#it‘s a shame and i‘m missing out but i really don‘t have the time right now
tsutomuskneepad · 1 month
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mommyownsmee · 5 months
hii, do you have any tips for aftercare on dom/mes? like dealing with dom drops etc. i want to take care of them too but i'm not really sure how.
(i love how you explain bdsm, it's so clear and you really care for the community 🥹)
Thank you so much for your message, it‘s incredibly nice of you to think of your Dom/me this way and wanting to practice aftercare for them too.
[I‘ll be calling the/my Submissive S/O in this text because of personal reasons. I‘m writing in a perspective that shows me in a D/S dynamic! I won‘t openly confess to any relationship status here on Tumblr for my own and any other persons personal safety.]
At first I need to explain everything about Dom/me/ Top Drop and what‘s it caused by - so everyone of you understands why a Dom/me needs aftercare too.
If some of you aren‘t interested in this please scroll to the bottom, as that’s where I give examples for aftercare on Dom/mes.
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Of course every Dominant experiences Dom/me/ Top Drop differently and this is just an example for one kind of Dom/me/ Top Drop and one specific kind of trigger. Every Dom/me experiences their Dom/me/ Top Drop differently and for every single one there are different triggers.
Here is how a Dom/me/ Top Drop feels for me:
I get it only shortly after a scene and only if I had an orgasm [where I got touched/penetrated/etc. In fact the orgasm itself is my trigger and that‘s why I often prefer just not to come, which is totally fine for me. It‘s enough for me just to see my S/O in pleasure. It gives me everything I need as a Domme and there is nothing that I miss. I can come from my mind only/ no physical interaction on me or others and this kind of orgasm doesn‘t trigger my Domme/Top Drop at all]:
The scene is over. I’m looking at my S/O, or listening to her breathe on the phone. We’re just there together and everything seems fine. Then, in just an instance, I get this insane amount of longing. I start feeling extremely guilty, especially if my S/O has any marks or bruises or just because of the fact that I just lost control for a second while I had an orgasm. I know it sounds like I‘m a control freak, but in fact it‘s only because I‘m autistic and I like routine. Having an orgasm which got triggered by physical interaction on me is extremely exhausting for my mind and it often happens that I just pass out after them for a minute because those orgasms are extremely intense for me and my body - and this is what really scares me.
So within a few seconds I‘m mentally going through „I need to be held close“ - „Why did I hurt the person I love more than anything else?“ - „Am I enough?“ - „What did just happen? I can‘t remember the last few minutes [only after my orgasm]“ - „Is she okay? I need to check up on her asap“ - „Am I still a good Domme?“ - „My S/O deserves better“ and finally it just ends with „I miss her so much it physically hurts“ and „I just wish she was here/ could come up to me and hold me close and tell me that I‘m enough and everything is fine and we are still we and nothing has changed and that you still love me as much as I love you“.
For me a Dom/me/ Top Drop feels like a gush of depression right in my face. I‘m starting to cry, shake and curl myself up. It‘s awful. I’m starting to rethink my role or effectiveness as her Domme. I maybe notice that I've overthought something during our time together. And above all, I just miss her. Since my S/O and me don‘t live close to each other it‘s hard for me to compensate all of those feelings mostly alone. It‘s a lot better the times she‘s here, but my Dom/me/ Top Drop still happens. I'm aware that it's the amazing chemicals that my body produced while having her with me slowly start to dissipate after our scene and it‘s hard for me to overcome this.
I think the hardest is to filter away the guilt and shame of what we like to do in a scene, and the guilt of what I might have done to my S/O during it. Self acceptance and allowing that to take time is the key. Communication, no matter the distance, is absolutely essential. The biggest thing is to stay honest with myself and my S/O about it. Check-ins are necessary for our dynamic.
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In my opinion Dom/me/ Top Drop and Sub Drop are fundamentally different. A Sub Drop is tied to an actual chemical change in the body, endorphins, dopamine, levels changing over the course of moments. I feel like a Dom/me/ Top drop is more mental. The body produces adrenaline and other drugs during a session, and when we are coming down from them, it is like falling into a deep hole sometimes. We feel a remorse, regret, a disappointment for something not going as planned. I think a Dom/me/ Top Drop is similar to fucking up something important at work or in our personal life. When we put our heart and focus into something that we think is important and it doesn't go well we feel responsible and the pain that comes with failure. As Dom/me we are very vulnerable in these moments, and often have problems showing this. Where a Sub might need chocolate and snuggles, a Dom/me needs reassurance and physical touch from their Sub and told that they're human, that mistakes will happen and we learn from them and improve.
In my opinion Top Drops are happening the same way as Sub Drops and aftercare is a must. It's so important for the relationship, or growth can't happen if these things don't work. A Dom/me might need as much reassurance/ love after a scene as a Submissive does - so please always talk about these things before the D/S dynamic starts.
Just don't be too hard on yourself no matter if you’re the Submissive or the Dominant and keep learning.
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[for both Dom/me and Submissive]
Affirmations of affection
Talk and communication about the scene in detail (emotions, what to change, what was good, what was bad)
Touches and closeness in silence
Slowly 'come back' to the present
Helping each other clean up
Sharing a shower/ bath after
Watching movies
Jokes and being silly together
Food, fluids
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nyahstrg · 3 years
yuuji dating nanami‘s daughter
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cw: grammar errors, making out, mention of hickeys and love bites
genre: fluff, slight nsfw
format: headcanon, drabble
pronouns: she/her
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how you met;
- okay so WHAT has this boy got himself into?
- the first time he laid his eyes on you he felt like in a romance manga
- immediately asking megumi who this fellow classmate is
- boy lost his social skill by approaching you immediately
"hey! i‘m ita-" the pink haired boy tries to say why he walks over to you, already lifting a hand.
"oh, hey." you elegantly turn around. is the sun brighter on your skin or is this shinning around you normal? "i, ehh..."
you giggle and hide your mouth quickly with your hand as you see the pink haired boy blushing.
- yuuji.exe stopped working
- boy is a isjp pisces, he WON‘T be rational
- from there one he follows you everywhere around, not that you mind, it‘s cute
- he just loves your warm aura and smile, and laugh, and the way you would talk about your interest, the way you would listen to him even though he‘s stammering or talking nonsense
- sukuna makes fun of him for running behind a woman like that but yuuji couldn‘t mind less
- since you grew up in tokyo, you show him all your favorite shops and restaurants
- insist in paying for your food and carrying all you shopping bags
- always tries to go alone with you so it feels more like a date
- being pouty when megumi/nobara joins since he likes to be alone with you
- everyone including you knows about his huge crush, it’s public knowledge
- you‘re not the mean type so you don‘t say no, you even enjoy getting his attention (bro, i would)
- he even arranges a WHOLE picnic date for you, which his brother todo suggest, guaranteeing he will get you with that
- yes you develop a pretty cute relationship and faster than you know, you start dating ♡
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him finding out your nanamis daughter;
- boy was never this shocked/surprised in his life, not even when he found out he got possessed by a 1000 year old curse
-was definitely after the time nanami tutored him so he knew this man and your personalities were quite different
- you always talked about your lovely dad, who adopted you when you were 10, made you these cute lunch boxes with panda formed onigiri, would sing you lullabies, spoiled you and were literally such a softy..................for you
- yes, all these things were about the nanami kento
- even gojou didn’t knew you were his daughter, literally nanami told non of his fellow sorcerer about you
"[y/n]....does he know, we date?" yuuji asked you, still shocked about the reveal. you chuckled slightly and then looked shamefully away.
"i‘m sorry...the thing is, he‘s just really protective of me and to convince him attending jujutsu high was already hard, but to get a boyfriend...." you sighed, remembering how he would literally flinch when he heard some stranger male name come out of your mouth.
yuuji hide his face frustrated in your chest, while you were going with your hand through his fluffy hair. "don‘t worry, he will be maybe a bit mad that i didn‘t told him earlier but he won‘t do actually anything." you tried to ressure your boyfriend.
he lifted his face a bit and smiled sadly. "and what if he kills me?" you cupped his cheeks. "he won‘t, because i love you."
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how nanami finds out yuuji dates you;
- lemme prepare my tee, because the drama is getting hot in here
- there were many times nanami almost caught you...
- one of them: when you were in your room, making out, you on his lap, bruising each others lip while leaving love marks on your necks. what you didn‘t see coming was nanami heading to your room to check up on his little daughter. so when you heard him talking in the corridor with gojou you two went apart faster than sukuna could cut pizza slices, re-arranged your clothes and placing yourselves both apart as far as you could — it was close, too close.
- so a reminder to the hickeys, yuuji did them all the time despite you telling him to stop
- BUT this boy LOVED touching you, and hugging you from behind while you sit on his lap, kissing your neck and do them love bites and spots
- and you weren‘t innocent too, since you always caught yourself moving your mouth to his perfect jawline and throat, doing more than just kissing
- so nanami wasn‘t stupid, silly of you two to think he wouldn‘t connect the dots
- yuuji having these dark spots on his neck once in a while when he sees him, scolding him for walking around like that
- seeing you having the similar spots on your throat, just that you always tell him it was your heated curler
- as i said, he‘s not stupid
- and a pattern of events showed when he sometimes wanted to check on you whenever he was in the jujutsu facility just to find you 'studying' with yuuji in his or your room, being busy jogging with him or currently hanging in the city
- it was always yuuji, rarely megumi, nobara or some other student
- and yuuji having these marks on his skin but never been seen with a girlfriend or rather a different girl than his precious daughter
- and you having these similar dark spots
- you two are dating in secret in front of him but not making it look really secretive
- so when he was sure his assumption were right he did was had to be done and called gojou for a meeting who happily accepted
- he asked his white haired colleague straightforward
"is itadori dating y/n?" the seriousness in his voice was impossible to miss and even though gojou wasn‘t any of them both, he felt caught and like he was in trouble.
his face was answer already answer enough. "nanami...i wanted to tell you, hehehe." gojou laughed nervously and started to panic eat his mochis.
the anger built up inside of nanami, he felt fooled. "no you didn‘t and they too."
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how nanami confronts you tw0;
- it was a nice afternoon on a weekend
- your lovely dad invited you to a dinner, just the both of you like always
- different than your usual dinners, he insisted to cook the food alone
- you didn‘t think much of it, assuming he wanted to surprise you with something so you happily arrived in front of your apartment
- but when you entered your dinner room you were surprised to not only see that perfect cooked food but also your boyfriend, sitting on the table, uncomfortable looking down
- "hey, ba- ahem, i mean y/n." he looked so pale you had the urge to check up on him but you couldn’t move, not with this stare on your side
- nanami pulled the chair beside yuuji back "common, sit down y/n."
- nanami smiled slightly making this whole scenario more frightening
- you looked at yuuji while you sit down, meeting your panic with his
- yes you two were f*cked
"you didn‘t bothered to inform me of your relationship?" nanami took a sip from his drink, enjoying the position he was in.
you chocked on air. there was no way you would get out of this easy. yuuji‘s palms were sweating while he rubbed them against each other. like a reflex, you placed your hand on top of his to get him calm, just a little.
"dad, i...." you squeezed your boyfriend’s hand. "i really wanted to tell about....us, but-"
"but what? you forgot? never had the right moment? for 7 months?"
yuuji and your gaze met again. Gojou!
"listen dad, when we started dating so suddenly and i knew how you felt about me having a boyfriend...i just really was afraid." this time yuuji squeezed your hand, hoping the comfort would make you feel less anxious right now.
"you shouldn‘t be afraid to tell me the truth and hide a relationships." his tone was less angry or threatening, more soft and you felt safer. nanami‘s gaze went to yuuji. "and to you itadori."
itadori startled. not his turn. "i won‘t forgive you that you didn‘t told me and as my daughters boyfriend, you have to earn my trust, until then i will have an extra eye on you." his eyes were piercing yuuji‘s soul and he felt like losing it.
he already got his girlfriend‘s dad on his bad side and it was also his tutor.
you felt more than just relieved. a warm smile slipped up your mouth. "thank you, dad! thanks for your forgiveness, your the best." you stood up and walked up to him, hugging him tightly. he stroked your lower back, while he was still glaring deadly at yuuji.
just when you were about to sit down, your dad continued . "you two will come to dinner every two weeks, no skipping or excuses." you eagerly nod, with a big smile on your mouth, while yuuji just nod, still pale. i have to do this again....
"but." you two eye pairs shot to nanami‘s. this but had an undertone which screamed alert.
"if i ever again see one of you with one of these shameful dark spots on your skin, walking around like that in public like that, and espacially you y/n, then i promise that next time we won‘t just have a normal dinner and i will make sure you two will never have the chance to spend a single second together, alone. do you understand me?
the hickeys. how embarrassing.
you hide your face in you palms, not daring to met your father‘s eyes right now.
"yes, mr. nanami." yuuji chocked out. they didn‘t even start easting and he already had 2 silent panic attacks. this would be a long evening.
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your relationship since nanami knows;
- since that one dinner your relationship didn‘t change much
- nanami started always asking if you‘re with yuuji right now before he went to your room
- lowkey he started dislinking and liking him more, it‘s hard to describe
- nanami still don‘t trust yuuji for dating his daughter behind his back but likes to see how happy he makes you
- he knew he had to accept that you would someday be in a relationship it was just so suddenly for him and the fact that you tried to hide it for 7 months
- yuuji took the hickey rule seriously and since that day he had a fear of kissing your neck
- you had to convince him that as long as he wouldn‘t suck or bite your throat/neck there won‘t be anything
- he also didn‘t touch your throat or neck for like a month since when he once laid his hand on your neck while you two were cuddling, sukuna‘s mouth appeared and he just bite
- yes, he bite you.
- you had to cover that mark with make up and yuuji even brought you a scarf in panic nanami would find out
- and oh how yuuji feared the first few dinners u have
- it felt always like a subtitle interview and he thought with everything he said he would mess up a little more
- after a few times they became better and it started to actually be more relaxed
- yuuji even started to celebrate some holidays with you two
- so yeah, after nanami started trusting that boy again he could sleep peacefully at night, knowing his daughter was dating a faithful guy
- still he wouldn’t tell yuuji that he was completely okay with that to keep him humbling
- he definitely hesitates before he touches you for a time because he always sees this glare
- yuuji would also definitely be the type of guy who asked for your dad’s permission before he proposes[in the future] and he would definitely asked nanami
- yuuji is definetly the type of guy who ressures your dad every time he sees him that he would die for you
- nanami totally likes that yuuji see‘s him so much as an authority, even in your relationship even though you tell your boyfriend he don‘t have to be so formal in every situation
- not having to hide your relationship anymore[even though it‘s just for nanami] took a burden of you two
- so yeah, you’re relationship evolved and also yuuji‘s with nanami’s made a shift
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kyouxa · 4 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Shu Sakamaki (Story 12)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too!
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Place: Scarlet mansion — Living room
Yui: Why are you and Ayato-kun attacking us so abruptly again… ?
Kanato: Such a thing is not worth worrying about. We will not repeat to make the same mistake as we did previously.
Ayato: This time I‘ll make sure to find a way to make Eve mine.
*they start running*
Yui: (They are directly running towards us now… !)
Yuma: All their brains helped them for, was just to force their way through the window.
Ayato: Hah? Any type of work is fine as long as we‘re taking her with us this time.
Besides, other than last time it seems as if it‘s only you two facing us in the fight.
Yui: (Nn, he‘s not wrong about that… !)
Reiji: Oh my, I do not recall inviting the two of you to our tea party. However, it would be a shame if I would not offer you anything for trying to attend.
Here is — something to drink!
*Reiji throws his cup*
Ayato: Yikes, that‘s hot!!
Kanato: So hot!! The tea got in my eyes… !
Reiji: While you still can, bring Eve to a safe place!
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Yuma: Leave her to me! Hey, Eve. Grab onto me!
*Yuma picks her up*
Yui: Uwah… Yuma-kun!? Why are you carrying me on your shoulders… Nn
Yuma: Having you run with your fatigue legs would make it easier for them to chase after us.
As things are now, we have to keep running without stopping! So keep on holding tight!
Yui: U-Understood!
*they run off*
Ayato: Shit, that dude! Come back here!
Reiji: Stay right there. I cannot possibly allow for people with those manners to step into this house as they please.
Ayato: Heh, bring it on then. Assholes like you are people I strike down with barely one hit in the face!
Kanato: It‘s truly impertinent to arrange a tea party without even having any sweets to enjoy while drinking. I‘ll make sure to have you repent that choice.
Place: Scarlet mansion — Hallway
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Yuma: Haa, Haa… as long as we make it straight through the hallway, we‘ll reach the basement!
Once we got there, our enemies won‘t be able to invade so simply anymore!
Yui: (I‘m thinking about Reiji-san, Ayato and Kanato-kun… they must be fighting each other once again after all)
Yuma: Don‘t make such a face. We‘re talking about Reiji, no need to worry about him. He‘s still the eldest son of this family, right?
No matter how strong those two are together, they‘re nothing more than small fish for him.
Leaving that aside, you should be the one mainly worrying about yourself right now
Yui: O-Okay...
Yuma: ….. !
Yui: What‘s wrong?
Yuma: Someone‘s hiding over there.
Yui: Eh… someone… ?
*footsteps approach*
Laito: Nfu, how disappointing. We were trying to give you a surprise attack while you‘d be passing by.
Subaru: Tch… no need to talk about our planned actions anymore, we can still crush them eye to eye.
Yui: Laito-kun! Subaru-kun!
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Yuma: Hah!? Why are those guys from violet here too!?
Yui: (Our path is being blocked by them. Even if we try to go back, Ayato-kun would still be in the living room…)
Laito: Tsk tsk, looks as if Eve is with a completely different man now, as she was some time ago.
That means you really are a bitch.
Yuma: Tch… it‘s impossible for me to get away with those two as opponents and you on my shoulder.
Hey, I‘ll have to let you down.
*Yuma puts her down*
Yui: Yuma-kun, what will you do?
Yuma: Hah? Isn‘t that obvious? I‘ll have to bring them down.
Laito: I understand your passion and all, but you‘d have to fight two people all on your own though.
Yuma: The number of my opponents doesn‘t matter. I‘ve made a promise to Shu about her.
I‘ll protect her no matter what.
Yui: Yuma-kun…
Yuma: Hey, you assholes better come at me right away! I‘ll make sure to take both of you out, even together if needed!
*Yuma draws his sword*
Subaru: Heh… bring it on. I‘ll take the opportunity to return what you‘ve done to me the other day then.
*Subaru draws his sword*
Subaru: I‘ll slice you open with one hit.
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Laito: Eve will become mine at the end of this.
*door bangs open*
Yui: ….. ! What was that sound?
Ayato: You, wait right there!
Kanato: We won‘t let you get away!
Yuma: Reiji!
Yui: Reiji-san!
Reiji: ….. ! Why are you still here in this place!?
Yuma: There was no other option, these guys were hiding and blocking our way!
Reiji: I truly believed it would be possible to evacuate her this way, but it turned out to be a failure. When it comes to a pincer attack like this...
Yui: (Does that actually mean both families seriously joined hands with each other?)
(If that‘s really true, without Kino-kun and Shu-san with us, our chance of winning in this situation is ridiculously low—)
Ayato: Hah? Why did Carla send those guys over to this place!? 
Subaru: Why would Ruki make the choice of only sending those idiots over here… !?
Yui: Eh… ?
(Everyone‘s state with each other feels suspicious. Was this all really just a coincidence?)
Kanato: What is this all supposed to mean… Ayato!?
Ayato: Hah? I don‘t know either! Don‘t ask me about that!
Laito: Does that mean while we were hiding here, those other two guys were attacking this mansion by chance only?
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Subaru: Tch… as if I‘d let those idiots take Eve just because they‘re here too!
Ayato: Hah!? This woman is gonna be my possession!
Subaru: We‘ll have to settle this here and now then!
Ayato: I was the first one to find Eve in this mansion, so it‘s obvious she‘s gonna be mine. I‘ll easily win her over you guys.
Laito: Even though you say that, weren‘t we the first ones to hide in the mansion before you came here? Doesn‘t that make us the winners?
Kanato: Ahh come on, shut up, shut up! It doesn‘t matter who was first, let‘s just hurry up and catch her.
Otherwise I‘ll be missing out on today‘s treatment again, and I‘ll not allow such oppression to happen.
Subaru: Hah!? Why are you talking about between-meal snacks all of the sudden now!?
Ayato: That‘s why it would be an easy settlement if you‘d simply approve the fact that I‘ve been the first one to see her after all. 
Yui: (W-What do we do… ? Ayato-kun and the others are starting a whole new dispute by themselves…)
Yuma: W-What the hell‘s going on… ? Should we take this chance as long as we can to get away?
Yui: S-Shouldn‘t we wait to see how this might turn out? After all, everyone seems to be a little confused right now!
Ayato: Anyway, I‘ve got hold of this information someone sent, so it‘s obvious I‘d follow it.
This evening, due to Reiji‘s stubbornness, this mansion will be short of hands. Therefore, this could be the perfect chance to aim for Eve.
Yui: (A letter!? Who would do that to us…)
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Ayato: With this, it was incredibly easy for me to find a method to break in!
Subaru: ...Hey, I received the same kind of letter as you did.
Ayato: Hah? Why would anyone sent the same thing to you guys too!?
Subaru: How should I know this bullshit!?
Yui: Does that mean both of your families received the same letter… ?
(Then someone explicitly chose those four to come here?)
Kanato: This talk has become totally insignificant now. All I want is to obtain Eve and afterwards return back to our mansion.
Yui: Nn… !
Ayato: If I‘m thinking it over, you‘re right. We won‘t let you have her either way!
Subaru: Laito! We‘ll also start moving!
Laito: Of course, I didn‘t plan on handing her over.
*Laito draws his sword*
Yui: (Now everyone is aiming for me all at once… !)
Yuma: Tch… they‘re really coincidence attacking synchronously will benefit them.
Reiji: ...Ngh.
Yui: (They‘re really doing it. What are we going to do… !?)
(If only Shu-san was here with us—)
Nn… Shu-san… !
Reiji: ...He still has not come back.
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Yui: (Huh, Reiji-san… ?)
Ayato: C‘mon, hand her over now!
Yui: (It‘s useless, there‘s nothing we can do anymore… !)
*Yui closes her eyes*
Yui: (I‘m sorry, Shu-san…)
???: ...Even after already having your memories removed, you guys never change at all.
Yui: ….. !
Ayato: Hah!? Who‘s speaking!?
Yui: (No way… that voice just now… !)
Shu: Don‘t start crying. There‘s no need to make a stir now.
Yui: ….. ! Shu-san!?
Yuma: Shu!?
Shu: You guys, hold your breath for a bit.
Yui: Eh… ?
Reiji: You, turn your head this way!
Yui: Reiji-san… uwah!?
(He covered my mouth with his hand!?)
Shu: Make sure to take my advice seriously… Ngh!
*Shu throws bomb*
Ayato: What did he throw? Some ball? As if this would do anything.
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Laito: Hold on, there‘s some sort of pollen dust coming out… Nn...
Kanato: Unexpected… powers… came out…
*Kanato collapses*
Subaru: Shit, what‘s… this...
Ayato: Nn… sleepy...
Yui: (.....!? Everyone who inhalled the powder collapsed… ?)
Reiji: The mineral dust appears to have calmed down. It should be okay for you to breathe now.
Yui: Haa… Reiji-san, as for this...
Reiji: Before that, would you not want to celebrate your reunion first?
Yui: Ah…
Shu: Are you okay?
Yui: Shu-san… you seriously came back here… ?
Shu: Yes. I‘m back now, Yui.
Yui: ...Nn… Shu-san...
*Yui hugs Shu*
Shu: ...Ngh. Don‘t come cling into me with all your strength like that. What would I‘ve done if I missed to catch you?
1) My heart couldn‘t hold back anymore (black)
2) It‘s good to see you‘re safe (white)♡♡♡
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— My heart couldn‘t hold back anymore
Yui: My heart simply couldn‘t hold back anymore...
No matter how long you left this mansion for, you came back… you really… came back...
Shu: Yes… you must‘ve been worried
Yui: I kept thinking about all sorts of things, but mostly about what I‘d do if someone encountered and even attacked you...
I told you not to leave from the beginning, and despite me saying that you still left...
Shu: ...Sorry about that.
Yui: (Shu-san, he now embraced me even tighter…)
Shu: I‘m here with you now, and I‘ll make sure to never leave you again.
Yui: ...Yes. Please never leave me again…
— It‘s good to see you‘re safe♡
Yui: I‘m just glad to see you‘re safe… I‘m really happy you came back with no injuries whatsoever…
Shu: ...I already figured you‘d be worried and concerned about my coming back. Sorry about all that.
But did you seriously think I‘d go off letting anyone finish me off while I have you waiting here? There‘s no way I‘d dare to leave you behind.
Yui: Yes… I was worried, but I kept believing you‘re safe…
end Choices
Yui: (My vision is already getting blurry from my tears, but I want to look at Shu-san‘s face for a little longer…)
Shu: Your face will look all soggy if you don‘t stop crying.
Yui: I‘m already trying...
Shu: That‘s not it. Such a thing as your tear-stained face, is simply not part of my prefered likings.
So stop crying already… Nn…
*Shu kisses Yui*
Yui: Nn...
(This kiss felt as if it has been forever since we last met. Shu-san‘s cold lips are easily taking away the entire sadness I beared within me until now…)
*time passed*
Shu: Did you calm down now?
Yui: Yes...
Welcome back, Shu-san.
Shu: ...Yes.
*Shu backs off*
Shu: Looks as if you all managed to successfully stay safe till now.
Reiji: Good grief, your arrival was already overdue. How long did you intend on keeping us waiting?
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Shu: Don‘t you think I‘ve had the perfect timing with my arrival? It was all a make-or-break game anyhow.
Yui: Eh? Um… did you know that Shu-san would come back here, Reiji-san?
Before that, the fight you had...
Shu: Ah, about that. Explaining it would be rather difficult...
Reiji: Let‘s leave this talk aside for now. Before anything else, we should capture Ayato and the others first.
Shu: You‘re right. We should tie them up, so they wouldn‘t be able to get up and cause trouble again.
Hey, Yuma. You should also help—
Yuma: …..
Yui: Ah… Yuma-kun?
Reiji: He appears to be sleeping...
Shu: Haa… he apparently inhaled the eruption of smoke as well. And he even did so after I explicitly warned you all not to.
Yui: But he still tried his very best while protecting me. He carried me on his shoulders and also tried escaping with me.
Shu: I see. Seems as if he diligently tried to protect you as he swore.
It‘s thanks to you that she‘s safely staying here then. Thanks for that, Yuma.
Yuma: …..
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joonsgalaxy · 6 years
a turning point
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Pairing: Seokjin x Reader
Genre: fluff?
Words: 1,7k
Warnings: swearing
Prompt: 21 "You're stuck with me, like it or not."  requests
a/n: this is kind of enemies to lovers, but i guess more like friends that hide their feelings behind sarcasm to possibly future lovers
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You watched the last balloon inflate until it was big enough and matched the others, and then you secured it. It flew up and clung to the ceiling amongst the others of its kind.
The uplifting tune of soft music was floating in the air, filling the whole apartment as you stared up, evaluating your completed task.
Beyond any doubt, it looked perfect. Silver, sky blue and snow white balloons hung from the ceiling like a bunch of ripe grapes. Beautiful words—congratulating and complimenting—were scribbled onto them, helping to create the mood for the upcoming party.
Satisfied, you spun around, and swung to the music.
You couldn't possibly miss the distasteful sound that bubbled up from Seokjin’s throat. He was snickering as if seeing the most ridiculous thing in the world.
‘What? Never done a good job and did a little happy dance in celebration?’ You shot a glance down at the silver ribbons next to his crossed legs on the floor, and from the mess he’d created you deduced that, ‘Probably not.’
He waved you off, choosing to ignore your sardonic remark. He jerked his head upwards with a bored expression, trying to draw your attention to the ceiling. ‘Take a closer look.’
Confused, you strained your neck and narrowed your eyes to glide your gaze over the balloons. ‘What do you mean? Everything's perf—Oh no.’ That couldn't be real. ‘Oh no.’ How could it happen? ‘Oh no.’
Amongst the sweetest of words on the balloons, there was a certain phrase on one of them that was ridiculously horrendous and definitely shouldn’t have existed at all. How could you be so distrait and miss it?
‘I mean, I'm not judging,’ Seokjin spoke behind you over the music, ‘If that's what this party is all about, I‘m sure he'll be more than happy to oblige.’
‘You’re disgusting,’ you snapped. ‘Shut the hell up.’
As Seokjin's chuckle softly danced behind you, your fingers rummaged through the mess on the floor near the helium tank. You came up with the packaging for 50 balloons that were now all above your head.
“Balloons for a fun birthday party”
What kind of a birthday would that be, with such an obscene writing one of the balloons?
‘It must be a mistake. It's the only one like that, right?’ You inquired, letting your gaze quickly jump from one balloon to another to ascertain.
‘As far as I can see, yes.’
‘Okay.’ You strode across the room to grab a chair and set it down right under that hideous balloon. ‘It‘s going to be fine,’ you chanted in a murmur. It was a habitual exercise of yours used at times like this to alleviate your uneasiness. ‘There‘s enough time to make sure everything's perfect.’
The thing was you quite underestimated the distance between you and the ceiling. You reached upwards as far as you could, the muscles in your arm straining nearly painfully, but no matter what, your fingers couldn't manage to grasp the balloon. Climbing on the chair might have helped you if only you had been just a tad bit taller. The ceiling appeared to be exceptionally high. ‘Shit,’ you mumbled.
‘Need a little help?’ A mocking voice behind you spoke.
‘Go to hell.’ Accepting help from Seokjin? You'd die before letting yourself do that. He was too cocky to not use it against you whenever the opportunity would come.
However, you still had to get the balloon down before the birthday boy showed up. And so you tried out something else that seemed clever at that moment. You bent your legs slightly, focused your eyes on the target and leapt toward it.
Not only you weren't able to grasp the balloon, but you also nearly sprawled onto the hard floor, because your landing on the chair was dangerously shaky and extremely risky.
‘Hey now, wouldn't want to spend Jeongguk's birthday at the hospital, would we?’
You rolled your eyes at Seokjin's comment and climbed down from the chair with your unsteady legs and weak arms that felt a little numb now.
Not the greatest of my decisions, you admitted with pursed lips.
Still, one of your most admirable innate traits was that you never gave up. This party would be the greatest yet. Jeongguk turns 21 only once! Your gaze stopped on a particular object in the room, and soon your legs started purposefully moving toward it.
However, as you marched toward the table that sat by one of the white walls you were interrupted by Seokjin's gruff warning. ‘Don‘t even think about it. You'll ruin the flooring.’
‘You suddenly care about Jeongguk's flooring. Well, that's quite unexpected.’
He gave a careless shrug. ‘It‘s a new apartment. A pretty decent one.’ He made a show of looking around, stood up. ‘As much as I'd love to see Jeongguk scream at you, it would be a shame to see scratches here on the new floor.’
‘How nice of you.’
Seokjin tilted his head toward the ceiling. ‘I‘ll take care of it.’
I don’t think so. You protectively stretched out your arms, blocking his way toward the chair. ‘Don‘t you dare to touch my balloons.’
Exasperated, he sighed at your relentless tone. ‘No one else is here. How are you planning to get it down on your own?’
‘I could... throw knives at it.’
‘Yeah. Yeah, that's a great idea. Just wait a little until I get a hundred miles away from the building, ‘kay?’
You huffed in annoyance and glanced around for something else. Unfortunately, you came up with nothing, for the apartment was pretty much completely empty. How long could it possibly take to fully furnish a room? Three weeks and there’s only a table, a chair and a bed? Well, considering the fact that it’s Jeongguk’s apartment, it somehow makes sense.
‘Jeongguk—the hero—isn‘t here to help you out, not to mention he's the one those balloons are for.’ If you didn't know better you'd assume the rather bitter tone is his voice was a sign of jealousy. Then again, Seokjin was such a mystery; it was always so difficult for you to gauge his true mood. ‘You‘re stuck with me, like it or not.’
‘Oh surely, somebody will show up to help me sooner or later.’
‘Of course, you could risk waiting, but what if Jeongguk shows up the first one?’
You considered all the other options, briefly looking around again… and there were none.
‘Don‘t want me touching your balloons?’ Impatient, Seokjin spoke again. ‘Sit on my shoulders and reach them yourself.’
‘Only if you're okay with me crushing your head with my thighs like a fucking watermelon. You pervert.’
Seokjin scoffed. ‘Believe me when I say that my head between your thighs is the last thing on my mind.’
You grimaced at him, a childish yet wholly reasonable reaction.
His words prompted an odd feeling akin to hurt within you. Strange.
Offended and annoyed, you capitulated and stepped aside. ‘Go get it then. Just don't deflate them with that sharp tongue of yours.’
Seokjin's lips curved in a victorious smirk, and he headed toward the chair.
You watched him climb atop it, push onto his toes and reach for the balloon.
‘Give me that.’ You strolled over to him.
‘Here you go,’ he said proudly and crouched down, pushing the balloon right in your face.
It blocked your vision and infuriated you immensely, forcing you to step back. The writing on the balloon was announcing “suck my ass”. Seriously, who would buy those on purpose?
You snatched the balloon away, and struggled with it like an angry kitten until the pressure of your knee against it made it burst.
Seokjin’s laugh echoed in the spacious apartment, and painted the walls in all the most spectacular colours. His twinkling eyes sprinkled some delightful glitters all around you two.
You absolutely hated it.
‘I was about to say you should keep it just in case,’ he said when his laugh eventually dispersed.
With only the music playing, the walls seemed too gloomily bare now as Seokjin stared at the scattered shreds of the balloon on the floor.
‘For what?’ You asked.
He lifted his gaze to your eyes and shrugged nonchalantly. ‘You could’ve sent it to the guy that stood you up.’
That surprised you. He remembered.
You offered a sheepish chuckle. ‘Yeah, I guess, he deserved that kind of thing.’
‘He sure did,’ Seokjin was agreeing in a heartbeat.
His gaze seemed uncommonly sympathetic now as he peered into your suddenly shy eyes. This kind of moments used to occur rarely and mostly unexpectedly. Nonetheless, they were a thing. You could never know with Seokjin. One minute he would be quarrelling with you, testing your patience, and the other he'd be the sweetest most caring person on the Planet Earth, leaving you completely confused and yet unmistakably warm and dreamy.
Footsteps could be heard from behind the door of the apartment. The sound of keys clanking to one another made your eyes widen in surprise.
‘It‘s Jeongguk!’ You exclaimed in a whisper. He was too damn early. The food wasn't prepared yet, and neither was the booze. There were no other friends except you and Seokjin, too. A precise recipe for a disaster of a birthday party.
Noticing your terrified expression, Seokjin darted across the room toward the door.
You could hear Jeongguk drop his keys onto the floor. He cursed in a couple of languages, and then dropped something else.
‘I‘ll keep him busy,’ Seokjin let you know, his fingers grasping the door handle. ‘You call someone and finish all this.’ His gaze skimmed around the room; his hand tilting the handle.
You stood there baffled for you didn't expect Seokjin to be so helpful and understanding. After all, he hated hanging out with Jeongguk alone. ‘Really?’ You asked, but he was already out the door, pushing Jeongguk away from the apartment.
‘What the fuck?’ The younger one protested, but just half a second later seemed to realize what all of this was about. ‘Oohhh, are you guys throwing a secret party for me?’
(( Something about the lingering gazes and warm smiles from Seokjin during the whole party made you think that it was about time you take another step—a big or a small one—regarding your relationship.
Finally, the lovely moments that used to happen so rarely would now progressively become much more frequent. ))
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kyouxa · 5 years
Diabolik lovers Chaos Lineage: Carla Tsukinami (Story 06)
In terms of the gameplay: The black choices lead up to a bad ending, the white choices lead up to a good ending. Please no reposting onto other sites, ask me before translating this into another language too! I’m an amateur translator, but I hope you do enjoy it anyway!♡
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Place: Violet mansion — Carla's bedroom
Carla: Just what happened, back then in that forest...
(There’s less pain in my left arm which was cut, but ... the fact that it was cut is sorrowful)
(No ... it was my own fault for letting down my guard. But, what happened back then—)
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Shin: So you think my sword technique is quite good. But, what do you think about this!?
*Shin throws knife*
Carla: You missed.
Shin: Tch! It‘s really hard to hit someone like that, what a shame...
Carla: So you threw a knife... The accuracy of your aim is not bad. But—
Don’t think that such an attack, could be good enough to hurt me!
*swords clash*
Shin: Kgh... I was kinda foolish... !
Carla: Right now, I‘m going to tear you appart. You should say your last words already!
Shin: Tch... !
*weird noise*
Carla: Kgh... !?
...What, again... ? Why at such a time ...
Ngh... why is it, that I remember, that woman’s words...
Shin: W-What... ? You should never give up right in front of the enemy !
*Shin attacks Carla*
Carla: Kgh!
Shin: Kneeling down in front of the enemy, just like that! I can‘t believe you‘re the the head of the most powerful family.
Carla: ... I wasn‘t careful enough. So you really cut my left arm ...
Shin: I should be laughing. You really are kneeling right before me. Really, I wish I could laugh ...
But ... why am I, feeling so frustrating ...
Carla: What... ?
Shin: Why are you letting me hurt you so easily? You shouldn‘t kneel down like this in front of me!
Damn, what's this feeling... !
*end flashback*
Place: Violet mansion — Carla's bedroom
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Carla: (If I think about that time... the second eldest son Shin was acting pretty weird)
(The oldest son of the Orange family who‘s called Ruki, he was distracted by Kou and Azusa the entire time)
(My whole family, managed to escape safely, so nobody of them got hurt—)
That means the only injured person, is me. I never expected, such a situation to happen, that a man named Shin would hurt me like that...
But, why was he so frustrated about my situation... ?
(I‘m frustrated as well. If I don't use Eve's blood, the pain will never stop ...)
(And, back then in the forest, I also heard that woman's words)
Shin is, my younger brother...? I was usually attached to laugh at that woman's horrible jokes.
It seems like I finally need to know the story behind those jokes.
…Hmm? Oh, the bandages are coming out. It was a mistake to leave this to Kou.
(...As usual, someone — I was thinking of someone taking care of me all the time...)
(I don't feel like there was someone taking care of my injury than me who is the injured person)
(...or was there someone...?)
Place: Violet mansion — unoccupied room
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Yui: Ngh...
... Oh, again? Did I, fall asleep again...?
(It may be because I felt so cold, or maybe I was just too sleepy ...)
(But, I ate some rice that I made, and my physical condition had returned to normal)
(Subaru-kun doesn't seem to come back, but... maybe should I go to the living room too?)
*door opened*
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun?
Carla: ...So you’re awake.
Yui: Carla-san!
Carla: Your health, it seems to have improved.
Yui: I think, that was because I slept so much in this bed. Thank you for lending it to me.
Um, Carla-san...
1) — Rejoice his return (white) ♡ ♡ ♡
2) — Ask about the battle (black)
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— Rejoice his return ♡
Yui: You went to fight the Orange family, right? I’m relieved that you came back safely.
Carla: Did you think of me while resting? That’s a strange thing to think about.
Even though my brother was with you, you only cared about my well being in the battle.
Yui: Don't say that, it’s only natural for me to worry about you Carla-san.
— Ask about the battle
Yui: You've been fighting the Orange family, right? That fight... how was it?
Carla: That’s a weird topic to ask for. Why do you want to know?
Yui: (If I‘d tell Carla-san about my reason, he might complain about it—)
end Choices
Yui: Whatever... you returned safely right? Did you get any injuries... ?
Carla: ...It’s not a big deal.
Yui: It‘s not a big deal, huh... Wait!? So you did got injured!?
Carla: No one of us died out there. That means you don‘t have a reason to worry about us.
Yui: I don‘t?
Hey — Tell me, did you got an injury?
Carla: ....
Yui: (He‘s silent... so he did got injured)
...Say, is it painful?
Carla: ... Not at all. If you don‘t know about it, don't just say anything extra like that...
There‘s no pain. I was the only one who got injured anyway. Don‘t waste your time on worrying about me.
Yui: But...
(Seems like Carla-san really got hurt... but, he seems to be patient, why is trying to hide to pain?)
(Because, he’s a proud and strong person, he‘s trying not to show any weakness)
(Because he knows if he did, I‘d get worried about him all over again...)
Carla: Don't make such a pained face. My body is different from human beings. With this extent, this wound will be cured soon.
Yui: But, Carla-san always, he always endures the pain on his own—
I'm worried about you, because you’re trying to hide your pain from me.
Carla: ... I told you that I don’t need your worry.
Yui: It may be like that, but please forgive me that I still care so much about you.
Carla: Anyway, why are you still worrying about me after everything I did to you?
Yui: Huh?
Carla: I locked you up in that dungeon, I left you affected by that disease, but yet you‘re still worried about me.
Whatever I say, you‘re still going beyond everything and you still worry unnecessary about me.
Yui: Still, I‘d always worry about you, because you weren‘t by my side this time.
Carla: I didn‘t die on this trip, so stop worrying.
Yui: So why did you stop by before you headed to the Orange family?
Carla: Just to check, if you’re doing okay.
Yui: ...While I was sleeping, you grabbed my hand and you couldn‘t leave it anymore.
Carla: ... ! ...You, you were awake at that time?
Yui: It’s kinda blurry, but I remember. You were there for a long time.
Carla: ... You‘re a clever woman.
Yui: Certainly, it‘s fine that I‘m worried about you, because you also worry about me ...
That‘s what makes you, to the Carla-san I love.
Exactly, you were by my side the entire time. You visited me often, because you wanted to check on me.
I can’t express, how happy I am about you worrying over me again... I mean it.
Carla: Thats enough. Close your mouth already.
Yui: ... !
(So cold... I'm glad I told him about that now, but did I say too much?)
(He might‘ve lost his temper. I should‘ve stopped ...)
Carla: ...This really caught your attention, or is it the power of the traditional Eve again? It’s not like I don’t mind it, I just don‘t really understand it.
Certainly, as you said. I‘d prefer to keep my pain for myself and not make anyone worried.
Yui: Huh...?
Carla: What’s wrong? You probably didn’t think that I really wanted to hide it from everyone?
Yui: Well, uhm... yes. I thought you‘d get angry at me for being honest.
Carla: This really isn’t necessary. It was my fault to begin with that I got hurt so I‘ll accept you being worried about me.
Yui: (Oh... that’s true. Carla-san was ordinary a very forgiveness person)
(The mood got better and the atmosphere also changed from the previous time...)
Carla: This injury was my fault to begin with, I wasn‘t careful enough.
Because, I remembered your words when I fought against the other family.
Yui: My words?
Carla: Orange's member Shin. You said that he was my youngest brother. What does that mean?
Yui: ... ! Shin-kun, did something happen to him!?
Carla: I was fighting with him. But, because of my pain I kneeled down in front of him.
In this moment I saw myself practicing to fight, along with Shin who also seemed to be in that scene with me.
Yui: ... !
(There’s no doubt. Those are Carla-san's old memories...!)
Carla: That Shin, he was also very frustrated that he had caused my arm an injury. I don’t think this is a coincidence.
Tell me about everything you know, I finally want to know. I‘ll listen to everything you have to say this time.
Yui: W-Wait, really!?
(I don't know if his memories will come back like this. But—I need to make him believe me)
Carla: ...Ngh
Yui: Hey, what’s wrong?
Carla: ...Don‘t worry about me. More than that, start talking.
Yui: But, I care about you. Didn‘t you got hurt from Shin-kun after all?
Carla: He really had some good sword techniques. That Shin, he really knew what he was doing.
Yui: (Unexpectedly, he looks so happy .... Even though it is Carla-san who was injured in this fight)
(I‘m happy, it's like he’s finally remembering his little brother. He‘s finally remembering something about Shin-kun.)
About your, wounds ... if you‘d drink my blood, would it heal a little faster?
Carla: You... are you serious about what you offer me?
Yui: Of course. I won‘t start talking until your pain goes away.
Carla: It‘s incompetent to bring this kind of negotiations to me...
But, I do admit your trying for this. You really worry a lot about me.
Yui: (Oh .... Carla-san just ..... laughed)
Carla: Come here. Right besides me.
Yui: ...Yes
*Yui comes closer*
Yui: (Despite my offer of him sucking my blood, what's up with me, my cheeks are suddenly getting all hot)
(Whatever will help him, I‘ll do everything to make Carla-san get better soon—)
Carla: You really are a weird woman. Offering your blood for something like that.
I‘ll promise to make you feel good. Nn... Nn...
Yui: Agh... ngh...
(His fangs are in my skin... but, he put them in pretty slow to not hurt me)
Carla: Ahh... The good taste of blood is back... No, it's even better than before.
After all, is it because your disease got fully removed from your body... ?
Yui: I don't think it‘s only that... It might be... because it’s a pleasure for me to be sucked by Carla-san......
Carla: ... ! What, don’t say such stupid things.
Yui: But, what I say is the truth.
Carla: …All right. I will accept your words like you said them.
If you just said that it is a pleasure to devote yourself to escape, you won’t be forgiven.
Yui: Yes... Ahh!
(My body, it feels hot... but, I also feel pretty comfortable...)
Carla: Also, did the sweetness increase? This is strange. I somehow feel like I missed this taste.
Don't lose your consciousness already. You promised to tell me everything after I drank your blood.
Yui: ...Carla... san...
(I want to stay awake, but... my body... it seems like I‘d lose my consciousness soon—)
Carla: I’ll stop from here on. I’m sure, you’ll be at your limit soon.
*Carla backs off*
Yui: (Oh ... Carla-san, he stopped sucking ... ...)
(I honestly didn’t wanted him to...)
Carla: Your face shows me you wanted me to continue. But, it’s not good if you lose your consciousness now.
Besides, if I take too much blood, it would be the same thing again.
Yui: That means... you cared about how much blood you sucked just now... ?
Carla: Receive it as you like.
Yui: Carla-san...
Carla: The pain of the wound was healed. Come on, continue with the previous story—
Yui: Carla-san ...!? What happened? Those might be your memories...
*Carla's side*
Carla: ...No, that’s not it. My head, it just hurts a little...
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Carla: Was that... blood... ?
Yui: Tell me, did you see something again? Are you okay?
*Yui tries getting closer*
Carla: Ngh, don‘t touch me! You might get infected again... !
Yui: But...
Carla: That disease... ? What is the meaning of this...
Why, why do I have a bloody sword—
Ngh... ugh... agh... ahhhh
Yui: Carla-san!?
*weird sound*
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Carla: Eve ... answer me... if you know about this, tell me already...
I feel like... this makes me feel like I‘ll die, what’s this... disease...
Yui: Oh ... t-that is...
*Yui's side*
Yui: (Should I really tell him? Surely, it will be a painful memory for Carla-san)
(Is it really okay, if I‘d tell him about his painful past already?)
Carla: Don't hold back... I'm already pressured. Even if it’s such a predicament — I will accept it.
Yui: Carla-san...
(Okay fine. I’ll restore all of his memories, I’ll do this for Carla-san)
This is... a disease which killed many founders and they only left you alive...
It‘s name is — Endzeit.
Carla: ...Endzeit...
*Carla's side*
Carla: ...Ngh, ahh...agh... ngh
Yui: Ngh... C-Carla-san!?
Carla: ...That's right... Everyone died because of it.
Only I, and Shin where left alive...
Yui: Carla-san! Do you remember it!?
Carla: With this bloody hand, I was the one who killed his own frantic father... all founders died because of it. I lost everything in my life because of it... ! (?)
Yui: Please remember everything! You didn‘t lose everything!
Carla-san, you have your caring younger brother, Shin-kun.
Besides, you also have me! I will never leave your side... !
Carla: ...You... won‘t?
Yui: Yes. I’ll always be by your side—
*Yui's side*
Carla: ...Oh, that was right. You always were by my side...
The only person who can be my wife, is another person with the same blood as us. Yui...
Yui: ...Ngh
(To let him say something like this out of nowhere... is that supposed to mean...)
Are your memories back...?
Carla: Yes, it took me some time. You needed to work so hard...
Yui: ...Ngh! That‘s fine... ! Really, it‘s fine... !
Carla: Don‘t cry, Yui.
Yui: ...Ngh, Carla-san... !
*Carla hugs Yui*
Carla: ...I'm so sorry. You worked so hard to get my memories back.
Yui: No that’s not it... honestly, I didn’t want to force you to remember your painful background...
Carla: I‘m glad you forced them on me again. Because, I wouldn’t have remembered without your help.
I need to thank you, for everything.
Yui: (The way he hugs me. The way he talks. He really came back to me...)
(I’m so happy that Carla-san has recovered his memories...)
Carla: Don't cry so much. After taking blood from you, it might be too much for your body.
Yui: Th-This is...! I‘m just so happy, I can’t stop my tears from floating... !
Carla: ... I understand. Let me stay with you, until you feel better then.
Yui: (Carla-san‘s hand is brushing my back...)
(I‘m so happy about this situation, I love you—)
The tears that flowed down from my face didn't stop that easily.
In the meantime, Carla-san brushed my back without getting tired.
Carla-san, who had regained his memories, was just quietly listening to me—
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