear, don't you fret we'll just give you our gift again. Funny life series you're trying out dear, must have masked most of the magic we gave you. Don't you worry, we'll put you and your friend, oh is this one the Mumbo guy you were talking about? No? Taurtis? No matter, we'll send you two right back to your little Hermits, bye, make sure to preen those wings more often.
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He and Ted get basically rocket launched through the Void until they're no longer heading Sideways, they're going Up, And oh, would you look at that, they get tossed up through some bedrock and two people are just standing there, bantering
So I'm gonna put Ted and Charlie's arrival about the same time as the one time Scar got trapped in the bedrock in the botem hole and Grian had to fish him out using ender pearlsI also kinda wanna give him wings because of the Watcher mishap so image, *imagine*
Wings that are almost completely useless because he didn't ever really learn how to shape-shift so now he's just got constantly melting goop wings
Grian just got Scar out of his own mess of being in the fucking bedrock of the botem hole (*really, scar?*) when two people just get flung through the Botem Hole, more importantly, the *void* under the botem hole. So Grian does the first thing he thinks of and just fucking YOINK
Since I'm always riding on the headcanon that avians are shapeshifters and Grian is pretending to be an avian, and totally not a Watcher
Grian catches Ted in his talons while Scar barely manages to catch Charlie from where he's still half-stuck in the bedrock
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You bet when he wakes up, the first thing out of his mouth is "Where's Condi"
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So Charlie goes and find Ted just eating a bowl of milk, and judging by the person on the other side of the table's reaction, he's been doing so for a while.
He goes to meet Ted and gets frame-one hugged the SHIT out of and Ted like "Man, I thought we were goners. Who knew the weird, unexplained, vaugly disturbing pit in the middle of the first would bring us here, right!" And Charlie's just like "Haha, yeah, sure is crazy amiright"
Sitting at the table is a guy who introduces himself as Xisuma, the Admin of the server who is currently trying to find out how the absolute fuck they managed to get into a whilelist server without being whitelisted and Charlie just shrugs because God's do what God's do he guesses, and if a God is gonna mistake him for someone who was supposed to be here, well then he isn't going to look a gift horse in the fucking maw
He doesn't know, and Ted doesn't know, so Xisuma asks too look at their code for a later date, thinking that maybe something in their code let them manage to slip pass the whitelist barrier. And after asking the two newcomers their last memories, the really tall guy who could probably rival Mumbo in Tallness says the last thing he remembers is running for his life as the entire world blew up behind him, with Charlie dragging him along as explosions chased their heels.
Xisuma thinks it might be okay to let the two stay for a little while.
So I want Ted and Charlie to build in the area between Impulse and Scar's Swaggon, and Charlie starts digging another cave when Ted goes "Can't we have an actual house this time?" And Charlie just freezes like "I never actually considered living in a House that is a GREAT IDEA!"
People start confusing Grian and Charlie as eachother, especially people who don't really know Grian, like Beef and Hypno
And at some point they actually start getting to know eachother and Charlie and Grian sit down for a little funny talk where Grian is like "My life's always been shit. I lost my friend-" Charlie flinches. "I was taken from my friends by the Watchers-" Charlie pales. "And I'm pretty sure it all had to do with that stupid prophecy when I was born!" Charlie freezes, "I'm sorry, the *what*?"
Grian starts to recite the prophecy with a sigh and halfway through Charlie jouns in and they both just stare at eachother.
"How do you know-"
"That was the prophecy an old man blabbered about when *I* was born, but they never said it was for me, the same shit happened to me too."
"I lost my best friend Taurtis."
"I lost my longest friend Condi."
"I was taken by the Watchers."
"I was taken by Schlatt."
"I was given abilities akin to a God after I killed the first Ender Dragon."
"I took another Gods powers after I killed him to protect my friends."
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Every hermit think Ted is either a cow hybrid with recessive traits or a Vampire who drinks milk as a replacement for blood. Beef and Zedaph try and figure out what kind of hybrid Ted is but Ted is honestly just drinking more milk and trying to cause general havoc and they hvw no idea what kind of hybrid he is. zed makes a red string corkboard, hypno joins him and xb is in the corner drinking a slurpee watching this go down.
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He stops by the Swaggon like "Excuse me Mr. Goodtimes, do you have any spare vines." And Grian, who is already there, and Scar, who lives there, start laughing their entire asses off
Charlie also makes a really shoddy ramp up into the Swaggon because even though Scar built the thing, it really isn't handicap accessible
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Mumbo is just like: I'm selling end crystals!
Charlie and Ted: What are those???
Botem: * very confused *
Grian: They're- uh, the exploding thing on the top of the obsidian pillars in the end that heal the dragon?
Ted and Charlie: OOOH!!
Charlie: But wait, how do you get those? I thought the only thing you can do is punch them or shoot them???
Mumbo: You can craft them!
Ted and Charlie: YOU CAN WHAT???!!
Ted and Charlie make their own little cottage core house after Grian and Charlie realize they're brothers. Grian gives him flying lessons when he's not working on the Midnight Alley and Ted regularly hangs out with Impulse and Mumbo, until he gets introduced to Zedaph and everything goes absolutely bonkers for a few days
Charlie meets Ren and they both have such Golden Retriever energy and they literally go and play catch outside of Octagon for a while
And then,,,
Grian: Hey Charlie...
Charlie, fiddling with his kazoo tuner: Oh, yeah?
Grian: Is the moon big...?
Mumbo starts the moon cult, Charlie gets thrown on his fucking ass by the changing gravity, Ted pretends to walk on the ceiling of their house. Ted signs up for the Mooners cult for fun and Charlie ends up the only one who doesn't because he has a single self preservation instinct
So like, Charlie feels like he's going insane because everyone else around him is so entirely sleep deprived that they don't even sound real anymore
He takes regular trips outside of Botem to go to wherever Bdubs is so they can have a slumber party, where all they do is sleep. They just sleep. That's it.
It starts with Charlie who can't sleep at his own base because Ted is there, so he goes to the notorious sleeper on the server, Bdubs. As a fun sleepover game, they end up summoning a demon, which turns out to be Impulse so they leave again. They go to Zed's place and after they sign a liability waiver, sleep for about five seconds before Charlie can feel Zed taking his blood samples and he just grabs Bdubs from the bed and books it.
They try to sleep somewhere between Gem and False, but get so intimidated by the giant reindeer and eagle that they keep fuckin walkin
They end up sleeping at Iskall and Ethos place and are very confused by the fact that they don't actually talk to eachother, just pass notes to eachother, but will talk to them just fine
Once they finally sleep through the night and get back to their respective bases, refreshed, ready for the morning, eating breakfast, doing a morning walk around Botem, Charlie sees the other Botem members and how fucking ragged and sleep deprived they are and almost laughs straight in Ted's face
"That was a terrible idea and you know it."
"C'mon Charles, it's just the first night. It can only get better after-"
"The human body can only go 11 days without sleep, Ted. You don't look like you're going to survive *one*"
Charlie just ends up finding places around Botem where he can sleep in peace. Like an empty car on the Swaggon, on a windowsill outside of Impulses factory, on Pearl's waterfall llamas' back, between the roof and the top of the Midnight alley
When the moon starts falling and Scar puts them all in crash dummy suits into the rocket, there's still only 4 chambers but there's seven of them so Charlie sits on Scars lap and Ted tries to sit on Impulses shoulders when they drop
As soon as they pass through the Botem hole, it's not just Charlie who's trying to keep everyone alive, but now Grian is too
But Grian and Charlie both manage to give everyone an air bubble that they all sit in as they drift through the void until they're yoinked up by the watchers again
And deadass they're like
***TWO OF THEM?????!!!***
The Watchers realize they've made a little bit of an oopsie and are just like "We thought you were our little empire!!! You two have the same taste of magic!!!" (Its shape-shifting magic, they're both natural born shape shifters) They start drilling Charlie on what the fuck he's been doing with his powers and he just goes like "I've just been fucking around with people in the one block void worlds, especially that one guy, Wilbur."
And grian goes
"you fucking *what*"
Charlie realizes he was fucking with his brother and just, the most *shit eating grin* ever"
Milo was a good fish!"
"Now now boys, please don't maul eachother on the marble."
I think I'm gonna end the story once the Watchers direct them back towards the Season 9 world
Ted and Charlie respawn in separate worlds. And when Charlie opens his eyes, Condi is there in a shittly little wooden shack
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give-grian-rights · 3 years
What exactly is your baby goat au?
Baby Goat AU is where Tubbo is Docm77's kid !!!
Doc's character is (soon to be) canonically part goat and because most interpretations of Tubbo is either a goat or a ram, and I'm not the BIGGEST fan of dadschlatt (not my cup of tea, sometimes fics with it can be good) but this way ! i can give c!tubbo a parent
Tubbo was accidentally made by Doc while attempting to experiment with growing organic flesh and limbs, to attempt to replace his arm !
While Doc's hybrid-ness goes, in order of least to most: Goat-Human-Creeper, Tubbo's goes Creeper-Goat-Human and has very few obvious creeper features
-Iris and Pupils of his eyes can narrow and widen like a cat's
-His feet are paws, with coarse, thin green fur going a bit past his ankles. The ends are sharp, short and thick black claws that at a pacing glance can be confused for some weird looking hoof-foot fusion
-He has a small secondary heart that produces gunpowder. He cannot willingly ignite and doing so would permakill him. This gunpowder flows through his bloodstream and sometimes he can cough or sneeze up a cloud of the substance. With normal creepers, they'd produce a pool of gunpowder in the back of their throat and could then ignite it to erupt.
-Purrs and hisses! creepers are cat-like to me
-Looks up to his dad and the Hermits a lot. He was mostly raised in Hermitcraft servers but Doc was very independent with his parenting and gave Tubbo his own server at age 8 where he'd frequently care for himself, something typical for Players. He'd spend a majority of his time with his uncles and dad down in Hermitcraft.
-During the L'manburg elections Tubbo started to lose all contact with his dad and family. Dream used Schlatt, who he had been begged to allow to join, as an excuse to put strict restrictions on outside communication.
-MCC does not exist with this au/most of the Dream SMP members outside of Dream Team and Technoblade don't compete
and more ! i dont know why i have these thoughts but i do . and this is here . just two explosive fellas !
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desolateice · 2 years
Quick links
In-progress fics:
Woah, I’m caught up with Wips? Lies. I’m just caught up with the ones that were posted on Ao3. Instead we have a ✨Coming soon✨
1. Sweet Tea: Bobby/Johnny This will be a continuation of the ongoing Root Beer Floats alternative au’s (like Buku Buku Cha, Earl Gray and Gunpowder Tea) 2. Art school lawrusso 3. a time travel fic/time loop fic (that I’m going to try and hold off on until like....December but have already started writing) 4. Eventual Jimmy/Johnny to finish up the RBF alternative au’s that I’ll start once Sweet Tea is done. Anything that gets stirred up due to new season drops and fandom events.
Completed fics under the read more
Completed fics:
Egg Salad 🐣🐥Complete🐓🎣
E rated Lawrusso set in Cobra Kai some time during the new season but also through past the end of season 6 but also very vaguely.
What is it? The kids and Daniel have to face their preconceptions of Johnny and a whole lot of misconceptions and dealing with trauma. Daniel plans a week long camping trip and invites Johnny, or thinks he does. But Johnny ends up baby sitting the kids science project, about 20 or so eggs while the kids and Daniel are camping. Johnny and Daniel have to confront their missed opportunities of the past, grief and deal with what they assumed with the actual reality. But you know, also baby chickens.
What is egg salad? Egg salad is hard boiled eggs where the yolk is mixed with mayoniase and sometimes spices/seasonings, the egg white is chopped up and it’s all mixed together and generally served on bread as a sandwich.
First Chapter
Last Chapter
Hardboiled Gunpowder Tea 🕵️‍♂️Complete 🍵
A Root Beer Floats and Green Tea alternative route. This one is Tommy/Johnny. However you do not need to have read the other fics to read this one.
What is it? Set pre-the karate kid, Kreese has gone missing, the boys are told he’s dead, but mystery loving Tommy thinks something is wrong and is on the case. What is Hardboiled Gunpowder Tea? Hardboiled is a term, a sub genre, in mystery novels, it’s usually for a detective unphased by violence and devoid of sentimentality. It’s also used for boiling, i.e. an egg. Gunpowder tea is a type of tea, specifically a green tea that’s been rolled into little pellets, sometimes called pearl tea, but generally in English called gunpowder due to the resemblance. First Chapter Final Chapter
Muffuletta  🎓Complete💌
For the start of the All Valley Skills Challenge’s first prompt “Back to School” I decided to dig out two drabbles I did for the All-Valley 100 and expand upon them. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for a while but couldn’t find the time. What is it? Set somewhere during TKK3, Johnny and the cobras are starting college. Johnny, overwhelmed by it all and bored because Sid and his mom put him in a studio instead of in the dorms, goes to his first class a little drunk. He doesn’t pay attention to the assignment which is to write a letter, and ends up writing to Daniel only to find out in the next class that the teacher sent his letter. What is a muffuletta? It’s a sandwich! While researching for the fic (I’ve sent the guys to UCLA) I tried finding traditions and possibly traditional UCLA food. What I ended up finding was that UCLA used to (possibly still does in some form) have a huge Mardis Gras event every year. So I looked up New Orleans popular foods for Mardis Gras and saw that the muffuletta had Italian origins and couldn’t pass that up. It’s starts with Sicilian bread, specifically a Sicilian sesame bread and then the sandwichi is filled with olive-salad (celery, carrot, cauliflower, olives (of course), giardiniera (italian relish), oragano, garlic, and olive oil), salami, ham, provolone cheese, swiss cheese, and mortadella (a type of Italian sausage). First Chapter
Final Chapter
Umibudo 🧜‍♂️ Complete 🍍
Chozen won my 2023 mer-may poll. E rated Johnny/Chozen set after the All-Valley at the end of TKK1 beginning of TKK2 and beyond. Note it earns it’s E rating. What is it? Set right after the All-Valley Johnny struggles with everything that has happened and while feeling sorry for himself ends up fishing a guy out of the sea, not realizing he fished out a merman. He has a one night stand (er middle of the afternoon stand???) to distract himself from everything. Chozen is on a mission to find Mr. Miyagi in a desperate attempt to save everything he cares about on the island, while struggling with his instincts.
What is Umibudo? A type of seaweed that looks like a bunch of little grapes, also known as sea grapes. First Chapter
Final Chapter
Moodboard by ZappedbyZabka
White chocolate coconut vanilla latte ☕ Complete 🍵
M rated Dutch/Johnny set from before TKK through TKK3.
What is it? A coffee shop AU where Dutch is working at coffee shop in order to pay for his cobra kai lessons and after the events of TKK and the start of TKK2 Johnny starts working there too. What is a white chocolate coconut vanilla latte? It’s a drink offered by an USA coffee shop chain that’s name inspired this fic, however that’s the description of the drink, the actual drink is called something like white angel and I don’t think it’s necessarily a latte. (I’ve never been 😅) But every time this cafe is mentioned I think of Dutch and I think he owns a coffee shop. So thus this fic was created.
First chapter
Last chapter
Easter egg: almost all of the chapter titles have to deal with coffee and the final chapter is a nod to the cafe that inspired the fic.
Puppy Chow 🐶 Complete 🌕
For the Cobra Kai Halloween 2023 prompt: mad scientist. T rated Lawrusso (It was originally M, but I bumped it down to T) What is it? John Kreese spends his time leading up to the All Valley digging through Dynatox old experiments before settling on one to put in a drink to give Johnny that he thinks will ensure victory. It doesn’t seem to work. Johnny (in the Cobra Kai time) is losing track of time, keeps waking up in strange places and has ever since he lost the All Valley. He fears what he’s been doing, thinks he’s gotten black out drunk each time, but in actuality is a werewolf. What is puppy chow? Puppy chow was like the best snack for people to make and bring to school when I was in like elementary school. It’s a box of chex mix cereal, 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips, 3/4 cup of peanut butter (smooth), 1/3 cup of butter, and powdered sugar. Essentially everything gets melted, mixed and tossed in powdered sugar. It actually goes by a lot of names but where I grew up this is what it was called. You can read more about it and how it got it’s name here. First Chapter Final Chapter
Candied Apples 🍬🍎 Complete 🗡🎣
For the Cobra Kai Halloween 2023 prompt: witches M rated Lawrusso (was originally T but I bumped it up to M) What is it? A sort of high fantasy quest AU. In this world everyone is given a quest. Generally in the valley where Daniel lives it’s something simple that helps determine one’s future job, like go get fish for the local duke. But he gets a very important quest, only part of it’s gabled. He decides the quest must be to find an unhappy princess and make her happy, so he leaves his town to go find an unhappy princess and is joined by Johnny who seems to be a rich gentleman or night who wants to travel with him. However he keeps talking to witches which is a huge red flag to Daniel. Johnny’s on his own quest and having an awful time. What is a candied apple? It’s generally a whole apple dipped in a sugar glaze that hardens or caramel, it’s kinda sticky and difficult to eat, but if you can cut it up it’s easier to enjoy. I was thinking of witches and snow white when trying to name this and that poisoned apple from the film. First Chapter Final Chapter
Amaretti🎄🎅Complete 💝💘
Pitch hit for the Cobra Kai Secret Santa for ohnoitsthebat E rated Lawrusso What is it? Set in the 90′s when Mr. Miyagi is gone to Boston. Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel he should make it a holiday. Holidays are the only times he sees Johnny, the two of them and the cobras generally meet up at Ali’s for her holiday parties. Johnny’s picked up a job at a local craft store so the two end up scrapbooking and thinking back over the years and realize just how much they mean to each other. What’s an amaretti? An italian cookie using almond flour First Chapter
Final Chapter
Dark ‘n’ stormy 🥂🌩 Complete 🎃🍕
For the All Valley Skills Challenge Trick or Treat prompt E rated Lawrusso What is it? Johnny decorates the dojo for Halloween and Daniel complains that Johnny got everyone a treat but him, so Johnny asks him what he wants. Ends up going through a bunch of Halloween costumes Daniel bought specifically for Johnny while drunk shopping online. Johnny thinks he’s being tricked but they end up spending Halloween together, bonding over old Halloween traditions they don’t have any more and missing them and Johnny learns the costumes are truly a treat for Daniel. What’s a Dark ‘n’ stormy? Alcoholic drink: rum, ginger beer, lime First Chapter Final Chapter
Camp Stinging Nettles⛺🥾 Complete 🔪💖
For the Cobra Kai Halloween 2023 prompt: serial Killers
E rated omegaverse Lawrusso
What is it? A serial killer at camp atmosphere. Set in a wonky time frame around college after TKK3 and then a time skip a couple years later.
Johnny is a camp counselor at Camp Stinging Nettles and has been every since he could be. Before that he was a camper. He likes the kids but hates the counselors because they harass him for being an omega.
This summer Daniel LaRusso has decided to join the team as the camp chef. He’s surprised to see Johnny and even more surprised to find out how awful the counselors are. As time goes on, all the trauma and angry from everything that’s happened to him causes him to snap.
Major trigger warnings for this. I made the camp counselors OC’s so I wouldn’t like kill off any friends, but Daniel does kill people and there’s highly dubious consent that doesn’t seem like there is any consent until you get to the other pov. He does, in much later chapters kill of characters from canon but off screen and well it’s sort of a good for him type of thing. So just, tread carefully. Also because it’s omegaverse so like everything that goes with that.
What are stinging nettles? Stinging nettles are an edible plant. It can be eaten in a lot of different dishes and is relatively healthy however it does also sting if not handled carefully.
First chapter
Final Chapter
Bûche de Noël 🎅🎄Completed��🩰
Ships: Lawrusso, Shannon/Kumiko, Chozen/Dutch, Carmen/Amanda What is it? Multi ship Secret Santa rated T for Raphiday. Amanda visits her cousin in the new town she moved to for the holidays, Mistletoe Falls where she falls in love and breaks things off with her big city LA boyfriend. Only, said boyfriend comes to visit and try and win her back only to realize he doesn’t have a chance and every available bachelor in town might just be flirting with him. Staring: Amanda: the new at risk teen helper quick to punch out the lights of anyone who flirts with her girl though a bit of a klutz Carmen: local nurse Jessica: Happy people are coming to visit and working in the local rock climbing shop Dutch: the local bartender Kumiko: in charge of the ballet and the yearly performance of the Nutcracker Chozen: the town baker and multi-year reigning champion of the local Bûche de Noël contest. Terry Silver: local lumberjack and owner of the local lodge and christmas tree farm with his business partner. Shannon: visiting town with her grieving boyfriend and instantly swept off her feet and off to follow her dreams Johnny: Grieving son who hates Mistletoe Falls despite his family’s legacy. Daniel: A guy trying to solve random mysteries in town and see if he can win back his girlfriend or maybe find love somewhere else unexpected. I tried to fit in as many Hallmark holiday movie tropes in there as possible. What is a Bûche de Noël? It’s a French roll cake, usually like a angle food or sponge cake with a filling of whipped cream or icing covered in more icing and things to make it look like a log or a tree branch and generally it’s a Christmas thing. First Chapter Last Chapter
bagel and lox for me and a maple bar for you Completed
A oneshot for the CK Reverse bang for this art by GJ draws. What is it? An E rated Lawrusso oneshot. Set during Cobra Kai, sometime after the last season. Daniel is teaching his students waiting for Johnny to arrive, and he doesn’t, but then he does, but it’s not his Johnny. He slowly learns that each day he gets a new Johnny but it’s not his and he eventually has to find and help rescue his Johnny and get the other Johnny’s home to their own universe. Background and very minor Cobra Husbands.
Gelato Completed
A oneshot for the CK Reverse Bang for this art by boyswhomaybewatchedsunsets
What is it? A T rated oneshot set in a summer after the All Valley but waaayyyy before Cobra Kai. Daniel is working at his family’s villa in Italy and Sid, Laura and Johnny stay there. Arguably Lawrusso, arguably Gen.
Cinnamon French Toast Completed
A oneshot for the CK Reverse Bang for this art by Lego Cobra Kai What is it? A oneshot about grief and comfort. Set during Cobra Kai. Miguel asks Daniel to check up on Johnny because it’s the anniversary of Johnny’s mothers death so he show’s up to comfort him. Arguably Lawrusso, arguably gen, rated T.
Earl Gray ☕🕺Completed🐝🦚
 A Root Beer Floats and Green tea alternative route. This one is Dutch/Johnny. You don’t need to read the other fics to read this one. What is it? Set pre-The Karate Kid through The Karate Kid 1. Dutch’s parents continue to pressure him about joining the Season, a fancy upper class time of parties and balls, however they keep trying to set him up with girls. He doesn’t want to go. So he concocts a plan, if Johnny pretends to be his boyfriend his parents will have to rethink everything. Fake Dating AU What is Earl Gray? A type of black tea flavored with the oil of a bergamot rind, (a citrus similar to an orange). First Chapter Final Chapter Easter Egg: Each chapter title is a fairy tale or folk tale inspired by the chapter, mostly princesses. See final chapter notes for the list.
A Feast for Fools 🧘‍♂️🍷 Completed 💕
What is it? A what if silverlaw (Terry Silver/Johnny Lawrence) CK fic. Terry Silver finds out about Cobra Kai immediately in season 1 and goes undercover as a yoga instructor and ends up falling for him. Johnny Lawrence gets to meet a badass who can do high kicks, learns yoga and meditation, questions the Cobra Kai creed early, shows off his competence, gets support, love and care from someone who didn’t know him before.
First Chapter
Final Chapter
Wine Dark Night 🍷🌃 Complete (One shot) 🌕🍷
What is it? General one shot fic focused on the Cobras, specifically Bobby. After watching Night Screams 1987 (all the trigger warnings, it’s a slasher horror film) because of a meme and because it stars Ron Thomas who plays Bobby I was challenged to write an AU. So I did. This fic completely spoils Night Screams 1987 and has a pretty intense opening. However rather than a full AU this is more of a character study of Bobby Brown after what happens after the tournament in The Karate Kid and the rest of the fic is angst and hurt/comfort. Want something a little dark for Halloween go for this one. Especially if you want a serial killer AU but don’t want anyone to actually die.
Cherry Cordial 🍒🍫 Complete 🍫🍒
What is it? Lawrusso fic for the CK Halloween Open Season prompt that is late. Combination and expansion of two drabbles. Daniel attempting a potion to befriend Johnny (tw for sneaking a potion into Johnny’s drink) and then freaking out thinking he accidentally hit Johnny with a love potion coupled with the Johnny finding out what kind of witch he is and learning he’s a love witch drabble. Essentially they both think the other is in love with them.
What is a cherry cordial? A cherry cordial is a type of chocolate candy. It consists of a cherry in a cherry liqueur or other type of liqueur (they are generally alcoholic candies) dipped in chocolate.
First Chapter
Final Chapter Extra Content: moodboard by ZappedbyZabka
Conversation Hearts  💕💗 Complete (Collection of stories) 💝💘
What is it? A collection of short stories varying in rating and ship from T to E. Johnny is in each of them, the majority of it is Johnny/Daniel but there is a Johnny/Lyle, Johnny/Chozen and one Daniel/Johnny/Chozen. Some are set in The Karate Kid era, some are set in Cobra Kai, some in the weird in-between time. One’s a science fiction AU, one is a mob AU. For a full list check out either here or the first chapter which is an index and breakdown. Essentially I wanted to do a prompt list and sent out a request for prompts then worked on them as short stories for a Valentine’s Day event. What are Conversation Hearts? Candies that have been around since 1847, made of corn syrup, sugar, gelatin and food coloring. They’re little pastel colored hearts that are a bit chalky but then have flirty messages on them. Because each one has it’s own saying on it and is a bit different then the other I thought it’d make a good title for a collection of short stories. Index chapter
Buku Buku Cha ☁🍵 Complete 🌻🌸
What is it? Chozen/Johnny fic where Johnny finds himself in Okinawa with amnesia and a lot of injuries and unsure where he is or who he is let alone what happened or if he even wants to know. Set between TKK1 and TKK2. It’s a Root Beer Floats and Green Tea alternate universe. But reading RBF&GT will be unnecessary.
What is buku buku cha? Cha means tea. Buku buku cha, or buku buku tea is a traditional type of tea found in Okinawa. While Japan has matcha tea ceremonies Okinawa had and is revitalizing its buku buku cha ceremonies. While the specific tea might change it is made with jasmine tea, rice (white or roasted) and water. Then a big whisk is used to whisk the tea into a mountain of foam that floats atop the tea. It is impossible to drink this tea without getting some foam or bubbles on your nose. The name translates to tea of happiness and was used during-- in the Ryukyu Kingdom (Okinawa pre-Japan occupation)-- to welcome envoys. It was nearly lost during World War 2 due to the scarcity of rice and a lot of the tools used which were made of wood being burned.
First Chapter
Final Chapter
Inspired Art Art by ririririii-i
Wisteria Sherbert   💐 🍨 Complete  🐺 🎅
What is it? Lawrusso fic for CK Secret santa. Note this fic is rated E, heed the tags. Set during Cobra Kai, though the time line is a little wonky. It’s an a/b/o or omega universe where Johnny is an omega but hiding it and working for a company that places him as a nanny in the LaRusso household. There are some hints of darker elements, hospitals, debt and a boss/employee relationship. This is also slow burn so you’ve got to make your way through all the plot set up to get to the smut.
What is Wisteria Sherbert? Parts of wisteria is edible, it’s that purple plant hanging up outside the LaRusso home in Cobra Kai. Other parts are poisonous, so I’m not going to give you a recipe for this one even though I did in fact find one.
The Wisteria is also considered a romantic flower with a meanings of luck and a "devotion that transcends death". Between it's sweet romantic side and poisonous danger it felt a fitting plant and title for this fic. Sherbert is a type of dessert made with mostly fruit juice and sugar but also sometimes egg whites and milk. Sometimes gelatin.
First Chapter
Final Chapter
Playlist Cut scenes and rewrites Cut scene around chapter 21 Cut and rewritten around chapter 28/29
Semifreddo 🧊Complete👻
What is it? Lawrusso fic for the CK Halloween Environment of Fear prompt. Will definitely not be done in time. Set prior to the karate kid films Sid sends Johnny to a distant relatives house in the Hamptons to clean it all up after the owners passing and Johnny finds that he’s not alone in the house. While this is a ghost story and features a Ghost! Daniel, there is no character death and will be a happy ending.
What is Semifreddo? Semifreddo translates to “half frozen or half cold” in Italian. It is a dessert found somewhere between the realm of ice cream and mousse.
First Chapter
Final Chapter
Snake Whisky 🐍Complete🐍
What is it? Lawrusso fic for the CKHalloween Monsterous transformations prompt. Note this fic has some darker elements to it and there will be an explanation of what snake whisky is and how it’s made. TW for nightmarish animal abuse.
Johnny is a shapeshifter and turns into a King Cobra determined to keep Daniel safe.
What is Snake Whisky? Snake Whisky is an alcoholic beverage infused with a snake. It can be found in many different countries and is considered a pain reliever, is used in traditional medicines, and an aphrodisiac. The way it’s made is described in the fic, and thus the TW.
First Chapter Final Chapter
Root Beer Floats and Green Tea  🍵 Complete 🌳
What is it? A long Lawrusso fic set after The Karate Kid I where Johnny is a part of The Karate Kid II and III. Er, there’s so much so it’s hard to summarize this one. Johnny apologizes and there’s a massive ripple effect. It’s about love, healing, forgiveness and growth.
What are Root Beer Floats? Root beer floats are a combination of root beer, a soda found in North America made from the root of a Sassafras. In some countries like South Korea, root beer is unpopular due to the fact it tastes similar to medication found there. The name is a misnomer, there is no alcohol in North American root beer. A root beer float is made by adding vanilla ice cream to the soda.
First chapter Final Chapter
Extra content
All the food in Root Beer Floats and Green Tea Part 1 (Chapter 1-25) Part 2 (Chapters 26-43) Part 3 (Chapters 44-58) Part 4 (Chapters 59-77) Part 5 (Chapters 78-110) Part 6 Coming soon (final part) Cut Scenes and Rewrites: Around chapter 27/28 ended up rewriting and cut
Cut scene from around chapter 29
Original version of chapter 31 that was rewritten Prom prep and magazines that got cut and moved Original ending to chapter 89 that got cut and changed because oof angst
Original angsty chapter 90 Original chapter 91 and start of chapter 92 Playlist
Inspired Art By Zahara who it looks like deactivated, but you can still see them here and here and here. Art by Haruka Spiegel Inspired fic Warm Places, Safe Spaces by usa123
Konpeitō 🌠🛸Complete🛸✨
What is it? Halloween prompt from @ckhalloween, an alien sci-fi Lawrusso AU set during The Karate Kid I. Soulmate AU.
What is a Konpeitō? Konpeitō is a Japanese candy, specifically a type of wagashi. It came to Japan from Portugal and is essentially rock candy. It’s colorful small pieces of sugar that look like little stars. While the majority of them taste like just pure sugar, they do come in flavors.
First chapter Final chapter Playlist
California Roll 🍣🧜‍♂️ Complete 🧜‍♂️🍣
What is it? Another belated Halloween prompt from @ckhalloween that I saved for Mermay. This is a mermaid pre-The Karate Kid I Lawrusso AU where Johnny is a mermaid who gets lost and stuck in Newark.
What is a California roll? A California roll is a type of sushi, specifically a makizushi sushi roll popular in North America. It includes avocado, crab (sometimes imitation), mayonnaise (sometimes), and cucumber, wrapped in seaweed. As a makizushi sushi roll the rice is on the outside of the seaweed and for a California roll that is then rolled in either sesame seeds or roe (fish eggs).
First chapter Final chapter
Devil’s Food (Cake) 👿🎂Complete (Oneshot) 🎂👿
What is it? A oneshot for a halloween prompt for @ckhalloween with a combo for demon and fairy tale where Johnny goes into the desert to make wishes or deals with a demon (Daniel) Link is in the title.
What is devil’s food cake? Devil’s food cake is a rich dense chocolate cake that’s layered with usually a buttercream frosting between the layers.
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There's More Than One Kind?
Destiel Month prompts: Fantasy AU / Gunpowder Random word: spare
(Read on AO3)
Cas has a spare afternoon.
They have those now. Spare afternoons. Idle Wednesdays. Entire weekends with nothing much going on. Since they straightened out the whole Chuck/Amara/Empty meshugas, hunts have dwindled down to once or twice a month, tops. Nothing major, either. Little mop-ups and low-grade hauntings every now and then, and in between there's just... Time.
October has flowed into November and the Bunker is drafty, and Cas feels a chill. Craving warmth, he opens the kitchen cupboard, expecting to see the battered tin of Lipton he's been slowly working his way through. He suspects that tin has been sitting in there since the Men of Letters's heyday in the 50s, and the tea that he brews from it is pretty weak stuff. Still, it's nice to sip on something hot, and he's learned since becoming human that he can't drink coffee all day if he wants to sleep at night.
He's reaching for the dusty tin on autopilot when he realizes it's not there. In its place is a shelf absolutely stuffed with colorful boxes of different kinds of tea. He scans the shelf and sees black tea, green tea, white tea, chamomile, Earl Grey, Lady Grey, lapsang souchong, oolong, gunpowder, pu-erh, peppermint, spearmint, buttermint, Constant Comment, Mint Medley, Sleepytime, Tension Tamer, Red Zinger, Morning Thunder, rooibos, hibiscus, ginger, lavender, strawberry, blueberry, cranberry, red raspberry, peach, vanilla, chocolate, apple cinnamon, lemon, and black cherry.
He's just standing in front of the cupboard, overwhelmed with choice, when Dean walks into the room. His boyfriend comes up behind him, wraps his arms around Cas's waist, and rests his chin on Cas's shoulder.
“Dean, did you buy all this? For me?”
“Yeah, babe. I had a spare afternoon.”
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pastabadguy · 2 years
chocolate, coffee, neapolitan, salted caramel!! ♡♡
chocolate— what song is stuck in your head right now?
It just changed like 3 times in the past five minutes but currently it's Hold Me Back by sohodolls.
coffee— how do you like your coffee made? and what’s your go-to order at a coffee place?
I like lighter roast coffee and almost always hot. I used to get cafe au laits a lot but I've been feeling lattes with honey recently. Or just plain coffee with cream.
neapolitan— do you have a favorite scent? scents that you like in perfume, in candles, and in general?
I like the way various drinks smell, like coffee or green tea. Gunpowder smells good but that's not really a candle thing.
salted caramel— what color and shade would you describe your eyes?
My eyes are brown idk how to describe it. Sort of a light brown, or at least not that dark a brown. You are just getting back at me here huh
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chrysalizzm · 4 years
Do you have fic recs or head canons? please ramble for paragraphs im bored and looking for something to read.
oh boy do i have some fic recs for you (and everyone who sees this), my friend! this one is quite long because there are a lot of fics i like and this isn’t all of them, so if you’d like more, you can check out my bookmarks page ^^
The Run and Go by Numanum 
“That’s not fair,” Bad protests. Dream raises an eyebrow at him and jerks his tied hands in emphasis, clearly saying that none of this is fair.
“Look, you keep running! Who runs if they’re not guilty?” Bad challenges, staring him down with obvious distrust from the generous distance of exactly five feet. It’s fair, as much as Dream hates to admit it; it’s not like he’s been the most honest hostage in the past, with all of his escaping and running and framing himself for his own murder, apparently.
“Only the good die young, and only the guilty run,” Technoblade chimes in, holding his own potato and sitting in the snow like it’s not cold at all.
A hot flash of irritation burns through him.
“Someone being chased?” he counters sarcastically, jerking his tied wrists up again to wave them in front of the group. Sapnap laughs so hard that he almost chokes on his potato, but it dies off when Dream gives him an icy stare.
Or: Dream is having a hard time, and the hunter just want to adopt him like a stray puppy that bites you at every opportunity.
multi-chapter, ongoing.
a manhunt with plot-style fic! exquisitely written, visceral in the emotions it evokes. it’s the kind of fic that makes me feel all shaky with anticipation, the kind that i have a physical reaction to; you can’t put it down.
pain. all-consuming pain. this one feels bad, man
and as he fell (you walked away) by Teahound
Once upon a time, there were three hunters.
They were good at what they did. If you wanted something-- or better yet, someone-- found, discovered, or destroyed, they were the people you asked. They didn’t have much to their name, besides a formidable reputation, but they were a team, and that was enough for them.
Once upon a time, there was a king in the forest.
He wore a mask, but it didn’t matter. That deep in the forest, in a hidden fortress, buried behind leaves and monsters and broken stone, no one could see his face anyway. He had been there a very long time, and he was alone.
Being a king can be a very lonely thing. So one day, the king left the fortress.
A Minecraft manhunt AU, with a fantasy twist. Dream is a cryptid, and Hunters are idiots.
multi-chapter (11), complete.
tea’s fic!! a manhunt-with-plot fic, featuring a forest spirit dream and circumstantial hunters and friendships that feel both intensely real and desperately melancholy because they can’t last.
or can they?
The Real World by Cinammonzoa and Fire_Fly464
"Ten, paces fire!"
Time stopped.
Tommy’s entire body went numb. He tried to open his mouth to say something, but his body was determined to keep him silent. His vision went dark, and he could no longer feel his headphones over his ears. The mouse in his hand. The slight breeze of his ceiling fan. For a few seconds, he couldn’t feel anything.
His senses came back to him all at once. The first thing Tommy noticed was the weight in his right hand -- a bow. His nostrils stung with the lingering scent of gunpowder. In front of him was a masked figure. Their right arm was bent, their elbow by their face. In their left hand was a bow, aiming directly at--
Aka Dream and Tommy get transported into the SMP world and have no idea what the fuck is happening
multi-chapter (23), complete
you’ve probably seen this one if you haunt the video blogging rpf/minecraft tags of ao3 often! an irl!dream and tommy replace their smp counterparts type of beat, very upbeat in dynamic and fun to keep pace with, great read.
staying alive (though the city is dead) by Alice_Not_In_Wonderland
"Damned if you do, damned if you don't," Schlatt smirks, his words lilting, almost song-like. His eyes seem to glow brighter. "Tell me, Dream, when did you realize that you could talk and talk and talk and no one would ever believe you?"
or: if dream's damned to be a villain in every story he's in, then he's going to show them exactly how much of one he can be
one-shot, complete.
the gratuitous greek mythology references are truly everything and this fic is such a good dissection of dream and schlatt’s motivations and how their goals intersect, and dream’s likening to cassandra really hits different 
Green & Gold by HognoseSnake
George’s legs ached.
His lungs felt tight and too small.
His breath was loud in his ears.
His pack bounced uncomfortably on his shoulders.
George, homeless and adrift, is an outlaw of the Mad King's reign. He'd spent the last two months being hunted across the wilderness at the fringe of society by a ruthless killer in a smiling mask and bright green coat. This, he understood.
What he didn't understand is why such a ruthless killer kept letting him go.
multi-chapter (8), complete. sequel ongoing.
a breathtaking pseudo-manhunt-with-plot fic, with george and dream running from a kingdom that wants them dead for perceived transgressions. this shit hurted, and the sequel hurts even worse ;-; snake please i beg
We’re Only Young series by ImperialKatwala
It's easy to forget amid the chaos and bloodshed how similar - and how young - Dream and Technoblade really are.
collection of both one-shots and ongoing multi-chapter fics.
((bangs on table)) please read this series it is dream and techno friendship fics that alternate between lighthearted and heartwrenchingly comforting and imperialkatwala’s characterisation of them and their respective groups of family and friends is so frickin’ good i read this series when i’m not having a good day and it never fails to make me crack a smile
kept promises and old ruins and names carved into stone by verecundiam
"Would you... would you want to stay here?" Bad wrings his hands, looking away. "Like, like actually stay? I know it's not, ah, not exactly comfortable, or all that homey, but I don't want you two to get hurt out there on your own, and I just... I think maybe you could stay? If you want?"
"That sounds nice," Sapnap says, because it does.
(Or: How four kids managed to build a family, against all odds.)
one-shot, complete.
muffinteers found family that makes me want to go to the smp writers and beg it to be made canon. unbelievably soft yet excellent at parsing out the younger counterparts of the four and creating backgrounds that feasibly form them into the people they grow up to be.
in the age of icons by BananasofThorns
“Yeah, keep digging,” Tommy crows.
The pickaxe hesitates on the downswing. The air shifts; Dream’s aura bursts into visibility, brilliant green and jagged. Ozone hums on Techno’s tongue and Bad stutters in the middle of his sentence. Up on the wall, silhouetted by the sun, Dream stands frozen and furious.
L'manberg messes with something it shouldn't. Techno watches the repercussions and tries not to laugh.
one-shot, complete.
i love deity aus (figures, i wrote one myself akjdfh), and this one hits. there’s something exquisitely delicate about how dream and the repercussions his godhood both on himself and on the people who are exposed to him in that moment of unbridled rage.
that's how we keep going (we make the best of things) by lieyuu
[ i can’t decide if this is heaven or hell. the walls keep closing in and we’re running out of space, but you’re pretty cute ]
“So, do you want to build a flower shop, a cottage, or a coffee shop?” Puffy asks, smiling like just Niki’s presence is enough to light up her world.
Niki looks at her, thinks, I want to bend nature to my will and weave tapestries in your name, says, “I think I might like the flower shop best.”
one-shot, complete.
a niki/puffy fic that crushed me in its hands in just six hundred words.  the delicate love and wonder and beauty of this fic killed me softly and i welcomed it. it’s girls in love rendered by lieyuu’s masterful hand, what more could you want
i need it to be known that as i was typing up my thoughts midnight love by girl in red started playing from my playlist if that’s not a shining endorsement i don’t know what is
did i ruin the moment? by itisjosh
Ranboo drags himself through the snow, burn wounds going up and down his body. His suit is crumpled, half of it discarded as he crawls along the ground. His eyes are firmly pressed shut, and he refuses to open them, just in case he sees him, Dream, again. Ranboo sobs as the snow melts on his skin, the water scalding him as it trickles down his arms and chest.
one-shot, complete.
it’s character death, i do need to put it out there because it felt like i was punched in the stomach at the end even though i knew. josh knows exactly how to drag his readers kicking and screaming into angst hell, as always - a ranboo is rescued by phil fic wherein ranboo ends up convincing himself that the only reason for his presence in the nearly-empty anarchist commune is because phil sees him as a placeholder for his sons ;-; pain
Frame The Halves, And Call Them Brothers by MusicallyActive
"Let's go!" Quackity roared. "Let's fucking go!"
The anvil dropped, and Techno reached for his totem of undying. This was going to hurt like a bitch.
Phil screamed something, and instantly a crushing force struck Technoblade's skull. It rattled him to the core, doused his vision in red, and then all he knew was black.
He gasped awake moments later to the sound of his communicator pinging softly at his bedside table, and when Technoblade opened his eyes, New L'manburg was nowhere in sight.
one-shot, complete.
a techno timeloop fic that shows off the unintentional cruelty of the children who run l’manberg and techno’s own inability to allow the people he tries so hard not to love to come to harm. techno’s rendered in painstaking detail; this one was cathartic in the best way.
on i go (move to move) by Aenqa
If you ask someone whether they’ve ever experienced real, severe physical pain, you’ll learn a lot from their response.
Techno knows what it means to be in pain. He’s accepted it as a necessary consequence of keeping his family safe. But when the pain he's experiencing starts to become too much to bear alone, it takes his family to show him what it might mean to feel better.
one-shot, complete.
chronic pain fic featuring sbi!! it’s really good - aenqa wrote chronic pain well, and incorporated respawn mechanics into it well, and the dynamic between sbi is impeccable.
Yellow and Blue and- by nic_takes_Ls (nic_L)
It’s another gorgeous day in New L’Manberg. Tubbo’s stilted streets of deep toned spruce and honey-touched oaks are warm under his feet from the sun, and a sign and a small banner proclaim the country’s name in front of his face. Wilbur is so happy to let the ‘L’ roll of his tongue as he says it, ‘Manberg’ was harsh and too guttural, but the two extra syllables make it something that could fit on a melody, a four-note beat he could set the pace of his unbeating heart to.
The citizens of New L’Manberg track him with cautious eyes at first, until Tubbo changes his eyes to slightly sad ones, listening along to Wilbur’s rambles, warming up to the truly soot-grey sight of his face and sunshine yellow of his ever-present sweater. The rest of the population soon follow, laughing at Wilbur’s strange innocence and telling him what he’s done with only a little bit of spite in a pitying mask and fixing their mouths in a line when he suddenly forgets what he’s doing or stares into space or laughs at nothing.
But all the people who get sad when Wilbur starts laughing after shock-still silence are dumb.
Because Wilbur’s not laughing at nothing.
one-shot, complete.
a ghostbur fic from quite early on! it includes references to wilbur and schlatt’s older videos/smp experiences and has a super interesting take on the nature of wilbur’s amnesia i enjoyed this fic a lot ^^
east of eden series by subwaywalls
Philza protects his home.
(An angel with a singing blade of fire guards the gates to paradise.)
two one-shots, one ongoing multi-chapter fic.
READ IT READ IT READ IT. the eoe series is exquisite in both content and presentation, centering around sbi and the powers they all respectively have but also bringing in people like grian and dream, and subwaywalls is a master of packaging her words ever so delicately to create an experience that is ethereal.
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hrwinter · 3 years
rules: tag nine people you want to know better.
i was tagged by: @msdanvers
favorite colors: maybe green right now? orange?
currently reading: this is how you lose the time war by amal el-mohtar and max gladstone, malice by heather walter
last song: in your eyes by peter gabriel (hahahahahaha)
last series: bob’s burgers
last movie: gunpowder milkshake (we didn’t finish) and atomic blonde for the 43987598th time
sweet, savory, or spicy: savory
craving: a vacation. the ocean! mountains. anything naturally beautiful honestly.
tea or coffee: coffee, the psychological addiction is real. i get physically sick to my stomach after more than one cup yet i keep drinking.
currently working on: a sorority vampire lena au for @msdanvers 😈
tagging: @agenderdanvers, @moon-mia, @aspidities, @salva, @thecatsbian, @occidentaltourist
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killersolo · 3 years
OC ask games but instead if reblogging the asks I answer them myself for Eugene's development
put under a read more cause this is....long [also i couldnt answer all questions oops]
dnd character ask meme by gendermybeloved
what kind of clothing does your character like to wear? do they have a style? anything they avoid wearing? Eugene wears button ups, a lot, with funky little patterns on them. Usually they are blue, turquoise, green and pink. He usually just wears blue denim pants, however if his shirt is blue he tries to avoid wearing blue pants under them. As for shoes he just wears, usually white, sneakers.
what's their current hairstyle? has it changed? do they change it often? Eugene's hair is short, but the long kind of short. He usually wears it with a small crest, but sometimes he lets it down too. During Mann Co. it was a lot shorter because Soldier demanded they'd all keep their hair short. In his mid-teens [15-16] he started off with a bit of a mullet that eventually grew into longer hair that he'd keep in place with a headband, [think Your Worst Nightmare kind of long] he cut it off at around 17.
is your character more articulate in their thoughts than their words? if yes, do they do anything about that? do they care? Eugene is more articulate in his thoughts, he tends to have very rambled thoughts that make sense to him but when he has to out those words it can be a little chaotic/rambly as well. But if he has to prepare text it comes out a lot more structured. He doesn't do anything about it cause he enjoys being a little chaotic like that.
would your character sing along to a vaguely familiar song, even if they messed up the lyrics as they went? No, Eugene will only sing along if he knows the words. If a song is vaguely familiar he'll only hum along with it.
if they wear any, how does your character go about applying makeup? Eugene doesn't wear makeup.
do they usually sleep in a certain pose? does it change? Fetal position is the go to but not a necessity when sleeping.
how would they react to eating something that was spicier than they expected it to be? Tears would form in his eyes and he'd cough a little but he's too stubborn to admit he can't handle it/it's too spicy.
are their hands steady? Yes, absolutely. Thanks to sniper training they got steadier than before.
if someone gave them flowers, what would they do with them? He'd be very confused. Eventually he'll accept them but it's very uncomfortable and awkward for him. If something like this [affection and/or something so confronting and unexpected] happens to him he'll be the type to say no out of discomfort even though he'd want to say yes.
would they sneak out at night to look at the sky? how long would they stay there looking? Absolutely, he'd use his dogs as an excuse to go outside and he'd just stay there for as long as he or his dogs like.
how do they feel about casual endearments? (babe, etc) Uncomfortable, he'd need to get used to them a lot.
what colour would they paint their room? would there be a design on the ceiling? He'd be too undecisive to choose colours or patterns. On the ceiling there are those green and purple glow in the dark stickers.
what helps them fall asleep when they're having trouble doing so? ASMR or watching those YouTube documentaries.
do they tend to run hot or cold? do they do anything to deal with that? xx I'm not sure what this question means
what's a sound they can't stand? The sound [and sight] of people eating.
would they draw patterns in frosted windows/fogged up mirrors? what would they draw? He'd draw smiley faces and dogs [and male genitalia when it's appropriate.]
do they fidget? how and/or with what? A lot! He has multiple fidget. He scratches his neck a lot, he scratches his thumbs a lot too, and he rubs his knuckles over his chest sometimes [ this also because of the scar itching].
would they sing a lullaby, if the opportunity arose? Nah, not a fan of lullabies.
do they see patterns in the world around them? do they point them out to people? All the time, but he barely points them out because more often than not people look at him weird for either not seeing the pattern or confusion.
do they like to keep plants/growing things in their space? His favourites are cacti and succulents, though most of them are fake because he forgets to take care of them a lot.
do they touch or mess with their hair/horns a lot? Usually only the hair on his neck thanks to his neck scratches, and a hand through his hair once in a while but that's it.
when they speak, do they have a default tone of voice? if yes, do they try to change it? why?
do they wrap their arms around their stomach when it hurts?
what kind of bookmarks, if any, do they like to use? No bookmarks, only memory. When it's a book they read in class, he uses colour coded sticky bookmarks for discussions in class.
do they keep books on their person? what kind? Only when he needs to bring them to his job, or when he plans on reading them [for example on a long train ride].
do they write in their books? do they mind other people writing in their books? what do they write? Yes, he writes in his books mainly for things he notices or for discussion points in class [like foreshadowing or patterns or smth similar]
do they write often? why/what about? Not really, Eugene sometimes tries to write down what he feels, because he has troubles expressing emotion and he hopes it may help him.
if they can fly, how do they feel in the moment their feet touch the ground again? n/a
if they wear any, where did they get their jewellery? He has matching sword necklaces with Demoman, but he only rarely wears it. He doesn't like jewellery too much as it feels bothersome to him.
have they ever tried to count their own freckles? do they count other people's? n/a, no freckles.
did they climb all over/onto things as a kid? Only in trees.
can they play darts? would they? He can easily play, and win, darts thanks to his aim as an ex-sniper but he doesn't because he just thinks it boring.
where are they in a group hug? (dead center, outside, etc) Nowhere, group hugs are too overwhelming [too much touching]
what's the first thing they think when they hear an alarm? what's the first thing they do? His ears perk up and he looks around to try and figure out what is going on.
do they sing with their head voice or their chest voice? Chest voice
(if they have hair that needs to be brushed) how often do they do so? do they do it gently? n/a
how would they pass the time on a train? Either reading, listening to music or playing puzzle games [like picross or I Love Hue].
do they bother to clean ink/chalk/gunpowder/etc off of their fingers? are they likely to forget it's there and smudge their nose? im not sure how to answer this one
do they keep working even when their wrists start to cramp? if they do, do they give themselves a break when the work is done? He does keep working because, once he's started something and is in the right mindset he doesn't want to stop and once again he's too stubborn to stop as well.
if their mattress became uncomfortable as time passed, would they notice it? would they do anything about it? He wouldn't notice because he already gets barely any sleep anyway.
20 assorted OC asks by pieniharmaakani
Why did you pick their name? I blame Eugene from Animal Crossing.
Why did your character get that name in-universe? I haven't thought about this yet tbh.
How do they talk in a formal situation?
How do they talk with close people?
If they got a tattoo, what kind? If they have tattoos, what would their next one be? He's got an aboriginal kangaroo tattoo on his upper right arm/shoulder. A crocodile tattoo from his lower back to his stomach, and a snake tattoo from his knee, going around his leg and ending at his foot/ankle. For his next tattoo he maybe wants something small on his hip or collarbone, but he isn't sure what.
Alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, downhill tobogganing/sledding, or ice skating? Ice skating, as it's most similar to roller-skating.
Their 2020s AU quarantine craft of choice? Music, and trying to cook but failing poorly.
Which era of historical fashion do you think would fit them?
What's their most annoying trait? His stubbornness and struggle to let go [inflexibility].
What makes them nice to be around?
What do they look for first in another person?
What do other people often notice first in them?
Their cliche YA novel scent combo? (Like 'X smelled like rhododendron and dewdrops and the pages of a 100-year-old library book 😩')
Good or bad at math? Bad/average.
Likes studying languages, yes or no? Yes!
Kitchen catastrophe or gourmet home cook? Catastrophe
What's their breakfast like? Boring, just the regular cereal with milk, and if he's late just the nearest thing he can get his hands on.
Do they have a favourite accessory / item of clothing? If yes, why that? Nope not at all.
What cute thing were they into as a tween that they cringe about now? (Let them know I love it!)
What kind of people are their type that they find most attractive? (Either platonic, romantic or sexual attraction.)
Oc Asks Game by inky-duchess
What is your character's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting their jumper caught on a door handle? Normally he wouldn't mind but when he's having a bad day he'd lose his mind.
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or other? Tea is the usual hot drink! The other two only in specific situations.
What does their safe space look like?
What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
What kind of books comfort them? What books help them heal after a hard day?
Are they a naturally assertive person or are they painfully shy? Usually a bit assertive but when a situation is unfamiliar he can be a bit taken aback/shy, but he can adapt quite quickly.
Do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof? He considers himself friendly, but he can come across a bit aloof at certain times.
What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
What kind of jokes make them laugh?
Do they enjoy pranks or do they hate them? Are they likely to fall for a prank? If the prank is harmless he enjoys them. He falls for pranks a lot because of his obliviousness/naiveté/whatever that thing that autistic people have is called.
Are they an overall healthy person? Do they make for a good patient or a terror?
Describe your character's typical wardrobe for the regular day. Button up, jeans and sneakers.
Are they a simple person to please or difficult?
What is the first thing people notice about them?
What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult?
Describe your character through a Brooklyn 99 gif or line.
What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
Does your character have a comfort item?
What would be one item that they would hate to lose most?
What are their eating habits like? Do they snack throughout the day? Or do they eat sparsely? Sparsely, he forgets to eat quite a lot and even when he does it's not really enjoyable.
What is your character's favourite food and who cooks it best?
What are your character's special skills?
What are somethings they find difficult to do? Or say?
Are they an animal person? Do they have pets? Eugene loves animals more than anything in the world, he absolutely melts at them. He's got 2 dogs himself as well.
What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins? He really doesn't like kids,,,at all. He doesn't want kids either.
If your character was in today's world, what social media platforms would they avoid? Or be prominent on? He'd try to avoid facebook, instagram and twitter, though he would post to instagram or twitter just once in a while. He uses discord for friends and even 1 class for the pandemic. WhatsApp is used mainly for contact.
Are they an organised person? Or more laissez-faire? It's organised chaos. He's got everything organized but only in a way that he knows where everything is.
Do they dwell better in chaotic situations or more linear situations? Linear
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
How do they act around people they don't know? Are they shy around strangers or dismissive of them?
Can your character drive? If so, what kind of driver are they? If not what's their preferred manner of transport? He can drive just fine, he's a very relaxed driver but can't focus when other people in the car talk too much.
What attracts your character to another person? What kind of person do they do for?
Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page? He's got quite the bit of trauma/ptsd. The reason I haven't talked about this yet is because I'm not sure how to write it accurately, yet.
Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape?
How does your character unwind after a long day?
What's your character's guilty pleasure?
Your character's friend has just been mugged. What's their reaction?
Your character has been punched into the face. What's their reaction? He's not a huge fan of violent/physical confrontations, so he'd just get angry with whoever punched them. If they punch a second time, Eugene will gladly return it.
Does your character celebrate their birthday? If not, why? Yeah
What is the DND alignment? Chaotic Neutral
Hogwarts House?
Star Sign? Leo
Does your character believe in anything? Religion? Superstition? He's neutral on it, but he find it fascinating and interesting to talk about.
What is your character's reaction when someone does something nice for them? Discomfort.
Is your character easy to make cry? Or angry? Or annoyed? Not angry or annoyed but frustrated.
What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational? Being forgotten.
How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl? He's more of a night owl, but when he sleeps he does have nightmares quite often. He only sleeps when he's completely exhausted.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 5 years
let’s do a weird headcanon thing.
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WHAT THEY SMELL LIKE. Coffee, green tea and gunpowder.
HOW THEY SLEEP ( sleeping position, schedule, etc ). Naoto tries to keep up a regular sleeping rhythm despite her hectic life and need for to keep up the social connections she has. As a night owl it’s at times hard, especially when she has video calls and episodes to marathon. She usually
WHAT MUSIC THEY ENJOY. Naoto’s favorite type of music is classical music and movie soundtracks.
HOW MUCH TIME THEY SPEND EVERY MORNING GETTING READY. Not long, she usually plans a day in advance what to wear the next day and keeps her clothes in an order. She usually doesn’t wear any 
FAVORITE THING TO COLLECT. It’s verse dependent: in the main verse she collects figurines and posters for her favorite series (including BBC Sherlock Holmes and classic Sherlock Holmes) and art books from the said interests + classical CDs. 
LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED. Naoto is right-handed but has learnt in AU verses to handle her an extra weapon in her left hand in case things go south. 
FAVORITE SPORT(S). She enjoys target shooting and laser tag and running the most: they’re the most beneficial to her career and increase her agility and quick thinking. In some verses she also likes self-defense courses and batting ring at Tokyo because they maintain her skills and are a way to spend time with people if she goes there with company.  
FAVORITE TOURISTY THING TO DO WHEN TRAVELING. Sightseeing the most important places and visiting the museums. She enjoys seeing new places and learning new places.
FAVORITE KIND OF WEATHER. Either snowy weather or cloudy weather. Winter is soothing to be in and the scenery looks calm and cloudy is neither too cold or warm.
WEIRD/OBSCURE FEAR THEY HAVE.  Ghosts and/or poltergeists. It’s something nobody expects her to be afraid and she doesn’t think it to be a fun joke.
Tagged by: @maskedcharxsma​
Tagging: @gameboyheroes​, @brainpuncher​, @afortiicri​, @heartsdive​
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odoroussavourssweet · 6 years
Lutens Quick Takes 2
Smelled in the store, not on my skin; YMMV
Vetiver Oriental
Notes: herbal green juices, iris, woods, vetiver, guaiac wood, chocolate, musk, amber, sandalwood, labdanum
This is Evil Vetiver. Ominous Vetiver.  Scary Grand Vizier vetiver.  It’s acidic, tangy, medicinal at first, with an orangey bite from the dark chocolate and a “malevolent” undertone that probably comes from the guaiac.  It dries greener, with the familiar “dusty forest-floor” smell of vetiver, but it’s still menacing. I honestly don’t want evil in my vetiver -- I prefer it grassy and fresh like Guerlain Vetiver.  I respect the originality of the fragrance but it would be such a bummer to wear.
Santal Majuscule
Notes: sandalwood, rose, cacao
There’s a really weird and distinctive note in the opening that is apparently cacao. It’s not like chocolate. My best guess on sniffing was “licorice”, which I knew wasn’t quite right, but it’s vaguely bittersweet/herbal-liqueur-like in that way. It’s weird-good in the same way as the root-beer-y wintergreen-clove note in Tubereuse Criminelle -- I get the feeling that Lutens, like me, is a fan of weird herbal tinctures and apothecary smells.  
It dries down to a sharp, tangy, pointy sandalwood note that I like a lot. Apparently the sandalwood connoisseurs are disappointed because, of course, there’s no Mysore sandalwood in this (since it’s badly endangered.)  I’m not expert enough to notice the difference here.  I really like the classic combination of sandalwood and rose, which was also hiding behind the oud-stank in Oudh Infini.  The rose in those rose-sandal compositions never pops out or smells distinctively “rosy” to me -- it’s just this nicely sharp-sneezy unified scent chord that reads as dignified and noble to me.
Dent de Lait
Notes: milk, metallic notes, incense, heliotrope, almond
I’m probably missing the point of this fragrance from Lutens’ perspective (it’s one of his creepy Freudian age-regression/incest things) but it smells like cleaning products. It’s very chemical. Hard pass.
Notes: patchouli, aldehydes, woods, incense, musk
The copy on this perfume is deeply affecting -- it represents Lutens’ abandoned inner little girl.  (Would a Serge Lutens born fifty years later have been trans?)  
At any rate, I found L’Orpheline subtly beautiful. It opens with a clear, cold breath of aldehydes, along with a dark forest smell that I think is the patchouli. It’s like a Victorian greenhouse covered with dry vines or the shady, brambly, overgrown gardens of a manor in winter.  
Le Participe Passe
Notes: artemisia, bergamot, pepper, fruity notes, balsam, resins, caramel, cumin, leather, immortelle, patchouli
This is chewy. Primarily caramel and a bitter, woody flavor that reminds me of the way I used to chew on dried bamboo when I was a kid.  It might be the cumin.  The effect is so vivid that it almost seems like it’s in your mouth -- I taste it more than I smell it. It’s yet another way to take sweet notes of resin in a dark-and-potent direction, here with browned/burnt/maple-syrup aspects and bitterness.
Bapteme du Feu
Notes: orange, gingerbread, woody notes, castoreum, osmanthus, gunpowder
This is smoky and fruity and fun. Like a bonfire with fireworks. 
Fleurs d’Oranger
Notes: orange blossom, jasmine, tuberose, citrus, caraway, nutmeg, rose, hibiscus
This is a standard type of composition that’s easy to find and I didn’t notice much to distinguish it from other orange blossoms. It opens candy-sweet, super sweet, but also breathy and fresh. For some reason, I always think of swimming pools when I smell orange blossom, and this has plenty of that pool-like, summer-breeze quality.
La Religieuse
Notes: Jasmine, musk, incense, civet
This is faint, floral, hard-to-place.  I found it forgettable.
Clair de Musc
Notes: musk, violet, neroli, bergamot
The opening is like bug spray! This is a good thing, in my book; I love the scent of DEET.  But it goes sweet/spicy in the drydown, which is less interesting.
Five O’Clock au Gingembre
Notes: tea, bergamot, ginger, cinnamon, wood, cacao, honey, amber, patchouli, pepper
This is haunting. It’s a very powerful sense-memory of cold, dark winter afternoons in my Chicago childhood, when I’d come home from school and listen to Barbra Streisand on the stereo while my mother fixed me a snack and a cup of tea.  I got no individual notes, just nostalgia.
Nuit de Cellophane
Notes: Jasmine, osmanthus, lily, mandarin, green notes, etc.
Wow, this is plastic and hairspray!  It’s the plasticky or waxy aspect of white flowers, with a little green calyx around the edges. A bit tacky.
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snipsnexus · 2 years
Hey someone ask me about the Gunpowder Green Tea au I'm making, you'll love the results I promise
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professortennant · 7 years
Lucien/Jean + coffee shop au
this one spawned about a thousand different ways to write this but this is what i settled on and i LOVE it so much and I hope you do too! 
2251 words, coffeeshop AU, fluff
Everyone in Ballarat said the same thing: If you’re feeling down, go to Jean’s. This used to mean swinging by the Beazley farm and sitting at Jean’s table and watching her putter around the kitchen as she fixed up a tea tray and sat with you while you poured your heart out. 
Jean gave the best advice, always had the most comfort to offer, and most importantly, she made the best damn cup of tea in all of Ballarat. At the urging of her son, Jean stepped out into the world and opened her own tea shop, Tea and Sympathy.Self-doubt had filled her, but with every compliment received and each local paper write-up, Jean found a new rhythm to her life. Up early to roast tea leaves and coffee beans, baking a few items for the day, and then settling behind the counter and awaiting the customers. 
Many thought store-bought tea and coffee at a café like Tea and Sympathy was a bit of a luxury. Like any other shop, Jean had her ups and downs with finances, but ultimately her caring manner, an excellent cuppa, and a friendly ear kept the people of Ballarat pouring in. 
All in all, Jean Beazley was quite happy with her life, despite an occasionally lonely heart. And then he walked in. 
It was like the noise of the café ceased to exist and a faint buzz filled her ears. He was incredibly handsome, neat beard trimmed short, an easy smile, tall and broad shouldered and those arms…
Jean fumbled with the cup and saucer in her hand as he approached the counter, hoping the heat in her cheeks wasn’t obvious to him. The man leaned on the counter, greeting her. 
“Hello there! I, uh, would love a cuppa of your strongest brew, please.”
Upon closer inspection, Jean saw the dark circles beneath his eyes and the frown lines flirting about his mouth. Strongest brew, indeed. “If you don’t mind me saying so, you look knackered. Perhaps it’s coffee you need, not tea?”
He laughed at her brazenness. Not many people–let alone women–were bold enough to opine so freely. “Knackered is certainly a word for it. I just arrived in Ballarat last night and I’m afraid I don’t have anything unpacked. And even more unfortunately, my bed did not arrive with the rest of my things, so it was a rather restless night on the couch for me.”
Jean nodded, “Well, in that case, coffee it is. I have a roast that I just ordered in from Italy that is absolutely divine.”
The stranger agreed readily and Jean turned to fix him his coffee, placing the steaming cup of coffee on the counter in front of him. She wiped her hands down the front of her apron, smiling. “Let’s call the first cup on the house, eh?”
He looked taken aback before smiling at he gratefully. “That is very kind of you…” 
“Jean.” She held her hand out and tried not to think too hard about the way her hand fit in his and the warmth of his hand. He shook her hand, lightly.
“I’m Lucien. It’s very nice to meet you, Jean. And thank you, again, for the coffee.”
“My pleasure.”
Jean watched as Lucien took his coffee to the corner table by the window, adding one sugar and a splash of cream to his coffee at the self-serve bar first. She noted the way he lifted his face to the sun, basking in the sunbeams like an overgrown cat. 
A few customers came in–Veronica and Grace, the two gossiping biddies Jean never had much time for, as well as young Charlie Davis, whom Jean had always had a soft spot for. She went about her business behind the counter–cleaning out teapots and cups, freshening up the bake case, and wiping down every surface so the shop shined. And then it was her favorite part of the day: greeting customers. 
She walked around with a carafe of tea and coffee, offering refills to the customers in the shop, checking in on them and ensuring they were satisfied and happy. Charlie had been frequenting her shop as of late asking for romantic advice (he was hoping to court district nurse Mattie O’Brien and Jean was thrilled). 
Reaching Lucien’s table, she felt the butterflies start up again. “Refill?”
Lucien nodded and lifted his cup. “You were absolutely right, Jean. This coffee is delicious. You said it was Italian, yes? Have you ever been?”
Jean laughed. “To Italy? No, unfortunately. I had dreams I’d go once–Italy, France, England, then maybe to China or Thailand–really travel the world, you know? But,” she sighed. “My life is in Ballarat. Perhaps one day though, eh?”
Lucien looked at her, sipping at his coffee. “I have no doubt you’ll see the world one day, Jean.”
He said it with such conviction, it made Jean want to put the carafes down right now and pack her bags and go. “Maybe.” She turned on her heel, tossing over her shoulder, “Let me know if you need anything else!”
Not soon after, Lucien was placing his cup and saucer in the wash bin and leaving the café, humming to himself. Jean was too busy with another customer that she missed the lingering look he gave her as he left. When Jean noticed he had left, she found herself irrationally disappointed and hoping he would return the next day.
Lucien did return the next day. And the next. And the next. Soon, Lucien was in her shop every morning, as soon as the shop opened. Jean had started having his coffee ready for him on the counter–just as he liked it–before he was even inside the shop. 
He was an unusual man, Jean thought. He was incredibly energetic, bouncing around from table to table with her, helping her prepare the shop for the day. He offered to help clean carafes and cups and carry trays for her. Anything to be near to her. 
It was these early morning hours that Jean cherished most. She learned he was a former military man, a doctor, and the new police surgeon for Ballarat. She learned he was very demonstrative: a hand on her shoulder, fingertips grazing the inside of her wrist, squeezing her hand. Jean tried not to read anything into it, but her traitorous heart thumped ever faster with each touch. 
Some days, there was an easy silence between them as they exchanged shy glances. Other days, Lucien was already hopped up on his own energy and was anxious to bounce theories and ideas off of her as they related to his most recent case. 
For his part, Lucien found Jean to be fascinating. She was stunning–inside and out. Strong, smart, witty, and more attitude than he knew what to do with. And her knowledge of Ballarat’s residents was exceeded by none. Unwittingly, he found himself reaching out to her, his touch ghosting over her. 
More than once, in those wee hours of the morning, the chemistry between them seemed to shift and sizzle into something more. He had caught her eyes flicking towards his lips more than once and he knew without a doubt she had caught him admiring her backside (subtlety was never his strong suit). 
But she seemed to withdraw from him and busy herself any time that shift began and he wondered what it meant. And then, he had an idea. 
The next morning, Jean arrived at Tea and Sympathy, expecting to find Lucien waiting for her as usual, but he was nowhere to be found. Frowning, she opened the shop as usual, missing his presence tremendously. Perhaps he was sick? She would check on him when the shop was closed, bring him some of that green gunpowder tea he liked so much. 
She hoped it was nothing serious to keep him away. Anxiously, she worried if perhaps her own feelings weren’t as concealed as she hoped. Perhaps he had seen the desire in her eyes and was trying to put some distance between them. The thought left her feeling uneasy. 
Jean went about business as usual that day, served her customers, checked in on everyone, and even found time to count her inventory and place a new order. It had surprised her in the early infancy of her ownership of Tea and Sympathy how much of a head for business she had. And now she couldn’t imagine doing anything else. 
The day passed quickly and before she knew it, it was nearing closing time. And Lucien still hadn’t shown up. Shaking off the bout of sadness that settled over her. 
The bell over the door chimed, signaling a new customer, and Jean turned, ready to tell them to turn around because they were unfortunately closing when she was who it was. 
He stood in the middle of her shop, hands stuffed in his pockets and shifting his weight from side to side. “Hello, Jean.” 
The tone of his voice stopped her in her tracks. She thought to her earlier worries and her anxieties returned twofold. Plastering a smile on her face, she slung her shop towel over her shoulder, “Where were you this morning? I missed you.”
He smiled at her admission and Jean felt some of her worries abate. “Well, I’ve actually come here on a bit of business.”
She cocked her head to the side. “Oh?”
He nodded, looking around. “Uh, can we sit, please? If you don’t mind, that is.”
More curious than ever, Jean led them to her favorite back table and smiled at him as he pulled her chair out for her, ever the gentleman. He seated himself in front of her and sighed, rubbing the back of his neck and fidgeting in his seat. 
“Lucien, what is it?”
He took a deep breath. “Well, I’ve had quite a lot of tea here, but I’m in need of a bit of sympathy. A bit of advice.”
She leaned back in her chair, eyes widening in surprise. “Alright. What can I help with?”
“Well, you see,” he started. “There’s this woman in town I’m quite interested in–romantically, I mean.” 
Jean felt her heart sink. So she had been reading too much into his touches, after all. He was just a peculiar man with no regard for propriety. Of course. She managed to choke out an, “Oh?” and pushed the thoughts of disappointment to the back of her mind. 
Lucien continued. “Yes, she’s beautiful and fierce and I don’t think she knows I’m interested in her. And I would very, very much like to take her on a date and court her properly. Do you have any idea on how to go about it? Do women prefer a straightforward approach or something more subtle or even a grand gesture? I’m willing to do whatever it takes. This woman is very special to me.”
Each word felt like an arrow to the heart and Jean fought to keep the shakiness  out of her voice. There would be time for her own tears and bitter disappointment later. She cleared her throat. “Well, Lucien, it sounds like she’s very lucky to have won your affections, whoever she is. I can’t speak for all women, obviously, but it’s always easier to be upfront and clear with your intentions. Take her hand, look into her eyes, and tell her how you feel. That way there’s no room for miscommunication.”
She rushed the words of advice out, hoping he would leave soon. She needed a moment to compose herself, to have a cry, and comfort herself. Her control on her emotions was slipping and she was certain he’d see through her any moment. Pushing herself away from the table, she stood. “Well, I hope that helps, Lucien. I really do have to finish cleaning up and get home and–”
But Lucien was standing, too, beaming at her. He reached out and took her hands in his, thumb rubbing over the soft skin on the back of her hand. 
“I need to tell you something.”
Her heart stopped and then restarted with a flutter in her chest as she realized what was happening. Lucien squeezed her hands and she noticed his own eyes were watering. 
“Jean, I would very, very much like to court you. I want to take you to dinner and go dancing with you and take you to Italy and Spain and France any anywhere else you want to go. I want to–”
But the rest of his speech was cut off. Jean had flung her arms around his neck and tugged him down into a kiss. He started in surprise and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Her lips tasted of Earl grey tea and his tongue swept over her lips, begging for entrance, as he hoped to chase the flavor into her mouth. 
Before he had the chance, though, she was breaking away, breathless. He wasn’t done with her, though. He pressed a kiss to her temple, to her forehead, to the tip of her nose. 
“It’s always been you, Jean.”
She smiled up at him. “It’s about bloody time.”
This shop had brought her many thing in life, but Lucien Blake was the best thing of all.
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azobit · 5 years
Detox Tee - Entgiftung, Vitalität, Gesundheit
Detox Tee - Wunderwaffe für mehr Vitalität?
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Detox Tee
Entgiften mit Detox-Tee (https://www.tee-detox.de/) Umwelteinflüsse, Stress und eine unausgewogene Ernährung belasten den menschlichen Organismus und wirken sich negativ auf Leistungsvermögen und Wohlbefinden aus. Wenn du dich abgespannt, ausgelaugt, schlapp und müde fühlst, kann dies an einer übermäßigen Belastung durch unterschiedliche Schadstoffe liegen. Mit Detox Tee kannst du einen natürlichen Reinigungsprozess in Gang setzen, der das harmonische Gleichgewicht von Körper und Seele wiederherstellt. Detoxen ist keine neue Modeerscheinung, denn im Grunde verfolgt das Entgiften des Körpers mit Detox-Tee einen ähnlichen Ansatz wie das bewährte Heilfasten. Der Fokus liegt bei beiden Methoden in erster Linie auf der Entschlackung und Entgiftung des Körpers. Du befreist deinen Körper von den belastenden Schadstoffen und förderst so auf natürliche Weise deine Gesundheit. Durch das Trinken von zwei bis drei Liter Tee pro Tag sorgst du dafür, dass die Giftstoffe ausgeschieden werden. Hochwertig hergestellte Detox-Produkte befreien deinen Körper von den Giftstoffen, regen den Stoffwechsel an und unterstützen sogar beim gesunden Abnehmen. Detox Tee wirkt entwässernd und entgiftend und eignet sich hervorragend für eine Detox-Kur im Alltag, da er nahrhaft, bekömmlich und wohlschmeckend ist. Im Grunde kannst du Detox Tee auch als Entgiftungstee oder Entschlackungstee bezeichnen. Es gibt unzählige Teesorten wie spezielle Kräutertee-Mischungen, die basisch sind und bereits mit einem Detox-Emblem gekennzeichnet werden. Beim Kauf erleichtert manchmal jedoch einfach ein Blick auf die Inhaltsstoffe die Entscheidung für eine bestimmte Teesorte. Schwarzer Tee ist beispielsweise für eine Entgiftungs- und Entschlackungskur denkbar ungeeignet, während Grüner Tee, Ingwertee oder Matcha-Tee ideal sind. Wichtig ist jedoch besonders, dass du darauf achtest, dass der Tee hochwertig verarbeitet wurde und natürliche Aromastoffe enthält. Hochwertiger Biotee enthält biologisch einwandfrei produzierte Inhaltsstoffe, die deine Gesundheit nicht zusätzlich mit weiteren Giftstoffen belasten. Alkohol, Zigaretten, Fast Food, Zucker und Fertigprodukte solltest du beim Detoxen unbedingt meiden, damit die Kur auch ihre volle Wirkung entfalten kann. Auch der Verzicht auf tierische Produkte ist sinnvoll. Eine rein vegane Ernährung mit basischen Lebensmitteln wie Obst, Gemüse und Samen ist sehr empfehlenswert. Detox Tee: Wellness für Körper, Geist & Seele Täglich muten wir unserem Körper mit Fast Food, Koffein, Alkohol und Nikotin unglaubliche Belastungen zu. In unserer hektischen Zeit kommen noch Schlafmangel, wenig Bewegung und ein Übermaß an Stress hinzu, was sich auf Dauer negativ auf unsere Gesundheit auswirkt. Wir nehmen durch qualitativ minderwertige Nahrung Giftstoffe auf und werden diese unerwünschten Ablagerungen leider nur schwer wieder los. Selbst einem gesunden Körper gelingt das nur schwer und wenn eine Erkrankung vorliegt, sind die Giftstoffe eine zusätzliche Belastung. Weitere negative Faktoren sind zahlreiche Schadstoffe, die durch Umweltbelastung, Straßenverkehr und/oder die Arbeit mit technischen Geräten auf uns einwirken. Detoxification ist weit mehr als nur ein anhaltender Megatrend. Dieser Begriff kann mit dem Wort Entgiftung übersetzt werden. Da diese Bezeichnung nicht geschützt ist, gibt es keine genaue Definition, wie eine Detox-Kur eigentlich genau aussehen soll. In erster Linie geht es darum, die Entgiftungsorgane Haut, Lunge, Darm, Leber und Niere bei ihrer natürlichen Aufgabe zu entlasten und zu unterstützen. Einen einfachen Einstieg für eine gesunde Entschlackung kannst du mit regelmäßig wiederkehrenden Detox-Tagen vornehmen. Bereits einmal pro Woche oder einmal im Monat sorgt ein Detox-Tag im Schnellverfahren zuverlässig für eine innere Reinigung deines Körpers. Wenn du an diesen Entschlackungstagen zusätzlich zum Aufguss von Tee bewusste Wellnessrituale durchführst, befinden sich Körper, Geist und Seele anschließend wieder im Einklang. Mit Seife und Duschgel nimmst du eine äußerliche Reinigung vor und der Detox-Tee unterstützt innerlich beim Entschlacken und Entgiften. Kur im Hotel oder im eigenen Zuhause Neben diesen Entschlackungstagen im heimischen Umfeld gibt es im Detox-Angebot auch umfassende Kuren, die sich inzwischen sogar zu einem neuen Urlaubstrend gemausert haben. Hier kannst du für ein Wochenende, eine Woche oder sogar für zehn Tage in ein Kurhotel einchecken. Zum Programm gehören meist äußerliche Anwendungen wie beispielsweise Saunagänge und Massagen. Eine ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr ist für den Erfolg der Kur maßgeblich entscheidend, daher spielt auch hier der richtige Tee eine große Rolle. Nach deinem Aufenthalt kehrst du mit geringerem Gewicht und frischem Teint wieder zurück nach Hause. Alternativ zu den Detoxtagen und zum Kuraufenthalt kannst du auch eine längere Detoxdiät vornehmen. Hier reicht die Auswahl von 7-Tage-Kur über 14-Tage-Kur und 28-Tage-Kur bis zur sechswöchigen Detoxkur. Zweck dieser Anwendung ist eine systematische Entgiftung aller Körperorgane. Unterstützt wird dieser Vorgang durch einen speziellen Speiseplan, in dessen Mittelpunkt in erster Linie unterschiedliche Kräutertees stehen. Bei manchen Kuren wird auch für einige Tage oder eine Woche komplett auf feste Nahrung verzichtet und du nimmst in dieser Zeit nur Suppen und/oder Smoothies zu dir. So wirkt Detox-Tee Dieser Tee wirkt entwässernd, stimuliert den Stoffwechsel und regt die Verdauung an. So kommt die Ausscheidung der im Fett und im Bindegewebe eingelagerten Giftstoffe in Gang und die Fettverbrennung wird erfreulicherweise ebenfalls angeregt. Die Giftstoffe werden aus dem Körper geschwemmt und der Körper wird von unnötigem Ballast befreit. Im Rahmen einer Kur dient der Tee dazu den Stoffwechsel anzuregen, damit sich die positive Wirkung optimal entfalten kann und der gesamte Effekt noch verstärkt wird. Zusätzlich wird der Körper mit wichtigen Vitaminen und Nährstoffen versorgt, die im Rahmen einer Entgiftung schlicht unverzichtbar sind. Generell gilt Detoxtee zudem als appetitzügelnd bei Heißhunger. Dieser positive Effekt zeigt sich insbesondere bei Teesorten wie Matetee oder Grüntee mit Vanille, die gerne als Appetitzügler eingesetzt werden und einer möglichen Heißhungerattacke vorbeugen sollen. Neben dem eigentlichen Reinigungsprozess profitiert dann auch deine Figur davon, wenn du leichter ein paar Pfunde verlieren kannst. Damit der Tee seine Wirkung optimal entfalten kann, solltest du beim Kauf auf eine gute Qualität achten. Zucker oder andere Süßungsmittel sind tabu und auf Milch solltest du ebenfalls verzichten. Er sollte zudem keine künstlichen Aromen enthalten und natürlich ein leckeres Aroma besitzen, damit du den Tee auch bereitwillig trinkst. Damit Geschmack, Vitamine und Nährstoffe optimal erhalten bleiben und sich wie gewünscht entfalten können, ist die richtige Zubereitung wichtig. Je nach Teesorte können empfohlene Wassertemperatur und Ziehzeit durchaus variieren. Für die Entschlackung mit Fastentee oder Detoxtee eignen sich unterschiedliche Teesorten. Wunderwaffe Grüntee Grüner Tee wie beispielsweise China Gunpowder ist generell hervorragend für Detoxkuren geeignet. Er fördert die Verdauung, wirkt auf den Stoffwechsel ein, reguliert die Blutfettwerte und vitalisiert deinen Körper, damit du dich rundum fit und einsatzbereit fühlst. Bei Bluthochdruck kann er sich blutdrucksenkend auswirken. Ebenfalls positiv ist, dass er die Fettverbrennung ankurbelt und Hungergefühle sowie Heißhungerattacken reduzieren kann. Grünem Tee werden weitere positive Eigenschaften nachgesagt, dazu zählen beispielsweise die Stärkung des Immunsystems, sowie die Senkung des Cholesterinspiegels. Dein Immunsystem profitiert von den wertvollen Inhaltsstoffen des Tees, zu denen insbesondere Spurenelemente, Vitamine, Aminosäuren und Vitamine gehören. Damit diese auch optimal erhalten bleiben, solltest du dich genau an die Anweisungen bezüglich Wassertemperatur und Ziehzeit halten. Das heiße Wasser sollte maximal 60 Grad Celsius nicht überschreiten, bei exklusivem Gyokuro oder Sencha sind sogar eher 50 bis 55 Grad Celsius empfehlenswert. In der Regel trinkst du deinen Bio-Grüntee ungesüßt, allerdings kannst du bei Bedarf auch etwas Bio-Honig verwenden. Wenn sich der Konsum in Grenzen hält, ist etwas Honig auch beim Detoxen erlaubt. Alternativ kannst du den Tee natürlich auch mit Vanille, Zitronengras oder Ingwer aromatisieren und so für etwas Abwechslung in der Tasse sorgen. Japanischer Matcha-Tee - eine besondere Grüntee-Sorte Generell wird Green Tea eine blutreinigende Wirkung nachgesagt und auch der Matcha-Tee bildet hier natürlich keine Ausnahme. Er ist aufgrund wertvoller Inhaltsstoffe wie dem Chlorophyll und den Catechinen (insbesondere EGCG) als Detox-Tee absolut empfehlenswert. EGCG kurbelt in Verbindung mit Tein nachweislich die Thermogenese (körpereigene Fettverbrennung) an, die durch den Genuss von Matcha-Tee um rund 28 Prozent erhöht wird. Durch das im Tee enthaltene Chlorophyll kann dein Körper schädliche Schwermetalle wie Blei, Aluminium und Quecksilber deutlich besser ausleiten. Zudem trägt der Tee durch die Entschlackung und Entsäuerung dazu bei, dass der empfindliche Säure-Basen-Haushalt wieder ins Gleichgewicht gebracht werden kann. Aus diesem Grund ist er daher der ideale Basentee. Du kannst deinem Körper bereits mit drei bis vier Tassen Matcha-Tee pro Woche optimal bei der Entgiftung unter die Arme greifen. Auch auf das Hautbild wirkt sich dieser Tee sehr positiv aus, da die Antioxidantien bei der Bekämpfung der freien Radikale helfen. Harntreibend: Brennnesseltee & Birkenblättertee Brennnessel-Tee wird aus den Blättern der Brennnesselpflanze gewonnen und eignet sich hervorragend als Detox-Tee. Der enthaltenen Kaffeoyläpfelsäure wird neben entzündungshemmenden Eigenschaften auch ein positiver Einfluss auf die menschliche Verdauung zugeschrieben. Zudem sollen die sekundären Pflanzenstoffe gesundheitsfördernd wirken und dienen beispielsweise als Fänger von freien Radikalen. Die Blätter der Brennnesseln enthalten die wertvollen Vitamine A und C, Eisen, Magnesium, Kalium, Folsäure, Kalk und Kieselsäure. Neben Chlorophyll und Gerbstoffen sind insbesondere die Flavonoide interessant, da sie sich positiv auf unterschiedliche Stoffwechselprozesse auswirken. Brennnesseltee wirkt harntreibend und kann während des ganzen Tages getrunken werden. Für eine ungetrübte Nachtruhe solltest du am Abend jedoch keine großen Mengen trinken, da sich die durchspülende Wirkung des Tees sonst auch in der Nacht bemerkbar macht. Ebenso wie der Brennnesselblätter-Tee besitzt auch der Birkenblättertee durchspülende Wirkung und regt die Nierentätigkeit an. Die Blätter enthalten wertvolle Inhaltsstoffe wie Vitamine, Flavonoide, Gerbstoffe und Saponine, die sich positiv auf den gesamten Stoffwechsel auswirken. Wenn du den Birkenblättertee über einen längeren Zeitpunkt kontinuierlich anwendest, profitierst du zudem von einem besseren Hautbild. Aus diesem Grund ist der Beiname "Beauty-Tea" auch durchaus berechtigt. Belebender Ingwertee für neue Energie Diese Teesorte ist als täglich angewendeter Detox-Tee ideal, da Ingwer desinfizierend wirkt, die Durchblutung fördert und die Verdauung anregt. Dein Stoffwechsel wird angekurbelt und dein Körper wird zudem mit wichtigen Vitaminen und Nährstoffen versorgt. Da er sehr belebend wirkt, eignet er sich jedoch nicht gut als Abendtee, denn er würde möglicherweise das Einschlafen etwas verzögern. Wenn du ihn früh am Morgen trinkst, bringt er dir neue Energie und erleichtert den vitalen Start in den Tag. Wenn du nur wenig Zeit hast, findest du im Handel fertige Teebeutel, mit denen du schnell einen Ingwertee aufbrühen kannst. Es ist jedoch durchaus lohnenswert, die Zeit in das Aufbrühen von frischem Ingwertee zu investieren. Benötigt wird lediglich ein frisches Stück Ingwer (in Scheiben oder geraspelt) und heißes Wasser. Geschmackliche Abwechslung bringen Minze oder frische Zitrone. Allroundtalent Zitronengras-Tee Das Zitronengras ist in der asiatischen Küche ein vielseitig verwendetes Küchengewürz und findet auch als Heilkraut Verwendung gegen Erkältungskrankheiten, Verdauungsstörungen und Bauchschmerzen. Der Zitronengras-Tee regt die Verdauung an und den enthaltenen Senfölen wird eine antioxidative Wirkung nachgesagt und die ätherischen Öle sollen entzündungshemmend und antibakteriell wirken. Zusätzlich sollen sich diese Öle auch stimmungsaufhellend auswirken. Dies ist bei einer Detox-Kur durchaus ein beachtenswerter Punkt, da sich der Verzicht auf die gewohnte Nahrung durchaus negativ auf die gute Laune auswirken kann. Guter Start in den Tag mit Matetee Der Matetee wird aus den Blättern des südamerikanischen Mate-Strauchs gewonnen, dazu werden die Mateblätter getrocknet und fermentiert. Matetee enthält Bitterstoffe, die als Appetitzügler fungieren und den Heißhunger dämpfen sollen. Aus diesem Grund eignet er sich hervorragend als Abnehmtee für die schlanke Linie. Zudem soll der Tee entgiften und das Blut reinigen. Dank des enthaltenen Koffeins wird der Stoffwechsel angeregt, daher kann dieser Tee hervorragend als Morning Tea getrunken werden. Mate-Tee ist im Handel als fertiger Bio-Tee erhältlich, beispielsweise als Variante mit Grüntee in Flaschen. Es gibt ihn natürlich auch als Teebeutel oder in einer praktischen Detox-Box als Set zusammen mit anderen Teesorten. Gemischte Detox Tees Der Detox-Tee regt den Stoffwechsel an und unterstützt so den körpereigenen Reinigungsprozess. Dazu ist eine ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr unerlässlich, damit die Giftstoffe aus dem Körper befördert werden können. Harntreibende Teesorten sind daher ideale Detoxtees. Häufig werden Mischungen aus unterschiedlichen Kräutertees angeboten. Ein Detoxtee besteht dabei meist aus einer Kombination verschiedener Kräutertees. Reiner Früchtetee wird meist als zu sauer empfunden, daher finden sich in diesem Bereich häufig Beimischungen von grünen Sorten, Zitronengras oder Ingwer. Beliebte Sorten sind beispielsweise die Detoxtees von "TEATOX". Der Skinny Morning Tee erleichtert dank des enthaltenen Koffeins den Start in den Tag und enthält eine Mischung aus Sencha Grüntee, Yerba Mate und vitaminreichen Goji-Beeren. Am Abend kannst du den Tag mit einer Tasse Skinny Night Tee ausklingen lassen. In dieser Mischung ist kein Koffein enthalten, daher ist dein geruhsamer Nachtschlaf auch nicht in Gefahr. Die Kombination aus Melisse, Pfefferminz und Schafgarbe findest du auch als praktisches Kombipaket. Ebenfalls empfehlenswert ist der Slim Body Tea, der keine Bitterstoffe enthält und mit einem mild-fruchtigen Aroma begeistert. Die lose Mischung enthält Brennnesselblätter, Hagebuttenschalen, Himbeerblätter, Holunderblüten, Zitronengras, Zitronenmyrte, Ringelblumen und Rosenblütenblätter. Die Bio Slim Boost Kur ist vegan, glutenfrei und alle Zutaten stammen aus kontrolliert biologischem Anbau. Dieser lose Tee enthält Sencha-Tee, Mate-Tee, Lemongras, Pfefferminzblätter, Gojibeere, Verbene, Melisse, Löwenzahn und Rosenblüten. Mit Detox-Tee zur schlanken Linie Eine Detoxkur eignet sich gleichermaßen für Frauen und Männer, denn Sie sorgt neben einer optimalen Ausleitung der Giftstoffe in der Regel auch für einen Gewichtsverlust. Wenn du regelmäßige Detoxkuren durchführst, kann sich dies zudem positiv auf deine Fitness auswirken, da eine schlankere Figur und ein besseres Wohlgefühl auch in der Regel mit einer besseren Agilität verbunden sind. Geeignet sind unterschiedliche Kräuterteesorten und spezielle Detox-Tees. Auch ideal sind Teesorten, die desinfizieren und entwässern. In der Regel fungieren die geeigneten Tees auch als Appetitzügler und wirken sich zudem positiv auf Fettverbrennung, Verdauung und Stoffwechsel aus. Der Einsatz von Zucker und anderen Süßungsmitteln ist nicht empfehlenswert. Im Fokus sollte immer die Reinigung deines Körpers stehen und "süß" wäre bei der Ausleitung von Giftstoffen eher kontraproduktiv. Deinem Körper sollen schließlich nicht noch neue Schadstoffe zugeführt werden, daher solltest du beim Kauf auf hochwertige Bioteesorten achten. Damit der Gewichtsverlust nicht nur eine kurzfristige Erscheinung bleibt, ist eine langfristige Ernährungsumstellung empfehlenswert. Zum richtigen Ernährungskonzept gehören eine ausgewogene Ernährung, sportliche Betätigung und das regelmäßige Trinken von Detox-Tee. Diese Umstellung hilft dir abzunehmen und du kannst langfristig für eine bessere Gesundheit und eine bessere Fitness sorgen. Teesieb, Kräuter & Co. - Tipps für eigene Kreationen (https://www.amapodo.com/amazon-de) Wenn du keine Lust auf fertige Teesorten hast und gerne selbst kreativ werden möchtest, kannst du natürlich auch einen Detox-Tee ganz nach eigenem Geschmack kreieren. Deiner Fantasie sind dabei kaum Grenzen gesetzt, du kannst Fenchel, Pfefferminzblätter, Kamille, Rooibos-Tee, Zitronenmyrte, Ringelblume und mehr kombinieren. Auch Frucht (Sanddornbeere, Orange, etc.) darf nicht fehlen, dies gibt deinem Tee meist eine angenehm fruchtige Note. Natürlicher Geschmack und die Sicherheit, dass dein Tee keine künstlichen Aromastoffe enthält, sprechen eindeutig für diese Varianten, die anregen, entgiften und zudem noch gut schmecken. Ein bewährtes Standardrezept ist die Kombination aus Matetee, Grüntee, Minztee und Zitronengras. Dieser Tee eignet sich hervorragend als Muntermacher für den Vormittag, da Matetee und Grüntee Koffein enthalten. Für den Abend ist diese Variante jedoch wenig empfehlenswert, da sie bei manchen Menschen zu Einschlafproblemen führen kann. Du kannst aus grünem Jasmintee, frischem Ingwer und Zitronengras und etwas Zitronensaft einen wohlschmeckenden und entgiftenden Tee zubereiten. Nach einer Ziehzeit von etwa drei Minuten kannst du den Tee mit etwas Zitronensaft abschmecken. Wenn er etwas süß schmecken soll, kannst du bei Bedarf ein wenig Stevia, Ahornsirup oder Agavensirup verwenden. Für Fans von würzigem Tee ist ein Rezept mit Zitronengras, frischem Ingwer und Rosmarin empfehlenswert. Nach einer Ziehzeit von rund zehn Minuten ist der Tee fertig. Auf Wunsch wird der Tee mit etwas Honig oder Agavensirup aromatisiert. Detox-Tee kann auch abgekühlt ein Genuss sein. Insbesondere in den Sommermonaten sind leckere Früchtetees oder kühler Minztee eine erfrischende Abwechslung. Besonders lecker ist eine Mischung aus weißem Tee, Pfefferminz und Cranberrys. Diesen Tee kannst du nach dem Aufgießen gleichermaßen warm oder kalt genießen. Weitere informationen finden Sie im Shop (https://www.amapodo.com) posted by HR-Gateway
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The Insurrectionist Characters as Cafe Drinks
Desmoulins- traditional coffee with creme President Arnold- gunpowder tea Dickinson- black coffee April Rose- lemon tea Rutledge- blueberry tea Julia Rospierre- red tea Camhouille- chai tea Ryan Murray- macchiato Danielle J'lay- black tea Peter Saint-Just- expresso Olivia Prescott- chamomile tea Michael Prescott- green tea Lena Leninsky- white tea Sikorska- mocha latte Verreter- red eye coffee Boris- dirty chai latte Amelie Havel- Vienna Zakon- Turkish coffee Rascumparati- cafe latte Lech Walzynski- vanilla latte Marianne Moulin- cafe au lait Andrzej Wieczyk- frappe
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shimadapantsu-blog · 7 years
GUESS WHAT. I wrote something a while ago. Decided to just up and post it. Maybe eventually I will edit it, change things up but for now have this bad fic. 
AU, H.anzo S.himada, G.enji S.himadacest, Vampire, Blood, Sex, Character Death, Sort of, G.enji is 'killed' while on a mission assigned to him by his father. Retrieving weapons or drugs the group had been attacked and due to the dangerous situation they were even unable to get his body back. H.anzo is of course extremely distressed, and is in mourning for his younger brother. All he can picture is G.enji lying on the ground, brown eyes staring sightlessly, blood soaking into his clothes. Of course thinking about G.enji near constantly, his brother has been showing up in his dreams. Or so he thinks.
H.anzo is sitting at the table. A forgotten cup of steaming tea is in front him as his fingers tap a nervous rhythm on the table. He should have been the one sent on this mission. It was a weapon trade and sure G.enji was charming but he would need to be serious for this trade. If he used that flippant attitude of his things could go wrong very quickly.
Hearing thundering footsteps H.anzo froze as the door was thrown open. Just from the footsteps he knew it could not be G.enji. He could feel his heart stopping cold in his chest as the scent of blood and gunpowder hit him. Eyes wide as he looked up, the poor grunt who had run in was injured and shaking. His voice wavered as he explained in broken tones what had happened. H.anzo could barely register what he was saying. Something about an attack. An ambush? There had been a lot of shooting, chaos and smoke. G.enji had been holding his own, as was obvious of a son of a S.himada. Something though had gotten him. The few men that had made it out, had no chance of grabbing G.enji. Of taking his body home.
G.enji was dead.
H.anzo heard voices shattering. But nothing could register. Those words were just repeating in his head. G.enji's body. Oh yes, he could picture it clearly. His little brother's body splayed on the ground like a broken sparrow. Brown eyes turned to glass for all the life left in them. That hideous green hair the only lifelike thing left.
Standing slowly, bumping into the table and knocking the tea over G.enji was all H.anzo could think of. G.enji. G.enji. G.enji. G.enji. G.enji.
Hands were pulling at him, voices were shouting. H.anzo could feel and hear none of it. A wind roaring past him that H.anzo only vaguely recognized as himself screaming. A blue whirlwind surrounded him. He knew something had gone wrong. His dragons had been trying to tell him. They roared now, mourning their lost kin. The room was chaos now as his power filled it. Flinging the table away to crash against the wall.
When H.anzo finally succumbed to darkness G.enji was still the only thing running through his mind.
Nothing could penetrate the wall H.anzo had hidden himself behind. Not even his father's disappointment over his loss of control. H.anzo moved through the house like a shadow. Small snippets of conversation flowing past him. The carnage that had been left in the warehouse. Bodies strewn about, but no G.enji. Though there was no hope of him being alive. The amount of his blood found at the scene proved that.
So there was not even a body for H.anzo to mourn over.
After weeks of searching and wondering it was finally given up on. A small funeral service had been held. H.anzo couldn't even remember it. He knew next to nothing of what had happened in the last few weeks. Just small snippets. Him in G.enji's room, fingers trailing across things his brother would never hold again. Sitting in the dark, holding onto G.enji's clothes. Sobbing as the scent slowly began to fade.
H.anzo could not even escape to his dreams. G.enji's bloody broken body filled every crevice of his mind.
Laying in his darkened room H.anzo sighed. He watched the moonlight play across his ceiling with empty eyes. Fatigue gripped his body though H.anzo struggled vainly to stay awake just a bit longer. Sleep was either a welcome in oblivion or pure hell. Eyes closing, body relaxing H.anzo slipped into the edges of sleep.
Tap tap tap
Thinking of a branch bumping into his window H.anzo ignored the noise. That was until he heard the voice. “Anija~.” Whining low in his throat, thinking his brain had offered a new nightmare H.anzo hunched beneath the blanket determined to ignore it.
A soft chuckle sent shivers down his spine. “Anija! You know you could never ignore me!” Heart hammering in his chest H.anzo jumped from the futon only to fall to his knees. G.enji was there, kneeling on the branch outside his window. A bright smile on his face as he waved to the stunned man kneeling on the floor. “Gonna open the window up or do I have to sit out here and freeze?”
He had to be dreaming. This couldn't be real and yet H.anzo didn't care. Stumbling to the window he threw it open dragging a laughing G.enji into his arms. Nearly sobbing into his brother's throat H.anzo clung tightly to him. G.enji was the only thing keeping him standing as he ran hands over his little brother's body. Yes, yes this was him. It was his brother.
“Ah anija, when did you get so clingy?” H.anzo could feel the laughter in those words and an answering smile rose to his face. This was a dream and he was going to enjoy it.
“I-I just missed you...” H.anzo stammered laughing lightly, eyes damp but finally bright and full of life. “I missed you so much...You will never know.” He pulled back, reluctantly to look G.enji over. The clothes were worn and not the flashy things G.enji would normally be seen in. A dirty tank top and shorts was certainly not his brother's style. A frown began to crease his face as H.anzo fingered the frayed edge of the tank top. G.enji realizing what was bothering him laughed drawing his eyes back to his brother's bright smile.
“Ah, yeah. I know the clothes are so bad. The girl I was with got jealous and threw my clothes out after she found my cell.” Shrugging G.enji pulled at the shirt. “These were the only things I could find short notice. It was a bit too chilly to try and get back here naked.” A teasing glint flashed through his eyes and H.anzo frowned at him before laughing at the thought of it.
H.anzo ran his hand up G.enji's arm smile fading as he felt how cold G.enji was. Pushing his brother towards the futon H.anzo looked to the door. “Get out of those clothes and wrap yourself up in my quilt. I can go grab you some of your clothes...”
A flicker of panic crossed G.enji's face as he grabbed onto the edge of his brother's thin yukata. Turning back to him frowning G.enji merely offered a smile. “Ah, don't leave. It's fine I will sneak into my room later. Just...come here. I'm cold, Anija~.” G.enji pouted at H.anzo pulling at his yukata as he moved to sit on the futon. Reluctantly H.anzo sat as well. He was a bit confused but this was a dream. And he certainly would not say no to being able to hold onto his brother a bit longer.
Plus it was worth it just to see that bright smile fill G.enji's face as he moved to pull the quilt over their legs. “Alright, you can stay here but make sure to get to your room before morning.” Nodding G.enji easily brushed off the words as he moved to snuggle closer. H.anzo shivered, able to feel that cool skin even with the yukata between them. Pulling the quilt over them H.anzo wrapped his arms around G.enji to try and warm him.
He sighed, peaceful for once. G.enji's scent, the feel of his body, was all so reassuring. Dozing as G.enji made himself more comfortable, tangling their legs together and letting H.anzo wrap his arms more tightly around him. H.anzo still felt himself shiver as G.enji's breath ghosted across his collarbone. He frowned slightly as G.enji nuzzled his face closer, his brother's lips brushing against his neck.
“I am so cold, Anija....” H.anzo was so unsure what to do. Wrapped in each others arms, tangled under the quilt like they were children again. It was how they used to sleep on bitter winter nights before they outgrew it. It should have been enough to warm G.enji. H.anzo rubbed his hands down G.enji's back, startling as G.enji's hands pulled at his yukata. “So so cold....Please, Anija...warm me up.”
H.anzo could feel his pulse begin to pound. Each whispered word he could feel spoken against his throat. G.enji's cold lips trailing to where that pulse jumped in his skin. Cold hands slipped under the thin yukata, caressing warm skin with silken ease. “G-G.enji...” H.anzo stammered trying to pull back. Whatever this dream was and however happy he was to see his brother, H.anzo did not know if he wanted it to continue.
G.enji chuckled keeping his cold body pressed against H.anzo's. “It's alright. Just relax, Anija.” H.anzo was pushed onto his back, G.enji slipping easily on top of him. The quilt slipping down pale shoulders. H.anzo only belatedly realized that his yukata was fully open now. Heart thundering in his chest, a blush spread across his cheeks as he tried to move to cover himself.
“G.enji! What are you-?” G.enji merely laughed slapping his hands away as he pulled back enough to look at his flustered big brother. A slender finger was pressed against his lips, that bright smile flashing in the dark.
“Shh~, just relax.” G.enji's voice was low and purring, soothing despite what it hinted at. H.anzo looked at his brother, atop of him pale and cold. The moonlight causing those beautiful brown eyes to flash red. Gazing into those eyes H.anzo could feel himself surrender to the dream. This was G.enji and he just wanted to be warm. He was an older brother he had to take care of him.
G.enji moved to brush a thumb across his lips. H.anzo could feel that slender thumb dragging his mouth open. Unresisting as G.enji leaned close to trace his tongue against H.anzo's bottom lip. G.enji tasted him, slowly exploring his mouth, deepening the kiss. Moving his hand to H.anzo's neck to pull him more into the kiss. H.anzo could do nothing but sigh at the first touch before he lunged into the kiss.
G.enji kissed him like he was going to drink him down, and all H.anzo could was react like a beast. All teeth and growling. His hips surging upwards as his hands wrapped bruising around G.enjis' hips to hold him tight against him.
The dragons surged beneath his skin, wanting to bite, to claw, to draw blood. Prove that this was their lost kin and not some mere phantom. G.enji was breathless and chuckling as he drew his mouth across H.anzo's jawline. “Anija, so eager. So warm.” H.anzo groaned as G.enji gripped his pecs, squeezing the soft flesh as his hard nipples pressed into G.enji's smooth palms. Panting H.anzo turned his head, chasing after G.enji's lips. The other male only pulled farther away with another sinfully low chuckle. H.anzo could only cry out, back arching as a slender hand wrapped around his aching erection. “So naughty, brother. Look how hard you have gotten from just a kiss. You get so red here.” G.enji sounded breathless, tongue wetting his lips as he gazed over H.anzo. His thumb rubbed over the slick slit causing H.anzo to arch into his brother's touch again.
Breath hitching G.enji grazed sharp teeth over his jawline. “Oh Anija~, you make me so hungry.” Cold kisses trailed down his neck as G.enji began stroking him. All H.anzo could do was hold onto his brother's hips, head thrown back and eyes glazed over in pleasure.
Sharp ice pierced his neck and H.anzo cried out as G.enji's lips locked onto his neck, teeth buried in his jugular. G.enji groaned rolling his hips against H.anzo's. His hand slicked with precum tightened around H.anzo's erection, causing the older male to moan in a mix of pleasure and pain.
H.anzo could feel his blood leaving him, could feel G.enji's mouth working on his neck, his pale slender throat swallowing H.anzo down.
Hovering at the precipice of pleasure, H.anzo was pulling G.enji's hips against his. He rutted eagerly into his brother's hand, just a beast chasing his own pleasure.
Heart stuttering in his chest, blackness filling the edges of his sight H.anzo could only pant and moan. G.enji tightened his grip on his erection, stroking him near to pain as he cruelly dug his teeth into H.anzo's throat. Releasing a low broken cry H.anzo came, semen surging from his cock, soaking his brother's hand. Warm and thick it painted his stomach as H.anzo collapsed in a boneless heap beneath G.enji.
His eyelids fluttering wildly, breathing hard H.anzo whined feeling G.enji release his throat. Warm, almost hot lips closed over his. G.enji was so warm now, hands slick with H.anzo's cum running over his stomach as G.enji kissed H.anzo again and again. Whispering low words of praise. “So good Anija, you made me so warm. You taste so sweet, you did so well.” H.anzo could feel himself falling into darkness as G.enji kissed him one last time. Lips warm and tasting like copper H.anzo chased G.enji's mouth like the forbidden fruit it was even as his brother laughed at him. “Shh..Sleep now brother. You need your rest.”
The curtains fluttered in a cool breeze as H.anzo slept, cum cooling on his stomach. A soft dark sparrow feather flutters from the edge of the windowsill, caressing H.anzo's bruised throat as a soft chuckle echoes in the room
“Goodnight, Anija.”
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