#he and hanamichi make me laugh so hard honestly
tchutomu · 4 months
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ritzy-reminiscence · 1 year
─🏀─ Slam Dunk : Pillow Wars
⸝⸝ tl;dr : how the shohoku starting five + kogure would act in a pillow fight ! features sakuragi, miyagi, rukawa, mitsui, kogure, and akagi !
⸝⸝ note : idea taken from this tumblr post by silentshayshores-2 ; it's prompt #9, "how would they hold up in a pillow war?" (also, a big thank you to thesaurus.com for showing me many ways to say "whack" :pray:)
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Hanamichi Sakuragi 🌸
He'd be the most likely to start one, but is the least likely to actually win one. That's all you need to know.
I can imagine the Shohoku basketball team sitting down to watch a movie at someone's house and Sakuragi just .. throwing a pillow at someone out of nowhere.
(Someone being a certain ace player named Kaede Rukawa-)
He'd start the messiest and most chaotic pillow fight of the century and yet he's the one who gets whacked the most. (╥﹏╥)
He'd also get sick of getting whacked after awhile and will absolutely headbutt anyone who tries to do so again -
^^ It failed and he still gets walloped over the head anyways -
If Haruko were to be present, Sakuragi would fight tooth and nail to ensure that she doesn't get hit by anyone ... not that anyone would want to hit Haruko anyways .. (insert Akagi side-eyeing anyone who even dares to do so)
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Ryota Miyagi ⚡
He'd side first with Sakuragi and would join in just for shits and giggles, but after a while he'd turn on Sakuragi and just go crazy with it.
Eventually he'd start to go after everyone and anyone. Except maybe Haruko because y'know. Akagi's scary when he's pissed.
Same as with Sakuragi, if Ayako were to be there he'd try to protect her from getting clobbered, but if anything Ayako would be the one clobbering him --
Somehow it's pretty hard to get a hit on him because he's running and jumping from place to place like lightning (winkwink)
And honestly, Ryota wouldn't let anyone hit him except for Ayako LMAO
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Kaede Rukawa 💤
He'd be sleeping when the Great Pillow War commenced, but after being waken up with a couple of whacks by a certain hot-tempered redhead delinquent .. oh boy.
Rukawa is sitting straight up, glaring daggers at Sakuragi and clenching the pillow as hard as he can.
Tunnel vision on Sakuragi. Rukawa's seeing red and he's making a beeline for the so-called genius and no one is stopping him .
I imagine that someone else would be smacking him with a pillow and he just waves them away like a fly and just keeps on attacking Sakuragi (╥﹏╥)
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Hisashi Mitsui 🦷
He'd get really pissy at first but when he decides to retaliate, he does it hard .
Like, I'm talking "cackling as he repeatedly smashes his pillow onto Kogure's head" type of hard. Either that or he turns on all the other members and just starts attacking everyone within a ten-mile radius.
Did he win ?? He did B)) (he didn't win ; he's only telling that to himself to make him feel better)
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Kiminobu Kogure 👓
Being the mediator of the team, he'd step in and try to break everyone apart before injuries start happening ,,
,, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't join in the fun just to get back at Mitsui >:))
Eventually he's just lost in the chaos and he's laughing and smiling and having fun and he loves it .
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Takenori Akagi 🦍
The one who actually stops the fight . Well, for like a split-second, anyways.
Then Sakuragi's stray pillow hits him full in the face and the next thing everyone knows the Great Pillow War has recommenced with the ferocity and the chaos magnified tenfold !!
Also the one that won the War. Bow before the great Gorilla King.
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